#Tw child endangerment
‼️TOH s3 spoilers and tw for child abuse‼️
yknow what really small detail from ‘thanks to them’ just breaks my heart?
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it’s this. hunter says “that throne room”.
not “the throne room”, THAT throne room.
he refers to the throne room in the castle the same way people who have had a traumatic experience (especially abuse victims) refer to where it took place. like when people who were abused as children talk about how they remember being in “that house” instead of “the house” when talking about their childhood residence.
obviously hunter was abused by belos, that’s not news, and the show has always had his behavior and mannerisms reflect that. but something about him saying “that throne room” just hurts to hear.
you can tell just from that one sentence that he experienced so much pain at belos’ hand in that throne room over the years.
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cellberry · 6 months
"You named their duo name after them both murdering a child!?" - Aimsey
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lovealwayssay · 2 months
Nothing has made me more anti-police than watching five police officers pin down and arrest a black woman in the train station while letting her screaming toddler just run away. I don’t care if she is guilty, it doesn’t take five officers to arrest her and they should never pin her down, handcuff her hands behind her back, and then demand she just stand up and yell at her for not standing up immediately. There were five officers there, one of them could have taken care of her kid instead of depending on two bystanders to do it. Fuck the police truly. And I felt like such a phony in my ACLU hat with no idea how to help her besides just recording the arrest like she asked and consoling her screaming toddler with the candy I had.
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doloniaxdiegesis · 10 days
HC - Cold & numb
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Clara can't feel the cold , more specifically she can't feel the cold in her limbs. Clara has spent an undefined period of time in a trash heap not to mention the stellaron was active during this period.
This is the main reason she doesn't use shoes because her feet get numb and hurt her to the point she will trip. Clara herself has no idea that she is affected this way and just believes she's clumsy but if asked svarog will tell you that clara has a weaker immune system.
Its because of clara's lower body heat and the slow circulating that she has a "little buddy" with her. They naturally generate heat for her and are easy enough for her to ride on and all models have a distress button if the robot is broken
At this moment in time only a select will be notified if clara is destressed or in danger.
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ninelivesastrology · 1 month
My husband has been no contact with his opiate addict "mother" for close to two years and she's been harassing my husband via email after being blocked via phone for over a year. She has abused my husband in every way across twenty years and that abuse extended to me by helping my abuser stalk me after I told her about the physical, emotional and extensive sexual abuse and that I feared for my life. She victim blamed me in response.
In the last six months, she's mentioned hanging out with my abuser to my husband who knows of the abuse. It's an intimidation tactic to me and it's meant to purposely distress me because I am chronically ill and a part of that story is due to years of abuse. She is not just a threat to my health, but a threat to my husband's health which motivates him not to speak to her.
I feel like my husband's "mother" is just an accomplice to my abuser. It's been 3 years since I ended the relationship with my abuser and I have a child by my husband.
We decided not to allow my husband's "mother" to be a part of our child's life because we know she will abuse our child like she abused me and my husband. I believe our child deserves a normal upbringing and I don't plan to force our child to interact with any adult out of guilt, obligation or fear. She keeps begging for pictures of my child behind my back and has resorted to manipulatively attacking my husband when he doesn't respond.
We currently don't consent to any pictures of our child being sent or shared with anyone because of my abuser and everyone affiliated with him, that's why I don't post pictures of my child.
It's our desire to be left alone to be a family and this choice is not to spite anyone rather to protect ourselves as individuals and a family. If anybody is taking our boundaries personal, we are right to believe that we will harmed by that person.
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hlfmoonshine · 4 months
tw: trauma, child endangerment, assault, abuse
my stepmother beat the shit out of my sister. she's thirteen years old. my brother thankfully was in town when it happened, and he marched into her house, grabbed our sister's meds and a bag of clothes, chewed my stepmother out, as well as my uncles who were there but did nothing to help (one even said our sister deserved it). after a lot of debate with the other members of my family (our eldest brother and our aunt), it was decided that because my brother lives off reserve, near a hospital, and doesn't have kids (my stepmother is unhinged, so there's no other children to traumatize if she shows up screaming about him kidnapping our sister) that he and his fiancée should take her in. they brought her to the hospital, got ahold of social services and the rcmp. it's slow moving because our society is built to be broken. we have photo evidence, multiple people who are willing to give statements on my stepmothers behavior, and all of us adult siblings are going to fight tooth and nail to get our youngest brother (we range in age from 33, 31, 29 (that's me), 27, 22, 15 and our sister, the baby of the family who is 13) out of our stepmother's house. i think he only stayed out of fear, because she abuses him as well. we have made more permanent arrangements for my sister, but we've promised her that she can stay with our brother until she feels safe to go stay with our aunt. we have multiple meetings over the week to make sure she doesn't get away with this. i'll be on here as much as i can be with all this going on. not because i owe anyone or feel guilty but because i think writing is going to do a lot to help me through this.
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ravenanimationz · 9 months
This goes with the last one-
Derek, Nightstar’s Fiancé, unfortunately is not safe either as a vampire. She did her best to stop herself, managing to keep herself from killing him, but not from injuring him. In his arms is their newborn daughter, Harmony. He managed to barely make it to the medic. He doesn’t blame Night, he knows just how desperate she was to stop… especially since she didn’t even try to dodge most attacks against her.
Uhhhh see if I can link commissions as well
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TW: Child endangerment, murder, medical abuse + child death
Fran Bow spoilers under the cut!
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Name: Fran Bow-Dagenhart
Age: “10/11 (she changes her answer between the beginning and end of the game)”
Gender + Pronouns: Girl, she/her
Video Game: Fran Bow
Backstory: “Killed her parents/framed for killing her parents. Had to endure a 1940s mental hospital. Haunted by a bloody goat skull man named Remor. Theres more but like that alone is a lot. Oh and all the medication stuff that too.”
• "Non-spoilers (we start the game with this): She had a lovely home life. Her parents bought her a lil black cat, her bestie Mr. Midnight. Then she watched her parents get dismembered in front of her by an evil spirit. She runs away and passes out in the woods. Two hooded figures take her body and Mr. Midnight flees. At the start of the playable game, she is ten and has been at a facility for mentally ill children for some time. She is not allowed to leave and is force fed pills that make her see the world around her covered in blood and gore.”
• “After witnessing the death of her parents, she is sent to an asylum. She then sets herself on a mission to escape the asylum and find her pet cat, Mr Midnight.”
• “After finding her parents in pieces got sent to a psychiatric hospital for children they gave her a medicine that lets her sees into another dimension were everything is bloody and horrific, but uses it to her advantage.”
• “She was living a normal life until one night she stumbles upon to her parents brutally murdered and dismembered. She and her cat Mr. Midnight run away and she passes out in a forest. She wakes up in an asylum, gets some pills that makes her hallucinate, and decides to escape.”
Why should they win the tournament?: “She needs a win frfr”
• “She is only 10 years old and saw her parents die years before even that. (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD): her only living family betrays her, she is forced to kill to survive, she takes pills to see monsters and a bloody world around her so she can solve riddles, and the ending is open to literal (meaning magical) or more realistic interpretations. Either way, she is shot by someone she trusted and in a realistic sense, she dies from it. Fran either suffered great mental strain from the forced, experimental medication or her parents traumatic deaths to 'cause her to see hallucinations, or they are actually what the world looks like and she really was possessed to kill her parents just so a huge evil spirit could mess with this poor lil girl.”
• “I don't know if she'll win, but seeing the lengths she'd go to for a cat, I think she's pretty determined and deserves a win”
• “She also scares me but I like her”
• “She is super cool and creative and has a pet cat.”
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toitlechaos · 1 year
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Bye Donnie ミ \_(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠
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cellberry · 8 months
Can't wait for q!Wilbur to be interrupted by a dice minigame in the middle of learning his daughter is missing.
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belphiesreverie · 2 years
The Empress w/Dottore maybe?
Here you go! 💕
This one is a bit dark, but it’s Dottore so-
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The Empress: Would this yandere want to have children with their darling in the future?
Dottore definitely wants kids but not for the normal reasons. Dottore knows that he��ll be able to use the children they have as an extra precaution to keep his darling complacent and deter them from trying to escape. His darling can misbehave all they want, he’ll simply turn their punishment to their child. What? They don’t want him to experiment on the child? Well then they better stop breaking the rules. And his darling wouldn’t dare attempt to escape and leave their child behind with him, but they can’t exactly escape with their child if he’s always watching over them. All in all, Dottore thinks having children is the perfect way to trap his darling
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mushroom-for-art · 28 days
A random fic I started like all the way back last yearish when I first became obsessed with Syn, same sort of world as shadow au with Syn existing in the same world as my twos possibly the other twos from @seasidemew existing there too but lmao not important this is about Syn. Please enjoy his originally intended pure villain arc, bulletpointed after the original part I wrote up so it's at least done without me having to go into super detail about everything
Evil Syn au part 1 of ??
Faint coos and gurgling could be heard within the abandoned facility, within one of the rooms the dark hued mewtwo huddled over cradling a tiny form, her crystals and makings faintly illuminating the room. The light blue infant squirmed in her arms making soft vocalizations as their stumpy tail wiggled, sparkles of glow radiated with varying brightness from dotted patterns on the infants' skin like gold dust glowing bright as they cooed once more. A crescent moon pattern formed over the child's right eye. The infant let out a whimper at a sudden chill and the older mewtwo gently shoved her snout against their small form hands carefully supporting them as she nuzzled the baby to her face, warming them through body heat and soothing them with closeness.
"Shh, shh, it's okay, no need to cry it's okay, I've got you you're safe mamma's here…" The adult whispered against their child who clumsily reached to touch and hold onto their mother beginning to purr and coo once more. Darkness could feel herself trembling as she cradled the newborn close to her, she was exhausted and sweaty to say the least and incredibly ill prepared. Her breathing wobbled as she sensed the waves of pure gaia energy radiating off of the baby in her hands, every living thing has gaia but like some cruel punishment her infant practically glowed like an overcharged battery of the stuff. And she knew…she knew she wouldn't be the only one to sense it, that others of shadow kind would come.
Her breathing hitched in her throat as a sob wracked through her chest against her control, gasping as tears splattered on the flooring beneath her. She was in no state to fight them and she didn't know how long she had. Her baby whimpered as tears fell on their skin and she whispered apologies to them as she dried them and comforting them, apologizing for crying, apologizing for upsetting them, apologizing for bringing them into such a dangerous world and apologizing that they were going to suffer because of the ill actions she partook in. They didn't understand simply purring and glowing with sparkling energy, Darkness softly licked the baby's cheek purring back to them as their hands opened and closed in a kneading manner wiggling in her hands.
"My sweet little moon."
A demented Hydreigon was one of the first to arrive crashing straight through a wall in a wild dragon frenzy snarling and snapping wildly searching for its prey, the crystal protruding out from the back of its neck mimicking the look of its natural frills. It was loud and it was big, but it was stupid and careless and unable to turn its main head with the crystal lodged in its spine by the looks of it. It lunged crashing into a generator receiving what should've been a killer electric shock, before it could recover with electric sparks fizzling over its body. She ripped the shard right out from the creatures' lower neck, watching it jerk spasm and flop still. The crystal having become infused and embedded into and by removing it it had severed the link to the body and effectively broken the main spine. She held no sympathy for it, throwing the crystal she couldn't use across the room.
More came and despite her more exhausted state she found they were relatively manageable, she had to throw a few of the corpses outside and looked in dismay at the damages caused by these idiotic creatures figuring she'd need to move somewhere else soon somewhere safer to raise her young and hopefully learn how to mask her gaia signature by then.
By the late morning, because of course she gave birth in the night and had to be vigilantly awake ever since, she'd become almost overconfident in herself, figuring perhaps if every shadow Pokémon out there were just everyday Pokémon and this easy to defeat maybe she could cull them all and be the only one left letting her raise her child in peace.
Unfortunately fate had other ideas…
Darkness rubbed at her eyes sleepily with a yawn as she attempted to get her daughter to try some of the berry that she has pureed beyond it's life, "come on little moon," another yawn as she gently tapped her finger onto her young kittens lips leaving a small dollop of the berry puree behind in hopes her child would try to lick it off, "you need to eat something, you must be hungry, just have a little num nums please, mamas tired." The practically liquidized berry slid from her finger splatting on the floor as she gave an exhausted groan leaning her head forward closing her eyes.
She jolted awake as she felt herself slipping realizing she nearly fell asleep, she sighed licking the berry puree off her finger and gently licking her babys' face clean wondering how she even managed to get berry puree in her forehead as she slowly walked to the medical room which she'd been using as her sleeping room. She shuffled over to the recovery bed at the end side of the room where she'd hoarded all the different fabrics that she enjoyed the texture of, climbing onto the bed carefully while holding her kitten in one hand she shuffled her feet and legs and available hand adjusting the fabrics into a makeshift nest. Using her tail she lifted a blanket and shuffled backwards under it lowering the blanket onto herself effectively tucking herself into her nest comfortable buried inside, she moved a pillow as she moved to lie on her side placing the pillow next to her chest and gently placing her kitten on top of the pillow and laying the blanket over them so that she was close, wouldn't get squished and wouldn't get too hot being put too deep in the nest. Through Darkness did wrap her arm over and under the pillow with her hand gently resting on her kitten just to be safe.
Dark attempts to get some mceepyin cause she's so fucking tired my guy holy shit it's been a long day with a wiggling kitten and people coming literally trying to kill her baby to drain her life energy, baby wiggles and cooes
Outside the sky darkens as something powerful and dangerous approaches
Dark bolts awake as Syn makes contact with the floor outside gasping to herself sensing his power now suddenly through her sleep, he takes a moment eyeing the damaged structure before floating inside hunting down the radiating glow of life energy unlike anything he'd ever sensed
Dark attempts to flee but her path is blocked off by Syn, they stare at each other assessing the others power level he can sense she's weakened but is aware she's very powerful and she can sense his power too. His eyes fall on the infant in her arms that she possessive pulls closer to her body attempting to hide with her hands, he only assumes they are same place same time hunting the same life force and he's not in the mood for sharing
He strikes for her, she barely manages to dodge swinging her tail at him but hitting a wall restricted by the hallway space she's stuck he gets a kick in right to her soft delicate tummy
She stumbles backwards a few steps, baby starting to cry in her arms, aura glowing off her body brightly going through Darks fingertips. She can't fight him and protect her. She focuses and teleports the baby away just as he goes to grab for child slamming her head down to nut him
He growls in frustration stepping back and turning to leave as he came for that gaia source not her and she's less worth it in his opinion, the strike in the back makes him stumble forward before glaring over his shoulder with a dangerous growl
He moves first with greater speed ramming dark backwards through the walls of the structure sending her body crumpling outside sliding against the dirt, he glares darkly as he steps through the hole in the wall following after her slightly amused when her weaker body gets up
They fight some more and he'd almost be impressed if he wasn't so already done and pissed off with her tbh she tries to slash him with her tail he manages to beat and bruise her with his ect until and attack from him topples her over the end of the ledge the lab was on and her body falls hitting nearly every rock on the way down falling right into a muddy ditch
He looks over the edge and can't see her past the tree line or sense her anymore to finish the job as she suppresses her aura, he scans searching before sensing gaia baby's aura again and flying off after it
Meanwhile elsewhere Maybe just got jumpscared by randomly spawning baby child that she caught out the air from falling holding in her arms comforting to stop them crying. Matt judging (he's the baby >:c not that baby doesn't like to share)
When they sense shadow pokemon approaching they both bolt and as Maybe runs holding this child she must protect her powers kick in mega evolving and she's running at speeds she rarely achieves weaving through the trees with skill gaia glowing through her from the baby keeping her going
Until Syn appears in her way getting in front of her making her slide to a stop and take a step back. He eyes this new mewtwo up because mega mewtwo x huh? He can take em without even mega evolving then he's got a 6’4 mewtwo to crush when he beats the mega out of em.
He takes a warning step closer watching the other back away, “now let's be reasonable,” the last mewtwo was just a thing protecting it's catch, this mewtwo might have sense, “I don't want to harm /you/” he emphasizes, “I just want that gaia lifeforce you're holding there, nobody has to get hurt” his tail swings up and slams down crushing the skull of an approaching shadowed pikachu, he chuckles, “nobody reasonable that is”
“You think I don't know what you'll do if I hand over this child?” his expression betraying his surprise at a female voice but only briefly face falling into annoyance as she cups the infant closer to her body trying to soothe the distressed baby, “you'll drain her of all her lifeforce,” maybe steps back from him still seeing his expression turn dark at her lack of cooperation, “like fuck am I letting you do that.”
Syn tuts to himself looking to the side disappointed before lunging forward at her surprised as she dodged senses heightened for the gaia being willingly given and shared with her swinging her spare arm to slam her fist down into his spine as he attempted to go for her hitting the ground and sliding painfully which just riles him up more
They fight and he's amused by how much she's compromised by how she has to hold and protect the child from him it makes her fighting sloppy and restrictive a waste of a mega form and he's a bit impressed by how long she's holding it for
He shoves her up against a tree one hand grabbing her upper arm that's holding the baby the other grabbing her hand grinning up at her before he mega evolves just to tower over her, he hears the bone in her upper arm crunch in his grip as she yells out in pain for it
Her tail wraps around the tree tightly and she heaves up her legs kangaroo kicking him in the gut away his feet sliding back through the dirt and crashing into a tree himself causing him to grunt and wheeze glaring at her to hide his surprise and intrigue at her battle prowess
The sharp movement of air as she takes off causes him to stagger before moving to quickly fly after her
She flies fight into Matt snarling something at him as he enters mega Y and zooms off with blinding speed as she locates Syn coming right for her moving and flying right back at him
They crash dangerously sending a shock wave of energy through the area trees bending at the force she grabs him with her hands and tail determined to drag him down in a death roll and using the momentum and confusion to crash them both down her knees digging into his form as they crash together her victory short lived swinging an arm successfully back handing punching her across the face sending her flying off body scraping against the ground
As he gets up back bruised and some injuries on his front he realises…. She was a distraction looking off towards where the mega Y shot off he goes to follow until his tail is grabbed and he's swung thrown backwards, “no you don't, I'm not done with you”
He cant help laughing at that assessment, she's not done with him? Ha! “well I was willing to ignore you until we next met but if you insist, tell me, how long can you keep that mega form” going for her again knowing that this other mewtwo has been mega far longer than him and was likely fueled by the gaia energy so how long is she going to last with the extra energy gone?
To Syns great annoyance he will discover it's a fucking while!! She doesn't betray her growing weariness or tiredness as they fight fists colliding and moves exploding off of each other, for the second time that day he's nutted this time under the chin causing him to bite his tongue and spit out blood annoyed. She hits hard and she can take a hard hitting. It'd be greatly desirable were he not so interested in his hunt for the gaia lifeforce
She screams as while tackling her he rips open her back with synergy dark energy covered claws pinning her onto the ground his claws sunk deep into her back flesh pinned there by her own body weight as he kneels over her feeling her life drained through his fingers and the blood in his palms
He can see the energy of her aura and mega flicker and fizzle before receiving a punch in the side of his neck guard not thinking much of it if she wants to get crystals in her hands so be it until he felt the burning sensation yelling and throwing himself away from her her and his blood splattering the grass as he touches the stab(???) wound feeling it burn his aura flickering and seeing synergy claws protruding from the backs of her hands as she stands up slowly despite her bleeding back
Her victory is short lived her mega form breaks, he covers his eyes for the bright glow eyes level to meet his adversary before dropping down to actually see her, she was shorter than he anticipated…
He chuckles and then he cackles and he enters a full blown laugh looking at the 5’4 mewtwo before him, “oh dearest, you are not what I expected~” he cooes mockingly amused by the turn of events. This entire time she'd just been boosted by the gaia then? And he thought she was your average mewtwo. Though it wasn't needed he stayed in mega form he had a Y to hunt as he turned to leave her there
She'd been a good fight and while he would've delighted in killing her he was just amused enough by her sorry state he figured he'd show some mercy after all he had bigger fish to fry. He quickly came to regret that as despite being bloodied bruised and heaving for her breath she grabbed his tail as he attempted to fly away swinging to smash him into the ground
“Oh you're not fucking going anywhere,” he glares at her from the ground, still so determined to die then. Find he'd give her that.
Despite the loss of mega she kept going she still hit hard and took the beatings he was giving out, how was he keeping up, how was her arm that he broke healed?! He managed to strike her down standing on her head to push her down into the dirt, “this” he breathed heavy the exertion of mega evolution getting to him but he tried not to betray that, “has been quite the experience, but you have been bested, now why don't you lie there and submit before I break and splatter your skull across the dirt and pebbles hm?” it'd probably have been easier for him to just do what he was threatening than just threaten it. Perhaps she intrigued him or he just wanted to prolong the game and get her properly later
He didn't expect her to bite his fucking FOOT. He snarled pulling his foot away sharply before kicking her clean in the face sending her crashing into the bottom of a tree her nose broken and bloodied as he glared. This would be impressive if it didn't piss him off so much watching her once more force herself back to her feet meeting his glare with her own determined scowl
“Nuh uh. Not yet.” she smirked at him past the blood from her nose and the bruises and wounds. Her goal ultimately was just to distract him really keep his attention on her as long as she physically could to give her brother the best headstart from escaping this shadow mewtwo as she could and that was what fueled her right now. Pure determination and grit.
In honesty this segment of the fight she's getting most of the beating he starts to not hold back from the sheer anger and frustration of how much she's denying his exit he MUST beat her now it's not about leaving her to pursue the gaia is far enough away now she has his whole undivided attention /bad very very bad
He grabs her by the throat as she staggers to try to stand picking her up off the ground as he chokes her, “oh there,, there we go,” he can see and sense it she's reaching her limit now she can't go on and he simply purrs and cooes as though comforting her even as he grips her throat, “that's it,” he exhales a soft chuckle, “that's it” she was quite the fight but he WON
Her hands grasp the one holding her throat struggling to breathe before moving to grab one of his crystal formations causing him to snarl out in pain feeling her attempt to drain it?? Turning his head sharply he sinks his teeth into her wrist returning the bites she'd bestowed upon him making her yelp out on pain whimpering he slams her into a rock hand on her throat his other hand pinning her bitten wrist to the rock painfully rocks jabbing into her back as he licks her blood from his lips finally letting his mega form slip standing over her smugly
She still grasps at the hand on her throat with her remaining hand and weakly she shoves her feet against his legs trying to push against him to leverage herself to reduce the choking or trying to shove him away he couldn't tell but he could feel her weakening from it, his grip tightening when she attempts to weakly kick at him with her foot watching her struggle exhaling a struggled breath eyes about to roll back into unconsciousness before he eases his grip again hearing her struggle to gasp the little air she can spluttering tears rolling out her eyes from the choking, he can see her even trying to mega evolve the energy flickering around her and from her mega stone in her chest but it can't form she's too weak it's a cute attempt tho
Now at this point it could go two ways because while she's been #annoying as fuck, for him I'm not sure if while doing all this he thought oooh girl~ (shock me like an electric eel(idk I've seen the meme about))
Bad end she mumbles gurgles something struggling for being choked and while he's confident in his victory he smirks leaning closer saying softly, “what was that hm? Final words?” he hears her gasp inhaling shortly struggling before uttering “I,,, still won” before she bites right into his face that was leant close to hers bonus points if she takes a chunk outta his lip because hm yea lip biting sexy but this time it's for ripping his flesh off lmao which would just send him from his content I won 0 to moving his hand from her throat to slam her head back and feral biting right into her throat draining her lifeforce violently killing a scream before it can leave her. Does he need to bite her like a feral vampire? No but he's annoyed now she bit his fucking pretty face!!! Took a chunk out his fucking lip!!! Throat rights revoked! He drains her and tears her throat out in the process from how violently he was biting dropping her body watching the blood gush out her throat and spitting out the flesh in his teeth beyond pissed off but hmm that was a satisfying meal she was so full of life and so potent too~ before taking off to finish the hunt he started
Worse ending he looks at the slightly glowing pulsing mega stone in her chest making a purr to himself remembering her synergy attack and the fact she tried to drain his own crystal, his psychic breaking off a shard from himself wincing at the pain but ignoring it, “aw, did you want my crystal? Here. /You can have it!/” his voice louder as he speaks with intent but not shouting as his psychic stabs plunging the crystal through her mega stone scene cuts to black background silhouette views the yellow crystal going through her white mega stone and the yellow veins rapidly growing through her body and consuming her eyes indicating the Synergy shadow taking over her and infecting her. Teams have been forcefully reshuffled. Player 2 is now on Team Shadow. Why Syn thought corrupting the girl he's spent the better part of an hour or more fighting would be a good idea I'm not sure but sometimes the rush of combat and adrenaline can be blinding girl who could keep up with him in combat? Wants wants wants
Either ending Matts having a panic attack in a Milktank field as the baby gets some needed moomoo milk rocking back and forth because he is NOT prepared for this wah
And that's the end of that idk chapter? Segment? I'm not sure XD I don't know how this will be finished tbh but I just wanted to write about them beating the shit out of each other and Syn just??? You fucking bit me????
Hunter you're welcome to add any of your own thoughts and opinions on how you think it'd go and end and what you think might happen from here cause I'm at a loss lmao I hope you enjoy your son being evil
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comicsiswild · 11 days
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The Hangman (2015) #4
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
According to Harry's past characterization it would be 100% in character for Harry to think that the Marauders were in the right and that Snape deserved it in Snape's Worst Memory. He almost always tends to view the actions of those he likes as being right, especially if it's directed to those he hates.
Hagrid giving Dudley a pig tail? No issue.
Moody turning Draco into a ferret? No issue.
The golden trio plus Draco being sent into the forbidden forest in the middle of the night to look for a murderer? Eh. They deserved it.
The Werewolf Prank? A non-issue.
So I really don't get why Harry would think Snape's Worst Memory was bullying, that those he loves are in the wrong and that his least favorite teacher was in the right. The fact that Harry isn't feeling anything during the incident just makes it worse, because there's nothing that points towards Harry being horrified or in denial. I have no clue.
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whumpinthepot · 1 year
Word find tag game
Thank you @verkja for tagging me ^_^
Words given to me were: dirt, sharp, intricate, and softly
Dirt (said twice 😳)
Her hair was matted badly, and Ratty didn’t know if it was mostly just dirt that could be washed out or if it was so badly tangled she’d have to get it cut. Either way it did not look comfortable at all. Her lips were dry and cracked, and her nails were long with dirt buried under them.
Ratty’s hands went up slowly, they tipped their face down while keeping a steady voice, “Whoa now Big Guy, I think there's been a mistake. I’m not here to hurt anyone, let alone the little Imp… So… You’ll put them down, yeah?” They kept their sight sharp on him.
Intricate (oh god old writing)
She read off a bunch of safety rules for Zyan to obey for life. Such as no harming another being. No screaming. No breaking things or causing any tantrums, ect. The list was fairly intricate.
Mouse started lulling after that, as if her head was too heavy for her to hold up. She stopped responding, and when Clarence shook her shoulder she only moaned softly. She didn’t flinch or move.
(How this works is you find the words from your writing that was picked by the person who tagged you, then you can tag people to join and pick out four new words for them to find in their own works!)
Tagging who ever reads this post!! Words im choosing for you are: Smash, fight, seethe, bite
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holyfurnace · 1 month
Restrained+4, Daisy for Acid Queen verse Flora
Send me “Restrained” + a number for a starter in which one or both of our characters are: 4. In a cage.
Daisy flinched slightly as she heard a door slam, the demons who'd discovered who and what she was having now gone off to discuss something. She shifted a bit for a moment, trying to find a comfortable position in the corner of the tiny cage that she'd been thrown into and anxiously biting the inside of her cheek as she tried to tug at the ropes keeping her arms and wings bound tightly behind her. The young angel swallowed thickly, doing her best to ignore the tightness in her throat and the burning starting in her eyes as she began to quietly pray for someone, anyone to help her.
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