#Queen of the Tides
cactusfinch · 1 year
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The Atelier Couture ‘Paradise’ Bridal Couture Collection
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kadecre · 2 years
From the glossy images printed on crisp paper, Fukouka looked beautiful at night.
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dragondreamers · 4 months
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kosemsultanim · 21 days
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Alicent Hightower's Costumes in Season 1 of House of the Dragon requested by anonymous
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i-lavabean · 3 months
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Beauty and the Bees
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juniper-clan · 2 months
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Moon 14: Birth of Venus
(AKA the twins!)
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dyingroses · 1 year
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newwavesylviaplath · 10 days
the only thing i'm thinking abt rn is how much i love vampires. they're my fave ever like yes please come inside and suck my blood. make yourself at home. do u want something to eat before you drain my entire body? maybe we can go out for some dinner! yeah haha sorta like a date i guess. i mean- would you be into that orrr
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greenqueenhightower · 8 months
Ok but when Viserys was giving his "let us set aside our grievances" speech and everyone was called to toast one another, I was expecting him to start it off by saying something nice to Alicent that would show his gratitude for all her care and attention, but NO.
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toukacifer · 9 months
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Está hecho! Casi muero haciendo esto, pero creo que valió la pena 😀
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driftwoodthrone · 2 years
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"The word of my house is not fickle." EVE BEST as RHAENYS TARGARYEN in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON S01E09 “The Green Council”
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pangeen · 1 year
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“ Queen's Bath “ // blue5011b
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coiaf · 2 years
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Season 1 ep.8: “The Lord of the Tides
Happy HotD day! A little late, but here's this past week's "comic" for The Lord Of The Tides (cutting it close, I know)
Looking forward to tonight's episode The Green Council to see what shenanigans the Shady Bunch tries to pull
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dragondreamers · 4 months
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house of the dragon locations: royal chambers (3/3)
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i-lavabean · 3 months
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asherbakugou · 1 month
Valyrian Demingods of Westeros - Son of Caraxes
High Tide was lit by the brilliant flashes of lightning dancing in the sky, as her white walls were pelted with heavy rainfall. Within her walls, one could hear the screams of Princess Rhaenyra as she gave birth to another child, just over a year after the birth of Princess Alyssa.
Prince Jacaerys would be turning three within a few scarce months with Princess Alyssa's birthday following only 3 months later. Both were being cared for by their grandparents, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, as their father, Ser Laenor, supported her in the birthing room.
Unfortunately King Viserys, Queen Alicent and their children had stayed behind in the Red Keep, believing that Princess Rhaenyra would be able to return to give birth. But a storm had halted their ship, and the little one was quite excited to emerge during the storm.
Bouncing Alyssa in her arms, Rhaenys stood by the window and was witness to the spectacle as the sea calmed and the storm abated within moments, bringing forth the slightest hint of the sun. "Corlys," Rhaenys whispered, awed by the spectacle.
Her husband joined her, curious smto see what had his wife so shocked, only to be shocked as well. "The storm . . . I have never seen one stop so suddenly," Corlys admitted. Alyssa giggled, curling close to her grandmother peer over her shoulder.
Sat on the floor, Jacaerys stared back, smiling happily. "He's here," Jace said, climbing to his feet as Alyssa nodded.
"'Uke!" She cried in delight as the door was opened by a guard. The maid bowed, hair in complete dissaray and panting heavily.
"The Princess . . . the babe . . . a boy . . . both healthy," The maid gasped.
Rhaenys and Corlys stared at their grandchildren who were looking back at them expectantly. Genuinly confused as to how the children had known, they picked then up and carried then to the birthing room where they were greeted by a slightly frazzled looking Laenor, an exhausted Rhaenyra, and a babe swaddled in Velaryon blue-green silk cradled within his fathers arms.
Dmiling, Laenor held out his arms so the four could look, "Father, Mother. Alyssa, Jacaerys. I would like to introduce you to the future Lord of the Tides, the Heir to Driftmark and High Tide, Lucerys Velaryon, blessed by the storms and the tides themselves."
"What?" Rhaenys asked, eyes going wide as Laenor gently manuevered a little arm out of the swaddle, revealing a birthmark in the shape of Caraxes, the God of the Seas, Water, and Storms, mark. 4 stars facing the cardinal directions with a singular star in the center and ancient rune across the pale center of the star.
Corlys glanced down to Jacaerys, who hair barely hid his own crown shaped sigil with the rune for Justice upon the center and the runes for king on the sides, just as Rhaenys glanced to Alyssa, whose mark was weirwood branches along her collarbone that formed a circle at the hollow of her throat with rune for peace inside said circle alongside a feather and torch.
"Laenor," Rhaenys began, gaze sharp but worried. "Why do all three of your children have birthmarks in the shape of the sigils of Arrax, Tyraxes, and Caraxes?"
Two sets of eyes stared widely at her, nervous. Rhaenyra shifted, wincing at the pain as Laenor looled around the room so he wouldn't meet the eyes of his parents.
Laenor's gaze snapped to Corlys at his tone, a fire gathering in their depths. "You forced us to seek out other methods for I to give Rhaenyra trueborn children. We found a method and now you have three heirs for grandchildren. That is all you need to know. I will be taking mt children now, they need to get to know their new brother, if you would excuse us."
His clear dismissal hurt but they put down his children and left, unsure of what to do, except send a letter to the King and his family to inform them of the new birth.
In King's Landing, within the Red Keep, Queen Alicent and her children were forced to listen to King Viserys read the letter aloud.
'Dear Cousin,
You will be most disappointed to hear that Rhaenyra was unable to give birth in the Red Keep, but she gave birth during one of the worst storms Driftmark has likely ever seen. When her son was born the sky calmed, the rain stopped, and the tides receded and everything was peaceful as if there had never been a storm in the first place.
We are delighted to send word of the birth of Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Heir to Driftmark, and future Lord of the Tides. Born with the Velaryon locks, eyes, and skin, we can only wait for his skills at sailing to emerge like his brother and sister's skills did.
Rhaenyra and the children are all doing well. She has spoke of the ease she has felt here on Driftmark and have told her that our home will always be open for her, no matter the circunstances. We are unsure of when she will return but it will likely be upon dragon back so I, Rhaenys, shall go as well so they don't have to carry two toddlers at once.
The Targaryen-Velaryon grows ever larger with the births of Prince Lucerys and the previous births of Lady Baela and Lady Rhaena.
Congratulations cousin on earning another grandchild.
Yours in blood, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, Lord Velaryon'
The absolute joy the man expressed at the ketter had the Queen picking at her nails, even as her children just watched or ate, content to ignore their father as he did them. She hated Princess Rhaenyra for birthing yet another child with the Valyrian features, but she did not understand the tidings it brought.
Yet another blessed child to aid the Blacks and the future of House Targaryen.
Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Second of His Name, Heir to Driftmark, Future Lord of the Tides, Stormborn, Undrowned, the Sea Dragon, the Sailor, the Red Star, had been born.
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