#Madara is chaotic as usual
arrenlebanen777 · 1 year
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☾People who have the same Sun sign of your Sun degree, inflate your ego/or destroy it, they help you a lot in your path, they help you to be more confident and self-assured, you may even fall in love with them due to this. ☾People who have the Sun sign/Personal Planets sign of your Lilith Degree, could help you heal your inner child wounds, or make you really uncomfortable because they trigger the Raw/Violent/Suppressed/vulnerable energy in you. ☾You could idealize the sign of your Neptune degree. ☾People who have the Sun sign or Personal Planets in the sign of Your Saturn degree could teach you valuable/harsh lessons. ☾You have Love/hate relationship with people who has personal planets of the same sign of your Pluto degree, since they trigger your shadow. ☾Moon in 4th house: Have to find balance between comfort zone and Doing things, i know your house/home could be the best place in the world when life gets hard, but you could get stuck here. They have very good intuition to see/decipher the energy of the psychosocial environment, they never forget due to their good memory, the best practice here is to let go and remember that life is sustaining you all the time and realize that your home is in you and is all existence/universe/infinite, that way you become like a spring of life that nourishes everything & everyone that is around you. ☾Vertex in 8th house: Has intense karmic s*xual partners. ☾I have Sun in Scorpio in 5th house conjunct Sappho(80), Casanova(7328), and asteroids Shiva(1170), Bacchus(2063), Cupido(763) & Vesta(4) all in Scorpio 5th house too... And i’m going to tell you how it is: I love the energy of women(i really love it), i do a lot of yoga, Tantra for me is the best way to manage all this s*xual energy, casual s*x is not for me(because I want to merge completely and become one with the person), but is hard for me to stay long periods of time without s*x, i love flirting because I feel it's necessary/fundamental and fun (sometimes I don't realize when I'm doing it, and sometimes i flirt with everyone?), My libido is high and is not so easily transmutable, intense parties with s*xual and chaotic themes are places where I have a lot of fun and they relax me a lot, when i'm simple being people think that I give off the vibes of a fuckboy(I am not lol), intense music gives me chi(lol), When I fall in love I become quite possessive because I want that person just for me, and I can have s*x with that person every damn day of my life(With my first ex-girlfriend we had s*x every day for four months, several times a day), I am super passionate about art/music/spirituality and games in general, in the past I had a terrible jealousy problem (until I became more spiritual/conscious/therapy), my s*xual partners usually have very Plutonian or Scorpian vibes, If I spend a lot of time with a partner it drains me a lot and I have to disappear for a while, otherwise i become crazy, i love gloomy art, when i develop a crush on someone it feels like this: https://tenor.com/es-419/view/sukuna-smile-grin-jjk-yuji-itadori-gif-18924114
☾To all plutonian people: Pluto doesn’t care about you, It doesn’t care if you suffer or you are happy. The only thing that Pluto wants is that you transcends the extremes of what you call good and bad, because that way you can transform(nothing of the old remains)yourself, in other words Pluto wants you to become awakened/enlightened(reach your full potential) but it doesn’t care if you destroy yourself along the way. So watch out that this raw energy(power) of Pluto goes to your ego, because it could make you really egocentric(like sukuna, madara uchiha, toji fushiguro, villain archetype). ☾Libra IC: Daydreamers(they daydream like f*ck), harmonious home, beautiful family that is surrounded by arts or beauty in general, Diplomatics fathers, could have problems to express their anger, super charming, they decorate their rooms a lot, And a lot of people finds their room like a precious and dreamy place. ☾Sun opposite Saturn: Very serious person, disciplined, could suffer from depression because Saturn limits his expression, Saturn here asks you to focus on what is really important, in the house where the sun is, is where the burden of Saturn is lightened, and in the house where Saturn is, is where the most important lessons are, Saturn here practically asks you to become a master of your ego / of yourself / how you use your energies,  asks you to really observe what your needs/deep soul desires are, thats why it limits your expression because it actually wants you to express in a most authentic, mature and honest way, may have problems with the inner child, and they can punish themselves a lot, but once they discipline themselves in something, believe me that nobody and nothing is going to stop them (hard working af).
🌿i am going to do bookings for natal chart readings, very soon! Stay tuned!🌿
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belit0 · 8 months
Since uchihas feel stronger emotions, how would they be with a reader who is the same way?
We all know the Uchiha are an emotional bundle of complicated feelings, imagine combining two emotional time bombs in the same rooooooom🤠🤠🤠🤠
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- With him, it is complicated, because beyond everything he feels, he expects others to understand what is happening in his mind without having to explain it. Power has made him so crazy he has the impossible expectation of people understanding his feelings without having to speak them out loud. Mix that with (Y/N)'s strong feelings, and you have a chaotic mix to say the least. The house will be full of confrontations and fights, arguments, situations that go to the physical side and are dangerously deadly, but love is stronger than everything, and they would never kill one another because they could not live without each other's presence. Pure toxicity.
- He is aware of the emotional imbalance he usually deals with, he grew up in a house that raised him that way beyond his nature, so he tries to keep it under control, but with (Y/N) it's impossible. When he thinks he won't explode, when he thinks he can avoid fighting or arguing, she ends up kicking him into the precipice of reactions, both embarking on a journey of screaming and painful words that usually ends with one of them crying. Yes, Madara cries, and more than he would like to admit. Both understand what is going on inside the other, why they end up colliding the way they do when they quarrel, so forgiving each other is simple, yet exhausting.
- Having grown up in the same household as Madara, accustomed to the reactions and problems that their enormous feelings always caused, Izuna chose to ignore his inner self and never vocalize his emotions as a method of survival. Surrounded by reactive and inflammable people, he learned to keep quiet to avoid falling into conflicts. Therefore, when he meets (Y/N), it is more of the same, a person similar to the ones he is used to dealing with and knows how to handle her to avoid explosions. They never fought but because the Uchiha never allows it, preferring to move out of the line of fire and have her yell at the wall. If he wants to argue, he can do it with Madara at any time.
- Another man troubled with his feelings, yet he's a bit more open to experiencing and dealing with them. Obito knows his whole family is quite incapable of controlling themselves emotionally speaking, and that reactions tend to be over the top and inappropriate for every situation, so he always tries to rationalize and think before getting angry and arguing. With (Y/N), however, he can't, be it sadness, joy or anger, both are amplified by a thousand when they are together, and Obito's mastery to control himself ends up going out the window when they get into an argument or are affected by something. His weak point, nothing more to say.
- If there's one thing Shisui loves, it's chaos, and although it's hard for him to admit it, he loves how insane his family is. The Uchiha wears a calm exterior and is fond of pretending peace, he would love for that to be true, but a part of him celebrates riots and fights, loud crying and confrontations, so to have (Y/N) acting the way he is used to, is just wonderful. He will enjoy every second of trouble, but everything will be balanced by his quiet side, the calmness he usually shows finally taking command of the situation to relax everything and put cold cloths on top of every wound.
- Yeah, no. In a situation just like Izuna's, any average Uchiha grew up in an emotionally unbalanced household, but imagine having to live with the clan leader and all his sentimental outbursts. Itachi also grew up taking note of his family's temperamental problems, learning that this is not what he wants for his life. By identifying everyone's reactive tendency, he taught himself how to avoid it, how to talk out his problems and not aim to explode against people who don't deserve it. In (Y/N) he sees every member of the Uchiha clan, teaching her how to deal with emotional overwhelm is like reciprocating a good deed to the clan. Pure patience and practice, he will show her that it is possible to live peacefully.
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domoz · 1 year
Girl help i keep Hikaku posting instead of writing the fics I need to.
In this one, Tobirama takes a gamble:
No good sense has brought them here, just Madara's grief and rage.
Hikaku cant begrudge the man that after what's happened to his brother, but in this moment he wishes it had manifested another way. A battle with the Senju is nothing new, but in all of his perfect memory he can never quite remember things being this chaotic.
Hashirama is tearing up the landscape just to match Madara, who in his fury is trying to break past his usual opponent to go after Tobirama.
Tobirama, who without Izuna there to stop him, is currently beating Hikaku to a pulp.
This guy is on another level, he thinks breathlessly. He'd always known that, in theory. Izuna had been one of the best, after all and Tobirama had always matched him (until he surpassed him).
In practice, the only thing keeping Hikaku alive is the sharigan's ability to predict movements and whatever it is that's stopping the Senju from using whatever technique it was that injured Izuna.
He stopped trying to block the water dragons after the first and has gone from disrupting their paths with boulders to trying to shred them apart with pebbles as he's grown more exhausted. It hardly slows them, but it's kept him from being completely swept away so far, and if that keeps him alive than that's what he'll do.
That's what he's just done (ending up soaked, but still on his feet) when Tobirama pauses, landing on a high branch a decent enough distance away that even Hikaku might have a chance to avoid whatever he throws at him.
From his perch, Tobirama tilts his head, looking over Hikaku with a considering gaze.
"You have excellent chakra control." He says after a moment, "Even better than Izuna's."
Hikaku blinks, but he does not un-tense, remembering Izuna's many rants about how Tobirama liked to play games with his opponents -- to let them think they’ve won, until they haven't.
Hikaku does not think himself anywhere close to winning, but every moment they aren't actively fighting is another moment he hasn't died.
"It's hardly worth comparing us." Hikaku frowns, "And pointless. He still lives."
"For how long? Days? If that." Tobirama purses his lips, a tiny thing that Hikaku would have missed from this distance if his sharingan weren't still activated, "No, I don't think there's much time left at all."
Hikaku has no idea how he knows that, but he isn't wrong. The gut wound he'd left Izuna with has been festering. He wouldn't be surprised to return to the compound to find him dead already. What kind of sick taunt is this?
As he talks, Tobirama starts making hand signs -- a long string of them, and not a jutsu Hikaku recognizes. His breath catches and he readies himself, prepared to run from whatever devastation this is going to bring -- but when he finishes the only result he can see is a pale green glow coating the Senju's palm.
Tobirama raises his hand, touches it to a cut on his cheek where a bit of rubble had caught him. When he draws it away, the wound is gone.
A technique that can heal injuries with chakra. When he realizes what he's just been allowed to see -- what he's just been allowed to copy with his sharingan -- Hikaku nearly staggers under the weight of it.
His next thought is 'I'm going to die'. Because surely, surely, there's no way Tobirama Senju is going to allow him to walk away with the knowledge he's just been given.
There's a piercing two toned whistle, a bright white flare high in the sky. Retreat called, on both sides. And contrary to everything, to all rational thought, Tobirama does not leap forward, does not cut his throat or snap his spine, but turns, gives Hikaku a long glance, and follows the rest of the Senju in their retreat.
It takes Hikaku a long moment to unfreeze. To go regroup with his clan, mind whirling.
It must be a trap, but what use is there to lay one for a man already as good as dead? If this was some ploy to give false hope, then why pick him, when he could just keep what had happened to himself?
His clansmen are all silent as they return from the battlefield, Hikaku most of all.
I don't think there's much time left at all. That's what Tobirama had said. But time for what?
Hikaku is not a fool -- he does not try to use what he's learned on Izuna, or even on himself and the many cuts and bruises he's come home with. When everyone else goes off to see their own hurts treated, to see their loved ones, when Madara goes straight from the battlefield to go sit by his brother, Hikaku slips away from them all.
The main house has a koi pond, and though the landscaping leaves much to be desired after years of Madara and Izuna using it for their sibling rivalries, it still holds fish. Hikaku mentally apologizes to the late Lady Uchiha as he grabs a koi by the tail and yanks it out of the water, but he thinks, if this works, he will be forgiven.
He waits for the fish to stop thrashing before he makes a cut down it's side; nothing too deep, nothing it couldn't survive on it's own. He lets his sharingan spin, calls up the memory of the hand signs, the way Tobirama's chakra had been stripped of its element, how it had condensed thicker than he'd ever seen.
It only takes him a few moments to understand why Tobirama had made a comment on his chakra control. It's difficult -- more than any technique he's ever tried. But… Not impossible.
If he had more time, he thinks he'd be able to get it to work. As it is…
Hikaku is not optimistic. But he will try.
He lets the koi back into the pool as, for the first two hours he focuses only on the chakra -- cleaning it, folding it in on itself over and over and over again. He gets his hands to glow green once before he pulls the koi out of the water again.
There's a delicate balance, he learns. He very nearly overloads the fish's chakra coils before he understands what he's meant to be doing. The information the jutsu gives him is nearly incomprehensible, but there's a feeling to it. The cut feels like metal in the back of his mouth -- and it wants to heal, its already trying to, all he has to do is help it along. To hold his chakra on the bits that make his ears ring (and nowhere else, or the chakra will burn healthy flesh) until they've knitted themselves together again.
He thinks he's starting to get the idea when he released the koi back into the water -- cut gone but side covered in chakra burns. The chakra is giving a place for the scar tissue to form sooner than it should, or something like it. Hikaku shakes his head. It's interesting, but the theory will come later when he's got less important things to think about.
A chill has fallen as the sun has gone down, but Hikaku finds himself wiping his brow from the exertion of it all. If he could, he would rest, would at least find another animal to test on, but… Time.
He's not ready for Izuna quite yet, though. Hikaku goes home, throws together the most nourishing food he can in as short a time as he can manage, and tries to heal himself.
It's easier and harder than the fish; humans being the more complicated animal. Hikaku ends up getting a lot more feedback he has no idea what to do with -- but he can tell when he's coming close to hurting himself, too. That probably won't be true, when he tries this on another person. To avoid that he needs more control, and more than anything else, a hell of a lot more practice.
By midnight, Hikaku has managed to heal a bruise that had been starting to bloom on his thigh. Nothing, compared to the wound Izuna has, but he did it.
He feels dizzy when he tries to stand up, to walk over to the main house. Hikaku curses, but it seems like his body has made up its mind for him. Sleep is the best thing for stamina, after all, and he's not certain how much longer his control will hold out without rest. If he's too late, he still knows he's tried his hardest.
He's asleep nearly as fast as his head touches the futon, for all of four hours before anxiety has him rising right before the sun.
Well, he's a shinobi, he's done more on less. He eats old rice, drinks tea that's hardly had time to steep, and walks across the compound in the pre-dawn twilight to try and perform a miracle.
Madara is awake when he steps inside -- hunched over, face in his hands, looking like he's aged about ten years since Hikaku saw him last. For a heart-stopping moment, Hikaku fears that he was too late after all.
"He asked me to take his eyes." Madara says in lieu of a greeting, voice muffled.
Hikaku grimaces. The mangekyo is as horrifying as it is powerful, but if Izuna is asking that, it means…
He's given up. He's conceded that he's going to die. Hikaku has even less time than he'd thought.
"…Is he awake right now?" Hikaku feels breathless, like he's walking on a wire.
"He was when I left him." Replies Madara, voice rough. For him to have left Izuna's side while his brother was still awake, they must have argued. Probably about the eyes.
Hikaku nods, turns to walk to the room where Izuna's sickbed is without asking any more. He won't explain, not yet, won't give false hope. Explanations can come after, right now he's just got to try.
Izuna doesn't react to his entrance -- he's still breathing, but asleep or unconscious. Just as well, Hikaku thinks wryly, pulling the chair he knows Madara has spent hours in to give him better access to the wound on Izuna's side, He'll be less distracting like this.
He's changed this wound before, and when Hikaku pulls the bandages off its still as ugly as it was the day Izuna got it, the blood clotted and dark. It doesn't smell, at least. Hikaku has no idea how this jutsu handles infections.
One bracing breath is all he allows himself before making the handsigns, pulling the chakra to his hands. It's easier after rest, but harder, for the nerves.
Izuna twitches as Hikaku places his hands over the wound, as the back of his throat fills with the taste of copper. His entire attention focuses down to his hands, to the skin and muscle under them, to threading his chakra back and forth and pulling things back to how they should be.
"H'kaku?" He hears after a while. Izuna's voice, but he doesn't look, even as the man goes tense beneath him. He seems to understand that whatever Hikaku is doing, it needs concentration.
It could only have been minutes, or it could have been days by the time Hikaku's chakra starts to waver. He dismisses the technique, not wanting to undo his work. He hasn't done nearly as much as he'd wanted to but he thinks… He thinks he might have stopped the downward spiral, at least.
"Hikaku." Izuna's voice again. When he looks up, Hikaku's vision goes white with spots. He's sweating with exertion, he realizes, and now that he's dropped the jutsu his hands are shaking so badly he doesn't think he'll be able to form the hand signs again.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder. When his vision finally stops spinning Madara and Izuna are both staring at him with wide eyes.
This is the most lucid he's seen Izuna in over a week.
"Hikaku." Madara is the one who speaks this time, sounding breathless, "What was that?"
 "I think…" Hikaku gasps, "That was Tobirama Senju's way of asking for peace."
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
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Next Generation AU
I’m just gonna throw it all out here now, bc this is giving me a lot of passion currently ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
NejiTen’s children are heavily influenced by papabay’s child oc’s!
Hyuuga Satomi & Hyuuga Satoshi
Neji is ok. And he's married to Tenten. (Their marriage was as chaotic as it could get tbh.) In @cycyn00 and my AU the story progresses different, starting after the time Sasuke has unalived Danzo. The fight against Madara and Obito hasn't happened yet. Without Neji sacrificing himself for Naruto & Hinata, the Hyuuga clan didn't really have a reason to change their mind on anything & NejiTen's youngest child has been branded with the caged bird seal as well. They were easily able to push this through, even though Neji married outside of Hyuuga, since Tenten didn't have a last name and took Neji's - that way both of their children are Hyuuga as well. And Hyuuga may do to Hyuuga as they please, I guess. ╯︿╰
Hyuuga Satomi (the older twin sister)
( 理美 - intelligence & beauty. -> fitting to the name of her brother, Satomi's name also carries the kanji for intelligence.♥ Also, their names fit together & i love that for twins.) Satomi is the older twin of her brother Satoshi and by birthorder belongs into the main clan of the family. Because of that she was spared the caged bird seal. For the most part, Satomi was raised only by Tenten and Neji - having heard about the clan relations from Neji. Now that the twins are officially part of the clan dynamic, they also follow Neji into the Hyuuga compound. Satomi's usually left with the main branch, for training and other lessons where she learns a different side of the family history and puts her into a bit of a dilemma. The things her father told her were a little different from the things her grandfather tells her - while Neji always speaks with a bit of venom, Hiashi always says that the seal is a great honor - to be allowed to serve the main family. She's yet to fully understand the dynamics and go her own way. She's mostly confused and angry. Her brother, who's now supposed to give his life for her seems to submit easily to his fate. They get along somewhat, though Satomi's having troubles regulating her emotions and does sometimes lash out on her younger brother. However, she also protects him. It's a lot of this sibling thing - no one punches my brother unless it's me. Satomi's got a closer relationship towards Tenten, who's a middle and somewhat neutral ground between all of the Hyuuga affairs. At least that's how Satomi feels like - Tenten does agree with her husband on those matters. The relationship towards Neji is ... really complicated. Neji who had to see his youngest child get the same seal as him, naturally gravitates more towards him. To be there where his own father hadn't been most of his life. He's having trouble to connect to Satomi because of their different statuses - having his own child being part of the main branch. While he's happy that she didn't get to suffer in that way, he's also not sure how to act around her - with her. Everytime he sees her and her forehead, he's reminded of sons and how his children are being split apart like this. It's complicated. Neji's complicated. Satomi, being much more brash and extroverted than her brother, ends up arguing a lot with her father & Neji's not sure how to act. After a little while, a failed trainings session and Tenten's nudges for Neji to be honest towards his daughter, they end up becoming closer again eventually.
Hyuuga Satoshi (younger twin brother)
( Even though it is common for the Hyuuga family to name their children after the sun and light in some way, they decided to name this child Satoshi, meaning 'intelligent histoy' instead. In the hopes of history not repeatign itself. Neji had hoped, before they would turn old enough, that the Hyuuga Clan would have found a way to change and that history would be smart enough not to repeat itself. However, he was unable to protect his son from the same treatment he has gotten.) Satoshi is one half of a twin pair and the younger twin to his older sister Hyuuga Satomi. He's of a very gentle nature and doesn't like to act up at all. He adores his father and trails after him a lot. Usually he sits besides him, when his sister wants to get trained and thrown around the field by their mother. Satoshi is very obedient and usually the first to tell his parents when their little friend group has done something stupid. He's having a difficult relationship towards his older sister, although he's actively reaching out to her. Satoshi's accepted his position in the clan & does understand the basics of it. He just doesn't really dare to speak up against it and talk about the unfairness of it all. He's training to become a shinobi because it's expected of him and because he does want to protect his sister, however if he would be given a choice, he'd much rather become a farmer actually.
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justice4sasuke · 1 year
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Character Roundups Round 10: Madara Uchiha
Other than "Madara didn't need a moment at the end where he goes idk maybe Hashirama was right (even though some of Madara's points were proven right as well)" and the fact the Madara is apparently evil because of rock/Curse of Hatred and not someone who did a lot of shitty things because trauma there's not much I would change about Madara so I'm just going to talk about him in general.
Now this is the kind of villain I like. Madara has trauma but he goes chaotic with it and in the end he's just kind of having fun causing problems. Also his trauma is related to his clan, generational trauma, prejudice between clans, and village politics rather than a plot device of a character who wasn't into him like Obito.
Madara is also the rare Naruto character that has a lot of pathos to him that as usual Kishimoto doesn't take advantage of except for one scene that he then proceeds to ruin. Because as fun as Madara is as a villain I think he's also an extremely tragic character (not that I think Kishimoto doesn't realize that, just that he misses the point as per usual). I really would have loved a look into why in their little rivalry the Senju started having the advantage and Uchiha clan members were defecting. Obviously the fate of the Uchiha clan was not Madara's fault, but to me it feels like Madara's way of leading did not help matters. It seems logical that the reason the Uchiha clan started losing to the Senju clan was because of Madara and it is clear he is mentally unwell after Izuna dies so it could have something to do with that. Like Madara just isn't able to run his clan and by the time we get to the point where MADARA sees what is going to happen with Tobirama none of his clansmen have enough faith or trust in him to believe what he is saying.
I know I said there wasn't much I'd change with Madara, but the main problem I have I'm not sure how I'd fix it. Because I like Madara when he's around, but I don't really get his motivation. Based on the flashback he doesn't seem like the type to want to live forever to do some convoluted evil plan and ESPECIALLY not because he thinks the world is so terrible (but also rock that Kaguya's Will graffitied or whatever...that fucked up so much. Kishimoto probably doesn't even realize). I could only buy it if he was doing it for the drama of it all and because he thinks he's so much better than everyone else, but because he's particularly attached to the state of the world? Nah.
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tomicaleto · 1 year
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.   
Thank you for tagging me @melli-chou​!
1. Windows of the soul, you should have knocked the door
Anakin stared at the costume on his bed. He was still unsure about the whole ‘Halloween party at the office’ thing Aayla had dragged him into but he was new at his office and he didn’t want to be put into the party-killer box so soon into his work.
“I got a VISA all on my own.�� He told himself. “How hard can this be?”
2. Kiss me softly, love me roughly
It all started with a pair of cuffs. As Obi-Wan returned from his meeting, he found them laying on the ground, abandoned. He stared at them from his spot at the entrance of the room. Were those Anakin’s? It was unlike his padawan to leave things out of place, much less actual Jedi tools.
3. A hundred and one universes - chapter 8
 The war had only been over for a couple of months and the peace and recovery efforts were still going strong.
 The Republic’s political sphere had been completely turned into chaos as the reality of Chancellor Palpatine’s true identity and his actual role in the war was revealed. For the first week after his death, the Jedi order had withdrawn into their temple. For too long they had been forced to fight and die into a now pointless conflict and their first step before going out and helping fix the galaxy was to begin healing themselves.
4. But goddamn, you got me in love again
The music was loud all around him, Anakin could almost feel the drums beating in his own skin. The low, colourful lights jumped from greens and blues to reds that were almost pink and yellows. People on the dance floor laughed, drank and danced, adding to the chaotic picture painted by the lights.
5. Viridian afternoon
“Is this really  necessary?” Anakin asked, the sound of the bells tied to his curls jinggling as he turned to stare at the Radichet that was tying some see through fabric around his waist.
 He had been sent by the Jedi council to take part in the ritual that took place every ten years on the planet Achicor. The Radichet, an alien species very similar to humanoids (Anakin had yet to figure out where they were different), dressed up and celebrated for a week, burning particular dishes and incense in the name of their main god: Obi-Wan.
6. Michi, michi, miau
As soon as Obi-Wan had taken a seat on the bus on his way home, it had begun to rain. Hard. He sighed, already dreading the short walk from the bus stop to his house, nevermind that he had his umbrella with him.
 It had been a stressful day at work and he looked forward to finally putting on his slippers and drinking some warm tea. The beginning of spring, as it usually happened, had arrived with a chill and rain. Obi-Wan had taken to bringing his umbrella everywhere he went, at least when he saw the cloudy sky in the morning.
7.  More than one lifetime
 [Hyperspace. Coruscant to Lothal, 23BBY]
 "Master," Anakin broke the kiss with a whine. He was sitting on his master's lap, his upper robes on the floor of the cockpit and his padawan braid tangled in his master's right hand. "Please…" He begged, before Obi-Wan tugged his braid and kissed him again.
8. The right path is not often the clearest one
 The night Rin’s ghost appeared in his dreams, whatever plan Zetsu and Madara wanted Obito to follow became useless.
 At first, he thought she was only a nightmare, the hole in her chest and a bit of blood falling from her lips a haunting sight. Obito broke down crying and hugged her, blaming Kakashi, babbling at her how he would avenge her and create the perfect world for her. But then Rin shook her head and smiled sadly. He couldn’t stand watching her sad so he turned away and then he woke up.
9. Morning star, guide me home
“Mom, look!” Lady Alhue turned around to find her son excitedly holding several items floating around his head. She smiled and put down the knife she was using to fully turn and crouch down so Anakin could get closer. “I’ve managed to lift three more things this time!”      He was so bright, Darth Alhue couldn’t help but mourn the fact that he would soon have to be turned into the dark. It was the only option to keep him safe. She knew there were other Sith roaming around the galaxy, thirsty for power.  
10. Simple comforts
 The door opened and Obi-Wan stepped into the living room. Immediately he saw a lump of heavy blankets, Anakin’s seven year old sister buried in them, her cheeks flushed and lightly panting.
 In front of her, the TV was playing an old movie, one of Anakin’s childhood favourites, as he had mentioned once or twice during the first dates they had. Obi-Wan smiled at the picture and moved further in.
No pressure tags: @softieskywalker, @rexismycopilot, @sopherfly, @tennessoui
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historicfailure · 2 years
I have no idea why i never wrote to you ! I went through your master list recently and i have to say i loved everything i read !! You have a unmistakable talent to wrote Naruto character 😳
I think "the forest cat cafe" is the best Yamato x reader ever written. The food description made me hungry, the emotions were incredible, i love teen Naruto Sakura and Sasuke dynamics, ...
"Communication is key" is one of my favorite Kakashi x reader ever !! The ansgt, the tension, the clone chapter action .... Everything was absolutely perfect !! I also love the Midnight serie ! (Although i was hoping for some hot smut xD)
And of course special mention to your Madara x reader 😳 (Soul searching i think ?). The slow burn yet very emotional story was an excellent read ❤️❤️ I love that you always make gigantic chapter 😍 !
Anyway i felt like i was long overdue to compliment your work 💖💖 !
Hey there! My, thank you so much for sending in this lovely message :D And gosh, you're making me blush and all giddy right from the very start!
Hell yesssss, FCC was supposed to make people hungry and crave for some of that good food and nice, healthy relationship-building ;D Also, the Teen!Team 7 is my favorite Team 7 xD In a Modern AU ofc. They would be so chaotic and enable each other all the time soooo much.
Communication is Key was at first really daunting as I knew it was such a huge project. Churning out a chapter every month, knowing my usual chapter length and my RL with (then) lots of moving around was a challenge, but I was so glad I wrote this fic ^^ I'm so glad you liked it too!
Yesss! Soul Searching is still one of my Top Three fics just alone because of the Enemies to Lovers trope and their relationship changing over the course of the chapters. So happy you enjoyed it too! :D
And yeah, I always antagonize over the length of each and every chapter. Sitting there with 15 to 18 pages of documents is always... interesting xD Thank you so much yet again for your lovely message! I hope you have a great day or night, depending on where you are ^^
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koroart · 2 years
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So Konoha’s founding is going great! 👍
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Team 10 Is Feral™ And I Am Going To Tell You Why
As previously established (maybe, offhandedly) I believe that Team 10 is Feral™. So, a comprehensive list of the bullshit that Asuma encouraged and Konohagakure cried over because the Yamanaka Clan is the Worst Thing In The World™. It is not alphabetical, chronological, or organized in any shape or form.
Yamanaka Inomako blew up part of the Land of Earth during the 1st Shinobi World War and now the Yamanakas are forbidden to enter the Land of Earth without a number of ridiculous filing and things so Konoha generally just doesn’t formally send them there anymore.
This does not stop Ino as she went in and blew Iwagakure’s noble district to smithereens when she was 14.
Shikamaru figured out how to use his shadows to stab people. This has never been done before but he was bored and Ino is a chaotic gremlin.
Choji ripped a head off of a beast in the Forest of Death when they were 12. This is why they looked so beat up. They had to scrub all the blood out of their clothes and some of that stuff was acidic.
While Shikamaru has yet to beat Shikaku in a game of Shogi, Shikaku refuses to formally spar with him because Shikamaru taught his shadows to hold a knife and you don’t see it until it’s at your neck.
Inoichi actively encourages Ino to poison random ninjas. She has managed to stab every jounin sensei at least once (Kakashi she actively stabs randomly. He has the highest at 24 poisons). Asuma laughs every time that they show up at the flower shop and have to chug some nasty tasting antidote.
Choji is the only one who can stomach Sakura’s chakra, restoring medical balls. He actively hoards them and just eats them whenever he’s hungry.
When they were 15 (and chunin), they accidentally killed a god. They had to run because they had to do something else but they kept forgetting to grab it.
Ino learned how to rip heads off of people from watching Choji do it to a squirrel.
Shikamaru once slit his own thighs to get enough blood for Choji to do a blood seal. This horrified Team 8 the first time they watched this happen but for Team 10 it’s all routine.
Ino commits war crimes in other countries and then proceeds to forget to tell Tsunade because it wasn’t relevant to the mission she was originally assigned. Shikamaru usually has to inform her the next day because Ino regalled him and Choji with stories of her side quest and then Tsunade has to try and track Ino down but fails because Ino is in the Yamanaka Clan Post-Mission Coma.
Choji accidentally causes a hurricane in the Land of Water because Shikamaru bet him he couldn’t use Water Style but the only one any of them knew was Water Style: Unholy Storm so Choji did that and caused a hurricane. They still laugh about this.
While Ino is technically a ‘support ninja’ the Yamanaka Clan is a well known Fire Style Clan. While not like the Uchiha, Yamanakas are known in the Land of Earth as The Clan of Fire. Iwagakure nin flat out refused to work with Yamanakas.
Itachi met with the three once because he worked with Ino’s mother. He avoids all three like the plague because Ino was showing them how to cause a fire with a magnifying glass.
In another post, I said that Choji is the Team Mom. He always has food. The Akimichi clan (headcanon) is in charge of the Fuinjutsu department. Ergo, Choji constantly has a fully prepared meal at All Times™. He makes sure Shikamaru and Ino actually eat throughout the day.
That being said, once another person comes along, he’s just as feral as Shikamaru and Ino. He is willing to rip heads off shoulders, eat carrion and body slam enemies.
During the Asuma Revenge Mission, they were almost perfect Shinobi. Kakashi was fucking stressed the entire time because Ino didn’t try to poison him once, Shikamaru’s shadow had more knives that Kakashi had ever owned, and Choji briefly disappeared only to return with a fucking emu.
Taka was stressed during the war when they were babysitting Team 10.
The one time that Madara attacked Taka instead of Team 10, Team 10 went entirely feral. Shikamaru flung Choji who planted Shadow Aids (a bunch of metal rods at such an angle that they have a shadow), Ino connected the entire shinobi alliance so thoroughly that she became every single Shinobi in the Alliance and controlled them (without their consent) into Monsters™ and rip into the Akatsuki’s forces.
It was terrifying.
Tsunade still can’t look at Ino without feeling the Red Hot Rage that nearly cooked her from the Inside out.
Taka belongs to Team 10 and Team 10 is Feral™ and therefore more animalistic than Team 8.
Shikamaru bet Ino that she couldn’t take control of all of Konohagakure. Not only did Ino do it, she held all of it and made everyone never notice it. Shikamaru and Choji were the exceptions as they both needed to judge if she wins or Shikamaru does.
As a general rule of thumb, if someone bets Team 10 anything, they will do everything in their power to win that bet. This generally becomes the fact that they will always win the bet and the one who bet them will lose.
The reason Shikamaru developed new techniques for the Shadow Style is by bets between him and Ino. Choji tries to avoid betting things because he’s the Responsible One™.
Ino bet Choji that he couldn’t rip a head off of a beast and he then ripped one off a giant centipede in the Forest of Death while Ino and Shikamaru watched.
They applauded him accordingly.
Asuma is Stressed with the children. Mostly because every month they come up to him with a new technique of they’re already established Safe and Well Tested Jutsus That Do Not Cause Problems Later In Life and they’re techniques are Not Safe At All And Can Only Be Performed By Their Respective Clans.
Ino went and joined Orochimaru on a dare. She found some stuff and then proceeded to return to Konoha and it was never brought up again.
Ino infiltrated the Akatsuki out of boredom on another mission. Found more stuff, played a game of shogi with Uchiha Itachi and had a phenomenal conversation about guilt, talked with Konan for an hour and then left.
Yamato was paired with Choji for a mission. He spent most of it asking ‘What the fuck, Akimichi?’, ‘how did you get in there?’, ‘What do you mean that was Yamanaka Ino and Nara Shikamaru? They’re still in the village!’
It was very stressful for him. He loved Team 7 after that.
Ino once romanced Sasuke and then left. She told Shikamaru and Choji and they all laughed, but Tsunade was not very happy five years later when she finally heard the story from Sasuke after he was drunk and he, Ino, and Sai were in a polyamorous relationship.
The one person Team 10 refuse to go near is Team Gai because Ino poisoned Gai once and he immediately sweated it out. Team 10 fears Might Gai.
Anyways, Team 10 is Feral™ and does not care for those who are Not Theirs and has no problems ripping heads off shoulders. All the Jonin senseis are stressed, Kakashi the most, Gai the least because he doesn’t understand.
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Madara & Obito : awakening the Master of Chaos
I've always wanted to write a clever analysis about Madara and Obito relationship but I realise everytime I try, it slips away from me, I fail them. Talking about how Uchihas members interact with each others is like facing two mirrors, a never-ending illusion. And I can tell too this post is about to be under Obito's strong influence, because it's messier than usual. But considering the context it's fitting when talking about him and his chaotic mastermind ! Let's try to find some sense below !
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I) Madara's presumed heir?
Even if we know, that Madara never wanted anyone in his back, or neither an official heir or disciple. there is few indication than Obito in a twisted way, was selected as his heir and the only one worthy of following his path.
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From the databook we learn than the gunbai, a war fan symbol of the Uchiha, always belongs to an the leader, and should be passed down on his successor. But when Madara left the village, and presumably was destituted to his leadership, he never abandoned the gunbai. In his mind maybe, he was still the leader, or no one for him was capable of taking his place.
After Madara's natural death, Obito inherited his name, his identity and of course his belongings which included the gunbai. We never witnessed any Uchiha using it as weapon or symbol except Obito. And first move of Obito after realising that Madara escape Edo Tensei, is to give him back his gunbai. and in a way abandoning his heritage for realising his own objective.
II) What did Madara see in Obito ?
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There is something about him that the entire Uchiha clan, Konoha village and the best shinobis of their time couldn't see about Obito but Madara can. Ok we know he said he chose him for his naive personality but that's not enough. Naivety don't qualify you to be one of the most dangerous skilled shinobi ever.
Let's just remember Obito's achievement after spending just few years under Madara's traumatizing internship :
able to destroy a whole Kiri ninja section on your own at 13 years old
reinventing still as a teenage Akatsuki into a world wide terrorist organisation
putting under a genjutsu for years the fourth Mizukage (not your average joe shinobi)
putting bijuus under a genjutsu,
Like Madara being able to summun Kyubi like your personal toy
best actor studio's skills, and playing Madara and Tobi for years
fighting around 15/16 years old as equal his ex-sensei Minato Namikaze, an actual Hokage (still not an average joe)
outsmarting extremely intelligent shinobis : Itachi, Sasuke, Danzo, Oroshimaru.
Slaughtering all by himself the strongest Uchiha fighters (except Fugaku)
Manipulating the 5 kages including Onoki who knew him personally (an other bunch of no-average joes) into believing that Madara is still alive.
Launching world war 4, alone.
Invoking Gedo statute as if it was a tiny pet, while Nagato is seen physically struggling to master it.
Controlling juubi as a jinshuriki, sure it take longer than Madara but it's still an achievement.
One can tell it's because of Hashirama's cells but we know from Oroshimaru's experiences on Yamato and plenty innocent children that being compatible with Hashirama is extremely rare and cause many deaths. So again Obito has an immense strength of his own that no one except Madara was able to exploit.
When you think about it, Obito is really that goofy guy undercover psychopath that you shouldn't invite at your family dinner or he'll succed to create a family civil war and make everyone believe that you are the sole responsible for the bloodshed.
III) What was Madara's plan and Obito's own agenda ?
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Fight me if you want but Obito is a way more violent villain than Madara and by far. What's scary about Madara is both his illimited raw power and his inflexibility to accomplish his plan. If you are on his way he will crush you, if you're not he won't care about you anyway, if you can entertain him he will dance with you a little bit. But he never tortured for fun and only killed trained shinobis, never civilians. Everyone who encountered him had previously signed for the dangerous life of shinobi and if you feel uncomfortable by him using and killing Rin, ask yourself how come 13 years child soldiers including Obito and Kakashi were still a thing during the third Shinobi war while the whole concept of Konoha was to stop those practices ? Yes, send your complains to your Hokage. Only Nagato is a question mark, we don't know how both of them met, and how he end up with Madara's eyes. Did he save his life in a similar way he saved Obito's ? Did Nagato had some kind of eyes illness and need transplantation ? Or did Madara just ruthlessly pluck off eyes of a baby ? We really don't know. Only Black Zetsu is still alive, sealed in some dimension to answer this question.
Obito is a total different kind. He has an appetite for perversion and torture of both shinobis and innocents. And he did it not once but repeatedly. Even if he hid himself behind the idea that « this world doesn't matter anymore since Rin is gone », instead of urging himself to realise the Tsukuyomi's plan, he took the time to have some fun & revenge.
What was the necessity for him to launch Kyubi on Konoha resulting in a lot of civilians death ?
He felt no hesitation to play with Naruto's life, and kill both his sensei Minato and her wife who just gave birth.
What was the need for him to involve himself into Uchiha's massacre ?
If we admit that traumatizing Itachi by killing his teamate was a way for him to create future Mangakyo sharingan in case he is loosing his own sight. Why did he kept this huge collection of sharingan eyes, his own people, that will most likely make Danzo very jealous.
The cynical pleasure he took in Kiri. The village of the Bloody Mist , under the fourth mizukage was in fact his creation. In a way Obito who always dream to be an hokage had been de facto the actual Mizukage and he made of Kiri an extreme representation of what is actually a shinobi village : zero-tolerance policy against any dissent, the practice of pitting children graduates against each other in death matches, exploiting money from the weak. Resulting in revolts among kiri shinobi (Zabuza whole life and arc)
I think Madara's plan was more straight to the point than Obito : Collecting the Bijuu, befriend and control Nagato and resurrect him, lauching the tsukuyomi to the moon. While Obito very early showed that he will do the plan but in his own fashion.
Edo Madara was surprised to discover a new war but not anymore when understanding it was Obito's idea. He knew already Obito's taste for creating disorder. And black Zetsu from distance was able to update him on the situation post-resurrection. From annihilating the Uchiha clan, destroying economic system of shinobi through akastuki, destroying politically Kiri as a shinobi village, finally destroying the whole 5 villages through war.
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In a way, Obito is a perfect Aquarius villain. A genius mind who made him unpredictable and dangerous, a keen understanding of the shinobi system and how to pervert it. A love for chaos. A detachment from emotion.
So to answer my own question : What Madara saw in Obito, he saw a perfect « disciple » because he was a perfect mix of him and(I think) his deceased brother. We can tell that Obito share in the beginning the same pure kindness toward those he loves and the will to protect them. But Obito is outgoing, fun, and deeply excentric which is far from Madara's stern personality. About Izuna we don't know much but that he has the exact birthday than Obito, 10th of february. And oh what a coincidence ! But Kishimoto never does anything randomly.
Having the same birthday doesn't automatically made you a clone but still, it gives you the same set of cards in life, the same energy to play in the world. And there is only one ninja that Madara knows in full details, from the character, the style and the potential skill not Hashirama, only one with whom he knows from cradle, he trained endlessly, fighted side by side and lead the clan as War Lord up to his 24 years old : Izuna Uchiha. Madara then most likely felt the same energy in Obito which made it easier for him to manipulate and train when it's someone that you feel so much familiarity. And lastly, Obito seems to be a direct descendant of Madara himself (which I doubt but who knows ?) or from Izuna (most likely). and it is known many side of abilities are hereditary. Apples doesn't fall far from the tree, right?
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It's as well interesting to note that if Obito seems to look physically more like Madara and (by deduction) spiritually more like Izuna. Sasuke is the opposite. Spiritually close to Madara in character and through Indra's reincarnation, but physically a twin of Izuna.
And if you want to read more about my Madara’s analysis follow me in my main page here
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sjhanny2000 · 3 years
Rainy Days Equal Headaches and Mental Crises
Here's the second installment y'all! This time we're looking from Madara's point of view and boy, the messes he has to deal with. Anyway, this fic is way less angsty and more fluff than anything. Remember this is an alternate universe and is being posted out of order so chaos! Yay!Just FYI:Madara/Hashirama- 37 Touka/Izuna/Mito/Hikaku- 36 Tobirama- 35 Kagami- 14 Tsunade- 11 Obito- 8 Shisui- 6 Itachi- 4 Nawaki- 3
“Give me back my goggles Aniki!”
If he had known exactly how messy and chaotic children were, Madara would have been more adamant on using every method of contraception possible to mankind. Choosing to maintain his focus on the paperwork stacked before him, a task that had once been that tree lover’s duty but in the end came to rest upon his shoulders due to Tobirama already being swamped with work of his own, Madara calmly crossed out misspellings and offered alternatives that would better suit the village as a whole. Just as he moved to write his signature, a loud crash echoed from somewhere further in the house and bickering soon followed and kami he was going to lose his mind! With an aggravated sigh, Madara set his brush back within the inkwell and stood to his feet, sliding his office door open with a dull thud as he slipped into the empty hallway. The bickering grew louder with every step he took, the cacophony of distressed and irritated young voices painting the once peaceful afternoon air that Madara treasured with all his heart nowadays, enough he was willing to rouse earlier than usual to have some semblance of serenity in the house.
“Guys be quiet, you’re going to get us all into trouble!”
“We’re already going to be in trouble for sure you blockhead! Look at the mess Obito made-!”
“Hey, you’re the one that started all of this Aniki, not me!”
What he would do to just have one day without having to hear an argument. The Uchiha clan head found himself standing on the entryway of the kitchen, taking in the sight before him with calculating pools of ink black. In the center of the room stood the two eldest of his children, Kagami and Obito glaring at one another with murderous intent as the pair of them incessantly bickered over exactly whose fault it was. Only a mere few feet away were Shisui and Itachi, the two younger boys watching the scene with uncertainty and discomfort, circling around what Madara determined to be the origin of contention between the four of them. Decorating his once pristine kitchen and four sons was a thin layer of flour, various dirty bowls and spoons scattered about the counter as objects such as egg shells and bags of sugar littered the kitchen table that had been cleared only a few hours before. Obito seemed to be bearing the brunt of the spray of flour, his typically ink black hair now a darkened grey as the white substance colored his skin and colors in a sheet of alabaster, though his brothers did not fare any better. Shisui, the ever doting older brother, was working on wiping the flour away from Itachi’s eyes, the youngest of the children whining pitifully as he did so.
Kami, Tobirama was going to kill him for this.
A growl of frustration escaped the man before he could suppress, his arms coming to cross over his chest, “What in the gods’ green earth is going on here?”
If Madara wasn’t so upset over not only being interrupted from his work but also coming to see the ruined state of the kitchen he had cleaned only three hours ago at max, he would have laughed at the terrified expressions adorning the four boys faces.
Quick to shift the blame from their own persons, Obito and Kagami pointed opposite of each other with a unanimous shout, “He did it!”
Why had he not taken up his brother’s offer to watch the boys while he worked? Or let Tobirama take one of these perilous troublemakers with him to the hokage’s residence so Madara would have at least just a speck of chance of being able to focus?
Madara forced himself to stay calm (exploding will help no one in this situation), taking a deep, rugged breath as he came to inch the bridge of his nose, “I did not ask who made this mess. Now tell me, how did my once pristine kitchen come to be in the state of chaos and disarray that it currently sits in?”
Neither he or Tobirama could have envisioned having such a large family down the road as they learned of Tobirama’s expectancy that chilly February afternoon. Tobirama’s arduous labor with their firstborn, Kagami, and the impending First World Shinobi War looming overhead nearly prevented them from having a second child, choosing to focus on raising their lone son amidst the surrounding turmoil. His husband had nearly been killed during the bloody war, the Gold and Silver Brothers having been able to corner the albino with deadly intent after Tobirama and his team had been faced with a near impossible decision in Madara’s honest opinion. To ensure the survival of the group majority, one of them had to act as a decoy and his foolish husband had inevitably decided that it was to be his burden to bear alone, choosing to die himself rather than to send one of his beloved students to their demise.
It had been Madara, with the assistance of Hiruzen, that retrieved the broken and bloody sensor from the battlefield and it was in that moment, as a dying Tobirama laid limp in his arms with his final requests on the tip of his tongue, that the Uchiha swore that Kagami would not be subjected to the devastating loss of his mama, in matter the cost. The war eventually came to an end only a few months later, a week before Kagami’s third birthday to be precise, and with Mito announcing her long awaited pregnancy, the Uchiha-Senju couple unconsciously began to yearn for another child of their own. Tobirama’s battered condition impeded their desires of adding another member to their small family, and Kagami was a ball of pure energy who seemed to strive to keep them on their toes at all times, and those wants were subsequently placed on the back burner until the time was right.
When Tobirama came into his office the following spring, hands lightly shaking and sweat beading on his brow, Madara feared the worst to come as he always did, pardon him for being a pessimist. The fear evaporated the moment Tobirama placed a positive, kami the test was positive, pregnancy test in front of Madara, a soft grin coloring the sensor’s handsome visage as he anxiously informed him that Kagami would be receiving a new otouto or imouto within the upcoming year. Madara had showered his husband in fervent kisses at hearing the news, revelling in the fact that Tobirama was pregnant, that they were finally having the second child they had been dreaming of having for nearly two years at that point.
Itachi whimpered beside his elder brother, Shisui answering with a sheepish grin, “We just wanted to make some dango and while nii-san was pouring the floor, otouto-san accidentally scared him.”
Tears brimmed in pools of ink black that Itachi possessed, the four year old clutching onto Shisui as if he was his lifeline to this plane of existence, and Madara sighed, removing his fingers from his nose, “The stress the four of you put me through, I swear on Amaterasu that I will be gray before I become forty years old.”
Obito scoffed, arms coming to cross over his chest, showing that he was most definitely their child, “I’m surprised you’re not gray already, old man. You already have the wrinkles of a village elder.”
Much to his utter dismay, Kagami nodded in agreement, a thoughtful look blooming on his eldest son's face, “He’s right, both you and mama look and act like the grumpy village elders. Especially with your wrinkles and mama’s silver hair.”
Both of the younger boys giggled and the Uchiha clan head was swift in glaring at the two boys, growling dangerously, “I will not tolerate this utter and blatant disrespect! I am your father and one of the founding members of this village! I am not grumpy, nor do I have wrinkles!”
A soft tug of his yukata had the man looking downwards and into the face of little Itachi, the small boy stating with the innocence that only a child possessed, “Papa, mama says it’s illogical to try and deny the truth.”
What monsters had he and Tobirama created?
Pulling the innocent child into his arms, Madara settled him on his hip and turned his attention to his eldest sons, sharingan on and glowing with warning, “Seeing as how I am so old, the two of you will be tasked with cleaning this room from top to bottom.”
They tried to protest but were quick to click their mouths shut at Madara let out a sharp burst of flaring chakra, “This room will be in the pristine condition it once was before your mama returns or the two of you will not only have endure my chosen punishment but his wrath as well. Is that understood?”
Both of their heads fell in submission, Kagami muttering with loss, “Yes, papa.”
Madara chose to ignore the two as they began to clean up, reaching out to a wide eyed Shisui, “Come along, the two of you are in need of a thorough cleaning before your mama arrives. Your brothers will handle this.”
Shisui eagerly scampered over, taking Madara’s large hand with his smaller one, and the Uchiha patriarch calmly led the three of them down the hall to the bathroom.
He was swift in guiding Shisui inside as soon as he slid the door open, setting Itachi onto his own two feet, “Strip down and wait while I get the bath ready.”
By the mercy of the gods, the two little boys listened, eagerly shucking off their clothes and giggling as they took in their flour covered personages. With them distracted, Madara turned his attention to filling the tub, turning the knobs with the flick of his wrist and watching as the basin gradually grew in volume. Making sure to have soap on hand and in reach (too many past instances of young boys streaking nude around the house when he had left them unattended for just a moment flashed across his vision), Madara let out a tired sigh.
Why were children this complicated and energy draining?
Upon the tub being filled to the required amount, Madara looked away from his task, stating calmly, “Alright, in we-.”
His eyes widened in horror when he realized that neither Itachi or Shisui were in the room, the bathroom door wide open and kami, he forgot to close the door-!
“Papa! Shisui and Itachi are running around outside buttnaked!”
Somebody just kill him now. What a mercy kill that would be!
On his feet in less than a second, Madara raced through the house past his two elder boys and out onto the back engawa, halting to a stop behind the edge of the protective roofing. Running about the backyard were Itachi and Shisui, splashing about the numerous puddles marking the ground, a heavy downpour cascading from the heavens above as they covered themselves head to toe in mud. This was not happening, he was losing his mind, the paperwork finally got to him. Cheerful shrieks of pure joy shattered any hope Madara had of the scene before him being a hallucination, watching in horrified resignation as Itachi slipped and slid across the yard, Shisui quick to join him with squeals of laughter. At least it was only the two of them; all he had to do was corral them back inside, scrub them down, and-!
“Here comes Obito!”
A blur of blue, black, and orange sped past him, leaving Madara to feel utterly defeated as his second eldest jumped off the edge of the engawa and into a large puddle, splashing mud and dirty water everywhere. A wave of sludge smacked into the boy’s younger brothers, Shisui and Itachi screaming in delight before they moved to tackle their nii-san back into the soaked earth.
Kagami came to stand beside him, a grimace marking the boy’s youthful face, “Mama is going to kill you, isn’t he?”
There was no denying that Madara would be meeting an early death today, the elder Uchiha stating coolly, “I hope you are prepared to take on the duties as clan head, Kagami. I pray you will do me proud.”
Before the pre-teen could even think of a reply, a loud slap filled the air as a clump of mud assaulted Kagami’s face, and it was in that moment that Madara knew that he was truly and utterly done for.
Obito cackled from his place between the two younger Uchiha-Senju boys, a shit eating smirk on the eight year olds face, “Sorry Kagami, I slipped!”
With all of Madara’s hopes and dreams of having one sane child, Kagami lunged forward, tackling Obito back into the mud, “I’ll show what it means to slip you baka!”
As the four boys wrestled for dominance (though Itachi was more of a cheerleader at this point, running around as he shouted, “Fight, fight!”), Madara silently prayed that Tobirama would be having a late night at the office because invoking the Senju’s ire was a death sentence.
Running a hand over his face, the Uchiha let out a tired sigh, “There is no hope for me anymore.”
“And why is that husband?”
Madara went stock still at the deep voicing sounding off behind him, praying he had heard wrong, he must be hearing things right? Slowly turning around, Madara came eye to eye with a stonefaced Tobirama, the Senju gazing at him with hardened pools of wine, arms crossed over his chest.
He was so fucked.
The Uchiha gave his husband a sheepish smile, steeling himself for death, “Because I still have a mound of paperwork to finish?”
Tobirama hummed noncommittally, face passive as ever, “I see. The rain has been quite distracting today.”
“Almost as distracting as coming home to a destroyed kitchen,” Tobirama continued smoothly, sweeping away any hope and will to live that remained within Madara. “And all four of our sons covered in a horrifying mixture of flour and mud, with two of them running around the backyard naked as the day they were born.”
Chuckling nervously, Madara gave his husband a weak grin, “Boys will be boys, eh Tobi’?”
The deathly glare his husband sent his way informed Madara that not only was he going to be sleeping on the couch, Tobirama would not be letting him touch him anytime soon. That was the greatest punishment of them all. His albino husband turned his attention back to their four shouting sons and Madara did the same, quietly resigning to his fate.
Silence filled the air between them as shrieks and laughter echoed across the yard and Madara couldn’t help but feel a small sprout of fondness bloom inside his chest.
To see children, their children, act like children, to not be heartless shinobi, to be alive, it reminded him why he slaved away over paperwork and enjoyed raising the four little hellions they called sons.
Tobirama did not move from his spot beside Madara, voice hardening slightly, “I should have known better then to leave you with all four of them together.”
Madara let out an indignant squawk, turning on the silver haired man, “What is that supposed to mean?!”
“You clearly are unable to handle four young boys, husband mine,” Tobirama commented nonchalantly, gesturing to the muddy and chaotic scene before them.
Before the Uchiha could respond, a cheerfully cry filled the air.
Loud smacks of flesh hitting mud filled the air as Itachi hurried over with Shisui on his heels, Obito and Kagami continuing to wrestle about the mud pit they had created.
The two little boys slammed into Tobirama’s legs with matching squeals, both grinning like the little fiends they were, “Mama look, we’re all muddy!”
“I can see that very well,” Tobirama dryly retorted, peering down at them with calculating eyes as he took in the now muddy state of his pants. “I can also see that both of you are naked as the day you were born. Do you wish to explain why?”
Shisui, ever their calm and well thought out child, pulled away from his mother in thought, “We were trying to make dango and Obito spilled flour everywhere cause ‘Tachi scared him so papa took us to the bathroom to take a bath and when he wasn’t looking, we ran outside because we wanted to play in the rain!”
A soft hum left the Senju as wiped a streak of mud from Itachi’s eyes, the four year old once again having been caked with some substance across his eyes, “It seems the four of you have been very busy today. I could have used such energy at the office in running messages between your uncle and I.”
Itachi let out a gasp as Tobirama skillfully removed the hardening mud for the child’s face, his eyes shining with hope, “Can we go with you tomorrow mama? Please?”
“We will have to see, the first thing that needs to be done is for you boys to bathe and for us to make dinner,” Tobirama answered calmly, pushing unruly midnight curls from Shisui’s eyes.
“Hey! That was a cheap shot!”
“You’re just a sore loser otouto!”
Madara’s attention came to land on the tussle a few yards away, Kagami and Obito grappling for purchase on one another as they slipped and slid around.
Before he could shout at them, Tobirama’s stern voice cut through the air, “Obito, Kagami, enough!”
Just before they came to blows, the boys turned to look to see the displeased face of their mother and Madara had some silent satisfaction in watching the blood drain from their muddied faces.
They were in for it now.
Ever the man of a controlling presence, Tobirama called out with a firm command, “Seeing as how the two of you seem to be struggling to get along with one another, you two will be gaining some extra chores that require two individuals to complete. Your first task will be cleaning the kitchen you father tidied this morning.”
Obito let out a cry of indignation, pulling away from Kagami with a face of horrified surprise, “But mama-!”
A stern glare had the eight year old’s mouth clicking shut instantly, knowing better than to argue with his silver haired man, and let his head drop in submission, “Yes, mama.”
Nodding, Tobirama gestured inside, “Go on, strip yourselves down to your undergarments and head inside and clean up.”
Kagami and Obito stumbled over to the engawa and did as they were told, their eldest asking with a sheepish smile, “How was your day mama?”
“You should know better than to try flattery and misdirection on me, Kagami,” Tobirama replied nonchalantly, looking to Madara with steeled eyes. “Would you fetch towels to wipe them down? I want to keep as much mud out of the house as possible.”
Madara gave his husband a soft smirk, nodding in agreeance, “Of course.”
The Uchiha gave his albino spouse a small peck on the lips, enticing avid protests and bouts of fake retching from their four sons, and he turned on the small group with a growl, “You four are treading on thin ice! Keep on pushing it and you will surely regret it!”
All four of his boys gazed at him with unaffected glances, Shisui stating innocently, “Papa, let’s be honest, you’re not even close to intimidating. We fear mama more than you.”
Here was his six year old son, telling him, one of the strongest shinobi in existence, that he wasn’t really intimidating but his husband, their mother, was.
What had this damn world come to?
His body deflated slightly at Shisui’s comment and it only grew worse when Itachi came to hug his leg, giving him a sweet smile, “It’s okay papa, we still love you, even if you’re not as scary as mama!”
The elder boys burst out in laughter and Madara was quick to note that Tobirama was even finding this situation funny, the albino wearing a small smirk on his face.
Pulling away from Itachi and heading inside, the Uchiha grumbled unhappily, “What does a man have to do to get some goddamn respect in his own damn house?”
“Mama, what does damn mean?”
Oh, he was definitely sleeping on the couch tonight.
He grabbed a few towels from the hall closet and swiftly made his way back out onto the engawa, throwing a towel each to the two older boys as he handed the remaining three to Tobirama, “Get yourselves cleaned up and get to work you two. I’ll deal with the lot of you later.”
Quick to do as they were told, Kagami and Obito wiped themselves down enough to be deemed acceptable enough to enter the house, their eldest son shouting as he ran inside, “First one to the bathroom gets the shower first!”
Obito took off after him, shouting with objection, “Hey, that’s not fair!”
Their bickering once again graced the air as Madara went to town on Shisui with the one of the towels he had handed to his husband, swiping away the quickly drying mud from the boy’s spry legs.
Tobirama cleaned with Itachi with his usual precision, commenting as he went, “I understand the need for sibling rivalry, but it seems they are beginning to take it quite too seriously. Both of them take far too much after you and Izuna.”
“And what is wrong with that,” Madara cried out, rubbing a splotch of mud from Shisui’s chubby cheek. “We have turned out just fine!”
His husband gave him a deadpan stare, stating with a voice of no negotiation, “You are both grown men that continue to places each other into head locks, have arguments over idiotic topics, and often get into physical alternations when you have disagreements. I essentially married a child who possesses the body of a man.”
The albino scooped their youngest into his arms as he stood and headed inside, commenting nonchalantly, “And to think we will be having another child within the next six months, gods help me.”
If Madara could be honest, he was running on six hours of sleep, had been slaving over paperwork for the majority of the day whilst dealing with four energetic boys, and he had just been through a thoroughly emotionally and mentally taxing afternoon. So when Tobirama mentioned that they were “having another child with the next six months”, it totally went over his head for the first few moments. Then, like Tobirama using his hiraishin, the reality of what his husband just said hit him and gods, no, he was just screwing with him-!
Swiftly sweeping Shisui into his arms, Madara nervously called after the Senju, “Wait, what do you mean “another child”?! Tobirama?!”
Sure enough, after seven hours of labor and several threats of cutting off sensitive body parts from Tobirama, Sasuke Uchiha-Senju entered the world screaming his hairy black head off and Madara couldn’t have been any happier.
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mira--mira · 3 years
I want to know more of that reborn au 👀, aka the single most chaotic thing you’ve heard of
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"the single most chaotic thing I've heard of, aka reborn au" is the fourth hashimada anniversary prompts. I haven't started on this one but here is the full prompt and some ideas I had!
Writing Prompt ask thingy: Maybe like a fluffy cracky one-shot where Hashimada, Tobirama and Mito are reborn into Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Hinata. NOT IN THAT ORDER THO Madara as Hinata Tobirama as Sasuke Mito as Naruto Hashirama as Sakura Bonus points for every grey hair given to the meddling adults of the narutoverse.
Fic Ideas: This is going to be mostly pure crack. I want to open it with Madara waking up in Hinata's body and the resulting 'yell heard across all of Konoha' and proceeds to tear through the Hyuuga compound with his usual...personality. (Thing RtN Hinata and dial that up another few notches and you'll have Madara!Hinata) Meanwhile Tobirama wakes up and feels something is Wrong with the universe. He sees the uchiwa on his clothes and starts screaming, before running out bc this is obviously something Madara caused. Mito wakes up and is serene. not even the end of the world will phase this woman. Kurama is deeply unsettled and recognizes her. She goes about her day and here's the two screaming children that are now Tobirama and Madara. Hashirama wakes up and has no fucking idea what's going on. He lets Sakura's parents nudge him along, get dressed, remember to do x, y, z etc., eats breakfast with them and then looks up and casually asks 'who are you?'
I want to have little converging stories that ultimately end up with Team 7 (plus Madara) with Kakashi, possibly the first 'meeting scene'. Mito stares him in the eye, much too calm to be Naruto and psychologically picks him apart while Hashirama is holding Tobirama and Madara apart and the only thing preventing them from killing each other. Both are blaming the other and Madara shouts that Tobirama is going to hand over his eyes right this fucking second and Tobirama shouts back that he doesn't even want the cursed eyes but like hell he's giving them to Madara (instinctual Uchiha Eye Defense kicking in...that or common sense)
Meanwhile Kakashi has aged 50 years watching the jinchuriki be way too confident and mature, the Hyuuga heiress threatening to steal the last Uchiha's eyes, Sasuke threatening to kill her and restart the old Uchiha/Hyuuga conflict, and the only thing between them Sakura, who's manhandling both of them, calling Sasuke 'otouto' and being unusually flirty with Hinata.
Kakashi's gonna take a fucking nap after this one.
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madaras-housewife · 3 years
I’ve had this idea in my head for like 2 days and I wanted to put it on paper really badly so I wrote it on a whim. It’s poorly edited too so forgive me if there are any grammatical erorrs. 3 am vibes babyyyyy 
pairing: Madara Uchiha x reader
length: 1.8k
tw: none
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It wouldn’t be too contrived to compare Madara to the weather outside. He was a storm; majestic, grandiose and powerful. And yet, there he slept next to you, in the same bed you had been sharing for a while now. Had it been two years already? Your mind was too foggy to think about something even as simple as that; or maybe the pouring rain was at fault. It was almost too loud for you to hear your own thoughts, but you still heard them, nonetheless.
Somehow, you wished the rain could drown them out, the way you knew your newly planted crops would be soggy by morning. What a shame. Madara was going to be so disappointed after pestering you about planting a garden and having worked so hard on it. He had several skills, ranging from diplomacy to combat, but gardening was not one of them. Nevertheless, he insisted that it would be healthy for your growing family.
 Even though your husband was near you, the abrasive feeling of loneliness filled your bones. It was always this way when it stormed, wasn’t it? Especially that night. 
You turned your head to the side, squinting your eyes, but the room was too dark to see the clock. Carefully enough, you stood straight so as not to bother your man and rubbed your dry cheek. The thought of sleeping was way past you and, if you weren’t already certain about that, you definitely were when a billowing thunder roared so closely to you, you felt it rock your body with intensity. Before realising it, you recoiled and stubbornly balled your fists. 
That night marked five years since Izuna had died. You only met him a few times, before you and Madara had become a couple. It often felt like the Uchiha compound was empty, as if it was missing something. Would it have been odd to say that you were missing someone you barely even knew? That was not quite right. In fact, you knew a great deal about the younger brother from Madara’s stories about their childhood, their squabbles and frequent conflicts regarding war. At one point, it started consuming Izuna’s consciousness, warping it into something dangerous, something that not even his elder brother possessed at the time; desire for conflict. 
Whereas you counted years, Madara counted every day, even though he would never tell you that. It was obvious when he called that name in his sleep, almost every night, in a meek, broken voice that sounded nothing like the man you knew. If anything, he sounded like a scared child who wandered alone in the darkness. Even when you hurriedly draped your arms over him and clung onto him, his brows never fully unfurrowed. 
Not even when he slept was he at peace. 
Without realising, you turned your body to his side of the bed. Madara was sleeping on his back, soundly, as small snores parted his lips. He hated snoring and he swore he would never sleep in that position again, saying that shinobi must have control over themselves at all times. You smiled and promised yourself you wouldn’t mention it when morning came. All you wanted was to bend down to give him a small peck, but instead, you settled for brushing the hair out of his face, caressing his face so gently that you barely touched his skin. Your husband would usually wake up at the smallest touch, since you knew him as a light sleeper, but on that night, he seemed to be more tired than usual. Even in the darkness, you could make out that the creases below his eyes were a tad more prominent than usual. Peace was… exhausting sometimes, to say the least. 
A flash of lightning cracked the midnight sky into two, brightening the room enough for you to see that he had a slight frown on his face. Your hand pressed itself against his forehead until you felt the tension slowly disperse. Now he looked rather calm and stress-free, as if a burden had been lifted from him. He seemed to have many of those these days and they piled up, almost forming a wall between the two of you. Deep within your heart, you wondered if that wall would become impenetrable, if you wouldn’t be able to reach him anymore. 
You truly wished Izuna had been there instead. Though it was nothing more than an oversimplified solution to the numerous problems you and Madara faced(when, in fact, it wouldn’t even be that anymore, now that his little brother had been gone for so long), you liked to think that he could make your husband happy, happier than you made him. The comparison felt silly, unfair and unwarranted. You even felt selfish for thinking such a thing. Despite rarely ever showing it, his stares had grown a little fonder and his hugs a bit tighter since he received the news, and it was your candle of hope during the grim days, when he chose solidarity over comfort, working all night long, going on missions only to separate himself from the village and the clan which had caused him so much pain. 
There would soon be another source of joy in his life and you wondered if you were up to the task. It was something that you had been ruminating over for months, but couldn’t quite put into words until now, though not exactly sure why. Maybe the chaotic life of inhabiting a shinobi clan had made it more difficult for you to truly look at yourself, to see what was inside. So instead, you chose to lash out at your husband again and again, until your anger poisoned him and all the patience he mustered for both of your sakes. But you were blessed with a headstrong man, who, in all that vast sea of insecurities and responsibilities, rarely ever mistreated your heart. Especially lately, when Madara had been sharing the same fears as you did. 
On the other hand, Madara didn’t take out his anger on you the way you did. He lets all his fury simmer, lets all his misgivings haunt him, until everything builds up to a tempestuous wrath which befalls him out of thin air. That was how he was taught, and it was one of the few lessons from his father, Tajima, which he didn’t reject. It was what his father had left him with, besides agonizing memories of war. However, when his last sibling passed away, it seemed as if all of Izuna’s own burdens were passed down, leaving him with double, maybe even triple the cargo(or maybe, you couldn’t really quantify suffering in mere numbers, the same way you couldn’t with words). 
Madara’s shoulders were heavier. You felt it every day, when you gave him the regular massage in the evening. What was it that you promised him on your wedding day? (It was hard to remember, now that so much had happened.) You promised him you would always be his pillar, so that he wouldn’t tumble when it was too dim to see what was ahead of him, (in reality, no one could ever see what was ahead of them; one can only row the boat facing backwards), but marriage wasn’t as simple as that. If love is controlling, then wedlock is a dictator. It demands a home, sex, patience, shared meals, babies, empathy and eternity.  
Another thunder roared mercilessly, making the earth quake below you. Sucking in a sharp breath, you wrapped your arms around yourself, cradling your stomach. The disagreements had become too frequent, the scowls too obstinate and the distance between you too lengthy. How long would it be until you completely failed, until you wouldn’t be an adequate wife for Madara Uchiha anymore? Until you weren’t fit to carry his children? 
The rain now hammered the ground, like a deafening fusillade of bullets and, in a moment of insanity, you thought it was taunting you, mocking you. It was so loud that you didn’t even hear the raspy groan next to you, until you felt a hand on your forearm.
“Can’t rest?”. His dozy voice seemed to have pulled you out of your disquiet pitfall of thoughts. Without facing him, you shook your head. The lump in your throat was too thick to even open your mouth. 
Your husband then grabbed your shoulder and gently pulled you down, until your back hit the now-cold sheets. For a split second, you glanced at his face and noticed that his half-lidded eyes were locked on your belly, but as soon as he felt you looking at him, he stared back. When Madara noticed your pursed lips and glimmering eyes, he sluggishly crawled closer to you, turning you on your side until his chest was pressed against your back. Wrapping his arm around you, you heard him inhaling deeply into your messy hair. 
You eased into your man’s embrace. “Did I wake you up?”
“No. Now come sleep.”, Madara said. 
You meekly nodded, pushing yourself against his warm body, the worries gradually dissolving into nothing more than what looked like particles of dust, ready to be washed away by the rain. But when he didn’t hear you reply, he placed a deep kiss on your soft spot, the crevasse between your neck and shoulder. 
“You’re going to be a great mother, you know. I love you.” 
Could he have read your mind? You didn’t know, but you also didn’t care about the answer. You were at home, exactly where you needed to be, with the person you needed. In that moment, you realised that Madara was going to be a great father, too.
“I love you too.” 
Your husband always knew the right words to say; it was as if he could hear you even when you didn’t speak, mainly when you didn’t even want to. It might be that he just understood you that well. After all, he had a knack for reading people. Sometimes you would curse that talent of his, but it was in rare moments such as those when you were infinitely thankful for it, for it all.
It wouldn’t be too contrived to compare Madara to a storm. He was a majestic thunder in the sky, capricious, striking fear and admiration into your heart; a grandiose ocean which didn’t fall from the sky, but was driven, torrential, carving mountains and earth to his own pleasure, omniscient, poised; the powerful wind, howling loudly, as if yearning for a melody to sing his tune, bending trees and tearing houses in his way, almost seeking to outrun everyone else, until he felt forlorn. The floods were promised, the might of nature had already been unleashed, but there would be sunshine and warmth by morning.
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makkoskafanfic · 3 years
WIP fic release
In which one Madara is the manager of the black metal band called the Akatsuki and shares a History with the Mayor of Konoha. 
@enquiringangel this might be slightly cheating as this one’s fairly recent and I might actually continue it if my brain cooperates. 
Madara wakes to a harrowing headache. He squints against the light, doing his best not to be sick and wishes he remembered to draw the curtains closed last night. It takes him some time to realise the pounding doesn’t only come from inside his skull - someone is knocking on the door of his hotel room as well.
He lurches to his feet and stumbles to the door to jerk it open.
“What,” he barks “is so urgent?”
“Wow, boss. You look like hell,” Obito takes a long look at him as he stands there in nothing but his boxers. “I could have lived without this sight.”
“Then go and bother someone else,” he tries to slam the door in the younger man’s face, but Obito holds it open with a hand. Madara feels too sick to fight, so he just wanders back to the bed and slumps down on it. “Let me die in peace.”
“Can’t do,” Obito says cheerfully. “It’s 10 already, we need to check out in an hour and we have to discuss the next steps of the tour before.”
Madara groans and pushes a pillow against his face. He then remembers it’s a hotel pillow, and who knows when it had been properly washed, so throws it away.
“Aren’t you supposed to be my assistant? Do something on your own for a change. I’m dying.”
“Are you hungover?”
“I wish I was. I hardly got to drink anything last night, as Kakuzu and Kisame got into a fight at the bar and I had to smooth things over.”
“A migraine then.”
“You don’t say.”
“Where are your meds?”
“Small bag in the big bag.”
Obito fishes the pills out and pours him a glass of water. He also wets a towel and handles it over to Madara, to lay it on his face. Madara likes him a bit more than he usually does in that moment. 
He approached Madara about half a year ago, asking him to hire him. He was family - which was a good enough reason in itself to decline him in Madara’s opinion. But he had that kicked puppy look in his eyes when the older man told him to get lost. He just couldn’t go back home, he said. Not after all that happened. 
He would have been a handsome guy, if not for the ugly scar on the right side of his face. There was some tragic love story in the background. In the end Madara was weak and offered him a job if he promised he would never again bore him with the details. He doesn’t want to be involved in the woes of a twenty-two years old. He has never really gotten over his own heartbreak from his early twenties, so he was hardly a suitable person to give any advice. 
“You will get over it,” he told him. “Or maybe you won’t. Either way, I couldn’t care less about this Rin and Kakashi, so never mention them again. Here’s your contract. Money is shit, but then, I don’t really have anything for you to do.” 
Obito signed without any questions and here he was now, giving Madara his painkillers, proving to be useful in the end. 
“Are the circus freaks awake yet?” me mutters from under his wet towel.
“I heard Hidan’s yelling, so probably they are.”
“Go and check on them, won’t you? It would be great to keep the schedule for once.”
“I’m more concerned about you. Have you considered you are too old for this life?”
Madara pulls the towel off his face and raises his head with an effort to glare at Obito.
“I’m forty-seven you disrespectful little shit. I’m not old.”
“Whatever you say, gramps. Do I need to help to get you into the shower?”
Madara scrunches the towel into a ball and throws it at Obito. It hits him on the neck with a satisfying wet smack. 
“Keep your hands to yourself and run me through the schedule.” 
He gets to his feet, feeling marginally better as the painkillers start to kick in. He definitely feels the age in his back and he stretches, but he is careful not to wince as Obito is watching. He leaves the bathroom door slightly ajar, allowing the voice of his so-called assistant to carry through. He doesn’t listen as he knows everything by heart, but he might as well let him play being important. Madara, as the meticulous person he is, doesn’t forget the details of the tour plan. It’s a useful trait to have for the manager of the band, although it probably would come as a surprise to the fans who remember Madara as a chaotic rock star.
He used to be quite famous, being on the stage for a good fifteen years. He had a carefully built image, with everything in the book - the sometimes sensual, sometimes rude and shocking lyrics, the wild guitar riffs, a voice that had a classical education but was put to the best use when screaming into the mic. He used to have the looks, with his long mane of hair, the wiry muscles on his chest and arms that made him look good shirtless on the stage.
The rumours, the gossip and scandals that came with that lifestyle never bothered him. They had very little foundation - outside his stage persona, Madara has always been a reserved man, but that wasn’t what the fans wanted to see and in his opinion everybody was entitled to the illusions they preferred.
Madara has always been a smart man, too. As he passed fourty, all that came with the show, the tours, the gigs, the albums, the photo shoots started to get too much. So he just quit it, without any plan in place with what he wanted to do with his life. 
He didn’t enjoy retirement, but then, it lasted about two months. He was approached by Yahiko, or as he became known on his stage name, by Pain, offering him the role of the manager for his newly formed black metal band, The Akatsuki. He already had the members, he explained, just needed someone with experience in the industry to help them break through.
Madara agreed to meet the band and realised that Yahiko-Pain, with his numerous piercings, spikey carrot-red hair and well formed messiah-complex was the least weird of them all still. He thought they wouldn’t last a month, but out of boredom he agreed to be their manager. It would be a laugh, he considered, some trash band with a manager who had no idea what he was doing.
Almost seven years have passed since. The Akatsuki have become surprisingly successful within their genre and Madara is still managing them. He didn’t even like them - on some days, like today, he outright loathes them - but he couldn’t figure out what else to do with the rest of his life.
By the time he checks out in the lobby, he feels mostly human again. The horrible migraine quilted down to an annoying, but bearable headache. He has his jacket zipped up to his chin, his hair up in a ponytail and large sunglasses covering most of his face, and nobody spares him a second glance. 
“Madara, you fucking bastard,” Hidan, the guitarist shrieks at him when he approaches their bus. Madara doesn’t even wince - he has accepted years ago that Hidan is incapable of speaking in a normal tone or without unnecessary swear words. While his skills on the guitar are mediocre at best, he is a vital part of the show.  One can always count on him to be shocking, offensive and obscene. He’s a considerable contributor to the spotlight the band gets on the media. “Last night was fucking awesome, man! The crowd just ate it all up! Where are we up next? Iwa? We will rock them! Haha! Kakuzu, you limp dick, do you get it? Rock them, as Iwa is…”
“Actually we’ve been in Iwa half a year ago,” Obito interrupts, as he still didn’t learn to just ignore Hidan. “That’s where we started the tour, remember. Our next stop is… Konoha,” he looks sour and Madara makes a mental note not to sit next to him on the drive. It’s going to 
be a long one and he can’t bear listening to him go off about Rin-Kakashi-Rin-Kakashi-Rin-Kakashi again.
Especially as he’s not the only one upset by going back to Konoha. It’s not the first time Madara will be back of course - he has left over twenty years ago, and the town has become too prominent to miss out on tours. He was a nervous wreck on all occasions before and he’s not sure this time will be different. Well over two decades have passed, but Madara is not very good at moving on.
They all climb into the bus, which is getting rather small or rather, their team is getting too big. The four members of the band, Madara, Obito, Pain’s lethargic girlfriend slash occasional keyboardist and the “arts” team who are responsible for everything that happens on the stage that’s not music, from pyrotechnics to setting up equipment.
Kakuzu, their bassist, is behind the wheels as he claimed a driver is just a waste of money and the others couldn’t care less about who was driving. Madara sits down next to him on the front seat as the man at least doesn’t talk much. They all settle slowly, Pain and Konan in the back, so they can make out as they usually do, Hidan bickering with the blond arts kid, Kisame, the drummer, grumbling something about ergonomy as he tries to fold his tall frame into the seat. Obito sits next to him, seeming ready to start off his tirade about his bloody annoying love triangle. 
Madara puts in some music so he doesn’t have to listen to any of them and decides on feigning sleep on the majority of the trip. He can already feel anxiety setting down inside his very bones. Going home isn’t something he looks forward to.
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forthereaderinserts · 4 years
Which legendary Pokemon like which Akatsuki members most? I feel like Mewtwo probably respects itiachi more than any other Akatsuki member of only for their similar personality? And Giratina, being more or less a god of chaos and darkness would get along with Hidan more? Mew with Konan for sure
My inner pokemon nerd had the time of its life writing this
For Itachi, I would choose Mewtwo. Both of them have a quiet and solitary nature. However, while Mewtwo is angry at the world and sees most people as corrupt, Itachi has a better outlook and thinks of people as imperfect creatures in need of guidance. Their differences in belief balance each other out, though.
For Kisame, I would pick Kyogre. Partially because they're both water based, and partially because I think Kisame would be good with Kyogre. Kisame is a very chill person, which contrasts with Kyogre's angry and generally more cranky demeanor due to their permanent rival with Groudon.
For Nagato, I'd choose Mesprit since they represent emotions. The two would be a giant bundle of emotional auras that you wouldn't be able to escape.
For Sasori, I would choose Silvalley. Silvalley is a more dependent pokemon due to its anxiety, and I feel like Sasori would enjoy having a pokémon that trusts and is affectionate towards him. Plus, Silvalley would be helpful with carrying around wood and other equipment to make puppets.
For Deidara, I would choose Entei. Entei's cranky personality would clash with Deidara's more carefree personality. One of the things they could agree on, though? Explosions are great. Due to Entei's flammable nature, they could wreak maximum havoc.
For Kakuzu, I would choose Groudon. Their personalities are very similar, but they might clash in ideals quite a bit. Otherwise, they're a power duo.
For Obito, I'd pick Sucine. Both have witnessed humanity's worst and would bond over this point. Plus, you can't tell be that when he's acting like Tobi that he wouldn't ride Sucine like a big horse.
For Hidan, I'd pick Azelf since they embody willpower, and this boy has a lot of it. They would clash a lot on opinions, since Hidan is... not the best person.
For Konan, I'd choose Cresselia. Cresselia is a graceful pokèmon that represents hope and good dreams, something that Konan would enjoy having around. The two are very similar in personality and would most likely get along, though they might differ in opinions(mostly on Cresselia thinking Konan shouldn't be in the atsuki).
For Orochimaru, I'd pick Zekrom. Zekrom represents yang, something that I think Orochimaru would like. However, he would be annoyed that Zekrom won't willingly attack Reshiram. You can bet they'll clash on that a lot, with Orochimaru usually getting cranky and going to do other things.
For Zetsu, I'd pick Reshiram. Mostly because of Reshiram representing the yin in yin and yang. Do I have any other excuse for this? Not really.
For Madara, I'd choose Xernias. They differ greatly, since Xernias is a more quiet and motherly pokemon and Madara is slightly chaotic. Xernias would make sure that Madara would take breaks and stop being so hard on himself. In other words: Madara is going to have a powerful scary pokèmon momma watching over him.
Kabuto's definetly getting Articuno. They both have a cold nature and would most likely bond over this.
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crystallized-shadow · 4 years
I know I'm super late to this too, so you may have already answered some of these, but 4, 5, 9, and 10 for the anime meme! :D
Again, no worries Hiro! I’m always happy to do these :D (list can be found here)
4. Who’s an anime character you relate too?
I usually pick Tobirama for someone I can relate to, mostly because I like to think I’m pretty smart and I do love math and science. Also dealing with people is hard and I’m a rather blunt person. We both care deeply for our loved ones too. However I’m probably more like Sasuke XD I that moody brat in the corner that hates everyone yet somehow people still like me XD
5. Who’s an anime character you look like?
This is the one I already answered. Spoiler alert, I picked short haired Riza Hawkeye from FMA :D
9. Who’s your favorite anime character?
This is a dirty question, I can’t just pick one! Seriously I can’t, so have my top 5 instead :D
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Madara - probably not a big surprise given the pairings I write XD There is just so much about his character that I like, not to mention look at that smile! How could I know love this glorious human dumpster fire chaotic cinnamon roll?
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Tobirama - again not that big of surprise XD He is another one that has so much I like about his character; he’s smart, he’s sassy, and he seems to say what most of us are thinking XD Also he’s one of the most visually appealing characters in my opinion :D Plus look at that pout!
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Hashirama - I’m a slut for the founder’s era characters okay? He’s just such a lovable goofball that I can’t not like him! From his dramatic mood swings to his very unique out look on life, he’s just a fun character. And I love corrupting his character when I write :D
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Itachi - He was the first Uchiha I fell in love with. He was so mysterious and insanely powerful when he was first introduced that I was instantly hooked. Not to mention he’s fucking gorgeous and teenage me thought he was the ideal man. And then I met Madara and Tobirama and have no idea what the ideal man is so instead I just make them love each other XD
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And finally Izuna! The whole plot of Naruto wouldn’t have been possible without his untimely death! And I enjoy making him a snarky asshole, so there’s that too XD
Notice I conveniently only picked Naruto characters XD It would have taken me forever to narrow down my favorites if I looked at all the animes I watch XD
10. Do you hate any anime characters? If so, why?
Genin Sakura from Naruto and Orihime for Bleach. I wouldn’t say I hate them, more like I strongly, strongly dislike them for the same reasons. Their characters are entirely useless to the plot of the anime, they literally only ever serve as a damsel in distress and anytime they make a smidgen of growth it’s overshadowed by literally every other character in the fucking show. Sakura at least grows out of it, Orihime never does.
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