#Chib Kingdom
chibi-kingdom · 4 months
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Join us in Town and chat, hangout with other Chibi Kingdom players, get Dance Party TC bonuses, earn badge points, and dress up for screenshots with Zeta!
Theme: BLACK vs WHITE!
Bonus theme: DEVILS vs ANGELS!
Hope to see you there!
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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littlechibs · 6 months
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This is actually my first year being back on tumblr while I've been doing this, so!!! IT'S TIME FOR THE CHIBSAWARDS!!!! Which essentially something me and my friends do at the end of the year, compiling things we liked about media we watched/read/played in that year. Surprising nobody there's like 7 different awards that go to DetCo.
(Under the cut are the Honorable Mentions that didn't make it into this years Chibsawards)
-Boy Most Likely To Get Himself Killed If It Weren't For Plot Armor (Conan Edogawa/Shinichi Kudo)
This didn't make the cut because he's already Blorbo Of The Year for the 4th year in a row so I didn't want to put him on here twice. (Technically 4 times because he's on the cover of DetCo's manga as well as the poster for Black Iron Submarine.) This award was mainly because I watched Black Iron Submarine last week and was just, SHOCKED, at this boy's reaction to something later in the movie. He worries me.
-Game That Baby Chibs Would Have Loved (The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap)
Thanks to Nintendo's official GBA Emulator app on the Nintendo Switch, and my friend who kindly lets me be on his NSO Family Plan, I was able to play Minish Cap earlier this year! It was a delight the whole way through, and it makes me a little sad that I didn't know this game existed back when I had my GBA as a kid, because I know kid me would have loved it to bits.
-Best Comedy Manga (Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You)
You'll notice the character named Sasaki who won the "Chibsbait" award? He's one of the main characters of this manga. He's really cute I cannot resist a middle aged easy flustered salaryman.
-Best Pokemon (Appletun & Mabosstiff)
Originally this was going to just be for Mabosstiff, but I can never forget Tagi the Appletun from my SWSH playthrough.
-Most Rewatched Movie (Trigun Badlands Rumble)
I've watched this movie 3 seperate times this year, so that's why it gets this award.
-Most Atmospheric Final Boss (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
OOOOOOOOO THAT FINAL BOSS WAS SO PRETTY. But putting a screenshot of it in this would spoil my friends who haven't finished TotK, and also it just wasn't cool enough of a category to make the cut.
-Most Anticipated Game (Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth)
Yes this is a TGA category. Yes it didn't win. Yes it won in my heart.
-Ugly Bastard Who's Invaded My Thoughts (Irish)
Most of my DetCo followers and mutuals should know who this is, but for those of my followers and mutuals who aren't into DetCo, he's from the 13th movie "The Raven Chaser". He's ugly he's awful, he kicked the shit out of Conan, but yknow he had a change of heart at the end and that was apparently enough to forgive everything he did in the whole past 15 minutes of the movie. I've seen this movie multiple times since 2019 when I first watched it, but I've been thinking about him the most this year I think. (Which is funny bc I haven't rewatched it at all this year. It's mainly bc he was mentioned in Movie 26 and I've seen fanart of him with Curacao and Pinga.)
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writercole · 9 months
May I ask for another "Sons of the sea" snippet? I'm so needy for Jax tonight as a savior. Idk why. If it's possible obviously.
Well, wouldn't you know it. I sat down with some rum and coke intending to write something and...
I’d roamed the high seas for nearly two decades when I came upon a ship firing on a much smaller vessel. On closer inspection, the ship turned out to be a naval ship from the kingdom of Mooreau, the people who had been accused of slaying the princess.
“High alert, boys,” I called across the deck.
“You can’t be serious,” my first mate responded with a raised brow, his thick accent adding a layer of disbelief to his words.
“I am, Chibs, we’re going in.”
“Aye,” he sighed.
Chibs navigated the ship towards the skirmish, the other crew members tugging on rigging and sharpening their sabers. Through the spyglass in my hand, I was able to discern the crew of the tiny vessel, a tanned man with a closely-shaved mohawk and tattoos and a fairer skinned person who had the delicate features of a woman.
I didn’t have the time to ponder the look of the crew as we pulled along side the navy vessel, slicing the ropes that were tethering the smaller ship to it. The first member of my crew to jump in and fight the sailors was Happy. His blood lust knew no bounds at that time.
I watched as the Admiral recognized the colors on our ship and paled; none had stood against the Sons of the Sea and lived to tell the tale.
“Retreat!” he called.
His crew scrambled into action and soon were on their way, heading back to the kingdom from whence they came. I turned my attention to the smaller vessel and smirked as I saw the captain boarding.
“It’s not every day a famed pirate steps into the battles of a single ship,” the captain called. I felt my heart race when I realized my first assessment was right. A female captained that vessel and her voice lured me in like a siren, warm and inviting and a complete problem.
“Call it my civic duty,” I replied, the smirk struggling to stay on my face.
“In that case, I would guess you want nothing in return,” she said as she stopped an arm’s length from me, her honey eyes meeting my own with a hint of defiance and daring.
“Being able to drive away a ship from the kingdom of Mooreau is all the return I need, Captain.”
“I appreciate that,” she answered with a sigh. “We are a small crew of but four. Our plunder is small; we sail for the love of the sea.”
“Love of the sea is how I started sailing, too.”
“Aye, and a broken haart,” Chibs interrupted, stepping to my side.
“Please, ignore my first mate. He doesn’t know what he speaks of.” The glare I sent his way would have been enough to silence a lesser man but only drew a chuckle from the graying man.
“Sure, Jackie boy.” Rolling his eyes, he clapped me on the shoulder and turned to the captain with a wide grin. “Lass, it was our pleasure to rescue your vessel today.”
To her credit, the captain dropped her smile and met his gaze head on. “A rescue? Is that all our vessel was to you? Because I assure you, first mate, you wouldn’t last one day on my rescue vessel.”
I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep from laughing at the way she took control of the situation, the way she put Chibs in his place. The fire in her eyes burned with an intensity I’d seen once before, a lifetime ago playing in the streets of Monach. That girl surprised me at every turn.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Captain Jackie,” she smiled, extending her hand. “It’s a pity it was under such boisterous circumstances.”
“Please, it’s Jax, Captain.” I took her hand and shook it in the way I’d shake any man’s hand.
“Jax. Until we meet again.”
She dropped my hand and retreated to her vessel, lifting her hand as she had her navigator turn the vessel to sea.
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iwrestledavongonce · 1 year
♦️- Chibiusa/Hotaru
♒ - Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna (you can do it with all three of them, or pick duo constellations)
✿ - Usagi/Mamoru
First of all, thank you for asking! Something to fill the madness my usual work day is 😉
As said, these are the HCs regarding the “I Became War For You”/ Tales of Taskforce Sol”-AU. Be warned, Wall of Text incoming!
Chibiusa, Hotaru and their hobbies:
I’ll start with Chibs as she is the more livid of the two of them (and she rubs off some of her behavior on the more quiet ex-goth Hotaru). Of course Chibs most favorite thing to do, next to hang around with her Besty, is Helios. They are pretty established in ToTS, although especially in the beginning of the story can’t see each other as often as they like to, because Helios is at the Fleet School and later a Cadet on another starship. Hotaru gives them their time but they also like to do things together. It actually was the same the other way around before that incident in the past that messed up the timelines and made Hotaru younger, when Chibiusa used to hang around Shingo and Hotaru when they had been dating.
Apart from becoming a pilot later on, being a natural talent, Hotaru absolutely loves flying.
Lately, both of them developed a liking in, how Chibiusa states it, fucking things up, so it’s not uncommon for the two of them to sneak out at night and patrol. Or put down criminals and enemies of Crystal Tokyo.
Setsuna/ Michiru/ Haruka, cooking and food:
All of them eat healthy, giving their professions (Sets: Doctor; Michiru: Musician/ WSO; Haruka former Racer/ Starfighter Pilot). Haruka stayed true to her favorite food (salad) but also has a thing for Fish and Chips given her half-British heritage. Michiru still loves Sushi and Sashimi but given her half-French background also loves fine French (and other high) cuisine.
Setsuna loves tea in all variations (her historical side story even lets her talk a bit about tea 😉), but as Doctor generally prefers healthy food and has a distaste for unhealthy food and habits. Legally adopting Hotaru has only enforced this. Given her millennia of experience with food some of her recipes are a bit unusual or extraordinary tho.
Nonetheless all of them can enjoy food and especially Haruka likes to have a drink as well. When it comes to cooking, it’s something both Michiru and Setsuna excel at cooking although Michiru and Haruka mostly eat in restaurants while Setsuna most of the time and if she isn’t working, cooks for Hotaru and herself. Often at weekends the Outer Family gets together for a meal, so that Hotaru gets some time with her other foster parents in as well. Haruka… welll, who likes British cuisine anyways…
Usagi & Mamoru Sex HC:
With a teenage daughter at home, ruling a Kingdom, waging war and the eyes of the whole world (and beyond) on you it’s not easy to find time and place for passion, and the same amount and intensity as before Chibiusa’s birth? but these two still manage to do somehow. Rumor has it, that the king has another quarter in the depths of the Flagship for when he and the queen want to have some time undisturbed. Also, since the Neo Queen did not loose her ability to turn to Sailor Moon, at least so far, there sometimes are nights where the inhabitants of Crystal and Old Tokyo tell from two figures having been seen at night on top of buildings and in dark alleys. And if everything goes wrong and Usagi really needs to let off some steam… you can read about that in Chapter 76 of IBWFY “Reasonable Adults”. 😉
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pumpkin-writes · 8 months
please send in requests!!
i am feeling so inspired to get some more content posted on this blog for y'all so please, feel free to send in all sorts of requests!
i currently write headcanons, one-shots, imagines, ships & am open to hearing series ideas as well! i write for sons of anarchy ( jax, opie, chibs, tig, juice & happy ) the walking dead ( negan, rick, daryl, shane & possibly more just ask ) animal kingdom ( pope, craig, deran, jay & baz ) and some other random characters such as frank castle from the punisher, joel miller from the last of us & anakin skywalker from star wars.
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haedeemi · 3 years
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"-to show you how i feel and share all my thoughts that i hold for you" Ill figure out a proper uni for twilight town later. Just wanted to draw them. Part of the modern au just a ts where theyre in twilight town. Both crushing. Both unaware despite how painfully obv it is to everyone else.
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landofanimes · 5 years
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Sailor Moon Crystal x PuyoPuyo!!Quest Collaboration
(PuyoPuyo!!Quest is a puzzle game for mobile)
Notice Sailor Moon is wearing her second brooch! More characters to be revealed later.
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gatekeepcr · 6 years
O2.  (people)
#· *     QUEEN OF DARKNESS  /  HEAD IN YOUR HANDS  ❜   –––   gemma teller.#· *     THE KING LAUGHED WHILE HIS CITY BURNED  ❜   –––   clay morrow.#· *     NEVER KNEW THE CROWN COULD BE SO HEAVY  ❜    –––   jackson teller.#· *     HE WHOM THE GODS LOVE DIES YOUNG  ❜   –––   thomas wayne.#· *     DON’T NEED A CROWN  /  BURN THE KINGDOM DOWN ❜    –––   abel teller.#· *     BITTER ARE THE WARS BETWEEN BROTHERS   ❜   –––   thomas teller.#· *     STORM WITHIN SKIN  /  IT’S GETTING WINDY AGAIN  ❜   –––   wendy case.#· *     WEAR THE SUIT  /  YOU GOTTA PLAY THE GAME  ❜   –––   nero padilla.#· *     THIS LIFE IT AIN’T ROMANTIC OR FREE  ❜   –––   wayne unser.#· *     I COULDN’T SEE IT  /  BLOOD WAS EVERY COLOR  ❜   –––   john teller.#· *     YOU’RE A NEW QUEEN ; BUT ALL ROYALTY FALLS  ❜   –––   tara knowles.#· *     THE EXECUTIONER’S FACE IS ALWAYS WELL HIDDEN  ❜   –––   tig trager.#· *     SOME MOTHERS BIRTH PAIN ; NOT CHILDREN  ❜   –––   colleen trager.#· *     COULDN’T SEE ALL THIS ; PLEASE FORGIVE ME  ❜   –––   bobby munson.#· *     FIFTY WORDS FOR MURDER  /  I AM EVERY ONE  ❜   –––   happy lowman.#· *     LA BREA AG DO CHAIRDE - DO D'ADHLACADH  ❜   –––   chibs telford.#· *     DIDN’T KNOW WHAT A FRIEND WAS TILL I MET YOU  ❜   –––   chucky marstein.#· *     THEY MIGHT LOVE YOU ; BUT THEY’LL WATCH YOU DIE  ❜   –––   piney winston.#· *     CENTER CANT HOLD ; ANARCHY’S THE ONLY HOPE  ❜   –––   opie winston.#· *     DEATH & I HAVE BEEN SCANDALOUSLY INTIMATE   ❜   –––   luann delaney.#· *     I HAVE DRANK THE BLOOD OF KINGS  ❜   –––   otto delaney.#· *     GROW WINGS & RAGE  /  LEARN HOW TO KILL  ❜   –––   june stahl.#· *     HUNGRY DOGS ARE NEVER LOYAL  ❜   –––   juice ortiz.#· *     ON THE HUNT FOR WHO I HAVEN’T BECOME  ❜   –––   venus van damme.#· *     A DEVIL DEALS IN DYIN AND RIDES IN A HEARSE  ❜   –––   charlie barosky.#· *     YOU’RE JUST AN OPINION WITH A GUN  ❜   –––   eli roosevelt.#· *     PROFOUND AWARENESS WON’T RELIEVE YOUR GUILT  ❜   –––   althea jarry.#· *     SHE OWNS A COTTAGE ON THE ROAD TO HELL  ❜   –––   rose madock.#· *     THAT HOLY WATER CANNOT HELP YOU NOW  ❜   –––   nate madock.#· *     WHY WOULD A GOD TAKE YOU AND NOT ME  ❜   –––   nathaniel madock.
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ultyso · 6 years
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KEYCHAINS ARE NOW OPEN FOR PRE-ORDER (January 2nd - January 31st)
You can buy the keychains on any of my stores:
Storenvy , Etsy, Tictail
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chibi-kingdom · 1 year
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Some screenshots from last week's Dance Party! A quiet pre-Halfoween Halfoween party, complete with specky imps! Join us in Town on Friday nights, 10:00PM - 12:15am CST! https://chibi-kingdom.com
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tiny012 · 2 years
Princess Serenity straight up dipped out the Moon Kingdom to Earth , met and fell in love with the Earth Prince, dipped back to the Moon got caught by the senshi and y’all saying that she ain’t rebellious enough?
One more
Luna straight up told her to stay away from Mamo during when they didn’t know when he was a friend or foe and did she listened?
Did she listened when Haruka and Mic was like “ Oh hey princess we need to kill Hotaru before she turns into Saturn.” ?
She was like “ Fuck that shit!We are saving her and everyone else.”
She always had rebellious nature anyway.
I fucking cringed in the 90’s anime when she threw that temper tantrum at her mom and called her an idiot when Chibs and Shinto ate the pie.
That was not her being rebellious but fucking disrespectful.
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Mayans Finale Spoiler
With the wave of angry young men rolling, the old guard decide they're too old for a '90s remake so Marcus, Chibs, Tig and Hap just pack up their Old Ladies, kids and pets and crash Nero's farm. Chibs and Lyla with their five kids (Kenny, Ellie, Piper, Adelaide and their toddler - Jackson) take the guest house, Tig and Venus claim the barn and Hap pitches a tent. Marcus bought a luxurious motor home for his family just for the occasion.
They have bonfires almost every night, Hap teaches Chucky to hunt, Wendy, Venus, Winsome and Izzy become BFFs. Lyla works on her erotic novel.
All is well in the kingdom.
The end
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hotdamnhunnam · 4 years
His Time
A/N: Here’s some jealous Jax smut based on a steamy request that I got! I had thought this would be 99% smut, but there’s also angst/fluff, as I wanted to set the stage more and explore their love. (Fellow Jax sluts, fear not – the sex is still filthy and hot!)
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, reader as a risque performer, recent breakup, jealous Jax, intense makeup sex when he comes back for her Request: Based on a scene from the movie Burlesque – Y/N is performing “Guy What Takes His Time” when Jax arrives with his friends; she doesn’t know he’s in the audience. Smut, jealous and a little fluff? – @rochyu (Note: I know that the movie is set in LA, but I wanted this fic to be set someplace farther from Charming, so I chose Chicago)
Word Count: ~2.9k
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The lights are too bright. Always are, every night. You had come here to hide, from the girl you once were, with delusions of decency. Dignity. Pride. 
It all happened so recently. Weeks ago you were still in the same town where you’d lived all your life—that town equal parts charming and shitty—with dreams of becoming the king’s wedded wife, his beloved old lady. Until you escaped to this faraway city. 
You will always remember that night. One last screaming fuck, after your first screaming match of a fight. How you’d managed to keep love afloat, for so long on the rocks, without killing each other, you don’t even know. But the issues that you had both smothered in silence eventually had to explode. You will always remember just how hard you tried, to heal wounds that would never recover, to stay by his side. With no luck. You had hit the road, that very night, and the girl you once were—the fiercely faithful lover, future wife and mother... had faded and died.
Standing here now, about to perform without shame for the same nameless crowd, you tell yourself that you love Chicago. There is only one thing that you honestly love, though: the king of Charming, the impossible dream of blonde hair and black leather. Jackson Fucking Teller. And now that you’ve left him, you’ve lost him forever. Already it feels like forever ago.
You prepare for the spotlight, all ready to put on a show. The same show. Ever since you left home, this is what your whole life has become. At random, you lock eyes with the goodlooking guy who plays drums; once the show is done, maybe you’ll take him backstage for a fuck. Just to take your mind off of Jax’s unforgettable cock. You shudder to think of how many skanks Jax must’ve banged since you left him alone in his kingdom—a hundred? A thousand and one...?
The answer is none, though you don’t know it yet. In the time since you left, Jackson has barely slept. He has been on a hunt, for the only queen he’ll ever want; you had left him no clue as to where you had gone...
But he’s hunted you down. Like a damn bloodhound, tracked you from miles away, and he’s here in the crowd, as you take to the stage and the song starts to play. Determined not to lose what he’s finally found.
The song tonight is “Guy What Takes His Time.” His time is now.
Fucking lights. They’re too bright.
He hates every damned inch of this place from the second he sets foot inside. Sources close to SAMCRO had advised this is where Jackson Teller’s old lady had run off to hide. And apparently sources were right.
How the hell did it come to this? Never in Jax’s life has he been so fucking pissed. He stands frozen in place between Opie and Chibs, the two Sons that he wanted to be by his side, as he crossed the whole country in search of the love that had vanished. The love of his life. Now that he has arrived, seeing you up on stage underneath these damn lights, he can’t handle the sight. The blood in his veins all at once turns to fire and ice.
Every gaze in this place is on you, as you come into view, barely wearing a thing as you start to sing under the spotlight. As if you have nothing to hide. As if every last inch of your skin was fashioned for the pleasure of strangers, to satisfy their prying eyes.
The sergeant-at-arms can’t believe what he sees, muttering quietly, looking over Jax’s shoulder where he’s standing close behind. No one thought this was what they would find. “Jesus Christ...”
“Do you mind? Look away,” the king snaps, quickly realizing that the men by his side deserve better. But the alpha male pride that he harbors inside feels about to collapse; in the moment, that’s all he could manage to say. “Listen, I—I can’t thank you enough that you both rode with me all this way, but it’s just... Jesus, everyone here’s looking up at her...”
Opie knows all too well just what Jax must be feeling tonight. Firsthand, he understands, just what it’s like to love a woman who is always on display for others. Lays a calm and steady palm on Jax’s shoulder, as the king shudders and smolders. “Sure thing, brother. We’ll wait up for you right outside.”
They step out, leaving Jax all alone in the crowd, where the lights are too bright and the music too loud. The whole room—no one more so than him—hanging on every word of the song, every line that feels so fucking wrong coming out of your mouth. The king’s entire world is crashing down on him tonight. Nothing has ever felt so wrong to him in his entire life of crime.
Oblivious to where he is, though on some level you can feel him, watching you from somewhere in the room... you tell yourself that can’t be right. It’s not the first truth you’ve denied. All through the night, lyrics fall from your brightly glossed lips like false promises, all meaning lost in the rhythm and rhyme.
I’d be satisfied... electrified... to know a guy what takes his time...
Once you’d wrapped up the performance, you had whispered to the dashing boy who plays the drums to meet you in your dressing room. Sitting here alone, you wonder what is taking him so long. The two of you were flirting up a storm throughout the song—surely there’s no way that he doesn’t plan to come...?
One thing’s for certain: you for one intend to come, before the night is done. After the curtains fell, you’d had to take a moment just to catch your breath and calm yourself. Recover from the random wave of heat you felt. For some unfathomable reason, you had sensed some sort of energy from somewhere in the room, thrumming intensely in a way that made you desperate for an orgasm.
You don’t know where it came from, have no clue how to explain... so you try to convince yourself, in vain, that it was pure sexual tension with the guy who played the drums. Any second now, he’s bound to come and dick you the fuck down.
When at last someone enters your dressing room, you leap excitedly out of your seat like a damn clown in heat.
Heartbeat racing as you turn around, full of more than just lust as it pounds... Jesus Christ—you’ve been found. Those were not the blue eyes you expected to meet.
Your breath escapes you in a gasp. “Jax...!” your big fat mouth blurts out the question that you shouldn’t have to ask. “How did you find—”
He cuts you off. And fuck—that voice of his you’d missed so much, laden with sex and cigarette smoke, hits you now all kinds of ravenous and rough, and it’s just honestly divine. Already has you soaked. “You know I always find what’s mine.”
It isn’t fair, the way the dim light glimmers off his golden hair. The way that Jax Teller just standing there completely blows your mind. You curse the hell he never fails to put you through. “I don’t belong to...”
Cuts you off again. Because he can. “Does he fuck you like I do?”
Did he honestly just ask you that? Of course he did. The stupid piece of shit. Even if you had been with anybody else, no man on earth could ever fuck you half as well, and you both know it’s fucking true. “What? Who?”
Jax takes a deep drag of his cigarette. Shaking his head, like he’s disgusted. As if he has any right to be. “That many? Now you can’t even keep count? I guess you like slutting around, this brand new fucking freedom that you’ve found?”
He can’t be serious? He can’t really be here at all, ruining you like this? You cross the room toward the farthest wall, hoping that he won’t see the tears that fall, the way you fear your self-respect and self-resolve are crashing down.
“How many. Tell me,” he demands. “What—you thought running off to some other city, you could just flirt your way into some other man’s pants, right up on stage flaunting your slutty ass in front of everybody, and I wouldn’t see?”
Well, shit—apparently he’s serious. But so are you. If he came here to play dirty, then that’s a game for two. And you’ll defend your dignity if it’s the last damn thing you do. “That’s not your business.”
Jax has now crossed the room toward you after putting out his cigarette; he grabs a firm hold of your wrist, his grip somehow soft yet insistent. “Like hell it isn’t.”
“Jackson, I am not your goddamn possession,” you tell him, wrenching yourself free from his fist, almost wishing that you’d fucked somebody if only to teach him a lesson. Almost. Tonight you had come awfully close. “Get your hands off me. You can’t—can’t just come here and claim me as if I’m a piece of lost property.”
The sound of that is more than he can stand; he slams you up against the wall, hard. Has you seeing fucking stars. Frames your face in his hands, as his gaze pierces straight to your heart. “You think that’s what you are to me? Honestly?”
“I don’t know what I am!” you scream back at him, matching his roar, your own voice raw and hoarse. “Who I am... I just... Jax, I don’t know—I don’t know a damn thing anymore.”
“Let me remind you, then. So you don’t ever forget again.” His mouth is fire as it suddenly descends, claiming your lips with more dominance and desire than you’ve ever felt before. There was no point ever pretending this was war. The fire that burns between the both of you is love and nothing more—so bright it strikes you blind, so dirty that it’s pure. “You’re fucking mine. And I am yours.”
Not long ago today, you had felt sure that ever since you ran away, Jax must have fucked a hundred thousand other whores.
Now this... from just one kiss, you know the opposite is true. You’ve never felt more sure that Jackson Fucking Teller only ever wanted you.
He tells you nonetheless, because words matter. Even though the way he shows it is a million times better. “Y/N. I can’t stand ever losing you again. When you were gone, nothing made sense,” he murmurs as you melt into his hands, the only thing holding your heart together as it shatters. “I know I don’t deserve you, but I want to spend my whole life trying to. You’re more than just my girl. You are my whole entire fucking world.”
His words are giving you a goddamn heart attack. “Jax...”
“Christ, I’m so sorry. Anything I ever did, to push you far from me... all the shit I said—that fucking fight...” he shudders at the thought of it, hands cradling your face so close and tight. “But baby, please—can you be mine, just for tonight? I know I have no right to take you back. No fucking right. But damn I tried...”
You cannot handle just how much he hates himself. You feel his pain just as you always do, slaying you through and through; it hurts like fucking hell. It kills. The most that you can do is love him till he feels that he deserves it, just to hope someday he will. 
“Jax, stop,” you beg him as he stifles back a sob. “Don’t even... God, do you have any fucking clue how much I love you? I have never wanted anybody else. I ran away because the pain became too much to take—but babe, my heart is always yours to break. I was just... stupid and scared, and thought that I didn’t belong there. But if you’ll take me—if you want me, love me, honestly... then I promise you, baby: I’m not going anywhere.”
He’s breathing ragged, shaky sighs and gasps. His forehead pressed to yours, beaded with sweat, cheeks red and wet with all the tears you both have shed. “You mean that?”
Ugh, as if he has to ask. But then of course he does. He’s always doubted that he’s worthy of your love... but thankfully, Jax Teller never doubted whether he is worthy of your lust. You rake your fingers through the smooth strands of his hair, meeting his deep blue stare, then drop one hand to wrap your arm around his back. “Yes. I do. I love you, and I want you—only ever you. Don’t ever doubt it’s true. Now just shut up and fuck me, Jax.”
He doesn’t need anything more than that. Now that you’ve said the word, the animal inside of him attacks. The way this sweet angelic savage sex god of a man can go from soft to rough, in just a fraction of a second, is just... damn. One of the million things you’ll always love about him.
Jax lifts you off the wall and slams you down over the table as your moans resound throughout the room. “This how you want it? Hard and fast?”
“Fuck, yes...!” you gasp.
“Mmm, thought you like a man who takes his time...?” he teases, ripping at your slutty little outfit till it’s torn to shreds. Until he has you naked, dripping wet and aching for him, just the way he pleases. The savage darkness in his eyes should be a crime.
You wish you could sass back at him for being a smug son of a bitch, making you eat your own burlesque lyrics. But then he reaches down to grab one of your tits and fucking squeezes, and your brain is blown to bits. “Oh, shit—Jesus...”
“That ain’t my name, you little slut,” he scolds you as he strips out of his kutte.
“Jax...” you watch as he flings off his flannel, reaches for his belt, taking his time with the damn buckle. From the bulge in his crotch, you can tell that he’s already hard as a rock. “Fuck...”
“Bet you’ve been spending every day without me dreaming of this big hard fucking cock.”
You nod, too turned on to respond. Of fucking course.
“Then say it, whore.”
You force yourself to form the words. “I’ve never wanted any cock but yours. You own me, sir.”
“That’s better,” he mutters, reaching down to flip you over. With your tits pressed against the surface underneath, he spanks your ass so hard you bite your tongue and grind your teeth. Then he dips two of his fingers into your core, feeling your soaking wet heat. “Now, baby, I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll always remember. This tight little pussy exists for my pleasure.”
In actions and words, you completely surrender to Jax Fucking Teller. “Yes, sir!”
“Mmm, is that what you want?” he taunts, rubbing the head of his cock against your swollen, slick pussy lips with a fierce, feral grunt. “Dirty slut. Want me to fucking destroy your cunt?”
You have now lost the power to respond. But he won’t fuck you till you do. Even when it’s so obviously true.
Jax pulls your hair back, deals your ass another smack. “Who do you belong to? Better answer if you want this dick, you filthy little bitch.”
“I belong to you, sir!”
“That’s a good whore. Now what do you want me to do to this dripping wet pussy of yours?”
“Oh God, I want you to destroy it, sir! I want your cock inside me, please, I’ve never wanted anything more...”
“That’s right. I fucking own you, and I’m gonna show you how,” he growls, and seems to mean it as sincerely as a goddamn wedding vow. “You want a ‘guy what takes his time’ and all that shit... well, slut, it’s my fucking time now.”
Hell yes it fucking is. Jax fucks you like nobody’s business, rough and fast and hardcore, and you hope that he made sure to lock the door when he walked in because you’re screaming like a whore. It’s not like it’s a problem, if your boss and all your coworkers can hear what’s happening in your dressing room; after tonight, you most definitely won’t be needing this job anymore. You’ll be on the back of Jax Teller’s bike, holding him tight, as the two of you ride toward the rest of your life. Toward your future. Together.
You don’t know it yet, but Jax wants to make damn sure, this time, that you’ll stay by his side forever. Once he’s finally done fucking you dead, straight up ripping your pussy apart, like you wanted, he glances over toward the kutte that he’d thrown on the floor. Eyes the pocket that rests on his chest, right above his heart... and softly smiles at the thought, the hope, of claiming his most precious treasure. The diamond shines so bright that he could swear he sees the light, right through the leather.
Hope you enjoyed this!! Would love to hear if you did 🤗❤️
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rowanthestrange · 2 years
whats the link between love and daleks youre seeing? is it to do with the doctor=the one who stops the daleks thing?
Three major Dalek vanquishings that occur over moments where Thirteen is questioning her relationship with Yaz/feeling uncomfortable with her love (not meaning that in a one-sided way, but you get me).
Revolution has her see Yaz’s TARDIS off-screen (can we have a flashback pls chibs pls) clearly has some understanding that her appearing to have committed suicide was not an ‘oh well that’s that’ thing for Yaz, then she fills that symbol of love (which is also Yaz’s pain) with Daleks and blows it to kingdom come.
In Flux the moment of the triple-genocide is clearly an emotionally charged angry moment, the Doctor’s full of rage on so many different levels, she loses Yaz for “three” years which again causes Yaz’s pain, and she wants to tell her everything but we know that out of that moment she does not. (Or does and mindwipes her, who knows, I’m keeping all terrible options open).
Then…nope name escapes me, Self Storage Of The Daleks, we have our most direct confrontation about her emotions, again after she’s had to experience Yaz’s pain over them, and once again we’re going to blow up some Daleks.
(“what about Resolution?” tbh I do count that, I think it’s notable that we’ve got Ryan and his shit dad, and we have 13 who at that point we’d hoped and expected to take this sweet, forthright, guy studying engineering, and become his new better Dad and it’s a healing moment for all. But lol, no, she pushes that opportunity away too. Just felt easier to explain it first through shipping-love lens)
And we’ve got that thing where literally every time she talks to a big bad she’s talking to herself, and Division=empire=nazis=Daleks, and she’s the Vanquisher (like Karvanista of 4000 civilisations or whatever that was?) and so I wonder if there’s this metaphorical element like… choosing love versus her destructive element?? Cus it’s not like things like blowing up a TARDIS or committing triple genocide is good - we’re reminded of TARDIS sentience, we’re reminded these actions have consequences - and she loses to the Daleks inside the self storage (metaphor metaphor) multiple times having to literally do over until she gets it right, and… I dunno. Choosing love and connection over whatever the heck she is now?
Slash maybe being The Doctor™ “the one who stops the Daleks” is…not enough if she won’t have a ‘self’ underneath and beyond that??
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1-800-imagines · 4 years
*Updated* Mobile Masterlist
Suicide Squad
includes The Joker, Killer Croc, Digger Harkness ‘Captain Boomerang’, and Chato Santana ‘El Diablo’
Top Gun: Maverick
includes Bradley 'Rooster" Bradshaw
Teen Wolf
includes Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stillinski
includes Paul Atreides
The Batman
includes Bruce Wayne
Chicago One
includes Jay Halstead, Will Halstead
includes Eddie Brock
Chicago Med
includes Will Halstead
Peaky Blinders
includes Thomas Shelby
Harry Styles
includes the fic No Control
Animal Kingdom
includes J Cody and Craig Cody
Hawaii 5-0
includes Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
The Vampire Diaries
includes Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, and Klaus
True Blood
includes Eric Northman, Jason Stackhouse, and Alcide Hervaux
Sons of Anarchy
includes Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston, Herman Kozik, and Tig Trager
includes Ez Reyes, Angel Reyes, Miguel Galindo
includes Fezco and Nate Jacobs
Criminal Minds
includes Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan
Includes John B, Rafe Cameron
includes Carl, Lip, and Ian Gallagher
Hemlock Grove
includes Roman Godfrey
The Outsiders
includes all the boys
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
includes Nick Scratch
13 Reasons Why
includes Justin Foley and Montgomery de la Cruz but only Monty from Season One.
Dirty Dancing
includes Johnny Castle
Star Wars
includes Kylo Ren
includes Carlisle & Esme Cullen, and Paul Lahote
includes John, Dean, and Sam Winchester
Stranger Things
includes Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, and Jonathan Byers
includes Sherlock Holmes
Game of Thrones
includes Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Tommen Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Grenn, Sansa Stark, Sandor Clegane, Oberyn Martell, Bran Stark
The Walking Dead
includes Shane Walsh, Daryl Dixon, Carol Peletier, and Carl Grimes
AHS: Apocalypse
includes Michael Langdon
Knives Out
includes Ransom Drysdale
includes Francis
The Night Shift
includes TC Callahan
includes Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley
includes Tony Stark, Loki, Thor, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Wade Wilson, Steve Rodgers, and Peter Parker
Grey’s Anatomy
includes Alex Karev, Owen Hunt, Mark Sloan, Jackson Avery, Andrew DeLuca, and Derek Shepherd
includes Archie Andrews, Sweet Pea, Jughead Jones, and Fp Jones
includes everyone probably
includes John Alden
Jared Leto
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