#Two of them are from the south
mrmistoffles · 11 months
my range of music is just
Abba/army of lovers <---------->Ghost
I really truthfully think that I need to listen to not as many swedish bands
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Trust me.
By @onlylurkingreadingstuff
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potatobugz · 1 year
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huaagh. dip
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asteria7fics · 1 month
A rare day has come, goobers. Teri has drawn some proper, honest to God fan art.
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If you know me then you know I am a slut harlot whore for these two and the Situations their loving mother puts them in. They are THE Super Best Boyfriends and they make my heart so, so incredibly happy
Conveniently I’m posting this just in time for a fresh bedtime story to have dropped! You should absolutely go read it right here!
And hey! If you want some more consider reading other works by Riley (aka @1moreoffkeyanthem) on her ao3!
Love you queen thank you for keeping the Style girlies (gn) fed your hard work does not go unappreciated!!! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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birdb1tch · 13 days
i hate that man but porter would literally thrive in the baronies. a group of countries that are so often at war that its easier to gps a town name rather than a specific country because from one week to the next it could have literally been conquered and the land settlements are constantly changing
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metalheads-trash-bin · 2 months
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I’m a little ill
Mix of my style mods and the sp style, obviously i have headcanons that would get me shot don’t mind me
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naartjie-hijabi · 3 months
I love my country, I really, really do...but seriously do Christian Zionists know how to us in the eye.
During the ICJ court case, Israelis were calling black South Africans monkeys and derogatory terms and yet, somehow there's a community in SA where they defend these people? You'd think because we suffered under Apartheid that we would treat Palestinians with solidarity and compassion.
South Africa supports Palestine but the reality is, some of us have been brainwashed to believe that Israel is the promised land of God
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noyzinerd · 2 years
In order for Derek to have a teenaged son, he also had to have been the father of a toddler at one point.
This means when it's time to roll out to disband a rogue hunter ring, and they get into Derek's newest, badass muscle car with the tinted windows, and Derek dons his sunglasses and says gruffly "They don't know who they're dealing with", that the moment he turns on his car, the Paw Patrol soundtrack immediately blasts from the speakers at full volume.
Or that, once in a while, the pack will hear Derek mindlessly humming a song that's gotten stuck in his head from countless repetitions every single day (because "Again, 'gen, 'gen, Dada! P'ay 'gen!"). And at some point Stiles, being fluent in memes and internet culture, is the only one to recognize the tune and ask "Wait, are you humming Baby Shark?"
And if you think Derek's control was solid before, that's NOTHING compared to the zen master level of composure he has now. When the hunters manage to capture Derek and Stiles and attempt to make Derek turn, they don't realize that, yeah, those sticks with the sonic pinging sound are loud and annoying, but have you ever had to deal with the demonic bat screeches of a 2-year-old for 4 hours that first night after he's not allowed to sleep with his pacifier anymore?
And, sure, being electrocuted loosens a werewolf's grasp on the shift a little bit, but have you ever had to hold back a shift because your child is having a complete meltdown in the middle of a Costco because his sock feels a little funny, and even though you fixed the problem, the ordeal happening at all was traumatic enough for him that it required rolling around on the ground, an additional 7 minutes of screaming, and an attempt to throw eggs out of the cart?
And the "torture" is laughable. Okay, wolfsbane makes you weak and lethargic and makes your skin burn and makes it hard to breathe and makes you throw up black goo, BUT have you ever had a random little girl throw sand in your kid's face, making him cry, and then, after telling her "No! We don't throw sand!", have to deal with an indignant mother yelling in your face because "You do NOT tell my daughter what to do! She is NOT your child and should NOT have to grow up in a world where any man can demand things from her!"?
You want to talk about torture, do you have any idea what 2-Year Sleep Regression is? Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up at 3AM to shrieking and then deal with a cranky toddler that refuses to take a nap, all of this FOR 6 WEEKS STRAIGHT?
Or how about when your 3-year-old has a tantrum because he asked for strawberries and when you give him strawberries you find out he actually meant blueberries but when you get him the blueberries, he has an even bigger tantrum because how DARE you put away the strawberries he didn't want in the first place?
There is a visible moment in which the hunters question whether or not they've made a mistake and accidentally captured two humans.
And after the two of them manage to get out of that mess and back to relative safety, Derek notices a cut on Stiles arm.
Stiles has to bite back a laugh when Derek, without even realizing he's doing it, sticks a Lightning McQueen bandaid on Stiles' cut before kissing his boo-boo better.
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lyculuscaelus · 2 months
Ody Does Math
“Good morning, teacher.” sang the kids, faces radiating vitality.
Indeed, it was a good morning. You can hear the larks chanting in the forest, oak leaves whispering secrets of the wind, and see the open fields bathing in the blazing sunlight casted by Lord Helios. Every bit of this scenery was calling for your attention.
But now is not the right time for that. Commented Athena, in her mind. Now is the time for their math class, and none of them can escape this fact.
So she simply nodded to their greeting. So far so good. She gave a quick glance around the classroom. Odysseus, her favorite student, seemed rather eager for the class. He’s doing good as always, Athena thought. Eurylochus, on the other hand, seemed quite unsettled. Curious. Is it because of his homework? Athena wondered. And as she set her eyes on the next student, she called:
“What are you doing there, Mr. Polites?”
She could see his panic alright. But soon as Polites reclaimed himself she heard him say: “Sorry, Ms. Athena. I was just trying to pack this bag real quick.”
“What for?”
“Er, Ms. Athena…I don’t suppose this is the right place to say—”
“What for, Mr. Polites?”
He sighed. “It’s for a friend of mine, really. Today’s his birthday.”
As he finished, Athena caught a glimpse of the mild blush on Odysseus’s face. It wasn’t hard to figure out what exactly was happening here, but she merely said:
“Well, in that case, I might as well congratulate this friend of yours with a ‘happy birthday’. Hope he gets to be a valiant warrior, a warrior of the mind. And yes, you may sit down, Mr. Polites.”
As everybody settled on their seats, Athena quickly chalked a line of Greek on the blackboard. It reads: ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΓΕΩΜΕΤΡΙΚΑ (Elements of Geometry). As soon as she finished, she said:
“Welcome to today’s math class, everyone. We’ll begin with a discussion on a simple problem in your textbook. Now, please turn to page 43, and evaluate the problem quickly. I’ll ask for your ideas in a few minutes.”
It’s not hard. Thought Odysseus. Just some simple geometry. You draw a perpendicular BC at point B with half the length of AB, and…
“Mr. Eurylochus, if you may?”
Eurylochus’s hesitation was all written on his face. And his silence was loud enough to speak for his cluelessness. I should help him. However, it’s not my turn. Thought Odysseus.
Athena apparently noticed something. “Mr. Odysseus, if you may?”
“Yes ma’am. You need to draw a perpendicular BC…now we have an auxiliary right triangle ABC, right? Draw an arc with center C and radius BC intersecting the hypotenuse at a point D. Then draw an arc with center A and radius AD intersecting AB at a point, say E. Now E should be the golden ratio point.”
“Good job. Now prove it.”
”Prove it?” now it was Odysseus’s turn to hesitate, but he hoped that he didn’t show it. However, Athena was quick to pick up something…else. “Well,” he started, “all I gotta do is…huh, what’s this bag for?”
A look at Polites was sufficient to explain everything.
“Mr. Polites! You seem quite eager to hand the present out, I see. Why don’t you give Mr. Odysseus a hand, by proving this point E to be the golden ratio point as he claims?”
Polites was eager, alright. He stood up swiftly, and said, “May I have a chalk, Ms. Athena?” After a moment Polites finished the proof on the chalkboard, saving the day. Then Athena complimented both Polites and Odysseus, and the class moved on.
But Eurylochus was uncomfortable with the compliment that Odysseus had received. Geometry is his strong point alright, thought Eurylochus, but let’s just wait till we get to arithmetics.
And soon they got to arithmetics. But there were only 10 minutes left for the class. So Athena decided to give a little quiz.
“I have a challenge, a test of skills.” said Athena, “the problem is, are you all ready for it?”
All nods. Ok. “Then let us begin by introducing a geographic fact. This is Troy, 600 miles away from us if you travel by sea. Now suppose that a ship travels at a speed of 5.755 miles per hour without the wind, and it is heading from Troy to Ithaca in full speed, and when it is 2.8 miles away from Ithaca it takes a turn to Temesa, sailing through 290 miles in total, and from there to Aeaea 158 miles away. Suppose the ship sails in a uniform speed, without any wind. How long does it take in total?”
Odysseus could see their expressions clearly. He could see Eurylochus busy doing the calculations, which wasn’t a surprise at all since he was so good at it. I could use a good right-hand man like him. Odysseus thought. And let’s see how Polites is doing. He seems to be struggling with it, which is not a good sign…
But what are you doing, Odysseus?
He had no idea. To be honest he haven’t even figured out how a decimal point works, but he’ll do it anyway, after all he’s a warrior of the mind! What do those miles add up to? 420? 420 divided by 5.755 is…730, right? Wait that 730 looks so familiar…isn’t that twice as long as 365 days? My goddess, that’s a really long time!
“Mr. Odysseus, what’s your answer?” From afar, he could hear Athena calling to him. But this time, there is no more hesitation. He had found his confidence. He knew his result to be true, though somehow he doubted the validity. But he’s gonna answer it anyway, knowing that had it been wrong, the fault was not his at all, but Athena’s. She provided the data, didn’t she? So nothing can go wrong. Just you chill, just you stand, just you answer.
”Ma’am…it’s two long years.”
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choupiee · 1 year
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My favourite gay boys /srs
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cyndrastic · 11 months
on vacation
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i’ve obtained the goods
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 month
On I’ll Follow You Into The Dark and Style
So y’all may know how strongly I associate Death Cab For Cutie’s song I’ll Follow You Into The Dark with Stan and Kyle, and I’ll tell ya why. Even if they aren’t romantically together, they’re a package deal. They’re inseparable. They will follow each other to the ends of the earth, whether as Super Best Friends, Super Best Boyfriends, or Super Best Husbands. That’s very important to me man. I had that song as their wedding first dance (these two can’t dance they shoulda had a sword fight instead but someone would have gotten hurt lmao) in the OrangeJuiceVerse and that headcanon of the song being them spans across a lot of my body of work, so here’s random related quotes from things!
He ignored the coach and the fact that he wasn’t supposed to be on the turf. Everyone in this town knew what Stan meant to him. Where he went, Kyle followed. ESPECIALLY if he went down.
“Hat’s in the pocket,” Kyle informed him, positioning himself on Stan’s right side and supporting him with an arm around his waist and throwing Stan’s right around his neck. “You ready?”
Not in the slightest. But Stan found strength in his super best friend’s determined expression. “As I’ll ever be.”
With that, our beloved boy heroes hobbled slowly into the void.
The path lay before them, twisted and shadowed. With any luck, they’d stay out of trouble until they reached the end. The king was pale and visibly unsteady, and Stan was down one arm and not at full strength to fight back whatever they might come across, but they were together. They were always stronger together, and always had been. Nothing, no matter how vile, poisonous, or vicious, really stood a chance between the two of them.
“Your job was never to protect me. You need to realize that. It was always to fight at my side, which you have never, EVER failed to do.” Kyle is warm when he rests against him; Stan almost cries. Even more so when he says,
“Never stop fighting at my side.”
Because it isn’t an order. It isn’t a command, though Stan will treat it as gospel.
“I don’t intend to.”
Kyle nodded, and they raised the blade above their heads before *slashing* into the cake like it was a monster they were defeating together.
That was what Stan and Kyle did, he’d learned. They faced everything as one. As a team. And emerged victorious.
“When I’m falling into a black hole, you save me with your gravity. You always know what to do when I’m lost, and you’ve never, ever given up on me. I won’t give up on you either, no matter what the future holds. I’m gonna hold you forever, any way the wind blows, in this life and the next.”
“Stan, my dearest one, you’ve overcome so much, defeated terrible foes, and I’m honored to be by your side through every battle until the end of time.”
“Don’t do that.” Kyle’s voice was pleading, almost a whisper as he broke through the spiral in the way that only he ever could.
“Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Stan didn’t want him to follow, try as he did, time and time again.
“But… you called my name.”
“And you came for me. How did you get here?”
Stan shrugged. “I walked. A long way. And then I sang, and the stones let me in.” He took his lover’s face into his hand. “Kyle, I can sing us home again.”
“It doesn’t matter where we live, you know? Anywhere you are, that’s home to me.”
He hated that HE wasn’t taking care of his best friend. That was HIS job, and he wasn’t able to do it.
Stan ignored his headache and Kenny trying to hold him back, slipping onto the floor and dragging himself over to Kyle. Craig and Tolkien gave him the space to do so, because everyone knew Kyle’s side was Stan’s place. Until he was dead and buried, this was where he needed to be.
“… And the worst part was that I wasn’t able to catch you when you went down. I ALWAYS want to catch you when you go down. Because I… I love you, Kyle.”
Anyway. Them
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bogunicorn · 2 months
my job makes me understand how europeans feel when they say that americans "smile too much" and it makes them uneasy
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bucephaly · 9 months
BTW if you haven't already please take a minute to look up what venomous snakes are local to you and familiarize yourself with them
#i joined a local snake ID group recently#before that i knew roughly how to spot a pit viper and hownto tell a coral from a scarlet snake#but i didnt really know how to identify specific species other than copperheads#and now im very confident in my ability to tell water snakes from cottonmouths etc#and it gives really nice peace of mind#like. ive seen so many people here in the us south that will freak out of Any snake#my mom once was yelling and crying trying to get help over a kingsnake on the sidewalk cuz she didnt know if it could kill the dogs#and people will kill snakes if they dont know [and often will anyway but knowing helps foster appreciation]#and now i can see a snake and say thats a coachwhip. isnt it pretty. and will gently grab the back end to look at it for just a second more#before letting it go hide#idk. i saw a rattlesnake in the woods today#and its the first time seeing one in the wild like that. and yea it was scary tbh#and i got a pic but booked it out once it noticed me and reacted#but i wish i had stopped and watched it longer cuz it was super pretty#and i know it wouldnt have bothered me at all#im just glad that we've seen two big full sized diamondbacks here in the past few months. and i know theyre two individuals#because eastern diamondbacks are declining and its good to know theres a population here#idk. im getting sentimental over snakes i just love them#but my main point is its so easy to indentify snakes at least where im at#and learning to id them comes with learning to respect them
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justaz · 2 years
leonidas “leo” valdez (houston born and raised) thriving off of chaos and annoying the ever loving shit out of people and william andrew solace (austin born and raised) being absolutely disgusted by the sound of joints popping and not non-confrontational in the slightest getting into a yelling match that descends into almost incoherent southern screaming that draws a crowd and annabeth fucking chase (virginia born and raised) getting a headache, and the heat from their powers (human torch and ray of sunshine) is unbearable, snapping at them and causing everyone in their vicinity to scatter because that was a southern mother’s hollerin’ through and through
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barnbridges · 8 months
i grew up reading the romanian fantastic and the thing that makes interview with the vampire FUN to read in spite of anne being racist and xenophobic is the mythology and the way it suspends belief enough to where the books can be cohesively be seen as fantastical and narrative, as opposed to commentary on the real world. which is also why rolin jones should literally NOT tackle random shit he knows nothing about.
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