#Sucks to be them I guess
pushing500 · 6 months
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The transport pod crash survivor Purple Shark is volunteering to be food by trying to squeeze between Vasso and Laursen. If he pushes any harder, I'll feed him to Salvatore (the cat).
There's nothing like being compared to a tarpit to get you in the mood, though, amirite??
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Then Randy Random sent a space battle event, which would have been frustrating if this were still The Animist Alliance. Fortunately, the Children of Ecthuctu are a little less charitable and a little more hungry than my last colony.
We did rescue two people, one is a catgirl highmate named Duchess who looked interesting, and one was a man named Carello. A slave caravan came through soon after, though, and Carello's brother happened to be amongst the merchandise, so we sold Carello to them, and now they're reunited. How lovely! We kept Duchess, though. I'm going to try and convert her.
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And then, FINALLY, Charlon Whitestone called to tell us where we can find a ship. We're going to research pemmican and survival meals, then head off and set up a new temporary base a few tiles closer to the ship. We'll inch our way there, no matter how long it takes!
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Here is a helpful map of S-2 Media (the planet) showing the distance from Landfall (our current settlement) to the crashed ship. It's going to be quite a trek!
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sassyandclassy94 · 11 months
So many opinionated brats dissing the new Indiana Jones movie🙄 Lol, they think they’re movie experts. Oh well… guess they can’t recognize awesomeness when it’s staring at them in the face🤷🏻‍♀️
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maxgovroom · 1 year
it’s always fun to relive those months post abu dhabi 2021 where fans were calling max every name under the sun, especially when they called him an “unmarketable driver”, and now look at him signing partnerships left and right with big brands like ea games and heineken where he’s getting to be part of the development of new videogames like it’s funny how things play out isn’t it?
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mother-na · 6 months
I've got a LOT of toxic trait, but one good trait of mine is that if I were in JJK and other such worlds, you wouldn't catch me dead sleeping with ANY of em.
This brain o’ might be an insatiable whore but my bodies asexual and my heart is one of an overbearing mother.
I could literally be Gojo’s student and I’d STILL be asking that mf if he ate a proper breakfast.
And if you think this only applies to attractive characters you are WRONG.
My mother's instinct is so strong you might catch me parenting Mahito and Jogo. Hell, Sukuna could step up to the plate!
Not a chance any of em are getting in these pants. Only in a photo book of my kids! 🤍
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oh-warizoro · 2 years
Hands down to Oda Sensei for very subtly yet flawlessly leave no doubt about how Yamato and Kiku identify ❤️
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jaymzsguitar · 2 years
bro some people be hating lars like it’s their number one hobby💀💀
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I hope Jam City knows how much business they're losing from this Facebook bug
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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sorta-slow · 1 year
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deuteragonist1 · 1 year
Wait a damn minute Merlin is an actual nightmare of a servant. Imagine you're the Prince and all of a sudden and only two seconds after surviving an assassination attempt you're stuck with this scrawny, clumsy fucking dude with a really shifty air about him who spends literal days in the tavern with zero notice, steals your food, tried to spy on a guest, doesn't let you hunt, can never fucking be found when you need him even though he is the literal manservant to the prince, which you would think should be a priority but apparently he has better things to do, and is always talking like he's the only thing standing between you and certain death???? Then he gives you attitude? Literally I would throw things at him too. Arthur is misunderstood he's actually being too nice
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7yearsofdele · 2 years
The new cypher for King Charles is kind of funny to look at, probably because it’s new, it’ll be on my uniform soon though so should get used to it quickly.
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bisexualhairrington · 2 years
a moment of silence for every single one of my irls who thinks my ig story/close friends is annoying and therefore will never get to know how insufferable i am on tumblr
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gunsatthaphan · 11 months
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l0verseyes · 2 months
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only fitting i end my ULTRACELLS set w/ this. i think
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main takeaway from certain fan reactions to the finale is this:
the final scene with ankarna was so meaningful to the bad kids' arcs and how they made peace with being wronged by people they loved, and if all you can focus on is that the rat grinders didn't get much screentime, then you don't love dimension20 and you don't love this world: you want to be playing your own hs themed dnd campaign and you're mad the oc versions of the rat grinders you made up in your head acted ooc. these are not your characters and this is not their story.
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dayurno · 7 months
honestly you can say anything about the ravens (and you'd be right to) but you can't say the concept of them isn't delicious. a group of collegiate athletes in their intimidating raven motifs and their black uniforms who are basically bred to become the best of the best in a bloodsport. the adrenaline rush of every game being a competition between yourself and your teammates. knowing you're not just gearing up towards court but following in the footsteps of the alumni before you. the parties and the victories and the mindless sex and the way everyone around you somehow seems to always be thinking the same thing as you are. you are never alone and you will never be again if you just do as we say. who knows the kind of relationships that can happen in a place like that?
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