#Gintama tattoo
gintokisimp · 10 months
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a pic of my full sleeve in progress after 6-8 months of healing 🫶🏻
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sugisyakult · 1 year
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already shared on twitter, but haven’t shared here yet. i recently got sugi’s butterfly tattooed and it means so so much to me!! i think we all know how much i love shinsuke, so this was a really wonderful thing for me to do bc to me it just means that he’s with me forever 💗 idk that sounds so mushy but it’s true and i will love him forever!
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daisywtf · 2 years
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Gintoki Sakata
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yatobunbun · 11 months
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Taking the princess back to her room
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i like Gintama a abnormal amount
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beelmons · 9 months
if you guys could get a tattoo what would it be?
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 month
hi love i’m ✨back✨
i was hoping to get a perfect matchup with a male tokyo rev character plz
i’m a leo esfp chaotic neutral extroverted introvert
i’m very extroverted when you first meet me but i’m actually really shy and anxious. i’d rather stay in and do a puzzle with friends but when i do go out i make the most of it and have fun (sometimes too much fun)
i hate the heat but i love the beach. i’m a big autum person. i love drinking overly sugar coffees. i’m slowly working on a tat sleeve on both one arm and one leg (patchwork style)
my fav anime outside of tokyo rev is either gintama or fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. i can watch some horror movies but it’s not my favorite genre
i’m mixed between hispanic and white and i have a big family and i love carne asadas and party’s like that. i’m currently living in australia rn tho…
i’m into more dominant guys who can stand their own against me and the world. i have trouble with emotions sometimes and it can come out a bit angry and bratty (thanks bpd) and quality time is my love language.
thanks so much in advance friend
Hello. The time has finally come. I really hope you like this because you got my favorite character! Thank you for the matchup and let's see who it is!
You Got...
Chifuyu Matsuno!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I haven't given him out to anyone until now because my sister says "you want him all to yourself. You love him too much!” She’s not totally wrong, but don’t tell her.
But anyways, he would take you on the best dates, especially fall dates. Autumn dates to a café to get pumpkin spice lattes, anime marathons at home, reading manga, cooking together (most likely instant noodles but still), etc.
He would ask you to get a tattoo of a cat.
Would always make sure you feel relaxed
Would try to watch horror things with you, but he will be scared. He would hint at romance or comedy movies or show.
Even though it’s just him, his mom and Peke J, he is big on family. Even if they aren’t related to him.
He can hold his own in any situation. He worked hard to be a vice captain.
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chibivesicle · 1 year
The sadness of Steven A. Starphase.
How Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront is painfully realistic.  In the most banal adult ways possible.
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With me going back to rewatch Trigun before Stampede began to air, I was itching for more work by Yasuhiro Nightow.  However, his follow up manga that started as a one-shot that became Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront came out while I was in grad school and when the anime was briefly on Crunchyroll later, it didn’t ping me as a suggestion.  I’m very much a josei/seinen person with occasional forays into good sports or slice of life series, then shoujo and then shounen series if they have a good sense of humor.  Essentially, I need something like FLCL or Gintama to keep me amused.
With Stampede not meeting what I’m realizing were unrealistic expectations, I was curious and decided to follow up on Blood Blockade Battlefront (B3).  The title alone would be a turn off for me; I put faith in it that it would have that original Trigun quirky vibe.  Honestly, I wish they’d not have translated and told me it was Kekkai Sensen, I would have been easier to convince to watch it.  I watched the first episode and was already loving the style, the artwork and the OST. That OST man - so good.  And the VA cast - so many actors from Gintama and I was shocked no one was commenting that Femt, the King of Depravity, was voiced by one of my fav VAs, Akira Ishida!  What sealed the deal for me, besides the incredible graphic design, story boarding and attention to detail from studio Bones was the entire sequence in S1E3 - A Game Between Worlds when Klaus and K.K. go to the Alterworld following the former Soviet chess grandmaster to the Alterworld Mafia Don’s home. 
As the story unfolded in season one, I started to gravitate towards my usual character types; tough independent females and tall, dark, and handsome males.  Yeeeaaaaah; I love Chain Sumeragi, K.K. and Steven A. Starphase.  I also appreciate Leo with Sonic and Klaus Von Reinhertz is the best male tank character I have ever seen.  He’s so adorable!  And gentlemanly with his tie and oxford brogues.  B3 is a workplace drama/comedy that just happens to take place in a secret organization that handles weird supernatural stuff.  Seriously, that is a great summary and it is a great cast even if I’d likely kill Zapp and punch Brody & Hummer for being double ditzes.
I haven’t finished season two yet (I’ve watched through S2E7 - so no spoiler comments for the rest of season two or the manga please!).  But the character who ticks all my boxes is Nicholas D. Wolfwood - er - I mean, Steven A. Starphase.  Steven is the second in command of Libra, one of the oldest team members (over thirty), has a facial scar, dark hair, sarcastic, stylish and the team member; who gets shit done.  That peaking bit of a tattoo and his ruffly black hair . . .  Chain may have gotten Wolfwood’s outfit and is a werewolf, but Steven is the evolution of Wolfwood, balancing out Klaus’ unwavering principles, and willing to take on the role of doing the dirty work in the background which is necessary.  The body language of Steven is the same as Wolfwood, he’s a mix of straight lines, angles and noodle.
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Steven is also paired with Vash - I mean - K.K. on missions.  Following the anime format he’s teamed up with her in S1E5 - Bloodline Fever where they have to fight a Blood Breed in a subway station.  Unlike, Vash and Wolfwood, K.K. is not keen on him all the time calling him black-hearted and giving him the mocking nickname of Steven-sensei (I guess since he is the logistics expert of Libra always coordinating the teams while K.K. is a lone sniper character).
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However, despite their one-sided discord, the two of them work well together where he shows his noodle qualities saving K. K. and the young girl and her mother in S1E8 - Z’s Worst Day - Part 1.  Interestingly, Steven takes K.K.’s criticism rather seriously as he’s shaking as she scolds him . . . Steven takes K.K.’s words into account indicating that he does want work well with her.
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Before, reverting to his oft “Now, now, now” line to de-escalate things.  The two also naturally balance each other out and communicate well with their options when trying to determine which of the two mysterious individuals is the Blood Breed from the India Gate.
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They are also characters who are able to info dump quite naturally due to them being the most senior members of Libra in the main cast besides Lucky Abrams.   And the storytelling makes their info dumping flow with the story - sometimes they are trying to figure something out, sometimes Steven is pondering a situation. Either way it works well for the second in command to be the man with a bookmarked to hell reference text and even have a color swatch for a Blood Breed’s aura.  He also has lots of paper reports which indicates he’s the kind of guy who likes to read through physical items than scan a computer all the time.
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By the end of season one, we know that Steven is for the most part, serious about work, a deadpan snarker, leans towards the more pessimistic side despite having hope for the future. e.g. he’d likely describe himself a realist as opposed to Klaus being a dreamer.
It gives us enough information that he’s been beaten down and is no longer an idealistic youth.  Take when he asked about why Leo wouldn’t accept higher pay despite struggling financially and comments that Leo is an upstanding young man.  He also originally was hesitant for them to even invite Leo to join Libra in the first place, despite knowing the value he brought to them, we know this is alleviated by S1E5 when he takes a literal beating to stall for time. Steven looks chronically burnt out - he is the only character who always has lines under his eyes.  His facial expression is rarely one of him smiling or laughing and he maintains a sort of meh or down turned expression when not dealing with serious work situations.  Even in the image below when he’s smiling it isn’t a happy smile, he’s thinking about the situation they are about to enter, looking back on the past three years.
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His character is frequently shown with a cup of coffee - at the office, he has a blue mug with a red bottom that matches his shirt, frequently when he has papers in the other hand.  He will also drink tea with Klaus but it is clear he’s reached that working adult phase of life where coffee is fundamental to your day to day function.  Steven is also shown to down energy drinks in times of extreme deadlines as well.
Season two, B3 & Beyond appears to be a season of back filling manga chapters that were skipped in season one to have a tight story.  The one aspect that was a bummer in season one for me was how characters besides Leo, Klaus, Black and White got loads of development and growth everyone else was just in the background as support.  Season two likely pulled from manga chapters that were published earlier which lead to some confusing/unclear points for viewers aka, like why K.K. calls Steven black-hearted and the Steven-sensei nickname.  It is too bad they didn’t have these episodes earlier but I’ll take my character development background whenever, just give it to me.
We first get the explanation from Klaus and Steven at the hospital that reappeared about their personal experience of the Great Collapse to Leo and the introduction of Dr. Lucina Estavez (who should totally date Klaus) as well as defeating the Blood Breed that the two hand been training to fight.
The episode that really hit on my idea that there is a sadness to Steven wasn’t until S2E3 - Day In Day Out.  We get a few parallel story lines that show what happens in Leo, Zapp, Steven and Chain’s day where they are independent of each other but still cross paths by the end.
The first thing we learn is that Steven has an amazing loft apartment with a balcony and cool artwork and an Alterworld/Beyondian housekeeper, Mrs. Veded.  He emerges from a bedroom with a cup of coffee in one hand and the newspaper as he greets her.  With a genuine smile too.
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I can look beyond his choice to put milk in his coffee - however, that goes against K.K.’s comment that he’s got a black heart.  I’ll excuse his milk in coffee for his stress and soothing his tummy.  The phone rings and he goes to pick it up.
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We can still see the lines under his eyes so again, he is either always exhausted or we are to read them as actual wrinkles.  Maybe both - he’s older and tired due to working hard.  A rather playful female on the phone jokes with him about waking up early - at 11AM and it is clear that he hasn’t been up that long either.
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There is a conversation about how much alcohol to bring tonight, cluing us into the fact that he’s having a dinner party at his place.  Which again, is freakkin’ swanky as all hell.  I want Steven’s place.
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He’s got a carefree attitude as he talks to two different people on the phone about arrangements for the evening. These are not Steven at the office looks, these are Steven potentially having an outside life facial expressions!
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When he gets off the phone, Mrs. Veded comments that he looks happy and Steven seems shocked.  She also noted that he seemed very stressed out and tense all the time and she is glad to see him not in such a state.
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Since we know that Steven keeps a straight face for the most time at work, he can’t help but reply that he’s shocked at her observation.  Which is true, I’m sure Klaus can read him pretty well in work situations, but it is his thing to keep his cards close to his chest.  In season one, he is frequently the go between for Libra and the government whether it is the FBI, HLPD, the League of Casters and so forth.  Angelica’s comment of Klaus-san and Steven-shi shows that she knows Klaus from previous interactions, but the -shi on Steven implies that she’s never met him, but knows of him and speaks to him respectfully.  The English equivalent would be like staying, “Oh, you’re the well-known organizer at Libra, Steven Starphase.”  The point is, Steven is well known in certain circles and is respected professionally.
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In season one, he was only happy when they were successful at work or his plans went well.  For example, his delight at how Leo was able to spot the Ghost Wagon and how he told Klaus that he needed to work on his management skills of others.  He additionally has a mix of a dark and offbeat sense of humor, able to laugh while Leo is wrapped up in bandages.
This is not a relevant image other than that it shows time has passed and I still want Steven’s loft.
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Mrs. Veded has been helping him all afternoon to prep for his party and we see that he even gets in on the action cooking and wearing an apron of course.  He goes with his more casual dress shirt with no tie.  There is an almost excited look on his face.  I’d guess he hasn’t had people over in sometime.
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He goes to let people in and he hands the flowers to Mrs. Veded (who adorably inhales their scent looking happy) and after greeting them, trips over.  Of course the friends comment that he’s been working too hard.  Steven, adulting hardcore.
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The gifted flowers are placed on the table in a vase by Mrs. Veded and he thanks her for all of her help.  However, it is clear that he doesn’t need her for the rest of the evening and she takes her leave.
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Again, we see another nice subtle smile from him here but something about it lingers, like he’d like to say more but can’t.  After she departs, he talks to himself about getting things started, grabbing a bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice and commenting they should get started.
The next time we return to his place, all of the party guests are eating, drinking and chatting up a storm.  There is chill music on, everyone looks fashionably dressed, wealthy - and human.  All of this gives us the indication that outside of work, Steven has the most ‘normal’ social group.  Look at his swanky place, the nice artwork, stainless steel fridge, kitchen island . . . yet while everyone is chatting merrily in groups we get a framing shot of him silently standing alone leaning into a column in his living room.  You can tell that every single individual except for him is talking with another person or two based on their body language.  This is such an excellent image and it lingers just long enough before it zooms into him looking off in to the distance with a wineglass of course.
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Steven has such an interesting expression here, he’s got what appears to be his usual poor posture, leaning against the wall, holding the wine glass and has a soft but almost sad smile.  Wistful is the best I can think of.
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The fact that his left hand is across his chest and under his right is unusual for him.  He rarely displays this type of conservative closed off body language, think of how frequently he’s got at least one if not both hands in his pockets.  Steven speaks rather casually and bluntly; I like to call his overall posture, noodle, which is relaxed and confident.  Yet, here, he appears much more stiff and is alone at his own party as you look more closely. Something is definitely off.
He goes off to get more beer and leaves the living room when all of his guests raise their arms to reveal biological weapons and tell him to remain in place, Steven Alan Starphase of Libra.  Love the use of his middle name for emphasis as well.  Of course he denies any knowledge of Libra at first before turning back towards them slightly.  Another great part of this scene is how when he walks the few steps up to his kitchen we get a glimpse of his shoes he’s wearing at his house party. 
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They aren’t some sort of relaxed shoes, the few short steps allow us to see that they are his modified shoes for Esmeralda Blood Freeze techniques.  We didn’t get this when he tripped in the foyer, but this is now giving the viewers a hint that he’s prepared for a serious fight.
The first sign that things are about to go south is that when he calls out two guests for only just meeting this evening but appeared to actually know each other.
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As they continue to threaten him, he concludes that they need to capture him alive; likely due to his role as the second in command at Libra.  This allows him to stall for time as he teases them to give him more information, by stating their bosses are idiots for wanting to capture him alive - as it implied he was expecting them to shoot him.
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The framing for this entire sequence is top notch.  He never turns to face them directly while continuing the conversation with Ellen. She tries to threaten him to stop being all pretentious and that they’d have no choice but to attack him.  Of course he replies mocking them by throwing the question about it back at them.  The resignation in his body language that this is what is happening.  I don’t think that at this point that he can even look them in the eye.  He’s too upset and is keeping it calm and collected.
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The shading over his eyes as he looks down, the slack shoulders, this is not how he wanted his evening to go down.  Yet, here he is inside his kitchen in a tight spot.  Or so it seems.
However, Steven is anal retentive when it comes to organization and details, and he faked tripping at his front door to use his Needles of Absolute Zero move on them.  Obviously, he likely did this at the beginning of the party for the rest of the guests being a good host circulating himself.  This also explains why he sent Mrs. Veded home, he didn’t want her to witness him doing something this ruthless.  Plus, she likely doesn’t know what he does for a living anyways.
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The look on his face as he freezes them is so lonely, his eyes are closed and he’s hunched forward.  He may not regret his actions honestly; he had no choice but to follow through with this course of actions but that feeling of disappointment, sadness, loss, betrayal. It hurts.  Only after he’s frozen them all in place does he even glance back to them as his breath is visible in the air.
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Once everyone has been subdued, he gets a moment to gloat over them and their mistakes.  He notes that Larry was smart to select weapons that could get into his building undetected implying that he lives in a pretty secure building and that Larry was carrying his weight funny for the past ten days.  He also tells Ellen that she tried too hard to cover the scent of the weapons with her usual perfume - by adding more.  However, she should have changed the scent and he wouldn’t have noticed.  After telling them how he figured out things were off, he steps back and looks at the group, his entire expression tired and blank.  More stress lines under those eyes.
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His own personal clean-up crew is there to take them all away.  And since this isn’t under the guidance of Klaus, he’ll likely let those masked individuals use questionable methods to interrogate everyone for the information he needs to know.  Who or what is targeting him?  Why?  What do they want from him?  These are the sorts of things Steven has to know, but the type of things that Klaus wouldn’t be involved with due to his stricter moral code.  In this instance, Klaus is Vash, holding an almost impossible level of hope and goals while it is clear that Steven is pragmatic and realizes sometimes you gotta slog through the shit to get things done and protect others like Wolfwood.  Though, Steven would have been very upset if Mrs. Veded’s roast were damaged in anyway so he clearly loves her cooking and the love she puts into it.
The likely immediate reaction for a lot of viewers at the end of this scene when he goes out for some air is; Holy shit!  Steven is a total badass.  He just froze his entire dinner party and turned them over to shady underlings to pump them for information.  Badass indeed!
Yet, when I saw the end of that scene, I felt so sad.  When it goes to him alone along the road, he’s chastising himself for his own behaviors.  He’s leaning on the railing looking out into the night giving himself criticism for letting his guard down and enjoying himself too much.  He tried to meet ‘normal’ people who didn’t work for Libra and look what it got him?!?!
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He thinks back to how he met various individuals like Ellen and Larry.  And that is when it really sinks in and all of its subtlety.  You think back to his comments and realize he had to likely know these people for a few years as he met them and slowly thought about having them meet.  To realize what type of perfume Ellen wore all the time.  To notice that Larry started walking oddly with in the past ten days meant he saw him walk a lot more for a decent amount of time prior to the recent days.
And then it sinks in - all of those people might have went out of their way to befriend him over the period of several years - for the purpose to kidnap him for their boss.  The level of deception, of effort.  If that was how he met all of them, it sucks so much that it could break someone down.  I almost felt like crying the more that I thought about the entire situation.  Even if they’d met him first to just be friends, it still shows they were convinced to join this plot to capture him.
Thinking about that hurts; it would make him absolutely paranoid to befriend anyone who isn’t associated with Libra and socialize with them outside of work.  But you don’t want to hang out with your work friends outside of work do you?  
The entire mood of this image captures his feelings of sadness, isolation and loneliness.  He’s the darkest figure in the image as the car headlights, apartment windows and orange construction barrels are more illuminated than he is.
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The car turns out to pull over and stop as it is Mrs. Veded and she’s got her two children with her who meet him.  Steven smiles at them and they have a pleasant conversation.
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The icing on the cake is when he thanks her for everything - she likely thinks it is about her help prepping for the party and cleaning his place.  But Steven is speaking from his heart.  She’s likely one of the most normal people he knows.  Oh, that smile and his smiling eyes.  Steven, you’re a good guy even though you have to do some not so great things.  You care about normal people, you know how to talk to normal people and you are not biased based on species.
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Her daughter shows him the cat they found and he knees down to see them eye to eye and comment on how the cat is so cute.  Note, he’s totally channeling Wolfwood, by talking to the children like they are normal and then comes down to their level to continue to chat with them.
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The bonus is that he properly pets that cat which shows it is happy.  Aaaahhhh my heart is melting.  I love it when someone knows how to properly interact with cats.
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The episode then ends with Leo, Sonic and Zapp riding by, Zapp having a total meltdown about his eminent loss of his most important body part.  Steven laughs how his friends are having a wild night out on the town - revealing that for better or for worse - his closest friends are his colleagues at Libra and Mrs. Veded.
I’m sure that when Leo stops by to chat with Steven, they likely notice the heads of the two goons in the car and figure out that cat is the missing purebred and all’s well that ends well.
The entire episode was a wild ride as the different characters navigate challenges for the current stages of their lives.  The one though that stuck with me the most was how realistic Steven’s entire situation is, besides being a key member of a secret organization who can freeze stuff with his blood.  I mean more along the lines of what it is like to be a hardworking professional over the age of thirty. Trying to navigate a work-life balance and meet people outside of a school context.  It is really difficult and it makes his situation in this episode sadder.  He likely put a ton of effort into meeting all those people as adult friendships are bloody hard.  Steven’s actions were not out of revenge nor malice; it boiled to either something bad happening to him or to them.  He outsmarted them and won the contest but at the loss of likely a bunch of people he socialized with outside of work and clearly never told them who he was - with the whole working for a secret organization.
We can also guess that with his multilingual skills, like Klaus, he’s not a native of NYC originally and moved there to be a part of Libra.  Which makes his story even sadder and more lonely.
We don’t have enough information if he’s a native speaker of Spanish or that he knows it for his Blood techniques.  Zapp and Zed have to do theirs in Japanese (with very Buddhist undertones as opposed to Christian for Steven and Klaus) and they were taught by a mysterious ‘otherwordly’ man with a dark skin tone and wears a skull sooooo one can’t correlate Blood technique language with ones own racial/ethnic background.  All that it has revealed is that between Steven and Klaus, besides English, they can speak a total of nine languages knowing that Spanish and German are two of those nine.
I’ve gone off track, but getting back to my main point.  The entire episode fills in a few gaps from season one.
Steven does have a black heart - sort of.  K.K. isn’t incorrect, but he isn’t doing this all for fun.  He’s the guy who has to choose between two terrible options.  He is the character who makes decisions - very deeply thought out decisions for the overall good of the many as opposed to the few.  Unlike Wolfwood, he does not charge into situations and instead, does his research, assembles teams and will work himself to utter exhaustion to prevent disaster.  He commands others with a strong presence and organizes almost all of their coordinated plans as well as making sure they are executed properly.
Though his interactions with Veded and her kids as well as his concern for protecting normal people or other staff; he cares a lot about others. 
Older characters are more reserved. Steven frequently interacts with all sorts of people and is the contact point for Libra.  Everyone has his number.  He does not show his emotions easily and takes much effort to be convinced.  Detective Daniel Law is the one who talks directly to Steven while Klaus listens silently.  Though, as obvious as it is that Law is manipulating Klaus, Steven doesn’t say anything aloud and instead sighs and groans at the expected outcome. When Master Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi appears, it is Steven who quickly determines his identity, implying he’s done his research though it was still after the Blood Battle God utterly mocked both K.K. and him, the two most senior members of Libra. Yet, he holds his own and keeps his cool - interestingly, Klaus does not speak until addressed by Shizuyoshi, instead allowing Steven to carefully question him without being intrusive. A character like Steven also hits differently.  The antics of say Chain or Zapp aren’t as interesting or realistic as watching Steven lose it over making sure his computers aren’t destroyed.
He’s realistic even in the context of something like B3.  The burnt out vibes, the snarky comments, the confidence in regular work situations.  Steven is an easy older character to connect with.  And he’s got that twinge of adult isolation and loneliness where you wonder how you got to this point professionally successful, yet, somehow are still alone? What did you sacrifice to reach this point?  Was it worth it? I still have a few more episodes to go, but I’m curious to see how things pan out.  Annoyingly, the print version of the manga is out of print (throws serious shade at Darkhorse) AND they don’t even have it digitally for me to legally support.  That’s pretty annoying there Darkhorse . . . Yet so far, hands down, I love Steven’s character and all of his banal realistic flaws.  As life gets older, you have to compromise on things and his character is a great example of that along with the grind of working and being successful
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nosongunsung11 · 11 months
tagged by @courfeyracs-swordcane 💛💛
Share your wallpaper: I have a few that I rotate though but right now my lockscreen is this coolass drawing of me by @bigjigglyclownboobies
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and my homescreen is this really cute drawing of some of our friend group’s oc collection by @courfeyracs-swordcane
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last song you listened to: I'm tolerably sure it was Portrait of a Blank Slate by Lovejoy but it could be anything off their latest album I had it on loop
currently reading: I just finished re-reading A Man Called Ove!! if you're reading this and you trust me literally go download or get it from your library right this instant ask no questions look at exactly nothing else about it i am begging you i promise it's so good and it will mak eyou weep real tears. please
last movie you watched: uh. hm. PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST WISH. THAT WAS IT. damn good movie holy shit
craving: garlic bread. mmmmmmmmmmm
what are you wearing right now: one of my pyramid scheme dresses. dark blue and floral and it has pockets!!!!! also my friendship bracelets
how tall are you: 5'2 :(
piercings: no but I want ear piercings at least
tattoos: also no but it's only a matter of time
glasses? contacts?: glasses!
last drink: water as the lord intended i am staying so hydrated
last show: gintama!!!! i'm 51 episodes into my rewatch i love this stupid show so much. it's so dumb why does it make me cry
favorite color: blue!!!!
current obsession: hm. kind of between hyperfixations rn. the trigun fixation is tapering out and nothing's really replaced it yet. right now i'm mostly actively interested in dracula daily, gintama, and trigun i think
unrelated obsession: transformers is going to be living rent-free in my head forever i think. accidentally made that one permanent
any pets: I WISH
do you have a crush on anyone: uh. i (arospec as hell) don't know how to answer this either. i am. experiencing some kind of attraction for a few people??? i guess????? y'all know who you are <3<3<3
favorite fictional characters: from media, uh. Megatron, Rung, Kaladin Stormblessed, Sakata Gintoki, c!Philza, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, and Rivers Javier (Blaseball). also i'm with teddy on Blorbo from Me and My Buddies' Brains
last place you travelled: Zion National Park!!
uh. tags. teddy got most of my guys but @klqrambles @frosteee-variation @lycanthian @bigjigglyclownboobies @bramblemantle if y'all wanna! and anyone who sees this who I didn't tag is more than welcome to continue the chain from me anyway :P
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gintokisimp · 1 year
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Last tattoo update for this year (I guess). 16 hours in, still everything is a wip. His hair will heal up translucent. At the moment it’s just red from tattooing. There will be 6 manga panels in total, one is already finished. In the end the manga panels will look like old paper to fit into the rest of sleeve
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eorzeashan · 1 year
Get to Know Me!
Share your wallpaper: oh it's a default ocean picture. I don't even know what it is, but I left it there because I was too lazy to change it.
The last song you listened to: You and Me - Flume
Currently reading: Dresden Files - Peace Talks by Jim Butcher...or I was supposed to but I still haven't gotten around to it OTL I think I planned to read something by Ocean Vuong as well.
Last Movie: Vengeance by B.J. Novak: my mom put this one on randomly and it was quite interesting.
Craving: Ugh....my stomach is irritated right now....but I wouldn't mind the matcha bread downstairs.
What are you wearing right now? grey t-shirt, pj pants. yeah yeah, sloppy. I just woke up from a nap.
How tall are you: 5'8" though it goes between that and 5'9", so somewhere around there.
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses? Contacts? None.
Last drink: Water as well.
Last show: Dance 100
Last thing you ate: A vietnamese crepe and matcha latte.
Favorite color: Blue :D
Current obsession: SWTOR
Unrelated obsession: FFXIV, Castlevania/Any Gothic Game
Any pets: A terrapin and a Shih-tzu!
Do you have a crush on anyone? Nah.
Favorite fictional character: How am I supposed to choose...this is kinda hard off the top of my head. There's so many! Gintoki Sakata from Gintama, a shitton of SWTOR characters (Theron obviously being one), Ginko from Mushishi, the Medicine Seller from Mononoke...ah curse my terrible memory... uh, D from Vampire Hunter D. *squints* huh. I sure do like mysterious ones.
The last place you traveled: That's private -u-
Tagged by: @ainyan (yay I made it to one of these)
Tagging (no obligation): @space-unicorn-dot, @certified-anakinfucker, and anyone else who wants to ouo)b
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toujouhidetora · 11 months
north carolina is insane dude i was in the laundry room folding my towels while listening to gintama opening songs and i looked out the window to the pool and the only guy swimming had a fuckin killua tattoo
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queenharumiura · 1 year
Get to know me
what’s your phone wallpaper : It's a piece of Shura (Yu Yu Hakusho) sleeping while cuddled in Sesshomaru's (Inuyasha) mokomoko. Why? Just RP things. Why that piece in particular? The composition worked well with the way I have all my apps situated on my phone.
last song you listened to: Uhhh I honestly don't remember, but it was something on the radio. I can barely be trusted to remember what I had for breakfast, much less remember what I listened to last.
currently reading : I read so many manga/manhua/manhwa that it's wild to consider me making a list of what i'm currently reading.
last movie :  Ehh--- I think it might've been 'The Legend of Hei'? Tenka, confirm? Deny?
last show : I'm going to answer in terms of a show that I recall watching from start to finish and not just me randomly going 'I want to rewatch that episode again'. In this case: The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting' is the last show I recall watching.
what are you wearing right now : Uhh... basically homewear, I guess?
piercings / tattoos? : I'm allergic to pain, so neither, but I've seen a lot of cute earrings and it had me considering. I don't think i'd ever do a tattoo because they're permanent and that's a huge commitment to make. I'd have to think forever about a design, a meaning, a location, an artist, etc. It's a lot of pressure for me to think about. I would take too long to think of something and it's just not worth it. This is why I never touched Animal Crossing, because I knew i'd just take too long just analyzing everything and needing everything to be JUST RIGHT. So, if the question was a preference kinda question, i'd be more likely to go for a piercing.
glasses ? contacts?: Glasses. I can't really do contacts. That said, my glasses normally sit atop the top of my head like overqualified headbands. My prescription safety glasses at work have been used for their actual purpose more than my actual glasses. I've gone to the movies countless of times and went: ah-- I forgot my glasses. I'm dumb, yes.
last thing you ate? : The menu said 'chicken noodle' and it was under 'noodle and soups' so I assumed it was chicken noodle soup. I was wrong. idk what it actually is. I just know it's chicken noodle'.
favorite color(s) : Pink. Purple and black are close seconds. In terms of favorite colors from a sentimental/nostalgic reason: Jungle green and eggplant purple for dA RP shipping reasons.
current obsession : I don't think I have an obsession at the moment. IF I did, i'd be so gungho about it that you'd probably not see/hear me for quite some time. I'm currently just living every day like i'm a floating plank of wood on a calm ocean surface. My last obsession was... I think... watching a particular streamer I really liked. To be very subtle, he is known for using a sprout in Among us. Pretty sure that's right. Prior to that my obsession was the 'Trash of the Counts Family' novel until the licensing got pulled. Before that was the 'The King's Avatar' novel.
favorite fictional character : Oh man... I love so many. Haru Miura truly has a very special place in my heart. Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho was such a big thing for me when I was younger. Don't get me started on how I was very into Tokuchi Toua (one outs) or Hiruma Youichi (Eyeshield 21). Shout out to Tatsumi Takeshi (Giant Killing) and Tsubaki Daisuke (Giant Killing). Gintoki (Gintama) truly was a time where my friends thought if I'd marry anyone, it would be him. I'd find a way to crossover to another dimension and marry him lol. This is really just me talking about past obsessions, yes.
Tagged by: @zcitgcistcr Tagging: I don't tag.
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goldenandhappy · 1 year
1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 33, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43, 46.
I hope this isn't too much. I'm just very curious. 😊 I hope you're having a great day.
HIIIIIIIIII !! No it's not ! Wait ! lemme check that list !
Okay soo
(1) I need to finish watching Gintama. I stopped right before the Semi-final episodes. That was 4 years ago, and it has been 4 years that I have been wanting to go back.
(3) Smoothies. Humm. I'd choose a smoothie if there's nothing better available. I'd prefer a juice.
(6) i'm not sure I get the question right, but if it's asking how I mark my page, I am a monster who folds the corner :3
(7) I had to go check because it's actually very balanced and the ciolors I have a represented in respectable quantities. With that said, it's either white (overwhelming number of white shirts) or blue (overwhelming number of blue jeans).
(9) Sounds : falling rain / Smells : eucalyptus ♥
(12) that's a very cute question :3 And I can't really explain, but, we vibe ? She's the sweetest thing ever while being witty and funny and strong willed. We've been friends for a decade almost now. Time flies aigh :')
(14) My college campus. I still go back to visit from time to time. I don't know anyone there anymore, but that place still feels like home. Peaceful, and full of great memories ♥
(18) The founding of Carthage (or of Rome). Both stories are enshrined in myth with no real evidence of how things started. But at the same time, those two cultures left such an impact on my part of the world, witnessing how they actually started would be insane. :')
(19) Okay sooooo this might sound weird to a lot of you, but we never did haloween. It's just... not in the culture 🤷‍♀️
(20) Algebra, geometry, system modeling and functional analysis... I like math :x #EngineeringMajor
(25) Nope. But i'm considering adding two extra ear piercings to get Zoro's earings. If i'm getting a tattoo, it's going to be the X from Alabasta, but on my back, coz that'd be cute :3
(27) 1 keychain. A small bronze 5 dollar bill. I didn't buy it myself. Found it, used it O:)
(28) yes and yes (perks of costal regions)
(33) Earbuds. Headphones flatten my hair.
(35) It's a panda in a blue worker jumpsuit :3
(38) My friends listen/watch/ know about everything I consume because i'm noisy and i'll talk about it a lot :3
(39) I went shopping, then I slept :3
(41) menthol ? Idk, it's homemade by my bestfriend, she changes the formula every 3 weeks :x
(43) Depends on the time of the day. The light is really good in the mornings/afternoons, so no need to turn on the lights.
(46) Blue lock. No regrets. it SLAPS.
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yaoioioay · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
Wow that’s a difficult question. But here you go:
Katsura (Gintama) an idiot, can be pretty badass, so so funny, can make up a story for anything. Genius young scholar, actually quite smart if he’s serious, sad backstory, always had to be dutiful and do everything by himself, only when he is Zura, with his friends, can he let go. <3 During the war he became a known general, capable of leading his troops and running away when it was best. Elizabeth is his companion. -> Kamui and Okita are also really great! Kamui is a Yato with orange hair and blue eyes, his fighting style is so cool and his backstory is very interesting. We see how as a kid he had to be strong for his I’ll mother and his baby sister, but he didn’t know what strength was, so he trained in combat and went around challenging other dangerous outlaws. When he found out what his father did, he lost control and tried to kill him and later left his sister to travel the universe and fight and become stronger. Okita is a super sadist who enjoys making others suffer, but deep down he’s insecure with his relationships with others and doesn’t know how to express himself beside violence. But he cares very much and at the end he’s very loyal to his people.
Law (One Piece) loved his design, a doctor with the word ‘death’ tattooed on his fingers, rides a yellow submarine with a polar bear, tragic backstory. -> Sanji and Ace are also my faves. Sanji is pretty cool, he’s an amazing cook, a great swimmer, fights with kicks, can walk on air and is an expert in observation haki and pretty good at armament. He was pretty mysterious and surprisingly stealthy. Double tragic backstory, he was a failed emotionless super soldier and third heir of a bellicose country, whose ruling family ruled with an iron fist thanks to their genetic enchantments and scientific development. And he almost starved to death. But he is also a pervert and his storyline has so many ups and downs. Ace is really cool, fire powers, conqueror’s haki when he was a kid, his design is amazing, Red Pearl necklace, dagger, tatto with Whitebeard’s symbol on his back, and his name with a tribute to Sabo on his arm. He uses a small boat propelled by his flames, is Roger’s son, met Shanks and Buggy. Is really important to a lot of people, Luffy loves his big bro, the Whithebeards and all their allies care for him, everyone gathered because of him… but now he’s… *sob sob*
Urahara (Bleach) mysterious, silly but really strong and resourceful, has everything up his sleeve. Ex-captain and ex-jailer, his sword is Red (bloody) Princess, she’s not nice, and his Bankai is not suited for friendly spars. Dresses like a hobo and his hat and fan make him look really shady, has a gigantic training room with rocks and a fake sky in his basement, is raising super soldier children, lives with Tessai who is basically hi husband who cleans and cooks for him, and Yoruichi is his super hot friend who sometimes acts as his cat. -> Ichigo is also really cool, he’s the perfect hybrid of every species known, he was basically created to fight and defeat Aizen. He gets all the power ups only to lose them and get stronger ones, ongoing inner struggles due to nobody actually telling him anything important. Always has to rescue somebody. Zangestu is so cool, both as a spirit and a sword. His Bankai is Heaven Chain Slaying Moon. He befriends people by defeating those who want to kill him, and later they help him. Likes Shakespeare and becomes a translator <3
Kakashi (Naruto) super badass and cool, a genius an combat, smart, ‘look underneath the underneath’, copy ninja of a thousand juts XD, ex-anbu, can use a sword. Tragic backstory, everyone he ever loved died or left him. He can seem kinda lazy and a pervert, always reading porn in public, but he can be professional and ruthless. Also really cares for his students and is ready to eliminate any threat towards them, no matter how strong. He can make tough decisions and prioritise one over the others depending on how in danger they are.
Megumi (Jujutsu Kaisen) literally ‘Blessing’, greatest potential ever, rivals Gojo, Sukuna is interested in him, Toji’s son, treasured cursed technique of the Zenin clan. Can summon 10 shikigami, Mahoraga is so cool. Ambiguous morality, only cares about ‘good’ people, capable and willing to kill. Used to getting left behind by those he cares about, but still loves deeply and is willing to do anything for his friends.
Hibari (Katekyo Hotman Reborn) wandering apathetic cloud, but still cares and comes to save his companions, the strongest guardian. His 10YL self was so cool, could break a ring after every use because he was too strong. Purple flames, loves small animals, tamed a bird his enemy used to be able to sing his school anthem on cue, his box weapon is a cute spiked hedgehog that can multiply. His weapons are a pair of tonfa and spiked handcuffs, he’s only interested in fighting strong opponents, no matter who they are, whenever he wants.
Benimaru (Fire Force) the mightiest fire soldier, compound of first and second generation, young master of Asakusa, captain of the 7th division, independent from the Church. His doppelgänger, created from everyone’s image of ‘the strongest’ fire soldier, was about to destroy the world with one move, but didn’t last a minute against the original. -> Arthur is also incredible. His strength is dependent on his mood, he gets stronger if he feels like a knight. A simpleminded idiot, genius in fighting, manages to become strong enough to fight with Dragon on equal terms on the Moon and one of his attacks cut the Earth in half. Him and Excalibur <3
Lavi (D.Gray Man) mysterious, Bookman successor, can remember everything, had 48 different identities and personalities before Lavi, neutral in the grand scheme of things, but actually cares for his friends and can be pretty playful. Can speak a lot of languages, knows a lot about hidden history and wars. Red hair and green eyes, wears a bandana, has an eyepatch, but his eye is not damaged.
Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho) duality, merciless but also wise and very smart, cares for his friends, is trying to change. Fox thief who uses a rose whip and weird and dangerous plants as weapons.
Fai (Tsubasa Chronicle) tragic backstory, good liar but also good person, takes care of the kids but doesn’t want to get close to others. Strongest magician ever, has a lot of curses cast on him, tatto that restrain his powers, magical blue eyes, was vampire.
Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) cool design, orange hair and blue eyes, hat he got from Rimbaud, was the King of the Sheep, trained under Ozaki, now shorty mafia executive, gravity manipulation. Sad backstory, was experimented on, vessel for Arahabaki, god of calamity. One half of Double Black with Dazai, strongest duo capable of eliminating entire organisations of ability users overnight. Vampire.
Karma (Assassination Classroom) super smart violent psycho kid. Genius naturally good at everything, can also be very hard-working and passionate, can fight really really well.
Izaya (Durarara) literally ‘the one who looks over the crowd’, little shit, gets punched at lest once a season, smart, can speak multiple languages, information broker, hacker, expert manipulator, instigator. Loves humans and wants to see them act out and reveal their true nature by fighting against each other. Intrigued but doesn’t care about the supernatural and ‘monsters’. Parkour, fights with switchblades, fur coat.
Makishima (Psycho Pass) good fighter, criminally asymptomatic, can control his psycho pass at will, wants to destroy and change the system. Loves reading books and dystopian literature, always quoting authors, paper books > ebooks. White hair.
Hiruma (Eyeshield 21) quarterback, average physical abilities, limited skills and techniques but smart, very intelligent. Can always come up with a winning plan if those around him are good. Good at poker and betting, very persuasive, great manipulator, has a black-mail book with pages on everyone he meets. Crazy, always carrying a weapon around, deep down he cares about his friends and team and wants to win together. Blonde, looks like a devil with pointed teeth. Has a dog named Cerberus, who he bribes with snacks to train, scare and find other people.
Kise (Kuroko no Basket) blonde model, very friendly, but also really competitive and passionate, quite petty, incredibly observant and strangelyperceptive. The copycat, can do anything after seeing it done once, learns really fast, good at every sport, wants to play with someone he can’t imitate and he won’t ever hope to surpass. Mentally very strong under pressure, tends to overwork and go too hard on his body. Adds -cchi to those he respect.
Tsukishima (Haikyuu) tall, blonde, smart, patient, methodical, relatively unmotivated. Was a cute baby but became an angsty teenager because his brother lied to him, but still cares for volleyball very deep down. Master at roasting others and loves to tease his teammates. Can be quite passionate and driven when provoked and he puts his mind to it, becomes a great blocker thanks to some seniors from rival schools. -> Oikawa is also amazing, he’s not a genius, he works hard, sometimes too much, to polish his skills and try to reach his goal. He can be pretty jealous, petty and mean, but also really compassionate, a good leader and great at giving advice. A setter who can bring out the maximum potential from every player, no matter who.
Fubuki (Inazuma 11) tragic backstory, his parent and brother died in an accident caused by an avalanche, he didn’t want to be alone so now he has a split personality. Atsuya is an attacker and more aggressive, Fubuki is a defender and more calm and peaceful. The more he switches the more confused he is and the more he struggles. He doesn’t want to be alone and forget his brother, but he wants to just be himself, without being overtaken. In the end he manages to overcome this thanks to his teammates. His killing moves are almost all ice or wolf based.
Urek Mazino (Tower of God) 4th strongest, irregular, stronger than the 10 family heads, can wipe them if he ever feels like, uses techniques that could destroy an entire floor if he’s not careful and doesn’t control his power precisely. Doesn’t care about politics and power games, could slay Jahad but doesn’t care enough, interested in the outside world and a way out of the Tower. Vice-captain of Wolhaiksong, made his best friend Baek Ryun, 9th High Ranker, the captain after compressing and carrying his beloved forest for him to the 77th floor. He was so strong that his data self in the Hell Train was saved incorrectly, so he went on a rampage and his sworn enemy version of himself still exists in the bug room. Despite being his enemy it agrees with Urek that there shouldn’t be any imperfect versions of them and is plotting to be destroyed. Great design, red eyes, snapback and hoodie, tatto on his back of his name and winged tree that represent his organisation.
Jiang Chen (Mo Dao Zu Shi) purple lotus aesthetic. Sandu, sword, literally ‘3 poisons’, ignorance, attachment, hate. Zidian, ring/lighting whip. Tragic backstory, father loved his brother more, was forced to send his beloved dogs away because of him, mother loved him but had high expectations and was abusive towards his brother, they died for him. Sworn brother is a genius, liked by everyone, always gets himself and him into trouble, sacrificed himself by giving his golden core to him, ‘killed’ their sister and died leaving him alone. He is aggressive, angry and vengeful, but cares for his nephew, angsty tsundere.
You Huo (Global Examination) indifferent and apathetic, very smart and intelligent, trained in combat. Was Invigilator A, the System faithful lapdog, but was secretly working to destroy it with Z and 001, but was caught and expelled and his memories erased. Re-enters the System as an examinee, manages to chaotically pass every test and wreck everything in his way. Manages to reunite with 001 ad fall in love again, even if they’re on opposing sides and both their memories are damaged <3
Akira/Ren (Persona 5) Arsene, Lupin the gentleman thief and anti-hero -> Satanael. Leader of the Phantom Thieves, falsely sentenced, can seem indifferent but is quite passionate. Works everywhere, while range of contacts and friends.
Tsurumaru (Touken Ranbu) beautiful sword, everyone wanted him. His first owner was a kid that was killed by a rival clan, he was put together with his master in his grave, but was later dug up by the one who killed his master. He was then passed around by owners, among those Oda Nobunaga’s trusted retainer, until he was finally placed in a shrine. However a sword polisher got enchanted by his beauty and took him from the shrine and gave him to the Date Clan and later to the Meiji Emperor, he remains in the Imperial Collection to this day. Tsurumaru's symbol is a crane, traditional sign of fortune and longevity, but he brought the opposite to his owners. -> game: cool design, all white clothing, white hair and golden eyes. Hates boredom and always seeks surprises to endure his endless longevity, being the best preserved blade from the Heian period despite his turbulent history. Was forged by Gojou, disciple of Sanjou Munechika, which makes him a distant relation to the Sanjou swords. Dategumi with Ookurikara, Shokudaikiri and Sadamune -> anime: was part of the 1st Division and partnered with Mikazuki, now with the 2nd.
Leona (Twisted Wonderland) very lazy, always slacking, but still one of the strongest and smartest mages. Loves chess and always ready to throw hands, respects ladies, very sassy. Depressed and angry about how he’ll always be second and how some things are decided even before you’re born. -> Vil, obsessed with being the most beautiful, shows a perfect front to the world but is actually very layered.
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) super smart and strong scholar. Interested in linguistics, can speak and read 20 languages, he’s a scribe, declines more influential positions and political power because he’s satisfied with what he has and wants to have free time to do whatever he wants and study the things that interest him. Made a plan to overthrow his government because all the scheming annoyed him and interfered with his daily life. -> But also Childe. Super strong fighter, fell into the Abyss when he was 14 and learnt every fighting technique in 3 months. When he returned his thirst for blood and battle was insatiable. Ayato too, he’s one of the most cunning, smart and competent people in all of Teyvat. Works in the shadow, deals in a lot of politics, extremely dangerous and lethal.
Cloud (Final Fantasy 7) Zack’s friend, Sephiroth’s nemesis, infantryman who never made it into Soldier, but was later experimented on by Hojo with S cells and fell in a coma but was rescued by Zack. Had memory loss and thought he was Zack, because he had a Soldier 1st class uniform, his sword, which he inherited and he was always listening to him during his coma, so his personality changed to match. Became a mercenary and helped eco terrorists Avalanche destroy reactors and go against Shinra. Seems indifferent and cold but actually cares about his party, self-loathing and guilt-ridden. Tries to be a good leader. Very badass, cool fusion sword and motorcycle, Fenrir. Spiky blond hair, looks like a chocobo.
V (Devil May Cry) best boi, the human half of a devil, but still not quite human. The poetry and existential doubt and discovery of self, also his relationship with his familiars!! Griffon and kitty <3<3<3
Sandalphon (Grandblue Fantasy) really depressed primordial being, lived for two thousand years fuelled by doubt, resentment and ANGER.
Dean (Supernatural) cool and badass. Strong fighter, can be ruthless and merciless, street smart but can be book smart sometimes, can cook. Sad childhood, raised as a soldier, ‘daddy’s blunt little instrument’, all his life was hunting, his duty was to protect his brother, dedicated and self-sacrificing, playboy and heartbreaker. Vessel for Michael, The Righteous Man, Man of Letter, had the Mark of Cain, was a vampire, demon, Death for a bit. Believed all supernaturals were monsters but later became friends with an angel, Cas, a demon, Crowley, a vampire, Benny… Went to Heaven, Hell, Purgatory. Was Alistair’s apprentice in torture, the Darkness, God’s sister liked him.
Stiles (Teen Wolf) smart human, the one who always figures it out, morally more ambiguous but always wants to do the right thing, but is willing to make sacrifices and use underhanded methods. Loves his dad and is always trying to take care of him after his mom got sick and died of dementia, sad backstory, she tried to hurt him. Love Void Stiles. His relationship with Scott, Lydia and Malia <3
Finnick (Hunger Games) has the most fucked past ever. Good guy, skilled fighter, can appear an asshole and a flirt, but he’s just jaded.
Newt (Maze Runner) the Glue. Sad boy, was a runner but now walks with a limp because… *sob* Always believes and is ready to follow Tommy <3. Page 250 *sob sob*
Nico (Percy Jackson) son of Hades, one of the big 3, is actually 80+ years old. Can control the dead, earth, shadows and even fire and ice when his emotions are out of control. Has an hellhound named Mrs. O’Leary. Angsty gay boy, had a crush on Percy, now is together with Will, son of Apollo, opposite attract <3 -> Percy! Witty, in way over his head, fast-thinker. Son of Poseidon, good swimmer, can control ice, blood, poisons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, talk to horses and sea creatures. Has a black pegasus named Blackjack. His relationship with his mom and him Annabeth <3
Klaus (Umbrella Academy) gay disaster, probably wouldn’t survive without Benn. The Séance, ability to communicate with the dead, he’s a mess because of his personality, his power and his family.
Spider-Man (Marvel) super strength, heightened senses, spidey sense, can walk on walls, webs. -> comic: older, with Deadpool -> movie: Tony’s son basically, suit lady AI Karen, nanotech and stealth suits, EDITH glasses. -> Also Loki and Bucky are amazing! Loki is basically a god, with heightened endurance and strength, really good magician, uses illusions. He’s always faking his death in dangerous situations and creating chaos for his amusement, often making things worse. Inner struggle, considers himself a monster because of his race and how his adoptive father loved him less than his brother, how his brother always got him in trouble and their friends didn’t care about him. Bucky is a tortured and traumatised soul. From cool hero, always saving Steve’s ass, to badass brainwashed assassin super soldier. Trying to find himself again and live in this model society.
Jason (Batman) the second Robin, the Red Hood. Super angsty, tragic story, badass, very flexible morals. From a Crime Alley petty thief, became a sidekick, died brutally because of the Joker, came back to life with some side-effects. Assassin training, mercenary, vigilante, hero, just wanted revenge and to be avenged. Interesting relationship with Bruce, Dick and Tim. Him and the Outlwas <3
Frank (Dead By Daylight) charismatic manipulative murderous leader. Only cares about his group and how to abate his boredom. Love Legion <3
Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) badass throughout all ages. He has to hone his abilities and learn new moves by being taught by friends and allies. Open minded, seeker of truth, fun-loving, over-the-top, womanizer and braggart. His relationship with Leonardo and Sofia <3
Legolas (Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit) beautiful badass elf. Basically an immortal fighting sassy machine, super loyal to his friends.
Jaskier (The Witcher) the bestest bard, super funny and loyal and charming.
Dorian (Dragon Age) super interesting character, with a tragic past and a load of issues he has to overcome.
Sehun (Busted) I really enjoyed the show and Sehun is my bias wrecker in EXO!
Marvin (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) the smartest robot with the driest sense of humour. Adorable and hilarious and perfect.
Puss in Boots (Shrek) adorable but badass cat.
Rin (Fruits Basket) mean but also selfless, sacrifices herself for the person she loves. The horse. Her and Haru <3
Misaki (Maid-Sama) caring, cool, smart. Demon council school president, secretly working at a maid café. Her and Uzui <3
Yona (Yona of the Dawn) best character growth ever, from a spoiled little princess who knows nothing about the world to a badass fighter who experienced tragedy and is travelling all over the world with her friends. Red hair and purple eyes. -> Lili is also amazing, she appears confident and brave, but is actually shy and caring.
Sypha (Castlevania) BADASS woman mage, sarcastic, stressed and slowly losing her mind.
Katara (Avatar: the last airbender) great female character, can be pretty badass, best water bender, blood bending! -> Toph is also fantastic! She’s blind but one of the most confident and cool people! Master earth bender, can use it to see, invented metal bending because nobody can lock her in a cage and she’s just awesome like that.
Holo (Spice & Wolf) very cool and wise wolf lady.
Homura (Madoka Magica) lack of confidence -> intelligent, athletic, distant, cold, mysterious, internal conflict. Can stop and turn back time.
Nana (Nana) super cool woman!! The angst she goes through *sob*
C.C. (Code Geass) soo sarcastic and funny! She’s such a queen, but can also be weirdly cute. Loves pizza and has green hair and yellow eyes. -> Lelouch is also a fantastic character!! Super smart selfless guy, trying to play the villain, while being a hero and uniting the world for peace, he succeeds spectacularly.
Revy (Black Lagoon) badass crazy red-head.
Hayley (The Originals) badass mother with a chaotic love life. Hybrid werewolf vampire, part of the Mikaelson family. She taught Klaus how to be more merciful and paternal and he taught her about herself and how to be a leader, love them. Also her relationship with Elijah <3
Octavia (The 100) badass woman, went through a lot, overcame and became stronger and ruthless but found herself again. Her and Lincoln <3 But I also like her with Levitt.
Sansa (Games of Throne) best character development ever, she went through so so much and became stronger, tougher for it.
Kate (Hawkeye) socialite, young archer and capable of multiple fighting styles, smart. Lucky the Pizza Dog, golden retriever. -> comics: Clint’s partner, Young Avengers. -> series tv: friendship with Yelena, passing the torch from Clint.
Hermione (Harry Potter) smartass, very intelligent, always saving the others through her knowledge and reasearch. Muggle parents but is still the brightest witch of her generation. -> Draco is also quite interesting. He was a bully, raised by pureblood parents, his mother loves him and his father wants him to bring prestige to the family. Internal struggle, conflicted between light and dark sides.
Rikki (H2O) cool, independent and sometimes badass mermaid, with electricity powers.
Akali (League of Legends) badass assassin without a master, can fight for whoever she wants, whenever she wants. Kinda impulsive, but still super skilled. -> Also Riven is really interesting! One of the best fighter in Noxus, was betrayed and now travels the land in search of a new purpose.
Cynthia (Pokémon) master and Elite 4 Champion, very interested in mythology and history, really cool. Uses Lucario, Garchomp, Milotic <3 -> Also N is very interesting! He’s an enigma, an idealistic activist whose policy is releasing Pokémon from human control, his goal is to create separate worlds for both Pokémon and humans. He has the ability to sense a Pokémon’s feelings and thoughts along with hearing their "voice." Obsessed with mathematical formulas. Later revealed to be the King of Team Plasma.
Tigresss (Kung-Fu Panda) tiger female martial artist.
Fluttershy (My Little Pony) yellow and pink pegasus, represent kindness, very shy. Afraid of spiders, clown and dragons, but then her relationship with Discord <3
Sorry it’s more than 10. I tried to restrain myself but the more I thought about it, the more I wrote. XD
If you want to know more you can visit me here on mal or here on anilist.
And I’m very very sorry it took me forever to reply, I never check my inbox!! >.<
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moosifers · 1 year
🌼📺🎥 :-)
🌼 Fave flower
Sunflowers! I have a tattoo of sunflowers :) (and also an owl)
📺 Fave anime
I... don't really watch anime? Which, I know, sacrilegious. I'm just gonna say Gintama. The strawberry milk speech changed my life. (I watched FMA but my first experience with it was through the manga so eh)
🎥 Fave film
The Emperor's New Groove :)
Get to know me, send me a symbol.
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