alucinant · 10 months
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Pinterest dump kkkk e issooo
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psilactis · 7 months
Im currently watching kinnporsche and I feel like I'm on drugs whenever it's on. what the fuck
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What if Alucard first met y/n who was a cat burglar at that time stealing jewels, money, and valuables?
Don’t gimme ideas because I already have a spy idea and rockstar idea (also a zombie fanfic but that’s for Pip)
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lava-lampa · 1 year
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bien cotorros los ositos estos apoko no jajajj
Reblogs > Likes 💚
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elajolotesalmon64 · 1 month
Don't worry, stay calm, It's just a nigthmare
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Ustedes la cantan, yo la vivo. 🤝🏻
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la-sexy-iguana · 1 year
No idea why I did this but it helped me feel better to draw myself next to a couple of confort characters in relation to a situation that happened a few days ago on the bus. I can't spend more than 15 minutes on public transport because I start to get dizzy and the smell of gasoline makes me gag, also, I hadn't had breakfast because I was in a hurry, but eating a chocolate relieved me and helped distract me for the time I had to go downstairs. 🧠👍
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English translation:
"Oh, Joan. How many times have I told you not to skip meals? You were already making good progress."
"Looks like she didn't sleep well last night either."
"Help me, doctor. I hear blurry."
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"I think I'm going to... Mgh!"
"Don't worry, it's just gagging."
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"Bitter chocolate?"
"Ah, yes!"
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girlunionize · 7 months
This post comes to you from a highly medicated blogger. I'm using so much medicine rn, I am seeing the hat man and the evil old lady dancing together
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numb-levi · 1 year
Ivana Doe: Historia
Ayayayay, canta y no llores. Secuestrada desde pequeña para hacerla trabajar en un burdel, donde un par de niños mayores que ella se encargaron de cuidarla para evitar que la “usaran”. Como era demasiado joven no tiene recuerdos de sus padres, no sabe cual era su nombre real y por mucho que investigo no existió ningun registro de ella o ningun reporte de su desaparicción en ninguno de los dos paises donde la movilizaron. Su nombre y su apellido existieron detrás de especulaciones de sus dos mejores amigos, quienes eran mayores que ella (Dante y Benny), aunque ellos tampoco sabían nada de ella antes del burdel, solo escucharon a sus captores llamarla Ivana un par de ocaciones por lo que optaron por creer que ese era su nombre. Encontrandose con que era una “Jane Doe” viva, decidió ella misma realizar todos sus tramites para ser una ciudadana existente al cumplir la mayoria de edad, desconoce que edad tiene, y si en realidad es mexicana, solo se apega a lo que ya conoce. Esto le trajo severos problemas de identidad en la adolescencia, pues no sabía si sus pasiones, hobbies e intereses eran naturales o solo los tenia por que habia visto a sus amigos tenerlos, por lo que sentía que debia gustarle tambien para encajar, manteniendo la idea de “Tal vez lo sabría si supiera de donde vengo en realidad”, una cuestión de la que lamentablemente nunca logro obtener una respuesta.
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thefulcrumfiles · 1 year
Perdoneme por ser nerd
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tired-overthinker · 2 years
i want to be like a fever dream. to run through the forest with and empty mind, searching for somentinhg unreachable. to drown in deep cold water at the ocean, feeling mesmerized by the waves hitting my hollow body. to cough blood in the snow and became colder as it. to feel adrenaline at the same as to not feel, as when you have uncomfotable but heart warming dreams.
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alucinant · 11 months
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eh o minino di papai eh
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divinebruises · 2 years
the most impressive thing about Will Graham is the amount of dogs he managed to name bc I quite frankly could barely name myself
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heartwknife · 8 days
James Potter ! 🌟🖍️⚽️
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James le quita caifanes a Remus para poner Natanael Cano y Junior H, usa esa gorra aunque sea de noche y dice dios plan a cada rato
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mcytrash · 4 months
My roman empire Ranboo saying the new vtuber had arms/hand tracking on the first stream with it, but the sensor did not work on day 1 so they proceeded to never fucking use the arm tracking since
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aferfis · 7 months
eu acho angustiantemente injusto não poder ter super poderes pq se alguém tivesse me avisado q eu seria uma humanoide com velocidade, força, intelecto, alcance e resistência limitados eu tenho ctz q teria me recusado a nascer já q jamais aceitaria uma realidade tão entediante
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