#Chrion pjo
I feel bad for Chrion, he's literally the immortal babysitter of the gods
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darkwitchingflower · 8 days
What if percy didn't catch annabeth in time?
The only thing stopping him from going after her were those around him
Without percy there to manipulate the rivers, the fall kills Annabeth shattering her body
Nico can feel her soul slowly disappearing
Percy vows to the styx to rip Gaia apart piece by piece
He's successful in that vow
He can't bare to look Nico in the eyes for saving him and not Annabeth
Frank and Jason beat themselves up for her death because they couldn't fly down to her
Hazel goes silent for about 3 months
She can't bare to hear Annabeths name without bursting into tears
Piper can feel Percy losing hope in love
She knows he they never got to tell one another
The first time Percy saw Chiron cry was when he heard the news about Annabeth, he makes sure she has the best shroud, she was like a daughter to him
Thalia goes on a hunt into the Underworld demanding Annabeth to be brought back
Hades looks at her and feels the pain she's going though, he looks at his niece dressed in punk clothes and mascara and eyeliner flooding her face
Grovers heartbroken, even though he was able to save Thalia he knew it was top good to be true, he would.always be the satyr who lost a demigod on the way back, he just didn't expect it to be the 7 year old girl who depended on him
The Athena cabin are now told how their oldest sister went head first into where Arachne lived, and brought her into Tarterus along with her self and her brave sacrifice
When Athena found out she let out a silent tear, she truly did love her daughter however even though she was the goddess of wisdom, she still had no idea of how to show it
She then summoned back the invisibility cap and Annabeths leather necklace
She now keeps the hat on her throne at olympus and a reminder of her favourite daughters bravery
The necklace was mailed to Annabeths father who now wears it every single day
Her mortal family are obviously devastated, even more at the fact that they never had a chance to say goodbye or burry her body as it was lost in tarterus
The camp seems to be darker without Annabeth around
Annabeth then goes on to Elysium, where she's greeted by Charlie, Silena, Luke (who she gives the cold shoulder to), Ethan, Bianca and everyone else
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incorrectlypjo · 5 months
Percy: So what, now I'm just supposed to do anything that Annabeth does? What if she jumps off a cliff? Chiron: If Annabeth were to jump off a cliff she would have done her due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of the entry. So yes, if you see Annabeth jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Percy: You jump off a cliff. Chiron: Gladly. Provided Annabeth did first.
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chthonic-dreams · 5 months
i'd say that his sacrifice isn't what made luke a hero. he was a hero the moment he decided to do something about the neglectful injustice the gods had bestowed upon their children. unfortunately, he was corrupted by kronos, an embodiment of the very thing luke wanted to fight against.
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leefletcher · 6 months
y’all are putting all the blame on grover but chiron was sitting right there and didn’t say a fucking thing lol
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hsmtmts-arrows · 7 months
ashlyn has been sent to camp every summer by her parents since she was seven, as both parents knew apollo's identity and decided it was for the best for her to learn to defend herself. when she was twelve years old, she had just finished handpicking some strawberries for chiron because she wanted to do something nice for him, but when she walked into the big house, she saw a thirteen-year-old girl who she'd never seen before, her arm getting bandaged up by chiron himself.
they locked eyes over the table. something was different about her, especially her intense but somehow still warm gaze, like a furnace, like a campfire. they had a stare off, just watching each other for several seconds, before chrion cleared his throat and asked her to stay outside. she put the strawberries on the table before she left.
she waited outside, chewing on one of the strawberries, when chiron came out, a hand on the girl's shoulder in his fatherly way, and the girl didn't smile at her, but her look wasn't unkind, either. her eyes were bloodshot, but she somehow managed to send a warm look through that.
chiron pat on her the shoulder, to which she flinched but remained still.
"ashlyn, this is maddox. why don't you show her around?"
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thebeigewitch · 2 years
Does Chrion have a rule on how long a person can stay at Camp Half-Bood? like, can someone over the age of 18 still stay there year-round? There are some kids there that have no parents (except the godly one) and no proper education so they cant get a job
You're not conving me there isn't a middle-aged dude living in the back of the Hermes cabin that they forgot about for the entirety of pjo (pjo, hoo, toa)
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theelusianmysteries · 2 years
PJO ships and my worthless opinions on them:
leo and calypso because i think its cool
jason and piper
solangolo (i haven't seen enough but it sounds cool)
the sponsor of this tumblr post and me
hedge and mellie
grover and that nymph that i forgot the name of
me and your parents
i have a bad memory so lmk if there are any others
epic platonic relationships!!!!
nico and percy
annabeth and piper
jason and annabeth
jason and renya (srry renya fans)
basically all of the 7
bad ships😡😡😡😡😡
luke and percy
luke and annabeth
luke and thaila
chrion and any camper
any of the gods and any of the demigods (sorry i find that kinda weird)
grover and anyone else except that one nymph because grover is a good friend
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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captainwaffles · 3 years
Page 525 in the lost hero has so much.
1. Chrion listens to dean martin, frank Sinatra,
2. Chrion keeps a wall of photos of demigods many who are famous including Percy
3. Cincinnati demigod googled gorgons and then got attacked
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angelsodreamy-no2 · 3 years
since half bloods can't use cell phones i'm just going to assume that none of them listens to music via spotify and such so they just listen to music using a record player. except for that one time when they decided to watch the "call me by your name" mv. everyone watched it only once from sally's cellphone and while watching theu had to squeeze each other so they can see it, all of them had their weapons near by in case some monster attacked, and 3 cyclops did. it was worth it tho.
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nico got in trouble because a clip of him attacking a transphobe at pride went viral. chiron was not impressed
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darkwitchingflower · 5 months
PJO/HoO incorrect quotes
Nico: When I die, please give Will my regaurds
Gaia: what should I say?
Nico: Regaurds
Chrion: Ok happy campers! If you were a fruit what fruit would you be and why?
Nico: I'd be a tomato because no body accepts me as part of the group
Reyna: this is a safety pin
Cuts of end*
Reyna: now it's a danger pin
Hazel: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship—
Hazel: I'M NOT DONE!
Hazel: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl-
Leo: I was arrested for being too cool
Frank: the charges were dropped for a lack of supporting evidence
*at a zoo*
Percy: What are they in for?
Grover: Percy, this isn't prison.
Percy: So they can leave?
Grover: No, but-
Percy, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Nico: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Will: You and me!
Nico: *tearing up* Ok.
Leo: Care to give a free sample to a pretty person?
Nico, manning a bake sale and tired of their shit: Sure! You know one?
Leo: Care to give a free sample to an ugly person?
Nico: Yeah I'm LGBT.
Nico: cuLt leader.
Nico: God hates me personally.
Nico: cowBoy hat.
Nico: *sniffles* Trying my best.
Hazel, trying her first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY!
Nico, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Annabeth, after getting a library card: Now I know what true power feels like.
Leo: What if Cinderella was a baking slave instead of a cleaning slave, and her name was Mozzarella?
Hazel: Don't ever speak to me again.
For most the quotes help was taken from the following:
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nyxvrse · 3 years
Chiron: Why is no one having a good time?! I specifically requested it!
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the-amazing-trixie · 4 years
I didn’t just realize this, but
Haven’t y’all noticed that Percy crashed his own funeral because everyone thought he was dead after he was gone for 2 weeks, BECAUSE he was at Calypso’s island, Ogygia, 
Then Leo Valdez, after he dies, comes back from Ogygia with Calypso??
Like?? Chiron had 2 campers go missing because they were at Ogygia with Calypso??
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Chiron: I once quoted a vine infront of Apollo
Chiron: No one will ever believe him, and I know he now lives in fear of my supposed knowledge of the internet.
Chiron: it’s delightful.
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