#Older half-sister to Suyin
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Chief Beifong
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zuko-always-lies · 10 months
Toph: What were (points to Su) you thinking?! And what were (gestures a palm to Lin) you thinking? (puts her hand behind her back) You two have put me in an impossible position! Young Lin: You're mad at me? (turns to glare furiously at Su) She's the one who was running around with criminals! Young Su: This is all your fault! Young Lin: I was doing my job! Toph: Ugh, all right, enough! (The sisters cross their arms and Toph places a hand on her head) Here's what we're going to do. (gestures to her younger daughter) Su, you need to leave the city as soon as possible. (crosses her arms) Young Su: (leans forward with surprise) What? Where am I supposed to go? Toph: (gestures to Su again) You'll go stay with your grandparents. (extends her hand out towards her older daughter) Lin, give me the arrest report. (With the report in hand secured with a paper clip, Toph tears the document in half.) Young Lin: (shocked) Mom, what are you doing? You can't cover this up. There were witnesses. Toph: I'm the Chief of Police! I can't have a daughter in jail. Young Lin: So, once again, Su gets to do whatever she wants, and there are no consequences. Toph: (sighs with both hands on her head) This is our only option.
Friendly reminder that Toph blamed Lin as much as Suyin for Suyin getting arrested, because apparently Lin was supposed  to sit back and let Suyin commit any crimes she wanted in front of her.
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sleepyowlwrites · 7 months
15 questions tag | Savannah and Jae edition
I still have so many of these tags, so let's go through some Youth Story kids. they've been on my brain recently.
a bit of blue lace from @reneesbooks and some teal ribbon from @sarahlizziewrites and some bird feathers from @memento-morri-writes
It's late afternoon, and Jae likes to spend this time with himself. He hasn't achieved this recently, ever since a wild child inserted herself into his personal life. Half of him feels annoyed by her, and the other half beyond pleased to have anyone be interested in him. It feels a little cheap considering his siblings aren't around to be more interesting than he is. No little sister to serve as an adorable distraction, no older brother to be way cooler.
That's not to say that Savannah wouldn't be just as nosy about any of his siblings if they were here, but Jae is happy they aren't. This noisy intruder is all his, and that makes her presence move from being more of an annoyance to something he looks forward to.
Even if it comes with a bunch of personal questions.
"I'm supposed to get some adults for this too, and I will," she says, half out of breath from jogging all the way over here. "But I want to do you because I don't know enough about you. Some of the questions don't really apply, but just answer them anyway. Do you want a pen or should we try without?"
Jae carefully closes his sketchbook and places it in his backpack, taking his time with it while Savannah impatiently bounces a pen on the notebook laid out on the table between them. He does want a pen because he doubts that Savannah can glean the intricacy of his thoughts without him writing some of them down.
"They're not that complicated of questions, Jamie." Savannah hands him the pen and rips off a sheet of paper from the back of the notebook. "Okay, ready? Try not to be so yellow. First question.
"Are you named after anyone?"
Jae shakes his head. Easy question. He points at Savannah, leaning his arms on the table.
"Me? I'm named after the sound of my mother's laughter when she first saw me, and how happy she was to finally hear me crying, out in the world. Suyin."
Jae taps the table.
"Savannah is from my dad, 'cause he's fascinated with language and Chinese doesn't have a 'v' sound." Savannah frowns. "Are you going to make me answer every question?"
He doesn't even nod. Savannah sighs shortly, muttering, "there's the yellow."
Jae resettles himself on the chair and waits.
"Okay. When was the last time you cried?"
That's an entirely unfair question. Jae won't answer. He won't even think about it. He forgets to ask the question back.
Savannah nods and mumbles something like, "earlier this week," before going to the next question. "Do you have kids?"
Younger siblings, he writes on the paper.
"That doesn't count. Do you sarcasm a lot?"
Jae tilts his head, letting his face talk for him.
"Yeah, you do. Sarcasm has colors too, you know, and yours is golden, like honey. Feels like it too. Um, what sports have you played?"
Football, really little, he writes.
Savannah scribbles it down. "You're certainly not a sporty guy. What's the first thing you notice about people?"
Jae has to think about that. He doesn't want to try writing down the whole thing. It's a complicated set of feelings. "Ignore," he winds up saying out loud after thinking through it all.
Savannah studies him like his thoughts were simple lines of text and not a jumbled mess. "Yeah, I know. You want people to leave you alone. You only notice things about them if it looks like they're going to bother you. And then you notice the color of their shirt."
Okay, maybe his thoughts were simple lines of text. Savannah certainly sorted through them easily enough.
"You're pretty direct with your feelings towards me," she comments, not looking at him. "I don't have to guess a whole lot."
"Scary movies or happy endings?"
"Makes sense," he gets out. It has to make sense, and if it does, any ending is fine. He doesn't like scary movies, though.
"No scary movies. Any special talents?" Savannah grins at him, already starting to write.
Why even bother asking me when you know half the answers? he thinks at her in Korean.
Savannah snorts. "Emotions don't come in specific languages, silly. I can sense irritated enjoyment no matter what language your thoughts are working in. Don't they usually work in Korean?"
They're in whatever language I was last reading in, so right now they're French, he writes out neatly.
"Huh. Cool. Where were you born?"
"Asan." He tries to picture a map.
Savannah blinks at him. "Alright, strong nostalgia."
Maps don't transfer via emotion. Makes sense.
"What are your hobbies?"
Jae points at his backpack.
"Drawing and game design, I know." Savannah peeks at the backpack. "I wish you'd show me more of it. You're so good."
Jae resolutely thinks of nothing, but judging by Savannah's smile, she knows exactly how pleased he is to hear that.
"Do you have any pets?"
"Dog. Rabbit."
"Those are your siblings' pets, but sure." Savannah rolls her eyes. "How tall are you?"
"Sounds about right. Favorite subject in school - art?"
He shrugs. He likes history too, because he likes reading, but yeah. Art.
Savannah writes, and then considers, and writes some more. She turns her notebook to face him so he can read that she's put "game design" under "Dream job?"
Yeah, she got that one too. He shoves her pen back at her.
"Eye color?"
Jae stares at her without blinking.
"Dark brown with hints of fireflies at the edges, oh, I think that's a sign of wizardry or something-" she breaks off into giggles when Jae folds his arms.
"That's all!" Savannah smiles again, bright and effervescent. "Do you want ice cream as a reward for participating?"
He's not a child. He doesn't need participation trophies. Jae gathers his bag and then waits for her. Savannah stuffs her things away and gleefully takes his hand.
"Ice cream it is!"
youth story taglist: @akindofmagictoo @artdecosupernova-writing @wildswrites @mary-is-writing @vellichor-virgo @ashen-crest @selene-stories @houndmouthed @kaiusvnoir
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kitty-padilla · 2 years
my two childhood school besties and i are going to Anime St. Louis in a month so if you see three girls wearing the colors of Team 7 with a tall buff lady akin to Luisa from Encanto in red and black, that's us.
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lilacmooon · 2 years
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continuation of this post for angstpril 2022.
not kyalin but i recently discovered Tokka and uh, I'm in my feels about it a bit ngl.
I always pair music with whatever I write so have this: Paint - The Paper Kites
Angstpril 2022 - Day 5: "I never stopped"
The city was quiet that night, heavy summer mist pressing in against her skin. She could smell the threatening storm that must be pushing in from the sea. The thunder rumbled low and mournful out over the bay and Toph sighed, letting the sound vibrate in the air around her as she lingered at the entrance to her building. Tiny feet hit the floor near the couch the second she pushed open the door to the apartment. Suyin waited patiently as her mother bent off her armor and set down her things before she came to join her.
“Everything okay?” Toph asked her, slumping down into the couch.
Su made sure her mom was settled before she crawled closer, curling into her and pulling her blankets up to cover them both. Weariness settled, sudden and substantial, into her shoulders, her temples, her heart, but she pulled Su into her closer anyway.
“I was waiting for you.” Suyin explained, her voice tired.
Toph felt her body shake with a silent yawn. Guilt prickled in her fingertips at being absent for so long. But she knew that the girls could take care of themselves. Suyin was just a year younger than Toph herself was when she had left to travel the world, after all. Her daughters were capable people. And they knew where to find her or who to call if they needed anything.
“Where is Lin?” Toph asked, wondering why Suyin hadn’t just gone to find her older sister instead of waiting around for her to come home.
“I didn’t want to wake her.” Suyin answered softly. “She hasn’t been sleeping. Kya must have gotten her to rest somehow.”
“Kya’s here?”
Su only nodded. Toph threaded her fingers through her daughter’s thick hair as she thought. Beyond the small, strong heartbeat of Su, laying so close, she could sense two others, faintly. Kya and Lin, then. Spirits, those two. Toph shook her head slowly. Lin, she was too much like her mother. So much that it tended to worry Toph like nothing else did when it came to her daughter. Lin is strong like her. Capable like her. Sharp like her. But Toph worries, often, that Lin might make many of the same mistakes as her as well.
When the key turns in their lock, little Suyin is fast asleep, and so she doesn’t stir.
“It’s just me.” Suki said. She shut the door quietly behind her when she noticed the sleeping child.
“I felt you coming.” Toph told her, nodding to her bare feet on the floor.
“Slate.” Suki noted. “I forgot. I haven’t been here in a while, I suppose.”
“Yet you still have the key.” Toph pointed out.
Suki settles down in the chair next to the couch with an almost imperceptible sigh. Toph imagines she can feel the same weariness that permeates her own bones rolling off of Suki into the stone floor and the air between them.
“Silly to get rid of it.” Suki shrugged. “Just cause the girls are older now and you haven’t needed me to come watch them doesn’t mean you or they won’t need me again eventually.”
“Good thing I gave one to the both of you then.” Toph decides, her voice heavy.
She thinks of the day she first gave Sokka and Suki those keys. When she had needed someone to help out with Lin after she got called into the station unexpectedly. It was hard to remember, honestly. Over fifteen years ago now. There had been countless similar instances since then too. Except, now, Sokka would never again use his key to walk through her door. Because he was dead. Killed. And Toph couldn’t find who the fuck was responsible for taking her best friend from her. Toph and Suki, they were at their limits. Since it had happened, they had thrown themselves into avenging him. Not once believing that they might have to contend with the idea that…they might never get to.
“What are you doing here?” Toph asked quietly, half hoping there was some sort of news — despite having left her just an hour or so before.
“I didn’t want to be alone.” Suki whispered after a while.
“You’ve lived alone for years now. Shouldn’t you be used to it?” Toph asked her.
It was only meant to point out the obvious but the way it sounded seemed slightly harsh. Good thing Suki was also used to her bullshit. Toph began to run her fingers through Su’s hair again and down her small back. Partially to soothe her daughter as she slept and partially to soothe herself if she was being honest. Suki huffed quietly, looking at Suyin where she lay curled into her mother’s lap and the couch.
“You know what I mean.” Suki said.
“Yeah, you want to be with someone who is feeling just as shitty as you are. I get that.” Toph answered.
“She looks so much like him.” Suki whispered after the few blessed moments of somewhat comfortable silence.
Toph forced herself not to flinch but instead clenched her fingers into the blanket around Suyin’s shoulders. Then she sighed deeply and relaxed her shoulders, too exhausted to keep herself hardened anymore right now. Her fingers found Su’s soft hair once more and she focused on untangling the ends of it gently before speaking again.
“It feels just like his did, too.” Toph whispered back, afraid that if she uttered it any louder, her voice might betray her.
“When did you—?”
“Never while you two were—”
“I would never think that.” Suki sighed, her voice almost firm. Sokka and Suki had been separated for ages now. But of course, they had remained close.Just as they all had. It was hard not to with the deep, familial bonds they had all formed during the war. “I just mean that…I remember. It was so obvious, especially when we were kids, how much you cared for him. I guess I was just wondering when you started to feel something…more?”
“I never stopped.” Toph said simply, easily, despite the tangling in her chest.
“Hm?” Suki asked, not quite understanding her answer.
“I never stopped loving him. I never stopped caring for him. It wasn’t something I felt one day and then didn’t the next. It was the most constant, steady thing in my life for as long as I can remember. Constant. Just like he was. So, yeah. There wasn’t just a moment when I decided I wanted him. I fell in love with him. And then I never stopped.”
Toph and Suki were quiet then for a while, the only sounds were the soft patter of the rain against the windows and Suyin’s light snores.
“It’s just…” Toph sighed, resting her head on the back of the couch. “Being with him. With anyone. It wasn’t something I was ever going to let myself have.”
“You’re still alive, Toph.” Suki argued gently. “You still have time to have something like that. You deserve to have something like that.”
Toph only shrugged. So Suki dropped it.
“Did he know?” Suki asked instead.
“I think so.” Toph sighed again, every word feeling hard to get out. But also necessary somehow. The spirits knew how they had gotten here. Suki had always just been too easy to talk to, she supposed. Just like Katara. It could be infuriating. But in moments like this, when she was exhausted and broken and just needed someone, she tended to be weak for it. “It was only ever him. For a little while now. I think he knew I loved him. I hope I told him. What matters is…he knew that she was his.”
Suki hummed in soft agreement as she watched Toph with her daughter.
“Though, we never really told anyone else.” Toph pointed out bluntly.
“It’s pretty clear.” Suki admitted and Toph arched an eyebrow at her humorous tone.
“You know, he was so present when he found out? It annoyed the crap out of me initially.”
“I bet.” Suki makes a sound that’s almost like a laugh but quieter and painted with such sadness.
“It didn’t change much between us. Didn’t change…whatever we were doing. But, he loved her instantly.” Toph let the smallest of smiles cross her face as she remembered. Then she rolled her eyes, also recalling his silliness. “When she was in me, he called her his little seedling.”
“Seedling?” Suki chuckled quietly.
“Yes. Then after she was born: Little Flower.” Toph grew quiet, brushing her fingers through Suyin’s hair once more. “Because that’s what happens when water meets earth, he said. It blooms.”
They didn’t talk for a while then but Toph sensed there was still much on Suki’s mind, same as her. Maybe it was enough just to sit there, together, though. At least for now.
“Do you regret it?” Suki asked her finally.
“I can’t. It gave me Su.” Toph answered honestly.
“No, I mean…not letting what you and Sokka had grow into more.”
“Sometimes.” Toph told her quietly, after she had thought about it for a moment. A tear slid down her cheek, startling her, and she swiped at it quickly. “But, what we had was pretty amazing too. Just as it was.”
Toph felt warm fingers close around her hand where it was clenched into the fabric of the couch. Suki kneeled on the ground beside her, placing a hand on her friend’s back for comfort.
“I miss him, Suki.” Toph whispered, her voice hoarse. Suki enveloped her into a tight hug then, pulling her close.
“I know, sweetie.” Suki breathed out. “I miss him, too.”
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Wait because I was just thinking about Kanto and Jian having a tickle fight, and then canon snuck into my head, and now I'm having dark thoughts.
If we take canon into account, how do Kanto and Jian fit into the way Toph and Lin's storylines take place in LOK? Like, how do they cope? Because the only thing that comes to mind is Kanto and Jian dying and I don't think I can handle that.
I was just wondering what you thought about this and if I'm the only one who got super dark about it. And I'm sorry because I know how many angsty asks you get, but I just couldn't stop thinking about it, Stitcherton.
I owe you a fluffy ask, I know hehe
Twinkles. Mondangst already happened pls it's Kantoph Tuesfluff :(
If we are going straight for the dagger and are killing off baby Jian and Kanto, it has to happen when Lin is like 5 because she's 6 years older than Suyin. So Jian is like 2 max. Kanto would be like... 35? 36? I'm thinking the younger Lin is, it's probably better for the LOK storyline because her memories would be pretty faint as time went on, which would make sense why they would never be mentioned if this was part of canon.
Their deaths would definitely shake up their lives, Lin's desire for a family that's whole and happy and that don't leave her would make sense, and Toph's indifference toward raising her girls would make sense because she doesn't have her husband there anymore to help.
I would guess that in an LOK scenario, Toph would start to push away Lin in the sense that she reminds Toph of everything good that was lost, and it's so hard to raise her daughter that reminds her of her dead husband and son. And Lin is sort of old enough to take care of herself at a certain point, so Toph just... doesn't.
Suyin would be the result of a one-night stand, likely a drunken night used to numb the chronic pain of being a widow and having lost a son, and she ends up pregnant. She was probably super close to aborting the baby, but somehow found it in her to keep the baby. After she has Suyin, it's sort of easier to raise Suyin because she isn't like Jian or Kanto at all and that's comforting in a way. Suyin wouldn't know about Jian or Kanto because talking about them is off limits in their house.
After a while, Toph probably falls into work and becomes a workaholic, leaving Lin to practically raise Suyin much to her chagrin, because Suyin is much more rowdy and mischievous than Jian was (even though he was a baby), and she gets away with it. Lin resents Suyin for some reason, because she's not Jian, even though she never really knew Jian like she knows Suyin. And she craves her mother's attention because she had all of her attention before Suyin was around, why can't it be like before? She becomes a part of the RCPD, because that's what mom and dad did and maybe that will put things back to the way they were before, but they don't.
And then the rest of canon happens and it's just full of hurt because Lin just decides to not speak to her sister or mother because it all reminds her of the family she could've had with Jian and Kanto. And she emphasized that Suyin was her half-sister in Book 3 because she has a brother, and Suyin isn't her sister. Not to her, at least. And she doesn't visit Suyin's family earlier because that could've been Jian with a wife and kids, making his own city and...
And she just can't bear to think about the what if's any longer.
So THERE, Twinkles. Those are my angsty thoughts on how Jian and Kanto fit into LOK :(
I'll be patiently waiting for your fluffy Kantoph story or ask, now ;)
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hotpinkrathian · 3 years
The Dinner
(Kyalin) Cannon to The Box series.
Tenzin took a seat, sitting Rohan on his lap, bouncing his soon to be toddler.
"Oh, Bataar isn't he the cutest thing?" Suyin said fawning over the little.
"He's adorable." Bataar replied. "Any signs of bending yet?" Bataar asked.
"Well, I can't be totally sure, but I think we have another airbender on our hands!" Suyin cheered, drawing attention to herself.
"I would do anything for another one." She said, causing her husband's eyes to widen in fear.
"No. Please.""oh come on, one more honey." Bataar scoffed, moving to sit with his sons. Su frowned returning her gaze back to Rohan. She was caught off guard when her sister took a seat beside her.
"Lin! You made it!" She smiled, Lin nodded, setting down a place full of food Kya sat next to her and Suyin reached over to shake her hand.
"Its been too long, Kya."
"Much, there's so much to catch you up on, Su." The waterbender said, looking to Lin who ignored her. It wasn't long before Mako and Bolin stumbled into the room, heaving and leaning on each other.
"Hey! Take it outside!" Pema shouted, nearly spilling a tray of beverages.
"Sorry its just- Korra?" Mako asked.
"Shes outside with Asami, they'll be in as soon as Korra gets a whiff of this fish." Tonraq said, eyeing up the dish.
"Can't wait." They pushed past the crowd and Su rolled her eyes.
"Remind me so much of the twins." She remarked and Lin snorted.
"Worse." Her older sister said and Suyin laughed.
"Lin, I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink, want something?" Kya asked.
"Hmm? Something strong." Kya looked at her doubtfully and Suyin glanced toward Tenzin, who seemed to pick up on the energy.
"Come with me." Kya said, pulling her arm.
"Alright, fine. I'll be right back Su." Lin said being dragged away by Kya. Su looked to Tenzinsho put Rohan in his uncle's lap.
"Did you-" they said in unison.
"Sorry, you go." Tenzin said.
"That was weird, right?" Su asked, looking at her sister and Kya from the table. The two were leaned against the counter, Kya pouring a waterbenders portion of wine, engaged in conversation.
"They arrived together." Tenzin said and Su pursed her lips.
"Do you think Kya's living with her?" Su asked.
"Its possible. She's been staying in the city for a while now, I assumed she had her own place or an ex's to crash, maybe she's been staying with Lin." The two woman came back, returning to their seat.
"Sorry," Lin laughed as she sat down. Su looked to Tenzin again.
Is she laughing?
I think so?
"So, Kya, where have you been staying?" Su asked, flattening her robe. Kya took a long sip of her wine, finishing nearly a third of it before answering.
"With Lin. She's um... been letting me stay with her. Just to be closer to the hospital and all."
"Thats very kind of you Lin," Tenzin said, "I didn't know you were so fond of the homeless." Kya flung a spoonful of mashed potatoes off her spoon at her brother who blew it against the wall.
"Ha. Ha." Tenzin smiled, proud of himself.
"Beifong!" Su and Lin looked at the use of their last name, to see Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin standing at the door. Lin rolled her eyes and Kya patted her on the shoulder, smiling.
"Yes?" Lin asked, standing up and spreading her arms.
"You... you lied to me!" Korra argued. Su looked between the two of them. It didn't seem hostile but.. playful wasn't in Lin's nature. At least she didn't think so.
"Actually I just didn't tell you the truth. Besides, you didn't ask me."
"You told them before us?"
"No, I gave you guys the key to our apartment, and I even gave you the box. You just didn't look in it." Korra's eyes met Asami's a look of realization dawning on them.
"Why... why did you-"
"Wanted to know what you thought. And maybe rub it in a bit." Korra furrowed her brows and Lin smirked. Su looked back to Tenzin when Kya wrapped an arm around Lin's.
Oh my god. She mouthed as the bald airbenders face lit up a bright red.
"Were you in on this?" Asami asked.
"Oh yeah, this whole operation was my idea." Kya replied. "I just thought it'd be funnier coming from Lin. And as always, I was right."
"You're not always right-" Lin began, she was shut down with a look from the waterbender.
"Does someone care to explain whats going on here?" Bumi asked, bouncing Rohan. "I'm getting the sense I don't have all the details."
"Beifong and Kya are getting married!" Korra said and the unanimous gasp in the room was followed by silence.
"Suprise." Lin said, a grin on her face.
"Kya, whats the meaning of this?" Tenzin asked.
"Tenzin, its pretty straightforward..." his sister replied. Su was too busy looking at Lin, and then to Kya, who now at a second glance did have a new betrothal necklace. One that had Lin's impeccable bending skills all over it.
"Lin are you... oh my god!" Su cheered, jumping up to hug her sister. "You're getting married?" Lin stood stiff in her sisters grip, patting Su on the back until she was released.
"Yeah, I mean I thought that was obvious." Su ignored her passive aggression, smiling at Kya who winked at her older brother across the room.
"Kya you... how?" Kya laughed, placing a hand on Su's shoulder.
"It just happened. These last what, fourteen, fifteen years, have been the-"
"FIFTEEN YEARS?" everyone shouted and Lin plugged her ears.
"Ow. Spirits you don't have to be so loud."
"You've been together for fifteen years?" Pema asked, finally setting down the beverage tray.
"Yeah. Honestly, I don't know how no one picked up on it." Kya said, "except Bumi."
"How'd Bumi know?" Kai asked.
"Thats... not for young ears to hear." Kya replied, causing the two of them to blush. Su sat down, her head rushing with thoughts. Her sister had been seeing someone for fifteen years and she had no idea. Some sister she was. She wasn't sure how she felt about the secrecy, but she shoved whatever feelings those were aside and focused on how happy she was for her sister.
Kya flopped onto the sofa next to her fiance, the effects of the wine fading and leaving her feeling tired.
"That was a lot." She said to Lin, who was already half asleep next to her.
"Agreed, way to much."
"But it feels good, doesn't it?" Lin opened her eyes, looking at the beautiful girl beside her.
"It feels amazing, Kya." Kya kissed her her lips tasted like wine, she didn't mind totally, but she preffered the authentic Lin.
"Lin, I can't wait to marry you." She whispered.
"I can't wait either."
"We should do it. Tomorrow?" Lin looked to her.
"Lets go to city hall, and get someone to do it."
"You don't want a big wedding? What about your mom?" Kya sighed, leaning back.
"Mom will understand. Besides, after today I realized that I just want it to be the two of us. Like its always been." Lin leaned over, kissing her.
"Okay, but we're not getting married in city hall. I have a plan."
"How could you possibly have a plan?" Lin shrugged, flexing a hand out in front of her.
"I wanted to make sure we had our bases covered." Kys chuckled, kissing her again."
"Thats why I love you, Lin Beifong." She said before nuzzling herself into Lin's shoulder, the two of them falling asleep on the sofa.
Thought it was done? Hehehehehe
"The spirit world?" Kya asked, staring into the beam.
"Yup. Korra recommended it once she got back. I figured we'd honeymoon, but this is better." Kya smiled, and the two stepped into the beam. On the other side was a green field, flowers stretched across for miles, and in the middle, a cottage. Spirits gathered around a table, sipping tea.
"They're here!" The spirits called and Kya looked to Lin, whos face revealed nothing. The door of the cottage swung open and an old man, carrying a tea pot and a saucer smiled at them.
"You're early!" He said over the spirit chatter.
"I'm punctual." Lin replied as the two walked up to him.
"Iroh?" Kya asked, tears forming at the corner of her eyes.
"Its been a long time, Kya," he said, "the last time I saw you... you were this high." He put his hand next to his waist.
"Lin did you-"
"Korra mentioned he was here, during harmonic convergence. I had to see for myself."
"And she couldn't stop coming to see her uncle!" Iroh added, pouring two more cups.  Kya looked at her wife to be, who smiled in a way that made her look ethereal. Lin had a connection to this place, different then Jinora's or Tenzin's, but a connection. The one time Kya had been here, it had been whole fully unpleasant. She was starting to think her opinion of it was going to change.
"Well, are we going to stand here all day or is there going to be a wedding?" Iroh asked.
It didn't take them long to get ready, the spirits put a veil of light around them, decorating Kya's hair with flowers and giving Lin a panda lily to give once their vows were done.
"Su's going to loose her mind." Kya said aftwrward, when they sat on the grass.
"She got married without me." Lin argued.
"Fair enough." Kya laid in the grass and Lin joined her.
"I could stay here forever," the waterbender said.
"Me too," Lin replied, holding Kya's hand in hers.  "Me too."
Thanks for all the love on this miniseries everyone!!! I really enjoyed it! Anyway, this is the finale, however I will have a bonus short in an upcoming chapter on Watty with strictly Bumi's reaction. As always, thanks for reading!
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nerdycanible1 · 3 years
Lin's Broken Heart
⚠️Note⚠️:This is my interpretation of what had happened between Suyin and Lin. I want you to know that this will have mentions of suicide. So please do not read it.
Summary: Lin Beifong grew up in a chaotic household. She believes she's not good enough and is hurting but doesn't understand why. This is a story of her time growing with Toph and Suyin. Please note that this is a sad story. ÒwÒ please don't hate me qwq.
Words: 2,740 words 14,375 characters
((Sorry for the spelling errors.))
⚠️Read at your own risk⚠️
As strong, and amazing Lin Beifong was, she was still human. She still had nightmares, she has trouble sleeping and there are times she doesn't eat.
Lin was a woman that was always meant to be strong, to be powerful and to never show weakness. People think she's so powerful they believe words won't hurt or or nothing can break her.
But what they didn't know was that Lin has always suffered from depression. At a young age, she was happy at times and other times she wasn't.
It started when she began to realize that her uncle Sokka wasn't her dad. She noticed all the kids in school had a mother and a father.
She remembered the kids gushing about their father's and felt like there was something wrong with her. People teased her and often said hurtful things just because she didn't have a dad.
She remembered her mother always brushing the topic off as if it were no big deal. Told her that her father was just some poor smuck that wasn't ready. It may not have been a huge thing for Toph but it was for Lin.
Anything to do with father's, she began to resent. She even stopped calling Sokka dad and started calling him uncle.
The second incident was when she couldn't grasp metalbending. She was so stressed and tired. Her mom spent a whole week calling her weak, telling her that she got it just after a couple of hours.
Soon 3 weeks passed and Lin still didn't bend the metal. Her mother walked away pissed. Lin stood in the court yard with huge tears in her eyes and sniffled. The 8 year old could only handle so much.
At the end of the month Toph deemed her training over. She patted her shoulder and sighed. "Not everyone is meant to bend metal kid." And with that Toph walked quietly into the house ready to give up teaching Lin.
Lin whimpered and collapsed to her knees. Night after night she prayed to the spirits, and had asked them for help. Asked them to have her mom be proud of her. And here she was with her mothers back to her.
Lin was 9 years old when she began to bend and her uncle Sokka took her out to go eat. Toph said she had a case to go over and only said "Congrats kid."
Lin felt numb and just sad. She held her uncle Sokka and tried to keep her smile on for him. After all, who would want to care for a whimpy child.
When Su began to show signs of being an Earthbender, Toph immediately called off work and said it was important. Toph spent quality time with Suyin and began to show her how to bend.
Lin only watched from her training on how her mother applauded Suyin and lifted her up saying how proud she was. Lin couldn't help but think Toph had another child because Lin was incompetent.
Suyin was 6 and a half years old when she began to metalbend. She remembered Toph dropping everything just to see Suyin herself. Lin was teasing her sister saying she couldn't metalbend till she was older and here they were with a prodigal sister that bent metal on her first try.
She watched as Toph threw a party and celebrated with everyone and how Suyin was able to metalbend. Lin didn't go to the celebration. Instead, Tenzin took her out to meet the bisons. Oogi seemed rather protective of Lin and took a liking to her.
Lin couldn't complain much about her childhood. She had a home, food on her table, a nice bed and even a great education. Everytime she felt sad or angry her mother told her that some kids had less. That some kids would happily take her place.
It wasn't what Lin needed to hear, it was just another reminder that Suyin was basically a replacement for her.
She never told anyone her thoughts. Never told anyone on how much she was suffering because she thought she was being irrational. There were times she cried herself to sleep, there were times she didn't eat her food. And there were times she had nightmares but never told anyone.
Lin was just a little girl suffering because she didn't know what she deserved. Lin had always felt guilty for crying too much, she knew it was impractical to cry because she was sad.
People often wondered why she cried when she was angry and wondered why she always got into fights. After her mother stopped coming to her school about her having another fight, Lin knew she needed to change.
Lin being the way she was expected to change over night. She made sure she did everything in school, stayed away from bullies and even began to take extra classes.
She went from being one of the worst students in her school to one of the top testers. If she couldn't be good at metal bending then she could be better at academics.
Tenzin saw how sad Lin was and every time he brought it up, Lin would fight him. Every time Kya tried to bring it up Lin would snap at her. And every time Bumi brought it up Lin stayed quiet.
They of course saw the difference between the sisters. How they fought constantly. How they were both different people. They kissed the care free Lin. They missed her so kuch that they even kidnapped Lin just so they can hang out.
By the time Lin was 16 she was young to be moved up to a high grade so she could graduate early. She showed her grades to her mother, told her the good news and all Toph said was "That's great Lin. Can you you make you and your sisters dinner tonight?"
Lin knew she was being pretty but she was jealous of her younger sister. She was able to make friends easily, was able to fight and managed a B average. That is until her sister began to skip school.
Lin began to notice the change, how her sister would give her snide remarks or how she would start trying on makeup. Whenever Lin brought it up to her mother, her mother would say "I didn't even go to school."
Lin began to set a curfew for her sister to be home. It work for only a few weeks before her sister didn't even listen to her. Since Toph never backed her up Suyin began to say that no one was the boss of her.
Lin tried many times to tell her mother that Su was sneaking around with guys that were years older. Told her that it was dangerous for her to be out in the dark of night.
Toph always said, "Well she's a big girl, she can fight." Or "So what? Not like she would care anyways." Or "Tenzin's older than you and yet you're dating him. And don't act like you're miss pure, you snuck out to Airtemple Island."
No matter how hard she tried to get it through her mothers head, Toph didn't listen and neither did Su.
Lin would stay up for hours and hours only to have Suyin come back late.
Suyin was 15 when she first came home intoxicated. Lin was so worried for her only to have her sister stumbled through the door with a help of two boys that were clearly older than 18.
Lin made them scram and sat with her sister helping her sickness. It was around 5 in the morning Suyin had come, and Lin had a long two days at work and now she was up and taking care of her sick sister.
She sat in the living room in the dark. She had a bottle of her mothers stash in her hand and she drinking it down. Suyin was throwing her life away and Toph didn't care.
She sat there in the dark wondering if her mother even cared. By the time Lin had woken up it was noon. She sat up with a groan and slowly got off the couch.
"And how many boys did you beat?" Toph asked as she and Suyin cooked breakfast.
Suyin giggled. "5. I drank half a bottle of vodka before they quit."
Toph gasped and laughed. "Well you sure are your mothers daughter." She grinned. "Don't tell your sister that you can drink more than her." She whispered.
Lin watched them before she sat the bottle down and headed to her room. It was enough to see that her mother had yet let Suyin do whatever she wanted.
She laid in bed not even changing and just laid against her wall. There was a knock on her door. "Breakfast is made Lin." She called out.
Lin didn't answer and just held her pillow as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. "Come on you slept in all day. You should be awake." She yelled.
Lin continued to ignore her. "Just let her pout. Now come on tell me what else had happened."
Suyin stared at her sisters door and frowned gently. She was wondering if it was her mom that helped her through her bad hang over or if it was Lin.
By the end of the night Lin had her window opened. She listened to the city sounds and just looked at the twinkling lights. She took a drag of her cigarette and just released it.
A small gasp was heard and Lin turned to look over to see Suyin. "I... didn't know you... smoked."
Lin rolled her eyes and put it out. "What does it matter. None of you guys know anything." Lin muttered as she stood up.she walked over to her closet and grabbed a bag and began to fill it.
Suyin frowned at the attitude and crossed her arms. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
Lin waved her off and began to look through her clothes. "Nothing. What do you want? Do you need me to cook or something?"
Suyin shook her head and frowned. "I just... I came to say thank you." She mumbled.
Lin raised a brow and looked at her. "For what?" She asked as she grabbed a pair of clothing.
"For taking care of me last night. I wanted to... say I was sorry for coming home that late." She mumbled as she waited for Lin to lash out at her.
Lin looked at her and looked away. "Well it sure saved you from a hangover."
Suyin blinked in surprise from the lack of yelling or Lin's attitude. She was relieved but then upset at the same time. "Are you okay? You... don't seem like yourself?"
Lin grabbed another cigarette and lit it up feeling a bit anxious. "I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." She took a drag and leaned against the wall.
"You don't seem okay. Is there anything I can do?" Suyin was genuinely worried about her sister. All their lives they kept each other at a distance but that didn't mean she didn't care for her sister. There were times they slept together and times Lin would laugh with her. They uses to be so close.
Lin looked at her and gave a smile with no emotion. "I'll stop." She finally spoke. "I'll stop the nagging. I won't wait up for you anymore." Lin swallowed roughly and closed her eyes.
"I can't do it anymore. You don't listen to me and mom doesn't seem to care." Lin laughed softly and shook her head. "Do what you want Su." She finished her cigarette and grabbed her bag. Tossing in some of her sleeping medication and other pills Suyin didn't know Lin took.
Suyin watched her sister shocked. She hasn't seen look this emotionless before. All the times she's seen her, she was agitated, mad or even smiling. This wasn't the Lin she knew.
"Lin?" She asked hopeless. "Where are you going?" She asked noticing the bag.
Lin walked past her and stopped at her door. She stopped and placed her favourite bracelet on Su's arm. "Hopefully to finally get some sleep." She kissed her her head and hugged her. "A long sleep, I'm tired."
Su hugged her back but couldn't shake the feeling at the back of her head. Why... did this feel like a goodbye? "You're going to come back right?" Su asked shaken up, tears already forming in her eyes.
Lin smiled and ksised her forehead and nodded. "Don't worry about it. I just need sleep." Was all she said. She ruffled her hair. "Goodnight Su." And with that Lin began to head out.
Lin stopped at her mother room to see her sleeping. Lin smiled and placed two pieces of wood down. Each a carving Lin made of herself and Su. "Night mom." Lin whispered.
Suyin watched her exit the house, Lin seemed oddly quiet. She looked at the house once more before she smiled and closed the door. "Goodbye." Lin whispered.
"HOW COULD YOU!!?" Suyin screamed. Tears were gliding down her cheeks as Suyin began to try and hit Lin. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Loud high pitched wails left Su's mouth as she tried to attack her sister.
Toph held Suyin back as she was at a loss for words. A hard lump was in her throat and she didn't say anything.
Lin laid in the hospital bed still feeling numb. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at her family blankly. Flashes of that night replayed in her head and she grit her teeth.
"Why would you do it!! You promised you'd come back!" Suyin said as she was finally getting tired. Suyin yelled at her for over and an hour and her mom had yet said anything. Suyin soon fell to the floor as she held her hands to the floor as she just cried.
Lin released a small sob as she covered her face. "I just wanted sleep." She said with a shaky breath. "I just wanted to sleep." She whimpered.
Toph stood there feeling her younger daughter tremble and cry her heart out and listened to her oldest daughter cry in pain. How did she not notice this? Her daughters heart has been broken for a very long time. How could she not have noticed?
Toph lifted up her daughter slowly and rubbed Suyin's trembling back. "I uhh..." Toph swallowed roughly. "I'm sorry kiddo. I really am." And with that she left the room to bring Suyin home.
It was a couple weeks when Lin was let out of the hospital. She was given some medication and of course wine for hysteria. Lin was to excersize every day, be put on a healthy diet and to drink 3 glasses of wine at night.
Lin was sitting in her room as Kya came over to help clean out Lin's room and help her move to air temple island. Suyin had yet to talk to Lin, Toph didn't seem to come out of her room till Lin was passed out. And whenever they were in the same room everyone was walking on eggshells around her.
Tenzin rubbed Lin's back and kissed her temple. "Let's go Lin." Tenzin coddled. Ever since the incident it was like everyone was afraid to say anything or touch Lin.
Lin sipped her wine quietly as she stared out at the city. She swore to everyone that she was fine when in reality she was dying inside. She knew now that everyone hated her even more so she promised that she would stay alive.
Not just for the sake of your family but the city. In the hospital Lin saw many different people. Some homeless, others single parents, soem kids. They were all different and then the same. They all needed help. Lin's problems weren't even a fraction of the peoples. And here she was, with a family that loved her, a beautiful home, a paying job.
She promised she would take care of the city. If not for herself. Then for the people. She swallowed roughly her wine and stood up feeling woozy. Lin wasn't one for alcohol and having to drink it every day was rather intense.
She slowly wobbled to her bed and sunk into it with a sigh. She had to get better for the city. She promised herself that.
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moonofthechilcotin · 3 years
In my universe, Kya gets along with all of Suyin's kids. Because she is Kya. She happily chats about arts with Huan and sports and whatever else the twins like, Opal and her get along famously as they see each other all the time in RC. She even enjoys talking to Bataar senior, over tea and he loses to her at Pai Sho all the time, everyone is baffled except for Lin.
But she has a real tough time with Su. She doesn't talk about it, she tries her best but has zero poker face. She can't accept that Su still digs at Lin, even if it's supposed to be a joke. Because Su has always taken Lin for granted. When Lin was there to raise and protect her when Toph couldn't among other things.
Being 10 years older, Kya was never close to Su the way she was to the older gaang kids. She always saw though, that Su was always taking Lin for granted.
So when they visit Zaofu, she tries her best to avoid Suyin. If Lin notices she doesn't say.
One day Su comes to her and asks if she's ever done anything to her. Kya was always someone Su looked up to when they were kids. Being the older nomadic "cool" older gaang kid and all. But it seemed like the sentiment was never shared.
Kya sighs and tries to deflect but Su is pretty direct. So Kya tells her she resents her for the way she has / still is treating Lin.
Su is annoyed and doesn't understand. If Lin is fine with this then why is Kya rehashing the past. And Kya says that Lin is a better person than she is and that she wants her family back and that's fair but that the least Su could do is fucking acknowledge that she was a brat, that she did more than "give Lin a hard time" when they were young and asks if she even feels fucking guilty for literally assaulting and scarring her sister on the fucking face.
Su starts to react and is angry and Kya stops her with a "no you fucking don't get to be angry you spoiled brat" and storms off and Su crush-bends metal but then she asks to talk to Lin alone and they go over their childhood and how they both felt l, without judgement or accusation, really just how they perceived things back then and Su starts crying and touches Lin's scars and says she always felt so guilty that's why she never apologized for it but Kya was right, it was time. So she did. And Lin is like wtf, Kya what? They talk it over and now they can truly move on and Su says they should call Toph there to properly deal with everything and finally move on and be close again. They know Toph probably already knows through the vine and they can * almost * hear her sigh "fiiiine I'm on my way".
They hug and they chitchat in the night until they part and go to bed. And then Lin goes back to her room. Kya is half awake, she tried to stay up but it's so late. Lin doesn't say anything but she lies down next to Kya and she hugs her so tight Kya can't breathe. All she says is
"Thank you".
Omg I'm so sorry but this has been in my head for way too long 😅🙈🙈🙈
I love Su but the "Lin would be a terrible teacher dig" and no apology gets on my nerves
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moonlightsanctuary · 3 years
Kuvira x Reader The Christmas Conundrum Part I
SOOOO it has been a while. So sorry this is late, had a lot of crazy stuff happen to me and this should have been out since Christmas but unfortunately i ended up sick with COVID, and a bunch of other health issues. So i am just now posting this. It ended up being so long that i had to split it up into two parts. With that being said special shout out to @ellsss and @goldfyshie927 for their honest feed back and encouragement. They is cool peeps you should go check out their blogs. This fic was suppose to be for a commission for special someone but we fell out of contact. @kuvirasrubberducky hopefully this finds you well and i hope you are taking care of yourself. 
Disclaimer: As always there will be smut so you have warned! -.-
Summary: After returning to Zaofu under the care and guardianship of Suyin Beifong, You and Kuvira have to readjust to your old life before the earth empire. Although Kuvira has proven her worth and dedication to try to amend the damage and pain she has caused she still feels alienated from the Beifongs. The reader tries to help Kuvira face the deeper issue at hand and help reconcile somethings she has long kept hidden from the world including Suyin and you. Will your plan of attending Suyin’s Christmas celebration go smoothly or will the curse of the Beifong family drama hit its peak and become a melting pot from a very salty Beifong who refuses to forgive and move on? Find out for yourselves! Set after Ruins of the Empire. 
Kuvira X Reader - The Christmas Conundrum Part I
It was the most wonderful time of the year. You watched the citizens of Zaofu go about their day preparing for Christmas. Decorations lined every street corner and shops, garland decorated every lamp post, and colorful lights glimmered in every snow-covered pine tree. You clung to your coat tightly, feeling a cold breeze blow past you as snow drifted down from the sky coating the land in a serene winter ambiance.  Yes, it was the most wonderful time of the year, but not for everyone…especially not for Kuvira.
Since the reunification process and the downfall of the earth empire, things have not been easy for the former great uniter. From the time the two of you were put on house arrest under the care of Suyin Beifong, the transition from total freedom to full restriction has been a very troubling and taxing situation for the both of you. The relationship between Kuvira and Suyin was very rocky but both seem to have come to some sort of common ground. Though Suyin and Kuvira had gotten better and the two seemed to have learned to be cordial around each other didn’t mean that the two were fully amended. The relationship was far from what one would call normal. Suyin and Kuvria would still interact in a way that was very awkward or tense. Almost as if they were both walking on a very cold and thin layer of ice. Regardless, you remained by her side since the very beginning and nothing has changed since the day you joined her cause. You loved her, and no matter what the two of you have been through over the years, nothing has changed.
It was the first time in three years Kuvira had been back with the Beifongs for Christmas. Suyin, a person who was always known for her grand gestures decided to host a celebration for the upcoming holidays. Suyin had taken it upon herself to send out invitations to almost anyone who was a close friend of the matriarch including her half-sister Lin Beifong. You expected Avatar Korra and her girlfriend, the Future Industry CEO Asami Sato to make an appearance as well. This celebration would certainly be very interesting, you thought to yourself growing increasingly worried about what tonight’s events would have in store for you.
You were both welcomed back to the Beifong household and given personal invites from Suyin herself for tonight’s event. You were grateful for the invite knowing full well that Suyin was doing her best to offer an olive branch but you couldn’t help but wonder what her intentions were. As the hours grew close you felt the dread building up inside you that grew stronger as time passed. You knew you were both in for an awkward situation and wouldn’t be surprised if tonight’s events would be emotionally draining on both you and Kuvira. You began to mentally steel yourself for tonight’s events, hoping and praying that everything went smoothly.
When you returned to the Beifong estate you immediately noticed the change in the atmosphere from its usual peaceful operations to the frantic movements and panic as both guards and servants shuffled past you in a hurry. You assumed the Beifong household servants and guards were bustling about getting ready for the party. You walked past the entrance hall, heading towards the parlor.  You paused as an orderly carrying a large box nearly knocked into you. Quickly, you stepped aside to allow them room to slip past you. After the orderly mumbled an apology before rushing away you proceeded to enter the parlor. At the center of the chaos stood the matriarch of the clan herself Suyin Beifong.
Suyin stood at the foot of a tall pine tree with her back to you as she mulled over the tree’s decorations. You approached the matriarch carefully, watching as Suyin used her metal bending to put up last-minute decorations on the tree.
You stood quietly behind Suyin watching her use her bending to take out a large metal star from a colorful box. Suyin held it in the air and turned her attention back to the tree, looking it over carefully. You eyed the star, astonished by its beauty. The design was simple yet elegant. With unique carvings that covered the entire surface of the star and jewels that lined the outer edge. At the very center of it was a star-shaped ruby. It seemed to glisten from the Christmas lights that were wrapped around the branches of the tree. Suyin hoisted it up higher in the air, playing with the weight of it as she maneuvered it up to the top. Very gently and with much concentration she settled it at the very top of the tree, carefully setting it down and making sure the branches would hold its weight. Once she was convinced that the decorative piece was secure Suyin released it from her hold, letting her arm fall to her waist.  It was quite a sight to see, just admiring the beauty of the tree put you more in the Christmas spirit that was almost nonexistent up until now.
You took a step forward to get a better look at the decorations. The gold garland that wrapped around the tree made the Scarlet and gold ornaments appear vibrant. Silver metal candy canes and pine cones also hung from its branches. The metal was smooth and reflective causing the ornaments to sparkle from the nearby Christmas lights. It was breathtaking, there were no other words to describe it.
“It’s so beautiful…” You said out loud, not hearing yourself speak. You watched as the matriarch flinched from your words, turning quickly on her heels to meet your gaze that was still fixated on the tree. It seemed the older woman was not aware of your presence despite her seismic abilities.
“Oh, Y/N!” Suyin said, pressing a hand to her chest to ease her already fried nerves. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
You turned to address the matriarch, noticing how she looked a little worn and weary. You assumed the stress was caused by the intense preparation of tonight's events and believed it was beginning to eat away at her. That was Suyin. If it wasn’t up to her standards then it just wasn’t worth it. You had to give the older woman props, the amount of time, effort, and dedication she put towards her projects were quite impressive. Accepting only the very best and nothing less than that. It’s no wonder Kuvira was so dedicated and hardworking. Suyin must have pushed her hard as her protégé. It made you wonder what life was really like for Kuvira growing up. Up to this point, you only heard the few scant stories that Kuvira had shared with you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” You quickly cut in after realizing you were staring. “I was just watching you put up the decorations and I have to say the tree looks marvelous!”
At this Suyin breathed a deep sigh. Detecting an undertone of worry, you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the older woman. “Is everything ok?”
“With me yes, everything is fine but I can’t help but worry about…” Suyin trailed off, causing you to stare at her with brows knitted in concern.
“Worry about...what?” You pressed, genuinely curious.
“Well... worried about getting everything prepared for tonight before my guests arrive. there are still some things I need to address such as the menu and the entertainment. Lin should have been here already, but her travels were delayed from the approaching snowstorm. So she said she will be here in a few hours.” Suyin sighed at the unfortunate news. She hoped that the storm wasn't too serious but knew Lin could take care of herself. In an attempt to take her mind off her stress she diverted the topic. “I hope you and Kuvira will be there.”
You turned to meet the Matriarch eye’s, the exhaustion evident on her features, but you could see the concern she withheld. “I plan on being there, however, I can't say the same for Kuvira…”
Suyin frowned, turning her attention to the tree, her shoulders sagged at your statement, as if your statement confirmed her fears. “I really want Kuvira to be there, it would mean the world to me. But…” Su grew quiet, her sight fixated on the tree.
Despite her appearance, you could see that Suyin’s mind was somewhere else. “Su…?” You said, trying to revert her attention back to the conversation.
Suyin cast her eyes to the ground. You noticed her hesitation to speak. For someone like Suyin, the behavior was rather odd. She was always quick to speak her mind, not caring what people thought about her. It was an admirable trait but also a flaw of hers.
“I am trying Y/N…” Suyin finally spoke after a few moments of silence.
Instinctively you took a step closer to her, careful to keep enough distance so you didn't feel like you were trying to invade her space. It was more out of care and concern than invasive.
“What do you mean?” you asked gently.
Suyin turned to meet your gaze, you could see the confliction flittered across her face as she spoke. “I know Kuvira has never been one for family gatherings. I mean how could she? Just look at what her parents had instilled in her at such a young age… and I’m afraid… I’ve only added to it.” Suyin turned away from you, it seemed that she was too ashamed to even look you in the eyes. “It’s no wonder she doesn't completely hate me… I wouldn’t be surprised if she did...”
You noticed Suyin’s expression hardened, the idea that Kuvira had possible feelings of underlying hatred towards her was eating away at her. Though Suyin was well versed at keeping her emotions in check, the suppressed hurt you saw behind those emerald green eyes betrayed what the older woman was truly feeling and trying to keep hidden.
“Oh, Su… She doesn’t hate you.  How could she? You were the only mother she has ever known.” You said in hopes to help quell her fears. “I know things haven't been easy for the two of you since we were placed under your care to serve our sentences, but hate is not something I think she feels towards you. I just think... these things take time.”
“How could she not!?!” Suyin rounded on you. The action was so abrupt it caused you to take a step back, afraid that your words of comfort had accidentally upset her.  “I had just as much as a part to play in her actions and for what? If I just listened to her and not brush her off… involved her more with the family - treated her more like a daughter?” Su spoke quickly, trying her best to rationalize Kuvira’s behavior and her direct involvement.
“Honestly I think she is angrier at herself at this point.” You spoke up, feeling that it was necessary. “She blames herself for what happened.” It has nothing to do with you.”
“Then why do I get the feeling that it does?” Suyin asked you, trying to make sense of everything.  Her eyes burned with raw emotion. “It's been months since the two of you were brought under my care and yet she is still distant with everyone, including me. She doesn't talk to me the same way she used to. She hardly eats with us, and when she does she doesn’t even bother talking to anyone. I can barely get her to hold a conversation with me that is not related to the weather or how she is doing... I had hoped that by inviting her it would show that I’m trying to reach out to her- that I’m trying to bring her into my family. I just… I don’t know what else to do.” Suyin seemed legitimately distressed as she spoke.
You stepped forward, placing your hand on Suyin’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “It’s not you Su.” You said softly, trying to reassure her that she was not the problem. “Kuvira is at the point where the guilt is just weighing heavy on her.” You paused, taking a moment to ponder how much information you wanted to share without getting too deep into details. You knew Kuvira was rather autonomous and preferred to deal with her own issues herself. You wanted to respect that.
“Kuvira is just caught up in her own emotions. I can barely get her to talk to me so believe me it's not one-sided. She’s…” You trailed off debating whether to tell Suyin or not, hoping the information you were about to share wasn’t too much... You knew if Kuvira was here she would object. At the same time as Kuvira’s guardian, you felt that Suyin needed to know. “Su, She’s… she’s been crying in her sleep… she’s been having nightmares.”
“Kuvira’s having nightmares again?” Suyin interrupted, her eyes widening. You could tell that she wanted to press you for information. You were worried you may have swung open the door for her to do just that. Instead, Suyin pursed her lips and knitted her eyebrows, her eyes searching your face for answers.
“Yes, she has.” You reaffirmed, hoping that she didn’t begin to drill you with questions you knew you couldn’t answer. “I really shouldn’t be sharing this with you but as our guardian, I feel that this was something you should be aware of.”
“No, of course. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry. I appreciate you telling me, I just… I’m worried about her.” Said Suyin, doing her best to keep her voice leveled from her growing concern. “She’s had night terrors growing up, mostly about her parents. I didn’t think she still had them.”
“Well she gets them every so often but they have been rather frequent as of late. I have noticed that Kuvira tends to get like this around the holidays.”
“Well, Kuvira has never been fond of the holidays. From what I've noticed over the years they seem to get her depressed. Probably stemming from her abandonment.” Suyin took a deep breath to help her relax before addressing you again, “You don't have to worry Y/N. I won’t tell her anything. You have my word.” Suyin said firmly.
At Suyin’s reassurance, you breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that Su was not being intrusive. “I appreciate that, thank you.”
“I appreciate you being honest with me. You and I both know how Kuvira can be about these things. Though I have noticed that she has been looking rather… exhausted lately. I had asked if everything was ok, but she brushed it off as if it wasn’t anything important. I should have known better… Kuvira has a habit of undermining her problems.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle in agreement, knowing Suyin spoke with such accuracy. “Ain’t that the truth. It would take a rope and a sledgehammer to get anything out of that thick skull of hers. I swear she is so stubborn sometimes.” You shook your head, “I wish she wasn’t though. It’s not helping her and I think deep down she knows that.”
“Please!” Suyin scoffed, fixating you with an annoyed look. “I’ve been trying to break through those platinum metal walls that she surrounds herself with for years. You might as well grab a plasma saw and start drilling with me.” A small smile appeared on Suyin’s lips.
You laughed at Suyin’s statement. You knew it was in jest but had to admit the matriarch’s words held much truth. The sounds of footsteps scurrying in caught both of your attention, you turned around to see a guard rushing in. He stopped abruptly and stood at attention waiting for Suyin to address him.
“Is there something wrong?” Suyin asked the guard with a raised eyebrow.
“Madam Beifong, an airship belonging to the Republic City’s chief of police, has been spotted by the watchtower. Do we have permission to allow them to land?” The guard asked rather stiffly.
Suyin’s eyes lit up. “Lin’s here? I thought she would be longer. Yes, I grant permission. I will be there momentarily to meet with her.”
With that being said the guard saluted before turning on his heel and running back out from the direction he came in from.
“I’m sorry Y/N I have to cut this short. I need to speak with Lin. We have much to catch up on and no doubt she will want a full report on the progress the two of you have been making.”
“Oh, I understand. It’s not a problem. Besides, I need to get back to my quarters to grab a few things. I’ll see how Kuvira is faring.” You reassured Suyin.
“Thank you, Y/N. If you can talk her into coming to the party tonight it would mean the world to me. I want to see the both of you there.” Suyin said lifting her hand and placing it over yours where it rested on her shoulder, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze.
“I will figure out what to will do with Kuvira. I might try to have a private chat with her over tea or something later when this is all over. I’ll have some chamomile tea brewed for her and sent to her quarters, later on, to help settle her nerves. Hopefully, it will help with the sleep problems for the time being until we find the underlying cause.”
“That sounds like a plan.” You smiled in agreement. You turned to walk away to leave Suyin to meet with the chief of police when a hand shot out to seize yours. You stopped, turning around to see Suyin smiling. “Really, Y/N... Thank you. I appreciate it.”
You nodded your head, feeling Suyin squeeze your arm gently in appreciation before she released you, arm falling back to your side. With that you took your leave, walking back to the living quarters that you shared with Kuvira. You wondered what she was up to. Knowing her probably some rigorous dance routine or bending forms.
When you entered your quarters you found Kuvira standing by the window watching the snow drifting slowly to the ground. When you closed the door you noticed her stiffening but as soon as she heard you announce that you were back you could see her visibly relax. You approached her from behind wondering what she was so focused on. She made no attempt to turn around to address you instead her gaze remained locked on the view outside the window. You breathed in a deep sigh, you hated when she got like this. Kuvira had a habit of retreating into her walls. Even worse into her head, blocking out everything and everyone, including you. Though she was physically here with you, you could tell that her mind was millions of miles away. You often wondered what went through that brain of hers. Her thoughts must have been just as complex as her emotions. It’s no wonder she frowned so much. She must be putting in a lot of mental effort to stonewall her emotions.
She was still in her nightclothes, her hair out of its usual style was tousled and unkept from sleep. It draped over her shoulders and stuck out in some areas. A clear indication that she hadn't bothered fixing it when she woke up. From the looks of things, it appeared as if she just got up moments ago. It made you wonder how long Kuvira had decided to sleep in. It wasn't like her to do so. She preferred to be on top of her rigorous daily routines but with her current behavior and her known issues with night terrors, it wasn't entirely out of the ordinary. I made the concern you managed to keep under wraps grow, mentally processing ways to try to help, but Kuvira was a stubborn one. Opting to deal with her own affairs and problems herself and pushing anyone else who tried to get close away with very few exceptions. You being one of those said exceptions.
“Hey…” You whispered, lifting a hand to place on Kuvira’s shoulder in hopes to snap her out of her trance. “Did you just get up?
You felt Kuvira stiffen under your touch but immediately began to relax. She turned to meet your eyes, noticing your face etched with worry. She sighed deeply, “About a half-hour ago.” Kuvira answered quietly, her voice still raspy from sleep.
You took a moment to study her features, her appearance looked dejected. You saw for yourself how worn and exhausted she looked, taking a mental note on how her eyes were developing dark circles. You swore the bags under her eyes were big enough to hold her dance equipment. It wasn't a good thing, to say the least. This was beginning to become a problem, a problem you would eventually need to figure out how to rectify despite Kuvira’s stubborn nature.
“Did you have another nightmare?” You asked gently.
Kuvira didn't answer you, all but gave you a silent nod in confirmation. Your hand rubbed her shoulder, trailing down the length of Kuvira’s arm, taking hold of her hand and lifting it to your lips to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “Do you want to talk about it?” you asked in hopes she would be willing to open up.
“No, I don't. There's no point to... It’s not going to fix anything.”
“Kuvira…” You began, trying to get her not to start minimizing her issues. It was a notorious habit, one that obviously wasn’t helping if her appearance had anything to say about her mental state. “I know that is how you might feel about it, but if there is something troubling you then you need to not keep it bottled up. It’s just going to fester until it starts to manifest itself into other problems.”
Kuvira averted her gaze from you, almost as if she was trying to retreat back into her walls but not entirely. She took a deep breath and exhaled, “I know.”
“If you don’t want to talk to me will you at least talk to someone? Have you tried reaching out to Suyin?”
You felt Kuvira tense at the very mention of the matriarch’s name. She pulled her hand free from your grasp and turned to walk to the kitchen, leaving you without an answer. You stood there baffled, not sure of what to do.
No, I’m not gonna let her brush this off easily. You groaned and began to follow after her. You turned the corner and stepped into the kitchen just as Kuvira closed the cupboard, a mug in hand. She went over to the pot of freshly brewed coffee she had just made moments before your arrival and poured herself a cup. You stood beside her, leaning against the wall waiting for her reply. “Well?”
You watched as she reached for the sugar dispenser and cream,  pouring in a generous amount. She grabbed a spoon and began stirring the contents in the mug. She was clearly trying to avoid your questioning gaze.
“No of course not.” Kuvira finally answered before lifting the mug to her lips and taking a sip. She exhaled into the mug, feeling its warmth spread throughout her body, relaxing her.
“Why not?” You asked, reaching into the cupboard for a mug to pour yourself a cup.
“Why would I?” Kuvira answered dryly. “What happens to me is my problem. Besides, it's not like Suyin cares.”
“Kuvira… You know that’s not true. You know that Suyin cares. Why else would she have welcomed you back home?”
Kuvira shrugged, taking a long drink from her coffee. “Beats me… Probably because Korra and Lin guilt-tripped her into taking me back.”
“Kuvira, She cares about you. How do you not see that? The times she’s asked how you are doing, the random things she has asked for your assistance on, inviting you to dinner? You can't sit there and tell me you haven’t noticed?.”
“What of it? Kuvira said sharply, growing more agitated by the second. “That doesn't mean anything…”
“Well if it didn't mean anything to her then why does she keep doing it? For Spirits sakes Kuvria, Suyin has been trying to reach out to you by offering an olive branch and you are choosing not to reach for it.”
“I don't know why? She didn't care before, why start now? Kuvira asked bitterly.
“You know she does. I think deep down you do too! Su just has a strange way of showing it, and though it may have not always been the right way she is still trying.” You pressed further, not allowing Kuvira to dismiss it as a frivolous matter. “She asked me about you today.”
Kuvira’s eyes lit up as she pulled her mug away from her lips, swallowing the coffee that she held in her mouth hard. “She did?” She asked, surprised by your statement.
You took a drink from your own mug enjoying the taste and the much-needed warmth it brought to you before answering her. “Yes, she did. She hopes to see us both at the gathering tonight. Lin just arrived before I got back.” You paused, hesitant to bring it up Suyin, worried about what her reaction would be. “Suyin asked how you were doing… She’s worried about you.”
Kuvira took a sudden interest in her coffee mug. Scratching at the matte polished surface and swirling the contents with the spoon. She was contemplating this you were sure. If her stoic expression was any proof of that then you were certain. At the very minimum, she was receptive to your suggestions.
“I really don't want to go,” Kuvira whispered. she leaned her head back to down the rest of her coffee. She straightened back up, placing the mug on the counter with a hard thump. “She really wants to see you there. I’ll be attending too so you are not alone in this….” you reassured her.
“It’s not just this party Y/N! It’s more than that. I don’t want to want to pretend everything is normal when it’s clearly not. I know the Beifong’s have said they have forgiven me but I really can’t help but question the validity of that especially the way they act around me. I swear it’s almost like they expect me to do something bad…” Kuvira said, growing more irritated. She could feel herself being overcome with old resentment feeling an unspoken underlying hurt that even she herself wasn't aware was there, but she didn't want to acknowledge it. Doing so would further cause unnecessary tension that she knew would worsen her mood.
The sudden abrupt change in Kuvira’s behavior made you raise a brow. You could tell that the concern she felt was a valid one but you could see there was something more to her words. Something she wasn't speaking out loud almost as if she was avoiding something. You didn't press for an answer that you knew she wasn't ready to discuss, but you didn't want to dismiss her concern as something frivolous. You knew that in a way she was right. Since the two of you had been put under Suyin’s care you noticed how people watched you carefully, almost fearfully. Like a barrel of blasting jelly with a very short fuse. It was to be suspected of course the two of you were war criminals by all counts. Who’s to say either one of you would not revert to your old dogmatic tendencies. You couldn't change the opinions of others, after all, you were a big believer that actions spoke louder than words. You expected to be treated as such once it became known that Suyin would be your guardian and would be aiding in your rehabilitation. Now you had to put much work into proving to the citizens of Zaofu that you were not a threat and that alone took time. You took a long drink from your mug, feeling your expression soften as you contemplated the situation.
“I know…” You whispered softly. “And I know it’s even more difficult for you since you grew up and knew a lot of these people personally, especially the Beifong’s. You have to understand that these things take time.”
“I know… I just thought that my efforts in stopping Guan in Gaoling would have been more than enough to prove that I’m not the same person. That I'm not the Great Uniter any more. I regret how in my conquest for power I lost sight and hurt the ones I cared about… I’m trying to change Y/N… Why can't they see that?” Kuvira said anger flitting over her face as she spoke. What caught your attention were her eyes, you could see the pain she felt in that moment threatening to surface but she wouldn't allow it.
You put the mug you held in your hand down and reached out to her, pulling her close to you.  “I'm not the only one who sees it. Suyin sees it too. As much as you don't believe that to be true, it is. Please... give her a chance. I know it's frustrating but you are not alone in this… You have me…” You gave her a small smile, lifting your hand to cup her face.  
Kuvira exhaled sharply, feeling herself relax under your touch despite her frustration. She knew you were right, but it didn't make dealing with the reality of the situation any easier to bear. She leaned into your touch and allowed herself a moment of clarity, knowing full well you were subjected to the same treatment as her. It wasn't easier for either one of you and understood that you both needed each other. She needed to be rational about this and not let her personal feelings get in the way of reason.
“I know…” Kuvira said quietly, thankful for your support despite her stubbornness. “Thank you Y/N. Really, I don't know how you put up with me sometimes…”
You chuckled softly, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. “The same way you put up with the Beifong’s.” You pulled away from her and pushed her tousled hair from her face.
Kuvira sighed deeply, finally making up her mind. “Alright, I’ll go. But just so we are clear this was your idea.” She jabbed a finger at you accusingly.  
You took hold of her finger and shook it. “Glad we could come to an agreement.” You said, resisting the urge to laugh.
Kuvira pulled herself free from your grasp. Her eyes narrowed, a frown forming on her lips. “Don’t patronize me…”
You scoffed. “Me? Patronize the all-mighty Kuvira? I would never…” You smiled.
Kuvira couldn't help the pout that formed on her lips. You found it so cute when she did, loving her softer side that she kept well hidden from the world but only allowed you to see. It melted your heart into mush.
You lifted and rested both hands on either side of her shoulder. “Why don't you go ahead and take a shower. Start getting ready. We only have a few more hours until we are expected to be there and I have some last-minute gifts to stash under the tree so I need to do that before things get crazier.”
Kuvira nodded in agreement. “Ok.” She whispered softly, pulling away from you. Your hands coming to rest at your side.  
She pointed in the direction of the bathroom, gradually walking in that direction. “I’m gonna go shower. I'll see you when you get back.” She said then walked out of the kitchen.
You grabbed your mug from the counter finishing the last of your coffee. Taking Kuvira’s empty mug in hand, you placed them in the sink. When you heard the sound of the bathroom door clicking close and the water turning on gave an indication you were in the clear. Carefully you walked into the bedroom and into the large walk-in closet. You pushed aside boxes and moved around clothed until you found a specific box that was buried under the lot. You pushed that box up to the side and began putting everything you moved back into place. Once finished, you lifted up the medium size box with both hands and walked back out into the bedroom. Taking a seat on the bed you peered into it, noting the number of objects that you had bought for each Beifong including Lin and Kuvira.
You shuffled through the pre-packaged gifts searching for one particular package that you didn't want Kuvira to open in front of the Beifongs. Your fingers closed around a long box. You pulled it free, giving it a quick glance to make sure the wrapping was still intact. You couldn’t suppress the smile that formed on your lips as you studied the box, feeling that familiar tug in your stomach at the idea of using it. You looked over at the closed bathroom door, listening in on Kuvira opening and closing the shower door. You were very tempted but knew it wasn't the right moment. With a small sigh, you leaned over to pull open the drawer to the nightstand, placed the gift quietly inside, and gently slid the drawer closed. Somethings were better to wait for. You hoped Kuvira would like it when the moment was right. The thought alone had you pressing your lips together to subdue your excitement. Yes you decided, there were some things in life worth waiting for and this was one of those things. Pushing the gifts back into the box you stood lifting up the box and left the bedroom, closing the door behind you for good measure. You walked out of the apartment into the cold winter afternoon and headed towards Beifong estate.
Once inside you immediately noticed that the chaos had slowed but not by much. Pushing through a group of servants putting last-minute decorations on the wall, you headed towards the parlor. When you enter you turn to peer around the corner to make sure that the coast is clear before proceeding in.  You approach the foot of the tree, placing the box on the floor and reaching in to pull out presents. You heard shuffling behind you which causes you to peer behind you. You waited a few beats making sure the coast is clear before turning back around to carefully place each gift under the tree.
You heard the sound of metal shoes tapping the stone floor heading in your direction. You stood up quickly, turning around just in time to see Lin and Suyin enter the parlor, their conversation ceased as they turned their gaze away from one another to where you stood, standing in front of the tree awkwardly.
“Y/N?” Suyin spoke first. Giving you a puzzled look. Lin stood beside Suyin eyeing you suspiciously as Suyin continued. “I thought you were going back to your quarters?”
“I did. I just wanted to put some things under the tree for later since your family usually unwraps gifts at midnight.” You stepped aside so they could see for themselves. The two inched closer and peered overseeing the neatly wrapped packages under the tree. Their suspicions died down.
“Oh, that is such lovely wrapping paper, you didn’t have to do that Y/N.” Said Suyin, pressing a hand to her chest.
“I wanted to do something nice.” You stated, noticing how Lin still watched you carefully. “I mean it is Christmas after all, the time for giving.”
“Exactly! I wished some people felt that way…” Suyin turned her attention to Lin, her eyes narrowed and lips forming a tight line.
“What?” Lin said defensively, eyes widened when Suyin fixed her with an accusatory stare. “I came, didn’t I? You know I’m not one for family get-togethers.”
“While that may be true did you have to come in your work uniform?” Suyin said exasperated. “Honestly Lin don’t you wear anything besides your armor?”
“I came right from the station… it’s not like I have anything else.” Lin said matter of factly.
“Right… other than your extensive collection of coats,” Suyin said dryly.
“I don't even have that many Su.” Lin countered, “And besides what of it? It gets cold often in Republic City. So it is a necessity to have.”
“Lin, the fact that you have more coats than actual clothes is enough proof to show that you’re practically married to your work.”
“And that’s a bad thing?” Lin asked, not sure what Suyin was getting at with her argument.
“And what are you supposed to wear for tonight???” Suyin asked sharply.
You couldn’t help but stand there silently, watching the siblings squabble over Lin’s choice in wardrobe. You weren’t really surprised. The Beifong sisters could only remain civil long enough before they found something to bicker about. You knew the argument they were having was completely frivolous, but at that moment both women were so focused on it that they seemed to have forgotten your presence in the room. You wanted to leave, to let them go at each other. It would have been one less problem for you to deal with, but you knew that it would only set the tone for a tense gathering. You didn’t want anything to make things difficult for Kuvira. It already took enough convincing to get her to attend. With much apprehension, you tried to offer a resolution.
“Hey, If I may…” You began. Your voice was an octave higher than normal which worked in gaining their attention.
Both sisters stopped, switching their attention back to you to glare at you, causing a lump to form in your throat. You immediately regretted your choices but had no choice to continue unless you wanted them to round on you. “Su, Lin is a workaholic and that is not an unknown fact. And Lin as someone who understands being a workaholic, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a life.”
You clasped your hands together, addressing both of the Beifong sisters at the same time. “So, Su why don’t you rummage through your wardrobe and see if there might be something suitable for Lin to wear. If not maybe make a call to your tailor to see if they can come up with something last minute.”
Both sisters stared at you with blank expressions. You could see the gears in their minds clicking as they pondered your suggestion. Suyin shifted her gaze from you to address Lin. “I’m sure there is something in my closet we can find for you to wear Lin,” Suyin said mentally visualizing what she had accessible on hand that might be within Lin’s acquired taste.
“So long as it’s not frilly or makes me look like a clown I could care less,” Lin said dismissively. “At this point, I rather just wear a burlap sack.”
“Lin No! Stop” Suyin frowned, visibly horrified by Lin’s suggestion. “You are not wearing a burlap sack. We should be able to find you something. to wear. I am sure of it.”
“Fiiiinee…” said Lin begrudgingly, dissatisfied with the idea of having to play dress-up with Suyin. She was already dreading showing up.
“Great!” You exclaimed, rubbing your hands together before folding them together over your chest. “Now that it’s settled I will let you guys continue on with your discussion.”
You took a few steps forward with the intent to walk past them but were halted when Lin raised a hand in front of you, blocking your path.
“Hang on a moment Y/N, I need to talk to you.”
You raised a brow in suspicion. “About what?”
“Well as your parole officer I’m supposed to be checking in with you about once a month and it’s close to that time. The other issue being Kuvira.” Lin explained.
“What about Kuvira?” You asked hesitantly.
“I spoke with Su and she explained to me that Kuvira is showing signs of self-isolation.” Lin stood up straight, folding her arms across her chest. “Normally I don’t get involved with personal problems but seeing as it’s a perpetuating issue that is unresolved, it’s now officially my issue to deal with. Your mental stability is part of your rehabilitation. Can’t expect progress if either one of you is uncooperative and moping around.”
“I wouldn’t call it moping. And as far as I’m concerned she’s done everything she has needed to do. She’s just been distant with everybody… including me.” You expressed to Lin who listened intently.
Suyin interrupted, holding out an arm to gesture to the large sofas in the middle of the room. “Here, why don’t we all sit down,” Suyin said, laying a hand on Lin’s arm to gently lead her to a nearby sofa. You followed behind the two sitting down in front of them as they both sat together across from you.
“Look, It’s really not my place to say. I’m not one to divulge other people's personal issues… I’m sorry.” You apologized.
“I know you care about her and that you have a personal obligation to keep her affairs private but as your probation officer and Su as your guardian, it’s important that we know if there are any potential issues that might cause problems.” Lin pressed
“Kuvira is not trying to cause problems. She just doesn’t like the holidays.” You said, defensively
“If it’s just that then why is she refusing to cooperate with Su.” Lin countered.
“Lin, that’s not what I meant.” Suyin interjected, “All I said was that she has been extremely distant with me and doesn’t want to talk to me.”
“Su it’s the same thing!” Lin stated.
“It’s not the same.” Suyin exclaimed, “I never said she didn’t listen. Kuvira’s done everything I’ve asked her to do, but what bothers me is when I’m trying to reach out to her she closes herself off.” Suyin explained, her tone coming out pained. “I just want…” Suyin paused trying to hide the hurt that flashed across her face. “I just don’t want her to push me away…not again...” Suyin said softly.
“Su…” Lin whispered, placing a hand on Suyin’s shoulder in a comforting manner.
“I just want to know… what I did wrong this time,” Suyin whispered solemnly, tilting her head down to watch her hands pull at the fabric of her robes in her lap.
You could see the pain and concern that Suyin suppressed written all over her face. That same pained expression that she managed to hide earlier was there in full display. You couldn’t help but be surprised by it. It was almost hard to believe to see Suyin visibly hurt and near tears by Kuvira’s avoidance.  You knew that Suyin was not always direct about how she felt about Kuvira, but at that moment you could see how much Kuvira truly meant to Suyin. You secretly wished Kuvira could see for herself how much the matriarch cared for her. You wondered if it would be enough to kick Kuvira out of whatever funk she had been in up to this point.
“I know…” You said gently after a few moments, wondering what Suyin was thinking. You felt guilty for originally questioning Suyin’s intentions but just seeing her here in front of you now made you realize how inaccurate your perception was.
“It really isn’t anyone’s fault. Kuvira’s just being stubborn.” You said to Suyin, causing her eyes to meet yours. She saw nothing but empathy and compassion.
“No one is to blame for this.”  You reassured her. Suyin’s gaze softened, understanding that there was more to this delicate situation.
“I did manage to talk her into going. So she will be at the party tonight. Though I have to admit it took some convincing,” You admitted.
“She’s going to be there?” Suyin asked, eyes wide and hopeful.
 “Yes, she has agreed to be there.” You confirmed, finding it hard to ignore the growing smile on Suyin’s face at the confirmation.
“But she hasn’t explained to you why she’s been distant?” Lin asked you directly, not satisfied by your answer.
“I mean she has told me very little about it.” You replied.
“What has she discussed with you, Y/N? Do you have any idea as to why she’s feeling the need to isolate?” Lin asked, pressing for an answer.
You took a moment to decide how you want to answer her question without giving her too much information. “As I had mentioned earlier to Su, I don’t think she is angry at anyone. If anything I think that she is just taking the opinions of others and the way people look at her way too seriously.”
“What do you mean by that?” asked Lin.
“What I’m saying is…” you paused, trying to find the right words to defend Kuvira the best way you could. “Though things have been really challenging for her since moving back to Zaofu. She’s trying her best to make amends and to fix her wrongdoings and personally… I don’t think she feels supported…”
“I don’t understand why she would feel that way,” Suyin said, confused. “I’ve been trying to get her to open up to me, but I haven’t had much luck… I’m at a loss as to what to do.”
“Su, I don’t think this is just about you or anything you are doing.” You stated quickly, not wanting your words to be taken out of context. “I just think her lack of support around her is causing her to feel hopeless and alone, but that’s my opinion. I mean besides you Su; who else has really tried to talk to her?” You asked, hoping that Suyin would begin to understand the message behind your words.
“I…” Suyin paused, it seems that she was starting to understand the situation. “I didn’t even think to consider how she’s been settling in since she came back… how she's even handling everything. I mean Kuvira is no stranger to rumors, but I didn’t even think about how detrimental they could be to her.
“Especially since she’s in a great state of emotional and mental sensitivity. The added stress could also be contributing to her sleep issues.” Lin chimed in, adding her input into the conversation.
You nodded your head in agreement. The two older women were starting to understand that the issue was far greater than themselves; it all came down to Kuvira herself. More or less her mentality and how people viewed her now that she was no longer the Great Uniter. Having so much power at once and literally having it stripped away would make anybody question their life choices and sanity, especially when it came down to their relationships with others. That is considering if the relationship was still salvageable.
“Maybe, it’s possible…You do bring up a valid point Y/N.” Said Lin, her hand coming up to scratch at her chin.
“Indeed…” Suyin nodded in agreement. “I believe at this point it would serve in both of our best interests if I were to have a sit-down conversation with Kuvira.”
“I think that would be for the best, Su.” Lin agreed. “Better to hear it directly from the source.”
“I want to hear what Kuvira has to say before assuming the worst.” Said Suyin, her face remained passive but her voice sounded apprehensive. “I’ve already told Y/N that I would have tea brewed to help with Kuvira’s sleep issues… I will find time to meet with her later.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.” You said, feeling an odd sense of guilt at keeping Kuvira’s weary behavior towards the Beifongs to yourself. You knew the two sisters meant well but there were some things that people had to find out for themselves, and this was one of those things.
“It’s okay Y/N,” Suyin reassured you. “It’s not your place to speak on Kuvira’s behalf. I’m just glad that she will be joining us tonight. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly…”
“I’m sure it will.” You stated.
“I mean what is a Beifong gathering without a little family drama,” Lin said nonchalantly.
“Lin!” Suyin whipped her head at Lin and narrowed her eyes. “Really?”
Lin shrugged her shoulders, “What? I’m just saying it’s pretty typical for our family to have some sort of drama or a reoccurring crisis during family get-togethers.”
“Well for once it would be nice not to.” Suyin spat.
“Anyways…” Lin began, brushing off her sister’s sass. “Besides that Y/N how have you been doing?”
“Oh you know, just helping out where and when I can.” You answered, feeling a bit awkward now that the conversation had diverted away from Kuvira and onto you. “I try to go where I'm needed.”
“Lately, Y/N has been helping me with reconstruction projects. I had her assist with a new design for our landscape project” Suyin confirmed.
“Yes, I have been trying to find ways to figure out how to make exotic plants thrive and reformat the layout of the grounds. It’s dirty work but I enjoy it. However, the weather has made it difficult to work so I will have to pick it back up when it gets warmer.”
Lin scoffed “Yeah, I don’t blame you. Getting here alone was a real pain. This storm is no joke. We had trouble with navigating our way here. At this rate, we might need to hunker down for a few days and wait out this storm.”
“Really? It’s that bad?” Suyin balked.
“Yes, visibility is terrible,” Lin confirmed. “If it wasn’t for it being daytime I highly doubt I would have been able to get here safely.”
“I’ll go ahead and have the rooms prepared just in case.” Suyin decided, her face etched with worry. “Hopefully the others will make it here safely.”
“They should, I radioed Korra and Tenzin before departing. They left after I did. From what I’m aware of they’re taking the future industry airship.” Said Lin.
“If that’s the case then I’m sure they’ll make it here safely. Asami has people that know what they’re doing.” Said Suyin, still showing visible concern.
Lin snickered at Suyin’s comment, earning a dirty look from Suyin. Her smug look vanished almost instantly. You resisted the urge to laugh, instead you bit your lip to suppress it. The way the two would throw shade at each other was something you found hilarious, not that you would make it known. One angry Beifong was enough to deal with… you didn’t want to do anything that would cause them to direct their anger at you. You doubted you would come out unscathed. That was a force you knew you did not want to reckon with if Kuvira’s description of their past fights was accurate as she claimed to be. You remembered when Kuvira explained to you their last fight. You almost didn’t believe it. It sounded so exaggerated and atrocious it was hard to believe. When you overheard the guards the other day talking about it after learning that Lin would be stopping by you couldn’t help but notice how nervous they became. Speaking cautiously in frantic whispers made you eavesdrop on the conversation. You had listened in on one of the guards complaining about how long it took to clean up the damage from the last time they fought. You remembered Kuvira mentioning it took weeks to fix the damage to the estate after the last time they went at each other's throats. Overhearing the guards talking with wide eyes and hushed voices made you wonder how extreme the fight was to cause that much damage. You definitely didn’t want to find out.
“Anyways…” you began, hoping to alleviate the tension. “Was there anything else you wanted to discuss? I probably should head back and start getting ready.”
Lin shook her head, “Not at the moment, I will get with you later on for your evaluation.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you confirmed, pushing yourself off the sofa into a standing position.
Suyin rose from the sofa, “In the meantime, I’m gonna have the rooms prepared for later. That way everybody can retire after and nobody has to travel through that dreadful storm. I will get with you later Y/N.”
Lin stood up, “I’ll go ahead and radio Asami to check-in with them. Just to be sure.”
You nodded your head in agreement, “Great, see you later.”
You smiled at the two, then turned to leave. Giving them the opportunity to finish their chat before they went to carry out their tasks. At least things couldn't get more invasive than you thought to yourself. You pushed open the doors to the estate and headed down the path back to your apartment, wondering what you would return to.
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cherrychonk · 3 years
Lian Sun/Lin Beifong
I can imagine that is was very difficult for Lin/Lian to adapt to her new family, specially the mother. She had idolized Toph for so many years that opening her heart to another mother figure was very scary. Xue was polar opposite to Toph. She was nurturing and loving and was very open with her emotions. She never forced Lin to call her mom but did hint it. She was also very involved with her kids, being there for them physically and emotionally. She always made sure they knew how loved they were, this included Lin.
Lin wasn't feeling it at first. The family had given her a job to patrol the fields to scare off predators and to watch over them and the herds in exchange for housing her on the barn (Lin's request). Xue felt connected to Lin from the moment they rescued her from the river, a half drowned earthbender all bruised up and in dire need of healing.
Maybe it was because Xue could see how broken Lin was and wanted to make the girl feel loved. Maybe it was how kind she was with them even though she was scared. Xue didn't care, this was her new baby and she would take care of her as such.
Lin wasn't used to such bold acts of affection, she wasn't very comfortable with hugs and was absolutely appalled by any type of kiss (Cheek, forehead) She felt like a stranger for the first few months. Walking on eggshells and avoiding getting close to the family. Yet, Xue was persistent, making her eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with the rest of the family. Inviting her to hunting/fishing trips and giving her little gifts whenever she gave anything to her own children.
Lin started to feel comfortable and started allowing Xue in. They talked, cleaned and cooked together, something she wasn't able to do with Toph. Xue would also encourage Lin to find different hobbies and to share them with the family letting her know they weren't silly or dumb. So Lin started painting, singing even dancing when she was feeling silly with the kids.
Soon she went from the body guard to the older sister. But this didn't mean Lin stopped being overprotective of the Sun family, in fact she became more protective. She would care for the children when the parents had to go on long fishing trips and would patch up their wounds if they got hurt. She was with them the way she was with Suyin, only with more patience and fixing her old mistakes.
One particularly hard night, Lin had broken down and started telling Xue how much she missed her mom and sister even though Toph and Suyin weren't very kind to her anymore, she still missed the good times and her childhood. Xue consoled her and they talked about them till the morning.
Before long Lin was a Sun just like the rest of the family. Fitting in like a missing puzzle piece, she was finally home.
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su-univeralai · 3 years
Hi Su! I have a question....
What were Toph and Aang's reactions to all their pregnancies/incoming dunebabies?
Oh boy! This is something I have strangely haven't thought too hard on, but here goes something:
So I HC them popping out babies from a young age, earlier than the rest of the Gaang, which is a shock to everyone. Gyatso is the oldest of all the next gen babies except Azula's daughter, who is three years older than him.
Gyatso: I think Gyatso is born when Toph and Aang are around 18 or 19, and is definitely a surprise. They had been dancing around admitting their feelings for each other until they were 16 and now 2-3 years later, they've got a bun in the oven. They both intended to be life partners, but Toph hadn't considered being a mother, yet. Both were nervous about being parents because Toph didn't have a great time growing up with hers and Aang grew up in a community. But with a lot of help and bothering from Katara, the pregnancy goes well and the Gaang eases their nerves of becoming parents.
T&A = 19
Three years later
Lin and Tenzin: Gyatso begged Nana and Amma for a little brother or sister since he could talk. Toph had always intended to have multiple children once they had Gyatso since she hated being an only child, so now was a perfect time to have a kid. Of course they were shocked when she heard two heartbeats instead of one, and that got them nervous for a new reason. They'd be outnumbered lol. Even as wombmates (lol) Tenzin and Lin fought with each other, making for a rough pregnancy.
T&A = 22, G = 3
Six years later
Suyin: Su was another surprise baby. After the roughhousing that the twins did in Toph's womb, she was good with three kids, but fate had another idea when Su was conceived. Now, in their late-twenties and with the rest of the Gaang popping kids out left and right, they didn't have to worry about Su being younger than the rest of her siblings.
T&A = 28, G = 9, L&T = 6
Five years later
Songa, Kera, and Choekyi: Yet another surprise with becoming pregnant. An even bigger surprise when they realized they had one-upped themselves by having triplets. Aang and Toph had tried having another kid a couple years after Su was born, but never succeeded and gave up. With Gyatso, Lin, and Tenzin now being adolescents, and there being triplets on the way, Nana and Amma roped the three of them into contributing to taking care of the rapidly growing family.
Toph was done with giving birth after Choekyi came out and threatened Aang not to get her pregnant again.
T&A = 33, G = 14, L&T = 11, S = 5
But alas, another three years later Gyun came around.
Gyun: Toph was not happy finding out she was pregnant again. Weren't seven kids enough? apparently not. Even the rest of the Gaang had stopped having kids at this point, but Toph and Aang were making an army of dunebabies - unintentionally of course. Aang was thrilled to be having another kid because their family was starting to become like his childhood, a community as a family, but everyone had the same parents!
T&A = 36, G = 17, L&T = 14, S = 8, SK&C = 3
One year later
MeiLin: They actually conceived MeiLin quickly and was trying for her, wanting Gyun to have someone around his age to play with. By this time, Toph being pregnant was a family affair and everyone took part in raising the family. MeiLin and Gyun are known as Irish twins because they were born within a year of each other.
T&A = 37, G = 18, L&T = 15, S = 9, SK&C = 4, G = <1
Three years later
Tiao Wu: The last surprise, and a difficult pregnancy. Toph destroyed the fighting ground she was practicing on when she felt the heartbeat of Tiao Wu in frustration. Katara had told her that she couldn't get pregnant anymore just a few months ago, but lo and behold, another baby. Aang nervously laughed more scared at what Toph was going to do than worrying about a 10th child. Let's just say that Katara got an angry welcome the next time she and the family visited.
T&A = 40, G = 21, L&T = 18, S = 12, SK&C = 7, G = 4, M = 3-4
LMAO Ok stitch! Here are the reactions of all the children that Aang and Toph have. I think... more than half of them were happy surprises? That's 21 years between the oldest and youngest of the dunebabies
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Adversity - 13-B
Labelling this as ‘chapter 13-B’ in tumblr .
Edit: Ended up as part of chapter 13 in A03.
Adversity details
Multi-chapter, work in progress, AU, pre-LoK,
Latest status: up to Chapter 12 uploaded in A03
Blurb: Lin and Tenzin are both at the height of their respective     careers – she with the Metalbending Police and he with the Air Nation.     Questions about their future begin to arise and things come to a head when     Lin responded to an emergency call. Would her job take them from each     other forever? Eventual happy ending. Alternatively: The one where Lin and     Tenzin had to go through adversity like Lin’s dangerous job, a near-death     experience, temporary separation and memory loss, unplanned pregnancy and     Tenzin’s responsibilities before they end up with a family.
Tumblr chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | go to AO3 for chapters in between | 13
Ao3 link |   Ff.net link
Adversity – 13-B
There were muffled voices outside of the room and before they could even react, the door was shoved open.
Tenzin usually felt that Toph Beifong was larger than life; never mind her blindness or stature. Today was no exception.
“I received this note at the Jasmine Dragon and I thought - this I have to ‘see’ for myself.”  The earthbender entered the room unceremoniously, fingers forming air-quotations to explain her presence. "And lo and behold, you're in bed with Airhead Junior already, so I guess you're doing just fine."
“I’m not in bed – she’s – we’re not -!” Tenzin sputtered, leaning back hurriedly to disguise the fact that half of his body was actually on the bed.
Lin rolled her eyes. “I don’t care that you’re the chief but don’t you ever knock?”
“Were the chief. That’s the past.” Toph perched herself at the end of Lin’s bed. “I’m here as your mother.” She tilted her head. “Surely that’s gotta hold some weight to you?”
“Not a lot, but sure.” Lin tossed, unaffected.
Well-versed in how Beifongs conduct themselves, the airbender knew that both were affected by this meeting under the veneer of snark and nonchalance.
Tenzin sought to make himself scarce. “I -uh – I can leave the two of you alone for now. I think I’ll check if the others have returned from their tour.” He gently extricated his hand from Lin’s grip, squeezing it once and receiving a squeeze back.
He pretended not to see the tears fall from their eyes as the two Beifong women hugged each other when he closed the door behind him.
“Hey Badge.”
This was private for them.
He breathed.
She’ll be okay.
It was a trigger, they confirmed.
Katara explained from Lin’s medical files that Lin was likely submerged in water for quite some time before she was rescued. The sudden sea spray and saltwater must have triggered the memory.
While Lin’s blood pressure was recommended to be monitored closely, the vitals of both mother and child are strong, to everyone’s relief (especially Tenzin’s).
Upon arriving from their tour, Katara immediately went straight to Lin’s room upon hearing of the panic attack. After the routine check-up, the waterbender left the Beifongs alone. There remained to be a strain between Toph and the rest. The last time they had all been together was during Lin’s memorial months back – after she had accused everyone of not trying their best in locating Lin.
Toph has been with her daughter for hours now. Su had joined them at some point as well (even if it was with a lot of hesitation).
Everyone was pleased with this development. It was evident in the lightness that was not there before; a lightness that will be there at least until the three Beifongs would rejoin them.
Lin, Su and Toph talking for hours hints of a reconciliation among them. Su had confided in Kya a few nights ago that she had been worrying about her tentative reconnection with her sister. It may seem well and good now but what if Lin regains her memories and decides to retain to original stance regarding Su?
If Tenzin were to be honest with himself, he had been toying with the same fear as well. The spirits know that they definitely had not parted well before The Accident. He had been about to try to salvage their relationship but as far as Lin knew, he was a selfish jerk who was about to discard her for an air acolyte.
“You besotted sap, what are you frowning about now?”
Tenzin turned to his side, where Bumi seated himself on the steps, a teasing smile on his face. He had been absent-mindedly playing with Junior and Huan as they build things in the sand. He was instructed by the boys to throw around the occasional airball to test the strength of their structures or to flatten the sand so they can play more.
At the moment, the boys were attempting to replicate what Zaofu looked like on the sand and so were ignoring him until he needed to do some clean up.
Tenzin’s own brother then nudged his shoulder. “Anything I can do for ya?”
He shook his head no, still lost in thought.
The airbender is happy for Lin, truly. He could not imagine how she might have been feeling the past months – alone, injured, pregnant and with lost memories to boot. He should not and cannot even find it in himself to even be remotely selfish.
And yet…
He wanted Lin.
The laughter of the two Beifong boys drew his attention.
Rather, a family with Lin, he amended to himself. Tenzin sighed.
“That was one deep breath.” Bumi continued to observe, patient and knowing his brother well enough that he will speak when ready.
After a few more minutes, Huan managed to use earthbending to create a crevice in the middle of sand Zaofu. Both of them cheered the kids on.
“Uncle, where is Mommy?” Junior spoke up, green eyes darting around. “Can you call her? I think she would like to see what Huan was able to do.” The boy was proud of his brother despite not being able to bend himself.
Bumi grinned, the kid kind of reminded himself of well…himself. Back when Tenzin managed to make his first air wheel.
“Well, kid, I’m sure your mommy would be proud of both of you.” He pointed to the fairly complicated and detailed sand city on the ground. “But I think Su is busy right now.”
“She’s with your Aunt Lin and Grandma.” Tenzin added.
“Grandma’s here?!”
Both kids quickly rushed towards Tenzin and Bumi, grasping Tenzin’s robes in their hands, asking to be led inside to greet their grandmother.
“Is this a good idea?” Bumi whispered to Tenzin, leaning to his side so as to not to be overheard by the excited children, who were running ahead to the rest house.
The airbender simply shrugged. There was obviously something bothering him.
“They’ve been in the room for how long now?” Bumi tried to make light of the situation. “Are you sure they aren’t throwing hands or something?”
“We’ll probably feel the earth rumble if that were the case.”
That was true. Their childhood has been literally punctuated by mini earthquakes whenever the Beifong sisters squabbled.
Bumi played with his beard. “What if the new baby Beifong turns out to be another earthbender? Imagine the chaos.”
Huan and Baatar Junior were shifting their weight from one leg to the other, practically bouncing with excitement as they arrived at Lin’s door ahead of the adults.
Bumi snorted. Figures that Suyin’s spawn were behaved enough to not burst into rooms but could be quite tactless with their words.
Tenzin stiffened as they reach the door to Lin’s room.
Bumi nodded. “Arn’t you going to go in?” At the airbender’s head shake, he took the initiative to open the door. “Knock-knock! Good afternoon, Beifongs!” He was surprised to see Su and Toph flanking Lin from both sides of the bed.
Before he could even remark or tease Lin about it, twin squeals shattered his eardrums and in went Junior and Huan.
“Boys! Don’t jump on your aunt!”
Cute. With the surfeit of Beifongs in the room, Bumi waved at them and exited quietly. He will catch up with Toph later instead.
Still grinning, Bumi turned to Tenzin and noticed he was still awkwardly standing at the corridor. His smile softened, placing an arm around Tenzin’s shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it now?”
Before long Tenzin’s worries, fears, and insecurities tumbled out and into his older brother’s ear.
It was quite cathartic, to be truthful.
It was different opening up to his father (the Avatar) or even his mother (who was bound to be as protective as she was judgmental – less so compared to her younger years but still).
Bumi heard him and was not bound to judge him.
Neither did he invalidate his feelings nor did he downplay the airbender’s perceived consequences of the situation.
It certainly also helped that Bumi had been away from Republic City and was able to listen with fresh perspective.
“Don’t cancel your dinner. You’ve prepared a lot for it.”
“No…” His voice trailed off. “I’d rather not intrude in their family time.”
“Aren’t you her family, Ten?”
“Ah there you are Junior!”
“What on earth are you doing in the kitchen? Last I heard this was Lin’s domain.”
“Uh – tonight’s dinner for Lin – I  was -.”
“Don’t you dare say you’re postponing it?” It really was discomfiting when Toph Beifong is able to stare at you in the eye. “She had been talking about it, and was particularly excited too.”
“Oh – indeed.” A beat. “Don’t disappoint her, Junior.” She passed by him to exit the room. And in a lowered voice muttered. “I’m still rooting for you, despite everything.”
Note: We are getting there~ thanks for the patience and for still reading this. 
Been through some tough times the past few days (ironically, after I had thought I could probably write a little bit more). Not quite good yet but better than the past days. Hopefully. Anyhow - let me know what you think :)
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salty-medley · 3 years
I read few comments of people saying that Suyin didn't do anything THAT bad and that it was Lin who was a grumpy drama queen... Uh, people ? That little attention whore joined the local mafia for fun !
It's not like Bolin and Mako who were alone in the streets and needed to find how to eat and live, Suyin is rich, her whole family is rich. And we're speaking about mafia, not about stealing a thing at the store or smoking without permission. Triads make people suffering, and take advantage of others, like the two brothers.
She never cared about anyone except herself, not even her family or friends, only seeking for fun. So, no, it's not over reacting than refusing to see her, even if you are her half sister. She keeps bringing the word "family" to obtain what she wants but it probably means nothing more than that for her.
Half related but I headcanon her as having a water tribe dad and just look at that: she has the same traits as the water/water signs: fluid, flowy but manipulative, not reliable, escapism and even suffocating or clingy. While her older sister has a firebender father, and fire/fire signs traits: determined and hard working but easily frustrated, aggressive, short tempered and bossy, and,of course, stubborn as hell. Both have earth looks and act like Toph, each one in her way, but deep down their tempers come from their fathers' side.
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geekinator · 3 years
I did this as a three part series, because I just can’t get enough Beifong in my life and thinking about them brings me immense joy.
Here’s the first two:
And last but not least:
The Beifong family is the best thing that ever happened to Avatar and quite possibly my life. The thing I love most about them, though, is how human they are. They are the epitome of what happens when life is messy and emotions are raw and people do stupid things and life doesn’t go as expected. Each and every one of them is batshit crazy, and I love them for it. Here’s my take on the illustrious Beifongs. Last is Su.
Suyin: An Analysis
Oh, Su. What can I say? Su is just as complicated as the rest of the Beifongs. Su is no saint but neither is she a devil. Su is human, and that’s about all there is to it.
Su obviously took her mother’s absence in a very different direction. I would imagine that both Toph and Lin were very excited to welcome Su. However, very shortly Lin is old enough and probably mature enough to watch her, which leaves Toph free to be Chief, which means Su is shortchanged in her time with her mom. I don’t think Toph sat them down one day and was like ok girls I’m going to be spending more time at work so Lin you’re in charge. I think she just slowly wasn’t really needed at home (at least not in a way that computed in her mind) and she just kind of drifted away.
Well if I’m Su and my big sister starts bossing me around I’m like ok no that’s not happening, and she obviously started to resist it. However, saying “I was more of a rebel” is like saying “that ghost pepper is a little spicy”. Like Su, honey, there’s a rebel and there’s criminal enterprise. It’s not the same thing, and even later in life she obviously hasn’t made that connection.
Whether because of her absence, or because she perhaps saw herself in Su, Toph turned a blind eye (pardon the pun). It’s also obvious that Toph isn’t even aware of half the stuff that goes on. And because she’s clueless, Toph probably doesn’t believe Lin when she tells her. Whatever the case, Su is that kid who could do anything or say anything and get away with it, while Big Sister probably sneezes wrong and everyone glares at them, because they’re older and supposed to be more mature. Lin at this point is beyond frustrated with Su.
So here we go, Su steps out of the car and I’m sure Lin is feeling a lot of things. Probably like she failed her little sister, angry because WTF Su, and maybe even a little vindicated. Now Toph will HAVE to pay attention. Su is the dumbest bitch this side of Whale Tail Island, however, and actually thinks that Lin is going to let her walk away. Well of course she’s not, duh. But Su is so full of anger and frustration, that she lashes out.
When I say Su is full of anger and frustration, I mean that as much as Lin kept a lid on it, Su did, too. Su had less time with Toph at home than Lin did, which wasn’t fair. Su had to put up with Lin mothering her, when she wasn’t actually her mother and only a few years older than her. Su had very little direction in her life, from anyone. Su was obviously very impressionable. Those two idiots she was with probably could have convinced her to commit Grand Theft Auto, and it wouldn’t have taken much. If things hadn’t gone down the way they did, Su probably would have ended up dead or as a true villain.
Hm, excuse me while I jot down a story idea.
Anyways, my point is, Su had just as many feelings as Lin, her bottle just looked very different. So in a moment of pure anger she lashes out when Lin tries to arrest her. I believe she regretted it, and here’s why: she’s in Toph’s office with Lin. Had Su been completely devoid of any feeling, she would have run away and never looked back, or at least tried to rationalize it. Toph is obviously fully aware of what went down; she asks both of them what they were thinking, so even though Su’s not saying sorry she’s not sitting there trying to deny it. She knows she got caught. She may not be sorry, but she’s still sitting there in the office. Frankly I give her points for that. Not many, but a few.
If I’m Su, I know I did wrong but I don’t care. So I love to hear Toph ask Lin what she was thinking, too. I’m like ha! Yeah, you tear up that report, Mom! But wait, I have to leave the city? Holy shit, did not see that coming! So now the mom who I didn’t have much time with in the first place and has been largely absent is sending me away to my grandparents (and who knows how well she knew them) where only the Spirits know what’s going to happen then. Well this sucks. Not an excuse for her shitty behavior but it still sucked for her.
So then she goes traipsing around the world to prove to herself she is outside the realm of rules. She finally settles down with Bataar Sr and builds Zaofu. Her ideals still seem to be based on the idea of life without limits, which fits her history. She seems more like someone who creates opportunities than someone who makes a lot of rules. Aiwei calls her the matriarch so she’s not exactly in a position of true political power, at least not in name.
I truly believe Bataar loves Su and that he is a good husband and father. I also believe that for the most part, Su is a good mom. Here’s why: her kids are quite well-adjusted. Except for Bataar Jr who seems to have inherited her impressionable nature. But Wing and Wei are cool and obviously very accomplished, Opal is rather prissy but she does have some good qualities, and Huan is very passionate about his banana art. They’re kind of a fun family. Su tells Korra that she always wished Lin were a part of her life, and I believe her. I really think Su misses her big sister. She and Lin are alike in that what they want most is their family to be intact.
After the fall of the Earth Queen, Su says she doesn’t want to impose her ideals on the nation. Again, she doesn’t like rules, so she's not going to go around telling everyone else what to do. I don’t agree with that decision but it is consistent with her character. Her decision to try and assassinate Kuvira I believe comes from a desire to protect those around her, anger at Kuvira for betraying her and taking her son away from her, and guilt because it was her inaction that precipitated the whole thing in the first place. It’s a stupid ass decision, and is an emotional one. Su seems to be ruled by her emotions, from the first time we see her until the end of the series, which is interesting because she does keep her cool most of the time. Emotional people are like that, though. I’m ok until you make me mad or feel something and now I have to do something about it. Oftentimes they resent the person who made them feel it, and blame them. Su definitely falls into that category. Because she is so governed by her emotions, she tends to rush headlong into things without seeing the long game, or the risks. When she gets caught, she knows she messed up. But now Korra has to come and save her, Su knowing full well she’s not ready. But Korra tries anyways because even though Su is incredibly stupid and selfish, she is a friend and they still care about her. Anyone who watches Dragons Race to the Edge, it reminds me of Snotlout, when Astrid says he’s a muttonhead, but he’s their muttonhead. For better or worse, Su has become one of them.
Quite frankly, I like Su. I think her biggest faults are that she tends to follow her emotions which gets her into trouble and she doesn’t really like to acknowledge when she’s wrong, even though she definitely knows she is. Neither of those things are traits that I would consider unforgivable. I don’t think she and I would be bosom buddies but she is an interesting person. I would be endlessly frustrated with her and probably tell her I told you so a lot. But Su is there when it counts. She defeats P’li and helps defeat Kuvira. She helps save Korra and teaches her metal bending, and she is quite cheerful. As far as Lin forgiving her I feel like that was more for Lin than Su, just like forgiveness is for everyone. For anyone who says Lin deserves better, keep in mind this is her little sister who she loves very much. There’s history there and families are messy and complicated and I for one trust Lin. Lin also doesn’t just jump in, she tells Su she just won’t show up and attack her. They only become more involved because that’s how things played out. Lin is very sincere when she tells Su that she loves her, and it almost seems like the first time Lin has said those words out loud, based on Su’s expression.
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Su may not have known or believed it before that. Right or wrong, good or bad, Su is family, and families are stupid and crazy. Like I said before, Su is no saint, but she’s no devil either. She makes shitty decisions and yes people have to keep coming to her rescue, but I think her heart is in the right place. I really do.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
I just spent half an hour scrolling through the dunebabies tag and your headcanons for the taang family's giving me life
Oh goodness you're making me blush! lol
I'm so glad you like them, though! It's kind of cool how a few ideas I had about Toph and Aang having a couple kids morphed into this whole story for me. It's been really fun to create characters and backstories and headcanons for all the little kiddos, and the fact that other people are enjoying them as well is icing on the cake! I mean, this was purely self-indulgent in the beginning. I didn't think anyone really cared to read about cute stories for Domestic Taang or anything, but here we are! And they're such a fun and adoring couple, at least in my head. So many fluffy opportunities lol. And since you like them so much, I'll try and give you a few more!
As sisters, it is part of Lin and Suyin's sisterly obligation to butt heads and fight like, all the time. Doesn't help that they have very different personalities, either. But, they never fight for too long. Often, Suyin will go to Lin for help on homework, and she also persuades Lin to come out with her to keep her company while shopping or going out somewhere or something. Usually quick walks where Su does most of the talking, but Lin always obliges. They are also often sparring partners, so they know each other's moves and weaknesses really well. If they're partnered up for any fighting matches at school, they're unbeatable and take down their opponents in record time and they don't even say a word to each other.
Gyatso often walks on his toes because that's just how he learned to walk when he was a baby. He barely makes a footprint and it drives his Mama crazy sometimes because he's so hard to hear or find in the house or around town. Eventually she learns to hear for him and just focus but still. He's the hardest dunebaby to find and when he was younger that worried her. Gyatso also flies around all the time, making him the main reason Toph Beifong has grey hair when she's older lmao.
When Kenji is older (teenager years?) he learns how to cook an excellent steak for him and his Mama. Since Aang does most of the cooking, meat isn't normally in the diet, but Toph loves meat for dinner every now and then. Kenji isn't a practicing vegetarian, either, so he starts learning how to cook steaks for the two of them (he gets tips from his aunts and uncles). When it's just him and Mama home alone, they go all out and Kenji will cook steaks and Toph will go order the best takeout meals from restaurants in the city and they have a meat buffet. It's their secret little tradition when Aang is out of town (and by this time, the other kids are older and out of the house).
Thank you again for reading/liking my headcanon's about Domestic Taang. It is my pleasure to serve the fluff that is the Taang household haha. :)
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