#Grow Taller In 6 Months
lilislegacy · 2 months
the average height of men in the US is 5’9. annabeth has always been tall - she ends up being about 5’9/5’10 - so she probably always thought that she’d end up with someone who’s her height, maybe even shorter than her. i mean, she was taller than percy up until they were 16, and even then he was her height, not taller
then mr. perseus jackson, in classic percy ‘never let them know your next move’ jackson was like “actually no ☝️” and kept on fucking growing.
she probably prepared herself for the probability of being taller than her future man. she might have even loved the idea. and then her man ends up being fucking 6’2
and i am completely convinced that percy ended up being so tall out of pure stubbornness.
well, that, and he was asleep for 6 months, at prime growing age, and was probably horizontal, so gravity wasn’t working against him. genetics probably played a role too. and i do always say i think demigods tend to be taller…
but mostly because he’s an absolute menace
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kedreeva · 5 months
Today in measuring your peahen, Bug is casually 2 foot, 3 inches tall (she can stretch a little taller when she REALLY wants a treat). This is just tall enough to see over a tray table and pull things off of nightstands and end cabinets.
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Bug is also a little over 3 feet long from tail tip to beak tip. Most of Bug is made up of tail and neck. There is a 6lb dead weight in the middle somewhere that she knows how to directly place onto the ball of one foot while standing on you.
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Bug's wingspan is around 3.5 feet, thought I didn't get a measurement. It will be over 4 feet as an adult.
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Bug is growing in her spurs. As a Spalding (hybrid) hen, Bug will likely have one inch bone knives conveniently attached to her tarsometatarsus. This is technically fused foot bones, not a leg bone. Curiously, pure Pavo cristatus hens have spurs, and pure Pavo muticus hens have spurs, but many domestic Pavo cristatus and low-percent Spalding hens lack them. This is one of the indications of domestication in the cristatus species. As I prefer the wild type, I prefer my hens spurred, so this is a good sign!
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Bug's toes measure a smidge over 5 inches from the tip of her rear-facing to to the tip of her longest front facing toe. Try measuring that on your hand.
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Bug's nails measure 1/2-3/4 an inch long, depending on the toe. That's almost as long as one finger section for most people.
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When I had snakes, I got asked all the time if I was afraid of them biting me. The answer is no. I have been bitten by a 6 foot long, 20lb boa constrictor, and have no scars to prove it. Meanwhile I have so many scars from peafowl sitting on me, particularly on my forearms, that I have had to reassure people I am not a danger to myself.
I post these photos as a reference, but also as a precaution. This is a BABY peafowl, and a female at that. She is only 6 months old and weighs a little over 6lbs, which means she's about 2/3 of the way grown, and adult hens are typically 3/4 the size of an adult male. These are BIG birds that can do a LOT of damage, even accidentally. When they become aggressive, as in the case of hand-raised males or poorly bred birds, they become a potentially fatal threat to any other fowl you have. Unlike chickens, they are more than capable of (and prone to!) jumping to human face level before they flog (kick with their feet in a way that allows their spurs to hit home), which means they could easily take out an eye or cause other serious facial injury if they get a lucky strike. I have seen more than a few people end up with stitches, and more than a few birds end up euthanized because people think they are gonna be cute cuddly friends.
I know that Bug is a cute bird, but I also want to stress that a) she has an outstanding personality as a result of breeding choices and socialization b) she hasn't hit maturity, and won't do so for another 2+ years, so her personality could change considerably still and c) I have been raising peafowl one way or another for my entire adult life, which has been structured around keeping them. I love my birds, and I would love for more people to keep peafowl as they are great animals, but they are not casual animals. They are large and potentially dangerous farm fowl that take a lot of space, care, and knowledge to keep.
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also I have been (for some reason) firing on ALL cylinders for like 4 days, sleeping enough that I have actually grown about a half inch to an inch and I’m not sure why
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Okay I'm now home from watching the Barbie movie, so I have to bestow some knowledge upon you fuckers (aka me infodumping actual Barbie lore because there were a lot of references there).
So, first and foremost, in one scene, we see "Earring Ken" and "Growing up Skipper" (very short scene, don't worry if you missed it). But these were actual Barbie dolls released by Mattel way back whenever (See pictures below)
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So, "Earring Ken" was actually "Earring Magic Ken". His whole thing was Mattel wanted to be cool and hip with the kids or whatever, so they created him. Except their idea of going out and finding inspiration and information as to what was "hip with the kids", was gay bars. And raves. As you can imagine, Earring Magic Ken did not stay on shelves too long (about 6 months) (though he did sell actually really well and I believe is still one of their most sold despite only being available for such a short time). I'm pretty sure his necklace charm could be swapped out too and also worn as actual earrings. HOWEVER, the part about Earring Magic Ken that kills me, is that because they went to gay bars, not only did they give him a mesh shirt and shit (as seen above), but the charm on his necklace? Is a cock ring. Did Mattel realize this? Probably the fuck not, but that's what it was💕
Growing up Skipper was also an actual doll, and just like in the movie, if you twisted her arm, she grew boobs. She also grew like an inch taller or something. I'm pretty sure she also was not on the shelf long, but she was introduced in the 1970s. So that's fun
Next up, Midge and Allan (who both play slightly bigger roles in the film but here's pictures anyways)
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So Midge was Barbie's best friend, and was released specifically because Mattel found themselves faced with high demand for a pregnant Barbie doll. But of course, Barbie can never get married or be pregnant or have kids, because it ages her, and obviously seeming a little older means Barbie is suddenly worthless and unappealing (Woo patriarchy!). So their solution was Midge, who, ironically, ended up being everything Barbie couldn't (which is kind of funny since she's supposed to be able to be any and everything ever). So, them making her only personality trait in the movie her pregnancy, is kind of spot on. She did have actual dolls initially but then seemed to disappear for a while, having been replaced with other "Barbie's best friend!"'s. Actually they also replaced Barbie's siblings several times but that's another post. Midge did eventually return though in Life in the Dreamhouse (See below)
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One thing they never mentioned in the movie, however, is that Allan was actually Midge's boyfriend. I don't have too much on him besides that but I think it's worth mentioning.
Anywho, there's my rant on some of the characters in the Barbie movie, if you made it this far, thanks :))
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raindisaster · 19 days
I sincerely do not understand why in most fanfiction with a Red Hood and a Red Robin, the latter is treated like a child.
Red Robin is only two years younger than Jason in the comics. At the same time, everyone seems to forget that Jason’s body has been lying underground for 6 months and for another year due to brain damage, he is literally a walking zombie. During this time, he does not grow mentally, does not gain experience and becomes an mature.
I will never get over the idea that after falling into the Lazarus Pit, he does not remember what happened to him before the pit. It was as if he had just been a 15-year-old teenager who had gone through terrible injuries and death, only to return to a body so different from his.
It is bigger, stronger, taller and so different. He is trying. Trying hard. To accept this new reality, this new self. That’s why it hurts him more when he sees that nothing has changed after his death. For others, years have passed, for him it was like yesterday, which is why it hurts so much to see how quickly he was replaced.
He's just a teenager, scared, angry, sick from everything that happened to him and trying to figure out if it was all worth it?
When he returns to Gotham, he and Tim are the same age, although his body looks older thanks to healing. But no one seems to care, no one treats him the same as with Tim. They treat him like an adult, like a mistake and the greatest failure.
And only Talia sees this wasted weakness in him. How every mother sees her child through all these masks.
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
So the last time i was around extended family (cousins and whatnot), all of us together, my youngest cousin walked up to me and was like “You’re like a dwarf.” in his very thick Philly accent.  Me: *standing next to my cousin who’s only 16 and like 5′10″ who I’m very jealous of her height* Yeah kid, I know.
Me, my mom, and my sister were literally the only people in that room other than this 4yo who were shorter than 5′5″. Idk why he chose me to go to out of all of us tho lol 
#taks speaks#btw that cousin is like 3 yrs younger than me and IDK HOW she's so damn tall#like she's taller than her mom by a good few inches#and like closer to her dad's height#she's Taller than her Older Brother#Like. Wow. I wish that were me.#this happened a while ago and she's taller now so lmao#i stopped growing at like 16 come on#*looking through average heights of people from countries my family came from*#how.#am i So Fuckin Short#HOW IS SHE SO TALL#my genetic dice roll was bad#then again both my parents are short as hell and her dad is like 6 foot#the hilarious thing is that both my sisters and me are all wanting to be taller#the one who graduated last month wore platform boots to the graduation#and she was still Very Much lost in the crowds bc she was so small even with the 4 inch boost she had#she ended up in the lineup just like i did being between two 6'+ guys#and the other one just stands on her toes all the time to make up for it#i used to do that too but ow. she needs to stop its gonna hurt later on#im also very tempted to buy a pair of those converse platforms bc they're cute and uh tall.#theyre like $80 tho so ouch#i found out that i'm definitely half Scandinavian from my grandma recently#she went on this whole tangent about where my granddad was from and where she was and all that#apparently im finnish/swedish/german on that side of the family#and the other is mostly irish so#i got the irish part. the averages are shorter there by a lot#finns are TALL. I wish i got that part of the genetics damn#turns out i got the looks of a midwestern scandinavian packed into the height of a tiny irish person#doin great. doin great.
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wileys-russo · 10 months
We’ve seen that Tooney and Lessi are doing an escape room on bbc.
Would it be possible for you to do a fic where the reader goes for one with alessia but a really scary one?
They can be going to the escape room as a date or as friends that have been secretly in love with each other?
jumpscare II a.russo
"hello!" you jumped as a pair of cold hands grabbed at your hips, warm lips ghosting your ear, startling you as you dropped your phone from the shock, the device thankfully landing on the soft carpet beneath your feet.
"alessia! don't do that." you exhaled shakily and smacked her on the arm, turning to face the grinning blonde who bent down to grab your phone, quick to snatch it back off of her with a roll of your eyes.
"where's tooney?" the striker asked having known ella had driven you here, glancing over your shoulder and looking around for her partner in crime. "oh hi y/n, how are you? oh i'm so good thank you for asking alessia, how are you? oh you're well, thats fantastic!" you mocked her lack of greeting sarcastically, it now being her turn to roll her eyes.
"i said hello." the striker defended with a teasing smile, pulling you into a tight hug. "no you scared me and on purpose! you know i already don't want to be here." you grumbled into her shoulder, the taller girl rubbing your back comfortingly, ella having somehow convinced a group of your team mates to do a horror themed escape room on your day off.
"it'll be fine! it's just a bit of fun." alessia assured you as the two of you pulled apart, alessia secretly wishing she didn't need to let go.
the blonde having had a mild gigantic crush on you pretty much ever since she laid eyes on you when you'd been signed at the beginning of the season a few months ago.
however she treasured your fast developing friendship much more, and had spent weeks now trying to swallow the flutter of butterflies that erupted in her stomach every time you even looked in her direction.
don't get her started on when you smiled at her, laughed at something she said or did, fell asleep on her shoulder on long bus rides, the striker swooned at the simplest of interactions with you, and it killed her that the more she tried to push down these feelings the stronger they only seemed to grow.
though somehow unbeknownst to her, you were struggling with the same problem, too fearful confessing your feelings would push the blonde away and you'd rather be her friend than nothing at all.
both your mutual pining however did not go unnoticed by your friends and team mates, almost all of whom had tried to individually encourage the both of you to just ask the other out on a date.
but both of your insistence that the other would not share your own feelings meant mary and millie having to physically wrestle ella to the ground on a number of occasions to stop her from meddling and telling the both of you of the others privately confessed feelings to try and speed up the process.
though that didn't stop ella from meddling in her own more subtle ways, and with some convincing she had roped in maya and lucia to help her, and it was safe to say it was no mere coincidence that ella had suggested this specific escape room.
it was why she had forgotten failed to mention to the two of you that each of the rooms only allowed 6 people in each, and so making sure to check your group of 8 in ahead of time, it had meant you and alessia would be in your own room, alone.
though her plan was coming along (in her mind) brilliantly smooth, it didn't take long for mary to catch on as she stood beside the younger girl, assisting checking in your group.
"tooney we told you not to meddle." the goal keeper sighed, sending the brunette a pointed look of disappointment. "oh come on mary not the mum look!" ella rolled her eyes, sending the attendant a thankful smile and calling out to the rest of your group to come over so he could explain the rules, mary wincing at the volume of her shouts and sending an apologetic smile to an older couple who looked over unimpressed.
admittedly you hadn't paid very much attention when the attendant was explaining the rules, too busied with glancing at alessia out of the corner of your eye as the blonde rested her head on her fist, freshly dyed blonde hair tied back into her usual neat ponytail.
she was dressed quite casually, clad only in a pair of black leggings and a light blue denim jacket with a grey hoodie underneath, however she somehow made them look runway worthy, the girl could wear a bin bag and you'd still stare at her with your usual love sick gaze.
what you somehow failed to miss, was that with every fleeting moment your gaze was drawn back to the attendant and away from alessia, alessias own piercing blue eyes would flicker toward you.
a soft smile settled on her face as she watched you nod along with the attendants words, chewing on your bottom lip as the blonde knew you often did when trying to concentrate, a habit she'd tried to break you out of but it was to no use.
alike to her you were also dressed quite casually, clad in a pair of ripped blue jeans and an oversized black nike jumper, alessias smile softening as she noticed you tuck your hands into the sleeves which were a few centimeters too long.
the girls eyes wandered over your form, lingering a few seconds too long on the slivers of tanned skin that peeked out from the small distressed rips on the tops of your thighs, mary having already taken the mick out of you for the choice of pants, particularly the gaping holes around your knees. the older girl mockingly assuring you if you so desperately needed some new jeans she would buy you a proper pair, millie joining in and teasing she would bring over some bug spray to kill the moths in your closet which had obviously been feasting on your clothes.
you simply shoved them at their comments with a playful roll of your eyes, the attendant walking the eight of you over to the rooms. "well, good luck girls!" mary clapped both you and alessia on the back, neither you nor alessia having heard the attendant explain that due to their numbers policy the two of you had been nominated to do a different room alone.
"what?" the two of you echoed in sync, eyebrows furrowed into a confused frown. "only six to a room so we're in here, you two in there. same rules for each room just different challenges and back stories." mary explained with a shrug, hurrying off into the door beside you after the others, it closed behind her with a gentle thud as both you and alessia looked to one another with wide eyes.
"go on girls, times started!" the attendant encouraged with a nod of his head as both your gazes flickering up to the thirty minute timer above your head, the man hurrying the two of you inside with a clap, the door closing behind you before you'd even had time to process what was happening.
"oh god i hate this already." you forced yourself to take a deep breath, eyes slowly adjusting to the dimly lit room. "jesus christ!" you jumped as the tv on the wall snapped on, an elderly man with a deep bloodied cut across his neck slowly explaining how he was one of the many residents murdered here in the asylum, kick starting the story of your room and setting into motion what your challenge was.
"we're already five minutes in we best get to it." alessia nodded to a small door which had swung open from inside the fireplace, stepping one foot inside as your anxiety escalated.
"less I really don't know if i can do this." you shook your head firmly, feet rooted to the ground as you balled your fists by your side, heart hammering in your chest as your eyes darted nervously around the room.
"you'll be fine, come on!" alessia held out her hand toward you, wiggling her ring clad fingers expectantly as you quickly shook your head, stood still where you were.
you jumped again as a loud wicked cackle sounded throughout the room, shooting over towards alessia and grabbing her hand as alessias breath hitched, a bolt of electricity shooting through her as your fingers intertwined with hers.
"hey, look at me." she squeezed your hand gently, your eyes flickering to hers which shone with obvious concern. "if you want to we can leave and just wait for the others outside, i won't make you do anything you're not comfortable with." alessia promised softly, not having realised how terrified you actually were until this very moment.
hearing the sincerity in her words your face softened and once more you swooned, memory flickering back to how excited alessia was about doing the escape room at training yesterday. and just as she didn't want you to do this if you were scared, you didn't want her to have to miss out just for your own sake.
"no it's okay, you were really looking forward to this less and i don't want to be a buzzkill. i'll be fine, i just might have to break your hand." you smiled guiltily, holding up your intertwined fingers as alessia grinned.
"we could do another one that isn't themed on a murder in a mental asylum, please don't feel you have to do this for my sake." alessia assured but you shook your head, affirming you would be okay.
"come on, we've only got twenty minutes and if tooney beats us we won't hear the end of it." you joked, alessia firmly agreeing with a laugh, the two of you making your way into the next room.
"oh fuck me dead." you mumbled to yourself, eyes widening at the statues surrounding you, your anxiety peaking as you wondered if any of them were real people which would in time jump out at you.
doing your best to swallow that fear you followed alessias lead, the two of you searching around for four small keys to unlock your next clue. you let out a scream and shot backwards as a toy doll shot out of the small wooden jewellery box you had opened, strong hands wrapping around your waist to save you from falling.
"thanks!" you exhaled nervously, skin burning where alessias hands had just touched you beneath your jumper, the blonde quick to let you go after you'd steadied yourself.
"oh got the last one!" the striker announced happily as she grabbed the key out of an abandoned dusty gumboot, unlocking the chest and wincing as it opened to be full of fake severed limbs and heads. "er that's rank." you cringed, the girl quickly snatching out your next clue and slamming the chest shut.
mumbling the clue over and over to herself her blue eyes scanned the room, brightening as she spotted what she was after, hurrying over to the book case in the corner, yanking on an encyclopedia as an alarm sounded and it split in half.
"secret door!" alessia grinned at you excitedly, and you melted at the sincere happiness in her face, grabbing her hand as she offered it to you and following her into the next room.
"how is this worse!" you whispered in shock as you stepped out from into what appeared to be a meat locker. "thank god we're not vegetarians." alessia joked playfully, trying to lighten the mood as she began to look around for your next clue.
she nearly fell over as you let out a blood curdling scream, a man with a bloodied apron, slasher mask and a chain saw jumping out from a hidden door in the wall, yelling at the both of you as he waved the chainsaw around in your direction.
quick to react alessia pulled you in behind her, an arm wrapping tightly around your torso as the man let out a loud twisted laugh and disappeared back where he had come from, the lights cutting out only leaving a faint red glow from the LED strips lining the roof.
"are you okay??" alessia asked softly, turning around and gently placing her hands either side of your face, forcing you to look at her as you nodded, pale as a sheet. "i think we should lea-" alessia started to speak until you let out a gasp and smacked her on the shoulder.
"next clue!" you managed to spit out, gently removing her hands from your face and turning her around, nudging her to look at the ceiling where there was a number of arrows made of glow sticks pointing in different directions.
"is there a wheel or a lock or something we can turn?" you wondered aloud, fumbling your way around the walls trying to find something as alessia followed your lead, crying out victoriously as she found a loose brick she was able to turn.
"left, right, down, left, up!" you recited as you hurried to her side, the blonde twisting the brick in the desired directions as a loud hiss sounded and the wall began to part.
"you did it!" alessia beamed proudly, grabbing your hand and squeezing tightly as the two of you hurried into the next room, the attendant announcing you only had ten minutes remaining.
"we're looking for the jars of tablets with these five symbols on them, then we need to place the jars in that safe over there and close it, that'll open the next door." alessia informed as her eyes scanned over the instructions on the wall, the two of you hurrying to frantically search around.
"times nearly up girls!" another actor jumped out from the door you had both just came from, this one clad in a white lab coat smeared with blood, a machette in his hand as he smacked the large knife a few times against the safe with a menancing grin and lunged at the two of you before running back the way he came.
both caught off guard you let out screams, frantically grabbing one another. though of course alessia, clumsy as ever, tripped over the book she had dropped from her grip and stumbled, falling to the floor as she tugged you with her, you landing on top of her with a soft grunt.
"sorry!" alessia apologized quickly, cheeks flushing rosy pink with embarrassment, both at her own actions and at the close proximity you were both squished into in the dimly lit room.
"i told you i needed to wrap you in bubble wrap." you teased with a soft chime of laughter, the stumble having actually helped ease your nerves, able to find amusement in the blondes consistently clumsy behaviors.
alessias heart began to hammer hard in her chest, your faces so close to one another she could count the freckles which dotted the bridge of your nose. "less." you breathed out softly, a hot blush creeping down the back of your neck as the amusement was replaced with nerves as you also registered the situation you were in.
"can i kiss you?" you blurted out suddenly, tips of your ears burning bright red as the reality of what you'd just said dawned on you. with a mortified shake of your head you tried to stand, alessias arms quick to wrap around you, tugging your body back down to press tightly against her own.
"please." the older girl almost begged, eyes frantically searching yours for any hint that you didn't mean what you'd just said. not wasting another second you closed the small gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to hers.
if alessia felt butterflies when you looked at her, the feeling of your warm lips pressed against hers sent her mind and body into a catastrophic meltdown.
her calloused hands slid up the back of your jumper, gripping at the bare skin of your back as if you could disappear at a moments notice if she didn't keep a firm enough hold on you.
right as alessia's tongue began to explore your mouth the two of you beginning to fight for control of the kiss, a loud siren sounded and you quickly pulled away, sitting up and placing hands over your ears at the intrusive noise.
alessia did the same, trying to ignore the wildfire raging away in her stomach from the kiss she had yearned over for months now.
"time's up girls." the attendant informed awkwardly over the PA, the siren cutting off as the lights turned back on and your cheeks burned bright red as you realized the position you and alessia were in.
hurrying to your feet you held out a hand, assisting her up as the two of you made your way back to the beginning, not a single sound uttered between the two of you the entire way.
you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding in as the two of you stepped out of the first room, quick to notice the rest of your friends waiting a few feet away chatting among themselves.
"losers! looosers!" tooney began to chant tauntingly as you and alessia joined them, wagging her finger in your faces as you smacked her away.
"arcade time girls, lets go!" maya called out over her teasing, slinging an arm over the midfielders shoulder and dragging her away from the two of you, the others following and again leaving you and alessia in only one anothers company.
"i don't really feel like the arcade. do you want to maybe go get dinner?" alessia asked quietly, nervously fiddling with her ring as your eyes widened in surprise. "as in we leave them here and we go to dinner, just the two of us?" you asked slowly, alessia nodding with a small smile.
"like a...date?" you asked again though this time much more hesitantly as you played with the sleeves of your jumper, feeling a bit like a school girl speaking to her crush for the first time on the playground.
"yeah, a date." alessia confirmed with a nervous smile, cheeks flushed rosy pink.
"yeah actually, I'd really like that less."
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writing-rat · 6 months
Gym Crush
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
Warning: Just fluff!
Summary: Sam is a gym trainer when you join her classes. Soon enough you become friends and go to Sam's house...
WC: 1180
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It was your first day of going to the gym, and you were nervous. You hadn’t gone to a gym in New York before, scared of the people who would be going, but you knew you needed to get back to working out soon. So that is when you decided to look at gym classes, where you found one you liked. It was functional strength, and it was a small class with a name you recognised. Sam Carpenter. One of the Ghostface victims. You knew her from the news when you first moved in when the incidents were happening. You knew she was innocent however, the news said so with proof as well as Gale Weathers, known for the books that spurred the people that wore the Ghostface costume on. Out of intrigue (and because of the class size), you thought you would join. You were lucky you did that due to it being the last spot available and you were excited. The class size was 6 people so you were grateful for that. The first classes you would be going to would be tomorrow, so you decided to get your workout clothes sorted. Grabbing an old faded hoodie and a plain shirt, you put them in a pile then grabbed your favourite sweatpants. You were going to be prepared, and glad you could work from home once a week.
It was officially the next day, and it was an hour before your class which was at 4 pm. You made sure you had your water bottle ready as well as having the correct clothes on. You checked the train times before deciding it would be better to walk to the gym. It would be good for exercise too anyway. As you were walking, you were looking around the city since you were still new there, having moved there months ago. 
Eventually walking into the gym, you showed your booking to the receptionist. “Just go down this hallway where there are the classroom gyms and it is the second right. The room is marked with Sam’s name too,” the receptionist said with a smile. “She is a good trainer. She wants to warn people who join however to not mention Ghostface or the allegations whatsoever. She will kick you out quickly if not,” the receptionist spoke, looking at her. You nodded, understanding. “Thank you,” you spoke before walking over to the room and entering, being the first one there. You were 30 minutes early after all. Sam looked up after putting some weights down and smiled.
“Hey! Y/N right?” she asked. 
“Yeah! That’s me,” you confirmed, looking around. “You can put your drink in one of the cubbies. I am Sam Carpenter, your new trainer. I will be helping you to achieve your goals and also make you stronger. You worked out before?” Sam asked, seemingly done with the set-up. “Yeah, but not for a few months. I just recently moved to NYC,” you confirmed, smiling at her gently. Sam was nodding. “Good, good. Well, I can’t wait to see how you improve,” Sam spoke. You nodded, eager to please her. Little did you know what would happen in the future…
It was 8 months after you first started lessons, and you were growing a crush on the taller girl. You looked up to her, metaphorically and literally. Hell, you even befriended Sam, having been in her classes the longest and communicating with her if you would be late or would not be able to make it to the lesson. Hell, Sam even started driving you to the sessions and sometimes home. You were thankful for that as you could save money than then go on the train every day. You even talked to Sam more personally, which led to a friendship becoming her best friend. She was still a strict coach with you though during lessons. 
You were currently at the Carpenter-Weather’s house, Gale cooking dinner with Tara while you were leaning against Sam, curled up after a long session and watching a movie with her. You were both watching The Addam’s Family Values, wanting a relaxing film. You felt comfortable in the strong woman’s embrace, leaning more and more into her neck. You weren’t even aware you were doing that as you were more distracted by the film. Sam meanwhile was rubbing your sides as she kissed your forehead, making you smile. You were about to speak when Tara entered the room. “Dinner’s ready!” she spoke, before going back to the kitchen. Sam groaned, stretching before she stood up, holding her hand out for you to take. You smiled, taking it as you got up, shocked that Sam kept holding it after. Your cheeks did heat up a little bit at that action but you didn’t say anything. Tara and Gale just looked at each other with a smirk for some reason that you didn’t know but you just decided to not care about it.
“Thank you, ma’am, Tara,” you spoke, nodding politely. Gale just smiled. 
“Oh please, call me Gale. Ma’am makes me feel old,” Gale just chuckled in response. Nodding in shock, you smiled as you sat down next to Sam. On the plate there were burritos. You were content with that as you started to eat while thanking both Tara and Gale for cooking. 
“If you want to stay over, you can!” Tara happily responded. Sam just widened her eyes and then glared at Tara, but you didn’t know why again. You decided to shrug it off again. “Sure, but where would I stay?” you asked, confused as you tilted your head confused. 
“Sam’s bed?” Tara suggested. Sam nodded. 
“I wouldn’t mind,” she admitted. Gale just smiled, seeing how Tara was being a wing-woman for Sam. 
That night, you had decided to stay over. That made you both go to sleep at 1 am, both of you going to her bedroom silently due to the other occupants sleeping. Sam just smiled at you before she kissed your cheek, making you even more flustered as you realised she was being more touchy. She was cuddling you, holding your hands and kissing you. “Are you flirting?” you asked quietly, shaking from nerves admittedly. Sam blinked before she thought then sighed and nodded. “Yes, I am. Is that… ok?” she asked. You just grinned and kissed her, before nodding. “Now let’s cuddle and sleep, I am tired,” you admitted. Sam just grinned and smiled before she went to the bed and was big spooning you. You just cuddled into her neck, glad your feelings were returned. 
The next morning, you woke up early, confused as to why before you heard the shutter of a camera. You looked up sleepily, then saw Tara in the room holding a Polaroid and putting it on the side. “Morning, Gale is happy for you. Now you can go back to sleep,” Tara spoke quietly before leaving. You smiled, shaking your head before quickly falling back to sleep. You didn’t miss the faint kiss of your forehead though. You sighed in happiness.
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vhstown · 5 months
hobie brown ★ general headcanons
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content/warnings: mentions of drinking, mentions of violence, implied abandonment (?), depictions of fictional dystopian govt + police
a/n: it's about time innit 😭😭😭 a couple little thoughts about the guy that has taken over my brain for the past 6 months give it up for spider punk ‼️ very much inspired by @qiupachups's hcs go check em out here
Hobie tends to code-switch a lot depending on who he's around. At the Spider-society, he tones his accent down so people can understand him, but speaks in his natural accent around the mandem & people he likes (e.g. Miles 😁) He's the menace EVER though so he dials the Cockney up to 100 when he's fighting cops outside of the East End because they don't understand it 💀
Even though his handwriting is... atrocious, it's actually because he's picked up the style of ransom notes. In his universe, any sort of communication can be intercepted, so it's better that he can't be identified by his handwriting. That's why it's always changing, and he's half-decent at forgery too.
Speaking of writing, he can do a bunch of pen tricks. It's almost annoying how good he is at it, and if you were to ask him how, he'd just shrug. He's just that guy, you know?
His universe's Aunt May is a lovely lady from the West Indies and she runs F.E.A.S.T in Camden. They're not actually related, but he'll always see her as his aunt. She definitely helped him out after a rough patch in his life, and he volunteers often at the shelter. Everyone there has just accepted the 7ft punk walking around a couple days a week giving out breakfast and coffee.
Hobie is also bizarrely resourceful. He has a LOT of plants in his boat, and some of them grow vegetables! He knows all about gardening and makes the best preserves and soups. It's a good time to be at F.E.A.S.T when Hobie comes in with his little cloth bag full of veggie goodness.
About the rest of his family, Hobie's parents... He doesn't even know who they are himself, to be honest — not like he wants to. However, he does have siblings and a few close cousins. They're all separated, but Hobie does his best to find them. He's the oldest of them all (so far, at least?) and though they don't see him much like a brother at first, he makes sure they're taken care of, regardless of how much younger they are than him. They're always running around F.E.A.S.T, so on the days where Hobie isn't there, he can be sure that Aunt May has a few little helpers (though they're quickly growing taller than her...)
Good with animals. Even the ones that seem a bit rabid warm up to him after a little while. He knows when to leave them alone, when to give them attention, what to feed them, etc. That's why it's not unusual to see them following him around, and a bunch of kittens at his feet eating while he eats his own lunch.
Not actually a big drinker. I like to think he only has a couple of drinks or is just an insane heavyweight because there's no way he's gonna be dismantling the dictatorship if he's piss drunk. There's been a couple times where he's knackered after a night out, though. Just another reason to hate mornings, it looks like.
Most of the stickers on his guitar are from different shows and rallies he's been to, and/or organised, but only a few out of the hundreds he's been to (there's only so much space on a guitar, after all.) It's almost like a little look through his life since he joined the punk scene. Besides, who wouldn't want to beat your local government-made villain over the head with a picture of a cartoon dog?
Absolutely, utterly, undeniably terrible at singing — or is he? Not exactly. He can hum just fine, so singing should be a piece of cake, right? He's alright at a few songs, but "happy birthday" isn't exactly something you'd be performing at the Royal Opera House (he does anyway, but that's a story for another day. Fisk's 56th birthday goes just swimmingly with Spider-Punk on the front of the news.)
Despite that, he's not particularly fond of being known as "Spider-Punk". His Spider identity isn't really meant to be identified, despite how loud his whole get-up is. He's got a lot of people depending on him, and he's careful to never leave a trace of his real identity. That also means, however, that pretty much every punk in the area has a target on their back — let's just say Hobie's got a little "BEATING UP BLUE BOTTLES 101" on a Saturday morning for all his punk friends.
Since the government's got little recording devices and cameras everywhere, Hobie's taken it upon himself to... "borrow" them. He's got a couple mates good with tech, so he's on the scene pretty fast with his own crime-tracking network — pretty sick.
In fact, Hobie's friends (in his universe and others) are pretty useful for more than a few things. For pretty much every situation, he "knows a guy", whether that's related to tech, music, clothing, art, putting together a bunch of random stolen parts to make a dimension watch...
iN CAse
it dON'T
WoRK ouT
— HoBie
@phoenixinthefiles (since i alr tagged chewy lol)
hey hey hi these r a bit shorter than usual but i just wanted to put these little thoughts out there ^^ might make a part 2 if i have any more thoughts idk we'll see!
rbs super appreciated have a good day and check out my atsv masterlist here!
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Shame on You Part 2/2
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Part 1
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Request - Hi, can you do one where the reader has a ta and ruben makes an unintentional comment about her body and she gets neurotic and stops eating and he notices?
It began with a reduction of sugar in your current diet, meaning that you weren't adding anything to your coffee in the morning nor sprinkling it over your daily bowl of freshly picked berries. However,  your diet quickly evolved when you became a vegan, cutting off animal products altogether.
In Ruben's eyes, you were making healthy lifestyle choices, and you lived for the praise he gave you in the form of love and affection. You see, Ruben enjoyed morning sex before heading out for the day. It was very exciting at first, taking your relationship to a whole nother level intimately. However, at one point, it also became very exhausting for you. With your new diet, you simply didn't have the energy for sex, at least not every day like Ruben. One morning, he seemed to notice your lack of performance, leaving you very embarrassed when he asked you about it.
"Are you sure you're good?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
Ruben had been laying on top of you, but rolled to his side as if to give you space.
"Y/N. I don't know how to put it to you but it seems to me like you weren't enjoying yourself."
"Well maybe we can try another position?" Your voice sounded less confident than you wanted it to be.
"Y/N." Ruben smiled, reaching out to stroke the bottom of your lip with his thumb. "I don't think another position is gonna help if you're not feeling comfortable to begin with."
"Or maybe you just don't want me anymore?"
"What, no. Y/N, that's not what I...."
You got out of bed, desperately looking for something to cover yourself with. Ruben's shirt lay on the floor, you bent down to pick it up but was startled by Ruben who appeared before you in the nude, searching your face as if you had just been wacked in the face by a golf club.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
Your eyes darted at your feet. "Nothing I...."
"Y/N." He grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to meet his eyes. "Please, you can tell me. You have to tell me."
You shook your head and batted away the tears. "I..."
"I don't know, okay."
You looked up. Ruben didn't appear the slightest convinced.
"You don't want to tell me?"
"It's not that, I just can't."
"Why?" Ruben sat down, dragging you to the edge of the bed for you to stand in between his legs. His hands went to stroke the length of your body, growing goosebumps on your naked skin.
"Ruben I'm..."
He was taller than you, even when he was sitting down, your faces were at level. The way his was looking at you, at your body. Ruben was looking at you as if it didn't matter.
"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong?"
You sighed, stepping forwards, your head tilting forwards until it knocked against Ruben's. "I want cake."
"And cookies. Ice cream too."
Ruben chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he did. "Okay. Is it that time of the month or...?"
You pulled back, eyebrows furrowed.
You shook your head. "No. I'm just..."
You sighed. "I'm just fat, okay. Fat and hungry. So fucking hungry. And I don't want a salad, I want real food. Meat, and possibly a sponge cake for dessert.
Ruben looked puzzled.
"I know how you feel about me having dessert, but perhaps that's your problem not mine."
Ruben sat quiet, your rant having come to an end. He was still looking at you in the same way he had done minutes ago. With admiration and lust. Perhaps it wasn't the best to give it to him straight with your nipples in his face. However, Ruben had solemnly kept his eyes on you and only you, ignoring your titts.
"So you want dessert?" He said.
You bit your lip and nodded. "A cake."
"Anything else?"
"Yes. I want a steak from breakfast."
"Is that so?"
"Mhm. With baked potatoes, just the way your mom made them the last time she came to visit."
There was a dip in Ruben's left cheek. His arms pulled you close, pressing your body against his, his face now buried between your breast. "Is that all?"
"Yes." You nodded. "What are you having for breakfast?"
He smiled, but tilted down to kiss the center of your stomach, tracing them downwards until your back bent over his forearms.
"Ruben." You giggled. "I'm serious. What are you having for breakfast, I'll make you anything."
"Anything?" He looked up, eyes drunk and dazed.
"Yes. What do you want?" You were slightly afraid to hear his answer.
"If I can have anything, then I want you for breakfast."
He said this and returned to serande your belly with kisses, awakening every nerve in your body.
"Ruben, you can't..."
Oh but he could. With one swift movement he had you on the bed again, your legs spread before him. He bent down to kiss your inner thigh with the most gentle of touches. It was short lived however, with Ruben tracing his kisses towards your center. Your fingertips traced the rough tips of his hair, and when he licked you your back arched with the pleasure that shot threw your spine.
"Fuck." You sighed.
"You taste wonderful." He murmured.
You smiled. "Better than cake?"
"Better than any dessert. You taste so sweet, sweeter than sugar."
"Hmm, Ruben Dias treating himself to something sweet, I see."
He raised his head, a dent between his brows. "Yes, and?"
You chuckled. "Well, shame on you."
Part 1
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brains4brawn · 1 year
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It was a small thing, tucked away in the corner of the thrift shop. Victor had pulled it out, but the book was locked and bound in gold and wouldn't open. His mind piqued, Victor bought the book and took it home. Over the next week He tried everything to undo the clasp but nothing worked. When he had just lost hope a tiny but audible Click could be heard, Victor rushed back to find the clasp undone and the bindings slightly ajar.
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Victor carefully opened the ancient tome only to find that the pages were stuck. it was like they had been glued! Only the last page remained free. Written towards the top if fancy handwriting
"Write it down so i can enact Be-warned Though, What is written I can not retract!"
Under neath that was 5 evenly spaced lines. and another message at the bottom,
"I only remain open for this 1 day Until 5 complete Earth circle's will I open again"
Looking at the the 3 blank lines, And thinking this must be a joke he wrote
I will graduate from college
My older brother will never pick on me again
Over the next 20 years I will gain 150lbs
As Victor finished the book slammed shut and relocked itself. Scared Victor threw the book into his closet and ran down stairs.
That night his family recieved word that Victor's older brother was in a bad car crash. He was alive but in the ICU and had lost his legs. Certainly the taller brother would never pick on the shorter Victor again.
The crash had been the fault of the manufacturer so the family received and huge settlement. This money paid for Victor's choice of college.
Two years later, when Victor was home from college for the summer and his mother commented that he was finally starting to get bigger.
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The 20 Year old checked the scale and sure enough he weighed 140, 15lbs heaver then when he was 18. Victor knew it had to be the book.
Victor: 22, 155lbs
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The College graduate was now 23 and moving all of his stuff from his half of the bedroom to his first apartment when he stumbled across the book. Looking at the date on the wall Victor realized it was exactly 5 years since he had last seen the cursed object. As if it had a mind of its own the book opened to the last page, now with three new empty lines waiting to be filled.
Victor hesitated, he had imagined for the last 5 years what he'd do if he had this chance again. He could fix everything!
My older brother James develops a prosthesis so he can walk and run again.
My younger sisters will grow into smart talented women who will want for nothing.
Looking at his tiny 15 year old brother Bastion asleep on the bed Victor writes:
Bastion will grow up to be the popular jock just like his older brother.
Satisfied, the book shuts itself and prepares to grant Victor's wish.
Victor 24, 170lbs
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For the most part the Wishes went like Victor planned. Well except for Bastion's. In the proceeding months after writing those words Victor found himself becoming more popular and Jock-like. Words like Bro or Bruh, dude, man, had taken over. He joined a gym and from there joined some local sports teams. When he wasn't busy at work or working out Victor could be found screwing every chick he could find. No girl was immune to his baby faced charms and his Gym sculpted body.
Victor 26 185lbs
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Victor 28 200lbs
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Victor practically lives in the Gym now. His gains speak for themselves his body is a temple and he loves for chicks to worship him. His younger sisters call him a man whore, while Bastion is turning out just like him.
His girlfriend of 6 months broke up with him cause she caught him in bed with her mother.
Looking in his closet he stumbles over the Book, open and waiting for him to write something down.
In his jealousy of those gay guys who can sleep with anyone he wrote:
I'm like 100% gay, no chicks only dicks.
I wont get any STD's from sex.
Sex with me will change anyone's life.
Again the book closes and gets to work.
Victor 30, 215lbs
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Vic the dick had been out for 2 years now, the book took the man whore and turned him into a man slut. Everyone wanted a piece of him and at least Vic was smart enough to charge them for his services. Every option on the table is open he'd do any guy and make them feel like his number1. Every guy he slept with changed, most upped their stamina but some hunked out into gay sluts just like Vic.
Hell even Bastion had come out and if the rumors are true he's slept with every guy at his college.
Vic 32 230lbs
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Vic was becoming something of a local celebrity in the gay community. His looks had caught the eye of a movie producer and now he was staring in low budget action movies as the gay savior. He had been so busy that he wasn't home for his 33rd birthday. Some how the book found him on location in the bottom of his travel bag.
Vic watched as it opened up to the last page with 3 empty spaces.
He took his time and pondered over what he should write.
I want to find true love
I want to be content
I want to be smart again
The book seemed to close with a sigh. None of these were worth the trouble of granting. But a deal is a deal.
Vic 34, 245lbs
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Vic, 38, 275lbs
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Finally after 20 years, Vic had stopped growing. Life had settled down for the Gay icon, nowadays, he owned a successful chain of LGBTQIA Gyms that catered towards the community needs. He organized Pride events and helped with protests when needed. He looked at the open book on his desk. It was tempting but Vic no longer wanted to change anything about his life. Even though he had never found a lifelong partner.
He decided he had held on to the magic for to long, so he summoned his newest intern Jack and gave the book to him then let him leave so he could explore this newest acquisition.
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*bright flash of Light*
The intercom beeps and Vic pushes the button.
"Sir your husband just arrived to collect you. He wants to remind you that you still have to pick up the kids and get changed for tonights ceremony"
Before he could even answer the door burst open and Vic's husband of 7 years strolled in. Vic was already out of his chair and giving Jack a pec on the cheek while grabbing his toned ass.
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On his way out Vic glanced at the family photo on his desk and gave a silent thanks to the book.
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fizziepopangel · 3 months
“I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything…”
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Touch and words of affirmation are his top love languages. He’s been through a lot that’s really shaken his confidence and his beliefs. Hearing someone actively reassure or compliment him is a huge boost for him, as is feeling something solid and consistent in the form of touch (especially when these come from someone he cares for).
Lucifer absolutely blasts show tunes and sings at the top of his lungs while he’s in the shower.
Flirting goes straight over his head sometimes since people often use the “did it hurt when you fell from heaven” bit on him and it usually results in him trauma dumping and showing them the actual physical scars he has from literally falling from  heaven…. He never understands why people seem to drop out of the conversations after since they did ask him.
He frequently uses the phrase “I knew him personally, so I know that God only lets things grow until they’re perfect. Some people get there sooner than others.” when someone makes fun of his height.
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He sleeps in duck footie pajamas that Vaggie gifted him on his first father’s day since he and Charlie began talking again. Though she was embarrassed to give him a gift, he was absolutely over the moon excited since this means that his daughter’s girlfriend likes him.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the inhabitants of the hotel, Lucifer has a rubber duck that resembles them all. He often has to remake Alastors because when he’s upset with him, he tends to take his anger out on the Alastor-themed duck. At least one radio demon duck gets destroyed a week.
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Eats candied apples religiously
He only wears the hat to look taller. Alastor knows this and frequently steals his hat and then pokes fun at his height as the king of hell wanders around looking for the accessory.
Lucifer loves animals so once a month he gathers all the pets (this included Razzle and Dazzle prior to Dazzle’s death) of the hotel for a little playdates. He buys them cute little outfits, takes them to pet parks to play, buys them each a new toy, and gets them hell’s version of a pup cup.
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Yes, he did try to take Husk once because he does in fact view the man as a giant kitty that he really wants to win over…. And yes, Husk does go once, he regrets it immediately.
Despite them not exactly seeing eye to eye (partially because of the height difference), Lucifer and Alastor both enjoy cooking and get together with snacks to watch their favorite cooking show once a week. It started by accident, but since it became a weekly occurrence, they put aside their differences for the one night to enjoy the show together.
Lucifer bakes muffins and banana bread every weekend. He even teaches Niffty how to do it, she’s a flour covered mess by the end of it and her bread usually comes out rock hard and her muffins rarely rise, but Lucifer actually really enjoys the company and he finds the tiny woman rather amusing to spend time with.
After reconnecting with Charlie, Lucifer made it a point to have father/daughter dates once a month in an attempt to get to know her again. After realizing how big a role Vaggie plays in her life, he would start inviting her out with them too and referring to her as his future daughter in law.
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He absolutely hates geese.
Lucifer keeps his wings tucked away for most of the time when they aren’t needed, but he usually sleeps with them unfurled and spread across the bed when it’s warm out, or with them wrapped around himself when he’s cold.
While most people would think that the big boss of hell would be the all business type that drinks his coffee black, he actually prefers a soothing warm tea to coffee when given the option…. But if he has to have coffee, he usually has a cup that tends to be more creamer than coffee and it has to be tooth rottingly sweet.
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There’s a cabinet in the Hazbin Hotel kitchen full of mugs. Lucifer has 4 duck themed mugs in that cabinet… there were 6 but Alastor “accidentally” broke two.
Lucifer keeps one of Charlie’s baby photos in the pocket of his jacket, but as their relationship improves, he keeps a newer photo of the two of them together in his pocket with it too.
There’s a cabinet in the Hazbin Hotel kitchen full of mugs. Lucifer has 4 duck themed mugs in that cabinet… there were 6 but Alastor “accidentally” broke two.
Lucifer keeps one of Charlie’s baby photos in the pocket of his jacket, but as their relationship improves, he keeps a newer photo of the two of them together in his pocket with it too.
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kedreeva · 3 months
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Eris (top), Citrine (middle), and Bismuth (bottom).
What you can notice here is the same thing I'm usually on about- leg length in peafowl. These three birds share a father, and the latter two share a mother as well. Eris was hatched and raised for the first 3 months of her life on a farm that was using a low-protein chow (18-20%, with peanuts for treats, but they're feeding better now!) and kept here in quarantine in a 10x10 for the next month (we're working on a bigger quarantine pen), vs Citrine and Bismuth being raised here on 28% + fresh foods and scratch grains in a 1200ft+coop pen. I don't think that there's anything wrong with Eris' genetics (I've seen her mother, too, and I would be highly surprised if she produced short birds), but this is a PRIME example of how early care can affect these birds for their entire lives.
I have gotten into far too many arguments with people about peafowl care and nutrition. I hear parroted all the time that "high protein twists their legs" when that's 100% not the case. It's not the protein alone. They NEED the protein to grow appropriately. But they ALSO need the SPACE to grow out properly. When people keep them in tiny spaces (brooders, rabbit hutches, 10x10 "run") AND feed them high protein, they have the protein to grow but not the space. When people keep them in large spaces but DON'T give them enough protein, they have the space but not the resources to grow into their legs. I've seen people keep these birds in rabbit hutches until they are 3+ months old. I have seen people keep breeding adult TRIOS in 10x10 cages- the minimum space requirement for them is supposed to be *500* square feet for that many. Once they grow up in that small of a space, there's no recovering from it later in life. They won't ever put on more leg length.
Another thing I want to speak about is tail shape. There are many people online who will tell people bogus ways to sex young birds (particularly whites). Barring/no barring by 3 months (Spaldings can keep it longer, some over a year), spurs/no spurs (plenty of hens have spurs), leg length (a nice hen will have long legs, too), leg thickness (a domestic blue hen will have thick legs, too), chest/neck lacing (I have seen males with this as well), face shape (come on now), "center stripe" chest feathers on males (hens can have this too). There's a lady on FB who thinks she can vent sex peafowl (you cannot, their reproductive junk is too far inside the body).
One of the ways people claim to sex birds on is tail shape. Girls will have an even tail arch, like Eris up there, and boys will have middle feathers on their tail that are taller than the ones to either side.
Except... if Citrine were a white bird with no feather markings, that would get her sexed as a male.
While it's TRUE that ADULT females have a crescent tail and males have a spade tail, until they are 2+, hens can still have the same kind of tail as the males. They're dropping so many feathers so fast as they grow, it can look like anything along the way, and by the time it stabilizes into a proper yearly molt schedule, the male's train feathers will have begin to differentiate.
The most accurate way to sex baby peafowl is blood/DNA sexing, or the LOSS of barring on the backs/wings. Barred wing males do not EVER lose their barring. For solid wing birds, it's blood/DNA sexing or looking for the arrow feathers; hens do not EVER get arrow feathers in their saddles. Anyone that ever tells you otherwise IS guessing- they might be very good at guessing, and some of the stuff it's unusual to see the opposite sex have whatever characteristic (it's /unusual/ for males to have scalloping on their neck, but it CAN happen when they're young), but it's still a best guess until you see a loss of barring or the presence of arrow feathers.
Citrine, by the way, kept her barring til she was almost 6 months old.
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agentstarkid · 8 months
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“The essence of "redamancy", when loving someone, resides in finding oneself wholeheartedly committed to another person. It involves investing time, effort, and emotions to build a relationship based on trust, empathy, and understanding. Redamancy emphasizes the idea of love in its purest form, where both individuals feel valued, supported, and cherished by one another. In this context, loving someone through redamancy means having an unwavering appreciation and admiration for their unique qualities and accepting them as they are, flaws and all. It entails fostering a deep emotional bond that brings joy, warmth, and fulfillment to both individuals involved. Love, translated through redamancy, is an enriching experience that nourishes and uplifts the lives of those involved, creating a sense of security, happiness, and contentment.”
✦ pairing: daniel ricciardo x famous!latina!reader
✦ type: social media au
✦ fc: becky g
✦ warnings: female!reader, covid-19 & quarantine mentions, age gap, language, slight mention of mature themes.
✦ pit wall live: holi babes! WE'RE OFFICIALLY DONE WITH 2020! 🥳 Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm feeling festive so this is a gift from me to you guys! Thank you for all the love and support 💖 if you haven't already left me one, please consider leaving me a comment to let me know if this whole thing at least makes a bit of sense (I crave validation, guys lmao) and my inbox is always open! I'm super excited for you to get to know Girlie a little bit better! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I sure did enjoy making those edits, don't they look so fucking cuteeeeee??? 😩💕
p.s.: keep an eye out for a name that could be important in the future 👀
─── The Joker & The Queen (Masterlist)
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SEPTEMBER 13, 2020
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f1gossipofficial NEW WAG ALERT 🚨 After months of speculations, we can finally see them together! Daniel and Y/N arrived at the paddock for the Tuscan GP today and it's fair to say, she knows how to make an entrance 🔥 It's the first time Ricciardo introduces a WAG to the paddock 🥰
View all 1,307 comments
user she's wearing heels and he's still a head taller than her 🥺 THEIR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE IS TOO FUCKING CUTE 😭❤️
user she's just a smol 🤏🏻 cinnamon roll ❤️
user2 🐍🐍🐍🐍
user3 what the fuck is she wearing? 😂 she needs to hire a stylist because she looks like a fucking clown. This reflects badly on Daniel 🤮
user she's serving Y2K style 🔥🔥🔥 also why tf would it reflect badly on him the way she dresses??? 🙄 I think she looks gorgeous!
user4 They have been together since January, but the picture of them walking next to each other is like they don't even know each other 😂
user5 can't believe Daniel hasn't dump her unfaithful ass yet 🙄 she must be really good at the things that she does on the mattress 🤮
user the only thing she's probably worth for, he might as well take advantage of it Imao
user6 The amount of hate this girl receives when all she does is just appear, no one knows her personally but ends up throwing opinions based on her looks and a couple of tabloids. Lol. Fangirls are crazy! 😂
user7 noone does it like her 😘
user8 lol he deserves so much better 🤢🐍
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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OCTOBER 6, 2020
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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danielricciardo has added to their story!
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OCTOBER 11, 2020
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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danielricciardo has added to their story!
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♡ liked by rubendias, iamcardib, danielricciardo and 8,452,325 others
yourinstagram When your birthday gift includes a podium finish you know it's gonna be an unforgettable experience! 🤩 Every year I grow I'm reminded of how precious this life is, thank you all for helping me fill it up with so much love. Your kind words and constant support means everything to me. Thank you so so so much 💕
Don't say it, don't say it, OKAY I'm saying it: I'M FEELING 22!! 😘
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salmahayek Happy birthday hermosa ❤️
danielricciardo Who needs a four-leaf clover when I've got you by my side? Just call me Danny Ricc, the luckiest bloke around! 😎
taylorswift Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22! 🥳 Happy happy birthday my angel! There was happiness because of you 🥰
user stop acting all innocent we all know you are a fucking slut
userA yourinstagram we can tell by all the guys you let into your bed 👀
florencepugh Happy birthday to a special soul ❤️
fioamato Happiest 22nd year babe! Wish we could be together to celebrate. Te amo un mundo ❤️
sofiareyes Feliz vida reinotaaaa! 🥳🥰
user2 sos una gran ridícula 🐍
user3 stop shoving it in our faces every 5 minutes jesus christ, we already know the only way you can stay relevant is fucking your way through talented people
reesewhiterspoon Happy birthday to my favorite resident loud persona!
jvn Happiest birthday babe! Becoming friends with you has shown me a strength & kindness that is v rare. You're brave, smart AF, and the talent is next level & quite literally iconic. Grateful to know you & call you a frand!! Love you to pieces Queen! xx
llane Feliz cumpleaños hermanita 🎂 te deseo muchas bendiciones! ❤️
lilymhe as a wise woman once said: It seems like one of those nights, we ditched the whole scene and end up dreaming, instead of sleeping 💘✨
user4 Oh I didn't know it was international snakes day 🐍😂
lewishamilton happy birthday sis 💜 hope you had lots of fun x
instagram birthdays and F1 races make a winning combo
user5 I hope you are aware you're just a bed-warmer until he finds something better 😂
user6 Those who are throwing her hate, is everything okay at home? You must all be excellent people and role models 😂
NOVEMBER 01, 2020
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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NOVEMBER 16, 2020
yourinstagram has added to their story!
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NOVEMBER 28, 2020
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DECEMBER 15, 2020
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DECEMBER 18-21, 2020
iamdannaschwarz has added to their story!
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corey_wilson has added to their story!
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itsvittoriasousa has added to their story!
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fioamato has added to their story!
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yourinstagram has added to their story!
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DECEMBER 25, 2020
📍Los Angeles, California
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♡ liked by yourinstagram, natalie_pinkham, pierregasly and 5,242 others
danielricciardo Merry christmas to all, ya filthy animals! From me and my snuggle buddy 🎄 We've been good... mostly! 😝
Tagged: yourinstagram, corey_wilson, lukerockhold
View all 8,345 comments
yourinstagram Merry Christmas from our reindeer crew! ❤️🎄
danielricciardo Santa's got it easy this year, because I've already found the perfect gift 😘
natalie_pinkham Cuties ❤️ Merry christmas guys! Sending you all the love ❤️🎄
user1 she's gonna be his downfall 🤢
f1 Merry Christmas to our favorite honey badger 🦨🍯❤️
user2 please Daniel check your eyesight 😭 I mean what did you even see in Y/N
kristenanniebell Merry christmas, guys! Sending lots of love from ours to yours ❤️
user3 La pareja más bonita 😍😍 Merry christmas to us with that first photo
scottyjames31 this got me cheesing hard... I'm a bit worried for Santa if those are his reindeers though 😳
user4 Daniel!! RUN!! Don't get too close to her... she's fucking poison!! Everything she touches rots away 🐍🐍🐍
user5 MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!! Santa should be delivering my adoption papers to you any moment now ❤️🙈
fabioquartararo20 Merry christmas brother! 🥂❤️
user6 who else lives through celebrities holiday posts? Buon Natale, Daniel and Y/N 💚
user7 dude, based on the recent news lately popping up on my feed (that I did not even care to know about), I hope you get yourself to an std clinic to get tested. I see you are in your russian roulet phase- no judgement. sincerely, I wish you the best
user8 this comment section reeks of jealousy it does not pass the vibe check at. all. 😤😤😤 it's fucking christmas guys, what the fuck is wrong with y'all leave them the fuck alone!
user9 they are so many wonderful and interesting people in the world, but you chose Y/N... disappointing. You could sincerely do so much better
user10 Love it or hate it, they are living their best life. Haters can keep commenting, but they're just a bunch of jealous basic bitches lmao ANYWAYS, MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! Keep being fucking iconic! ❤️
user11 To all the haters out there, keep commenting. Love knows no bounds and Daniel deserves exactly who he's chosen 😘
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DECEMBER 31, 2020
♡ liked by lilymhe, rubendias, greeicy and 10,652,485 others
yourinstagram Moving towards 2021 with a better mindset. Keep practicing kindness every day, guys! 💖🤗🤭
View all 15,921 comments
itsvittoriasousa Queen of positivity 💁🏻‍♀️💗😘
user lmao omg love this video 🤭 such good vibes
blakelively ❤️❤️❤️
zendaya the vibes are immaculate 💅🏻
lali Y QUE SE CALLE EL DECORADO 😝 Te adoro nena ❤️
user1 No me canso de verlo 😂
iamdannaschwarz A lot of palo santo to cleanse, purify and remove all negativity 🪔🧿😌🤍
user2 Por qué tan hermosaaaaaa 😍😍😍
user3 It's the palo santo and the big echeveria for me lol
user4 Love your attitude
karolg Positively divinaaa! Toda una BICHOTA 💁🏻‍♀️💗
user5 Keep it up, Queen!! Let your light blind all those negative nellies 😌 You're shinning brighter than the sun ☀✨
user6 you can't tell me her and Dan are not meant to be 😂 I bet they are so much fun to be around 🤭
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─── Please don't forget to reblog and comment! ♡
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thirdtidemouse · 6 months
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i have to do more bc she isnt rly brought to life yet.. she will change a LOT... but this is dylan :-] (hammarlund? underhill?) i couldn't not do a hilda oc and i couldnt not make it a nervous werewolf. she stresses herself out but is surprisingly organised about cooking, one of the famously stressful activities. she spends a full day planning out a meal, cooking for herself and kaisa (thank god. that nerd cannot cook) and then asks for detailed reviews.
she is very stressed out about being a werewolf though. she has just finished being a teenager and this is kind of that all over again. she does not want ANYONE to find out and confides reluctantly only in kaisa. what she fears is people fearing her, and she feels like the moment her life has been pieced back together again, she's losing grip, again. it's almost a black hound situation when the people of trolberg hear about a werewolf sneaking around. some episode centred around the mystery ensues.
she likes food + music! although she's more of an amateur at music, she owns + plays a guitar, a mandolin, a banjo, and a harmonica. very folksy. she has a swedish-welsh accent. try and imagine it please.
the default sister dynamic is kaisa getting home from work late (she probably lives in a flat in/around the library), and dylan being in the midst of homemade ravioli or something with a sauce that took 6 hours. kaisa asks about her day to be polite. dylan tells her about the sauce that took 6 hours, a long hike, 3 different invasive plant species, a lot of butter, and the use of powertools. kaisa has been re-shelving niche history of magic books but got so caught up re-reading them that it also took up 6 hours. when they have eaten dylan asks for her opinion and scribes the whole thing down in her notebook as kaisa voices her 5 star yelp review. they do not ask anything else about each others days and interact mainly through dylan slow-motion fake-punching kaisa while she is trying to just hang out in the living room or do her work and is ignored. only when she is in a very good mood will kaisa fake-punch back. dylan has a lethal case of younger-sister-that-is-taller syndrome.
sorry for my handwriting but the vague outline of her backstory WHICH MAY PROBABLY CHANGE is:
from the time she was 8 and kaisa was 21, they lived alone together. kaisa became a full-fledged witch between then and age 25, when suspicion against witches was on the rise for a short while - dylan never became a witch, but the only trusted adults in her life (basically kaisa and tildy) were, and they decided it would be best for her to grow up somewhere less troublesome. they were both pretty messed up about her having to move away, dylan holding some kind of spite toward her sister for a while, and kaisa feeling incapable, guilty and ill-equipped to take care of her.
she went to school in wales at 12, living with as-yet-unspecified family members/friends, and while kaisa almost immediately regretted sending her away, dylan adjusted quickly and spent the rest of her school career there. after a few years she forgave kaisa, because she ultimately enjoys her life, but she is stilll missed at home. at 17 going on 18 she became a werewolf (whether she was bitten or it was always in her somewhere?) and four months later she finished sixth form and called kaisa out of the blue asking if she could come and move in. since they didn't live in trolberg before, she's new to the city.
i will write more cohesively about her relationships to other characters/flesh her out more later, ESPECIALLY the werewolf stuff, but now i have to go to bed. thank you for reading :-] feel free to ask/suggest anything about her!! i love discussing hilda ocs
by the way this is i think my first ever actual OC? i've made up others before but they've just been single designs i've never really thought much about their actual selves because i suck at writing. dylan is the first one thats really stuck. part of her is based off myself and people i know, most of her is not. the main similarity between us is double-denim.
this is fun though. critique is welcome
(obviously her werewolf self is a swedish elkhound. i know the design kind of just looks like a furry im working on it)
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littlegreekhero · 2 months
Tim Drake is so short it’s unrealistic: an explanation
In every single comic page featuring more than one adult, Tim is drawn exceptionally short (well Damian too but he’s still a pubescent boy) for mainly composition reasons, I think. You can’t really create a great standing composition with five heads at the same level so they exaggerate the difference. What does this leaves us with? A Tim in his late teens, at a whopping 5 foot and 6 inches of height (source: fandom wiki). This means he must be a certified short guy. Except, he kinda isn’t?
When he is shown with his peers he’s closer to the average height, like in YJ. So why do I think his stats are like this in fandom wiki or he’s drawn like that? I think editors and artists have never seen a teenage boy in their life and they think the younger the age the shorter the person is, linearly. My point is also supported by the fact that he doesn’t have adult proportions of a short person but an average person’s proportions, just shrunk down.
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We are the same height for reference. The beginning of high school is the time for men to have their growth sprout and they all end up as their forever height by junior/senior. I’d argue that I’m not simply short-phobic and that artists seem to just ignore this phenomenon. Oh and his weight seems unrealistic considering his height-weight ratio and muscle mass so the second picture is possible to happen. You don’t need to be Kon-el to effortlessly pick that boy up.
So how tall do I think he realistically be? Closer to 6 foot. Because I think we’re ignoring the second greatest factor.
Wealth! He was raised rich, he was well fed during his developmental ages. Even if he had short height genes, his entire lifestyle would make him proportionally taller. There is VISIBLE difference in average heights in wealthy versus poor neighborhoods. Students notice that private school kids tend to be taller. Students (in my country) get weirded out once they realize historical figures that lived in hard times were way shorter than them. Unless he was an extreme case of picky eating, I’d say let’s add at least a few inches. His recreational activities also consisted of rich people stuff. The training he got, the amount of time he spent inside (probably playing games on powerful PC’s, not doing manual labor, not having a neighborhood friend group to run around with and stuff) not burning calories all played a role in the body he ended up with at adulthood. Yeah, he kind of did vigilante stuff since the age of 9, but at the end of the night it was Wayne Manor that he returned to.
BONUS: I think all batkids would have a different height when accounted for environmental factors, I just drew the four Robins to demonstrate
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Jason: the wealth point that I defended earlier would work the opposite way for him, so why did i draw him the tallest? ✨growth juices✨ in the Lazarus Pit. I’m also not completely erasing their canon heights and body builds, and dude’s a hunk.
Dick: gymnastics makes you shorter. I thought this was a coincidence but apparently it’s real, especially in women’s gymnastics it’s very noticeable. He was trained since a very young age and did not stop practicing after he left the circus for apparent reasons.
Damian, at 14-15: He would hit his growth sprout a few months maybe a year later than his peers. Why? He’s Arab and even though I did no research on this, I think my experience as a Middle Eastern would account for a decent observation. But when he hits it, he would get noticeably taller EACH WEEK. I only attributed him a numbered height so I could show that he was close in height to his brothers. (Not related to height, but at his age he would have a massive nose with a sharp nose bridge, as it grows first, I remember many of my classmates were very self conscious about their noses in middle school)
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