morgangalaxy43 · 2 months
None of the X-men are straight and no mutant is straight either
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peachpopsstuff · 16 days
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My favorite xmen 🫶
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when youre reading fanfic and the characters start dating but there's still 13 chapters left
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ruerock · 2 years
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they dont want you to see nightcrawler (xmen evolution) and quicksilver (xmen apocalypse) in one room together because they would simply be too powerful
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shiveagit · 10 months
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Kurt Wagner x Pietro Maximoff Two muties just trading clothes, among other things ;)
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the-kurtwagner · 3 months
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My Kurt figure came in! I love these boyfriends 🩵💙
i’ll add more pics under the cut as i take them hehe (pls ignore the messiness)
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benratinox · 10 months
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lovely x-men boys
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literally-remylebeau · 2 months
Be Still, My Foolish Heart
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CW: Nothing
This was supposed to be posted Saturday. Oopsies.
Pietro Maximoff/Kurt Wagner
3,379 Words
Pietro nods, understanding what Kurt was trying to say. "No, I think I get what you're saying." His eyebrows furrow a bit. "You mean like, just… show ourselves to each other?" Kurt smiles at Pietro, grateful for his understanding and patience.
"Yes! I just wanna see you." Kurt says, mumbling the last bit, being a little embarrassed. Pietro grins at the deeper blue that spreads across his boyfriend's face.
Pietro and Kurt have a sweet, non-sexual moment of intimacy together.
It's a quiet day in the school for mutants. Which is incredibly unusual especially since it is the middle of the school year. Usually there would be children, of all age groups, running around and making as much noise as possible. Which may not sound like a lot to deal with. However, when you have two elementary kids fighting over a toy, a group of middle schools planning on doing some scheme to blow up eggs and high schools showing off with their mutants that definitely should not be used so carelessly inside while more kids are running up and down the halls trying to get to their classes, eventually, you're going to want to scream and tear your hair out all at once.
So, on one of the very few days where everything seemed to calm down for whatever reason and the X-Men also had yet to have anything interesting happening, they all were very delighted to have a day to just lay in bed and relax.
Which is how Kurt and Pietro got to where they were currently. The two had been set up as roommates through whatever system the school used when they joined after the stuff with Apocalypse. Pietro had been told not to get up and move around too much with his leg cast. Something about not getting it dirty or letting it heal enough so it could hold his weight better first or whatever. Pietro was not listening to the Professor's warnings. Unfortunately, he had been told these things in his bed while his roommate had just popped in to grab something.
No matter how hard he tried every single time Pietro would get up to do something, anything, Kurt had come to find and bring him back to his bed. Which was always followed by Kurt kindly trying to tell Pietro that he should really just stay in bed unless he was going to the bathroom or getting food. Even though the latter wasn't even necessary because the blue boy would bring a plate full of food for every important meal of the day and some snacks in between.
Eventually, Pietro's leg did heal. He had never been happier than to be able to get up and have to actually do stuff! Like, getting up and playing his pong game or... Ok, maybe he wasn't missing out on too much but staying in bed all day isn't as fun as it sounds when you're forced to do it.
Despite his healed leg, Kurt still had the routine of showing up where Pietro was. Pietro didn't think too much about it and assumed it had just been out of habit until it didn't stop for weeks after he got his cast off. Surprisingly, he didn't really mind it. In fact, he realized he had started to actually feel something for Kurt. Especially after he had spent so long looking after him. He ignored this, of course, he was aware of his sexuality but tended to just keep any thoughts like that to himself.
One night Pietro decided to go against Charles' scolding and smoked some weed in his room. He had meant to ask Kurt about what had been happening for a while but, being as awkward as he is, he never really got around to it. That was until Pietro had smoked enough to completely ward off any rational thinking. So, when Kurt had walked into the room to grab something he just asked.
Kurt jumped, having not noticed Pietro being in the room, and tried to come up with a reply but failed. It wasn't until Pietro had gotten way too close to Kurt that he blurted out an answer he didn't mean to.
"I like you. Like. A lot."
Which Pietro replied with, "Oh, cool." and promptly sat back down on his bed. Of course, this led to a conversation later on where Pietro was less high. They officially started dating not too long after that. They didn't outright tell anyone, but a few people did figure it out. Those people being a few of their fellow X-Men and Charles.
Warren had accidentally seen them kissing, Ororo just kind of knew somehow, Jubilee wanted it to happen anyways, and Charles accidentally found out when he needed to keep Kurt conscious during a battle because he had gotten hurt, and he had to do so telepathically. Of course, these people didn't care about them dating and were even happy for them. However, the two were more careful with keeping their relationship a secret.
They had been together for half a year now and had only gone so far as a small make out session. This was mainly due to Kurt's limited knowledge of being in a romantic relationship and Pietro was fine with it. Weirdly enough, the speedster was completely ok with going as slow as Kurt wanted.
Which is why it came as a shock when Kurt had asked to do something that had been far ahead of where they were.
"It's alright, Kurt. Just explain it to me one more time, ok?" Pietro reassures his boyfriend. "I just wanna make sure I know what exactly you're asking." Pietro has his hands on either side of Kurt's face, calming the boy who had started to panic only a moment ago. They are sitting on Pietro's bed together. The room still has two beds so people won't ask questions.
They have been cuddling ever since they were told they had the day off. When, out of nowhere, Kurt had looked up from where he had his head on Petro's chest and said they needed to talk. Kurt tried to explain what he wanted to talk about but couldn't find the words, which led Pietro to assume he was talking about sex.
"It's not that," Kurt shakes his head, Pietro dropping his hands. He opted to hold Kurt's hands in his own. "It's just... I don't know how to explain." Kurt looks defeated as his shoulders fall. Pietro rebs circles with his thumbs on the back of Kurt's hands, comfortingly.
"It's ok. We've, literally, got all day." Pietro assures Kurt, still rubbing the back of his hands. Kurt takes a moment before he starts to explain again.
"I just feel like we've been dating for a while now and we haven't really... explored that side of our relationship, you know? I want to be able to share that with you, but I just don't know how to go about it." Kurt pauses for a moment before trying to explain further. "I want to explore each other but not sexually." Kurt stumbles over his words again. He huffed and lets his head fall, thinking he had messed up his wording again.
Pietro nods, understanding what Kurt was trying to say. "No, I think I get what you're saying." His eyebrows furrow a bit. "You mean like, just... show ourselves to each other?" Kurt smiles at Pietro, grateful for his understanding and patience.
"Yes! I just wanna see you." Kurt says, mumbling the last bit, being a little embarrassed. Pietro grins at the deeper blue that spreads across his boyfriend's face.
"Alright, so how exactly do you wanna do this?" Pietro asks, looking at Kurt for guidance as if he has any more of an idea. "Like, we just rip our clothes off and start touching each other or what?" He asks jokingly, causing the boy to laugh.
"No, no!" Kurt pulls his hands away and waves them back and forth while still laughing. "Just one at a time. I take my shirt off and then yours and then pants and... uh, you know... Or you could go first. I don't mind." Kurt explains, rambling a little bit.
"Ok, so I'll go first, I guess." Pietro sits back a bit and takes off the Alice In Chains band shirt he was wearing.
Kurt's face flushes as he looks at Pietro. Of course they've seen each in less clothing before while getting changed or, specifically, when the A/C stopped working last summer and they had to sleep shirtless. Even so, Kurt never actually had the chance to really look at Pietro because he didn't want to stare. That wasn't the case now.
Pietro isn't very muscular on his upper half but he is very lean. His terra-cotta skin tone is a shade lighter than it is everywhere else. He has a silvery-white hair trail leading into his pants and a scar that runs straight across his chest with two more going up and around his nipples. The scaring stood up from his skin. It is blotchy and discolored from not having healed correctly. Still, Kurt loves the way he looks.
Kurt places his hands on either side of Pietro's neck and gently pulls him into a kiss. Pietro immediately starts kissing back. One of his hands on the side of Kurt's face and the other on the small of his back. Kurt pulls away with his forehead still resting on Pietro's. His hands slightly move down.
"May I?" Kurt asks quietly, his tail standing up with a little curved at the end.
Pietro lightly nods his head. Kurts hands go down lower as he carefully drags them down the front of Pietro's body. They go down to the waistband of the speedsters pants before he lightly grabs his love handles. This causes Pietro to let out a slight moan as he suddenly sits up straight. Kurt moves his hands off of him and moves his head away from Pietro. He mumbles out an apology, worried he had crossed a line.
"No, it's fine. Sorry." Pietro goes back to the posture he had before. "I just... 'm not used to being touched, y'know?" Pietro explained, face flushed.
"Do you wanna stop?" Kurt asks, sitting back quite a bit.
"No, it's ok." Pietro replies a bit too quickly. "I mean, it's nice. Being touched and stuff." Pietro shifts uncomfortably for a second. "Continue, please."
Kurt nods, moving back to the position he had before. His hands back on the speedsters hips, he gently grabs them again. Pietro simply sighed this time, resting his head in the crook of Kurt's neck. Kurt's hands travel back up Pietro's sides to the upper part of his ribs where the scars on his breasts are. His thumbs softly move across the raised skin. Kurt hesitantly leans down and kisses each scar affectionately. He leaned back up and smiled at the deep blush that spread across Pietro's face.
Kurt's hands go to Pieto's back before running down his arms until he interlocks their hands. This time it's Pietro who pulls Kurt into a kiss. He pulls his hands away from Kurt's and runs them through his hair. The kiss was soft but hungry as Kurt's hands landed on Pietro's hips again. Only, this time the speedster moans into Kurt's mouth as he grips them. Kurt tilts his head a bit as he takes the opportunity to explore Pietro's mouth.
Pietro pulls back when his body starts to lightly shake. It's something his body does when he is overwhelmed or stressed. He can do it on command and vibrate certain parts of his body but when it comes to moments like this it's out of his control. It doesn't happen often when they are kissing. When it does happen he has to pull away even when he doesn't want to. They had found out the hard way it wasn't too comfortable for Kurt.
"Sorry," Pietro says, lightly chuckling. He takes his hands away from Kurt's hair and sits back, waiting for the shaking to stop.
"It's alright, love." Kurt says, smiling at his boyfriend's reaction. "Um, my turn now. I guess." Kurt sits up on his knees and pulls his shirt off over his head. He throws his shirt to the side as Pietro moves closer to him as his body has started to calm down.
Pietro places his hands on either side of Kurt's face. His thumbs delicately trace over the scars that litter the boy's cheeks. He leans his forehead onto Kurt's as he drags his hands down to his chest. His hands follow the same path Kurt's had a moment ago but he goes slower as he feels the markings on the rest of the boy's body.
The first time Pietro had seen Kurt shirtless was also the first time he had ever really thought about the marks. He had originally assumed that Kurt had been born with them. When they found out that Raven was his mom, dad? He doesn't really know, basically confirming this for Pietro since she also has markings. However, when he saw the raised skin on the rest of Kurt's body he got a little skeptical.
Unlike the marks on his face, these ones aren't as symmetrical and even. This discovery eventually led to Pietro asking Kurt about them. Kurt was hesitant to open up about them.
When he did open up about them, they were laying in Kurt's bed as they did very often. It's always considerably cleaner than Pietro's. The two were cuddling after a rather difficult mission they, thankfully, came back with no injuries from. Pietro was laying his head on Kurt's chest with Rush playing in his walkman. Kurt laid under him with his arms and tail wrapped around the speedster.
Pietro absentmindedly started gently running his hand up and down Kurt's forehand. His fingers feeling over the markings running over his skin. Due to Rush's Time Stand Still blasting in his ears, Pietro hadn't heard when Kurt had started to talk. When he did finally realize, he lazily pulled off his headphones.
"Whatdidchasay?" Pietro's 'What did you say?' coming out more as one word rather than an actual question. Fortunately, Kurt understood it perfectly fine.
"Do you still wanna know about them? The marks." Kurt repeated, looking down at Pietro. His hand gently carded through the silver hair near the base of his neck.
"Uh, I mean, yeah. If you're willing." Pietro sat up on his arm to look at Kurt more clearly.
"I did them." Kurt said with his voice wavering the smallest bit. If his boyfriend wasn't someone who could see every micro expression a person makes, then he wouldn't have noticed. Fortunately for Kurt, his boyfriend was that someone. Pietro wrapped one arm under Kurt and the other over him. He held him closer as Kurt continued to explain.
"When I was younger, I found solace in religion. Maybe a bit too much." Pietro nodded. He knew of Kurt's complicated relationship with his religion since he noticed he had stopped carrying his cross with him. "Well, eventually, I found that avoiding sin was a lot harder than it had been made out to be. I didn't know how to deal with it. I found myself sinning without even realizing it. So, to make it up to God, I would cut myself. Each mark represents a different time I had sinned."
Pietro didn't like that memory. He hated everything about it. The way Kurt's eyes slowly started welling up with tears as he talked, the way he thought he had to hurt himself for god, the thought that, if still did it, their relationship would've been one of the marks. He's grateful Kurt felt comfortable to share it with him and he did his best to comfort him. He understands where Kurt had been coming from because Pietro has also dealt with self harm but the religious part of it disturbed him. Though, he never really was connected with religion before.
Pietro's hands stop just below Kurt's ribs. He moves from eye level with Kurt down to the other's chest. He leans down and kisses the scattered marks on Kurt's chest. Just as Kurt had done to him.
Pietro's hands move down to Kurt's waist and he pulls back from the boy's chest. Kurt's face has a deep blush on it as his hands go to Pietro's neck. His tail wraps around Pietro's still exposed waist as he pulls him into a kiss. Pietro's hands move up Kurt's back. The movement causing a shiver to go down the other boy's spine.
Kurt smiles into the kiss before pulling away and slightly hitting Pietro with the end of tail.
"Foul play!" Kurt yells. His laugh makes his attempt at being serious fail.
"Says who?" Pietro laughs along with Kurt. He pushes him back onto the bed, basically attacking him with kisses on his face and neck.
"Says me, you insufferable hedgehog!" Kurt almost squeals while trying to push Pietro off of him. When he finally succeeds, Pietro falls beside him on the bed and they're both a laughing mess for a good few minutes.
The two do eventually calm down to continue. Kurt sits up on his knees while Pietro leaves the bed for a moment to take his pants off.
Pietro sits back on the bed with his legs out straight. All the scars he had collected from running and tripping over the years on full display for Kurt. They were all pretty minor. Most being caused by small pebbles that fly up when he runs that decide to dig into his legs. He started wearing a sort of compression pants under his suit now to stop this from happening.
And then there were the scars on his upper thighs from when he struggled with cutting himself. He still struggled with it but it was earlier to distract himself when he felt the urge to hurt himself.
Other than those there was only one major scar. That being the one that wraps around his right knee from when Apocalypse basically shattered it. The scar is ugly. It wasn't ugly like his chest scars. It held no personal meaning to him and only made him wince when he saw it.
Pietro points out the scars he remembers that weren't caused by him running and explains the stories to Kurt. There was a line on his upper thigh where accidentally stabbed himself trying to get something open. A blotch on his left knee from falling into a river bank while trying to catch a turtle.
They were little stories and didn't mean much but they were parts of his life. He likes the scars that have stories. It makes it easier for him to remember those little moments when he's living every moment faster than the rest of the world.
After Pietro makes sure he tells Kurt everything he could remember, Kurt stands up and removes his pants. He lays his legs out like Pietro had.
His markings go half way down his thighs before stopping. His knees and calves are completely untouched by the scars. Aside from a small scar on the back of his half from the fight with Apocalypse. Pietro couldn't help but stare a little bit.
The bottom part of his legs were the same even shade of blue. And a beautiful shade of blue at that. He hadn't realized that it was the scarring that made the marks darker than his actual skin.
Pietro didn't realize how long he was staring for until Kurt cleared his throat to get his attention.
"Oh, uh, Sorry," Pietro stumbles over his words, embarrassed from being caught staring at his own boyfriend.
"No, it's fine. I don't really like how it looks." Kurt says, sheepishly. He brings his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them.
"No!" Pietro yells a bit too loud. "Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to stare and it wasn't because it's bad looking."
"It's ok," Kurt lets go of his legs and grabs Pietro's hand. "I'm just self conscious, I guess. They look a little weird with how the scars stop."
Pietro scots over to Kurt without letting go of his hand. The two lay down on the bed. Kurt's head rests on Pietro's shoulder as they wrap their arms around each other and their legs get tangled together. Pietro kisses the top of Kurt's head.
"Well, I think they're beautiful and perfect." Pietro mumbles against Kurt's head.
The two stay cuddled up together for the rest of the day. Hands still running over one another exposed skin until they inevitably fall asleep. 
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alcanceress · 1 year
recently I realized that all my life I liked the pairings that are associated with the rescuer syndrome or the relationship ‘I'm such a freak person no one loves me’&’you are ideal to me in your own way and I love you and I’ll save you’. in other words, the rescuer and the victim.
do I want the same relationships? who knows
is this a healthy thing? I think no
the clearest example is nightsilver or quickcrawler (kurt wagner and pietro maximoff from x men apocalypse and dark phoenix)
these are my favorite arts, I don't remember exactly the full name of the author, but they are beautiful
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timdrakecoffeemug · 6 months
Silvernight for Pietro and Kurt and Nightsilver for Peter and Kurt because I can enjoy one pairing and suffer with the other
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morgangalaxy43 · 22 days
I really want Kurt and Pietro in interact in season two of X-men 97 because they have shipping potential and they would be a interesting dynamic for both of their characters especially because they could relate to each other about their crazy parents and awesome sisters
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bekowsky111 · 2 years
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invader-bucky · 2 years
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artsy0wl · 1 year
Secret Admirer
This is a fun little Nightsilver fic. As well as my first for the ship. I kind of got interested in the ship after finding some really good art of it. Mainly from the Fox movieverse. Though I may try to expand on it in other adaptations. In the meantime, though, I wanted to share this.
This is meant to be a simple and sweet fic where Kurt has a secret admirer. It takes place after X-Men Apocalypse.
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Roses are red,
Kurt’s fur is blue,
Nightcrawler has an admirer,
Can you guess who?
One little poem was enough to cause chaos. When it showed up in Kurt’s room, Kurt didn’t think much of it. It was cute, and it certainly got Kurt’s curiosity, but he wanted to take it slow and investigate on his own. His compatriots disagreed.
Scott was reasonable about it. He offered to help Kurt look for his admirer, should the blue mutant choose to pursue it. He also offered safety tips.
Ororo was also intrigued by it. She found it cute, if a little cliché. But she love the idea of Kurt having a secret admirer.
Jean and Jubilee, meanwhile, were a bit more energetic when learning the news. They wanted to find Kurt’s admirer for him. He deserved to find love and that was all that mattered.
Blue fur in twilight
Eyes shine like electric diamonds
Embrace silver waves
This haiku was found in Kurt’s coat pocket. How it got there, he had no idea. Maybe a student snuck it in there when he wasn’t looking. It held a clue in the form of carefully placed color choices and phrasing. Blue fur was a reference to Kurt. Electric eyes could be a comparison to how his glowed, or perhaps implied a weather based admirer.
Ororo was the first suspect because of that. But after a few moments of inoffensive interrogating, Jubilee was able to cross her off with a bang.
Silver waves was Jean’s term to investigate. She wondered if it could imply a mutant with water based powers. Maybe even ice, since it could have a silvery transparent look. Ororo could be a possibility, but with her excluded, Jean investigated other mutants, only to turn up short when the mutants who had water based powers claimed they weren’t interested in him. And Bobby, the only ice based mutant on the premises, stated that, while Kurt was certainly someone he wouldn’t mind dating, he didn’t believe he was Kurt’s type and Bobby had a boyfriend already.
Kurt, meanwhile, was enjoying moments of relaxation. Since he wasn’t doing the investigating, he could catch up on some reading. No one bothered him, save Jean and Jubilee with reports and Scott clearing the air with questions on how to ask Jean out.
When they weren’t around, everyone seemed to leave him be. It was peaceful. Yet, he never seemed alone. Several times, he could have sworn he felt a breeze run passed him. But with no windows opened, he wasn’t sure what caused it.
Come to think of it, Kurt realized he hadn’t seen Pietro much since this started. He saw him in passing, the speedster stating he had a lot of work to do. Pietro also appeared oblivious to what was going on, or at the very least indifferent. He shrugged off the love letters as something endearing, but not his business, wanting to respect Kurt’s boundaries in regards to it. It was sweet of Pietro, if only a little bizarre. Kurt assumed Pietro would have been curiously nosy about this kind of stuff.
Beautifully blue elven cat,
With raven black hair I wish to pat,
Dainty and gothic,
Strong and catastrophic,
Wait for a humble and silver chat.
This poem felt ominous and planned. Was this flirting in poem form? What was an ‘elven cat’ and why did his admirer call him one? Was Kurt’s admirer going to show themselves soon?
Sitting on the couch in the lounge area reading, Kurt ignored the speculations and scheming that Scott, Jean, Jubilee, and now Bobby, were involved in. Kurt felt a quick breeze before noticing that Pietro was sitting next to him. His arm slung around the blue mutant’s frame as Pietro eyed Kurt with curiosity. Kurt kept his sight on his book, but waved his tail a little to signify he knew Pietro was there.
“Any luck on this secret admirer business?” Pietro inquired.
“Not really.” Kurt confirmed, turning the page. “I haven’t been investigating much, but I welcome the mystery.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. I mean, I don’t know why I would have a secret admirer, but it’s kind of sweet in an awkward and mysterious way.”
A low hum escaped Pietro as his arm wrapped around Kurt’s shoulders. A slightly purple hue painted Kurt’s face as he was pulled closer to Pietro.
“What makes you think you don’t deserve an admirer?” Pietro inquired. “You’re adorable.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m a bit funny looking.” Kurt mused, still a little purple in the face. “Demon and all. People seem to think I’m some scary monster.”
As though attempting to comfort Kurt, Pietro hugged him. It wasn’t right that people called him a monster and demon.
“You’re not a monster.” Pietro argued. “You’re an elven kitten.”
“I wouldn’t say… what did you say?”
“You’re an elven kitten. An adorably blue elven cat with electric eyes.”
Pietro’s hand ran through Kurt’s dark hair, patting his head oh so gently. Finally setting his book down, Kurt looked at Pietro with wide eyes.
“It was you?” Kurt realized.
“Yes.” Pietro confirmed with a nod. “I’ve fallen for you. Hard. Since they day you teleported into my life.”
Pietro’s free hand cupped the side of Kurt’s face, causing the mutant to turn an even deeper shade of purple. Flattered, shocked, and confused, Kurt had so many questions. His mind felt like a tornado of surreal curiosity.
Until this point, Kurt never considered the option that he was loved in such a way. And though Kurt wasn’t on his mind most days, Kurt couldn’t lie that Pietro was charming in an energetic and optimistic way. Like a super charged bunny with a smile that made Kurt’s heart flutter. But one thing plagued Kurt’s mind.
“I… I never would have thought… Why me?”
“Because you are sweet, strong, and are deserving of love.” Pietro stated, chuckling as the flattery ruffled Kurt’s perplexed feathers. “You're so cute when your confused.”
Leaning closer, Pietro barely hovered over Kurt’s face. Warm breathes tickled Kurt’s face, anticipation and curiosity growing.
“May I kiss you?” Pietro asked.
Stunned, Kurt froze for a moment. The question itself was innocent enough, but what he asked for was a surprise. After a moment of silence, Kurt nodded, sealing the deal with a literal kiss.
The kiss was soft and gently, closing the case of the secret admirer. Neither one care if anyone saw, as both relished the soft intimacy. Both craved the affection, not wanting it to end. And it was all thanks to three lovely poems.
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shiveagit · 6 months
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EndoftheYear sketches forgot some:
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