#Ottawa writers
witch-riot · 2 years
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How were the temples of Vaishno Devi, Naina Devi, Jwala Devi, and Annapurna Devi established? Discover this by reading the book on the Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj App."
Visit Satlok Ashram YouTube Channel for more information
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Read a Book Day
For some people, reading is their ultimate form of relaxation and fun! For others, reading can seem like a bit of a chore. No matter what category you fall into, we encourage you to embrace National Read a Book Day. Usually, it is simply about finding the right book for you. From memoirs to sci-fi; there are so many different types of books out there today, so use National Read a Book Day to find the perfect book for you to really get stuck into. Read on to discover everything that you need to know about National Read a Book Day and the different ways that you can celebrate this date.
Learn about National Read a Book Day
National Read a Book Day is the perfect day to get lost in a good book. You are encouraged to get your head down and get lost in a story, whether fact or fictional. It is also a great day for encouraging others to read books and raising awareness about them. After all, there are many different benefits that are associated with reading. This includes the fact that it can lower stress, as well as improving concentration and memory. Studies have shown that adults who spend time reading tend to take part in activities over their lifetime that are more mentally stimulating when compared with those who don’t, as well as showing a slower cognitive decline. Plus, books are an inexpensive way of learning more about the world and having fun.
There are so many reasons why we recommend reading a book, not only on National Read a Book Day, but whenever you find time out of your bust schedule to do so. Reading a book gives you the chance to sit in your favorite chair and enjoy some peace and quiet after all. Plus, if you are one of those people that love quotes, you are going to find plenty of good ones when reading a book.
You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.
Other reasons why we recommend reading books is because most movies out there are based on novels, which often tend to be better than the films. After all, there is only so much that you can cram into a couple of hours on screen, whereas a book is going to enable you to delve deeper into the journey. Plus, books aren’t only about reading great tales. There are a lot of books out there that can change your perspective on life and help you to live life to the fullest. You will be surprised by how much a book like this can change your outlook and bring a lot of good to your existence.
History of National Read a Book Day
The first celebration of National Read a Book Day was around the end of the first decade of the 2000s and was almost certainly the idea of a librarian, probably one who was encouraging youngsters to read a book.
Of course, there are a lot of significant dates in history relating to books. In 1455, people around the World were given the chance to read thanks to the Gutenberg Bible. This was the first book that was mass-printed. It was produced in Mainz, Germany. As the name indicates, it is a Bible. It was produced by Johann Gutenberg and it is written in Latin.
The first book that was printed in English was the “The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye.” This was printed by William Caxton in 1473. The text is a translation of the French stories about Troy. We’d have to wait several hundred years for the first book to be written on a typewriter. This was Mark Twain’s “Tom Sawyer.”
National Read a Book Day Timeline
4000 BC Writing begins in Mesopotamia
With some rudimentary squiggles and lines that represent pictures of animals, marks are made on clay that are the first parts of writing.
Akkadian Princess and High Priestess Enheduanna writes hymns and signs her name on the clay tablets. These and other early texts are meant to be read out loud.
7th Century BC First organized library is established
In the Ancient Middle East, an Assyrian ruler in Nineveh creates a collection of more than 30,000 cruciform tablets.
1450 Gutenberg invents the printing press
An invention that changed everything for education is developed as a working prototype in Germany by Gutenberg. It is ready for commercial use in just a few more years.
1800s-1900s Literacy rates rise
As the Industrial Revolution brings an increase of accessibility to books, the ability to read also increases for the common person.
How to celebrate National Read a Book Day
Reading is a form of prayer, a guided meditation that briefly makes us believe we’re someone else, disrupting the delusion that we’re permanent and at the center of the universe. Suddenly (we’re saved!) other people are real again, and we’re fond of them.
On National Read a Book Day, it’s not compulsory to read a whole book but the day serves as inspiration to people to read a section of a book they particularly enjoyed, to read with children, to donate a book to a children’s school library, or to host a book reading party.
Although the day was probably thought of with print books in mind, e-books are equally suitable for celebrating National Read a Book Day. The main goal is to encourage reading, as both fiction and non-fiction books open up huge unknown vistas to enquiring minds.
Taking the opportunity to enjoy some time out of the day to relax and read is good for the soul and the mind.
Not only is National Read a Book Day a good day for you to, well, read a book, but it is also a good day to encourage other people to do the same. You can spread the word online about the benefits that are associated with reading. You can share your favorite books, as they may encourage other people to give them a read.
We would also recommend joining a book club. You can join a book club in your local area or you could join an online book club if you don’t want to go to meetings face-to-face. Book clubs are a lot of fun because they encourage you to read more and you can share your thoughts on a good book with others. If you are already a member of a book club, why not use National Read a Book Day to organize a book party for them? You can invite all of the members of the book club and discuss a book. You can all bring a dish that is inspired by the book. This is a great way to have fun and celebrate your love of books together.
Another way to celebrate National Read a Book Day is by organizing your books. Do you have a whole host of books scattered around your home? Maybe you have a book full of books that is simply gathering dust? If so, now would be the perfect opportunity for you to organize your books. You can decide on which books you’re going to keep and which books you won’t read again. For the ones that you won’t read again, you have several different options here. You could take them to a second-hand book store, you could sell them online, or you could donate them to a charity. It’s up to you! You will feel much better for it. After all, clutter can cause chaos in the mind, and this can make it impossible for you to relax and fully embrace a good book.
So there you have it: some of the different ways that you can celebrate National Read a Book Day. Of course, the best way to celebrate this day is by grabbing a good book and getting lost in it.
National Read a Book Day FAQs
When is National Read a Book Day?
National Read a Book Day comes every year on September 6 when people set aside other activities and enjoy the beauty of reading a good, old-fashioned book.
How to Read a Book online?
The internet offers a variety of sources to read online books for free, especially older books that have aged out of their copyright. Project Gutenberg, Open Book, Open Library and The Library of Congress all have free items on offer.
What is National Read a Book Day?
National Read a Book Day is just what it sounds like–it’s a day that encourages people to read a book! Set aside some time to sit in a room and quietly read a book–whether reading for yourself or to a child.
How to celebrate National Read a Book Day?
Whether going to a library, starting a book club, donating a book or buying one, this is the day to enjoy everything that has to do with reading and sharing a book.
How was the first book printed?
The first books were originally written by hand, then block printing was used in China in the Tang Dynasty, followed by the printing press that came into commercial use in 1450.
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greatresume · 10 months
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While a one-size-fits-all approach might seem convenient, taking the time to customize your resume for each industry can demonstrate your suitability for the role and highlight your relevant skills and experiences.
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flolitmag · 2 years
flo. is open for submissions until november 30!!
flo. is open for submissions for our third issue! we’re entering our second year of publication and we want you to be a part of it.
we are seeking work by writers residing in/having a connection to the Ottawa-Gatineau region that engages with notions of loss, anger, and resilience.
check our website (link in bio) for our submissions guidelines.
flo. pays a modest honorarium for all accepted works.
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superbresume · 2 years
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All Our Resume are 100% ATS Compliant and International Acceptable, as we scan your resume after rewrite to make sure it passes through the complex ATS screening algorithms which most employers use.
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jefersoncabal7 · 2 years
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James Bond + Dr Yes 🍁 Ian Lancaster Fleming (28 May 1908 – 12 August 1964) was a British writer, journalist and naval intelligence officer who is best known for his postwar James Bond series of spy novels. Fleming came from a wealthy family connected to the merchant bank Robert Fleming & Co., and his father was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Henley from 1910 until his death on the Western Front in 1917. Educated at Eton, Sandhurst, and, briefly, the universities of Munich and Geneva, Fleming moved through several jobs before he started writing. © @wikipedia #IanFleming #jamesbond #novel #book #007 #british #navalinteligent #journalist #writer #officer #jefersoncabal7 #canada #ottawa #ontario #wikipedia #cultura #doyouknow (en National Gallery of Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_YFv1rfaE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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storagebay29 · 6 months
james somerton 'apology' video transcript
Note: for those who do not want to watch it. For those who do, here's a link to a reupload as the original has since been deleted. There are a lot of a pauses and 'um's/'uh's, the latter of which are largely ommitted from the below transcript. Posted under a readmore as it's pretty long.
I'm sorry for taking so long to make this video, or to say anything. I'm in the hospital- I've been in the hospital for a little over a week. I tried- Fuck. I tried to do something really stupid... (pause) I'm only here now because before I did it, I called my dad to talk to him one more time and, he figured out something was wrong, called paramedics or 911 or… and they got here and I woke up in the hospital and, yeah.
Anyway, I'm not trying to make this a sob story, I'm just trying to explain why I've been so quiet. I had a friend from back home checking my emails and stuff, and yeah.
But anyway… I wanna say that I'm really really sorry, really really sorry... for the stuff in the videos, the not crediting people, and for a lot of videos, you know I, I did the opening titles thing, and I tried to put like ‘this is based on X's- this person's research, or on this person's book,’ but I know now that wasn't enough, that wasn't okay. And then there were a lot of times... that uh...  oh god. There were a lot of times that stuff just got put in and there was no attempt at crediting anybody (pause) and I'm really really sorry.
And I'm not, I'm not sorry that I got caught, I'm sorry for ever doing it, I didn't- I honestly honestly... didn't realise that I was hurting people... And now that I know that I was hurting people… I'm just really sorry.
I lost my best friend because of this. Nick and I have been best friends since 2011 or [20]12? We'd been friends online and then. He lived in Ottawa, I moved to Ottawa so we could be, like, friends in person, and then we moved back to- I moved back to Nova Scotia, and Nick came with me. We eventually moved to the Toronto area where we lived together for 7 years? 8 years? We lived together for a really long time… and… he hasn't spoken to me since this happened.
Sorry, sorry I said I wasn't gonna make this a sob sorry. I should’ve got some Kleenex.
Then again I'm really really really sorry for the things I did in the videos: copying people's work and not crediting them properly or at all. I also wanna apologise for the misinformation and just outright lies that ended up in the videos? I didn't- I honestly say that I never intended for any of that stuff to be in the videos, most cases I didn't write it but I should’ve, you know it was my face on the channel, my name on the channel, I should have been, I should have been more diligent about fact checking and stuff. ‘Cause there was a lot of really stupid shit in there. It would’ve- it's just so easy to check, I just never did, I just took it for granted…
I also, I wanna thank Hbomberguy and his team for setting up the fund to make some money available for the authors that were wronged and the journalists and writers and…
I wanna help somehow, I don't know how, a lot of- I've seen a lot of people online saying how much money I apparently make and they’re way overestimating. Beyond the fact that Nick and I split everything 50/50, they're still way overestimating how much money came in… And the Toronto area is expensive, so there's not really any kind of savings, I'm moving home really soon… ‘Cause without Nick there's nothing for me here, and like I said it's really expensive…
And so I wanna say I wanna thank them for setting up that fund, and I wanna help somehow. The only thing I can think of right now is to make the videos, most of the videos public again and every month I can send the ad revenue from all of the past videos- ‘cause there were plenty that didn't have any, any uncredited stuff in them... But I can make them public again, and then every month I can send the AdSense to- either I can send it to Hbomberguy's team, that they can add to the fund, or I can start a fund myself? And every month I can publicly say how much money was made on the AdSense and show it. And send that to the writers and stuff every month. I don't know... what the system for that would be? But I would be more than happy to do that
You know some of the videos like the ‘Killing Stalking’ video brought in like a pretty decent amount of money every month so that would be helpful I think/to them. I'll also put in either the description or the pinned comment the names of the authors so that anyone watching the video knows where all of the information came from, that it wasn’t me going out doing journalism- I never thought that anyone thought that I was doing journalism and stuff, and I don't think anyone did. For the people who actually were doing it should have been given the credit they deserve, they did the hard work, all I did was edit a video. They did the hard work and they- they deserved the credit
(cut) Sorry about that, phone stopped recording.
But- yes. They deserved- they deserved credit, and… when it was something... when it was something like the, the recent... ‘history of hollywood’ videos, right there in the opening credits, I put the Vito Russo's name, that it was adapted from his book ‘The Celluloid Closet’. Same thing went for the gay panic video and the gay holocaust video, they were- the holocaust video was adapted from two books, and the gay panic video was adapted from a lot of journalism, and I- I put their names right at the beginning of the videos.
But and- I understand that's not how citation works... now. I understand that, I get it. And I wanna do better. And I know a lot of people hate me now, ‘cause I did bad shit. But I wanna try and do better. At some point I’d like to make videos again. I'd like to do videos that are fully sourced, where I will put a link to the script where you can find all the sources so that everyone is properly given the credit that they deserve, any the kind of research that's done, credit for any b roll that's used whether it's stock footage, or movies or TV shows or video games, or anything like that, have it all in there. I would like to become a really really good example of giving proper credit to writers and journalists
And I know a lot of you watching this aren't- aren't really gonna care, you'd rather I just disappear. But I would like to try to do better.
I never ever intended to hurt anybody. I never thought that that's what I was doing. Before I went- before I went to the hospital, I read a lot of stuff from people who were really hurt, not just authors and stuff but people who watched my videos who were hurt by stuff in them. People think that I hate ace people and women and bisexual people and lesbians and that's not true. It's really- it's just- it’s not true. And I’m sorry that stuff made it into videos that just shouldn’t have been there: misinformation and lies... But I promise you I did not write that stuff.
I should have been a lot more exacting when Nick and I would be editing scripts but I promise you that those are not- I don't think those things. I specifically want to apologise to asexual people who feel that I just completed delegitimised you. Nick being ace, I- I know that it's kinda like you know, no two gay people are exactly the same, no two ace people are exactly the same, but I kind of, when it came to that I just kind of ran with Nick's judgement and his observations and stuff like that. And I’m not trying to throw Nick under the bus, which a bunch of people are saying that I was setting him up as doing, which is not true…
This whole thing, Nick and I were 50/50 partners, it wasn't I hired him to have a scapegoat or something like that. I never hired Nick. Nick and I were roommates for years before I started doing Youtube videos and then they started- people started watching them and I asked Nick if he wanted to help me write them and he said yes and we started splitting the- first the AdSense and then the Patreon and then the sponsorships, we just split everything. Nick was never supposed to be a fall guy.
I'm sorry. Maybe I should have waited longer to do this. But yeah, I- the- I did not- I don’t think those things and I don't think Nick does either, I think it was just how fast we were writing stuff, and how fast we were putting videos out, it was just too fast. And we weren’t putting the care into them that needed to be put into them.
I've seen a lot of people on social media and other youtubers even lying about me, but other- other- Hbomberguy was not one of them, I just wanna be clear about that, except I was never setting Nick up to be a fall guy and. It was never a grift or anything like that. I swear it was not. It is not.
In the next couple of days, I'm gonna send out a message to the Telos supporters on Indiegogo and explain the whole situation in more detail to them because we were not super clear about everything that was going on with Telos and so I can- I understand if it seems like we weren't doing anything but we were. We were doing a lot of work on Telos. We just weren’t talking about it is because we- we made that initial first announcement for ‘final girl’ and that fell through and I'll explain that to the message I send out to the supporters which I'm sure will end up on reddit or somewhere… And after that we didn't- we didn't want to talk about it too much until we had something really concrete, and I will explain all of that in that message
Telos was and is not a grift. I was never gonna take the money and run. None of the money that came in for telos was ever going to be paying me or Nick. It was going to be paying queer actors and artists, musicians, things like that. And I know there's been lots of talk about budgets and all this stuff, and people saying that I'm really stupid for thinking a movie could be made for that little money, but there are examples of it being done, and I actually do have a work ethic.
Anyway. but yeah. anyway
I do want to keep making videos and I know a lot of you won't watch them and that's- that's fine. But I really liked making videos…
We ended up making a lot of videos we didn't wanna make because people were asking for them, and so there were a lot of videos that we made that we didn't wanna make, and I think those videos are very clear on which ones those were. One of them never got officially released. It was released to patrons, some patrons have shared it to other people before all the videos went private. A lot of people hate the analysis that Nick and I did on it but. And so maybe it's good that that never got properly released, because… maybe it would have hurt people. And I don't want that.
But I do wanna make videos again sometime. I'd love to do like retrospectives on important gay movies. If you watch the channel ‘Be Kind Rewind’ they're an amazing channel that do a lot of retrospectives on older Hollywood movies and I would love to do that for gay movies. A lot of gay movies, people my age and younger have never heard of, things like ‘Torch Song Trilogy’ and ‘Longtime Companion’, and stuff like that, movies from the seventies and eighties and the nineties, things that were like really influential for gay cinema that no one talks about. And you know, I'd like to talk about not just those movies but how they got made and stuff like that. I would love to do something like that.
I swear on my mother's grave that there will be no copying people, no copying pasting. Every source will be cited in a document and on screen. ‘Cause I usually liked doing the research. I loved doing research - reading the books and articles and stuff like that. I- the part of me that was lazy was the copy and paste part. Instead of just putting it into my words and citing them properly and giving them credit… that's where the laziness came in. That was- I wasn't trying to be malicious. That was just laziness. And I promise for anyone who does watch the videos that I make going forward… I promise that will never happen again. I welcome the highest level of scrutiny on the new videos.
As for Patreon, I’m going to reactivate it. Because I saw a lot of people on social media saying that I was probably going to reactivate it right on January 1st so that everyone could get a surprise billing and I could take the money and run. And, no. First of all that was never my plan and I'm not gonna do it. I'm gonna reactivate it now so that anyone who wants to leave - which I imagine will be the vast majority - can leave and not have to worry about being billed again in January.
… Yeah. So. In closing. I'm again incredibly sorry... And again I'm not sorry because I was caught, I honestly didn't know how much I was hurting people… and how much harm I was bringing to the community, because that's not ever what I intended. I wanted the channel to be a safe place. I spent so much time deleting comments that were hateful
I recently found out that I wasn't being notified about- that I wasn’t seeing comments that were in replies to other comments so there were plenty of hateful comments in the comment section that were plenty hateful that I wasn’t seeing, and I didn't know that. But I wanted the channel to be a safe place and it ended up not being a safe place.
And for the misinformation, that kind of falls into two categories. 1. I did the wrong research in the historical things and other things they're not what I wrote.
Again, thank you to Hbomberguy and his team for making the fund for the writers. I'd like to try to contribute to that somehow so- if- if it's okay to make the videos public and send all of the- public and send all- it won't be all of videos ‘cause some of them had to be taken down because sponsors wanted them taken down, but I can put the videos back up with the sources properly put in either- for the I guess for the videos that would be going up from zero, I could actually put in sources for the videos, which would be good.
I guess I could- For the other ones that would just be made live again, I could put them in a pinned comment. ‘Cause I think people read pinned comments more than they read the descriptions, cause like the descriptions disappear in a lot of places. Something like that. Something so that I can try and- it won't make up for what I did but just. Something.
So I’m really really really sorry. I hurt a lot of people that I really respect and that really sucks. And.  Nick if you're watching this I know you're probably not but I miss you and…
Yeah I want to do better. I want- I want to do better. I want to prove that I can do better. I don't expect anyone to just give me the benefit of the doubt. But I want to show that I can do better, so I hope you'll let me do that.
Again, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that the things I did- I'm sorry that I disappointed you. I promise going forward I will do better.
Thanks for watching, and...
And I’m really sorry.
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garadinervi · 27 days
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MESSAGIO GALORE [take] V, Published as the preface to MESSAGIO GALORE take V [curated by jwcurry] by and as part of the Ottawa International Writers Festival, Cover by Herbert Stencil, Ottawa, Spring 2008 [room 3o2 books, Ottawa]
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fiveht · 6 months
Love, love, love Adore and am drooling over Head Over Feet!!
You mentioned a couple asks ago that you haven’t specified it’s in the US, and that made me very curious as to where they do live??
The way you’ve phrased east and west coast and mentioned eastern time (NA) makes me wonder (aka hope) that maybe, if not the US, they’re in Canada?!?! As a Canadian girlie I love some representation for us - so I just had to ask!!
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They indeed are Canadian. 😁 They don't live in Quebec, but they're close! They live in Ottawa. For those unaware, Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec are directly across the Ottawa River from one another, and Hull is a historic neighbourhood in Gatineau. (By the way, the university in the story is Carleton.)
I'm a Canadian girlie myself, and when I started Disarm I thought, if American writers make them American in AUs, why can't I make them Canadian? So I did. I'm not from Ottawa (I'm from Newfoundland, which is way too distinct a setting, because we fucking weird over here) but I did spend a lot of summers there as a kid.
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
Okay. Every single odd number on that list.
I reblogged that post last night and fell asleep almost immediately after 😂😂! Thanks for asking Tanis!!
1. Share a song that makes you think of [fic title] Afraid of Heights by boygenius always makes me think about it hurts to hope for more. I listened to that song on repeat while writing it that no whenever I heart it I think about that fic.
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? That's like asking me for my favourite child (not that I have kids). I'm sticking with buddie fics here since I have almost 150 fics on Ao3 and that's way too many to think about.
Honestly, there ain't no turning back might be my favourite even though it isn't fully published!
Or I really love gold when you see me too.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write? Answered here :)
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now? Uhhh too many?? I have 5 'active' wips (meaning I'm actually working on them a little bit) and like 20 other ideas. I tend to get an idea, work on it like my hair is on fire, and then when I lose the beans half the time the wip goes to collect dust.
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! I try to write every day, even if it's just one sentence! Here's something I updated from the NHL AU today!
Buck’s much less self destructive now, thank you team mandated therapy and a bit of heartbreak, but he still has a big personality. He’s got the kind of personality that used to land him on Don Cherry’s shit list before he was finally kicked off Hockey Night in Canada for being a racist old fuck. But, that personality of his means he’s the kind of guy who the Kings marketing team loves because he’s down for basically anything they throw at him. 
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics? I tend to find a couple of songs that match the vibe I'm going for or that really inspire me and then listen to those on repeat.
13. How much planning do you do before writing? Answered here
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters? Usually song lyrics! Sometimes a title comes into my head out of nowhere, but usually I end up searching for a lyric that feels right.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? I learned all about the best sunrise views at the southern rim of the Grand Canyon for there ain't no turning back! It made me really want to go to see the sunrise there, even more than I already wanted to before!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs. This is from my NHL AU! In the fic Buck is Canadian and when they go to Canada on a road trip Buck has to scope out a Tim Hortons immediately.
It would be a lie to say that as soon as they landed in Ottawa Buck went to Tim Hortons, because they landed at 11:45, only a couple of hours after a win in Buffalo. It’s been a long and cold east coast trip - they’re on the road for almost 10 days for this one and Ottawa is the third to last stop.  It wouldn’t be a lie to say that the first thing Buck did when he woke up in their hotel was to jump out of bed, wake Eddie up in the bed next to him, and drag him to the Tim Hortons next to the hotel.  And listen, Buck knows that objectively Timmies is just fine. It isn’t bad, it’s just not actually good either. But he’s a Canadian boy, he grew up on Timbits after practice with Maddie and hanging out in the Tim Hortons parking lots during high school, at least for the couple years he was around before moving to Kitchner to play juniors. Tim Hortons will always have a special place in his heart.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why? Yeah, it was a scene that I wrote really early in the writing process and by the time I finished the fic the scene just didn't fit the vibe. I ended up using bits of it in another fic though, so it wasn't all a waste!
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)? I try to find a natural stopping point, but typically I don't write chaptered fics. I think of my 149 on Ao3 only like 15 of them are chaptered, maybe less.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? I've made myself WEEP while writing and weep again while rereading later.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why? I was a little nervous to share it hurts to hope for more because it was a really important fic to me (and really personal to me in some ways). I didn't want people to hate it because it felt so close to my heart.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.) I don't think I'll ever finish this fic so I'll share a bit here. When I saw on the fandom wiki that Eddie and Buck were actually probably the same age (1991/1992) I started a fic that's a snippet of each of their lives at the same time period. This is from the Eddie - 18 section.
There was a little plus sign on three separate pregnancy tests. Eddie rests his head on the bathroom counter, hunching over from where he’s sitting on the edge of the bathtub in Shannon’s bathroom. To her credit, Shannon looks like she’s holding it together more than he is. He was leaving for basic in a month and a half, she was supposed to be moving out of state for college in two.  Eddie took a deep breath, then another, before looking up at Shannon again. Her eyes were red rimmed, but otherwise she looked composed. He pushed down the fear that was threatening to crawl out of his chest, up his throat, and out of his mouth and instead said, “Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back.” “I want to keep it,” Shannon said after a beat.  “Okay, then we keep it,” Eddie reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. “What do we do now?” “I have no fucking idea,” Shannon half laughed, half sobbed. Eddie stood up and wrapped her in a hug, holding her to his chest. 
Fan Fic Writer Asks
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witch-riot · 2 years
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I went to visit Octopus Books in Ottawa’s Glebe neighbourhood. Hoping some poetry will be just what I need for my end of year reads.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Feb. 5 (UPI) -- A Beijing court handed Australian writer Yang Hengjun a suspended death sentence on Monday, Foreign Minister Penny Wong of Australia said, some five years after he was detained in China on national security charges.
Wong confirmed the suspended sentence in a statement, saying the Australian government understands that if Yang does not commit any serious crimes in the next two years it could be commuted to life imprisonment.
"This is harrowing news for Dr. Yang, his family and all who have supported him," she said.
Novelist, blogger, former Chinese diplomat and outspoken critic of the Beijing government, Yang was detained in China in January 2019. U.S. officials have said that he was held incommunicado for several months until he was formally arrested that August and was charged two months later as a spy.
His closed-door trial was scheduled for May 27, 2021, and Monday's announcement follows repeated delays, Australian officials said.
"This period has been extraordinarily difficult. Like so many Australians, I am moved by Dr. Yang's strength, and the strength of his family and friends," Wong said.
She said the Australian government has consistently advocated for Yang at the highest levels of the Chinese government and that they will continue "to press for Dr. Yang's interests and wellbeing, including appropriate medical treatment and provide consular assistance to him and his family"
"We will not relent in our advocacy," she said.
Foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin confirmed the sentenced on Monday, stating he was found guilty of espionage and that along with being sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve the Second Intermediate People's Court of Beijing ordered his personal property be confiscated, the state-run Global Times tabloid reported.
Australia has repeatedly raised concerns over Yang's detention and health, as well as having called on the Chinese authorities to explain the charges against him and to demand his immediate release.
In May 2021 when the start date of his closed-door trial was announced, then-foreign minister Marise Payne of Australia said Yang has had no access to his family and limited or delayed access to his legal representation.
The U.S. 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices concerning China states Yang was interrogated more than 300 times "at all hours of day and night, for four to five hours at a time."
"After arbitrary detention, torture, unfair trial, this heavy sentence is alarming," Maya Wang, interim China director at Human Rights Watch, said Monday on X.
"Even more outrageous is that Yang may have been punished for being a China critic."
Australian Member of Parliament with the Liberal Party described Yang's sentence as a tool designed to intimidate defenders of democracy and free speech.
"The fate of Dr. Yang Hengjun matters to all of us," he said in a statement on X. "Securing his freedom must be a line in the sand."
Yang was detained a month after the Asian nation arrested Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor also on national security charges in what was widely seen as retaliation over Ottawa's arrest of Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou.
Spavor and Kovrig were released in September 2021, shortly after Canada released Meng.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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On January 11th 1940 the Author John Buchan died.
Born in Perth, the son of a minister, John Buchan had two careers, first as a politician and secondly as a writer. He studied law at Glasgow and Oxford Universities. He performed well in a government post in South Africa in the aftermath of the Boer War and later became war correspondent for the Times newspaper in the First World War.
He was appointed Governor General of Canada in 1935 and was highly regarded in that role. He became Baron Tweedsmuir in 1936 and died in Ottawa in 1940.
His career as the author of adventure stories began in 1910 with "Prester John" set in Africa and "The Thirty-Nine Steps", set partly in Scotland, appeared in 1915. He published 30 novels as well as biographies of the Marquis of Montrose and Sir Walter Scott.
The pic shows Buchan in a war bonnet used by a chief of the Blood Tribe on the plains of Canada. Chief of the Blood Tribe at this time was Shot-Both-Sides and the bonnet belonged to him.
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mywifeleftme · 2 months
355: Motörhead // No Remorse
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No Remorse Motörhead 1984, Bronze
I heard British comics writer Warren Ellis tell a story about hearing a horrible banging in the hallway outside his flat late one night in the mid-1980s. When he poked his head outside to give the noisenik hell he discovered Lemmy wandering around smacking the walls with a wooden cooking spoon. After he managed to get the metal legend’s attention, Lemmy waved the implement at him and snarled, “You ever hear of a coke spoon? This is my coke spoon!”
This past Friday, I talked to a 50-something punk named Joey P who has 26 Motörhead records on vinyl (including the coveted leatherbound version of No Remorse). If you ever want to have a long conversation with Joey P, I recommend starting with a riff on if Ronnie James Dio was a mob-connected / Rat Pack wiseguy, and then letting him go into antiquarian detail on which Motörhead records are kind of underrated (Another Perfect Day), underrated (Bastards), and really underrated (1916). Love that guy, and I think he’s mostly right. 26 is probably too many Motörhead records even for me, but they are one of those long-running, very sonically consistent bands who turn their deepest fans into sommeliers. I can hold forth about the subtle differences in tasting notes between an Ace of Spades and an Iron Fist (let alone a departure like Orgasmatron!) while an outsider looks doubtfully into their two indistinguishable cups of Jack and Coke. A band like this gives men of a certain age a way to sniff each other over when they meet in a clearing, a low-impact ritual of butting heads.
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For years I remembered a story I thought one of my friends had told me about running into Lemmy at the Dominion Tavern in Ottawa towards the end of his life. He was miserably drinking white wine on his doctor’s orders, not looking for conversation. The image always struck me as both funny (I cannot imagine the house wine at the Dom having a nice finish), and sad (the day Lemmy Goddamn Kilmister lets anyone tell him he can’t have whiskey!). I think I’ve repeated it once or twice over the years as an example of how age mellows us all, but when I asked the pal I thought had told me, she denied it (though she did add that her ex told her Lemmy’d gone to see “the rippers in Aylmer once”). So, I dunno, maybe he escaped the fate of the Dom Chardonnay.
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Speaking of fate, Lemmy was a damned sharp fellow beneath all the drugging and boozing (who else could’ve written the lyric “Fourth day, five-day marathon / We’re moving like a parallelogram”), and he rightly figured his label had pitched doing a hits compilation in 1984 because they thought the band was washed up. (The limp sales and savage critical reaction to Another Perfect Day having had something to do with that.) Kilmister insisted on inserting a side’s worth of new songs onto the double LP comp to emphasize that Motörhead remained very much a going concern. Of the four, only the brilliantly dumb “Killed By Death” became a classic in its own right, but the new tracks showed the band were still capable of churning out the sound that had defined them with undiminished ferocity. They never lost it.
I do know a woman who hooked up with Lemmy towards the end of his life (if anything in rock and roll can be believed, she had about 1,000 peers. It was like a more pleasant [?] Germs burn). They went home from the bar in Montreal and drank whiskey, and then she split in the morning without leaving her number. She thought the story was funny and I thought not leaving a number was a pretty good flex, but at the end she still gave a bit of a wistful, “I know he probably wouldn’t have called me anyway…”
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Lemmy picked the songs for No Remorse himself, and even provides short annotations in the liners, so if you’re going to quibble with the selections, you’ll have to take it up with the mole man. (As he says of “Like a Nightmare,” a left-field inclusion, “This was one of my favourite B-sides. Everyone didn’t like it, but seeing as I’m the only one of the old band left, here it is!!”) There are a load of Motörhead compilations out there (I’m partial to 2000’s lavish, oddly-sequenced double-CD The Best of, since it’s the one I had as a kid), and as Joey P will tell you, they did lots of good stuff after 1984. But if 1) you only need one Motörhead record on wax, 2) you’re mostly into the original lineup, and 3) you want something reasonably comprehensive, No Remorse is a no-brainer. It has a few relative duds (“Louie, Louie”) and lacks some absolute classics (“Dead Men Tell No Tales”; “Tear Ya Down”; “City Kids”; “Love Me Like a Reptile”; “White Line Fever” etc. etc.) but why complain given the teeth-rattling abundance there is? As Lemmy says, “Here is Motörhead as you’ve come to expect them. Write your opinion on a Beatle wig and send it to someone who gives a damn. Even if you get us banned, we ain’t gonna stop!”
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Motörhead were obviously a legendary live act, and they were my first metal show (on a bill at Detroit’s Pine Knob with Dio and Iron Maiden). They played a lot of arenas, but they made the most sense in small theatres. Bigger venues tend to dwarf them, like a small motorcycle gang trying to take over a castle. In a theatre, or better yet a bar, they own the place like The Wild Ones. I don’t remember much specific from their Pine Knob set, except that before closing with “Ace of Spades,” a song Lem was famously bored of playing every night, he told us all, “You’ll know this one, sing along if you want, I won’t be able to hear you anyway,” and then abruptly launched into that hellbent bass riff. Then he disappeared (probably there was some walking beforehand, couldn’t tell you for sure).
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Lemmy’s funeral was livestreamed back in 2015, and it’s genuinely one of the sweetest, silliest things I have ever watched. The altar features flower arrangements in the shape of the ace of spades; an iron cross in place of a crucifix; two Marshall stacks; a pair of Triple H’s wrestling boots; a 3D-printed urn in the shape of his cavalry hat; and a mirror with a big line of speed on it. Everybody cries, many of them the sort of people the PMRC would’ve expected to burst into flames if they were to enter a church. Everybody talks about how genuinely nice he was. His girlfriend Cheryl, a job that earns you instant and eternal That Poor Woman status from all who observe, gives a super brief statement: “Lemmy loved me, but his greatest love was his fans and his music. I remember saying, ‘Baby, stay home, don’t go, skip this tour. And he said, ‘Baby, I can’t. I love my fans.’” (Imagine that being an interaction between two genuine living people—yet I believe it.) Apparently, he was an absolute pinball fiend. His bootmaker gives a speech. Somebody reads some limericks Lem wrote. What a life. What a story.
“Can’t get enough / And you know it’s some righteous stuff / Goes up like prices at Christmas! / Motörhead / Remember me now / Motörhead, alright"
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allthingsroleplay · 2 months
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We The North invites you to immerse yourself in Chevalier, a vibrant metropolis bridging Toronto and Ottawa, where a bullet train accelerates connections and opportunities. In this multicultural hub of innovation, diversity thrives, welcoming characters of all backgrounds and identities. With a supportive community, flexible activity checks, and a focus on collaborative storytelling, join us in crafting narratives that resonate on a platform built by and for passionate writers.
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