#Fright Night Fanfiction
dtfanzine · 11 months
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Have you just found out about this project? Or are you still on the fence about applying?
Are you an artist or a writer (or both) who wants to participate in a fan anthology of David Tennant’s works?
Wait no longer, applications close in one week!
Art by @anaquariusfox and @fritzmetzger.
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headcanonsandmore · 7 months
'Fright Night' Chapter One
Summary: In a dark and stormy planet, the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa find themselves separated from the TARDIS and are forced to seek refuge in a old castle nearby. However, strange things are afoot on this alien world and, in the gothic rooms and corridors of the castle, one of the time-travellers begins to find themselves changing...
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read on AO3.
‘Tegan, I think you’re being a bit overcautious.’
Tegan zipped up her waterproof jacket.
‘I don’t care what the Doctor says,’ she replied, checking to make sure that her boots were properly laced. ‘We don’t know what weather this planets going to have; I may as well be prepared.’
Nyssa chuckled. The Trakenite was sat at the end of Tegan’s bed. She was wearing her new stripy shirt, with the jersey tied around her middle. Tegan ignored the stammer in her own heartbeat as Nyssa kicked her legs absentmindedly beneath her.
Why had Nyssa decided to stop wearing her usual jumpsuit? On the one hand, Tegan could understand that Nyssa had likely gotten tired of wearing the same sort of clothing every day, but… good grief, Tegan’s heart was having a tough time seeing so much of the Trakenite’s legs.
It really wasn’t fair. Nyssa had always been pretty, but Tegan seemed to get distracted by her every other moment these days. It was as if her time spent away from the TARDIS had changed how she viewed the wonderful woman she shared a room with. Nyssa was her best friend, and she had developed a crush on her, probably from the moment they had first met on Logopolis, but now… that attraction had evolved beyond a simple crush. And Tegan knew -was absolutely certain- that Nyssa had no idea that Tegan saw her that way. More than that, Tegan was sure that Nyssa did not see her the same way.
So, here she was, in love with her best friend who didn’t realise that her feelings had grown beyond the platonic.
‘You sure you’re alright? We can pick up a thicker jacket for you from the TARDIS wardrobe if you want’
‘It’s fine,’ Nyssa said, smiling as she got to her feet. She picked a light waterproof jacket off the coat-stand nearby, her brown curls bouncing prettily. ‘Let’s go.’
Nyssa slipped the jacket on, and immediately linked one of her arms through Tegan’s. The Australian felt her heartrate escalate, as it always seemed to do whenever Nyssa initiated physical contact without warning.
Hoping against hope that she wasn’t blushing, Tegan allowed Nyssa to walk them out of their bedroom, and down the corridor towards the console room.
The Doctor was, of course, waiting for them, wearing an expression of excitement as he took readings from the central console.
‘Ah, there you both are,’ he declared, looking up as they entered. ‘Rather splendid planet, by the looks of things.’
Tegan exchanged a look with Nyssa, who giggled. The Australian ignored the giddy dance that her heart made at the sound, and raised a disbelieving eyebrow as she turned to look back at the Doctor.
‘Oh, ye of little faith,’ the time lord, wagging his finger at her. ‘Come along, let’s go and have a look around…’
Tegan stared at the brooding forests around them, the dark clouds above that seemed to cast the entire landscape in a dim twilight, and could even hear the sounds of unpleasantly course birdcalls. The TARDIS had landed on what appeared to be halfway down a mountainside. In every direction, all that could be seen were dense forests with a scattering of towering cliffs inbetween them. If Tegan didn’t know any better, she would have assumed the Doctor had deliberately landed in darkest Germania during the dark ages.
‘Splendid planet?’ she repeated, with a frown in the time lord’s direction. ‘That’s one way of putting it. Doc, this place looks like something out of Grims Fairy Tales!’
The Doctor glared irritably at her, before unfurling his hat from his jacket pocket and setting it neatly on top of his head.
‘Always the pessimist, aren’t you, Tegan?’ he said. ‘Cheer up; you and Nyssa both have jackets, and I’ve got my umbrella, after all.’
‘What umbrella-’
Out of (apparently) a jacket pocket, the Doctor pulled out a long umbrella. The handle seemed to be formed into the shape of a question mark.
Smiling smugly, the time lord unfurled the umbrella, and put it over his shoulder.
Tegan gave him another glare. The Doctor ignored her, and set off along the path that weaved down the mountain towards a river, which streaked jaggedly through the forest.
Nyssa gave Tegan an encouraging smile, and the Australian allowed herself to be led along by the arm. She really wished she could say no to Nyssa when the Trakenite smiled at her like that, but she knew that it was impossible. Those soft grey-green eyes had a habit of burrowing into her soul. And the irritating thing was, not only did Nyssa clearly have no clue as to the effect she had, but that Tegan liked it. She would have stopped time if Nyssa asked her to. It was as if her heart had a massive “property of Nyssa” stamp on it.
Overhead, there was the distant rumble of thunder. In the horizon, Tegan could see rain falling over the forest trees. She felt gooseflesh erupt unpleasantly up her skin; every single atom of her being was telling her to get back inside the TARDIS now.
‘That doesn’t sound good.’
‘Oh, probably just a spot of light rain,’ said the Doctor, airily, from in front. ‘I find the weather isn’t nearly bad as initial impressions suggest.’
Tegan doubted this very much, but by this point they had reached the river. A small stone bridge lay across it.
There was another rumble of low thunder.
Nyssa slipped her hand into Tegan’s as they followed the Doctor across the bridge.
‘Nys?’ the Australian asked, softly, as she turned to look at the woman stood next to her. ‘You okay?’
Nyssa nodded, quietly.
There was another crack of thunder, and this time, Nyssa’s hand squeezed tightly against Tegan’s.
‘It’s okay,’ Tegan said, giving a soft smile. ‘I’m here.’
Nyssa smiled, cheeks dimpling.
‘Thank you, Tegan,’ she said, softly. ‘I always feel safe when you’re here.’
Tegan felt her heart well with love for the Trakenite. It was all she could do not to burst into tears right there and then, and throw her arms around her friend.
‘I’m sorry for leaving you,’ she eventually said, ignoring the lump in her throat.
‘Don’t blame yourself for that,’ Nyssa said, with a nod of her head towards the Doctor. ‘You weren’t to blame.’
‘I heard that!’
Tegan laughed, as the Doctor let out a huff and strode off at a faster pace.
‘You didn’t leave me, Tegan,’ Nyssa said, still smiling at the Australian. ‘I’m just happy that I managed to find you again.’
‘Almost sounds like you missed me.’
‘Of course,’ Nyssa said, with a gentle nudge of her shoulder. ‘I can’t have a universe without you, Tegan Jovanka.’
Tegan’s heart seemed to pummel against her chest. What the hell did that mean?
‘N-Nys,’ she stammered, feeling her face burn. ‘I… you don’t have to… I don’t deserve you-’
There was another loud rumble of thunder, and the two women startled, coming to a stop.
The path they had been walking along was stretching upwards across the other side of the valley. The Doctor, a few hundred feet in front, turned to face them and pointed up the path.
There was a crack of lightning.
On a rocky outcrop sticking out from the mountainside was a castle. Well, somewhere between a castle and a fortified keep. It must have been at least two hundred feet tall, with ramparts and several towers stretching up. Gargoyles of strange creatures adorned the outside and Tegan could have sworn that, in the afterglow of the lightning, they seemed to move.
The path led up to the main doors, which stood at least ten feet high.
There was another crack of lightning, and the heavens opened.
Near instantly, the rain seemed to crash down around them, turning the path into a mud pit. Tegan squeezed tightly on Nyssa’s hand to help them both stay upright.
The Doctor charged down the path, wobbling as he struggled to maintain his balance amid the mud and rain. His umbrella was barely keeping him dry. 
‘Over the bridge, now!’
The two women turned.
A horrible sight met their eyes.
Looking down the path towards the way they had come, Tegan let out a groan. The bridge had sunk beneath the rising water of the river.
The three time-travellers turned once again and, feet slipping, ran up the path towards the castle. The path gradually became stone-paved as they grew closer, and Tegan was glad for the change, as she could already feel her boots beginning to get dirty. As they reached the entrance, the Doctor hammered on the huge doors, which swung open with a horrible creak. The time lord hurried inside.
Scrambling inside out of the wet, Tegan pulled Nyssa by the hand after her. The Trakenite seemed to have been momentarily shocked by the sudden change in weather.
Looking around, Tegan now saw that they had entered into some sort of entrance hall. It was rather small and cluttered, with various suits of armour haphazardly shoved anywhere they could fit. Several pairs of walking boots had been left scattered nearby a large doormat, which was a tired burgundy colour and had clearly seen better days. The door, in front of which the mat stood, was in barely better condition.
The Doctor pulled the doors shut behind them, and put down his umbrella, wiping his brow with a damp sleeve.
‘Well,’ he said, with a bit of irritation. ‘I suppose you’re going to tell me that you told me so-’
‘Never mind that!’ Tegan exclaimed. ‘Look at Nyssa!’
The Trakenite was shivering under her jacket. Damp curls lay against her face, and Tegan was horrified to see that Nyssa’s cheeks had turned a cold pink colour. 
Without thinking, Tegan unzipped Nyssa’s jacket and helped her friend out of the wet garment. She wasn’t sure why she herself wasn’t feeling the cold as much; perhaps Traken had a much milder climate? Whatever it was, Tegan didn’t like how cold Nyssa was to the touch. She immediately put her own hands around Nyssa’s and began to rub them, trying to get some warmth into the younger woman’s skin.
‘You bloody stupid time lord!’ Tegan said, glaring now at the Doctor. ‘I swear, if she gets hypothermia…’
‘She’ll be fine,’ the Doctor said, feeling Nyssa’s forehead with his palm. ‘Although I don’t recommend that we go back out into that storm anytime soon. Perhaps if we see if the inhabitants of this place can put us up for the time being…’
The Doctor stepped over to the door, and wrapped smartly on the wood with his knuckles.
‘Hello?’ he called. ‘Anyone home?’
Tegan quickly pulled off her jacket and was glad to find that, aside from a little bit of rain on her trousers, she was mostly bone dry. Her boots, of course, had been waterproof anyway. She was immensely thankful that she had decided to wear a warm wool jumper over a blouse, with thick winter trousers; why on earth she had ever thought that a pair of shorts and matching tube-top was a suitable outfit for rainy cold Amsterdam was beyond her.
Well, actually, she had thought it was cute and decided to wear it on the off-chance that she might meet Nyssa again, but that was beside the point. 
She immediately wrapped an arm around the young woman’s shoulders, rubbing her side. With her other hand, she continued to rub Nyssa’s hands.
Nyssa gave a shiver, before sneezing.
‘T-thank you, Tegan,’ she said, a little nasally. ‘Sorry, I’m not normally this bad when it comes to rain.’
‘Hey, don’t worry about it,’ Tegan replied, as softly as she could. ‘We got caught unawares by that storm; let’s just focus on getting you warmed up, okay?’
Nyssa nodded.
At this point, the door opened
‘Oh, hello!’
The speaker was an elderly man. He was balding, but with large tufts of white hair around his ears. A large pair of spectacles was perched on his nose, and he wore a long white lab coat over a battered suit. He looked like the textbook definition of “mad scientist” but his eyes -magnified through his glasses- were kind and gentle.
‘Good evening!’ exclaimed the Doctor, hurrying forwards and shaking the man by the hand. ‘My apologies for the intrusion, but I’m afraid we have become separated from our craft in the storm.’
‘Oh, another storm?’ said the old man. ‘Those are always terrible at this time of year. I tend to stay inside mostly… can’t deal with the cold at my advanced years, I’m afraid.’
‘Understandable,’ the Doctor agreed. He then looked back at Nyssa and Tegan. ‘Er… my young friend here is somewhat the worst for wear; could we get her some warm blankets?’
‘O-oh, yes; please, come in…’
Nodding encouragingly to the two women, the Doctor followed the old man inside. Grimly, Tegan squeezed Nyssa’s side in a supportive manner, and followed. The door creaked shut behind them.
‘Welcome to my home,’ said the man, as they walked into a large sitting room. It was a rather cluttered place, filled with bookshelves crammed haphazardly with old tomes. A couple of slightly dusty-looking sofas adorned the middle of the room. Several test-tubes lolled on a desk, which was covered with scattered papers. ‘I’m afraid I don’t normally have visitors, so you’ll have to excuse the mess. You know how it is, being on your own and focused on work.’
‘I know the feeling,’ the Doctor replied. ‘I’m the Doctor, that’s Tegan, and the young woman who is currently feeling the worst for wear is Nyssa.’
‘Professor Brockenfeld,’ the old man said, smiling kindly at Nyssa and Tegan. ‘And it’s a pleasure.’
‘Oh, you’re a scientist?’ exclaimed the Doctor, now squinting at the titles of the books on the shelves.
‘Yes!’ exclaimed Brockenfeld, eyes widening in excitement. ‘My current field of specialty is preventative medicine, you see. All throughout the galaxy, people want to live longer and healthier. So I’m currently researching scientific means beyond the usual diet-and-exercise that is normally recommended.’
‘Fascinating,’ said the Doctor, keenly. ‘Gosh, it’s wonderful to meet another scientist. Nyssa, weren’t you looking into preventative medicine a while back?’
In response, Nyssa gave another squeeze. Tegan glared at the Doctor reproachfully. However, the time lord didn’t seem to notice, and instead launched into a lengthily discussion with Brockenfeld about the various aspects of his research.
Tegan rolled her eyes.
‘Can you understand what they’re saying?’
‘Mostly,’ Nyssa said, thickly. ‘But I’m afraid I won’t contribute much to the conversation.’
‘That’s more than I can. C’mon; let’s see if we can find a kitchen and get you warmed up; that rain chilled you to the bone…’
The kitchen was thankfully not too far away.
It was a bit tidier than the rest of the house, and reminded Tegan somewhat of recreations of Victorian-era kitchens that she’d seen during history class in school. Well, except the various machines that kept steaming randomly. Tegan gently eased Nyssa into a chair, and then doubled back to an airing cupboard they had passed on the way.
She pulled several thick, warm blankets out from the wooden shelf sat above the boiler, and hurried back to Nyssa. She quickly wrapped several of the blankets around Nyssa, who gave a contended sigh of gratitude.
Now… hot drinks were in order.
On the plus side, the kettle did not steam randomly, and barely a minute later, Tegan had poured out two mugs of hot chocolate, one of which she gently placed into Nyssa’s hands.
The Trakenite gave a soft moan as she slowly digested the warm drink.
‘Better?’ Tegan said, smiling as she sat down next to the younger woman at the table.
Nyssa nodded.
‘Thank you, Tegan,’ she said, returning the smile. ‘You’re always so lovely to me.’
Tegan shrugged, feeling a little self-conscious.
‘Hey, what are best friends for, eh?’
Nyssa’s cheeks turned a healthy pink hue as she grinned.
‘Oh, Tegan…’ she said, eyelashes fluttering. ‘Am I really your best friend?’
Tegan wished Nyssa would stop smiling at her like that; it wasn’t doing her heart any good to see the undisguised joy on the younger woman’s face.
‘No-one better,’ Tegan said. ‘I… you mean so much to me, Nyssa.’
‘I imagine probably roughly the same as you do to me.’
Tegan doubted that very much, but she decided not to say anything. It wasn’t Nyssa’s fault that Tegan had fallen in love with her, after all. Well, technically, it was her fault, but Tegan could hardly hold that against Nyssa. If anything, she held it against herself for continuing to pine for the sweet, kind woman who clearly saw Tegan purely as her platonic best friend. 
Once they had finished their drinks, and when Nyssa was thankfully warming up, Tegan had suggested that they head back to the Doctor and Brockenfeld. However, Nyssa had then suggested that they take a detour.
‘Are you sure it’s alright for us to be walking around?’
‘I don’t see why it wouldn’t be; Brockenfeld did welcome us in, after all.’
Tegan looked around. The corridors of the castle were uncomfortably dark, even with the pale electric lanterns that dotted the walls at regular intervals. The darkness was… heavy here, as if the light was intruding on it at its own risk. Tegan also felt uncomfortable speaking loudly. It almost felt like the castle itself was listening in on them. An uncomfortable shiver went up her spine.
‘You’re braver than me, in that case.’
‘I’m not as brave as you, Tegan.’
‘You always say that, but didn’t you hold up the high council of Gallifrey at gunpoint?’
Nyssa flushed. In the half-light, the effect was rather wonderful.
‘How did you-’
‘The Doctor told me,’ Tegan said, trying not to think about how cute Nyssa looked whilst blushing. ‘You’re a bit of a dark horse, aren’t you, Nys?’
‘What… what does that mean?’
‘A bit different than initial appearances would suggest.’
‘Oh,’ Nyssa said. ‘Er… what is my initial appearance, then?’
‘Cute as a button and twice as adorable. Too good for this world.’
‘Oh, Tegan…’
Nyssa was now smiling fondly at her. Tegan felt her own face flush.
‘W-well, it’s true,’ she stammered. ‘You are cute. Cutest woman I’ve ever met, and all…’
‘I would have thought you were cuter, Tegan.’
‘Now you’re just trying to make me flustered.’
‘Is it working?’ Nyssa giggled. ‘You do look pretty when you’re blushing, Tegan.’
‘Oh, ha ha…’
Tegan reached out and put her arm around Nyssa’s shoulders, pulling the younger woman closer to her. The Trakenite let out a happy sigh.
‘Thank you,’ Nyssa said, softly. ‘You’re so sweet, Tegan.’
The two walked in silence for a while, before coming to the end of the corridor. A large door -open- stood in front of them.
Nyssa smiled at Tegan, and the Australian found herself being pulled by the hand into the room.
The room -or laboratory, as it clearly seemed to be- was mainly covered in large work benches, which were themselves covered in all manner of scientific instruments. On one long wall, bottles of brightly coloured liquids bubbled away, as if on a slow simmer. Tegan bent down to examine one of them; even from a distance, it smelled vaguely of gone-off cheese.
‘Geez, what do you reckon all this stuff is?’
‘I suppose it’s part of the professors research,’ Nyssa replied. ‘If he’s trying to prevent diseases, then it would make sense to investigate animals with different immune systems to humanoid creatures.’
Tegan nodded, as she continued looking. There appeared to be two huge vents in the ceiling, one of each end of the room. At present, both seemed to have grates covering the entrance to each. Strange, Tegan thought. For ventilation, perhaps?
‘Bit Hammer Horror, isn’t it?’
‘Er… what?’
Tegan cursed her own ignorance.
‘Sorry, Nys; it’s a series of films on Earth.’
‘Oh.’ Nyssa said, with a nod. She didn’t seem hurt by Tegan’s forgetfulness. That she’d forgotten Nyssa wasn’t human, again. ‘Are they any good?’
‘The TARDIS probably has some; I don’t know if they’d be your thing, though. Bit scary.’
‘I… oh, I’m explaining this badly. Horror films are films that you watch to deliberately scare yourself.’
Nyssa stared at her, perplexed.
‘Why would you do that?’
‘Er… it’s kinda thrilling, I guess,’ Tegan replied, lamely. ‘And… well, when you watch it with friends, it can be fun.’
‘Oh, I see!’ Nyssa said, eyes widening with apparent understanding. ‘It’s an earth bonding activity, yes? Well, I’d be happy to do that with you, Tegan. As… as long as you don’t mind me holding your hand during?’
Tegan knew fully well that she wouldn’t mind that at all.
‘S-sure,’ she stammered. This was bad, this was bad. ‘I’d gonna go check this bit out…’
There was a portion of the room that was separated off from the rest. Almost like a bunker of sorts, with thick panels. The door stood open.
Tegan headed inside. There was a panel located just inside, looking out over the room. The panel itself was covered in buttons and levers, all of which seemed to be connected to different wires, that ran down into the ground.
Tegan swung around, shocked at the robotic voice that had spoken out of the speakers set into the roof of the booth. The door slammed shut behind her.
Nyssa hurried over, and stared at her friend through the glass of the booth.
‘Nys, there’s some sort of test happening!’ Tegan yelled, through the thick glass. ‘You need to find Brockenfeld and get him to turn it off!’
‘I will!’ Nyssa said, eyes wide with concern. ‘I’ll be back soon!’
The Trakenite hurried across the room but, as she got halfway to the door, there was a horrible… horrible sound.
The sounds of the grates being opened, as if automatically. The door to the laboratory swung shut. 
Nyssa spun round, confused, and her eyes met Tegan’s.
And then they heard it.
Out of one of the huge grates, there was a noise. It was low level at first, but it grew louder by the second, increasing with each passing moment. It was a ghastly, haunting sound. It was a sound that gnawed at the primordial corners of the human psyche. The sound that had terrified Tegan’s distant ancestors, way back in the mists of time. Of a multitude of animals all screeching at once.
Before Tegan’s horrified eyes, a black cloud of bats erupted from out of the duct. Hundreds of them, wings flapping wildly, each of them screeching at the tops of their voices. And heading straight for the Trakenite woman stood in the centre of the laboratory.
The bats swarmed around the Trakenite, who gave a great cry of surprise. The bats were so great in number that Nyssa vanished inside the buzzing mass of them all. There was a sickening thud as the Trakenite dropped to the floor.
Tegan cried, banging her hands on the glass, ignoring the pain that came with it. She had to do something! Her mind buzzed with terror.
Thinking widely, she turned and began to press buttons on the control panel.
The bats fled out of the second shaft, leaving the crumpled form of Nyssa lying on the ground.
The door to the control room (as Tegan now understood it to be) swung open, as did the main door of the laboratory, and Tegan charged out, running straight for Nyssa.
Dropping to her knees, Tegan turned the Trakenite over. Was… was she…
Tegan’s brain refused to contemplate the end of that sentence. A universe without Nyssa was too horrible a prospect to consider.
Nyssa’s head lolled on her shoulders, eyes closed. Her face was horribly pale, but…
Thank goodness; she was breathing!
Tegan’s pulse calmed slightly, but only a little. Nyssa was clearly much the worst for wear, and she needed medical attention immediately.
No broken bones…no bruises aside from the one on her leg from where she had landed on the stone tiles… no visible signs of trauma…
Tegan’s eyes swept over her friend, quickly assessing the situation.
Unfortunately, maybe a little too quickly.
Because, as she checked Nyssa’s breathing, Tegan failed to notice the marks. Barely visible, just under the collar of Nyssa’s shirt, were several bite marks in the white flesh of her neck.
Thanks for reading, everyone; hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my spooky Halloween fic! I did promise a fang-tastic October, after all!
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oyubaat-tapcaf · 4 months
Lucian (Underworld) x Peter Vincent (Fright Night)
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„Sure. When I found who exactly you were I was not so pleased, I must be honest.“
„Oh well, I’m sorry.“ Peter rolled his eyes and walked back to his glass to drink a sip of whiskey. What a dick. This man. Comes into his house and is rude to him.
„See, I have traveled here, to Las Vegas, for something entirely different, but I saw one of your posters and I needed to see you. I have felt a connection, just like you did.“
or: Peter and Lucian are true chosen mates but they actually have trouble really liking each other.
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dr-rabbit-3 · 6 months
I made chapter 2!
Chapter: 2
🦋 oh how you wound me so~🦋:
Slowly, he made his way out the door, gripping the knife tightly in his hand. Upon entering the room, he couldn't help but stare in shock as he saw Ellis halfway through the freaking window. The knife he was holding dramatically hit the floor, and Tony found himself speechless, not knowing how to react to the bizarre situation.
Tony eventually picked up the knife, his eyes never leaving Ellis. "What is he doing here?" he wondered aloud, his head slowly tilting to the side like a curious dog. He then carefully put the knife in his pocket and put on a pair of gloves before slowly walking over to where Gregory was struggling. As he approached, he picked up the tweezers lying on the table.
Gregory tried his best to break free from the restraints holding him down, but he couldn't muster enough strength. Tony noticed this and knelt down beside him, his eyes full of concern. He gently held Gregory's face, looking into his eyes. "You know this is for your own good, right?" Tony asked, his tone gentle but firm. "What kind of friend would I be if I let you do things like...this?" He finished, lifting up Gregory's maggot-filled arm.
Tony's voice was soothing, like a father talking to a child, a chill went up Gregory's spine. Meanwhile, Ellis had disappeared from the window and was now standing behind Tony. He looked at Gregory with pleading eyes, doing a motion with his hands, prompting him to mute himself. Tony's eyes twitched almost imperceptibly, as if he could sense Ellis's movement behind him.
Ellis then grabbed a baseball bat he found lying nearby and swung it towards Tony's head. Tony, however, was quick on his feet, and he grabbed the baseball bat before it could make contact. "Hmm, what's this?" he asked, his voice curious. "Why are you trying to stop me from helping him?" As he spoke, he pulled the baseball bat towards him, bringing Ellis with it. Ellis hit the ground hard, and Gregory couldn't help but gasp in shock.
Gregory just wanted to help them, but Tony wouldn't let him. "Oh my god, will you just let me do what I need to do?" he shouted, his voice filled with frustration. But Tony was adamant. "Absolutely not!" he retorted. "Are you insane?! There are maggots in your arm, Gregory! Maggots! How in the world are you still alive?" Tony's voice was a mix of anger and disbelief as he looked at Gregory, still trying to process the grim situation before him.
Tony was always a bit weirded out by Gregory, and he came off as kind of strange, but it was never this bad. Tony thought he could use a little assistance. He knew exactly who to call - it was Cassie. If he couldn't convince Gregory that this was for his own good, then she definitely could.
"You know what," Tony said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He punched in Cassie's number and waited for her to answer. With her help, he might be able to get through to Gregory and finally do what was needed to help him.
.....With Cassie:
Cassie lay on her bed, staring expressionlessly at the door to her bedroom. She didn't feel right, not at all. She just couldn't get over what had happened a month ago. She felt sick. What could she do? On one hand, Gregory needed serious help, but on the other, she risked losing her friendship with him. Gregory had always been fascinated with nature, but she never thought it was that extreme.
Her train of thought was interrupted by her phone ringing. She picked it up and saw that it was Tony. "Um... hello," she said, sounding kind of tired. But it's not like she could sleep anyway.
"Cassie, you aren't going to believe what Gregory did..." Tony said, but Cassie had a hunch about what he might have done.
"What... did he do?" Cassie asked quietly.
"He... he put maggots in his freaking arm!" Tony shouted. "Can you believe it? What's wrong with him?"
"R- really? I can't believe it, that's... gross..." Cassie replied, but in reality, she could definitely believe it. She was well aware of Gregory's little hobby. After what she had seen a month ago, it didn't surprise her he had done worse than put maggots in his arm to save them.
"I... I really need you to come over here," Tony said.
"No- I can't..." Cassie said, trembling slightly. She needed to tell somebody about Gregory, but Gregory would be heartbroken. He would never forgive her. She wasn't sure how to help Gregory.
"Why not?" Tony asked.
"It's just... I can't..." Cassie said, as she hung up on Tony, fighting the urge to cry.
End of chapter 2....🐛
Oh the story can also be found here!
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theflyingchair-mjh · 6 months
Kinktober 2023
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Week Two
Prompt: Sex toys
Pairing: Peter Vincent (Fright Night 2011)/GN!Reader
Warnings: Mild D/s undertones
Word count: 2.5k
Peter and Y/N play a game of hide and seek, but with a twist.
Sub!Peter Vincent/Dom!GN!Reader, Sex Toys, Kinktober 2023, begging, wall sex
(fic below the cut)
“Peeeeeter! Wherever you're hiding, I will find youu!” Y/N yelled cheerfully as they roamed the penthouse, a riding crop hanging loosely off their wrist. In their other hand was their cellphone, a particular app open on it: it was pink and white, and had an ON/OFF switch as well as a slider with numbers ranging one to ten.
Y/N smirked, and set the slider to three before hitting the ON button. Then they just stood and waited, listening carefully. Pretty soon they heard muffled panting coming from the bedroom, so they went there with a smile.
Peter was hiding under their shared bed, careful not to make a noise. However, this proved incredibly difficult when the vibrator Y/N had put inside him suddenly buzzed to life at a medium speed. He wholly wasn't expecting it, so he immediately clapped his cuffed hands over his mouth to not whimper out loud. The condition of their game of hide and seek was simple: Peter would hide, and if Y/N found him they'd get to do whatever they wanted to him.
Peter was eager to see what Y/N had in mind, especially after they had bent him over the bed and put a new vibrator inside him. He wondered where the ON button was, but when they showed him that the toy was remote controlled he became just slightly afraid, though he didn’t show it.
‘Okay. So it won’t be easy,’ Peter thought, but he didn’t say it out loud. However, when his hands were cuffed he voiced his concern about fairness, but was quickly silenced by the shiny, new riding crop Y/N had bought recently landing sharply against his bare thigh. They’d ordered it along with an array of other toys they wanted to try on and with him, but they did mention that they were somewhat partial to a large, thick, rectangular, black, leather paddle with a heart-shaped hole in it. It looked like it stung, but Peter couldn’t help how alluring the idea of being completely at Y/N’s mercy was. The mental image of himself getting mercilessly spanked, the paddle leaving heart-shaped marks all over his bottom and thighs as he whimpered helplessly over their lap, instantly gave him a hard-on, which he couldn’t even hide because of being stripped of his clothes.
The rules of the game were fairly simple: Peter had two minutes to hide anywhere (except for the panic room) and once that was over Y/N would have fifteen minutes to try and find him, and if they did they'd get to do anything they wanted to him and he'd be at their beck and call for the rest of the day. If they didn't find him, however, he'd get to play with himself with whatever toys he wanted, and Y/N would have to watch him without being allowed to touch him.
So there Peter was, tucked away underneath their bed, trying so hard to be quiet as his prostate continued to get abused by the low-intensity vibrations of the toy inside him. When Y/N happily sauntered in, Peter tightened his grip over his mouth and curled in on himself to become as small as he could to avoid being seen. But it was of little use, because Y/N, being hypersensitive to smells, could sniff his cologne throughout the entire penthouse, and all they had to do was follow the sweet scent to where he was. Peter knew this, so he didn’t really make an effort to hide at first, but as the gane progressed and he watched Y/N’s feet walk past a few times without being found, he found that the thrill of feeling like he was being hunted was incredibly arousing.
Now Y/N was standing right in front of the bed, and they weren’t showing any signs of leaving, so Peter retreated deeper underneath the bed in hopes of not being found. However, Y/N was smart. They knew perfectly well how to get Peter to come out, so they switched off the vibrator, and what they did next startled him so much that he couldn’t help the whimper that escaped his lips; they struck the bed with the riding crop, hard. Peter gasped, then immediately shut his mouth, eyes wide as he waited. Y/N smirked, then they deliberately knelt down and tapped the crop against the edge of the bed frame. Peter did his best not to gasp again, but it was useless: Y/N had found him, and it'd been barely seven minutes. Peter had lost the game, which meant he'd be completely at Y/N’s mercy for the rest of the day. He wasn't exactly scared, but he did certainly think that emptying their whole toy chest and displaying everything on the bed was slightly intimidating.
“Peeeeter, I found youuu,” Y/N whispered as they leaned down to look underneath the bed with a twisted smirk on their lips. Peter slowly crawled out from his hiding place, a slightly scared expression on his face as he finally managed to get out. He would've stood, but Y/N stopped him, putting the tip of the riding crop underneath his chin when he was on his knees and slightly tilting his head back to make him look up at them.
“Hello, Peter,” Y/N purred, their smirk widening as they traced his jawline with the crop. Peter shuddered at the contact, his boxers struggling to contain him as his aching cock pushed hard against the fabric.
“Hi, Y/N,” Peter replied as he looked up with big eyes, getting the memo and staying on his knees.
“You stayed in here this whole time? Clever,” Y/N praised as they traced Peter’s chest and neck with the riding crop, relishing the shuddering whimper it elicited from the man.
“Th- thank you, Y/N…” Peter panted, undeniably aroused by the whole thing. Y/N’s smirk widened slightly as they walked around Peter like a circling shark and ran the tip of the crop over his naked back, in between his shoulder blades and along the back of his neck. Peter shuddered, his cock throbbing with arousal.
“Mmm, what will I do to you first? I could spank you, or break out that new flogger I bought you, or maybe I should just fuck you,” Y/N mused, though they were eyeing the brand new paddle with the heart-shaped hole, obviously considering their options.
“I’ve made up my mind: we’ll do all three! Isn’t that exciting?” Y/N gushed, sitting on the corner of the bed and patting their lap to invite Peter to go over it. Then they grabbed the famous heart hole paddle and, when Peter bent ove their knees, gently rubbed it against his barely clothed bottom.
“Actually, I have an idea,” Y/N purred, and grabbed their phone. Then they opened the pink and white app and set the slider to six before hitting the ON switch. Peter gasped as he felt the vibrator go off inside him, and instinctively grabbed the bed for support.
All of a sudden, Peter felt his boxers being taken off and turned to look at Y/N with scared, pleading eyes as they bared his bottom. He was genuinely scared now, but also so, so enticed by the idea of being paddled on a bare bottom, especially since he had a toy vibrating inside him as well which they’d never tried before. He loved Y/N’s adventurous nature and their knack for trying new things because there was never a boring night with them. He smiled happily and arched his back, offering more of his nude bottom for Y/N to strike with the paddle.
“Aww, what a good boy,” Y/N cooed as they aligned the paddle with Peter’s backside, gently tapping it to warm him up before playtime and alternating between tapping and rubbing. Peter whimpered at the light contact, wiggling his hips as a silent plea for more. When his bottom was nice and warm, Y/N finally raised the paddle higher and swung it hard against Peter’s bottom.
Peter gasped as the first swat landed across his bare backside, whole body jerking forward in surprise. He bit his lower lip and whimpered, the swat leaving a lovely stinging sensation in his already warm bottom. When the second swat came he whimpered, his body reacting positively to the feeling of the paddle as well as the vibration of the toy inside him.
“A-ah! Mhh, that feels so g-good, Y/N, don’t- don’t stop,” Peter moaned, his entire body shaking in pleasure as he continued to be paddled, bottom increasingly hot and pink as two heart shapes formed on it.
After about ten minutes, Y/N paused the paddling, switching to rubbing the paddle against Peter’s hot, reddish skin. Peter moaned and squirmed, writhing in pure delight over Y/N’s knees as the toy inside him kept vibrating, relentlessly stimulating his prostate and bringing him closer and closer to climaxing.
“Hah… Y/N… pleeease, I need- I n-need you,” Peter gasped as he felt the pressure of his orgasm building in his pelvic area. That was exactly when Y/N grabbed their phone, and switched off the vibrator. Peter whined in frustration, since he was so close, but Y/N was quick to silence him with a well-placed swat of the paddle on his upper left thigh. Peter yelped, the sudden sting much more intense than when he was being paddled on his buttocks, but he took the hint and stayed quiet.
“Ah ah ah, not yet, darling. We can't have you finishing too soon, can we? Plus, we've yet to try that new flogger I bought you,” Y/N purred, fully aware of what they were doing to Peter. Peter whined again, and again he was shut up by a particularly forceful lick of the paddle, this time on his right thigh.
“Aww, babe. I know, I know you really wanted to finish, but we’ve yet to do basically anything. Alright, dear?” Y/N cooed as they gently rubbed the paddle over Peter’s bottom and tenderly scratched his head. Peter smiled at the attention and nodded, also wanting to try more things. He stood up and waited for instructions, which were simple; stand facing the wall with his legs apart and his palms on against the surface of the wall.
Y/N swiftly grabbed the new flogger, a gorgeous, black, cowhide mop flogger with a hand-turned, cherry wood grip, and approached Peter. When they were close enough, they lightly touched the flogger’s falls to Peter’s back before leaving a trail of kisses across his shoulders and neck, relishing the shudder it elicited before taking about two steps back.
Peter gasped when the flogger landed lightly against his naked upper back, but when it struck him properly he couldn't hold back a moan as a pleasant warmth spread across his shoulders. When the falls of the flogger landed on his back a second time, this time on the small of his back, Peter panted, incredibly aroused by the attention.
This went on for a while, and soon there was a lovely pinkish hue blooming all over Peter's back, him panting and moaning with each lick.
“God, you've no idea what those pretty whimpers of yours do to me, Peter. I just want to fuck you up the wall right now,,” Y/N growled, and with that they tossed the flogger to the side and closed the distance between them and Peter, spinning him around and pinning him to the wall before beginning to make out with him, entangling their hand in his hair and roughly pulling his head to the side to start kissing and biting his neck.
Peter moaned, his whole body reacting with goosebumps all over as Y/N’s free hand traveled lower and lower, from his chest to his stomach, and found its way to his throbbing erection. When Y/N grabbed it very un-gently, Peter squeaked, the sudden feeling of their hand tightly wrapped around the base of his aching cock surprising him more than a little.
When Y/N finally started stroking him, Peter could weep from happiness. He could barely hold back his moans anymore, and he was quickly approaching the edge of his climax. He was already very close from the spanking and the flogging, so it took no time for him to get closer.
As Y/N continued to work their magic on him he was brought right up to the edge, and soon he could barely hold back. He silently pleaded with Y/N, but he knew that it wasn't enough: he'd have to ask out loud.
“Y- Y/N- P-pleeease- hah…m-may I- may I c- come, pleahse,” Peter stammered, overwhelmed by the pleasure. When Y/N finally, finally nodded yes Peter felt like he could cry. He was finally being allowed to finish after waiting all night for it. He just couldn't hold back anymore, so with one final wail, he came all over Y/N’s hand, body shaking violently against the wall.
When he finished he slumped forward, his body spent, and fell right into Y/N’s arms, who was right there to catch him. He tried to mumble a weak “thank you” but Y/N quickly shushed him as they carried him towards the bed.
They gently laid him down on the bed, moving several toys out of the way in the process, and headed to the bathroom to wash their hands. When they returned, Peter was shakily trying to tidy up the bed. They swooped in just at the right time as Peter's legs gave out and he stumbled backwards. Luckily, Y/N caught him and gently laid him back down on the bed before gently “scolding” him for over exerting himself.
He smiled at them lovingly and mumbled something about them being too protective, before finally deciding to just lay down and let them pamper him. Which they loved doing, no doubt, as they had a huge smile on their face as they tossed the unused toys back in the chest.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Roll over, baby, you still have that vibe inside you,” Y/N suddenly remembered. Peter lazily flopped over on his front and spread his legs to give Y/N more ease of access. They gently pulled the butt plug out of him, and stamped a kiss on his thigh before taking the plug to the bathroom and washing it.
Once it was clean and dry, they put it back in its pouch and put it away back in the toy chest with the rest of their stuff. Peter muttered that he loved their adventurousness, and Y/N responded with a tender kiss on his forehead before joining him on the bed. They hugged him from behind and kissed his neck, and like that they fell asleep.
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bluarlequinno · 6 months
The fnaf movie feels like reading a very heavily book trilogy and game inspired Fazbear Frights that doesn't exactly know what correlation with the Aftons they wanna have.
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crazyfanatic97 · 1 year
Rewrote a page from one of the Fazbear's Fright novels on a whim. Lemme know which version y'all like better.
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"You know engines?" He asked before mentally slapping himself at how dumb the question was.
"Do I know engines?" Faith repeated slowly before biting down on her lip in a poor effort to stifle her laughter. It failed. "Yeah I know a little, I did only spend four years studying mechanics over at Walden. Give me the right parts and I could probably build you one."
"Heh...wow..." Hudon breathed. For the first time, not even noticing the smoke caused pain in his lungs. He scratched at the back of his neck. "You went to Walden?"
"Nobody would give me an apprenticeship, so I had to study it on my own." She answered back while running her brush across another section of the wall. Now that she'd said it, Hudson could see just how well-trained she was.
He'd spent way too many night's to count watching videos about people detailing their car's and the way Faith was painting the blood reminded him of that. She was precise and slow. Taking care to get the details just right to create the perfect effect. He wondered if this was what Davinci's students felt like watching him work.
"Painting plaster not my usual forte, but I'm happy to have the work."
"I think you've done a great job," Hudson said. It wasn't a lie, the blood spatters that she'd already created looked real. A little...too real for his tastes. But he figured it'd be okay so long as he avoided staring at that particular camera for too long. He'd have to write down which one it was so he wouldn't forget it though.
"You want to know what I'm really impressed by though?" Faith asked. ", that rabbit."
"The rabbit...oh yeah. him" Hudson felt a chill run up his spine at the mention of that horrible thing. One bad enough that when Faith was putting away her brushes, he gave into the urge to look over his shoulder in case it was somewhere behind him. "I don't think that's added detail."
"It has to be." Faith snapped her paint case shut. "If that thing was naturally rotted like that, it wouldn't function. There'd be too much rust in its joints to even move and I didn't see a spot of it on him."
Hudson glanced down and thought hard about the night that Barry and Daune first brought that thing into the attraction. Maybe Faith was right about it all being fake. But there was no way that Duane and Berry could've done all that in less than a day. Unless of course, they'd been lying about having found it in a backroom.
He knew that there was a big market for custom-made animatronics for places like this. How hard would it be to take one of the older Freddy's models and make a run-down version of it?
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viking-raider · 1 year
Fright Night *Halloween Fic* (LINKS)
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merlina87 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
Seeing as I don't have that many posted on AO3, 5 is an easy enough number to reach!
My favourite favourite is "The future tastes like salt and whisky", because it marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship with @alexthecatbandit
Then, not in order: Somebody love Murray, about Murray Hewitt from FOTC, it was fun and got me back into the fanfiction game, and led me to meet a whole bunch of lovely people, one of them being @ajibooks <3
The only heaven I'll be sent to, betaed by the lovely @lakritzwolf (go read her fics too!), my Deus Ex fic about Adam Jensen and Pritchard.
Everyday a little more, because I had to write a blackbonnet fic like everybody else,
and my last baby, Danger Twinks and Limo love, a bit of nonsense and a crossover between two bad films that deserved better.
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theblueharlequin · 1 year
Chapters: 2/6 Fandom: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV), Casanova (UK), Rab C Nesbitt (TV), Takin' Over the Asylum, Fright Night (2011), Broadchurch Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale (Good Omens)/Giacomo Casanova, Aziraphale (Good Omens)/Alec Hardy, Aziraphale (Good Omens)/Peter Vincent, Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale/Davina, Aziraphale/Campbell Bain Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Giacomo Casanova, Alec Hardy, Peter Vincent, Crowley (Good Omens), Davina (Rab C Nesbitt), Campbell Bain Additional Tags: Never Repost My Work Anywhere, Linking is Fine Summary:
Five times Aziraphale was tempted by a Crowley look alike, and the one time he did the tempting
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kira-7 · 2 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Twilight Series - All Media Types, Fright Night (2011), Twilight (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Aro (Twilight)/Peter Vincent, Carlisle Cullen/Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen/Bella Swan, Alice Cullen/Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen/Rosalie Hale, Jacob Black & Renesmee Cullen, Jacob Black/Renesmee Cullen, Garrett/Kate (Twilight), Carmen/Eleazar (Twilight), Aro & Carlisle Cullen Summary of Chapter 4, now online:
Peter has a parent-child chat with Carlisle and Esme, something he's never had before.... In the bedroom, Aro gives Peter a "lesson" for his previous behaviour (if you know what I mean) and, after the two have had an argument, the Denali Clan arrive, who have a very small score to settle with Aro...
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wordofthewolf · 24 days
Brewster Summer Vacation - A Fright Night Story
Charlie Brewster thought that the nightmares would eventually stop. The events of his senior year had been life-changing. Charlie had always been a fan of horror movies but his life had become one when Jerry Dandridge had moved into the house next door. Jerry had turned out to be a very real vampire and was determined to kill Charlie for nearly exposing his existence.  Charlie had enlisted the…
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headcanonsandmore · 6 months
'Fright Night', Chapter Four
Summary: Nyssa is now stranded outside In the middle of a dark and stormy night. Will Tegan be able to rescue her before it's too late? Why hasn't Tegan transformed from the bite that Nyssa gave her? And will the Doctor finally notice that he's rapidly becoming the third wheel to his own companions? Read on, dear readers, on this halloween night...
Read on AO3.
The time lord startled in the seat that he had been dozing in.
Tegan was framed in the doorway, wearing her jumper and jacket over her nightdress. Her boots had been pulled on haphazardly, with the laces dangling along the ground.
‘Tegan?’ the Doctor said, getting to his feet. ‘Is something wrong? Why are you half-dressed-’
‘Nevermind; Doctor, we need to get moving now!’
‘Now, really, Tegan?’ -The Doctor frowned, putting his hands on his hips- ‘What’s brought this on? You really want to head out into that storm? Time lords can deal with that, but you and Nyssa would catch your deaths of…’
At the mention of Nyssa’s name, Tegan immediately descended into a flood of tears. She put her face in her hands, and collapsed into one of the seats nearby. Stunned, the Doctor stared at her, utterly baffled by her sudden change of mood.
‘Tegan?’ The time lord asked, crouching down and putting a hand on her shoulder. ‘Whatever is the matter?’
‘Nyssa’s the matter, Doctor!’ the Australian sobbed. ‘S-she’s… oh, god…’
‘What’s happened to Nyssa, Tegan?’
‘I… I think she’s turned into a vampire.’
The Doctor went silent. Tegan wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her jumper, and looked up. The time lord’s mouth had fallen open.
‘Tegan, are you absolutely sure?’
‘Yes! Doctor, she was flying and everything. She… she flew out the window and now…’
Tegan wiped her eyes angrily on her sleeve and stood up.
‘Doctor, she’s terrified of herself! We need to help her! I couldn’t forgive myself if she ended up-’
‘We’ll find her,’ the Doctor said, firmly. ‘But first of all, we need to find out what has actually happened to Nyssa. You say the effects are similar to vampires?’
‘I mean, the flying and the fangs were strong indicators,’ Tegan said, irritably. ‘It’s fairly obvious; those bats turned her into a vampire!’
‘Not exactly,’ the Doctor said, already heading out into the corridor and up the closest staircase. ‘We need to find the professor…’
Barely a minute later, the Doctor was knocking on a room that was presumably Brockenfeld’s bedroom. There was the sound of a mattress creaking, and a few moments later the door opened slightly. Brockenfeld poked his head out, squinting in the light of the corridor.
‘Doctor? Miss Tegan? Is everything alright?’
‘I’m afraid not, professor,’ the Doctor explained. ‘You see, Nyssa had undergone some sort of change and we’ve very concerned; can you help us?’
‘I… yes, of course,’ the professor replied, shaking himself awake and pulling a dressing gown around him. ‘Please, let’s get to the lab…’
 Brockenfeld led them through the castle. Tegan jabbed a finger into the Doctor’s arm, and hissed into his ear.
‘Doctor, this is wasting time, we need to-’
‘No, it isn’t, Tegan,’ the Doctor said. ‘Because Nyssa has not been turned into a vampire.’
Tegan’s mouth fell open.
‘Doctor, I saw her-’
‘What you saw were traits often associated with the vampires in fiction on Earth,’ the Doctor said, gently. ‘However, that doesn’t equate to Nyssa being a vampire. For one thing, her mind was not changed.’
‘I don’t follow, Doctor,’ said Brockenfeld, from in front. ‘How do you mean that Miss Nyssa’s mind was not altered by the transformation?’
‘Because Tegan wasn’t completely drained of blood.’
Tegan felt her face flush.
‘She… she did bite me.’
‘And yet you have not been turned as well.’ the Doctor said, scratching his chin with a contemplative finger. He didn’t seem to notice Tegan’s pinkening cheeks. ‘Strange; when I’ve met vampires before, they were normally able to do that.’
‘You’ve… you’ve met vampires?’ Tegan asked, flabbergasted.
‘Oh, yes,’ the Doctor replied. ‘You remember my old face; him with the long scarf? He bumped into some vampires in E-space; funnily enough, that was when we discovered Adric had stowed away-’
‘Whatever!’ Tegan exclaimed, feeling a spike of grief for the young boy. ‘Look, what does this have to do with Nyssa?’
‘Because if whatever Nyssa has turned into isn’t contagious to humans as vampirism is, then perhaps there is a reason why.’
The three of them entered the professor’s laboratory. Tegan shivered as she remembered how those bats had attacked Nyssa.
‘Tegan, we need to take a sample of your blood,’ the Doctor said, coming to a stop before one of the long tables. ‘Since Nyssa bit you, we may be able to ascertain why the vampirism doesn’t seem to have taken hold over you.’
Tegan nodded, quickly.
The professor set to work, compiling the instruments they would need. A few moments later, he turned to Tegan, a small instrument in his hand. He handed her an antiseptic wipe.
‘If you could just begin massaging the top of your index finger, we can take a sample now.’
Tegan nodded, and began doing so, having cleaned her finger with the wipe.
‘It shouldn’t hurt, of course,’ Brockenfeld said. ‘It’s just a small prick.’
Tegan bit back the irritable response of “not my cup of tea, regardless of size” and kept silent. This was help Nyssa, after all. As soon as this was over, they could search outside.
As the instrument did its work, Tegan felt a brief pang of pain, and bit her lip.
Brockenfeld passed the Doctor the sample, and the time lord placed it under the microscope, and put his eye up to the magnifying tube.
‘Fascinating…’ he said. ‘Tegan, come and have a look at this…’
Wiping her index finger with a sterile cloth that Brockenfeld had given her, Tegan put her eye to the magnifier.
It appeared to be fairly consistent with blood samples she had seen before, back when she had helped on a vaccine drive as a teenager back home.
‘I dunno, doc,’ she said, frowning and looking up. ‘Looks normal to me.’
‘Exactly!’ the Doctor said, excitedly. ‘There hasn’t been any infection whatsoever!’
‘Well, maybe it isn’t infectious,’ Tegan mused. ‘If it effected Nyssa but not me, then maybe Trakenite biology is the reason. Maybe, some sort of mutation activated by the bats bites?’
‘Yes!’ the Doctor exclaimed. ‘Tegan, you’re hit the nail on the head!’
‘Don’t act so shocked.’
The time lord frowned at her.
‘I was trying to congratulate you, but if you must insist on being difficult…’
Tegan scowled.
‘Doctor, how does this help Nyssa?’
‘Because,’ the Doctor deliberated. ‘If humans are not susceptible to the virus -if that is what this is- then we create an antidote for Nyssa using your blood sample.’
Tegan’s eyes widened.
‘Is that possible?’
‘Oh, I should think so,’ said Brockenfeld, cheerfully. ‘I cut my teeth on cases like this, so to speak. Shouldn’t be too difficult to whip something up.’
‘Thank you!’ Tegan exclaimed, with a huge smile. ‘We need to find Nyssa and let her know!’
‘Agreed,’ the Doctor nodded. ‘Professor, if we leave you to fix up the antidote, can we go and locate Nyssa?’
Brockenfeld nodded.
A few moments later, Tegan was following the Doctor out of the front door. The rain had lessened slightly, but claps of thunder could still be heard in the dark night sky above. Tegan put her hood up, and followed the Doctor out into the pouring rain.
Tegan and the Doctor headed along the path. It was still as muddy as before, but Tegan didn’t care. Occasionally, a crack of lightning illuminated the landscape around them. Dark shadows dwelled within the trees.
‘She can’t have gone far,’ the Doctor yelled, over the rain. ‘Even flying, the wind is too strong.’
Tegan nodded, mutely. She was staring around, trying -praying- for some sort of obvious clue as to where Nyssa had gone.
Tegan pointed. At the top of an isolated barn overhanging the flooded river, there stood a figure wearing a nightdress. Tegan pushed past the Doctor and broke into a run through the trees.
‘Tegan, the river is bursting it’s bank still!’ the Doctor’s voice exclaimed, from behind her. ‘It’s too dangerous-’
‘I don’t bloody care; it’s Nyssa!’
The Australian charged towards the barn. Her boots slid against the mud of the forest floor.
A few moments later, Tegan pushed the doors of the barn open, and hurried inside.
There wasn’t a response. Looking around, Tegan saw that the barn was comprised of several different levels, most of which were full of hay.
She charged towards a ladder that was propped up nearby, and clambered up into the hay loft above. Dry hay stuck to the bottom of her boots, and she threw her hood backwards. There must be an opening out onto the roof, surely-
The next thing Tegan knew, she was pushed up against the wall of the hay loft. A hand was curled around her throat. A pair of huge grey-green eyes appeared in the half-light of the barn, and Tegan’s nostrils filled with a familiar scent.
The Trakenite blinked, and then gave a horrified gasp. She immediately removed her hand from Tegan’s neck, and flew across the room, pressing herself up against the far wall nearby the window.
Tegan scrambled forwards.
‘Nyssa, it’s okay-’
‘Tegan, I told you to stay away from me!’ -The Trakenites voice broke as she spoke- ‘I’ve hurt you already and I don’t know how to stop myself doing it again!’
Nyssa’s eyes dropped down, seemingly unable to look Tegan in the face, and the Australian felt her heart ache.
‘Nyssa, you’re not a monster,’ Tegan said. ‘Nyssa, please… look at me.’
Nyssa slowly raised her gaze to Tegan’s, and the Australian stepped closer kneeling down beside the Trakenite, cupping Nyssa’s cheek with her hand.
‘You didn’t hurt me,’ she said, gazing into those beautiful grey-green eyes. ‘Nys, I don’t care whether you have fangs or not. I… oh, Nys…’
‘T-Tegan…’ Nyssa sobbed. ‘Please… I don’t know what’s happening to me.’
‘It’s okay, Nys; you bit me once and I haven’t been effected.’
Nyssa stared at her in shock.
‘I… I didn’t hurt you, did I?’
‘Of course you didn’t, Nyssa,’ Tegan said. ‘I don’t think you could ever hurt me.’
‘Oh, Tegan… I…’
There was a horrible creak. As one, Tegan and Nyssa’s eyes turned, to look at the window ledge that Tegan was leaning against. As if in slow motion, the mood began to splinter, and Tegan suddenly pitched sideways and downwards.
Tegan found herself falling towards the rapids of the water below. The air rushed at her, knocking the wind out of her lungs as her brain scrambled to process exactly what was happening. The wind howled around her, and her mouth opened in a silent scream of terror.
There was a rush of wind, and Tegan suddenly realised that she was no longer falling. A pair of gentle arms cradled her.
Nyssa was carrying her, bridal-style, suspended in mid-air. Tegan goggled at her, scarcely able to utter a word, mouth hanging open in wondrous adoration at the Trakenite.
Tegan looked down. On the side of the river, the Doctor was stood, grinning up at his two young friends.
‘Are you both alright? Listen, I’m going to get back to the castle; Nyssa, can you fly yourself and Tegan back there?’
Nyssa nodded, and the Doctor grinned, before turning and hurrying back into the trees.
A few moments later, the two women landed back in the hay loft. Nyssa slowly kneeled down, and placed Tegan tenderly on one of the stacks of hay.
‘A-are you okay?’ she trembled, face even paler than ever. ‘Oh, T-Tegan-’
‘Nys, you saved me!’
Without thinking, Tegan had leaned forward and pressed her lips against Nyssa’s. Her hands linked around the younger woman’s back, and pulled her close. With a tumble, they both landed on the hay. Nyssa did not pull away; barely a few seconds later, her shock left her, and she responded in kind to Tegan’s kiss.
Tegan let out a contented sigh against Nyssa’s. 
Nyssa kissed her, lifting Tegan off the hay, and the two of them revolved gently in mid-air. It was utterly perfect.
Good grief, Tegan could absolutely get used to this.
As Tegan and Nyssa landed just outside the front door of Brockenfeld’s castle, the Doctor bustled over.
‘Ah, wonderful!’ he exclaimed. ‘Nyssa, we’ve been able to synthesise an antidote.’
‘Did Tegan not explain?’
‘We were… busy,’ Nyssa said. Both her and Tegan found their faces flushing. Tegan pushed up the collar of her jacket to cover her neck.
If the Doctor noticed this, he didn’t comment on it, and instead began (as they headed back to the laboratory) to explain how Tegan had realised that Nyssa’s mutation was not transmittable to humans and how Brockenfeld had been able to create an antidote based on Tegan’s blood sample.
‘You mean I… I won’t be like this anymore?’
The Doctor nodded.
‘I’m not exactly sure of the precise nature of the changes to your biology but, as it seems to be a similar set of traits to the vampire legends of Western Europe on Earth, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were unable to go outside during daylight hours.’
‘I’ll support you whatever you decide,’ Tegan said, with a squeeze of Nyssa’s hand. ‘It’s your body, after all.’
Nyssa smiled adoringly at her friend.
‘I… I want to change back to how I was.’
The Doctor nodded, as they headed into the laboratory.
‘You’re sure?’
‘Yes,’ Nyssa said, nodding. She had asked if Tegan could administer the antidote. The Doctor and the professor had duly left the laboratory to give the two some privacy. ‘It’s for the best. I can’t spend the rest of my life wanting to randomly bite people.’
‘I mean, you could always just bite me-’
‘Tegan!’ Nyssa giggled, gently swatting her friend on the shoulder. ‘You know I couldn’t ask that of you.’
‘You could. I wouldn’t say no.’
‘Nonetheless,’ Nyssa continued, with a smile. ‘As much as the flying is handy, I think I’d miss being able to watch a sunrise.’
‘Well… if you are sure…’
Nyssa nodded.
A few moments later, Tegan had administered the antidote via injection to Nyssa’s arm.
Slowly, the Trakenites skin began to revert back to its normal tone. Tegan felt against her hand and, sure enough, she could feel the warmth returning to Nyssa’s body.
‘Oh, that’s better,’ Nyssa said, smiling widely. ‘I’m me again!’
Nyssa threw her arms around Tegan, pulling her into a wonderfully warm hug.
‘Oh, Tegan, thank you!’ she exclaimed, happily. ‘Thank you so much!’
‘I didn’t make the antidote,’ Tegan mumbled, feeling her face flush. ‘That was Brockenfeld and the Doc-’
‘You gave the sample and you stopped me thinking I was a monster,’ Nyssa replied, firmly. Then, her own face began to turn red. ‘Speaking of which…er…Tegan, why did you kiss me?’
Tegan felt her own face continuing to burn.
‘W-well, you did save my life.’
Nyssa smiled.
‘Since you saved my life too, perhaps I… owe you another kiss?’
Their lips met again. The two women leaned closer, their hands softly linking around the others back. Nyssa’s skin was wonderfully warm against Tegan, who felt a shiver travel down her spine at the close physical contact-
The door to the laboratory suddenly burst open, and the two women jumped apart, faces flushed.
‘Ah, all sorted, then?’ the Doctor said, looking between Tegan and Nyssa’s red faces with apparent obliviousness. ‘Jolly good. The professor says that the communications are back up, and that the river had now subsided. Best grab your things from upstairs, and we can be on our way back to the TARDIS.’
‘R-right,’ Nyssa stammered, getting to her feet. She quickly linked her fingers through Tegan’s, and pulled the Australian up behind her.
‘Thank you again, professor,’ said the time lord, shaking Brockenfeld’s hand. They were all stood outside the front door of the castle. ‘Both for allowing us to stay the night, and also with your help synthesising the antidote for Nyssa.’
‘Oh, my pleasure,’ said Brockenfeld, cheerfully. ‘It’s always nice to meet new people, especially in my line of work.’
Nyssa and Tegan both shook hands with the scientist.
Brockenfeld gave them all one last cheery wave, and the three time-travellers headed down the path towards the river. They crossed the bridge over the calmly flowing waters, and slowly made their way back up the other side of the valley towards the familiar blue box, the light atop it beckoning to them with a friendly aura.
‘Well, all’s well that ends well,’ the Doctor said, cheerfully as he closed the TARDIS doors behind them with a pull of the large red lever. ‘Shame about the weather, though; maybe someone a little warmer next time.’
‘Whatever, Doc,’ Tegan said, rolling her eyes. ‘I think both me and Nyssa need some well-deserved rest.’
‘Suit yourselves,’ the Doctor shrugged. ‘Nyssa, are you sure you’re alright?’
‘Very much so, Doctor,’ the Trakenite replied, with a squeeze of Tegan’s hand. ‘But Tegan is right; I feel rather worn out after such a long night.’
The time lord nodded, and the two women left the console room for their room. The TARDIS lights turned on automatically as Tegan pushed the door open, illuminating their shared bedroom.
Nyssa closed the door behind them, and the Australian gave a yawn as she crossed the room.
‘Glad to be back here,’ Tegan said, hanging her coat up in the wardrobe. ‘Good grief, I could do with a bath after all that!’
‘Agreed,’ Nyssa replied, with a yawn, as she sat down on her bed. ‘And possibly a nap, as well.’
Tegan chuckled. She placed her boots on some spare newspaper, and discarded her jumper in a heap on her own bed.
‘Er… Tegan?’
The younger woman’s face had turned a pretty shade of pink.
‘Last night, when we were… you know…’
Tegan felt her own cheeks flush, and she gave a giddy grin as she sat down beside the Trakenite.
‘Well… when I grew those fangs, why did you not…’
Nyssa nodded.
‘I would have assumed that most people would have been horrified by seeing that. But you weren’t at all.’
‘Oh, that. Well, you’re you, aren’t you? So I wasn’t worried.’
‘Of course, Nyssa,’ Tegan said, reaching over and squeezing Nyssa’s hand. ‘Nys, I… I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment we first met. Something like you growing fangs isn’t going to scare you off.’
Nyssa’s eyes sprinkled with tears, and she pressed a tender kiss to Tegan’s lips.
‘Oh, Tegan,’ she said, softly. ‘That means so much to me. I… Tegan, I love you too-’
Their lips met again, and Tegan was unable to contain the giddy smile that broke over her mouth. God, how lucky was she? More than she could express, that was for sure. She wished that she could have realised sooner that her feelings for Nyssa were reciprocated, but that wasn’t something that could be altered. All she needed to do now was enjoy the present, and hope for the future.
The kiss ended, and Nyssa leaned back, looked shyly at Tegan through her long lashes. Her cheeks were slightly pink, and the Australian felt her stomach flip off in happy adoration.
‘You… you really didn’t mind that I turned into a sort of vampire and bit you?’
‘Course not,’ Tegan replied. ‘Also… I thought it was kinda hot.’
Nyssa giggled, and pressed a kiss to Tegan’s cheek.
‘I mean, I still have teeth, so you’re into that sort of thing…’
A moment later, Tegan was lying on the mattress with Nyssa straddling her waist, her lips barely an inch from Tegan’s face. The Trakenite slowly -and deliberately- licked her lips.
‘… shall we continue?’ purred Nyssa.
Tegan swallowed, excitedly. That bath and nap would have to wait until later.
Much later.
Thanks for reading, everyone! I hope you enjoyed my first halloween fic for Tegan and Nyssa; it was so much fun to write! Wishing you a spooky (as much as you feel comfortable with) halloween!
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dumdeedums-blog · 11 months
I started a fanfic then completely forgot about it
it was going to be the grom that we didn’t get to see
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acourtofthought · 12 days
Your poll on Elucien’s first time has inspired these thoughts…
…because I think their first time could be an act of desperation. A moment in shadows, the corners of a hallway, the darkness of a ship cabin in the dead of night. Perhaps broken by flickering candlelight, or the steady beams of the moon. But I think it will be frantic, perhaps spurred by one of them (Lucien) being gravely ill, or better yet, injured. A moment of heightened passion after Elain’s thought “I almost lost him. Forever.”
Lucien, the gentleman, telling her it’s alright. Overwhelmed by her furor and surprised by her action. His hushed whispers that they can wait, that she deserves better, that he wants to give her better. Protests that don’t cease until she presses a finger to his lips, and tells him to be quiet. To look at her, the tears in her eyes, and realize they are for him. That her worry and fright and frustration, it is all for him. Will always be for him, she promises. That he can still give her that sunny, patient, thorough loving.
But right now, in this moment where her breath isn’t discernible from his, she needs him. Please. Even if it’s only for a short while, quick and fast and sloppy. She will not regret it, she will not shrink away after. Because she needs him, to feel him and taste him and be consumed by nothing but his presence. The reminder that he is okay, will be okay, and he’s here. He’s with her, and she needs to feel it. Right now
And Lucien could never deny what his mate needs.
NTSSM.....where have been hiding all of that?!???? I'm hoping you are active on Ao3 and Tumblr with fanfiction and I've already seen / liked some of your work. And actually, I could see something like this for them because it's been SOOOOOO long. They have been dealing with this unfulfilled bond for two years. We know for a fact that when a bond snaps it's difficult to maintain control yet these two people (who are pros at maintaining control and used to a certain level of decorum) have been pushing down their instincts for months and months (and months). At some point, it makes sense that some event, might cause that control to completely snap.
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moth-mimic · 4 months
Mystical Powers?
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at work I drank a cold brew coffee, diet coke, and sweet tea all at the same time and I had to release the caffeine somehow I’m so sorry
‣ pairing: Astarion x reader but from Gale’s POV
‣ words: 1697
‣ content: all jokes, Gale is purposefully mischaracterized, Gale is a ‘nice guy’ and owns smut fanfiction (implied), unrequited rivalry, Gale is basically Matthew Patel
‣ summary: Gale has done everything for you. Yes, he has ate your artifacts, but the reason you even offered them was because you were undoubtedly attracted to him. It was obvious from the way you talked to him last out of the entire group before going to sleep every night. He was just special like that. However, others— specifically a seductive white-haired elf— are not so keen to respect your guy’s destiny to be together. Gale sets out to prove luscious locks are never more important than a pure heart (without any ulterior motives at all).
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Gale rummaged through his collections of books, desperately searching for the one holy piece of information that could grant him a solution to this little problem of his. This problem was not one of scholarly importance, he was well aware, and it was not likely he would find his answer in his ancient texts. But these books were all he knew. What was he going to do, communicate like a normal human that had not been cooped up in his depression tower for years? Blasphemy.
He had taken much of his time alone as of late to contemplate on how he should proceed with the situation. He was not avoiding it, obviously not. He was merely worried for your safety. A fragile one like you was not meant to associate yourself with those like Astarion, an elf skilled in the craft of manipulation and deceitful seduction. Astarion had merely blinded you. Gale was your only hope for freedom. He definitely did not think this just because he wanted to feel needed. And definitely not because he was just sick of seeing the both of you make bedroom eyes across each nightly bonfire.
Lost in his thoughts, his attention suddenly snapped back as he noticed a book of interest. He picked it up gingerly as he read the title.
“Taken by the Vampire King… What a lovely piece of literature, if I do say so myself.” He muttered as he began to delicately pry the cover open. He suddenly stopped himself and slammed the book closed as he remembered the point of this search. “No, this will not assist me. Well…. if seduction is what draws Tav to the pale elf, then I suppose…”
“Now what in the hells are you doing making such a mess in here?”
The sudden voice nearly caused Gale to literally explode, his hands grasping at his chest to calm himself. He spasmed for a minute as his brain rebooted. “Uh, uh, I—“ And then, as if a switch was flipped on inside his brain, he irritably whipped around. “To all gods, Astarion, what are you doing giving me such a fright in the middle of the night? Do you know nothing of peace?”
“Pardon me, but I am an elf. I’m not in need of sleep like you poor little things.” He snorted, conceited as usual, prowling over towards Gale and taking a peek at the book before Gale can even throw it across his tent. “And I see you’re busying yourself with… important matters, hm?”
“It’s for educational— No, what do you want from me, Astarion?”
“Just a friend…” he pouted like a neglected child, collapsing onto Gale’s bedroll in defeat. Gale would feel a twinge of guilt if it was not his mortal enemy saying those words. And also if there wasn’t an obvious layer of sarcasm beneath.
“No, no, out with it.”
“Uh, fine. I was wondering if you had some type of strength potion. I feel like utter shit.” Astarion sighed as he threw his head back, blowing a strand of wandering hair out of his face. Gale studied him as he was distracted— it didn’t seem like he was lying. He looked like utter shit, his hands twitching and under eyes so dark as if he had never seen the sun in his 200+ years of life. (Gale would soon realize this observation was, in fact, accurate)
“Yeah, I see that. And I’m a wizard, not an alchemist, actually. A wizard merely studies their practice of magic through multiple sources of teachings while an alchemist…”
Gale continued on as Astarion sat there in silence. It was not a respectable type of silence, but rather one of ‘if this dude doesn’t shut up I think I might actually kill him.’ His hands began to clench into fists, his nails digging into his flesh as Gale’s nonsensical words pounded through his brain. The tadpole was not the only force controlling him tonight. His eyes flickered with hunger, yet Gale did not notice.
“Alchemists deserve all the respect, of course, yet they are unaccustomed to my field of— Ah, yes?”
“How does your blood taste?”
The wizard stopped in his tracks. “I- I’m sorry?” He waited for a response for a moment. When he did not get one he continued. “Well, if you must know, my blood actually tastes of bile. You see, it serves as a natural precaution against…” He thought for a moment. “Certain entities.”
Astarion had nothing more to say than a simple, “Hm.” The two looked at eachother for a brief second, awkwardly, one weighing his options and the other debating if it was fitting to run away. Fortunately for Gale, within another second the pale elf was gone from his tent, leaving the wizard with a cloud of confusion. And maybe just a bit of fear. He stood there a moment before his eyes slowly trailed to the book now on the other side of the tent. He remembered the bloodless boar on the side of the road. He pictured Astarion’s scarlet gaze, burning with desire for something unfathomable. Suddenly he knew the answer to his problem.
Gale had been watching the two of you ever since that unsettling night. He had witnessed some unsavory moments, yes, but everyone has to make their sacrifices. And his sacrifices were undoubtedly worth it— every night he stayed awake long enough to watch the elf make his way into the forest to sustain himself on blood from some unknown source. This night in particular was one that would change everything. This night was the night he would reveal Astarion’s true nature to you.
After witnessing Astarion make his way into the forest for his nightly ritual, Gale hurriedly makes his way into your tent.
“Y/N? Y/N! Wake up now, this is dire!”
“Huh—“ You, wide awake, turn around to Gale’s face a few mere inches from yours. “Gale! Why the hells are you in my tent?” You hiss, backing up to escape his pleading puppy eyes.
“No time for questions, we must go into the forest! There, a truth will be uncovered, and you will be free from the vampire’s wicked hold!”
You’re about to ask Gale to speak like a normal person, yet he quickly grabs your hand and drags you outside before you can protest. “Gale, this isn’t really—“
“I assure you it is!”
Without another word he leads you both onto Astarion’s trail. The only problem is that Gale does not seem to know exactly where the pale elf has wandered off to, as he has never before made the courageous decision to follow him into the unknown abyss of the woods. You watch him anxiously look around and mutter to himself. You sigh knowingly, turning away from him and walking on a path you’ve traced many times before.
“Wait, wait! It is incredibly dangerous and you do not know where your judgements may lead you!”
“I promise you I do.” You pointedly say, leading him deeper into the forest so familiar to both you and Astarion. You stop as you reach an area uncovered by the canopy of leaves.
“Why-“ Gale begins before catching sight of the perpetrator. There he is, standing there in the moonlit clearing, shirtless. Gale would probably take more notice to the current scenario if he did not already have a speech planned.
“You- You creature! I knew there was something foul deep within you from the moment we met! I recognized your intent all along— to simply deceit every innocent being you came upon, to lead them under your malicious influence. But here I stand, shattering your mask and revealing your true being: a vampire! Cower under my fireball—“ Gale stops for a minute, trying to remember what to do next, before quickly summoning a fireball in his hands like he originally intended. “And consider our fight… BEGUN!”
The crickets chirp as he finishes his lengthy speech. Astarion is the first to speak.
“…Is that all?”
“Yes. W-was it not obvious?”
With Gale’s answer, you and Astarion immediately break into a fit of laughter. Gale stands there, confused, quickly glancing between the two of you and wondering what the joke was.
“And what are you gonna prove my ‘true being’ with, oh wise wizard?” Astarion smirks, still collecting himself.
“With—! With…” Gale pauses, looks around in a panic, and realizes a key factor of his plan is missing. There is not a bloodless life to be seen. “What in the realms— Why are you here, then, Astarion? What do you sustain yourself with? Answer me!”
Astarion merely purses his lips, rhythmically tapping his fingers to the side of his face. He gives Gale a pitiful pout. “Oh dear… This is a bit awkward, isn’t it?”
And suddenly Gale realizes. He turns to you immediately, the fireball now accidentally pointed at you. “You knew?!”
You raise your hands in protest, eyeing the fireball in his hands. “I-I mean, yeah. Like, everybody knew. Except you, of course.”
“They are right,” Astarion adds, “Nobody told you because you are a little… well… extreme.” A pause. “And desperate.”
“I’m— I’m not—!” Gale’s fireball just burns brighter, and you begin to think it’s enough to send the entire forest into flames. However, you’re more worried about the possibility of him literally exploding and obliterating everything in his proximity. You glance towards Astarion, whose eyebrows are furrowed at the same thought. The resentment in Gale’s eyes grows brighter with the flame. Yet, suddenly, the fire disappears. The wizard looks as if he’s about to collapse into despair at any moment. “I don’t understand! You make no sense!”
He turns towards you and points an accusing finger. Astarion just shrugs as you glance towards him. “Even when I am right in front of you, laying down my life, you do not care! I am a respectable wizard, name known to beings far and wide! What does he offer, huh?”
You silently raise your eyebrow. Gale just scowls.
“Ugh. Typical.” And with that he whips around, his sleep robe lashing behind him. As he storms off he adds, “Don’t even add me to your party tomorrow. Or ever.”
You weren’t planning on it.
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So a few days ago I posted something about making a ‘nice guy’ Gale fanfic but not posting it out of shame and I ended up getting like 30+ likes so I thought it was only fair to actually post. Anyway please don’t hold me accountable for this k thanks love u guys I’ll probably have LOTR content soon
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