#Diana Matoso
narizentupidocartazes · 8 months
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[2019] 11 de Janeiro | Expressões Minimalistas, um Concerto Inspirado em Tony Conrad - António Caramelo + David Maranha + Diana Combo + Helena Espvall + Pedro Chau + Tiago Castro | SMUP - Parede
Cartaz [Madalena Matoso]
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creativesblok · 4 years
REturn, a Trashion Tribe photo essay
REturn, a Trashion Tribe photo essay
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Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \ 
Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person. . go back to (a particular situation). . divert one’s attention back to. . reoccur after a period of absence. 2. give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person. . feel, say, or do (the same feeling, action, etc.) in response. . (in tennis and other sports) hit or send (the ball) back to an opponent.
Noun 1.an act…
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oldquotes · 7 years
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'Reality is what you look at and what you make of it. All in between is how you are.' -Diana Matoso | Visit OldQuotes.com
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dsway · 4 years
Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \
Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person. . go back to (a particular situation). . divert one’s attention back to. . reoccur after a period of absence. 2. give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person. . feel, say, or do (the same feeling, action, etc.) in response. . (in tennis and other sports) hit or send (the ball) back to an opponent.
Noun 1. an act of coming or going back to a place or activity. . an act of going back to an earlier state or situation. . the action of returning something. . (in tennis and other sports) a stroke played in response to a serve or other stroke by one’s opponent. . a thing which has been given or sent back. . a ticket which allows someone to travel to a place and back again. . an electrical conductor bringing a current back to its source. . a second contest between the same opponents. 2. a profit from an investment. 3. an official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand. 4. a mechanism or key on a typewriter that returns the carriage to a fixed position at the start of a new line.
In Lexico by Oxford
REturn is the second Trashion Tribe photo shoot and a very special one in which I dress my own creations and go for a walk in a wild London’s alley with my father, the photographer Fernando Matoso.
It’s very rare that I pose for someone’s camera but I felt the urge to register and now share this moment as a way to overcome certain vulnerabilities and strengthen my willpower. The result is a photo essay exploring the connection with and the way back to the source through the transformation of the self and surrounding matter. It represents the ambiguity of our times and aims to challenge us to envision a transformation that for long is calling upon us all.
  We are made of the same water that runs in the rivers, the same earth below our feet and even the same dust from far away stars. We will always be a part of Nature and the more we nurture it, the more we can evolve as a species but if we destroy it, it will eventually turn us back into dirt.
  We live in what many call a “point of no return”. It is not a myth that human actions are condemning all life on earth as we know it and that substantial change is becoming eminent, but in truth, either one way or the other, we are returning to the source, because there’s no way out of it.
It’s all part of cycles within cycles, endings and beginnings intertwined until infinity and it’s up to us to dance and flow but also create and seed the change we want to see manifested.
“We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from… Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements.”
– William Shakespeare
  Constant Change
Returning implies a sort of going back, meaning something was once, then it wasn’t and then it was again. Of course, we know how impossible it is to go back to anything as we keep evolving and nothing really get back to what once was because everything is always changing.
Change has been a constant and my life long partner. I learned to embrace it and now believe it sustains me. Every day I water seeds of change in me and grow acceptance to all that will be left because I understood that to create something new, something else needs to be destroyed and this is true to all in life even though we might not realize that we do it by simply breathing in and out.
  It’s normal for change not to know what will become, nevertheless, it furthers one to stretch out of the comfort zone [caterpillar] and develop a new sense of self [butterfly]. I wonder if the dragonfly will remember it’s life as a water naiad or if the butterfly recognizes the flower where she grew from above.
We too go through a metamorphosis in a way, birth and death are still very confusing for us and it’s uncertain what we turn into after this state. And we don’t actually remember being in our mother’s womb or even how we perceived the world around then. Perhaps we were not aware but if we were, wouldn’t we wonder how would life be after that? Or if there was any at all? How different would we be if we remembered how it was? To be in the source? Being born? And what if death was another birth channel?
As if a cycle is ending and a new one is beginning. In reality, there is no end or start as in truth they are the same. Like all opposites, they converge and form one another. Being impossible to set them apart we must indulge in the cyclic dance and flow of life and death.
“Arrival in the world is really a departure and that, which we call departure, is only a return.”
– Dejan Stojanovic
  Returning Cycles
Cycles are not circles but rather spirals, that’s why we’re never here again and that is the importance of Now. All works in cycles and these are a return in a way with an inherent duality in occurrences and perspectives.
Some are short, others very long, there are cycles within cycles and I came to believe they’re kind of cosmic clocks.
REturn is a way back to where it once was, a previous place, state or condition, but if every turn of the way is different, is only to expect that each return will be so too. We never go back as we were because we accumulate experience. Life happens in such ways that it is impossible not to be transformed by it.
We are shaped by the water cycle, the moon phases, the seasons of the year, the coming and going of people or from/to places…
These influences are not always perceivable but invariably present and the more we can accept the tides ups & downs, the easier will be to cruise because life is an ocean and waves our paths, we can surf them or dive but we definitely can’t hide.
We are moved by unseen currents pulled by infinite polarities stretching from within all the way out to space and cycles are the rhythms pulsing us into life.
” If it feels like slipping back into a state you thought you’d finished with, remember that life is a spiral not a roundabout! […] We do indeed revisit things many times, but always from a slightly different perspective or point of view. […] We are never the same person twice, no matter how much we may feel ourselves to be.”
– Sarah Varcas
  Self Duality
It all emerges from connecting with our own breath, understanding our inner cycles, dancing to our own rhythms so we can then tune with what resonates best with us, knowing that even that will change but fully trusting in the way.
Self discovery always leads to self duality. When we allow all of our self to express we find contradictions between aspects or parts of our whole hiding or closed away.
When we stop fighting or deceiving these parts we start forgiving and loving ourselves and others more readily, living more happily.
As I look back, I recognize how certain cycles and patterns have been playing in loop, and how far out I have walked to find my way back [with]in. It has taken me an incredible amount of time and inner work to overcome certain dualities, fears, habits and especially fake truths I kept about myself and to return feeling and being me.
I know the journey is never really over and we must keep juggling our lights/shadows but most of all we must keep returning to our life force wild nature to remember our flow.
If we understand that night forms the day, that shadow is cast by light or that opposites depend on one another, we can comprehend that unity is born of diversity and that we’re each made of many while part of a bigger organism, connected in an infinite moment, called a singularity.
“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.”
– Kamand Kojouri
Wild Love
We can experience this singularity when and only when we’re feeling love. When we are taken by rage or fear we always feel the opposite, and create a wall separating us. Love is the spice of life holding us together to the natural world and the source of life itself.
The importance of letting love grow free and wild is because only then can it be true. Love for the wild enhances a wild sort of love in which raw sincerity is carved with tenderness and delivered with humour.
Wild love is letting in but also letting go, is to accept emotional seasons and to respect both cycles of abundance and scarcity, of closeness and freedom, of joy and boredom… To know that one follows the other in an ever ending dance is to love fearlessly trusting unconditionally. Is to become aware and adapt to change with respect, honesty and compassion for ourselves and the other, supporting each others growth.
Unfortunately, love is often seen as a superficial moment in time when everything is in tune and not the whole spectrum is as experienced by most. We expect to meet the perfect person but are not willing to endure the growing pains of overcoming our shadows together. We give up easily when love isn’t breezy, as we expect it to be a sort of effortless magic that happens unexpectedly to the lucky ones.
Life really is a mysterious weaving of places, moments and dreams, each one of us is connected with all others one way or another and mainly in invisible ways, so we can’t always see what moves us but it still does no matter what…
  “If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.”
– Khalil Gibran
  Body, Art & Words Diana Matoso www.dsway.org
Photography Fernando Matoso @fernandomatosophotography
___ London 2019
___ Preview full PDF below or download it here.
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REturn, a Trashion Tribe photo essay Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \ Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person.
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latinabiz · 3 years
Tornano le mostre all'aria aperta a Latina
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Mostra Con le riaperture tornano anche le mostre all'aperto a Latina: sono due appuntamenti con l’arte all’aria aperta nati nell’ambito della call internazionale Life in the Time of Coronavirus promossa da Roma Fotografia e dal Festival della Fotografia Etica per raccontare l’emergenza sanitaria da Covid 19 nel mondo attraverso l’arte e in particolare la fotografia. Come è avvenuto nel periodo natalizio, su iniziativa di Fabio D’Achille, delegato alla Promozione dell’Arte Contemporanea, e dell’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Latina Silvio Di Francia, tornano per le vie della città gli scatti che raccontano il lockdown divisi stavolta in due mostre: Smile at Home (Sorridi a casa) a cura di Maria Cristina Valeri, Alex Mezzenga e Gilberto Maltinti e This is us (Questi siamo noi) a cura di Alex Mezzenga. Le mostre, fruibili attraverso la modalità delle affissioni pubbliche, constano di 10 maxi poster 6x3 m, 40 manifesti 140x200 cm e 100 manifesti 100x140 cm disseminati per le vie della città. Hanno spiegato gli organizzatori: “Smile at Home  nasce dalla fantasia, ironia a e creatività con la quale fotografi, fotoamatori e cittadini hanno voluto interpretare, attraverso i loro scatti, il desiderio di una lettura diversa, cinematografica, a volte surreale di questo evento storico: uno sguardo oltre, capace di proiettarsi già in un futuro di elaborazione, rinascita e ripartenza per tutti noi. La mostra, nel suo viaggio itinerante, vuole quindi donare un sorriso che illumini ogni volto anche se solo per pochi attimi”. This is Us, prosegue il discorso lanciato dalla call soffermandosi sulla parte più intima e riflessiva che la chiusura in casa per diverse settimane ha innescato: “ciascuno di noi si è fermato e ha vissuto come in un tempo sospeso; chi non lo aveva mai fatto prima è stato costretto a guardarsi allo specchio, a fare i conti con la propria esistenza e ridisegnare spazi e abitudini, con la certezza e il conforto che da ogni parte del mondo si stessero affrontando le stesse difficoltà e si coltivassero gli stessi sogni. #thisisus è una selezione di immagini che immortala istanti, azioni, situazioni che sembra parlare a nome di tutti e così raccontare ciò che ognuno di noi ha fatto o ha pensato almeno una volta durante i primi drammatici mesi della pandemia, senza retorica o compassione ma con l’unico intento di suscitare negli occhi di chi guarda l’emozione di ritrovarsi in tanti piccoli gesti che si sono ripetuti giorno dopo giorno in ogni angolo del mondo”.Gli autori selezionati per Smile at Home: Andrea Morelli, Angelo Marinelli, Caterina Bruzzone, Corrado Ippoliti, Danilo D’Auria, Davide Ronfini, Davide Torbidi, Fabiana Cicatiello, Fabio Eleuteri, Fabio Salvi, Fabrizio Spucches, Fortunata Scarponi, Gabriela Matoso Ferreira Gomes, Giacomo d’Orlando, Giuseppe Piazza, Hermann Bredehorst, Jenny Liedholm, Lorenzo Biffoli, Lucrecia Esteban, Michele Campagni, Miriam Carini, Negar Aghaalitari, Nella Laquintana, Paolo Quadrini, Pierangelo Bogoni, Silbino Gonçalves Matado, Simone Bardi, Tadeu Vilani, Viviana Corvaia. Per la rassegna This is Us: Categoria single shot: Davide Bertuccio, Diyanto Sarira, Adam Firman, Arianna Liseo, Giuseppe Ulizio, Alireza IravanI, Sven Delaye, Barbara Rossi, Michele Vantaggi, Leonardo Mangia, Mario Cabras, Antonio Liberatore, Giovanni Firmani, Fortunata Scarponi, Valentina Bacci, Nicola Doro, Antonello Veneri, Anna Maria Noto, Mirco pio Silvestri, Chiara Rufini, Borja Abargues, Ilaria Pascazio, Rosa Liberati, Corrado Ippoliti, Manlio Cosimo De Pasquale, Michele Porcelluzzi, Giovanna Dell’Acqua, Maurizio Ugolini, Francesco D’Alonzo, Franco Luigi Beretta, Gabriella Caparrelli, Armando Di Loreto, Elaha Sahel, Luning Cao, Oliver Gargan, Michi GalliCategoria Short Story: Alberto Mesirca, Andrea Partiti,Anuradha Abeysekera, Arek Rataj,Bente Marei Stachowske, Diana Bagnoli,Fabrizio Spucches, Gianluca Uda, Giuseppe Maione, MD Zakir Hossain, Mobin Mayeli,Nicola Doro,Nikos Pilos, Paolo Testa, Pierluigi Perfetto, Tiziano Manzoni, Jordi Cohen Coodeforns. Read the full article
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wildportugal-blog · 7 years
Wild Guide to Portugal
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Three years ago I set out on foot from Lisbon to northern Spain with an army-issue water bottle, a bivvy bag and a pocket knife. Since then, with the help of friend and collaborator Diana Matoso, I discovered more and more wild places – hidden beaches, lost ruins, little-known vineyards and star-gazing spots. Now my guidebook to all these places is due out 3rd April 2017 published by Wild Things Publishing - click here to pre-order
This book details places to walk, swim, feast and sleep illustrated with photographs, maps, directions and GPS co-ordinates. We shared our journey with shepherds, discovered ancient earth-dug caves, walking routes, sunset hilltops, hidden springs and tasted mountain cheeses, drank hearty red wines and star-gazed under the moon. I am now sure that waking up to birdsong, river mist and an early plunge into clear water is my favourite way to start the day.
We climbed to peaks and rocky summits and saw Portugal laid flat as a map beneath. We followed forgotten roman roads and locals' directions and began to fully appreciate the Portuguese phrase “if you have a tongue, you can get to Rome.” This book is about a land woven over with paths and stories left by its people: Celts and Moorish settlers, Romans along trade routes and along its sacred routes the saints, sinners, queens, beggars, musicians, miracle-workers and us.
The end result of these journeys is this compendium of wild, secret and beautiful places across Portugal. I hope that this book inspires many more wild adventures.
For more info and to place orders click here: Wild Guide Portugal
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blogdoemerson · 4 years
Resumo da novela, Malhação Toda Forma de Amar, capítulos de
Resumo da novela, Malhação Toda Forma de Amar capítulos de 20/01 a 24/01/2020
segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro.
Rui impede que Rita visite Nina sozinha com Filipe. Rui tenta cooptar Tatoo para serviços ilegais. Henrique se interessa pela chapa de Fafi e Jaqueline, e Diana e Marquinhos se preocupam. Andressa se recusa a se insinuar para Henrique para ganhar a eleição do grêmio. Nanda dá um fora em Marquinhos. Madureira convida Lígia para viajar. Neide e Camelo se preocupam com Tatoo, e Raíssa pede que Anjinha converse com ele. Andressa se espanta ao ver Fafi e Henrique se beijando. Filipe surpreende Rita e leva Nina a seu encontro. Tatoo afirma a Anjinha que não quer mais saber do colégio, e Rui o incentiva. Os capangas de Rui observam Filipe, Rita e Nina.
terça-feira, 21 de janeiro.
Matoso e Ramiro registram o encontro de Filipe e Nina para alertar Rui. Thiago se intromete no namoro de Daniel e Milena, que repreende o rapaz. Leila provoca Rita, e Filipe defende a namorada. Rafa ensina Anjinha a jogar capoeira. Rita conta para Serginho e Guga sobre seu encontro com Nina. Regina tenta animar Max. Lígia explica a Rita que sua união judicial com Rui impede que ela permita os encontros com Nina. Daniel e Milena dormem juntos pela primeira vez. Rui acusa Leila de mentir para ele. Regina se preocupa com Max, que não pensa em conseguir um novo trabalho. Andressa confronta Fafi na frente de Henrique. Rui dá ordens a Matoso e Ramiro contra Filipe.
quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro.
Filipe tem um mau pressentimento. Andressa atrapalha a relação de Fafi e Henrique. Nanda doa seus pertences musicais, e Raíssa lamenta. Leila interpela Filipe para protegê-lo da ação de Ramiro e Matoso, e o rapaz desconfia do comportamento dela. Começa o debate entre Jaqueline e Diana. Ramiro e Matoso sequestram Leila. Regina e Guga se preocupam com o comportamento de Max. Marquinhos insiste para que Diana aborde a proximidade entre Celso e Jaqueline no debate do grêmio. Rui ameaça Leila. Orientada por Rui, Leila liga para Filipe e diz que foi assaltada. Filipe chega para resgatar Leila, e é acuado por Matoso e Ramiro.
quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro.
Filipe aplica golpes de judô em Matoso e Ramiro, mas acaba imobilizado. Leila consegue fugir e pede ajuda à polícia. Rita, Lígia e Cida se preocupam com Filipe. Leila avisa a Lígia que Filipe está no hospital. Rita confronta Leila. Regina se espanta com Max, que decide esbanjar dinheiro mesmo estando desempregado. Nanda sofre para se manter longe da música. Neide parabeniza a atuação de Nanda na escola. Marquinhos acredita que sua chapa vencerá a eleição para o grêmio. Fafi repreende Henrique por compactuar com as mentiras da chapa de Marquinhos. Regina pede que Guga converse com Max. Tatoo teme a entrega que Rui lhe pede para fazer. Lígia aceita viajar com Madureira. César chega em casa e questiona Milena quando encontra um preservativo. Um homem ameaça Tatoo. Filipe conta a Rita que Lígia permitiu sua convivência com Nina.
sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro.
Rita comemora a notícia dada por Filipe. Tatoo descobre que foi testado por Rui. César repreende Vânia e Jaqueline por terem sido permissivas com Milena. Max compra um apartamento novo, e Regina se desespera. Milena se irrita com a atitude de César. Meg aconselha Guga a conversar com Max. Cida questiona Leila sobre a veracidade do assalto. Diana convida Nanda para cantar o hino do Estado, e a jovem se recusa. Meg tenta abordar Max sobre trabalho. Nanda decide ajudar a chapa de Jaqueline nas eleições para o grêmio. Rita e Lígia começam a se entender. Leila é sequestrada novamente. Filipe chega em casa com Nina, para a alegria de Rita.
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dsway-motion · 5 years
SoundEscape / s0undScapes 2
Filmed with a mobile phone at the Orfeão in Viseu, during the Festival Jardins Efémeros using the reflections on an installation art piece. No edition or effects. Live video [Diana Matoso] and double bass [Pedro Campos]
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reigniteaction · 6 years
Reignite Love in All You Do
Reignite Love in All You Do
Reignite Love in all you do, every day & in every way!  💜🧡💛💚💙
We share with you these series of original paintings created by our designer & volunteer Diana Matoso aka Ds ARTworks and donated as perks for our first ever fundraising campaign.
  Soon they’ll be available as prints in our website shop together with some of Fernando Matoso photography!
If you’re an artist too, or in any way would…
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narizentupidocartazes · 8 months
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[2018] 03 de Novembro | Diana Combo | Folclore Impressionista + Marco Franco | SMUP - Parede
Cartaz [Madalena Matoso]
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narizentupidocartazes · 8 months
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[2017] 15 de Janeiro | Folclore Impressionista [Diana Combo + Helena Espvall + Luís Vicente + Nuno Afonso] | Jejuno | Bruno Silva [projecções]
Cartaz [Madalena Matoso]
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creativesblok · 4 years
Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \
Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person. . go back to (a particular situation). . divert one’s attention back to. . reoccur after a period of absence. 2. give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person. . feel, say, or do (the same feeling, action, etc.) in response. . (in tennis and other sports) hit or send (the ball) back to an opponent.
Noun 1. an act of coming or going back to a place or activity. . an act of going back to an earlier state or situation. . the action of returning something. . (in tennis and other sports) a stroke played in response to a serve or other stroke by one’s opponent. . a thing which has been given or sent back. . a ticket which allows someone to travel to a place and back again. . an electrical conductor bringing a current back to its source. . a second contest between the same opponents. 2. a profit from an investment. 3. an official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand. 4. a mechanism or key on a typewriter that returns the carriage to a fixed position at the start of a new line.
In Lexico by Oxford
REturn is the second Trashion Tribe photo shoot and a very special one in which I dress my own creations and go for a walk in a wild London’s alley with my father, the photographer Fernando Matoso.
It’s very rare that I pose for someone’s camera but I felt the urge to register and now share this moment as a way to overcome certain vulnerabilities and strengthen my willpower. The result is a photo essay exploring the connection with and the way back to the source through the transformation of the self and surrounding matter. It represents the ambiguity of our times and aims to challenge us to envision a transformation that for long is calling upon us all.
We are made of the same water that runs in the rivers, the same earth below our feet and even the same dust from far away stars. We will always be a part of Nature and the more we nurture it, the more we can evolve as a species but if we destroy it, it will eventually turn us back into dirt.
We live in what many call a “point of no return”. It is not a myth that human actions are condemning all life on earth as we know it and that substantial change is becoming eminent, but in truth, either one way or the other, we are returning to the source, because there’s no way out of it.
It’s all part of cycles within cycles, endings and beginnings intertwined until infinity and it’s up to us to dance and flow but also create and seed the change we want to see manifested.
“We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from… Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements.”
– William Shakespeare
  Constant Change
Returning implies a sort of going back, meaning something was once, then it wasn’t and then it was again. Of course, we know how impossible it is to go back to anything as we keep evolving and nothing really get back to what once was because everything is always changing.
Change has been a constant and my life long partner. I learned to embrace it and now believe it sustains me. Every day I water seeds of change in me and grow acceptance to all that will be left because I understood that to create something new, something else needs to be destroyed and this is true to all in life even though we might not realize that we do it by simply breathing in and out.
It’s normal for change not to know what will become, nevertheless, it furthers one to stretch out of the comfort zone [caterpillar] and develop a new sense of self [butterfly]. I wonder if the dragonfly will remember it’s life as a water naiad or if the butterfly recognizes the flower where she grew from above.
We too go through a metamorphosis in a way, birth and death are still very confusing for us and it’s uncertain what we turn into after this state. And we don’t actually remember being in our mother’s womb or even how we perceived the world around then. Perhaps we were not aware but if we were, wouldn’t we wonder how would life be after that? Or if there was any at all? How different would we be if we remembered how it was? To be in the source? Being born? And what if death was another birth channel?
As if a cycle is ending and a new one is beginning. In reality, there is no end or start as in truth they are the same. Like all opposites, they converge and form one another. Being impossible to set them apart we must indulge in the cyclic dance and flow of life and death.
“Arrival in the world is really a departure and that, which we call departure, is only a return.”
– Dejan Stojanovic
  Returning Cycles
Cycles are not circles but rather spirals, that’s why we’re never here again and that is the importance of Now. All works in cycles and these are a return in a way with an inherent duality in occurrences and perspectives.
Some are short, others very long, there are cycles within cycles and I came to believe they’re kind of cosmic clocks.
REturn is a way back to where it once was, a previous place, state or condition, but if every turn of the way is different, is only to expect that each return will be so too. We never go back as we were because we accumulate experience. Life happens in such ways that it is impossible not to be transformed by it.
We are shaped by the water cycle, the moon phases, the seasons of the year, the coming and going of people or from/to places…
These influences are not always perceivable but invariably present and the more we can accept the tides ups & downs, the easier will be to cruise because life is an ocean and waves our paths, we can surf them or dive but we definitely can’t hide.
We are moved by unseen currents pulled by infinite polarities stretching from within all the way out to space and cycles are the rhythms pulsing us into life.
” If it feels like slipping back into a state you thought you’d finished with, remember that life is a spiral not a roundabout! […] We do indeed revisit things many times, but always from a slightly different perspective or point of view. […] We are never the same person twice, no matter how much we may feel ourselves to be.”
– Sarah Varcas
  Self Duality
It all emerges from connecting with our own breath, understanding our inner cycles, dancing to our own rhythms so we can then tune with what resonates best with us, knowing that even that will change but fully trusting in the way.
Self discovery always leads to self duality. When we allow all of our self to express we find contradictions between aspects or parts of our whole hiding or closed away.
  When we stop fighting or deceiving these parts we start forgiving and loving ourselves and others more readily, living more happily.
As I look back, I recognize how certain cycles and patterns have been playing in loop, and how far out I have walked to find my way back [with]in. It has taken me an incredible amount of time and inner work to overcome certain dualities, fears, habits and especially fake truths I kept about myself and to return feeling and being me.
I know the journey is never really over and we must keep juggling our lights/shadows but most of all we must keep returning to our life force wild nature to remember our flow.
If we understand that night forms the day, that shadow is cast by light or that opposites depend on one another, we can comprehend that unity is born of diversity and that we’re each made of many while part of a bigger organism, connected in an infinite moment, called a singularity.
“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.”
– Kamand Kojouri
Wild Love
We can experience this singularity when and only when we’re feeling love. When we are taken by rage or fear we always feel the opposite, and create a wall separating us. Love is the spice of life holding us together to the natural world and the source of life itself.
The importance of letting love grow free and wild is because only then can it be true. Love for the wild enhances a wild sort of love in which raw sincerity is carved with tenderness and delivered with humour.
Wild love is letting in but also letting go, is to accept emotional seasons and to respect both cycles of abundance and scarcity, of closeness and freedom, of joy and boredom… To know that one follows the other in an ever ending dance is to love fearlessly trusting unconditionally. Is to become aware and adapt to change with respect, honesty and compassion for ourselves and the other, supporting each others growth.
Unfortunately, love is often seen as a superficial moment in time when everything is in tune and not the whole spectrum is as experienced by most. We expect to meet the perfect person but are not willing to endure the growing pains of overcoming our shadows together. We give up easily when love isn’t breezy, as we expect it to be a sort of effortless magic that happens unexpectedly to the lucky ones.
Life really is a mysterious weaving of places, moments and dreams, each one of us is connected with all others one way or another and mainly in invisible ways, so we can’t always see what moves us but it still does no matter what…
  “If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.”
– Khalil Gibran
  Body, Art & Words Diana Matoso www.dsway.org
Photography Fernando Matoso @fernandomatosophotography
___ London 2019
___ Preview full PDF below or download it here.
#gallery-0-15 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-15 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-15 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-15 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
REturn, a Trashion Tribe photo essay Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \ Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person.
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creativesblok · 4 years
Trashion Tribe “The Elements Collection”
Trashion Tribe “The Elements Collection”
Humanity wakes up from a shut down to find all its technology has collapsed. No more sucking the rivers or drilling the earth, no more Instagram or World Wide Web. No machines are working and all that is left is what has been previously produced, like the waste now floating in the oceans or a pair of rusty scissors.
This is the point when everyone starts scavenging for rubbish as if it was…
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dsway · 4 years
Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \ 
Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person. . go back to (a particular situation). . divert one’s attention back to. . reoccur after a period of absence. 2. give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person. . feel, say, or do (the same feeling, action, etc.) in response. . (in tennis and other sports) hit or send (the ball) back to an opponent.
Noun 1. an act of coming or going back to a place or activity. . an act of going back to an earlier state or situation. . the action of returning something. . (in tennis and other sports) a stroke played in response to a serve or other stroke by one’s opponent. . a thing which has been given or sent back. . a ticket which allows someone to travel to a place and back again. . an electrical conductor bringing a current back to its source. . a second contest between the same opponents. 2. a profit from an investment. 3. an official report or statement submitted in response to a formal demand. 4. a mechanism or key on a typewriter that returns the carriage to a fixed position at the start of a new line.
In Lexico by Oxford
REturn is the second Trashion Tribe photo shoot and a very special one in which I dress my own creations and go for a walk in a wild London’s alley with my father, the photographer Fernando Matoso. 
It’s very rare that I pose for someone’s camera but I felt the urge to register and now share this moment as a way to overcome certain vulnerabilities and strengthen my willpower. The result is a photo essay exploring the connection with and the way back to the source through the transformation of the self and surrounding matter. It represents the ambiguity of our times and aims to challenge us to envision a transformation that for long is calling upon us all.
We are made of the same water that runs in the rivers, the same earth below our feet and even the same dust from far away stars. We will always be a part of Nature and the more we nurture it, the more we can evolve as a species but if we destroy it, it will eventually turn us back into dirt.
We live in what many call a “point of no return”. It is not a myth that human actions are condemning all life on earth as we know it and that substantial change is becoming eminent, but in truth, either one way or the other, we are returning to the source, because there’s no way out of it.
It’s all part of cycles within cycles, endings and beginnings intertwined until infinity and it’s up to us to dance and flow but also create and seed the change we want to see manifested.
“We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from… Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements.”
– William Shakespeare
  Constant Change
Returning implies a sort of going back, meaning something was once, then it wasn’t and then it was again. Of course, we know how impossible it is to go back to anything as we keep evolving and nothing really get back to what once was because everything is always changing.
Change has been a constant and my life long partner. I learned to embrace it and now believe it sustains me. Every day I water seeds of change in me and grow acceptance to all that will be left because I understood that to create something new, something else needs to be destroyed and this is true to all in life even though we might not realize that we do it by simply breathing in and out.
It’s normal for change not to know what will become, nevertheless, it furthers one to stretch out of the comfort zone [caterpillar] and develop a new sense of self [butterfly]. I wonder if the dragonfly will remember it’s life as a water naiad or if the butterfly recognizes the flower where she grew from above. 
We too go through a metamorphosis in a way, birth and death are still very confusing for us and it’s uncertain what we turn into after this state. And we don’t actually remember being in our mother’s womb or even how we perceived the world around then. Perhaps we were not aware but if we were, wouldn’t we wonder how would life be after that? Or if there was any at all? How different would we be if we remembered how it was? To be in the source? Being born? And what if death was another birth channel? 
As if a cycle is ending and a new one is beginning. In reality, there is no end or start as in truth they are the same. Like all opposites, they converge and form one another. Being impossible to set them apart we must indulge in the cyclic dance and flow of life and death.
“Arrival in the world is really a departure and that, which we call departure, is only a return.”
– Dejan Stojanovic
  Returning Cycles
Cycles are not circles but rather spirals, that’s why we’re never here again and that is the importance of Now. All works in cycles and these are a return in a way with an inherent duality in occurrences and perspectives. 
Some are short, others very long, there are cycles within cycles and I came to believe they’re kind of cosmic clocks.
#gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
REturn is a way back to where it once was, a previous place, state or condition, but if every turn of the way is different, is only to expect that each return will be so too. We never go back as we were because we accumulate experience. Life happens in such ways that it is impossible not to be transformed by it.
We are shaped by the water cycle, the moon phases, the seasons of the year, the coming and going of people or from/to places… 
#gallery-0-14 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-14 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-14 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-14 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
These influences are not always perceivable but invariably present and the more we can accept the tides ups & downs, the easier will be to cruise because life is an ocean and waves our paths, we can surf them or dive but we definitely can’t hide.
We are moved by unseen currents pulled by infinite polarities stretching from within all the way out to space and cycles are the rhythms pulsing us into life.
” If it feels like slipping back into a state you thought you’d finished with, remember that life is a spiral not a roundabout! […] We do indeed revisit things many times, but always from a slightly different perspective or point of view. […] We are never the same person twice, no matter how much we may feel ourselves to be.”
– Sarah Varcas
  Self Duality
It all emerges from connecting with our own breath, understanding our inner cycles, dancing to our own rhythms so we can then tune with what resonates best with us, knowing that even that will change but fully trusting in the way.
Self discovery always leads to self duality. When we allow all of our self to express we find contradictions between aspects or parts of our whole hiding or closed away.
When we stop fighting or deceiving these parts we start forgiving and loving ourselves and others more readily, living more happily.
As I look back, I recognize how certain cycles and patterns have been playing in loop, and how far out I have walked to find my way back [with]in. It has taken me an incredible amount of time and inner work to overcome certain dualities, fears, habits and especially fake truths I kept about myself and to return feeling and being me.
I know the journey is never really over and we must keep juggling our lights/shadows but most of all we must keep returning to our life force wild nature to remember our flow.
If we understand that night forms the day, that shadow is cast by light or that opposites depend on one another, we can comprehend that unity is born of diversity and that we’re each made of many while part of a bigger organism, connected in an infinite moment, called a singularity.
“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.”
– Kamand Kojouri
Wild Love
We can experience this singularity when and only when we’re feeling love. When we are taken by rage or fear we always feel the opposite, and create a wall separating us. Love is the spice of life holding us together to the natural world and the source of life itself.
The importance of letting love grow free and wild is because only then can it be true. Love for the wild enhances a wild sort of love in which raw sincerity is carved with tenderness and delivered with humour. 
Wild love is letting in but also letting go, is to accept emotional seasons and to respect both cycles of abundance and scarcity, of closeness and freedom, of joy and boredom… To know that one follows the other in an ever ending dance is to love fearlessly trusting unconditionally. Is to become aware and adapt to change with respect, honesty and compassion for ourselves and the other, supporting each others growth.
Unfortunately, love is often seen as a superficial moment in time when everything is in tune and not the whole spectrum is as experienced by most. We expect to meet the perfect person but are not willing to endure the growing pains of overcoming our shadows together. We give up easily when love isn’t breezy, as we expect it to be a sort of effortless magic that happens unexpectedly to the lucky ones.
Life really is a mysterious weaving of places, moments and dreams, each one of us is connected with all others one way or another and mainly in invisible ways, so we can’t always see what moves us but it still does no matter what…
  “If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.”
– Khalil Gibran
  Body, Art & Words Diana Matoso www.dsway.org
Photography Fernando Matoso @fernandomatosophotography
___ London 2019
REturn is the second Trashion Tribe photo shoot and a very special one in which I dress my own creations and go for a walk in a wild London’s alley with my father, the photographer Fernando Matoso.  The result is a photo essay exploring the connection with and the way back to the source through the transformation of the self and surrounding matter.  Return re·​turn \ ri-ˈtərn  \  Verb 1. come or go back to a place or person.
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dsway · 5 years
Trashion Tribe "The Elements Collection"
Trashion Tribe "The Elements Collection" is a series of #handmade #upcycled #fashion items created to raise awareness of the current #ClimateChange situation while reviving the #DIY spirit and #craftsmanship of other times.
Humanity wakes up from a shut down to find all its technology has collapsed. No more sucking the rivers or drilling the earth, no more Instagram or World Wide Web. No machines are working and all that is left is what has been previously produced, like the waste now floating in the oceans or a pair of rusty scissors.
This is the point when everyone starts scavenging for rubbish as if it was…
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dsway · 5 years
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The creations for the Elements Collection Photoshoot were conceived around the Five Elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire & Love. Following the inspiration of each element characteristics, a series of combinations were developed by experimenting with materials, colors, and techniques such as collages, melting plastic and painting. Photoshoot Credits: Photographer: Fernando Matoso [@fernandomatosophotography] Fashion Stylist: Diana Matoso [@dsway2] Models: Donna Boyer [@donnamarieboyer] / Stella Boutcher [@stella.boutcher] / Destiny Quest Stewart Model's Directing: Olia Sequeira [@Oliasequeira] Hair Stylist: Luanna Babbi [@luanab.hair] Makeup Stylist: Jacob Bottomley [@Makeupjake95] Nails Stylist: Shiene Mann [@shiene_mann_beauty] A Big thank you to Freelancer Club London [@TheFreelancerClub] and Holborn Studios [@holbornstudios] for all the support. See more: https://dsway.org/trashiontribe #recycling #recycle #upcycling #environment #plasticfree #waste #ecofriendly #gogreen #fashion #sustainablefashion #fashionmagazine #style #studioshoot #trash #trashion #trashiontribe #trashionfashion #design #artistic #trashionart #upcycled #upcycledfashion #artwork #reuseplastic (at Holborn Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B19GbHcl8wF/?igshid=1ios07wgqt89g
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