#She'll head somewhere deep where few can find her
oculusxcaro · 10 months
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When Khare's mutation advances to the point that it can no longer be hidden, she will straight up vanish off the face of the earth, quitting her job at Pauli's Diner with a quick phonecall before abandoning her apartment in the dead of night. Everything she owns will be left behind in a hurry, other than the few items that could identify her which will promptly be destroyed and dumped into Gotham Bay before she heads deep into the sewers, only daring to venture out on rare occasions for the things she needs until she can no longer pretend she's even human.
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
Jaytim half sibling au, where tim is catherine and willis todd's biological child. They put him up for adoption because they felt they couldn't support more than one child. Jason was only two or three at the time, and only has vague memories of his mommy's tummy being big.
Maybe tim always knew he was adopted, but didn't care much, other than the odd daydream when he was lonely. He loved his parents, so he mostly fantasized about long lost brothers or sisters.
Idk how this would progress into jaytim, but I feel like this is a deep well for exploring Jason's mommy kink lol (imagine if tim has her smile)
👀👀👀👀 okay so i had a jaytim thread fic about tim and jason being biological fraternal twin brothers here!!!
but here tim knowing he's adopted and always being curious about the family he would've had if his bio parents kept him. it had been a closed adoption. willis had insisted, told catherine it would make things easier because they couldn't afford another child. not when jason was already such a big expense, plus at least with the adoption they'd recieve some money and that would keep their heads above water for the meanwhile. catherine, of course, knows willis is right. she knows they can't afford another baby. but...this is the first baby she's ever carried and now she has to give them up. it takes a toll on her. jason recalls years later never really knowing what pushed his mom into her drug habit. as far back as he could remember he knew she'd been self medicating with drugs and alcohol. he thought his dad had been the reason. he'd hardly been a very pleasant person to be around. an asshole even. but...never a wifebeater. jason had always just sort of assumed his dad was the cause because he knows his old man had been a dealer at some point. jason only knew that because willis had harshly cautioned him against going down that path. it was one of the few times willis had tried to parent him by pulling jason by his ear away from a group of older boys that hung around a stoop across the street and harshly scolding him.
catherine never quite gets over losing her child. the only thing she has is the birth certificate and some papers from the agency that had set everything up. its what sits at the bottom of some forgotten box long after she has died and so has willis. it gather and collects dust in the closet of the apartment in the building jason grew up in. and it won't be until decades that jason scouts out the condemned building, feeling some sense of nostalgia as he determines the amount of work that needs to go into fixing the whole building up so that it can house new families. jason goes into that old one bedroom apartment, runs his fingers through the thick layer of dust. odds and end furniture that was never thrown out because that old landlord had never been able to find a new tenant after jason's dad was locked up and his mom died and no one was left to pay rent.
jason stumbling across that box, going through it, finding an odd set of papers and just...staring. remembering being two, nearly three and recalling how he'd press his ear to his mom's tummy and giggling along with her at the feeling of something pressing against his hand. its just bits and flashes like how its around the time his mom started on a downward spiral that ended up killing her.
jason finally figuring out this was the reason why. that somewhere out there was a little sibling he'd never known.
maybe he can't go to barbara with this because she'll likely spill to dick or run to bruce to tell on him. jason's options are limited and so he turns to the only other detective that might be discrete about it.
tim helping jason with his search because the adoption agency has long since shut down and were active during the time of paper record keeping.
the two of them growing slowly closer, getting to know each other better. jason thinking tim's not as bad as he thought he was that sometimes...tim might even...remind him of his mom.
he dismisses it because it was that visit to his apartment that makes him all sentimental...makes him think of his mom more often and the good times they had together like her warm laugh and the soft skin of her hand. and sometimes...when jason is dead tired and tim's is the closest place to crash...sometimes....tim does those little things that make the kid part of jason's brain just melt because his mommy is there.
jason and tim starting to sleep together and the the absolute ice bucket chill that hits them both when tim manages to track down the couple that adopted jason's sibling and it's jack and janet drake 👀👀👀
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jpitha · 5 days
Between the Black and Grey 46
First / Previous / Next
"-is open!"
Before Stormy could finish warning Northern, the ship linked to somewhere else in space. Detecting hard vacuum, the open airlock slammed shut.
"Where's Fen??"
"She's not aboard Northern. She must have jumped out right as we linked away."
"We have to link back!"
"No Northern. There's no way we can link back that accurately. Best case we'd appear outside the ship and be ripped to shreds by their point defense."
Zhe looked up. "What's the worst case?"
"We'd link back half in the ship and half in space.
They were silent a moment, imaging that. Back in the early days of wormhole technology, people experimented with how precisely they could link. It turns out that calculating an exact point in space in a constantly moving universe is difficult. The further you link, the harder it is. There is a realistic limit of a few kilo-lights just because the variation on where you'd wind up is so great you might end up in the next star system over. Or worse, inside a gas giant.
"Okay, so no linking back. What do we do about Fen?"
"I'm afraid we're going to have to leave her there for now Zhe. There's no way we can rescue her right now. I think we should stick to the plan and find Gord and let him know what we learned."
Crossing her arms, Northern sat into the command chair - Fen's chair - hard. "I don't like it, but I agree with Stormy. There's nothing we can do right now."
She looked over at Zhe. "Don't worry. We'll get her back. I promise."
Zhe turned to face Northern. Her large, expressive ears and wide eyes meant for collecting low light in the forests of their homeland stared at her. Her cat-like ears flicked, and she nodded - a human gesture. "I trust you, Northern. We'll do it your way for now." She turned back to her station and then after a moment, back to Northern. "How are we going to find Gord?"
At that, Northern smiled, "I have a hunch I know where he is. Stormy are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I am, Northern, but what about bringing the BI?"
"It'll be fine. It's not like she'll be able to lead anyone back." Northern waved her hand dismissively. "She won't even be the first BI there."
"BI?" Zhe's eyebrows raised questioningly.
"Biological Intelligence. You call us AIs, we call you BIs." Stormy answered. "It's not an insult... most of the time."
"Okay, but where are we going and why would I not be allowed?"
"It's..." Stormy paused, searching for the words. "It's a place that is supposed to be just for us. Somewhere we can exist outside of the empire's influence, outside of their attacks."
"Oh." Zhe's brow furrowed for a moment. "Would it be better if you dropped me off on the Heap?"
"You don't want to come?" Northern's eyebrows raised.
"No, I do, but I also don't want to cause more problems. You could drop me off, and send a beacon when you have things figured out. I'm sure Dad has some work for me. Now that I've run with a crew he'll probably let me sign on for more jobs."
Northern shook her head. "Nonsense! You can come along with us Zhe. It will be fine."
"But what about-" Stormy interjected.
"It will be fine."
"If you say so." Stormy didn't sound so sure.
Stormy Days linked back into space deep dark of interstellar space. Zhe got on the scanners and searched. "Where are we Stormy, there isn't anything here?"
"Look harder, Zhe. Search for something running slightly higher than ambient, about a million klicks out."
"I still don't see... hold on!" Zhe fiddles with her console. "I see a large structure, way bigger than any Starjumper, nearly the size of an orbital, or a... colony ship?"
"That's what we're looking for, I'll set a course."
"What is it?" Zhe looks up from the console at the large screen. At this distance, even with high magnification it just looks like a mass of darkness among the stars.
Northern chuckles. "Originally? It was the human colony ship Mt. Baxter. Sometime in their flight, they passed through a gamma ray burst and everyone died. A group of AIs found the ship coasting through space and slowed it down. Now, it's... a safe place for us. If we can say anywhere truly is 'home' for us, this place is Home."
Zhe watched as they flew in. As they flew closer and closer, points of activity would flare, scan them, and then go dark again. A few times, she noticed that as they went dark the points would start moving. Point defense that always changed positions. The people that lived here did not want uninvited visitors.
The second thing she noticed was the size. She had never seen... anything in space this large short of the largest orbitals, like the ones the Humans had in Sol. High Mars Hyacinth was larger, but only just. This structure was easily thirty kilometers long and ten in diameter. It was also rotating slowly.
Other than the intense security, getting in was simple. Stormy apparently knew what to say when and to whom, and all the defenses stood down, and when they reached the massive structure, a door on the side - large enough to swallow a Starjumper - opened, and they slid inside.
The hangar for the former colony ship was equally massive. Zhe estimated it was fully a quarter of the ship. Docked along the edge were ships of all shapes and sizes. Most people know about the Starjumpers - the ancient human ships meant to soar between stars before wormhole generators were built - and the dreadnoughts - the massive warships built on a Starjumper chassis but bristling with weapons. Zhe couldn't believe the variety of ships here. All kinds of shapes and colors and designs! All were docked here in neat rows.
Stormy led them to an open space near the middle of the dock and gently guided them in. As they got close, she swung the ship around on the maneuvering jets to orient with the 'floor' of the massive structure and they set down with a light bump. Among the clanks and thumps of docking and the whirring of unknown things, Stormy walked out into the Command Deck. "Come on, Gord said he's going to meet us."
At the end of the airlock, a small runabout waited for them. They climbed in and puttered towards the entry to the structure proper. Sure enough, Gord was standing, waiting for them, his brow furrowed and his arms crossed.
"Stormy gave me the broad strokes. Helen took Fen?" Gord looked over them. "Oh, hello Zhe. Welcome Home."
"Uh, thanks Gord. Don't worry, I'll keep your secret."
"I never worried about it." Gord's eyebrow raised just a tiny bit. "Come on, let's get out of this hall."
He led them into a large open space, filled with open areas, plenty of seating, plants, and other pieces of nature. Zhe could have sworn she heard running water.
Striding quickly, he led them further and further into the structure. Zhe didn't know much about human architecture, but all of this felt old. There was something about the halls, the lighting, the furniture that made the place seem ancient. It might have been the fact that there were hardly any people. As they walked Zhe looked around and maybe saw fifty people total. In a place as large as this, she imagined you could go days without seeing anyone if you wanted.
Gord approached a large, heavy looking door. Nearly an airlock, but they were deep inside the structure. He stood in front of a panel, obstructing the view, and after a second, it slid open. "In here please." He gestured. Northern, Stormy, and Zhe walked in, but instantly the door slammed shut on them.
Lights flicked on in the room, and there was a large table, comfortable looking chairs and a pitcher of water. Along one wall was a series of paintings, they looked like Earth to Zhe, at least what she knew of it from videos and images. The other side was a large, thick window. Gord stood on the other side of it, glowering.
"I apologize for this, but you three are most likely contaminated from your contact with Fen and Helen. We're already cleansing Fen's frigate and if I can't get complete assurances that every single nanoparticle is gone, I will not hesitate to dump it and destroy it."
Stormy sighed and fell into one of the chairs. She spun another around and put her legs on it, crossing them. Northern sat at the other end and tilted the seat all the way back, looking at the ceiling. Zhe remained in front of the window. "How long will we have to stay here, Gord?"
"As long as it takes, Zhe. We're not well equipped to meet the needs of BIs here, but we're busily printing facilities for you, and we'll be able to print up some compatible food. It won't be cuisine, but it'll keep you alive."
"But what about Fen? She was captured!"
"According to Stormy, she opened the airlock herself and jumped out right as you were escaping Helen's dreadnought." He turned his back on Zhe. "She hardly was captured."
"Gord, you don't meant that! You know that she had the Nanites, they must have made her do it!" Zhe sniffed and her large eyes welled. "She wouldn't do that on her own! You're not going to go get her?"
Gord took one large step towards the window and loomed over Zhe. His anger clear in the tinny speakers overhead. "And how, Zhe, would you like me to do that? Do you know how many AIs are here?"
Zhe shrank back from Gord as he glared. "Uh, I counted around fifty people?"
Gord sighed and - seemingly realizing what he was doing - took a step back. "There are sixty eight of us. More than there's been in centuries, but still, not an invasion force."
"But, all those ships-"
Gord strode back up to the window and shouted,"Are empty Zhe! They haven't moved in centuries. Bare husks, waiting for their AIs who will never come." He started pacing. "The Empire murdered us, Zhe. I was carrying around a duffle that carried the memory cores of every AI I could find. The fact that you and Fen managed to find two more than I had no idea were even alive is frankly amazing."
"So all these people are..."
"Are new bodies I had printed for them with Spyglass' help. They're all old friends, and they are traumatized, Zhe." Gord continued pacing. "I said we were going after the Nanites, but we just don't have anything to send after them. What can we do?"
"You have Meredith and her retinue! You have the Empress of Sol."
"Hah. Empress of nothing. We've already heard the news, Helen has declared herself Empress Regent. She's wasting no time at all consolidating her power. Meredith and her friends are just six humans among trillions. Meredith has a hard enough time staying sober." He shakes his head sadly. "I had no idea her ship was so well stocked."
Zhe sat down heavily. "So that's it then. You're going to hide."
Gord nodded. "Yup. Seems to be the most prudent course of action. I may have talked a big game before, but I was caught up in the moment." He chuckled a bit. "I think it's Fen. Something about her causes people to think that the impossible might just be possible. Now that she's captured though, who knows. Helen will probably declare her 'Empress' and rule from the shadows. The Nanites will get what they want, and we'll wait it out. I'm old Zhe. It's not the first time I had to lay low for a few centuries."
Northern lifted her head and looked at Gord. "Actually, we learned more about the Nanites from Fen before she... left. They consume energy and come from a universe without a lot. They entered ours as a way to look for other universes."
Gord turns his head slowly and regards Northern. She's sitting at the table, leaning back, her face long and her hair rumpled. Even though most AIs don't really have to sleep, it can have a restorative effect and some do. Northern looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. "They do what?" His voice was barely above a whisper.
"They consume energy. Fen said most of their civilization is around a white hole in their universe. She said they weren't planning on consuming this universe, just using it to look for another."
"And you believed them? Northern why would they spend all this effort building empires and making people make Gates if they were just going to look for another Universe? Why do they need our Universe at all except as a source of power. Fuck." Gord swore.
While they were speaking, a person came up to Gord. She was tall, with long silvery hair. She looked familiar to Zhe, she might have been with Gord before. She couldn't remember her name though. They couldn't hear what was said - Gord turned off the mic - but she saw his face contort and he was clearly angry. He said something sharply to her. She nodded once, sharply, turned on her heel and walked out.
"Fen's ship is contaminated. The Nanite concentration is too high to easily contain, so we're going to purge. I'm sorry folks, but the ship it too dangerous to leave. You can't get your stuff from it either. We'll print you some clothes and a new pad and things." Gord glanced down to his own pad as he was talking. "Ah, and it seems you are contaminated as well Zhe."
"Me??" Zhe's ears were high and taut, facing forward, her tail poofed out involuntarily.
"Yes, you have a high concentration of Nanites. I'm surprised you haven't been feeling the effects of them." Gord looks up at her and narrows her eyes. "You haven't been feeling the effects of Nanites, have you, Zhe?"
"I wouldn't even know what it would feel like. I never even knew they existed until recently."
"Hmm." Gord's fingers danced over his pad and he concentrated intensely on it for a moment. "Okay. Look. If you were anyone else, we'd just kill you, and be done with it. But you're friends with Fen-" Gord gestured "-and Northern and Stormy. They're contaminated too, but we can just offload them and get them new bodies. They're already uploaded. We can't do that to you." Gord shuddered slightly. "Never again. Anyway, we're going to try something."
Before Zhe could say anything there was heavy clunk, and vents popped open in the ceiling. Heavy black smoke poured into the room, pooling onto the floor. When the smoke touched Zhe, it felt almost thick, like water, but was still some kind of smoke or vapor.
As soon as the smoke touched Zhe, she lost control over her limbs, she lept onto the table and crouched down low, snarling at Gord. "You think you can defeat us? We have had millions of years. You're barely three thousand yeas old. You have no chance."
'Zhe' looked back at Stormy and Northern and sure enough, they looked lifeless. She peered closer and she saw that both were in their same positions as before leaning back head on the back of the chair.... with ten fine wires leading from the chair to the back of their heads.
"They're long gone. Don't worry about them. We'll have new bodies printed up in a day or two." Gord looked again at his pad and adjusted something. "I swear, keeping you alive through this is going to be a hassle. I hope I can see Fen again just do I can gloat to her about this."
'Zhe' felt the room grow heavier. Gord had adjusted the gravity. She was pulled onto the table and as she struggled the smoke rose higher and higher until it touched the rest of her. As she screamed, it poured into her mouth.
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lepusrufus · 7 months
I'm starved for theories and hcs and analysis of the blorbos so fine, I'll do it myself. Have some random gritty edgy hcs of Sombra because I'm bored and want to bug my followers with the brainrot
Sombra is a lot less prone to violence than most of Talon, but she also looks extremely apathetic to it on a surface level. She's been scouring and has seen the deepest, most fucked up and disgusting corners the internet has to offer. She's so desensitized to it all that sometimes even she has to take a step back and wonder what the fuck is wrong with her. Sometimes she ends up in deep rabbit holes without even meaning to, just because she can, but suddenly she's trying to find the source of a website selling the shadiest most unsafe spine implants and will need to get up and grab a coffee. (Maybe take Moira's example and steal some of her Irish coffee)
Being the one committing violent crimes is a bit of a different can of worms. Sombra is not usually a field agent and even when she is, that implies mostly staying hidden somewhere away from the fight and taking care of any security that could get in their way. Sure, the gun is there and she'll use it if needed, but she'd rather not.
In a similar vein, she has a very odd way of showing compassion (and has a particular soft spot for young kids in shitty situations). Sombra would find the most disgusting thing hidden somewhere on the web and bury herself neck deep in it to get rid of whoever is responsible. She'll get out of it without as much as a metaphorical scrap, sure, but there's only so many times she can pull this off without it getting to her.
The Implants in her head pretty much connect her brain to the whole wide internet. She's not concerned about anyone compromising her through it, with all the meticulously thought out security she put in place, but it still has its side effects. Sure, she has access to any and all data at any time, but with the amount of misleading and contradictory information you can find even through the simplest google search, she has to always be careful what she picks as true or false, to the point where she sometimes doubts even the simplest little facts. At least she got really good at recognizing lies.
Having any and all information at her fingertips is both a blessing and a curse. She can know anything on anyone in a matter of seconds but on the flip side she rarely gets to truly come in contact with the world if not through a pink tinted screen. She gets wrapped in her own head around motives and data and the inner workings of everything that she sometimes forgets that people are, at the end of the day, people and they will sometimes be unpredictable just because. It made her a bit of a paranoid mess throughout the years and despide how well she can hide it, constantly being on the lookout for something is beyond exhausting.
The implants on her spine are old. They're still very much functioning as they should be, but the one person that did them had died years ago and, without being able to do any tinkering on her own back by herself, Sombra didn't have any major parts of it replaced or updated like the rest of her tech. The knowledge that one day it's bound to malfunction and she'll be left to scramble for a way to fix it looms over her every single time she puts a little too much strain on the mechanical parts of her body and feels a little warning tingle of electricity running down her spine.
Less related to any body modifications, but i think we can all agree that she has the most fucked up sleep schedule in the universe. Sometimes she'll sleep for 12 hours straight. Sometimes she won't sleep for 3 days. Whether it's because she's working on something important or because sleep simply seems to elude her matters little, she'll still be holed up in her bedroom with a few screens floating around her and a pair of headphones blasting too loud music.
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deathsbestgirl · 8 months
okay here goes: never again & the cancer arc.
a little more in depth? than what i've already posted lol
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never again opens with scully sitting in the basement office, contemplating where she fits, where she is in "their" office. she's holding mulder's nameplate and the first thing she says to him, after he ranted about having to take vacation, is "why don't i have a desk?"
he doesn't seem to understand why she's asking, where it's coming from and answers glibly, sarcastically. she's not happy with his answer. so she just...moves on, asking what he wants her to do while he's gone.
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in the first scene, we saw scully not paying attention while their informant talked to mulder. she's looking at a memorial, the messages & gifts people left for a lost loved one. she takes a wilting flower petal.
season 4 has been tense. they've dealt with some twisted cases, she was held in contempt, she couldn't protect mulder or give him what he needed or stop him making a huge mistake in paper hearts. skinner was disappointed in her. they also had one of their most ridiculous cases in el mundo gira, an episode i know is commonly disliked. i don't necessarily enjoy it either but there are a few lines that really grabbed my attention.
it's about immigrants, who avoid the government at all costs in fear of deportation or jail (maybe worse). but they're mostly invisible. they're hired for cheap labor, but that's the most they're noticed for. their deaths & lives aren't a concern to this country.
scully is able to find the cause, but the two men infected & spreading the deadly fungus escape. they escape because they're "invisible"
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scully wasn't there for mulder's conversation with lozano, but her statement at the end echos what lozano says in a way. when they first arrived, scully waved her badge around completely not understanding how she would be received in a migrant community as a federal agent. she made the same assumptions lozano did. but she follows mulder's lead, and the science, and the truth lands somewhere in the middle, and there isn't a satisfying conclusion to the case. yet again.
they rarely get all the answers. and even when they solve a murder, close a case — what's the cost?
i think scully sometimes feels invisible. her life is standing still. they're hidden away in the basement. she already had to fight for a place in male dominated fields. now she has to fight for the validity of the x files & mulder.
and maybe more than that, mulder doesn't always understand that scully wants to be on the x files, in the basement with him. she was assigned and he doesn't take her dedication & investment as seriously. not because he doesn't know the personal cost to her, or that she chose to stay, but because he has a hard time believing it, accepting it. he tells her several times there's life beyond the x files, to go be a doctor, she'll be head of the bureau. he never expected her to stay, to make it her life too. but she does. she chooses him & the x files over and over. and she wants him to understand, but i don't think she completely understands either.
i said once that it seemed to me scully truly realized how deep she was in with mulder in folie a deux. she was frustrated when mulder acts like he's the only one being "punished" being assigned to a case he thinks is a load of crap, but she was taking seriously. to her, it's always "we" and he acts like it's just him. he goes off without her, ends up needing her help & being right that it was a legitimate case & an x file! and in the end, she tells skinner as much as she can. she sees the zombie people. she sees the being in his room. a madness shared by two.
anyway. i think in never again she wasn't sure exactly what was bothering her, but she knew she was hitting that wall. and that's how she ended up with ed. talking about her patterns. mulder doesn't exactly fit the mold, but scully still wasn't getting what she wanted or needed. and she only calls ed for a date after mulder makes that comment.
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mulder knew she would go, even though she refused in their office. he knew exactly where to find her. he was frustrated with her in the beginning, and then he's frustrated with her again for giving up the case when following pudovkin didn't lead to anything x files related, only russian mob. he wasn't trusting her, wasn't believing her.
the last time he asked her about a date was in the jersey devil. which he interrupted and she was happy for it. she didn't take the second date. this time when he asks, she decides to go on a date. exercise some autonomy instead of doing "as told, as always"
scully wants to work on the x files with mulder and have a life. when given the choice, whenever options are presented to her, she chooses mulder every time. but she wants to feel the same in return, especially after she feels like she's failed (him).
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at ed's apartment, she doesn't want to go to the nice restaurant he got a reservation for. she wants to go the bar that's a great place to go when you're feeling crappy. because she's so obviously feeling crappy. when have we seen her seek out a date? or any other male attention? (seriously anyway, or without going back to mulder)
even though mulder isn't the typical controlling figure in her life, though he has his moments, like what's happening here...what she says about her father is true of mulder too.
she's hitting that wall, she needs to rebel. but how can she "rebel" against mulder & their work, on a illegitimate x file (lol). she rightfully hands off the case, then goes on a date, gets a tattoo and sleeps with a man who ends up trying to kill her (arguably stumbling into a real x file)
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i think scully figured out what she needed to. she doesn't seem affected by this instance of violence like she was by duane barry, her abduction or donnie pfaster. (ed had just tried to kill her and she still tries to stop him sticking his arm in the furnace. she kept appealing to him.)
she knows what she wants at the end. but mulder won't say it, and neither will she. they both know but if they can't say it, they can't be on the same page and they can't really move forward. they stay in the ouroboros, in the endless line. somehow different yet exactly the same.
mulder not finishing his sentence, refusing to repeat her words back to her, was like a nail in the coffin. they know. it is their life. their lives have become (almost) completely intertwined, they made it this way. they are each other's person, they have the same path because of the choices they make over & over.
and then: mulder starts to do something different in leonard betts.
scully has always been there when he needs her, for the work, for samantha, for his mom. mulder is always there when she's emotionally vulnerable (as far as she lets him). she says she's fine over & over, she tells him she's back & she's not going anywhere. and when it comes crashing down around her, when she can't hold the facade & he's there & steady for her, she falls apart in the safety of his arms.
[side note: it's so funny to me how scully still never has any idea what she's walking into. if we don't see a slideshow, she's going in completely blind. he always gives the case to her piece by piece.]
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this scene is just. my favorite. mulder can look at horribly disfigured bodies, he'll touch & taste anything at a crime scene. but he's disgusted when he realizes he's touching bile. he can hold it together at dismembered bodies, but would love to draw the line at touching them.
but scully asked for his help, and how often has she done that in regards to her domain on cases? i'm sure there had to be some, but i can only remember her asking mulder to smell a body in revelations.
anyway. this man is genuinely horrified at the idea of digging through a dumpster of left over body parts.
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there's nothing he wants to do less, but he does it. because she asks him to. (and it should lead them to some answers.)
later, leonard betts goes after scully. tells her "i'm sorry, but you've got something i need" after they've ascertained is brain was "riddled" with cancer, and he feeds on it, could identify it in anyone, he spent a lot of time in cancer wards, likely scavenging when he could.
scully is shaken after.
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and here, mulder doesn't understand what's bothering scully, and he does something we don't seem him do very often, if ever this outright? he explicitly tells her she did a good job, she should be proud.
i think i've said before i don't think scully lets herself feel proud very often. she craves validation, always tries to do the most, is always excited to tell mulder when she has something. here he's giving her something she should love, and she can't appreciate it because she needs to get out of there. she's terrified. another case solved, ending in death. she saved herself again. but now...she's facing the possibility of cancer. and despite being a skeptic, she believes leonard betts.
which!! we saw earlier in the episode too. when she's about to examine leonard betts' decapitated head and his eyes open & his mouth moves, almost as if whispering to her (genuinely reminds me of when she sees her father in beyond the sea) — she can't continue the autopsy. she calls mulder and he picks up on it immediately. and in this moment, she isn't particularly vulnerable. and more typically, that's when we see her believe most, when her defenses are weakened and she needs something to hold onto, or she can't bring herself to use her defenses.
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"blinked or winked?" his jokes this episode are so important to me. because never again was so tense, so leonard betts taking place after never again and before memento mori is a good cushion. he's responding to what he understood about scully after never again, and trying to bring back their usual banter. scully is still pretty annoyed with him but they're still together on this case. they disagree, scully playing skeptic as mulder throws his crazy theories at her.
and scully's expressions whenever they're on the phone are so much more expressive. it's special. she lets go of her professionalism and just reacts, and mulder is having a great time. he thinks they're getting back to a better place, and they are, but everything still remains in the silence.
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mulder is still making jokes and scully pretends to be unamused (she is hopeless in the best way). and because i love when scully says riddled:
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so truly, leonard betts is a connecting episode. there are a few lighthearted moments after the intensity of never again, an episode that was about mulder not understanding where scully was coming from, and leonard betts is about what he was able to understand. giving her validation. it's also makes more sense that he doesn't try to give her any physical comfort after, to me, if leonard betts happens after never again. paper hearts happened not that long ago, and scully was fierce in that episode and physically affectionate with him.
mulder and scully both knew at the end of never again what's between them. mulder leaves "but it's become mine" unsaid, he cuts himself off. scully was frustrated with not truly knowing her place with mulder, on the x files, in their office. his unfinished sentence and the following silence said it all. if it was ever going to happen, it would have been right then. and it doesn't.
leonard betts is a little cushion between two intense episodes. the awareness of their feelings in never again, trying to find their rhythm again in leonard betts & scully's revelation at the end. they lead to the emotional & physical vulnerability in memento mori and through the cancer arc. the feeling of what they're losing before it even started.
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innytoes · 7 months
For the AU combos: roadtrip/amusement park
-Flynn and Julie decide to do a road trip before they go away for college, because Flynn's going to New York and Julie's staying in LA and they need Bestie Time.
-They take Flynn's Mom's Minivan, because it is the safest vehicle, will fit all of their souvenirs, and they can sleep in it if they can't find somewhere to stay the night. (Don't tell Tía.)
-They decide to split their time into three big categories: must see landmarks, epic amusement parks (Flynn's a sucker for roller coasters) and We'll Know It When We See It.
-Among We'll Know It When We See It: Creepy haunted clown motel (no they did NOT spend the night, don't you worry, Tía), a fun small town festival with ten million fried things on a stick, a cool concert by some band nobody had ever heard of but Julie just knew her mom would have loved, and a carnival.
-Because Flynn didn't just want to ride big, cool, safe rollercoasters. No, she had to drag Julie onto ones that were set up in an hour and would be torn down in even less time.
-That's where they meet Reggie. He's really cute and really excited when he hears they're from LA ("You're going around to cool amusement parks? Have you been to Star Wars World??? Is the ride as cool as the internet makes it seem????"). He makes sure to show them around, shows them which pies are the best and what food stalls to avoid. Delights in taking them to the fortune teller, because 'it's really just Mrs Meyerson in a weird costume. She's a total gossip and knows everyone's business, that's why she's so good. I want to know what she'll say to two outsiders.'
-They have lunch together, and dinner, and ride all the rides, and Reggie wins them both a stuffed animal (a unicorn for Flynn, a red panda for Julie) by shooting tiny little moving ducks down.
-Julie wins Reggie a dalmatian by heaving a giant mallet over her head and bringing it down so hard on the high striker the bell dings loud enough people turn their heads to stare.
-Reggie looks a little bit in love with her in that moment, and Julie can't help but feel a little in love with him too.
-They're loathe to say goodbye, even as midnight approaches and there are announcements the carnival is closing soon. Reggie promises to show them a cool water tower where you can see the stars, and Julie agrees even before Flynn can weigh the options of 'he seems harmless enough' and 'following some white boy into the woods after he showed us what a good shot he is is the start of a horror movie'.
-Yes Flynn has her taser in her pocket just in case.
-But Reggie stays true to his word and the sight is amazing. The town is just twinkling lights from up here, and he says he used to come here as a kid and pretend he was an astronaut, looking down on earth, away from all his problems.
-Their conversation turns deep, and Reggie admits he has plans to run away from his little town, as soon as he can save up enough money to buy a truck. His parents spend all their time fighting, and ever since he turned eighteen a few weeks ago, with him. As if now that he's of age, they don't have to hold back their hatred anymore.
-Surprisingly, it's Flynn that offers to take him with them.
-Insert movie montage of Flynn, Julie, and Reggie having Adventures. Julie is just happy someone will go on the really terrifying rollercoasters with Flynn so she doesn't have to. Reggie is seeing the world for the first time and is excited about everything. ("A real Rainforest Cafe??? Can we go???"). Julie is slowly falling in love with this golden retriever of a boy.
-Yes they carefully edit out Reggie in any pictures they send to Julie's aunt.
-They end up back in LA, finishing the trip with a visit to Star Wars World.
-Just Julie showing up home like: hi Dad so this is Reggie he's my boyfriend and also he needs a place to stay. If he can't stay here, he's probably going to get adopted by the Taylors and live in Flynn's room and be murdered by Flynn's little sister who had dibs on that room when she moved out and then I'll be sad my boyfriend is dead sooooo...
-Yes, Reggie can stay.
-Flynn leaves for New York knowing her girl will be well looked after. Especially because she did use the taser on Reggie... but only to wave it around threateningly to give him the shovel talk somewhere around St Louis.
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blackjackkent · 1 month
OK, more Rakha adventures. We left off having reached the myconid colony, where Rakha discovered that the sovereign was one of the few people able to make her brain shut up for a few seconds and consequently decided she was ready to do anything for it. So she's agreed to go find Nere and kill him for the mushroom people.
This is not entirely out of her way, she rationalizes to herself. They already met the duergar on the beach who was clearly an Absolutist, meaning Nere and the other duergar probably also are, meaning that this isn't off-track from her current primary goal of wreaking a bloody vengeance on everyone responsible for her tadpole infestation.
Deep down, though - it's about that feeling of peace that Spaw put into her, just for a moment, just like the dream guardian does.
She also stops to talk to the gnome writhing in pain near Spaw's dais:
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"Don't..." the gnome hisses warningly as she approaches.
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Narrator: [NATURE] Her condition is familiar. Poison, derived from a wild weed common to the Underdark. She'll need an antidote soon - most likely held by the poisoner.
The knowledge is jarring. Where did it come from? She doesn't know this place, and certainly not its weeds. But she knows this with utter certainty.
Somewhere, back in the faded mists of her lost memory, she must have been here before - and learned of poisons.
Yes... purrs the beast in her head. A painful end. Slick and slimy, spewed guts and agony...
(A/N: This is the second nature check Rakha has passed in recent memory - the other one was about the bibberbangs. Will have to see how this ties to what we learn about her in Act 2/3, but this does imply interesting headcanon possibilities about Rakha's past experiences in the Underdark.
There are several ways to heal Thulla, but one of them is the specific antidote to this poison, which Gekh Coal was carrying on him when we killed him back at the beach. Presumably this mysterious knowledge of Rakha's extends to knowing that.)
Rakha shakes her head sharply, trying to ignore the eager slavering of the beast's death-hunger. "Shadowheart," she mutters. "The bottle from the dwarf's body. Give it here."
Shadowheart blinks; then her eyes widen in understanding and she fumbles in her pack, pulling out the slim bottle - dark and full of a darker liquid. She passes it over to Rakha, who leans forward wordlessly and pours it into the gnome's mouth before she fully realizes what's happening.
Give her the antidote.
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The woman coughs, nearly choking on the unexpected liquid. Then her eyes widen and her breathing slows, the taut strain going out of her muscles. She sits up slowly as Rakha draws back, rolls her head to one side then the other.
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"Ah... Gods... whatever that is, I needed it..." she mumbles unsteadily. She takes a shaky breath in and rubs the bridge of her nose.
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Then her head snaps up and she squints at Rakha with sudden wariness. "Why're you helping me?"
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A good question, really. The true answer is complicated. There is a beast in my head that craves blood. I pushed it away. I don't want to kill without purpose. Sometimes I can control it. And Wyll would not want you to die.
Too much to explain. "Does there have to be a reason?" she asks slowly.
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The gnome squints. "Down here? Tends to be," she says. Then she shrugs and starts to struggle her feet under her. "Ngh. But I'm nearly good enough to get on my feet. I thank you for your help, but I gotta get moving-- agh!"
She breaks off, wincing, and slumps back into a sitting position.
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Behind her, Rakha hears Shadowheart whimper with answering pain; she feels the sharp flash of the Weave that accompanies a flare of the cleric's Sharran scar. "Ngh. It hurts..."
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"Garl's garters," the gnome mutters, frustrated. "I don't have time for this. My kin need me."
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"You're in no condition to help anyone," Rakha says curtly.
The gnome frowns thoughtfully. "Maybe not." She lifts her eyebrows hopefully. "But you are. I need you to rescue my kin. We're Ironhand clan, best artificers in Baldur's Gate. We were on an expedition down here when the duergar snatched us up. I got away, but not the others. The greys have them digging out some old ruin across the lake."
Ah. Rakha nods in slight recognition. The Absolutist duergar on the beach mentioned a search for a missing slave who'd stolen from them. Probably this gnome. The duergar are enemies now - by their alliance with the Absolute and by their injuries to Spaw - so perhaps the gnome has information that will be useful.
"What are the duergar digging for?" Rakha asks.
"Some dusty temple," the gnome says dismissively. "It doesn't matter. They'll work my clan to death before they ever get near it."
Another click. Halsin mentioned a Sharran temple down here - the passageway to the lands where Moonrise Towers are waiting. The pieces are beginning to fit together and they all lead in one direction.
"What was this expedition your clan were on?"
The gnome tips her head to the side. "Just mining for materials. Nothing unusual. But our work pays well - help my clan and we'll make it worth your while, I swear."
Narrator: [INSIGHT] The briefest hesitation - but enough. She's lying.
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Rakha stiffens and her eyes narrow. [PERSUASION] "You're lying," she says flatly.
The gnome flinches. Her eyes fix on Rakha's fist, which has gone clenched at her side. "...fine. It's complicated," she says carefully. "But my clan has trouble back in the city. A blood-feud. We were searching for something to turn the tide. That's all I can say - but it's worth a lot to us. Understand?"
"No," Rakha answers, not moving a muscle. "I don't understand. Enough evasion and explain it." Her voice has gone cold, carefully controlled.
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The gnome sighs. "Look," she says tiredly, "you've done me a good turn and you deserve the truth. But that's as much of it as I can tell, I swear it. If you need to go your own way, I respect that. But still... I'm asking."
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Rakha breathes out heavily through her nose. The lies and missing information are irritating - but this conversation has at least tied a few disparate pieces of information into a more cohesive whole. She likes that. And her own way leads to these gnomes anyway.
She shrugs. "All right," she says, without particular enthusiasm. "I'll free your people if I can."
She can see Wyll looks pleased at the offer to help. That's good, at least. Likely she wouldn't have expressed much interest if it hadn't been the same way they were going anyway... but it's always just a little bit heartening to see Wyll thinks she is doing the right thing.
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final-girl96 · 10 months
Firefly Chapter Thirty-Nine
Kansas City
We've been traveling for a few days now. Right now we're in Kansas City. We were able to find a car in a parking garage in Ohio but that didn't last long when we ran out of gas only an hour into the drive. From there it was a lot of walking for hours and hours, stopping for only a few minutes to rest until night fell. We would find a place to sleep and then head out early in the morning.
The first thing I noticed when we got into the city was that it was empty and didn't look like most cities. There were no signs of infected anywhere, let alone people. "This is fucking strange," I said, looking around. The city simply looked like it was evaluated and abandoned. It was the complete opposite of Boston. "Where I'd everyone?" Ellie asked. Joel was being extremely cautious with every step we took. He was ahead of Ellie and I, gun drawn. "They're here somewhere. It's way too quiet."
It was quiet, and it made everything that much more unsettling. Joel put his arm out, signaling for us to stop and stay behind him. A man came stumbling out into the street, holding his stomach. "Help. Please, help me!" He called out to us. I grabbed Ellie's hand and moved her closer and slightly behind me. Joel walked backward towards us, so he was directly in front of us. "Please. I need help!" The man called out again. "Go. Now. Run."
I didn't need Joel to tell me twice. I gripped Ellie's hand tighter and pulled her with me as I ran back the way we came. Joel was on our heels directing us towards a building. As we got closer to the building, an old corner store, someone started to shoot at us. We ran inside and ducked behind the counter. "How did you know that guy was faking it?" Ellie whispered.
"It's not the first time we've come by people that do that. Hell, we've done it," I whispered back. I looked around and nudged Joel. "She could fit through there. She'll be safe while we take care of these assholes," I said. He nodded and I pulled Ellie over to the hole in the wall. It was big enough for her to fit through. "Okay, I need you to go through to the other side and hide. Don't come out no matter what you hear! Do you understand?" She looked from me to Joel and back. “I can help. If you give me a gun, I can help you.” I shook my head, “not this time. Just please hide and I will come get you when everything is over.” She looked like she wanted to argue, but she held back and climbed through the hole. Once I was sure she would be hidden and safe I walked back to Joel.
“So what’s the plan? We don’t know how many there are.” He didn’t answer at first, but I know he was just trying to come up with a plan. He shook his head and let out a sigh.”We take care of whoever comes after us then we run and find a place to hold up until we can figure out how to get out of here.” I nodded my head, taking a deep breath, “okay, sounds as good as any plan. This whole place is suspicious.” We ducked down when we heard voices getting closer to where we were hiding. I pulled my gun out and cocked it, making sure the safety was off. “I saw them coming in here.” gravel crunched under heavy footsteps, shoes scraped against the floor, kicking debris out of the way. “You check around outside, I’ll look in here.” One pair of footsteps faded as they made their way out of the store, glass crunched under the weight of the person. I peaked around the counter to see a thin man with his back turned towards us. It took one look back over my shoulder for Joel to move around me and creep up behind the guy.
He grabbed the guy, swinging an arm over his head, putting him in a headlock, and cutting off his airway. Joel tightened his arm more, slowly sinking to the ground as the man went limp in his arms. “Over here!” I jumped up from behind the counter and shot the second guy before he could pull his trigger. Two more men came around the corner, I took one and Joel took the other. The guy I was fighting pinned me under his weight after he knocked me to the ground and kicked my gun out of my reach. Joel was too busy taking care of the other one. The asshole who was on top of me wrapped his hands around my throat. My hands flew up to wrap around his wrist, digging my nails into his skin and trying to pull his hands away. He pressed harder, cutting my air off. My vision started to fade at the corners threatening to turn everything black when a gunshot rang out, then another. A few minutes later the weight of his body was being lifted off of me.
I was sucking in air and coughing. I looked up to see Joel holding out his hand. I took it and let him pull me up. When I looked around I saw Ellie standing a few feet away, looking at us with wide eyes, a gun was in her hand. Joel walked over to her and gently took the gun out of her hand. "I'm sorry," she whispered and looked up at me. I shook my head and pulled her into me. "You have nothing to be sorry for."
"I know you said to stay hidden no matter what, but he was going to kill you and Joel couldn't get to you." She wrapped her arms around my waist. "It's okay. You're not in trouble. But we need to go, okay. I need you to climb back through that hole and look and see if there is a way for me and Joel to get in. Can you do that?" She nodded her head and pulled away from me.
Ellie went back through the hole and looked around. "There's a door on the other side of the room, but it's blocked," she said. "Okay, we're going to go around and meet you over there. Start trying to move whatever you can." Joel and I carefully made our way around to the other side until we found the door and then we helped Ellie by pushing on the door to move whatever was in front of it.
Once it was open she laced her hand with mine and we made a run for it, going from building to building until we were far enough away from the store. We climbed several flights of stairs, Ellie made it to the top before us. "Come on, it's not that hard!" Joel and I stopped and looked at her. "I'm fifty-six you little shit!" He said. I laughed and pushed past him. "Yeah, Ellie, he's old and has bad knees. Give him a break," I said. Joel glared at me and I laughed harder.
Once we were as high as we could go we found a room and set it up for us to sleep. Joel found some glass and spread it on the floor in the hall and in the room by the door. He said it would wake him up if someone tried to sneak up on us. We took cushions from chairs and couches and put them down on the floor to sleep on. Then we laid down.
We laid there in silence until Ellie decided it was a good time to tell a joke. "Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?" I sighed and tried to ignore her. "What?" Joel asked, confused. "Yeah, it runs in your genes." I didn't try to hold back a laugh. "That's so stupid!" Joel said, but he wasn't able to hold back a small laugh. "You laughed!" Ellie said. "I did not. Go to sleep!" It went like that for about ten minutes, the three of us laughing until we actually tried to get some sleep.
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cupids-cringe · 1 year
a post dump of some sad/upsetting headcanons tonight because i don't know how to actually make a post for them in a way that isn't just dumping them here like this & some of them are a bit old-
been a long time headcanon of mine that y2kvr Benrey has claustrophobia and a fear of the dark, his worst fear is waking up back in the computer. sometimes he'll have weeks at a time where he can't even go near the computer let alone go into it. the worst feeling is when a day is going so great and its all fun and well a little too well the fear he'll suddenly see a pop-up appear in front of him and realise hes still trapped somewhere in the web.
have you ever seen an ai have a nightmare??
occasionally Doc (& this also goes for Dr Hypnos) feels like she isn't where she is, she'll feel like shes at a different point in time in different circumstances and situations, often it isn't too bad- it messes with her head a bit and makes him feel like hes a few weeks or months or even years behind but with his mix of bad time management and living in a secret lab where he usually doesn't see the sun it doesn't much matter to them,, but the worst time he had to deal with it was the entire time while his family was dead. while he was alone he would often find himself losing track of time to a point days would pass and he wouldn't know, she would think she was elsewhere and occasionally think "right i have to go get parts for Harold today i was told to-" or "OH [ ] would LOVE this!" before realising where he is and that he hasn't had to get parts in months and he hasn't seen his family in longer. sometimes he'll forget
Sleepless sometimes gets scared the Mad Science Team only keeps zem around since Doc likes them, in times like this they'll avoid talking directly to Harold or Bubby in case ze says the wrong thing.
Malcom has had times of feeling that he can never fully recover from his actions- he was an asshole once, what if he still is deep down and he doesn't know? what if everyone still sees him as an asshole and he can never fully be more than what he had been?
i doubt i have enough fingers to count how many of them suffer the feeling of "i can never reedem myself from [insert crime/event here]" and i have 3 arms(/j)
Swap is scared of sirens and alarms and garage doors
Freemans memory still isn't perfect, it will never be as good as it had been- his memory was always been not the greatest (partly because he has adhd/tism) but after the events with Tron Gman his memory will forever be a bit patchy. and his time as Storyteller DID NOT do the poor guy any favors.
all of the Admins have gone to check that Freeman is still there in the middle of the night at least once, its happened most with either Boss or C where they've either been laying awake all night or woken up and gone to check that Freeman is still safely asleep, theres still the occasional WORST night where even AFTER knowing Freeman is safe would continue to wander around for a bit and make sure there was absolutely no way that anyone could get in and take him.
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bidaubadeadieu · 6 months
calibree for the ask meme! 1, 6, 17
Ahhhh thank you for asking! Sorry it took me super long to get back to you. Though the d&d campaign that Calabree was a part of ended a few years ago now, she just recently showed up again as an NPC in my playgroup's current campaign, so she has been on my mind. (Thanks @wymanthewalrus for reprising her!)
1. What drives them? What is their ultimate goal?
Calabree thinks a lot about power. She is an "I would be a good benevolent dictator" type. She is extremely self-assured and would say something like "Absolute power might corrupt you absolutely. Not me though. I'm built different." Her ethical code considers mostly equitable outcomes, not fair rules and processes, which also enables her to be a "steal from the rich to give to the poor" type. She grew up feeling really disempowered due to a prodigy younger sibling who was clearly the family favorite, leading to her decision to run away from home and take matters into her own hands to find a community to lead, somewhere where she can be admired. And she does want to genuinely do good and help people and make the world better, which can conflict with her inexperience, but the admiration is a big part of what she wants. There is a fundamental misunderstanding she has, where she seeks leadership positions because it will finally give her the power she needs to help others, but in reality it's the reverse; people become respected leaders over time by consistently helping others.
6. How have they changed in the last year? The last 5 years?
I'm a little bolder with a wider range of ages of my characters now, but when I made Calabree, I made her my own age, and I was 21 at the time. So a lot of how she's changed has been, broadly, coming of age! She had some early, fumbling attempts at sexual relationships, she's left home for the first time, and she's taking her first real for-pay jobs. She's learning to discern who is worth looking up to and who doesn't deserve their station. In this way, of course I see myself in her! More concretely, her relationship with religion has also changed. Gods played a very large role in the campaign in which I played Calabree, they were among the most important recurring NPCs, and though Calabree didn't grow up with a traditional pantheon, she became interested in appeasing the ones she met, getting on their good side, as part of her wider plans toward acquiring power.
17. They're crying, what did it take to make them cry?
There are a few patterns among the characters that I seem to always like to make, things that appear again and again. One of the big ones is denialism. I really like to play a character who maybe knows something deep down, but will not face it head on. For Calabree, this manifests as a kind of unearned confidence. She is very sure of herself. You may recognize this trait in my character Liz, from our Dragon Heist game, too! (this denialism is in my OC Yulia, too, though it manifests in a different way and I can't talk about it without spoiling some ppl for our ongoing d&d game)! I find it is simultaneously a source of comedy (funny for Calabree to punch above her weight) and dramatic irony/tension (I know she's being dumb even if she doesn't know it herself). What makes Calabree cry is being ripped from that fantasy of her own competence, especially if she has been played or manipulated by someone else (and she's a low INT sort of character, so this happens with some regularity). She's got strong bodily awareness, so she'll feel her throat tighten and her face flush with the embarrassment of suddenly realizing she's deeply out of her depth and it'll only compound itself and make her feel even more out of control, which makes her want to cry more.
But thank you for asking and giving me an excuse to rotate her in my mind!!
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bsaka7 · 2 years
ok fair warning it's just more filth. there would be more filth but i was like this is starting to get repetitive. EXTREMELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
seb has given Charles - as Charles understands it - a fairly open invitation to her beach house. it's 2023. Charles is having a good season - everything isn't all out of reach like it was the year before, but she's still a little behind. she feels the weight heavy in her shoulders. she thinks to herself. well, it was so good last summer. seb was so good. and she doesn't think about how she was worried about how their feelings aligned. and how she's still gone on seb, a flame that will never die. so she texts seb the dates she wants to come over summer break and seb responds simply: yes!
in the meantime, charles tells lewis, casually but desperate at the same time, that's she's going to seb's. Lewis looks at her a little funny and then a few days later drops into conversation that seb had a new girlfriend. even shows a picture from their text thread. the girl is short and blonde. lewis says she's an autism researcher in Switzerland and later, after the race, though Charles would never admit it, she stalks her insta, her linkedin. she really is cute and she has some fancy phd. Charles turns off her phone screen and flips it over and pretends she's not thinking about it. that she doesn't have feelings about it.
but, seb said yes to her visit and Charles certainly isn't going to back out now. she hasn't seen seb in - a whole. it's fine, though, because seb is smiling at her like that. but she reminds herself that it probably doesn't mean anything, especially not anymore. seb has always had so much care in her eyes. Charles isn't special.
Seb kisses her the first night on the couch. They're watching some show about deep sea fish which is deeply unsexy (frankly Charles is a little grossed out). and she thinks seb had this girlfriend who is smart and tiny and many things Charles isn't. but Seb is kissing her like it's going somewhere. Charles knows she's going to go ahead with whatever seb offers and maybe she'll hate herself for it.
The music on the tv swells and comes to a head, surprising them both. Charles swings her eyes back to the screen and a big fish is eating a smaller one, and they both watch it, transfixed. Charles scrunches her eyes shut. Sebs hand is already under her t-shirt, resting on her waist.
Charles says - "I thought you."
"thought what"
"Lewis said..." Charles trails off
Seb holds her there for a moment, just teetering on the edge. Then she says, "about Elise? We broke up. It was never, it was never going to last." (what she doesn't say is that part of the reason why they broke up was because Seb had said the next time she went to the beach house, they'd go together. But then Charles asked and Elise had to work. And well, they had a lot of differences.)
Charles is like oh okay. Seb kisses her soft this time, tilting charles’ head with her chin. And the movie is ending and seb’s hand is under charlie’s shirt until Charlie is just taking it off……[FADE TO BLACK]
Charles DOES have a lot of nervy energy from the season, from this thing with seb. she's trying to convince seb to go out. she sort of wants to see if seb will let loose with her. for her, without – red bull and mark webber and so on. And also she wants to dance (even tho shes obv terrible). eventually Seb relents and tells her the best nearby place. Charles is like ok great!! and then seb says...you can go whenever, I could use a quiet night in (slaps charlies thigh gently). And Charles is like NO!! ur coming. And seb agrees....after some convincing.
The club scene (to be clear i've never been to a club and also this is all made up)…ok they get there and order drinks and seb finds a small table crammed into the corner and that’s where they start…seb has a beer Charlie has some fruity thing that seb will be drinking by the end of the night.
they talk for little bit, sebs hand on charlie's thigh underneath the table. Charles complains about the dj until the hour hits and someone new, better, comes on. Charles is like!! Lets dance!! Seb says baby I am NOT drunk enough for that (but she is drunk enough to call Charlie baby). Charles rolls her eyes and goes to dance and for a bit she disappears into the crowd...
seb goes up to get another drink and oh god she can SEE Charles. she’s just frozen there, looking at Charles, tiny dress, hands in the air, laughing with this gay couple on the dance floor. she forces herself to look away (from long legs, the curve of her neck) and go back to her little table but someone has already sat down so seb makes small talk with them [some young man who is clearly. Not sober].
and then seb can see Charles again, suddenly, in the bright colorful lights, and there’s hands all over her and GOD seb is so jealous she almost goes out on the dance floor herself. Charlie meets her eyes through it all and starts to wind her way through the people. Seb says to the guy – “sorry, my friend is coming over and we had this table first” and the guy says okay and disappears right as Charles gets there.
Instead of going for the chair, she climbs onto seb’s lap, right there, in the middle of the club, but it’s dark and no one has recognized them yet, and probably no one will. the dress rides up a little as she straddles seb and she leans forward and she says “I saw you watching,” and it should be hot but it’s just silly, so they laugh, but her hands are on seb’s shoulders and seb is looking up at her and Charles rocks just slightly down onto seb’s leg and suddenly it's not funny anymore.
seb goes BRIGHT RED and she’s like. Charlie are you – do you need. And Charles nods and nods and nods. Seb tries to get them to go the bathroom but Charles is like. No no. no. right here. Seb is drunk enough to think this is a good idea and they’re in a dark corner and it’s probably fine...so she sneaks her hand underneath charles’ skirt and finds she’s wearing just barely-there panties. She rocks her knuckles into the crease of charles’ leg and Charles reaches up and takes down her hair so it covers both their faces like a curtain when she tilts her head down and she’s searching, searching for seb’s fingers. So seb goes 2 fingers deep in Charles just like that because shes SO wet and then she’s rubbing at her clit with her thumb. she’s saying stuff like. Everyone could see you, Charles, how desperate you are, how much you want this, etc. Charles kisses her hot and wet and seb can feel her come through her whole body. She pulls her fingers out and there’s a wet spot on her jeans from where Charles has been dripping
Charles kisses her again and then gets them different drinks and she’s a little wobbly and dances a little more and seb is like. We should go home. We should go home. Charles says okay. they take a taxi and seb has a hand high up on her thigh, hot and possessive and Charles shifts her hips,but seb won’t...
they go home and seb fucks Charles again with her legs around her waist up against the wall, her dress pushed down and up so it’s all bunched up around her middle, and then Charles eats seb out on the table in the front room and they can see the sea. and looks up and says. last time you said. the strap and seb is tired and drunk and soo horny and shes whining like. Charles. I promise but not right now. And Charles says something flippant and  SO hot and seb’s legs r over her shoulder and its all....
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lihikainanea · 2 years
With all your yummy food posts I got to thinking of Tiger trying to cook Bill a surprise bday dinner but failing. She wants to cook his fave Swedish dishes he's always making for her and maybe something his dad made growing up. Stellen sent the recipe. Bill has been missing Sweden some lately especially around his bdy or the holidays? He walks in from being away filming or a photo shoot to find rhe house a mess and Smokey and a small yet angry Tiger. I can't help it ... everything makes me think of these 2 🤷😁🖤
And like, the thing is, tiger is a good cook, you know? Bill loves her cooking (and her cookies). But this is a whole other ball game because it's just ingredients that tiger has never worked with, and has no idea what to do with.
Maybe they're away somewhere--somewhere in the southern United States or something. This whole zombie virus has actually worked in tiger's favour because now she just permanently works from home, which means she can work from wherever Bill needs to be--so now she just kind of follows him from set to set. But Bill s not really a southern United States kind of guy. Don't get me wrong--they start to enjoy some things. They try fried alligator bites together. They're both fond of the dirty, run down no-name bars with peanut shells on the floor and whiskey strong enough to take your nail polish off. In fact, they often head there on a random Tuesday night to enjoy--or at least choke down--some strong brown liquor in a place where Bill knows ain't no one gonna recognize him. Tiger discovered what a hush puppy was, and how great fried green tomatoes were. Bill eats his body weight's worth of deep fried Oreos. There are good things to the Deep South--namely, the pleasure of watching Bill eat a ripe peach as juice drips down his chin and he makes that very familiar sucking noise.
But after a few weeks, he's homesick. It's around midsummer in Sweden, which is always his favourite time of year, and tiger wants to surprise him. She has Gustaf send her some stuff, and Papa S send her some recipes. And one day when Bill has a real long shoot but he's off for a few days after, tiger gets to work.
But look, it's doomed from the get go. It's chaos the minute she tries to stab open the can of surstromming--and promptly can't stop gagging from the smell. How anybody can even be in the same ROOM as this stuff let alone willingly ingest it, tiger has no idea. She can't stop gagging even once she flings the can outside, because the smell just lingers.
and like, tiger has been to Sweden. She knows they pickle everything. She knows there's just random blobs of roe on most foods. She's cool with it.
But this is something else entirely. Maybe she decides that like, to get the stench of rotting fish out of the rented house, she'll start making dessert--princess cake. Bill's favourite, and her favourite too. Something about the delicious marzipan and the absolute pillow of almond cream, and the spongey, soft cake and the jammy layer is just...perfection.
So she sets about making the elements. But like, this fucking cake man--it takes forever. You have to dye the marzipan. You have to make the cream. You have to bake the cake. And by the time tiger tries to pile the almond cream onto the cake in the perfect dome, it's horrendously lumpy and lopsided but she's thinking the marzipan will even it out.
Spoiler alert: it doesn't. The result is a lumpy, puckered, disgusting mess that's oozing everywhere.
She shoves it in the fridge and refuses to look at it.
The boiled potatoes are a gummy, starchy mess and the gloopy dill cream sauce on top is not only remarkably off-putting, but it's barely classified as a sauce by the consistency. It's more of a....paste. The salmon gravlax is disturbingly mushy and alarmingly under-cured. Tiger doesn't fucking know what falukorv even is but the word flaccid is all that comes to mind when she looks at it.
It's a disaster. Bill arrives home to a weird stench in the house--and that's really the only word for it--it all just stinks of burnt and dill and bad potatoes and failure. He can hear stuff boiling over from the kitchen, but of more concern, he can hear tiger's desperate wail of frustration. He kicks off his shoes and crosses the hallway quickly, heading to the scene of the crime, and my god--it does look like a crime scene. It's a mess. Pots everywhere, chopping boards everywhere else, he briefly registers some seagulls amassing on the gallery and fighting over something. Tiger has a knife in her hand, she's wide-eyed and frantic looking.
"Okay," he says calmly, "Wow."
Tiger wails again.
"Put the knife down," he says slowly. She does.
"I wanted to do something nice for you," she mumbles.
"By summoning a hurricane to storm through the kitchen?"
"Bill," she wails. He chuckles a bit.
"Kid what the hell happened?" he asks, moving towards her. He shuts a few dials on the stove, moving an overflowing pot into the sink.
"I wanted to make you a swedish feast," she mutters, "But fuck swedish food."
A loud, angry caw from the balcony makes both of them jump. Bill points to the window, his brows raised in an unspoken question.
"Rotting fucking herring because Sweden is disgusting," she snaps. Bill can't help but smile. This is a mess- an absolute fucking catastrophe--but damn her heart was in the right place.
"Tiger you're a goof," he smiles, "Come here."
He opens his arms and she just kind of falls into them, another frustrated wail escaping her lips.
"I know how homesick you are," she mumbles pitifully, "And I wanted to do something nice for you."
"Oh sweet girl," he kisses her hair, "Thank you."
"It didn't work," she mutters into his chest.
"I see that."
She sighs, and he hugs her closer.
"Pizza?" he asks, and she chuckles into him.
"Yep," she says, "But at least the dessert is salvageable."
She breaks away from him, opening the door to the fridge.
"I made you princess cake," she says excitedly. But then she pulls out this gloopy, unidentifiable mess--the green marzipan melting everywhere, the top all uneven and dimpled, the pink rose droopy and sagging. Cream runs off the plate. Tiger's face falls at the exact same time as Bill's eyes widen, his lips pressed together in a barely-contained gut laugh.
Tiger sighs, defeated.
"Pizza and dessert?" Bill asks, pulling out his phone.
"And beer," tiger sighs.
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moonlight-cp · 2 years
Proxy in Command (Creepypasta x Reader) Chapter 16
Series Masterlist
I couldn't properly sleep at night. It wasn't because I slept on the couch, I was already used to it. For the whole night, I felt as if Derek was still biting into my neck even though he was passed out on the bed. This sensation lasted for a few hours until I finally drifted off to sleep.
Since I didn't close the curtains, the sun rays hit my eyes, causing me to stir up. I was wearing my night clothes so I had to change before Derek woke up.
I tiptoed upstairs making sure I wouldn't wake him up. I slowly opened our shared closet and pulled out a nude turtle neck, black dressing pants, and a suit with matching heels. As soon as I was ready, I sat on the bed and shook Derek awake.
As he stirred, a realization came to my mind. Offenderman's injection was supposed to make the person think they slept together. I have been using it on Derek for three times, completely forgetting the fact the removal of clothes was necessary to...
Derek turned around to look at me and smiled. Immediately he closed his eyes and held his head in pain.
"Do you want me to hand you painkillers?" I asked with a concerned tone to hide my fear.
"Yes dove, it appears I might have drunk a little too much"
"A little?" I chuckled. "Give me a minute."
As I was going downstairs my eyes widened in fear. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought about that. I went to the kitchen and grabbed two Advil pills along with a glass of water. I stared at it as I was lost in my thoughts.
Derek's phone call from two nights ago came up in my mind. He mentioned something about taking me somewhere today and making sure I didn't suspect a thing. Did he found out about my true identity? If that was the case, then I had to be ready to escape wherever he was taking me. His shipment was what worried me. I had to find out what it was and possibly get rid of it before I leave.
Before I took a step on the first stair, I remembered what occurred last night. Rachel's death could postpone the plan where he was taking me.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and headed upstairs where Derek was sitting on the bed.
"Here you go, love," I said as I handed him the pills and water. I realized this was the first time I called him something else than Derek.
As if he was thinking the same thing, he smiled when he heard what I called him. "Thanks, babe," he said before grabbing the pills and water from my hands. He gave me a small peck on the cheek.
He was way more gentle when he was sober. My fear slowly dissolved as I assured myself he wouldn't do anything to me in this state.
"Do you want to shower while I pick your clothes?" I offered.
He raised one of his eyebrows. "You're being nicer than you usually are this morning." He pointed out.
"Well you have a headache so I thought it would be right for me to help you with something," I explained. It was a lie. I wanted him to believe that I loved him.
"You could help me out in something else," he winked before laughing as he stood up to go to the bathroom. "Can you pick out similar clothes to yours? I want us to match again."
"Definitely!" I yelled to make sure he had heard me from the bathroom. "I'm definitely going to kill you, you lunatic," I whispered.
"She what!" Jeff yelled across the dining room after he heard what Ben had announced.
"She's alive. I saw her through security cameras." Ben repeated.
Everyone including the Slenderbrothers were sitting in the dining room while Slenderman and Sally were nowhere to be seen.
"So you're stalking her?" Offender spoke out.
"She killed a person and wanted me to delete security footage," Ben explained. "I only have the live footage up on my computer to check up on her and make sure she's alright."
"You finally used your small brain for once," Puppeteer muttered which received a couple of laughs from the other pastas.
"So she's coming back today?" Masky asked.
Ben shook his head. "She said she would try but she'll possibly need more time."
"That's dangerous considering Zalgo's awakening could happen anytime soon," Trender pointed out.
"Think about Sally you guys," L.J pointed out, trying to change the topic with Zalgo. "She's convinced Y/N would arrive a day earlier which is today. I wouldn't want to burst her bubble."
Sally gently opened the dining-room door and made her way to her seat. The pastas looked away, not daring to tell her the bad news.
"You guys are acting funny," she pointed out.
L.J looked at her and realized the ones she was entirely comfortable with were with Splendor and him.
"Sally," he spoke out. "I-"
Before he could finish, Slenderman had popped in the room with plates being held by his tentacles. He could no longer tell the child especially in front of Slenderman's presence.
"What were you going to say L.J?" L.J looked at her eyes. For a second he swore her green eyes sparkled.
"I was going to suggest we spend the day together," he improvised.
"We could both wait for Y/N!" She exclaimed.
Puppeteer coughed as L.J nervously nodded his head.
The trip to the elevator felt long despite us going one story down. Derek wrapped his arm around my waist while I laid my head on his shoulder. I knew what would await us in a couple of seconds.
The doors flew open so we got greeted with a sickening smell. I immediately knew Rachel's dead body was smelling.
"Ew, that's probably Rachel's alcohol that stinks" He spoke out as we walked past her door.
"So she's not going to join us for the grand surprise?" I asked as I looked him in the eye.
"Hopefully not." He chuckled. He opened the meeting room door for me.
"Good morning," I announced to the four remaining associates.
"Good morning R/N, how did you sleep?" Chloe asked me. She noticed I was wearing a turtle neck while the others wore dress shirts.
"I slept well," I replied. "I hope Carter didn't give you a challenging night."
She let out a laugh. "He wouldn't stop singing Britney Spears." I looked at Carter and saw his cheeks were turning red.
"Hey man, you tried kissing me, remember?" Hunter teased him as he swung his arm on Carter's shoulder. This only made him blush even more.
"Stop embarrassing me," he huffed.
"Any new evidence of Slenderman and his proxy?" Derek changed the topic. I felt my heart beating faster but remembered what Rachel had told me. I sat down knowing they didn't believe in my urban tale
They all shook their heads which relieved me. Derek folded his hands under his chin while a smirk formed on his lips. "One of my stupid workers saw three guys walking around the forest. Apparently one of them was carrying hatchets. He was supposed to call me yesterday at night but I expect him to call me later today."
So that was him. He was the guy that called him at night but I had answered the call when Derek was passed out.
"We still don't know anything about the proxy besides what the urban tale states," Author pointed out.
Derek rolled his eyes "Slenderman took her in as one of his slaves and she remains loyal to him. Apparently, she's a badass blah blah blah."
Did the urban tale state I was his slave or did he make an inference?
"I'd be scared for your workers if I was you, Derek," Hunter smirked. "You said it yourself, Y/N L/N is a badass. She's capable of killing you and your workers in a matter of minutes."
Derek crossed his arms as he leaned back on his chair. "You think she scares me? I bet I'll kill her before she has the chance to scream for mercy." He smirked. "But I have a better way on how to destroy her, Slenderman, and that trio without having to face them."
I leaned closer to the table while showing him a small smile. "And what's your plan handsome?"
He smiled at me as he stood up. "I'm going to make the forest go BOOM!" He yelled as he slammed his fists on the table.
We looked at him wide-eyed, knowing he had completely gone insane. A bomb? 
"Wh-what?" Carter choked. "You aren't being serious are you?"
Derek nodded his head, "I brought an illegal nuclear bomb and had them shipped here. You'd be surprised at the damage it can cause. If I recall correctly, it will destroy half of the forest. If it doesn't reach them then I can always buy another powerful one to completely demolish the forest."
I wasted five days seducing him just so this maniac can tell about his ridiculous idea...
"You said you shipped it here?" Chloe spoke out after a few seconds of pure silence.
"It's underneath the lobby Chlo, I think you guys should see it," Derek handed me his hand so that I can stand up.
I knew the others hesitated to join which made me believe Rachel had indeed told me the truth. As we passed by the hallway, the unpleasant smell greeted us again.
"I think we have to check up on her," Hunter broke the silence. " I know how a dead body smells like."
Derek froze as he turned around to look at him. " We'll check up on her after you guy see the bomb. I'm not letting her ruin my day." He squeezed my hand at the end.
I took a glance at Chloe and saw fear in her eyes. If she thought Derek was insane at first, I can only imagine how she thinks of him now.
"Derek, you don't perhaps have the key to her room do you?" Author asked him.
"I forgot them in my room. You could ask the receptionist for a spare if you're that desperate."
Author looked at Hunter who nodded at him. "Hunter and I will go. You four could check out the bomb."
I would have stayed here but Derek gently pulled my arm so that I can walk with him and Chloe and Carter.
Once we entered the elevator, Derek pushed the red emergency button.
"Why did you press the emergency button?" I asked him.
"You'll see dove," he said with an amused tone. He pulled me closer as we waited.
The doors opened and revealed a dark room with a few light bulbs connected to the ceiling here and there. Although the room was dark, that did not stop us from seeing a huge cylinder steel bomb in the middle of the room.
"How did you bring that here let alone how did you buy it?" I turned towards him in shock.
He laughed as he started walking towards it. "I'm rich and I know some leaders that can make these just as long as I don't get caught by authorities."
Carter, Chloe, and I walked behind him. Carter who was his best friend looked displeased.
"Derek, are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe we could get more men to hunt them? Or maybe we can just forget about them?"
Derek looked at him in anger. "You think I will give up on killing the creature that killed my parents and ruined my life! If you thought so then you are clearly mistaken."
Carter quickly nodded his head. "Yes but I think I speak for everyone when I say this idea is a bit..."
"Say it, Carter!" Derek yelled. "Say it!"
Before Carter had the chance to answer, his phone rang. I made my way to Derek and rubbed his shoulder to try to calm his nerves as Carter answered the phone.
"We're on our way," Carter spoke out before putting his phone away. "Hunter said we need to go to Rachel's room asap."
"Oh dear, Rachel is pulling a scene again," Derek rolled his eyes.
"I don't think so. He sounded worried."
As we were making our way to the elevator, I noticed there was an emergency staircase on the side of the elevator. I wondered if anyone had gone inside here yet.
"What the hell is going on here?" Derek asked as we walked through the hallway with us behind.
"Derek you have to take a look at this," Hunter who was standing outside the broken door, gestured us to go inside Rachel's apartment. He probably broke it to get inside instead of getting a spare key. Immediately once we entered, her dead body smell was stronger.
"What the fuck? Who killed her!" Derek yelled.
Author who was standing next to the body shook his head. "She committed suicide while she was drunk. Derek, you have to read the note."
Derek turned to look at Chloe and me. "You two stay in the penthouse until I open the door and don't let anyone in. I personally don't think she committed suicide."
"You guys better stay safe," I whispered as I looked at Derek. He walked up towards me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.
"We will. Call us if you see anything suspicious." I nodded before leaving the room with Chloe.
Our way to the penthouse was quiet mostly because she was tensed and I didn't know how to comfort someone. I never had to in the past. Once I unlocked the door, Chloe went inside and broke down.
"Derek must have killed her, it makes sense if he did!"
"Chlo, he was wasted," I reminded her. "He had a hard time walking."
"But he said he would eliminate her in some way! I think he took the advantage that she was drunk and made it seem like she committed suicide." She sat down on the couch and placed her hands on her face. "Joining this association was stupid. I wish I hadn't listened to Carter."
I carefully sat next to her. This was the chance to confirm if Rachel lied or not. "Did Carter force you to join?"
She took off her shoes and raised her legs in front of her chest. "Carter wanted to live a simple life. R/N I'm going to confess something and you can't tell Derek or else it would bring us in great danger."
I slowly nodded my face, already knowing what she was going to say.
"None of us believe Slenderman is real. Derek has this crazy idea that he is and he killed his parents. When he told us about it, he mentioned how he wanted to create this organization and explained all these benefits. None of us thought he would take it this far and buy an illegal bomb!"
I looked at her with sympathy. Actually, I was faking it. She and the other associates weren't any danger to us but my orders were to kill his associates and not get attached to them.
"I'll try to convince him it's an absurd idea. I don't think I can talk him out of the Slenderman idea though."
"Thank you R/N!" She exclaimed as she jumped up and hugged me. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before hugging her back. She pulled back and noticed the turtle neck I had worn. Without a warning, she yanked it down only to see the bruises on my neck.
She widen her eyes. "R/N! I told you to call me if anything happened!"
"I was fine Chlo!" I insisted. "He knocked out before anything else happened."
She studied my expression for a few seconds before looking away. "I wonder how Author feels. He cared for her so much."
"Did he love Rachel?" I asked.
"I was aware they were close, " she replied. " He loved her, she loved Derek, Derek loves you, and you love him back."
We had some conversations for a few hours. She told me more about herself and I invented my backstory. Although I lied about my childhood and teenage years, it felt different talking to a girl. There were only guys in the mansion except for Sally but she was still a kid.
Two hours had passed when we were starting to get worried. Chloe was afraid if something had happened to the guys while I feared if I had left evidence behind.
Another hour had passed when Derek and Carter had finally returned.
"What took so long?" I asked as Derek came over to me to embrace me.
"Police officers weren't buying the idea she killed herself. They went through security footage and found nothing. They were suspicious of me since she mentioned my name in the letter but I gave them money to leave me alone."
"Derek, money doesn't solve all of your issues." Carter chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Chloe.
Derek turned to glare at him. "I'm still pissed at you. I haven't forgotten what you mentioned earlier."
Carter raised his hands in surrender. "I already apologized man, what else do you want from me?"
"Whatever, get out of my room."
Although his words sounded harsh, his expression said otherwise. He tried not to smile but the side of his lips moved upwards, almost forming a smirk.
"I'll talk to you later R/N!" Chloe exclaimed before leaving with Carter.
"Bye Chloe!" I yelled as I placed my hand on Derek's shoulder. "You alright?"
Derek sighed before nodding. He made his way to the couch and tapped the seat next to him, hinting for me to take a seat, so I did. He laid his head on my lap and let out a heavy sigh. I gently played with his hair as I looked outside through the window.
Before he had the chance to speak, his phone rang. He pulled out his phone and answered the call, staying in the same position. 
Whatever the person said, it made Derek immediately get up. "Oh shit, I forgot that was today. I'll be there in a few minutes."
I couldn't make out a word of what the person said but I knew it was a he. I was worried if it was the same guy from this morning.
Derek ended the call before turning his head to look at me. "I'll be back in a few hours, I have to solve a few issues first. I'll send the employees to send you your lunch since I won't be here however I'll make it out for dinner." 
I nodded my head. "I understand."
He let out a sigh before walking up towards me. He kissed me on my forehead before bending down to my level. "I know love, but I have to go. Tell you what, get ready to go out for dinner around six. I'll pick you up." Before he walked away he looked at me and smiled. "I love you". 
I faked a smile "I love you too."
After he left, I quickly changed into a blank expression. I sat there while embracing the silence. My thoughts were racing and part of it was the fact I had to kill all the associates by today and arrive at the airport past midnight if I want to be back to the mansion at eight in the morning tomorrow. 
I somehow recalled Derek's conversation two nights ago. He mentioned how he was supposed to take me somewhere and how I wasn't suspicious.
I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes as I tried to come up with a plan to end everyone without getting caught. I could end his associates right now but I had a chance in getting caught especially since Rachel's death may have alarmed them. The only problem is that time was running out.
I stared at the ceilings throughout the window as I tried to think of a plan. A rare sincere smile was formed on my lips upon realizing what I need to do to eliminate them all at once...
Series Masterlist---Next Chapter -> (Chapter 17)
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bahrbae · 10 months
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when  curiosity  doesn't  kill  you,  other  external  factors  will  work  on  that.  this  barbie  was  supposed  to  end  up  in  california,  to  fix  the  problem,  but  little  did  she  knew  before  she  embarked  on  this  suicide  mission  that  nothing  will  go  according  to  plan.  weird  barbie  explicitly  told  her  :  drive  the  car,  row  the  boat,  fly  the  rocket,  ride  the  bike,  drive  the  van,  ride  a  snowmobile  and  finally  rollerskate  into  the  real  world.  pretty  simple,  actually.  in  theory,  that  is.  alas,  at  some  point  when  she  was  driving  the  van,  earth  quacked  beneath  her,  though  she  mistaken  it  for  a  van  problem  –  that  was  seismology  barbie's  field  of  expertise,  not  hers.  she  was  just  actress  barbie.  in  just  a  few  seconds,  she  landed  on  the  pavement,  knees  scratched  at  impact.  as  soon  as  she  batted  her  lashes  to  see  the  real  world,  anguish  takes  over  barbie's  frame  as  she  watches  in  horror  at  what  the  real  world  looks  like.
there's  thick  smoke  surrounding  the  area  and  somewhere  not  too  far  in  the  distance  something  seemed  to  burn.  everything  seemed  to  stay  still  :  time,  nature,  even  the  doll.  she  doesn't  know  how  to  react  at  first,  therefore  she  takes  a  few  to  take  in  all  that  she  sees  and  feels  and  experiences.  the  real  world  is  an  odd  place,  she  thinks  to  herself,  maybe  that's  why  i  had  to  come  here.  that  thought  alone  leaves  shivers  down  her  spine,  knowing  all  too  well  she  wasn't  some  superhero  ;  she  was  just  actress  barbie.  her  only  role  in  the  world  was  to  inspire  little  girls  that  they  can  become  actresses  too.  she  can't  save  the  world.  not  if  it's  set  ablaze  anyway.  the  picture  perfect  smile  upon  her  countenance  begins  to  fade  as  a  sentiment  started  to  dig  at  her  chest  –  must've  been  the  scorching  fire  nearby  reacting  with  the  plastic.  another  thing  to  worry  about.  but  barbie  can't  just  give  up,  she  hasn't  even  tried  to  do  anything  yet.  she  was  stuck  there,  in  the  middle  of  nowhere,  with  no  other  living  being  in  sight,  scared  at  what  she  was  seeing.  if  that  was  a  movie  set,  it  surely  was  realistic.
taking  a  deep  breath  –  and  quickly  coughing  it  back  out  –,  barbie  finally  moves  from  where  she  initially  landed.  one  step  after  another,  glancing  all  around  her.  she  was  looking  for  someone  (anyone)  that  could  help  clear  things  out  for  her.  she's  not  yet  aware  that  she  hasn't  completed  all  the  easy  steps  weird  barbie  has  told  her  ;  hopefully,  she'll  get  there,  at  some  point.  and  she  walks,  dragging  her  plastic  frame  forward,  away  from  the  source  of  warmth.  she's  glancing  around  the  houses,  but  all  lights  are  cut  out  –  the  residents  must  be  sleeping,  she  can't  disrupt  them.  and  she  walks.  it's  been  for  maybe  half  an  hour,  though  it  felt  like  forever  and  more  to  barbie,  until  she  finally  landed  her  eyes  upon  someone  in  the  distance.  she  jogs  towards  the  silhouette,  hope  twinkling  inside.
"  hi  there,  can  you  tell  me  what  happened?  "    ask  and  the  answer  shall  come  –  or  wait,  because  ken  will  always  show  up  to  the  rescue.  though  this  wasn't  barbieland.  and  ken  didn't  join  her.  she  shakes  her  head,  trying  to  brush  off  that  dreadful  thought  –  that  she's  alone  and  she  might  never  find  her  way  back  home  –  with  a  slight  smile  upon  her  visage to @shadowedvales.    "  because  this  world  seems  like  it's  falling  apart.  and  if  that's  the  case,  tell  me  what  can  i  do  to  save  it.  "    she's  confident  in  her  illusions,  but  she  has  to  start  somewhere.  losing  all  hope  would  be  like  admitting  defeat  before  even  trying.
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shigarakicat · 1 year
Remember You: Beginning part 3.
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A few days have passed, the same old stuff kept happening to Paruika, she goes to the playground, thinks she safe, gets bullied and cries to herself until it's time to go home.
She walked down the culvert and looked at the small stream. She let out a small sigh and looked up at the sky. It's bright blue color was vibrant, she smiled a bit, but wished there was some clouds to help offset the the color.
"HEY!!!" Shouted a voice. She quickly looks over and saw a figure running twords her. She squinted her eyes a bit but quickly went wide eye at the figure running twords her. It was a large shark boy running full speed at her. She took step back but quickly ran off into the near by forest.
"STOP!!! DON'T RUN!!!" The shark boy shouts at her. Paruika ignored him as her adrenaline was at a high. She was panting heavily not looking back. 'I have to keep running! If stop, he's gonna hurt me' she thought.
She took a quick glance back as the shark boy was closing in on her fast. "STOP RUNNING YOU IDIOT!!!" He shouts but this time there was panic in his voice. She questioned it and began to slow down a bit.
"Why are you-" He soon grabs her and throws her out of the way. She hits the ground hard and looks up at him. He quickly turns and screams. She gasp loudly and covers her mouth! "WH-HWAT HAPPENED-"
She jolts a bit. She looks at the boy infront of her. He was covering his snoot which was drenched in blood. She looked at his hands which was also covered in blood. She wanted to ask what happened but decided to run and ask later.
----3 hours before---
Phinn walked into his friends "club house" and noticed the boys looking over a large piece of paper.
"What are you guys doing? Drawing?"
"Ah, Phinn perfect timing! Come, take a look at this!" Tensai said as he motioned to Phinn.
Phinn cocked his brow and walked over. He glances at the paper and noticed a crude draw. "What is this?" He turns and looks at Tensai.
"This, is how we will end Paruikas torment on me!" He said with a grin. "I've set up a trap in the forest, nothing to flashy, just a piece of metal scrap I found. It's very sharp! I've set it up so when she walks by it, it will...cut her hair!" He explained.
Phinn looked over the plan and gave Tensai a concerned look. "...okay, you say that...but the image looks like...it's cutting off her head..."
Tensai looked up at Phinn and frowned. "Now...why would I want cut her head off? That would be considered murder and...I'm no murder Phinn...I just wanna scare her." He gave an off putting smile.
Phinn kept looking over the plan and then at the other two boys who where giggling and talking amongst themselves. "...Tensai...what exactly...did she do to you?"
Tensai looked at Phinn. He glared deep into his diamond pupils. "...I need you to chase her into the forset Phinn...can you do that for me?"
"...what did she do to you?"
Tensai slowly turned his gaze back to the plan. "She'll show up at in 3 hours, most likely avoiding the park...she'll probably be at the culvert-"
Phinn quickly snatches him by the collar of his shirt and growls. "WHAT THE HELL DID SHE DO TO YOU!?!"
The two boys quickly ran up to Phinn but stopped short when Tensai held up his hand.
"Easy...." He turned his gaze to Phinn and sighs. "I knew you'd ask eventually...just not this soon."
Phinn was a bit surprised, but still kept his grip on Tensai, " ...I don't like hurting others.. I just want to know...why? Why her inparticualer?
"....she hurts me...in away you couldn't understand... I love her Phinn...I love her more then anything in this world...but I want her to be obedient...i need her to listen to every world I say and see it as her law... and in order for that to work...I have to break her. Once she broken, it will be easy for me to train her." He soon had a big twisted smile. "It will be like how my parents met! How my dad trained my mom! And my mom loves him and she's so OBSESSED WITH HIM!!! I WANT THAT PHINN!!! I WANT PARUIKA TO BE JUST AS OBSESSED WITH ME!!" Tensai soon broke our in a manical laughter.
Phinn drops him and slowly backs away. "Y-you'er a monster....so.. you WHERE gonna kill her!?!"
Tensai laughs and nods, " if I can't have her...then no one can..."
Phinn was shock. " I won't let you hurt her!" He growled.
"Pitty... you where just some big dumb brute I took in because I pitted you.... all alone.... not a friend in the world... oh...you where so easy to manipulate..." He soon burst out into laughter. " but alas! You have no friends! And no one likes you PHINN!!"
Phinn began hyperventilating. He grabbed his chest and felt his eyes water up. "...I won't let her get hurt!" He growled before running out the door.
"Boss!!! He's getting away!"
"Oh no...he's doing exactly as I planned.
Tensai slowly walks from behind a tree and sighs. "Damn it...if I knew you where this fast I would have adjusted the plan a bit." He looks down at the shark boy trying to stop the bleeding.
"Bastard, I won't let you hurt another soul, ya'hear me!?!?" Phinn slowly stood to his feet and toward over Tensai. " From here on out, anyone you hurt and threaten...I will protect them from you! I'm going to become a hero and stop you!" He growled before turning around and walking off.
Tensai's eyes narrowed and he scoffs, "Oh Phinn...you should know to never play with fire..."
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 921
Gifs NOT mine.
If either gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @lady-weiss & @rasputinaillyanna (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
• It's so fucking chaotic it's both heaven and hell.
• They are constantly fighting over you, hurling insults at one another while you sit there quietly. Waiting patiently before you get the chance to cut in, and voice what you want to do, or who you want to go with.
• When you choose one of them, the other gets so so fucking jealous, but they know deep down you'll come back to them, you always do.
• God forbid you ever come back from one of the others complex with any kind of injury.
• One time you did come back from Heisenberg's factory with a small cut on your arm, and Alcina nearly tore him to shreds.
• Even though the injury was technically your fault. As you had tripped over your own feet, and when you're reflexes kicked in, you tried grabbing onto a nearby Soldat to steady yourself.
• And of course when you did that you managed to grab his drill arm, thus cutting your arm in the process.
• Oh boy but when Karl found puncture wounds on your shoulder a few weeks later, a result of some late night fun with Alcina, he was on the brink of marching his army to the Dimitrescu Castle.
• This is a constant thing! Hope you can handle that.
• Their so night and day it's almost comical!
• When you are with Alcina you are quite literally wrapped in luxury you could only dream of before meeting Lady D.
• And when you're with Karl you're surrounded by nothing but metal and blazing furnaces, which results in you wearing very little clothes half the time, trying desperately to keep cool.
• It's kinda really nice though tbh. You get a nice balance of luxury and organized chaos.
• When you're with Alcina you wear the best of the best, because her sweet little pet deserves nothing less, and you more or less don't have a real choice on the matter.
• While with Karl you can wear sweats and a hoodie, or shorts and a t-shirt, or whatever comfy clothes you wanna wear. Because Karl doesn't care what you're in, as long as your happy he's happy.
• And honestly you could wear a potato sack and Karl would still find you hot as fuck, no matter what you're in he's gonna flirt with you like a horny fuck, and if given the opportunity he'd dry hump you without hesitation... The man's horny okay...
• Where's with Alcina that just won't do. Don't get me wrong she really loves you, and she'll always find you incredibly sexy, but she still draws the line somewhere on what she'll allow you to wear.
• In her defense she's been surrounded with top quality luxury for so long, that nothing less than perfect is enough. She's accustomed to the best of the best, and she wants you to enjoy that with her.
• Alcina didn't think she could fall for you any further than she already had, not until she found you trying on one of her shorter nightgowns.
• You had forgotten that the maids were cleaning all of your sleepwear, and you'd decided impulsively to try on her smallest gown.
• The gown was essentially lingerie on Alcina, but on you it was a proper gown! And you looked so freaking adorable to her in that moment.
• When you noticed her presence you blushed like a dope, having been caught red handed. But the hungry look in Alcinas eyes nearly took your breath away.
• Neither of you got much sleep that night. (^_−)
• Karl caught you wearing his hat once, and he teased you for it of course, but deep down he found it incredibly sexy.
• You looked better with it on than he did! And he wasn't to salty about that, but he acted like it with his teasing.
• The thought of you giving him head while wearing his hat popped into his mind, and Karl wasn't ashamed to voice the new fantasy.
• Needless to say if you wear either of their clothes they both react the same way, they fall deeper in love with you, and become very horny.
• However if one sees you wearing something of the others, they will roll their eyes and act indifferent about it, trying desperately to ignore the article of clothing.
• God food at the Dimitrescu Castle is so so fucking good, well as long as Mila the middle aged maid that runs the kitchen cooks it.
• The Dimitrescu daughters have tried cooking for you a few times, which resulted in undercooked food, chard black food, bland food, and over seasoned foods being served to you.
• They always try fixing what they messed up the last time, which results in a new mess up. But they try so very hard, maybe one day they'll get it right.
• Now if Alcina tries cooking for you, it's not that bad. However it looks like death, the food she cooks weirdly always looks horrible.
• No one knows why it looks that way, and she tries her damnedest to make it look better, but in the end it looks terrible.
• But again the taste is pretty good, it's not exactly ground breaking, mind melting flavor, but it's pretty good considering she rarely cooks.
• Now food at Karl's factory is surprisingly mind melting, who knew that dirty foulmouthed man was a really really good cook.
• Like Gordon Ramsay look out! Okay maybe not that good, but like seriously it's good enough to make you literally drool when you smell it.
• You have no idea how he's able to cook like that, but apparently he was born to cook, and also build crazy half robot human monsters.
• Not to mention Karl loves impressing you with his cooking skills, so he insists on buying only the best possible ingredients that the Duke has to offer.
• And when you're around Karl totally ignores working on his army, and instead enjoys cooking for you, or cuddling with you, or you know indulging in other activities.
• The only thing they have in common is how they fuck you, like seriously they are weirdly in sync with the mood their in.
• Like most of the time, their pretty fucking rough, seriously your legs are shaking so bad afterwards, and you've definitely got bruises on your thighs.
• But periodically their mood switches and their so so gentle with you, and they always end up switching like that around the same time.
• Perhaps it's because they can tell that you need it a bit softer, or their just weird like that and they just sync up for some mysterious and weird reason, that not even Miranda can explain.
• Their both absolute cuddle bugs, both of them are so so freaking comfy and warm, and they can both envelope you in their arms with ease.
• They've both got serious anger issues, but they never intentionally direct their anger at you, but sometimes it happens.
• But they would never, they will never ever hurt you, eachother yeah probably, but not you.
• Alcina loves reading to you, or better yet she adores drawing you, or painting either way she loves loves loves it.
• Especially if you let her draw/paint you in the nude, those pictures are locked away securely in her room, because those are for yours and her eyes only!
• Even though Heisenberg has seen you naked just as often as Alcina has, she will never allow that filthy man thing to see those pictures.
• Karl loves watching movies reels with you, or teaching you how to engineer little robot companions.
• You literally have a mini army of tiny robots that follow you around like excited puppies, their so freaking cute yet chaotic it's very amusing.
• Karl also enjoys drawing you, although the drawings aren't as good as Alcinas, his sketches are still very impressive.
• Karl also really enjoys drawing you in the nude of course, and he also refuses to allow anyone else to see the sketches, especially Alcina!
• So yeah being shared between the two Lords is both heaven and hell... But in the best possible way.
• They adore you and will do anything for you, including putting up with the other just for you.
• Because at the end of the day as long as they have you, and you're happy their happy.
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