#I’m so sick of the discourse in this fandom y’all
im-no-jedi · 23 days
fam I’m ngl, but I’m kinda sick of the posts saying that “we should be happy with what we got!” in regards to TBB. cause when you say those kinds of things, it makes those of us who were dissatisfied feel like our opinions and feelings aren’t valid. a LOT of people were disappointed and hurt by how the show ended, so to use the “better than nothing” argument here is entirely insensitive. people are allowed to be hurt by what happened. y’all can be happy about what we got all you want, but please don’t try to turn that into a universal opinion. and PLEASE stop acting like the writers are perfect angels who did no wrong. it’s entirely possible for someone to write a beautiful, moving story while still falling short in certain areas.
we’re all unique people with unique opinions. nobody is going to think or feel the same way you do. be mindful and respectful of those around you, that’s all I ask.
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abbyshands · 6 days
i’m so sick of this fandom i swear why are y’all NEVER PLEASED WITH ANYTHING BROOO who actually fucking cares about the abundance of smut. who cares if someone indulges in a headcanon that wouldn’t exist in the actual game. who cares if people are shipping ellabs. WHO CARES ABOUT THE OVERUSE OF STRAP-ONS IN FICS BRO. how much fucking time do you have to be complaining about this mundane shit. i am literally begging y’all to merely take pleasure in the FREE CONTENT y’all are receiving and kindly stop shitting on a community of people who put their TIME and EFFORT into their work. now, if a piece is wrong—morally, legally, etc, that’s different, and to be honest, that’s where our focus should be. but are you really getting on people’s lives for putting what THEY like into a fic? idk when this turned into a discourse and not a place to just have fun. jfc.
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
fic rec friday 60
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Dream, Seam by @ardett and @maychorian
Lance is the blue paladin. The Galra realize this before he does.
y'all....this au is insane. like genuinely one of the coolest concepts i have seen in this fandom. lance, taken by the galra as an infant and raised by them (altho they treat him like shit, obviously, so fair warning for that), as an asset, because they know he is the blue paladin, because he can See things he should not be able to see? and then he has to get integrated into voltron...yall nothing i can say can do this au justice. there's this almost ethereal feel to the entire fic, there were several moments where my chest was swoopy and my breathing was off bc i was like oh god oh god oh god. the complicated relationships, lance's struggle, and ALSO BONUS!!! das thace!!! i miss dad thace!!! do my fellow voltron geriatrics remember when dad thace was everywhere!! bc i do!! and i miss it!!!
2. five times someone didn't know keith and lance were dating, and one time everyone did by Shorty
Keith shrugs nonchalantly. “I’m still mad about the whole ‘babe’ thing.” ... Or, exactly what the title says.
there is nothing i can say about this fic that isn't in the title 💀 it's exactly what it says it is. and it hits. but some crumbs to intrigue you: 1) one of the tags on this fic is 'hunk is a hunk', 2) it's a 2016 fic, and 3) trust me.
3. Some Secrets Don't Need To Be Kept by @squirenonny
Keith finds out he's part Galra. It's not as big a deal as he expects.
look. sometimes i just want things to be soft. what if keith had it easy? for once in his fucking life? what if people chilled the hell out? for ten minutes? this is seven thousand words of people being like hey keith u know what. take it easy. we got u babes. and i am grateful
4. How to Fake an Interest in Biochemical Engineering by @squirenonny
Shiro has a crush on Matt Holt. But every time he runs into Matt he ends up embarrassing himself. Shiro's best friend Allura is no help. His little brother Keith is even worse. But Shiro is going to make his move before graduation if it kills him. (And it just might kill him.)
SHATT SHATT SHATT SHATT SHATT. shockingly, i didn't just choose this one bc of the recent discourse lol. this is another 2016 fic that i adore. it's just -- disaster shiro, whipped shiro, down bad shiro, sweet matt, cackling keith, shiro who is dying of embarrassment, gay as all fuck shiro, etc etc. it hits. i laughed.
5. Neighbors by starryeyedchar
Lance stood in front of him, but it was a Lance he'd never seen before. Granted, Keith didn't know him well by any means, but he was positive that the regular Lance would be leaning against the doorframe with a smirk, maybe a couple finger-guns. Not this. This Lance had wrapped himself in a blanket, and was still shivering slightly. His skin was much paler than usual, with flushed cheeks and sweat on his brow. He sniffled. “Um.” Or the one where Keith and Lance live in apartments next to each other, and Lance is too sick for Keith to just leave him by himself.
this one is just very dorky and sweet. i love any fic that captures the exact moment in keiths brain when he goes oh no oh shit oh fuck hes HAWT and lance looks like genuine actual shit actually. its so funny to me
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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muwapsturniolo · 23 days
I completely agree with you and i’m sick of this discourse so imma say one thing. DO SOME OF YALL NOT HAVE LIVES? I get i’m on the older side of the fandom (late 20s don’t judge lol) and have a job and a life outside social media but fr y’all care that much to be CONSTANTLY complaining…embarrassing tbh. It’s simple: if you don’t like, don’t watch it. It’s supposed to fun, lighthearted content and not this serious. Also their latest car video was so good and super funny imo 😅 I was cackling the whole time. Doesnt it affect their lives being this miserable and negative all the time? Idk if the ppl complaining are just not that mature or what but it’s a little ridiculous. Also this is not about you at all i love ur account ❤️ I’m talking about a handful of ppl on here that i ALWAYS see complaining. like why are u considering yourself a “fan” still. pls move on from the triplets if you dislike the content that much. it would do us all a favour cuz idk bout yall but i’m tired. I do not wanna come on tumblr and see only negativity. get me away from these negative nancies. I just want to talk about those three silly little men 😓
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romantichomicide95 · 6 months
Just say you’re homophobic and move on. Must really suck to know the piece of paper you like takes it up the ass every night from Erwin. Y’all are so harmful with your bullshit when you can’t see these ships are real. Watch the anime you idiot.
wasn’t gunna reply but ya know what? fuck it.
watch the anime? that’s interesting because nowhere in the anime does it show levi show romantic interest in anyone. what show are you watching exactly?
harmful? who’s harmful exactly? people living in lala land shipping ourselves with fictional men or people sending hate all across the aot fandom to anyone who points out canon because you’re so deluded into shipping that you wanna act toxic?
weird that you all are so adamant about calling him pixels or a piece of paper but yet sitting here fighting because two pixel characters don’t fuck each other canonically?
but who’s delusional? 🤔
fuck y’all. i won’t sugar coat shit just because i’m on tumblr. sick of this discourse and sick of yall harassing GOOD people because you’re so obsessed with fetishizing gay men. grow up. we aren’t in HS anymore.
ps. i shouldn’t have to say this cause it’s equivalent to “i have a black friend” which is annoying as hell BUT….half of my family is part of the LGBTQ+ community so please don’t be so toxic and harmful to call me homophobic again all because i don’t ship a NON-CANON ship.
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the ppl in this fandom who r like “criticizing proshippers is stupid in a fandom like Outlast” are absolute weirdos and i do not trust them. just bc it’s darker subjects/media etc doesn’t mean it’s okay to be fetishizing peoples trauma or any sort of glorification of certain topics. i feel like serious critical thinking skills mixed w some light media literacy would srsly help here. i’m so glad a lot of y’all are normal but at the same time a lot of ppl act like they are better than others bc they don’t engage in “discourse” or “drama” bc their black and white mindsets (don’t come @ me i have autism AND bpd black and white mindset is my normal) doesn’t allow them to not take everything at face value and they refuse to see that things r srysly so varying and circumstantial, and applying a “this fandom is for a horror game filled w dark subjects therefore nobody should complain about anything and it should all be okay” like bro it’s not being hypocritical, please use common sense and stop speaking on shit like you are better than others just bc you’re totally fine with anything ppl do so long as “they know fiction from reality” and the rest of y’all’s stupid fucking POVs. like please see how dumb this is and how you are enabling weirdos! probably bc you are a weirdo yourself or just severely uneducated i mean half of y’all are kids and one mf i saw was almost 40 saying “leave proshippers alone” no? the fuck i won’t? it’s sick seeing my trauma be basically romanticized/glorified just bc it’s fiction. y’all just bc it’s fiction doesn’t make everything okay. there’s ethical dark fiction and unethical dark fiction, and many reasons why each one is the way it is. Outlast is so special to me because it’s not only just an amazing, interesting story filled with dynamic characters who are so memorable and unique. the care at which the subjects r approached is incredible and i feel like we as a fandom have a pretty good understanding of why certain things are just NOT okay. i mean the person who started this whole thing was like “if you are attracted to coyle you should treat him with the same treatment you give proshippers” and it just shows they have no clue what they are talking abt and why that doesn’t line up. like coyle or hate him he is an amazing character and it goes without saying that NOBODY not me, not red barrels, not Coyle Nation condones a goddamn thing he does. we don’t like him or Eddie or Trager for the problematic parts of them ? Y’all lack a vital understanding of the message and purpose behind the topics and character traits explored, and when i know i don’t understand smthn i look into it before speaking on it acting like i’m better than everyone and have some hot take. srsly some of y’all do not belong in this fandom. those of you who have brain cells left, ILY 😽
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cryinginthefkncorner · 2 months
Look, i know I’m about to kick a wasps nest, but I need to say it.
I don’t really care for fandom shipping discourse, I don’t take Sides religiously as both have good points, and ultimately I’m just anti-censorship…
…but that doesn’t mean I think the pro side is all right and the anti side is all wrong
Both sides harass the shit out of each other, both sides extremists are bad and need to go touch grass
But y’all also need nuance in these discussions your having
Because let me tell you, as someone who was groomed by multiple predators (one would go on to abuse me Irl for 7 years of my life btw, starting when I was a tween) because of fandom, the pro side of the debate has made it quite clear that they don’t actually care to understand the ramifications of the type of abuse I went through, or to actually listen to survivors of CSA who’s abuse occurred through fandom.
The pro side will be quick to point fingers at adults of kids in fandom, but the adults in charge of me were told by therapists I was seeing at the time that I was “being a normal tween” for believing I wanted to be in a relationship with an adult at 13/14. That I was “over dramatic and should be responsible for what happened” at the hands of this adult when I disclosed the first time about the abuse. I also got in trouble for the evidence of the grooming that was found by my parents, instead of them realizing I was being targeted by a creep.
Part of this was because I was a lonely, bullied, and ostracized kid.
It’s almost like sexual predators bank on adults failing to act and blaming young girls for the abuse. It’s almost like they’re right when they tell young girls that no one will believe them when they disclose. The pro side proves this too by how they justify their romanticization by pointing fingers at parents “not parenting kids” as if they can never do anything wrong, or miss the signs.
My parents missed the signs because they assumed a teenager (who was 17-18 when he started abusing 13 year old me) could not be a pedophile. They were happy their daughter “had finally found someone to talk to” because my own peers hated me and bullied me every chance they got at that age. To the point where I was actively suicidal for years.
All of this grooming happened because I dared to interact with the MLP fandom at 13. And trust me that fandom was filled with pedos at the peak of its popularity. Like I said multiple full grown men groomed and RPG’d in a sexual way with me, even after I disclosed my age. Because I dared to like pastel colored pony’s and I wrote some (PG-13) fanfic, and drew some fanart.
And trust me, I saw the romanticization of my own abuse in that fandom, and seeing it being defended still is disconcerting.
Like, an actual survivor saying “hey, please don’t portray the abuse that ruined my fucking life as a good thing please” shouldn’t make y’all so fucking mad. But it does. And it’s fucking weird.
I’m not going to name call or anything, won’t even tell you what you can or can’t post but just know I’m one of those people where if you are posting that crap and I stumble upon it, or are vocally defending your right to romanticize it, that I’m silently judging you.
And I’m just going to block you if you try to defend it on this post.
I’d say that if you want to avoid drama maybe just get a fucking sensitivity reader if your discussing CSA, and aren’t trying to romanticize it. But apparently sensitivity readers are just “enforcing censorship” or whatever so I know I’m just talking to the equivalent of a brick wall.
Before you bring up not reading this stuff- I don’t, I’m just kinda sick of a real problem in fandom being dismissed and victims being blamed for their abuse
Before you bring up Lolita as a “gotcha” defense- I have reading comprehension abilities, evidenced by how I have a minor in creative writing (which btw involves a metric fuck-ton of reading and discerning meaning and intentions of the author from those readings) Lolita was not defending predators, it’s meaning was twisted by people who want to defend grooming and csa, and since I can tell the difference between condemnation and romanticization, I’m sure a lot of people who share my opinions also can as well. Not everyone with “anti” opinions is uneducated like you think they are, some of us are just expressing why we have limits and why we find certain portrayal distasteful. If you think I’m still wrong i reccomend going back and reading the prologue in Lolita that you obviously skipped.
Before you say I’m advocating for censorship- I’m not, I’m just saying you don’t get to shout at abuse victims who were affected through fandom to shut up. Write insensitive portrayals of traumatizing shit, and then get upset when someone tells you your portrayal is making the traumatizing shit look like it’s a-okay. If you post something on this vein be prepared for someone to say that what you wrote is portraying harmful stereotypes (ie that CSA isn’t harmful if an often repeated myth, it’s akin to saying rape victims were “asking for it” because they were drunk).
Also I’ve never harassed anyone about this in my life, in fact the people who defend romanticization of my abuse are usually just blocked on site, because I just don’t want to deal with the shit-stirring that occurs.
And finally for those who think this is me being against harm reduction- I’m not against harm reduction, maybe these thing are harm reduction for awhile, but eventually, just like alcohol or painkillers, these little fanfic stories aren’t going to be enough for would-be predators forever. They will build up a tolerance where imagination and text isn’t enough anymore, and that’s when they start to actually do the real illegal shit.
If you have reading comprehension you’ll realize I’m am not saying fiction=reality, but to spell it out more clearly, the fiction isn’t making them offend, the inability for the fiction to be enough to get them off is what leads them to offend. It’s like someone who can’t get oxy turning to heroin out of desperation.
When the harm reduction doesn’t work anymore, is it really reducing harm, especially when the stuff they now turn to is the illegal stuff they were supposedly trying to “avoid” in the first place.
Anyway, that’s my thoughts on this shit, I’m tired of seeing it debated or people with the same trauma being told to shut up because the truth is inconvenient. I needed to just get it out.
Anyone who openly defends this crap in the notes or reblogs will be blocked.
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jemgirl86 · 1 year
All this The Bear Syd/Carmy shipping discourse unfolding on Twitter, Tiktok, here, and everywhere else has only reinforced what I’ve long since believed: the only people whose intentions I trust, in any fandom, are the handful of people I fuck with regularly. Watching this unfold the past few days has been downright comical.
Ship them, don’t ship them - that’s not the issue. The issue is that the reaction to the people that do ship them, from all kinds of fans, has been so aggressively over the top that I can’t help but shake my head. Let’s be for fucking real for five seconds. I’ve seen more pushback to Syd/Carmy than I’ve seen to Shuri/Namor, and Namor MURDERED SHURI’S MOTHER. And if you think there’s no overlap between those who hate one but support the other, you’re wrong lol.
See, stuff like that is why I can’t take y’all seriously when it comes to shipping. People swear up and down they like and respect these characters, then ship them with people who killed their moms. Or they swear it’s all about chemistry between two characters, but suddenly ignore chemistry if it comes in a package they don’t like. Hell, I don’t even think it’s about who folks think look cute together. No. At this point, I’m pretty sure most people are shipping purely based on who they feel most comfortable self-inserting with.
That’s why people don’t like Carmy/Syd. That’s why the idea of other people liking Carmy/Syd makes people so sick, even sicker than they usually get when a Black woman is involved in a ship. Not only is Syd Black, but she’s a little off beat and doesn’t take shit, and people hate when a BW character is written that way. A good deal of viewers didn’t even really like her during s1 (I remember the hateful tiktok comments vividly), so they cannot successfully self-insert with her, so they can’t deal with the ship. It has absolutely nothing to do with “let men and women be friends” or “let her be with Marcus” (don’t make me laugh, y’all don’t give af about them as a couple. When was the last time y’all cared about a Black couple of a show that was a “Black” show??? Besides, Syd doesn’t even like him like that, not now anyway), and everything to do with people not being able to see themselves as her.
I just… I wish people would stop fronting. Not just with Carmy/Syd, but with everything. I mean, I once said shipping Shuri/Namor was wild, and someone said I was antiBlack. I got so much shit, you would’ve thought I was talking about someone who didn’t kill her mom. Now, what seems more likely - that my Black ass is antiBlack for not liking a ship where one person killed another person’s parent, or that most fans of the ship only ship it because they want to fuck the dude that plays Namor and they’re using Shuri as a self-insert???? Lmaoooo. One day, just scroll through some of Shuri’s other ships, and I think you’ll be able to figure that one out. But it’s not just those two couples… it’s so so many.
Idk… it’s just so funny watching this Carmy/Syd ship be met with so much disgust, derision, and dismay, given all the shitty pairings nobody has a problem with. That’s why fandom culture needs to be honest about the fact that there are two kinds of shippers: those who ship because they really like a particular character, and those who ship because they really want to sleep with a particular actor, and the people mad about Carmy/Syd definitely fall into the latter category.
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lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
Ask game 24 and 25? You can pick the fandom, whatever you like
OH FUN THANKS FOR SAYING ANY!!! You’re getting mixed answers 😌
24 topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
For tgcf that’s Mu Qing all by himself. People really hate his complexity in particular because he wasn’t nice to Xie Lian all the time.
And for Acotar hrm that’s probs saying Tamlin isn’t and wasn’t ever abusive. Were his actions always great??? No but it still wasn’t abuse. He’s not human and his character isn’t supposed to be understood like one. Yeah irl that would be abuse but it’s FANTASY and his reasons were “I don’t want you to fucking die”. And since it’s previously established that Feyre doesn’t listen to his warnings in Acotar, it’s really hard to be like “he was completely unjustified”. Honestly I stay bothered that like the fae/human thing wasn’t talked about more because of how much Feyre’s humanity had meant to her in acotar. But ya know WHATEVER sjm just doesn’t have a big enough brain.
25 common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
HRM for tgcf it’s probs the regular complaints about the top/bottom dynamics along with people changing the canon one. Like it’s not that big of a deal. Why can’t Hua Cheng want his gege’s dick huh?
And the fengqing height thing like y’all why is it a problem to play with them? Let us enjoy fandom for what it is if I want to imagine either of them as the taller/shorter person in the dynamic I’m going to whether y’all like it or not.
For acotar the people who shit on Amarantha/Tamlin cuz like. That’s actually a super interesting dynamic and not one person thinks it’s healthy or whatever reason some of y’all came up with about why it’s HORRIBLE AND AWFUL TO SHIP IT. It’s obviously not healthy but THATS what makes it interesting. Not to mention there is so much HISTORY there why NOT delve into his views of her when he was younger? Why not touch on potential crushes or him maybe having seen her as an older sister until her perspective of him changed? LIKE there is actually so MUCH to play with in regards to their dynamic and it’s disappointing y’all ignore it cuz it’s ~problematic~
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stellenel-cielo · 2 years
this discourse of implying that people are fucking horrible human beings for interacting in harry potter fandom is fucking nuts.
is rowling a piece of shit? yes, of course she is and you definitely shouldn’t give her any money or purchase official shit. i certainly don’t regardless that it wont do shit cause the reach alone of hp will ensure it never dies (like, theres a fucking theme park, so be serious)
but y’all attacking people who interact even SLIGHTLY with the fandom through transformative works???
chill tf out.
i’m saying it cause i’m sick and tired of this chronically online puritanical bullshit where everyone is trying to one up everybody else because they think they don’t consume problematic media.
you do.
i promise you, you aren’t better than anyone else. you also consume problematic media to some degree.
and that doesn’t make you a bad person, idgaf who disagrees.
like, ppl can screech in the comments about ‘reading another book series’ but if thats then followed by referring another majority white, cis-heterosexual as fucking hell series, maybe consider that it isn’t the hot take you think it is.
like, i got some bitchass loser blocking me after calling me a pussy cause i said i still enjoyed reading trans hp fics 💀
did i like hp as a kid? ya, but im not obsessed with it and i do enjoy other media. for me, in the end it comes down to the number of stories.
listen, you wanna play morally superior on tumblr dot com, go the fuck ahead idgaf but there is almost no fandom as big as the hp one when it comes to number of stories.
and you may not agree, thats fine…but as a nonbinary lesbian who fucking can’t stand cis-mlm (which is 99% of ao3) my ass gonna keep fucking reading until there is a fandom that can rival that shit.
Tumblr media
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jmflowers · 2 years
keep seeing a lot of discourse out here in the (station 19) fandom about grievances with “new writers” and y’all…
new writers are not your enemy. are we really gonna shit on people for stepping into the industry? we need people to step into the industry because most of the industry is burnt the fuck out. remember that IATSE strike last year? that was for livable hours and wages because people in TV/film are literally selling their plasma on top of working 18-ish hour days to pay their rent. so, first and foremost, let’s celebrate that people are getting work - that this show is choosing to be at the forefront of the next generation of television writers. sure, maybe it’s a financial thing and new writers are cheaper, but I’m gonna assume the best of them.
but all that said, writers have such little power. you know what you have to do to get your name as the writer on a script? write the first draft. that’s it. and in TV, you wouldn’t even get much say in what goes into that draft - the showrunner says “these are the characters/topics we need present in this episode” and the story editor says “this is how much time we’d like to dedicate to each topic/character” and the writer writes exactly what they’ve asked for. if they’ve said you’ve got one page to cover a topic (that’s one minute of screen time), then that’s all you’ve got. and sure, you could defy them, but it’s also the first draft. once that’s handed off, if the writer isn’t staff or a member of the writers room, chances are they’ll never get to touch it again. and it’s gonna be revised a bunch of times - by staff writers, by members of the writer’s room, by the story editor. (and let’s be real, defying them risks the opportunity of getting hired again and earning another pay cheque.) the writer who’s credited as the writer of an episode is gonna have control over, maybe, a handful of couple-related scenes - like openers of two characters in their room seducing each other, or closing scenes where they just quietly lay together. we have writers to thank for those moments because chances are the story editors and showrunners don’t care about those elements as much as the plotplotplot or the ratings impacted by certain fandoms.
so who does impact the story? who gets the say on what goes on screen?
the showrunner is actually a lot more focused on scheduling - if we give this character an arc in this time period, is the actor available to film those scenes? is someone sick and can’t be part of a moment they were supposed to be and that needs to be rewritten so they aren’t present? in this day and age - do we need to account for someone being off with COVID or in isolation? (yes, film and television are still strictly adhering to COVID protocols.)
the story editor is making sure that scripts are ready on schedule. that the important points that needed to be covered as per the production team are present for the season. that the show is fitting together in the way that was dreamed up when they all sat down at the start of the pre-production season and ultimately, that all leads back to… the writer’s room.
the writer’s room is one of the first components that occurs for pre-production. they probably began meeting before last season even wrapped - as soon as they had word of renewal. they brainstormed, together, what they want to see happen for the characters this season. it wasn’t impacted by fan response and won’t be because it was all decided months ago. (the producers do have a fair bit of say during this process, though, and they/the showrunner get final say.)
so, maybe I’m biased as a person studying TV production with the goal of being a screenwriter myself, but y’all… they’re not the enemies you think they are. hell, I bet at least a few of them are fans of the show, too, and wish they could give us the screen time for the stories we’re all rooting for. unfortunately, TV isn’t fanfiction and fanfiction isn’t TV.
I’m gonna choose to be proud of this show for giving new writers an opportunity to get their foot in the door. I’m so proud and happy for these people who are getting to add this job to their resume. I can’t wait to see how far they all go after being afforded the chance and guidance as they’re starting out - that’s incredible to have and more industries should be doing the same.
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
“Kaito hated Kokichi” yes and he was entitled to that hatred. Kokichi’s intentions do not justify his actions. The ends do not justify the means.
Ouma hurt people throughout the entirety of the game. Kaito did his best to protect his friends from what he deemed to be a very real and very dangerous threat.
But when it comes down to it, I don’t think he fully hated Kokichi. I think Kokichi made some choices that could have been better, and so did Kaito, but the one thing we know about Momota is that he believed in people. Not only that, but he WANTED to believe in people. He and Ouma kept trying to change each other to get them to see the other one’s perspective, but it was a constant power struggle. It’s not fair to say that Kaito wanted to see Ouma die nor is it fair to say that Ouma did nothing wrong when it came to their interactions
Kokichi made decisions that directly conflicted with Momota’s morals.
Kokichi put people in danger. Kokichi actively and maliciously hurt people, even if his intentions were good.
Kaito was justified in his hatred.
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
“Take your mushy Crosshair headcanon on a long walk off a short pier.” No.
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blazewatergem · 3 years
I’m gonna write in the tags so this’ll be easy to avoid if you want to 💜 love y’all my glorious friends and mutuals
o7 I salute you brave souls
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
You can ignore this if you don't like to discuss it. Is it a bit quick to judge people for shipping charactes? How you treat characters and real life people doesn't have to be the same at all. I am aroace + sex repulsive and not sure if I'll be able to handle even QPR. But I absolutely love shipping everyone with everyone and love smut. That's just another way for to play with characters and their interactions.
I don’t hate shipping. And I’m not JUDGING people who do, mostly. I ship. I follow people who ship Hunter (my number one non partnering aroace hc) with others. Sometimes I even think the art is cute! Shipping is fun. I have MULTIPLE TIMES said stuff like “Huntlow and Goldric shippers, y’all are cool, I don’t hate your ships” why does everyone think I’m the no fun police, lmao.
What I AM sick of is shipping to the exclusion of any other type of relationship and also using shipping to erase identities that already have such little representation. No, it’s not the same as how you would treat people in real life (obviously! I don’t walk around torturing people in real life!), but “you’ll find someone someday” and “won’t you be unhappy if you aren’t with someone” are still VERY common statements that tend to bleed through in the themes behind shipping aspec characters. If someone said “I’m shipping the lesbian with a man” most people would probably flip out, and no amount of saying “hey now, mspec lesbians exist, this isn’t erasure of the identity!” would make them calm down (Course there’s also discourse about mspecs so that’s partly where that would come from). Heck, if you color a black character’s skin shade lighter you’ll get someone on your ass about it, and you can’t say “maybe their skin was tanned in the show since it took place in the summer, but this is the winter” that’s not going to fly. But it’s not the same for aspecs, and THAT’S why I’m so protective of my headcanons and any canon rep I get, because no one else will be. I don’t judge for shipping my hc characters. I am, however, heavily judging for erasing canon characters, especially ones who have stated that they don’t WANT a relationship. Maybe WE understand the nuance of QPRs and aspecs who date, but larger creation corporations will just see that characters who they let be representation are shipped, so obviously that kind of representation isn’t in demand. People can play with the characters how they want! But that doesn’t mean I’m not sick of being the only person in any fandom I’m in that writes platonically (obviously hyperbole, I know I’m not alone, but they’re few and far between).
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lucarihoe · 2 years
Hear me out: rollercoasters are trains
Rollercoasters are technically classified as an amusement ride bc it has steep drops and is a “short lived thrill”.
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HOWEVER there’s more similar than dissimilar, for example: both are on a track, follow a set path, transport passengers, typically travel at high speeds, and may or may not cause motion sickness. The only real difference is you don’t feel as much inertia on a traditional “train” compared to a rollercoaster, are able to transport luggage, and may or may not have a concierge. There ARE “steep railroad trains” too btw:
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“But Austin,” I can hear y’all saying, “that doesn’t mean rollercoasters are trains, they’re two totally different classes and sizes.” Okay maybe BUT the lil motorized trolleys that little kids ride on in the mall are called as “trackless trains”. TRACKLESS TRAINS?! I’m LOOSING it! Despite the name they’re also classified as “amusement park rides”.
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If a train is not on a track, then what truly makes it a train? Apparently, trains are defined as “a series of railroad cars moved as a unit by a locomotive or by integral motors”, so NOT indicative of a track…weird.
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But you know what that definition applies to? ROLLERCOASTERS. A series/connected line of cars? ✔️ Moved as a unit? ✔️ With or without a locomotive or integral motors?✔️
Final piece of evidence: Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disney World
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TL;DR: Rollercoasters are trains and the discourse between the two fandoms needs to stop.
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