#St Dorothy
portraitsofsaints · 4 months
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Saint Dorothy
Died 311
Feast Day: February 6
Patronage: horticulture; brewers; brides; florists; gardeners; midwives; newlyweds; love
Saint Dorothy lived in Caesarea (Turkey) during the Diocletian persecution of Christians. Legend has it, that she was ordered to sacrifice to the pagan gods and refused. On the way to her execution, a young lawyer, Theophilus, mockingly asked her for “fruits and flowers from the garden” in which she proclaimed was in heaven. A basket of fruit and flowers was delivered to her by an angel that she gave to young Theophilus, who then converted and was also martyred. That’s why she’s the patron saint of florists.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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maypoleman1 · 4 months
6th February
St Dorothy’s Day
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K Charles II by an unidentified follower of Sir Peter Lely. Source: Virginia Museum of History and Culture/ Encyclopedia Virginia website
Today is St Dorothy’s Day. Dorothy, or Dorothea, a fourth century Syrian lady, who lived in Roman Caesarea, miraculously conjured up a basket of fruit as a gift to a non-believing lawyer who had mocked Dorothea’s faith and challenged her to provide him with the produce of paradise. One quick prayer to the Almighy later, and she did - confounding the pagan’s cynicism. Her feast day is also a time, it is said, when major snowfalls are likely to occur.
On this day in 1685, King Charles II died. After the travails he underwent to eventually claim his executed father’s throne, Charles was understandably a cautious monarch, accepting a level of constitutionalism and partnership with Parliament which would have horrified Charles I. The result, despite his undoubted popularity amongst his subjects, was a somewhat superficial and bland royal reputation. The people’s ambiguous attitude to the restored king was perhaps summed up by the following contemporaneous ditty, which manages to be both affectionate and damning at the same time:-
Here lies our great and Sovereign Lord
Whose word no man relies on,
He never said a foolish thing
Nor ever did a wise one.
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the-evil-clergyman · 1 year
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St. Dorothy, from Selected Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne by Harry Clarke (1928)
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church on Park Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets, early 1920s. It is the burial site of, among others, Lillian and Dorothy Gish.
Photo: NY Historical Society/Getty Images/NY Daily News
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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babylon characters + real life influences
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The Golden Girls - Favourite Moments
Season 5, Episode 24 - "All Bets Are Off"
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Dorothy Malone
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Emma Barton ~ ‘St Margaret’, ca. 1902. Carbon print. | Science and Media Museum & Luminous-lint LL/55928
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uwudonoodle · 2 months
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I always feel like Dorothy in Return to Oz on St Paddy's Day. Always trying to spot anything green. 🍀💚
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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Saint Dorothy Died 311 Feast Day: February 6 Patronage: horticulture; brewers; brides; florists; gardeners; midwives; newlyweds; love
Saint Dorothy lived in Caesarea (Turkey) during the Diocletian persecution of Christians. Legend has it, that she was ordered to sacrifice to the pagan gods and refused. On the way to her execution, a young lawyer, Theophilus, mockingly asked her for “fruits and flowers from the garden” in which she proclaimed was in heaven. A basket of fruit and flowers was delivered to her by an angel that she gave to young Theophilus, who then converted and was also martyred. That’s why she’s the patron saint of florists. {website}
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eeblouissant · 3 months
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hellooldsmelly · 2 months
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beethebisblog · 1 year
I had to watch the episode in short bursts, because people kept needing me for things.
I’m gonna ramble about everything that happened for each character but first I just want to say that I loved hearing more of Tricia’s singing voice this episode, she has been underutilized so far.
At the beginning of the show, Susan was very quickly cast as the pretty but mean popular girl jealous that her ex-boyfriend moved on. Then slowly, they did this thing that I REALLY love, where they gave her more depth, more complexity, and more dimension. They have shown us perfect Susan who works hard to maintain the status quo and please her mother (who is encouraging unhealthy relationships with food and slutshaming her daughter, seriously Mrs. St Clair can suck a rock). And now they’ve shown us another level to Susan, acknowledging that rich white families will ALWAYS do whatever it takes to protect their reputations. Her mother holds this over her head, but it was clearly a very traumatic, very difficult thing for her to do in secret without the support of anyone. Sure her parents made it so that she could get the abortion, but based on how we’ve seen her mother treat her, we know Susan doesn’t get any real support and it makes her actions that much more heartbreaking. When she tries to stand up to her mother, and Olivia (who is neither right nor wrong in her reactions) doesn’t want to believe she’s changed, you can see that she accepts that. It isn’t until Olivia is a steps a little too over the line that she reveals the truth about what she witnessed. Susan is 16-17 and she’s hurt and she’s scared and she’s sad and I love her.
I don’t have much to say on her, except that she really is a sweetheart who deserves better friends. Honestly, sometimes a pity date with the bad boy of the school is way better than sitting there alone while your friends all have dates. She’s so cute. Her poor nose and eye :(
-Hazel & Wally
Doing them together because they were together in all of their scenes. Hazel was giving Cinderella vibes. I appreciate the fact that while Wally doesn’t understand some of her Hazel-ness, he really seems genuinely interested in learning about her interests and getting her to at least attempt to enjoy his too. I loved their duet. I love that during the utter chaos that was the rest of the episode, they got to be in their little bubble where everyone pointed out that they are seemingly perfect for one another. I don’t normally trust media when it says stuff like that, but I actually really like them together.
I love her so so so much. It’s entirely relatable the way a crush can feel all consuming and irritating all at once. Her (and Cynthia’s) song was very much a highlight of the episode. I love that Nancy is just an all in type of person and she doesn’t really stop to hear a no for the answer. I do wish they would give her a little more depth. They’ve done a good job with Susan and Jane and Olivia and Richie and Buddy. All we really know about Nancy is that she is incredibly headstrong, a very talented seamstress/ designer, the daughter of the owners of the frosty palace who may or may not be an only child, a Buddhist who’s not a fan of reading, “scary” and although she hasn’t had much of a romantic life in the past, she has a big crush on Potato. Which is valid, because he‘s great. But still, I want to see a new dimension of Nancy with this new conflict within the Pink Ladies.
She is in the “shit I am gay but no one can know, especially not the person who made me realize it’s true” phase where she fights it HARD. Compulsive heterosexuality hurts. She needs someone to talk to, before she implodes further. That moment with Lydia made me so so sad, but that’s just a real part of quiet culture for someone. Cynthia is hurting, and that doesn’t give her a free pass to hurt Shy Guy like she did, but I understand it. She’s gonna have to apologize bug time, when she comes around. Also, as always, I loved Ari’s part in the duet.
I’ve decided that if her and Richie are twins, she’s the older one for sure. The ages are so hazy, or at least their grade levels, and I’m kinda confused. So my head cannon is that she’s the older twin. Which would explain her protectiveness over the Pink Ladies, without factoring in the slightly homosexual overtures to hers and Jane’s friendship that is not present with the other PLs. Olivia hates Susan, and she does have reason for it. But that really doesn’t explain why she wouldn’t let Jane explain. Because people can change, and they can learn. But Olivia does NOT have forgive Susan, but she should’ve given her so-called best friend a chance to explain. No matter what Susan said, Olivia had NO right to do what she did. She knows what the school is like once they realize you are a “slut” and she knew that the consequences always land on the girl (does she not remember the extent of the conversation at Dot’s party??). Sorry that just made me so mad. And then to tell Richie what happened between Buddy and Jane :/Her moments with Gil were really sweet. But her going back to her abuser does not send a good message at all and I hope this is addressed before the season is over.
She did the right thing not going with either guy to the dance. She was unsure of her feelings for either and did not want to lead them on or hurt them by choosing too soon, and that was a mature decision. Her budding friendship with Susan is interesting and kind of ironic. Her accidentally confirming Olivia and Mr. Daniels is unfortunate, but also something that would reasonably happen to me because I am bad at de-escalation techniques. Jane is very much people pleaser, even after everything, so it makes sense that she would sort of defend Susan. Her coming home to Olivia’s jacket already on her porch (which like, hello Flash because how did she get there before Jane) was almost the opposite of the scene where Olivia brings Jane’s jacket to her house. She did not even really register what Richie told her about Buddy and the election results (which like, how did he find out?)
He is a good guy. He respects Jane’s space; he saw that Dot was devastated about her going dateless to the dance (which also sorta implies she’s never been if they previously had to have a date to register a ticket and she said her friends always had dates but not her). He was very kind to go with her, and go along with her quirks. Teenage jealously makes a person unsteady, and I am just glad someone told Jane the truth about Dick Aldridge.
I am still not his biggest fan, but man was he sad this episode. It seems like everyone is moving forward except him, which is expected when you realize most of your life is a lie. He needs a slap in the face and a hug.
-The others (Shy Guy, Potato, Mr. Daniels)
As for the rest: Potato remains one of my top guys; Shy Guy and Cynthia in the kitchen actually made me cringe because I know she feels nothing what he feels for her; and the predator needs to be imprisoned. I can’t believe he is trying to suck her back in :(
I need my girls back together. I need some proper communication to happen between Lydia and Cynthia.
Also episode 8 comes out the day before my birthday so I hope it’s a good one (they have not let me down so far).
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One Dress a Day Challenge- Part Two!
Anything Goes December
Dorothy Tuttle in Meet Me in St. Louis, The Harvey Girls, The Pirate and Summer Stock
OK, so I decided to mix it up for my final entry in this challenge.  Today, I want to highlight the career of MGM contract player Dorothy Tuttle.  
The reason for this is, she is a background actor that I would notice while watching these movies...I’d watch The Harvey Girls and go: “Wait a minute, wasn’t she in Summer Stock?”  And then I’d see her in Meet Me in St. Louis or The Pirate....so I’ve decided to highlight her looks in some of my favorite movies!
The orange dress she wears in Meet Me in St. Louis for the party scene is one of my favorites...I mean, just look at the detail...the embroidery, the ruffles, the puff sleeves...it’s gorgeous!  And the pink and cream outfit she wears for the Trolley Song is really cute, too...I love her hat!
For The Harvey Girls, she wears the uniform for the majority of the movie...but like all the other actresses in the opening, she gets a beautiful travel suit, with a white eyelet shirt waist and orange and black coat.  She also has a gorgeous dress for the dance sequence, but there are no decent photos of her in it.
She gets her most iconic moment in The Pirate, wearing a really cool Spanish-inspired dress with a black and white polka dot top that’s way off the shoulder with those huge puff sleeves.
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And then in Summer Stock, she gets to wear more contemporary looks with 1950′s styles.
I also want to highlight some other iconic movies she appeared in during her career: Marie Antoinette, The Women, Ziegfeld Girl, Show Boat, An American in Paris and Singin’ in the Rain (which was her last film).  She was also in a movie called Ladies of the Chorus, which was the film that gave Marilyn Monroe her start in movies.  All uncredited...which is why it took me forever to find out what her name was.
It is so incredible the things she got to do and witness in her career.  She sat next to Judy Garland while she sang The Trolley Song, she got to watch Gene Kelly tap dance, she saw the beginning of Marilyn Monroe’s career.  She was in movies with William Powell, Norma Shearer, Lucille Ball and Fred Astaire.   I have to say, if I had worked in Old Hollywood, and I couldn’t have been a “star”, I would have wanted a career like Dorothy Tuttle’s.  What a legacy.
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Another vote for Edith Stein aka Teresa Benedicta of the Cross! And also a vote for Dorothy Parker
Another vote added for Edith Stein AKA St Teresa Benedicta
And I think you mean Dorothy Day? Dorothy Parker was a very cool poet and all but Dorothy Day is our special girl here at this blog!
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