#and he told me yesterday he has been referring to me as his little brother :)
greenieflor · 1 year
Do you ever just cry thinking about how much you love your friends
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forestmossling · 1 month
as is pretty obvious, the rockstar! eddie has not yet left the premises of my brain and will be staying there indefinitely so here’s a little something.
no upside down au, 2010s, eddie doesn’t know anyone from the party, but dustin finds out about this rockstar who writes songs about his dnd campaigns and makes tolkien references, but his music is also raw and haunting, so obviously he’s obsessed. he bothers steve about him until steve forfeits and buys them both tickets for the show in indianapolis. steve’s deaf and he hasn’t been to a concert from the point at which he lost his hearing, because he just feels weird and out of place even thinking about going to something that is so hearing-centered. he enjoys cranking up the music in his car or while he’s listening to it at home, but going to a concert always felt like taking a place from somebody who can enjoy the experience fully. robin told him it’s bullshit and tried to drag him to some venues before, but he never agreed. but well- he doesn’t trust dustin alone in a crowded venue, because he’s excitable and reckless (even though dustin’s “literally 18, god, steve, do you even fucking hear yourself-“) so he feels better going on a concert while actually fulfilling some important role.
they go, and dustin is ecstatic. steve is flabbergasted, because he didn’t expect to gain anything from this except peace of mind for dustin’s safety, but when the first song starts to play, it reverberates through his whole body. it’s not the same as the concerts he went to with his hearing still mostly intact, but he can hear the lower pitches, he can feel the beat thrumming through him, and he finds himself headbanging along with dustin by the end of the show. but because he generally just turned away when dustin was rambling about the ingenuity of the lyrics, dustin ends up spending half the concert scrambling to sign along with the lyrics as much as he can, at least on his favorite parts, because he can’t just let steve not experience the sheer “wholesomeness and coolness” of what’s going on. on some songs he just outright refuses to sign to steve, blushing, and when steve teases and prods dustin angrily admits that he’s “not going to translate to you exactly the way he wants to fuck a pretty boy”. steve laughs, but finds himself blushing too. because the frontman is scorching hot, and maybe steve wouldn’t mind finding out exactly the way he wants to fuck a pretty boy (but definitely not from dustin).
so even though his head started hurting by the end of the night from all the flashing lights on stage, even though he’s sweaty and gross and dustin is jumping around like an overexcited puppy, his hands flashing in rapid-fire speech steve doesn’t have the mental capacity to process at the moment, he finds that he enjoyed himself. that he, dare he say, would not mind going again. dustin goes ballistic at the admission and says that it’s only fair if steve takes him to another cc concert considering that dustin was too busy translating half the show too properly appreciate his first cc concert, which wouldn’t be necessary if steve “bothered to listen to him from time to time”.
afterwards, dustin posts a picture of both of them on twitter, sweaty and exhausted after the show, but both smiling wide with a caption: “took my lame brother to the cc concert yesterday!! he said “i could actually hear something, holy shit. just how loud are these guys? also, would like to know what the fuck the hot guy’s singing in the horny songs, but dustin refused to sign” which, obv i did because my brother is disgusting and i hate him actually. but now he owes me another concert because i spent most of the first one translating, so we’ll see you in *insert the nearest next city*, @corrodedcoffin-official!! thanks for the great show!!”
and eddie comes across the post purely by chance and immediately bluescreens at the sight of a preppy guy in a bright polo with exquisite fucking hair, thank you very much, hugging his toothily smiling little brother in a cc t-shirt. he never considered the issues the Deaf people can face coming to their shows before, and well, if the man wants to know exactly what eddie likes to do to pretty boys like him, it would be a shame to deny him. so he talks to the band, and they hire a sign language interpreter for the next show (and not just because eddie’s horny, okay?? he genuinely wants to let as much people as possible fully enjoy their music, fuck off, gareth-)
and when dustin and steve come to the next show and see an interpreter standing by the stage, they both fucking lose it. when dustin saw a like on his post from the official corroded coffin page, he obviously screamed bloody murder and told everyone who would (and wouldn’t) listen about it, steve just felt awkward about the hot frontman knowing the dumb shit he said, but neither of them expected anything to come of it. and now, seeing the interpreter near the stage, finally finding out the stories the group tells through their music, steve can’t help feeling mesmerized by the scene. and he doesn’t tear up about finally feeling included after being dismissed and told to deal with his shit on his own for so long, of course not.
and then, during the gap between the songs, eddie points to the interpreter: “i would like to say special thanks to amazing *insert name*, who agreed to translate our shitty music in asl so nobody could escape us. i hope dustin and his insanely hot brother can both enjoy the show properly now” he grins at the cheering audience, and steve feels himself flushing bright red all over. he can see the moment the frontman’s eyes find him in the crowd, and the guy has the gall to wink at him. dustin has ascended the mortal plane at that point and just screams incoherently while shaking steve by the arm. “and all the other deaf and hoh folks in attendance tonight, thank you for coming!” he continues smoothly, and the band slides into another song. steve just keeps staring at the stage, uncomprehending. he can vaguely recognize the slower and deeper track as one of those dustin refused to translate to him. and now, actually seeing the lyrics, he can understand why. he flushes again. it feels like his brain starts spinning in circles in his head from how hard he tries to keep his eyes on the interpreter and the frontman at the same time (the shit this munson guy does to the microphone stand with his hips has got to be illegal in at least several states). during the bridge munson finds his eyes in the crowd and obscenely licks his lips. steve dies on the spot. he can feel dustin hitting him on the arm, signing something about the way he “can’t believe your gross jock powers have worked on eddie munson” that steve barely sees from the corner of his eyes, but he can’t find it in himself to care.
and then steddie somehow meet face to face and make out, idk. the end! *jazz hands*
i’m NOT D/deaf or hoh!! if i said something dumb or inaccurate, please tell me!
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ssanovak · 1 year
His Favourite Little Human
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@skievers‘ request; Bestie can you write me a Gabriel x Fem reader who is Sam & Dean’s sister and is currently kidnapped as a hostage and Gabriel has to find her? Thanks! 🥰
“Y/N! Breakfast! Bacon’s a bit crispy, hope that’s okay! Cas decided to help” Dean yelled down the bunker hallway.
“Hey!” Cas glared at Dean, “It’s better crispier, Y/N told me that once”
“Sure buddy, she probably only told you that so she didn’t hurt your feelings” Dean said laughing.
Cas crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.
“Y/N! Where are you?” Dean walked down the hallway to your room, he knocked on the door loudly, “Y/N! Wake up sleepyhead!”.
Silence followed Dean’s words, he leant against the wall to the left of the door and rapped his knuckles hard against the wood again. Still nothing.
“Y/N you better be decent, cause I’m coming in!” Dean turned the door handle, pushing the door open slowly. He glanced around the room before him and then stepped in. Your bed had evidently been left untouched since you made it yesterday morning, and you were nowhere to be seen. It was Dean’s turn to frown now and he checked your bedside table to see if your purse and keys were still there. When he didn’t find any evidence that you’d even come home last night he shrugged, expecting you to be with Gabriel, or one of their friends, you didn’t drink so it wasn’t likely that you’d been out all night, so he wasn’t especially worried.
He walked back to the kitchen, finding Sam sat at the table ignoring the tray of bacon in the centre and choosing instead to drink what Dean affectionately referred to as a ‘rabbit food smoothie’, he nodded to his brother as Dean walked back into the room.
“Where’s Y/N?” He said, looking back down to the newspaper he’d been combing for a new case.
“Not been home, I’m willing to bet she’s with Gabriel.”
“Oh yeah, how much are you willing to wager?” Sam smirked.
“Okay Cas, you want in?” Dean turned to the angel.
“Dean, I have no use for money, why would I partake in an effort to win any?”
“For fun, I don’t know, do Angels do ‘Fun’?” He teased and Cas looked up at him quizzically, “Don’t answer that, it’s too early in the morning for that conversation.”
Dean grabbed some ketchup and sat at the table across from Sam and pulled the tray of bacon towards him, squirting the ketchup straight onto the tray. Sam rolled his eyes and sighed, and Dean indignantly said “Y/N’s not gonna have any, Mr Molecules over there doesn’t eat, and you’ve got your blended rabbit food, what’s the point using a plate?”
“I didn’t actually say anything,” Sam replied, dryly.
“No, but you were thinking, same thing.”
“Okay, Dean,” Sam rolled his eyes again, which his brother missed as he stood up to grab the pot of coffee he’d been brewing, sitting back down he sighed contentedly and dug into his food.
A loud banging on the front door was the only noise to disturb the peace and quiet.
“I’ll get it” Sam said, picking up his smoothie and taking it with him. Sam walked towards the front of the bunker as the knocking got louder and more frantic.
He opened the door slowly and was surprised to see a rather dishevelled Gabriel standing in the doorway.
“Sam” the angel said.
“Gabriel, uh, come in I guess.” Sam stood to the side to let the man walk past him and then shut and relocked the door behind him.
“No time for pleasantries, have you seen Y/N?”
“No, actually, Dean thought she was with you, why?”
“Haven’t seen her in a couple of days actually, and we were meant to meet up yesterday.”
“Maybe she forgot?”
“Why thank you Sam, I hadn’t possibly considered that scenario, and I felt like walking here from half a mile away just for you to tell me the obvious” Gabriel rolled his eyes.
“Sorry, I, uh, don’t have any other suggestions, let me get Dean to help call around.”
“Thank you.”
The two walked back to the kitchen and Dean mumbled “Who is it?” with a mouthful of food.
“Hello Deano” Gabriel greeted the older Winchester brother.
Dean turned to the doorway, swallowing the mouthful he’d finished chewing. “Sammy who gets the 20 bucks?”
“Not you”
“Son of a bitch!”
“So where is Y/N?” Cas tilted his head into the question and looked to Gabriel for an answer.
“Was hoping she was here.”
“Dean, I said we’d call around and ask if Y/N is with any of our friends, I’ll call Charlie and Garth, can you call Jody and Donna?” Sam pulled out his phone and began dialling as he spoke.
“On it”
A few tense minutes passed as the brothers tried to locate their sister, and when they ended each call with no luck, the atmosphere was thick enough to be cut with a knife.
“Gabriel, you’ve heard nothing for how long?” Dean looked up at the angel.
“Nothing since this time yesterday, Y/N sent me a text telling me she’d see me later on, if you didn’t carve that damned Enochian into her bones I could’ve found her by now!” Gabriel’s final words an accusation directed at Castiel.
“Providing she’s not also being hidden by extra sigils, no need to play the blame game here Gabriel” Dean replied, keen to prevent an argument and focus on finding his little sister.
“Dean, I’m going to call Rowena, hopefully she can help.” Sam said, once again dialling as he spoke.
“Hello Samuel, how can I help you?” came the redheads Scottish drawl through the phone.
“Rowena, hi, we need your help, Y/N is missing, do you know of any way we can locate her?”
“Of course dear, let me just find the spell, are you able to obtain ingredients?”
“Yes, we’re in the bunker, I’ll be able to use the Men of Letters stock.”
“Good, okay, I’ve got the spell here, are you ready?”
“Hold on, I’ll write it down.”
With that Sam left the kitchen, Gabriel and Castiel in tow, heading to the library. Dean looked down at his half finished breakfast and decided it would take Sam a while to locate the ingredients, so he probably had time to finish eating. He scarfed the last of the bacon and then downed the rest of his coffee before heading up to the library himself. By the time he got there, Sam and Gabriel had begun to lay out the ingredients as Rowena explained the steps for they needed to take. Once they’d finished the setup, she told Sam the Latin he would have to repeat in order to complete the spell, and Sam scribbled it down in a notebook. He looked up at Dean who nodded and he started the spell. As he finished repeating the lines Rowena had given him the piece of paper in the centre of the pentagram burned a bright red and Dean looked away as the light threatened to blind him. When he looked back the paper had returned to it’s original state bar two lines of numbers that glistened in the light from the lamps. He stepped closer but Gabriel grabbed the piece of paper first.
“Co-ordinates?” He looked up at Sam for confirmation.
“Looks like, okay, thanks Rowena, I’ll let you know what happens.”
“Not a problem Samuel, I hope you find Y/N safe. Bye for now.” The call disconnected.
Sam and Dean grabbed their gear whilst Castiel and Gabriel stood waiting, Dean checked his guns and Sam grabbed the salt and lighter amongst other weapons and items of protection.
“Ready?” Gabriel questioned, “I’m assuming you want me to get as close to these co-ordinates as possible without being in the building, don’t know what kind of surprises might be in there.”
“I guess so,” Dean said, sighing, “I’m not happy with this method of transportation though, last time he zapped me someplace I didn’t poop for a week.” He pointed at Castiel who’s brow furrowed and he tilted his head to one side.
“That was more information than I wanted, let’s go”, Gabriel clicked his fingers and the four of them were outside a disused factory building.
Dean shuddered, gripping his gun tighter.
“Hold on,” Gabriel held his hand up and his eyes glowed brilliant blue as he searched the building for sigils. Only once he was satisfied they weren’t walking into a trap he motioned for Castiel and Dean to take the left side of the building whilst he and Sam took the right.
The four split off towards their designated search areas and Castiel and Gabriel both drew their Angel Blades. As they crept around the outskirts of the building a yell of pain came from somewhere deep within. Gabriel’s footsteps quickened as he recognised the voice. He and Sam found the nearest entrance and Sam gripped the door handle as Gabriel counted down with one hand. When he hit 0 Sam opened the door, the two slid through the open entryway and they were met with a corridor, off of which 5 more doors stood. Gabriel used his free hand to point to Sam and the rightmost door and then walked to the leftmost himself. They cleared each room with ease, meeting in the middle at the fifth door. Sam nodded as Gabriel reached towards the handle. As he did so another shout indicated that they were in fact at the correct door and Gabriel flung it open, holding his blade ready.
As he took in the scene before him his eyes met yours. You relaxed slightly against the chair you were sat upon and sighed with relief. Blood dripped down your face from your probably broken nose and you bit back a wince as you took in a deep breath.
Gabriel took a step towards you as Sam raised his gun to point it at the single assailant.
“How’s my favourite little human doing?”
“Been better to be honest, I’m a little tied up right now,” You replied, sarcasm dripping from your words. You looked down and made a point to indicate the ropes that bound you to the chair and tied your hands and feet.
He laughed, the sound music to your ears.
“Don’t come any closer!” Your assailant grabbed your head pulling you backwards in the chair and pinning a knife to your throat. You coughed in discomfort, and your eyes widened as you realised the danger wasn’t over yet. You assessed the situation you found yourself in, realising the way your head was positioned wasn’t to your attackers advantage at all. If you ducked to one side you’d be free of the blade and Gabriel realised this too, he caught your eye and mouthed ‘Sleeping Lions’, then he opened his fingers against his weapon, counting down 3, 2, 1, you threw yourself sideways and as soon as his final finger hit the handle you were folded practically in half against your own legs. A startled yelp came from your captor and you turned to see the Angel Blade sticking out of the demon’s chest as his soul stuttered out of existence and an orange glow emitted from every orifice. The now empty vessel fell backwards to the floor and you sat up straight again.
“Nice shot” Sam noted, Gabriel had thrown the blade across 15 feet and hit the demon square in the chest.
“Of course” Gabriel smirked.
“Look, save your ego boost for later and get these dang restraints off me please” You grumbled.
Gabriel laughed again and the pair of your saviours crossed the room towards you. Sam worked on the rope at your feet as Gabriel untied your hands and then your body. You slumped forwards slightly as he released the rope and he caught you, exhaustion setting in as the adrenalin wore off. He turned around to Sam, who grabbed your hand and squeezed it before he left the room in search of his other sibling and their best friend. Gabriel knelt on the floor in front of you and pulled you into a hug.
“Don’t scare me like that again Winchester”
“Can’t make any promises, sorry, I’m just too kidnappable” you mumbled against his chest.
He laughed again, leaning you back against the chair, gently sitting you upright. He put his hand against your face, cupping your cheek tenderly and you looked up at him as his eyes glowed Arctic blue. You felt the warmth of his grace healing you and you relaxed into his touch. When he was done he pulled you back into another hug. Kissing the top of your head as he held you. You wrapped your arms around him and revelled in the safety he brought with him.
“Y/N!” Dean exclaimed and you let go of your angel. You stood up from the chair, feeling as if you could run a few marathons and ran to your brother, who wrapped his arms around you crushing you in his embrace. When he let go it was Sam’s turn, although he was more gentle than Dean. Then you turned to Castiel who looked at you curiously until you pulled him into a hug too. He patted your arm awkwardly before you retreated to Gabriel’s side.
“Let’s get you home”, Gabriel smiled at you, clicking his fingers and you were half a mile up the road from the bunker. “You know this is as close as I can get before I have to walk!” He exclaimed as you looked at him incredulously.
“You’re lucky you’re cute”, you say, starting to walk towards your home.
“You’re lucky she thinks you’re cute”, Dean grumbled and followed after you.
Gabriel hurried forwards and reached into his pocket, handing you one of your favourite candies. You look around at him, smiling and take his hand in yours after you’ve removed the candy from his grasp. You hum contentedly as you continue walking home.
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wallflower 14
Warnings: age gap, creepin’, slow burn, stepdad-adjacent, possible noncon/dubcon, abuse, violence, self-harm.
Character: silverfox!Thor
Your mother meets a new man, but he doesn’t seem very interested in her.
Note: <3 Another erratic drabble series. Appreciate any and all feedback. Love you all.
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You retreat into your usual despondence. You don’t like strangers. This man might be Thor’s brother but you don’t know him. He’s a therapist even but that only reminds you of all the things your mother ever said about those. ‘A bunch of nonsense, you’re not depressed, you’re just lazy’.
You cup your cheeks as you huddle in the chair, legs bent on the seat as you wait. You just want this to be over with. You have nothing to say. You told Thor you didn’t want to talk, didn't you?
Loki shifts across from you, his stature straight as he rests an elbow on the armrest. He raises his chin as he takes a breath, his movement flickering in the corner of your eye. You pick at the belt of the robe and twist it tight.
“Tell me about your mood,” he begins evenly.
You squeeze the fabric belt and shrug. That’s an odd question. Not even a question, it sounds like a demand. You shake your head.
“Look, I’ve not come to rehash your past, but there is some concern for your wellbeing and my profession does compel me to offer support. My brother, more so. You must know how insistent he can be, yes?”
You put your fingertips to your lower lip. You measure his words as you bite your cheek. “I know,” you say.
“Alright then, how is your mood?” He repeats gently.
You look at the floor, the tasseled edge of the patterned rug that rests over the dark hardwood. How do you feel? There’s so many emotions brewing in your chest, it might be easier to say how you don’t feel; happy, free, hopeful. Would you even know what that truly feels like?
“Dull,” you murmur at last, “I… sorry, that’s stupid. I… feel a lot.”
“It isn’t stupid, that is not how we refer to emotions. They are human, natural. Take your time.”
His voice is calming, smooth like the feel of satin, or a flowing river. You rub your neck and exhale, tucking your feet under you as you lean into the corner of the chair.
“Why? What do you mean?”
“Why do I have to say?”
“Well, darling,” he says softly, “because that is just how it works. Perhaps, let me go a little further and ask, why do you not want to say?”
You sniff and drop your shoulders as you cross your arms, “you’re not here because you want to be, so why would you care?”
He leans forward, “do you mind speaking up, it is hard to hear you.”
“Sorry, I–”
“Sorry?” He repeats, “you apologise often.”
You shake your head and dip your chin down. You hold back another reiteration of the word. You are sorry; for yourself, for him that he’s been dragged here, for Thor that he has to put up with you, even your mother who suffered you for years.
“Maybe,” you answer.
“I have another question, if you wouldn’t mind entertaining me and my quackery,” he intones, “has there ever been anyone who asked you how you felt and listened?”
You flinch and curl your fingers around your upper arms, hugging yourself tighter. You think, sorting through the fog of your mind, the years of being forgotten, of spite and resent. It was never about you, but you do recall how often your mother spewed her every thought, every feeling, no matter how nasty, at you.
“Well, then I understand,” he takes your silence for what it is, “that this is all new to you, so I will be patient and I only need you to do that once thing. Tell me, how is your mood? Not yesterday, not an hour ago, right now.”
You swallow and bring your hands up to twine your fingers in front of your chest. You peek over at him as he watches you placidly. His long nose and sharp cheekbones catch the lamplight in rather alluring way. You’re not as scared of him as you thought, not looking at him. He’s not as sinister as you made him in your mind.
“I’m…” you start and twist your fingers around each other, “sad, and scared, and…I really do feel sorry.”
You look at your lap again and wait. He hums and the leather chair creaks, “what makes you sad?”
Your chest flutters and you press your hands flat as if to still your heart. You swallow and shakily let out a breath, “my mother. Me. I try so hard and she’s never happy. So I’m not happy either.”
“Mhmm, and why are you scared?”
That’s a harder question. You don’t quite know entirely. You’re not afraid of Thor, are you? Well, you’re afraid of everything and everyone. You’re the coward your mother always said you were.
“Being away from home, I guess. I don’t leave much and being here, I feel… lost.”
“Understandable, and my brother? Does he scare you?”
“He’s nice. He…” you think of your mother’s hollering and the impact of her fists. You hide your face in your hands, “he helped me.”
“Pardon, he… helped?”
“Y-yes,” you stutter and pull your hands down your face.
“And what are you sorry for?”
Your lip trembles and you feel the burning behind your eyes. Your throat tightens and you fidget, moving in the chair, trying to get comfortable as the cushion is crushed beneath your weight. You pull at the loose sleeve around your wrist, the fabric brushing the bruises along your upper arm.
“For being a burden. To my mother. And now, Thor. I can’t do anything right, or on my own, I…” your voice trails off in embarrassment, “and that you have to sit here with me.”
“Well that’s silly, don’t be sorry for me,” he reproaches, “it seems to me you take a lot of things upon your own shoulders. That you put other’s actions in your own lap and drown beneath them. As little as I know of your situation, I would assume that you have little control and so you try to take control by claiming responsibility for others actions, even if those actions harm you.”
Your face is wet. You’re crying again. You draw back and lower your face, wiping away the tears as you slump down. You don’t want him to see you cry. You don’t want to cry. Why is it all you can do?
You hear a scuff and his shadow nears, looming over you as a tissue suddenly floats before you. You look up as he holds out the kleenex and you thank him as you take it. He backs up slowly and paces along the wall. You dab your cheek and blow your nose.
“You did well, darling, I think that’s enough talk for today,” he speaks as he traces the frame of a picture hung before him, “I will confer with my brother and offer some coping strategies for you. He did report you have some… episodes.”
You remain quiet as you pinch the tip of your nose through the tissue, trying to quell the flow of tears.
“Ways to help you,” he spins and tucks his hands in his pockets, “can you try those?”
“I… y-yes, I’ll try.”
“Very well, then,” he crosses the room with smooth strides, “I will leave you to gather yourself.”
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atinyjules · 12 days
Eyes Off You Ft. Park Jisung {ch-3}
A/n: Your favorite resident yapper is back again with ch-3! Judging from the notifications I'm getting, you guys seem to like it a lot. MAKES ME SO HAPPY! I was gonna post it yesterday, but sadly, due to a storm, the whole town was basically in an electricity black out. And me being stupid, I posted chapter 2 and wasted the remaining battery by watching Jisungs fancams and edits (no regrets).
Well, anyway here it iss
The mini masterlist for this series can be found here
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"I knoww, mom~" Lianna whined as she spoke to her mom on the phone. Today was her first day of class, and her mother called to give her some pointers.
"Mom! Your daughter is not the type of woman to throw herself at the boys!" She exclaimed as she put on her lip gloss.
"Okay, okay... now end the call! It's late back home. Mom, sleep well and I'll call you after class. Okay, love you too." She smiled and ended the call before getting ready and walking downstairs to see her brother prepare breakfast.
"Would you look at that. You're actually cooking." Lianna said, making her brother chuckle as he plated her breakfast and put it on the table infront of her.
"I might not look like it, but I can prepare a decent meal." He said as Lianna chuckled and began eating the chicken soup and rice her brother made for her.
"Mark and Haechan came over last night." Johnny said making Lianna choke on her soup.
"What?!" Lianna exclaimed as her brother sighed and patted her back to help her clear her throat.
"You looked really tired, so I didn't tell you." He said as Lianna drank water and cleared her throat.
"Well, I was... but a little heads up could've been good." Lianna said, making her brother smile and pat her hair.
"You're gonna see them anyway, so just eat up nicely first." Johnny said as she continued eating.
"I'm so nervous." I said, feeling a little giddy as Sungchan wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Don't worry, it's not that bad. You just go say hi and all, and you're all good." He said as Shotaro gave me a thumbs up.
"You got this! Oh, Eunseok's stop is arriving." Shotaro said, and almost immediately, a buff looking dude entered the bus with a blank expression.
"Eunseok! Over here!" Eunseok looked up and smiled before sitting next to Shotaro.
"Morning guys, oh... Lia? I'm Eunseok, we texted in the group chat last night." He said as I nodded with a smile and happily accepted his fist bump.
"HI! Bro... you look so manly compared to your profile picture." I said, making everyone laugh as Eunseok turned around hiding his face.
(The picture in question)
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"Oh my gawd, stop." He said as we chuckled.
After the bus ride, we reached the university. I gasped as I marveled at the gate in front of me.
It's bigger than I expected...
"Where's Wonbin?" I asked, referring to the boy I had the most fun chatting with.
"Forget about him. He's always pretending to be the main character by coming late to class." Eunseok said, making me laugh before abruptly stopping and hiding my face.
"What's wrong?" Sungchan asked as I hid behind the three boys.
"Shh..." I shushed them before watching Jisung and Mark walk away.
"Why are you hiding from Park Jisung and Mark Lee?" Eunseok asked as I sighed.
"Remember that jerk I told you about who abandoned me after becoming popular?" I said, making them nod before Shotaro gasped.
"Don't tell me it's them!" He whispered, making the other two gasp.
"No, Mark is a good friend of Johnny, it's Jisung." I said with an annoyed tone.
"I knew it. They were no good. You do realise that they're a part of the Dream Squad, right?" Sungchan said making me gasp.
"No, wonder. Ugh...jerk." I mumbled when a gasp caught my attention.
"I knew it! So that jerk has always been a stuck-up." I turn to see Wonbin next to me, making me shriek.
"When did you get here? I'm surprised you actually woke up." Eunseok said, making Wonbin lower his sunglasses to roll his eyes at Eunseok.
"I wake up only when I think something or someone deserves my presence. Don't think it's you monkeys....Lia!" Wonbin exclaimed before hugging me, making me smile as he broke the hug and looked at me.
"Girl, we have a LOT to talk about." He said, making me nod as we walked towards the door.
After talking for a while, I headed to my classroom with a nervous feeling. I successfully found my classroom and sat on an empty chair before organizing my stuff. After awkwardly looking out the window, I heard the sound of the chair next to me being pulled, so I turned to see a guy casually sitting in the seat next to me without a word.
He was really tall but not as tall as Sungchan and seemed to be a lot quieter than Sungchan. The boy calmly took out his mask and began arranging his things.
"Stop staring. Your eyes are bulging out." He said in a calm voice without looking at me, making me embarrassed as I mumbled a sorry before starting to scribble random notes and lyrics in my book.
"Lee Chanyoung... but I dare you to call me that." He said making me look at him.
"What am I supposed to call you then?" I said, making him clear his throat before removing his glasses and turning towards me.
"Anton, everyone calls me Anton." Jmhe said making me nod as I shook his hand.
"I'm Lianna Suh." I said as he hummed in response before speaking to me in English.
"I'm not being discriminating but... you're not from here, are you?" He asked, making me widen my eyes as I answered him in English.
"I'm from Chicago." I say as he let's out a sigh of reflef(?) Or annoyance(?).
"Thank goodness. I was feeling so awkward since I thought I was gonna be the only one from the States. We're besties now, and you aren't allowed to ever leave my side." He said, catching me by surprise.
"Okay..." I said when I felt eyes on us. I turn around to see a boy blankly staring at me and Anton.
"What's your deal?" Anton spoke in Korean as the boy cleared his throat and sat straight.
"Continue your English conversation... I was just watching you two speak. I'm Sohee, by the way." He said with a smile as we shook hands.
"I'm Anton and I don't like your vibe." Anton said making me widen my eyes and look at him.
"I'm Lianna, but you can call me Lia and Anton doesn't mean what he said." I said making Sohee laugh as Anton scoffed.
"Oh, I meant every word." Anton said with an offended look.
"I haven't seen Lia yet. You saw her?" Mark asked me as I shook my head.
"Maybe the both of you can have a restart. You know, apologize and make up for everything." Mark said making me look down.
"Nah, I don't want to pressure her. I'd prefer for us to just pretend like the other doesn't exist." I said, making Mark pat my shoulder.
"I won't force you, but it's good to make up for past mistakes." He said when Jaemin and Jeno ran towards us with smirks gracing their faces.
"Already got a chick's number." Jaemin proudly showed us his paper with a phone number.
"So did I. But we didn't catch a glimpse of Johnny hyung's sister." Jeno said as Jaemin continued.
"We don't even know how she looks, though. What is she majoring in?" Jaemin asked as Mark smacked them with his book.
"Hey, it's their first day. Don't go around flirting with the juniors... especially Johnny's sister." Mark said as Jeno booed at Mark.
"You're boring. What's her major?" Jeno asked making Mark groan.
"Music. Don't go around searching for her. She wants to live a quiet and peaceful college life." Mark said making them boo at him before leaving.
"Ohhh, Jisung! There's a cute girl seaching for you." Jeno told me with a wink before the both of them ran away laughing.
"A girl?" Mark said looking at me.
"I don't know anyone from the first year students." I said as we headed to our respective classes.
I internally cheered the moment the lunch bell rang as I lazily got up and packed my books quickly before running towards the cafeteria, not realizing that I bumped into some people while doing so.
"You alright?" Anton asked me after we were shoved to the ground by the fucking menace to society, Park Jisung.
"Fuck no." I mumbled while massaging my knee.
"Who the fuck does that dude think he is?" Anton said as we sat on the ground.
"Tell me about it. He thinks he's the king of NCUA. Here, let me help." A random person said before pulling me back up on my feet and helping Anton get up.
"Thanks." I said as I dusted my clothes.
"No, problem. I'm Seunghan." He said with a smile as I shook his hand.
"Oh, I'm Lianna." I said with a smile before motioning Anton to introduce himself.
"I'm Anton. Hey, you know who that dude is?" Anton asked as Seunghan sighed while we headed towards the cafeteria.
"One of the Campus Kings of NCUA, Park Jisung. He's my senior." Seunghan said, making me roll my eyes at the title of campus king internally.
"I saw you guys at the program, I'm a first year, too. I don't know much about him, but a senior told me about him and his gang." Seunghan said as we entered the cafeteria.
"Gang...cringe. So... what's your major?" Anton asked as he proudly stood straight.
"Dance, of course!" He said as me and Anton nodded our heads and clapped for him.
"Ooh... that so cool. We're both music production majors." I said as he made an o with his mouth.
"Producing is hard. Kudos to you two!" He said with a smile.
"Thanks, are you having lunch with anyone?" I ask as he shakes his head.
"Not really." He said while thinking.
"Why don't you join us? We're having lunch with Lia's friends." Anton said making Seunghan smile.
"I'd love to! Thanks!" He said as we stood in line to get our food.
"I was starving." I said while eating my food.
"I can see that." Chenle said before laughing.
"Shut up." I said with a pout, making him laugh more.
"Damn, for a nerd... that girl was really fiesty." We look up to see Jeno and Jaemin with annoyed expressions.
"What now?" Renjun asked as they sighed.
"We were just teasing a kid, and his friend went berserk on us." Jaemin said as Jeno curled his fist tightly.
"So annoying. " Jeno mumbled when Haechan shushed them.
"Let's just eat lunch peacefully, yeah? I have a test the next period and I don't want to forget everything because of your yapping." Haechan said making me chuckle before all of us went back to eating.
After classes were over me and the guys were heading out together when Haechan stopped.
"Yo, Mark... doesn't that girl look like Lia?" Haechan said before Mark smacked Haechan's head.
"Cause that is her! Yo, Lianna Jade Suh!" Mark exclaimed and called for her by her full name. I froze the moment she turned around. She still had the icy and sour expression she had back in high school making a chill run through my spine.
She looked over at us once before breaking her gaze and walking away with her friends.
"Ouch." Haechan said as Mark stood there speechless.
"Well... if that's Johnny hyung's sister... she does not look chill and calm." Renjun muttered before Chenle looked over at Jeno and Jaemin.
"What?" Chenle asked them as they scoffed.
"That can't be Johnny hyung's sister." Jeno said, making me furrow my brows.
"Why not?" I asked as Jaemin threw her distant silhouette a dirty look.
"Cause she's the nerd who attacked us."
Lianna? Attack? But she's just a fluffy and cuddly baby!
That's it for this chapter 💖 ✨️
I hope you guys enjoyed it 💖✨️
Chapter 4 can be found here
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖 ✨️
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oh-sturg · 2 months
Things I Like Here.
So I moved from my childhood state a few years ago and I’ve been struggling with adjusting ever since, largely because of the drastic negative change in my social life. But life is beautiful, so I wanted to make a list of things I’ve seen since moving here that I couldn’t get back home! You have to appreciate the little things in life. I’m gonna periodically add more as I see them
- “The Oven Bus” which is just a bus with a brick chimney in it. I wanna know what’s going on in there so badly
- All of the sunsets here are beautiful without fail. Don’t matter what time they happen, even if it’s at 4, it’s beautiful. There’s so many colours in them
- The sign I drive past on the way to work that says “WALTZ IS FOR MURDERING THE UNBORN.” I don’t agree with it but it’s fucking hilarious to see, because it’s in the middle of nowhere
- Related, since we live out in the country now, the pro-life religious bulletins that have the most CGI looking babies on them. Like that baby is not real. Honey
- I almost got into an accident once because there are so many dogs down a 55 MPH road that I just kept looking at the dogs
- The church that has six doors outside on their lawn that say “GOD’S DOORS ARE OPEN TO ALL”
- The church that has a progress flag on its flag post and a BLM flag flying under it. I went there once and it’s full of old people. They were so kind. I want to go back there again
- The kind lady at the Chinese takeout restaurant down the road from us who stayed when the restaurant was empty so I could pick up my order. I wanted my brother to get it but he bailed last minute
- The grocery store down the street that my family has wildly different pronunciations of. It’s within walking distance. I’ve never had that before
- The man today who accidentally bought two tickets for himself. Instead of refunding one, he wanted to give away the other one for free
- The mall Santa I see around Christmas time when he’s on his break. Just walking around. High socks and shorts with a Christmas theme, he’s great
- The little girl yesterday who told me she would get a dog and a fish. When I asked her what she would name the dog, she said “Rainbow Pup”
- The parents who use they/them to refer to me. Even though I personally don’t use those pronouns and don’t like them when they’re used in reference to me, it’s a sign of progress
- The little girl whose parents I sold an annual pass to. I’ve seen her four times. She recognizes me each time and runs to give me a hug
- The toddler who tried to hand me her half-eaten cinnamon-dusted timbit when I asked her for a high five
- The kind people at KwikTrip who never look like they don’t want to be there
- My supervisor who shrieks whenever he walks by me because that’s how I greet people so he’s started greeting me like that as well. He’s an absolute truck of a man who looks like Thor
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I cannot even describe how much I hate my school.
I hate their policies, their staff- I hate the institution as a whole.
Rant below:
It's a for profit (read: expensive) school that does not deliver anything that is up to par with the price.
The ultrasound lab is tiny, with only 6 ultrasound machines. Two machines are pretty good, one is fine, and the rest are fucking abysmal. They are what is referred to as "non diagnostic", meaning that you'd never use them to scan a patient. The image quality is so low it's like staring at TV static. But I was forced to take my competency (scanning test) on the worst machine in the lab. It was so awful that by the end, I felt like I couldn't see anything because I'd basically been staring at TV static for 45 minutes straight. My teacher even said that the machine sucks and that when you turn the gain (the brightness) up, it only makes the image more fuzzy. But yeah, I was forced to use it on my competency. And I was the only one who had to use that machine! I haven't gotten my grade back yet but I know it will be awful. And if I fail, I will have to do remediation with my teacher where we go over my images and he tells me what's wrong with them. I can already tell you what's wrong with them- the machine is a piece of shit. Also if I fail, I will have to retake it, but I am only allowed a grade of 75. I'm not the type of person to blame my short comings or failures on things outside of myself, but come on...
And when I spoke to my teacher about it after class (privately) he brushed me off. He told me he wouldn’t penalize me for the fuzzy, subpar, low quality images- but that was only half the point. I was trying to communicate to him that the issue was the machine quality + my eyes being completely fried by the tv static appearance + the horrible quality nearly threw me into a panic attack + I was the only one who had to use that machine. But he didn’t listen. And I know that he won’t take what I said (what little I was able to say before he interrupted) into account.
And the rules... oh my god. Your attendance and professionalism are rolled into one grade that is referred to as your "professionalism grade". You can get points deducted for missing class, being late, not having your textbooks, etc. And I have to laugh. Like, I went to an actual university before attending this two year program, and The fucking University of Texas as Austin did not deduct points if a student doesn't have a textbook one day. It's like we're in middle school.
Plus, this whole attendance / professionalism thing is bullshit. They said at the start of the program that if you have to miss class because of an extenuating circumstance, they will understand. But they do not understand. There is zero understanding. My classmate's brother was just murdered. Brutally murdered. She missed class yesterday to attend his memorial, and they gave her a zero for her professionalism. You're telling me that the murder of her brother isn't an extenuating circumstance?
The school as a whole has no empathy or understanding for their students.
One of my teachers also constantly eavesdrops and polices our conversations. Even when we're talking quietly in a small group during break time, she butts in. She makes judgmental comments and has to lecture us at least once a week about how we don't have it that bad. She's one of those "if it was bad for me, it should be bad for you" kind of teachers. She's always like "well when I was in school I was a full time student and working full time and doing clinical full time and I was a full time wife and a full time mother" and I just simply DO. NOT. CARE. She just wants to invalidate us and what we're going through. And she does it at every turn. She's actually done the whole "oh, let me play a song for you on the worlds tiniest violin" bit and she thinks it's sOoOoOo funny. She told a classmate of mine that he "isn't allowed" to say that he's tired when he only got 5 hours of sleep, because she "only ever gets about 2 hours of sleep"- and she says it like it's a flex. Maam, you're gonna be dead and buried at 50 if you dont sleep. Thats not something to brag about. And not sleeping is not going to help us succeed with our academics. This teacher has told us to not sleep and to skip meals in order to study- but doing those things will only make retaining the information harder.
Plus, the teachers know how fucking stressed we are and they don't care. They know the program is really hard in regard to subject matter, but they make it even worse because they are horrible when it comes to scheduling and communication. First semester, we were told we would never have a test the week before finals because it's not fair. But second and third semester, my teacher has casually added another test the week before finals as though it's not a big deal. They're constantly adding and changing test/ quiz dates- and it's never in out favor. Plus, our two teachers always make it so that we have tests / quizzes back to back. We have class Monday through Thursday, but they always choose to put their tests /quizzes on Monday and Tuesday.
Generally speaking, it feels like sabotage after sabotage after sabotage. It feels like they are setting us up to fail. I'm dreading my competency grade. I'm dreading the next two semesters. I'm so miserable.
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ughgoaway · 5 months
Heyyyyyy! I’ve been off tumblr since the holidays and just wanted to check in and say hey! How’ve you been? Happy new year!
I was using the sunflower emoji to sign off my previous asks (I always signed off with three emojis) and noticed over the break someone else adopted it (literally no worries at all — I can’t even keep track of what’s claimed and what isn’t lol) so I’m going to adopt 🔮🔮🔮 from now on lol.
Anyway just wanted to let you know the most recent blurb w/ Annie meeting her brother is eeeeverythinggggg to me and I need more. It was nice coming back on tumblr and catch up on the blurbs I missed. The teacher!au is one of my favorite fics I’ve ever read and I’ve missed the little family!!!
Also — I saw you’re post about how you’ve always thought Annie to end up with a character from another fic on tumblr and it just got me wondering what Mattys reaction would be to Annie dating/getting into her first relationship when she’s older. lol I can see him being really excited for her but also freaking out and wonder what you would think?
Lots of love!! - 🔮🔮🔮
hi my love!!! oh it's so great to hear from you!! this year has been a little shit so far, but its getting better for me! how about you???
I'm so sorry about the emoji mix up! although, you have chosen a very good replacement imo. for future reference for everyone, I have a list of claimed emoji anons in my pinned post so people know what's taken and what's not :)))) (i'll add you to it now <3)
omgggg I'm so glad you enjoyed the blurb, it was so fun to write. I love thinking about their little family growing :)))) it's so lovely to have you back and I hope you enjoyed your catch up!!! teacher au is one of your fav fics ever??? I am actually gonna cry??? oh I love youuuuuuu!!!!
oh yes... Matty's reaction would be interesting to say the least.
(rambles below the cut as usual <3)
I think he would start off just in complete denial. He refuses to believe that his little girl has a CRUSH?? or even worse, SHE'S DATING SOMEONE????
obviously, he wants her to be happy and find love, but in his head, she is a BABY. like, no, she is not 14 years old. She was born yesterday, actually.
Annie tells you about it first. I think she wants your help her break it to her dad because she knows he will have... mixed feelings. so you sit down together to tell him, and it's just... silence for a good few seconds.
"Huh? no, no. say it again, think I misheard you, sweetheart. "
"I said I have a boyfriend"
"Oh. okay, definitely heard you right then"
but being the good dad he is, he puts on a brave face for her, "That's great peanut! what's his name? how long have you been together?"
Annie gets all shy and blushy when she explains, she doesn't give his name, but she does tell him they've been together for a month now. matty nearly does a spit take at how long he's been unaware, but holds it in and just coughs awkwardly instead.
"I'm so happy for you baby, just make sure he treats you good, yeah?"
Annie nods and assures her dad she won't let him be a dick to her (matty would normally scold her for swearing but he can't muster the energy right now), and she runs off giggling upstairs because the boy in question has just rung her.
and he is genuinely happy for her, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make him feel ancient, "dating. she's dating. oh god, I think I'm officially old. i have a DAUGHTER who is DATING???"
you comfort him and laugh lightly at his reaction, which only makes him groan and bury his face in your neck. "m'sorry baby, your reaction was just too funny. from what she's told me, he seems lovely. even writers her notes in class"
matty then shoots back and eyes you suspiciously, "Wait. you already knew? she told you before me?" his voice is squeaky as he processes the betrayal.
"Sweetheart, you can't blame her! girls always tell their mums these kind of things first. she just wanted my help to tell you anyway." That soothes matty a bit. The fact that Annie wanted to share this part of her life with him at all was something he valued massively.
"Wait. she said he sends her notes. Did she show you any?" You nod, and matty immediately starts grilling you for information.
"I can't tell you anything, Matthew, girl code!" Of course he pouts and tries to get you to crumble by pressing kisses up your neck. but you stay firm (mostly) and don't tell him ANYTHING.
now, who is Annie dating? I like to think it's someone with a connection to the boys, not baby hann - those two are more like cousins. and in this universe, George and Ross aren't parents yet. so maybe a nephew from one of them?
I think her and George's nephew could be VERY interesting... especially when those two find out about the romance lmaooooo
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ginbrucobooks · 17 days
Good morning my ass
Johnny’s Point of View
Ring. Ring. Ring. I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm. 5:45 Ring. Ring. Ring. I stretched out my arm and stopped it. I was too sore. There was no way I was able to go the gym today. Screw it, I���m sleeping in today.
I slept for another couple of hours when suddenly a huge weight was thrown on me and I opened my eyes. What the fuck?
“Wake up. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and big brothers are out to kill me.” Gibsie sang while on top of me.
“Get off me, ya little gobshite.” I screamed. “We’re leaving in a couple hours, I want to sleep.”
“No can do, Joey the hurler texted me and told me to get my pretty bottom over there.” He stated.
“Then tell him you’re busy and you’ll be coming by later.” I replied exhausted. I looked at the alarm clock once again. 9:12 God, why me?
“I’m already on thin ice with this lad, I have no intention of giving him any other reason to beat me up, not after yesterday.” He gave me a glance. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you still haven’t told me what happened.”
“I did tell you what happened.” I retorted.
“You gave me a generic excuse.” He pointed out.
“It was a generic occurrence.” I tried. “You know that girl can’t stand me.”
“She’s not a fan of you because she thought you meant to hurt her cousin.” Gibsie reminded me. “And you know she wanted to apologise to you.”
“Then you had to go and ruin it by doing whatever it is that you did.” He concluded. “I wanted her to join our friend group.”
“You’ve been obsessing over that girl ever since you met her last week.” I wondered. “Do you like her?”
“What? No.” He declared. “You know I only have eyes for Claire-Bear.”
“Like that has stopped you from screwing half the female population at Tommen.” I rolled my eyes.
“I have no intention of screwing your sunshine, rest assured.” Gibsie emphasised. “And I didn’t meet her last week, I met her last November at Biddies, during one of the parties you refused to go to.”
“You did?” I asked. “How?”
“Some lad from her school got a little rapisty and I had to drag him off her.” He explained. “Patrick was there too that night, he helped me beat the guy up, though I doubt Maeve remembers him, she looked pretty shaken up.”
“What?” I was seeing red. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“Because she made it known to me, in no uncertain terms, that she didn’t want anyone minding her business.” He spoke. “Also, you didn’t even know her name back then. It’s not like I go around telling you of every maiden I save.”
“Every maiden you save?” I gave him a glare.
“There are quite a few of those.” He grinned.
“Who was it?” I questioned him. He knew immediately what I was referring to.
“Paul Rice, apparently Lynchy stole his girlfriend and he wanted to get back at him by fucking his sister.” He exclaimed disgusted. “After a few punches he spilled everything. Don’t worry he got back home with a broken nose and more than a few bruises.”
“Does her brother know about this?” I rubbed my chin.
“I doubt it.” He sighed. “If he did, Paul Rice would be six feet under right now. That lad doesn’t take kindly to someone messing with his family.”
“Alright, get off me.” I pushed Gibsie. “We’re going to Maeve’s house. Tell me the address.”
And maybe we were stopping by Biddies on our way there.
“Why are you making that face.” Gibsie got off the bed.
“What face?” I rolled my eyes.
“Your scary face.” He commented.
“I don’t have a scary face.” I protested.
“Yes, you do.” He responded. “You’re making it right now.”
“Just get ready, Gibs. We’re heading out in fifteen minutes.” I told him and motioned for him to get out of my room so I could prepare.
“You’re not going to kill anyone are you?” He asked.
“No, Gibs.” I assured him. “I don’t even know where the lad lives. I’m just going to make sure he’s not going to bother Maeve again.”
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beewolfwrites · 11 months
Olive Branch: Chapter Three - The Proposal
Thank you to those who have been reading so far! Here’s chapter three of Olive Branch.
(Itasaku, AU in which the coup was successful) You can find the first chapter on my masterlist at the top of my page :)
Sakura stared at him as though he had just sprouted a third arm.
‘I'm sorry, what did you say?’
‘I am asking for your hand in marriage,’ repeated Itachi.
Her face had drained of colour. ‘Are you insane?’
‘No,’ he replied.
‘Did you hit your head recently?’
‘My head is perfectly fine, thank you.’
She shook her head, half-smiling as though this was an obvious prank. ‘This is a joke, right? It has to be. You're not actually asking me to… to marry you?"
Itachi didn't answer. He was starting to become irritated by her ridiculous questions, and simply decided to wait, stone faced, until the reality of his statement had sunk in. And soon enough, it did. She dropped the bouquet of Narcissus on the grass, shaking her head slowly. 
‘You barely even know me. You realise that this is probably the most we've ever spoken, discounting yesterday?’
‘Yes, I'm aware.’
‘Then why?’ 
Her eyes were wide with uncertainty. Of course, she didn’t trust him. After what he had done, why would she? In her mind, he was just as power hungry and egotistical as the rest of his clan. 
Itachi glanced around at the original Uchiha training grounds. He wasn't sure exactly how much she already knew about their village's political history, but it was time he made things clearer to her. Soon, she would understand.
‘Sakura-san, what do you know of the events of the coup d'état seventeen years ago? More specifically, the political influences behind it?’
The question seemed to throw her off. 
‘Not much,’ she said. ‘I was seven at the time so I don't really remember about the tension between the clans. I only know what Tsunade-shishou told me."
He couldn't help but notice how her hand flinched. She shouldn't have referred to her old tutor as 'shishou' in front of him. And judging by the look on her face, she was expecting him to reprimand her. Luckily for her, he didn't really care about her old affiliations. It wasn't a surprise that Tsunade would have filled in as many gaps as she could before her communication with Sakura was discovered. Itachi knew very little about the finer details of their relationship.
As far as he understood, Sakura first encountered Tsunade during a mission when she was thirteen. During Sakura's missions from then on out, the two would communicate through summons and Tsunade would track her down and teach her everything she knew. But their partnership wasn’t destined to last. 
Itachi had been present when a sixteen year old Sakura returned from a mission, only to be apprehended by Anbu at the village gates. He had been present when she was cuffed and thrown into an interrogation cell, and when she passed out in her chakra restraints after being subjected to interrogation. And he had been present when it was revealed that Sakura, in fact, knew nothing of Tsunade being a member of the Senju clan.
According to Sasuke, Sakura was rather guarded about her relationship with her mentor, however it was clear that Tsunade had been the main source of Sakura’s medical training. As for what Tsunade had taught her outside of their training, it was anyone’s guess.
‘And what exactly did she tell you?’ he asked.
Sakura eyed him warily. ‘Why do you need to know?’
‘Because if I’m to explain my actions, it’s necessary for your full understanding.’ When Sakura still didn't look convinced, he sighed deeply. ‘Please bear with me, Sakura-san. I have no ill will toward your mentor.’
She nodded reluctantly. Although she seemed to accept his plea, traces of suspicion still lurked in her expression.
‘Fine then,’ she said. ‘She told me that Hashirama, the First Hokage, had been close with Uchiha Madara. Their relationship was kind of like brothers, but the tensions between their clans split them apart. Hashirama's younger brother, the Second Hokage, didn't trust the Uchiha like Hashirama did, and he shunned them and relocated their compound to the edge of the village where they were under constant surveillance.’
Itachi nodded. This was all in the history books at the Academy. Many years ago they had all been edited to focus on the sufferings of the Uchiha clan.
'Did she tell you anything of the events leading up to the coup itself?’
‘I remember her telling me that the Third Hokage and the village elders had a plan to combat the coup, but the Uchiha clan struck before they could put their plan into action.’ 
Sakura shrugged, peering around at the marred trees with a vague sadness. ’The Third Hokage and the elders are all dead though. Nobody knows what they were going to do and it’s not like we can turn back time.’
‘I do.’
‘I know of the plan established by the council and the Third Hokage.’
‘What was it?’ she asked uneasily. ‘What was the plan?’
‘They intended to have the Uchiha clan exterminated before the Coup could take place.’
Sakura gave a sharp intake of breath. ‘Exterminated? No,’ she mumbled, ‘That can’t be true...there's no way the Third Hokage would… would he?’
‘He agreed to it,’ Itachi said. ‘With persuasion, of course. The plan detailed that a single shinobi would dispose of the Uchiha within one evening and then live out the rest of their life as a missing nin, taking full responsibility for the carnage.’
In her silence, he could feel her her silently pleading for him to deny everything, to tell her that he was playing a cruel prank.
‘And the shinobi assigned to take care of this task,’ Itachi said, ‘was me.’
He refused to look Sakura directly in the eye. He knew what he would find reflected there; a mixture of horror, shock, confusion... disgust. He felt the same way whenever he remembered how he had accepted such orders. There was a moment of silence before he heard Sakura’s small whisper.
‘But you're an Uchiha…'
The unspoken question rang loud and clear. Why ask an Uchiha to kill his clan when he should be on their side?
‘I was not in agreement with my clan,’ he said. ‘Neither was my cousin, Shisui.’
‘You didn't go through with it.’
‘No, I didn’t,’ he said. ‘My clan struck before I could carry out my orders.’
Sakura's eyes flashed, her fists clenching. ‘That's the reason you didn't do it?! Because you weren't fast enough? What about Sasuke-kun, huh? He was seven at the time. I suppose you were going to kill him too.’ 
‘No.' Itachi's voice sharply cut her off.  ‘Sasuke was innocent. He would have been spared.’
Sakura flinched at his sudden intervention, and Itachi instantly felt bad about raising his voice. She fell silent, her entire demeanour cold and distant. Although she didn’t seem entirely satisfied with his answer, she nodded anyway. 
‘I hope so, because I was about to break every bone in your body.’
Itachi mentally winced at the thought. ’Believe me Sakura-san, I wouldn’t have harmed a single hair on his head. The extermination was a last-resort. My cousin and I had a separate plan that we wanted to try before resorting to the kind of bloodshed the elders had in mind. But that plan failed too. My goal was not to massacre innocents, but to prevent a civil war.’ He paused, grimacing. ‘Clearly, I failed.’
Sakura’s iciness had melted away, and she was now staring at him with curiosity. ‘You're a pacifist.'
‘I am also my father's heir. Not just to the clan, but to the position of Hokage,’ he explained. ‘Do you remember what I told you yesterday when you asked me why my father can't have you incarcerated, no matter what you do?’
‘You said that I'm liked by civilians and shinobi, but you never explained.’
‘It means that you have a lot of allies.’
She raised an eyebrow. ‘Your clan hates me.’
‘Aside from my clan,’ he clarified, ‘you have many friends inside and outside of the village. You’re responsible for saving many of your comrade’s lives, and you have the respect of both civilians and shinobi. Hypothetically, if my father had you apprehended or executed, there would be a public outcry.’ 
‘Oh…’ she whispered. ’I never really thought about it that way.’
‘As you know, many lives were lost in the coup, including some of my clan members. The Uchiha clan is not infallible. Directly after the coup, it took a lot of strength to keep outside enemies from taking advantage of the political instability. If anything were to happen to you, your comrades wouldn’t keep quiet – take your team, for example. If there was unrest on such a wide scale, the Uchiha wouldn’t find it easy to maintain the control that they already struggle with.’ He paused, adding, ‘Especially as your teammate is the Kyuubi Jinchurriki.’
Sakura scoffed lightly. ‘The Kyuubi is hardly a threat when the Sharingan can control it.’
Itachi tried not to show his surprise. It was hardly common knowledge that the Uchiha could control the tailed beasts. In fact, although the Mangekyou Sharingan’s genjutsu prowess was now well-known, the extent of its abilities had been kept within the Uchiha clan under absolute secrecy. 
So how did she know that the Sharingan can manipulate the tailed beasts? 
All he could do was dismiss the matter for now. ‘Naruto-kun's seal is unique. The Sharingan can theoretically control the Kyuubi, but should Naruto-kun truly lose control, there's a risk that the Sharingan wouldn’t do much to help. Even when his seal is fully intact, it’s not an easy feat to control the most powerful tailed beast. It can only be done by someone with a huge store of chakra.’
‘You're telling me that there's no way the Sharingan can bypass it?’ She asked. ‘What about times when the seal is weakened?'
Itachi couldn't hold back a smirk. ‘Aside from his loss of control, there is only one other instance in which his particular seal would be weakened.’
Sakura released a half-hearted laugh. ‘Yeah...no, I don't think Naruto has anything to worry about there.’
‘I should hope not.’
They fell into a comfortable silence. He could see Sakura trying to process all of this information, her whole worldview turning upside down. As expected, it was a lot to come to terms with. 
‘And that's why you want to marry me,’ she surmised. ‘You're the heir to the Hokage title. I guess a marriage with someone like me would be—‘
‘A symbol of trust,’ he said. ‘An offer of peace. Ideally, it would make sense to wed a member of the Senju clan and restore the harmony in the village, but I'm afraid there's only one surviving member.’
Sakura smiled bitterly. ‘Tsunade-shishou is a bit old for you, Uchiha.’
‘She’s certainly older and wiser than me,’ he agreed. 
‘Thinking about it, she'd probably knock you out if you proposed to her. From what I remember, she wasn't too fond of your clan.’
‘Her feelings are understandable,’ he replied. ‘So long as my father is Hokage, she can’t return to her home.’ 
A heavy silence fell between them, until Itachi spoke softly. 
‘Sakura-san, you may not be a member of the Senju clan, but you are a disciple of Tsunade, and your connections and reputation within the village make you a strong compromise.’
He could see that that this decision was going to tear her apart. She looked fraught and overwhelmed, no matter how she tried to hide it behind a straight-faced facade. 
‘So ultimately, you're asking me to marry you for the sake of peace.’
‘Yes. I'm aware that this is a lot to ask, but given the scene you made yesterday with that patrol officer, I trust that your thoughts toward the current state of the village are the same as mine.’
‘They are,’ she said. ‘I want peace, I really do. It's just... I'm not sure.’
Itachi expected as much. After all, this was a huge decision for her. Sakura probably had dreams of falling in love, getting married, and living out the rest of her life in happiness. But he was asking her to enter a loveless marriage that resembled nothing more than a business transaction. He couldn’t blame her for feeling the way she did.
But a part of him wondered if, having lost Shisui and Izumi, he was more prepared to make sacrifices than Sakura. Aside from his family, of course, he had far less to lose. 
‘Please, take your time to think,’ he said. ‘I know that this is not an easy decision to make.’
The hardest decisions are always the most important, he thought, as the image of Shisui’s eyeless corpse burned in his memory.
Sakura clutched her pillow tightly. The clock on her dresser read 2.00am, and she had spent the last four hours attempting to coerce her brain into getting some well-deserved shuteye.
It was difficult to come to terms with. Uchiha Itachi was not the man she had previously thought he was. His fearful reputation as Fugaku’s right-hand-man… the rumours about him… none of it was a true reflection of the person who had stood before her in the clearing earlier that day. 
But then there was also the issue of the Third Hokage, the village elders, and the corruption that lay between them. Although Itachi had mentioned that the Third Hokage accepted only with persuasion, it was a cruel manoeuvre regardless. She couldn't imagine what Itachi must have felt when he received the order to assassinate his entire family.
Surely there would have been another way. A compromise with less bloodshed.
There was another way. 
Itachi himself had said that he and his cousin tried to prevent the coup themselves. Perhaps it was possible to use whatever method Itachi and his cousin had originally planned.
But from what she knew about Uchiha Itachi, he was a meticulous man. Everything he did was within reason, and there must have been a good explanation as to why he gave up on his original plan.
She rolled over with a huff and stuck her legs out from under the duvet, searching for cool air. It was no use. At this rate, dawn was going to break and she would still be tossing and turning in indecision. But she didn't have to decide just yet.
‘There is no rush to make up your mind,’ he had said. ‘If you were - hypothetically - to take me up on my offer, there would be two possible routes and neither one requires immediate action.’
He had gone on to explain how they could marry in secret and wait until after Itachi's Hokage inauguration before announcing their marrage - and with it, Itachi's peaceful intentions as Hokage. Or they could marry immediately after the inauguration. Either way, they would need to make sure that Fugaku cannot intercept. If they were to marry openly beforehand, it was very likely that Fugaku would find a way to prevent Itachi from becoming Hokage. But if they waited, Fugaku would still attempt to stop them from taking any action to save the village from itself.
And even then, would a marriage really do much to create peace within the village? 
This is all too much.
She continued to toss and turn, and it wasn't until the first gleams of dawn peeked over the Hokage mountain that Sakura finally fell asleep.
Itachi was sitting on the roof of his family home. The cool night air was refreshing against his skin, but did little to soothe the stale thoughts that ran circles around his mind.
He couldn't help but feel guilty at the situation he had put Sakura in. It was true that there was room for compromise. Even so, all other plans he had thought through were drawn out and messy. At this point in his life, he was tired. He was tired of fighting battles against his father's ideology. He was tired of politics. If he could avoid complication, he would.
A chakra signature flared from within the house, but Itachi paid it little attention. He had been half-expecting this. 
There were careful footsteps on the roof before Sasuke sat down beside him.
‘Can't sleep?’ Itachi asked.
Naturally, there was no reply. He waited for Sasuke to finally ask the question that lay dormant between them. 
‘What do you want with her?’
Itachi almost smiled. Sasuke would never admit to it, but to anybody who paid attention, it was evident that he considered his teammates a second family.
‘You told her that the flowers were from me,’ he replied.
‘Why did you even send her flowers anyway? You've never been interested in Sakura.’
This time, Itachi chuckled. ‘That bouquet was going to be the first of many, if only you hadn't given the game away so quickly, baby brother.’
‘Tell me what you actually want with her.’
Itachi paused to think. There were certain things that even Sasuke couldn’t know. ‘I just need her assistance with a certain task. That's all.’
Sasuke scowled. ‘So you were planning on buttering her up before begging for her help? You're lucky she didn't paralyse you from the waist down.’ He gave Itachi a pointed look. ‘Just don't mess around with her.’
Itachi knew what he really meant.
Don't hurt her.
He didn't even turn to look as Sasuke climbed back through his bedroom window. There was a faint click as his baby brother's lamp went out. Itachi stared at the array of curved rooftops spread out across the new Uchiha District.
‘I'm sorry, Sasuke.’
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Diary Entries of Ozpin Valiant
So I wanted to do these little “interlude” type things, just snippets into the thoughts and feeling and past of Oz! Hope you enjoy!
To begin, my name is Ozpin Valiant. I am writing in this diary for my sake and my sake alone. My friend Glynda has told me to write in this and to be honest. I trust her, she is a good person. Took a heartless wretch like me in. Now let’s see… where to start?
I was born in Vacuo, December 24, 1989. Today's date is April 12, 2015 and I live in the city and country of Vale. I am currently 28 years of age and I have a 1 year old son named Oscar.
Well he’s not MY son. He’s the son of my sister, my best friend a very good friend. They died last year. I miss her. I can’t say the name yet. Or even look at it. It’s… too raw. Sorry Glynda, you’ll have to forgive me for that. Maybe one day but… not yet. Gods… She was so young, Oscar was barely a month old when she died… How unfair is that? A decent person like her should die, but some horrible old sack oh shit like me lives? How cruel destiny can be…
I am living with my friend Glynda! She and I were very close as children, but when I started trying dust… she and I got into a huge fight. I regret it now, regret trying those blasted drugs, regret screaming at her, leaving my mother… She’s dead now. My mother is dead and I didn’t even know. How horrible is that? That she and I used to be so close, she was my best friend, I was her world and… I didn’t even go to her funeral. I didn’t even know there was a funeral! 
Glynda said she’d take me to the grave another time. I don’t know if I’m ready. I broke that woman's heart when I left her home. I feel so awful… she deserved a better son than me. One who would have been by her side, held her hand as she left this world… Maybe I’ll see her ghost! That’s not uncommon and she was a pretty strong magic user! They usually have ghosts!
Journal Entry #2 Ozpin Valiant
Date December 25, 2015
I really gave this up quickly. Of course things have been a bit… Well, no. They haven’t been hectic, I just didn’t want to write. Honesty and all that, right? Well, things have changed a bit! I’m helping Glynda in her shop more! Potions aren’t my strong suit, but she lets me help with the simple stuff, and I’m very good at finding ingredients! Living on a farm will do that!
I wonder how my brothers are, and my fathers. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them. I suppose I should put their names down for posterity's sake. Heh, have you ever noticed how close that word is to posterior?  Posterity, posterior? Ha! I am such a child… Anywhosles!
My brothers are as follows. The oldest Ozma Valiant, he is 2 years older than me and should be 31! Ha! He’s old. 
I miss him.
The other brother is the second oldest! Which yes. Means I’m the baby. If you couldn’t tell already. His name is Ozmund Valiant, but everyone calls him Diggs! It’s a childhood nickname, since he used to be obsessed with digging holes when we were little. He should be 30 now. Actually that reminds me!
I’m officially 29 years old as of yesterday! Happy belated birthday! I didn’t really do anything, I haven’t really celebrated my birthday in a long time. But it was nice spending the day with Glynda and Oscar. Oscar is growing so much everyday it’s incredible! He took his first steps a week ago! I’m so proud of him! He was trying to walk to me for a hug and I will admit, I cried. A lot. Glynda teased me for being a crybaby, but I saw her eyes! They were misty!
But back to the topic at hand! My fathers! Ozymandias and Ambrosius Valiant!
Dad, aka Mandy, as he usually prefers to be called, is 40 years older than me, which makes me 69 this year. Nice. I’m sure Papa loves teasing him about that, he always had the silliest sense of humor.
Papa, aka Amby, as he hates being referred to so we do it all the time, is 37 years older than me, which would make him 66 years old by now! Bet he doesn’t look it though, that man doesn’t age I swear. I’ve known him since the day I was born and I swear he hasn’t gotten a single gray hair or wrinkle in all that time! Not one!
I haven’t seen them in years. I didn’t realize how much I missed them. I tried not to think about them after I ran away, I was so dumb back then, but I was only 17…
Maybe I should talk to them again…
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I posted 4,757 times in 2022
312 posts created (7%)
4,445 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@franzis-frantic-thoughts (LMAO)
I tagged 4,748 of my posts in 2022
#misc - 1,183 posts
#rqg - 454 posts
#fanart - 431 posts
#described - 282 posts
#ofmd - 280 posts
#dracula daily - 240 posts
#tma - 224 posts
#fan art - 222 posts
#hamid saleh haroun al tahan - 206 posts
#rusty quill gaming - 200 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#given we live in germany in a city my mum knew it couldn’t have been a snake. and when my brother said he would never go back to kindergarte
My Top Posts in 2022:
Take heart afresh, dear husband of Madam Mina
Finally a male character is referred to as a woman’s husband. Move over, “Dracula’s Brides”. “Mina’s husband” has arrived.
456 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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[ID: A two panel meme showing stills from CW’s “Supernatural”. In the first, Castiel, crying, is confessing his love. In the second, Dean stares back impassively. He’s saying “The queen is dead.” /end ID]
653 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
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[ID: A tweet by Maddy Searle (@Maddy_abstract), posted on October 14th, around 3 pm BST. It reads “Sadly, I am among some staff cuts at Rusty Quill, so I am available for work in podcast/radio sound design, production, directing. 3+ years experience with clients including Stripped Media and Picturehouse Cinema. Links to my work below.” followed by aforementioned link with a headshot of Maddy /End ID]
So Maddy is leaving RQ, citing “staff cuts” and thereby implying it wasn’t her decision, following a rather surprising hiatus at Rusty Quill which affected Chapter & Multiverse, Trice Forgotten, as well as Patreon Bonus content, such as Problemagicians and Compulsory Film Appreciation.
At the same time, RQ is putting out multiple updates daily for their stupid little TMA ARG. teasing “The Magnus Archives 2″.
What. The actual fuck. Is going on in this company.
They’re Rusty Quill. Not “The Magnus Archives Incorporated”. They have other shows that have fans. They have other shows that could make them money, if they only promoted them decently.
The Magnus Archives had a great ending, stop milking a dead cow and instead focus on the ones that are still alive.
Stop shooting yourself in the foot.
Can’t believe I’m supporting this shit show with a patreon subscription. I am seriously going to reevaluate this decision.
EDIT: The tweet has since been deleted, but Maddy’s bio still reads “Formerly @TheRustyQuill” on twitter. Go and send her some love.
951 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
I’m so glad Lucy and Mina saw some good cows today. If TMA has taught me anything, it is that seeing good cows means everything is well and nothing bad is about to happen.
1,484 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yesterday, I was told by a friend that it’s really unfair to call Boris Johnson a cunt because he has neither the depth nor the warmth of a vagina and he definitely has worse hair.
9,899 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pastel-rights · 2 years
Truth and Inference | Oath AU
"We'll always be there for one another, right? Always! It's a promise!" "Hmm, I see it as more of an oath."
I was supposed to do this yesterday but I got caught up in something else so I'm doing this today! Oath AU AKA Lockheart searches for her long-lost brother, the AU/lh
Cast [for reference? I guess, for me at least ouo]
Protagonists Lady Truth - "Truth" Lockheart - "Sunny"
Lone Moon Castle Staff "Professor of Literature" "Narcissus" "Noyce" "The Fine Arts Teaching Assistant" "Schoolmistress"
Students "Echo" "Thalia" "Clio" "Hebe" "Mari"
??? "Solitary Moon Knight" Mr. Inference Paranormal Detective
Yami talks possible nonsense [AU Talk]
Okay okay so this AU takes place after the events of PotCP [Phantom of the Crystal Palace, and majorly takes place in OotT's [Oath of the Traitors] Lone Moon Castle! The reason I choose this timeline is due to the fact that in the Phantom of the Crystal Palace, Narcissus was mentioned by Amethyst Duchess as the painter of the Queen Victoria portrait found in her showroom animation, that portrait being this one!
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I think Amethyst's portrait shown in the showroom animation was the "very precise replica of the original" mentioned here? I'm not sure because I don't explicitly remember Amethyst Duchess namedropping Narcissus in the event (or even hinted it was actually him??? i also didn't get the chance to finish the event due to traveling reasons, sobs), but it does mention in OotT that Narcissus has replicated paintings before and I'd imagine in very precise detail as well-
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ANYWAYS this implies that Narcissus and Amethyst Duchess knew of each other and possibly even have met in real life... And here's where the prolouge kind of comes in!
WOOOO LORE [finally]
After the events of PotCP's first chapter, I could imagine Lockheart possibly hearing about the painting in Amethyst Duchess' store being a very precise replica and [when no one is around], sneaking into the jewelry store to take a closer look and possibly recognizing her brother's signature? Or something about the painting that she recognizes as her brother's??? And that's what starts her on the path for trying to find him again now that she's FINALLY got herself a lead on his [possible] whereabouts. And she brings it up to PD and Inference once everything's over and that's how their investigations end up leading them to Lone Moon Castle.
And they end up making Lockheart a "personal maid" like Truth was. Only this time, Lockheart's the "personal maid" for a girl who's only referred to as "Mari", a young orphan violinist enrolled in the school. When Lockheart enters the school, she's told that she must wait for "Mari" and in the meantime, must read the rules:
Lone Moon Ladies' School Introduction 1.) Within the school, identities do not define you. Your name is an alias. 2.) With others, you must call them by their alias or nickname. 3.) No absences without reason are permitted. 4.) A supply boat will visit the school every Friday. Students are permitted to send letters and items during this time. 5.) You may not leave the school alone. 6.) After 10 pm, you may not leave the main activity area. 7.) You are not permitted to enter areas which have not been fully developed alone (includes main tower, side towers, dungeon areas) 8.) Students may not keep pets. 9.) Students are not permitted to become too close with their teachers.
And after reading and agreeing to the rules, Lockheart is let into the school underneath the alias "Sunny" and is taken to the reading room where she waits quietly until a young, tall, brown-haired young man wearing a white and golden mask in red attire brings in a small, blue-haired little girl, who seems to be holding a crystal violin. The little girl, titled "Mari", waltzes over to Lockheart after waving to the strange masked man.
"Who was that man, Mari?"
"That man was the school's art teacher, mister Narcissus~ He overviews my violin practices since he's the only teacher with the experience to guide me so, Miss Sunny~"
"Narcissus, huh... you said he's an art teacher? What kind of art does he do, sweetie?"
"Uhm... I don't know, I don't take his art classes~ I'm in the musical arts classes, not the creative arts classes~ He does smell like fresh paints though, so maybe he's a painter? But that could always be his painting class... I'm not too sure~!"
"Do you... happen to know his name? By any chance?"
"Woah woah woah, even if I did~, I couldn't tell you. Mister Noyce and Mister Narcissus both already call me a troublemaker as I am, I don't want to give them a reason to be right."
Eventually, after being toured around the school by Mari and meeting the other staff in the school, Lockheart starts having doubts about her deductions. Maybe her brother wasn't here. Maybe she was just wasting her time.
Eventually, Lockheart runs into Lady Truth again, this time while their kids are in class. They sit for a while and just talk and exchange information when someone walks past them, holding a basket of used paints and broken paintbrushes. That someone, being Narcissus. He passes them without much of a word, but this leaves the art studio just down the hallway open. And Lockheart, being the troublemaker she is, drags Truth down the hallway to see what he may be working on while he's gone, as Mari notes that it would be wise not to disturb him while the door to the art studio is closed, as Narcissus can be a very unpleasant person when disturbed... And inside the studio, Lockheart finds a work-in-progress painting of... what looks like her and her family when they were younger. In fact, it looks quite similar to the only picture she has with her entire family in it. Her, her mother, her father... and her older brother. But her and Truth are so caught up in the strange painting that they fail to notice Narcissus coming back, who scares them by rudely inquiring why they're "crowding at the art studio's entrance like moronic tourists gawking at a cage full of tigers and lions" before asking them to move. After they awkwardly move out of the way, he ends the conversation with a harsh "Good day." [but not before mentioning Lockheart by name, telling her to go home] and slamming the art studio doors shut, ignoring Lockheart and Truth's panicked voices trying to get his attention.
"Go home, Lockheart. You and your little friend don't belong here, all 3 of us know this. Mari and Hebe should both be done with their classes now, have a good rest of your day, troublemakers."
"W-Wait! How did you- open the damn door, Narcissus! NARCISSUS!"
There's some cool detective stuff that goes on between this interaction of Narcissus and Lockheart's but I want to skip to the next interaction >:)
This next interaction is just Narcissus and Lockheart, but it was made possible by Mari who conveniently "forgot" her violin in Narcissus's art studio and asked Lockheart to get it for her. This leads to a rather odd encounter between Lockheart and Narcissus inside of the art studio. Narcissus has his back facing Lockheart for the whole conversation and seems rather unwilling to talk to her. He even states many times that she needs to leave, although he continuously refers to her as "Sunny", feigning innocence on ever calling her "Lockheart".
Frustrated and almost giving up on the conversation as a whole, Lockheart goes to grab the violin when she trips and falls, spilling paint all over herself in the process. It's only after this event does Narcissus look at Lockheart for the first time since the encounter, but sighs as he helps her up and offers her a spare outfit to wear, since hers is all covered in brown paint. Only then does Narcissus being to act kindly towards Lockheart, willingly helping her out. During this, Narcissus ends up admitting that he did call her Lockheart instead of Sunny by mistake, leading to a conversation between the two of... how did he know?
Which then causes them to come to the conclusion that... Narcissus was the brother Lockheart was looking for... for such a long time. And Lockheart starts getting emotional because, while this was a reunion Lockheart had dreamed of for years on end... it's something she never thought she'd actually see.
But Narcissus warns her that even though they've finally found each other after several years, she should be prepared for the very real possibility that they may never see each other again... but he doesn't explain why, simply leaving Lockheat grasping for an answer alone in the art studio while Narcissus returns the crystal violin to Mari.
A little later on, after "Echo" disappears, Lockheart, Truth, and Mari sneak out of their dorm to see Narcissus, who [as usual] shoos them away before giving into their troublemaker shenanigans. Narcissus hesitantly answers their questions and reveals that while they can leave whenever their agency sees fit, there's no way for him and Mari to leave... not without putting the two of them in danger. He then reveals that he's found a way to leave without the school noticing too quickly... but so has someone else. Someone dangerous. He doesn't say who, only that the girls need to watch their backs.
some more time passes and Narcissus passes Lockheart a piece of paper that just says "tower", nothing more nothing less. Eventually, Lockheart, Truth, and Mari meet up with Narcissus in the tower, but while there, they end up getting cornered by the Fine Arts Teaching Assistant [Fine Arts TA] and Noyce, who chase and separate the four and try to corner them within the tower. This eventually ends up in a fight within the highest confides of the tower, in which Noyce breaks the window and attempts to push Narcissus out of the broken window, while Fine Arts TA seizes Lockheart and Truth, rendering them unable to help. It's only after Mari shatters her violin against the Fine Arts TA's back, causing him to drop Lockheart and Truth, that they're able to help.
But even then, their efforts prove futile as Noyce successfully pushes Narcissus out of the broken window [or rather Narcissus kicks Noyce in the face for hurting Lockheart, but that results in him losing his balance and fumbling backward from how hard he kicked Noyce, which then allow Noyce to shove him off the window sill- it's an epic fight scene i promise], and to what Noyce presumed would be his death. Noyce then grabbed Lockheart and Mari, trying to throw them out of the window too when a violin suddenly started to play, stopping him in his tracks. There, stood a tall mysterious figure with long light light blue hair and a crystal violin that looks similar to the one Mari shattered to save Lockheart and Truth. He began to play a song that filled the room with a mist that soon devours the whole school, and basically intimidated Noyce and TA into running away and fleeing without finishing the job [although Noyce swears that he'll be back and he'll kill Lockheart just like how he killed her brother, which oops! you didn't actually kill him]. While mostly faded, he smiles at them and introduces himself as the "Cresent Knight"
Concerned for Narcissus, Lockheart looks over the edge to see Narcissus hanging onto one of the pushed-out tiles, dangling a good 20 feet in the air. The others cheer but find that they can't reach him, and his grip is slipping and failing... but fear not! Cresent Knight once again extends a saving hand, scooping Narcissus into his arms and into safety... yay! But not all ends well... because during their escape, Noyce pushed Mari down the stairs, causing her to fall down and gravely injure herself :( she doesn't die thankfully but... she does lose a lot of her memories.
This then leads to a time skip in which Narcissus escapes the small hellhole i mean castle and PD picks him up on Lockheart's behalf to get him some much-needed medical assistance. Blah Blah Blah wrap up stuff i don't care about/lh
the aftermath is uhhhhhhh hmmmm
i could imagine after Narcissus heals from the major injuries he sustained throughout his time at Lone Moon Castle [which, spoilers, isn't just the ones he got from the struggle with Noyce :)] that he could possibly join the investigation team, as he did deduce on his own that something was sketchy about Noyce and even went out his way to help potential murder victims escape with their lives- he's way smarter than he looks but he's just a bitch/lh
Oh! And more wholesome sibling content in the aftermath too ouo
And PD bullying Narcissus for essentially pushing himself out of the window
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hopemoran · 8 months
October 19, 2023
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When my sister died a few years ago, I wrote a poem titled “What Is A Life”. That question comes again today after yesterday. Yesterday was the day where Bob and I had driven over 1200 miles in three days from Indianapolis to Kerrville, Texas. It was the day his daughter and son-in-law flew to San Antonio from Chicago, Illinois. And it was the day his son flew from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Austin, Texas.
It was the day that the five of us met in the Hill Country of Texas and drove to Bushwack Creek, finding a spot along it that was peaceful, green, and reminiscent of the place Bob jumped off the ledge into the creek about 65 years ago enjoying that day with his brother Ralph and cousin Woody.
Although it has changed, it has remained somewhat the same. No huge developments. No strip malls. No fast-paced life. Lush live oak trees covered in Old Man’s Beard dropping their acorns. The water beyond the little dams gliding gently down the creek bed. The wind taking life along with it. The life of Grandma Bunny as everyone referred to her.
It was the day to spread her ashes that had been contained in that box for almost 15 years. I read somewhere that no matter what we weigh in life, we all weigh about 5 – 6 pounds in death when cremated. Interesting, as so many of us are consumed by our weight in life, yet death levels that playing field as it does in so many other ways.
Although Grandma Bunny and I shared the same first name, I never met her; but I believe I would have loved her as I love her oldest son. Did he receive his spirit of fierce love and devotion for those he loves from her? Did he receive his intense desire to instill in others the aspiration to be all that they can be from her? Did he receive his deep sense of patriotism from her? If Bob has your back, no one can get by him to hurt you. He will build you up 100 times over the one who tries to tear you down. He is fierce, determined, and loyal if he loves you. Did he get that spirit from Grandma Bunny whose spirit glided in the breeze yesterday? We toasted to her life with her favorite: RC Cola. There were Moon Pies as well since many country singers touted the relationship between RC and Moon Pies. Stories were told of her piles of books as she was a voracious reader, of the many Westerns she watched and could tell if the hero was truly riding the horse or not by the way he moved in the saddle, of the letters she wrote and the newspaper clippings included in them, and of her dedication to her oldest son making sure he had visitors at a time when he needed them. As we walked away from the river, there was a small, yellow flower that I have pictured here. When I pointed it out to Bob, he plucked it from the ground and put it into Grandma Bunny’s box. Later he told me that flower symbolized her spirit - free and moving over the land she felt was home. She liked yellow flowers which is apropos with the song “The Yellow Rose of Texas.”
What is a life? This life of Grandma Bunny? I caught a glimpse of her life yesterday through stories, actions, and her spirit. That was an honor. Again, I reiterate that life, and death, is all about relationships which are born out through stories. Keep listening and asking for those stories. One phrase I like to use, I learned from Aaron's kindergarten teacher, "Tell me about that." What you hear will enrich your life beyond measure.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 19: 8-19. "Military Stability."
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8 On hearing this, David sent Joab out with the entire army of fighting men. 
9 The Ammonites came out and drew up in battle formation at the entrance to their city, while the kings who had come were by themselves in the open country.
The entrance to the City refers to the ears, we've talked about this. Ammonites are "countrymen" I also call them "disciples". If neither are unwilling to listen or are listening to the wrong things, look out:
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People who don't listen, as the Tanakh said, have accidents.
10 Joab saw that there were battle lines in front of him and behind him; so he selected some of the best troops in Israel and deployed them against the Arameans. 
Battles yesterday, battles today, and more battles to come tomorrow. David's son sends a messabe, "God has not left":
11 He put the rest of the men under the command of Abishai his brother, and they were deployed against the Ammonites. 12 Joab said, “If the Arameans are too strong for me, then you are to rescue me; but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will rescue you. 
13 Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.”
14 Then Joab and the troops with him advanced to fight the Arameans, and they fled before him. 15 When the Ammonites realized that the Arameans were fleeing, they too fled before his brother Abishai and went inside the city. So Joab went back to Jerusalem.
Joab= The decision to cohere as a tightly knit, erudite society.
The noun אב ('ab) means father, but describes primarily a social relationship rather than a biological one. That social fatherhood was the defining quality of the community's alpha male, the one around whom all economy revolved and from whom emanated all instructions by which the 'sons' (בן, ben) operated. It's unclear where this word אב ('ab) comes from but the verb abu means to decide.
Abishai=God still exists
Abishai is the defining quality of Yah that causes societies to cohere and prosper.
Ammonites= citizens
Arameans=to follow a natural process to the seat of excellence
The verb רום (rum) means to be high or high up in either a physical, social or even attitudinal sense, and may also refer to the apex in a natural process.
rimmon = pomegranate. Pomegranates have many seeds, each one is a separte science or accomplishment created within the one fruit of civilized life. "Fruit within a fruit."
if the fruits go rotten, this means the actions of a culture need to be redirected. It means too many corrupt persons got away with too much for too long and the rest of the community followed suit. Fixing this almost always requires force but there is no sense in allowing little Nazis to become big ones.
16 After the Arameans saw that they had been routed by Israel, they sent messengers and had Arameans brought from beyond the Euphrates River, with Shophak the commander of Hadadezer’s army leading them.
The Euphrates "infinite water source" is this Tanakh.
Shophak= military stability
Another military use of our root is in the word שופר (shopar), meaning ram's horn. And this noun is used 72 times, and it too occurs in several cognate languages. The ram's horn was blown predominantly in battle to convey the command to charge, and although war and peace have not a lot to do with each other, the blast of the ram's horn allowed Israel to collectively undertake a single action, first in war and later in worship. And that obviously required stability. Similarly, Nebuchadnezzar's predicted actions would increase the stability in the area.
Habadezer= beauty of assistance
Military stability is easily maintained if proper instruction in the Tanakh is maintained. "David" "a king out in the open" AKA Persistent Beauty is self-enforcing so long as the intellect is tamed. If not, then a military stability of another kind takes over and we know what that looks like:
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17 When David was told of this, he gathered all Israel and crossed the Jordan; he advanced against them and formed his battle lines opposite them. David formed his lines to meet the Arameans in battle, and they fought against him. 
To Form the Lines is to establish a strategy across the stages of life indicated by this genealogy. It is a liturgy that represents the Personality of the Temple and how it is carried out in practice in daily life according to the precepts found in the Tanakh.
As the above section says, beatification is the bottom line at all times.
18 But they fled before Israel, and David killed seven thousand of their charioteers and forty thousand of their foot soldiers. He also killed Shophak the commander of their army.
7000=it took 6,000 years to make the world, 1,000 to ruin it, and 40,000 soldiers are the ones that did it.
The Tanakh says only societies that are friendly to their citizens should survive. Each one should be well housed, fed, cared for, and given verdant, sumptuous surroundings in which to live out their lives.
As for the rest: They should be killed the second they set foot on such sacred ground.
19 When the vassals of Hadadezer "beauty of assistance" saw that they had been routed by Israel, they made peace with David and became subject to him. So the Arameans were not willing to help the Ammonites anymore.
Vassals are persons who are being paid to work for a monarch. They are retained in order to self-serve and in doing so serve the Crown.
Vassals who are loyal to a persistent and ingenious level of success in government and citizenship are the ones that are subject to David.
Arameans, persons convicted by the Principals of Elevation to such a level of success do not serve persons or nations that are incapable of understanding reality. Humanity in spite of itself has conceived of ways of performing the acts of civilization without violence, oppression, poverty and strife. After World War II, when it agreed to the UN Charter and Declaration of Human Rights it decided there should be no other options.
Military Stabilities that oppose the ideals in these documents and the persons that operate the United Nations must be disposed of.
There is no other choice, the planet simply will not abide another generation of Nazis walking about its surface, rooting in its exhausted soil. This hostile womb we've made of this place has to give birth to something besides people that hate or are suspicious of Jews, and Jews have to become what God instructed them to become.
The product has to be clear and understandable and demonstrate God is still here with us.
Also: You fly that flag, you die.
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balillee · 2 years
im so mentally ill right now i just curated a list of all of the different allusions the owl house makes to caleb wittebane and his witch girlfriend. for anyone interested, i have them in chronological order: (sort of)
the first reference we get to caleb is actually all the way back in season 2 episode 4. at the end of the episode, gwendolyn explains that her great-grandmother told her of a human who lived in bonesborough who left his diary at the library, and who mysteriously vanished one day (which we know now is actually him being run out of town), and also briefly brings up the capability of titan's blood to create rifts between realms. initially, this is just the precursor to finding out who phillip wittebane is - an 'explorer' from the deadwardian era of the boiling isles, but the specific mention that it was gwen's great grandmother, aka eda and lilith's great-great grandmother, suggests that this clawthorne ancestor may have known the wittebane brothers personally. this would suggest that maybe this great-grandmother of gwendolyn's Was caleb's partner, or perhaps caleb's daughter who had never gotten to meet him, however the latter seems a little more unlikely.
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the next reference i found was in knock knock knockin on hooty's door. in eda's segment of the episode, she flashes back to the day the owl beast attacked her dad, and this is the first glimpse we get of her dad, who bears a striking resemblance to the wittebane brothers. we get clearer glimpses of phillip in elsewhere and elsewhen, and the similarities in hair and face shape are definitely no coincidence. aside that, he has the same distinct nose shape as caleb/hunter.
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more on dell clawthorne, we do actually end up meeting him in the present.
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in this shot, we see his palisman - a yellow cardinal. this is important for two reasons. 1) bird palismen are notably tied to the clawthorne family, like eda with owlbert, lilith and her raven palisman (which i have issues with, but that's for another time), gwen and hawksley, and dell and his yellow cardinal. 2) this is the same species of bird as flapjack, who we know belonged to either caleb or his witch partner, but most likely caleb. another direct connection.
we also learn that historically, the clawthornes were palisman carvers, and that dell could no longer continue his craft because of sustained nerve damage in his hand, and the loss of his left eye. another thing i noticed is that i'm pretty sure him, eda and lilith are all left handed, but that's not really an important detail. every afab in my family was left-handed up until me, so whether or not it's a thing that you pass down, i have no idea.
other than that, we learn later on in hollow mind that the very first iteration of belos' mask was carved by caleb, so it may have even been caleb who passed the tradition into the clawthorne family. either that, or perhaps he and the witch bonded over their shared hobbies.
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also at the very end of elsewhere and elsewhen is this shot, which to me tells of phillip already beginning experiments on the very first grimwalkers. in this shot i can see what looks like a decaying grimwalker hand tagged '4' - likely his failed fourth attempt to recreate caleb, an early golden guard cloak, some scientific diagrams, and some bones. whether or not those are grimwalker bones or the actual corpse of his brother, i actually don't want to know, thanks. holding out hope that they're whatever the fuck 'bones of ortet' are. but this does confirm, at least to me, that caleb died Before phillip got stranded indefinitely in the demon realm.
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there's also this page from phillip's diary in the same episode, a crude drawing of him and caleb distinguishable from the face shapes.
we're actually not doing this chronologically anymore, and i skipped to elsewhere and elsewhen because it was a convinient segue. back to yesterday's lie, folks.
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this lil collection of screenshots is pretty much all references to the brothers i could find from yesterday's lie. the statues in the park are clearly of the wittebane brothers, with phillip sporting a signature ponytail, and caleb distinguishable yet again by the bump on his nose that he shares with hunter. also in town is the gravesfield sign, important because it states that gravesfield was founded in 1635, which is the time of the wittebane brothers and in line with the deadwardian era of the boiling isles, and also depicts a town crest bearing striking resemblance to the old golden guard sigil that hunter is seen sewing onto his cloak in any sport in a storm.
the two drawings are a little more difficult to decipher. vee's news clipping, written by the conspiracy theorist we meet later in the episode, is just a small part of the larger book that he has. this slightly less faded image, if you look close into it, we see what i assume is both brothers conversing with a witch, or a interpretation of a witch. it's difficult to decipher who is who, but i'm assuming the brother on the left is caleb, with flapjack on his shoulder, holding the witches hand and being civil. phillip, on the other hand, appears to be holding a torch in his right hand - witch hunter, remember? - and a 'picto-glyph' in his other. you could suggest it's the other way around, but i don't think that's vitally important. what's depicted here are the brothers. jacob even briefly recounts their story from the human world perspective - two brothers lured into a 'realm of evil' by a real witch, never to be seen again.
having mentioned any sport in a storm, i should mention that this is the first time we hear caleb's name. when hunter is trying to come up with a cover name, flapjack suggests the name caleb, and hunter goes by 'caleb jasper bloodwilliams' for the majority of the episode.
this is all before hollow mind, which, as we know, contains the most information about the wittebane brothers. we've all seen the screenshots of the paintings, but we know that caleb bears a very striking resemblance to hunter, and was spotted in the photos with who appears to be a female witch, implied to be an ancestor of the clawthornes. phillip even mentions that 'out of all the grimwalkers, [hunter] looks the most like [caleb]', if you disregard various scarring on hunter's face, the red eyes characteristic of grimwalkers, and the tooth gap.
here we also get a little characterisation for caleb. contrasted to who we learn phillip is, caleb is a lot more liberal and accepting of change. unlike phillip, he learns to embrace magic, embrace witches, and embrace the demon realm despite his puritan upbringing in early america. he even embraces phillip, who had already succumbed to whatever ailment he had given himself as a result of carving glyphs into his skin. however, phillip, despite caleb's attempts to ease him into the demon realm and embrace it as something wonderful, ends up murdering him, and it is very likely at this point that the clawthorne witch banished phillip to the demon realm permanently as a punishment, knowing it was a world he hated, and buried the portal they'd been using to traverse worlds in her estate, later to be found by eda when she ran away from home.
also in this episode we get a flashback to hunter's return from eclipse lake. belos and the collector talk, and after the collector suggests that he keeps making grimwalkers just to destroy them, and that he finds fun in it, belos denies the accusation and claims that every time the golden guard chooses to betray him, it hurts.
not only does caleb's good heart persist throughout his clones, to the point of having to betray his younger brother again and again, but he still sees caleb in them all. he may be beyond the point of no return, willing to kill them each time, but he still longs for a brother that sees the world the way he does, so he can have a brother he seemed to love so dearly in his youth return to him.
to be honest, there's not much mention of caleb, the clawthorne ancestor, or grimwalkers after that until the last two episodes.
in clouds on the horizon, hunter decides to hide the fact that he is a grimwalker from gus and willow, and is unsure if he is a human or a witch. all he knows is that he is a clone of 'someone belos made disappear'.
then, king's tide. hunter and belos reunite for the first time in the finale post-hollow mind, and in this episode, belos finally meets flapjack again. not only has hunter betrayed him, the clone he expected to last longer, the one that caleb looked the most like, but he also wields caleb's palisman. this enrages him, probably because he doesn't see hunter anymore. he sees caleb. he shouts caleb's name, confirming for the first time that caleb was the name of his older brother, and that flapjack originally belonged to either caleb or his partner. i know there was a whole thing about whether or not he said 'caleb' or 'kill him', but dana Has confirmed on twitter that he said 'caleb'.
all the way back in episode 6, flapjack made a decision to become hunter's palisman, and the bat queen said this,
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but who knew that line held the weight that it did?
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