#May be a bit outta character but I thought it was funny
red-hot-mochi · 2 years
CW// Suggestive
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In case the words are illegible-
Rick: Is that it?
Bob: Tf you mean is that it?
Rick: I’m sorry, I was only joking. You have a hu–
Bob: Okay, okay I get it
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sea-of-dust · 3 months
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Soulmates can hear eatchother sing even from across the universe- Jing Yuan
N: low-key read that as "even in another universe" I was like how the fuck am I gonna write that... thanks for the request nonnie!!
Event link here: 3/5 requests
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Unironcally the first time he heard you sing was when you were trying to show off to your parents. He thought you were fine at first (he invested in ear plugs) but did think you coulda used some work. Funny to think you thought the same, bullying eatchothers singing abilities while fresh outta high school
He has noticed you've sung more often maybe singing classes? It was nice you've gotten better, he's quickly fallen inlove with your voice, how calmly you sing certain notes controlling your volume with minor fixes here and there. Most of the time he enjoys your first attempts at a certain lyrics, but hearing you sing has become a something he looks foward to.
He's tried to talk to you via singing he could have sworn he heard you laugh but he knows you can't. When you do respond sometimes your singing voice is wonderful. "Do you mind saying that again~" "No problem" the smoothness of your voice is heavenly its like your right next to his ear, you could probably hear him blushing with every response you give. "So what planet are you from" the sudden question shocked him a bit but he answered calmly "Xianzhou Luofu" "really?" A sudden interest burst through your usual elegant and calming voice "I'm from Penacony" "I see" "I can see if I can do a show there In the future maybe I can see you" you should have seen him he was like a child, it wouldn't be out of character if he mumbled a yes and pumped his fist. He could be calmly doing paperwork and then his hands slam on the desk eyes widen and he sings, these rumors were overdramatized but it did get a laugh outta you imaging such a scene
Little to say, when he heard the express landed with a reported star from Penacony he thought of you instantly calmly walking toward where they landed where his mind was yelling at him to hurry it up. When he finally arrived little to say there was a reason Yanqing was there. "You're acting like a child" "this is normal behavior you would have nearly flew on them" "No I wouldnt!" He smiles before seeing a person holding a box talking to March 7th. "I'm a bit nervous thank you for bringing me here" "I can show you around" "thank you" grateful you turn to suddenly see a bird fly infront of you with the white haired male following behind it "apologizes he's been expecting someone's arrival" "does it involve a star from Pelacony?"
That smirk of yours, from an outside perspective it may be seen as arrogance but he's heard your voice enough to know exactly what you ment. "A little birdie did mention a general that was so love struck he was able to sing a whole musical when his soulmate was to sing" he giggling embrassed someone caught him responding to you "I'm glad you enjoy listening to me that much" You kiss his cheek. He blushes putting his hand to the cheek you kissed. "I'm glad I finally got to meet you aswell" he kisses your cheek as you two continue your lovey dovey first meet, handing him the box with things you thought he'd like. "It has a ticket to one of my shows aswell, I hope you'll be able to make it" "I'm sure I'll have time to" you two lost in your own world forgetting about the others. "You think they ever thought of asking for his number?" March leans in to whisper "now that I think about it do you ever think they asked?" Those two made an inside joke about it, little to say they're never gonna look at either of you seriously again
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mama-qwerty · 5 months
Unintentional Insult
From the Knucklesverse au.
Callie sat on the couch, Eclipse spread across her lap, Silver at her hip. Around her sat a handful of Knuckles. (Yes, she was aware that a group of echidna was call a 'parade' but saying there was a 'parade' of Knuckles in her house sounded stupid, so she made up her own term. A handful. Which made so much more sense to her.)
All eyes were on the television before them. She'd treated the group to a movie night at her house, and put in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. She figured it was a safe enough bet for all involved, and thought Gawain may get a kick out of seeing 'himself' featured in a movie.
It seemed to be a hit—lots of laughs at the jokes and various silliness. Little Z got a kick out of the Black Knight, and Cal figured they'd hear the Tis but a scratch! thing in the foreseeable future.
She kept flicking her eyes to Gawain to gauge his reaction, and found him sitting with a slight frown on his muzzle. Curious, she paused the movie, much to the annoyance of the others.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, Gawain?"
The echidna turned, almost startled, at the interruption. "I am . . . surprised to see there were people so similar to us on your world. Is this based on factual events?"
A smile curled Callie's lip. "Eh, not really. I mean, the Arthurian legend is real, but this is just satire. A funny story with the characters."
Gawain lowered his head, in the classic "Knuckles thinking" pose. He hummed, his brow furrowed.
"I suppose given the different forms we've seen in the Sanctuary, it shouldn't seem strange that there would be a human version of myself. But somehow it seems . . . strangest of all."
Callie lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"
The echidna shook his head, glancing back at the TV. "Hearing my name directed at a human is odd."
The woman shrugged. "We didn't have any echidna Knux's. Maybe this was the universe's way to bring that bit of honor and nobility to Earth."
Gawain nodded, but still looked distracted. "I understand that, but still. There are other creatures that could carry a similar nobility. Why a human?"
A tense silence settled over the living room then. It took Gawain a moment to realize what he'd said, and he turned with wide eyes to the others.
The other Knuckles’ stared at him, glared at him. Boom lay on his belly next to him, Dread was on the couch leaning against the arm. Gnarly and Renegade sat on the floor with their backs against the couch on Callie's other side. And Little Z sat at Callie's other hip.
And they all wore identical expressions of annoyance.
Even Eclipse and Silver stared at the knight.
Gawain flicked his eyes up to Callie, the actual human in their midst. She simply watched him, her eyes slightly narrowed, but a little curl on her lips.
He swallowed hard.
"I . . ." he started, clearing his throat to rid the slight shake. "I meant no disrespect. There's nothing wrong with being a human, of course, I simply don't . . . I didn't . . ."
"Ye better think long and hard ‘bout the next words outta yer mouth, lad," Dread said, his own eyes narrowing. His lip pulled into a slight snarl. "'Cause I won't sit here an' let ye insult this fine lass simply for how she be born."
Gawain swallowed again. He wasn't normally one to give any credence to Dread's threats, but he'd stuck his foot in his mouth and it was hard to extract it at the moment.
"I . . ." he said again, and pushed himself to stand. He held his hands in tight fists by his sides, and gave Callie a firm bow. "I apologize for my insult. I . . . I didn't think. I hope you don't think too ill of me now."
He straightened and looked toward the front door, where his armor was neatly stacked. Callie had made him take them off so it didn't scratch or snag any of her furniture.
"I believe I should go. I am sorry for my rudeness."
The echidna turned and hurried toward the door, cursing his tongue for saying something so rude without thinking. He reached for his breastplate when a hand fell on his shoulder. Gawain whirled, expecting perhaps Dread ready to lash out, but found Callie instead.
"Hey," she said, her voice soft. "Hang on a sec. I wasn't insulted. Humans are . . . well, we can be problematic, yeah. But that's not really strange, I don't think. I'd wager any species could have their bad eggs, echidna included. But I understand it feeling a little odd to hear your name attached to someone else."
Gawain stood with his head slightly lowered, but gave her a nod. "I am still sorry for what I said. Before you and Madam Maddie, the only other human I encountered was a vile witch who wanted to claim the kingdom as her own. So . . . I did not have a very good impression of your kind."
Callie hunkered down on one knee to come more face-to-face with the echidna.
"Hey, I get it. I mean, if I met Dread first, I probably wouldn't have a very good impression of echidna in general, either."
"Oi! I can hear ye!" a voice called, the annoyance evident. "And here I be stickin' up for ye! Aye, there's gratitude for ye."
Callie gave Gawain a little smile, which the knight returned.
"No need to be sorry, and no need to leave. C'mon, wanna finish the movie? I'll make some popcorn."
Gawain seemed to consider this, before giving her a shy smile. "May I have some of that warm cocoa?"
"Absolutely. C'mon, you can even help."
His misdeed forgotten, Gawain smiled, and followed his friend toward the kitchen. Callie passed by the couch, as Dread gave her a little evil eye.
"Where be my apology?"
Callie shoved his hat a little further down on his head with a smirk. "You still love me, little pirate man. You know it."
Dread gave a little grunt, straightening his hat. "Against me better judgment."
"Want a popcicle?"
A pause. "Yes, ma'am."
Boom pushed himself up. "Oh, snacks?! Count me in!"
Callie found herself leading a handful of Knuckles, a hedgehog, and a darkling into the kitchen, ready to raid her cabinets to satisfy their case of the munchies.
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speedofsoundsketches · 3 months
I completely agree with the character ages, Sonic will always be 15!
Too, why can't we have "Talk about low budget flights! No TV or movies? I'm outta here!" Sonic?
...instead we have "bAlDy nOse Hair? GoTta reMember that onE!" Sonic.
I miss Sonic Adventure.
Gonna be totally honest and this may be a bit controversial but
Sonic's always been kinda cringe, even in the Adventure Era.
That's not to say I'm defending "Baldy McNosehair' because I agree, it's a bad line and not really funny but.... this isn't THAT new for the series.
For example, watch the original ending for SA2. After having a morose moment with Rouge by returning Shadow's ring to her and Amy interrupting him in deep thought on what had happened, he dismisses it by saying
"Let's go home! To the planet as COOL and BLUE as me!"
And it's just... the delivery was jarring to the atmosphere that it cracks me up. I know he's not one to dwell on sad things but that switch up after such an emotional roller coaster that is Shadow's story-line is such a funny way to end the whole game on.
But granted, it works because he still gives Shadow a final quiet goodbye after that so AT LEAST it saved that moment from being laughed off too easily. This felt intentional as a good little character moment because even if the line's awkward, it's probably just him trying to keep the spirits up after a heavy ending. Which is pretty in character of him to do.
These awkward moments usually came off as just being earnest and sometimes added depth despite itself.
Also, Mcnosehair is far less offensive to me than
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But even this isn't too dissimilar from some of the embarrassing lines he's said in Shadow the Hedgehog for example.
There are definitely parts of the Pontaff Era I dislike quite a bit and I wholeheartedly admit I'm more into Classic->Dark Ages in terms of overall tone, intent and execution. But I think people's underlying issues with Pontaff's Era has less to do with the once-in-a-blue-moon cringe lines and more an overall issue with intent, tone and execution of them.
But that's a much bigger conversation than I can get into today. Maybe another time when I have the energy for it.
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revserrayyu · 2 months
2.1 Penacony thoughts [part1]
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**Mild spoiler warning** until the first moment we switch to Aventurine’s POV in the story and I don’t think much has happened yet, but if you haven’t reached that point yet, then turn away anyway if you wish I’m just gonna ramble a bit here and toss my thoughts into the void for my own reference.
Firstly, the return of the odd yellow text and Aventurine calling us ~fuh-riends~ in that hilarious and exaggerated tone of his.
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Makes me wonder whom else has perished during their time in Penacony, and if it’s true, then the Family certainly has experience with covering such things up which raises many other concerns. Also gives me another reason to not fully trust Sunday.
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Oh teehee~ We got Aventurine’s number. And some extra credits due to my responses, HA. sugardaddy
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As we learned from a beautifully animated dance animation, Black Swan certainly knows how dangerous Acheron can be.
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he whole flashback with Duke & Acheron was pretty good. It at least gives us more context rather than us being told he was killed offscreen, but still confirms the dude is dead, though he mentions the kids are alive, somehow. Duke also guessed that Acheron’s an Emanator (though he’s wrong about which path), then there was some important music box that gets brought up later on, and Acheron speaks of her sword that has indeed been sheathed this entire time, even during the 2.0 story.
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At the very end of the scene it fades to black and Acheron full says: “May death be the end of your boundless dream, guiding you back to the waking world,” which I remember is the exact thing she said after witnessing Firefly’s death.
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Sweetie, you’re a big mystery but it does not surprise me in the slightest to learn that you’re wanted by the IPC after witnessing your power in your many trailers. Hearing her speak about the Stellaron Hunters though made me think back to her character trailer, since I wondered if she even knew who was attacking her in the first place, but perhaps she did, even if the trio was nothing but Sparkle’s tricky illusions.
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It was kinda funny seeing her get lost occasionally in the hotel during the previous story update, but now I feel bad knowing that she has horrible memory. Having to rely on your emotions seems quite challenging if you don’t have a good control of them, but she seems to be fairing well enough.
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Tell us your suspicions Acheron! I mean, I have my guesses as well, but I’d take your word over anyone else’s.
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It was at this moment where I had a real random idea and thought, “huh, could this be Boothill?” I found it strange how they revealed him to us when we haven’t even met the dude in game yet, like he really came in outta nowhere for me. But seeing Sam again and realizing how both of them have robotic bodies.. I dunno. I thought it could’ve been an extra set of armor or something.
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Of course it makes no sense, since Sam & Boothill have different voice actors anyways, but still, the way Acheron speaks so familiar to him, as if they were both truly galaxy rangers, gave me second thoughts for just a brief moment. Nothing more. Just a small silly idea.
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The return of the worrisome red text, capable of causing anxiety even through such a small word. With her horrible memory, I assume she’s not even sure what she’s supposed to be doing in life, so asking about Elio’s script and if she’s included made me think she’s trying to learn about her purpose and her own goals.
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Say it loud, mom! We shall NOT. TRUST. ANYONE! And at this moment I seriously don’t. If they ain’t from the Express then you’re sus. Case closed.
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Glad to see Danny boy lending us a helping hand from the train, but red text begone! First learning about how Acheron has terrible memory and now we can’t even remember her well? That can’t be good.
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I firmly believed that if you die in the dream, you would just wake up in real life, so thank whatever Aeon you fancy that we’re finally getting the idea to head back into reality to confirm if Firefly and Robin are still alive. Maybe we should check up on those couple npcs that passed away during side quests too.
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The way I held my breath.. I don’t even know much about HI3 but I’m aware our grandpa is more or less the same guy, so seeing him interact with some like Acheron, oh dear. The way Acheron still didn’t reveal her true name to him made me more wary too. I get she might not even remember, because poor memory, but hmmm.
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I can understand her having some Stellaron Hunter knowledge because she’s wanted just like them, but ma’am why do you know this?? especially since the Family doesn’t even know the truth about Welt’s cane apparently.
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Can’t lie, a fight between him and Acheron would be a spectacle. Who do you think would win?
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Again, how does she know this? Has she been chatting with Aventurine? because he figured out our stellaron last patch too.
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First thought: yay, she’s worried about us. Second thought: why would she be concerned about Black Swan? Shouldn’t it be the other way around after their dance? Third thought: What exactly is Black Swan capable of and how frightened should I be right now? Fourth thought: Acheron, why do you know so much about others??
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So this music box.. why exactly does Black Swan have it now? Didn’t Acheron snatch it from Duke Inferno? Was she planning to give it to BS, or did memokeeper steal it off her? I dunno.
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Is it me or does it feel like she’s talking to someone else? Another memokeeper? Or just to herself for dramatic effect? Either way, who exactly are we expecting to show up?
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I honestly was getting a bit creeped out during this scene, from the weird camera angles the game was giving is to seeing Black Swan not understand what was going on or who was speaking to her. I actually started fearing for her life and I made a stunning realization that if they killed off BS I would actually freak out. Surprisingly, I wasn’t too upset over Firefly (we didn’t spend much time with her), but it feels like we’ve know BS for longer you know? Ever since that trailer about all the Aeons.
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I can hear Luocha somewhere in the distance going “the dead return!” I tease, but actually hearing one of those from Ever-Flame Mansion call out to BS was a bit confusing? Duke said his kids were alive, sure, but BS is looking at past memories attached to the music box, right? So I’m still a bit on the fence regarding who out of the kids are actually alive. Maybe some, maybe all. Maybe I’m being played for a fool and thinking about it too much.
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How many of y’all got excited to see Ratio interact with Aventurine again? I know you people are out there. Anyways, hearing about how Robin had a stand-in leads me to believe her death was planned, which would upset me greatly because what did that precious lady ever do to anyone??
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It’s crazy this man has actually tried several times to end himself inside the dreams, like bro what if you actually succeeded?? At least this shod bring us some relief that Firefly and Robin are okay? Hopefully? I’ll believe when I see them.
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I freakin' knew there was something wrong with her voice!! The first couple times we meet her you can tell her voice sounded off, like it was glitching out or something. It’s not very easy to hear, but the difference between the real Robin and Sparkle impersonating Robin towards the end of the last patch sounded different. No wonder Sunday picked up on Sparkle’s trick so easily.
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Soooo, that’s pretty much everything I went through after the update hit. Unfortunately it isn’t much but adulting is a drag. Of course I’m looking forward to continuing the story later on. Starting with these men again will be a treat too.
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(originally written on 3/27)
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torchickentacos · 4 months
idk what it's bulbapedia - government issue name is, but Solidad x Harley
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH INTERESTING!!! So, 98 percent sure it's kantocontestshipping??? Which. Sure, though I think Harley's from Slateport in Hoenn but whatever. Thoughts under cut! (Also, LMAO @ bulbapedia government issued ship names skdjskdjsk stealing that term)
I usually 'ship' them in the way of, like, a queerplatonic (maybe even beard?) relationship, or 'we made a marriage pact when we were eight and I guess we're following through with that now', or for tax benefits, or in an 'overly affectionate best friends who just kinda say 'fuck it' and call it dating' kinda way! A more platonic soulmates thing, but in no way am I opposed to it being a regular ship, though I gravitate towards it being less romantic. So I guess I'm answering the 'ship it' questions, though I usually ship it in more of a queerplatonic way? Which, STILL A VALID RELATIONSHIP BY THE WAY!! we stan! we support! we love! I think my answers can be interpreted/read for any context, though.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I think they'd have a dynamic based off of full transparency, which for both of them is a change of pace. Harley, used to pretense and playing games to get what he wants instead of being whoever Harley truly IS. Solidad, more used to having others confide in her instead of the other way around, and I can see her being someone who bottles stuff up to be strong for others. It's really nice to think they can be each other's comfort and confidante in ways they can't trust anyone else to be. I truly think they'd be RIDE OR DIE, bail each other outta jail, jump off a bridge if your friend jumps kinda people for each other. Whatever kind of love people headcanon it as, I think that love is definitely there in some form.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
That trust as aforementioned, definitely. I also just like that it includes Solidad lol. She's my underappreciated girlie from only three episodes who had a legacy far outlasting her actual in-show appearance. The concept of Drew, Harley, and Brock all having a friend in common makes for a very interesting character. I like that it gives her a bit of space to shine.
I also like that it shows Harley as someone capable of caring and loving and supporting someone. We only really get to see Harley as an antagonistic figure, and I love exploring the side of him that isn't like that- not all the way, anyways. And it's really sweet to think Solidad is one of very few people who can drag that good side out of him.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Genuinely I don't know enough about people's thoughts on these two to have a grasp on what a popular/unpopular opinion would even be! I guess I'll say that maybe it's an unpopular opinion to think that Drew would probably not come around to it. He'd tolerate Harley for making Sol happy but I can't see him ever funny being particularly enthused about it. But I think May would come around pretty quickly, honestly. She's shown forgiveness to be a strong suit.
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lesser-mook · 1 year
A female knockoff done right, whom i wish was canon or got her own movie by now (Spider-girl) Mayday Parker
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Grew up on some of her stories, usually at the Library when i was bored, so i forgot some fine details. Need to dive into em again.
Given she’s born of the 90′s era of comics she was technically Ultimate Spider-man 2000 before Ultimate Spider-man was even a thing by Bendis. 
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As far as Female knockoffs go, Mayday is top 3 spinoffs i actually like, easily.
Number one reason she’s logically the successor because she is the daughter of Spider-man. Not some obscure Cousin that comes outta fuckin nowhere.
She’s not Peter by virtue of her powers being integral to her since birth.
Not something that happens to her by accident, she is a mutant by definition of being born with powers in The Marvel Universe, so that alone is setting her apart from Peter. She’s not clique specific, she hangs with nerd and jocks. 
Which is how you do a knockoff properly- differentiation. 
Closest thing of her i can remember in recent memory in media for her was Ultimate Spiderman XD had “a” Spider-girl but it wasn’t Mayday just a genderbent Peter.
She was lame.
I wanted Mayday.
Funny how Miles’ ended up in his own feature movie before her and Spider-man 2099 put tgoether but they’re graced the light of day in the sequel, lmfao.
Token Black Spiderman gets to skip in front of everybody, no respect.
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This was the cover that got my attention to her back in the day:
My first thought was, “wait- That’s not Peter..?”
Curiosity peaked, opened the issue- rest is history.
Then i read a little bit of A-NEXT, fell in love with American Dream, Stinger, Mayday’s various cameros & role on the team. Good ol days.
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She (May) could easily carry her own show, and a game. Easily.
Last game i played with “Spider-girl” was Marvel Ultimate Alliance, i MAINED tf outta that Spider-girl skin.
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10 Episode Season, a small scale game that focuses on urban storytelling, or a miniseries on Youtube exploring her #0
Something like The Maxx the animated run
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Instead of shoving Captain Marvel in our face cause you want a Superman or a Wonder Woman, do something with a character that deserves attention, Marvel.
Imagine if they teased her in No Way Home or had Tobey’s Spider-man allude to her being canon in Raimiverse, I would lose my actual shit.
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miahasahardname · 22 days
for the character bingo sheet:
- April and Mikey (did I spell that right?-) from TMNT Mutant Mayhem
- Any character from Duck Tales (sorry if I got the name wrong-)
- The Jomies from TMF
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MIKEY (mutant mayhem)
one of the mikeys of all time!!!!!
he’s a lot calmer and positive and yet still has this chaotic vibe about him (which is an iconic trait for any mikey to have)
i would so be friends with him if i knew him personally. i mean, how could i not?????? HE’S INTO IMPROV. THEATER KIDS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!!!!!!!!!
i own a plushie of him and it’s so goofy looking. 10/10, great to watch tv with, very strangleable. (should probably have marked the ‘SQUEAK’ square for that… oh well)
i saw theories that he may die or get badly hurt in the series or the next movie which. 1. crazy 2. if that happens i will start crying and never stop. hurt this man and you will have to face my wrath
also his voice acting is very good. him singing ‘hello’ very very quietly will never not be funny to me
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APRIL O’NEIL (mutant mayhem)
my loveliest lovely she’s so. lovely
i vibe with her soooo hard she’s such a great representation of an awkward teenage girl, i wanna hug her so bad 😭😭
IDK WHAT IT IS ABOUT HER BUT SHE’S MY FAVOURITE APRIL BY A LONG SHOT (though i do have a great appreciation for the glory that is 2003 april)
10/10 one of my favourite characters of all time. i would play minecraft with her. i would
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you gave me the choice to talk about any ducktales character so of COURSE it’s gotta be dewey!
gotta get this outta the way. ben schwartz is such a great voice for him. like. this guy. absolutely greatest voice acting in the series, maybe tied with david tennant as scrooge mcduck
he feels a bit like me as a kid tbh. hyperactive, impulsive, needing constant attention, adventure and excitement, and also needing to be loved and respected by others so badly that he would put himself into danger. yep. that’s very me
literally just undiagnosed adhd in duck form i love him and i need like eight more of him to be happy
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JAKE (tmf)
he’s such a pathetic little guy, what’s not to love about a pathetic little guy???
he sings, he’s easily flustered, makes life crushing mistakes and he simps for women??? literally me irl!!!!!!!!
i genuinely care so much for jake i could talk about him loads but i cannot find the words 😭😭😭
give him a fat dose of estrogen i think that could fix him
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DREW (tmf)
banishing him. 10000 years of therapy for drew.
there’s something about him that’s just..,..,,,,,,, idk. i think he’s very not ok i needs help right now
he is DEFINETLY overrated to me, i do not care about him as much as most other tmf fans do, but those complex analysises of him i absolutely ADORE. yes keep getting under his skin!!!! study him and his brain!!!! figure out what went wrong!!!!
top characters i would use the head of as a pillow (i’d do it cus his hair gives me very soft and plush vibes. i’d also do it to fuck with him. i’m very evil)
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LIAM (tmf)
i have little thoughts about him 😔😔😔😔 does give art freak vibes (lol just like me fr).
totally pretends he’s a vampire around gullible children because it’s funny
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HENRY (tmf)
look at him. he’s such a bastard. most bullyable character of the series
he’s so funny to me. like. hello????
his one crime is loving lettuce. that shit has the worst texture ever!!!!!!!!! lettuce enjoyers dni (another big fat /j)
would definetly kiss the homies goodnight. he doesn’t know he’s homosexual because he’s so unserious about it
ahem that’s all
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mlobsters · 11 months
so i started this episode and when the flowers started coming back to life i thought to myself, if i'm gonna watch some sad timeywimey shit then i'm gonna just go all in and rewatch arrival. and if i'm gonna rewatch arrival, i'm gonna rewatch interstellar. so that's what i did instead. here's attempt #2
sidenote david reed did the story, he was also a writer on the magicians
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supernatural s5e19 hammer of the gods (st. david reed, teleplay andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
starting strong. she's so good, great voice
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DEAN How you doing?
DEAN But--
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yellowjackets s1 - rekha sharma as jessica roberts
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funny little trick of lighting and certain colors, can't say i pay much attention to what they're wearing unless it's an outlier like that white floralish printed button down and the like sam wore in early seasons especially, but thought, i don't recall seeing dean in a brown jacket before
but in this cooler kitchen lighting, it looks green. there was a tiktok going around a few years ago about someone who bought a ... hat? that looked green or brown depending on the lighting. reminds me of that
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i appreciate the point of like hey. judeo-christian apocalypse, what about all these other religions that have to deal with the bullshit fallout. BUT like, is big g god who abandoned them in the same hierarchy as these gods? because if not, then hmm. i may not have enough firing brain cells for this thought process, and definitely a general lack of understanding of religion
um random ghostfacers pseudo-but-kinda-not promo? okay.
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ps the angel blades to me always looks like super cheap plastic fake chrome things. i try not to laugh every time i see one.
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sam's reaction *chef's kiss* padalecki is hitting the spot for me lately with his wtf faces
DEAN I'm outta options. Now on any other given day, I'd be doing my damndest to, uh, kill you. You filthy murdering chimps. But, uh, hey, desperate times. So even though I'd love nothing better than to slit your throats, you dicks, I'm gonna help you. I'm going to help you ice the devil. 
not loving the makeup they went for on decaying vessel lucifer. also do not understand the internal logic of why lucifer can just snuff out a god. little snicker snack twist of the wrist but archangels and their ilk need a special blade otherwise?
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makeup looking much better in this mood lighting with some blood spatter. very menacing, to boot
this pestilence bit with the goo is unending. please, we get it. 😩
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okay. laughing at myself because i'm just realizing i thought matt frewer was murdock in the original a-team, but no. that was a different dude. dwight schultz. i can't figure out what i originally knew him from, maybe doctor doctor, maybe the stand? something 80s/90s.
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altered carbon s1e6 man with my face - matt frewer as carnage
kind of a nod to max headroom there seems like. which, i'm not sure if i ever saw any of the max headroom shows? i just associated the character with coke ads.
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the stand (1994) matt frewer as trashcan man
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dwight schultz not matt frewer in the a-team
well. i wasn't really expecting that change of heart with gabriel, and swift execution. i like the actor and the character but while i picked up the mushy emotions they were putting down, i also hold a grudge against him for torturing sam for approaching a year with the mystery spot. wish maybe they'd worked on that arc a little longer.
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nightglider124 · 1 year
This episode was an interesting one... Something was missing for me and idk what. It could be the zero dickkory which is actually fine in a way because I got it substituted with some Kory and Gar scenes which made me so frickin' happy.
It was also sweet that Dick was with one kid for the episode and Kory was with their other kid. I appreciated it.
But, let's bullet point my thoughts:
Sebastian is such a little bitch. Like are you evil or not, make up your mind, man. You're annoying af. However, I enjoyed May burning as gruesome as that may sound. She irritates the fuck outta me but I somehow also don't think she is gone? Idk, no one stays dead on this show so it's hard to call. It is funny that she calls out Sebastian for being a little bitch though hehehe.
Conner is... questionable. I just can't tell what tf he is doing. Like, I get he is trying to outsmart Sebastian but it's like bro why you think you gotta do it on your own, GOD. But, he wasn't as much of a douche this time round so I'm liking him more again XD. Though, when Dick was like 'Looks like the new CEO is on our side' I was like Dick, stfu you're gonna jinx shit and I still wouldn't be too sure in that either.
When Dick was all I have to make a long distance call, Idk why I thought he meant Jinx and I was like whut. Then after he mentioned dark magic, I was like ohhh. I'm assuming Constantine since black magic and British. XD Interesting that Constantine has been mentioned a few times now. I like it.
Guys... guys.... THE FUCKING KORY AND GAR SCENES WERE KILLING ME. I honestly love them. They are the best duo in the show, idgaf. They're both sunshine characters. (Unless Kory is on a bad day but overall.) They give me such life. Kory and Gar are my favourite characters as it is when it comes to Titans whether it be the show or the comics or the animated show like them two are just my absolute gems.
LMAO Kory punching Vic as soon as she walks in had me howling. I love how her kneejerk reaction is PUNCH to most situations. XD
I was sad that there was literally no dickkory in this episode considering we've now got two episodes left so Dick best be starting to lose his shit in the next one which I imagine will be more action packed. Also, I think that's actually more because I felt there was a lot for dick and kory in ep 8 and where there was an episode without them at all and then this week, that's likely why it feels more prominent but...
I didn't feel like this ep was very action packed like I know stuff happened and it wasn't filler but it felt weirdly slow for me? Idk if that makes sense. Idk. I don't feel the 'danger' aspect with this episode is all...
Anywho! It was so good to have Vic, Larry and Cliff in this episode! I wish there could have been more episodes to have like a whole episode just with them cos ugh, they're great. The tennis scene made me smile and it was a good vibe, despite them being trapped.
Vic's little heart eyes at Kory had me grinning like I wasn't imagining that shit, right? It was flirty and cute. This woman just attracts everyone to her. XD
Dick and Rachel's whole thing was... interesting? I guess? Idk, I got the point of it to separate Rachel from Sebastian but Idk. Dick was literally just running round the building with a not knife XD.
Also, it has to be said. The demon dude or whatever the came outta Rachel... lmao... he looked like something out of the original Evil Dead movies like he was a bit goofy, I couldn't help but giggle when I saw him XD.
I felt for poor Timmy with Bernard and I knew Bernard was gonna fucking download the game. I just knew it! Probs for research purposes obvs but I was still like god damn it man.
I think that's all the thoughts I had this week. The highlight through and through was Kory and Gar. I know a lot of people love the Dick and Rachel scenes but I think we've had so much of that in the earlier seasons whereas Kory and Gar scenes feel so far and in between. Maybe that's just me but I think they've defo shined the light on Dick and Rachel more in the past so it was good to see Gar and Kory actually talking and interacting. But again, it's likely me being bias. I've always preferred Gar and Kory moments to Dick and Rachels. Same as I prefer Kory and Rachel moments and Dick and Gar moments if anything because I don't think those other relationships got as much spotlight as they should have.
Lmao, oh when Vic made the your mom joke, I was like bitch his mother is right there XD. I mean, he has like 3 moms. Birth mom, Rita and Kory so yknow. XD
When Gar was like, "You know you can tell me anything." with his smiley face, my heART. I just really love their relationship. And now that little clip of him being like I think Kory is gonna sacrifice herself makes more sense cos of that conversation like Gar is obvs gonna catch onto it.
Overall this was a good episode imo but really it was the Kory and Gar moments that kept me invested, I won't lie. I will be clipping the moments together in a video like I did with episode 8 cos I need it.
Interesting to see next week's episode since its the penultimate one. Ima struggle so badly cos like I'm working a late shift so I'll have to fight to stay off of Tumblr or maybe I'll just give in and see spoilers. Idk. We'll see. XD
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It's honesty just me rambling about the show,you may kept on scrolling.
Honesty? The episode was 7 or 8 ish outta ten.
It was fine and nice one,i don't have strong opinions on me especially when my brain tuning out two times from heing overwhelmed but it was a fine episode. But here's what i thought:
sorry,i know it's balloon imagination. but cheesy voice act hurts my ear. And the fact that bro literally said that balloon already done so much and sacrifice himself even tho by logic,he definitely would only exist for an episode feels funny. And don't let me start talking about the simp superman fantasy novel hehe... This 'writing challenge' draws each character perspective pretty nicely tho
Feels like some of the challenge was a reverence from the other show
this whole innerflame things was getting pretty.. Something. Sorry i don't know how to word it out. But am i the only one who feels this was just. Idk,i'm feeling like those feelings that i felt on most of the iii episode but a bit less ig. at least i can make my candle au innerflame a pretty destructive one as shown on the episode hehe
Cabby protecting the sea pup was definitely on character.
Throw the thingy in - ppt2
Balancing - hfjone
Imma update soon once i find others
springy and walkie talkie are cobs worker/creation to distract me phone from getting back into season 2 problem he caused. But honesty? knowing the man, He wouldn't go through that such leght. He gave me energy that he would rather copy other company idea and pass it as his own or create his own bot/use an ai to create the whole season and only hire people to make the quality good at puking a fuck ton of rainbow and random action for the kids to not get distracted but got confused when people said it's the worst thing ever because he thought that good animation style=your series was automatically awesome even tho if it was a me phone,it would explode at the second it was finished. How i get that idea you may ask? Well i'm definitely not putting cob as springy on my au.. Heh.
Wait what i was talking again? Oh yeah
since this season feels like it was more into focusing at one theme at a time. springy would give out some sort of symbolism too,like. walkie and springy definitely represent those companies that buy another company/cartoons and milks the fuck out of it.making them soulless as hell. Walkie talkie definitely show the manager who pushed it worker the most... Ehem ehem- disney..
Orr they draw how the fans wanted to kept the show on and on. Society pressure and stuff. But i honesty didn't see that one
the walkie talkie person real identity would 100% be showed next episode. Like cmon,i wouldn't believe a non faced objects to be alive. No,we don't talk about season 1.
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meetthesoldier · 1 year
hi sorry this is outta nowhere but i would love to hear ur thoughts on harry (phone
SORRY ANON I LEGIT FORGOT ABT THIS ASK and im too lazy to draw her fr so heres some fanart i drew of her dying in a glue trap
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this time i have a bit more thoughts on her as an actual character so ill start w that before the headcanon dump ... also, throughout this post ill be referring to her w she/her pronouns because of a personal headcanon im VERY attached to. all i ask is any rbs or further questions abt my specific vision of her use those same pronouns... in others posts i do not care obviously. also, this post is specifically abt her in the dsaf universe since shes far more substantial there.
firstly, i should say i ADORE harry. she is one of my biggest comfort characters in a series where almost everybody is one for me. so when i give any criticisms, know its out of love and a wish for some more expansive writing rather than any malice. being critical of media you love is important, etc etc.
my biggest issues with her character really boils down to the lack of acknowledgement abt her being physically disabled. she mentions having a "bad leg" during 3, but its ONLY mentioned that one time, during (i believe) missable dialogue. i understand her not using, like, mobility aids for it since it may be difficult to find suitable stock images (+ all the phonies in that game use the same photos for their bodies, and its totally possible its not something she feels she needs), but it probably shouldve been mentioned or expanded upon more.
i dont believe were given any explanation on how her leg ended up the way it is, or in what way it is. we dont know if she was born with her disability or aquired it later. we dont know if its paralyzed, we dont know if its because of a muscular dystrophy, or anything else. i just wish we were given more info, bcus as it is, it is REALLY easy to look over in favor of, say, her ptsd.
speaking of which, i have some mixed feelings on how her ptsd is portrayed. on one hand, the joke in the restaurant reviews abt her having flashbacks and a subsequent panic attack feels very distasteful, though thankfully this is (i believe) the only instance of this kind of joke at her expense. im glad elsewise it isnt some huge , controlling part of her character - however, again, it IS missable. while one can assume she has it when she discusses her past, i dont believe its explicitly stated UNTIL that review.
tldr; her disability feels poorly handled, mostly from lack of expansion and discussion.
thankfully, though, she is elsewise a very enjoyable character; shes got some really good and funny dialogue, the exposition we get from her about the original managers is really fucking good, and i really wish we heard more abt her experience working with rebecca (and presumably roger)... again, her biggest issues are just not having as much of a spotlight on her as she couldve, but considering the employees arent really the main focus of the game that may be fine actually...
(as an aside, i think about this post every day and cry audibly.)
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thus ends the longform musings, onto the silly headcanons;
standard fare queer headcanon dump: trans woman + demisexual lesbian. also, polyamorous. fuck yeah baby steak (ref)
was in a queerplatonic relationship with joe while he was alive, and a romantic one with both tango/terrence (who has some gender fuckery going on as well) and rebecca because i am not immune to homemade lesbianism.
has ptsd in canon, but im adding a "c" in front of that cause aint no way she lived through all of her coworkers (and presumably FRIENDS) dying in such horrific ways and was only affected in the short-term.
autistic! specifically also has the thing i do where i need the time to be a multiple of 5 before i can start doing anything. also has generalized anxiety i think, with a tendency to catastrophize and compensates by insisting to herself everything is toootally fine. definitely NOT going to have a breakdown rn because shes not totally sure that that vending machine is 100% not going to fall on her specifically
probably didnt have many friends as a kid (L) so now she overcompensates by trying to be as charming and polite as possible. wether or not this works in her favor or makes her seem pretentious is a coinflip. (its certainly working on me though!)
has a real soft spot for random niche animals. probably a big salamander and gecko girl. her favorite is the marbled salamander because its cute as hell
slightly off topic everyday i think of how fucking horrific it mustve been for joe to come into work one morning and his best friend just has a phone for a head and extreme memory issues now . literally what the fuck. thats so fucked up
to do a tonal 180... if she was a pokemon trainer shed have a herdier or stoutland as a sort of service dog for walking shorter-medium distances when she rlly doesnt feel like whipping out the cane :.-)
shes so pale its actually ridiculous. bro looks like she hasnt seen the sun in 5 years ... jake pokes a bit of fun for it sometimes
thanks for asking, anon! i love getting excuses to talk about dsaf. i have a lot of thoughts, you know... dont ever friend me on discord my ass will randomly drop either the goofiest or angstiest headcanons at random intervals and i have no real control over whichor when it will be
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Hello Mr. Jade Prideoftheline, you may be reconized me as @Susan363 who's often posting hcs, incorrect quotes and ideas on Olivia's blog. I send this message to you because I wanted to say that I really adored your Anpanman oc, Kaitojishaku. Despite not knowing much about him, I can see that he's a very funny character, and the idea that he and Horrorman are just a "dumb@sses in love" couple? Mwah! Chef kiss. 💋🤌
I really wanted to know more about Kaito, I would like to resquest that you put on his design, I know that he is suppose to be a magnet but I can only picture his head as a U size magnet. I hope that this isn't much to ask!
Oh yes yes of course! I can give a whole damn infodump about good ol' Kaito!
For posterity's sake, though, I'm slappin' this under a readmore. This is a long dang infodump!
Name: Kaitojishaku... or, that's their alias as a thief. Their real name is... last name Jishaku, given name Kaito. How creative. However, each "Kaito" is spelled differently in Japanese. The "Kaito" in their alias means "phantom thief" and the "Kaito" in their actual name is spelled in the way a given name might be spelled. Different kanji.
Pronouns: he/she/they. Albeit I think they'd be open to more. In Japanese, I think they'd tend toward the neutral and formal watashi for their "I" pronoun, just to amp up their dramatic phantom thief vibes.
Kaitojishaku was conceptualized to fill in a niche I didn't think was filled in the Anpanman 'verse: a gentleman thief/phantom thief archetype!
And of course, what's better at grabbing shiny things than a magnet? So, Kaitojishaku was born! And I started by making them the very fun flavor of morally grey that the Anpan-verse tends to lack. It's very black-and-white there, so I thought, let's throw some well-intentioned light grey in there!
Now onto design. Here is the very first piece of Kaito art, I'd say circa... August o' 2022?
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Their design has changed a little since then due to interpretations from my good pal @olivias-hyperfixation-corner. Olivia interpreted their thiefy mask as cat-eye glasses, and I loved the thought of these being sorta... both! Kaito's metal body that isn't made of magnets and just metal got reinterpreted into a turtleneck sweater. So they just... kinda don't wear pants, ig.
But I did once draw them in an alternate outfit to show further limb motion and further establish their disproportionately long arms as intentional!
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Oh, and their eyeshadow(?) changed a bit.
Kaito's two-tone design was definitely inspired by ENA.
Now, onto lore!
Kaitojishaku was created by a smithing fairy (think about how Uncle Jam is a baker and a fairy) named Anvil in a steampunky city that'd be a solid sleeper train's trip away from the main town in the show.
She was given two powerful gifts by Anvil. One was a jacket filled with pockets upon pockets. He can basically cartoonishly pull larger objects outta 'em. Bag of holding style.
The other gift he was given was a staff/cane of sorts in order to help him push off from any metal surfaces he encountered, but he didn't really seem to get it, instead getting frustrated with the world around him being something he just kept getting stuck to.
She left in the night, climbing up a nearby mountain as a thunderstorm raged. Yelling to the heavens on a cliffside, they were struck by lightning.
They fell down the cliff. For months, they were just... dead. In pieces. Magnet bits. All that was found of them when the town looked for them was their cane.
But... THEY LIVED. Kaito's pieces clicked themselves back together, but when they came to, their memory was scrambled, only a vague visage of a shiny city left in their thoughts alongside their name.
Their first place of residence was an abandoned baikin-lair they turned into a bunker of sorts. They decided with their name and their tendency toward shiny things, their purpose in life must be stealing. So, that's their thing for a little bit. Until it starts upsetting people. So now their thing is stealing and then immediately giving it back if they weren't supposed to take it.
Their first encounter with Anpanman involves her just grabbing a piece of his head very casually, and then when Anpanman's rightfully confused and distraught, she's just all "oh, did ya want that back? Sorry, here ya go." And then she just presses on. Anpanman says something along the lines of "How strange... nobody else just takes like that except... Baikinman."
Upon hearing this name, Kaito decides that this Baikinman fellow is worth meeting. A fellow thief! They make their way to the Baikincastle and introduce themself to both Dokinchan and Baikinman. Baikinman tells Kaito of his plots against Anpanman, and Kaito thinks it's all in good fun, so he agrees to help. He wants Kaito to go steal an anpan head so he can screw it up and replace Anpanman's head with it.
Kaito proceeds to leave and take WAYYYY too long at the bakery just having pleasant conversation with the bakery gang. They even end up politely asking to take some bread with them!
And they do! Off they go sneaking an entire head of anpan and not sneaking some additional bread for their new friends Baikinman and Dokinchan!
By the time they get back, it's been hours. Horrorman now pops in calling to Baikinman and Dokinchan because he made lunch and he's the only competent cook in this house, before he goes "oh, who's this, hora?"
And then Horrorman and Kaitojishaku hit it off immediately. Horrorman's willing to be nice to literally anyone and go with their plans until it turns out That's Bad and Kaitojishaku is willing to steal from literally anyone until it turns out That's Bad. They've a lot in common in that way, lol. This Is Relevant Later.
Baikinman baikinsciences the anpan head into a messed up one. He lures the bakery gang out and gets Dokinchan and Horrorman to guard all the entrances so Anpanman can't get a new head.
But this Messed Up And Evil Head is... not working as intended. It kinda just gives Anpanman an existential crisis. It was supposed to, y'know, make him evil for a bit, maybe.
Kaito realizes, hey, wait, that's just a dick move! Ain't that, like, psychological torture. So, time for a bit of counterstealing!
They go to the back door and... just ask Horrorman to let them in, because they need a favor. And "every good thief has a few accomplices!"
So he does. And Kaito gets a new anpan head! But Dokinchan notices and tries to put a stop to this. And her and Horrorman bicker a bit over this before Kaito throws a smoke bomb and with their epic phantom thief skills, scurries off.
They replace Anpanman's head after asking a very "distracted with trying to figure out how to improvise an anpan head" Jam and Batako if they would rather do the honors (and is ignored because they're absolutely frantic rn), they chuck the head onto Anpanman, typical genki hyakubai, anpunch, baibaikin.
Things calm down, and Anpanman says they really don't have to steal.
But Kaito argues that it's his purpose in life.
Anpanman says it doesn't have to be.
Kaito just asks why Baikinman is allowed to have his purpose be defeating Anpanman, if that's the case.
The truth is, Anpanman thinks Baikinman's too dead-set, but Kaitojishaku seems more receptive to change.
But Kaito's not ready just yet. They say that maybe their stealint will benefit everyone next time, and with another smoke bomb, they disappear.
Then the Hoshi story ensues! You've already seen that, but I'll link it for everyone else reading.
During that, Kaito has resolved to their new "stealing with permission, mostly" outlook, such as... "stealing" free samples. Or rocks off the ground. Or Hoshi back from Baikinman.
After that, there's the plotlines Olivia mentioned such as sleepovers, but I also have plans for another plot where Kaito meets their maker - literally! In Anpanman movie fashion, heheh. Good things happen there, worry not.
Oh. And I forgot Kaito's houseboat. Alongside their bunker, they have a houseboat they found abandoned and took up after realizing how big the world is. They name it the Kaito Go after the Anpanman Go, but, Sailorkun tells them most boats usually have SS before their name... so now it's the SS Kaito Go. It's just a tidy little vintage houseboat. Cozy!
But lastly, let me talk about their personality. Kaito tries to be very cool and sneaky and stylish, but they're also just silly at times. Their magnet hands will get stuck to their magnet body, for example. They have a knack for dramatics and tend to be very bombastic and energetic. But they also have a more caring, calmer side. That's the side that tends to get philisophical and all that. And in truth, they're more naive than one might think. They were created an adult, but barely had anyone to teach them... a lot, really. they don't have the basics down. They have random strings of advanced concepts known, though, so it's a big ol' scramble of things.
Kaito tries their best, honestly, and they don't mean harm. But they do wanna go grab loot and break into places and look cool doing it. And who can blame 'em?
So, that's Kaito.
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pyrochickenpollo · 1 year
So uh This post is gonna be a but long cause I'm gonna be putting my two cents on the latest Helluva Boss episode [Season 2 Episode 4 Western Energy] yes there will be spoilers
I may some things that you will like I may some things you might hate I don't really care because this is JUST MY OPINION on the episode and what I THOUGHT ABOUT IT. Feel free to put your thoughts too if you like but let's do this
So when I watched this episode I actually saw a 2 photos on Twitter and it kind of hyped me up because I saw Striker was making a comeback but when I finished it I was to say a little disappointed. The episode was not as bad like 'I'm gonna not watch it anymore' it was more of bland to me
Spoilers for the episode as a basic summary of it basically Stolas finally got jacked by Striker to be tortured and killed as ordered by Stella; Blitzo can't come to the rescue due to Luna needing a shot so M&M take to the streets to find Stolas and get him back. The episode ends with Blitzo figuring out that Stolas can be hurt, Stolas losing more confidence in their relationship, and some questions on where striker went
The animation for the episode was great, it was the writing and pacing of the episode that bothered me more of like they tried to put the le haha funny plot in with the serious tone of the first plot
The episode started at the richest cup cafe where Stolas, Stella and Andrealphus go to discuss the terms of their divorce and after a bit of bickering from Stolas and Stella;
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Striker comes into the store and using some kind of angelic rope captures Stolas and starts breaking it for his hideout, on their way Stolas calls Blitzo to tell him the situation Striker tells him he's good and this is where I started to have a problem with this episode
They put this episode as a Plot A and Plot B (A Plot is stolas being jacked and B Plot is Luna getting a shot) Now the thing that ruins the writing of the episode is that they just reintroduced Striker
Striker is a very different and very threatening villain in this show, in his first debut he was put on a hit to kill Stolas at the Harvest Moon Festival and had Moxxie not been in the house at the time yeah he would've gotten away with it
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Not only did he over power M&M he over powered Blitzo too
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He was the first imp we have seen that owns And can apparently get blessed or angelic weapons and was the first person Stella hired to kill Stolas based on these clues we can concluded that Striker has killed many royals before. He's hot he's very convincing and he knows it HE really is a main threat to the imps and Stolas aside from Stella
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But knowing this they way they went about his comeback made it seem like "yeah he's a threat but look at all these funny lines and whatnot" and I'm not talking about when he's torturing Stolas and Stolas making quirky comebacks I'm talking about his fight scene
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His fight with M&M was the best fucking thing I've seen since the scene where they fight the D.O.R.K.S. it was so smooth it was edge putting heck it even had Moxxie not being scared or jumbled instead using humor to cope
But it was always interrupted by scenes of Blitzo and the Doc chasing after Luna to give her a shot...
Like seriously outta place for a badass scene like this The Villian fighting against a more upgraded and less clumsy M&M who nearly Like I mean by a inch get out alive just by main character plot armor Millie literally almost gets her head chopped and Moxxie once again almost got choked out if it wasn't for Striker being thrown off by Moxxies comment and Millie using the statue after getting out of her axe Striker would have definitely won and probably took like one of Stolas limbs or something
But through the middle of it you get these pink pastel kind of le haha funny simmer down the tension scenes where it's not needed at all It ruins the vibes of the fight scene it was trying to give
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Don't get me wrong this was a cute moment to see Luna not treat blitzo like shit and him being soft and kind to her but I feel like the return of Striker deserved more of a serious "oh shit even as they evolve he's still a huge ass threat to have around" episode like the DORKS epi where it was more focused on Mox and Blitz being jacked and only for a brief moment going back to Millie and Luna getting closer to finding the boys
I will give credit where credit is due though the ending was loafly Blitzo thinking everything was honky dory just like every other time he's saved Stolas only to see that it's stolas getting dragged into the hospital
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We already know it's bad because we've kinda seen what Striker did but to see Millie of all people looking at Stolas body like that shows that they haven't seen anything this brutal and the person still be alive not just that but It he seems close to all of them as friends so her face says it all
And then m&m breaking the situation to Blitzo for him to realize that Striker actually fucked up Stolas bad and he can actually be hurt
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That was a reality check for him that YEAH He can lose Stolas, he isn't this untouchable higher being like he thought he was and even though he was hit with this reality check he still is too fucking stubborn to go to Stolas but that's just how he is
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And the end cap is Stolas remembering what Striker said that "no one was coming" that he's relationship with Blitzo is not good and his confidence in trying to fix his relationship with Blitzo is so shit rn that ending was perfect it was great
Like I said before this episode was kinda bland and not due to the animation or the voice actors who did fucking amazing I wanna say it was the direction and writing that kinda set it off a little made it like exaggerated and too weird for people to focus on
Like we have to be concerned for Stolas and M&M wondering oh shit are they gonna die just to be cut back to Hey look at how Luna acts like a dog and goes CraZy cause she's get a shot or haha look at the doc how he thought this was gonna be easy when or emotions or still on the A plot
That's why people didn't really like this episode that much the tone shift to what we were supposed to feel shifted so much it made the episode look like it was trying to hard to not be serious and show that hey we can make jokes look
I feel like the B plot should've finished at Blitzo threatening to kill the racist lady and then the next time we saw em should've been at the end it would've made the whole middle part good and seeing Blitzo smiling and walking out with Luna like he had a great time even more heartbreaking
I'm not sure if anything is happening with the writing team [based on some instagram and Twitter posts about how Vivienne isn't paying the writers and animators enough for what they putting down] or if someone else took the lead for this specific episode but yeah that what just my take on this epi and why I don't like it that much
Now let me say something else Specifically about Vivienne because I can't get into a tweet without seeing this shit like this flying all over the comments people are convinced that Viv isn't paying animators, va's,and basically anyone that works with her the amount that they should be paid which based on what some people who worked with her have said is false, like I've seen at least two people who've worked with her say that it's a load of bull and people shouldn't jump to conclusions for things they don't know so I don't think that's the issue here
But yeah that's my post on the newest helluva boss epi if you actually made it to this part Why??? This shit was long as he'll. But thank you and lemme know what you thought of the episode or if you even like the show
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sparklingnight02 · 2 years
Pride Month modern AU headcanons
Hey guys! In celebration of my first ever Pride Month I get to celebrate as a fully out, bi girl, thought you guys who are possibly interested in my modern AU some of you may have seen on my wattpad I mentioned in another post would be interested in headcanons for how the characters celebrate Pride Month along with other headcanons related to their sexualities and other stuff like that!
-For their sexualities, Karl and Alcina both are pan and hate that they even share the same sexualities lol.
-Donna is bi and makes it VERY obvious lol in later chapters! As you'll clearly see lol! She's also demiromantic so although she's willing to occasionally sleep with others without the relationship, she can't really fall in love with someone she hasn't known beforehand.
-Salvatore is gay although didn't know it until college so would still try to go on dates with girls in highschool and such only just assumed he's never found the right person yet.
-In their teen years once they start learning about this kind of thing, Bela is actually bisexual although isn't interested in dating at the time.
-Cassandra is asexual/homoromantic although identified as aroace because she didn't think you COULD have a romantic relationship with anyone and NOT have sex, plus being a bit of an introvert, generally just found ALL people annoying lol so never actually cared for anyone in that way before.
-Daniela is gay through and through and got a girlfriend at 16, although didn't tell anyone right away until she got caught kissing her girlfriend in the park one day by some random, nosy, busy body homophobe.
-Miranda actually identifies as homoflexible as although she mostly was interested in women, she's found the few men she WAS willing to sleep with she actually enjoyed it although usually generally prefers women.
-Ethan is actually bi although wasn't really aware of it until Donna jokingly asked if he'd be interested in Karl if he were single to which after thinking about it, realized he either has a thing for women AND men, or just a thing for women and KARL lol! (Ethan Winters haters, get outta here, this fic has him in it and if you can't respect I ship him and Alcina just don't read this book then)
-Rosemary is actually homosexual although is aromantic which had Ethan MAJORLY relieved lol about the fact he probably won't have to worry about who Rose dates lol or about an accidental teen pregnancy lol!
-For how they celebrate Pride Month, Alcina and her daughters usually go ALL out! Alcina makes sure they all have at least ONE rainbow item on their bodies! When the girls were young these were usually just a little rainbow necklace for Bela, rainbow face paint for Cassandra, and a little rainbow skirt for Daniela, while Alcina usually just wore a rainbow neck tie, although as they got older, the girls switched to Bela wearing a rainbow cap with "Love is love" written on the front, Cassandra would just wear rubber, rainbow bracelets, and Daniela would have a rainbow hand fan to stay cool in June, while Alcina just continued to wear her tie. Alcina has also put a miniature rainbow flag on her car antennae and a giant rainbow flag hanging off the edge of the balcony on the front of her mansion (because of course this woman would be rich lol).
-Donna isn't usually as out there with showing her support although still shows it but just in more subtle ways, usually she just paints her nails rainbow and plants flowers to look like the rainbow and bi pride flags in her garden, she's noticed a funny pattern with this where only LBGTQ+ folk seem to notice these things while the homophobes she usually tries to avoid never do, she finds it funny how it's the perfect way of still showing those who would care about this stuff she still supports them, while also avoiding those who would get stupidly offended over it and attack her for it.
-Karl doesn't usually celebrate Pride Month as openly as the others although will still show his support by having a rainbow patch of sorts temporarily sewn onto his shirt or something or will have some kind of rainbow pride sticker on his motorcycle or helmet. ('cause FUCK if Karl on a motorcycle isn't hot as FUCK!! 😍😍😍)
-Sal on the other hand is even more obvious than the Dimitrescu's lmao! Going all out with gay T-shirts and tiny rainbow pride flags he takes everywhere with him and has a giant gay pride flag rainbow painted over the entrance to his place and just has all SORTS of cheesy pride paraphernalia basically everywhere, even having temporary pride tattoos on his face, the others all think it's cute though how excited he gets about Pride Month though and don't really mind.
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-Despite actually liking women, it probably doesn't come as much of a surprise to any of you, Miranda doesn't celebrate Pride Month, if anything she doesn't even really tell people ANYTHING about her sexuality so most just assume she's straight lol, although before she went all insane she actually DID use to go to pride parades in the past and even in the modern day isn't really against same sex couples really, she's just against ALL couples PERIOD lol, at least under her roof! So at the very least she's fair about it lol to some extent! 😂
-Ethan and Rose generally just celebrate Pride Month with the Dimitrescu's and follow in their traditions of having something rainbow somewhere on their body, even before Ethan knew he was bi and identified as straight he still wanted to show support for his daughter and her friends and basically adoptive mom lol.
-For any of you who have read on LBGTQ+ situations in Romania though, it probably doesn't come as much of a surprise though that a lot of them have to sometimes face the occasional homophobia and in the unfortunate case of Karl, Donna and Alcina, bi/panphobia as well, although not that often in person, a few times on the internet they've had to deal with people accusing them of 'betraying the LGBTQ+ community' by being in 'straight passing' relationships, as if being with someone of the opposite gender suddenly erases the ability to still be attracted to people of the same sex or erases the B in LGBTQ+.
-Daniela's girlfriend has actually also run into a similar problem, although she identifies as lesbian, she's actually a gynephile, which has led to her running into the problem of lesbians getting mad at her for identifying as that because although MOST people she's attracted were female, she isn't attracted to women ONLY and is more generally attracted to femininity, so has actually stated she WOULD actually be willing to date a GUY if he's feminine enough and actually has a guy friend she said she'd be willing to date 'cause of how feminine he is, busty body, long, soft hair, wide hips, soft, feminine face, and is not above cross dressing or wearing makeup.
-Luckily though among all the homophobia and biphobia and panphobia though they also get a lot of support from others also outside the LGBTQ+ community as well, Donna and Karl getting tons of support from people on the internet as well about what a great couple they make and Alcina and Ethan being jokingly told they still come off as gay themselves but in a straight relationship lol because of how Alcina is clearly the one to wear the pants in the relationship lol!
Anyways, those were my Pride Month headcanons guys, hope you enjoyed learning a little more about this AU and for any of you who doesn't like the Donnaberg or Alcithan ship or just don't like Ethan or straight ships in general, just don't read this and don't go crazy over the fact I have different, slightly unpopular opinions, just stop reading if you see something you don't like and scroll past!
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midnightmeteora · 4 months
Heyyy, I going to make monthly posts about the media I see throughout the year, just for the fun of it. I want to just vibe around here and blog my opinions on the things I like. Most of the entries are written in the moment. So they may not accurately reflect my thoughts later on. I'm doing this outta fun so don't take me too seriously if you decide to engage :P
#1.-Horimiya: Piece
I watched the og show with my GF and WE LOVED IT. It's not a complicated romance anime. But that simplicity is so effective. It was a really cozy anime with good chapters dedicated to just teenage love and it's soo good at it. It excels in character so it makes sense to make a companion piece for it dedicated to just the characters… Sadly it didn't grabbed quite the same until the end :/ I think my main issue is just the kinds of stories they chose, many are funny and enjoyable, but the weakest ones are the ones that have little payoff. EP10 for example was kinda dissapointing for me because the payoff didn't resolved the main conflict. Also I really disliked the teacher character, He gets a ton of screentime on the later half and is such a bore. Overall, is fine if you watch it along side the og or after the og but the main show is WAY better.
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#2.-ORAS' national dex
Not really a piece of media per se, but it was a big project that I started last year around february/march and that I left for a while. This is my first National dex completion and I'm honestly quite proud of it. Will admit, I used PKHex and PKSM to transfer mons from my ds and gba save files to fill the entries I needed. But I grabbed them from my own save files + I had help from my Bestie (I also inserted event mons like the mythicals but like, how else was I supposed to get them gdfñsglk). This was quite straightfoward to do since blissey bases streamline grinding SO MUCH. I love ORAS so much and i'm glad this was the game where I got the full nat dex (not a living one but I ain't doing that yet hell nahhh).
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#3.-Given (TV Anime)
Damn great! It was a really short and sweet show. I'm queer myself. But I haven't gotten too deep into queer media yet, so I'm really glad that this was a really nice anime showing MLM in a rather good light. It's very simple but the characters are so loveable and fun to watch. The music side of it takes a while to fully go nuts, but it has a really warm focus and as someone who also loves music. This was inspiring even dslgkj. I'd love to see a second season sometime.
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#4.-Kung Fu Sion (rewatch)
Still one of my favorite movies, I managed to catch up more details and jokes this time so it was a nice chill rewatch lol. I kinda wanna get into more Kung Fu movies after watching Ip-Man last year.
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#5.-Given Movie (2020)
It was really soft and a great followup of the show. I will admit, I'd like it more if it wasn't for the apartment scene being a bit too creepy. It's not the worst but it was very uncomfortable for me. Regardless it was a nice conclusion to one of the unresolved plot threads from the anime. The last part of the movie was so damn sweet man ngl.
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#6.-Persona 3: Spring of birth
Last stop before Reload comes out, I'm quite excited for P3R since the leaked proof of concept. I've already replayed the main game with FES (minus the answer but whatevs). And the movies are going to be my last P3 recap. So for the first one I gotta say, I'm let down. It wasn't horrible. But it felt like an average anime recap movie to me. Its pacing was too fast and I'm quite let down by this decision. Akihiko and Junpei get very shafted in terms of screentime which is sad, because their character flaws are stablished in this part of the story. For this quarter of the main game (which is easily the weakest of the game imo), it would've benefited a ton from a more character focused story. Fuuka got a pretty nice arc compared to the game, but everyone else lacked screentime. The animation and overall style is sick, but I do wished it wasn't so "on model" for most of the runtime and action scenes, it feels a bit rigid at times. Overall, is just a fairly standard recap of the first quarter of P3. 1 down, 3 more to go.
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#7.-Persona 3: Midsummer Knight's dream
WAY BETTER THAN THE FIRST MOVIE. It feels less like a recap, and more like an actual adaptation. It still has a fast pacing, but it isn't as distracting now that the plot always moves foward, with substancial scenes and character moments for almost everyone. I really like how Ken and Shinji were done here, it has a way more personal focus imo. Ken shines way more here than in the og game, his backstory is so well adapted in this film. Shinji is excellent too, they really use every moment he's on screen to show you more of his character and I love it. This whole movie has excellent storytelling and it's a great adaptation of the Ken/Shinji storyline. The only sour spot that distracts me is Makoto, I kinda get what they are trying to do with him. But it doesn't land for me, I wish we saw more of his inner thoughts and monologue, instead of relying so much on his dialogue. Because he lowkey stands with strega on not ending the dark hour (WHICH IS A VERY BOLD MOVE AND I LIKE IT). But he doesn't express said feelings in a compelling or interesting way. I don't mind quiet MC's. But I'm not digging this Makoto thus far tbh. Maybe movie 3 and 4 will change my mind. Also, the animation is a bit better now! It breaks model more often and it feels way more dynamic and fun to look at in action scenes. It isn't perfect, but it's a great improvement!
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#8.-Persona 3: Falling down
MAN THIS WAS SOO GOOOD, So far this is my favorite P3 movie, it was so thematically rich and substancial. Everyone had their moment to shine and the overarching theme of letting go and the fear of attachment was CHEF KISS. Makoto is great in this movie, while I still hold the opinion that he was very flawed in the last two movies, in this one he steals the spotlight. We now see his inner thoughts and feelings. Tying most of the cast resolves to his own struggles is soo good. He essentially becomes THE antithesis of P3, and it's a great way to develop him, we get a good a idea of him as a character while still keeping his quiet and reserved personality. Junpei gets the love he deserves, and just like the game, he has one of the best arcs in this story. I still feel that he was robbed of more because of the first two movies, but in this one he gets the entire spotlight and it's great. My only complain is that Akihiko and Ken do get sidelined a bit, and their resolve isn't as satisfactory as everyone else, since they start the movie already moving on from the aftermath of the last movie. Which can take you out of it because there's no real payoff for their feelings other than that one pawlonia mall scene but I still find it quite underwhelming. One more to go!
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#9.-Lupin the third: The bloodspray of Goemon Ishikawa
I really want to get into more adaptations of Arsene Lupin. And Lupin the Third sounds really promising. I've already seen Castle of Cagliostro a good amount over the past 3 years and I really like the vibes of this franchise. I saw this movie bc one of my friends really liked the animation in one scene and as a Standalone story is neat. But I did felt that I lacked some kind of context and apparently I did. Since this is a whole series apparently. Will return to this one eventually once I have the proper context, regardless it was a fun 50 minute watch.
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#10.-Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Ok so I played this game mostly because I want to get a Ribbon master Scizor. It was either getting thru this game once so I can get the Scyther, or playing Colosseum in japanese so I can get Scizor with the E-reader functionality. So not much of a choice but anyways. I mention this because admitedtly, I kinda speedran the game so I was able to transfer my pokemon to my Emerald save file. So I skipped a ton of extra content. Hell most of the time I fainted the Shadow Pokemon because it was easier and I barely change my team. Regardless, I'm still rather dissapointed with this game. I played a bit of colosseum last year and it was ok. It had a neat premise and concepts that I wanted to see more if. I didn't finished it mostly because my emulator config was garbo, but I didn't hated it. It was a very slow paced game with tons of issues like the long battle animations and clunky purification mechanics. But it was an interesting game that I would've completed if I had the means to do so at the time. XD however left me dissapointed because of the premise and story. It was quite dull for me and nothing grabbed my interest. Colosseum wasn't peak fiction or anything. But its premise felt more interesting to me. A rogue pokemon trainer that captures shadow pokemon from evil trainers? Quite the sick concept ngl. XD has a child protag that is sent to do the work of everyone else. It's such a silly thing to critize the narrative of this game solely on the premise. But at the very least colosseum had a better narrative premise that made me interested in watching how the story unfolds. XD feels like your usual Pokemon narrrative, but if it was only focused on the "evil team" Subplot and nothing else, it just doesn't work for me. And because it was so centered on battling dull grunts over and over again, I was very bored throughout the whole game. I could probably have a better opinion after a replay, but as of now I'm dissapointed.
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#11.-Black Rock Shooter OVA (rewatch)
Small rewatch with my gf. I still really live the cozy vibes and the simple, yet effective story. I vastly prefer the 2012 anime (may rewatch soon who knows), but I respect this little OVA a lot. I lovee the animation and I relate a ton with the story. Let's go lesbians.
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12.-Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Disney)
My GF LOVES Percy Jackson, so this was a must watch for both. As an introduction to this series. Is pretty good imo, I might not get everything yet (since it's a slightly abridged retelling of the books according to my GF). But this was a pretty good first season. I really like the main conflict and drama of this first part and I hope it delivers a banger season 2.
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#13.-Persona 3: Winter of Rebirth
F u c k The best P3 movie by far. I literally have no complaints, that was a perfect adaptation of the last story arc of the game. I'm amazed tbh, it was so damn good. These movies got better as they went along. And i'm so glad they didn't stuck with just re-telling the original game like the first movie did. This movie is P3 as a whole, and it embodies the game perfectly. Not much to say dude, it's peak. As of writing Reload has just came out, and sadly I won't be able to get the game on release, but damn am I reallyy looking foward to that first playthrough. Hopefully I will be able to blog it in this year's thread >:3
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If you reached this far thanks, hope u have a good day :]
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