#Bungou Strau Dogs
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Imagine your breath getting hitched as NIKOLAI moves his lips from your mouth down to your inner thigh, making you shiver under his touch. Oh He loves how you're this vulnerable under him, so needy for him and his fat cock; how you want him to bend you on his lap and place his drown out thin fingers on your entrance, making you mewl and beg him to touch you more. More, more, more.
He smiles when he spots your desperate eyes on him, pleading him to go further; maybe he'd have teased you a little if you weren't this adorable for him.
"Kolya?" "Mhm? What is it, Dove?" Your cheeks heat up not from embarrassment, but from how his fingers are trailing around your swollen clit.
"We- we're out of condoms and I'm not on the pill..."
A small frown appears on his lips, thinking about how he has to hold himself from making a mess out of his precious angel, but his pout fades away when suddenly an interesting idea hits him.
"No worries Dove, Don't tell me that you forgot who you're dating?"
He rises a bit as he rips his clothes off, revealing his smooth skin that has a few faded scars on it, making you want to kiss the pain away. Not attempting to break eye contact, he slowly reaches for his cloak that is placed on the other side of the bed, taking his hand into it, only to pull out a golden familiar packet that makes you levitate your eyebrows out of surprise.
Well, it's Nikolai after all; he can't get his way without putting on a show, can he?
He smirks, that familiar smirk that you practically live for, and rips the corner of the packet with his teeth, making room for his fingers to be able to get inside, spitting the material out on the floor;
And then theres you, thinking that's totally unnecessary because you already came only by witnessing that one move♡
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its-jijii · 2 years
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Hi and welcome back to “i thought i did this 6 days ago” (i actually didnt and just forgot for embarrassingly long). translation is here and spoilers below the cut
TERUKO PLEASE EXPLAIN WHATS GOING ON IM GOING INSANE ACTUALLY i hate fukuchi so much but i also need to know what makes him tick so i can decide whether to hate him more or pity him. im also very curious for fukuchi’s upbringing (training??) with fukuzawa. i hope asagiri and harukawa get a good break and bsd chapter bingo will be back in november.....
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lazyflower48 · 9 months
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Oda would be so proud of him.
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I return from the depths of unannounced hiatus to give you: baby Sigma and papa Poe, courtesy of the fucked up family AU
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
I- what the FUCK is going on
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eztliiiii · 7 days
Not a whole bunch other than the garbled mess that is what you told me
BUT I DO KNOW ABOUT MALEVOLENT hit podcast malevolent written and produced by Harlan Guthrie fun fact I know the entire monologue from part 24 “the mine” by heart (malevolent fans be impressed please)
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So, as it stands, the only content I’m putting out right now are my drafts from when I was on Wattpad, minus the two that are unfinished. Currently I am not taking requests and I am unsure if I will take requests until I’m more confident in my writing as I take from writing style from multiple different authors (currently really leaning towards Rick Riordan’s writing as he’s my favorite author). If and when I take requests, the fandom’s and their characters I know I can confidently write for are below the cut. 
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman
My Hero Academia - Shinsou Hitoshi - Kirishima Eijirou
Free! - Tachibana Makoto
Beyond The Boundary  - Nase Hiroomi - Kanbara Akihito 
Bungou Stray Dogs  - Kunikida Doppo -Dazai Osamu
Haikyuu!!  - Sugawara Koushi - Sawamura Daichi
I will add characters to the list as I go on. To be honest I’ve got ideas for more characters than put down, I’m just not sure how to go about writing it. I have two ideas for Dazai that I’ll probably mess around with in drafts. 
I will do headcanons though, for any character I know (or have seen the anime/read the manga). A limit of three characters per ask if I receive them lol. 
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Fyodor: I’ve been through hell!
Dazai: BIG DEAL.
Dazai: I worked with the Port Mafia for four years.
Dazai: So not only have I been through hell, I was an executive there.
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yuraart · 7 years
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「もう休め、中也」 || Soukoku week, day 7. Partners in crime.
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addictofanimation · 4 years
I Have Questions (Dead Apple Spoilers)...
So, I just got done watching Dead Apple and I just had a serious concern.
Are we just going to ignore that Shibusawa came into Atsushi's orphanage and dang near electrocuted the poor boy to death at twelve years old??
As much as I hate Atsushi's Headmaster, we learn that why he did what he did was to encourage Atsushi to live by hating him - to make him strive to live and prove him wrong. There is no way he would have let Shibusawa in and let him do what he did to him.
How did he get there? When did he get there? Before or after his first confrontation with Dazai and Chuuya?
He spent the next six years unconsciously looking for Atsushi and killed a ridiculous number of people in the process.
I'm astonished that both Atsushi and Dazai sympathized with this man. They're practically saints. I would have killed the guy with no remorse, even though I hate murder.
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piisuke · 4 years
Me, watching the bnha and bsd fandoms in turmoil: can I PLEASE get a waffle (jjk chapter 129)
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kengamers · 4 years
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latefandomjumper · 7 years
Kunikida and Dazai : A Summary
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Late as hell but here you go
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 3 years
watpadde "bungou strau dogs hakkında bilinmeyenler" diye bir hikaye var birinde higuchi homofobik yazıo biliosunuzdr ztn ya onun yorumlarını okuyunca içim sızladı "yansın,gebersin" tarzı şeyler cidden ve bunları diyenlerin çoğu kesin homofobiğin sadece lgbt sevmeyenlere dediğini sanıo hyr dielim öyle bu kadar hakaret herkes için aşırı kaçmaz mı lgbt bireyi de insan homofobik de insan "yansın" nedir ya bir kötü oldum böyle kişileri görünce... (umarım linç yemem)
Karakterin homofobik olmaması ayrı dert ama bsd'nin toksik kitlesi oldukça fazla. Aynı şeyi "Dazai beraber çifte intihar yapalım" diyenler için de söyleyebilirim, yapmayın.
Bu arada kelimeler karışmış gibi geldi. Bahsettiğin yönelim sanırım "homoseksüellik". Homofobi, eşcinsellere veya eşcinselliğe karşı duyulan nefret, önyargı, hoşnutsuzluk veya ayrımcılık. Ki az önce dediğim gibi Higuchi'nin homofobik ya da homoseksüel olup olmadığı belirtilmedi.
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scenarioliars · 7 years
bungou strau dogs, bungou stay dogs, bungou streay dogs, bungou strayy dogs
oh my fuCKING GOD
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