#National Women’s day
renarots · 3 months
I just thought to share this here but boycott all official f1 related things on international women’s day (march 8th)
-Watch using non revenue streams or don’t watch at all
-don’t engage with official social media posts
-don’t engage with reporting, engaging only gives them attention
-speak up about feminism and sex discrimination
Do not become complacent to blatant ignorance and let this be swept under the rug like so much other issues.
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mortem0 · 1 year
just remember:
lily evans-potter’s spell was the one that killed voldemort the first time
hermoine granger saved the wizarding world and became the minister of magic
marlene mckinnon was described as one of the best witches of their age
ginny weasley was powerful and confident with or without harry and became a professional quidditch player
luna lovegood loved everyone for who they are and stood by them even in danger
mary macdonald chose to do what’s best for her and left the wizarding word, outliving those she grew up with
dorcas meadowes was killed by voldemort himself
happy national women’s day
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chillymountsjess · 10 months
It’s women’s day in South Africa so happy women’s day to all my beautiful followers I love you all 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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robertbelcherjr · 1 year
Happy national women’s day to women and Gene
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xtruss · 3 months
Today Is International Women's Day! The Radical History of International Women’s Day and Why We Celebrate It
The United Nations Officially marked March 8 as International Women’s Day in 1975, But Its History Dates Back Much Further.
— By Natalie Khoo | Published 24 February 2021 | March 8, 2024
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Every year on March 8, people around the world celebrate International Women’s Day. Designated as an official United Nations observance since 1975, the day honours women’s rights and achievements across political, economic, social and cultural spheres.
However, its history dates back much further – and it’s not exaggerating to say that it involved a lot of blood, sweat and tears. To understand the movement and stay true to its purpose, we look back on the radical history of International Women’s Day and why we celebrate it.
How IWD Started
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Photo: Getty Images
Years of women’s oppression and inequality had sparked protests and debates for centuries, if not more. One particular women’s strike that saw 15,000 garment workers marching through New York City to demand for better working conditions in 1857 is often attributed to the observance’s origins, especially after its 50th anniversary tribute in 1907 brought women’s rights issues to the forefront again. However, both the march and its tribute have been disputed by researches, who claim that they were myths created to “detach International Women’s Day from its Soviet history in order to give it a more international origin”.
Historian Temma Kaplan maintains that the first National Women’s Day was celebrated in the US on 28 February, 1909, spearheaded by the Socialist Party of America. It was designated to be on a Sunday so that working women could participate, allowing thousands to attend events uniting the suffragist and socialist causes – which until that point, had often been at odds.
The concept of a “woman’s day” caught on, inspiring German campaigner and socialist Clara Zetkin to evolve the day into an international movement advocating for universal suffrage. She went on to lead the first International Conference of Working Women in 1910 where the idea of an International Women’s Day was tabled. Over 100 women from 17 countries who were present at the Copenhagen conference – representing unions, socialist parties and working women’s clubs – greeted the suggestion with unanimous approval.
As a result, International Women’s Day (IWD) was observed for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March, 1911. It drew more than 1 million people to rallies worldwide to campaign for women’s rights to work, vote, receive vocational training, hold public office and to end discrimination.
Suffrage and Socialist Roots
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The Bourgeois Democratic Revolution on March 8th (23 February in the Russian calendar) was the first of the two revolutions in Russia in 1917. Photo: Getty Images
Elsewhere in Russia, the first International Women’s Day was established in 1913 – on the eve of the World War I. What started out as a campaign for peace against the backdrop of war (which caused widespread food shortages and the death of over 2 million Russian soldiers) eventually contributed to the movement in 1917, when a 4-day strike for “Bread and Peace” forced the Czar to abdicate and the subsequent provisional Government to grant women the right to vote.
In honour of the demonstration that began on February 23, 1917 according to Russia’s calendar (it was March 8 on the Gregorian calendar), Vladmir Lenin declared Woman’s Day an official Soviet holiday from that year on. This made Russia the first major power to enact suffrage legislation for women – a year earlier than Britain and three years ahead of the United States.
Nevertheless, the observance did not hold much weight in the next few decades until 1975, when the United Nations officially marked March 8 as International Women’s Day. Finally, in December 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming March 8 as a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace to be observed by Member States, in accordance with their historical and national traditions.
Currently, only about 20 countries recognise International Women’s Day as an official holiday, including Afghanistan, Cambodia, China (for women only), Cuba, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam and Zambia. Other countries such as France and the United States honour the celebration albeit not as a public holiday.
Why It’s Still Relevant Today
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Marches Campaigning for the #MeToo Movement. Photo: Getty Images
While many battles have been won for women’s rights and emancipation throughout the history of International Women’s Day – as seen by the increased number of women in the boardroom and greater equality in legislative rights – there remains a great deal to be done.
The figures speak for themselves: only 47% of women of working age are in the labour market, compared to 74% of men; women hold less than 25% of parliamentary seats; and around one third of women have experienced a form of abuse, according to the World’s Women Report 2020. Recent world events like the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements only serve to underscore its importance even in 2021.
These issues are worth fighting for every day, but a designated celebration helps to spotlight them to effectively tackle specific issues from year to year. Since 1996, United Nations began to adopt a unique theme every year, starting with “Celebrating the past, Planning for the Future.” Other themes in the past few years include #EachforEqual, #BalanceForBetter and #PressForProgress.
This year, the theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge, aimed at calling out bias, questioning stereotypes and helping to forge and inclusive world.
“We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world,” reads the official website. “From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge.”
What You Can Do To Help
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Strike the #ChooseToChallenge Pose to Show Your Commitment to Challenge Inequality. Photo: InternationalWomensDay.Com
You can contribute to the IWD movement by submitting photographs of individual or group compositions striking the #ChooseToChallenge hand up pose, ideally in 16:9 aspect ratio, to raise awareness on the movement and cause. Another simple way to stand in solidarity is by wearing purple, an official colour of IWD to signify justice and dignity, on March 8.
Aside from that, you can attend or help out at events, activities or initiatives near you that support women’s rights and gender equality or donate to female-focused charities and organisations to foster positive change for women. Outside of IWD, you can continue to challenge gender biases and promote inclusivity through your social media platforms and personal interactions – no action is too small or insignificant.
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witchywitchy · 3 months
It's international women's day. White feminists will speak about the hijab being "oppressive" but will not speak about the IOF abducting Palestinian women, stripping them of their hijab, and denying them the right to wear it.
It's international women's day. White feminists will tell you the importance of making period products free, but will remain silent when Palestinian women and little girls in Gaza have to use leftover fabric from tents because aid is blocked and they don't have pads.
It's international women's day. White feminists will gladly share fake accusations -which have been debunked- about mass rapes against Israeli women, but will completely ignore the sexual violence and rape threats Palestianian hostages have been and are subjected to in Israeli prisons.
It's international women's day. White feminists will scream about women's education and the Taliban -even though they only use it for their Islamophobic agendas, not out of concern- and they will remain silent when we say schools and universities in Gaza have been bombed, and there is an educational crisis.
Stop looking the other way. Stop being silent. Free Palestine.
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kkecreads · 1 year
Celebrating All the Women Today
Today, and always. 🫶🏻
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nxzting · 2 years
National Women’s day celebrates the resilience and strength of South African women and their role in uplifting of society and the nation. It’s also a powerful day for gender equality. It is observed on August 9 every year.
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yourworsest · 3 months
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for the occasion of national women’s day shoutout to my favorite hatchetfield women reblog this post and add yours
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 months
For #SaveTheElephantDay on #TwoForTuesday 🐘🐘:
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Amrita Sher-Gil (Hungarian-Indian, 1913-1941)
Two Elephants, 1940
Oil on Canvas, 46cm X 54.3cm
National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, India
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mortem0 · 1 year
happy national women’s day to all my ladies out there, fictional and real 🫶🏻
just remember: WOMEN>>>
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humanrightsconnected · 8 months
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It’s Indigenous People's Day! As we honor this significant day, learn about 14 influential Native American figures 👇!
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cordeliasdarling · 3 months
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happy international women’s day to the one and only 🩷
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bossymarmalade · 8 months
- september 30th, national day for truth and reconciliation -
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Survivors experienced horrific atrocities while prisoners in these institutions. It is important that this image show the love and strength that colonialism tried to steal from us. Despite genocide, we are still here – still fighting for justice and restitution, as true Warriors. - Dorene Bernard, Mi’kmaq Survivor who attended Shubenacadie Residential School
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fourkicks · 2 months
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callofdudes · 3 months
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Happy National Women's Day (yesterday, woops) Celebrated with a platonic story for y/n, Laswell, and Farah.
Readers gender is not specified. This isn't beta read because my eyes really hurt today for some reason.
You had just gotten back from a mission followed by Farah's forces and accompanying assistance of one Alex Keller. After getting back the guys were pretty tuckered out. Price and Simon going for a smoke and Johnny going for a long snooze in his bed. Missions usually left you exhausted.
However, this was the week that Laswell got a much needed break from her work and she wanted to spend it well.
She was sat on the couch, watching you and Simon quietly talk. Farah was cleaning her goggles, frowning over a small scratch in the top corner of the lense.
She could see the stress on Farah's face, and just from your posture she knew you needed a break as well. So when Simon got up to use the bathroom she leaned forward.
"What do you two say we get out of here for a couple days?"
You looked up curiously. "What do you mean?? Get a hotel or something?"
She shook her head. "Camping. My brother has a cabin up in the mountains where his buddies and him go climbing. We could go spend some time out there."
"Would it be quiet?" Farah asks.
"Most likely, it's not a big place. The spot we usually go isn't touristy either."
Farah looks to you. "I've never been camping outside of missions."
"If we can get a place with room for three and not get eaten alive by mosquitoes and the like, then yeah."
Laswell nods. "It's a cabin, so I don't think you'll have to worry too much about mosquitoes. But it'll just be the three of us." Laswell stands, stretching and grabbing her coffee. "We'll head out tomorrow after you're packed."
So the next morning you and Farah brought out your backpacks to Laswell's car. She only had a small vehicle but it was enough to fit all your supplies. Laswell brought her climbing gear, and enough food to last you a week at the cabin.
Once you were all ready to go there was one person you had to say goodbye to.
"Simon it's ok, I'm not going to be gone that long, only a week."
"A week... What am I supposed to do until then??"
"Hangout with the guys, take some time off to relax your feet. Read your book. You'll be ok."
Simon grumbled and looked over at Alex who was staying with them. To Simon's dismay.
You smiled softly, and fixed his sweater hoodie. "Only a week." You wrap your arms around him and he hugged you back, squeezing you for good measure.
Soon enough you packed in and set off on your journey. Farah plugged her phone in and played music from the passenger seat. "Any song requests??"
"Remember that one song you played the other day? With the guitar solo?"
Farah smiled and put the song on, and you jammed away in the backseat. Laswell put her son blocker down and set you off to the nearest coffee shop. Because what's a road trip without coffee?
She took the tray from the man at the drive through window and handed Farah her iced coffee and you your drink. “There you go.”
“Thank you mom.” You smiled and leaned back.
“Of course. Now, it’ll be a bit of a drive.” But you guys were ready for that.
You drove for the rest of the day. As you got closer to the mountains, Farah and you both pointed out a fair bit of wildlife you saw along the roadside.
Farah’s entire day was made by seeing baby ducklings going for a dunk in a small pond with their mom.
Laswell pointed out a few deer on the way, and soon you reached the place. Driving up the road and parking in front of a rather nice little cabin. It was old, with a couple swinging shutters and the frame would need some repainting.
“This is nice.” Farah looked around the grassy area behind the cabin that led up into a large hill. A small fire pit set up around some trees and a stone pathway up to the stairs.
“How did you get this place again??”
“My brother rents it most of the summer for his rock climbing. They come every few weeks.”
Laswell nods, opening the car door and putting her park pass in the window. She tossed you the keys. “I'll go tell administration we’re here so they don't freak out. You two and get the first pickings.”
You and Farah smiled at each other softly. “Thanks laswell!” You called and grabbed out your stuff. You unlocked the house and you two headed inside. In the small entry way was a couple buckets full of wood and a shelf of paper and some lighters.
A tiny kitchen area and a gas stove. It was a cozy little place. Heading into the next part of the cabin there was a small bench, a cabinet with some games and a bed tucked against the opposite wall.
The back bedroom was separated by a curtain, inside being another two beds.
You and Farah looked at each other. “you can have either, I don't mind.” She said softly.
You were quiet for a moment. “You want the one by the window??”
“I'd like that.” She admitted.
You nodded and tossed your stuff on the bed in the corner, and let Farah have the bed next to the big window looking out at the field.
Laswell came back with a bag of some firewood and her climbing equipment. Taking dibs on the bed in the other room and getting comfy.
After which she promptly started on some dinner because she was starving. Until then you two opened her tray of fruit from the cooler and snacked away.
“So where do you usually go rock climbing, Laswell?” Farah asks.
“We usually go up one of the old trails. There's an open section of land that shows off this huge rock face. It's the perfect climb. I think it'll be easy enough for you two.”
“We’re capable Laswell.” You chuckle. You could smell the food waft through the cabin. She plated up, and came over to set down two plates for you two. You moved over on the bench allowing Laswell to sit down, and you all dug in.
Talking and laughing as the sun starts to go down on the field, the food being quickly devoured. Laswell brought out brownies as dessert.
You gasped softly. “Are those….”
Laswell smiled and ruffled your hair. “She said they're all yours.”
You eagerly popped the lid off and snatched one to dig into. “Oh Farah, you gotta try one. Her wife makes them the best.”
Farah smiled softly and reached in and took one out. “What's in it, Laswell??”
“Hm? I have the recipe list here if you want to look at it.” She took it from her bag and passed it over. Farah read through it before biting in, humming happily. “Oh, oh these are good.” She took another bite.
“Can I just…” She slid the recipe back toward herself and Laswell nodded. “All yours”
Farah tucked it into her pocket and you two devoured the brownies. Laswell’s wife was the best, always asking what sweets you guys would like best and sending Laswell out to work with a box or two for you guys.
Eventually you all headed to bed. You crawled into bed and rolled over, falling asleep.
Farah pulled the blanket over her shoulder, and opened the window to look out at the darkness. The cool breeze on her face.
She sighed softly, and closed it. Flopping down and rolling over again. She looked into the darkness, trying to arrange the blanket to try and get comfy.
When she couldn't, she leaned over and grabbed the flashlight off the nightstand, flicking it on low. She went over to you, standing at the edge of the bed for a bit before poking you.
“Y/n?” She whispered. You mumbled softly and opened your eyes. “Farah?”
“I'm sorry… I can't sleep.” She whispered.
You smiled softly, and rolled onto your back. You pulled the blanket back to allow her in. “Come on.”
She pursed her lips and flicked the light off. But she crawled into the bed. You gave her some more blanket and closed your eyes again. Farah laid next to you, sighing and slowly closing her eyes.
She held out her hand and you linked your pinky with hers. Helping her relax and fall asleep.
The next morning Laswell was up first. She got dressed and needed a coffee. She pushed the curtain to the second room open and smiled softly when she saw you and Farah curled up, pinkies still linked.
You two could sleep in.
She tied up her hair and went to the kitchen to put hot water on the stove and look through the food bag for what to make for breakfast.
The sound of the kettle woke you up, slowly rubbing your eyes and sitting up. Farah felt you stir and also opened her eyes. “Hmm…??”
“It's ok, you can keep resting if you want.” You assure, and crawled out around her. You scratched your stomach and headed out to the main room.
“Well good morning.” Laswell greeted you.
“Please.” You nodded.
You sat down at the bench, and heard the curtain shift. “I'm gonna change.” Farah gave you the heads up.
Laswell handed you your fresh coffee. “What do you feel for breakfast??”
“Eggs??” You gave her the innocent best child ever look. “Please mom??”
“Tell you what, find the carton in the cooler and I'll see what I can do.”
Farah filled up her water bottle as Laswell made breakfast, checking her phone. She snickered a little from across the table.
Without further incentive you rushed to the cooler and dug around for the eggs, bringing them to her.
She chuckled and saw Farah come out from the back room soon.
“What are you chuckling about?” You teased softly.
Farah turned her phone and showed you a photo of Alex around a corner with a blurry Ghost in the background.
“You think he's dead yet??”
“Knowing Simon and Johnny… maybe.” You snickered.
“Those three are going to kill each other.” She fully smiled briefly before looking down at the accompanying texts.
“Well, he's still alive but accidentally took some of Ghost’s gummy worms it seems.”
You cringed a little. “Ooh… ouch. I'll have to talk with Simon to make sure he didn't hurt Alex too badly.”
You both have a chuckle over it and Laswell brings you your eggs.
And without hesitation you dig in, humming happily to have your stomach full of food and happy.
“How long is the hike to the rock face??”
“Not long. Fifteen minutes at most. And I've got all the gear for you.”
“Now that you've got some fiber in you, let's get going.” Laswell fills her water bottle and grabs the bag of equipment.
“I can carry it for you??” You offered, but she shook her head. “I got it.”
You headed out down the road and hiked up the trail into the mountains. Seeing the tall trees and smelling the fresh air. Feeling the gentle breeze on your warm skin.
Laswell led you up and off the main path to a small outcrop. And there it was. A tall rock face up the side of the mountain with clearly outlined passages and handholds from how much it had been traversed.
Laswell secured her hair and handed you your gear. You and Farah got snug and comfy. Laswell set up the ropes and pegs in the ground to hold you three.
Chalking up your hands.
“You ready, princesses??”
“Hey!” You huffed, rushing after Laswell. Farah chuckled under her breath and found a small ledge to slide her hand into. And you three started to climb.
Farah scaled it fairly easily, though it definitely felt easier when under the pressure of a mission.
You found another handhold and pushed your foot up, feeling around until you could find a spot to slot your shoe in. Securing the tie on your belt.
“You doing ok Farah??”
“A little sweaty.” She wrung her wrist out.
“Let's pause for a minute.” You secured your line and tugged it a couple times before taking your hands off the rocks, keeping your feet in place to keep you from spinning.
Farah did the same, wringing out her wrists and wiping her sweaty palms on her hips.
“Need some more powder??”
“Yeah, thanks.”
You grabbed it off your belt and handed it to her, letting her resupply, and you did the same.
“I bet Laswell is already at the top.” You chuckled.
Farah looked around, trying to spot her. “Oh she probably is.”
“Let's catch up then, hey?”
Farah nodded, and you continued to climb until you reached the top.
And as you suspected, Laswell was already at the top. “You're fast.” You pushed yourself up, shaking out her legs, looking back down at where you came from.
“Oh.” You wobbled a little, stepping back. “It's best not to look down for a minute.” Laswell tipped and looked out at the edge of the cliff. The sun showed out from behind the clouds. It casted down over the lake and reflecting off of the water.
Farah took out her phone and got a picture of the view. Motioning you and Laswell to get close.
You wrapped your arm around her, keeping your hand just off her waist as she attempted a simple smile. Catching the moment with you three.
“Now I'm gonna tell Alex about the fun we’re having.” She chuckled, and put her phone away.
“Maybe I could bring Simon here.” You wondered aloud. You threw sat around the cliff on a small blanket, drinking from your water bottles.
“Hey, I just remembered.”
Farah and Laswell looked at you curiously.
“Happy National Women's Day.”
The two smiled. “That is today, isn't it?” Farah said, and Laswell nodded.
“It is. I almost forgot.”
“I mean, we got the Barbie movie.”
Farah smiled. “I got to see it with some of the girls from my group. Their families said I could come with them.” She fidgeted with her water bottle. “We want to go with Miss Farah.” She remembered them saying.
Laswell looked out at the cliff. “I remember dragging John out with my wife and I.”
You snickered. “Uh oh, how did that go??”
“Oh I think he fell asleep.” She snickered. “It's not his typical movie. But hey, he gave a kicker of a review afterward in the car home.”
You looked down at your hands, looking at all the roughness to your hands. Your battered knuckles and the dirt under your fingernails.
“Do you guys ever feel pressured to look or act a certain way??”
A moment of soft silence went by, letting the breeze drift between you three. “Yes. I think it comes with the territory… but even though I have respect, I still feel mentally challenged a lot to prove myself.” Laswell said.
“Like some of the men in my charge can't understand how I could be as smart as them or understand how to handle pressuring situations.”
"But... Recently a lot of the pressures and beauty standards have been pushed by other women. Which, is sad, considering a lot of them think we need all this stuff done to look pretty or be wanted. But it just isn't true."
You nodded. “Yeah…”
Farah sighed softly. “It feels pressuring every day, to have to dress and act a certain way. Follow a certain code or I won't be respected. I had a man tell me I wouldn't ever have a voice if I didn't have a husband to speak for me.”
You frowned, but nodded. Farah fidgeted a little. “But you know what? I did find my voice. And a voice for many other men and women who couldn't speak before.”
She smiles. “And for every bad person I meet, I've met ten more amazing men I know I have in my corner.”
Laswell nods. “I second that.”
You smile more, happily raising your water bottle. “To the women, and all those who support them.”
You clinked your water bottles and took a large sip. “I'm glad I get to spend the week with you guys. I know it's gonna be awesome.”
“We’re going swimming next.” Farah says quickly.
Laswell and you laugh. “Swimming is next on the list then.”
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