alphagodith · 9 months
through info derived from; https://www.tamatalk.com/threads/magical-witches-guide.200128/, i have determined that these are wizardmon and witchmon’s “original” forms.
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my reasoning;
1. wizardmon’s reference text describes him as coming from witchelny, and being a master of both fire(eneruge) and earth(earthlin) magic. witchmon is also from witchelny, but with water(aquary) and air(baluluna) magic.
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2. there are six generations of witches, and the same is true for digimon! wizardmon and witchmon being adult/champion level makes them gen four.
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3. wizardmon’s main clan in canon is most likely eneruge, based on his primary attack being lightning as well as the fact that his x antibody form specifically mentions further skill in that clan. with witchmon i couldn’t find a specific main clan, BUT she is described specifically as wizardmon’s rival, not comrade(that’s sorcerymon), and what’s the main enemy of fire? water, of course! also this official art;
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4. and lastly, i think these icons are pretty close to how they look as digimon. at least moreso than the single other option each of them had that still met the level and element requirements.
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arcthebreeder · 16 days
04/15/2024, 20:57 (GMT-5)
Well... It was more than just a few hours!
You see, we were wandering around in the Digital World, him with his Dukemon and me with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. "D" has been talking about how new Digimon were discovered a few months ago, some of those Digimon are rumored to come from Witchelny, another Digital World that hasn't been explored that much yet, some Digimon like Wizarmon and Witchmon are confirmed to come from there, this Digital World also houses a pretty rare Dukemon variant "D" had his eyes on, Medieval Dukemon.
Medieval Dukemon has been known as "The Vortex Warrior" since its discovery in 2010, thus mocking the fact that whoever discovered him, wrote that he was part of a group called The Vortex Warriors, however, for almost 14 years, no one had discovered a digimon from this group aside Medieval Dukemon, theorizing that the guy who discovered it was either lying or misunderstanding what the first Medieval Dukemon specimen ever seen was saying, everyone labeled him as either stupid or "delulu".
Well, it appears that some of the Digimon that were discovered recently, specifically Grand Galemon and Zephagamon, are members of the Vortex Warriors, taking orders from Medieval Dukemon, also called "The Whirlwind General". Anyways, we were walking through a forest that is supposedly connected with Witchelny, this because of the amount of magic-related digimon that wander the zone and, as it seems, an also recently discovered Digimon called Chaperomon, who bares data from multiple fairy tales, (mainly Little Red Hood) within her, inhabitants that zone, in search for Fangmon, who has data from the Big Bad Wolf from the old fairy tales. She at first glance attacked us with a Molotov cocktail based attack called "Apple For You" that was easily reflected by "D's" Dukemon, after clearing the misunderstanding, we talked about how we wanted to talk with the Vortex Warriors, she apparently knew one of the Digimon partaken in that group personally, so she lead us to them.
After arriving at a hidden grotto, we were warmly welcomed by a Galemon's Hurricane Slasher, a large, sharp blade of wind that was almost instantly cut in a half with Siriusmon's Sylvia, after this little encounter, Medieval Dukemon himself came to welcome us, and excuse his pupil, asking us why we were here, "D", who was the must interested about him, got into a deep talk with Medieval Dukemon about who knows what. Since my friend was clearly doing his own business, I decided to wander around with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. Most of the digimon inside the grotto were digimon in armor who I cannot assure belonged to the Vortex Warriors, like Kotemon, and some Koemon playing around (surely Kuzuhamon would've loved to see that) Canoweissmon pointed out the obvios, that we weren't really doing anything specific, and we ended up walking out of the group, we even left Siriusmon behind since he wanted to talk with a Zephagamon who called his attention, after some time, Canoweissmon began talking about the frustrations he had about how he wasn't able to evolve into Ultimate, we thought we were alone but, without us noticing, a huge Grand Galemon flew down upon us, Grand Galemon asked what was wrong, and talked with Canoweissmon.
He left everything out with him, how his brother got to evolve into Ultimate and managed to control the wicked data that once affected his personality, how even Rasenmon surpassed him after beating her own negative emotions that took the form of Rasenmon Rage Mode, and, that even if he looked up to Siriusmon, he was jealous of him, because of his self confidence and impressive power.
Grand Galemon sat down and listened to everything Canoweissmon had to say, and afterwards told him the following.
「I understand where your frustrations are coming from, but you don't need to be as strong as the rest to be their equal, your contributions to your companions aren't only based on how strong you are, but how much you care about them, and how you make them know that, taking care of them, and fighting along side them, plus, you don't need to be an Ultimate to be strong, look at me! I've been Medieval Dukemon's right hand since forever, and I'm "only a Perfect" everyone gets their chance to evolve and be stronger, but you can't over hype that moment and that form because if you do, you'll never be ok with that form, and never get to appreciate it」
It's a... Pretty good speech, not only applicable to digimon but also to us humans, but... I'm getting out of hand.
During all this time we spent with Grand Galemon, Siriusmon and Dukemon got to practice and spar with Medieval Dukemon and Zephagamon, so after some time, we got out.
I don't know what "D" wanted with Medieval Dukemon exactly, but I'm pretty sure he got it, since he was pretty happy when we finally came back.
After that, I tried to convince "D" to analyze the DigiTama I got from the police, he accepted to have it laying around for a bit, but I'll have to pick it up as soon as I can, since, in his own words "his PC is NOT a kindergarten"
And... Yeah, that's fair.
Oh! Talking about Bits, my friend I talked about in another entry managed to hatch her DigiTama, and her V-mon, Sophie, has finally reached Child stage, she's going to a little town soon so I'll have to see how that could affect Sophie's growing, and of course, I'll keep you updated.
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rebuiltproject · 2 years
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Nível Criança/ Seichouki/ Rookie
Atributo Variável
Tipo Fera Encantada (Bewitching Beast)
Campo Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)
Significado do Nome Ezo Red Fox, uma subespécie de raposa vermelha comum na região de Hokkaido no Japão
Grupo Familiares.
Áqueles aos quais for dada a honra de participar dos eventos dos Covens Mágicos de Witchelny, no topo da Montanha Brocken, ainda mais alto do que a Magical Academy, terão a oportunidade de partilhar da doce e agradável companhia de Ezomon, um jovem porém excepcional Bruxo, exímio dominador da Magia do Fogo e o orgulho de todo o Clã Eneruge.
Embora esteja a maior parte do seu tempo, numa area de Witchelny que é por muitos evitada, pelos rumores de magia das trevas e demônios dominarem o local, o topo da Montanha Brocken na verdade é um local muito pacífico, onde as reuniões e eventos dos Covens acontecem somente com os mais selecionados, onde muito conhecimento é compartilhado, e é justamente isso o que atrai Ezomon. Seu conhecimento sobre a Magia do Fogo impressiona até os mais experientes anciões e sua paixão por ensinar leva muitos a sua presença.
Seus costumes semelhantes a de monges asiáticos e sua personalidade as vezes travessa, o faz ser visto como um espírito Japonês antigo, uma Kistune, o que se revela em sua habilidade de se tornar fogo puro e até mesmo possuir outros indivíduos, embora não goste de fazê-lo pois esse tipo de contato pode danificar a chama da vida do possuído, o consumindo de dentro para fora. É também capaz de assumir outras formas temporariamente e criar runas que atuam tanto como método de ataque, quanto de defesa.
Todas as habilidades de Ezomon parecem partir da Jóia em sua testa, a qual não se sabe muito, mas para àqueles que são versados o suficiente na Magia do Fogo fica claro que esse Digimon tem um poder primordial fora do comum, como se fosse a materialização da chama que deu origem a toda vida em Witchelny.
Shakunetsu (Abrasador) Cria um arco de chamas, como uma fonte de fogo que manipula da forma que desejar;
Hōshaki (Lança-Chamas) Da Jóia em sua testa dispara uma rajada de chamas incandescentes;
Moeruseishin (Espírito Ardente) Evocando a magia contida em sua Jóia, torna uma figura completamente constituída de chamas incandescentes, dessa forma é capaz de tomar o controle do corpo de inimigos muito maiores e mais fortes além de poder expandir seu fogo de maneira a acertar inimigos em qualquer direção;
Eneruge Shingō (Sinal de Eneruge) Cria um circulo repleto de simbolos do Clã Eneruge em sua volta, tal círculo mágico queima qualquer um que ultrapasse seus limites além de cada símbolo individualmente poder conjurar pequenas porém poderosas bolas de fogo.
Informações Adicionais
Um grupo recém-descoberto, original de Witchelny. Os membros do grupo são Digimons que tem grande afinidade com os elementos e servem de guias para jovens Magos dominarem a Magia Elemental com mais facilidade, sendo que em troca os próprios Familiares crescem em inteligência e poder. Tal relação de companheirismo faz com que a dupla (ou grupo, dependendo de quantos Familiares os Magos tem ao seu lado) desenvolva um laço fortíssimo, ligado pela magia, mas, mais do que isso, pelo amor.
Linha Evolutiva
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual e Empírea
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CosmoWizardmon's Fateful Fight
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CosmoWizardmon faces against an assassin Digimon. They take the fight to the digital wastelands, but unbeknownst to the wizard, the enemy had a dirty trick up their sleeve: A powerful gem that vacuumed the powers of CosmoWizardmon. Now the determined fate of Witchelny lies in the hands of CosmoWizardmon and their Suraimon familiar.
A two-parter commission bought by Digi-Knight for their story. Thank you for commissioning!
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morgannox · 5 months
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Presenting a Fakemon Mega for my Digimon partner line. The brain goblins have blessed or cursed me this night, we'll see which. Enjoy my imagination running for a bit. Hecatemon (Triviamon if using Roman naming) Mega Level Data Wizard/Puppet/Deity ------------------- Originally hailing from the Digital World: Iliad (same as the Olympos XII), Hecatemon had made Witchelny it's primary residence some time ago. Legend has it that it was this 'deity' that first introduced the high-level programming language 'Sorcery' to Witchelney. But sources on the truth of that statement have been lost to time. Legends also state it may be an alternate form of two other Deity Digimon.
Much like it's real world equivalent, Hecatemon is a Deity Type Digimon known for it's ties to Crossroads, the Moon, and of course 'Sorcery' or Magic, among may other domains. It is said that Hecatemon will appear to residents of the Digital World during times of great change and help lead them across the threshold of their obstacle with it's twin torches and mischievous nature in tow. --------------------- And that's what I have for now! Maybe I'll expand on this someday.
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analyzingadventure · 7 months
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To be fair I haven't paid the best attention to the promo info for the new movie (if I do watch it I would like to go in knowing little-ish), but I did kind of get the impression that the First Chosen was meant to like. Not a retcon of Daigo's group but to be like, a plot twist chosen who somehow predated Daigo's group by having been chosen To Do A Thing before them? But hey I might be just behind on the info there
(It would be kind of funny though if Toei did lowkey retcon tri., after all the Zero Two retconning the fandom went on and on about pre-tri.)
Regardless, I do kind of prefer to look at Adventure's lore in a bubble and borrow as little as possible from the other franchise entries anyways because. Man. The lore can get really messy and hard to keep up with, and sometimes you simply might not even like a particular lore addition some entry might make
Like I was literally just reminded by a friend that the villians did get revived in the Wonderswan games and while there may be some cloning and/or timetravel shenannigans in some cases, in theory the revived villians should be the exact same ones from Adventure (including Vamdemon, which makes no sense since he was supposed to be hanging out with Oikawa). Which (as far as my original post goes) would probably mean that unless we could pin down the villians being naughty boys even when revived on Milleniummon (as in, he was infecting them when reviving them with his malice), then they would be just inherently evil Digimon, doomed to do evil things forever because that's just what they are
But in the end it kind of doesn't matter what which lore bit from what entry could imply, because all of this stuff is like. Things Toei is never going to explore in a story. Like it's understandable why, but in the end Toei is exclusively interested in making new entries to the Adventure-franchise if they're centered around the kids one way or another (even if they aren't kids anymore). And what I want to know more about is the potential stories about some of these Digimon, and not just the villains (what might happen with them if they were to be reborn and/or how they ended up the way they did to begin with). I would love to have a story about Wizarmon and His Whole Deal. I would love to see Leomon and Orgemon get married finally. I'd love to see what all the minor Digimon characters are up to and how they're doing. But we're not going to ever see that. And it makes me sad. Because there's so many interesting stories you could tell with/about these characters, but unless you can make it about the kids with a big epic showdown, it's not gonna happen.
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winxlover666 · 1 year
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Wizardmon for the partner thing!
Thank you!
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Steve, learning the existence of "Witchelny": Steve: Steve: Steve: (Maybe I shouldn't say anything to this Wizarmon. At least it's a kind one.) Wizarmon, sweating: (The 'rest', though...) Steve: (Look, as long as they leave Frigimon and I alone) Wizarmon: (You might have to fight, though) Steve: (I'll figure that out later.) Steve: Well, bye Wizarmon: (You're just going to?--) Steve & Frigimon, leaving via however they accidentally got there: Wizarmon:
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alphagodith · 9 months
realized today that with the way wizardmon is from witchelny, aka the ‘magical witches’ virtual pet universe, and with the ‘magic book’ he has that could very easily be the actual device that connects a witch to their human trainer/partner (the magical witches version of a digivice), wizardmon probably knew about humans and human/digital monster partnerships before he even became a digimon. he could have even HAD a human partner himself! no fucking wonder he seemed to know gatomon was the eighth digidestined digimon before anyone else, and tried so hard to get gatomon and kari together! he personally understood the value of the partnership they were destined to have! and perhaps... he wanted to give gatomon the chance to have such a partnership that he had lost, or always wanted but had been denied?
the possibilities are endless.
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digi-lov · 9 months
Digimon & Magical Witches
Bandai V-Pet Crossovers Part 2 (see Part 1 here)
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With Tamagotchi's original launch in 1996, then Digital Monsters in 1997, Bandai and Wiz released Magical Witches in 1998!
While Tamagotchi were based on eggs, and Digital Monsters on cages, the Magical Witches v-pet is shaped like a book, cover and all!
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Just like the original lines of Tamagotchi and Digimon, Kenji Watanabe was also the designer for the Magical Witches. Besides going through different stages, the Witches were also divided into four different clans each representing a different magical element. Which tribe of Witches you would raise depends on the version of the v-pet you have.
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The clans and their respective magic are as follows:
Eneruge, who specialize in fire magic, Earthlin, who specialize in Earth magic, Baluluna, who specialize in wind magic, and Aquary, who specialize in water magic.
As your Witch grows, it can study other elements of magic! They cannot learn their opposite element until Gen 4 (and master it by Gen 5). So a Eneruge Witch has to learn Earthlin and/or Baluluna magic before they can learn Aquary magic.
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[images from gotchi-garden]
Unfortunately this franchise never took off, and no further lines were created past the original line up. The toys are now quite the rare find and any online listings are super expensive.
But part of the franchise lives on within the Digimon franchise!
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The Land of Witchelny is now portrayed as another dimension, so to speak, another layer to the Digital World we know. According to offcial DigimonWeb profiles, the land is ruled by elders of each clan and three sages that lead a council governing the clans.
Witchelny is split into four blocks for each cardinal direction, each occupied by a clan, and in the center lies Mount Brocken. On the top of Mount Brocken, the clans have established a joint magic school. Those who master magic (advanced programming language) at said magic school, move on to travel to the Digital World we know.
Here is a list of Digimon, who have been confirmed to have come from Witchelny: Wizardmon /X (master of fire and earth magic), FlareWizardmon (master of fire magic), Sorcerymon (master of light and ice magic), Witchmon (master of wind and water magic), Mistymon (master of various magics, of which fire is its forte), MedievalGallantmon (a legendary hero, who protected Witchelny in ancient times) and Wisemon (born in a magic-less region of Witchelny).
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Furthermore, Hexeblaumon is a Digimon that came to Witchelny from the Digital World, and mastered ice magic there.
On the Option Card, Absolute Blast, which features HexeBlaumon, you can also see the symbol of Aquary!
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Absolute Blast BT5-097 by Shin Sasaki from BT-05 Booster Battle of Omni
Comparing the original Magical Witches evolutionary charts to the what magic we know these Digimon to be proficient in, we can make some possible connections.
Wizardmon being a master of fire and earth magic, and Witchmon being a master of water and wind magic, these original Witches line up with their abilities.
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[Wizardmon: Eneruge native master top, Earthlin native master bottom] [Witchmon: Aquary native master top, Baluluna native master bottom]
However with official artwork, such as the one below, portaying fire and water magic as their respective specialties, I believe the top sprites would be more likely.
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With Mistymon being proficient in all magic, only the "Soul" type of Witch applies, which is the same in all clans.
I find this stuff super interesting! But wait... doesn't that one face look familiar...?
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If you are interested in Magical Witches, I recommend you check out gotchi-garden! They have a very detailed coverage on these. Also shoutout to @/MagicLad_Ty on twitter who first brought these to my attention!
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Halloween Digimon
If you follow my blog you know I like Digimon and I like Halloween, so why not combine them and gush over Halloweeny Digimon. I'll be showcasing Digimon species that fall into classic Halloween archetypes.
What's spookier than ghosts? Digimon has lots of ghosts and the most recent and honestly probably the best is Ghostmon. That is such a good design and it's even a friendly ghost as it likes to help people, but turns invisible first because it's really shy. I love it so much!
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The rest of the ghosts aren't as friendly. Meet Bakemon, a wicked creature that possesses and destroys computer systems. Nobody knows what's under the cloth it wears and while it isn't good in a fight, it can do really nasty stuff to enemies it catches by surprise. Its name comes from "bakemono" a type of Japanese mythical creature that is sometimes translates as "ghost". Bakemon has a variant called Soulmon who wears a witch's hat and is more powerful.
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Combining ghosts with the grim reaper is Phantomon (JP: Fantomon). Its a common evolution of Bakemon that has the power of clairvoyance to foresee then others are about to die. The interior of its cloth body contains a portal to another dimension and its scythe can cut through souls. The weapon it carries is a mix of the grim reaper's scythe and a Japanese weapon called a kusarigama. Phantomon has a variant called MetalPhantomon which is an absolute beast. I love this design of a mechanical grim reaper. I have no idea why it isn't en evolution of Phantomon, they're the same level for some reason. MetalPhantomon is rumored to be controlled by something from another dimension.
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Witches are another Halloweeen classic and Digimon has a great example in Witchmon. She is a classic witch, but her design makes her look a bit artificial, kind of like a doll. Of course she rides a flying broomstick and a black cat familiar. She's a counterpart and rival to Wizardmon and both come from Witchelny, the setting of another series of Bandai virtual pet games.
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Skeletons are Halloweeeny and while there a few animal skeleton Digimon, the closest we have to a human skeleton Digimon is SkullSatamon. Its lore is pretty bland, just being a fallen angel, but hey, lookit the bones
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Speaking of fallen angels, the big red devil with a pitchfork archetype is also represented in Digimon with Boogeymon and its evolution Phelesmon. Boogeymon is obviously named after the boogeyman (I love whwn they play around with the mon suffix) and has a pretty sick design. I love the tattoos and in the lore they let it cast dark spells. Phelesmon puts on some clothes and becomes a charming manipulator that convinces people to sell their souls in exchange for fulfilling their desires. Its name and behavior comes from Mephistopheles, the demon from the story of Faust from German legend who gets the title character to sell his soul in exchange for knowledge.
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How about spiders? Digimon has a few spiders, but the best in terms of spookiness is Dokugumon. It was once a peaceful creature, but a virus turned it into a monster that corrupts the network by its very presence. It is a relentless predator that follows its prey no natter how far they flee and its very breath is toxic enough to kill. Just imagine being lost in the woods and seeing this nightmare coming after you
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You better believe Digimon has a Frankenstein, and its story is a sad one. It was built as a cyborg Digimon at the same time as another named Andromon. However, the primarily mechanical Andromon was deemed a success while the primarily organic Boltmon was considered a failure due to it possessing emotions. Its creator rejected it and now Boltmon wanders around, consumed in sorrow. It is based on the movie version of the monster in appearance (green skin and lots of bolts), but its lore drawn more from the book version.
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You want mummies? We got mummies! Mummymon and is evolution Pharaohmon are excellent Egyptian monsters. Mummymon is a necromancer that manipulates the souls (residual data) of deleted Digimon. I like how its not just a mummy but its design of using leg braces and its gun as a crutch implies that being a desiccated corpse has limited its mobility, maybe due to being stuck in rigor mortis. Pharaohmon is also a mummy, but the sarcophagus and death mask it wears are more specific references to ancient Egyptian funerary rites. It was the absolute ruler of the ancient Digital World and many ruins from its reign dot the land. It can produce a flesh-eating mist to attack and will only cure those affected if they swear eternal servitude to Pharaohmon. This is a clear reference to the idea of a mummy's curse.
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Digimon has a lot of vampires, so many I'm only going to showcase one of them. If you want to see more, look for Dracmon, Grandracmon, Bastemon, and Sangloupmon. The one I'll cover here is the vampirest of vampires, Myotismon (JP: Vamdemon). He absolutely looks like a cheesy vampire Halloween costume, but do not let yourself think that he's not scary. Myotismon is immensely cruel and cunning, being a classic evil mastermind while also being very capable of throwing down in a fight by summoning swarms of bats and hypnotizing others into serving him. A testament to his skills at villainy is that he was the big bad of what most fans consider to be the best story arc of Digimon Adventure, the original and definitive Digimon anime, and returned as the big bad of the sequel. Mytoismon has several evolutions including VenomMyotismon, MaloMyotismon (BelialVamdemon), and NeoMyotismon, but the OG is the most Halloweeny of them all. His English names comes from a genus of bat while his original name is literally vampire + demon
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Evil clowns are a newer Halloween icon, but are a great one and Digimon offers two: Jokermon and Piedmon. Jokermon is a newer Digimon that has been used as a preevo for Piedmon. It is an enigma that randomly appears on battlefiends, cutting down one side with no rhyme or reason and for its own unknown purposes. Piedmon (JP: Piemon) is also an enigma, a being that appeared from another dimension. Its origins and goals are a complete unknown, but it has incredible power and it thoroughly malicious. It served as a major villain in Digimon Adventure and was one of the most powerful Digimon in that setting, soloing almost all of the heroic Digimon at once. That show also emphasized its cruelty as it decided to sadistically chase and torment the youngest human characters instead of just finishing them off. Its english name comes from the pied piper while its original name comes from the pierrot character archetype form pantomime.
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What happens when you merge two Halloween monsters? Well apparently when Myotismon and Piedmon merge they become Boltboutamon (JP: Voltobautamon), a vampiric pirate. It is a being with no will of its own that serve as the herald of an entity called the Grudgeful Hand, an evil intellect born from malicious data that seeks to drown the world in darkness. It or its master is a sadist that takes its time to kill its foes and revels in their suffering. Its original name comes from the volto and bauta, both venetian masks. Its English name appears to be a poor transliteration. There's a lot of that in Digimon.
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Those are all great spooky Digimon, but is there a Digimon that is the Halloweeniest? Why yes there is: Pumkinmon and its evolution NoblePumpkinmon (JP: Pumpmon and NoblePumpmon). They were born from a computer virus created during Halloween, but are not malicious. Pumpkinmon is a mostly peaceful Digimon that is shy and wants friends. It is adorable and I love it. NoblePumpkinmon tries to befriend all Digimon and remains neutral between good and evil. It is charming and mischievous and gets along well with both heroic and villainous Digimon. It even makes pumpkin pie. Of all the Digimon showcased here, I think NoblePumpkinmon is the most appropriate for Halloween. This is a holiday of scares and horror, but it's all in good fun.
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digimon-polaris · 28 days
Digimon Polaris- An 18+ SFW discord RP group
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Digimon Polaris is an 18+ (SFW) semi-lit story-driven RP group, where medieval fantasy meets Digimon! Instead of there being the human and digital worlds, our story takes us to the vast, mysterious world known as DigiGaia, where humans and digimon have coexisted in the last few centuries.
We begin in the secluded region of Witchelny, or more specifically, Polaris, a town situated inside of a mountain, and the only place in the world for digimon to learn magic. While humans can’t exactly learn magic, there are a variety of ways to contribute, be it for progression, discovery, and above all, camaraderie. Our goal in Polaris is to embark on crazy adventures, explore a vast world, and to forge deep connections, both in and out of character.
Digimon Polaris offers to you: ◩ An unfolding story lovingly crafted with custom lore, and an expansive world filled with wonder, danger, and mystery, all waiting to be discovered. ◩ A currency system where activity in RPs and events is rewarded, and there are shops to make a variety of purchases, including different digivolution methods. ◩ The ability to play either a tamer-digimon duo, or even a solo digimon. You also have the choice to play canon digimon or digifakes! ◩ The option to either draw your character application or write it out! Writers will not be left behind, and templates are readily available! ◩ Collaborative crowdfunding projects that upon completion, grants everyone a variety of benefits, including main plot progression and exploration opportunities. ◩ Optional missions that help expand the world of DigiGaia. ◩ Simple holiday-themed events. ◩ A modest, but responsive mod team that will do their best to weed out the problems and maintain a safe environment. ◩ And above all, a friendly and welcoming community that shares their love in all things Digimon!
In a world where much of our history is still unknown to us, and where danger can be lurking in the shadows, how will you leave your mark on DigiGaia?
If you wish to participate, then take a gander at our discord server!
Bear in mind that upon entry, you will not see most of the server. Just be sure to read the rules so you can gain entry, and go from there!
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rebuiltproject · 6 months
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Nível Criança/ Seichouki/ Rookie
Atributo Vacina
Tipo Fera Encantada
Campo Destruidores de Vírus (VB)/ Espíritos da Natureza (NSp)
Significado do Nome Magi, de Mágico e Fier de Fierce, feroz em inglês.
Por ser uma espécie antiga, Flufmon existe em todos os mundos digitais, inclusive em Witchelny, um mundo digital de outra dimensão, por esse motivo é comum ver essa espécie se interessando por magia (linguagem avançada de programação), e é desse interesse especial que essa variação única de Fiermon surge, com o nome de MagiFiermon.
Sua predisposição natural ao poder da Luz, faz com que o dom para dominar as artes e ensinamentos do Clã Iasi floresça nesse Digimon Fera Encantada, o que o fez viajar para o Mundo Digital Rebuilt, até as terras mágicas de Salem onde fez do Bosque Hallerbos o seu lar, uma vez que esse seria o lugar perfeito para aprender tudo sobre a Feitiçaria da Luz de Iasi com Susamon como seu tutor.
Como é natural na maioria das espécies de Fiermon, sua personalidade é calma e contida mas tambem feroz e impetuoso e embora essa variação acabe por ser a menor em tamanho isso não faz dele mais fraco, pelo contrário, o pesado manto mágico que usa e seu chapéu de feiticeiro são banhados com a magia cerimonial de Witchelny e o broche que ganhou ao se tornar um membro do Clã Iasi potencializa seu poder da Luz, fazendo de MagiFiermon um poderoso aliado e perigoso oponente.
Luz Estelar (Starlights) Com um salto, dispara uma chuva de estrelas cadentes repletas do mais puro poder da Luz;
Rugido de Luz (Light Growl) Dispara uma rajada de energia luminosa produzida pelo feroz rugido de Fiermon.
Linha Evolutiva
Fiermon (Neo)
Fiermon (2012)
Fiermon X-Antibody
Copymon X-Antibody
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual
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analyzingadventure · 1 year
I feel like I've said this somewhere before, but I always had the theory that Witchelny being called "the digital world of another dimension" and magic being called "an advanced programming language" was simply how these things are perceived by Digimon and Digimon researchers, who have no other way of understanding magic "logically". So Witchelny itself is not actually digital in its own reality, but being that transition over from it into the/a digital world do become digital in the process. I think Nanimon's existence shows this should be possible, cause iirc Tamagotchis aren't digital either, they're aliens, right? And Oyajitchi still became a digital being just fine.
Realized that most of my previous knowledge of Witchelny is probably out-dated and I barely remember anything anyways so I decided to consult good ol' Wikimon for the latest lore additions (since we have gotten a few new crumbs of lore in the past few years) and yeah
We do have at least two different canon explanations to what Witchelny is.
A) The Digital World of another dimension (so some other Human World's Digital World)
B) Another dimension within the Digital World
(So technically my interpretation of Witchelny being nothing more than another DW within the Web Ocean is actually just a headcanon and I was misremembering the actual lore) (Can you blame me though, it's been years since I Researched™ this thing based on absolute breadcrumbs of lore we had at the time) (I'm not letting go of that headcanon as another interpretation though I love that idea I just need to remember that is actually just a headcanon dfjgshkjg) (Man I gotta retake my courses on Digimon Lore jdhsghdfjg)
And yeah your interpretation for the A Scenario of How DigiMagic Works is fitting and makes perfect sense, and even matches the vague description Novel 2's prologue gave of what happened to Wizarmon when he entered the DW
"...As a result, he was exiled to this world. The composition of his body was changed so that he now looked like a life-sized doll."
So yeah, Scenario A, where Witchelny is tied to a different Human dimension, they get converted into data when entering "the main" HW's DW. (Much like how Adventure describes the supernatural's attempts at entering the Human World in general, where they get yeeted into the DW instead and converted into data) In scenario B I doubt a conversion would be happening since everything is happening within the same world
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sabedilemon · 1 year
Tumblr media
Level: Adult (Champion)
Attribute: Virus
A Mollusk Digimon born from a potion brewing mishap. Originally from Witchelny, it is somewhat more intelligent than other members of the Numemon-species. Some of the magical power that created it still lingers inside its body, but it is unable to control it. It can only expell it through its poop, causing random and rarely useful effects whenever it throws it ("Maryoku no Unchi").
Suggested pre-evolved forms: Numemon Jr., Magimon, Ghostmon, Alraumon, Shakomon
Suggested evolved forms: ???, QueenNumemon, BlackKingNumemon, SataNanimon, Ghilliedhumon, Gerbemon
This was actually a sketch from way back in 2017 that I decided to finish
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