#and I’m like yes exactly
duckyfann9871 · 1 month
The asexual x allo dating dynamic is so wack because you guys will have sex like once a month and they’ll be really needy for you but you’re like “?? We literally JUST had sex!” And they’ll be like “no we didn’t, it’s been like 2 weeks” and you have to remember how some people literally do this like every other day HOW
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bbreaddog · 9 months
Practising Goncharov Theme by @caramiaaddio on violin bc I thought it would add an extra layer of haunting…ness (is that a word?)
Here’s the excerpt I’m playing in the video:
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Despite it being in a fuck off key for violin it is a really beautiful piece and it’s absolutely worth the trouble of practising in second position (world’s most hated position) and I’m HOPING 🤞 I can record and (maybe) post a full cover of it someday
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poppitron360 · 3 months
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Husk and Angel were born around the same time, but Husk died later so he’s in his 70s when Angel is in his 30s.
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myung jaehyun is absolutely, hands down, the best leader for boynextdoor.
I always stand by the leader of groups being the best leaders for their groups, but it’s definitely a role that they have to grow into and improve constantly on. just like any other position in the group. just like any other thing you do.
that said, until the fanmeeting, I didn’t quite have the words to truly express why I feel so strongly about jaehyun’s role as the boynextdoor leader—especially as I think to a lot of non-onedoor, it can seem a bit confusing or not apparent at first. which mostly comes from jaehyun sitting outside the norm for a leader (particularly in hybe bgs) at least in personality.
jaehyun is loud. that’s like… something well known about him. he’s talkative and playful and despite being shy, he’s definitely the kind of person to enter the room knowing no one and leave with at least 5 new friends. his approach to people is one that feels very open and bright.
for this reason, I do think many people might not first associate him with the leader role. with most groups, the most energetic member is probably not the first considered as “oh yeah that’s the leader”. jaehyun is all the playful and energy-filled that usually comes with the member who the leader needs to keep an eye on the most and eventually has a bunch of youtube compilation videos.
that said, these qualities are exactly why I think he makes such a great leader for boynextdoor. as mentioned in the fanmeeting day 2 ending ments, the members of bonedo are the type of people to put up a straight face and keep their struggles to themselves. as woonhak and they have expressed, an example being woonhak putting on a smile and performing, despite dealing with grief. they’re very much the people to not make their problems someone else’s and to maintain a collected image in front of others.
while I also think jaehyun does this, as most people who are leaders may tend to for the sake of their groups, he’s also very very very unapologetically himself. he feels so much. his tendency to cry being a prime example of that, though not the only. the point is that jaehyun is expressive and open and in this, jaehyun contrasts with his members.
as woonhak has stated before, jaehyun has expressed that it’s okay for him to cry, to need to take a break, to sit this one out. jaehyun in general approaches his members with a lot of care. but overall, the stand out is that I believe jaehyun navigates along the lines of… feelings are meant to be felt. he has no qualms with any emotion being felt the way it occurs to us. yes there are ways to handle them, but ultimately, the feeling—whatever it may be—is there to be felt and expressed.
this is also seen in how he interacts with his members. in his very tactile approach to express the love and care he has for the rest of bonedo. the pride he feels for them. whatever words I’m not able to formulate to describe the whole yeppi exchange between him and sungho in the 3rd comeback show special.
it’s also in his loudness and energy. it’s all about expression. he’s so much, but it only feels that way, in my opinion, because he’s overwhelmingly unafraid and unapologetic of being himself, in a way that the industry might otherwise discourage. he’s not against expressing how he feels and while it likely won’t be the most apparent until later in their careers, I do think he’s the type to speak his mind.
all that said, the point is that these qualities do exist in contrast to his members and thus… encourage them to do the same. maybe not to be speeding around all over the place, but rather to allow themselves the space and time to feel as they do. that they don’t have to keep it all inside to avoid making it other peoples problems. they’re a team, if nothing else. and it’s in jaehyun being so so so much himself, being exactly the person he is, not something specially crafted to fit a particular image, he encourages the other members to be the same.
jaehyun helps to curate a safe space within their group by exhibiting that there’s nothing wrong with being the person they are. to feel whatever they feel. to express when things are going good or bad or somewhere in between. to approach things as they come and take them in stride, even if it’s without prior planning. that if a leader is meant to push a group forward and help them grow, then jaehyun steps up to the plate in that art cannot be made without emotion and so to become better artists, to continue being artists, it’s so important to find the safe spaces of being able to express and feel everything as they should be felt.
this is why I think jaehyun has some of the strongest lyricism currently in the group. it’s why I think he was a powerful force coming into KOZ and bonedo, and sort of the missing piece. he feels so much and he allows himself to feel all of it. in turn, as the leader, it’s something he encourages in the members. it’s leading by example. jaehyun builds a safe space for them to express, by being open himself.
but beyond that, jaehyun being unapologetically himself becomes an unstoppable sort of barrier between the group and outside the group. while not as apparent now, I do think it’ll grow into him being a strong adovcate for each of the members and the group as a whole. the group matters to him. his members matter to him. jaehyun’s never going to act as if they don’t, so long as they do. as such, he’ll put them first. he’ll encourage them and their best interest. he provides space and works to create and maintain that space for them to express themselves and be themselves. it’s what makes jaehyun the best leader for bonedo now, and it’s what will allow him to continue to do so.
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doomed2repeat · 1 month
When people try to insult Colin Bridgerton by saying he’s too nice and he’s a nerd and a loser and that’s literally all the reasons I love him:
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jacarandaaaas · 4 months
“Isabela and mirabel made up too quickly it didn’t make sense!!”
y’all do not know what it’s like going from screaming “I HATE U” at your sister to laughing about it 10 mins later💀
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ninacarstairss · 9 months
there is a tremendous lack of chloe green and shara wheeler content on this app and we should be fixing that
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betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
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Okay, I don’t know if I’m looking too deep into this but this made me really sad and uncomfortable.
I mean, Jason could say something along the lines of “don’t kill the kid, kill me instead” but he said “I’ll do anything you want, anything”. Him repeating the word ‘anything’ wasn’t a stutter from the fear kicking in (they used ‘-‘ and ‘…’ to portray the stutter/ repetition of words due to strain/exhaustion). But this word was written so clearly as just a repetition to emphasize that he meant anything. What ever it is that he was implying, is very upsetting nonetheless.
Then the way Scarecrow held Jason’s face. That could easily just be a villain trying to make their victim weak, holding them firm, leaning in close-invading their space, and ensuring they feel vulnerable. Yeah okay I get that.
But then Joker walks in and calls Crane a pervert. And sure you can argue that Joker is just throwing names around. But this whole multi interaction caught me off guard and yeah maybe I’m reading too deep into it. Maybe Jason just felt helpless and spewed out words? Idk.
Whatever the situation was, still hurts to read. I don’t know, it just felt so wrong. Even if he wasn’t implying anything, Scarecrow and Joker are still taking advantage of a vulnerable person. Which obviously is awful and disgusting,
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nothinggold13 · 5 months
“Creator of children’s show reboot reveals why reboot was cancelled—” GOOD
There are few things I hate as much as shows for children being rebooted as shows for adults. “But it’s for the people who grew up with the show and are adults now—” I don’t care. I think things that are good and pure and safe should remain good and pure and safe for the next generation. I think if adult fans cannot appreciate a clean show about their favourite characters from childhood then they can go watch something else that was never meant to be safe for children in the first place. “But it’s more realistic if—” Not for me, and not for the characters as they were originally written. Just admit the characters don’t matter to you as much as capitalizing on nostalgia to make another adult sitcom that’s exactly like every other adult sitcom, and while you’re at it, that you don’t think today’s children should be able to enjoy the same pieces of media that you grew up with. Like, when all that is said, who is this ACTUALLY for?
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Fascinated by how the game rarely distinguishes between what you say you believe and what you actually believe. There’s a degree to which that’s just practical, of course, it’s already a very complex game and adding in some way to signal that you’re only intending for Harry to pretend to hold a certain belief would be extraordinarily difficult. But there’s a degree to which it’s thematically relevant too- you can’t pretend to take on Measurehead’s belief system to get past him. You believe it or you don’t. Characters will ask you constantly about your political opinions and if you only ever answer what you think they want to hear the game will start calling you a centrist or boring or both. You don’t get to pretend to be something you’re not in this game. If you say centrist things, you’re a centrist. If you say boring things, you’re boring
This is partially a side effect of the game trying to make Harry’s beliefs effect what choices are available to you (there really aren’t many ways of tracking what the player is having Harry believe outside of dialogue options) but I think it’s illuminating about Harry as a character too. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s not one to hide what he believes, no matter what. He’s the type of guy to ramble about policing being a corrupt institution while very much being a cop and planning to continue being a cop.
He is constantly lying to himself and simultaneously nearly completely incapable of presenting a false version of himself to anyone. It’s neat!
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little-lost-canary · 1 year
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Uhhhh I feel this speaks for itself. Sorry?
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bluuscreen-png · 1 year
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bit of an experiment using (a rough design of) janus from an au of mine that i’ve barely touched since like 2019. he’s a witch :]
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padfootastic · 2 years
thinking of toddler harry who’s very, very attached to his godfather sirius (as he should be, really) and gets pissy whenever he goes for work. (yes, sirius is a 9-5er here. suspend all disbelief, folks)
so, to get a handle on the tantrums, sirius dresses harry in his own little formal clothes, robes and over cloak and silver clasp and fake wand holder and all.
‘look, siri, im just like you!’ harry says, every morning like clockwork. once they look absolutely alike, hair combed and tied neatly (little butterfly clips in sirius’ curls, ofc), they set off for the day. sirius conjures a little size-appropriate desk for him that he can sit at, gets him a briefcase and all. when u open it, it has all sorts of colouring materials, beads and strings and charms for DIY, and a little notepad with a pen for Serious Stuff.
throughout the day, sirius gets his work done while harry carefully does his own stuff. whenever he gets too fidgety, sirius sends him out on a ‘mission’—going out and evaluating how the rest of the employees are doing their work. harry, of course, takes his task super seriously and tries to emulate sirius’ Grown Up Face very diligently, walking with his hands behind his back and an adorable little frown on his face. of course, he’s so short he can’t actually see what anyone’s doing but everyone’s accommodating enough that he has enough information to relay it back to sirius in his office.
at the end of the day, both of them take their cloaks off the hanger, simultaneously sling it over their shoulders, and wave a goodbye to the remaining members in the office. when they get home, harry is still meticulously copying sirius’ actions so he neatly sets his shoes to the side, hangs his cloak on the rack, and falls face first into the sofa with an exhausted sigh of relief.
‘being a adult is hard, padfoot,’ is the last thing he says before drifting off to sleep.
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months
>:(((( I have a phonecall today that I have to answer, and ofc some other random phone call came in and I answered bc thought it was that. >:((( it wasn’t and now today’s total is going to be 2 phone calls. this is my nightmare
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whitmore · 9 months
really actually kind of enjoy how the big lore moments are sort of quiet on a singular stream (or a small group!) instead of the events solely being the lore; i think there would be this hesitation to develop anything solo if the server reinforced this idea that Big Lore could only happen during scheduled events and days. instead the more narrative-progressing moments (take the baghera hybrid experiments revelation or the philza birdnapping for recent example) are very low-key and almost unhyped up— there’s no expectation for that kind of lore necessarily at the time which makes it more rewarding to experience as a viewer. big fan of how they do the events as player bonding time rather than serious narrative progression because it allows all the players (especially the ones who don’t engage in the rp side that much) to participate and get to know each another more; it’s very neat it’s really smart it’s nicely executed
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neriumdelusion · 1 year
People need to stop acting like Charles is in any way misguided or naive for getting with Kevin. He knew EXACTLY what Kevin stood for. He saw Kevin giving a speech about how important it is that everyone dig a hole. Charles went oh that’s very attractive. Charles is not stupid and he knows exactly what kinda guy Kevin is. And he finds it hot. And he’s right.
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