frenchy-and-the-sea · 5 months
I finally got confirmation that I'm in the CoS game that my coworker is running, and I'm VERY excited to play my grave cleric.... except that I know I won't have the 22 AC/23 Strength I'm used to with Val. 🥲
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clow-faelie · 1 year
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sillysillygoofygoose · 4 months
Helloooo can I request single dad Toji living with his son megumi but then neighbor reader moves in and yk HAHHAHAH anyways love ur works
Hi!! Okay, okay, okay SOOOOO cute 🥰 I LOVE this trope sooooo much. Thank you smmm anon 💕💕 I have the smexiest ask in my inbox rn, so I thought I would start with some innocent fluff 🤭
Toji is like... super down bad in this one btw
One and a Half Men □○
Toji swore off of dating the day he became a single father. Never again, he told himself. He was too busy. Too preoccupied. Too grown to be playing a twenty-something year old's game. It was evident by his whisps of gray hair, earned over the three and a half challenging years of fatherhood.
When Megumi was first born, Toji found him and his bundle of joy a nice enough apartment, conveniently next to an uninhabited one so Megumi's cries wouldn't wake up any neighbors. Toji kept his head down and focused on what he needed to do. He worked, he took care of his baby boy, and he just kept moving forward.
And he kept good on his promise... very good. Until you showed up.
"Oh, good morning Megumi! Hi Mr. Toji, how are you guys doing today?"
There you were. A beautiful, shining sweetheart, kind and angelic down to your very core. A college student, roughly twenty years old, full of life and hope and love. And the Fushiguro's neighbor of six months.
"I told ya' a million times doll, don't call me Mr. Anything. Makes me feel older than I already am." Toji can't help the way his heart pulses in his chest everytime you flash that bright smile his way. He wishes he could.
"Okay, Mr. Toji." You giggle him off, shrugging away his gruff tone as Megumi let's go of his dad's finger and starts waddling over to you, the smallest smile parting his chubby cheeks.
"Hi y~y/n. M'mmorning. I have new shirt." Megumi makes his way over to you, grabbing your hand with one of his while the other stretches the fabric of his yellow and blue t-shirt towards you, showing it off.
"Oh wow! I see! You look very dapper this morning, Megumi!" Toji watches as you crouch down in front of Megumi, absent-mindedly patting down the raven strands of hair protruding out of the little boys' scalp
Hm, Toji thinks, watching as you blabber back and forth with the little man, smile widening more and more with every word Megumi stumbles out.
A buzzing notification from his phone distracts him from the heartwarming scene. Fuck, graveyard shift tonight.
"Well, I'm very glad you like it, you look suuuuper handsome, just like your daddy." Toji's ears perk up when he hears that. He let's a smirk slip when he realizes you're already looking at him, holding little Gumi's hand.
Hearing Megumi's quiet giggles reminds him of his current conundrum. He doesn't have anyone to look after Megumi tonight.
"Um hey, y/n, are you busy tonight?" Toji scratches the back of his neck, keeping a cool composure as his heart picks up speed.
"No, I don't think so! Why?" You stand up, caressing Megumi's head when he clings to your legs.
"I don't like asking for favors, but could you watch Megumi tonight? I'll pay ya." Toji ignores Megumi's excited squeal at the mention of spending the night at your place, knowing at this rate, he would probably have the same reaction.
"Oh my god, I'd love to! You really don't have to pay me, it would be my pleasure. He's such a little gentleman." Almost as excited as Megumi, you agree, softly squeezing the toddler's tiny shoulders.
You say your goodbyes, explaining how you need to run to the store and that Toji can drop Megumi off whenever.
As you wave goodbye, Megumi turns back to his daddy, huge smile overtaking his dumpling face.
"Yay, tank you dada! I wuv y/n, so nice and pretty." Toji has never seen his little boy so excited.
"Yeah, me too, little guy." Toji mused, walking down the apartment building's hallway, distracted by confirming his shift with his boss.
"Dada wove y/n too?" Megumi mumbles to himself, looking up at his dad with bright, hopeful eyes.
"Uhm, huh? Uh she's a very nice young lady, Megs." Realizing what he said, he backtracks, distracting Megumi with under chin tickles.
"Okay Dada." Megumi giggles, scrunching his chin to his chest, trying to stop the tingles infecting his little body.
Megumi was quick to warm up to you when you first moved in. It was just something about you. Maybe it was the same thing that had Toji head over heels the moment he first talked to you.
You were so refreshing to be around. Both Toji and Megumi were so used to only having each other. A young, smiling, motherly woman was such a fulfilling person to have around. Like a missing piece. Your presence was magnetic to the small family, both of them adoring you, only in different ways.
Everything about you was so beautiful. It almost made Toji nervous...
"Dada... knock knock." Megumi pulls Toji's hand towards your door, reminding him of the task at hand.
"You got it bud." Toji picks Megumi up under his armpits, letting him do the knocking.
Immediately, the door swings open, revealing a smiling you, clad in a flimsy tank top and baggy sweatpants.
"Megumi!!" You exclaim, laughing as the little boy grabs your neck and transfers himself into your arms.
"Yayyayayay, y/n!" Megumi squeezes you before turning to his dad.
"Bye bye, dada. Night night." Megumi immediately waves to his dad, almost kicking him out.
"Hold on, little man. Let me talk to y/n for a minute." Toji huffed a laugh as you smiled, moving to the side to let him in.
Toji declined coming in, explaining that he didn't want to intrude. He began explaining that Megumi was due for sleep, saying how it's already way past his bedtime. You point to your room, assuring him that Megumi would be sleeping like a king and that you were drowning in school work, too much to worry about sleeping on the couch.
Toji nodded along, beginning to tune your melodic voice out as he observed the way a sleepy Megumi snuggled into your neck, and the way your hand cradled his head, carding through his messy hair.
"Okay, well, I don't want to keep you too long, Toji! Megumi is safe and sound, and will be asleep verrryyy soon." You tease the little boy, knowing that he's already fighting sleep, dozing off on your shoulder.
Toji smiled when he didn't hear an honorific before his name. Your body froze up as he moved unbelievably close to you, face rubbing against yours as he cups the back of Megumi's head, kissing him goodnight.
"Thanks again, text me if you need anything. Be a good boy Gumi, love ya." Toji waves goodbye as you close the door, turning in your place to take a deep breath, feeling your heated cheeks with the back of your hand, pulling yourself together. What a man.
Your fan-girling subsides when you feel a yawn against your neck, reminding you of the exhausted little boy in your arms.
"Let's get you to bed, buddy. We can have fun in the morning, okay?" You feel a mumble on your skin as you walk to your room, taking in the little boys matching pajamas, little toes covered with fluffy socks. Your heart melts in your chest. How cute.
"Alright, there we go. All set, bud?" You smile down at Megumi tucked in your pink bedding, little head resting on your memory foam pillow.
"Back rub, please?" Megumi pleads, instinctively rubbing his scalp with flat hands. That's where the messy hair comes from.
"Okay, bud." You soften your voice as the boy rolls around in your bed, laying on his chubby little tummy.
He hums happily when he feels the weight of your hand on his back, making grabby hands at your unoccupied one, asking to hold it.
"Dada woves you. He said so to me." Megumi smiles softly, squeezing you hand.
"Oh! Um... oh! He said that?" A wave of shock and flush runs through your body, chest and face heating up.
"Mhm. He thinks you're pretty. I think he wants- marry you." Gumi goes rouge as sleep clouds his little mind, cutting into his own sentences.
"Allrrighhtt Megs... let's focus on bedtime, okay?" You giggle out, feeling like a schoolgirl after hearing the unreliable narrator's thoughts.
"Mmh, okay. Night night, Mama."
You didn't get a lick of sleep. How could you? Piles of work was banging at your brain, but the only thing you could think of was Toji and Megumi. Mama.
Pulling at your face, you snap out of your panicked thoughts when you hear a door open and the weight of a tiny body running to your couch. Looking up, your heart breaks in half.
"Y/nnn, bad dreammm. I had bad dream." Megumi sobs out, hands seeking comfort in his hair rubbing his head in agony. His face is puffy and red as tears run down his chubby cheeks, sniffing and crying.
"Oh Gumi, I'm sorry baby... here, come here honey." Climbing onto the couch, Megumi rushes into your arms, holding onto you like you would disappear. Sighing, you stand up with the little boy koala bear-ing you, pacing back and forth as you hush him.
Gazing at the time displayed on the oven, you see that it's already four in the morning. Megumi burrows himself into your body, getting as close as possible to you, seeking the maternal comfort your provide.
"M so sleepy. Don't wanna be by myself." Megumi eventually sighs after tiring himself out, fidgeting with the strap of your tank top.
"Let's sit down, okay bubs? Let's just take some deep breaths." You feel like a nervous wreck, hoping you're comforting Megumi well enough, not fully knowing what to do.
Sitting back down, you pat his back, resting your head on the back of the couch. The weight of Megumi's tired head on your chest grounds you. As you begin dozing off, you feel Megumi's grip on you relax, signaling his sleep.
Exhaling, you rest your arms around the resting lump, finally letting sleep overtake you.
Bright and early, you're awoken by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. You freak out, thinking someone was ransacking your apartment before you open your eyes to see a little body wandering around your kitchen.
"Thirsty." Was the only explanation you get from the messy haired boy as he continued look for a glass.
Pouring him a glass of water, you place him on a chair in your small kitchen, starting his breakfast.
Megumi mumbles to himself as you prepare his scrambled eggs, keeping himself entertained. As you sit across from him, placing his plate in front of him, he smiles and thanks you quietly before digging in.
You drink your coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet provided by Megumi's preoccupied mind...
"Yes, Gumi?"
"Do you love dada?"
Megumi brings it up again. Great. Nosey little boy.
"Because I want a mommy. And you're good at it. I think you should be my mama."
"Hey, Gumi, what's your favorite dinosaur?" You blurt out, stopping the conversation as soon as possible.
The little boy glares at you, too smart to be tricked, but giving in anyway.
"Dada! Y/n took good care of me!" Megumi sung the highest of praises when you opened the door to an exhausted Toji.
"I'm sure she did! I hope he didn't give you too much trouble." Toji teased, seeing the dark bags manifesting under your eyes.
"No, not at all, he's a very good boy." You smiled giving Megumi one last hug before he grabbed onto his dad's thumb.
"Thank you so much again, really it means the world to us." Toji reminded you, pulling a fifty out of his pocket, almost begging you to take it. You insisted on him keeping it, joking that the economy is too tough to be stealing his money. Saying their final goodbyes, Toji and Megumi left you alone with your thoughts.
Oh my god. Toji looked so good. His sweatshirt made his already huge frame look unbelievably broader, looking so protective as he held onto his little boy at your door.
You needed him. Bad. And it freaked the shit out of you.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
*PART TWO IS NOW UP!!!!!* https://www.tumblr.com/sillysillygoofygoose/740703539826917377/one-and-a-half-men-one?source=share
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noodlehaku · 9 months
I love your mdzs avatar the last airbender au so so sooooo much!!! Do you have any thoughts on what kind of benders/nations the other mdzs characters might be? (Also your art is so wonderful in general I've loved everything you've posted for this fandom, thank you for sharing your art with us!)
I’m glad you like it!! ATLA and MDZS are some of my pieces of media, so I love being able to weave their worlds together. I struggled between whether to make Wei Wuxian an airbender or a firebender, and that really played into my world building for this AU. While I think the dynamic, kick & flip-heavy fire bending martial style (alongside their dress code) really fits Wei Wuxian, I decided to make wwx an airbender due to his carefree and fun-loving personality, and Baoshan Sanren being an airbender.
Backstory-wise, Baoshan Sanren is the leader of a small collective of remaining air nomads living secluded on a mountain. Air bender Cangse Sanren left to roam the world, and she eventually met Wei Changze, a water bender from the Jiang swamp tribe.
The Nie live in hostile mountainous regions and are earthbenders renowned for their extraordinary strength.
The Jin make up another part of the earth kingdom, and are specialty metal benders. They’re very affluent due to their weapons and jewelry trade. I like to headcanon the Mo clan being sand benders— for no actual reason. I just think sand bending is neat. If Wei Wuxian were to be reborn as Mo Xuanyu in this AU, that’d make him one of them.
The Lan are the equivalent of the northern water tribe; they live far north & are surrounded by snow and ice. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji are the first and second princes, respectively.
The Wen are the fire nation— as much as I didn’t want to fall into stereotypes, it just works too well. They literally live on a volcano & attack the other kingdoms in order to “share their wealth of knowledge”. They have the Jin crafting their metal tanks because Jin Guangshan is a power-hungry POS.
Additional points:
I like to think of Meng Yao as a really crafty non-bender; constantly underestimated because of his perceived weakness. He uses that against them.
Nie Huaisang is an earthbender. He just pretends he isn’t. All non-benders in the Nie clan are still extraordinary warriors— like the kyoshi warriors!
The Meishan Yu tribe are firebenders; lightning benders, to be exact. Madam Yu is a lightning bender. I’m as of yet undecided on whether Jiang Cheng's bending takes after his mother or father.
Jiang Yanli is a healer!! A really good one!!
Wen Ning is a non-bender, but a very good archer. Wen Qing uses lightning bending to defibrillate people.
Lan Qiren IS master pakku.
Wei Wuxian can see spirits!! He is a very spiritual boy!! Instead of inventing demonic cultivation, he invents spirit-bending and learns energy-bending from the lion turtles.
Blood bending is forbidden in the Lan Sect. Lan Wangji's mother was secluded for practicing blood bending.
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: i hope everyone enjoys these hcs ab my wife!!
Hange LOVES you. like half of what they do revolves around you
will ramble on and on about their research and experiments while you listen and learn 
tea party
you fall asleep on hanges couch in their office waiting for them to finish
levi calling you “Hange’s brat” 
If you’re a scout, Hange wants you right by their side at all times
If you’re just a civilian or part of another group, she always comes and checks up on you after work 
teaches you how to fight 
“where’d i put my glasses babe:(”
“hange do you like titans more than me? please come to bed.” “…maybe.”
hange gets all flustered and excited to see you 
CRUSHED by hanges hugs 
kisses all over the face with a big smile. “I missed you so much!” ft. Levi side eyeing you guys
when hange gets overwhelmed or tired they like to have you play with their hair and talk about anything but work
needs to be comforted sometimes 
likes when you cook, especially after a really long day where they just wanna go home 
sleeps either in a tank top and underwear or wears this ridiculous nightgown, no in between 
doesn’t wear her eyepatch around you sometimes <33333
“you have something on your glasses” “ITS NOTHING ” 
secretly embarrassed 
will talk about their work without realizing it 
double checks your gear is ready to go
tea nights while she has a meeting with Levi
can’t keep her hands off of you like
always holding you hand or even just having fingers interlinked 
cuddling like all the time 
hanges hair is so soft like bro what’s your secret
likes to grab your face and squish your cheeks 
“Hange stop” “But you’re just sooooo cute”
hange does this thing where you go through the door first and she places her hand on your lower back
hange is a pretty clean person so your room isn’t a mess
Hange is a wild sleeper fs 
one time she left her glasses on and she broke them 
literally drinks tea and coffee like their life depends on it
you and moblit team up against hange fr
hange tries not to get upset around you but they get frustrated while doing work sometimes 
is quick to apologize when they get snappy 
LOVES those cadets like they’re her own kids
wears that suit and gives you a look
lots of “yes commander” in bed;)
hange literally dies when you call them handsome/ pretty 
“are you fr “yes hange”
when levi gives you something from hange hes like “Shitty glasses told me to give you this.” 
hange thinks it’s funny to poke you when you’re busy 
she gets these random burst of energy 
when she becomes the commander after erwin passed she was almost never home 
“hange, you can stop doing reports.” “would erwin stop?” 
she would also apologize because hange is a gentleman
when she lost moblit she thought she wanna gonna lose you too
hange is stressed
stressed hange = frustration sex
hange denies this but their cheeks get red when they see you
that black odm gear on hange… yeah
hange got mad bc yelena tried to hit on you
hange makes you follow them everywhere bc people are starting to betray each other and she cannot lose you 
Hange is so protective like they WILL die for you
overall hange> anyone
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chipped-chimera · 4 months
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Today in fish nonsense! 🐟🐠- Tank is good to go! Cool wood piece is cleaned and time to spend way too long on a plan painting.
More below the cut.
Tank has been set up, leak tested so it's good to go (after I overhauled the layout of my office ... still dealing with the fallout of that though lol) and the piece of jarrah/mirra? wood that my Dad grabbed from the tree he cut down on a farm (noting this specifically because it's actually now illegal to commercially harvest Jarrah in my state - this was on private property so it's legal) has had the absolute crap scrubbed out of it - I mean literally, in the process I found yet another interesting hole in it so that's cool, then high-pressure blasted with water so I am finally ready to think about scaping.
Which apparently means spending longer than I should drawing a plan lol. This piece is super awkward to work with I think - while functionally interesting it has a silhouette that makes me oscillate between 'boring' and 'awkward'. After talking to some artist friends, generally it was agreed I'd need to put more stuff in there to actually make it look better, right now naked glass is super harsh. Problem is, rocks and wood? Well in the aquarium hobby that shit is expensive. We're talking 60 AUD+ for pieces of wood. I mean they are fully cleaned and treated (?) and selected for being interesting, but I have a budget and I'd like to save as much of it as I can for more than just harscape sooooo planning is just the right idea here.
Thinking seiryu stone because I looooove the white veining through it, and then for the branches to break up the shape it's probably going to be spiderwood or something (as much as I love mopani wood I don't think it usually sells branched like this - but I will watch out for it) but the good part is these pieces are all probably going to be on the smaller side since I have my huge hunk of feature wood for free.
I don't know how this piece of wood will interact with inhabitants, I've soaked it for probably a month at this point to get a large amount of the tannins out (and I know it waterlogs, which is great because I won't have to play 'how long will this take to sink') but also to help the looser material come off so all I'm left with now is the hard stuff. It's also now sitting in the sun (and I mean sun - it is going to be 40C today and the next few days so that shit is gonna bake 💀) but prior to that has been sitting in the sun either here or the farm for a total of about idk ... at least a month? Maybe more?
I've struggled to find information on whether Jarrah or Mirra wood is safe beyond one post on a forum where someone-who-knew-someone at a local fish shop had put a piece of this in his store tank and all the fish died. Beyond that? no more context. According to my freshwater ecologist friend I caught up with, she thinks it's probably going to be okay given the amount of time/work put in. I have not done a bleach soak and I don't think I really need to given the amount of time it's been soaking in regular tap water (so already contains chlorine) and sun exposure. There will still probably be tannin leakage into the water but I'm okay with having a mild blackwater tank after seeing one in my LFS, I actually like the slight tannin tint of water and how it makes everything a little 'softer'. But I do ACTUALLY want to be able to see though lmao. I've also seen Jarrah seed pods sold locally specifically for blackwater tank setups so it might be fine?
Either way the plan is going to be: Scape, plant, cycle and then introduction of some cheap shrimp as my poor guinea pigs to see if that wood actually is awful.
Right now I'll just have to painstakingly go through plant choices and placement and making sure it lines up with the planned parameters for the community. I absolutely will take suggestions btw.
More soon. Fish nonsense will contain fish ... at some point. I swear lmao.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
sooooo for scientific purposes how fit is remus?
i love science 👹 so much 👹👹
i am an average joe remus truther at the end of the day. like when i picture him and how he sees himself and how other people perceive him it’s very much “oh that’s a guy.” like he’s just a guy. crooked bumpy nose. kind eyes. nice smile. teeth just a little crooked just a little wonky.
i think sharpshooter remus is a little more oof than i usually picture him for a few reasons
1. basketball physique. hello. the shoulders (!!!!!!!). the arms. like……,the cardio on this man. he is a string bean and on the 6’4 side of 6’3 but also strong as hell. there’s a bit of a slutty little waist happening beneath all those big hoodies and sweaters and loose jerseys he wears. fucking drool worthy shoulders i cannot emphasize this enough
2. his hair specifically gets my gears going. puts a little gas in the tank if u catch my drift. i love literally all depictions of his hair in every fic (currently daydreaming ab crushofdove’s remus in ‘you wouldn’t like me’ with the shaved sides and little moons) but something ab this remus’ hair makes me feral. like it’s not light brown but it’s not dark brown. the little curlies at the back of his neck???? fucking kill me. not curly enough to be curly but too curly to be wavy. very easily disheveled. i want to braid it and pull it and bite it and cut a little tiny bit of it and put it in a locket around my neck.
3. let’s talk about height again bc oh my god. tall. big n tall. but not big n tall in a gangly, awkward kind of way. there’s no tripping over limbs going on here. thats a 6’3 & 3/4 man w precise control of every tiny little muscle in his body bc he’s played a sport that requires agility and speed and strength his whole life (i’m a puddle of goo, you’re a puddle of goo, sirius is a puddle of goo, we’re all a puddle of goo 🫠)
4. in my head this specific remus also has a very stunning gorgeous bronzy complexion. he very much gets a tan in the summer & all his little freckles go dark brown. in the winter it fades to a very pretty olive tone that sirius likes to say matches his own pasty winter complexion even though it very much does not, but remus lets him believe it anyway bc he’s too nice for his own good
5. this isn’t an actual physical trait but it’s arguably what makes him hottest: his voice. i have it very specifically nailed down in my head. it’s a little quiet, a little on the breathy side, it’s not ever shrill or sharp. it goes higher when he laughs and lower when he’s saying something particularly dirty near sirius’ ear (but we haven’t got there yet, dw ab that one rn). it’s very warm. very sweet. very sultry. very hot.
i could go on and on and on and on but let’s settle and say that sharpshooter remus is a HARD 8 from afar and a solid 15 when he’s got u against a door.
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aimwigs · 3 months
your dadwig fics INVOKED something in me. qt and lud would def become better copayments later on and i could see her/slime being the godparents for anthony jr incase anything happening to lud and aiden. the way you write the dynamics in the group is amazing and i can’t wait to see more!! also the brief snippet of nick and im assuming z2’s son? the way you write him as a dad based on what he talks about in his own childhood makes so much since. also, would nicks/z2’s kid basically be lucy and ryan’s cousin/raised as such? because if i can just IMAGINE the terror that kid would create with lucy
sorry this took me sooooo long to write but here is the last dadwig fic for a while and well it's actually more of an aiden fic. loved all that you said abt nick's kid and lucy so decided to make a little fic out of it! this is actually set the same night as the campout fic!
and also yeah lud and qt are goated coparents + they all stay very close!!! something about it taking a village lmao
Aiden has always seen himself as generally pretty good with kids. He grew up with much younger brothers, for starters, so in some ways, it occasionally felt like he played a hand in raising them, between acting as a role model when they were in their teens and babysitting them when they were younger. He’s also always gotten along well with his friends’ kids and dated a girl who worked with children for several years, often tagging along with her while she was with them. He’s always wanted to be a dad and these things have always assured him that he’ll be a good one someday, whenever that day might be.
That’s why he thinks it’ll be no problem when Ludwig asks him to watch Lucy while he’s on a campout with Ryan’s Girl Scout troop since QT is out of town visiting her sister. It should be easy enough— she’s a little rambunctious but she’s always liked him and besides, if he can’t watch his boyfriend’s kid for a night, he has no business dating a guy with kids.
He comes up with this big grand plan for their time together: he’s going to take her mini golfing, grab dinner with her, and then throw on the new Pixar movie while she winds down for bedtime. It’ll be the perfect fun little night for her to enjoy while her dad and sister are off roughing it in the woods.
And then Nick’s wife goes into labor.
“I just need you to watch him while we’re at the hospital,” he says frantically, pushing Mason through his front door.
Mason looks super bewildered, his mop of dark hair sticking out in every direction as he stands there with his Thomas the Tank Engine backpack. He probably has no idea what to make of the fact that he has a baby brother on the way. Or maybe he’s just three.
“It’s no problem,” he tells him because it’s not. He already told the two of him that he was down to watch Mason whenever the baby came and even if he does have Lucy tonight, it’ll probably be more fun for them to have a sleepover anyway. They’re practically cousins.
“Thank you.” Nick hugs him tightly and bolts back towards the car, quickly pulling out of the driveway and speeding off toward the hospital.
Mason peers up at him with his dad’s icy blue eyes. “I need to pee.”
Right. Okay. He’s got this. He leads Mason to the bathroom even though he’s been to his place about a hundred times by now and takes his backpack into the living room so he knows where it is when it’s time to go to bed. Two kids tonight. No problem.
It’s still early, so he makes Mason some lunch and parks him in front of the TV while he evaluates his plans for the night. Nick was in too much of a rush to give him a car seat, so he probably shouldn’t drive him around the city for mini golf and dinner. Except, maybe he can sit in Lucy’s car seat and she can just sit in the car since she’s older and a little tall for her age. That still seems like pushing it, though, so maybe they just stay in tonight. He’ll have to decide later.
Ludwig shows up right after lunch to hand off Lucy, her car seat, and her overnight bag.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take her to Slime’s so you only have one kid on your plate tonight?” he asks, nodding towards where Mason and Lucy are already jumping up and down on his couch, the latter still wearing her shoes.
He waves him off. “I’ve got this. It’s two kids and they’re already friends. What’s the worst that can happen?”
Ludwig snorts. “With those two? Arson, probably. Maybe highway robbery.”
Aiden rolls his eyes. “Seriously, Lud, it’s fine. We’re going to have a fun night.”
He gives him an amused smile. “Well, if you’re sure, I guess I’ll leave her here with you. I’m sure Slime would come to get her if you need help, though.”
“I won’t.”
“Sure, babe,” Ludwig kisses him on the cheek when none of the kids are looking.
Their relationship isn’t a secret, per se, they’ve just been putting off telling Ludwig’s daughters about it officially. Since neither Ludwig nor QT have dated since the breakup, it’s definitely something new that they’re going to have to have a conversation about. Though, six months of dating feels a little like they’re pushing it off.
Ludwig pulls Ryan out the door and leaves shortly after. As soon as the door clicks shut, Aiden makes his way over to where Mason and Lucy are still jumping on his couch. If they have this much energy, maybe mini golf should stay on the table.
He claps his hands together. “Okay! We’re gonna have an awesome day together. Who wants to go mini golfing?!”
Instead of the overwhelming response he expects from two young children who very much enjoyed mini golf when they all went together like two months prior, Mason just shrugs and Lucy crosses her arms over her chest.
“Uncle Slime says mini golf is for normies,” she informs him.
He cocks an eyebrow. Fucking Slime, dude. “Do you even know what that means?”
She holds her chin high. “It means that cool people don’t mini golf.”
Mason, who he’s pretty sure idolizes Lucy about as much as she idolizes Slime, nods frantically. “I wanna be cool.”
He cycles through other possible ideas for fun things they can do together. Bowling is out because the last time they went Lucy had a total meltdown and he doesn’t care for a repeat of that. They could do a hike if it weren’t for the fact that losing service is probably a terrible idea when Mason’s new brother could arrive literally whenever at this point. An arcade could be a decent option, he supposes, but Mason might still be too little to understand how the games work.
“Let's walk to the park,” he decides because there’s a pretty decent playground in his neighborhood that both of them have been to a few times.
This, at least, they both agree on. He grabs a few water bottles from the kitchen while Mason puts on his shoes and they walk over together. Or really, run, because Lucy and Mason break into a dead sprint in the direction of the park as soon as they step outside.
He speedwalks after them— one perk of being tall as fuck is that it’s easier to keep up. He’s glad that they’re so excited, at least, and at the park, they can largely entertain themselves. If they did go mini golfing, he would have had to facilitate the entire time.
Of course, he keeps an eye on them as they dart around and become best friends with kids that they’ll probably never see again after today. To be fair, that’s something that he also does well into his 30s.
Maybe he does get slightly distracted responding to messages— it’s not like he’s worried about them when they’re clearly plenty entertained by the park itself and he knows them well enough to know they won’t run off without checking in with him. He figures it’ll be fine.
And then he hears an all-too-familiar scream.
He sprints over to find Mason on the ground below the slide crying and clutching his ankle, half his leg scraped up on the woodchips. He must have gone off the side somehow, probably by standing.
Lucy is as pale as a ghost as she stares at him. “Is he gonna die?”
“What? No,” he tells her as he crouches down to look at his ankle. It looks fine but he knows that ankles are fucking weird sometimes. “Are you okay, buddy?”
Mason lets out another quivering sob. “N-no.”
“Can you walk?” he tries.
Without trying, he shakes his head.
Okay. He can handle this. It’s fine. He just hopes he doesn’t have to take him to the hospital— he can’t imagine running into Nick there and having to explain that within hours of Mason getting dropped off, there’s already been a medical emergency.
“Come here.” Aiden reaches out and lets Mason climb into his arms. Fuck, for such a tiny kid, he’s damn heavy.
He carries him home with Lucy walking at his side, blue eyes comically wide. He gets the full story: she dared him to run down the slide but didn’t know what would happen. Aiden is pretty sure that she’s learned her lesson plenty.
When he gets home, he lays him down on the couch and immediately props his leg up on a pillow. He goes to pull his shoe off and hesitates. Fuck, he hasn’t taken a first-aid class in twenty years. Are you supposed to leave it on because of the swelling or some shit?
Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Lucy hovering, clearly still freaked out. It probably doesn’t help that he’s clearly fucking panicking. He takes a deep breath and turns to her. “Lucy, can you go to the bathroom upstairs and grab the first-aid kit that’s under the sink?”
She nods and runs upstairs. He honestly doesn’t know what he needs from it. He just wanted to give her a task.
He inspects Mason’s ankle a bit more closely. It still looks fine. Grabbing the base of his foot, he gently tilts it up and down. There’s no seizing up or sudden yelp of pain.
“Does that hurt?”
Mason sniffles. “Yeah.” He seems almost unsure about it.
Aiden isn’t a medical professional but he’s pretty sure he probably just twisted it and that it’ll probably be fine. The shoes can come off, then, for the sake of his throw pillows.
After Lucy returns with the first-aid kit, he picks out the remaining woodchips and cleans up the scrapes on his leg before bandaging him up. He’s not going to get out of explaining this one to Nick but considering that he used to skate, he’s probably seen much worse.
He makes a makeshift ice pack and wraps it in a kitchen towel before placing it on Mason’s ankle. He’s not even really crying anymore.
“You’re gonna be okay, let’s just keep the ice on it for a little,” he tells him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Lucy’s shoulders visibly relax. “How about we watch a movie and order pizza?”
“C-can we get pepperoni?”
Smiling softly, Aiden ruffles his hair. “Of course, we can get pepperoni.”
He sets them up with the Pixar movie that he planned to put on anyway and orders the pizza before settling back into his seat on the other end of the couch. Both of them seem too enthralled by the movie to remember that they were super freaked out like twenty minutes ago.
His phone buzzes with a text from Slime.
you good over there bro? lud said you’ve got the dastardly fucking duo tonight
He smiles as he replies with a picture of the two of them, wide-eyed as they stare at the TV.
all good :)
Crisis aside, Aiden is pretty sure he’s a damn good babysitter.
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best bestie hi!!! youre back and caught up on the latest ep!! i need all ur thoughts on their maneuvering
(and most important of all happiest tabitha tuesday to u and hoping u had the most amazing relaxing perfect time in norway <333 love u!!!)
hi best bestie!!!!! thank you so much! i had a lovely time, it was an anual trip with my best friend who lives far away and it’s always amazing to see her <3 and i loved oslo <3 i hope you’re well and having an amazing week!!!!!
putting succession thoughts below because we know i ramble alifodjdkfjof
okay so i actually really enjoyed the episode, even tho it does feel a little like a more filler one in the sense that it was mostly decision making but it’s just so interesting to see how they’ll play this out! and how they’re involving the “old guard” and seeing who makes it or not! (bye hugo ajdjdjjfkf but karl and frank remain an iconic duo with some of my favourites lines 😭)
regarding the sibs, every episode convinces me more than kendall is about to crash so bad 😭 the preview for the next ep especially makes me think he’s about to reach a new level of manic kendall 😭 i was expecting him to try and tank the deal but it was interesting to see how roman was involved in that play! roman’s scene with matsson was **so**good and the way he admits to be breaking down ): they keep showing him with the pills and i’m very scared … and finally… girlboss shiv girlbossed so close to the sun and idc if she gets burned I LOVED SEEING HER THIS EPISODE!!! the way she manipulated the situation with matsson just a little to get like carolina and gerri on the good list and to get on his “good” side was sooooo good! he’s dumb and believes anything but u still loved it aosjdofjkfkd i also find it interesting to see how they’re showing her trying to hide the pregnancy and not really drinking but no one ever notices it because they’re so self involved 😭 she was the highlight of the episode for me and that last scene was so good! i honestly don’t know where it’s all going but i think the pacing of this one made it really interesting to see how they see the company and its future!
shiv’s scene with tom was the most random i’ve ever seen, at no point did i know where it was going aodjodjfofjkf if that’s how they’ll communicate istg 💀💀 okay i’m done rambling skidofjfkfk let me know your thoughts bestie!! i talked sm and feel like i said nothing aodiofnfokf
love u best bestie and hope you’re having the most amazing week!!!! <333
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
it’s time for session #2!
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these notes are so scattered if you read them without context and i am SO SORRY lmao. i’m typing them so fast trying to keep up with my brain that’s going 700 mph and the game. ANYWAY, we’re getting a very late start tonight bc i was helping my friend learn guitar for a few hours haha
total play time: about 2 hrs and 40 min (there’s not much story progression here just exploring seattle!)
okay so we last left off with ellie and dina in the woods on horseback post joel’s house. i have not gotten farther than the woods bc i was super ultra mega tired. so let us continue!
okay sooooo this section is called the gate cool cool cool
this is fucking gorgeouuusssssss
omg dina listing off all the people that joel crossed
i’m sure there’s more before that bro
oh my god the LIGHTINGGGGG in the woods so so good
we’re so close to seattle i’m scared
so much happens here man
map acquired✅
jesus christ i L O V E the aesthetic of nature reclaiming land and man made structures. it’s sooooooo pretty
oh shit QZ!
i’m looking through ur journal ellie hope you don’t mind haha
dina seems to be sick? well. i know why but ellie doesn’t yet so shhhhhh
it’s so sad to me that every drawing of joel so far that ellie’s done, she hasn’t been able to draw his eyes. that was the last thing she saw of him while he was alive. like she wants to get them just right but everytime she draws it that means she has to look him in the eye again. and maybe she’s feeling too guilty to do that rn. ugh idk i know neil always does shit like that but maybe i’m reading too much into it haha. ANYWAY that is one of the most heartbreaking parts about her journal dude. UUUUGGHHHHH 😭
“i really love her.” 😭😭😭😭 ELLIE TELL HER PLEASE
we just got a letter, wonder who it’s from🕺🏻
kieran?? kieran duffy??????
haha wrong game
also lemme just say, i fucking love dina
she’s so sweet and empathetic, but will cut the fuck out of a bitch when needed
this is some nathan drake shit bro where’s nolan north
hoooooollllyyyyyy fuuuuuuck this is a big city jesus christ
LMAO her wobble before she fell down to the platform below
this game is so gorgeous. holy fuckin shit i’m gonna say that a lot huh?
guys i’m gonna be honest. i’m team brick.
i LOVE being able to break windows this is so fun
oh god i have a horrible memory plz don’t make me memorize these gate codes
side note: i love ellie’s hair here. i’m gonna have to try a lil half up half down situation
i saw someone on twitter point out that it looks a lot like tess’s hair🥺
“well, we believe in you” shimmer and dina? or baby and dina? hmmm things to consider
totally unrelated, but i can’t not hear ashley johnson going “babyyyyyyyyy” with an s.o. since the mighty nein reunion lmao
ellie seeing dina and going “babyyyyyyyy” like yasha LMAO
fuck i hope i can pull out that page of codes dude
oh shit another hotel
i’m traumatized after the last on dude you can’t make me go back
H O L Y. S H I T.
this is fucking crazy
there’s so much small shit everywhere oh my fucking G O D
omg joel was definitely reading that space book for ellie she just talked about an early moon mission at this tank
DINA’S JOKE “she’s sounding a bit hoarse” they’re literally made for each other
damn is this his way of addressing the crunch work hours at naughty dog?
“once a well respected researcher… questionable experiments in the realm of pushing human limits saw him ostracized from the scientific community… Laurent Foucault of SPARK Laboratories found his work dubious…”
the music is hauntingly beautiful in this area oh my god
i miss the first game LMAO even though i JUST finished that
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i feel like this is supposed to be hank williams which would be fucking sick bc “alone and forsaken” and all that jazz haha
“guitars starting at $49.99” BRO SINCE WHEN I FUCKING WIIISH DUDE😭
as a drummer, i can confirm dina is a fucking natural
“i love you?” A H H H H H
Das Wort is my favorite card so far. he just like me fr
i will cry
BARRE CHORDS??? ellie i could literally never wtf
the chords are all accurate too holy fuck naughty dog
ashley has such a nice voice oh my god
i’m gonna fucking cry bc they put this in the hbo trailer
this is why i fucking love music dude. it transcends everything and always will. it’s the one thing that connects everyone. and it’s connecting people in this game too and i UGGHHH i love music holy fuck
the way dina looks at her🥹
and also knowing that joel was the one that showed her all of these songs and artists bc ellie wasn’t even alive to hear take on me and future days, and literally everything else. GOOOOODDDDDDDD😭😭
“you should have kissed me then.” “i wanted to.”
god i love dina and ellie they sound like an old married couple already
first dawn of the wolf poster i’ve seen!!! WOOOOO
i’m gonna come back to the nutrition distribution center bc i feel like that shit is gonna be bad news bears
“wasn’t joel all about coffee?” as he should. i’d be all about coffee too if i didn’t have it for years
i really like the Big Blue card too
so many fucking side quests oml what do you mean “barko’s”
oh my god there are so many fucking alleyways to go down
it’s too dark in here i don’t like it
“they think we’re sheep! BARE YOUR FANGS.” what in the fuckin trump train “sHeEpLe” is goin on in here
i feel like i’m gonna get fucking jumped by infected again in here
omg plz “we can get a little creature to take care of” AND THEN THEY HAVE A FARM AT THE END😭😭😭
i have already spent 2 hours in this fucking QZ holy shit
i just wanna explore rn i don’t wanna progress story atm
i am secret hunting
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it doesn’t even look like i’ve done that much😭
i also have a bad feeling about this bank
oh fuck this shit. it goes underground
they are ALWAYS underground bro
dina this is not cool, this is scary
i don’t fucking trust this shit
infected or whateva🙄
FUCK this bank dude i’m GONE
dina said she’d get a farmhouse with the money😭😭
okay i think i’m gonna stop here bc it is literally 5am and i am sleepy haha. no story! but got some goodies and secrets out of the way! i will continue maybe tomorrow? not sure bc i am quite busy but we’ll see!
having a really good time so far and i love watching ellie and dina’s dynamic! still lots of buildings and secrets to loot! i’m excited >:)
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your-fave-is-bi · 4 months
Sometimes. I really miss having a classic mmo to play. I got so into my own head abt ffxiv n its so lonely as a free player.
But fuck do i love tanking. I love walking into a pack of enemies and going “dont look at the baddies I walked in here with, look at me. Arent you so mad at me. Dont you wanna hit me sooooo bad and sooooo much?” NOTHING compares to it.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
"Sleepover." Billy Loomis And Stu Macher X AFAB! Reader. They/Them Pronouns. Poly!Ghostface.
Sooooo! My lovely friend @polyghostfacehours and I have regular chats on discord where she encourages me to go the fuck off with different ideas and gives me great prompts which leads to me breaking down scenerios and basically doing whole fic outlines. I had the thought of why just let those sit around going unused in our chat?! So I took that outline and ripped it out and beefed it up and now it is here for all of you! First time writing somnophilia and I hope you all dig it and that it hits! Let’s get into it!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 3K. Billy Loomis And Stu Macher X AFAB! Reader. They/Them Pronouns. Poly!Ghostface. Warnings: Somnophilia. Friends To Lovers. Pining. Dub-con. (Not Really Reader Is Super Into It.) Reader Is Into Some Shit. Touching. Teasing. Nipple Play. Vaginal Fingering. Multiple Orgasms. Voyeurism. Masturbation. Cum Play. Oral Sex. Blow Job. Dirty Talk. Degrading Talk. Praise. Throat Fucking. Cunnlingus.
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You've been friends for years with Billy and Stu. All throughout high school, even going to the same college, you'd gotten along so damn well with them, so many memories and good times shared. You were the first one to be in the know about their relationship and supported them endlessly over it.
It made you happy seeing them together, they were a great fit, sometimes you couldn't help but have this nagging feeling that while you loved being there and so close with them you wished you could be closer still. But they were already together and true while there were times you thought they might like you a little more, lingering looks, some flirting, but it was all just jokey, in good fun, right? They weren't serious, surely.
You'd slept over countless times previously, and it was still a regular occurrence. Many a weekend night spent with takeout, movies, cards, video games, whatever struck you that night. It was Friday night, the whole weekend ahead, you'd stayed up late, a fantastic time, you'd made plans to stay again that night, you were going to hang out all day tomorrow too so sleeping over just made sense.
Normally you took the couch. However tonight that was out of the question, no idea why but Stu's cat peed on the couch and yeah you weren't gonna sleep in that. So you were going to sleep in their bed with them. It was plenty big enough to make it work. You'd brought some of your favorite pajamas to sleep in, this big tank top and shorts, absurdly comfortable. You take one side of the bed, Billy next to you and Stu on the other side of the bed. It took a few minutes to get comfortable, the three of you still fucking talking, making stupid jokes and nudging each other. It wasn’t till close to 2 AM when you finally settled down enough to sleep.
Everything is quiet and peaceful, you get some good sleep in and somewhere in the middle of the night Stu gets up to get some water, perfectly fine, innocent enough.
But it is when he comes back he does a double take and nearly chokes on his drink, the low light from the moon coming in from the window spilling over you and God you look unfairly good. That loose tank top had fallen out of place while you were asleep.
He'd checked you out plenty but like this? Asleep and tits out? He wanted to get back in bed and touch you, feel you, he wondered how sensitive your nipples were and how you'd taste. Wondered if he could get away with touching you without waking you up.
He stands there in the mostly dark bedroom, unable to tear his eyes away, gripping the glass in his hand far too tight. Mind whirring, he was seriously considering how much he could do, not if he should or if it was right, just how much he could get out of this.
It might sound cold or callous but it was hard for him to pass up this opportunity. He'd thought about seeing you like this countless times so having you spread and splayed out like this in his bed, it was like it was meant to be. He and Billy had talked about this, about how hot it would be having you between them, it was a regular subject of their dirty talk, particularly nights you were out on their couch on past sleepovers. You one room over and asleep, the both of them talking about your body, how you might sound moaning their names, how good you'd feel. Filthy dirty talk passed hush in between making out while jerking each other off.
He'd been standing there, lost in his thoughts he didn't notice Billy reach out. The feeling of him tugging on his sweatpants makes him jump, he thought Billy had still been asleep, his eyes drop down to him as he mumbles out, "You getting back in bed?"
Stu grabs Billy's hand, it makes him open his eyes, still so sleepy, he gestures for Billy to roll over slowly but also holds a finger up to his mouth signaling him to be quiet. He looks a bit confused but he is still too tired to question. He tugs his hand outta Stu's grip and he rolls over, slow and careful just as he was motioned to do and as Stu watches can see him tense.
No fucking way. He blinks a few times, one hand comes up, rubs his eyes and yes, it was true, you were less than a few inches away and exposed just like they'd always wanted to see. Too good to be true.
Billy drinks in the sight of you. God, your hair slightly messy, lips parted, chest exposed, rising and falling just holy shit, he wants, just that, he wants. Stu leans down, whispers in Billy's ear, "Dude, what are we gonna do?"
Billy suppresses a laugh. What weren't they gonna do more like.
Billy doesn't respond. He doesn't get caught in his head like Stu did. Uninhibited, he doesn't think, he simply takes.
He reaches out.
His hand slowly comes down and his fingertips brush along the curve of your breast and you don't move, you don't stir and your skin is the softest thing he might have ever felt.
You were so warm too. He can't help the slight hitch to his breath as he whispers, "Shit."
He touches again, a little bolder, a tad harder, he cups your tit in his palm, feels how well it fits in his hand, his cock was already getting hard.
So was Stu's.
Still standing next to the bed watching Billy do this, be so bold. Touch you as you were sleeping, it was turning him on too.
Stu can't help it.
He comes around to the other side of the bed. He licks his lips nervously, getting down onto his knees, reaching out and he meets Billy's gaze, the brunette gives a nod, encouraging, he mouths “Go for it." and so Stu does.
He palms your other breast and he lets out a breath that is a little too loud. You feel fucking amazing.
They both start to move so slowly. Now that they've started there isn't any hope of stopping. They were both feeling, touching, observing how you move under their combined minstraitions.
They might be a little too enthusiastic, touch a little too hard, Stu's thumb rubbing over your nipple is what makes you stir, a soft breath that is different from the rest.
They both freeze, waiting for you to settle.
Eyes on each other, neither wanting to pull their hands away, almost daring the other one to pull away first but they both held firm and refused.
“Be careful.” Stu mouthed and Billy rolled his eyes, gave him a look like “What the fuck? You think I’m not?” and once they were sure you were still asleep they did it again.
Keep touching, kneading at your soft flesh, both tossing looks to each other. Stu palmed himself through his sweatpants with his other hand, a hard squeeze that had him inhaling sharply, he was seriously thinking if he could get away with jerking himself off while they played with your sleeping body.
Billy's fingers rolled your nipple carefully and then? You moaned.
You actually moaned and fuck, that was too hot. Stu was breathing a bit harder, he really wanted to touch himself, Billy was shifting too, wanted to do something more as well. What next, how to push it and then when they hear you breathe out, "Mmmf boys-please? Don't stop-"
Boys? Oh. Were you fucking dreaming about them? So all bets were off.
Stu leaned in, eyes on Billy who nodded again, his cock felt so hard it was practically aching. Stu's hand around you and his mouth came down, his lips closed around your nipple and tongue ran over it and you squirmed. He fought the urge to moan at finally getting to taste you as he started to suck. You were so responsive just like he hoped, he was fucking thrilled you were so sensitive, just him grazing his teeth along the bud had you slightly arching your back. Stu’s eyes still locked on Billy’s, he was challenging Billy to step it up.
Billy went with it, naturally, tugged on your opposite nipple and you were breathing so much harder, moaning more. They always knew you were a heavy sleeper but this was pushing it, neither were in the right frame of mind to question their good fortune.
Then Billy was the one to escalate it further still. His hand slipped down, down into your shorts and underwear and holy fuck you were so wet.
Somehow you don't wake up as his fingers trace up, spreading some of your wetness as we went, swirling over your clit. He starts to finger you, taking his time, still barely able to believe this was happening as two of his fingers prodded at your hole, only lingering for a moment before starting to slide them in easily from how soaked you are. Stu had taken over fully playing with your tits now, hard cock pressed to your hip, fighting the urge to grind against you as he felt you up.
They got off on this way too much, seemed like you did too, whatever you were dreaming about involving them seemed to be really good. Could hear you mumbling their names at points, hips subtly moving along with Billy’s hand, seeking more stimulation in your slumber. They always liked to play around and call you a slut but seeing you act like this didn’t help dissuade them from believing that joke had some actual fact behind it.
It doesn’t take very long, between the two of them in tandem. With Billy’s palm grinding against your clit and two of his fingers curling just so inside of you and Stu’s mouth on your chest, lathing ample attention with that over eager tongue of course it was going to happen.
And again whatever that dream was must have been good because in a few short minutes you are breathing so hard, brows furrowed and tensing, the feeling of your walls clenching rhythmically on his fingers making your orgasm unmistakable. The extra wetness and pulsing of your clit as well as that almost whine that spilled out of your throat, perfect, you were just perfect, better than the hot fantasies they cooked up and told each other any day.
They leave you in their bed after that. Manage to tear themselves away, untangle from you carefully and make their way to the ensuite bathroom. Soon as they are in there, the door not even fully closed, Billy is pulling Stu to him, kissing him hard, grateful for the fact his moans would be swallowed up, giving him the chance to get at least some sound out without risking waking you up.
Stu returns the kiss, his hands on his boyfriend, tugging at what little clothing he wore to bed that night, he was the first one to speak, “Can you fucking beileve we just did that?”
Another rushed kiss, messy before a laugh of disbelief and a shake of his head as he responded, “No way, I really can’t.”
They were both so out of breath, pressed so close together, Stu unable to help himself from grinding his still clothed erection against the other man's hip, watching intently as Billy brought his hand up and one of the fingers that was inside of you mere moments ago slipping between his lips. He tasted you finally and he can’t stop himself from the moan of sheer satisfaction.
He can see the hunger in Stu’s eyes and doesn’t deprive him, shoves both fingers into his mouth allowing Stu to taste you too and it makes his eyes roll back, a muffled and mumbled, “Fuck-” coming out from around Billy’s fingers.
Stu sucks at the fingers in his mouth, desperate to get you all down. Of course because of the blonde essentially fellating his fingers the urge overcomes, he pulls his hand away and forces Stu to his knees. He wastes no time getting his pants and underwear down, the taste of you still thick and tangy on his tongue, one hand around the base of his shaft, leaning in and quickly gets to work.
They certainly aren’t being as quiet as they could have been, Billy allowing soft groans to spill out, the sound of Stu’s mouth sucking and licking, his own moans at doing it, getting his own pants down. He pauses from blowing Billy to only spit into his own palm and starts to jerk himself off as he gets back to it. “Shit-yeah, just like that-”
You strain to hear.
They only think you didn't wake up. You woke up before they were halfway through and just pretended to still be asleep. Terrified if they knew you were awake and aware that they might stop and that was the last thing you’d ever want.
You should probably be feeling something other than extreme arousal. You are their best friend, were asleep in their shared bed, vulnerable and exposed and they took advantage of you so easily, no thought to it or to you or your feelings. Both of them teaming up on you too, just taking, touching, violating, greedy and you loved every single second of it. Every caress and slightly painful tweak of your nipples. You’d wanted them for so long that it was a literal dream come true for you.
When you first woke up and realized what was happening all of your willpower went into not alerting them to the fact you were awake. Focused on not moaning too much, on not tenseing or opening your eyes, as much as you wished you could have looked at them, it was imperative you didn’t to keep the fantasy alive and not break the spell.
You came on Billy Loomis’ fingers less than ten minutes ago while Stu Macher sucked on one of your tits and palmed the other and it felt phenomnal, yet you find yourself with your hand between your thighs, touching yourself again so soon as you struggle to listen to them hook-up in the bathroom less than five feet away.
You are thankful they didn’t close the door all the way.
Plenty warmed up already you circle your clit quickly, hips bucking up into your hand as you listen to how obscene Stu sounds while giving head. Hear how Billy talks about you and your body, able to catch bits and pieces and Stu’s responses, their dirty talk fueling you further.
“-and those tits? Talk about perfect-” Your fingers dip inside, biting your bottom lip to hold back your moan, “-that cunt is so damn wet too, bet you’d stretch them out so much they’d sob-” fingers fucking in and out of yourself at a steady pace as your other fingers are working your clit just right, “-I want a taste right from the source. Think I could get away with that when we go back in there?”
All of it was getting to you. The scenario, them hooking up so nearby and hearing them, the way they talk about you and the fact that they touched you and did all of those things while they thought you were still asleep. It’s wrong. It’s fucked up. You should be mad, should be upset, should be just something but you aren’t any of those negative things.
You loved it.
You fuck yourself stupid in their bed. Get off again to the sounds of them, clench around your fingers, trembling, mouth open and panting out their names so quietly as you do, positive you’d leaked onto the sheets and not giving a single fuck about it.
You get a little too lost in your fantasy however. Didn’t hear their respective ends. Didn’t hear a Billy forcing Stu’s head down, gritting out for him to “-fucking take it like that whore in our bed would-”
Or to even hear Stu’s own orgasm when he is finally let up, just swallowed Billy’s load and gasping for air as his hand strokes himself to the very end and his cum paints his own bare chest and stomach. No, you were finding yourself nearing climax for the third time that evening, too lost in your own head, and didn't hear them at all.
You did feel them though.
One sitting on either side of you on the mattress. Your eyes fly open and you look back and forth between the both, mischievous glint clear in their eyes and Billy says confidently, “I fucking told you they’d be into this shit.”
“So you ARE into us like that. Thank fucking God.” Stu says as his hand locked around your wrist and he yanks your hand away from your soaked cunt, he brings it up and tastes the mess on your fingers as Billy moves. He gets on his knees at the end of the bed, drags you down the mattress to be closer to him, throws your legs over his shoulders, hands on your hips as his head dips down and you finally allow yourself to really moan.
Cry out their names just as you really had wanted to when they were touching you before.
You never got much sleeping done when you slept over but you were not going to complain while you were on the end of Billy’s tongue while Stu is leaning down and kissing you for the first time.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Red Sus (M)
Idol!Jeongguk x Girlfriend!Reader
WordCount: 3.9k
Genre: Smut, Porn With Little Plot, Fluff, Among Us!Fic, Among Us!Crack?
Warnings: Jeongguk’s Hot Headed Ass, Taehyung LITERALLY THROWING THE GAME, Impreg Kink, Big IQ Brain Power Plays, Fingering, Dirty Talk, Fellatio, Face Fucking, Praise, Edging, Unprotected Sex, Belly Buldge, Cunnilingus, Pussy Slapping, Spitting, Doggy Style, Multiple Orgasms, Cream Pie
A/N: Sooooo I’m too obsessed with Among Us to not make a fic? And even though this is shorter than most that I make I thought it would be fun to whip something up in the spirit of BTS’ competitive games. Do I believe 100% that Kim Taehyung would throw a game? Absolutely. Thank you so much to the forever squad @ppersonna, @ladyartemesia, @xjoonchildx for letting me rant and talk about this insanity of a one shot and reading it! Thank you to baby Bucca @thejooncrew​ for reading it! I hope you enjoy the silly and the smutty! 
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The house is filled with loud screams, mainly from your boyfriend as he ties his hair up into a ponytail.
You can see the sweat on his neck beading as he sits in the voting screen.
"Oh yeah?! Then Taehyung hyung, where were you? Because I went to reactor when it was called and you didn't follow me and now Hobi hyung is dead." Jeongguk goes quiet as he waits for his answer and you begin to smirk as the muscles in his back tense up.
"WHAT THE FUCK? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LAME. LAME. LAME. RED SUS. RED SUS AS FUCK! There is no possible way you were in cafeteria! Because I ran through cafeteria from admin to get to the reactor!" Jeongguk has gotten angry during games before. But, this is the first time you've seen his neck veins bulging.
"Hyungs! It's not me! I didn't kill Hobi hyung!" He whines out before putting his elbows to his computer table and cupping his forehead with his hands.
"You're fucking throwing!" He complains and you watch the screen as his black character racks up smaller bodies beneath his name. He scoffs loudly as he mutes his mic before turning to you.
"I want you to play with us. I can't play with them. It's so frustrating." He whines as he rolls his chair over to you. He throws himself out of the chair and onto your lap as you caress his handsome face.
Guk has always been so competitive, so good with everything that you can understand him being frustrated in a game like this one. Sometimes he needs a little pick me up. A little incentive to get him going again. And you know just the thing.
"Alright, I’ll play. But how about if I win, we make a baby?" You ask and his eyes flash over with mischief.
“Yeah? You want to make a mini crewmate with me?” He asks playfully and you narrow your eyes at him for the bad joke.
“Okay. Okay. Sorry, no bad jokes. Only filling your pussy with my cum.” He says before he chuckles deeply as his hand roams over the curve of your side.
"That sound good? We play and if I win you can fuck a baby into me like you’ve been trying to do?" You ask once more. 
His bottom lip is between his teeth as his fingers drift over the imprint of your puffy nipple through your tank top.
"How about you play with the boys but I have to play with you while you do it? And if you win either Imposter or Crewmate then I'll fuck my baby into you like I've been dying to do since I met you five years ago." His offer is tempting and you begin to smile as he does the same.
His fingers drift over your nipples, watching them strain and become erect against the thin fabric.
“Game on, Jeon Jeongguk.”
With a sharp breath between his teeth, he leans up on his elbows. His tongue peeks out of his mouth to place wet kisses against your clothed chest. His tongue flicks at the stiff peaked bud, enjoying how the lavender shirt becomes darker with his saliva. 
"Guk?" You can hear faintly from the computer and he sits up quickly as he hears them call his name.
The word Defeat flashes on the screen and he sighs loudly as he shuffles back over to the computer desk. Fixing his erection, he puts his headphones back on.
"Y/N is going to play for me. I'm going to take a shower." He says calmly as you open up your laptop. He hands you his mouse as he gives them farewells. Booting up the screen, he reads out the letters of the private server before situating himself behind you.
You take in a sharp breath as he pulls your tank top over your head. Your mind already becoming foggy with thoughts of lust as the server boots up.
"Hey guys." You call out as you join the Discord server. 
"Hey hey!" Taehyung cheers as he runs around your purple character on screen.
You've played Among Us before with your friends but never your boyfriend's group. This will be interesting. You're usually very good and right now you need to be. There's nothing you want more in the world then to start a family with the man you love and adore.
"Start." Jin calls out and Jeongguk mutes your mic for you.
You take in a sharper breath than before as his thumbs swipe across your nipples. His lips trail from one shoulder to the other and you shudder as the Shhhh screen disappears.
"Impostor." You tell him and he chuckles to himself before nodding.
"Better hope you're good if you want me to fuck my cum into you and make this baby." He jeers. 
Faking tasks for you is easy, but it's considerably harder when your smoking hot boyfriend is behind you. He's touching every bit of flesh he can. Rolling and pinching your nipples just perfectly to distract you from the task at hand.
His lips are kissing at the shell of your ear when you get your first kill on Jimin in Navigation before hopping into the vent. 
"Every good kill you get, I'll reward you." Jeongguk whispers before peeking at the muted mic. Drifting his fingers south, he watches you as you jump out of the vent in admin before pretending to stalk the admin screen.
"Clean." Jeongguk whispers as Hoseok runs into the room. 
As you exit the admin screen, the dead body report comes up and Jeongguk holds his breath.
"It's Yoongi hyung! It's Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung chants and Guk laughs as you unmute your mic.
"What?! Why would you say that?!" Yoongi yells as you giggle.
“First of all, where’s Jimin’s body?” Namjoon asks and you hear Taehyung hum.
“He’s in Navigation.” He replies.
"I saw Y/N in admin so she's good." Hoseok calls out and your boyfriend gives a thumbs up.
He shoves his hand in your pants and you squirm nervously.
Parting the now slick folds of your pussy, his middle finger rubs smooth circles onto your clit. Your back falters into his chest at the pleasurable feeling and you find yourself giving the smallest whimper.
"Y/N, what did you do this round?" Namjoon asks and you clear your throat.
Jeongguk pauses to let you collect yourself.
"I did card swipe and wires in admin before staying on the admin screen to see if anyone vented." You say before hearing hums of agreement.
"Yeah. I'll take that. And, I did see her in admin so I believe it." Hoseok says. Jeongguk begins his unrelenting torture to your clit once more as he kisses softly down the back of your neck.
"YOONGI HYUNG IS SUS!" Taehyung screams and you can't help but giggle before gasping gently at the pleasure and muting your mic.
"Shut up Taehyung! You're the worst third impostor I've ever fucking seen. You're throwing, you IDIOT!" Yoongi screams back.
"Skip." Jin mumbles before the screen goes black once more.
"You're doing so well, baby girl." Guk whispers as he trails his slender fingers along your slick folds.
"Fuck. Guk." You whine as you put your head back to his shoulder.
"Better pay attention. If you want me to fuck a baby into you that is." He reminds you.
You were intrigued when you first found out about his kink but after watching some porn videos with him and hearing him talk about it in bed, it's certainly grown on you.
You stopped taking birth control a while ago and have been trying to have a baby for so long now. But, fun games like this couldn't hurt. They're exciting.
Starting the round, you head off towards reactor and pretend to do Simon Says when Namjoon enters to do 1-10.
You can barely focus as your boyfriend pinches and rolls your nipple between his fingertips. 
"Can't wait till you're swollen with my baby. Gonna let everyone know just how much I love on you. I can't wait till these pretty tits fill up with milk just for my child." Jeongguk whispers in your ear and you shiver before killing Namjoon and venting.
You sabotage the doors all around the left side before popping out of the vent in lower engine and running into electrical with Jin.
"Lean back a little bit for me, baby girl." Your boyfriend demands and you do as you're told. He thrusts two fingers deep into your cunt and you moan loudly at the tiny burn.
"You're so excited to have my baby. You hear how wet you are for me? Getting your cute little panties all soaked." He whispers before nipping at your earlobe.
You kill Jin before venting and Namjoon's body is found by Yoongi.
"SELF REPORTED!" Taehyung screams and you moan as Jeongguk curls his fingers to the delicate bundle of nerves inside of you.
"Shut the fuck up Taehyung. My God!" Yoongi whines.
"Where's the body?" Hoseok asks.
"Reactor. Oh shit. Jin is dead too. I think it's Taehyung or he's throwing." Yoongi says matter-of-factly. 
"Y/N, where were you this round?" Hoseok asks.
Jeongguk keeps pressure to your g-spot as you unmute.
"I did gas can top and then gas can bottom. Then went into electrical to do the three spinning things." You say before muting yourself again.
"I trust Y/N." Taehyung says before clearing his throat.
"Fuck Guk, keep going. My pussy is so wet for you." You whine as his large hand spreads your leg wider.
"We have to vote here guys." Hoseok calls out.
"I'm voting for Taehyung. He's putting the blame on me so it's got to be him." Jeongguk laughs behind you as he begins to fuck you with his fingers again.
"I'm going with Taehyung too." Hoseok says and you vote the second youngest out before moaning your boyfriend's name.
"That's it baby. Fuck, you love this." Your boyfriend mumbles as he pulls his cock out of his sweatpants.
"Kill one more and you get a fat load of cum up your needy cunt." He reminds you as Taehyung floats through the air. 
The heel of his palm digs into your clit and you whimper out as you watch Hoseok stay near the emergency meeting button.
You call reactor quickly and run across with both Yoongi and Hoseok as your cooldown meter ticks away to nothing. Finally you kill Yoongi and breathe a sigh of relief as you win the round.
"Damn. It wasn't Yoongi?" Taehyung asks dumbfounded.
"I said it wasn't me like fifty times KIM TAEHYUNG." Yoongi yells.
"Gg fellas. But I gotta go. Bye!" You squeal as you exit the Discord call.
Jeongguk puts your laptop and headphones on the floor before tackling you to the mattress with a sly grin.
He tugs off your sleep shorts and your underwear before taking off his sweatpants and smiling widely. 
You absentmindedly lick your lips as you stare at his rock hard cock. It was a sight you could never get tired of. Slightly curved and beading precum at the tip of his long length, he begins to chuckle as you eye him. The pink rose veins of his cock call out to you and you wrap your hand around the thick base earning a whimper from your boyfriend above you.
“Fuck. Baby.” He whines as you stroke him, feeling the velvety soft skin against your palm.
His cock twitches with need as you sit up.
Looking up at him below your thick lashes, he takes a sharp breath through his teeth anticipating what’s to come next. 
Your tongue swirls around the head of his cock, picking up the beads of precum that linger. Guk moans loudly above you, his hands grasp at your head as you enter him into your mouth. 
“Oh fuck, you’re so good at sucking my cock baby, shit.” He moans out. 
His perfectly manicured nails dig into your scalp and you bob your head. 
“Just like that. Keep going. I love when you slobber on my cock. Shows me how horny you get for me.” His bottom lip tucks between his teeth again as he pushes your head down, losing himself in the pleasure you’re giving him.
Your eyes spring with fresh tears as you gag on his large length and the sound only goads him on to hear more of them. 
Swallowing around his cock, he preens as he goes deeper and deeper within your throat.
“Such a good girl. Fuck.” He praises through gritted teeth. His eyes lock onto yours again as tears stream down your cheeks. 
“Yeah. Fuck you love this, don’t you? Love being a little cocksleeve for me.” His cock begins to throb within your throat and you whine at the feeling before he’s pulling out and sighing loudly.
“Lay down for me, baby girl.” He says as he pulls his hair tie tighter. 
Doing as told you let out a soft moan as his lips encircle your areola. His tongue flicks at your stiff peaked bud as his cock glides through your folds.
The stimulation to your clit is so powerful, you feel almost breathless. Every rut against your core has you losing all semblance of reality. 
“Yes. Yes. In me, please.” You beg as he shows love to your other breast. 
Aligning to your core, his hand cups your cheek. He gives you a small smile before pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.
Gasping as he enters you, his tongue glides over yours as you grip his tattooed arms.
"Oh fuck!" You whine as your head lolls back.
"Oh my God." Guk groans as he buries his face into your neck.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, your nails scrape down the honey toned skin of his arms.
"Fuck, you feel so good baby. So wet and tight for me." He moans against your skin as he begins a relentless pace.
Taking his head away from your neck, he situates his hands on either side of your face before thrusting harder into you.
His eyes drift slowly down your body to where you are joined and he moans loudly before pressing his hand to your womb.
“Fuck, look how big my cock is in your tight little pussy.” He moans and your eyes drift to where he’s looking.
His cock is so long and thick inside of you, you can see the outline as he thrusts in and out of your soppy cunt.
“God, you’re incredible!” He whines as he picks up the pace.
Sitting up on his knees, his hips continue to snap and roll as a thin sheen of sweat graces his body.
Your fingers drift over the hard muscles of his abs as you moan for him. He fucks you so well, muddling your mind and drying your mouth and throat.
“You’re gonna look so good, nice and pregnant with my baby. So fucking perfect carrying my child inside of you. Shit! You’re so fucking wet!” He cries out as he grips your hips.
His perfect nails scrape down the skin of your hips and the slight twinge of pain earning a loud groan from you.
He’s so perfect. So yours. And, so eager to put what’s his inside of you.
“Tell me how much you want my baby inside of you.” Jeongguk demands as his hand reaches for the apex of your thighs. 
Rearing back and spitting on your already soaked pussy, his thumb begins to rub circles onto your clit. Your thighs lock and shake through the intense pleasure and you can barely think before he’s slapping your clit to demand words from your mouth.
“I want you to fuck a baby into me so badly. Want you to cum inside and watch me get all big with your baby.” You whine as you palm your breasts in hand.
“Fuck yes. Can’t wait till you're nice and big. Get to fuck you from behind with your belly in my hands.” He mumbles as his head lolls back.
You could feel yourself starting to reach the height of your pleasure. The pressure within you becomes almost too much to withstand. 
“Guk, please. Please! I want to cum!” You whine and he lets a smirk grace his features before he’s fucking you up the bed.
Your hands grip the sheets, white knuckling them as your eyes flutter shut. 
“Cum on my cock, baby girl. Show me how much you want my baby.” He demands as he pinches your clit.
Behind your eyes, a galaxy explodes and paints the back of your eyelids as you orgasm. Your ears ring and you can barely hear him praising you for all you’re worth.
“Oh fuck! You’re going to make me cum!” He whines as he pulls out of you.
You whimper at the loss. You feel drunk off his pleasure. Sluggishly you watch as his tattooed arms wrap around your thighs. 
Laying down between your thighs, he ruts his cock against the mattress as his face reaches towards your core.
“Guk!” You whine as he wraps his lips against your throbbing bud.
Your body jolts and tingles with overstimulation as you grip his ponytail.
“T-Too much! I can’t!” You cry out but he doesn’t listen. 
He gives soft licks to your clit, pushing you through the overstimulation until you’re preening for him again.
His name tumbles from your lips like a prayer as you begin to grind your spent cunt against his face begging for more.
Leaving your clit, his nose brushes against your nub as his tongue enters you. The muscular organ goes rigid as he fucks you before whirling around inside of you. With a yelp, you grip his hair harder within your grasp. Tugging almost painfully, he groans against you. The vibration seems to course through your body. The noise reinvigorating you for more.
“Oh fuck! Jeongguk!” You cry out as he grips your thighs harder. 
His eyes flutter shut and your breath hitches as he pulls away. 
“You taste so fucking good. So sweet.” He mumbles. 
The image of his handsome face, covered and shining in your slick is almost sensory overload for you. 
He smacks your pussy playfully once more before his hands grip your sides. In an instant you’re on your stomach, face pressed down into a pillow. 
Guk positions you to his liking, his hand roaming over the soft skin of your back before knocking your legs open. 
Grippin the back of your neck, he places soft kisses across your shoulder as he aligns himself back to your entrance.
“Fuck, I love you.” He murmurs into your ear.
“I love you t-” The final word is cut off with a loud moan as he enters you in one swift motion.
You can hear him groan low and deep in your ear, and can feel the rumble of his chest as he presses himself against your back. 
“Your pussy is so fucking sloppy. You’re creaming all over my cock, filthy girl.” He punctuates each word with a harsh thrust and your moans become stunted and muffled into the pillow.
Pulling away from your back, his hand grips your hair into a makeshift ponytail before tugging harshly as he fucks you with everything he has. 
You can hear his ragged breathing and his gentle moans letting you know how good you feel around him. 
“I can’t wait to fuck your pregnant pussy. I read it feels so much warmer and tighter. So much sweeter. You’re going to drive me insane with this pretty little cunt of yours.” He informs you as he hooks his hand around your throat.
Pulling you upright against his chest, he fucks up into you at a speed that should be illegal. Your hands scramble to grab anything as he applies the perfect amount of pressure to the column of your throat. 
Gasping in your pleasure, you grip at his arm feeling his muscles and veins flexing and protruding. His forehead presses against your temple and he curses softly in your ear as his cock thickens and throbs within you.
“Goddamn, baby girl. You’re going to make me cum. Rub your clit for me, cum on my cock first.” With a shaky hand you do as told, rubbing furious circles against your clit as your arousal drips down both his and your legs. 
“Guk! Fuck! I want to get pregnant for you so badly!” You cry out as his teeth gingerly clamp your earlobe.
“I know, baby girl. You want me to cum in your needy little pussy so badly. I can feel it. You want to watch your belly swell with my baby and let everyone know who keeps you so well stuffed.” He whispers in your ear. 
Your eyes roll back in your head as the pressure builds up again within you. Your legs shake and your moans become whimpers as you focus on his throbbing cock inside of you.
“Want to hold your big belly walking down the street letting everyone know Jeon Jeongguk put that baby inside you. That no one gets to have me but you. Fuck!” He curses loudly as his thrusts begin to get sloppy.
“Guk! I’m going to cum!” You whine as you grip his arm harder.
“Good girl, cum on my cock. I’m- Fuck- I’m not going to last.” He cries out as his eyes squeeze shut. 
As you orgasm the second time, he gasps loudly behind you. Letting your throat go, he cups your breasts behind his large hands and squeezes roughly as he begins to cum. You can feel his warm cum painting the walls of your pussy and he whines your name gently as he buries his face into your neck.
With a gentle cry, your orgasm becomes tenfold feeling how warm his cum is inside of you. 
“Oh shit.” He mumbles as he holds you tightly to his chest. 
“Fuck.” You whisper as he presses soft kisses to your heated skin.
You stay like this for a minute before he’s flopping both of your bodies down onto the bed with an exasperated sigh. 
“God, I hope we get pregnant this time.” He whispers and you know he’s praying to God for it to come true.
“I hope so too.” You whisper as your fingers drift over the skin of his arm.
The silence is comfortable for a few minutes and his grip on your tightens as he hugs your body to his.
“Wanna play another round with the boys before we order dinner?” He asks innocently and you begin to smile as you nod.
“If you win again, I’ll fuck more cum into you. Deal?” He asks as he pulls out of you.
His fingers spread your battered pussy lips as he watches your cunt begin to cream with his cum. 
“Deal.” You say with a giggle as he runs his fingers over your womb.
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“I think it’s Y/N.” Jeongguk mumbles into the mic before turning his head to you and narrowing his eyes. 
You stay stone faced as you look at him before turning back to the screen, “It’s not me. I did all my tasks. I’m just following people around to make sure they don’t die. I think it’s Taehyung. Red sus.” You say as you lean back against the headboard of the bed cracking your fingers.
Jeongguk rolls his eyes as everyone begins to agree with you.
“Red is always sus. Especially when you’re Kim Taehyung.” You hear Jimin say with a laugh.
You begin to smirk as everyone votes Tae, you can hear him protesting and screaming. With a triumphant laugh the victory screen appears and you fold your arms as you quip an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
He grumbles gently before muting his mic. 
“Fine. Spread those pretty legs for me.” He whispers as he leaves the game. 
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Ey, could you make food source reactions for Mammon & Levi like you did with the others?
I've read it like 3 times now, they're all so sweet and believable you did a great job!
You got it Fam! Glad you like them so much lol. (I got a lot more angsty with Mammon than I thought I would but I love him sooooo)
This poor man. He gets to spend so little time alone with you. He has to make every second count. Between the hustling, modeling, and running from Lucifer, he’s a pretty busy guy. 
So he plans date nights. Just you, him, and his leather couch. Ya ain’t goin’ nowhere, ya hear? He looks forward to this every month. He pins it on his calendar too just so he doesn’t double book himself. 
Now, don’t get me wrong. Just cause he plans this doesn’t mean he necessarily has a plan. Not that you care. Most of his activities turn into trouble anyway, even when he is not trying.  
 Sometimes he teaches you how to play cards (also shows you human ways to cheat-just in case you need it). The hours are spent pleasantly sitting in his lap while he teaches you how to count cards.
But, most nights, he just wants to talk. He enjoys his time with you. You and him cuddling and chatting away the hours before passing out for the night. 
He has a lot of things he wants to know about you. To him, he feels like if he knows you better than the other brothers he’s won. 
Won what? Idk, your affection? Approval? He already has it, but he is insecure about his place in your heart regardless. 
This evening starts out like any other. Mammon dashing to the kitchens to pilfer some snacks and drinks before Beel can steal them all, and you bring your cute self over to his room. 
You two toss back a few drinks and spend some time looking over his latest photo shoots before going on to the main event. Tonight you brought one of your favorite human card games. It was like 20 questions, but some questions were more risque than others. Was it meant for more than two players? Yes, but whatever- Mammon wants to play it so you are.
You both are relaxed and drowsy by the time you start playing. Your stomachs are full of junk, and the morning moons are just on the horizon. It’s the perfect mixture for loose lips and secrets, before falling asleep in each other's arms. 
You pick easy cards first, jumping from silly innocent questions to one that made him blush from ear to ear. The hours pass quickly and Mammon’s answers become more slurred and accented as he tires out. 
He was on the verge of sleep when you ask,  “What’s your favorite dish?” 
It was a slip of the tongue, a long-lost memory pulled up from the dregs of his exhausted mind. He remembers a savory dish Barbatos use to make way back when. He can still smell the savory smoky spices mixing with the fresh vegetables and meat- Oh shit.
He feels you stiffen and he ain’t sleepy anymore, that’s for sure. Immediately up and apologizes. He stumbles over himself in his haste to explain himself. 
You spend the rest of the evening with him in your arms trying to comfort him as he tearfully swears he hasn’t eaten a person in a couple of hundred years. 
Mini Fic
He regrets it the moment the words slip out. His sleepy remark hangs out in the chilly air of his room. He feels you jerk in his arms as if punched. “Shit! I-I didn’t mean.” Mouth agape, he backtracks, tongue working faster than his overtaxed brain. He looks down at your head on his chest. 
Your eyes are wide. Their surprise reflected in the bright blue moonlight. His heart sinks to his stomach. Gods, he ruined it. “I’m sorry- I.”  Pushing you off of his chest he goes to grab his shirt and redress, ignoring the prickling heat growing at the corner of his eyes. He could sleep somewhere else tonight. You could have the room if you wanted, or at least give you a minute to flee in terror from the demon that masqueraded as your friend. He can’t look at you. Hells, he was too ashamed to even glance in your direction. What kind of idiot let’s slip that? They even had a council meeting about this very thing before you arrived. 
So lost in his panic he doesn’t notice you trying to get his attention. It wasn’t until you forcefully grab his arm did he hear you. “It’s ok Mammon.” You engulf him in your warm and comforting scent. Strong arms dragging him back to the crumpled sheets of his bed. Your soft fingers wipe at the silent tears streaking down his cheeks. 
He dislodges himself from your light grasp to rub at his own eyes. “How can ya’ say that?” Where was your sense of self-preservation? Ain’t humans supposed to be aware of such dangers? The irony wasn’t lost on him though. Being your ‘protector’ and all.
You shuffle closer, hellbent on comforting. His pack mark hums gently on his chest when you touch it. As much as his body wanted to run, your pact mark cemented him to his seat. He sits while you fuss over him slowly breathing through his mouth to calm his racing heart. He can’t help but drift closer to you when he feels your hand on the top of his head. When had he become so weak for you? 
“Well-How can I not?” You shrug. He closes his eyes when you start ruffling his fringe. “You’ve been nothing but sweet to me. Yes, you have,” You cut him off firmly before he can object. “Always my number one anyway.” That pulls a wet chuckle from your demon. His eyes clear up at your admission. “I trust you Mammon, honestly. I mean, I kinda knew that you’ve probably eaten a human or two in your life. Knowing, and knowing are more different than I thought.” 
 Mammon cages you in his arms, his nose brushing along your neck and jawline. “Damn-.” He huffs covering you in his warm body, arms tight around your sides. “I’m sorry. I ruined tonight.” Mammon sighs into your skin. 
You hug him back. “Nonsense, if you want to get technical I think you won this game. I can’t top that answer.” You push away with a wide yawn. “Now can we go back to bed?” With a nod, he flops over pulling you down with him. You bully your way into his arms again. Sighing constantly you snuggle in for the night, ready to drift off. His eyelids began to feel heavy again too. Your soft weight on him like a security blanket. He listens to your slowly beating heart, matching his breathing to yours. The rhythmic thumps working to calm him better than his noise machine. He basks in your presence, rubbing his broad hand down your back for a moment before you speak again.
“Hey, Mammon.” 
“Do you think I would taste good?” 
Awkward boy. Of course, he has had his fair share of humans. Not particularly his favorite through. A lot of the time it wasn’t on purpose. His demon form is big and sometimes more than just fish and other demons get swallowed up. Course when that happened, they weren’t exactly fresh either. Bleh-just thinking about it makes his stomach turn. 
No, he never got a taste for it, even when it was served in the royal palace. The memories of the sea are still pretty vivid. It never really crosses his mind anymore. Till you bring it up.
He invites you over for a game night. A new VR game he had been saving up for just dropped and he had to play it with you.
It was a horror stealth game. Heavy on critical thinking and solving puzzles in real-time.
Your two characters were on a race against time against a flesh eating cult that had invaded a small village. He thought it was a fun concept and you both liked horror games. He didn’t notice how quiet you had gotten until you had set your controller down. 
You ask during a loading screen after a pretty graphic cut scene of a npc getting caught. How realistic was that cut scene? Had he ever eaten a human before?
Boy is a brighter pink than Ruri-chan’s signature outfit (and twice as cute lbr) 
He gets so flustered that he misses the start of the next round and gets you both eaten. 
He doesn’t take conflict well. Like at all. He much rather slink off into his fish tank and hide than answer you. In fact, that sounds like an excellent idea.  
He slithers back out of his tank hours later thinking you had left or found a better brother to hang out with. Yucky people eaters like him aren’t good company for humans. 
You jump him the minute his feet are back on solid ground. Have an answer now you must! Yrssss. 
Mini Fic
“L-Let go!” Levi shrieks, caught in your sneak attack. He locks up when you jump him, all four of your limbs wrapping around his soaking body like an octopus. 
“No!” You squeeze him harder taking full advantage of the fact that he won’t remove you himself. You feel the heat of his blush through his soaked clothes as you cling closer. If he could blush any harder you were pretty sure steam would be wafting off of him. 
“Why do you want to know anyway?” He wiggles gently, trying to loosen your tight grip. 
“Morbid curiosity.” Well, at least you were honest. He was still going to say no, you didn’t need to know that about him. He opens his mouth to shut you down but makes the mistake of looking at you. The words die when he catches the pout growing on your face. Oh no- his one weakness. Your way your lower lip pops out adorably, accompanied by slightly puffed-out cheeks. It was a one-two punch to his defenses. 
“I-they weren’t on purpose.” He pleads. Nevermore in his life did he wish he could turn into a mist-like his brother. He feels you slip off of him. Your bare feet don’t make a sound on his carpeted floor. “It just happened sometimes.” He admits. You accept it for a few seconds before his words fully hit you.
“Wait? How do you accidentally eat someone?” You ask incredulously. “All though- that’s something Beel might do.” You ponder the logistics and step back to give him some space.
He rights himself, wicking the moisture from his coat and pants with magic until he is completely dry again. You start asking a dozen more questions in rapid fire. It was enough to make his head spin. You were too curious for your own good. “Ever heard of basking whales?”  
You blink. 
Levi sighs and waves a hand to himself.  “When I lived in the ocean… I’m big ya know. I kinda would just open my mouth and swallow. Whatever I caught I ate.” He waits for you to get the jest. Most of the time it was smaller fish and aquatic mammals. When a demon encroached on his territory he would eat them too. The dead were meant for his army, but sometimes they got sucked into.
Instead of nodding in understatement, you cover your mouth with the palm of your hand and snort. His eyes grow big and his blush turns brighter. You were spending way too much time with Asmo. “No-Not like that!” His flailing only makes you laugh harder. Great, as if he didn’t want to die of embarrassment already.
“Well word it better, nerd.” You laugh retreating back to the mound of pillows you claimed for gaming, VR headset in hand. “Come on, we have to start over now- thanks to someone.”
“You started it!” Levi shoots back grabbing up his gear as well. He fiddles with it for a moment before glancing back at you. You were oblivious to inner turmoil over this admission. A naval admiral was one thing. Humans had them too, that wasn’t too much for you to comprehend. Being a devil was easy enough to understand too, at least in his mind. But eating people? Shouldn’t you be more concerned? “So-that’s it?”
You look up questioningly. “What’s it?” 
He raises a purple brow. “You have nothing else to say? I just admitted to eating people!” 
“Not really.” You shrug. “I can’t get too pressed about it. It’s not like you are human. I’m like what-at the bottom of the food chain to you, right?” Levi nods. “See! So no point stressing over it. ‘Sides, you haven’t munched on me yet.” You turn your attention back to the screen, flicking your controller to wake his flat-screen back up. “Unless~” He gulps at the sly eyebrow wiggle you throw at him, the shit eating grin that accompanied it only made him worry.  “Perhaps you just have an appetite for seamen.” 
Your peals of laughter mix with his shrill yelps of objection, as he tackles you. His previous worries were completely forgotten by your teasing. 
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butterfly-giggles · 3 years
Bratty Indulgence
Just a reminder that this is aged up KiriBaku and A bit of NSFW feel since it does have BDSM tendencies.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OUR FAVORITE ANGRY BOY!!! It just HAD to be the MOST stress-filled day that Bakugou had ever had to deal with at his hero agency. First, the morning started out with the barista messing up his order of a Frappuccino and blueberry scone. He did his best, this is Bakugou we are talking about, to not fly completely off the handle. With a sincere apology and promise from the manager of free beverages for the remainder of the week, Bakugou was satisfied. Then when he had arrived at the agency, Denki was his usual bright self and it was just TOO early to deal with right now. "Morning, Kacchan! It is such a beautiful day on your Birth - MMPH!", Kaminari's eyes widened at the sudden hand placed over his mouth. "Keep that mouth of yours shut, Dunce. None of these extras need to know that it is my birthday." , Bakugou glared as he pulled his hand away. "Right right! Sorry man!", Kaminari held his hands up in submission as Bakugou turned and headed into his office. Bakugou closed the door behind him and moved to sit back in his chair at his desk. He sighed in frustration at the long day that was ahead of him. In all honesty, he regretted not taking the day off like Kirishima had told him to do. Sometimes his stubbornness really did work against him. He then decided to pull out his cell phone and text his boyfriend. "Did you really have to remind the extras that it is my birthday today? Now I am going to be bombarded by shitty "happy birthdays" all damn day.", Bakugou wrote Kirishima, not as angry about it as he was proclaiming to be. Kirishima rolled his eyes fondly as he read over his boyfriend's aggravated text and replied back as he formulated a plan in his head. "You will be fine, grouchy pants. We all appreciate and care about you so just get to deal with it ;)." "Fiiiiiine……. But I am still going to bitch about it the ENTIRE time :P. Thank you…….very much, ya loser." Bakugou smirked at the last text message he had sent to Kirishima. He knew his brattiness was going to get him into trouble. Luckily for him, that is exactly what he had wanted. It had been about 3 weeks since his last "correction" and he much needed the outlet. The rest of the day had gone unbelievably uneventful, which had just upset Bakugou more. The only thing that really sated his aggression was the "Happy Birthdays" that he had complained about earlier. Now he was pleased to FINALLY go home to Kirishima and to what awaited him when he walked in. With a quick change into a black tank top, black sweat pants, and slip-off black shoes, Bakugou made a beeline for home. Opening up the door, Bakugou was greeted by Kirishima, arms folded with a smirk upon his face. "Loser, huh? That is not a very nice thing to say to your boyfriend." "Heh…and what are you going to do it about, loser?", Bakugou began to walk past Kirishima, smirking as he let the brattiness take full reign. Kirishima unfolded his arms and quickly grabbed Bakugou's wrists and pulled him to his chest. Kirishima chuckled at seeing Bakugou's smirk and shook his head. "Seems like you just can't wait for some correcting, can you? Well then……..since we can't just ask for what we want, like adults, this isn't going to be very nice." Kirishima had then led Bakugou to their room, under-the-bed cuffs already visible and waiting for the guest of honor, on their king-size bed. Giving a firm nudge and stare of not to push his luck, Bakugou crawled onto the bed and set himself up in the bounds, except for his left arm. "Good boy", Kirishima stated as he walked over and sat at Bakugou's left side, finishing his restraints, "Rules remain the same as last time. "Green" is good to go, "Yellow" is I need a break, "Red" is if something is wrong, "Quirk" is done for the night. So then, color?" "Green. Just get on with it already, Ei. ", Bakugou fidgeted as the on-setting nerves began to take over. "Ever so eager for your destruction, aren’t you?", Kirishima replied as he placed his fingers under the shirt and upon Bakugou's
bare sides, drawing teasing caresses along the goose-pimpled flesh. "Sh-Shuhuhut up! D-Dohon't call mehehehe out lihihike thahat!", Bakugou squirmed at the teasing, both verbal and physical. Kirishima smirked at how easily Bakugou had caved and immediately started giggling. Normally there was just a bit more coaxing but it had seemed Bakugou truly did want this. Happy to indulge, Kirishima fluttered and goosed along the sides and stomach of his giggly boyfriend. "Oh? Sooooo don't call you out that you are just like your childhood best friend and LOVE being tickled into oblivion. Ooooooh I would never do that." "Gehehehehe! Y-Yohohou are suhuhuhuch ahahahan ASS! Ahahahaha! NO! No no no no nohohohahahaha!", Bakugou pulled at his bonds to protect himself, but it was fruitless. He could only shake his head as those teasing fingers moved to his oblivion. Kirishima grinned with playful evilness as he laid his weight over Bakugou's stomach and wiggled his fingers upon his uppermost most ribs. The sight before him was something to be greatly treasured. He watched Bakugou, head thrown back, back arched. and cackling up a storm as his worst spot was tasered without remorse. "Heh heh heh! I am an ass, huh? Fine then…..I will be the ass that is going to make you sorry.", Kirishima chuckled as his fingers continued their assault on the tender spots upon both sides of Bakugou's ribs. "SHIHIHIT!! NOHOHOHO!! Y-YOHOHOU CAN'T!! HAHAHAHAH!! YOU CAHAHAHAN'T!! AAHAHAHAHA!!" "Oh? But I can, you see? You just can't stop me at all. Maaaaaaaybe some nice words will make me go somewhere else." "PL-PLEHEHEHASE!! I DOHOHON'T WAHANT IT TOHOHO EHEHEND YET!! PLEHEHEHASE!! "Since you have asked so nicely I will move somewhere else." Kirishima smiled fondly down at Bakugou as he caught his breath. He pulled away from the blonde and moved higher up on the bed. The balled fists of his angry boy caught his eye and he nodded to himself, having chosen his next spot to play with. Kirishima reached forward and took Bakugou's left fist in his hands. In turn, Bakugou looked up at him and whined at Kirishima's next target but willingly opened his hand. Soon as the fingers were held back and an index finger drawing figures eights in his palm, he was lost to giggles again. Bakugou would never forget the day when his loveable boyfriend had found out that his palms were quite soft and incredibly ticklish to light touches. That whole night was filled with helpless giggles as his hands were held captive to teasing thumbs caressing while cruel arms and fingers held him captive. "Gehehehehehe! Why? Why thahahat spohohot?", Bakugou tittered out as he shook his head side to side at the feather-light sensations. "Because you have such adorable giggles when you are teased here. It is such a shame you don't let others hear you this happy.", Kirishima stated as he kept a steady pace on Bakugou's palm. "Nohohoho way aham I lehetting anyone else hear mehehehe gihihiggle." "But if you did, you probably would get tickled a whooooooole lot more. Obviously, this would be the only way to hear them so freely after all." The whine and deep red blush that dusted over Bakugou's cheeks were so worth it. Kirishima knew that there was little to no chance Bakugou would ever let anyone have him this vulnerable. This was his and his alone to treasure and enjoy. To be fair, he often went back and forth himself about wanting anyone else knowing that Bakugou was such a tickling masochist. About 45 minutes had passed, filled with switched spots along Bakugou's upper body and legs as well as playful banter mixed with laughter, before the code word "Yellow" was spoken. Kirishima had quickly stopped and given Bakugou a much-needed breather with comforting strokes through his hair. "Doing okay, Bakubabe?" Bakugou snorted at the silly pet name but nodded his head with a smile. He was beginning to reach his limit which meant Kirishima would finish him off by going for the soles of his feet next. Kirishima had stupidly called
it his "head to toe" treatment and it was a satisfaction guarantee. Bakugou knew he was going to be dead ass tired after this, that was for sure. He had contemplated coming home in his Hero boots just to see the look of sheer pouting upon Kirishima's face again. That "correction" had been spent completely on his feet after Kirishima stubbornly unbuckled each buckle and slipped the boots off. The whole idea backfired for poor Bakugou after having realized WAY too late that those boots of his made his soles much more susceptible to teasing. Kirishima enjoyed the hell out of it greatly. "Heh heh heh….yeah….I'm Greeheeheen…..I aham about dohone though." "Finale time it is then." Kirishima then moved to the end of the bed and slipped off Bakugou's last remaining shoe. It seems one had been dislodged during the beginning of the session. Giggling at the silliness of that, Kirishima had begun to stroke his fingers along the arches of Bakugou's soles. The reaction was instant. "Hahahahahaha! Dahahahamnit! It TIHIHICKLES!! Hahahahahaha!" "Oh, it can't possibly tickle THAT bad. You are not even laughing as hard as you would be if I were tickling your upper ribs." Kirishima playfully antagonized Bakugou, fingers caressing at the inner arch and instep. "Why dohohoes thahahahat TIHIHICKLE sohohoho much!! "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because your feet are a close second to your upper ribs." "Thahahahat was RHETORICAL!! Aahahahahaha!! ASSHOHOHOLE!!" Kirishima shook his head and smirked, now wiggling his fingers slowly upon the wiggling toes. "You never learn, do you? That mouth of yours will always get you into trouble." "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! FUHUHUCK! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bakugou had tried his best to stay strong and tough out the extreme sensations, but he was exhausted. "AAAHAHAHA!! QUIRK!! QUHUHUHUHIHIHIHIHRK!! AAHAHAHAHA!!" Kirishima stopped once again and let Bakugou out of his restraints. Pulling him into a hug and holding him close, Kirishima rubbed Bakugou's back and whispered that he did such a good job. "Happy Birthday, my Dynamite." Happily worn out and relaxed, Bakugou yawned out a "Thank You". Soon after, he was out like a light using Kirishima's shoulder as a pillow. Kirishima smiled fondly down at his boyfriend and decided a nap together was just what they needed.
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke X Reader || Part 1
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Hello everyone!! welcome to my first Fanfic pretty much.... im really nervous about posting it, and really hope you guys like it! Im going to warn you that there are some punctuation mistakes, and probably some misspelled words, and run on sentences... but nobodies perfect eh? lol anyways Enjoy! please let me know what you think, I am already writing part 2 so if this goes well ill post that soon :)
A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Word Count: 2,352
First day of school is always hard, especially senior year.... big deal or its supposed to be. You have always had a hard time with school because it was just hard for you to focus, you were always thinking about what you would rather be doing like painting, singing, taking a walk, and most recently learning guitar which Luke had been more than happy to help you with. Luke, Luke Patterson he was a member of your best friend Julies ghost band, Julie and The Phantoms, which included members Luke, Reggie, Alex, and of course Julie. You always knew they existed but it wasn't until recently that you were really able to get to know them your self because until recently only Julie could see them. Ever since they had that curse of a stamp removed from them, they pretty much can choose whenever they want to be seen or touch anything. It has been nice, because now you can really be apart of your best friends new world, you also got to make 3 new really fun and funny friends, they were just as chaotic as you and Julie. You and Luke really clicked from the moment you and him were able to actually see each other, well he has always been able to see you, but this way was much better. Since you and Luke hung out all the time, you found your self spending hours with him a day. In fact thats where you were before school, was with Luke, you guys had this little place by a lake you loved to hang out at, which caused you to be late for your first day.
So deep in your thoughts you didn't even realize you made it to your locker until you heard the all so familiar tone of your best friend calling out your name as she approached your locker "y/n!!! I didn't even see you pull in" Julie said as she now rested against the lockers next to you "Hey Jules! sorry I over slept and was late" Julie rolled her eyes "On your first day! man you really setting the bar high this year" she said laughing at you, You laugh too at the obvious sarcastic tone in her voice "alright, alright!! ms setting the bar high, we better get to class" you say punching Julie playfully in the arm before heading down the hallway to class.
As you sat in class, you started to feel really bad about lying to Julie about the real reason you were late to school today, you just didn't know how to explain how much you and Luke have been hanging out with out her asking a million questions, but its not like it was a big deal. Trying to get out of your head you try to focus on Mr. Berty who was describing the different factors of algebra which you never understood anyway, so you just write notes in hopes that when you study it later you'll understand it.... which never happens either. As you're writing notes you notice something in the window, in the corner of your eye, not really thinking anything of it until you notice that the thing is jumping up and down and no one else is noticing which could only mean one thing. You look to the side and you see Luke in his orange beanie and Rush tank top jumping up and down waving his arms in order to get your attention with the biggest smile on his face, you laugh to your self, and then realizing he must want something, looking at the clock you realized you still had 40 mins left in this class *Oh my gosh! for real its only been 20 minutes!* you thought to yourself; quickly looking from the clock to the window where Luke was still jumping, you raise your hand "Yes ms. Y/L/N" you bring your hand down faster than you want to, slightly hurting it on the desk "May I use the restroom please?" you ask hesitantly, eager to know what Luke wants, Mr. Berty sighed with annoyance "If you really need to, I suppose, but make it fast ms. Y/L/N" you stand up a little to excited "Thank you mr. Berty" you said as you scurried out the door.
When you made it outside Luke stopped jumping, but his smile remained. You loved his smile, it was contagious, you noticed you were smiling too "Luke! what are you doing here" you said punching his arm playfully, he laughed and grabbed his arm pretending that the punch hurt him "Wow the abuse Y/N" with a smirk he continued "Someone help!!! im being abused someone help!!!" you roll your eyes and smack your hand over his mouth "Not that anyone can hear you, but shut up! that did not hurt" you say with a small laugh, as he is laughing underneath your hand "What are you doing here Luke?" you say with your hand still on his mouth, you feel his smile grow bigger underneath your hand "Well, Y/N, Im here because I got something for you!! but you have to come with me to get it" he said with pure excitement, still with your hand on his mouth, then he licked your hand to get it off, you pull away in knee jerk reaction, he smiled "Sorry! as much as I love your hand on my mouth we need to go!" he said eagerly, you laughed and rolled your eyes "Luke, you do realize im at school right?" he grabbed your hand pulling you across the school field "Yeah! but if you really cared about that, you wouldn't have come outside would you" he said, still with the biggest smile on his face, you rolled your eyes even more and gave in knowing he was right "Alright! but where are you taking me" you exclaimed, speeding up to be side by side with him instead of him dragging you, he looked at you, and bit his lip still excited "aha! you'll just have to wait and see" he said and you both smiled. As you kept walking you realized never Luke never let go of your hand from when he was dragging you..... not that it meant anything, it felt nice though.
It took about 15 mins to walk to you and Lukes usual spot by the lake, still holding hands you approached the tree you guys likes to sit by, or sit in depending on if you wanted to climb, which about 90% of the time Luke did.. also doesn't help he can just teleport up there if he wants to, where as you had to do it the hard way while he just laugh at you trying to climb up. This time Luke wasn't going up the tree, he let go of your hand, which kind of made you sad, but then you saw the look on Lukes face, which was pure excitement "Stay right here Y/N!" he said firmly grasping your shoulders to make sure you stayed in place, as he hopped over to the tree "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" he yelled from behind the tree grabbing something, but you obeyed closing your eyes and before you knew it he was in front of you, you could feel it "Alright, you can open" he said softly, you opened your eyes, and there Luke was with the same smile, holding an acoustic guitar, you could tell it was a nice one, just from the shine on it and how pretty the strings looked, you didn't even realize your mouth was wide open until Luke laughed "Ya like it?" he exclaimed, and you just looked at it "Is that for me?" you asked shocked and excited, Luke laughed "Is that for me?" Luke mocked you "Yeah its for you! ya dork" he continued as he hopped over around you, to get behind you so he could place the guitar in front of you for you to hold, you could feel his arms brush against you... which you like as much as the hand holding but, a little more ... again it didn't mean anything, he was just a friend... and Julies band mate. Luke continued talking taking you out of your trance "Ya never answered me though, do you like it" He said still behind you, but now you were holding the guitar, you just looked at it in awe "Where did you get this Luke? How did you get this?" you asked still in shock, Luke just laughed "Don't worry about that!" he said with a mischievous tone, and then you got worried "Luke you didn't ?!... you didn't steal this right!" you asked with actual concern, you wouldn't put it past him, he just laughed and in a teasing tone said "Ouch! you think I would do that Y/N.... Im not that bad!" and then he continued but more serious this time "No! I didn't steal it, Since I have this new found power of choosing when to be seen and stuff, I picked up a small job at the music store downtown, thought why not earn some money.... and then when you asked me to teach you how to play guitar, I wanted to get you your own.... sooooo I have been saving up ever since" he said in a soft tone and then you felt him come closer to you from behind, but now he was putting his hands on the guitar softly playing a melody, while pretty much holding you, as he played the melody you could feel his breath on your neck.... you guys have never been this physically close before, right before you got to lost into your thought Luke continued talking "You! still haven't answered the question though!!! do you like it??" he exclaimed with a teasing tone once again, which caused you to laugh, and you turned around in his arms making the current position pretty much a hug but Lukes holding a guitar "Of course I like it you dork!!" you said excited and continued "This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me...." you looked into his eyes and with a soft tone said "Thank you" he smiled, a soft smile, and his whole face became soft as he relaxed the guitar down by both your sides and looked deeper into your eyes "Of course...." he said softly, both of you just looking deeper into each others eyes, you felt some kind of connection, and you felt like you both were getting closer and closer to each other and then a voice came from behind both of you, causing both of you to shake out of the trance you both shared "Hey! Y/N! Luke! what are you guys doing out here?
You and Luke both jump, moving away from each other as you see Reggie come out of the trees eating a meatball sub. You and Luke look at each other confused as crap as to why Reggie was there and how he knew about it "Hey Reg!" Luke said a little nervous putting his hand behind his head messing with this beanie, you looked flustered flashing your eyes from Luke to Reggie and back to Luke who continued talking "the real question is what are you doing out here buddy?" and Reggie just chuckled a little, while taking another bite off his sandwich "Well, I went to the school to see Kayla like I always do, we like to eat lunch together, then I saw you two run off and thought I would follow" Reggie said with a full mouth, you and Luke shared a look "So you have been here the whole time?" you asked, wondering how you guys didn't notice Reggie was behind you guys the whole time, Reggie smiled a meatball smile since his mouth was still full and he answered "Yeah!! but I wanted to eat my sandwich so I decided to sit down in those trees and eat it" Luke looked at Reggie with a confused look "But Reg, isn't that your sandwich?" Luke asked still confused, and Reggie looked at him, again with a meatball smile "No! this was supposed to be Kaylas sandwich but since I didn't see her, because I followed you guys... I decided to eat it!" You and Luke laughed and Luke stepped forward patting Reggie on the shoulder "Kayla is one lucky girl Reg!" Luke said teasing Reggie, you laughed in response, and then Reggie went back to his initial question "So what are you guys doing out here?" he asked taking yet another bite of the sandwich, in which Luke got nervous again and answered Reggie with a slightly nervous tone "Hey! shouldn't you be getting back to the school, Kayla is gonna be wondering where your at bud" Reggie stopped chewing and his eyes grew big and he looked at Luke "Youre right! awww man, im gonna have to go get another sandwich" Reggie answered in a high pitched nervous tone "Ill see ya guys later!" Reggie said while running away nearly tripping over his own feet. You and Luke sighed and looked at each other, Luke smiled "Well should we get you back to school as well?" Luke asked you with a soft tone added with a light chuckle at the end, you nodded "Yeah, Lunch is gonna be starting soon and Julie is gonna be wondering where I went" you responded, and then looked at your guitar and looked back at Luke "I love my guitar Luke, I really love it!" you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug, he responded by wrapping his arms around your wait pulling you in tighter, when you guys released from the hug you shared another look, quickly shaking it off with Luke responding "I cant wait to teach you some more chords on it!" he said back to his excited state from when you first got there, skipping forward grabbing your hand again as you guys walked back to school together.
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