hybbart · 2 months
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New PC, he's a sad little guy whose dreams of flying were crushed, and then so was the lady who employed him, so now he's stuck in the material plane and homeless, doing odd jobs.
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i-can-drill · 4 years
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More DND tokens from my campaign. A vampiress, some bats, and a familiar.
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danddurand · 3 years
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Después de un hiatus por operación de appendicitis, regresare a otro próximamente por trabajo xD Les traigo un comicsito de algo que nos acordamos Ben y yo a la hora de la cena. Esta anécdota es 100% real, le paso al amigo de un amigo. Recordar es volver a vivir...ay dios mejor no. #comics #dandart https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3yma1j0uI/?igshid=1pv7arl4psuzb
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yanderehiro · 3 years
It’s me.
Hello, it’s me, @dandart. I temporarily (I hope) lost access to my old account (https://floofyhacker.com) so I won’t be able to see any messages or anything, but this’ll be a proper blog, like those you’d usually see here.
Much Love to my waifu/future wife/one and only/little angel @lovesickyandere  (https://yanderedarling.com) <3
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lureka · 5 years
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Dándole al #lapiz en @cobaltoacademiadearte con @dandarte #lureka #draw #drawing #pencil #sketch #sketchbook #boceto #lapiz #dibujo #dibujosalapiz #portrait #portraits https://ift.tt/2AfoFsr
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correntedobemsulflu · 6 years
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A 2° edição do Samba da Jurema será no dia 6 de maio, no Clube Foto Filatélico, em Volta Redonda/RJ e desta vez será servida uma deliciosa Feijoada Brasileira. O preço do prato continuará o mesmo: R$15. Para ficar ainda mais divertido, teremos uma novidade: uma feira independente que mostrará o melhor da moda, artesanato e decor começando às 9h. Já a música ao vivo, continuará a cargo do nosso irmão Raphael Garcez e seus amigos, que cantam o melhor do samba de raiz, com uma grande homenagem a primeira dama do samba, Ivone Lara. Os pequenos serão bem-vindos e teremos muito espaço para eles correrem. A playlist no Spotify do Samba da Jurema foi criada para você já ir entrando no clima. Então segue lá, aperte o play e saia sambando! 👉🏾 Spotify https://goo.gl/f6o9SW INFORMAÇÕES DO EVENTO: ¬ ONDE? Clube Foto Filatélico (Rua 19, n.21, Vila, Volta Redonda) ¬ QUANDO? 6 de maio / Domingo ¬ FIQUE LIGADO NOS HORÁRIOS! 9h - Abertura com Feira de moda, artesanato e decor. 11:30h - A deliciosa Feijoada Brasileira começará a ser servida e acompanhará arroz branco, couve refogada, farofa e laranja. ¬ ENTRADA FRANCA Almoço: R$15 ¬ EXPOSITORES ▪AlfaJorge - Alfajores veganos ▪Alquimia Saboaria Artesanal - Sabonetes, hidratantes e aromatizantes ▪Bohip - Acessórios masculinos ▪Boho Art - Acessórios boho ▪Carrossel Acessórios - Acessórios infantis ▪Confecção Negrita Modas - Roupas, turbantes e bonegritas ▪DaLuz - Artigos em crochet e estampas ▪DandArt - Lenços, turbantes e quitutes ▪Doces Cambinda - Sobremesas e guloseimas ▪Hippie Chic - Quadros decorativos ▪Liporacci - Acessórios ▪Mandalar-te - Mandalas decorativas ▪Oh my God - Bolsas ▪PuroNó - Pulseiras em macramê ▪Querido Closet - Brechó ▪Sabor de Minas - Queijos, cachaças, geleia e compotas ¬ SOLIDARIEDADE: Toda a verba arrecadada com a venda do almoço e do bar será destinada a comunidade religiosa situada no bairro Santa Clara, em Barra Mansa. Dúvidas, informações e contribuições: (24) 988156313 - Davi (em Clube Foto Filatélico Volta Redonda)
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hybbart · 11 days
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This was supposed to be a warmup but uh, have an air genasi I guess
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hybbart · 11 days
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Commission I did for @the-entire-internet-hate-mob of Tangy at the beach
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hybbart · 1 year
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A little water sprite druid. His name is Kihno, and he lives in a little pond where he grows algae and crayfish.
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hybbart · 1 year
Tungsten H2
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Hauratia picked it out for her.
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hybbart · 2 years
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(Quick Wheel’s not looking post Pobby)
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hybbart · 1 year
(idk your oc's so just do anyone)
I said I would do these and then I immediately got myself distracted oops. Since you gave the option I decided to go with Ili'a and Tex.
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How do they say "I love you" non-verbally...
Well, everyone who knows Tex even a little knows he says it through clothing. He is not subtle with his affection, with the time he takes to weave, embroider, and enchant his gifts. It takes a lot of work, and he saves his best pieces for his husband. He will make sure Ili'a is both safe and stylish at all times.
Ili'a shows his love through undying support and care for the gifts he's given. Ili'a might not know what his husband's plans are (or fully comprehend that they are, in fact, trying to take over the world) but he's still his number one cheerleader and scout and will always return home. His number one trait is "I love my husband" and it's so infectious it's what recruited half of Tex's minions.
I don't know how much I ever talked about these two but it was a long time ago either way. An evil cult's demonic "mad seamster" general and his zero braincells simp of a minion husband.
(Ship ask game)
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hybbart · 1 year
Poppy B1?
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A lovely lad
Outfit Meme
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hybbart · 1 year
Your favorite druid as 5B.
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Most of my druids are already very planty, but I'm sure Mik would love to become his own garden
Monster Art Challenge
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hybbart · 1 year
5A and 6C are best friends
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Didn't specify anyone so I drew the twins, since they are bffs when they are not being traumatized by a vampire
Monster Art Challenge
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hybbart · 2 years
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New imp-tiefling bard idea. He... is from the mysterious land of Jorja.
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