#Oh and I'm looking forward the art party!
wilsons-journey · 9 months
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Him,... ♥
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mordredisacoolname · 3 months
Male reader
Characters: Anthony, Benedict, Colin
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-this boy is in DENIAL
-what do you mean he's in love with a MAN??
-he's so doomed
-you were very tight before
-spent every day together
-he really enjoyed your company, more than anyone, and he didn't understand why
-but when he realized he loved you he started avoiding you like the plug
-you don't understand why
-even tho you made peace with liking men and than fact that you're in love with your best friend, you didn't think he returned the feeling
-so you think you did something wrong
-you try talking to him but every time he finds an excuse to be somewhere else
-he is jealous of every man you talk to
-he doesn't have the right, but he still feels it
-after weeks of avoiding you he realizes the feeling won't go away
-so he with Benedict to a party, and sees you kissing a man
-you mean he has a chance with you???
-he barges to the room, his fist aching to punch the other guy, but he controls that feeling and just orders him to get the fuck out
-you're shocked, both just standing there staring at each other
-anthony steps closer to you starting intensely at your eyes
-"I think..." He doesn't finish the sentence and just kisses you
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-he first meets you in an art class
-watching your hand gracefully moving the paint brush on the canvas
-his starting is interrupted by lord Granville, asking him why haven't he started sketching
-by the end of the class you compliment him on his painting, making him feel something funny in his chest
-next time you're both in the studio he gathers the courage to talk to you, learning you'll be at the Granville's party next week
-you both meet there and spend the whole night together, you invite him to your studio, just the both of you
-he spends the leading days thinking about you
-"so, you want to pose or should I do it?" You ask him once you've taken out the canvas
-"I'd like to paint you" he saying with a playful twinkle in his eyes
-you settle into the chair in front of the canvas, posing for him
-"you know, I've been wanting to practice some anatomy"
-you understand the hint and take off your top, smiling to yourself
-after he's finished for the day you get up to look at what he did
-"so, what do you think"
-"this is amazing" you tell him
-"well, the muse is all to blame" he gets closer to you, looking briefly at your lips
-"oh sorry, next time I'll make sure to move in my sit and not let you work"
-"I won't be complaining if you were the one distracting me"
-he smirks looking into your eyes
-this waiting is killing you so you lean forward pressing your lips against his
-"we'll see next time" you say and leave him standing alone in the studio, eager for your next session
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-you're a featherington relative visiting your family
-you're the closest to Penelope, always getting along
-you arrive together at the ball, all dressed up
-you're in a middle of a conversation with Pen when a man interrupts you to say hello to Pen
-"oh hello, I haven't seen you before" he looks at you in slight awe
-"I'm Penelope's distant relative, 'name', nice to meet you Mr....?"
-it takes Colin a couple seconds to respond "oh right, I'm Colin bridgerton"
-"the famous bridgerton, what a pleasure"
-"famous? You've heard of me?"
-"of course, Penelope never stops talking about you Mr bridgerton" you smirk at her red face
-"ah, that's nice, I think"
-"well, I shall go speak to other people, enjoy your night, Colin"
-he's absolutely smitten
-your voice, your smile, everything
-he visits the featherington house every day after that night, just to see you
-you talk a couple of time, and once he invites you to play cricket with his brothers
-you have am absolute blast, winning against Colin all the time
-he's usually good at this, but he can't seem to pocus
-except he does focus, just not on the game
-one day you sit together on a bench, watching people pass by
-"I'm returning to my hometown in two days" you suddenly say
-his heart sinks
-"yeah, I don't really see a future here, I thought that I'd find me a...wife, and settle down, but no such luck"
-his mind goes blank, he can't lose you
-he's next day he hurries over to the house, asking for you
-you're in your bedroom reading something when he storms in
-"is everything well Colin?"
-"don't go, stay here"
-"I told you, there's no reas-"
-"stay for me" he tells you before he overthinks it too much
-you're surprised, not because you didn't feel something going on between you, but because he actually said it, you thought it would never happen
-you're kinda relieved Colin presented a reason for you to stay, with him
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meangirls-imagines · 5 months
A (Different) Cautionary Tale
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a/n: for this story to work the way i wrote it, pretend regina didn't out janis, cady is bi, regina is bi (but obviously leans more towards girls) and aaron is just ✨there✨
regina george.
the queen bee of northshore high school. 
everyone wanted to either be regina or be with regina. 
everyone except y/n it seemed.
you see, y/n was the older sister of janis, the girl regina used to call a best friend a few years prior  but had a falling out with. y/n was a year older than the two, entering her senior year of high school. she was also the complete opposite of janis. she played sports, she had a gpa of 4.0, did extracurriculars. janis didn't do any of that, opting to hang out with damian and spend most of her time in the art room.
regina and y/n had a complicated past. after the falling out between janis and regina, y/n had drove to her house to confront her, only for it to lead to the two hooking up. they became friends with benefits before regina finally got the courage to make y/n hers after two months.
one day at lunch, regina was heading to the table where gretchen and karen already sat, but not before making a pit stop at the table where y/n was sitting with damian, janis, and aaron, pulling the girl up and into a very heated kiss. the whole cafeteria went silent as the two kissed, regina pulling away with a smug smirk on her face. she wiped the lip gloss off of y/n's lips before pecking them one more time and taking her leave.
after much explaining to janis, she begrudgingly gave her blessing and the two became the most powerful on and off couple in the school.
flash forward to now, the couple are currently off and cady heron begins her first day at northshore. she catches regina's eye after making her appearance in the cafeteria, the blonde deciding that she is going to let her sit with the plastics for the rest of the week. confused and excited to make friends, cady agrees and after lunch, heads to ap calculus.
ms. norbury is talking about limits and cady is firing off answers like a rocket when she meets y/n. she feels her heart soar when y/n turns to talk to her. "are you trying to make the rest of us look bad?" cady was at a loss for words. "i'm not trying, its just happening." y/n chuckled a little. "oh, so its like that? challenge accepted new girl." cady blushed and stuck out her hand. "i'm cady." y/n smiled and shook her hand. "y/n. it's very nice to meet you cady." cady smiled as her heart fluttered like never before. 
a couple weeks roll by and cady has officially integrated with the plastics. janis and damian's plan to take down regina was in full effect and cady felt her crush on y/n growing every day that passed. with the little help from janis and damien (a very reluctant damien) she talked to y/n enough for the girl to invite her to the annual Halloween party.
in cady's defense, no one told her that she had to dress like a slut until gretchen decided to inform a little too late. while explaining to cady how halloween worked in the states, gretchen's phone vibrated with a text from regina. after cracking under the pressure (all regina did was ask who invited cady), gretchen lets it loose that cady has a crush on y/n. reading the texts makes regina's blood boil and she decides then and there to take matters into her own hands. 
she tracks y/n down in the kitchen, the girl looking for something non-alcoholic for cady before the blonde speaks. "we need to talk." y/n turned and scoffed. "thought you were done talking to me after you dumped me for shane over the summer." regina rolls her eyes playfully. "shut up. anyways, you see that girl cady over there?" the two turn to see cady shyly waving their way. y/n nodded. "yeah. i invited her tonight." that sentence makes regina's blood boil even more. y/n was hers and she did not like sharing. 
she brushed it off and continued. "well, be careful, she has like a huge crush on you." regina swore she saw y/n's eyes light up at that and decided to kick it up a few notches. she looked at y/n sadly as the older girl looked at her confused. "wow, i didn't think this would be hard for me." y/n looked dumbfounded. "what are you talking about?" regina looked up at y/n with the best hurt look she could muster. "i don't know, i just feel like i have a lot of unresolved trauma with how things ended between us."
y/n scoffed. "give me a break." regina scoffed back and stormed off. y/n sighed, feeling bad about what she said and followed regina. "regina. regina! come on." regina answered back. "leave me alone!" y/n sighed. "can we just talk about this?" she lost sight of regina as it felt like everyone froze in time. 
if you were to ask y/n what happened to make her take regina back, she wouldn't be able to tell you because she might have blacked out when her brain processed how hot regina looked as an angel. but the night ended with them cuddled up together in regina's bed after multiple rounds of makeup sex. while the couple were making up, cady made a visit to janis and damian, cementing the plan to take regina down.
6 weeks in and the plan was going poorly. they had given her kalteen bars but they weren't taking the desired effect yet. they had sprayed regina with the sprinklers at the homecoming assembly but all they managed to do was make her look hotter. they had tried to crack gretchen into giving them dirt on regina but the only "big" thing they got was that y/n and regina hook up in the janitors closet during college prep. cady had really learned how evil regina could be when the hair situation came up.
she was at her locker when she saw y/n and regina approach. mustering her best fake smile, she turned to the couple. "hey girl! you sending any candy canes this year?" regina smirked, pulling y/n along with her. "oh, i only send mine to y/n and so most of the time i just get them." she smiled at cady and turned to y/n, who kept toying with her hair. regina looked at her and pushed her hair back, gently scratching y/n's scalp with her pink acrylics just the way y/n liked it. "stop pulling it down! your hair looks so sexy pushed back." regina then turned to cady smirking.
"cady, would you please tell her that her hair looks sexy pushed back?" she leaned her head on y/n's shoulder, smirking at cady. not wanting to explode, cady responded. "your hair looks sexy pushed back." y/n smiled slightly at her and went to thank her but was pulled into a kiss by regina. the two pulled away and regina walked forward, pulling y/n along with her. cady watched with a sigh as the two walked off, watching y/n wrap her arm around regina's waist.
then came the talent show. at this point in time, janis and damian had partially given up with the plan, mainly because janis saw how happy y/n was again and didn't want to ruin it, while damian agreed with her. but cady was too far deep, she had to finish it so she had y/n to herself. 
regina was cranky before the talent show due to her new diet and to the fact that y/n wasn't going to be there thanks to an out of town soccer game so no one was safe from her wrath. it didn't get any better when gretchen kept asking her about practicing or when her outfit felt a little tight and it definitely didn't get better when she ate shit in front of the whole school.
regina had never been more embarrassed than she was in that moment. she felt like her life was falling apart. she got up, dusted herself off, and ran all the way to the exit and to her car. 
y/n had seen the video by the time the game was over. her heart broke for her girlfriend as the bus headed back to the school. she couldn't wait to get back so she could go and take care of her  but she kept watching the video and noticed something. after regina falls and runs off, cady has a smirk on her face, posing for the crowd as the curtain shut. y/n didn't like what she was seeing and she definitely had a bad feeling about the redhead. 
when she got back to the school, she immediately got in her car and headed to regina's house. she had bigger problems to worry about. 
regina sighed as she grabbed her salad and headed to their usual lunch table. she was wearing sweatpants and was breaking the "rules" but she didn't care. sweats were all that fit her at the moment and she was wearing y/n's soccer hoodie and smelled like her so she didn't care. if she thought falling at the talent show was embarrassing, getting banished from the plastics table was even worse. however, she left with her head held high but everyone had videoed the whole situation. 
she ran into y/n who looked over the blonde's shoulder to see cady waving at her with a flirty smile on her face. she glared at the girl and led regina to her table, sending murderous looks at anyone who looked at her girlfriend wrong. regina spent the rest of lunch tucked into y/n's side as the girl rubbed her back.
cady had decided the next day to invite y/n to her "small" get together and even though her gut told her no, y/n decided to take the risk and see if she could figure cady out. 
unfortunately for cady, the party was not "small" and half the school showed up at her house. too stressed to function, she took shot after shot before stopping karen and asking if she had seen y/n. she just pointed in the direction of the stairs and cady raced up them, finding y/n in her room, nursing a beer and looking at baby pictures of cady.
cady had tried to make a move on y/n, only to be shut down extremely quick by y/n, who stormed out of the party, running into janis and damian, who was driving his grandma's electric scooter. janis informed her that she won her art show and was looking for cady, who drunkenly stumbled into the front yard, looking for y/n. 
janis had exploded on cady, exposing her and her plan to ruin regina's life which caught y/n's attention. now everything made sense to y/n, the kalteen bars, cady dressing just like regina, taking over the plastics, all the pieces clicked into place for the older girl.
cady was a bitchier clone of regina. 
y/n allowed damian to take janis for a little joyride to cool her off as she headed to regina's. ms. george had told her that regina had a mild breakdown, which made y/n worry more. she thanked the blonde woman for informing her before heading up to regina's room. she found her curled up in bed, wearing a crewneck sweatshirt that y/n had bought her and holding a pillow to her chest. 
y/n's heart broke at the sight as she slipped her shoes off and slid into the bed behind regina. the blonde turned over and buried her face into y/n's chest, allowing the comforting embrace of the girl to calm her down. once she felt that regina had calmed down enough, she explained what happened between her and cady at the party, leaving out the part where janis exposed her. she felt regina tense up when she told her that she made a move on her and relax when she reassured her that nothing happened. 
the couple laid in bed for a little longer before y/n finally fell asleep. once she was good and asleep, regina calmly slid out of bed, grabbing the burn book with one goal in mind. 
cady heron may have won the battle, but regina was going to win this war.
the next morning, regina had woken up earlier than y/n in order to get everything together. she left a note for y/n before heading up to the school to execute the plan. she dropped the burn book on the ground in the middle of the hallway, waiting for hell to break loose. 
and break loose it did. so much so, mr. duvall called an emergency assembly for all junior girls in the gym. regina was still playing the victim card even in the gym as all the girls began the rounds of apologies. once janis went up there, she exposed cady for the fraud that she was, including her plan to try to break y/n and regina up, which made the blonde steam with rage. 
regina sent an ugly glare to cady before marching out of the gym, cady hot on her heels. y/n was at her locker when the two stormed by, her gut telling her to follow the pair before it got ugly. cady had chased regina out of the school and to the end of the sidewalk where y/n noticed the bus speeding towards them. with neither of them listening to the older girl and the bus gaining speed, y/n decided to play hero. she shoved regina out of the way before pain erupted throughout her whole body and the world turned black.
"and that's how my sister died."
"quit telling everyone i'm dead janis!"
"sometimes, i can still hear her voice!"
y/n was discharged from the hospital after a week and regina refused to let her out of her sight. going as far as making y/n essentially live with her while she healed. meanwhile, things at school were tense. regina iced out cady, karen, and gretchen, leading her to sit at janis and damian's table at lunch, the trio talking about y/n's recovery process most days. 
when y/n was cleared to go back to school, she had to wear a corrective neck collar which garnered stares from all her classmates. but luckily for her, they didn't last long with janis and regina as her guard dogs. with one glare from the ice queen, no one dared to look at y/n wrong. cady had tried to come and apologize but janis wouldn't let her near her sister or regina. regina was grateful for janis throughout this whole process. they had begun to rekindle their friendship and didn't go at each others throats as much.
karen and gretchen had come around to apologize and after much convincing from y/n, regina forgave them, uniting the plastics once more. then came the topic of spring fling. regina was okay with not going, opting to spend the night in with y/n but the older girl told her no. they were going to spring fling, and they were going to look hot doing it.
regina wore a dark blue dress that showed a generous amount of cleavage and skin while y/n wore a suit the same dark blue to match. regina had been glued to y/n's side throughout the whole night. the only time they parted was when regina had to go onto the stage for the announcement of the king and queen. 
to everyone's surprise, cady won spring fling queen. after giving out her apology speech and throwing pieces of the plastic tiara to the girls who deserved it, mr. duvall took over the mic. regina walked off stage with a big smile on her face, walking to where y/n stood talking with aaron and damian. once she caught sight of the blonde, she gingerly opened her arms for hug, which regina happily gave. 
"i'm sorry you didn't win baby." regina shook her head. "i won before i walked onto the stage. i'm here with you aren't i?" y/n laughed at how sappy the blonde was acting. "oh no, what will the school think when they find out you're actually a big softie?" regina scoffed. "shut up." and with that, leaned up and kissed y/n passionately as confetti rained from the ceiling.
"and with that, our story comes to an end. but remember kids, don't jump in front of a bus, or you'll look worse than my sister does."
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writingmeraki · 1 year
hot & cold I
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a min ho mini series !
summary : Feeling the warm butterflies in your stomach as well as the cold sinking feeling in your heart wasn't the best especially just because of one person nonetheless you think it was worse because that person was none other than the guy you apparently hated with your entire existence.
( or you long crossed the blurry lines of love and hate when it came to Minho and were both just idiotic enough to not realise that until you had to force it out of yourself because of your stupidity.)
genre : angst, fluff, comfort !
pairing : minho x fem!reader, e2l, idiots to lovers.
warnings : mentions of alcohol and underage drinking, kissing and making out, cussing. both being dumb and too high on their ego. kinda blame it on Minho in this one I fear 😨
author's note : and as my obsession goes crazy, I knew I had to write a miniseries on Minho. I honestly have no idea how long it can be this time, it'll mostly depend on your feedback but also how long I make this but expect 2-3 parts more ?? this was written out of nowhere tbh because I had a really different idea for this. anyways enjoy and let me know what you think ! <3 ( not proofread as usual, we die like real men 😀)
based on this request !
word count : 4.3k
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"Maybe you should put that down now."
Kitty said, observing the way you tipped down the cocktail, be it a secret yet not secret alcoholic one.
You winced and shook your head as you smashed the glass down after, Kitty having to shoot an apologetic look to the temporary bartender, who wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else but a party of drunk and horny teenagers sneaking in alcohol and downing it as though they were going through all stages of grief at the moment or in moments of classical teenage stupidity.
"Oh- KAY! I think that's more than enough." She pulled your hands away from the other cocktail that was served up,despite this one now being the only non-alcoholic, she felt it was getting a lot and you whined at her, she narrowed her eyes at you.
"Y/N, you've had more than enough."
"Noooo, I'm fine I can handle ittt." Your words slurred and she gave you a blank stare, holding up two fingers, she asked
"Okay then, how many fingers I am holding up?"
You narrowed your eyes, trying to think hard and giggled as you spoke
"Kitty, Katty since when did you have six fingers?" A drunken smile sat on your face as you leaned forward pointing your finger to count the 'six' fingers.
You vision was blurry but you were still able to make out the outline of what was in front of you.
Kitty rolled her eyes and sighed softly "How much did you even have?"
You put up both your hands, all fingers up and her eyes widened almost comically, it only made you giggle at her expressions,
"TEN? please tell me TEN sips!"
"Nooo silly, of course not…it was just three glasses with that sercret ingredient." You whispered to her as you leaned in closer as though you were telling a top secret and in a way it was, your lips were turned upwards, dimples lightly peaking.
"Alright, we have to get you back to the dorms then! Let me call Q and Florian, then we'll go okay? You stay here. Don't move Y/N!" She pointed at you, her words strict but you couldn't think about anything other than how pretty she seemed at the moment, so without much thought you blurted out,
"You look so pretty, Kit, you really do." Your eyes were half closed but you could see her wearing a tight black dress, her hair done down and straight, her black heels only making her figure look leaner.
Kitty, despite knowing you were drunk, couldn't help but laugh at your words, she shook her head and told you one last time before disappearing to find Q and Florian as soon as she could.
Looking up, the ceiling was multicolored, flashes of blue and green danced across it and you looked in awe as if it was a piece of art.
You looked around you, noticing the way the entire place seemed to be overcrowded but people were having fun, either getting shit drunk or dancing as if it was their last time.
Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you
You smiled when you heard the familiar tune and lyrics, having hearing it from your roommate and also ended up falling in love with it, the beat was slightly altered to make it more party pop but it only made it more better.
Standing up and stumbling slightly as you made your way to the dance floor, the world looking like it was moving fast as you also moved your body along to the crowd.
You felt as though you'd been hit so hard when you ended up colliding harshly into the person and you braced yourself for the fall, feeling as if you're flying high to come crashing hard into the ground.
Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the world
And as cliche as it could get, you didn't feel the crash instead a stronger grip on your waist pulled you back up as the side face instead hit something soft yet firm.
You looked up and you felt the same awe when you saw the multicolored ceiling as though it was a piece of art, maybe even more, as your eyes scanned his face.
It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help me make the most
Colours shone on his face, highlighting his sharp jawline that you felt yourself get lost in, you continued to scan the bridge of his nose and his cupid's bow. You looked into his eyes and only felt your haziness increase as you felt the tug in your heart. They seemed to drink you in as you did him, and your gaze turned to the way one corner of his lips turned upwards.
The arm around your waist felt warmer than it should and you definitely felt the heat on your face, your entire body even. Your knees felt more weaker as you prayed your legs didn't give up on you, and with this the grip on your waist only got tighter.
Minho looked down at you, his gaze never leaving your face as he held you up. Staring at your lips for a little longer than he should have. The fact that he felt as if there were sparks of electricity running through just by the waist around your arm and most of your body weight on his, made him only want more. More than he should be wanting.
And again, letting your intrusive thoughts take the wheel of your actions, you lifted up one hand and brushed it along his jawline.
"Ouch…paper cut." Giggling at your ridiculous joke, you rested your head on his shoulder now, moving your arms around his broad shoulders.
Naturally, his own arms now fully wrapped around your waist and if someone, which more than a few heads turned, saw you in this position, it'd look more intimate than it should. Considering how far down you both go.
Minho smiled unknowingly, the sound of your giggles always making his heart race more than it should.
"I know you're clumsy as fuck, but I didn't think you'd fall for me this soon, I guess it would happen soon anyways considering how intelligent and good looking I am."
Your eyes moved to look up into his, noticing his lips pulled into a smirk that really only did more things unbeknownst to you,and you narrowed them before slurring out,
"You sound exactly like Minho, I actually thought it was almost you." You continued mumbling,
"But I know it's definitely not him, considering he was already busy with that…Madison." You rolled your eyes, slowly shutting them and you pushed your head back down onto his shoulders and moved closer to the crook of his neck, craving the warmth he radiated.
"Plus I'm sure he'd let me fall face first on the ground if I fell on him the way I just did." You mumbled into his neck, he felt himself control the shiver that run down his spine when your lips touched his neck as you mumbled.
Frowning, he spoke up, wanting to defend himself even if it seemed pointless,
"No, he wouldn't." He said firmly and you looked up at him as you thought of his words,
"Considering how we are, I don't think I'm wrong to assume he'd do that." Even though you were drunk, you spoke the words more smoothly as if it was a whole truth.
"Besides I don't even care what he does, he can go kiss that…that girl for all I care, no I definitely don't care if he does this with her, if he looks at her like that way."
Minho's expression turned down, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips pulled into a frown,
"What way?" He asked softly as he could see your eyes tearing up and you gulped sadly and you put on a dejected smile,
"How I wish, I wish he'd look at me, for once." You said more gently, whispering letting your vulnerable feelings speak up.
He only felt his heart sinking the more he took in the sadness and vulnerability showing on your face, he felt his guilt double than it had before as he recalled why he'd even been making out with Madison in the first place.
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He'd felt his entire focus zone in on the person who'd just walk in the place.
Even as much as he seemed to hate your mere presence, his eyes always seemed to drift towards you much to his annoyance.
His gaze felt heavy as it dragged from the shoes you'd worn to the hairstyle you'd done. Your outfit consisted of a maroon tight dress that had ended just below your knees, a teasing slit running just a little further up your left side, just enough to make someone want to see more.
Your lips were a similar shade of maroon as you smiled, depths forming on your cheeks that tugged at his heart, your hair done down and resting just below your shoulders.
You looked…you looked better than he could even describe.
Beautiful would be a word, but he thinks it underwhelms you.
Kitty was beside you in her black dress and her hair done down but his eyes couldn't stop drinking you in as if it was not enough for him.
He wanted something he shouldn't. He shouldn't be thinking about you right now the way he is.
He forced himself to look away, searching for someone else in the crowd.
He looked better than he should and you hated the way your eyes moved to the dip between his throat and shirt.
Gosh that's such an ugly fucking colour you thought yet you felt fainter as your eyes scanned the way his hair was parted, something you knew only he could pull off. Some loose strands sat on his forehead and you hated the way you felt your legs almost give up in these tight heels as you took in the way the blazer fit his broad shoulders.
Fuck he looked good.
You looked at him, observing him scanning the crowd as he disappeared away.
"Let's get this party started!" Kitty said excitedly to which you lightly laughed,
"Kitty it's already started, we are already like forty minutes late because of a certain someone but sure! Love the enthusiasm! Woo!" You chuckled as you saw her excitement bubble down and then laughing along with you.
"Let's go then girls! The best place at a party, the bar!" Q threw his arms around both your shoulders as he sloshed himself between you, now pulling you towards the bar.
The bartender served up five mocktails which you thought were too beautiful looking to be drank but you raised a toast,
"Here's to meeting new people and ending our bitchless eras!" You toasted as you giggled which was followed by the rest clinking their respective glasses onto yours as you took a sip.
"Guys,I have something." Florian spoke as he pulled a flask from his blazer and your eyes widened at the sight, knowing what it was.
"Oh My God! No way… now you're the real one for this." You said as he winked at you and opened the flask, the smell already indicating what it was as he poured in a bit into yours and his.
"Ohh me too! Me too!" Kitty said as she pushed her glass towards him and he poured in hers as well.
"The last for the best." Florian spoke as he poured it in Q's drink which made him look away and you smirked as you saw him almost blush.
"Now this is a real toast." You finally clinked your drinks for the last time, now taking in a sip, wincing yet loving the bitter taste that contrasted well with the sweetness of the cocktail.
"By the way, Y/N, I don't think you're ever going to be able to meet new people." Kitty spoke which made you turn to her in confusion.
"I mean come on, you won't be able to meet new people because you already are into someone." She continued and now looked towards Q, him nodding in agreement as you still looked in confusion.
"Oh please, don't look like a lost puppy now, we all saw the way you basically bore your eyes into Min ho as soon as you saw him like a hungry vulture or something." Q said which made Florian chuckle and you only glared at his words as though looks could kill.
"You don't plan a murder out loud now do you?" You defended yourself as Kitty rolled her eyes,
"More like you'd kill anyone who'd dare even hurt a fraction of his hair." Kitty said to which now both Florian and Q nodded, feeling betrayal as you looked at Florian, thinking he'd been on your side to which he only raised his hands in his defense.
"Look, Y/N, maybe you don't see it, but you definitely go past the so called hate line you both have." He said as he knew you surely felt more for him than the passive aggressive persona you showed when he was around.
"After all they do say the lines between love and hate tend to blur." Kitty said as she took a sip of her drink and you only scoffed, ready to reply saying you knew where you stood and you were gladly under the hate side, despising Min ho because of his unbearable personality that would make you so mad.
So mad you'd want to punch his pretty face at times.
"Uh oh." Q said suddenly as his eyes caught a sight that he wished wouldn't have but they quickly widened when he realised you were literally right next to him and probably heard him.
Naturally your eyes moved to where he was looking, and oh how you wished you also didn't see what you just saw but for completely different reasons that you couldn't put a finger on at the time being.
Minho stood next to Madison as he whispered something into her ears, which made her laugh, you saw the way his arm was wrapped around her waist, hiding her close to him.
You felt like throwing up as your stomach recoil and churn, moving your eyes, not wanting to think more of this than you should. But it seemed as though it was impossible as the image replayed in your mind.
You felt the tension in the air when your face twisted bitterly, noticing your friends also tensing up and felt guilty for suddenly changing the cheerful mood.
"Guys come one now, I don't care, now go and have fun!" You reassured them as they looked at you skeptically.
"Listen, he can go and fuck around with whoever he wants, I really don't care. We shouldn't let this ruin our moods. Now go." You bit on your tongue as put on a tight smile, no usual dimples peaking, a sign it was fake.
Hearing the firmer tone at the end, Q and Florian nodded as they held hands "Okay then, find us when you need us okay?"
Q said as you just mindlessly nodded and they also moved into the flow of the crowd.
Kitty still looked at you skeptically but you just smiled at her, now a genuine one telling her to go on and finish her agenda of meeting new people.
At least one of you seemed ready to move on.
"Thank you." You heard a voice suddenly speak up from beside you as you sat nursing the cocktail in your hands, it's coolness relieving the warmth your body felt.
"Oh someone with manners, I like that." You said putting down your drink, deciding that if he can fuck around when he wants, who were you to not as well.
The guy next to you turns towards you, him taking in your figure, a smirk forming on his face as he realised who you were.
"I'm Geon." He said to which you smiled.
"Y/N." You spoke up to which he chuckled which made you a bit confused,
"Oh I know." You raised an eyebrow at his words,
"It's an honor to have the hottest girl here talking to me." He said with a grin as you then lifted your drink to take another sip, after which you giggled at his words, even though you didn't think you would have even been phased if it weren't for the alcohol now slowly flowing in your system.
"Oh yeah? Tell me more." You leaned in closer to him with a smug smile, biting your lip lightly to which you think again, this probably wouldn't be happening right now if it weren't for the liquid courage or your mess of an emotional baggage.
This whole spectacle was being seen by someone who'd otherwise think you were both already together. He rolled his eyes, looking away as he clicked his tongue, folding his arms and a scowl of both disgust and jealousy forming on his face.
Of course.
He thought looking back at the pair of Geon and you.
"I think she's better than all the other girls, even Yuri, people say she's the prettiest but don't realize that they are wrong. And Kitty next to you looks so underwhelming but both of them are nothing but plain next to you."
And despite you starting to feel more tipsy, you controlled the urge to just flip him off.
Instead you leaned in closer, raising one hand and cupping his face, bringing your face near his ear, as though you'd whisper about how he was definitely right, a light smile forming on his face.
That's what he thought at least.
Chuckling lowly, you whispered sweetly,
"You know sweety, what type of men I absolutely despise?"
You briefly made eye contact with him when he looked down at you from the corner of his eye.
"The ones who bring women down in hopes of getting into my pants and thinking that will actually work."
You trailed your hand down his neck, fingers lightly touching, he gulped as he shivered under your touch, the grin forming on his face long gone when he heard the venom lacing your tone.
"Let alone the fact that they are my best friends, and trust me, if I wanted to I'd punch the shit out of you right now but,listen to me carefully."
You rested your hand on his collarbone,
"No girl is meant for your judging pleasure especially not for undeserving dickheads like you and if you dare talk to me again, trust me, I can do much worse than you can think."
You leaned back and patted his chest, grinning widely, but your eyes said a completely different story.
"Now. Fuck off."
And fuck off he did as he swallowed nervously, turning around and moving into the crazy crowd,mumbling something under his breath, you not really caring to pay attention to his words as you sighed out, rubbing your forehead with your fingers.
Men are nothing but disappointment, what did I even expect ?
"Hey guess what!- what happened to you?" Kitty said as she suddenly appeared from your right side making you surprised but you smiled at her reassuringly, not wanting her to know what that jerk said for obvious reasons.
"Oh it's nothing, it's getting noisy that's all." Kitty didn't seem convinced at all because she did spot you talking to Geon, not wanting to interrupt when he saw you whispering something to him,
Huh so she really was serious about the whole meeting new people thing?
But when he walked away looking a little paler, she figured it was not exactly what it looked like, deciding that she should intervene now.
"Oh-kay but you know what, I just…" You now looked forward your back facing the bar as you placed your elbows on the counter, leaning onto them, raising an eyebrow at her for her to continue,
"I am glad I came here, I'm glad we all did, I'm happy, for once and it feels so…so good to be happy with you guys who I didn't think would even be my friends."
She said smiling at you, her sitting down next to your stool, and you turned your neck, looking at her now,
You smiled, finally a genuine one and it showed when your dimples showed,
"I'm glad I met you guys as well." You told her and just as she was about to say something, her eyes trailed towards your left, narrowing to make sure she was seeing right.
She froze when she saw you look at her, naturally wanting to see what made her look the way she was looking right now.
"Uh! Well look you know I'm happy you…uh well you agreed to come here!" She pulled your shoulders a little forcefully, the rotating barstool moving and making you now face her.
You looked perplexed at her behaviour, especially how she almost knocked you out but she just smiled at you, a little too forcefully.
"I just think you should know you deserve better than you think and even if it's not-"
You called out to her, stopping her rambling, moving your hands up from off your shoulders.
"What's got you so…so nervous all of a sudden?" You questioned seeing her eyes still fixated behind you, her hand stopping you again from turning around.
"I just don't think you should see this. Really." She swallowed nervously and you waved her off,
"It's not that deep Kitty chill." You said but how you wished you'd listen to her.
You went rigid, seeing the sight now in front of you and clenched your jaw.
There was Minho in all his glory, kissing, no more like passionately making out with none other than Madison.
He had his arms around her waist as she played with his hair, and you could see her smile into the kiss. His mouth moved from her lips to her jawline and you watched her giggle as he seemed to be whispering something that made her laugh only more.
Why did it feel like someone just ripped your heart out and smashed it right in front of you with their bare hands?
You turned towards the bar, squeezing your eyes shut, holding your head in your hands as you felt the pounding in it get harder.
You gulped harshly trying to squeeze the image out of your brain,
"Y/N." Kitty put her hand on your shoulder, her warm touch contrasting the coldness you felt.
"Ah, I should have listened to you." You laughed but it held no humour. You could feel your emotions go all over the place as you replayed everything you'd seen till now.
Both of them laughing together, him looking at her as if she was the only on there, him focusing on her as if she was the only one there, him making out with her as if she'd slip away from his hands.
"You know what maybe I just need a little drink." You raised your hand up calling for the bartender and asking for two cocktails.
You put your hand out to Kitty expectedly, her frowning at the way you tried to act as if it was all right but she could see the unshed tears on your lash line.
Before she could say anything, you asked her quickly,
"Where's that whisky Florian gave you?" Talking about the flask she'd been hiding in her purse that was given to her by Florian.
"Y/N, you can't just drink away your emotions like this, you can't even handle alcohol-"
"Kitty, I'll be fine, just…just give it to me please?"
She sighed, she knew about your tendency to avoid talking about your feelings. She just opened up her purse and removed the flask just as the bartender served the drinks.
You took it from her and poured a questionable amount but you didn't really care at the moment, wanting to feel the high rather than the heaviness you currently felt creeping in your chest.
Raising a toast to yourself, you grinned up at Kitty, a sorrowness that only made her feel more and more sympathic for you.
"Here's to the most unluckiest person at the moment, me!"
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That was now half an hour ago, and here you were now wrapped tightly around the very person who'd made you feel miserable in the first place.
"You know it's not even his fault. We don't even like each other. I'm pretty sure he hates me but why the fuck does it hurt so bad?" You whined as you pulled away from the supposed stranger's, attractive one at least, body and stood up on your own.
You pushed his arms away from you and you almost stumbles but held one hand out when he tried to hold you again to prevent you from falling,
"Y/N you'll fall-"
"No, I'm fine, I swear. I don't even know why I just dumped that weird emotional baggage onto you, sorry."
"Thank you anyways, for you know saving me from breaking my own face right there, if you want me to repay you, just come to Chemistry class first period on Monday!"
You stepped away from him and trying to not cry because no matter how drunk you were you didn't want to cry over some stupid boy.
Minho stood there, his eyes downcast as he remembered the look on your face, he ran a hand through his hair, exhaling heavily.
How do I even begin ?
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
feedback is appreciated hehe :D 💗
links : main navi !
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
Happy birthday to my oc: Perse Achillea!!
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"As a lover of art myself I am very much looking forward to this museum's centenary... Come. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff to see."
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"It's foolish to try and open yourself to someone like that, poor girl's gonna get her heart broken... Not that I care. It's her fault anyway."
Happy birthday to my baby, Perse<33 I didn't write any vignettes because I didn't feel like writing BUT I made voice lines and a duo magic dialogue between her and Cater<33
Voice lines:
🪻: I wasn't prepared for just how absolutely grand and majestic this place is... Wow.
🪻: wha- hey, stop tugging on my sleeve, I don't want you getting my jacket all wrinkled, 'kay?
🪻: goodness me... Wait here, I think Mimosa (Cater -> mimosa is a type of flower that means "I hide my feelings") forgot his phone's flash on.
🪻: the King of The Underworld is so similar yet so different from Idia... Heh. I assume he was probably way more pleasurable to be around though (laughs).
🪻: imagine falling for a 'hero' whose only quality was his strength, talk about poor taste in men... The King of the Underworld's assistant should've been ashamed. But then again, I don't think I have the right to talk.
🪻: is that...? (Sighs) please don't tell me Aster (Kalim -> aster is a flower, its white version means "I love you more than you love me!") is trying to convince Ortho to drag us to another party after this... I cannot eat nearly anything because I'm vegan...
🪻: have you seen Dahlia (Vil -> dahlias are a type of flower that symbolize perseverance and determination) around? I want to take a picture of him and the Fairest Queen's portrait. It'll be my most prized possession.
🪻: this outfit is so absolutely stunning! I really do hope they let us keep it, I would love to wear it once again.
🪻: hm? You saw a painting of hyenas overpowering The King of Beasts...? (Smirks) oh, please do show, I would just love to share such image with Calendula (Leona -> calendulas are a type of flower that symbolizes insecurity, jealousy and anxiety).
🪻: Mimosa got me these really cute stickers of The Great Seven. I wonder where I should put them...
🪻: oops, sorry 'bout that. Weak ankles and stuff.
🪻: all these paintings are so detailed... What? You're curious about my art abilities? Nah, most I can do is a stick figure, my strength is in acting.
Perse: let's go, Mimosa!
Cater: at your service, Persie!
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slvt4lanadelrey · 1 year
Looking for the pretty firefighter | Tara Carpenter
Part One | Pretty Firefighter
Warnings: swearing, jealous Tara, mention of sex
Part one | The pretty firefighter
Part Three
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Tara groaned, her head leaning into her open palm. She was sat in her lecture, English literature was extremely boring, especially when her mind was far too consumed with the memory of you.
It had been a few days since she met you, since she kissed you, since she was cursed with the plagueful memories of your laughter.
"Miss Carpenter, am I boring you?" The older man asked, slapping his hand onto her desk. The man was short, almost as short as Tara. He had thinning hair, the only remaining hair on his chin.
"Uh. No sir, I was just- just thinking about Romeo and Juliette." Tara lied through her teeth, smiling sweetly at the man. His face was scrunched in a scowl, his face softened at the confession.
"Oh. What's your views on the love story, dear?" He asked, returning back to the front of the class. Tara sighed, knowing full well she didn't have an option on the 'love' story.
"I just don't think it'd an actual love story. I mean, it's hard- maybe even impossible to fall in love with someone in only a few days, also Juliette was only a kid, isn't that legally and mortally wrong?" The class roared with their own opinions, debating whether Tara's views were right or wrong. The teacher was happy to engage with such a passionate topic, thanking Tara before she left.
Tara walked through the dining hall, Mindy's shoulder nudging into hers.
"You know that party we went to?" Mindy started, her face full of an unknown feeling. She clenched her fingers around her backpack strings, swaying on her feet.
"Well, that girl I hooked up with Anika. She's in my eco class, she gave me her number." Mindy's eyes flashed, practically jumping on her feet.
"Wait. That pretty firefighter is Anika's-" Tara didn't get the chance to finish, Mindy pushed her finger onto her lips.
"I already asked Anika, she said that the girl you hooked up with wants you to find her, something like that" Tara was left with a gap in her mouth, she stared wide eyes at Mindy.
"Seriously? I can't even remember her name!" Tara whined, sliding into the open chair next to Chad.
"Dont be sad, Tara. Her names Y/N." Chad chirped in, plopping the final spoon of yogurt into his mouth. Mindy giggled at how Tara's face lit up, exitment already laced within her features.
"Do you know her number too?" Tara asked with hope, she bit her bottom lip. Chad glanced at Mindy who shook her hair immediately.
"Sorry, Tara, Mindy has spoken." Chad was a little scared of Mindy so he was very much quick to stop talking the second Mindy asked.
"I cant believe you guys, I'm literally in love and you won't even give me her number." The whole group stopped, staring through the notes from their previous lesson. Tara blinked, then laughed awkwardly.
"I'm not in love with her. I just want to kiss her again." Tara mumbled through a breathless sigh, her eyes dropped to the floor.
"Fine.-" mindy slapped her hands together, standing infront of Tara. Mindy pressed her hands onto Tara's shoulders; shaking them slightly before leaning forward.
"Y/N has Art right now, In room 206." Mindy blinked.
Tara was already gone, her backpack tightly tugged over her shoulder, sprinting through the halls.
Her hand tugged open the door to the room Mindy told her you was currently in. To her great horror, the room was in full silence; nothing but the faint sound of paint brushing Into canvases.
"Hello?" The women asked, slamming her hand into her desk. The older ginger women with thick glasses stared at Tara with flaming eyes, glaring through her annoyance.
"Y/N needs to come with me right away, it's an emergency." You looked up at the sudden call out of your name, hair brushed into your face when your head whipped to the side. Tara was standing like a deer at headlights, eyes wide with agap mouth.
You chuckled, knowing Tara had just ran to you; literally.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Leah, I think I need to go." Your bag slugged over your shoulder, brushing through your classmates and leaving the room with a small click of the door.
"Hey, Tara." You smiled at her, acting like the two of you weren't strangers. Tara sighed, revelling at the sound of your sweet and soft voice.
"Your number." Tara all but begged, her hand holding out. She knew you wanted to know her too, so she wasn't about to waste her time beating around the bush.
"How romantic of you-" your snarky reply didn't go over Tara's head, she bit her lip before speaking again.
"Y/N. My heart has been gaping, seeping in pure agony each moment I have spent with the lack of your presence. I honesly think if I don't have the ability to get to know you better, to understand you on a more intimate level I don't think my heart will be able to take the pain, the torturous thoughts that riddle my mind whenever you are not near."
You sighed, writing down on your piece of paper. You wrote down your number, handing it to Tara with a tight smile.
"There, miss Romantic. My favourite flower's are dahlias, and I don't like chocolate." You kissed her cheek, giggling before taking off.
"Im taking you out tonight!" Tara shouted through the empty halls, smiling when your body stopped. You turned on your heel, staring at her with a daring smirk.
"I already have a date. Surprising how quick people act when they actually want to see you." Tara's mouth dropped, a snarl leaving her lips the second your body left her eyeshot.
She hit the near by wall, cursing the way you swayed your hips.
You knew damn well that Tara wanted to find you. The day after your hook-up, Tara had asked everyone in all her lessons if they knew you. Most of them didn't, the odd couple did but didn't say anything to the pleading brunette. You and Anika watched with amusement at how much trouble Tara brought, all in order to find you.
"Did you just punch a wall?" Mindy asked from behind Tara, watching with a worried face at how Tara was in such a sour mood suddenly.
"Fuck off."
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spiteless-xo · 10 months
3 and 122 with geto 🙈
yay another geto request, ty anon 🥰 i am a little bit tipsy atm (i had a beer w dinner and apparently it's hitting me hard???) so apologies in advance if there's more mistakes than usual
list of prompts ⋆ masterlist
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╰┈➤ smut prompts - 3 & 122. “Aw, your legs are trembling~ does it feel that good?” “Look how good you take it.”
ft. geto/fem!reader cw. unedited, not proofread, explicit sexual content (drunk sex, semi-public sex, vaginal, tiny bit of choking), explicit language. 1,907 words.
bonus. art by @toxrez
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"aw, sugu! your little girlfriend can't hold her liquor!"
"says the man who's been sipping on diet cokes all night."
"hey, what can i say? my body is a temple."
"oh, come on, don't give her such a hard time!"
it's hard to tell who's talking amongst the chatter at the bar and the haze in your mind from all of the alcohol. but you smile and laugh along when you see the others break out into giggles and geto's warm hand on your knee gives you a grounding squeeze.
when geto invited you out for drinks with his friends, you didn't really know what you were signing up for. geto was a moderate drinker, usually wine with dinner or a glass of whiskey before bed -- but shoko and utahime were party girls and gojo was a pusher.
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"look! she's laughing!" gojo says, slamming his fist on the table to draw attention before pointing across at you. "uta, go order another round!"
"why do i have to do it?"
you try to follow their squabbling as the room spins around you but your breath catches in your throat when you smell geto's bold, cedar cologne and feel his warm breath on the shell of your ear.
"are you ok? you don't have to keep drinking."
"uh huh!" you say cheerfully, shooting him a lazy grin as you reach forward to grab a glass of water from the table.
he watches you in amusement, eyes crinkling as you bring the glass to your lips -- miss completely -- and then spill all over your shirt.
before you can even set the glass down, he has a handful of napkins and he's dabbing at your shirt. the water is icy cold and shocks away some of your drunken haze. you feel a flood of heat burn in your cheeks as you look around at geto's friends, embarrassed.
"shit, are you ok?" shoko asks and you try to wave her off.
"i'm ok, just a spill!" you say, grabbing some of the napkins from geto's hands to work on cleaning up the mess yourself.
she nods toward the bathrooms in the back of the bar. "they have one of those air dryers in there, you could use it to help dry off," she suggests before nodding toward geto. "smoke?"
"no, i'm gonna stay to help her clean off," geto says, still looking over at you with amusement as you try to dry yourself off.
"go hang out with your friends," you whisper, hoping that you're quiet enough that shoko doesn't catch the waver in your voice. "i'll be fine."
"i want to be with you," he insists, shooting another smile at shoko before she shrugs and walks off, cigarette already pursed between her lips.
"i'm going to the bathroom anyway, i'll be ok," you say. you stand up from your seat and geto mimicks the action.
"perfect, i'll come with you."
gojo howls from his seat at the table. "where are you going?"
you try to stumble out a response, but geto presses a warm hand on your lower back and guides you away from the table without a word. you can faintly hear utahime scolding gojo for being annoying before it's drowned out by the chatter of the bar.
"it's ok, suguru, i can clean myself off -- it's just water."
"i feel partially responsible," he admits, ducking his head to speak into your ear as he guides you to the bathrooms. "i should've warned you."
when the two of you walk down the hallway to the bathrooms, the loud music in the bar is immediately muffled. you let out a sigh of relief at the peace and quiet -- you hadn't realized how overwhelmed you were until you found yourself somewhere quiet.
along the hallway, there are several doors leading to single-occupant bathrooms with a small sink, toilet, and mirror. you duck into the nearest available room and find a little hand dryer in the back corner -- perfect for the water spill on your chest.
"take your shirt off, it will be easier."
you turn around in alarm when you hear the sounds of the bar disappear completely when geto closes the door behind him, leaning back against it as he looks down at you.
the room is small, there's barely enough room for you, let alone your six-foot-three boyfriend. you gulp nervously.
"i'm ok, suguru," you say again, but you grab the bottom hem of your shirt to pull it up over your head. "i don't need your help."
"what if i just want to take a break, too?" he hums, cocking his head to the side.
he watches you with careful, narrowed eyes as you hold your shirt over the fan. you palm at the button and a blast of air shoots out of the machine -- and you immediately drop your shirt.
with a huff, you snap at the hips to pick it up, bending over until your ass is pushing against geto's crotch. he makes a pleased grunt in response and settles both hands on your hips, holding you close even when you stand up tall.
"sorry," you breathe, turning your head to the side to look up at him as he holds you tight against his chest.
"don't apologize," he hums, and he lowers his head down until his lips meet yours.
he tastes like whiskey -- the warm oaky spice flooding your senses as his tongue brushes against yours. one hand slides up from your hip, over your breasts, until his large palm is wrapped around your throat.
you moan into his mouth as he gives you a small squeeze, his other hand dipping low between your thighs, and you can feel the warmth of his hand, even through your jeans.
"is this why you followed me in here?" you ask, breathless when he pulls away.
he smiles, eyes still closed from the kiss. "not entirely... but why waste an opportunity?"
"won't your friends notice we're gone?"
"don't you care?"
"i only care about you, princess."
he dips forward again, capturing your lips in another deep kiss. he starts rubbing you firmly through your jeans and when you rock your hips against him, you can feel him hardening against your ass.
"just a quickie," he whispers into your mouth, and he guides you forward against the sink, sliding both hands back to your hips to spin you around to face him.
your chest heaves as you look up at him and you watch his gaze travel from your face to your exposed breasts, only clothed by the bra you put on earlier this evening. he bites his lip, sliding his hands up your waist until he's palming at your breasts, gently thumbing at your hardening nipples through the thin fabric.
"beautiful," he whispers, pulling your bra down to expose yourself to him, just as you hop up to sit on the edge of the sink. "beautiful."
he dips his head low, wrapping his lips around your pert nipple and tonguing at the bud softly as your hands reach down between your bodies. you fumble with his belt, unbuckling it slowly between stuttered gasps as your shoulders fall back into the mirror behind you.
undoing his button and sliding down his zipper, you slip your hand down the front of his jeans and palm at his cock. geto groans in satisfaction around your breast, pressing his hips forward for more as you rub him through his underwear.
he pulls away just enough for you to work on the button of your own jeans, slipping them down off your hips to your knees as geto pushes his down around his thighs.
grabbing your legs, he throws them both up over his shoulder, pushing you hard against the mirror and sliding his cock along your entrance.
"you ok?" he asks, looking down at you with hooded eyes and a dark flushed face.
admittedly, you're contorted into an awkward position, but you don't see any other way of getting this to work with geto in such a small room and the ache between your legs is too needy to be ignored at this point.
you brace your hands on the rim of the sink as he guides his cock between your folds, pushing gently at your entrance until he slides inside.
geto groans from deep in his chest as you gasp at the intrusion, pussy squeezing around him tightly as he rocks his hips into you. you watch the muscles in his jaw twitching as he clenches his jaw, eyes fluttering as he pushes deeper and deeper.
"you ok?" you ask in a breathless pant and he shifts his gaze from where you two meet, up to your face.
"always," he smiles, face softening as he looks at you.
"quickie, remember," you say and he nods.
he thrusts fully into you, then, and the feeling of being filled has you gasping out. you throw your head back, slamming into the mirror with a dull thunk! as geto's hips shift against you -- pulling back before slamming forward again.
he groans, one palm pressed into the mirror beside your head while the other holds your legs in place on his broad shoulder. "shit," he hisses, "you feel so good."
you can only offer him a whimper in response, feeling the head of his cock hitting that soft spongey wall of your cunt. you scrunch your eyes shut, brows furrowed as you bite at your lip, trying desperately to hold back from screaming out his name.
his hips slap against your thighs with every thrust and you can feel your gut tightening, heat flooding between your thighs as your orgasm builds.
"fuck," he moans, his voice slipping into a velvety purr. "i wish you could see this -- see how good you take me."
you nod, biting at your lip as you struggle to hold back your moans, listening to geto's voice as it fills the small space.
"making my cock so wet -- squeezing me so tight -- that's my girl, taking me so fucking well."
your head falls forward into your chest with a choked sob when you cum, squeezing impossibly tighter around him as your pussy flutters through the waves of your orgasm. he moans in approval, fucking you harder and sending jolts of electricity through your body.
"that's it -- cum for me," he grunts, leaning forward to speak into your ear. "your legs are shaking, princess -- does it feel that good?"
"suguru," you gasp, hands slipping from the sink and reaching up to grab fistfuls of his shirt.
geto presses forward, bending you in half and pushing you into the mirror as he fucks you deeper. he groans in your ear, pressing his forehead against you as he nears his release -- you notice that he's shaking, too.
with a gasping groan, he pushes his hips flush against you. you can feel each twitch of his cock as he cums deep inside of you. his hand balling into a tight fist against the mirror as he pants against your ear.
the two of you hardly have time to catch your breath before you're startled by a pounding fist against the door.
"suguwu!" calls a voice from the other side. "are you two done fucking? the girls want to go to the club, let's go!"
geto pulls away just enough to look down at you, face scrunched into an embarrassed frown. you giggle in response.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/19/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; Jes Tom; Con O'Neill; Ruibo Qian; Rachel House; Hugo Pierre Martin; Samba Schutte; Zaddy; Looper OFMD VIdeo; Cast Cards; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
== Taika Waititi ==
Rita's new product line TYPEBEA has launched! Lots of pics of Taika from the Launch Party!
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Img Src: @sarah36600126 on Twitter
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Img Src: Taika Archives Twitter
== Jes Tom ==
As you can tell, Jes Tom is pissed, just like the rest of us.
Discussing Film Article - this will make you mad, just warning you.
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== Con O'Neill ==
Just a quick shot from Jay Dimmock, photographer
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Img Src: JayDimmock on IG
== Ruibo Qian ==
Can't have more than one video on a tumblr post, and Zaddy had priority-- so if you'd like to check out our Pirate Queen playing and singing for us-- Go here.
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== Rachel House ==
More pictures from BTS of Rachel House's "The Mountain"!
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Img Src: Rachel House's IG
== Hugo Pierre Martin ==
Love that Hugo is still out here supporting Gay Joy!
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== Samba Schutte ==
= ✨Zaddy✨=
What is there to say? Watch the video and watch Rhys get real fucking mad at Taika as he giggles like a little girl. I love these two so very much. Oh, and they're trending on twitter.
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Thank you to @indarltonitrust on Twitter for capturing the Rhys Trend!
== Looper OFMD Highlight ==
Thanks to @hvymtta on Twitter for sharing this!
== 101 Days In The Gravy Basket ==
Pink news is keeping it real with mourning OFMD. Img Src: Pink News Twitter
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I just wanted to say... I know we hit triple digits in the gravy basket. We're at 101-- I know that seems like a lot-- but just for reference purposes, I looked up how long it took for Wynona Earp to be renewed, and they were at 1,098 days before confirmed renewal.
I know we don't want it to get that far-- and hopefully it won't, but I just wanted to point out sometimes these things take a bit of time. Hope is not lost <3
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Our dear friend @melvisik has highlighted one of "our beloved directors and Jackie's (late/former) favorite husband" -- I didn't know that was him!
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== Schadenfreude ==
Thanks to @Seven_Sugars on Twitter for catching the continued drop of WBD Stock.
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies!!! Happy Zaddy Day everyone! I'm sorry I'm swamped today with some extra work so I'm gonna pass on some fun love notes from other folks. I love you guys-- and I hope you're having a lovely beginning to the weekend. I'm looking forward to all the awesome art/fics coming from all this!
@ roxannestewart.art & @ worry__lines
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme: Fingers!
Gifs Courtesy of @funforahermit and @a-man-for-hire-and-his-archives
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109 notes · View notes
jikookuntold · 5 months
The Untold Truth of "Letter"
Back in 2021, 2022, or even early 2023, if someone had told me about the possibility of JK having vocal credits in Jimin's solo album, I would have called it wishful thinking at best. But it happened, and we got the song "Letter" (AKA Dear Army) as a hidden track in Jimin's first solo album, FACE, with back vocals by JK, and his name written invisibly in the album book.
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The perfectly matching vocals of Jikook, with the heartfelt lyrics and soft instruments, undoubtedly made one of the most beautiful songs of the year, which could break many records for Jimin and his album if it was released in the streaming and buying services. The release of Letter as a hidden track in Jimin's solo album raised many questions and debates among Jikookers, and as someone who barely scrolls in the Tumblr app, I know I'm a bit late for the party, but I may or may not have some notes to add to the already made discussions. FYI, these are my analytic views and speculations, I am fully aware that this song has been named "Dear Army", and Jimin called it a "Fan song" on different occasions. So, I do not intend to ignore that and diminish Jimin's expression of love for his fans.
What's a Hidden Track?
Before getting into "Letter", we need to understand what a hidden track is. Well, the definition is pretty clear; When a song is not listed in the official track-list of a music album, but it exists in (some versions of) the physical printed CD, cassette, or LP, it's called a "hidden track". 
Hidden Tracks of BTS
There are several techniques and reasons to "hide" a track in an album, but in the case of BTS discography, the hidden tracks exist for a specific reason, and I'm going to explain it with the only examples we have. The debut album (2013) and Love Yourself: Her (2017), are the only BTS albums including hidden tracks, and if we ignore the skits in each album, "Path" and "Sea" are the only hidden songs BTS ever released. So, these two songs must have something(s) in common and different from the other BTS tracks that caused them to end up as a hidden track. To find that common factor, we need to check their lyrics first:
[Intro: RM] Yeah, wassup? You know, time flows like stars (Check it, check, check, check, check it out) [Verse 1: RM] I started from imitating Eminem, Garion, Epik High To writing my own raps Now I see that I’m already at Hongdae My lyrics back then were all (****) Bossy But we dunno, we dunno When I dreamed without anyone to stop me Reality tied me down and trapped me inside Oh, my youth trapped me My hot heart lost to my cold mind (Damn) As I blindly told myself my decision was right I don’t know whether it’s an angel or a devil, but it says to me "Do you really have any plans to rap properly?" (Yes or no?) I didn’t have more time to hesitate and didn’t want to be stupid So I came here and three years passed by Some say art is long, life is short But for now, art is life Life is sports, just do it, uh [Chorus] If I had chosen a different path, would have I been any different? If I stopped and looked back (Oh hey ya, hey ya) What will I see at the end of this road? Where you should’ve been standing? (Oh hey ya, hey ya) [Verse 2: Suga, Suga & Jungkook] A long time passed and by 2013, I was a trainee for three years I was a high school student who grew overnight (I became a child) White hair grew from my desires and one by one my many friends (Parted ways with me) I spent my time in Seoul alone without a family (That was my third spring) I thought my worries would disappear with my debut ahead of me I closed my eyes to the present that had nothing to change But the reality was different, even as my family and friends tried to stop me I walked into the tunnels that shed no light on my own I thought I would be alone (Why?) As it turns out, there weren’t seven bare feet but we were wearing the shoe named Bangtan We’ll have to go forward, take one more step, become newer And that’s how I spent my fourth spring in Seoul (Whoa) [Chorus] If I had chosen a different path, would have I been any different? (Hey) If I stopped and looked back (Hey) Oh hey ya, hey ya What will I see at the end of this road? Where you should’ve been standing? (Oh hey ya, hey ya) [Verse 3: J-Hope] 2010, the year I walked towards Seoul! I just loved to dance, and now I’m standing on top of the stage Until then, I overcame many pains and scars to prepare myself I survived with my belief to bend, not break, and ran for three years Let the stars inside my heart shine! Now shine on me differently Write “Bangtan” on the paper world I walk my future with more lights on Give a smile to that far future (Ha, ha)
As you can see, the lyrics are simple and self-explanatory, so I guess we don't need any lyrics analysis, and the description section of the Genius translation I used here, says it all:
“길 (Road/Path) follows the member’s decisions to become idols in the Korean music industry. They recall their different upbringings from listening to hip hop in school to the hard years of being trainees under BigHit Entertainment. BTS pose the questions of how their lives would be different if they made a different decision, and they ask themselves what the future entails. A very introspective track about their career for a debut album, BTS display their thought processes as they enter the music scene.”
[Intro: Jungkook] Oh, ah, yeah [Verse 1: Rap Monster] I just started walking and ended up at the sea I'm looking at the coast from here There's endless sand and the rough wind I'm still looking at a desert I wanted to have the sea so I swallowed you up But I'm even thirstier than before Is what I know really the ocean? Or a blue desert? [Refrain: J-Hope] I don't know, I don't know If I'm feeling the waves right now, yeah I don't know, I don't know If I'm being chased by the sand wind, yeah I don't know, I don't know Is this the sea or the desert? Is this hope or despair? Is this real or fake? Shit [Pre-Chorus: J-Hope] I know, I know, my hardship right now I know, I know, I'll overcome I know, I know, open me up It's the place I can rely on Think positive, I'm swallowing my dry spit Even if I'm nervous, even if I'm in a desert I'm in the beautiful Namib Desert [Chorus: Jimin, Jin] Where there is hope, there is always trial (4) [Hook: V, Jungkook] Where there is hope You know, you know You know, yeah yeah (2) [Verse 2: Suga] I thought this was the ocean but it's a desert A medium-sized, ordinary idol was my second name Countless people get cut from broadcast But someone's empty spot is our dream They say some of these kids can't make it cuz their agency is too small I know, I know, I know too Times when the seven of us had to sleep in one room With foolish hope that tomorrow will be different before we fell asleep We saw the mirage in the desert but we couldn't grasp it Praying that we'll remain in this desert till the end Praying that this isn't truly our reality [Verse 3: Suga] In the end, we reached the mirage and it became our reality The scary desert became the ocean with our blood, sweat and tears But why is there this fear in between the happiness? Because we know too well that this place is really a desert [Refrain 2: Suga] I don't wanna cry I don't wanna rest No, who cares if we rest a little? No no no I don't wanna lose It's always a desert I told you everything Then I'll just be more depressed [Chorus: Jungkook, V] Where there is hope, there is always trial (2) [Hook: Jimin, Jin] Where there is hope You know, you know You know, yeah yeah (2) [Bridge: Rap Monster] Ocean, desert, the world Everything, the same thing Different name I see ocean, l see desert I see the world Everything's, the same thing With a different name It's life again [Hook: V, Jungkook] Where there is hope You know you know you know yeah (2) [Chorus] Where there is hope, there is always trial
Compared to “Path”, we have more innuendos and metaphors in “Sea” because of Namjoon’s lyricism (it was supposed to be in his mixtape at first), but as the description says:
"It discusses the hardships BTS has experienced since debut, particularly struggling to compete with groups from other, larger agencies. In this song, BTS reflects on these hardships, fearing that their global fame and success could leave as suddenly as it arrived."
Common Denominator
These two lyrics have one big thing in common, and it's the topic they are discussing. They talk about the members' struggles, fears, hopes, and dreams career-wise. I was thinking maybe these issues are something they can only share with their longtime fans, not the general public, therefore, they decided to release them as hidden tracks in the physical album for their real fans who buy them, something like the difference between Weverse and Instagram, I guess? Then I realized that’s something Namjoon has mentioned himself to Billboard Magazine, in LYS: Her interview:
And if fans are so lucky to own the physical album, they’ll hear two hidden tracks at the very. Why keep them secretive?
"I think they’re hidden because you have to be a real fan of BTS to understand them. Otherwise, you won’t. Otherwise, you’d like to be, “Why are they feeling so confused about things? They’re good?!? They’re No. 1 somewhere, they have so much stuff, why are they worried?” People always talk about that. But if you are a true fan of BTS and you buy the album and you listen to the hidden track — if you are an Army and we spent time together from 2013, 2014 — they could understand. It’s kind of more special, more closer, to our true hearts"
What about "Letter"?
In conclusion, hidden tracks for BTS, are something between them and their real fans who know about the path they have wended, therefore they can open up to them through lyrics and talk about their fears and struggles and ambitions without being judged or misunderstood. Also, we have to debunk some of the misconceptions going around (especially after the release of FACE) about hidden tracks. For example, some claimed that Letter is made for fans because hidden tracks are always supposed to be “gifts” for fans. This claim obviously can’t be true when you are able to listen to a hidden track legally, only by purchasing the physical album. Gifts are supposed to be free of charge, like Promise, Still with You, Christmas Love, My You, and so on. 
Then what about “Letter”? Why this song is a hidden track in Jimin’s first solo album? Did Jimin want to say something by hiding this track in FACE? To answer this questions, we need to pay attention to the lyrics and how the song was made:
 [Verse 1] What should I say? And how should I convey it? I'm really not getting my words right I know it sounds so clichéd So that it's not taken lightly Let me say it to you properly [Chorus] I say oh-oh, I hope you can be happier You, who stretched your hand out to me whenever I fell I say oh-oh, I'll hold it now (I'll hold it) So when you feel like crying, you won’t fall [Verse 2] After all this time has passed Will we still be the same? Just like we were when we first met, hmm-mmm If we are together, even the desert could turn to a sеa Just like how we were then, oh-hoo-ooh [Chorus] I say oh-oh, I really hope that it’ll last forever You, who felt like a warm spring to me in a cold winter I say oh-oh, I'll always cherish it All those moments between you and I [Refrain] Baby, don't leave Just stay by my side, yeah To you, who see me bigger than what my little self is (to you) So that I can give as much as I’ve received (oh-oh) So that I can keep my word (oh-oh) Don't worry, just stay by my side, yeah (Yeah) We don’t know what the future holds (holds, yeah) And that’s scary and makes us afraid (oh-oh) But don’t forget that we’re always together (don't forget) [Outro] I know it sounds so clichéd So that it's not taken lightly Let me say it to you properly
The Feelings
If you compare these lyrics to "Path" and "Sea" you can clearly see the differences, and except a mention of "sea and desert" there's nothing in common between them. Letter is not a monologue about career issues, it's a romantic song. These lyrics are expressing the feelings and addresses them to an audience and appreciates them. But how was this song made?
According to Jimin, at first, SMF Pt2 was supposed to be the last track of his solo album, but in their YTC promotion and recording era when they announced that they have planned to put their group activities on rest, Jimin decided to express his feelings of the moment through a letter, and turned that letter to song lyrics. Producers liked the song so much and decided to add it in his album and that’s how “Letter” was born. Although Jimin didn’t explain much about those “feelings” and left the conclusion to us like a true artist, we all know that this song is totally different from the other tracks in his album.
All the tracks of FACE are dark and sad. Jimin’s first album is all about himself, and he talks about the painful emotions he had as an artist and a person in the past few year, but with “Letter” there is a different story. Recording Academy admitted this and wrote:
“Though the EP is technically only six songs, the physical version has an additional “hidden” track called “Letter”. The song provides an intimacy that stands out from the other FACE tracks, capturing Jimin in his best form. The lyrics are poignant and vulnerable as Jimin pleads for someone to stay (“Baby, don't leave Just stay by my side, yeah”) The biggest surprise though? Fellow BTS member Jungkook contributes vocals to harmonize with Jimin.”  
A Fan Song?
“Letter” being a “Fan Song” is a stated fact by Park Jimin himself, and there can’t be any arguments about it, but that fact doesn’t mean Jimin made this song with the thought of fans in his head and all about them. In one of my old posts, I said that a faceless crowd can’t be the muse for a romantic song, especially when that song has a "standing-out intimacy".
Another reason for calling "Letter" a fan song, is the fact that it starts at 6:13 of the album, the numbers that remind us of the debut date of BTS. We can't call this a coincidence because we know how thoughtful and punctual Jimin is. But don’t forget that 6.13 is more of BTS time than ARMY time. So, as much as you call this track a song for fans, it can be called a song for his fellow BTS members.
Why JK?
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. Why JK was a part of this song? Did it mean something for Jimin, or did he have no other options? Jimin said that FACE is an album about himself, and he didn’t feel right about featuring other artists in it, that’s why he decided to record SMF Pt2 all alone and do all the rap parts by himself instead of featuring Yoongi in it. He collaborated with several producers and songwriters (including Namjoon), but there was no featured artist in the whole album.
About the background vocals of the album, he did most parts by himself, and for the other parts, he worked with artists who already had credits in his album, such as BLVSH, Sumin, and James Keys. But JK didn’t have anything to do with Jimin’s album. Jimin was fully capable of doing the background vocals of Letter by himself, as he did for the first parts of the song. Jimin never really explained why he decided to have JK in the song, other than saying their voices match. This known fact doesn’t give us much information, but we can have our speculations. 
Closer Than This?
Another thing that questions the idea of “Letter" being inspired by fans, is the existence of “Closer Than This”. The newest release of Jimin is the exact definition of a fan song, the lyrics are straightforward and directly address the fans and leave no place for speculation. If CTT is the result of Jimin getting inspired by his fans, then “Letter” must be inspired by something different because these two songs are not comparable. 
The difference becomes more obvious when we look at the initial version of the Letter lyrics in Jimin’s drafts. I wonder what the Grammy journalist who called the final lyrics of “Letter” intimate would have said if they read this: 
You hugged me tightly Only you who protected me Hold my hand, hold my hand tightly You who reached out my hand You held out your hand to me
We don’t know what was going on in Jimin’s mind when he wrote these, but we can see that the initial lyrics have been moderated, and the intimate parts, which clearly refer to a person, didn’t end up in the final lyrics. FYI, I’m doing a lyric analysis here, and this is not a complaint or conspiracy theory because Jimin said that he liked the way the final version came out, and it's all that matters.
For Fans, Not About Fans
So far we made it clear that "hidden tracks" are not about fans, they are for fans like any other BTS song, but the hidden tracks are a secret between the artist and the fan, something that only the true and dedicated fan can understand, and this applies to Jimin's "Letter".
Jimin gave up on many records for streaming and buying by releasing this song as a hidden track in his album. So, there must be an important message in this song that he wanted to convey to the true fans. He did his share of being thankful to fans by CTT, and I don't think he needed to do it twice in a year.
Maybe you prefer to think Jimin just made this song for ARMY and hid it in the album as a surprise or because it didn’t match with the whole concept of FACE, and you might not be wrong about any of that. But, don’t forget that he didn’t explain anything about this, and we both are just making assumtions.
Yes, maybe Jimin didn't acknowledge JK being a part of Letter in his promotion era, but JK did everything he could for his share. A few hours before the release of FACE, he started a live and played a part of it with his guitar, and months later, he watched Jimin's live performance for Festa while harmonizing with it and reminding us that he knows the lyrics very well. In Jimin's documentary he was very supportive and even teased for a live performance with him in future.
Why Just Jikook?
Jimin and Jungkook are not the only members of BTS. But I don't know why everytime Jimin or JK do something with romantic undertones, the fans (OT7 ARMYs, to be more specific) immediately try to label it as "About ARMY". I usually don't see this energy with the other five members. I'm perfectly sure they are also very grateful for ARMY, they have released several songs about them, and they would have loved to collaborate in a fan song with Jimin, too.
Then why Jimin only included JK in Letter? Why he wanted to sing for "ARMY" with him? Unless we assume Jimin's gratitude towards ARMY has connections with JK, and I don’t even want to bring up 2019 "I am army" jokes. But "Letter" is the song the most optimistic Jikookers didn't expect to exist. You may try to ignore and normalize it, but you can't deny the fact that Letter proved Jikook's unbreakable connection as two harmonic colleages, long time friends, and inseparable souls.
148 notes · View notes
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What the WIP Wednesday am I doing?
Okay, sooo apparently everyone is doing WIP Wednesday, today. (Okay maybe not the entire internet, but you know, there's a lot of wipsday action, today.) I thought, "Okay. Sure. I can get lost in this crowd. It's a good crowd."
So, I say to @alexalexinii, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @mooncello,
@blackberrysummerblog, @fiend-for-culture, @shrekgogurt, @bookish-bogwitch, @noblecorgi,
@drowninginships, and @artsyunderstudy (who is the devil on my shoulder today apparently XD)... You are all to blame for this. Yup. Your fault. Peer pressure! (Thank you for tagging me though, I look forward to seeing what all you have happening in your creative minds. <3)
Cause. Well. I don't usually post art in progress. I'm far too anxious a person to do such a thing. It's fine if it's a sketch that's like... finished as a sketch. But in progress? *gulp*
Well, here goes.
This is what I've been working on, usually when I'm supposed to be working on something else:
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(sorry for the low contrast, my eyes are delicate orbs that shy away from bright light...)
I did three sketches. One of which I will endeavor to color and make all nice and pretty. I've already determined it's not going to be the first one. The other two are neck-and-neck and it will likely come down to who has fins I like better. Which will it be? Tender snowbaz or playful snowbaz?
(Either way, I'm very determined to give Simon mermay wings. So that's going to happen come hell or... high water... *ahem*)
Honestly, I just really love merpeople. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to attempt this. The very first thing I ever learned to draw as a little bittle babe was a mermaid. (My teachers did not appreciate my dedication to anatomical accuracy the way I did.) Soooo Mermay? Mermay is a THING? Well, twist my arm, guess I have to snowbaz it.
(Oh, and shoutout to another guilty party, the SSCoNE server. They put the idea in my head. OH, and @cutestkilla. For general encouragment. And @hushed-chorus. For general encouragment and writing a gorgeous fic with merman Baz in it. )
Even more tagged people under the cut:
HELLO OUT THERE! @rimeswithpurple @run-for-chamo-miles @youarenevertooold @whatevertheweather @that-disabled-princess
@arthurkko @raenestee @facewithoutheart @emeryhall @agni-ashes
@skeedelvee @thewholelemon @supercutedinosaurs @tender-ministrations @bazzybelle
@ic3-que3n @imagineacoolusername @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @ileadacharmedlife
@aristocratic-otter @best--dress @technetiumai @brilla-brilla-estrellita @onepintobean
@palimpsessed and anyone else who wants to join in/say hi.
(I love getting tagged, because I tend to miss out on things if I don't get it stuffed into my notifications. Feel free to hit me up on Discord, too, send links. I just can't often browse tumblr as I wish. Not if I want to draw and... read... I need to do some reading...)
*Pitch Manor is still happening, I'm just taking a break to draw fish boys in between doing a few too many other things. I like being busy.
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 months
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Name: Insectiride
Debut: Mario Party 6
Mario and friends get up to all sorts of shenanigans! Many of these are dangerous shenanigans, and I would prefer not to get involved with them. If I were to fall in lava or be hit by a barrage of hammers thrown by a turtle, I would Die! I lament this fact, but I am no scrimblo. However, some of the antics are good safe fun, and that includes the act of racing in funny bug-shaped vehicles! I wish I could do that in real life!
Though there is a snail among these insects, for the sake of simplicity, I will call all these creatures Bugs. I usually reserve that term for arthropods, but I don't feel like saying "creepy-crawlies" a bunch of times in this post like some kind of Talking Flower. So Bugs. There are some people who'd call a snail a bug without even a disclaimer! Can you imagine that?
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Players begin Insectiride by choosing their vehicle out of the four unique options! I think I played this minigame once and I THINK I used the grasshopper. I think it still might be my favorite! I'm sorry to this snail, but I don't like it much. It looks like pizza, and I like pizza a lot- I regularly observe #pizzafriday- but it's just not the sort of thing I'd like a snail's skin to remind me of.
Each of these bugs has its own control scheme! The player on the ladybug must press the indicated button ten times quickly to make it crawl forward a bit. The player on the grasshopper must press a sequence of various buttons to make it hop forward a few times. The player on the stag beetle must press each indicated button that appears one at a time, each press making it push along a bit. And finally, the player on the snail must press A when its body extends fully to make it pull the shell along behind.
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When playing this with humans, there is probably no one Best Bug to reliably choose, since human reaction time must be taken into account. If playing against ambitious robots, however, there is absolutely an imbalance! In tool-assisted speedruns, Grasshopper is the winner, followed by Ladybug, Stag Beetle, and poor Snail in last...
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Mario Party 6 is a Koopa Kid Game! And there is official art of him riding the funny ladybug mechanism! I'm glad he got to have fun here. We all know he isn't having fun where he is now... in the Purgatory Zone... poor kid. Oh well! That's life!
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Those were the only four bug vehicles present in Insectiride, but in Mario Party 3's Ridiculous Relay, there was another! Way before all the rest! Here we have a Skeeter-inspired contraption, allowing the operator to maneuver across the surface of the water! I think this would be the main mode of transportation in Wet-Dry World, for those who are not already Skeeters. Between being a mecharthropod and having a strange control scheme that must be displayed to the player, I would not at all be surprised if this was an inspiration for Insectiride!
Now don't think you're getting out of this post without some real Bug Facts! Humans, of course, are much too large to ride on a bug. To be small enough to ride a bug, you would have to be a bug yourself. And some bugs do indeed do this! This is phoresy, the interaction in which one animal will latch onto another animal for the purpose of travel. Usually, the hitchhiker will be a tiny arachnid such as a mite (including ticks), or my favorite arachnid, a pseudoscorpion!
Phoresy is EXTREMELY funny to me. A teensy little critter will just grab onto the leg of a fly or something, and away they will go! Hang on tight! This is a type of symbiosis known as commensalism, where one organism (in this case, the one hanging on) benefits, while the other (the host) is largely unaffected. Humans riding horses is another example of phoresy! A human can be like a mite sometimes. Ok, see you later! *grabs onto a hoverfly's leg and flies away*
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whaliiwatching · 1 month
hi I'm at a party (mexican) and. people are dancing and I keep thinking abt the chivalry is not death punk mosh pit dance what have you out into my brain a friend convinced me to send this ask bcs I'm shy but also
I need you to know that your fic lives in my brain I think about it daily a bunch of my friends have what we call spider time where we think of Pete and your fic always makes its way back I started discovering Bessie Smith and the new York dolls and ma Rainey and Reagan youth and-
Fuck man idk what even to say your art has left a profound impact in my life and multiple others and helped me appreciate and consider different time periods and how love will always be there
this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me thank you so much oh my gods
thank your friend for encouraging you to send it cos this made my entire month. i’m so so glad people like my little chivalry fic especially when i think it depreciates every day :,) but that’s exactly what i hoped people would glean from it so i’m really happy!!! this v much helps me look back on it better and look forward to writing new fics a lot more!!!
for you, silly drawing of the silly period queers <3
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image credit! found it on pinterest, the instas(???) are on it 👌 (frankly i think it should be a new ‘draw ur otp’ lol)
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
23 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎀
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Originally I added the bandages to mirror my real hands being covered in Band-Aids when I made my sona. :0 (It was due to cat scratches and dry skin don't worry-)
Now they represent my "artist hands".... and my still really dry skin XDD
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Oh yeah absolutely. His crab arm is so heavy that if he falls into the water he'll sink 😬 he cant move it fast enough to help him swim to the surface.. good thing Blue Beauty is always nearby! <XD
It also takes a lot of energy to move and he deals with sore back/shoulder muscles a lot. The way the crab arm formed, its like all the muscles in his back are used to lift and operate it. When he walks around he kind'a uses it as a crutch or a third leg. His legs each take a step and then his crab arm lifts forward and clunks on the ground.
"tap tap.. CLUNK. tap tap.. CLUNK."
Despite all this though, Louis still really likes his new arm and isn't bothered much by all the hardships it brings :)
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Thank you so much!!! :DD I'm hoping I get over this soon 🥺
As for Grim's eyes, I mention that coloring mistake in the tags of this post. It was simply a matter of me misremembering what Gengar looks like :// But I'm thinking I'll keep his white eyes anyways. He looks a lot more friendly that way :}}
THEY HAVE SPARKS?? THEY'RE INDIVIDUALS?? I thought they were just mindless clones! Man.. That makes things in the show even darker-- <XDD
And ohhh, yeah I can see it. I wonder why they decided to add him of all characters? He does have cool shades tho XDD
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Yeah, that's the idea. <:/ I have yet to plan out how she died tho-
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There she is!! :DD She looks great!! :}}
And thank you, I'm hoping I get well soon too 🙂💔
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She never has to stop! I've decided that my characters can eat as much as they want, whenever they want, however they want, and suffer absolutely no consequences what so ever.
Cici just seems to be taking advantage of this ability more than the others <XDD
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:DD Thank you!! I'm so glad you like my interpretation of the Octonauts! :}}
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Oof. Always disappointing to hear people finding me through stolen artwork..
But yeah, you're at the source now! :} Just remember, if you find my artwork anywhere else other than here? Its stolen ://
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I simply misremembered what Gengar looks like and colored his eyes wrong :/// (I talk about it in the tags of this post) But I think I'll keep them white. He just looks so friendly and soft with white eyes.. 🥺
As for Sylveon, I like to think that tying his ribbons around others like that is his way of giving them a hug :}} Since Grim is so r o u n d, there's not many places the ribbons can comfortably tie and not be in Grim's way. His ears are the perfect spot! :}
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Ohh! They look so round and cozy!! :333
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (Referencing this post)
Thank you! :}}}
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@circadiananomaly (24k post in question)
Thank you! I'm hoping this is all over soon as well. :'(((
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Like, my Pokémon Violet team? :0 There will not be any new members no.. you can only have 6 Pokémon in your party at a time!
...Then again there's Patty.. the Hoppip that Anastasia replaced.. I miss her.. 🥺💔💔💔
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I hope I feel good too.. 😔😔😔
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them!! :}}}}
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(Post in question)
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Me reading this ask ksjnakjn 🥺🥺💞💞💞 that was all basically on point!! :DDD
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I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea how to explain that :'(( 💔💔
The very best I can explain my art process is; "I just.. draw it. And if it doesn't feel right, I just draw it differently until it does feel right." Its all down to muscle memory and drawing what "feels" right. I don't think I'm able to explain that-- 😭😭😭 I'm very sorry! <:'(((
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Woah! What a critter! :00 ✨✨It looks great! :DD
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WAAAHGG THANK YIU!!!- Oh crap you ok tho--
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@littlelightfish (Post in question)
:DD Thank you! I'm so glad you like him!! :}}}
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He'd be amazed! :00
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viviannesmonster · 1 year
Since some people liked my last Wally Darling fanfic
I've decided to write another one
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It was Julie's birthday and she wanted to throw a dance party to celebrate it
Everyone attended, including you
Except, you sat by yourself on the sidelines
You didn't know how to dance, and you didn't want to make a fool of yourself
Especially since Wally's here too
You adored Wally and obviously didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him
Everyone's dancing and having a good time while you sit in the corner trying to not feel bad for yourself
That was until Wally himself walked up to you
"Come on, my friend. Give me your hand." He said, offering you his hand
You ask him what he's doing and he smiles
"I'm walking you back to your house."
As he ushers you out of the party, you keep asking him why he's leaving and that you'll be okay by yourself
"It's okay (Y/n)!" He says
"We already gave Julie our gifts, and she understands that you weren't having fun. And besides, we can hang out with her another day."
You ask him why he decided to leave
"I can't have you walking all by yourself in dark, now can I?"
Your face turned a little red and you two walked together in silence
"(Y/n)?" Wally asked
"Why were you sitting by yourself? You could have joined us."
After deciding to be honest with him, you tell him it's because you don't know how to dance
Wally starts to laugh his awkward monotone laugh
Why was he laughing?
You looked away and he realized he had accidentally offended you
"Oh I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I was laughing because I could have taught you how to dance."
You turn to face him again and he smiles.
"This way." He says taking your hand
Wally starts to lead you away from your house and you ask him where you two are going
"We're going to teach you how to dance!"
He leads you to Home and gently knocks on the door
You try to explain to him that he doesn't have to do this
"Of course I do! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you out? What if Julie wants another dance party for her birthday?"
Home's eyes fluttered open and smoke blew out of their chimney.
"Good evening Home. I'm sorry to wake you up. May we come in please?"
More smoke blew out of the chimney
"Yes. We. I brought (Y/n) with me."
After a little bit of silence, Home opened the door and Wally led you inside.
"Thank you, Home."
You always found it a little bit endearing how Wally talked to his house, it was cute.
In a weird way
"This way my friend." Wally said as he led you to his art studio.
"Wait right here."
He moved his easel to a corner in the room and led you to the center
"Home?" Wally called out
He got a small creak in response
"Can you play a slow song for me? Please?"
You heard a low and long creak from a floorboard, as if Home was annoyed in someway
"Thank you." Wally smiled then turned back to you
"Follow my lead, we'll take things slow." He said as he put his hand on your waist and held your other hand in his own
"Put your free hand on my shoulder."
You did as you were told and a slow classical song began to play throughout the room
"Step to the left, step forward, step to the right, step back, and repeat!"
After stepping on his shoes for the first few times, you eventually got the hang of it and spun around the art room as Wally held you in his arms
After dancing for you a few minutes, you told him this wasn't the kind of dancing that Julie was doing at her party
"I know." He said with a wink
Your face turned a bright red again
Wally smiled and held onto your waist tighter before slowly dipping you as the song ended
You felt as if you were going to melt into a puddle
"See how much fun dancing can be?"
You nodded, still too flustered to say anything
Wally stood up straight and let go of your waist
"Looks like Home fell asleep again." He whispered. "That means it's time for us to go to bed too."
You asked him what he meant by "us"
"You're spending the night of course!" He whisper yelled
You knew at this point that you couldn't win against him so you just accepted it
"So, I'll show you my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."
You quickly stopped him and reassured him that you could both sleep in the bed
"Well, if it's alright with you. Then it's alright with me."
Wally gave you a robe of his that you could sleep in when he went to the bathroom to change into his pajamas
The robe smelled like green apple
After you and Wally laid down in bed, you turned away from him as an attempt to not make things more awkward than they already were
That was until you felt him grab your hand
"Turn to me." He whispered
You did and saw him smiling at you. "Did you have fun?"
You nodded and smiled back at him
"I had fun too. I really enjoy your company."
Wally pulled you into his chest for a hug and held you there. "If you know what I mean."
You hugged him back and told him you understood, your face turning red
You heard him laugh a little before he gave you a kiss on top of your head.
"Goodnight my dear."
This was stupidly long
But I enjoyed writing it
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woodlaflababab · 3 months
So, I got heavily inspired by this art by shange0211/Yishu and wanted to write a quick fic
This is just a snippet of Aang teaching Zuko how to dance.
“Okay!” Aang started, brushing his hands over his robe to dispel nonexistent dust, “now that you know some simple solo moves, I want to teach you how to dance with other people.”
Zuko, who had progressively been getting over his reservations about this whole thing, went right back to looking at Aang like he was crazy. “What?”
“You know, dancing with a partner. Like the dragon dance, but uh,” Aang rubbed at the back of his head, “less firebending lessons.”
Zuko blinked at him a few times before putting his hands up and turning around. “No, I'm done.”
Before Zuko could take more than three steps, Aang was by his side, clinging to an arm. “Zuko!” Aang practically whined. “Come on, you've come this far, and dancing with other people is even more fun than dancing solo.” He tugged on Zuko's arm. “At least give it a shot.”
Zuko, becoming very familiar with this particular weakness of his, sighed and let Aang drag him to the middle of the room again.
“Okay, before I teach you any Fire Nation dances, I actually think we should start with a basic Earth Kingdom one.”
Zuko wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Why?”
“Fire Nation dances, while not as complicated as Water Tribe or air dances,” as Aang spoke, he backed away from Zuko and slid one hand behind his back while holding the other up in front of him, “move around, a lot.” With that, Aang started some dance routine, quickly moving across the floor. 
As he went, working his way around the room in a large circle, Zuko felt like he could kind of see where Aang was completing half of a dance, watching him move as though there was some phantom he danced with that only he could see. Zuko decided not to examine his immediate dislike for this theoretical phantom too closely.
After a bit, Aang seemed to close up his dance, coming to stand before Zuko once again and holding his hands neatly behind his back before dropping them. “Earth kingdom dances, however, tend to be simpler and easier to learn. At least,” he shrugged, “the common ones. There are a lot of special dances they do in specific cities or areas but I don't know a whole lot of those.”
Zuko had to refrain from snorting. Imagine that, Aang not knowing something. The way he went on sometimes, one would think he'd seen everything there was to see.
Aang paused for a second to think before lighting up again. “Oh! I know which one we can start with. It's actually a nobleman's dance, the rich people do it at parties and stuff, and it's really simple, give me your hand.” He stuck his own hand out expectantly.
Zuko hesitated just to nonverbally make the point that he thought this was stupid, but placed his hand inside Aang's nonetheless. He was then immediately thrown off his game as Aang pulled him forward so his hand could go on Aang's waist while Aang's went to his shoulder. Before Zuko could really catch up, Aang already had his other hand and was holding it out to their sides.
“This is the basic stance. Sometimes you break apart for other moves, but for the most part, you get to just stay like this and it's all in the foot work.” 
Aang grinned up at Zuko like that was supposed to reassure him, but Zuko was still trying to process the current situation.
“There's two parts to this, the lead and the follow. You should start by learning to lead though, that's what you're doing.” He nodded his head toward the side where he had his hand on Zuko's shoulder and Zuko's hand on his waist like that was supposed to mean anything to Zuko. “Now, just follow my steps. It's a basic three moves, okay?”
Aang looked up at him expectantly, and Zuko figured it sounded simple enough. Then something else occurred to him. “Wait, if I'm ‘leading’ why are you,” he hesitated as he tried to figure out how to word it, “leading?” was the word he uselessly landed on.
Thankfully Aang understood what he meant and let out a light easy laugh that coaxed some of the gathering tension from Zuko's shoulders. “It's just the name for things. Dancing isn't something you think about, you just do it. It doesn't matter what words you use, just follow me.”
“Whatever you say.” Zuko muttered.
Aang nodded before slowly taking a step back. It, a bit embarrassingly, took Zuko a second to figure out how he was supposed to follow Aang, but when he stepped forward to match Aang's movement, the proud grin he got as a reward seemed so much more poignant that close up.
Aang moved his other leg back in a bit of a sweep and Zuko, expecting it this time, followed along easily enough, ended by them bringing their feet back together. “Great!” Aang praised. “Now it's the same thing but backward, so now you step back.”
As he obeyed and repeated the moves backward, he found it was strangely gratifying as Aang moved with him step for step.
“Now we just do that box again.” With that, Aang once again stepped back.
Zuko followed after him as they moved smoothly through the cycle. It felt almost as easy as breathing, moving and matching Aang step for step and despite how simple the repetitive moves were, he was captivated. The flow of it, the simple trust that each step would be matched, how close they could be together and yet never run into each other. 
He found himself staring at Aang as Aang watched their hands for some reason Zuko was sure he'd never really understand. The simple focus in Aang, the ease with which he did everything, as though there really was nothing to think about, just movements shared, it was all fascinating to Zuko.
So much so that it took Zuko a moment to realize he was probably staring too hard when Aang turned back to him and gave him a weird look. Then it was Zuko's turn to look at their hands, but even that caught his eye in such an unexpected way. Getting to see the blue arrow cradled in his own hand as they glided over the floor, never wavering, like it was meant to rest there, caused a confusing flux of emotion he couldn't quite name.
Not that he'd ever been particularly good at that to begin with, but he felt even more lost than usual, like there was something he was missing.
Zuko's focus snapped back to Aang who was looking at him with an amused confusion. “You look like you're thinking, and I'm pretty sure I just said no thinking.” He teased and thankfully didn't ask about the thinking. Zuko had no idea how he'd answer.
So instead he latched onto the familiar easiness of teasing. “Sorry, not all of us can magically turn off our brains whenever we want.”
Aang's wide amused grin was almost difficult to witness when he was standing that close. “It's really not that hard. Maybe I should teach you how to meditate next.”
Zuko scowled. “I know how to meditate.”
“But you're really bad at it.” Aang pointed out without mercy. “Besides, maybe if I'm there it'll be easier to not overthink things.”
Zuko, for some strange reason, highly doubted that.
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spicybylerpolls · 2 months
people sleeping on the fact that mike and will hadn't seen each other in their time apart, which is when their sexualities were coming into bloom. so any sexual attraction and burgeoning sexuality is not about objectivism or lewdness, but rather fantasy, sensation memory, imagination...
the duffers made this absence a choice in the story, and its a clever device. think how different stranger things would be if will and el hadn't left, and mike's attraction to men was coming into bloom with will and el still around in hawkins!
so seeing as it's fantasy, its not like byler's attraction could even be dirty - it was just about them thinking of being close to each other, their dreams etc were probs so vague and emotional instead. and then when they saw each other again, it reiterates the awkwardness of said fantasy, because their memories probably distorted how each other looked somewhat and so encountering the real thing is jarring.
i also think that will is just as aware of sexuality as mike, but also a little closer to accepting his identity (alan turing poster). his discomfort is a huge part of the story, his IH, his dad, his shame, but just because will doesn't have posters of guys on his wall doesn't mean he isn't thinking physically of sex: he checks out mike at the airport, when theyre walking out of the airport, at the breakfast table, etc.
at this point, again, a lot of it is curiosity: i haven't seen you for half a year, oh, this is what you look like now... AND oh, i'm attracted to you and now I can see what your body looks like, i hadn't paid much attention to that before ...
and ofc we have mike doing the same (in the bedroom scene) and then there's all the phallic imagery which is a wink and a nod, but also i think has double meaning for other things in the story, like the split/rod through the brain changing the personality thing from s2
and lastly, let's not forget that will is an artist. we don't know if he has been doing life drawing classes (not sure how the US system works with this stuff in schools) but he HAS been drawing figures for much of his life. when he did that painting of the party, a lot of attention to detail was paid. not to say it's a sexual painting, but if you look at mike's stance compared to the other party members, the way he's standing, you have to acknowledge that will had no problem painting mike's anatomy, his legs, crotch, his body. the stance calls for it, but will could also have picked another stance. he could have had the shield lower (it's barely covering mike actually - is it symbolic of something else?!?!), mike's left leg could have been forwards... anything. as an artist, when i was younger specifically, i would have been blushing as I was painting a friend i was in love with, if i had to paint their body in this way.
we know will expresses himself through his art and stories, and painting someone is a very intimate act. i think will expresses not only his love but his sexuality this way.
++ am i saying that when theyre a bit older, mike is going to pull a rose dewitt bukater and ask to be drawn? jury's still out. but for now, that painting, for will, was probably an extended part of the fantasy of mike in his absence.
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Delicious points, nonny!
"Then when they saw each other again, it reiterates the awkwardness of said fantasy, because their memories probably distorted how each other looked somewhat and so encountering the real thing is jarring."
YES! 🫡 Of course, that's a huge part of the deliriousness, awkward fever dream of the airport reunion and the fruity ass roller rink. And I'd never thought of this aspect of it, but I LOVE the idea that Will's painting and the level of anatomical detail given to Mike inherent to it is a huge way of Will expressing and exploring his sexuality.
No wonder El picked up on Will liking someone. He was glowing with desire and passion. He was overflowing with love for Mike Wheeler. Art is the one place Will can be gay as hell, the one place where Will's fantasies have a natural (and plausible deniable, if needed) outlet.
And I can't imagine that as a teen boy, his mind didn't wander to other places lmao, especially while drawing Mike in this way and thinking about what might be underneath Mike's armor 😋.
And if just the idea of Mike being the heart and being the leader and being the hero is enough to get Will giggling and twirling his bowl cut and kicking his feet? RIP Will in Season 5. Especially with the muscles Mike has started to show in these recent Finn pics? ❗❓
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