#Doug Perkins
toastytrip · 5 months
Fishing Buddies Gone Fishing
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FINALLY finished this thing after putting it off for a few months because I didn't like how it originally looked <///3 its improved so much though I'm proud of it
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Also have some other funnies from last year :} We need more dill pickle rep!!!!
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askbillgreen · 1 year
My reunion with Doug and boy did I miss him.
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Steve Goomas, Doug Perkins - Ruckus in the Henhouse A
Plays in:
40b. "Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm"
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jackson4571 · 2 years
I've seen a new ship going around for Big City Greens, Bill Green x Doug Perkins, the ship might be good to enough to rival Bill x Chip.
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Doug Perkins and Bill Green are so husbands
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fanfic-inator795 · 8 days
So I rewatched "DependiBill" last night (only a day after I told myself NOT to rewatch that ep anytime soon because I didn't want to risk burning myself out on it asdfghjkl) and honestly, I've sorta got BillDoug on the brain now.
I'd love to see these two get another ep together - especially after seeing how lonely and frustrated Bill was in "True Cawing" when he was feeling like no one understood him.
Maybe at some point Bill decides to see if Doug Perkins is interested in being more than just a Fishing Buddy that he only really hangs out with on fishing days and asks if he wants to be his full-on friend (possibly best friend) - and of course, Doug is thrilled.
Maybe shortly after that, Bill invites Doug to hang out with him at one of his favorite events ever - the Smalton County Fair - and the two are able to have fun and bond over the various events and fun things at the fair (with Bill being incredibly grateful to have someone who doesn't get bored listening to him ramble on about farming and produce, or who thinks HE'S boring when he gets excited about the various county fair exhibitions).
Just- gah, give me more of this incredibly sweet friendship (and possibly more) between these two.
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Oh em gee how'd that get there. what......
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soft-persephone · 9 months
Minx Season 2 episode 8……..
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I am so happy for Joyce, Tina, Shel, Richie, and Bambs…. But oh my god oh my god oh my god!
Like no warning??? Tina and Doug are just done? Just like that? I don’t get nothing else?
And with Constance?
I want to say it was a moment of weakness and vulnerability of losing Tina but having a “win.” That now that his money is up! Now that he’s in his bag and he’s got the biggest deal of his life, that he might as well with the woman that gave it to him.
And clearly he likes any type of strong woman…
But deep down.. I know it’s not true.
Bambi gets to help out Shelly’s husband while she goes off with her lover. They are separating so that’s fine. Good for both of them.
Are we supposedly building up to a Shelly x Bambi x Richard? (I forgot mr Dentist man’s name😬)
If so dope, if not, still dope.
Love Richie telling Joyce to fuck off.
I knew we were getting a minx family moment at the end but fuck,,, I didn’t know Doug wouldn’t be there.
Joyce fianally following her gut and taking a stand. She should have been speaking up for herself, but I understand the “complexity” of the situation.
Tina being out as soon as Constance said “women like us” is such a mood. She’s never been more relatable to me. (She always is, but I just love it when it’s turned up to 1000x)
However, I knew there would come a time where Doug without a doubt would choose money over Tina and everyone else, and somehow it still hurts to see it happen.
So this stupid heartbreak is on me! I’m the fucking clown here, and it hurts worse because of it!!
No matter what happenes I have always been on Tina’s side.
Baby girl is still going to Paris to do the damn thing, so I am not that upset.
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the-idea-cache · 9 months
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Pennywise: The Story of IT will be released on Blu-ray on November 22 via Cinedigm as the first title in the Screambox collection. The 2021 documentary is currently streaming exclusively on Screambox.
Directed by John Campopiano (Unearthed & Untold: The Path to Pet Sematary) and Christopher Griffiths (Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser), the film offers an in-depth look at the 1990 horror miniseries based on Stephen King’s IT.
Interview subjects include Pennywise himself, Tim Curry, cast members Richard Thomas, Seth Green, Tim Reid, and Emily Perkins, director Tommy Lee Wallace, writer Lawrence D. Cohen, special effects makeup artist Bart Mixon, and more. It also includes rare archival materials and never-before-seen footage.
Zachary Jackson Brown designed the slipcover art, while Doug Saquic created the cover art. Special features are listed below, where you can also watch the trailer.
Special features:
The Book Cover - A look at the original IT manuscript and cover design with artist Bob Giusti
A Deeper Look at the Music - Extended interview with composer Richard Bellis
Childhood Phobias - Cast & crew discuss their childhood fears
The Extras of IT - Interviews with background actors and additional crew
The Legacy Continues - Extended interviews about the miniseries’ legacy
Georgie: A Short Film - 2019 short film featuring Tony Dakota and Ben Heller
More than three decades after its release, the IT miniseries and its iconic villain live on in the minds of horror fans around the world. Pennywise: The Story of IT captures not only the spark the IT saga created upon release but also the lasting impact it has had on an entire generation and the horror genre at large.
Pre-order Pennywise: The Story of IT.
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minxmagazine · 9 months
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rbolick · 2 years
Books On Books Collection - Harriet Bart
Books On Books Collection – Harriet Bart
Dialogue: Alchemy of the Word (1993) Dialogue: Alchemy of the Word (1993)Harriet Bart and Helmut LöhrFrench-fold card-covered, double-bound book: H260 x W243 mm, 56 pages. Includes altered book and collage print. Edition of 30, of which this is #12. Acquired from Harriet Bart, 3 June 2022.Photos: Books On Books Collection. From the Foreword: Art is a universal language – drawing together…
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askbillgreen · 2 months
Has Joe or Doug ever saved your big butt before?
*Blushes* Yes Joe saved me from Chip Damage that one time and Doug saved me from drowning.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 41
Part 1 Part 40
Eddie’s twitchier than usual all throughout the school day. He sits through shop and history and band, rocking back and forth in his seat, staring at the door. He wants to bolt out the classroom door and hunt Steve down.
He doesn’t even know Steve’s school schedule.
It’s too soon for him to be back. Medically and maybe emotionally if that showdown with Hagan and Perkins was anything to go by.
Eddie didn’t know what he’d expected, but it wasn’t that. He’d been picturing Steve slinking back into the shell of King Steve, curling all that jagged edges tight enough to cut himself.
But, no. King Steve had rather publicly and spectacularly abdicated his throne.
Eddie wants to be happy. That was one of the most public declarations of possession Eddie’s ever seen. Steve Harrington had scorned his friends, and walked away, with Eddie.
But Perkin had looked hurt, and Steve’s eyes had gone dead and cold, and that lifeless gaze had stayed all the way through Eddie dropping him off at his classroom like he was a kindergartener and Eddie was his parent.
So, Eddie is stressed, buzzing with useless adrenaline as he speeds through the cafeteria, grabbing his usual droll lunch, and dropping down at his seat.
Gareth plops down beside him and says, “so, I heard a rumor.”
“Hmm?” Eddie asks, eyes flitting around the cafeteria, barely listening.
Steve’s not in his usual seat, center-stage at the jock table. What if he doesn’t show up for lunch at all? Will Eddie have to search the entire school to find him and make sure the asshole is alive and eating?
“I heard Harrington showed up to school in your van.”
Eddie snaps his gaze up, only just noticing that Jeff is sitting across from him, staring him down with furrowed brows. “So?” Eddie asks, like it’s not a big deal at all.
“So?!” Gareth replies, leaning toward Eddie, bringing their faces alarmingly close together so he can glare right into Eddie’s eyes. “So, you’re sick for a week.” He pauses here to emphasize the little finger quotations he puts around the word sick. “And come back to school with the jock of all jocks?”
“Shut up,” Eddie says. He has no rebuttal, can’t say much else without finding himself chained to another chair in that same cold, windowless room. “He’s just going through some stuff.”
“And that’s your problem because?” Jeff asks, biting into his shitty school-lunch lasagna and scrapping his teeth against his fork just because he knows it bugs the shit out of Eddie.
Eddie sighs, running his fingers through his bangs vigorously. It’s been thirty seconds and he’s already frazzled beyond repair.
“Just be nice,” he hisses, glaring between his two friends even as Doug sits down beside Jeff and starts eating his burger like he doesn’t care about anything that’s happening. He’s now Eddie’s favorite.
“Are you serious?” Gareth asks. “You’re asking us to be nice to fucking Steve Harrington of all people? When would we even see him?” He throws his hands in the air; palms open like he wants to slap the shit out of Eddie but he’s hanging on by a thread. Eddie echoes the sentiment.
“Look—” Eddie starts.
But then there’s a lunch tray placed beside his own, and the subject of their conversation takes a seat by Eddie’s side without even a by your leave. Jeff and Gareth are both gawping, lunches forgotten. Even Doug stops eating to look between Eddie and Steve with a raised eyebrow before clearly deciding it’s none of his business.
Steve’s opted for the same over-cooked hockey puck hamburger with fries, but he doesn’t seem interested in eating it. Eddie resists the urge to cram it into his mouth. Just like the doctor ordered.
“What is happening?” Jeff asks, but he, too picks up his fork and begins eating.
“Lunch?” Eddie says. Beside him, Steve snorts, and Eddie’s insides flutter alarmingly.
“And you can’t sit with your friends over there because?” Gareth asks snidely, gesturing rudely over to Steve’s usual table.
“Dude,” Steve says. “My only friends are a twelve-year-old and this guy.” He points at Eddie like he’s something he scraped off his shoe, smirking like he knows he’s making everything worse.
“Stevie,” Eddie says, giving him his most devastating kicked-puppy eyes; the ones that always melted Uncle Wayne when he pulled them out of his arsenal. “Barb would cry if she heard you say that.”
“I would cry if Steve said what?” Barb asks, shoving him gently sideways so she can squish herself into the open spot at his side.
“Stevie here said you two aren’t friends,” Eddie tattles gleefully.
Barb looks over at Steve, eyebrow raised as she looks him up and down, smiling at the wardrobe change that was one of Eddie’s worn-out band T-shirts. “You’ll do, I guess,” Barb says, before turning to glare across the cafeteria. “Besides, I’m going to need some new friends at this rate.”
Everyone’s eyes track the movement, following her line of sight to where Nancy and Jonathan are cozied up next to each other. They both look as studious and serious as ever, but Eddie can see their thighs touching beneath the table. He glances over at Steve, feels relieved when Steve’s little face isn’t scrunched up in heartbreak. If anything, he looks confused.
“Ouch,” Eddie says, nudging her shoulder. “Tough break.”
“I don’t get it,” Steve says, still squinting in confusion over at the pair.
Barb sighs, picking at the seams of the peanut butter and jelly she pulls from her backpack. “All Nancy cares about right now is Jonathan.” Her shoulders slump as she nibbles around her sandwich, only eating the crust like a weirdo. “At least with you, I knew it wouldn’t last.” She keeps talking over Steve’s little, offended, “hey!” “Now, when am I going to get my best friend back?”
Steve’s staring at Barb like he wants to burrow into her skull and root around. “She’s right there.” He points at Nancy rudely. Luckily, Nancy doesn’t seem to notice; too wrapped up in her nerdy little version of a honeymoon phase. “Can’t you just go hang out with both of them?”
“Dude,” Jeff says, staring at Steve like he’s an especially weird bug. Even Gareth is too baffled to seem all that hostile anymore. Eddie feels smug. How Steve passed for a suave, cool jock for so long is a mystery.
Barb groans, biting her sandwich in half viciously. “It’s not the same,” she says. “They’re all wrapped up in each other.”
“Didn’t Hagan and Perkins go through a honeymoon phase?” Eddie asks. “What did you used to do when they’d go on their romantic dates?”
If anything, Steve looks more confused. “Go with them?”
“You’re shitting me,” Gareth says aggressively, like this is some weird hazing ritual.
“Wait, no. Let’s let this play out,” Eddie says, turning his back on Gareth so he can watch Steve. “So, let’s set the stage. It’s valentine’s day, 1982. Tommy Hagan has set up a candlelit dinner with Miss Perkins to celebrate their eternal love. Where are you in this scenario?”
Steve’s still got his brows furrowed like he doesn’t understand the assignment. “Have you been like, stalking me?” The little freak sounds almost flattered at the accusation.
“Are you serious, Stevie?” Eddie asks, unsurprised when Steve nods.
“So, you, Steve Harrington, showed up at your best friend’s valentine’s date last year and that was just fine?” Barb asks, deadpan.
“Usually, I help Carol do her make-up before,” Steve replies, blessedly finally picking up his burger and taking a bite. He looks over at the jock table, something small and forlorn twisting his mouth even as he bites savagely into his burger like he’s trying to kill it. “She’s not good at doing her own eye shadow without looking like a hooker.”
Everyone’s just staring at Steve while he eats his burger, oblivious.
“What the fuck?” Gareth asks.
Eddie looks over to the jock table. Tommy and Carol are both seated, glaring at the back of Steve’s head with poorly concealed jealousy. “You know,” Eddie says, looking away quickly before he accidentally meets either of the wonder twin’s eyes, “this actually explains so much.”
Barb sweeps her empty sandwich baggy into the trash like the middle-class girl she is and says, almost like she’s thinking about it, “I don’t think I can go on Nancy and Jonathan’s dates.”
Jeff, having finished his lasagna in silence, says, “Okay, they’re both freaks.”
“Here that Stevie?” Eddie asks, wrapping his arm around Steve’s shoulder and shaking him as he tries to swallow his bite of hamburger without choking. “You can stay!”
Steve takes another bite and talk around the mouthful like the heathen he is. “I was never going anywhere.”
Eddie smiles down at Steve, not dropping him as he takes a bite of his own lasagna. He lets the warmth in.
Part 42
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
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Just Some Guy Joust - Contestants List
Note: This is NOT the order of the brackets. Like with the last tournament, the order of the brackets will be a surprise. This list was randomized from the brackets I set up and does not represent who each character will be up against. The only thing you know for sure which side of the bracket they're on. When the polls go up, they'll be posted in order based on the list here, NOT based on where their brackets actually are!
Round 1 of Side A is over! Round 1 of Side B is CURRENTLY UP!
(Full list of characters in text format is under the cut)
Side A
Sasha James (The Magnus Archives)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) - died round 1
Joy (Underworld Office/Charlie in Underworld) - died round 1
Junpei (Zero Escape)
Horse (Centaurworld)
Phone Guy (FNAF) - died round 1
Gordon Freeman (HLVRAI)
Joshua Gillespie (The Magnus Archives) - died round 1
Namari (Dungeon Meshi)
Shez (Fire Emblem: Three Hopes) - died round 1
Henry Stickmin (Henry Stickmin)
Stanley (The Stanley Parable)
Whole (Chonny Jash's Charming Chaos Compendium) - died round 1
Larry (Pokemon)
Luke Carder (Inscryption) - died round 1
Leorio Paladiknight (Hunter x Hunter) - died round 1
Barry the Quokka (The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Tommy (HLVRAI) - died round 1
Ulala Serizawa (Persona 2: Eternal Punishment) - died round 1
April O'Neil (TMNT - All versions)
Tsuzuru Minagi (Act! Addict! Actors!) - died round 1
Matt (Woe.Begone)
Gilear Faeth (Fantasy High - Dimension 20)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
Emmet Brickowski (The LEGO Movie) - died round 1
Stahl (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) - died round 1
Jack Townsend (Tales from the Gas Station) - died round 1
Frisk (Undertale) - died round 1
Brian Pasternack (Yuppie Psycho)
Trevor Hills (American Arcadia)
Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone: Balance) - died round 1
Side B
Carol Kohl (Carol and The End of The World)
Jaehee Kang (Mystic Messenger) - died round 1
Paul Matthews (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals)
Emma Perkins (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals) - died round 1
Su Moting (God Troubles Me) - died round 1
Satou Hiroshi (Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Chilchuck Tims (Dungeon Meshi) - died round 1
Michelle Nguyen (Welcome to Night Vale)
Tad Strange (Gravity Falls)
Colin Robinson (What We Do in the Shadows) - died round 1
The Bard (Wandersong)
Usopp (One Piece) - died round 1
Nick Carraway (The Great Gatsby)
Link (Ocarina of Time) - died round 1
Kazooie (In a Manor of Speaking) - died round 1
Connecticut Clark (FlorkofCows)
Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Hitomi Shizuki (Madoka Magica)
Junpei Iori (Persona 3)
Han Solo (Star Wars) - died round 1
Tomoya Mashiro (Ensemble Stars!) - died round 1
Peter Sqloint (Just Roll With It: Apotheosis)
Cabbage Merchant (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Marta Cabrera (Knives Out) - died round 1
Greg Universe (Steven Universe)
Yuuki Mishima (Persona 5) - died round 1
Gingerbrave (Cookie Run) - died round 1
Arthur Dent (Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy) - died round 1
Elsen (OFF)
Mob (Mob Psycho 100)
Tadano Hitohito (Komi Can't Communicate) - died round 1
Rung (Transformers - IDW Continuity) - died round 1
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imsuchagoddamnnerd · 3 months
*.✧ Requests ✧.*
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I have no clue how to make the request button so for now please just comment on this post
I’ve never in my life used tumblr to post on. I can barely work a cell phone and I’m supposed to be from the more tech savvy generation. I apologize if this looks like shit. If anyone has tips to make it look good that would be real appreciated.
Also. There will eventually be smut on here so if you ain’t matte enough to read it. Just don’t. There will be fluff too but if you’re too young. Don’t read the smut.
When requesting it would be greatly appreciated if you gave a small plot summary/idea or prompt. It makes it easier for me and I feel it makes it more interactive for you all :)
Will do:
Most things including, Fluff, Smut, angst, fantasy, modern, horror(I’ll try), soul mates, oc stuff , x reader, canon x canon. All gender pairings, slashers, monsters, etc.
Will not:
underage characters, incest, pedophilia, homophobia, racism, abuse, scat/urine, infantilism.
Even if something isn’t on this list, I still have a right to decline writing something if it makes me uncomfortable.
Life is strange
Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Warren Graham, Mark Jefferson, Frank Bowers. Sean Diaz, Cassidy, Finn McNamara, Penny. Skip Matthews. Alex Chen, Gabe Chen, Ryan Lucan, Steph Gingrich. Others if requested.
Detroit: Become Human
Connor, Kara, Markus. Hank Anderson, Elijah Kamski, Gavin Reed, Rose Chapman, Josh, Lucy, Luther, Simon, Leo Manfred, North, Perkins, RK900, Ralph.
Fallout 4
Cait, Nick Valentine, Paladin Danse, Robert MacReady, Curie, John Hancock, Deacon, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Sturges, Strong.
Resident Evil 8
Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Benneviento, Salvatore Moreau.
The Last of Us
Joel Miller, Ellie Williams(pt2), Tommy Miller, Bill(MxM only), Tess, Henry. Haven’t played much of Part 2 yet.
The Walking Dead Game
Lee, Clem(aged up), Kenny, Doug, Carley, Lilly, Ben. Nick, Luke, Bonnie, Jane, Mike. Javier, David, Kate, Eleanor, Tripp, Ava, Paul aka “Jesus”. Louis, Violet, Ruby, Mitch, Marlon, James.
The Walking Dead TV Series
Too many to list. I’ll do the main cast. Any others will be by request.
This is taking a long time. I’m not listing all the characters from here on. Just assume I’ll know them on request. I’ve been working on this for like three hours.
Red Dead Redemption
Legend of Zelda
Botw, Totk, others on request
Stardew Valley
The Hobbit
Avatar(James Cameron)
Avatar(The Last Airbender)
FrostBite, John Doe, etc.
Slashers(Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface, Brahms, etc)
Demon Slayer
Doctor Who
OC Content:
Fantasy(modern or medieval). Zombie apocalypse. Cryptids. I might even do some OC design requests and stuff eventually.
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Please I’m begging y’all to request something. Anything. Please. I’m not 100% sure how commenting or whatever works, but please just request anything. Idk how to set up a request button so just commenting works
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