#and i respect him as a writter so much for it
theredcuyo · 17 days
I'm starting to think that Bad saw how much we related him and Skeppy to You are my sunshine and decided to make it his thing, and to make it as comforting and angsty as possible
Because hearing him sing it always will make gosthies, his kids and his Best bf melt
But the lyrics we all are thinking about will also always bring us to tears without Bad making any extra effort most of the time
Because yeah, they're his sunshines, and that's never not cute as heck but that's not all the songs says, is it?
Cus, you'll never know dear, how much i love you, please don't take my sunshine away and i dreamed i held you in my arms, but when i woke dear i was mistaken so i held myself and cried
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creepswrites · 1 year
Dear, writter
May i've a request for Thomas hewitt, Bubba Sawyer,bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, and Vince Sinclair, With a hot wife fem reader, I want to see their life being a father to a hot fem reader. Because that is my dream. 💫Fluff💫
Please.... Your writing is so gorgeous 💋💋 master 🌹🌹🌹
Thank you so much
From your followers:
awww i'm glad you like my writing!! hopefully you enjoy this :D
SLASHERS with a F! S/O who is their hot wife
Everyone in town was shocked when you and Thomas got married
Thomas included but he never said anything about it
His family thought you were way out of his league, Hoyt was never afraid to comment on this to your face
But you love Thomas, he was a good man
So when he'd finally, finally, proposed to you, of course you'd said yes
When he found out you were having his child? He was over the moon
Luda May was almost as overjoyed, already making arrangements for the baby's room, making clothes, etc
She couldn't wait to be a grandmother and Thomas couldn't wait to be a father
When the baby's due date was getting closer, you could tell Thomas was nervous about if the baby would come out looking like him
But you reassured him that, no matter what your baby looked like, you would love it the same way you loved him
He was good with the baby, so gentle and patient, always happy to help when it cried
If Hoyt ever tried to give either of you a hard time, Thomas actually violently defended you, sometimes tossing Hoyt across the room with one arm
He'd never let anything hurt you or your baby
Like Thomas, everyone was surprised when you and Bubba got married
Though his family were far more excited about it! After all, their brother was quite the catch
You got along well with his family even before you moved in, with Chop Top and Nubbins always commenting to Bubba how lucky he was to have such a hot wife
It always made your husband get all flustered, babbling soft nonsense. He was cute
When you got pregnant, Bubba and the Sawyer family were over the moon
Family was extremely important to them and they were happy for you and Bubba
When Nubbins made a very ugly little hat for the baby, you accepted it but told him gently it'd be too big for their head but that you'd grow into it. He was excited about that prospect
Chop Top and Drayton helped Bubba set up the nursery so you could just relax
And when the baby was born, Bubba was so scared of holding something so fragile and precious
But you helped him, guiding his arms to hold the baby, and he was in shock and awe
He'd never thought he'd get married, much less to someone as gorgeous as you, and have a child together
Bubba was a nervous father, usually letting your kid get away with anything so you had to be the rule-setter when it came to the kid
His brothers were menaces when it came to babysitting their niece or nephew
But both you and Bubba were happy. He'd protect you both, no matter what
Honestly? This was a major win in Bo's mind
If you think he doesn't show off for you, you're wrong. That man takes every opportunity to
He also definitely flexed to his brothers about scoring the hottest wife ever
Of course, his brothers were very nice and respectful with you, though Bo wouldn't let them be too friendly
He's got a jealousy streak
Whenever visitors arrive to Ambrose, he's always got his arm around you or bragging about you when you're not around
He's whipped, you've got him wrapped around your finger
But when you tell him your pregnant, you're shocked at how scared he becomes
Of course, he doesn't show it visibly, but you know your husband and you can tell when he's nervous about something
Eventually, when he starts trying to pull away from you, you corner him and make him talk
Some yelling and fighting ensues but he caves, confessing he's scared he wouldn't be a good father. I mean, he didn't exactly have the best role model and he didn't want you or your babies to suffer for it
But you reminded him you were in this together and he'd relax a little
You had twins, because of course you did, but this only seemed to make Bo all the more anxious
He didn't exactly... know what to do with a baby? He'd never really been around infants so he's looking to you for help on this one
When they're a bit older though, he'll let them hang out in the auto shop with him when he works
One day you come home to find him asleep on the couch with the twins curled up on his chest and you just melt
He's a good dad and a good husband
Vincent was shocked you'd said yes when he proposed
He didn't consider himself attractive in the slightest but you said yes?!
I mean, you were stunning, he'd stared at you constantly even when you were dating and it certainly didn't stop when you were married
Bo and Lester were definitely jealous, teasing him to see him get flustered over how lucky he was
Unlike Bo, when he found out you were pregnant, he was excited
Nervous, absolutely, but everyone is nervous when they're having their first kid
He's so wary for you though, nearly had you on bedrest the entire pregnancy because he feared the worst
One time he caught you standing on a chair to reach something and he nearly had a conniption
But the twins came - because of course they were twins - and were healthy and beautiful
Vincent is so gentle with them, like they're the most precious things in the world to them
He makes little wax sculptures for their room to decorate it
Definitely encourages and supports creative hobbies for the kids! He gets them finger paints and crayons and the like
You've woken up in the night because of the babies crying but Vincent is already up, ready to help
Vincent's mastered carrying them both with an arm each and its very cute
Sometimes you catch him holding one of the twins and humming softly to them as they sleep in his arms, just swaying together in the kitchen
You feel so lucky but he feels even luckier to have you and your kids
Lester is by far the most... stable? So you'd been instantly drawn to that about him
He'd always get so flustered, bringing you flowers and blushing like a madman while you were dating
It took him the longest to propose to you though, he always felt like you were waaaay out of his league
Visitors came and would gawk at you and he'd feel a twinge of jealousy at the reminder that yeah, you could have anyone
But he did propose to you and you said yes because you wanted him, not anyone else
Neither of you had any shame in PDA, often holding hands or kissing in front of visitors
You lived with Lester and Jonesy in a little house on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by trees and very peaceful compared to the horrors of Ambrose
It had actually been Lester who suggested having a kid or two running around. After all, he had two older brothers so he was used to that business in a house with lots of people living in it
Over time, the two of you would have two kids, but they weren't twins
Lester was a good dad too! He was attentive and loving but he didn't let them get away with too much
He'd teach them how to shoot when they were a bit older because it was a fond memory he had with his own dad
Of course, Lester didn't have the best dad to draw comparison to
But at least he knew what not to do. Surely that counted for something?
You'd come home from working a short shift to find Lester and the kids playing in the backyard, running about with Jonesy as they played soccer
Both you and Lester would do anything for your kids and you knew he'd do anything for you
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justheretop0st · 9 months
Hi! I was reading your work and i thought you were a excellent writter.
So im gonna shoot my shot and ask you for a Cicero x Fem!reader drabble/headcannon who is also a jester? Nsfw and sfw would be appreciated alot!
XOXO -anon💓💓💓
Wow Anon, I am so sorry about this late response. I was never notified of this ask. I hope this will make up for how long you had to wait. Much love and blessings to you.
She skipped merrily along a path. she knew not where she was going, but she knew that it was beautiful. In her hands she held flowers of lavender and tundra cotton. On her face she smiled with such glee. The sun was out. The wind was blowing and-
"I told you to quit asking you freakish Jester! Get out of here before I do something you'll regret!" Such anger in this voice. Rushing a little forward to come over a small hill, she noticed a man walking back to a cart that was loose of its wheel. He looked quite annoyed, but his outfit really explained it all. She decided then she would help him as best she could. Anger, annoyance, or sadness she would turn this strangers frown upside down.
Upon speaking with him, she found out that this man was transporting his dear mother to a new home. How sweet of him to honor his deceased mother. "Thank you so much Cicero for telling me about this!" She smiled up at him and grabbed his hand, placing in it a small bouquet of lilac and white. "I'll go speak with Loreius and we can get that wheel fixed!"
Despite offering her coin, she denied it. She waited until Loreius came down with some tools and even helped as best she could. Once the wagon was finished, she offered Cicero her name. He did smile and danced as she repeated her name. "Ah! (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)! Such a pretty name for a shining lady! Thank you! Offering lucky Cicero flowers to make Cicero smile again! Oh Mother would be so lucky to have you in her family!"
The oddity of this statement made her confused but still she smiled and gripped his hands and began to spine him around. "I love to make people feel better! I'm so glad I could help you. May our paths meet again!"
Indeed their paths met again. She joined the dark brotherhood by accident and by the leader no less. Coming back to the lair, she heard Astrid and a familiar voice.
"Ugh, we have one Jester, but Cicero WILL be afforded the respect deserving his position as Keeper."
When she rounded the corner, she saw a familiar face and a familiar set of lilac and white. "Cicero? Oh Cicero! I knew I might see you again!"
The two spent so long catching up. She watched him as he tended to the Mothers body. He watched as she was easily able to speak with the other members. He learned from her and she learned from him.
She was preparing to leave out for a mission. She was going to kill some person, oh well she would have to go back for this persons name. But behind her she could hear footsteps. "Hmm?"
Upon turning around, she met the gaze of her dear friend. "Oh! Hello Cicero! Come by to say good luck?" She had a smile on her face, but his face held not happiness or any type of joy. She couldn't place it, but her smile faded. "What's wrong Cicero?"
He met her eyes and weakly chuckled. "Oh (Y/N) poor Cicero came to say goodbye." She couldn't place it, but she could feel its double meaning.
"You mean, Cicero will see you later, right?" A solemn smile came across his lips as he reached out to cup her face.
"Oh my sweet sweet Listener. My sweet sweet (Y/N)." His voice dropped its normal facade that made her eyes widen in shock. "Only for you will I say, I will see you later." He leaned forward to place a kiss on her forehead.
She didn't know what to do with herself. It appeared to be a declaration, but he did not stay to listen. He merrily skipped away chattering about the night mother. Despite her being able to bounce back from anything, this left her curious during her days of travel. She had a mission to complete and she would complete it.
She came back to find out about the attack. Perhaps Cicero knew he might stand a chance of dying. She was sent to finish Cicero's life and find Astrids husband. He was always so serious. It left a bad taste in her mouth, but she knew the real reason she was going. If ever there was a chance to see Cicero again, surely she would. Perhaps she was being foolish in her cheery demeanor of that stupid wolf slain. But she still pressed forward to find Cicero. That wolf could wait. That would would surely die another day.
Perhaps Cicero truly feared for his life. The ghosts who were protecting him put up a good fight. Despite being the Listener, they still fought to protect him. She pushed forward regretting that she wasn’t there to protect Cicero. After all, Cicero was right about the family. He didn’t deserve to die and she wasn’t going to give Cicero what he didn’t deserve.
In a pool of his own blood is how she found him. Though he rambled on, she still pursued him.
After the fall of Astrid and the reconstruction of the new base, she brought back Cicero. Despite what Nazeem may have felt or thought, he didn’t say much about the two of them.
Cicero serenaded her with twisted love songs.
She encouraged and praised him with his work and love.
Cicero strived to be pleasing to her and mother.
She understood his commitment to mother.
In the same stride, she would repeat what mother told her. Cicero had waited so long to hear mothers words. As mundane and job heavy as mother words were, he would dance excitedly every time she repeated mothers words.
Despite what others might think, Cicero has another side to him that only she was allowed to see.
Cicero has spent years serving mother and the dark brotherhood. Cicero would surely serve for years more. But Cicero has needs that he never got to explore. Until he met her.
I hope this was something you liked. I tried to add a hint of what nsfw head cannons I have for him. I am still trying to figure out if I want to post nsfw on this page. But if I do, I will make one specifically for Cicero.
Thank you for your patience.
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
so ill take some time to tell any newbies some fandom veteran unspoken rules or just remind people of things
There is not "wrong" versions of the egos!!! There are a million and one designs a for every ego depending on the blog, artist, writer etc. Every marvin looks like a wildly different character and people have their own headcannon personalities, genders, orientations and more for every ego. Some people have multiple aus and characters intertwined. So dont go telling anyone their version of the egos is incorrect or not accurate because these characters have been up for interpretation for a VERY long time so please remember that. If you dont like someones version of the egos or its not accurate to whatever cannon comes out, shut the fuck up and leave the one who created that version of said egos alone. All your ego designs are valid and creative and fantastic and dont drop them just for the cannon if you dont want to.
Ego shipping is fine! So far we have had no cannon confirmation to say that theyre siblings, the same person, or related in any way that would make ego shipping wrong. If that becomes the case, most people with either drop it or actively start making the egos their new OCs to continue shipping their personalities and designs. however, if that doesnt happen, dont bash people for shipping the egos. The sanders sides fandom and markiplier fandom get along just fine shipping characters played by the same guy so just be less judgy if you feel the need to tell people you dont like what they like. And if you really dont like it, its not that hard to just block an artist or ask them to tag their ship art and filter the tag. Its really not that deep so dont go sending anon hate to people for shipping the egos.
Dont be fucking rude. End of. Just dont be rude. If you dont like a blogs interpretation of the egos, just block them. Its not that hard. Be. Nice. Most of us are, but theres some bad apples so please dont be one of them and support artists and writters and editors you like and ignore others.
Ego cosplayers are fine and some of them are really cool and talented people so leave then alone with your hate. If you think theyre cringe, dont interact with their content. Sean has stated he likes them and/or apreciates their skills so dont send ego cosplayers hate. Support their talents god damnit.
Reblog, for the love of god reblog. We arent as big a fandom as we were and we have some serious talent in here. @leobashi @d-structive @tracobuttons @mythicalitycosplay @soopticboop @koryabeebee to name a few. And their content gets nowehere without reblogs. This isnt tiktok, therers no algorithm and liking does essentially nothing so boost content when you see it to make sure our artists remain motivated and adored as they deserve.
Share your content! We love to aee it and theres a criminally low amount of jse content on tumblr these days so give us all of it.
Robbie is a non canon ego and dont bash people for him being their favourite, hes great and hes flexible, being non cannon. Dont get angry for people putting him in the main tag because he is pretty much a part of it all and has been for a while, trust me id know.
Dont steal art(general advice)
Dont hassle @turquoisemagpie because theyre not going to give you any of seans content. At the most, you'll just give yourself a bad name in the community so just leave soph alone and dont nag them for any cannom content. Also sophs word is not gospel and their and is not all cannon confirmation so dont treat it that way. Theyre a person, not a content cow so give them lots of respect and love
Thats all i can think of but feel free to add. All in all i love this community and all of its members. It brings me so much joy to be a part of it and im glad that soon we could gave a whole new wave of members in this community too :)
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bibelina · 1 year
Ok, hear me out... I noticed Han Juwon is very autistic coded, his restriction with food, his bluntness, how he hardly ever understand tones and jokes, his cleaning habits, how he goes "all the way" in his cases like an obsession, his social issues... Do I need to keep pointing?
But now let's talk about his special interest/ hyperfixation! Some might think it's on the murders, but I truly believe it's on Lee Dongsik. Ever since he found out about Lds existence he, the brilliant number one police officer of the academy, can't think straight (ba dun ts). And Hjw is very intelligent, the story show us all the time how he's capable, he goes after clues in places people don't, he makes fast connections and identify patterns, he pay attention to details that go unnoticed by other people, he knows the law so well... so I kept thinking, why is he always so pathetically wrong in his analysis, specially in the first half of the series? And the only reason I can think of is because of his obsession with Lee Dongsik. All his mistakes are based on his belief that Lds is involved. He was SO sure Lee Geum-Hwa would meet Lds... he never considered anyone else could be the suspect even thought THE ONLY THING on Lds was the accusations from the past. Then he manages to be transfered to manyang to observe Lds closely. But what's funny is that he keeps breaking the rules and keeps interacting with Lds, he doesn't treat him as a suspect at all, he shares too much and treats him as someone he deeply wants to understand. He asks Lds questions a detective would never ask a suspect and Lds points that out (the writters knew that Hjw's behavior doesn't make any sense!!!). But Hjw needs to see Lds, he feels the necessity to talk to him, to understand what the other thinks, for Hjw THESE are more important than actual proves, more important than respecting boundaries, even more important than catching the real culprit, his real objective from the beginning was to catch Lds no matter what, and no matter why. Because he can't get his hyperfixation out of his mind!!!!
Ps: Researching for this I found some autistic people sharing about hyperfixation in other people and if they feel if that's love or not, and I can totally see Hjw on some of them!
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Mark of Athena, first reading thoughts:
—Forgot to post this again, who knows how long this has been on my notes.
—First, I loved having Annabeth's pov, I missed her as a central character and I loved the development she had here.
—BRO, they are all TOGETHER NOW AND THEY ARE IN A FLYING SHIP HAVING ADVENTURES. This the perfect setup, I would have read a 10 books series of just this.
—I liked so many diferent povs, at first I thought it may become confusing, but far from it, it was fun and so dinamic. I already love all these characters and getting in their heads throught the book was great.
—The Argo II WAS SO COOL. It kind of reminded me of Legends of Tomorrow and I fricking love that show, I wish this dynamic of the seven on the ship lasted forever, I adore that kind of premise. Even the moments when they just weren´t getting along were interesting.
—I felt a vein popping out of my eye with all the Camp Jupiter hunting them down thing, because it was just a misunderstanding, but I do understand why it happend (a little), and it was just so frustraiting.
—All the interactions with Nemesis, Echo and Narcissus were such a trip, jesus.
—God, I fucking love Leo, not only because he is so funny, but because he is so incredibly smart. Is a diffrent kind of smart then Annabeth, wich I really love, they both bring interesting things to the table and is a delight to read.
—Wich is why Leo feeling so left out and like the "seventh wheel" was much more heartbreaking. He makes concernig comments the whole book, but because is just in his head nobody notices. I dont like where this is going...
—As much as I loved all the adventures, I was so stressed out for Nico the whole time, it was driving me insane.
—GJFHUYREGFEU Every single pov is so interesting, this book was GOLD. This is a masterclass in how to make distinctive narrative voices, it was so good.
—The break between Percy and Jason was actually very interesting. I was afraid it would be reduced to petty jelousy (wich it is a little, but I mean, they are teenagers), but there was some nuace there. Like, I felt like it drew interesting parallels of what makes them so opossite despite being the " "liders" " of their camps. It even drives home what makes the roman demigods and the greek demigods diferent.
—Jason being so serius and even cold, and Percy being as hotheaded as he is. Jason not knowing any other life apart from being a soldier vs Percy rejecting that life every chance he gets. Even the diferent perception they both have of the gods because each know a side of them the other doesn´t.
—Their possesed fight was kind of funny tbh.
—I also love having the chance to explore each characters powers with every obstacle, I feel like it was very well used, I never thought, "well, why didnt they used x power."
—"Please, she thought, wondering if her mom, the goddess of love, could hear her. Don’t let it be Jason’s final breath. If love means anything, don’t take him away" Oh, Piper, honey. These kids are legit breaking my heart.
—I really liked the scene of Annabeth and Percy on the stables, it was so sweet.
—I dont know exactly what it is, but I can tell this is a much more curated, experienced writter. And is absolutely fantastic to get so far into the series because I can tell by now Riordan knows these characters so well. They have so many layers, is specially interesting with Percy and Annabeth because we see them grow so much.
—The scene at the aquarium was very creepy and fun.
—Percy developing a fear of drowning was like, so sad.
—Ok Leo, I love you, but dont need to be a bully, come on.
—Jesus, the whole conflict Annabeth had with her mom in this book made me so sad. The way all the gods just use their children (and have been for generations) gets more unberable with each book, I dont respect any of them, these kids just... still try to make them proud and not think ill of them and its so unfair.
—Even the interaction with Aphrodite, I just kept getting angry. I got bad flashbacks from her praising the other two girls in front of Piper and making those weird comments.
—On this one it hits harder and harder that all this kids want is a future, a good life, and they just never get a chance.
—“You dropped this,” he said, totally poker-faced.
Annabeth threw her arms around him. “I love you!” (I died, actually)
—Was not a fan of Hercules´s aproach. Moving on.
— "Percy blinked. “So your brother is a winged horse. But you’re also my half brother, which means all the flying horses in the world are my... You know what? Let’s forget it.”
He’d learned years ago it was better not to dwell too much on who was related to whom on the godly side of things. After Tyson the Cyclops adopted him as a brother, Percy decided that that was
about as far as he wanted to extend the family." - Percy, I love you.
—Wisdom’s daughter walks alone. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
—The minute Annabeth went on her own I was so nervous, my heart was racing the rest of the book.
—Geez, I wanted to hug her so bad, everything just kept getting worse and worse.
—Gaea is seriusly getting on my nerves.
—There’s too much going on,” he said. “And honestly…before last month, I didn’t even know
when my birthday was. Thalia told me the last time she was at camp.” - That is so fucking sad.
— “What is that?” Jason asked nervously.
Piper slipped her hand into his. “The ghosts are dancing."
Dude! That entire scene of Piper, Percy and Jason and how it ralted with the story of the flood was AMAZING. Easy one of my favorite scenes from the whole saga.
—Rescuing Nico had me so stressed
—"Entertain me, heroes of Olympus." I- Im gonna kill him. I´m gonna kill ALL THE GO-
—Ok, but I liked Percy and Jason coming together and fighting alongside each other.
—My girl Annabeth, she is so smart, ahhhhh!
—Few scenes had me in such a hold and as emotionally invested as the scene when Percy and Annabeth fall to Tartarus. What the Actual Hell. I was speechless for like an hour. The emotion, the tension, the terrible, brilliant moment when everything suddenly conects.
— Nemesis wanted him to wreak vengeance on Gaea? Leo would be happy to oblige. He was going to make Gaea sorry she had ever messed with Leo Valdez.
I am filled with dread, and fear, and hype.
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oldestking · 1 year
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@laplacemail​ said ;  hi smol. first of all: mwah mwah mwah! second: what kind of gifts/offerings gil tends to prefer?  /  𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃
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    /  aaaAAAAOOOOOO HIIII SOMAAAA!! First of all, thank u so much for sending this in!! reading ur question really made me stop on my tracks and think back again on our dearest old friend, Gilgamesh, who although i’m not always here and he seems to be busy somewhere inside my head, he hasn’t so far considered to leave which on its own is kind or surprising considering how my writter inspiration often comes and goes and back and forth as it tends to do, regardless of that, I can at least say all the characters i’ve written hold a lil place inside my heart despite not writting them anymore or as frequent as i would like to, THAT ASIDE! enough sentimentalism and allow me to get to ur question!
Normally I would start with some context and finish with the answer at the end, but this time i’ll answer it right here for once, first a question and then follow by with my answer;
what could a man that can own everything possibly prefer? It’s like eating countless and never-ending desserts since you have memory of; in a way, despite all desserts being different from each other (in this metaphor) ; they all seem to remain desserts to you nonetheless. You are aware that you can always get them at any time and have done so in the past, yet no matter what, they are still perishable at the end of the day; bound to time.
Since all that is tangible could be his at any time so he desired, then the answer to what would be his most precious offering would be without a doubt; time. Time is intangible, something that not even the gods are able to possess, something he once has desired to be in control of in the past, (that curiously was as well, part of the root of his fear) and that not even the gods can avoid; that is the most valuable thing. Like sure; you can buy time in a way; but can you, truly?? can you control how long your reign will last?, how many days you will spend by the side of your best friend?, how many days it will take for death to knock on your door?, how many days it will take for your people to still think of you as their king? to remember you? Of course not; and although c.asgil has matured and concluded that possessing time is indeed impossible; this is as well the same reason as of why he’s learned to value and respect it so much; He is aware he can’t own it, but he can stand next to it; someone can gift him something that is truly invaluable, that no amount of riches could compare to.
So long story short (I did end up writting the conclusion at the end then rip)
Time owes no one, and spares no one and nothing, and maybe that's why it is so precious. 
Time is thus extraordinary and invaluable .
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meu-light · 2 years
Why Bad Buddy and KinnPorsche are so good?
Good morning fellas,
Today, your girl, will be trying to figure out why those two shows hit home although they have almost nothing in common.
At first I was like "Okay plot-wise, clearly nothing in common", then I thought "Cast members are not the same, some locations could be the same but it's almost imposible to figure it out, WHAT IS IT?"
I went back, again and again, at some point my brain started working and said "Bro, look at the teams behind the shows."
Now, obviously, I've studied the main members of the teams (like the directors and the screenwritters) but my ass never connected the dots because I'm obviously stupid.
Lets start with Bad Buddy.
Surprise surprise we all know that the director was P'Aof, ever wondered who the assistant directors were? If you're familiar with people who have worked on big thai projects (either under GMMTV or Nadao Bangkok) those names will sound familiar.
Assistant Directors
P'Au, check his work here, as you can see he has worked on a lot of projects, including ATOTS, either directing or screenwritting.
P'Aom, check his work here, he happens to be the cast director for a lot of our fave shows.
P'Aea, check out his work here, also part of the ATOTS team, you've probably seen him make cameos here and there in GMMTV shows.
P'Pepzi, check her work here, with this you feel like this name is scratching your brain, AND YOU'RE RIGHT! We will elaborate later though.
P'Best, check his work here, he has worked as a screenwritter on a bunch of shows, mainly working with P'Aof and P'Jojo, he's also a writter and has a few published novels.
P'Pratchaya, check his work here, he's a very known and respected screenwritter. I admire him a lot.
P'Bee, check his work here, again, if this name rings a bell, YOU'RE RIGHT.
Lets continue with KinnPorsche.
P'Pepzi, oh oh, a familiar name! Yes, it's the same person. After Bad Buddy she went straight to KP and then jumped to Mama Gogo, she's amazing!
P'Khom, check his work here, another familiar name you say. First of all P'Khom is an award winning director, he has worked on so many amazing projects either as a director or a screenwritter (OR BOTH). He also played Uncle Tong in Bad Buddy and that's just *chefs kiss*. I will also not fail to mention that he adopted baby Tuan (Vegas' hedgehog). He's a delight in general.
P'Pond, KinnPorsche was his first official project, and he had a double, if not triple role. He was both a director and a screenwritter. But do you know who P'Pond happens to be? The CEO of BOC.
P'Pond, as mentioned before.
P'Ning, KP was also her first official project because she also happens to be a Lecturer at the Department of Dramatic Arts from Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Arts, an amazing woman!
P'Bee, oh my, a familiar name again. Lovely. It is the same person. At this point all I have to say is that both shows are packed with talented people.
Only a few familiar names but to me it makes so much sense. Every little detail in both shows was made with love and attention. Those people gave their everything.
I would like to apologize for not mentioning names like P'Maneerat (KP's Cinematographer), P'Tanai (BB's Cinematographer) and P'Toy (KP's Music Composer). Thank you for being a part of those teams and for your hard work, you're as special and amazing as the rest of the names mentioned.
A huge bow and a thank you to all the crew members behind those shows. Thank you for the memories. Until we meet again!
Spread the love~
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marunalu · 2 years
Bakugou stans want that Bakugou becomes like a heroes for the quirkless people? Like I just read some of them thinking that Bakugou understand how hard is for quirkless people live in a quirk society and I get so mad. Of course that Bakugou understand how hard is because he was a bully for one of them. If someone has to say something about quirkless discrimination that would be either Aoyama or Izuku, both quirkless both that think that they need to change because society pushed them down, when they take the first opportunity they had to become "normal". Sure Bakugou can understand Midoriya because he tormented Izuku but he doesn't know what it's like to be pushed and hated only because they born "different" "useless", "damaged" or "broken". If Horikoshi is a good writter or a decent one he should let Izuku finally talks about his trauma. Bakugou speaking about quirkless people feels like privileged kids that wants to talk about how hard is being poor, black, latino or wherever when they never understand what it's being in that people shoes. Maybe, they have good intension but they will never understand how that people feels.
The only thing that bakugou understands about quirkless people is how to make them suffer and abuse them! Other then that he knows shit! How is he supposed to know how hard it is, if he never was in an quirkless persons shoes? He was worshipped and admired his whole life, even from his own victim, what makes zero sense! He has no right to talk about how hard life for quirkless people is, the same as endavour has no right to talk about how hard the life of abuse victims is! Honestly I didnt like the newest chapter that much, hori again missed the prime oppunity for izuku to talk about his trauma and at that point of the story, I dont think it will ever happen. I lost all my hope in that regard! Hori cant let izuku talk about his trauma, reflect and heal from it, because it would make bakugou look bad and confirm to his stans, that what he did was horrible and cant be erased from his or izukus past! And the backlash hori would have to face if he makes bakugou look bad would be to huge. Remember there were bakugou fans that were pissed about him “apologiezing“ to izuku, because now they cant relate to him anymore! Instead he did go for terrible timed fanservice that wasnt even funny at all. No meaningful and deeper character development for izuku, or EVEN bakugou - nope, BOOOBBBBSSSSS!!!!
Bakugou is no hero material in generell and espicially not for quirkless people. And the only reason his stans want that to happen is because of their disgusting bakudeku ship, because apparently its sooooooo romantic if the abuser stands up for his victim, right?!
The only people in this manga who have any right to talk about quirkless discrimination are izuku and aoyama. All might was quirkless too, but he lost a lot of my respect when I found out he was quirkless too, but dared to tell an other quirkless boy, he cant be a hero! That was a top hypocrite moment and Im still salty about that. And thats why izuku is a way better hero as all might.
I really hoped hori would take his time with the whole quirkless discrimination thing and dig a little deeper, make a little arc about it of lets say 10 chapters and make face everyone, including bakugou the reality what quirkless people go through, but nooo we cant have that, instead we got 3 terrible rushed chapters with aoyamas traitor and quirkless and hagakures face reveal, cramped in 3 chapters. And now the whole anticipitated traitor plot in done! After 3 chapters!
It really feels like hori wants to end the manga as soon as possible. Wouldnt shock me if it ends next summer at that pace. And as a dad for one believer I really fear now that he will completly botcher the reveal of that too. 1 chapter for the reveal, 1 chapter for izuku in shock and denial and 1 chapter for izuku to overcome it in a blink and kill his father off! 😂😂😂😂
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Ngl I don't personally ship Stu and Billy together cause canonically they are meant to be straight and I'm not the sharing type, but THIS STORY IS AMAZING. I'm a sucker for slow burn romances and I'm lowkey picky when it comes to fics sooo this is the first one in a LONG TIME that I've been so excited about.
I would rather lose A WHOLE LIMB than let anything happen to Seth or Dewey 😭 You don't present Stu as some innocent guy who just killed for Billy, no, you show that he was gonna kill REGARDLESS of Billy's influence and it's so refreshing cause it was hinted Stu always was messed up in the film. I can't help but cringe everytime someone tries to argue that Stu was in love with Billy and THAT was why he killed. I respect the opinion, but the dolls hanging in Stu's attic go completely against that theory. This man was ripping dolls apart bc he was imagining doing it to people 😭 and it was hidden in the attic where his parents probably never go.
Another thing too is that we don't ACTUALLY know what Stu's feelings for Billy were in the film. They were explicitly written to only be friends and tbh that's how I interpret them. However, they clearly weren't even true friends if Billy was ready to sell him out. Stu even implied that he was going to blame Billy if they got caught with the whole "peer pressure" thing. It's so nice to see an author be realistic about how selfish these two really are 👏
I love how our character is actually flawed and how you don't sugarcoat that Billy and Stu are terrible people. I love soft Billy and Stu, but I can only take so much fluff 🤣 The fact that you made me simp for MEEKS even tho I never simped for him before? An impressive feat.
I'm hyped for the next chapter lol I'm ready for my dinner date with our hunk of a man named Ray 😏 why do I have a funny feeling Gale is gonna interrupt it? Ik Dewey's gonna be there. I'm so excited to see Mark too. I'm ready to get a free ride in the police car with my shades on. I'll be the Olivia Benson to his Elliot Stabler 🤣🤣
Billy and Stu's dynamic is canonlically confusing, chaotic and dark. That I will 100% agree with.
Whether they were always friends or not is debatable. Did Billy know of Stu and knew he was a lil wacked and thought 'this guys perfect' or were they always two kind of screwed up individuals that were always friends and Stu kind of followed Billy around and shared common interests and Billy took a chance? I think they were friends bc even if Stu was used as a sell out in case shit went south; Billy would not trust just anyone with a murder plot.
I respectfully disagree with the straight thing only bc the writter himself eluded to basing both characters off of two closeted gay teen murderers even though he left the idea of them being together up to the audience to this day; he still was influenced by these two murderers when writting Billy and Stu. Neve confirmed she thought it was plausible they were. Matthew Lilard himself headcanons it joking or not the idea is there. And it was so homoerotic that Scary Movie made fun of it with Bobby and Ray. Randy himself called Billy a homorepressed mamas boy. That's way too many ppl and big names IMO noticing the homoerotic vibes included those involved for them to be 100% straight. Yes they were presented as straight but I think the only reason they weren't at least canonly bisexual was the same reason they cut out Amber and Tara being a couple; Censors wouldn't allow it and the movie would have tanked. One lesbian is the limit apparently... People were bitching about the gay couple in IT part 2 for fucksakes. I was in the theater with ppl booing and throwing popcorn at the screen and then cheering when the one died. It's sick but we are not as progressed as much as the chronically online internet world wants to think we are. Let alone in the 90s when Scream first came out. Wes had to limit the gore just to get the movie to pass let alone if they had two repressed teen boys together.
I don't write them as strictly homosexual OBVIOUSLY (At least not from what we see with Stu definitely into girls and Billy having sex with Sidney and Christy. We could argue its confincating but whatever). And maybe that's just my bi ass headcanoning and tired of bisexuality being erased constantly?
Ppl hc them as straight, bi/pan, ace or gay and honestly I'm fine with it as long as no one gets hateful. I just wanted to clarify why I personally don't consider them hetero in my writing. Not an attack on you or anything babe just claryfying my own headcanons! 🖤🖤🖤
I respect it if you don't ship them bc I don't ship them romantically either not bc I don't like it but bc I can't see them willing to be healthy and romantically together tbh. Fool around? For sure. But I sadly don't know if Matt's idea of them being a queer couple killing on the weekends and rescuing dogs is possible lolol
And trust me, just last year I never shipped poly anything especially with a self insert...Now? Ngl it hits different. @polyghostfacehours showed me the light lmfao
As for my writing; I greatly appreciate the compliment!! I'm sick of ppl painting Stu as an innocent meow meow too and Billy's lapdog. And I love fluffy writing but slowburns and angst is where it's at for me. Shit hits perfectly and I will probably never stop no matter how frustrating it is watching characters fumble and fuck it up ☠️🖤
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romancemedia · 2 years
You know what I hate about this episode (except the fact that it's more Z's second arc and not Dick's)? The fact that the team was willing to give Dick's car so easily without asking him first. Like, show him some respect!! One, the writters don't respect him by putting him in the backgroung in his arc, but now the team doesn't respect him either. I hope he'll reveal himself tonbe the true hero of this season. Also, I'm starting to get sick of Conner and this story. (Unpopular opinion).
Yeah the writers don't always do the greatest job giving the characters the spotlight or attention they deserve. You're not the first to complain and you won't be the last. I'm hopeful though Dick will get his chance to shine, but as he said throughout season 3, we just need to be patient until then. As for the Team, yeah that was pretty rude, but losing vehicles is a pretty standard when your a superhero. Pretty much comes with the job. 😏😅
As for Conner's storyline, I'm sorry your not enjoying it, but as a Superboy fan myself, I am loving the focus and attention he's gotten this past season and I pray the Team managed to save him and his mind.
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Rhodes is severly underratted
His character development and trauma is severly underplayed throughout the MCU and it bothers me. In iron man 2 he spends a good chuck of the third act having his suit completely controlled by whiplash. There’s gotta be some major trauma associated with losing complete autonomy and having someone else pilot you and try to kill not only your best friends, but also god knows how many innocent civilians. It only gets worse once we get to Civil War, where Rhodes had his suit’s power core destroyed mid-flight, making him plummet hundreds of feet to the ground in a heavy ass metal suit. Those few momments before he hit the ground must have been so incredibly terrifying, you can tell he really thought he was going to die. The accident paralyses him from the waist down and Tony spends time helping him with his reabilitation as he learns how to use his walking assits. This complication doesn’t seem to be long lasting (with Stark technology I guess paralysis is solvable with some robotic assists) and has not impacted any of the following films. Rhodes doesn’t even appear to have any trauma from this incident which I find hard to believe. Feeling so helpless and completely out of control of your own body is not something you can just walk away from. I found it very surprising that Rhodes would even get into a suit after that happened to him, I guess he’s just much stronger than I. Still tho i think exploring Rhode’s trauma throughout his military and avengers career would make for an interesting story and also give Rhodes the character development he deserves. Especially now that he’s watched his best friend, the man he has grown to respect and admire, give his life in service of the greater good. I want to know how Tony’s death effected James Rhodes! I want to know how being the only active ‘Iron Man’ (i know its War Machine but its the same Mark design innit?) is effecting him! I want more thorough character exploration from the MCU! I want the writters to explore Rhodes’ trauma at least at the level they did with Tony’s trauma in Iron Man 3. I want Don Cheadle to have some juicy scripts to work with cause I think he’s a pretty good actor and he deserves a leading role in the MCU! Put some respect on my boy Rhodes’ name!
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading my manic ranting that I decided was a better use of my time than working on my ten page bio paper that is due in two days lmaoooooo my point still stands
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What is the problem with Bori?
An impossible ship with a lot of potential.
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“The world needs to see who you really are... because you’re awesome.”
Before we start with the post, I want to apologize in advance if there are things that are not clear enough and aren’t written in the proper way. I’m a Spanish speaker looking to improve her English.
So... I recently saw Victorious again, and I wanted to write about this ship because at the time it was one of my biggest obsessions in the series and although today it is still my OTP, now I can better understand why this ship doesn’t it could be made canon.
I really think that Dan Schneider considered the possibility of making Tori couple of Beck, there was a lot of chemistry between them (in part I blame Avan and Vitoria for that) and little clues that made us consider that they were the typical ship that they would stay yes or yes together. This idea grew even more when Beck breaks up with Jade in the first chapters of season three and we see him so close to Tori. All of Bori Shippers went crazy in the episode of “Tori Goes Platinum” when they almost kissed and we were disappointed when this long awaited moment didn't happen.
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Personally, I consider that this ship had a lot of potential because it would be based on a solid friendship, both could evolve into a healthy couple that would give each other the necessary support to achieve their respective goals and, unlike Bade, they wouldn't fight every 5 minutes for silly things. I think it was pretty obvious in the series that Beck wanted to be with Tori as more than a friend and that he even like it much more that idea than her; Beck was always a defender of Tori, he supported her and took care of her, in the chapter of "Tori Goes Platinum" he was the one who realized that Tori was forced by Mason to act that way and later it is he who tries to kiss her again, but she walks away. In short, I really am convinced that Beck had a crush on her.
And I also consider that Tori had feelings for him but is never given the opportunity to explore those feelings because, simply ... Tori Vega is a good friend. Even though Jade is mean to her, Tori considers her a friend and it's a great action to swallow any feelings for a guy when this is a friend's ex-boyfriend.
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I have read many comments that treat Beck and Tori as the worst characters in the series for almost kissing on that occasion, which seems totally unfair; first of all we are talking about teenagers, Tori had spent too much time frustrated when she fulfilled Mason's requirements to sing at the Platinum Awards, she was being left alone and she couldn't tell anyone what was really going on. And then Beck realized on his own, she was relieved that someone knew it wasn't her who was behaving that way, and he was sweet to her at the time... They literally put both teenage characters in a scene where they were both incredibly comfortable with each other, where Tori felt a refuge in Beck and where he was first aware of the crush he felt for his friend.
If Tori's mom hadn't come in right then and they'd kissed, I'm sure Tori would have shown how sorry and guilty she would feel for doing that to Jade. And that would have made Beck feel the same way, we are talking about the most understanding character among the seven protagonists, Beck is always willing to listen and would never do something that would make someone else uncomfortable on purpose, he is the most patient character and proof of that it's how much he put up with Jade's toxic attitude during his relationship with her. He even showed how understanding he is when the second time he tries to kiss Tori, and she explains him the reason why that can't happen between them.
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And to all this ... the kiss is never given anyway. And many point to Beck as the bad guy for having tried to kiss her later, but I repeat ... we are talking about characters who are teenagers; any 16-17 year old boy who discovers that he has feelings for a friend who showed for a moment that she felt the same way as him, would be motivated to try again, would be curious to know what would feel to kiss her and that is one of the most adolescent attitudes that may exist. Beck and Tori are not the worst in the world for almost having kissed, they are teenagers with feelings for each other who don't get to explore because Jade is important to both of them.
And how am I so sure about that? Because if they both didn't care about what Jade felt seeing them together, then something would definitely have happened between them. Beck once points out that he loves Jade as his friend and that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her, and we know that Tori considers her a friend no matter how bad she may be to her. It is because of the affection that both feel towards her that this ship becomes impossible regardless of the incredible potential they have, regardless of the chemistry and mutual feelings –which are quite obvious–. And as the series progresses it is a forgotten matter, we can see Tori and Beck having the same union as always but slightly different, because they are friends and they are sure that they will never cross that line because they would never hurt Jade.
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I think the only way they could have become canon is if Jade would talk to Tori about what she saw and that she to accept that they were together, with her approval, they might have felt the freedom to explore those feelings and find out if they worked or not. But it wasn't like this and it wasn't close to being either, at the end writters really give us to understand that Jade and Beck are for each other (she scares boys less than Beck, and he likes girls who pose a challenge as Jade). When I was little I couldn't understand this, I couldn't tell that Beck and Tori's relationship was platonic and that it was a great example that the friendship between a boy and a girl is real without the need to become romantic.
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Currently I would have liked Bori to become canon? Definitely, they are still my OTP and although I’m now able to understand how the dynamics worked in this little love triangle, I wish Beck and Tori had explored the feelings that at some point they had for each other (because there were definitely feelings between them). But finally we are talking about a teenage comedy series produced by Nickelodeon, whose central themes don’t involve the love of a couple as such, but rather the love of friendship and the importance of it.
Thanks for reading this long post. What do you guys think of Bori?
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letusmeetagain · 4 years
Hi! One question. What do you mean when you say there is a plan? As far as I understand, the only plan Eren has is the rumbling. I don't think he has a greater goal than that.
Hi anon!
When I talked about a plan in the reblog, I meant it on a meta level. Isayama as writter made up a plan for his story to be solved.
I didn’t mean that Eren is the one making such a master plan. He was never a tactician nor a strategist. He always relies on other people and he acts like a tool for the plan to be carried out.
But since things are happening so conveniently... I could make a large list about how many things happened in the right moment and were convenient... how many characters were convenient in the end... Like for example.. everyone being obsessed with Historia’s safety...
I can’t help but to see a godlike hand moving things, and maybe, maybe, it’s the one thing I complain about Isayama. Things are way too controlled, manipulated. If he meant someone to embody a god moving things inside the ficcion I won’t mind it. I also need it. I need a strong will leading things to happen this way because fate it’s radom, not always convenient as this looks like to be.
The key for me came after he tried to portray complexity.
First, things were easy. We had people inside a wall, not knowing anything, with non-human enemies that were the perfect scapegoat to demonize and to blame for every tragedy... the perfect “others”. It was mainly easy to know which was the right side.
The first gridlocks during the clash of titans, the beast titan arc and the uprising were easy to handle for him as a writer and for us as readers. All was easy before complexity crashed into the plot.
And I mean the basement as the moment when everything stopped being easy.
Why were all shocked knowing that the world was more complicated than they thought it was? Because it’s the expectable response to complexity... and a systemic problem that was inherited and repeated through 2000 years (maybe more) non-stop.
That was the Marley arc. He tried to show us the otherside and dig our minds into complexity. We saw the scapegoats back then, now we see the “current” victimators and their victims. When it comes to conclusions we can make about this, it’s about how individuals aren’t important but their current roles related to their environments. (first point on why he doesn’t really develop characters too much as other writters but in their utilitarian sense... how this character can serve to the story, and not how this character builds the story.)
I still complain about Hanji’s non existent back story. The way Isayama just put Hanji as a convenient replacement to wait until Eren went on genocidal mode and Armin had to oppose him... Well. Convenience. Fate isn’t so whimsical... or shouldn’t be that all the time.
There must be a plan behind everything and either it’s Isayama himself not being able or not willing to cover himself or a mastermind behind some events.
All the way through he planted some seeds for us to make a guess now.
Factually speaking... I still can’t see Eren as this mastermind. That he chose this role or accepted it, yes. He felt the overwhelming power of the future and tricked himself into believing everything it’s okay or just accepted it because he is no god to surpass what it’s meant to happen... The answer there isn’t easy but I don’t feel like Eren owns the godlike power that makes him superior compared to other characters. The only difference is that he could see the complexity yet he couldn’t really act on that since he isn’t a person that can overcome his rage. That rage, being his own or inherited I don’t know, is a limitation for him and, overcoming it means to overcome a cognitive threshold for him that is also a collective one (how can we stop the hatred and trying to kill each other?). We see him struggle to understand the truth behind this all and yet he isn’t so sure about the outcome. He reached for his cognitive threshold and can’t see why he could overcome what he does and how he does it. To make this complex amount of information that exceeds him manageable and understand the truth, he holds on to idea of freedom, death and the unavoidable fate. He just keeps moving forward drunk on a dream of freedom. It doesn’t mean he is right. More likely the opposite. He forgot a lot of factors in the meantime like love, hope and respect for others.
While his ignorance is convenient... something else, greater than him, may be happening. I don’t forget about the possibility of multiple Erens, being one future Eren wiser than the current one to be a mastermind because... Paths-magic-possible. Who sent him those convenient memories that show him exactly what is needed for him to reinforce his way to the rumbling?
Something greater is the real solution/outcome. And here goes a point to Isayama: complexity can’t be solved with one mitigation like the rumbling. The 50 years plan was a bunch of tactical mitigations that pretended to maintain the island safe while enssuring a possible way to respond to war in the future (with violence of course) and while trying to start diplomatic relations. But was there a real solution for hatred there? Where was the strategic plan to approach hatred, the real source of all problems? And risking to get complexity even more complex with new weapons and burden more generations to a destiny of war? There’s the need of a quick answer and the reason why everyone, included Eren, failed.
Eren’s speech about extermination is a mitigation for a short-term solution too. He sells it as the final solution but... it isn’t. It can’t be*. What’s really intended through the rumbling along with a lot of mitigations and sacrifices like Historia’s pregnancy and the alliance being free to stop him is a long-term permanent solution? By this plan we ser how every single piece starts to work like in an engine... this seem to be a (convenient) parallel incrementalism, where a bunch of loose or planned factors work together for a solution. This already happened in the uprising, when Erwin gambled the future of humanity inside the walls. That time every one was free to choose and they chose to be the ones deciding their future and not a god-like creature who doesn’t really care about them. They decided to live.
But this time: Who could make such a plan? a god-like creature, a puppet master, collaborative collective will or just Isayama. Personally I don’t like this last possibility nor fate being the last explanation because this time seems to be forced compared to the Uprising... but it’s because of the big burden that was to deal with this complexity he built up.
I’m very sorry for the long answer... but thank you for giving me this impulse to write about this point.
* I can tell you for sure that a genocide that can’t exterminate everyone without a trace is meant to fail. Even letting one hundred of survivors means to expect war in the future. Look at what happened inside the walls with the Ackermans... they helped to destroy King Fritz’s utopian paradise. The real solution is what Isayama calls “miracles”. And we can’t expect Eren to know about it if he can’t get why Mikasa cares about him and why he felt like he had to save Ramzy.
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flower-zombie-rob · 3 years
As someone here already pointed out(@dramaticalcorgi and @soopticboop i think), i do think the era of the jse egos has come to an end. Its been ages since we've seen a thing and i think tonight being halloween and there being nothing related to them is the nail in the coffin of the septic egos saga. Sean doesnt want to do anything further with them and we should respect that, good on him for not feeling pressured to produce any low quality, low effort, passionless ego content just to please for an audience that want it. Its good that he feels confident to take his channel in a direction he actually wants it to go.
But it is sad. And its going to be a sad moment for so many creators of the community. So to all the artists and animators spending so much time and love on these characters. All of the editors and fic writters that put their life and soul into edits and stories with these characters. To the theorists and the ego-complilation creators that spent and still spend endless hours pulling together clues for the narrative that would have been. And lastly, everyone else who makes memes, posts, stories, art, roleplays, jokes, forums, stickers, AU's and OCs, group chats, blogs, essays, and anything else to do with these egos, thank you. Thank you for keeping them alive and i hope, even without the characters receiving any content and i hope you continue to thrive in the beautiful way the egos community does even with a future of nothing new coming. Thank you, and goodbye to the jse egos. They had a good run.
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harringroveheart · 3 years
Im bad at commenting but Im rereading maybe there is a beast (for like the 5th time) and listen, it was one of the 1st harrigrove fics i ever read and like 200 fics later you remain in my opinion one of THE best writters in the fandom and your take on billy feels so real and canon it hurts. Like i personally am pretty meh about steve, like billy is my fav out of the 2 and I always wish there was more fic from billy POV (but I get that hes complex and can be hard to write) so that fact that youve done SUCH an amazing job with him is so impressive. It remains top 10 harrigrove fics ever for me
That’s so amazing that it was one of the first fics in harringrove you read because I still remember the handful of fics I first read that made me want to write for this fandom <3
I actually have all the respect for people who (can) write Steve because he is a sad sad enigma of a character to me and much harder to write imo.
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