#Jeffrey Moy
artphotographyofmen · 3 months
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Nightwing by Jeff Moy
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protytwo · 13 days
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Anybody remember the L'il Subs? Actually, they were just some kids getting a tour of the Legion HQ. Doro stands in for Calamity King, and wears his traditional green. There are kid versions of Night Girl, Color Kid, Antennae Boy, Infectious Lass, and Porcupine Pete. From Legends of the Legion #2 by Jeffrey Moy, and W.C. Carani.
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jasposeyblog · 10 months
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My acquisition of Cassie Sandsmark Wonder Girl sketch cover by Jeffrey Moy
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womeninfictionandirl · 2 months
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Teen Lantern by Jeff Moy
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p-c-ba-dcforever · 1 year
December marks 80 years of Mary Marvel! Always a favorite, ever since I first read her adventures illustrated by Bob Oksner in the pages of Adventure Comics!
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jennkitty · 3 months
Lolita Shoe Collection
Hello, I am a shoeaholic. I own a ton of shoes, some meant to be worn with lolita and others just stuff I wear with it anyways. Some of my shoes are notable because of the brand they came from, some are more whimsical in their usage. Since January is wardrobe month, lets look at what shoes I actually own. Alice and the pirates/Baby the star shines bright So starting off I would like to say that…
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illyanarasputinfan · 6 months
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Jeffrey Moy
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balu8 · 4 days
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Legionnaires #0: Close Encounters
by Mark Waid/Tom McCraw; Jeffrey Moy; Ron Boyd ans Pat Brosseau
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jules-has-notes · 2 months
Aca Top 10: Bro Country — VoicePlay music video
Like any genre of music, country contains a lot of different styles and subjects. When Chris Rupp stopped in to visit the VoicePlay guys shortly after he retired from Home Free, they welcomed him with a selection of the more lighthearted offerings country music had provided in recent years. Between odes to simple pleasures like having a drink with friends, or going for a drive with your crush, or even the ability find confidence behind a keyboard, these tunes are sure to get your toes tapping in your cowboy boots.
title: Aca Top 10 – Bro Country (feat. Chris Rupp)
original songs / performers: "Truck Yeah" by Tim McGraw; [0:27] "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney; [0:43] "Online" by Brad Paisley; [1:00] "Dirt Road Anthem" by Jason Aldean; [1:21] "Corn Star" by Craig Morgan; [1:42] "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" by Joe Nichols; [2:05] "Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith; [2:27] "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line; [2:36] "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins; [3:00] "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" by Big & Rich
written by: "Truck Yeah" by Chris Lucas, Preston Brust, Chris Janson, & Danny Myrick; "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Jim Collins & Paul Overstreet; "Online" by Chris DuBois, Kelley Lovelace, & Brad Paisley; "Dirt Road Anthem" by Brantley Gilbert & Colt Ford; "Corn Star" by Jeffrey Steele, Shane Minor & Craig Morgan; "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" by Gary Hannan & John Wiggins; "Red Solo Cup" by Brett Beavers, Jim Beavers, Brad Warren, & Brett Warren; "Cruise" by Florida Georgia Line, Joey Moi, Chase Rice, & Jesse Rice; "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Dallas Davidson, Randy Houser, & Jamey Johnson; "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" by William Kenneth "Big Kenny" Alphin & John Rich
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 5 July 2016
My favorite bits:
the sneaky visting rooster on the back of the couch
Chris whipping his head toward Earl during the first transition
the extra sign with a Farmers Only profile for HatGuy5112016 during "Online"
visually calling out Chris's "white boy rap!" as though they hadn't recently released an entire video of themselves rapping
the excellent harmonies in "Corn Star"
Geoff trying (and giving up on) the cup game as percussion while Layne takes the lead on "Red Solo Cup"
Earl picking up a beer can after Eli pilfers his big drink
that funky breakdown in "Save a Horse"
Layne refusing to flex his muscles at the end
"We broke a couch." Boys and their roughhousing. R.I.P., yellow love seat. You served them well.
Oh, hey, there's Tony… whoops…aw, buddy.
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Earl once again created the title-and-artist signs that Layne holds up, as well as the dating profile and the ears of corn.
The guys trail off and glare at Chris for starting to sing "Cruise" because that's the song Home Free performed on their first episode of The Sing-Off, when VoicePlay ended up in danger of elimination.
"Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" was also included in Home Free's "Butts Remix" medley, which Layne had helped Chris and Adam arrange.
They filmed this video a little over a month in advance to accommodate everyone's schedules, and to bank some material in advance of Layne's upcoming paternity leave. (Geoff and Chris weren't very sneaky about hiding their collaboration, though.)
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One viewer's comment under the video caught Geoff's eye. It was basically true, no matter which way you parse it, since the three founding members had been singing together for over 20 years at that point. Their commitment to each other and the group predated any of their romantic relationships. But they do all have spouses, as well.
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sarahaubel · 6 months
Les tares.
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De retour chez Jaeger (avez-vous bien retenu la leçon de la dernière fois ?). Je dois vous avouer qu'à bientôt 35 ans j'ai besoin de réfléchir pour lire l'heure sur un cadran. Les montres me sont donc d'une utilité limitée. Puisque nous sommes à l'heure des confessions (12h34 visiblement, comme indiqué sur mon ordinateur et non pas sur ma montre, pas besoin de vous faire un dessin) je vais tout de suite et maintenant devant vos yeux ébahis vous lâcher quelques petites tares personnelles pour soulager ma conscience une bonne fois pour toutes. Je confonds toujours ma gauche et ma droite. Je le regrette car il n’en tenait qu’à ça pour que je fasse carrière dans la F1 (ma dextérité de tous les diables, ma vue perçante d’aigle royal et mon attrait pour les sensations fortes en sont bien la preuve). A défaut, je roule actuellement dans une Fiat Punto 3 portes cabossée (Non maman j’ai toujours pas fait réparer les clignos, oui je sais ça fait 6 mois c’est dangereux). Chienne de vie. Je préfèrerai me couper les pieds avec les dents plutôt que d'enlever une paire de baskets avec des lacets mouillés, ce qui n'est recommandé ni pour les dents ni pour les pieds. Je ne sais pas calculer de tête. Je préfère supposer une réponse approximative. Souvent 21 d'ailleurs allez savoir pourquoi. J’ai une chance toute relative de répondre juste mais comme le dit l’adage “Dans les situations désespérées, la seule sagesse est l'optimisme aveugle”. Je mange mes mozzarella avec du Maggi. Héritage culinaire d’une colocation aussi merveilleuse qu’apocalyptique à Villeneuve-la-Garenne, dans laquelle visiblement personne n'était italien. Que cette maison tienne encore debout relèverait du miracle. Je viens de vérifier. Elle est encore debout. C’est un miracle. J’ai la phobie des boutons de chemises depuis que je suis en âge de le manifester. Les individus vêtus d’un t-shirt col en V avec des boutons INUTILES sur le-dit col sont sur mon échelle du dégoût au même niveau que le frigo de Jeffrey Dahmer (encore lui), sans parler des sous-pulls avec des boutons décoratifs le long des manches (donnez-moi une bassine, vite). Habillez moi, admettons…. au hasard comme ça, Josh Hartnett dans une combi lycra recouverte de boutons en plastique, je ne le toucherai pas avec un bâton. C’est un sujet en soi que je vous garde sous le coude pour plus tard. Et je vais donc m’arrêter là dessus avant que vous me trouviez trop étrange pour que l’on reste amis.
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artphotographyofmen · 7 months
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Cyborg by Jeff Moy
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protytwo · 1 year
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Kinetix by Jeffrey Moy
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jasposeyblog · 10 months
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My acquisition of XS Drink & Draw coaster for Hero Initiative by Jeffrey Moy
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womeninfictionandirl · 9 months
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Dani Moonstar by Jeff Moy
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andrewmoocow · 7 months
Steven Universe Snake Eyes chapter 7: Gods and Monsters (originally published on October 9, 2023)
AN: And so, we enter the biggest bomb I've ever dropped in one of my stories since I revealed that Haruko Haruhara was saved from her destroyed home planet by Rick Sanchez and eventually betrayed him for Atomsk before meeting Dipper and Mabel Pines. The origins of the Gem race has been one of the biggest mysteries in all of Steven Universe with tons of fans giving their own ideas on it, even as far back as the first season. I've pondered that too sometimes, but there are some parts of the series that are best left to the imagination. Well, until now that is! In this version of Steven's universe, the story of Gemkind shall finally be revealed for all to see, and you all have front row seats to a glimpse at a whole universe's worth of backstory and quite possibly the biggest threat Steven will face yet.
Synopsis: Steven and company meet the creator of all Gemkind and learn of an evil far greater than Black Rutile.
Zach Callison as Steven
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl
Aurelio Voltaire as King Cobralan Serpentes
Shirley Millner as Queen Constricta Serpentes
Neil Flynn as Aescul
Henry Rollins as Captain Boa
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Grace Rolek as Connie
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Patti LuPone as Yellow Diamond
Lisa Hannigan as Blue Diamond
Christine Ebersole as White Diamond/Gem
Sarah Stiles as Spinel
Peter Cullen as Titanium
Frank Welker as Tungsten
David Kaye as Steel
Corey Burton as Chromium
Bumper Robinson as Gold
Scott McNeil as Iron
Jeffrey Combs as Mercury
Hailee Steinfeld as Zinc
Jason Marsden as Prince Nosiop Jormagundr
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Keith David as Pyth
Matthew Moy as Lars
Zach Steel as Ronaldo
Atticus Shaffer as Peedee
Cissy Jones as Princess Naja Jormagundr
Enuka Okuma as Rhodonite
Kathleen Fisher as Fluorite
Erica Luttrell as Padparadscha Sapphire
Ashly Burch as Rutile Twins
Jeff Bennett as Murinus/The Sheriff
Featuring Samantha Newark as The Lapidarist
And Joel Grey as King Serpentes I
The date, 420,000 years ago. The place, the prehistoric planet that would someday become Serpentes, the capital of the Slytherophidian empire. Before it would become the mighty metropolis that thrived on forcing species from across the universe to compete, Serpentes was a small scattering of snake people colonies dotting the planet's countryside, all under the shaky rule of one monarch, its namesake king Serpentes the First. Serpentes typically spent time away from his subjects on expeditions to explore the planet and learn its history, as he proclaimed himself a scholar. But there was one discovery that would change not just the history of his home planet but the entire universe as well.
"Found anything yet, sire?" a Slytherophidian dressed as a cowboy asked while spitting into a bucket. "We've been out here for weeks and still haven't found any ancient ruins and all that! Might I suggest we quit the tomb raider business, cut back on searching uncharted lands and temples of doom, and go home already?"
"No, Murinus, there has to be something we're missing. I know it!" Serpentes muttered to himself while examining the map in his hands. "We just need to keep looking!"
"Look, Your Highness, I can totally get your eagerness to explore, but I'm happy with just kicking back and letting you do all the work." Murinus said before turning his tail into feet and kicking them on a rock. "Hey, do you see a light somewhere over there?"
"A light? Where?!" Serpentes excitedly replied while gazing out into the horizon. "By Jove, I think you're right! We must go there immediately!" To the king's delight, he could see a faint beam of light ejecting from an ancient temple hidden in the distance. "Come along, Murinus!"
"Me and my big mouth," Murinus said to himself as his king dragged him along toward the temple as the beam got even brighter the closer they got. Upon arriving at the temple, the beam of light was at its absolute brightest, and Serpentes couldn't be more excited.
"Hm, I must say, this would make a nice castle to live in." Serpentes mused as the duo entered the temple, which was filled with crystals and rocks jutting out of the walls and the ceiling. But the most peculiar inhabitant was a large, crystalline being gently clutching a bubble housing a strange gemstone. "And who might you be?"
"Almost there, my child. Almost there." The being whispered to her bubble before she turned to discover Serpentes and Murinus in front of her. "More snakes? You shouldn't be here."
"Do not worry, giant woman. We come in peace." Serpentes calmed the being down. "My name is Serpentes, the king of the Slytherophidians. And this is my companion, Murinus. Say hi, Murinus."
"Howdy." Murinus tipped his hat to the giant woman. "Say, what's that you got in there, madame?"
"Oh, this?" the giant said, presenting the gemstone inside her bubble to the two Slytherophidians. "I've been working on it for the past couple of eons. I call it Gem. It is an advanced lifeform that possesses extraordinary powers unseen by mortals, but I'm not sure how I can test it to make sure it won't harm anybody with how powerful it is."
"Then, why don't I help you take care of it?" King Serpentes offered his assistance. "Maybe I can set up a way for it to grow and control its powers so that everyone can watch and see how strong it is."
"That is a wonderful idea, Serpentes." The giant agreed with the king and shook his hand, sealing the deal.
"By the way, I don't think I ever got your name," Serpentes said.
"My name?" the giant replied. "My name has been lost to time, but you may call me the Lapidarist."
In the present day, Steven and the Crystal Gems were being taken through the Jormagundrs' castle towards a hidden doorway by the royal guards, all having no idea what to expect when King Cobralan said it was time for them to learn the truth. As the trip grew longer, the group was soon joined by different sets of guards escorting Greg & Connie and the Diamonds.
"So, uh, what are we doing?" Greg asked nervously. "I was going to cheer you up after your big fight with Black Rutile, but then suddenly, these guys told me they had something I needed to see."
"Do they have a birthday surprise planned for Steven?" Peridot added just as curious.
"I don't know." Yellow Diamond answered. "But whatever it is, I don't think we'll ever be the same after today."
"You are indeed correct, Yellow Diamond," Aescul said as he led the group through the dark corridors hidden within the castle walls to a mysterious chamber that closely resembles the Crystal Temple back on Earth. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet your maker. Hee, I always wanted to say that."
"Wait, our maker? As in the creator of all Gemkind?!" Pearl squawked in shock as the Gems and humans bore witness to a massive, crystalline being kneeling before them, its face utterly blank except for a large diamond on it and wild, spiky hair not unlike White Diamond's.
"Hello, my children." The giant said. "I am the Lapidarist. I am the creator of all Gems."
"Dude, this is so sick!" Amethyst yelled in amazement. "We're face to face with our actual god here!"
"Correction, she is our god as well." Titanium declared as he and the other Metals emerged from the shadows of the chamber to meet their sister race. "So the rumors were true. Our creator still lives."
"Hello there, Miss Lapidarist." Steven greeted the Lapidarist. "My name's Steven Universe. Uh, do you like being called Miss, or do you prefer any other pronouns?"
"On the contrary, my friend, my species has evolved past the need for what you call genders." The Lapidarist explained. "But Miss Lapidarist does have a nice ring to it."
"So, this is the mother of all Gems?" Spinel wondered while scratching her head and sitting on Yellow's shoulder. "How come we never knew about this?"
"Hello there, Lapidarist." White Diamond said sourly as she glared at the creator of the Gem race. "Fancy seeing you again after millions of years."
"Ah, Gem. What a surprise." The Lapidarist greeted White with an inquisitive tilt of her head. "What is it you're calling yourself these days, White Diamond? Not sure if I like the name."
"Okay, enough with the introductions, everybody!" Mercury complained. "Now then, big lady, the snake people said they were going to give us answers, and by your name or whatever, we're gonna get some answers!"
"Actually, we prefer to be called Slytherophidians, Mr. Mercury." Captain Boa corrected the curmudgeonly Metal medic. "The Lapidarist has been the royal family's best-kept secret for generations, all the way back to our first king Serpentes I."
"We've been watching your race for a few years now because the Lapidarist wanted to see if Steven truly meant well in making the radical changes he did to Gem society." King Cobralan added.
"Well, I sure did, no matter what certain emotionally stunted terrorists may say," Steven said assuredly, unaware that Black Rutile, Nosiop, and Pyth were watching from afar.
"Hmph, yeah, right." Black Rutile said glumly while the three villains kept themselves hidden. "Just wait until I use the Lapidarist's powers to wipe you out for good."
"So Miss Lapidarist, earlier you called White Diamond by the name Gem," Garnet said. "We'd like to learn more about that; thank you."
"That was the name I was given when the Lapidarist created me," White said, rolling her eyes as she cringed at the thought like a human would when remembering their awkward teenage years. "And a name I've abandoned for eons."
"Well, allow me to enlighten you." The Lapidarist said while altering the entire room like a holodeck to present the Crystal Gems with White Diamond's hidden past.
In the beginning, there was only one. A single black infinitude, so cold and dark for so very long that even the burning light was imperceptible. But then the infinitude found release, and at last, the darkness broke, filling it with shining stars. From these stars came the Lapidarists, who filled this newly born universe with life. On that day, the universe as we knew it was born. Cells, molecules, atoms, from ions to pions, muons to gluons, neutrinos, gravitinos, these were the first planets to be forged by this race of builders, with life blossoming on each one. Life, a precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, but it would soon come under attack.
Where there was light to create the first sentient beings, there was a being of pure darkness and evil that sought to extinguish it. A terrible snake-like creature of frightening power known as Squamata devoured planet after planet, millions of voices suddenly crying out in terror before they were just as suddenly silenced. The Lapidarists tried all they could to stop this threat from becoming more powerful. They created many races like the Magmen, the Metals, the Slytherophidians, and the races of the first Universal Lords to combat it. While they successfully sealed Squamata away beneath the future planet of Serpentes, it came at the cost of the entire Lapidarist race being wiped out except for one. Declaring itself the guardian of the monster's resting place, the last Lapidarist isolated itself from the rest of the universe in a hidden temple where it spent millenniums forging the being that would eventually save the universe from their ancient foe. But all of that changed one fateful day.
"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the first-ever challenger of the Contest of Champions, Gem!" King Serpentes announced as he revealed the Lapidarist's creation to the other Slytherophidians. Gem was a tall, pale-skinned female humanoid with copious amounts of mascara applied and dressed as a warrior, but her most distinguishing feature was a gemstone attached to her forehead. "I had found this creature one day years ago on an expedition to the wilderness of our planet and brought her home with me. That was when I got the idea to have her compete against species from other worlds to see who is truly the strongest in the universe. Now then, release her competition!"
The gates opened, and out came a green, hulking humanoid with massive muscles wearing only purple pants that let out a booming roar. Gem just smirked and pulled a spear from her gem that she used to fight the monster.
"What an astounding display of strength, ladies and gentlemen!" King Serpentes exclaimed as Gem duked it out with the ogre-like beast, showing great tenacity and grace compared to the monster serving as her opponent. "Perhaps if more were to come, we would make this into an annual event where champions from far and wide could come and display their powers, like the Grendel we captured, for example!"
"Just a little bit more, you disgusting Grendel!" Gem exclaimed eagerly as she began stabbing at the monster with her spear, causing it to leak pink blood to the cheers of her adoring fans. "Yes, you all love me!"
"And what a shocker, everyone!" Serpentes exclaimed as Gem finished off the Grendel. "Gem has slain the creature! She is truly an amazing warrior!"
"Oh, thank you, thank you all!" Gem accepted the riotous applause as she reunited with King Serpentes outside the arena. "Oh, Your Majesty, I had so much fun today!"
"Perfect, Gem. And you'll be having more fun for years to come." Serpentes said as the two walked away to the temple from whence she came, which was now having a new castle built over it.
"Um, Mr. Serpentes, if I may ask a question," Gem asked her king. "Have you ever thought about letting me explore the planet like you do? Maybe even the whole galaxy, the universe even? I bet there are infinite possibilities for me to explore out there!"
"Now, now, Gem, don't get too excited." Serpentes calmed Gem down. "I admire your enthusiasm, but your one true purpose is here, right at my side and fighting in the Contest of Champions."
"But I just want to explore like you do!" Gem urged her father figure, now sounding an awful lot like a certain pink diamond. "Why can't you let me?!"
"I understand, my dear, but the universe is a vast and dangerous place filled with millions of species that could no doubt either kill you or steal you for themselves," Serpentes explained. "Please understand that this is why you are forbidden from ever leaving Serpentes. Now, I'm off to speak with the construction workers, so you behave yourself, young lady."
Although Gem understood why Serpentes was so protective of her, she felt utterly sheltered in the world she called home. However, while the king did say Gem was forbidden from ever leaving the planet, she assumed he didn't mean more than one of her.
"Wow, White was just like Pink when she was created?" Steven realized as his eyes were opened to White Diamond's past while giving the three Diamonds a smug smirk.
"Maybe that's why you abused her so much because she reminded you of yourself," Connie added wryly.
"Guess it's true what they say. Some people are more alike than you think." Gold giggled at White's embarrassing memory while the Diamond blushed in shame.
"Don't make that face at me, White; don't deny what you were in the past." The Lapidarist chided her creation. "Do you remember what happened afterward?"
"Do you not?" White asked, her eyes widened in genuine surprise as she tried to dodge the question.
"Ooo-hoo-hoo, this should be juicy!" Steel giggled eagerly as White took a deep breath and came clean.
"Yes, I remember what happened afterward," White admitted. "For hundreds of years, I took advantage of a loophole created by Serpentes and created the first Gems."
Using technology stolen from another race that she reverse-engineered herself into what would later be known as Injectors, Gem began using Serpentes's resources to create more beings like her that she would dub Gem. However, this would come at the cost of the planet slowly suffering the effects of these Injectors draining its life energy, causing dozens to die in uncharted parts of the planet. Upon discovering this courtesy of Murinus, Serpentes sought to do something about this crisis.
"Are you sure that Gem could be to blame for all of this?" Murinus said as he and Serpentes marched to the Devil's Palm canyon, named as such for resembling a humanoid hand with a plateau in the center where the palm would be. "At least she ain't running off to explore the universe."
"And that's the problem!" Serpentes exclaimed. "When I said she was forbidden from leaving, this was not what I meant!" Soon, the duo arrived at the Devil's Palm, where they discovered not just one colorful humanoid with a gemstone on her body but dozens upon dozens more of them. "What in the?!"
"SERPENTES!" the new species all cried out in delight at Serpentes's arrival.
"Hey, your Majesty." One of them greeted casually as Serpentes tried moving his way through the sea of humanoids to reach Gem.
"Gem, what is the meaning of this?!" Serpentes yelled angrily at his creation. "Whatever you are doing, you will soon destroy this whole planet! Is this what you wanted, to tear our world apart and then abandon it to find some other planet to terrorize?!"
"No, my lord, this is not what you think!" Gem urged Serpentes. "You forbade me from leaving Serpentes, but you didn't say the same for all these creatures that I call Gems. Nice name, don't you think?"
"Yes, that is a very nice name, but that's not the point, my child." Serpentes said while drawing out a sword from his hip. "I am sorry, but to ensure the safety of our planet, I'm afraid I'll have to shatter you."
"Is that so?" Gem said as she drew her spear with a smirk. "Then come on, enough talk! Have at you!"
"I will do what I must," Serpentes replied as he readied his blade.
"You will try." Gem added before the two went head-to-head in a mini-Contest of Champions. The Gems that Gem created began cheering for their mother figure as the Slytherophidian and the Gem clashed under the scorching afternoon sun, while Murinus saw fit not to get involved in the situation and wait until it got better.
"You can't keep doing this, Gem!" King Serpentes urged his mighty warrior. "This technology you stole from the Metals was designed to harvest resources from planets at the cost of slowly killing them! How did you even find such things?!"
"Steel practically gave them away when the Metals decided they wanted to live in harmony with their colonies instead of committing genocide." Gem revealed while nimbly dodging a sword swipe. "He just happened to dump them all here one day and let me take some for myself."
"I should really tell them to stop using other planets as a garbage dump for their old tech." Serpentes muttered to himself before seeing an opening on Gem and jabbed his sword into her gem, causing a slight crack.
"W-what did you do?" Gem whimpered in fear as her form glitched while Serpentes looked down at his tail in shame at what he had done. "What did you do to me?"
"I'm sorry, my dear." Serpentes apologized while stroking Gem's face. "But I am only doing what is right." With another stab of the snake king's sword, Gem was utterly shattered, her namesake gemstone on her forehead being reduced to four pieces in four very familiar shapes. "Murinus!"
"Yes, my liege?" Murinus asked as he emerged from his hiding spot before being handed the four gem shards. "Oh no, you didn't."
"I want the Lapidarist to find somewhere for these shards and all of these Gems to flourish so they won't cause any more damage to Serpentes." King Serpentes ordered, looking out at all the Gems inhabiting the Devil's Palm Canyon. "I can handle one Gem, but this many would give me a headache."
And so, with help from the Lapidarist, once she was told of what happened, Gem and all of her creations were exiled to an uncharted planet that would one day become the Gem Homeworld. Hundreds of years afterward, the first of Gem's shards would reform into White Diamond, followed by Yellow, Blue, and Pink Diamond over the next couple thousand years, eventually forming the Great Diamond Authority and beginning to conquer a good portion of the universe that the Universal Lords didn't dominate.
Though the Lapidarist was disappointed at what Gem had become, she vowed not to interfere. She had no choice but to watch as the Diamonds wreaked havoc across the universe, conquering and destroying planet after planet as her story was passed down for generations. At the same time, her fallen kinfolk's other creations, such as the Metals and the Magmen, began rising to prominence in the intergalactic community.
"And that is the story of the Gem race." The Lapidarist concluded her story, having blown everyone's minds with the history she revealed to the Crystal Gems once hidden from the public eye. "I am truly sorry that I have been the author of all your pain through my creation of the Diamonds."
"We know you didn't mean any harm, Lapidarist," Bismuth said. "You only wanted to create life, but then it went horribly wrong."
"And we've carried it with our family for generations." Queen Constricta said while everyone was still unaware of who was spying on them.
"This is most interesting." Nosiop muttered excitedly. "Perhaps once we gather our army, we can unleash this snake creature and prove to the Slytherophidians that we were meant to be conquerors!"
"Yes, conquerors," Pyth smirked deviously like he had other plans in mind that didn't align with the prince's.
"As I said, I am truly sorry, but I can make a change." The Lapidarist stated while presenting a mechanical, orb-like device. "This is an Accretionator. A powerful device with the ability to create a strong gravitational pull that can draw in various asteroids and cosmic dust to revive an entire planet. Observe." To demonstrate, the Lapidarist created a hologram of a Gem colony that Steven and Connie recognized, the planet that the jungle moon they once visited as Stevonnie orbited. When the Accretionator was inserted into the planet, asteroids and space dust were vacuumed to the planet's surface, making it as good as new, like it was never conquered and colonized. "Impressive, isn't it? So tell me, do you accept this bargain?"
"Uh, we're going to need to discuss this among ourselves first," Peridot said as the Crystal Gems huddled together to discuss the Lapidarist's offer. "You saw what that Accretionator can do, right? Hundreds upon thousands of worlds revived in seconds! Do you realize what this means?!"
"Yeah, but what about afterward?" Lapis asked. "Are we just going back to how things were before Era 3 started? I think I know someone who would love that."
"Yeah, yeah, Black Rutile and all that," Jasper added sarcastically. "If Steven didn't completely break her body and her spirit, she'd accept the deal faster than you can say, 'Pull the lever, White Topaz.'"
"So what should we do?" White Topaz asked while looking back at the Lapidarist, patiently awaiting their answer. "I don't want to keep our literal goddess waiting."
"Well, ladies, your final answer?" Captain Boa spoke up. "No need to keep a lady waiting."
The Crystal Gems broke their huddle and turned to the Lapidarist. "Look, we're flattered by your offer and tempted by the chance to heal those broken worlds." Pearl declared. "But we just can't do it; the price is too high."
"The entire reason why we became who we are today is because we wanted to freely express ourselves," Amethyst added. "We wanted to live our own lives without anyone telling us what to do or how to do it."
"And we don't want to harm others simply because they are different. Everyone should be able to coexist regardless if they are flawed." Garnet stated firmly. "Like the Diamonds, for example. They have done horrible things in the past, but they're working to make a change for the better, no matter how hard it may be. I'm sure we have made ourselves loud and clear."
"How interesting." The Lapidarist said with a tilt of her head. "I thought I could coax you into complying like you did with so many other individuals, but it seems I was wrong. You prefer to make a change in your own way."
"You're right," Steven replied. "Besides, we once met alternate versions of ourselves from another dimension who were like our polar opposites, and they didn't want to make a change either."
"Should you tell them, or should I?" White whispered to the other Diamonds.
"Tell them what?" Iron asked, overhearing the three Gems' conversation.
"I don't think I like where this is going." Zinc said disdainfully as the Diamonds turned to face the Gems.
"Steven my dear, lately there have been rumors going around of a cover-up we've been performing," Yellow stated shakily. "Well, I must say that the rumors are true."
"What rumors?" Tungsten asked curiously.
"There were rumors that we were hiding the fact we did indeed wipe out organic life on a couple or so planets." Blue Diamond declared. "Well, suffice to say, the rumors were true. We exterminated all life on planets that were trying to fight back, and we hid the truth by saying we would never kill organic life. It's a secret we've been hiding for years, but somehow, the Slytherophidians found out and used it to blackmail us into coming along with them!"
The Crystal Gems all gasped in shock at this revelation. While they were aware that the Diamonds had done many horrible things over thousands of years, they were always told that the planets they conquered were primarily uninhabited, so hearing that a few worlds turned into colonies did house intelligent life was quite possibly just as, if not even an even bigger shock than learning of their species' origins. But no one took this harder than Steven.
"Why am I not surprised you'd hide something so horrible from us?" Steven said gloweringly, trying his best not to lose his temper again. "I wanted to give you three a chance, even after all the horrible things you did to me, us, and everyone. But no, you just keep hiding secrets from everyone, just like my mom did when she was alive. And especially a secret this awful. This is why I'm always so uncomfortable around you because I'm worried that any moment, whenever I turn my back, you'll just go back to your old ways and try to kill me. So destroy all my friends if you want, because I will make you pay for it."
"Steven, you don't understand. We never wanted it to be like this!" White exclaimed as Steven quietly stormed off.
"You pressed the Mom button." Amethyst declared. "You shouldn't have done that."
"Steven, wait!" Spinel yelled as she jumped off Yellow's shoulder and ran off after Steven, leaving the Crystal Gems, the Diamonds, the Metals, and the Slytherophidians alone with the Lapidarist.
"You know, my offer is still on the table." The Lapidarist suggested to the Diamonds.
"We appreciate the gesture, but it will take more than just one device to atone for what we've done." Blue politely declined the offer. "Is there anything else you want to tell us?"
"Indeed, there is." The Lapidarist replied. "There is a prophecy that states that on the day of Ragnarok, there will be a mighty warrior who will emerge from the merger of a group of troubled beings to save all reality from Squamata." She then began to chant the prophecy out loud while her body shined every possible color in existence. "Enlightened warriors of clashing kinships come from afar to banish the Eclipse. Only when united in heart and mind, can they stop the worlds from being aligned."
"So definitely a fusion then." Garnet declared after a quick analysis of the prophecy.
"Yeah, but of who?" Greg asked curiously.
"That is for you to find out, my mortal friends." The Lapidarist said while reverting her body to normal. "But in the meantime, I sense a great crisis on the immediate horizon."
Elsewhere in the Jormagundrs' castle, Princess Naja was pacing about her room after being locked away by her brother's enforcers for trying to interfere with his plans. "Nosiop can't get away with this." She muttered to herself. "But who can possibly help us in this hour?"
"Hey, anyone in there?" Lars asked as he knocked on the door. "One of the guards told us that somebody got locked up in their room. Can you tell us who you are before we break you out?"
"I'm Princess Naja Jormagundr!" Naja introduced herself to her rescuer. "My brother had me imprisoned here because he's plotting to conquer our race, and he and Black Rutile didn't want me getting in the way! You must tell Steven Universe at once!"
"Don't worry, miss, we got your back!" Ronaldo yelled as he tried breaking down the door by ramming into it. "Agh, my shoulder!"
"Hey, Paddy Sapphire, can you shapeshift us a key hand?" Peedee asked Padparadscha.
"Ooh, Peedee will ask for my help to free the pretty princess!" Padparadscha said before the door opened, revealing Lars, Ronaldo, Peedee, and the Off-Colors on the other side of the door.
"Looks like our princess wasn't in another castle after all," Lars said as he took Naja by the hand and gave her a gentlemanly kiss. "So, what's this about your brother?"
"He wants our race to become conquerors because no one could take him seriously," Naja explained. "He has aligned interests with Black Rutile to further those goals, and I fear they will doom you all."
"Oh dear, not Black Rutile." Fluorite shook her head in disgust. "Nosiop has made the wrong choice. Black Rutile is one of the evilest, cruelest Gems we know."
"Or is she?" Rhodonite wondered. "After her big meltdown to Steven, I'm having second thoughts about Black Rutile."
"Of course, she could also lie to gain people's sympathy." The left Rutile twin suggested.
"That is so like Black Rutile to do that." The right Rutile added.
"So, now, what do we do?" Peedee asked. "Are we just going to wait and see how this goes?"
"Everyone, I have another vision!" Padparadscha exclaimed. "Prince Nosiop Jormagundr is going to make an announcement!"
"Hey, she's right!" Ronaldo gasped before pointing at Nosiop slithering into the stadium. "Look over there!"
At the Ouraborium, Nosiop had returned to his family's viewing box, where he sat on his father's throne alongside the other Universal Lords to make his grand speech. "Today, people of Serpentes, shall be the most glorious day our planet has ever seen." Nosiop declared with Black Rutile and Pyth standing on either side of him. "As of today, I shall now take my father's place as your ruler, for he is not fit to be a king or a Universal Lord. Let this be a wake-up call to you Slytherophidians, the Universal Lords, the Gem race, and the ignorant masses across the entire universe! I shall soon arrive with an entire army of loyal Gems at my side to face down an ancient foe my father has hidden from you for so long! We all must answer to the hand of fate, and fate has chosen me to conquer this world!"
As soon as Nosiop finished his speech with an evil laugh, the entire stadium was sent into a frenzy, wondering if their prince was joking or if he intended to conquer Serpentes. The Universal Lords were left shocked at this declaration, but none were as affected by this as Black Rutile, who looked to one side as she began contemplating her role in Nosiop's plans.
And so, Nosiop pulls off step one of his grand plan. Announce what he's doing to the world and make everyone so scared and confused, they'll have no idea what to do with him. Yeah, talk about dropping a lot of bombs in just one chapter, but this isn't the end of it! Next chapter, we'll be in the homestretch with chaos aplenty and a contemplation of where certain characters will end up by the end. It can only get crazier from here, folks.
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
January 11, 1809
Having eat and drunk too much yesterday, was obliged to sit up till 5. Rose at 12. Note from D. Williamson before I was up, proposing Thursday for Hopetoun House, to which assented. Sor. 1/2 p. 2. To Dr. Hume's, 34 Yorke Place; not at home, but saw Captain Duncan. To Mr. Arbuthnot’s, 1/2 hour. To Jeffrey's; not at home. Chez moi at 4. Williamson called for me to go with him to our dining room before I was dressed; kept him waiting 1/2 hour and went to Mr. John Dundas. Y: Mr. J. D.; Robert D., wife, and her sister, the same I met at Charles Smith’s in London; D. Williamson; Mr. and Madame Irvine; Mrs. Ferguson; her son and daughter, he an average American young man; Mrs. Wallace; two Misses Rollo, sisters of Lord Rollo; and Major William Drummond, who had served in the West Indies and is now going to Spain, a fine, sensible, soldierly, well-bred man. We came off together and he urged me to go and take supper and pass an hour with him at his hotel. Went, supposing he was a bachelor; came in Madame D., a most lovely woman, his wife, who had been three years with him in the West Indies; Lord and Lady Rollo and another Miss Rollo. Passed an hour pleasantly. Chez moi at 1/2 p. 11. Wrote to Madame Gordon.
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