#a riot of my own
riotofmyownpod · 5 months
Third episode of A RIOT OF MY OWN, A free monthly podcast where Garret Schuelke showcases some of his favorite Folk Punk tunes, along with Anti-Folk, Indie Folk, and related genres (along with some surprises). Episodes available for free streaming and download from Archive.org. Uploaded December 29th, 2023.
This is a free podcast that is not monetized. Please support the artists and bands featured on this show by purchasing their music, merchandise, attending their shows, following them on social media, and supporting your local scene(s).
A RIOT OF MY OWN official website: https://riotofmyownpod.tumblr.com/
Garret Schuelke's official website: https://garretschuelke.tumblr.com/
Garret Schuelke on Twitter: @garretschuelke
Garret Schuelke's page on Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/@garret_schuelke
Featured Tracks:
Block 1
1) “NYC Like A Graveyard” – The Moldy Peaches (self-titled album) 2) “Fuck Scabs” – Neobeatglory (I Hate Living in the Future) 3) “The Whiskey Shakes” – Native American Walker and the Dutches (Bandcamp single) 4) “Song II” – JOE (Pass With Care) 5) “A Casual Communist Christmas” – Nascar Noir (Bandcamp single)
Block 2
6) “In The Woods” – Jeremy Ruggles (A Hole is to Dig) 7) “When the Frayed Wind Blows” – Matt Pless (Catch Me If You Can) 8) “NOT ASHAMED” – Homeless Gospel Choir (You Work So Hard Just To Be Like Everyone Else) 9) “Eat Shit and Die” – Harley Poe (Have A Great Life) 10) “Slippin' on the Ice” – Sam Kenny (See The Storm Through)
Block 3
11) “Sinker” – Almanac Shouters (A Long Road Home) 12) “Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of Your Fist” – Ramshackle Glory (Live The Dream) 13) “Grandma's Song” – Defiance, Ohio (The Great Depression) 14) “I Don't Want to be Sad” – Human Kitten (self-titled album) 15) “No Home for Christmas” – Jonas Selander (Songs that never made it)
Block 4
16) “Fuck You, it's Christmas” – Tedd Hazard (Epilogue) 17) “A Late Christmas Card” – Jonas Selander (Songs that never made it) 18) “Winter's Tale” – Louis Rive (Bandcamp single) 19) “Merry Christmas?” – Phil Awful and the Experiments (Christmas is Awful) 20) “Communist Christmas” – Rathergood (Spongs in the Key of Life)
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whaliiwatching · 10 months
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you want it? come and get it
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fuckmeyer · 10 months
Jasper as a character is so interesting because he ends up a Confederate because he can't actually empathise with the slaves and because he simply accepts cruelty around him, and then when he becomes a vampire he literally can't ignore others suffering because it hurts him, but even decades after he becomes a Vegetarian he still can't get a hang of it partially because he still can't see humans as *people*. Idk there's smth to be said about him becoming a vampire because of his own cruelty and then being eternally in horrific pain because of said cruelty that fucks.
Jasper's whole life is a curse & i love to see it
here we have a Confederate supposedly so empathetic that he acquired a "gift"... yet not so empathetic as to recognize he was fighting for the enslavement of an entire race. despite seeing the consequences of slavery literally every day. now, the man who spent his last human days denying the humanity in others is forced to spend his immortal life being slapped in the face with their emotions. forever. hueeueueueu-
yeah, i would call that "gift" a curse, actually.
if Twilight weren't a horror story, we might see a discussion between Jasper/Bella about how immortality forces you to confront the darker side of your nature (e.g. "there will come a day when the societal beliefs imbued unto you leaves you standing on the wrong side of history"), & Jasper's journey with finding love & humanity. OR, y'know, he could've just had ONE (1) line where he says "yeah i'm not proud of my service." simply, if Twilight weren't a horror, Jasper could see the error of his ways & change for the better.
HOWEVER. Twilight vampires are "mentally frozen" when they turn, so Jasper is likely still a racist who does not regret his service. no matter how many times he is confronted with his cruelty, he won't change. meaning whatever life he chooses, his gift dooms him.
wow! eternal curse!
we see evidence of this frozen mental state in his decision to go vegetarian. he doesn't switch bc he feels bad about killing humans:
"I could feel everything my prey was feeling. And I lived their emotions as I killed them. [...] You've experienced the way I can manipulate the emotions around myself, Bella, but I wonder if you realize how the feelings in a room affect me." (Eclipse, Ch 13)
note the dehumanizing term "prey" & the focus on himself. he laments not that the human lives he's taking have value but that their dying moments harsh his vibe.
the irony! trapped as an empath while never possessing the ability to be an empath! CURSE CURSE C-
herein lies a bigger, juicier curse: Jasper is, himself, (hot take) enslaved in the sense that he will never know freedom, philosophically speaking, due to the choices he made in life. the series tries to paint him as a master tactician & competent leader; fanon often paints him as a free-thinking amoral black sheep. in reality, he simply obeys the commands of higher authorities & abides by their worldview regardless of how toxic it is to himself or others.
in the beginning, he had María.
he entered the Southern Vampire Wars not by his own volition but stayed because he was content not having a choice. however one feels about María, the fact of the matter is 1) as a newborn he was stronger, bigger, & faster than her & could have run away or overpowered her, 2) had the "gift" to identify emotions & could KNOW when/if she was malicious or manipulating him, & 3) could have escaped by influencing her emotions to make her disinterested in him. at any time in the 100 years they were together, he could have left. he talks about never knowing a life outside the war & discovering "options I'd never dreamed I had." ok???? run 100 miles in any direction & you would have seen a life outside of war. BOI-
instead, he took comfort in being submissive & adopting someone else's ideology. not only did it remind him of his past, but it meant he had no need to reflect on his actions or beliefs. he prefers others dictate his worldview & order him around even if it means being unhappy. he only left because he was going to be assassinated, & even then, it wasn't until someone else told him another life was possible that he "realized" another life was possible.
notably, the period where he's most free— living with Peter & Charlotte— is his rock-bottom where "the depression got worse." but, again, not because he realized the value of human life: "I was so wearied by killing [...] even mere humans."
then he meets Alice.
Alice, who has visions of being vegetarian & converts him so they can live with the Cullens. Alice, who dictates how her family should live their lives to the point where she manipulates them. Alice, who goes so far as to dress the Cullens, who orders Jasper to wait in the car while she & Bella go shopping, who Jasper refers to as "truly [...] one frightening little monster" because for all his experience she can still beat him in combat.
his eternal soulmate is authority.
despite being unhappy with his vegetarian life, as it makes him feel weak & coddled & a liability to everyone around him, he follows the lifestyle because Alice tells him to.
then there's the Volturi, another authoritative body. "We owe the Volturi for our present way of life," says acclaimed bootlicker Jasper Hale, who in the same moment shudders at the atrocities they committed, yet strangely sees no other way for a governing body to keep the peace... so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but, since Carlisle outranks the Volturi as an authoritative figure in that he more closely aligns with Jasper's new worldview, Jasper sees no problem deposing the vampiric governing body if it means his sister-in-law of like 2 months can keep her demonic spawn. so i guess we don't really owe the Volturi that much
to his credit, we see glimmers of him questioning his leaders: 1) his decision to leave Maria, 2) his considering switching diets to defeat Victoria, & 3) going against the Volturi. but, again, these decisions are all just a result of his self-preservation & submitting to the higher authority du jour.
in the end, he has the perfect storm of conditions that would allow him to escape the prison he's created, to find freedom & to love humanity unconditionally... but he won't. Jasper's ultimate curse is that regardless of whether he realizes the enslavement of his own self, he will never leave his cage because it's cozy & easy & allows him to never think for himself.
AAAANYWAY Jasper's life sucks & he's trapped in an eternal prison of his own making. lol
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deadpresidents · 2 months
Hypothetically what do you think would have happened if the january 6 rioters had gotten to pence or pelosi before they got safe?
At this point, I almost dread answering questions like this anymore because I know the kind of hate mail it will unleash for the next few days, but it's important to keep talking about what happened on January 6, 2021 since so many people are trying to normalize it. That includes many people whose lives were in danger that day, as well as the former President who tried to hold on to power by encouraging his supporters to launch a violent insurrection and is now referring to those who have been brought to justice for attempting a coup as "patriots" and "hostages".
I genuinely believe that there were people in that crowd who would have killed Vice President Pence, Speaker Pelosi, and certain Congressional leaders if they had reached them on January 6th. I think there are people in that crowd who were ready to hold lawmakers hostage. Why else did they have handcuffs and zip ties? To help the Capitol Police maintain order? (Oh yeah...that's right, thanks for reminding me: they violently attacked the police -- some even beat police officers with the "Blue Lives Matter" flags that they brought with them.) Now, I do not think that everybody who was at the Capitol on January 6th -- or even the majority of those who took part in the insurrection -- were willing to go that far. I think a lot of them got swept up in what was happening and went with the flow. That doesn't excuse what they did. The flow that they got swept up in was still a fucking insurrection, and anyone who took part in that deserves to be held accountable. But I think there were certain elements embedded throughout that crowd that were much more organized and prepared to fully execute their plans for a coup after disrupting the certification of the Electoral College votes.
I actually think Vice President Pence was probably in more danger than even Speaker Pelosi or some of the Democratic leaders because Trump was so actively calling him out in the days and hours before the insurrection. I think that's why Pence is so adamant now about not supporting Trump. I mean, think about how disgustingly loyal and subservient Pence was to Trump throughout those four years until basically the first few days of January 2021. But even as other Republican leaders are crumbling and offering their allegiance to Trump again in 2024, Pence is standing by his decision not to endorse or support Trump, and I think that's because he realizes that Trump absolutely almost got him (and his family, who were with him in the Capitol on that day) killed on January 6th. Shit, even Mitch McConnell has folded and endorsed Trump again despite the fact that Trump has spent the last three years not only insulting him but also making racist attacks and questioning McConnell's wife's loyalty to the United States all because Elaine Chao had the audacity to resign from Trump's Cabinet in the wake of the insurrection. Yet Mike Pence -- who spent the better part of four years following Trump around like Paul Heyman follows Roman Reigns...
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...THAT same Mike Pence is steadfastly refusing to endorse Trump because he has personal experience about how real of an existential threat Trump is. Some of those people at the Capitol were very serious about following through on their chants to "Hang Mike Pence", and not only does Pence realize that, but he also knows now that Trump -- who refused to take actions that would have helped clear the Capitol more quickly -- said "he deserves it" when hearing about those chants.
That's what is so scary about the insurrection, its aftermath, and the Trump Republican Party's redefinition of what happened that day. It almost worked. They stormed the United States Capitol and invaded both chambers of Congress. They carried Confederate flags into the United States Capitol -- even the fucking Confederate States of America didn't successfully invade Washington, D.C. and plant their flag in the Capitol. They were willing to hurt and probably kill some of America's elected leaders. And the people who helped plan and instigate the events of January 6th have spent the three-plus years since then learning from their mistakes and figuring out how to be successful next time. And guess what? "Next time" is only a few months away.
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tawny-panthera · 3 months
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In agreement, for better or for worse (I love their dynamic sm)
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newyawkbeauty · 5 months
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blueren · 11 months
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Walker Family sketches because they’re my new obsession and they deserved better
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random-dragon-exe · 8 months
Maybe it's just me but I wonder if in this scene, Melvin noticed that the "Anti-Humor Boy" character looked like him. It's right there on the page in front of him.
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I mean like yeah, he needs glasses but he still has a pair of functioning eyes.
I like to think that he did catch it and it gave him another reason to help Professor Poopypants with eradicating laughter.
So here's the small theory I have regarding this scene:
Right there, he realized that not only were the students laughing at Professor Poopypants but also at him and the portrayal in the comic.
So basically he kinda relates to Professor P's struggle of being intelligent, yet no one takes him seriously.
I also like to think that since he isn't capable of laughter, he thinks that laughter is useless and is a distraction. (It would explain why he said he loved the idea earlier in the movie). Heck, at most, he probably believes that he's doing everyone a favor.
So essentially his logic is "if I don't need it, then no one else does, they’d be fine and better off without it".
It would further explain why he's a bit joyous when the plan is kicking into gear.
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Not only that, but I like the idea of making a parallel between him and Poopypants here:
Professor P. is chooses not to laugh at himself, and wants to eliminate laughter out of spite, while Melvin is literally incapable of doing so and thinks he's doing something beneficial for everyone.
This by extension, could also parallel with George as both of them are quite smart for their age, but they just have conflicting beliefs about the value of laughter. Which is what causes the two to butt heads.
Tldr: IMO, there has to be another reason why he helped Professor P. besides wanting extra credit.
Idk, I've been thinking of this for a while and wanted to get my thoughts out there.
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daigah · 2 months
being into a online competitive first person shooter primarily for the characters/lore is so embarrassing cuz like when I mention I like valorant someone will ask, "what rank are you?" and its like "ummmm I'm stuck bronze II but I can tell you about my Cysova headcanons"
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postphilosopher · 10 months
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I swear if they are fucking with me I will make what Elias did seem like child’s play. /hj
( I will be happy regardless but I REALLY hope it’s who I think it is)
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riotofmyownpod · 10 months
Second episode of A RIOT OF MY OWN, A free, monthly - perhaps bi-weekly - podcast where Garret Schuelke showcases some of his favorite Folk Punk tunes, along with Anti-Folk, Indie Folk, and related genres (along with some surprises). Episodes available for free streaming and download from Archive.org. Uploaded August 2nd, 2023.
This is a free podcast that is not monetized. Please support the artists and bands featured on this show by purchasing their music, merchandise, attending their shows, following them on social media, and supporting your local scene(s).
A RIOT OF MY OWN official website: https://riotofmyownpod.tumblr.com/
A RIOT OF MY OWN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095168634135
Garret Schuelke's official website: https://garretschuelke.tumblr.com/
Garret Schuelke on Twitter: @garretschuelke
Garret Schuelke's page on Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/@garret_schuelke
Featured Tracks:
Block 1
1) “Normal” – Homeless Gospel Choir (Presents: Normal) 2) “Stealing Apples From The Man” – The Taxpayers (A Rhythm In The Cages) 3) “Me+You=Puke” – MJ Bones (Graveyard eyes and Hard Goodbyes (How low can you go?) ) 4) “Burn It All!” – RENT STRIKE (Burn It All!) 5) “MELON BOY” – Het Hat Club (Schengen Shuffle)
Block 2
6) “The Competition” – Kimya Dawson (Remember That I Love You) 7) “Crazy Bread” – Trip To Herald (Graffito) 8) “Dine and Dash” – Summer Teeth (single) 9) “World's Ablaze” – Swamp Rats (I Will Not Be Afraid) 10) “You're A Dreamer Annie. These Streets Are All I Know” – Arms Akimbo Kalamazoo (The Baxter)
Block 3
11) “The Restraunt” – Spoonboy (I Love You, This is a Robbery) 12) “Coffee, God, and Cigarettes” – Mischief Brew (Songs From Under The Sink) 13) “tallahassee” – Nascar Noir (American Crowbar) 14) “Witches” – Blackbird Raum (Swidden) 15) “This Machine Kills Fascists, Too” – Tail Light Rebellion (Burn (Inferno) )
Block 4
16) “This Is What I Want” – This Bike is a Pipe Bomb (Front Seat Solidarity) 17) “Misanthropic Drunk Loner” – Days N' Daze (Rogue Taxidermy) 18) “When Anarchy Met Pizza” – The Anarchist Pizza Society (United By Hate) 19) “Your Name on This Blade” – Calligraphy Killed (Memories) 20) “My Idea of Fun” – Wingnut Dishwashers Union (Burn The Earth, Leave It Behind)
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yael-art-den · 8 months
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they are best friends. and also transgender
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rotisseries · 1 year
"I can see will appreciating all types of music genres" well I cannot. peace and love<3
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lover-of-skellies · 10 months
What would you do to your favorite characters, if you had the chance? Give me the silliest, most memey answers possible!
Can be positive, negative, platonic, romantic, whatever you want :p
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moonlayl · 1 year
aos rant
is it just me, or does a particular part of the aos fandom continuously try to minimize daisy’s role in the show (usually in favour of Simmons, but sometimes with May as well) Like, some of y’all absolutely hate the fact that daisy is the lead female character. This fandom acts like she’s reckless ‘pure of heart, dumb of ass’ type character and she needs someone holding her hand/being babysat and it’s so fucking weird, because out of the entire team, she’s probably one of the best when it comes to thinking outside the box, solving shit, being independent, relying on herself, and being deeply empathetic. 
Like...why is it, that people watch this show and yet the Fanon version of her character is basically reduced to reckless, brute strength, and no smarts? (oh, let’s not forget ‘mean/rude’)
How do y’all mess it up this badly? Daisy isn’t some glorified body guard who’s main purpose is to save Coulson’s ass, or make sure Fitzsimmons don’t screw themselves over.
Why is her role as a leader, kind and intelligent person, ignored this badly among  other fans?
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Hello from the Hallowoods spoilers through ep 25!
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I made a meme. To cope. Because what the actual FUCK- (a moment for silence for Clara and Percy, they’re not dead I just miss them)
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