#and my googles docs and every physical journal I've had has been read
ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Day 10 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
I feel really good about today. I got a lot done despite trying to nap three times (I wasn't able to actually get any sleep), and the only reason I kept trying to nap was because I've been up since 3am. It's easy to get a lot done when you've been up forever.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
took a walk around campus outside
logged most of everything I ate into my food tracking app
cooked a healthy breakfast + ate a serving of fruit (red grapes)
🧠 Mental Health
morning guided journal
night time guided journal
retail therapy <3 (bought some makeup on the ulta app)
❤️ Emotional Health
read 2 sections of 101 Essays to Change the Way You Think
answered the journal prompt "what is one of my limiting self beliefs?"(realized I'm the reason I don't have many friends, need to change that)
📚 Intellectual Health
finished chapter 13 notes for psyc
completed all of chapter 14 notes for psyc
selected my articles for my reflection paper for my health and sport class + formatted Google docs for each article reflection writing
(This all took me 2.5 hours from 4am to 630am, the perks of accidentally waking up early as heck)
🏘 Adulting
organized my desk drawer
reached out + invited my older brother to come see me since he was in town (he'll be here soon!)
had a phone call with my dad
🥰 Self Love/Care
morning skincare
night skincare (just moisturizer, I was tired)
took a warm shower + brushed my teeth (as gross as it sounds that I don't do it every day, depression sucks and I'm proud of myself for even one win )
made my bed (trying to make it a habit)
let in morning sunlight until it began to get dim outside (keeps electricity costs down and boosts my mood when I'm in my room)
I am very proud of myself for today despite my lack of motivation these last few days. Hopefully, this carries over to tomorrow, and I can be productive at least a little bit before i have to go to work. There's still time in the day, but I'm satisfied with today, which is why I'm posting this a bit early in the evening. Thank you and much love to everyone who has been commenting encouraging and supportive things it makes it easier to be open and honest about my struggles, mental health, and overall well-being.
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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craftypentacle · 2 years
Hello, tumblr.
So we meet again...
I believe this is my seventh tumblr account, most of which were created before the age of 16. Not this one. This is my brand new account with my fairly brand new email.
I've been wanting a way to document my life for myself that's not just me journaling on my google docs. I guess I'm more likely to turn to an app to rant than to pull out my laptop and open my journal google doc.
So yes, I am here for me, but I am hoping that maybe I can make some friends along the way. I had started a tumblr attached to the same email as some of my old ones, but it didn't feel right. Whenever I opened my dashboard, I was bombarded with things that represented my teenage self. I wasn't that person anymore. I am not that person anymore... and yet I am...
I am also hoping that this can be an outlet that I use to try and make sense of the world, spark conversation, or help someone else figure out their place or beliefs. I like to think I'm spiritual because I care about being a good person and I do it in a way that acknowledges that there is more to me than this physical body.
I want to use this as a reflection of myself. I want to look into her and see them stare back.
Although sitting here, I think about all the ways that that could end up not happening. I can see myself perhaps being in the wrong in a situation and not acknowledging it. I don't know for what, because normally when I'm in the wrong I don't realize it until days later and so I don't have many examples of times when I do know I'm in the wrong in the moment.
But if I lie in any blog post, anyone who stumbles across it would not know. This is one way I could hold myself accountable.
Having tangible evidence of my current self, which will later become cringey as all hell.
I don't think I am making any sense any more. I'm a little stoned- probably a lotta stoned- and letting myself just think theoretical thoughts. That can be fun, but if I am not writing out every single thought connection, then I will not be making sense.
And if you've made it this far, I guess you get to read a little bit about me :)
You can call me Taro
I am 21, almost 22.
Sun sign: Virgo
Moon sign: Libra
Rising sign: Leo
I don't think I have a favorite color... that's a lie, it's blue. As soon as I started typing anything else, it was just wrong. And no one would've known but me.
I hate lying. The fact that I'm bringing up lying so much is so questionable - I didn't mention that this is likely a chance to psychoanalyze myself, did I?
I am a proud stoner - I think I smoked weed before I drank. Still was only 20 when I started smoking but still lmao
I am currently a student working on my first year certification for my major, although this is the third college I've been to since graduating high school.
I am spiritual in the sense that I am working on being a good person (1. I just wanna be... yk, bc it's a good thing to be and 2. my major requires strong ethics and morals in the field and I don't want to worry that I am making the wrong decision as far as being equal or equitable - depending on the scenario) and I am doing so by acknowledging that there is more to me than just my physical body.
I have been studying tarot on and off for two years now, although my primary use of it has been for self reflection and growth. Only recently have I started trying to read for friends.
In my free time, I like to walk for an hour at the gym. My favorite form of exercise is pole dancing.
I live with my legal guardian since I was 3, I am working towards government assistance to leave with a place to go.
My favorite game is minecraft. Second favorite is snake.
anyway, yeah...uhhh that's some of me :)
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xanadamn · 3 years
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My dad told me I have a kind face the other day and it stuck with me I guess
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