#and then wait impatiently for whatever zelda we get next
andrea-lyn · 2 months
it took me an unspeakable amount of time to find the final 0.05%, but guess who just hit that 100% on tears of the kingdom!
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totkdaily · 4 months
Day 5: Hyrule Kingdom, and Riverside Stable
It's morning before I reach the goddess statue again, but the result is as I thought. An aspect of my vitality is healed. I need to find more of these shrines so I can recover my strength and find Zelda. 
Everything Rauru says confuses me more. I'm as Zelda said? He's glad we finally met? Did Zelda know him as a ghost or while he lived? Where did she go when she vanished into the light? Where did I go while I was unconscious? 
How much time have I lost? How long have I left her alone again? I see light, her light, above the altar, and race towards it. Please let it be her. Please let me put this right. 
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But it's the sword that sparks in return. I hold it to the light - and, just like that, it's gone. No Princess. No sword. What kind of a Knight am I? I feel so lost. But I can’t help but feel her hand in this, somehow. I must trust her.
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A roar in the sky, and I see an unfamiliar dragon - or perhaps the dragon I saw before? This isn't Naydra - do the sky islands bring their own dragon as well?
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It roars again, and the clouds part, Hyrule revealed below. I hear her - the Princess! 
"You must find me." 
I'm coming, Princess. I'm so sorry to make you wait again.
It seems the only thing to do, again, is jump.
This is certainly Hyrule Kingdom. I land among familiar fields. I know where I am. But when? The land is peppered with debris, similar in architecture to the sky island I descended.
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Almost immediately I am beset by bokoblins - I settle into the familiar routine of combat. But even they seem strange, with headdresses or horns or... something. I'm so impatient for answers. I steal the bokoblin's horse.
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It's only then I have breathing room to look for landmarks. Death Mountain is erupting, as I thought I’d seen. There's a strange circular structure perched on the hills that shelter Kakariko Village.. A dark area oozes Gloom on the ground not far from here. 
I forget it all when I see Hyrule Castle.
Suspended in the air. Gloom seeping darkly from beneath it. I think back to the tendrils of that creature we found beneath the Castle. Could it be the same? Am I back to the same moment? Or has Zelda been waiting another hundred years for me? 
No. I can't think of it. Pull it together. One thing at a time. Get the lay of the land. Start with that dark patch close to here. Find a Stable, find people. Maybe make friends with this horse. If the castle needs me now, I'm already too late. I need to understand before I rush blindly in.
The oozing patch is next to a Zonai shrine, so I know they’re present on Hyrule as well - though not how, or why. And there's a tent. People! Well, one person. But it's a start. Their name is Bahni. A sight for sore eyes. They warn me that the Gloom takes your strength - that's just what that creature did beneath the Castle. Somehow, I’m right. It must be all connected.
My new horse doesn't seem too keen to get too close to the edge of the chasm - and I can't blame her. Another researcher - Daval - says they're with the Zonai Survey Team. He says these chasms turned up after the Upheaval - whatever that means. He points me to a tower that functions as the researchers’ base. I worry about how close it is to the Castle. I’d prefer to head to a Stable before I approach - though the nearest one I know of is hardly close. 
I ride west-ish, and am quite pleased to be able to navigate myself to Riverside Stable without a map by evening.
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There are floating islands filling the sky, and plenty of ruins on the ground as well. Though the shrine near the Stable is Zonai, the Stable itself is familiar. Things can't have changed too much. I name the bokoblin's horse Peaches.
Beedle is here, so I can’t have been gone too long - though I've always suspected Beedle was a collective rather than an individual. Maybe I should head to that tower in the morning after all. A base of operations for researchers sounds like a place that would have some answers.
A guy at the stables called Brusso tells me what he reads in the newspaper. Apparently Rito Village is dealing with cold weather. With islands in the sky and Hyrule Castle floating on Gloom, I’m not sure how that’s the front page news - unless I’ve been gone so long that it really is old news. The newspaper's headquarters are at Rito Stable. Perhaps I should check in on Teba and his family sometime soon.
There's man here called Tye who left his wife Sorelia at Lakeside Stable to seek the legendary sword. I didn't tell him it's no longer in the Korok Forest. People never listen. I wonder if his wife is as lost without him as he thinks.
Even with the rupees Beedle gives me for some of the gems I found on the floating island, after I buy all his arrows I can’t afford to stay in a stable bed. I hunker down by the cooking fire outside.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 272: (Directed by Michael Bay)
Previously on BnHA: The My Child Soldiers Academia arc finally started to live up to its name as Tokoyami became the first (but I assure you not the last) victim of traumatic mental scarring courtesy of Horikoshi’s sick games! So he and Dark Shadow showed up to stop Dabi from murdering Hawks and were all “please don’t kill our mentor.” Dabi was all “AH BUT YOUR MENTOR KILLED SOMEONE ELSE, AND ISN’T THAT JUST LIKE THE HEROES THOUGH, THEIR HANDS ARE SO STAINED WITH BLOOD” and then he tried to set both of them on fire several times in succession. Hawks was all “Tokoyami just run away while he’s in the middle of his five-hour sermon” and so they tried but Dabi followed them! But then Geten was all “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE... CHILL” and fucking froze everything for no discernible reason, and Tokoyami fled the building with an unconscious Hawks in tow as the battle raged on. The chapter then ended with Gigantomachia being all “I smell my master!” and standing up, hahaha oh fuck.
Today on BnHA: Well you guys are not going to believe this, but it turns out that Tomura waking up is actually a very bad thing. A “worst case scenario” if you will! Because, get this, he has a quirk that can destroy anything, which spreads from whatever he touches to fucking everything and everywhere else. Gosh, if only we’d known about this since like 35 chapters ago. If only we’d had a spy among the villains who could have warned us, and three entire months to plan our attack, and literally every single hero in Japan on call to help us when the time came. Anyway so you’re really going to be shocked by this I’m telling you, but it turns out that when a crazy powerful person who wants to destroy everything finally wakes up, he immediately starts destroying everything with his crazy power. So X-Less dies and Crust dies and everyone else runs, and meanwhile the kids, who are on the outskirts of the city finishing up the evacuation, stand there in shock as the plot rampages toward them ready to swallow them whole. The chapter ends with Deku powering up to FORTY-FIVE PERCENT YEAHHHHH, and oh shit. Finally we’re doing this.
I am not even remotely done with all the shit I’m supposed to be finishing up, but fuck it, I need a break and reading the new chapter is by far the funnest thing on my current to-do list, so!
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-- ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohm --
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[puts on glasses and unfolds map while poring through a mess of scribbles on post-it notes] -- hold up, if my calculations are correct, I’m pretty sure “somewhere a bit further from the hospital” is, in fact, where a certain THREE TROUBLE-PRONE DISASTERS ARE CURRENTLY HOLED UP. AHHH
can it really be true. are we finally rejoining our protagonist and his buddy cop friends after 97 years. how will everyone react to Deku reacting to Tomura waking up ahhhh
so Burnin’ is yelling at the civilians to let them know if they have any family or friends who need assistance evacuating
god I hate the fact that this is a fucking understatement
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they’re not taking any chances after Kamino and Fukuoka huh. fool them once, shame on you. fool them twice, oh shit. but there will not be a third time! no one fucking destroys three cities in the span of six months on their watch, no sirree
(ETA: ...)
lol the kids are trying to get the elderly citizens on a bus to evacuate, but a lady is trying to give them candy and Kacchan and Ochako are of two different minds on whether or not to accept
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Kacchan is absolutely right about Ochako’s motivations, but in her defense, who the fuck turns down free chocolate
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(ETA: I sure hope these poor bastards had good insurance.)
also. this man here who looks like Beaker from the Muppets, who presumably has the power of Doing Anything Those Wacky Flailing Inflatable Tube Men That You See Outside Of Car Dealerships Can Do. ...yes. that’s it. that’s an intentionally incomplete sentence with a subject but no predicate. I just feel like we should all sit and stare at him for a good thirty more seconds before continuing on with our lives
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is... this... a space shuttle man
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is this literally just a man with a Boeing for a head. FUCKING QUIRKS THOUGH!!!!! ~*~wild~*~
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so now he’s slightly hunching forward with his hands pressed together and Todoroki is immediately sensing that something is wrong ahhhhh
(ETA from like 5 days later: I had that as “Tokoyami” instead of “Todoroki” for the better part of a solid week you guys. SHOUTO YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG I FORGOT YOUR FUCKING NAME whoop.)
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here come dat angst. here comes Horikoshi’s hand beckoning the trio closer and welcoming them to the pain parade ahhh. from now on that’s how I’m ending all my sentences btw. it just seems right. ahhh
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ladies and gentlemen, YOU WERE SAYING DEKU DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LATELY? HE’S NOT INTERESTING ENOUGH AS A PROTAGONIST, IS HE? well maybe that’s because Horikoshi has been saving this one juiciest of plot nuggets for a rainy day precisely like this! BRING ON THAT CHOSEN ONE ANGST AHHHHH
anyway so yes it is indeed OFA speaking to him in the form of Lil Bro a.k.a. the first user
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lol I’m trying to think of commentary but it’s difficult seeing as I’M ALREADY SCROLLING DOWN TO IMPATIENTLY READ THE NEXT PAGE
lmao the fuck
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it absolutely boggles my mind that this guy is somehow still alive. ??! how many chapters and panels has it been now. he’s like the goat in the t-rex pen in fucking Jurassic Park. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET EATEN ALREADY
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do you... want a blanket. ...?
(ETA: do you ever just. wake up and you’re like “ah shit it’s cold”, and then you destroy an entire city. mm.)
do you all suppose X-Less is fully aware that he’s about to die though? he hasn’t even moved. I imagine that sitting next to Tomura actually is much like sitting next to a giant t-rex. like he has to know there is no getting out of this alive. poor guy
damn Mic isn’t even looking back he’s just running back into the main room where all the rest of them are
wow this fight is still going on
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I don’t know why, I just expected it to all magically be over all of a sudden now that we have bigger things to worry about. do you guys remember when we were all worried about the High End Noumus being the biggest threat. hahahahaha
(ETA: moment of silence for ALL OF THE FUCKING HIGH ENDS lmao. that did not go how I expected that plotline to go AT ALL, but at least we got the best fucking battle in the entire manga out of it.)
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goddammit. my reaction to this should have been much more “!!!” and “OH SHIT”, but he dragged it out so much that my initial reaction was one more of relief than horror. maybe it’s because of the way I read the chapters, constantly pausing to do commentary as I go along, but whenever a chapter has a ton of panels of people just staring into the distance awash with dread, it really stands out to me lol. there’s only so much I can write about that kind of thing. ah well at least we’re finally getting to the action
I genuinely can’t tell if Ujiko is frightened that he’s about to be disintegrated by Tomura’s quirk, or excited that Tomura is awake
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maybe both lol. well don’t worry you’re not gonna die that easily, much as you would not catch me complaining if you did
thanks Gran
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lol where was all this speed throughout the rest of this arc though. “we’re only competent when the plot necessitates it” huh. is that right
oh shit it’s destroying the rest of the lab
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those are all of Ujiko’s collected quirks, right? someone please tell me if this is a good or a bad thing. on the one hand if they’re all destroyed it means Tomura can’t get them and Ujiko can’t make any more Noumus. but on the other hand this means they won’t ever be able to give them back to the original users (if any of them are even still alive). and also that’s a lot of evidence that’s being wiped out as well
oh shit they didn’t know about this?!
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even after Deika City, you didn’t put two and two together?? even with all of Hawk’s intel?? what the hell did you think happened there?
well this explains why everyone was so la-dee-da-no-rush about capturing him though. well that’s on you guys. next time maybe don’t waste 20 minutes uselessly battling redshirt Noumus while Mirko has to do everything herself
anyway so I feel like people other than X-Less are almost certainly going to die here, and fuck. I’m not ready for any of this
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I want to see it crumble so bad. now this is the kind of foreboding cinematic disaster movie bullshit I can get into
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...okay so I see Ryuukyuu in the top right, and I think that’s RockLockRock on her back. Thirteen is clearly there in the bottom center, but I don’t know who that is next to them. and then of course Gran and Mic on the left. and a bunch of others spread out in various other places, but... where the hell is Aizawa??
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oh my god I gasped in real life. stop making me fear for the lives of main characters!!
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he. he --. crust. he. ...
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I literally stopped reading and had to stop and cover my mouth with both of my hands I’m
silence. no screaming. no flailing. no freaking out. just silence
shit. rest in peace you old sedimentary bastard. respect to you for saving the father of my children in your last fleeting moments. I still have not the slightest idea how you rose through the ranks to somehow become the sixth fucking highest rated hero (HERO BILLBOARD CHART, IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT. ARE YOU FEELING OKAY), but you sure did go out with style though
also this may be tacky of me to point out during such an emotionally charged moment, but one second Aizawa is wearing his goggles like normal, and the next they’re suddenly pushed up onto his forehead so we can see the anguish in his bloodshot eyes. there was no reason to do that other than angst and we all know it. so yes Shouta you dramatic bitch, I am calling you out. why Horikoshi felt he had to add to your many accumulated traumas is beyond me. you don’t deserve this and I am so, so sorry
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seeing as we just went over this with Gran, I will take the high road here and won’t ask why you’re only this fast now and couldn’t have been this useful this ages ago back before Tomura woke up. oh wait does sarcastically saying I won’t bring it up count as bringing it up. well whatever. middle road, then
sob I’m getting flashbacks to the end of Return of the Jedi when they’re all frantically flying out of the Death Star as it explodes
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friendly reminder that Ryuukyuu, clearly the fastest one here despite carrying like 20 people, was number 10 in the rankings for some unknown reason. again, r.i.p. Crust you well-meaning geriatric soul
also just a stray thought, I hope it’s clear now why it was so important to give Deku those additional quirks. at a minimum he needs Blackwhip and Float just so he doesn’t instantly die the moment he’s in Tomura’s general vicinity. sob I’ve joked so much about flying quirks and here they are becoming fucking prerequisites now
anyway so Ujiko is mourning the loss of his lab, which again, good riddance mostly. but r.i.p. that evidence though
(ETA: nah the “total loss” part is referring to how the heroes fucked up so soundly and thoroughly. anyway no one would blame Mic if he accidentally dropped Ujiko in the midst of all this chaos, I’m just saying. I guess they need any intel he could still provide now more than ever though.)
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oh my god oh my god it’s still spreading??!
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fuck fuck fuck at this rate it’ll reach the kids
(ETA: that happened really fast actually.)
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I can’t tell if her earthbending was able to stop it or not?? god help us all if it didn’t, I’m not even sure what else could stop it at this point
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they really did. only to fuck it up completely at the finish line. well, the man most singularly responsible for it is dead now, again r.i.p. Crust you useless old legend
lmao despite myself
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“by a miracle, or maybe through sheer will” even he acknowledges that Tomura waking up was basically complete bullshit. yes blah blah yadda yadda got zapped by some exposed wires explanation science. because we all know that getting electrocuted will fix you right up when your heart has stopped and you have completely flatlined. you can definitely trust Horikoshi on this and there’s absolutely no need to google how defibrillators actually work
also is he somehow wearing a cape now. again by a miracle or maybe through sheer will
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(ETA: one has to wonder what Ujiko’s plan was, assuming this scheme had actually played out. were they just banking on Tomura not waking up cranky and disoriented and wanting to test out his power. his quirk doesn’t exactly distinguish friend from foe here I’m just saying.)
the part of me that goes all “ooh ahh” when all the buildings explode in Independence Day is singing inside. but never fear, the rest of me is appropriately horrified though. what was that Burnin’ was saying about the city becoming a large-scale battle zone? sob
also this page sure serves as a nice refresher for exactly why Tomura Waking Up Was Bad, which was inexplicably a topic of some debate in recent weeks. yes in spite of everything the villains are still the bad guys who’d have thought. almost as if the purpose of humanizing a character is to show that they’re human, not that they’re right
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finally finally finally!!!!!!
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and there is no one coming to save them this time. no one to arrive at the last second and say “it’s all right now because I am here.” they have to save themselves. they have to save everyone. the training wheels are finally coming off. the safety net has been removed. after 272 chapters, the story has finally reached a point where these kids, these children, who in spite of all they’ve been through have been protected and shielded from the worst of it up till now, will finally have to be the ones to save the day all on their own
and they are not ready. but also maybe they kind of are??! but they definitely are not. and oh god oh god oh god, FINALLY WE’RE REALLY DOING THIS. TIME TO FIX THE MESS THOSE SILLY GROWN-UPS MADE, CHILDREN. YOU GOT THIS
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queenof-literature · 4 years
Hey! Before anything I have to admit I found your stories and I LOVED them! And I just found out you were the author to those fantastic stories! I would love to read, from your perspective, how did our heroes met Wild! Or even better how all of them met! I’m sorry if this is a bother
Thank you that’s so kind! Not a bother at all! Sorry again about it taking some more time. I hope you enjoy!
Two months. It had been two months since a strange man introduced himself as Link and asked him to join him on an interdimensional quest. Because of course he did. The first few days it was just Link and him, and he realized he was the man that guided him on his quest to defeat Ganon, and therefore knew his secret. Link had jokingly taken to calling him ‘Pup’ so he growled and responded by calling him ‘Old  Man’. They stuck with those nicknames for a few days, until they were transported to another Hyrule. There they met the gentle Hero of Sky, as he introduced himself.
Twilight didn’t mention the way Time eyed the Master Sword. This new Link had called them the Hero of Time and The Hero of Twilight. Apparently the sword told him. At first, the newly deemed Hero of Twilight had no idea what he was talking about, then Sky had told them who had forged the Master Sword. Sky himself. And he had joined without a second thought, although he did seem sad when he mentioned leaving his Zelda. And now they were an official group of three, with official nicknames. The very night they found Sky, they were taken to another new Hyrule. Hylia wasn’t wasting any time, it seemed. 
Finding the next heroes was much easier. Apparently Time had had a hell of a time finding Twilight. Sky’s Master Sword seemed to whisper to him when they got too far off track, leading them through deadlands and tall trees. There they found the Hero of Hyrule. He was sweet and shy, not quite knowing what to do with his hands when he talked to them. It was obvious his Hyrule had suffered and he had grown up in the scars Ganon had left on the land. He joined, although he looked at all of them wearily. 
The next had been the Hero of Legend. Twilight thought he was an asshole. He was snarky and blunt and rude. Twilight had a hard time keeping his cool around him. Time had taken him aside and told him the Hero of Legend had been on more quests than all of them, and had most likely seen many horrible things. That made Twilight more forgiving. He still didn’t like him. 
Once again they were thrown into a different Hyrule. This time the Master Sword led them to a small blacksmith shop. There they met the smallest teenager they had ever seen. The Hero of Four Swords. They had no idea why the sword called him that, but they didn’t know the meaning behind each other's names at all really. Sky lived in the Sky, Legend had been on many quests, Hyrule saved Hyrule? Maybe Time saved a giant clock or something. 
An hour later they were in a new Hyrule. Hylia seemed to be getting more and more impatient. This time they found the Hero of Warriors, or as Legend called him, Pretty Boy. Twilight could see why. He seemed extremely popular with women in his Hyrule and he knew it. But he had a quiet power to him as well. Eyes that said he has seen war and triumphed. That explained the name. Hylia let them rest for a day this time, before tossing them somewhere else. How many Links were there going to be? Twilight didn’t know how much he could handle. 
They landed on a beach. More specifically an island, with a vast ocean that hit their noses with a salty smell. There they found the Hero of Wind. An enthusiastic and happy 14 year old boy. It sent a small stutter through his heart when he realized how young Wind was, but he seemed happy enough. Hopefully his adventure hadn’t scarred the boy too much. Warriors and Wind had gotten on like a wildfire, almost instantly gaining a bond that Twilight wouldn’t admit he was jealous of. Wind barley got to say goodbye to his family before they were thrown to another Hyrule. But this time, the sword didn’t speak. Finally they could focus on the mission Hylia was going to give them. They were a band of eight Links. 
It had taken two weeks to assemble all of the Links completely, and it had been six weeks since then. Over the few weeks they had managed to form some team dynamics. Time was the unanimous unofficial leader that no one really questioned, and that was fine with everybody. Twilight and Warriors would both try to assist him in leading when they split up or when Time was busy, which caused the two to butt heads on more than one occasion. No matter how annoying Warriors and the other boys got though, he still felt a strong kinship with them. Legend had taken a subtle shine to Hyrule, and Sky and Four had gotten close as well. Twilight shouldn’t be jealous, after all he has Time. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, something was missing. He never mentioned anything, he didn’t know if the others felt the empty hole in their dynamic, and there was no way he would be the first to mention it. Twilight knew Time was aware something was going on, but what was he supposed to say? Twilight himself didn’t understand what was wrong. 
It’s not that Twilight thought he didn’t belong, the others had included him in conversations and he has befriended all of them to an extent. There was just a missing piece that he couldn’t explain. 
“Pup. I’ve been trying to get your attention.” Time stated, not unkindly, causing Twilight to shake himself out of his thoughts. 
“Sorry, Time. I was just distracted. What’s up?” Time gave him an incredulous look, and Twilight noticed all of the other Links were looking at him as well. It was then Twilight saw a dark swirling mass ahead. Oh, a portal. When did that get there?
“Seriously Goat Boy? You missed an entire portal? You really must be out of it.” Warriors teased, but Twilight could see a hint of concern in his eyes. 
“Yeah.” Twilight scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know what’s going on. I’m just having trouble focusing today.”
“We’ll go through the portal and see what’s what.” Time thankfully changed the subject, though Twilight knew they were going to talk about this later. 
The group gave affirmative nods and began cautiously wandering into the portal two at a time. Six weeks together had given them plenty of time to practice ehat worked best when facing a new world. Going two people at a time allowed them to better defend against immediate threats if they were right past the portal. 
Twilight held his breath as he and Time went through the portal first, he always did. The portals all reeked of strange magic Twilight couldn’t place, yet still somehow reminded him of Midna. A lot of magic did... 
What greeted him on the other side of the portal was slightly surprising. When he emerged, Twilight was immediately met with trees full of beautiful leaves, each a different shade of red, orange and yellow. Looking up, he saw they were directly under a natural arch beginning a canyon behind them. Looking behind them, he could see a brightly glowing blue structure on top of a tall rock formation that seemed to be a tower. What in Hylia’s name was that? 
As the others emerged behind them, they were also slightly taken aback by the colors of this world, especially Hyrule. Twilight didn’t know much about his Hyrule, but he knew since he first visited that something bad had happened. Each of their Hyrules were beautiful in different ways, and this one was certainly no exception. 
“Is this anyone’s Hyrule? Or are we in another strange one?” Time questioned, only receiving negative responses. “Guess we’ll have to find the threat in this one too.” Time ordered, but his voice was slightly wary. None of them had seen their Hyrules in awhile, and it was starting to wear on them a little. Twilight knew why it did with Time, he had a wife waiting for him. Wind had his family. And some of the others just missed knowing where to go and places of comfort. 
They were all interrupted from their thoughts with a massive roar that echoed through the small canyon. Snapping their heads in the direction of the sound, they were met with a terrifying beast in the distance. He heard Legend shout something about a ‘Lynel’. It had the body of the horse, a huge face with beady eyes and two horns, and a long, proud mane. Before any of them could react, or ask Legend for advice on how to handle the creature, they heard the sound of an arrow being nocked, and a beam of light being launched at them.
“Move!” Time shouted, causing the boys to roll to the side just as multiple flames burst up right where they were standing, the portal disappearing now that they were all out. 
“Run! We don’t have the supplies to take it on!” Legend yelled. The rest of the boys listened instantly, since Legend seemed experienced on the matter. 
“They stop chasing eventually!” Hyrule yelled. Ah, seems he had them too. 
They ran in the direction of the glowing blue structure, feet beating on the ground and hearts thumping with adrenaline. They heard the Lynel scream again, but this time it seemed out of pain. Looking back slightly, Twilight could barely see a yellow field around the Lynel that was… shocking it? Twilight stopped and turned around, the Lynel wasn’t focused on them anymore, it was looking around trying to find something, probably whatever had hurt it. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Legend yelled as he stopped too, about to drag Twilight away. Twilight simply pointed at the Lynel. Right as the others looked at the beast, an arrow pierced its eye from the trees. Whoever was helping them was apparently a skilled archer. 
“Do we help? What if they get hurt?” Sky asked, looking on with worry. Before anyone could answer, a lean figure launched out of the trees with a gust of wind out of nowhere, using an odd cloth to glide down. In a blink of an eye, the figure shot one arrow, then two, then three into the Lynel’s shoulders and legs. The Lynel roared in pain and shot a flaming arrow right at the figure. 
“Look out!” Cried Wind. The stranger simply dissipated the cloth in a ripple of blue before landing directly onto the Lynels back. 
The group looked on in awe and horror as their savior summoned a weapon twice the size of him from the odd slate on his hip, and began cutting into the back of Lynel, avoiding being bucked off. The Lynel charged forward and the stranger gracefully flipped off its back and summoned a small colorful shield encrusted with bright jewels.  The group could now see him a little more clearly. He was relatively small and covered in a large cloak, hood drawn. His tunic was sky blue, a bit lighter than Wind’s shirt, and he wore simple brown pants and boots. His posture was powerful and elegant. None of them knew this man, but they could see he was in his element. This was a battle fought many times. At the moment he was just standing in a loose defensive stance. 
“What is he doing?” Sky whispered fearfully. He wanted to thank the man properly, but he didn’t want to jump in the fight and get in his way when he had no knowledge of the creature's weak spots. The rest of the heroes all looked on nervously as the Lynel raised slightly on its hind legs… a threw a ball of fire from its mouth?
“Holy shit!” Twilight yelled as he ran forward trying to get there in time. There was no way he would make it in time, but the stranger was just standing there! Did he give into fear and freeze? Before Twilight could make it even 10 steps, he froze in astonishment as the man parried the fireball at the exact moment of impact, launching it back into the face of Lynel, who screeched in rage and anguish. Whoever this man was, was absolutely terrifying. Wreaking elegant havoc on the battlefield without batting an eye. 
“Twilight!” Sky whisper-shouted, gesturing madly to the now unwrapped sword on his back. Twilight recognized the faint glow and looked on in shock.
“He could just be vital to our quest. We haven't met another Link for six weeks, I doubt we’ll meet one now. Wrap the sword back up though. We don’t want him freaking out if he has a connection to it and he sees you holding it.” Warriors told Sky, who nodded and wrapped the sword back in its cloth. They had found it was better to explain first, then show the sword. 
The stranger ran forward again, sending arrows forward ahead of him that exploded on impact, fire rushing all around him and the beast. The beast charged forward and swung its massive sword, which the man dodged at the last moment, sending an impossibly swift attack to the Lynel’s legs. The Lynel was only just beginning to weaken, and Twilight can’t help but imagine how it would have gone if this stranger hadn’t shown up. Once again the Lynel spit fire from its mouth. The man’s stance grew sturdier and he readied himself for another parry. Only this time, the shield shattered on impact, still launching back the blast to the Lynel, but burning the strangers arm in the process, pieces of metal sticking in his lower arm. The group shouted in worry, but the man didn’t even hesitate, pulling another shield from his odd device, and launching himself at the Lynel again. He shot a final arrow into the Lynel’s other eye, and swept himself onto it’s back to deliver the final blow. The Lynel disappeared with a final roar, and the stranger began casually collecting parts left behind. It took the group a couple of moments to process what in Hylia just happened.
An insane hooded stranger just rushed into danger, jumped on a Lynel, rode it while hitting it, burned all the area around them, and defeated the beast single handed. And destroyed his arm! Oh wait. He destroyed his arm!
“That was amazing but are you okay!” Sky yelled rushing forward. The stranger whipped around as Sky ran towards him, the rest of the group following him. The man whipped out a sword, and pointed it in front of him, causing Sky to skid to a halt a couple of feet in front of him. 
“Put the sword down. We’re just trying to see if you’re okay.” Legend huffed only to receive a slap upside the head from Hyrule.
“I’m sorry, sir. We didn’t mean to scare you. We are very thankful for you saving us, we just want to make sure your arm is okay.” Four placated. The stranger had a white knuckled grip on his sword. While he seemed confident in taking the Lynel down, this was a different stance. This was a stance that showed he was more scared of people than he was of a terrifying fire breathing monster ten times his size. The man simply gave a thumbs up and stepped back slightly. 
“Wait.” Time stepped forward from the huddled Links, but not close enough to cause any more aggression with the stranger. “We apologize for running to you so suddenly. Thank you for saving us. We grew up sheltered and are very new to this part of Hyrule.” The lie they used to not alert anyone of their unnatural presence in new worlds slipped off Time’s tongue easily now. “I’m sorry to ask this of you after you saved us, but is there a place to rest around here? Perhaps we could buy you a warm meal as payment, and help you with your arm if you would allow us.” Time had a talent of calming a tense environment, like a true leader, Twilight mused. To their shock, the man didn’t speak, only lifting the hand not holding the sword, now bloodied and burned from the fight.
‘I can take you to the nearest stable. I don’t need payment.’ The stranger signed simply, trying desperately to keep the shakiness of his hand at bay. 
“Thank you!” Wind called out, a beaming smile on his face at the idea of a place with a roof. Wind certainly didn’t mind being out in nature, but it had been awhile since they got to stay in a building. Maybe this stable had a place to stay along the road next to it! Maybe it was in a large town he could explore!
The stranger simply nodded and walked ahead. The Links sent questioning looks to each other and followed behind. Wind ran ahead to be next to the stranger to see his hands, but kept a respectful distance. “What’s your name?” Wind asked enthusiastically. Warriors smirked. That little shit was gathering intel. 
‘Link.’ The stranger fingerspelled shortly. Wind glanced back at Time to confirm he saw correctly. They all could understand some sign, but some were far more rusty than others, and only Time and Sky to an extent could physically do sign. 
“Hi Link! My name is Wind!” If the stranger saw the name as odd, he didn’t show it. Only nodding politely. He kept a brisk pace, still having a tense hold on his sword in his non-injured hand. 
“Um. Maybe we should stop and take care of your hand? If you leave those shards in, it could get infected.” Four reasoned. Link simply kept walking forward. 
“Just because you saved us doesn’t mean you can be rude.” Legend snapped. Twilight attempted to put a calming hand on his shoulder, only to have it brushed off. “Why don’t you talk to us? We’re not going to hurt you.” Legend knew it wasn’t that simple. To just reassure the stranger they wouldn’t hurt him wasn't exactly an airtight plan. But past experience made being ignored absolutely infuriating. The stranger’s grip on his sword only grew tighter as he continued to move forward. No matter how much the group tried to talk to him, the stranger wouldn’t respond unless absolutely necessary, and never verbally. 
After about two hours of walking at a brisk pace, they had emerged from the small cliffs surrounding them and were approaching an oddly shaped building. Along the way, Link collected any mushroom or plant that crossed his path. He was certainly an odd man. He seemed constantly on edge with the eight of them there, but had no qualms about gathering strange and brightly colored mushrooms and shoving them into his odd looking slate.
The building they were approaching had a large head that looked to be a horse, and had the structure of a large tent. It looked strange, but also very homey. As they grew closer, they saw some Hylians for the first time in this gigantic world. There was what looked to be a guard of some sort pacing in front of a man at a counter. He must have been the owner. Some other men and women were heading inside. Along with the Hylians was a soft brown dog trotting around some goats and horses. With the small gasp Twilight gave, the group of heroes knew they would have a hell of a time getting Twilight away from this place. Sky’s eyes lit up as he spotted two cuccos among the goats, dashing off to hold them as Legend retched in disgust. The rest of the group laughed at his excitement, but Time could see twilight barely restraining himself from rushing off to pet the horses and goats and hold the dog in his lap. 
The new Link pointed at the man at the counter, most likely gesturing to speak to him as he made his way to the fire with a pot placed above it. Time nodded and went to discuss sleeping arrangements with the excitable owner. Having no other job to do, Twilight calmly made his way to the small corral of animals, before losing all composure and sitting amongst the odd-looking goats and cooing at how soft they were. Looking back at the new Link, he was throwing something in the cooking pot, before making his way over to Twilight. Twilight felt excitement grow in his chest. Now that they were in a safe place, would this new Link finally talk?
But Link simply sat down in the animal pen a good six feet from Twilight, placing his sword on the ground next to him, and reached out to pet the excited dog who had all but tackled him as soon as he sat down. Once the dog calmed down slightly, Link began to remove shield shards from his arm, not even flinching at the pain of removing metal from his skin. Twilight was surprised, but figured he should be the one to start the conversion. 
“We have goats like this in my H- where I come from.” Hopefully Link wouldn’t pick up on Twilight’s mistake. “I helped raise and herd them.” Twilight finished, looking up at the new Link. Link shook his head, then signed something Twilight didn’t understand. “I’m sorry, I know sign but I don’t know what you just said.” Twilight apologized. Link froze in surprise for a second, perhaps not expecting Twilight to know any sign at all. Then pointed to the sheep Twilight was petting and fingerspelling what he wanted to say.
‘Sheep.’ The word spelled out. Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. 
“Oh! Are these sheep?” Twilight asked, continuing to pet the creature beside him. Link nodded. Twilight wished he could see Links face, the hood did a great job of obscuring it completely. He didn’t think asking Link to take the hood off would go very well, so he just paid close attention to the little head movements he could see. Link abruptly stood, seemingly finished with taking the shield shards out of his arm, and summoned a pink liquid from his slate thing, and drank barely enough to heal his arm. Twilight was surprised and slightly worried with how little he seemed to care about his own injuries, musing on this as Link made his way back to the cooking pot to stir whatever he was cooking for himself, perhaps a meal to further help his arm?
The group could finally relax slightly. Sky loving on the cuccos, Time and Twilight paying attention to the horses and sheep, Legend and Warriors quietly chatting and bickering under a tree, Hyrule and Wind off running around and exploring, and Four reading one of his books, evening descended upon them peacefully. Twilight noticed a movement in the corner of his eye, Link seemed to be waving slightly to gain his attention. Twilight nudged Time and began walking over there.
“You okay, Link?” Twilight asked once he was next to the man. The man scooted away from Twilight, apparently deeming him too close, before signing a short ‘dinner’. That one took Twilight by surprise. 
“For us?” Time asked gently. Link nodded his head. ‘Rice.’ He finger spelled. “That’s very kind, thank you Link.” Time said with a smile. “Boys!” Time called, causing all of the Links to look up and Hyrule and Wind to come running back from the treeline. “Link was kind enough to make us rice for dinner.” Causing Link to sink deeper into his hood at the attention and thanks he received from the group.
“Wait.” Legend said, stepping forward.
“Legend.” Hyrule warned, but Legend ignored him.
“No, Hyrule. We don’t know who he is. We haven’t seen his face. He could be a sorcerer trying to trick us.” Although it seemed ridiculous for some of them, they could see where Legend was worried. Link’s hands twitched. He didn’t know why he wanted these men to trust him, but he did. So without letting himself think about it too much, he yanked his hood down and glared at Legend with as much force as he could muster. 
The first thing they saw were the scars. Twisting and webbing from his ear to across some of the right side of his face, before disappearing under his tunic, where the group could only imagine how horrible it was under there. The second thing they noticed was how young he was. Only a year or two older than Wind, far too young to have those scars. They had been calling him a man, but he was only a boy. Something seemed to click for them. This only confirmed it, this was another hero. Another hero they had not known existed. Why had Hylia waited so long? The sword singing in his head only grew louder,and without thinking, Sky unwrapped the sword from its cloth, and Link freaked out. Picking up his sword and backing away slightly, a hard look in his eyes.
“Wait! Don’t panic I can explain!” Sky rushed. Wild froze, but still kept his defensive stance.
“We are Heroes of Courage, just like you. We come from different worlds and different timelines. Hylia has sent us here to ask for your help. There is an unknown threat, strong enough to require multiple heroes. It’s an infection, spreading across timelines and Hyrules. I’m sure it will infect yours too. Please, join us.” Time figured that with this hero, short and to the point would be the best way of going about this, just like Legend. The boy looked skeptical, and didn’t put down the sword.
“I know you know this is the truth.” Sky said gently. “The Master Sword tells you it is.” Link froze. This man could hear the Master Sword? He had to be a hero of courage, no one else could feel it. Link lowered his sword, but kept his guard up. 
‘Can I touch it?’ Link signed. Sky nodded and reached the sword out, not letting go, but allowing Link to touch a hand to its blade. Instantly Link knew it was true. The sword spoke no words to him, but he could feel with all of his being that this was a part of his destiny. 
‘Okay.’ Link signed simply. 
“Okay you’ll join us?” Wind asked carefully, cheering loudly when Link nodded his head. The others smiled at him, although Legend looked slightly guilty. He could see the scars on the kid’s neck. Maybe that’s why he didn’t talk…
Time tried to put a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder, only to have him jump back as if he had been burned, and pull his hood up once again. Time looked upon the boy with sad eyes. This confirmed Link didn’t just not trust strangers. He didn’t trust anyone. After Link handed out the food, the group sat around the fire, Link staying far away. 
“Holy shit! He can cook!” Warriors cheered.
“Tbish ish amashbing!” Wild yelled with his mouth full, getting a smack on the head from Legend. 
“We’re keeping him.” Four stated simply. 
“Four, you can’t just claim someone.” Hyrule stated.
“I just did.”
“Guys. He’s trying to ask a question.” Twilight chided. Immediately the group swerved around to see Link with his hands up. 
‘Are you all named Link?’ He asked. 
“Yes. We all have nicknames based on our hero titles. The sword gives them to us.” Time answered. 
“Speaking of.” Sky held up the Master Sword as if preparing for a ceremony. The group of Links all leaned forward eagerly awaiting their new friend’s name. Even Legend perked up.
“Welcome, Hero of Wild.”
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
New (Part 3/3)
Part 1: https://fatefulfaerie.tumblr.com/post/621364335842820096/new-part-13
Part 2: https://fatefulfaerie.tumblr.com/post/621446432569917440/new-part-23
“And safe travels!” Zelda exclaimed as she waved to the last of the guests, them crossing the bridge and disappearing into the approaching night.
She closed the door, it latching closed as she let out a sigh.
“That wasn’t too bad,” she remarked. “Chaos, sure. But we expected that.”
The only response from Link was the sounds the dishes made beneath the running water, the scrubbing, the tiny clatter when a clean plate would be put to the side.
“I think it went well,” she continued as she headed upstairs. “And now we have a new picture to put on the wall. I’ll have to ask Purah how she printed it all that time ago.”
Zelda sat down to her diary on the table, a habit she was happy to start after a hundred years of incoherent and manic thoughts. Not to mention seventeen years before that of nearly failing at the practice.
It was freeing, the first time she opened an empty diary to the first page. Before her was a future not weighed down by her past. She could look at things like a blank page, everyday something new that proved she was moving forward. For the past couple weeks since Calamity Ganon was expelled from Hyrule, she had written everyday at least something to resolve the day.
Yet as she placed her quill down she didn’t know what words to write, the black ink smudging, splotching on the page.
She dropped the quill back into the black bottle of ink with a heavy sigh.
Her gaze went to Link, as it always does, studying him as he cleaned with her head falling to rest on her left hand.
He finished the last plate, placing it upon the others and bracing his hands on the edge of the counter with a bowed head.
“I think we need to talk,” Link said without moving.
Zelda took a deep breath before she shook her head up and down. Remembering Link couldn’t see her she replied,
His hands came off the counter and he turned around, heading up the stairs without meeting her glaze. Yet, it wasn’t difficult. Zelda’s head was downcast, on that black splotch as if it were a spider she was relentlessly watching, keeping an eye on.
Link decided to plop on his bed, staring at the ceiling with one leg bent and one straight.
“Do you recall what I said?” Link started. “On the field. When you asked if I remembered you?”
Zelda nodded.
“You said yes,” she replied, turning her head.
Link nodded.
“You apologized for your honesty earlier,” he continued. “But I told you I remembered you, maybe not everything, but I remember enough. My memory is fragile but that doesn’t mean that your honesty now should be changed by that. If I’ve done something wrong--”
“If I’ve done something wrong,” he insisted. “I want you to be honest about it. Going forward, I...I want you to be honest. And it’s not just you either. These past couple weeks have been courteous at best, but...I didn’t realize it was because of me.”
Zelda looked from Link back to the black dot on the page, interlocking her fingers.
“I spent a hundred years waiting for something definitive,” Zelda said. “It’s only because of my impatience that I snapped today. You should take your time to think about things...process things. I’ve had a hundred years and I didn’t even lose my memory. Please take the time you need.”
Zelda picked back the quill back up and started to write of her day, of greeting the descendants and relatives of the champions and sharing a meal with them.
Link sat up and studied her as she wrote in her diary.
He pulled the Sheikah Slate from its latch on his belt, the screen chiming before opening to a gallery of pictures.
He clicked on the first one, the normal one, the perfect one, the one that would likely be hung and kept and preserved a hundred years from today. Hopefully with less tragic death, but with just as much emotional weight.
Link swiped to the next picture.
Zelda was smiling bigger, his arm around her, but not much had changed. He swiped to the next one, stopping, holding the grips of the slate with both hands.
He didn’t even remember this one being taken.
Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, and Teba were all looking at the pair of Hylians with a smile as the couple stared deeply into each others’ eyes. It really was a beautiful picture, how well the love between them was expressed in just one look, how the sunset gleamed and made them glow.
Link swiped to the next and exhaled a sigh. Their lips were connected, but their bent, unrehearsed arms showed their surprise. It looked so forced, like at any moment one would pull away from the other. It looked as if they were completely different people from the picture before.
With a couple taps, Link had the prompt before him to delete it. After all, if this picture existed a hundred years ago, he would have been decommissioned and jailed for treason, and the assault of a royal if the King wanted to avoid the ruin of Zelda’s reputation. If not, it would become a scandal that would harm her father's trust in her even more. Even now she still had eyes on her, although she had tried to avoid it. If she decided to return as Princess or even rise as Queen, she shouldn’t let some minor infatuation get in the way.
But Link thought of Kass’ words as his finger hovered over the button.
Love. The princess’ love for her fallen knight awakened her power. That was what caused all of it in the first place. That one word and Link realized that falling in love with a memory wasn’t foolish because he had fallen in love with those green eyes before, that smile. He loved her back a hundred years ago and, Princess or not, he couldn’t deny that he felt the same now.
He rescued her from Calamity Ganon and he acted like he didn’t know, to protect her, to not embarrass her, to not force anything upon her. Somewhere along the line, somewhere within these two weeks he must have forgotten that she needed him too.
And so he hurt her by doing so.
With a certain resolve, he activated the camera rune, setting it so that it faced him instead of what was behind the Slate.
He grabbed it by the handle and approached Zelda. She turned her head at the sound of footsteps just seconds before Link planted his lips on hers.
Her lips were parted and her eyes opened wide as Link withdrew. He offered her the Slate.
“A do over,” he said with a smile. “As requested.”
Zelda took the Slate into her hands. She stared at the picture and Link sat on the near bedpost waiting for her next words.
“Do you always do as you’re requested?” She asked quietly, still looking at the picture.
“I don’t exactly have any evidence to the contrary,” Link said.
Her gaze lingered on the picture for just another moment longer before she placed it on the corner of her desk without a word or a care. She went back to her diary and began to write again.
Link considered whether he’d done something wrong as the silence fell. He looked down to his hands as he thought upon it, scratching one thumb with the other.
“But for instance,” he continued, with a courage he hoped would work in his favor. “If I was requested to jump off a cliff for no reason other than certain death, I wouldn’t do that.”
“So you only do things if they aren’t absolutely abhorrent?” Zelda asked.
“Yeah...I guess…” He replied before panic settled within him and his eyes widened. “Wait...no, no...I didn’t mean…kissing you, it…”
Link exhaled a sigh, straightening the words in his head like the offerings of apples in a line of mysterious statues.
“I do what people request of me because I like helping people,” he explained, “finding them lizards or mushrooms or whatever they can’t get themselves. But with you it’s different...it’s always been different. I saved you because I needed to see you happy and free and...I kissed you because I wanted to. It was more than not abhorrent...it was a request I was actually happy to do. In fact...I would only ever kiss you.”
From Link’s point of view, Zelda showed no change.
But she had put down her quill, her cheeks had reddened and her heart had soared and sank and burned and froze all at the same time.
“I am sorry,” Link said, thinking he needed to speak further. “So sorry that I didn’t bring this up earlier. I knew you loved me, and I’ve been spending so much time asking myself whether or not I love you like I did then or whether or not you still love me now...that I’ve been unclear with you. And to be honest I don’t know if what I feel now is what I felt then. I don’t know if it’s more or less or the same or how it was different...but I do love you.”
Still no response.
“Goddesses, Zelda,” Link implored in her silence. “Please say something. If I’ve misread things or messed it all up we can go back to how it was this morning. If that is what makes you happy, I...I’ll be your knight attendant, I’ll protect you and defend you and nothing more. I’ll be by your side until you no longer want me to be.”
Zelda stood up and faced him quickly. She stared until she started shaking her head no.
“No,” she said, her voice breaking. “No.”
She stepped forward and took his hands. Her grip on them tightened as she bowed her head.
“I want you with me,” she said. “I need you...to stay...always.”
Link nodded in understanding.
“Okay,” he said with a slight chuckle that portended a smile. “Okay.”
He brought his hand to her chin to tilt her head back up, their eyes meeting before their lips did for their third kiss of the day. Each time it had gotten deeper, at first a quick peck, than something longer and much more intentional. Now it was something they delved into, Zelda’s fantasies about making out with her knight attendant coming to fruition as she felt his hand move to cup her cheek.
“So,” she prompted after they withdrew.
“So,” he repeated, his eyes dancing in hers.
“Does this mean we’re...together?”
Link nodded.
“I think so.”
“Do Hylians still call it courting?” Zelda asked with a tip of her head.
“I think so,” Link said, his face contorting in a way that broadcasted the fact that he was thinking, searching the ceiling for answers. “Although I think some of them have coined the term ‘dating’, where marriage isn’t definite and they just kind of spend time together. And then there's this thing where they forego marriage all together and just...hook up.”
“Y-you…” Zelda stammered. Her face was beet red. “You mean people…”
Link nodded.
“Yep,” he said. “Someone actually asked me once and I told them no thanks.”
Zelda shrugged.
“I guess we’re both kind of old-fashioned for these times,” she said.
“Seems like it.”
“Would it be strange to say that we’re courting?”
“No,” Link said in reply, smiling. “Just new.”
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ashleyswrittenwords · 4 years
How to be a Queen [Part 26]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
I hated this.
She stared at me. My own staring had long turned to a steady glower; eyes squeezed almost shut as I tried to pick apart every stitch for some inkling of an answer. Maybe the real problem is that I didn’t have a coherent question.
The fire in my father’s mantle crackled to fill in my silence and illuminating my balled-up place on the carpet. I should be asleep right now, that was the plan anyway, but it was thwarted earlier in the day when my last bedroom was deemed a “risk”.
Still, I hated it all the more. The doll was in the same useless state where I placed it – a slightly slouched perch on the velvet loveseat. It intensely reminded me of when my tutors would make me find symbolism in a storybook where there obviously wasn’t, making me conjure some flowery explanation for why the author used this phrase or that description.
With my knees up to my chin, I fiddled with the hem of my night gown and wondered and wondered and wondered because a head full of pointless thoughts felt better than nothing at all.
There was commotion – arguing, then the door opened and I was met with the burning sight of Urbosa. In her hand was a page, crumpled by her fist, and I understood before she spoke.
“You can’t be serious!” she glowered. Urbosa was a woman who schooled her expressions masterfully yet now she was untamed.
My face reddened, embarrassment probably. “I can explain.”
“Explain what exactly? This man has threatened my life, my countrywomens’ lives, and now yours… and you want to give him a platform to speak on?”
She was outraged, flailing Ganondorf’s letter as she spoke. I pressed my lips together and let her rant on about what I had mentioned to Impa before. My toes pressed deep into the carpet.
“Your anger is something I can understand,” I finally said, frowning when she caught my gaze. “But I’m not a child and this is not an entirely irrational reaction.”
Urbosa watched me for a tense moment and stepped away to pace the room in an attempt to air out her feelings. When she did, I saw Impa accompanied her with a careful presence. I steeled myself for whatever it was she wanted to say.
My father’s quarters weren’t where I expected to be tonight, but at least he was in a safer (and more inconspicuous) part of the castle. If anything, the familiar setting was a slight comfort even if it wasn’t my own room. It was an airy space and not much had changed since the war started. I rose from my spot, trying to gracefully slip the doll into my gown’s deep pockets and perched myself where the toy once sat.
“Okay,” the Gerudo leader breathed again, sitting on the cushions with Impa across from me. “Okay, then explain it to me.”
I breathed in deeply. “No doubt you’ve read what he’s wrote, but I’ve read it more than you have. Let’s talk about it.”
The half impatient nod my way with born out of pure frustration. I could completely understand it, but it didn’t make the feeling of pressure any lighter.
“In his words, he wants to declare a form of parley,” I spoke, slowly choosing my words. “Meaning a temporary truce in war to sit down and discuss negotiation – or the start of them.”
I swallowed as I mentally scanned through the letter word-for-word in my head:
I doubt that my reputation holds well in your circles and it would be foolish to give a nobody’s word any weight.
“Traditionally, it would be held by one party sending an ambassador of sorts to the opposition. We would discuss terms at a distance, however he is willing to travel to Hyrule Castle himself.”
Urbosa scoffed, “That’s even worse.”
“It means he’s going in place of someone expendable. It was the whole point of ‘parley’ as a concept and he is willing to give us leverage to make this happen.”
I could tell there was more she wanted to say, but she chose not to. Impa spoke up instead.
“I realize that I haven’t told you this before,” she said. “But you should consider your image.”
My brow furrowed, “My image?”
“To history, Zelda, there has never been an enemy like this within the castle walls unless force was taken. No other ruler has offered an invitation like this before. Don’t you find that troubling?”
I felt my frown deepen. The fabric of my gown twisted around my fingers. I took another deep breath of the burning applewood in the hearth before saying, “The conflict we’re currently in has surpassed the amount of casualties in any other war I have lived through in half the time. Pray tell, do you find that troubling?”
They didn’t reply; they didn’t have to.
“I am afraid,” I spelled out. “I am afraid to see the country being torn with violence and bloodshed. To consider that I am assumed its leader is another type of fear I haven’t grasped yet, much less what historians will jot me down as. Better yet, let’s discuss how someone I know very dearly is out there; contingent to the choices I make.”
Roughly, I swallowed. My gaze went to the ceiling where engravings of old legends escaped the firelight.
“Let us discuss what I know will be his vehement disapproval of my consideration. My goal here is to mitigate as much as I can and if that means buying time at the cost of my reputation, then so be it,” I conceded. Impa stared at her hands and I could only feel shame, weak. I wonder if that’s what she had in mind. “Horrible rulers have preceded me and I don’t expect to be the last.”
There was a long moment of quiet that made it awful to resist squirming in my seat. I didn’t like our options either, but pride was my father’s forte. I wasn’t about to inherit it now that an opportunity like this is tangible, even if it came about through unconventional means. I’ll let them move me into the royal quarters and I’ll let them squander more of my personal time with increased security – I won’t let them pass this up without a single consideration.
Urbosa and Impa stood, I expected them to leave immediately but instead Urbosa said my name and took my hand in hers. Worry was in her eyes.
“You know I would never give you up,” I said softly. “I really hope you weren’t expecting me to abandon you so quickly.”
The sofa dipped slightly as she took a seat. “Tamen non obliviscar tui et filiae.”
At my slight confusion she merely smiled and said, “It means: Never forget your daughters. We say that when we underestimate our children after they’re grown. I am scared, Zelda.”
Our hand hold slipped into an embrace. She continued, “I worry constantly for you. As much as I want to, I don’t have all the answers. None of us do and maybe that’s why I reacted the way I did. I forgot that and, more importantly, I forgot you.”
  The next days brought sleepless nights. I wasn’t sure if I preferred them because in the darkness was the chilling vision of what Link had become. That dream wouldn’t fade as the days wore on, instead sharpening in the parts that struck me the most. In the mirror of my room, when Anju would prod at the dark circles under my eyes, I would see his eyes staring at me.
“It wasn’t real,” I muttered, almost angrily.
Anju grunted behind me with bobbypins caught between her teeth. “What wasn’t?”
“I had a dream,” I said. “And it wasn’t real, but I feel like it was and it’s ridiculous.”
“Well, ya look tired enough,” she replied with a nonchalant drawl, watching me in the mirror a moment before shrugging. “Everyone has nightmares, Zelda. Even Her Royal Grace Majesty Herself.”
The smile I tried to suppress fought hard. “It was about Link.”
“You’re worried! Welcome to the club. You already know the things Aryll writes to me, halfway between gloating and going stir crazy,” she laughed. “His next present to her has to be twice as shiny as the last.”
Her hands paused in their tugging. “If it’s bothering you, you should talk about it.”
I sighed, relenting quickly because she’d prod further if I hadn’t. I left out the odd parts about the strange man and the dancing and focused more on when I saw Link.
“It was probably me projecting…” I groaned. “But he seemed driven mad, Anju! And I caused that. The only reason why he isn’t with his family or living more peacefully is because of me.”
She considered it, seeming to weigh my words as she viewed me from the front. Her nose crinkled, “Zelda, you know that boy. I know that boy. When we were kids, he would always be the lead troublemaker leading the charges. Shocking, believe me I know, but you must be raving mad if you think he wouldn’t force himself into this mess regardless of your decisions.”
“With or without me?”
She hummed in thought, “Reckless is a word I would use  – no, wait – organized recklessness. But he has always needed help picking up the pieces. It used to be Aryll with scrapes and bruises.” Then, there was a glint in her eye that made me laugh, “I wonder who it’ll be now?”
  “There is no guarantee that the negotiations will come to anything,” Fierlin grimaced, reading through Ganondorf’s letter. “Though I won’t disagree that a truce, no matter how temporary, is a plus.”
He stroked his beard with a raised brow and met my eyes. “Do you… know how to send news to your right hand?”
We were in my father’s study with a long list of staff sitting on my desk, each with a detailed list of any possible connections to the opposition. I pushed it away.
“I have consulted every consultant at my fingertips at the moment; written out the pros and cons,” I said. My head rested on my fist in a dull way to help my sore neck.
“Well,” the man leaned back in his chair as old worn men tended to, “I know the tenacity and unwillingness to quit. I’ve gotten well acquainted with that side of him when he was my captain. Don’t get me wrong, Your Majesty, Link will follow any order you give him… but he will fight and kick every step of the way.”
“That’s only because Admiral Whitehurst is with him right now.”
He raised a hand to negate me. “Not necessarily. Link’s a fine remediator. He doesn’t show obvious favor to anyone under him and is constantly listening. He’ll tune out whatever sees fit. Any resistance you saw came from him alone.”
I glanced down at one of my desk drawers that contained some of Link’s letters and closed my eyes.
“I want him to travel back to the castle if we go through with it.” When, really, but it was hard to believe what was happening myself.
The look he gave me wasn’t remotely hopeful.
“I wouldn’t count on it. It’s not likely he would abandon his men because who is to say this truce lasts more than a day? We don’t know the temperament of this ‘Ganondorf’ and he is largely unpredictable in much else.”
“Will Link resent the idea that much?”
“I predict he will…” Fierlin stopped himself, then sighed. “He will have some complications with it.”
  That night, crumpled papers littered desk. They were filled with words that didn’t string together properly and thoughts that weren’t quite complete. The first letter was a formal inquiry of Ganondorf’s arrival. On the closed envelope, I pressed my father’s insignia with more pressure than necessary.
I kept it in a closed drawer because the second letter was both an order and request for counsel.
In this, my thoughts were far more frayed and there were countless drafts that kept the wick of my candle burning. It was a constant debate on whether I should even forgo pairing the first with it. I recalled his reluctance to retreat and the disappointment that came after. The ink pen felt heavier in my hand.
This was when I realized that this was what Impa was fearful of.
My hand dragged down my cheek and I forced myself to sit up straighter.
She has told me more than once, no matter how indirect, that whatever Link and I had would eventually conflict with my duties. Especially with the dynamic at play now, he was my Commander General and I was his Queen. I have asked the opinion of all my resources both past and present, why should my consideration of his opinion be so weighty?
It had grown to the point where I could barely put pen to paper.
An obstruction of my duties, that is a phrase Impa would say.
The words I ended up writing were addressing him formally. Though I was sure word had been sent about what had happened, I reiterated the events from what Lord Ibauna shouted about to the letter within my room. After that, in the most political way I could muster, I told him I was considering it with the counsel in mind. This time, I wouldn’t slip an additional note because I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t me trying to influence him.
I bound the two letters and sent them the same night. Once I get the General’s counsel, I will make the final decision and either order him to send a messenger… or not.
  This is grossly miscalculated.
Urbosa was speaking, but it was difficult to truly listen to her. She was walking beside me. I want to say that her gentle suggestions to coax me off the ledge were helping, but it only pushed me to push my nails deeper into my palm. The sharp pain helped me more to keep my mouth shut.
“He was only trying to assert another option.”
I glanced to her and said through gritted teeth, “What he was trying to do was insult my integrity.”
My steps were heavier than they usually were when going to attend meetings with the admirals. On any other day, I would approach it with a cool head. It was a war room, I wanted to be as even keeled and level-headed as I could.
Now, I couldn’t stop seeing red.
Just barely, I turned my head towards her. “He acts as if he has had lifetimes of experience already,” I hissed, pausing briefly while passing a couple of maids with bowed heads. “Link is barely any older than I. Ridiculous.”
Urbosa and I bounded a set of stairs and before I entered the war room, I requested an ink pen and parchment as well as the awaiting messenger. It hadn’t been two days before I got a reply from Link. A set of officers stood when I entered the room.
I wasn’t exactly surprised to see Admiral Whitehurst return almost immediately after the letter arrived. His face was still red from his traveling and I politely acknowledged him.
“Your general isn’t happy,” he said. “He made the carriage ride through the night, gods willing my back is still intact.”
“Oh, no,” I uttered out, splaying the several pages Link had written me onto the table. “He surely is not.”
The admiral blinked considerably. I had never acted this way in front of them, but at this point I didn’t have the luxury to care. The only reason I took a seat was to keep them all from standing awkwardly.
“Groveling at the enemy’s feet, he says,” I glanced at the pages with a casted hand. “How, exactly, is he coming to these absurd conclusions?”
I feared that he would have tried to influence Link more in my disfavor, but I did trust what Fierlin had told me and the handwriting on the correspondence was unmistakably Link. Why he had sent John Whitehurst was a mystery to me altogether, perhaps in an effort to sway me even more?
Well, good, I thought. Maybe the one he is receiving will beat some sense into him.
Whitehurst grunted as he sat back in his chair and took a moment to adjust.
“General Forester is doing what he was appointed to do, fight to win. If we pause, especially in the terms he has relayed to me, I believe that he believes you have given up.”
I reeled back, “When has lessening the toll this war has taken meant ‘giving up’? Did he say those exact words?”
He looked uncomfortable. “Um, yes, perhaps, Your Grace.”
I breathed in deeply. Slowly, I counted from ten.
Tyrant was a bad look on anybody – more so me.
“Okay,” I said finally, calmer. “I think we can now say we have received all the insight we need to make a decision.”
A guard who was outside the door brought in a pot of ink, a pen and parchment. I thanked him quietly.
“I wanted to convene one more time before I decide to send this order,” I said, taking the pen between my fingers. The correspondence on the table, which Urbosa was now leafing through with Whitehurst, was missing the final page. It was burning in my dress pocket.
Reconsider, Zelda.
I caught Urbosa’s gaze while the officers and the sparse admirals had a last discussion about weighing the final options, or their lack of. She watched me with a solemn demeaner. Then, she nodded.
I will not be there to help you.
I don’t need his help.
“Is it decided, gentlemen?”
Delicately, I folded the paper twice just in time for the messenger to walk through.
My only words to him was an order to send my acquisition across enemy lines.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 4 years
Family Matters (Zelda Spellman/Reader) - Part 5
Synopsis: A clandestine meeting sheds no light on your current situation.
Words: 1334
Warnings: none.
AN: So my internet is super patchy and I’m not sure how viable it is to be posting while I’m here but I’ll continue to try my best. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters.
You hadn’t released how easy it would be to slip from the Spellman’s house in the middle of the night until you were shimmying down a drainpipe outside the window at the end of the hall. Even having Zelda at one end of the hall and Hilda at the other you found it easy to sneak past on whisper quiet feet. The rain made it difficult to keep from slipping but you had enough practice climbing drainpipes from your youth.
You landed in a patch of mud, squelching underfoot. You grimaced but shook it off. You crept through the shadows, sticking to the side of the house for protection. The moon was hanging low in the sky, heavy and full. You darted away from the house, into the tree line close by.
You ran through the trees, trying to stay out of the moonlight in case anyone happened to be looking at the forest. You couldn’t be caught. Not tonight.
You came upon the clearing faster than you were anticipating. You’d been moving so swiftly in your fear that you were now early for your meeting. You sunk down onto the boulder, pushing your finger through your hair. You were cold and wet from the mist and all you wanted to do was crawl into your warm bed in the house that had begun to feel safe.
“Can I take this early showing as a sign of your increasing commitment, mi amor?”
You started, almost falling off the boulder. You pushed your hair out of you face, turning to look at the woman standing in the middle of the clearing. Pale skin and dark hair, otherworldly in every aspect. She was as beautiful as the first time you’d seen her. Bella was not a welcome sight.
“You rang?” you asked, rather more droll than she appreciated.
“I’m here for your weekly report,” she said, ignoring your sarcasm.
You sighed, stamping your feet to try and get some feeling back in your toes. You pushed your fingers into your armpits, trying to warm them up. You took a deep breath, trying to take as much time as possible before starting to see if she would have to leave. She increasingly had less and less time for your weekly reports as whatever she was planning to do drew closer.
“Well?” The impatience was clear in her voice.
“I’m now living in the Spellman house,” you hesitantly began.
“Excellent.” You could practically see her rubbing her hands together like an old time movie villain.
“I’m still working there but Zelda is continually holding the threat of kicking me out over my head,” you said, “but I don’t think at this point she’d do it. I don’t think the rest of the Spellmans would let her.”
“You must get Zelda on side. If she does not trust you wholeheartedly then this whole thing falls apart,” she said.
“I know. I’m working on it,” you snapped.
“Work harder.”
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. You pursed your lips, waiting for any other kind of order. You’d never met someone who was such a micro manager. Every single meeting she left you with so many instructions you’d forget half of them by the time you left.
“Maybe I don’t want to do this anymore. They seem like nice people,” you said.
“You know the consequences of your failure,” she said, stalking towards you, “are you willing to risk their lives?”
“No.” You looked down at your feet, suitably chastised.
“Next time you better be friends with Zelda, or else I’ll have to do something to convince you how serious this is.”
You took a deep, shuddering breath. You pushed your tears back, knowing that while Bella wouldn’t hurt you in this moment, that wasn’t true for other people.
“I must get her” she hissed.
“Why are you so hung up on her?” you asked, “why can’t you let this go?”
“That is none of your concern. You are not here to ask questions. You’re here to do what I tell you,” she snapped, turning away from you.
You watched your fingers twisting together. You hated this. You hated her. You hated everything. There was nothing you could do to change your situation. All you could do was continue along the path laid out for you until its end.
“Zelda trusts her family too much. Use them to grow closer to her. I was never afforded the chance to meet them but you have. You have an advantage.”
You watched her pace backwards and forwards over the leaf strewn ground. As the weeks ticked by she had grown more unsettled, spending more time seeming crazed. You watched her go backwards and forwards like a tennis ball in a tennis match.
“And make sure you get rid of the rest of the family before we make our move. Witches are tricky.”
“Yes, Bella.”
“Zelda appreciates strong people, someone she can respect and listen to. If she perceives you as weak she will not take you seriously. But you cannot be so strong as to overpower her. She must be the alpha female in the pack. You must strike a balance or this will not work.”
“Yes, Bella.”
“Do not threaten her standing in the coven. She can turn nasty as most witches do.”
“Yes, Bella.”
“From the information I’ve gathered I’ve surmised that her niece is her biggest weakness. If you have the half breed you will more easily ensnare her.”
“Yes, Bella.”
“Get back to that house and make them believe you or you’ll find more than orange juice with your breakfast.”
“Yes, Bella.”
She gave you a hard look before disappearing into the night air, nothing more than smoke. You sat for a few moments, trying to gather your thoughts. You didn’t want to go back to that house and continue to trick the family that had been so kind to you. You didn’t want to put them in danger. You couldn’t understand why Bella was so caught up in Zelda. She didn’t seem like a bad person. And from what you could tell whatever had prompted this had happened over a century ago.
You got off the cold rock, stepping into the cold mist that had appeared during your talk. You hunched over into your jacket more, shivering hard enough to rattle your teeth. You walked quickly through the forest, wanting to fall into bed and sleep for a long time.
You arrived outside the house, looking up at the drainpipe you’d shimmied down only an hour ago. The light was still shining out of the window. You looked up at it, wondering how you were going to get back up there. You were sure the metal would be like ice and the usual climbing vines you would have used in your youth were not present.
You tip toed around the house, coming to the back door. You pushed, surprised when it opened under your touch. You wandered through the conservatory, having spent little time exploring the house. The plants were beautiful in the moonlight. You pushed your wet hair out of your face, running your fingers over a bright green leaf.
You stepped out, into the kitchen, the heart of this home. A dark shape was sitting at the table, lounging back.
“Out for a midnight walk?” Ambrose asked.
“Couldn’t get my brain to shut up,” you replied, “I figured the rain was better than tossing and turning.”
“Anything I can do to help settle your mind?” he asked.
“Not if I can’t do the same for you,” you replied with a shrug.
“Auntie Zee can be a hard ass but she likes you,” he said, getting to the crux of the issue.
“No she doesn’t,” you replied.
“If she didn’t you wouldn’t still be here.”
You didn’t have an answer for him so chose to slip off into the dark. You were ready to dry off and get into bed for a sleepless night.
Tags: @anenglishwitch​ @eyesofanangeltongueofadevil​ @hallospaceboyy​ @alexusonfire​ @justkeepbreathingnow​ @ghostsunderstoodmysoul​
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
Alright, how about some HC’s for the V3 girls traveling to Texas to visit their (long distance) male S/O
V3 girls visiting their long distance male S/O
Im sorry for being late, and if any of them seem a little out of character. I'm a little rusty with the V3 cast. 😥
Angie Younga
When she finally got off the plane, Angie was so excited to see you again.
She basically ran over to you and jumped into your arms. 
"(S/O)! I missed you so much! Atua did, too!" She chirped. "He kept on telling me how I needed to see you! You're my muse, after all!" 
You two went to tons of little tourist spots, even though many of them were obvious tourist traps
She was rather used to the heat, so she didn't really mind it much, and spent a lot of her time outside.
She would sketch just about everything she found. 
She would almost always stay attached to your side, unless she was praying.
She would invite you to prayer or other devotional activities, but if you didn't want to, she wouldn't mind. 
One day when you came back from work near the end of her trip, she was waiting excitedly for you. 
"(S/O)! I got you a present!" She grinned, pulling out a small canvas from behind the couch.
It was a painting of you and her. 
And then she pulled out another.
A painting of one of the attractions
And another and another and another
Her paintings soon covered your walls. They were a constant, lovely reminder of her.
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko was so ready to just move in with you.
With her talent, she could do shows just about anywhere, unlike some talents, which were more popular in one place than another.
There was so little stopping her, besides the memories of her home. 
That's why she decided to visit by surprise...
Then her mana ran low…
You found her cuddled up to you in bed the next morning. 
"N-nyehhh… don't go, (S/O)"
It was your day off anyway, so you might as well just stay there.
You spent the day in each other's arms as you played with her hair and she gave you the occasional kiss.
She had already decided she was staying.
Kaede Akumatsu 
Kaede loved spending time with you, and it pained her that she had to be away from you
She was honestly debating on moving, but she still had school in Japan. If she didn't, she would have gone with you.
You two quickly move back to normality once she came to visit
She would play piano for you, listen to you talk about your problems, give you advice, and just spend time with you in general. 
She gained a burst of inspiration with you, and was starting to compose songs inspired by you and Texas.
When she left, it was bitter, yet sweet. She promised you that she would be moving in with you soon, that was the only sweet part.
Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi honestly had felt like a bit of a fish out of water in Texas.
She had never really been to America much for leisure, so it was honestly a little bit of a culture shock for her.
Everyone was so outgoing, compared to how reserved and secluded people were in Japan
she spent most of her time glued to your side, weather it was around the house or when going out. 
It really took her a little while to listen up with you. 
She really did act super nurturing with you, especially after not seeing you for so long.
She would kiss her forehead and play with your hair a lot, as she knew you liked it. 
She worked on cleaning your house for you, too. Not to mention setting up a whole new organization system. 
It was sorta something she did on impulse to make her feel more comfortable. 
She was honestly rather sad to leave, but knew she had to. Her job meant the world to her, after all. 
Maki Harukawa 
Maki honestly hadn't planned on visiting you
The "ultimate child caregiver" "just so happened" to travel to America right before the death of a politician
You got a text from her asking for your address, and she was at your house in just a few minutes. 
She told you that she had been hired to look after a famous child in the country, but was not allowed to say much else about it. 
You invited her in and made her some food. 
She was as quiet as normal, and let you talk your heart out. 
Later that night, you both cuddled on the couch. She was a blushing mess, but looked sort of uncomfortable.
You asked her if she was alright 
"I'm… Not used to affection like this, (S/O)"
"It's nice. I'm just not used to it"
She slowly grew more comfortable with it over the next few days
Soon, she had to go, saying that the orphanage likely needed her. It was the only time she mentioned the orphanage throughout the whole trip.
She packed her bags and said goodbye before you went to work. 
She kissed your cheek bashfully before you left.
She was gone when you came back from work.
Miu Iruma
Miu was so impatient on that damned plane. She just wanted to see you after all. 
She almost sprinted off the plane as soon as she could
You already had an idea in mind for where you wanted to take her. The state fair
She was so excited the whole time. She loved being swept up in fun of it all 
She loved all the food and ate until she was sick.
Even then she was still going on the fastest rides. 
She bought lots of knick-knacks, too. 
Her favorite was an obnoxiously bright pink cowboy hat.
She told you she was going to make a robot to re-create all the fried foods there without any manual labor needed. 
Speaking of robots and machines, she brought tons of them to show you
Some were useful, others were more novel, and many were inappropriate in nature
Though she acted brash and arrogant often, she really did love it when people- especially you- showed her praise for her inventions. 
She honestly didn't want to leave, but her inventions were waiting for her.
She would be coming back soon for sure.
Tenko Chabashira 
You and Tenko were close, closer than she was with any other degenerate male.
You were actually the first guy she felt feelings for 
When you moved for your job, she was devastated. She had to stay in Japan in order to continue her Neo-Aikido training. 
She would visit often to spend time with you.
You guys really did whatever when she visited.
Every once in a while she would come during the State Fair
She was a surprisingly large fan of the fried food, even though she rarely ate unhealthily
She was also super competitive. Trying to see which of them would win the most games, or who could ride the most rides
When you'd get home, she'd be quickly tuckered out.
You'd both curl up in bed and go to sleep together. 
Tsumugi Shirogane
You and TsumugI had never actually seen eachother in real life
You met on a forum and hit it off right away
There was a convention coming up in Texas, and she had asked for all your measurements. 
She had made tons of cosplays for you, and wanted to keep them a secret. 
When she got off the plane, she went searching for you instantly
When she found you, she pulled you into a hug as you kissed her cheek. 
It was exciting to see your girlfriend for the first time. 
You took her to some of your favorite restaurants, where she got noticed once by a fan of her cosplays.
After, you both went to your home, where she pulled out all the cosplays she had prepared
There were a few characters you didn't actually know, but you recognized a few. Link and Zelda (a cliche, she knows), Jonathan and Erina, and Goku and ChiChi
That night you two cuddled up in bed.
"It is really, really nice to be with you, (S/O). I know we do video calls most nights until we fall asleep but… it isn't the same" 
She sounded flustered and quiet as she fell asleep in her arms.
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shirokh · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ch 2 Compromises & more compromises.
Next Council meeting came up different than expected. They would simply not abandon the idea of the princess Zelda’s marriage as soon as possible. During a week, all they discussed was about:
“Your father last words and last breath was hoping you took care of the kingdom! Your majesty, we are hoping you have not forgotten. Besides, your nephew Zaphire is still too young”
“Think about the benefits of a marriage, having turned seventeen and Six month old, we could confirm the union with Altea to assure the wedding, for Hyrule’s prosperity, that political business would guarantee the improvement of the city”
“Princess... think about what your father would have wanted” instigated Vaati, one of the youngest members of the council.
She was cornered. If she said no, she would be denoting weakness and denying prosperity and benefits for the economy of her people. But she could not hide, deep in her heart how much she hated the idea of marrying a complete stranger.
“Our people can prosper here, and now... wise man, you may send the messenger if you please, but you can not expect a wedding in less than six months. I still grieve for my father, the King. He is now in a sacred place, so I demand you do not make assumptions of what he would have wanted.”
The council had enough with that for an answer, but that jus gave her time before they forced her on what seemed inevitable.
Her gazed crossed with Link’s, to her surprise he had accepted the charge of chief commander with a usual inexpressible face. At least that would keep him near, with the meetings, now that his role as her appointed knight was over. Maybe it was something forbidden and risky, to finally accept herself how she felt about him, but the proof was solid... every moment she thought about the warm feeling of love he made her have, the power of the triforce resonated in her, her hand would shine with light. Was there any possibility she confessed how she felt? What would be the consequence? Would she be left with unrequited love? Only imagining it made her stomach feel empty, made her feel she was falling from a cliff.
She was expecting to see Link on Monday, she dressed with a beautiful blue gown, and she even had perfume of roses on her, she would invite him to have dinner, just like the old times in the wild. But she found Link was gone. Later they informed her that he had requested to visit the Zora’s kingdom. So that reminded her of ... princess Mipha.
She felt her heart heavy, painful sensation she tried to avoid all day long. Little they knew that a dark force was infiltrating, moving their own game to separate them in this moments of felt victory.
“So... here I am... princess Miphy”
Said his friend knight with a big smile. Zora’s kingdom was sunny in that precise moment. Link had requested permission to be absent from the army and the council a couple of days. It seemed that the princess had something she wanted to show him.
“I... please come with me, there is something I must give you please!” She said with a reverence, repeating “please” with every sentence” he could far tell she was really nervous.
“It’s just me, there’s no need of such formality” he said scratching his head.
“But now you reminded me, with all this responsibility in Hyrule’s castle, I’m beginning to feel as an important person” he said bluffing as a joke to his childhood friend, even though she seemed distracted, something rare, as she always payed close attention to whatever he said.
She led him into a road near the waterfalls around the village. At first she intended to take him to Vah Ruta, but she remembered that the place would be crowded because they installed a big marketplace near the dam, where Vah Ruta was resting, she didn’t wanted to lose more time, so she lead him behind one of the tallest waterfall of clear water, they went through a fancy zora door, reaching a big chamber. There rested a closed treasure chest in the center of the room, lightened by a ray of sunlight filtered from above,
Link was half naked now, he took off his champion tunic, his pants and his boots before crossing under the waterfall. He was used to it since he visited the kingdom as a kid, occasionally he would even play in the cliff jumping to the water for hours. He had a close relationship with king Dorphan too.
Mipha blushed slightly watching his naked torso, she began stuttering even more.
“Link... I have made this for you”...
Link, curious and impatient, went right to the chest she was pointing. He didn’t wait a second to hear what was inside, something he would regret later. He went right to it, and opened the treasure, asking if he could have it now at the same time.
Inside, he found a zora armor, a helmet and zora grieves.
With a serious expression, he observed slowly the beautiful design in the armor set. Mipha kept silent then, maybe he knew the meaning of that gesture.
“This... is a zora armor set...” he said, touching it softly to get a feel of the texture, his eyes were bright with excitement .
“Link... humm.., I must tell you that...”
“This is the coolest thing ever!!!! Mipha, does this make me a faster swimmer?..”
“Yes, you’ll swim faster, and you can ascend big waterfalls going versus water current... but... listen... Link...”
While he was trying to listen, Link was already putting on the armor set. It was a perfect fit, something unexpected, because if it was made with a zora pattern, he expected it to be a little big for him, because all Zora were taller than him.
When Mipha got his attention back, Link was already putting the helmet on.
“So... It’s a very special... item.. because..”
“Of course it’s special! It’s perfect! How did you know it would fit me?” He said, stretching his arms and jumping a little while mumbling that the color was so cool and the liberty of movements, he just didn’t let the Zora princess finish any of her sentences.
“Link!... listen!... that armor set... is for my future husband!”
It was just then that he kept silence and turned to face her, analyzing her words.
“I... I handcrafted it carefully, and I... made it for you... with all my love... Link... do you remember the day you killed the Linel?... it ...it all started that day... I fell in love with you”
He stared at the princess, the young zora was bowing in front of him, as a sign of respect. If she could be more red, her blushing face would have been noted on her delicate features. Her eyes were closed tightly, she seemed about to cry.
“Mipha...” he said, walking towards her slowly, his eyes wide open, he felt now like he was in a sort of unreal dream, expecting to wake up any moment. Her love confession was truly an unexpected surprise for the hylian.
“Mipha... I care for you deeply” he said, raising her chin with his hand, so she would look back at him, putting his other hand on her head.
“I know... this may sound unfair... but... I have always thought of you as my family... and I really would like to offer something so precious like you are feeling right now about me... it doesn’t matter if we are Hylian or Zora...” and making a pause he continued
“I know... you will find the most special person for you... I am sure you will!... I’m really sorry Mipha...”
And making a deeper bow in front of her, he continued on a more formal way. He didn’t want to loose her long time friend, into his mind appeared images of his childhood : them investigating dangerous mistery of the lost silver rupee, how they played and he defended her of river otoroks, or when she showed him exited his new baby brother Sidon along with many other memories, as much as he didn’t want to hurt her, he couldn’t offer what she expected of him.
-“I... had the impression... it was unrequited” she answered. A silent tear running down her cheek and a forced smile placed on her lips.
-“Is it... that you have someone special already Link?” She asked quickly cleansing the tear away from her face
-“I promise, the moment I find her, you’ll be the first one to know” he answered offering his small finger to lace it with hers
-“It’s a promise”
And joining pinkys, they were distracted by a young zora who came in walking hand in hand with little Sidon, who came kicking water playfully.
-“My Mipha!” He ran to her when he saw her. The princess stoop down and carried him on her shoulders with a smile.
-“Link! I want Link’s outfit! My Mipha is going to make me clothes like Link’s!” He said convincingly, pointing at Link’s armor.
The young Zora who came behind was Sidon caretaker. She apologized
-“I’m sorry, Princess Mipha, lord Sidon insisted so much we should look for you, I supposed you would be here”
Link bécame Awareness he was still wearing Zora’s armor set, with such a significance he began undressing it.
“I... would like you to keep it” Mipha said timidly, “After all... it is made only for you”.
-“I can’t accept such honor”... said doubtfully the blue eyed hylian.
“Please! Take it as a gift, for the heroe of the evil vanishing sword”.
“I want it! My-Mi, make one for me, would you?” Said the little princess brother, bouncing on her shoulders, without knowing real significance of the matter.
“Yes, yes. I will, but you’ll see, a prettier Zora girl It’s going to make a better one for you one day” Mipha told his little brother, tickiling his feet, so he inocently laughed.
“No! My-Mi is the preeeeetiest Zora of all” he answered, opening his arms to the air.
“Of course she is” Link claimed, and so they all began walking to the waterfall exit..
It’s not that Link didn’t wanted to try the zora armor, or that he wouldn’t like to have said hello to the king of the Zora, it was just that uncomfortable silence, he didn’t know if he had to explain if having the armor, people might think he was in fact now the princess fiancé, and it would be all missunderstood as next royal - son in law.
He also didn’t want to take it off, so he wouldn’t hurt Mipha more than he already felt he had, so he decided to return to Hyrule as soon as possible, so he parted, with formal goodbye to the siblings. As expected, Mipha didn’t insist on him staying, most likely she would not fancy seeing him for a while, action he perfectly understood.
“-See you in a month on Hyrule!” He said, taking the road to Hyrule.
Once he was out of sight, Mipha took Sidon off her shoulders, and sat on the ground near the water. Silent tears came flowing non stop.
“My Mipha? Are you I’ll?” Sidon came near, touching her face.
“Does it hurt?l he asked with big child eyes, about to start crying too.
“Yes... it hurts. I will be ok, little one” She said, taking her face to her knees.
-“ Sidon, let us find some wild flowers to cure your sister, I need your help” Her nany said, Sidon, eager to help took her hand and they left the princess alone, after all, it was going to be hard to cure a broken heart.
Mind blank, that was the journey back Hyrule, So much have happened in so little time.
Many matters were required at his return, and what he imagined it would be short vacation with the Zora, came as a sad situation.
-“Sometimes I feel really stupid” he talked with his horse, reprimanding himself for not realizing Mipha’s feelings towards him. How long would she felt that way? Would it have been different having known them? It was frustrating not to find a solution, not to be able to help all of those who were important to him.
In the meantime on Hyrule.
Once morning meeting was finished, Zelda went personally to supervise contstruction site in the outskirts. She felt heaviness on her soul since early morning. On her mind, it only occured that, without the duty of being her appointed knight, Link didn’t have to be after her all the time. A year had being enough to pass from despise to longing.
Impa walked towards her, accompanied by two man of a peculiar aspect, one of them was red head like fire, without hylian ears, wich was considered flamboyant for the villagers, and people around. He was being followed by a taller man, with a black cloak covering his hair, and part of the face... or was it a tall woman? For the fine features of it’s face, and the slim body, it was hard to tell.
“Princess Zelda, ... they...uhh” that was all Impa was able to murmur, referring to the red haired man.
“It’s such an honor, to meet you at last your majesty, a lot has been spoken about your beauty on the literature, on the land that we are from! But it does not make justice to the real muse, who inspires all those wisdom poems, sang on realm festivities” He said theatrically, reaching her and taking her hand to make a greeting and giving Zelda a quick kiss on her cheek, that was a real surprise.
“Impa, I trust you are going to tell me what is this about”. As shocked as she was, she wasn’t sure if she should be laughing or upset.
“They come from Altea..” the Sheikah answered unceremoniously, that erased the little smile from her face.
“I imagine you are here for the answer to your future King, prince Marth” she asked directly. “Well, Incan go ahead and tell you that I’m sorry you travelled this far, but princess Zelda in unwilling to have a marriage...”
“Princess, you are mistaken, please hear this humble peasants, my name is Raphael, I’m a land worker, who achieved a degree on architecture, so I was sent as a help to rehabilitate your beautiful kingdom, as help from a neighbor kingdom.
“And your servant I presume, is...”
“He is my bodyguard, Ling, a pawn who was sent to protect me from the roads, even squire, if you would excuse him, he is not instructed on reading and writing” . He stood silent to such statements, raising his head a little.
“So, were you both farmers?” She asked, uncertain of his words, their hands, even covered in half gloves, didn’t seem of a man who had worked tilling the ground
“Yes! We were, your real majesty, we hope not to be a bother, so made clear our only objective is to help with the reconstruction and devastation your kingdom suffered.
“In that case, you are welcome, I trust my most trusted guardian Impa wil, find you a acomodation, shall you follow me please, I was just heading to talk to architect headmasters to deal with house construction”
Both look themselves for a second before following her.
On purpose, she took the road near vegetable plot, many hylians were working there, hylian whom dedicated all their lives to farm and grow plants.
-“Good morning Mr Talem, I see that carrots are going well”
The old man, seeing it was the Princess herself, made a bow in one knee, rising after her signal to come closer.
-“Yes, it is, we are hoping fertile lands this years your majesty” he politely answered with a smile.
-“This lords here, will be more than happy to give you some advice, how long is the harvest period for carrots in Altea? Lord Raphael?
The red head stood still, looking from Zelda, to the farmer and then Zelda again.
-“Well, your majesty, carrots on Altea have a 15 day period to harvest”
Both, Zelda and Mr Talem made a surprised face, and Zelda raised an eyebrow incredulous
-“That’s really fast sir, you have to tell me the way to achieve that in or lands” Talem said, taking off his hat in front of Raphael.
“And the big hearted radish, so abundant in Altea, we also grow it here, how long does it take you to harvest? Sir Raphael? She inquired again.
-“Oh... of course! Only two weeks of a good irrigation of fresh spring water, and you’ll have it ready for a salad! “ he answered without a doubt.
Talem looked at him with bright eyes, and bowed several times, asking him to teach Altea’s harvesting tips
-“Some other day, Talem now I have to take them with the architects”
Impa followed a steps behind Zelda, who went ahead inside a tent installed for construction workers, going inside with both characters.
-“So, foreigners, maybe in Altea there is some magic to fertilize your vegetables so much so they grow twice as fast, or maybe you are just mot aware that the big heart turnip is exclusive of the Lands of Hyrule, but I’d like to know your real purpose here, Are you spies? Because is now clear to me that you were not farmers. I knew prince Marth was unorthodox, but sending spies to Hyrule?” She told them, on a more upset tone, walking around the tent.
Raphael got a bit nervous.
-“Well, you see.. what really happens is...”
The young man on dark cloak,who had been silent until now, with one movement revealed himself under the fabric, unveiling his blue hair and white skin, and blue eyes like his hair, he was really good looking at first sight.
-“It’s ok, Roy” he told the red headed, touching his shoulder. “Princess Zelda, it has been imprudent of me to put ourselves on this situation” he told to the blond girl, his voice was deep and manly for his complexion.
-“Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Marth Lowell, heir prince of Altea”
Zelda couldn’t believe her ears, the prince himself on Hyrule? And it was quite not what she imagined, among her calculation, he should have at least twice her age.
-“Is it not that Marth was born on 52e after the first cataclysm?...”
-“I’m sorry for that confusión, here it is, Falchion sword to prove myself, I know that whomever wrote my birth date, in a couple of copies of Altea’s genealogical tree, changed mine with my cousin, Ike, but my year of birth is bear, meaning I’m nineteen years old, this year I’ll be twenty your highness” he said, while unfolding a package revealing a beautiful sword, with golden handle, embedded with a beautiful ruby on center and an emerald at the left, covered with a blue fine sheath. Impa, who was límete IMG from outside, went inside the tent, side with the Princess.
-“The moment news arrived to my father of the proceeding of our engagement, I wanted to personally come without pretending to mean any offense, to meet you at least once before allowing others to make a choice in my place, so that is why I made our presences so discreet
“Didn’t succeed at all” she thought to hersel, instead of making themselves familiar, they made themselves more noticeable among hylians.
-“So... now that you know me, and my kingdom, I suppose your interests on the engaging has decreased, as you see, we are recovering with many projects” she stated on a diplomatic way, as she never thought she would have to reject the prince personally, but it was easier if he rejected the union first.
-“On the contrary. Knowing Hyrule, and meeting you... has only increased my longing to concrete a possible alliance between our kingdom”
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jadeender · 5 years
Regaining whats Lost
As Four and his Shadow, Maverick, set off the others brought Hyrule back in and decided what to do.
“We can’t just wait here and hope for Maverick to come back with answers.” Legend said as he and the others bickered. “Not that I don’t trust him but I’m not going to put everything in someone else's hands.”
Sky looked around at his friends, all he could feel was nothing. He was trying, ever since he had separated from Stygian he thought this feeling would go away but it hadn’t. Thinking back to his adventure with Zelda he had an idea.
“We need to be purified.” Sky said.
“What?” Wind asked. “What does that even mean.”
Turning his face to everyone Sky began to explain. “Back at the beginning of my first adventure I escorted my Zelda to these purification shrines so she could awaken her full power. That's what we need, to get rid of whatever darkness is lingering around inside of us.”
Time considered it for a second. “It’s worth trying, we need to put that behind us and get rid of any undesirable qualities we may have picked up from the darks.”
“I don't know.” Warriors started. “What if it harms us instead, after all we weren't just being possessed or something, it went all the way down to our souls. Going to those spring could burn away at our very souls.”
“I don’t think they will.” Sky said. “We’re still us, and if burns our souls it’ll only burn the dark parts left. I’ve been in one before and I was fine.”
The end of statement turned out much more pointed than he’d intended but the others understood and agreed pretty easily; after all, no one else had any better ideas other than wait around.
Night feel and after Curse and Maverick had gone into the dark world everything was ready to travel the next day, Tempest after much convincing had agreed to try and travel them through the dark world though the task was going to be harder for him to complete on his own without another dark to help pull some many people through, but it was either that or spend days wandering across Hyrule and hopping whatever cosmic power that was linking the hyrules allowed them into Sky’s hyrule.
Sky sat alone as everyone drifted off to sleep, being idle was not their style but when they were they all tended to fall asleep quite easily, the stress of being a hero and the day to day battles were hard enough. Normally Sky would be the first to sleep, since Hylia knows he loves naps. But not now, still he felt stygians presence though the dark was gone. He didn’t feel his emotions like he normally did, he had become so accustomed to living with a strong emotion to fuel him it felt odd to feel so empty.
Ever since the merge, fear, despair, and worry kept him going and fought off the apathy but now as he had within the fortress it reigned over him. 
As sleep drifted closer to him Sky found himself praying a short prayer, please let me feel again please, to feel love or anything. And as his consciousness ended he felt the soft touch of something near his mind, any old friend returned.
The next morning everyone woke up and readied. There was very little to do in the house since Ravio was going to be staying there.
“You’re sure you don't’ want to come Ravio? You went through the same thing as us, you could use it.” Legend questioned his friend.
“I’ll be fine, I’m not like all of you I’m Lorulian. I can deal with a little bit of darkness, I have before.” Ravio assured him.
“If everyone is ready then?” Twilight asked looking over the group.
Hyrule as usual was quiet, his excitement for life had been dimmed by shame about Callous. Four and Wind other hand were peppy and Wind was chattering with Warriors as they gathered outside. Twilight, Wild, and Time were a unit as usual and Legend gave his friend a hug before reminding the bunny man not to sell any of his stuff.
Tempest looked at the trees and grimaced before turning back to the lights. “Look, I’m only doing this because you helped me get away from Callous. I'll get you there and then I’m leaving, I have somewhere else I need to go.”
The lights nodded, no one had particularly expected Tempest to stay around with them for a long period. Sky shifted slightly feeling impatience rise, it had never been one of his virtues.
“I’ll take you over three at a time, it’s easier on me this way.” Tempest looked at Sky and gestured. “You need to be one of the first because im going to need a guide to get there.”
“Of course.” Sky stepped up along with Four and Time for the first trip.
“Ok, where is this place?”
Tempest and his passengers stepped into the shadows of the woods around Legends home and reemerged in the heart of Faron woods near the entrance to the Skyview Temple.
“This is as far as I can go. Some sort of magic or something is preventing me from shadow traveling directly inside.” He informed the others. “Stay here while I get the rest.”
With that the young dark disappeared into the shadows again and Sky starred down the Temple, he had been here many times. Thinking of the times he spent on his adventure back when everything had been new and simple stirred his heart. Chasing after Zelda as she went of to purify herself and bring back her memories of being Hylia. Feeling a twinge in his heart as he thought of Zelda was exciting, the feeling was real and it felt almost like love.
“Where are they?” He asked quietly pacing in front of the door.
“They’ll be along in a minute. I know you’re anxious to get this done.” Time replied in characteristic patience, something his age had provided. 
After Time spoke Tempest reappeared with Warriors, Hyrule and Legend in tow. He turned around without as much as a word and disappeared.
“So this is the place.” Warriors commented walking around. “I didn’t get to see this part of your hyrule last time.”
“Last time?” Legend questioned. “We’ve never crossed through Sky’s Hyrule before. Not since we picked up Sky and that was before we found you.”
“During my own adventure. Chasing down my zelda, fighting ganon, I traveled to the other dimensions. I went to Wind, Twilight and Time’s Hyrules as well.” Warriors clarified. “I don't really know how I got there I just kind of did.”
“That’s great but I’d like to get moving.” Sky said, he was getting jittery knowing what they were searching for was so close by.
“Heres the last ones.” Tempest shadow traveled in with Wind, Twilight, and Wild. “I’m going now.”
Before Tempest could leave Wind grabbed his arm. “Wait, I know where you’re going and I want to go with you. Please just wait till after we do this and let me come with you. I want to see them too.”
Tempest starred Wind down and the two passed a look of recognition as they shared some sort of secret they weren’t yet willing to share with the other lights.
“Fine, but don’t take forever. I’ve already been waiting years since I’ve been back.” Tempest considered. “Try and keep up with your baby sitters short stack.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.” Wind shot back at the dark confidently. “Try not to sulk the entire time I’m gone. I know I’m the only light in your life.”
“I’m going.” Watching Wind and his dark bicker was funny but they had somewhere to be and Sky wasn’t willing to wait any longer. 
As he entered the door memories once again flowed, memories of Fi guiding him as he made his way through the temple. He went quickly through the temple, cutting down the spider webs with ease and pushing past the puzzles. Watching the enemies he was supposed to kill he instead hit the switch and progressed. The others almost had to run to catch up as he cleared the puzzles with ease.
Sky cut down enemies and used his slingshot to finish things out of reach. He hurried past every unnecessary trial and opened chest. Every step drew him closer and more and more he started to feel things, wistful feeling of missing someone, excitement at the end to this journey and determination flowed through him. 
Finally they reached the door to the spring, no longer guarded with a goddess seal as it had been, Sky pushed the door open as the other heroes jogged to keep up. A few times he hear calls for his name and to slow down but nothing would stop him now, not when he was so close.
The area looked as he remembered it, several waterfalls fell into the pool below and the water shone as the sun hit it.
“We’re finally here.” Sky breathed as he bypassed the stepping stones and barreled directly into the water. 
Sky knew the others must have followed him into the water cause he heard the vague sounds of splashing but he quickly went as deep as the pool would go and just laid down into the water. Something inside him started to shift and started to change, he could feel his apathy and anger, all the emotions that had bent upside him straining to get out disappeared as calm and tranquility rooted in its place.
For the first time since they had met the darks Sky reveled in a moment of contentedness.
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 33
They looked across the field, the power-lines stretching onward on either side of them. But the forest that Link and Zelda had found earlier was no longer across the way. Instead, the field rolled on away from the city and toward the distant interstate.
“You said there was a forest here,” Revali said, his brows furrowed. “I don't see a single tree.”
“I don't understand,” Zelda said. “It was here. This is where we found the sword.”
“Were you on drugs?” Revali asked skeptically.
Zelda turned and sneered at Link.
“What? This isn't my fault,” he said defensively.
“Now what do we do?” Mipha asked. “This is where the portal is supposed to be.”
“Something's not right,” Urbosa said.
“I think that old hag sent us on a wild goose chase,” Daruk muttered.
“No,” Zelda said firmly. “It has to be here.”
“What do we do?” Mipha asked.
Their eyes turned to Zelda.
“I don't know,” she said slowly. “I guess we have to try somewhere else.” Her phone rang at that moment. Impa's name flashed on the screen and she answered it quickly.
“Impa -” But Impa cut her off. She listened intently, her brows knit together. “You can't be serious... In Akkala? ... Of course... Right. We'll head over there.” She hung up the phone and blew at her bangs, exasperated. She turned her attention back on her friends. “I have bad news, and worse news,” she said.
“Of course you do,” Revali said.
“The bad news is that the portal is definitely not here.”
“And the worse news?” Mipha asked.
“The second portal has been opened. The Shadow Beasts beat us to it. It's in Akkala. Some people in the area have reported seeing something going on at the old citadel. My father has already sent detail out to keep people away, so we should be in the clear to take care of it.”
“More Shadow Beasts?” Urbosa asked.
Zelda shook her head. “I don't think so. It sounds bigger. Impa wasn't sure, but we need to get over there and close it before whatever it is attacks the city.” “That's a long drive,” Urbosa said. “It will be the middle of the night by the time we get there.”
“Impa can help with that,” Zelda said. “Sheikah can teleport.”
“You mean, she's note a useless old hag after all?” Revali said.
“Watch it,” Link warned. “Or she'll beat you with a stick, too.”
Impa was waiting for them rather impatiently when they got back to the shrine. She looked at her wrist, yet there was no watch on it. “If I had a Rupee for every time I had to wait around for some damned hero, I'd be the richest person in the world.”
“Along with your title of the oldest person in the world,” Revali said with a grin.
Impa slapped him upside the head. “No respect,” she hissed. “I will not make this an easy trip on you.” She turned to her granddaughter at her side. “Go with them. Bring them back when they're done. Unless they all die. Then leave them there.”
Paya hesitated. “Grandmother,” she said softly. “That's... a lot. I've never had to teleport seven people before.”
Impa shrugged. “Well, at least bring Link and Zelda back. Unfortunately, we'll need them.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Revali said. “You're not ditching us in Akkala.”
“Relax,” Impa said, waving a hand at him. “You have legs. You can walk home.”
Revali opened his mouth to argue further, but Impa raised a hand, and immediately the world seemed to melt around them. They looked around in a panic, turning to Paya for some clarification, but she averted their gazes. And just as suddenly as the world began to melt and disappear around them, they felt as if they were jolted through time and space. Their insides lurched sickeningly, and in a snap, the world focused around them once more. Except the scene around them was not that of the shrine. They were deep in Akkala, now, the world shrouded in an eerie and unnatural twilight. In the distance, the citadel stood tall against the horizon, a dark shape against the dark storm clouds that rolled in.
But the storm was the least of their problems. Above the citadel, the opened portal seemed to grow and pulse. In the field that stretched between them and the citadel was an army of what appeared to be skeletons, some clad in armor, all with swords and other various ancient weaponry, and they were marching straight towards them.
“Those aren't Shadow Beasts,” Daruk muttered.
“Are those fucking skeletons?” Revali said.
“Of course they are,” Urbosa said. “Why would we expect anything less than insanity?”
“How are we supposed to destroy an army of bones?” Revali said.
“They're just bones,” Link said. “What's the worse that could happen? They'll just fall apart... right?”
“I have a feeling it won't be that easy,” Mipha muttered.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Revali said. “Let's get this over with.” He drew his bow and let an arrow fly. It hit its first target, knocking the skeletal soldier to the ground. But after a moment, it returned to its feet, seemingly unfazed by the attack.
“Awesome,” Revali muttered.
Urbosa stepped forward then, and with a snap of her fingers, lightening plummeted against the ground. Skeletal soldiers flew through the air where the ground erupted. Those in the direct path of the strike were turned to ash. As the soldiers fell to the ground, their bones broke and scattered, seemingly ending their short-lived lives.
“You're on,” Revali said to Urbosa. “There's no way I'm letting you have all the fun.”
Revali and Urbosa eagerly plunged themselves into battle, taking out as many of the skeletal soldiers as they could.
Link turned to Zelda and Mipha. “Stay out of the way,” he growled.
“No way,” Zelda said. “We can help.”
“Find that power,” Daruk grunted at her. “You can help by closing that portal before we get our asses handed to us.” He turned to Link. “I'll stay here with them. I've got more going for me than these fists.” A red orb took shape around the three of them suddenly; a protective shield that enveloped Daruk, Zelda, and Paya. “Just take care of that army.”
With one last glance to his friends, Link and Paya hurried to join Revali and Urbosa in the battle. However, when they neared the skeletal army, Link froze, gripping the sword in both hands. Battling the Shadow Beasts seemed easy enough, despite their terrifying forms and horrific shrieks. In comparison, a walking structure of bones was not nearly as scary, but there was one difference between the two, and that difference was weapons. This was exactly the moment Impa had been training him for, yet he suddenly felt overwhelmingly under prepared. As they charged towards him, weapons raised, they seemed more real than anything he had encountered yet, and he couldn't bring himself to move. But it was kill or be killed, and Link wasn't about to succumb to an army of walking corpses.
He raised his sword as the first skeletal soldier charged him, deflecting his enemy's blow and dislodging the sword from the soldier's hands in one swift movement. The sword fell to the ground, leaving it defenseless, and in that moment, Link swung his sword around again, cutting through the midsection of the soldier and ending the brief battle.
He felt a wave of adrenaline wash over him as he tore his gaze away from the corpse and onto the next soldier charging at him. He gripped the sword in his hand once more, feeling more confident than he had in a long time, and repeated the process of battling and killing.
But as the battle wore on, the skeletal army seemed to grow, and their attacks moved en masse. Suddenly, he found himself in clusters of soldiers, working hard and fast to take them out before they had a chance to surround him. He didn't have a chance to think, only react, yet his body seemed to move automatically, just as Impa had taught him to do in combat.
Though the battle had seemingly only just begun, Daruk could see that his friends were already being overwhelmed. The hoard of skeletal soldiers seemed endless, and the battle showed no signs of ending any time soon. From time to time, his friends disappeared in the madness, only to resurface a few moments later, looking more exhausted than the last time he caught a glimpse of them. He couldn't sit by and do nothing any longer.
“Stay here,” Daruk growled to Zelda and Mipha before running out to join the fight, leaving them alone in the protection of his shield.
They watched helplessly in the protection of his barrier. Without her power, and with Mipha's only ability being to heal, they felt useless. Zelda grew agitated; there just had to be something she could do. She couldn’t stand idly by in Daruk’s protection while her friends fought for their lives and all of Hyrule.
She desperately tried to gather her inner strength, just as Impa had been training her do. She fought to relax and focus her mind, but it was impossible in the midst of battle. She could hear the sounds of steel clanging together as Link plunged deeper into battle, fighting off the attacks of Ganondorf’s army. She felt the ground tremble as Urbosa let loose her terrifying power, lightning striking all around them. She listened to Daruk’s grunts as he threw his strong fists at his enemies, and Revali whooped as his arrows hit their targets.
“Curse this damn power,” Zelda practically shouted in frustration. Her hands made fists at her sides, her knuckles turning white. Her fingernails dug into her palms as she tried once more to awaken the power inside of her, growing more and more desperate as time ticked by.
They were already severely outnumbered, and the longer the fight took, the more tired Hyrule's Champions were becoming. Zelda watched helplessly as Daruk panted after each blow. Urbosa moved further away from the heart of the battle, her power growing weaker. Revali desperately shot arrow after arrow, but he was growing careless and his arrows missed more frequently. Even Link was slowing down, stumbling backwards and moving to a defensive stance, no longer making any attempt to attack his enemies. They didn’t have the energy to continue like this. They were losing.
“No,” Zelda muttered. She closed her eyes and tried once more to summon her power, but it was useless. She cursed loudly and pressed herself as close to Daruk’s shield as she could without breaking it. Her eyes darted around the scene of the battle, her mind racing, hoping to find something she could use to help them. Her eyes stopped on Link as she heard the sound of steel on steel. She watched in horror as the Master Sword was thrown from his hands, clattering onto the ground just yards away.
Mipha screamed to him, and together, they watched as he lost his focus, his attention turned to the sword, but Mipha's voice was lost in the chaos. Her heart lept in her throat as the enemy’s sword plunged forward into Link, stunning him for a moment, his mouth open in shock. He blinked up at the enemy for a moment until the sword was withdrawn and blood splattered out of the wound in his gut, staining the blade, his shirt, and the ground around them.
Mipha’s throat burned as she screamed into the night. Zelda threw herself out of the protection of Daruk’s barrier, shattering it. Without thinking, she sprinted forward towards Link, unable to see through her blurred vision. She threw her arm out desperately in an attempt to stop them from attacking again and a surge of power shot through her body. She gasped for air as her breath was seemingly sucked out of her lungs and the surge shot down her arm and out her open hand in a sharp and blinding light.
The light shot across the battle and seemed to extend far across the land, as far as she could see. When it subsided, she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She blinked through her wet eyes. The world had grown quiet. Too quiet. The sounds of battle had ceased, and everything was still. She looked around; skeletal bodies were strewn across the ground, defeated. Her eyes moved over to her friends; they, too, were examining the sight of the finished battle, their mouths gaping open. One by one, they turned their eyes to Zelda as she pushed herself to her feet. And then they looked passed her at something far more disturbing than an undead army. Urbosa’s face whitened and she cried out to Link, bringing Zelda’s attention back to him. She spun around on her heels as he fell to his knees, doubled over and gasping sickeningly. Blood spewed out of his mouth as he fought to fill his lungs with air.
“No!” Mipha ran to his side, her weak knees collapsing under her. She caught him as his body gave out under his own weight and he collapsed against her. Blood seeped through his shirt and onto her hands as she frantically ripped open his shirt in an attempt to cover the wound, but it was much too deep.
“No, no, no,” she muttered, her hands shaking, as she pulled her closer to him. “You’re going to be okay,” she sobbed. “Don’t leave me. You’re going to be fine.”
Link’s gaze met her’s for a brief moment, but his eyes seemed empty. They closed and he fell limp in her arms, no longer breathing. She screamed to him, her vision blurred. She could barely make out the voices behind her until she felt Daruk's strong hand on her shoulder.
“Fix him,” he growled to her. “Snap out of it and fix it! If you don't hurry...”
Mipha hesitated, staring down at Link. The only time she had used her powers to heal was a cut on his face. This was no simple wound, however. What if she couldn't do it? She pinched her lips together in an attempt to hold back a sob. Without another word, she closed her eyes and set to work healing him with shaking arms.
Daruk turned away as Mipha worked and made his way to Revali’s side.
“Do you think she can do it?” Revali asked, hesitant. For once, his expression seemed to show concern, even fear, for Link. “Wounds are one thing. But this…” He turned his gaze to Daruk. “He’s a dead man, Daruk.”
“Shut your mouth,” Daruk growled. “She can do this. She has to.”
Revali turned his attention back on Mipha as she worked, unaware of the rest of the world around her.
Zelda leaned against Urbosa, who seemed to suddenly be her only support as she stood watching Mipha. She bit back a sob, but her body shook, and Urbosa pulled her closer, running her fingers through Zelda’s hair, just as she did with Riju when she was upset. And it seemed to work. Zelda felt a little more calm, a little more focused. It grounded her in reality as she watched Link carefully, waiting for some sign of life.
After a few more minutes, they got their sign. Link gasped and choked as his lungs filled with air. Mipha quickly pulled him against her as he gasped for breath and then passed out once more, his head in her lap. The wound continued to bleed profusely, and Mipha turned her attention to it, closing it up as quickly as she could to stop it from bleeding further, now that Link appeared to be stable.
“We can’t stay here much longer,” Daruk said, his voice rough. But there was a small sigh of relief to it. “Once he’s stable enough, we need to move and get back to Impa.”
“We can't leave without closing that portal,” Urbosa said. “If we don't hurry, who knows what else will come out of it.”
Zelda nodded and stepped out of Urbosa's comforting hold. “I'll take care of it,” she said, her face creased with concern.
“You're not going alone,” Revali said. “Come on.”
Zelda didn't bother to argue with him. They hurried toward the citadel where the portal pulsed in the sky, leaving the others to tend to Link.
After a few minutes more, Mipha sat back against her legs and lowered her arms, her gaze still on Link. “Okay,” she said softly. “He should be okay to move. The wound is sealed.”
Daruk didn’t hesitate once she gave him the okay, scooping the still unconscious hero in his arms. Mipha got to her feet, realizing how suddenly exhausted she was. She had never had to heal someone who was almost dead. It took more out of her than she realized, and her legs gave out under her own weight, too tired to support her any longer.
Urbosa caught her as she collapsed and lifted her off the ground as she drifted in and out of consciousness. “She’s exhausted,” she said. “She'll need rest.”
“I can get you back to the shrine,” Paya said. “It will be easier in a smaller group for me. I'll come back for Zelda and Revali.”
Daruk hesitated, glancing towards the citadel. He nodded. “Alright,” he said. “Just make it quick.”
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botwriter · 6 years
Desert Sun, Chapter 8
The next morning, Zelda was woken up by hushed but impassioned voices from downstairs. She stirred and groaned a little to herself, rolling in the blankets and wishing she could fall back asleep, but then she remembered - today they were going to Karusa Valley, to see what had happened with the other warriors.
Hurriedly she got dressed then, and stepped quickly but lightly down the stairs, to find Urbosa, Mipha, and one of the other guards in the middle of a discussion.
“Zelda - thank the heroines. You want to come today, correct?” Urbosa asked, and Zelda nodded fervently. Mipha, with her hands clutched together, seemed to deflate somewhat.
“I wanted both you and Link to rest today, to get better. But he wants to go, too. I don’t know why you each have this notion that you need to be at the front lines all the time,” she said, clearly upset.
“Because we do have to be,” Zelda replied honestly, though she was sympathetic to what Mipha had to say. “But we won’t do anything crazy. I promise. Urbosa can go first,” she said, joking somewhat as she smiled up at the chieftain, who laughed.
“That’s usually how it goes, isn’t it? Don’t you worry, Mipha. We’ll take good care of Zelda and her chosen hero,” Urbosa said, and Mipha looked somewhat disappointed at those words, which Zelda didn’t miss. She shot the Zora a reassuring look anyways, and then followed Urbosa and the other guard out of the palace.
“You’re looking in much better spirits,” Urbosa observed, casting a curious look sideways at Zelda as they walked through down. “It seems that trip did you well. Besides yesterday’s monsters,” she added with a laugh, and Zelda agreed silently.
“I feel a bit better now that Link has his triforce,” she admitted, and for once the feeling wasn’t coupled with shame at her own failures.
When they reached the tent outside, Revali and Link were already ready to go, dressed and chatting near the shrine. Link looked clearly distracted as Zelda approached, and she watched in amusement as Revali waved a feathered wing in front of his face.
“What is wrong with y- ugh,” she heard Revali scoff, as the Rito noticed what Link had been looking at.
“I told Urbosa we didn’t need the Princess to come along,” Revali said stubbornly, folding his wings and looking at Zelda disapprovingly.
“You might not, but I’m coming anyways,” she replied. “You look a lot better than yesterday,” she said then, looking to Link with a smile. For the first time, she felt genuinely happy to see him. Revali and Urbosa exchanged glances over Zelda’s head.
“So do you,” Link replied, “I’m glad. I never said thanks for - for your saving me,” he said then, causing Revali to look sharply sideways at him.
“You saved me first,” Zelda protested, and Urbosa let out a groan.
“You two are adorable, but we need to get moving. Come on!”
The ride to Karusa valley was quick, especially compared to the recent trips Zelda had made. When they arrived in the valley an hour later, the tall highland cliff walls towered above them on either side and they slowed their speed. The sand seals could only take them so far, and Revali flew in for a landing once they’d reached the edge of the sand.
“It’s strangely quiet,” Urbosa mentioned as they began to slowly walk up and through the caverns. Now and again the wind swept through, and sand slowly spilled from the cliff sides above, but that was it. There were hardly even any animals or insects around - just a large number of frog statues.
Before long, a voice spoke to them, though it was impossible to tell from where.
“You’re not on home turf. Turn back.”
“Bluff all you want,” Urbosa called out, grinning to herself, “but we’ll be continuing on.”
“Then you have only yourself to blame!”
In a flash, multiple yiga appeared around them, puffs of smoke announcing their arrival. There was a clatter of noise as each of the champions readied their weapons. Zelda ran towards a yiga nearby, scimitar at the ready, but an arrow pierced his mask clean in half and knocked the slim man away immediately. He disappeared promptly in a cloud of smoke, but the others weren’t so lucky. As she looked around the small clearing, Link and Urbosa had stopped short of fighting their yigas as well, as Revali quickly dispatched a volley of arrows all within barely a second.
“Target practice,” he smirked, putting his bow away a moment later and continuing to walk. Link and Zelda exchanged surprised glances. Perhaps the Rito did have a reason to be so cocky, after all.
“Let me get a couple hits in,” Urbosa sighed as they continued, but Revali only laughed.
“If you can beat my speed, then by all means, go for it.”
Zelda glanced up at Urbosa, who looked back at her with a smirk. The next clearing they found, more Yiga appeared, and Zelda simply lifted her hands to her ears and gestured for Link to do the same. The Hylian looked confused, but slowly put his sword away and did so.
Before Revali could get his arrows out, lightning cracked in the clearing, and each of the yiga fell immediately. Revali’s beak dropped open and he slowly let go of the tension in his bow.
“Pfft,” he scoffed, “that’s basically cheating.”
Urbosa only laughed in reply, and the group continued on, soon finding themselves in the heart of the Yiga base. Link suggested they bait them with bananas and sneak through, but Revali was too impatient, and itching for a fight. They decided to go in by force.
It had clearly caught the Yiga by surprise. Some of their bigger hitters were a challenge, but between the four of them they had no problems slowly but steadily making their way through the base and clearing it out. By the time they reached the back and found themselves outside again, they must have gone through two dozen Yiga - but now, surrounding the massive hole in the ground, another dozen appeared, and with them, their prisoners.
“Torae!” Urbosa called, and Zelda gasped, seeing the guard captain with her wrists tied and mouth gagged. The others were in the same boat, and the four Champions readied their weapons as the Yiga attacked.
It was many more at once this time, and proved more of a challenge. Zelda became increasingly frustrated at how close Revali and Link stuck by her; between the two of them covering either side, she barely got a hit in to any Yiga at all, but as a result they were both somewhat overwhelmed. An arrow pierced Revali’s leg, and Link had been hit with an electrical arrow. The Hylian shuddered at first as it rocked through him, and dropped both his sword and shield as he hit the ground on all fours. The last Yiga left nimbly took hold of the sword and disappeared, but Urbosa seemed to know where he would land, and struck out with her shield as he teleported nearby.
He skidded in the sand towards the hole, but stopped just at the edge. He still had the sword, and seeing so seemed to give him pause. The man looked at the sword once, then back at Zelda and Link and the others, and then - in a moment that must have been slow-motion to everyone, and yet much too fast - threw it into the massive hole in the center of the valley.
Link sprinted from his spot on the ground, and would have probably tossed himself in after it if it wasn’t for Urbosa suddenly intercepting and grasping his arm to stop him right at the ledge. Zelda’s mind was racing as the Yiga disappeared - Revali was the only one that could go after the sword, but his pride would stop him from doing anything purely for Link’s gain. There was only one thing to do.
She broke into a run.
Revali’s confused voice was already faraway by the time he spoke it. She wasn’t paying attention to anything except the sword, and praying to the heroines and her ancestors that her plan would work. If her it failed, it didn’t really matter. They needed the sword as much as they needed her. In fact, at the moment, they didn’t need her. She had given them no reason to. Not yet.
She didn’t look at Link and Urbosa as she flew past them, didn’t hesitate before leaping into the hole and diving down towards the sword, which was still glinting in the sunlight as it fell.
She immediately remembered the vision from Impa’s house. So this was it. Link’s voice had more emotion in it than she ever figured he’d be capable of. He sounded hurt, and shocked, and panicked, but she didn’t have time to think about it. Her eyes were watering, but she couldn’t really tell if it was purely from the air rushing past her or actual tears - whatever it was, she wished it would stop, so she could keep a better eye on the master sword. The hole was getting darker the lower she went, but now and again the blade would catch on rays of light, and finally her outstretched hand caught onto the handle.
She clutched it towards herself - swore she heard some voice from it say Thank-you - and then found her descent suddenly slowing. Talons pierced hard into either side of her shoulders, and wings flapped desperately above her as Revali took a painful but sturdy hold on her.
“Have you completely lost your mind?!”
The Rito grunted as he began flying back up, and Zelda shut her eyes and held tight to the sword as they suddenly spun quite quickly. Not a moment later, and Revali’s signature updraft was rocketing them back towards the surface.
The two of them crashed into the sand near where Link and Urbosa were waiting. Both of them looked as if they wanted to hug her, but stopped themselves short, likely at seeing the look on her face. She wasn’t sure what it was, really - a mix of relief and bitterness.
As she stood, she couldn’t look Urbosa in the eye. She didn’t know what she’d say or even look like. She wanted to apologize, but the words wouldn’t come, not now.
Then she turned to Link, who reached forward hesitantly, and she thrust the sword into his grasp.
“There,” she said decidedly, her voice already breaking on the words. “So we won’t have two useless Champions.”
Zelda turned on her heel and begun walking back towards the Yiga camp. She barely registered the sound of the sword hitting the sand, but not a moment later Link caught up with her, his hand wrapping tightly around her wrist and pulling her back quite forcefully into a tight hold. He hugged her more tightly than she’d been hugged in - wow, it’s really been forever, hasn’t it? - and she struggled not to cry against his shirt as he did so. She wanted to tell him she hated him. She wanted to tell him she should have left his stupid sword in the hole, for all the good it was doing them now. But it wasn’t the truth.
He held her tighter, his arms squeezing around her shoulders and his head dipping into her hair as she stifled back tears.
“I thought I-”
Link cut himself off, and she noticed that he was shaking slightly.
“I thought I’d lost you.”
She blinked through her tears, her heart suddenly heavier than ever. She’d been frightened like that just yesterday with him and the Lynel, though not even as bad as it would have been to see him fling himself off a cliff like she had. Does he really worry for me like I worry for him?
“I’m sorry,” she said, hoping he knew it wasn’t just a sorry for scaring you, but a sorry for being such a mess all the time; a sorry for the way she’d mistreated him when he first arrived; a sorry for how she felt about him, but couldn’t say. A wet feeling distracted her, though, and she pulled away slightly from his embrace as blood began to seep through her shirt from her shoulders. The cut from the Lynel had clearly been hit again, and it was searing with pain now that she realised.
“We’ll get you to Mipha,” Link said suddenly, and as he turned away she swore she saw him wipe tears from his face, but perhaps it had just been sweat. He lifted the sword back up from the ground, sheathed it on his back, and then spoke briefly to Urbosa and Revali. Zelda met the Rito’s gaze briefly, but he looked away sharply, and she felt her stomach sink. I owe him an apology.  
It was a long and quiet trip back to Gerudo Town. The end of the day had been a bit of a mess, but she was otherwise happy with how things turned out, considering they found the missing Gerudo warriors and cleared the entire Yiga hideout. She knew they would be back, she knew there were other strongholds, and she knew Ganon was still closer than she liked, but it was still something.
Zelda found it hard to take her eyes off of Link the entire way home. He looked back at her from time to time, but she no longer had any qualms about occasionally meeting his gaze, and for once she didn’t mind that he knew she was looking. It felt like they’d reached a turning point. Maybe not Link, but she had at least, and felt better about herself as a result. But now her heart was heavy when she thought of him; and she had no idea what he felt, if he felt anything, in return.
Thinking of that made a surprising warmth spread through her cheeks, and she shook those thoughts away and finally looked from Link, focusing hard on the quickly-approaching Gerudo town in the distance. What am I thinking? Link wouldn’t want anything to do with her, not… not in that way, surely. She’d be surprised if he didn’t already have a girlfriend back home. Or Mipha, for that matter, though he seemed either completely oblivious to her feelings or simply didn’t want to let her down. And now that she thought of it, he’d never mentioned anyone back home, and if he was seeing someone, the rumor mill would surely have spread that to Gerudo by now...
“Almost there,” Urbosa called, “Revali! Take it easy tonight,” she added, looking up to the Rito that had so far been flying quietly a ways above them. He gave a feathered thumbs-up, and then took off ahead of them, heading straight for the tents outside town. Zelda frowned. She’d give it a night, and then speak to him the next day.
As they got off the sand seals next to the town gate, Zelda glanced back to Link, who looked as if he wanted to talk to her, but Urbosa cut him off before he could begin.
“Go to bed, Link. It’s been a long day and you could use the rest.”
Urbosa looked at him sternly, and the voe looked just a little bit disappointed, but there was no arguing with the chieftain.
“Sav’orr,” he said quietly in response.
“Sav’orr,” Zelda and Urbosa replied in unison, and Link’s gaze lingered on Zelda’s before he finally turned away and disappeared into his tent.
“Can I ask what’s going on there?” Urbosa spoke, turning on Zelda as soon as the Hylian was out of earshot. Zelda felt herself get red up to her ears.
“You may not,” she replied, trying to hide her embarrassment, but there was nothing hidden from Urbosa. The woman tilted her head at Zelda, waiting for an answer she knew the Princess had no choice but to give.
“I just - he’s been very good to me, and I shouldn’t have been so hard on him before. It took me too long to realise it.”
“Oh really? That’s the revelation you finally had today?”
Urbosa’s voice was a little harder, a little more sarcastic than usual, and Zelda looked at her with an exasperated expression.
“You need to go easier on yourself too, little bird,” Urbosa sighed, resting a hand on Zelda’s shoulder. “It’s scary. I know. But you should be accepting all the help you can get. So I’m actually quite glad to hear it.”
Zelda was silent in response. She should be accepting all the help she could get? What did that say about her, and her own failures? Link had finally won her favor, but it wasn’t because she wanted him to help her. She didn’t want to have to ask anyone to get in harm's way for her, but she didn’t have any power, any triforce to speak of.
The gold clips hanging off Urbosa’s skirt clinked together as she turned abruptly, suddenly smiling down at Zelda reassuringly.
“But you know what? We did some good work today! I’m proud of you.”
Zelda could have cried at hearing those words, but she felt all cried out lately, and instead just smiled back at Urbosa. That’s right - she didn’t let the Yiga rid of the Master Sword. She led a team to rescue the Gerudo warriors that had gone missing. But as Urbosa left to check on Captain Torae and Rhiari’s squads, and as Zelda found her way upstairs to get ready for bed, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they were somehow… behind. That Ganon was still a step ahead.
Mipha met her again that night to heal her shoulders, and by the time she’d finished, it was already quite late at night. Zelda dozed for a while, not ever really falling asleep. At first, when she woke to the sound of footsteps in her bedroom, she thought she was having a nightmare. Her candle had burnt out long ago. She squinted towards her doorway, waiting for her eyes to adjust, when suddenly, whoever was in her room had jumped to her bed.
Hands pushed her down hard - legs pushed against hers - she tried to scream, but a hand covered her mouth and nose, and all the noise she tried to make went nowhere. Another hand quickly grasped her neck, so tight that Zelda felt her mind go fuzzy, but finally their grip loosened.
When her eyes had adjusted, she finally got a good look at who was above her, and again thought, this must be a dream. I’m dreaming.
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ashleyswrittenwords · 4 years
How to be a Queen [Part 15]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Warning: It gets a little steamy.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
It was warmer than any night before. The Gerudo border was just over the ridge, but now my mind wasn’t on the destination. I looked accusingly from the upside of my hand to the bottle of Gerudo liquor before me. It wasn’t as if we had emptied it, there was still half of the poison left. But goddesses, it felt better to blame it on alcohol.
I drew my knees to my chest, feeling a void within me widen. What exactly was there to blame? Link had long left me and had stepped into the woods without a word. It was just a kiss. A small, drawn out peck on my hand. The same action was taken by countless men. Princes, kings, and dukes. I had seen them all do the similar gesture, so why was this any different? Link didn’t have any of those titles, but none of those men had that damned languished smile he seemed to love using on me.
Why was there a heat that lingered around me that couldn’t quite go away? Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll burn right threw the ground and be taken elsewhere. My fingers wrung themselves raw and I stifled a groan. This was too much. Way too much. I pulled my eyes from the ground and my heart raced as I drug myself to my feet. My vision went awry with how fast I stood.
We had firewood. The whole reason we decided to set up camp here was because there was a dead tree that had fallen not far away. The last thing we needed was more firewood. The impatience I inherited from my father boiled over and I pushed passed the horse, the fire, and abundance of wood beside it with fists clenching and releasing repeatedly. I was positive I looked outlandish. We had been on the road for days, but even that didn’t stop me from following him through the brush.
I was fuming at nothing in particular. It was the situation that I couldn’t make anything of. The romance novels never prepared me for this monotony; the feelings and the uncertainty. Din, I’m scared of something I can’t even touch. My face twisted as I pushed down a wave of tears. I was in desperate need of answers.
Air evacuated my lungs as I ran into them.
Link turned around with bewilderment on his face and my storm of anger dissolved. The pounding of my heart filled my ears as we stood silently with each other at arm’s length. Moonlight casted shadows on his face making it difficult to meet his eyes. I mustered the remnants of my anger but came up short of what to say.
“I…” Link trailed off, his voice weak from the beginning. He finally let himself slip. His brow furrowed in frustration. Link wasn’t the one to let his thoughts be read, that I knew from a year’s worth of experience. It never mattered how hard I stared at his stone face within those castle walls, he never did break. Not until now with the deepening crease on his forehead. I found myself wanting to ease his distress.
“Link,” I reached for his hand. He stiffened and my limb dropped coldly to my side. My lips lacked purchase of the words I wanted to say. The words ‘Why did you leave me?’ replayed over in my mind, but his unsteady stature stopped me.
Embarrassment and doubt crept in on me slowly and I drew into myself. The pit of my stomach flipped and I felt the emptiness once more. It was deafening, pushing reason and caution behind me. The urge to close the gap strengthened its hold. The material of his tunic was rough on my hands and the heat radiated promises of what was beneath. His acknowledgment was found in the returned embrace as his arms wrapped around me tightly. The prior feeling ebbed into the back of my mind and for this moment I felt relief.
Link nuzzled into my hair and breathed me in just as I had him. The warmth and scent of the coat I had slept with at Anju’s house was found once more, making a part of me want to delve deeper into my desires.
“Don’t ever leave me again,” I said against him. The words were muffled and potentially incoherent.
His head dipped past my crown and the heat of his breath hit my ear, stopping short of descending farther. “I won’t,” he murmured. Each syllable sent a shiver down my spine as his lips brushed my skin, tightening my hold around him. “Forgive me.”
The knight’s mouth was warm as he trailed from behind my ear and to my jaw, leaving soft kisses to mark his path. My breath ran shallow and thin by the time he had traced the curves of my neck and back, leaving me sensitive with anticipation. One hand dipped to my waist and the other met the back of my neck. His callous fingers gently intertwined with my hair.
I whispered his name, pulling away slightly and meeting his eyes. Link’s breaths were short and forced, as if he were trying to hold his breath. The blue of his eyes was murky, and his expression filled with the same wanting I sorely needed. I watched him closely as I rose to the tops of my feet and pressed my lips to his. The arms around me pulled my body flush to his. I was quick to deepen the kiss by tilting my head to the side. My heart pounded in my chest so loudly I was sure he would hear it.
Link was a mixture of caution and haste. When I moved to thread my fingers in his hair, he did the same with unprecedented need. When I pressed my lips harder to his, it was like he was waiting to nibble at my bottom lip. He was waiting for small signs while I was all too eager to give them.
The man that held me in a kiss was everything I had ever needed.
He pulled away suddenly, leaving me gasping. The blond of Link’s hair mixed with mine once our foreheads touched and his breath fanned over me.
“Zelda,” he said, husky from the lack of air.
I hummed in response, drunk from his touch.
Link spoke again, “I-We can’t.” I stared up at him. Our bodies were still close, pushed against each other as if there wasn’t any other alternative. “Why not?” I breathed out, watching as his gaze flickered from my eyes and then to my lips.
He didn’t reply, but hesitation crossed his face.
“For the love of Hylia,” I swore, hoping to drag him from whatever he was thinking. “Would you just forget about our titles and pretend that I was a normal woman and you were a normal man?”
I bit my lip, watching him search my face. Link dipped down, capturing my lips in a soft, but desperate kiss. “I don’t want this to last for just tonight,” he said against my mouth. “I want it to last longer.”
“How long?” I gasped against him as he bit at the tender skin below my jaw. Once he was satisfied with the air he stole from my lungs he released, “As long as you’ll allow.”
“And if that’s just tonight?” My words were wobbling, and my cheeks flushed as he fully took me in. Link scrutinized me for a long moment before devolving into a tender gaze, “I’ll love you for every second and hope to remember tonight for the rest of my life.”
In a milky haze he had lifted me up and began carrying me. His hands supporting my bottom and my arms wrapped around his neck. The redness of my cheeks blossoming at his heat. He was reacting just as torridly, and the affirmation sent me into a bout of bliss.
The path led us back passed the wood pile, the ebbing fire, and the sleeping horse. My back hit the soft blanket that was laid out earlier and Link disappeared from view.
“Don’t worry,” he said quietly in response to my alert gaze following him. “The fire.” A log was tossed and a flurry of embers danced in the air, then Link was back. He hovered over me shortly before giving a short kiss to my already swollen lips.
“What if I want it to last more than tonight?” I said, barely above a whisper. Intrigue danced in his eyes.
“How long?”
The corners of my mouth tipped upward, “As long as you’ll allow it.”
Link’s smile bubbled and he cradled my face in his hands, “It seems that we’ve come to an impasse.”
“An impasse, indeed.”
I pulled him down by his collar, smothering out whatever he had to say with my lips. Link was happy to oblige. His fingers found the hem of my shirt and as his hand touched above my bare hip, I sucked in a breath of air at the unfamiliarity of his contact. I gasped his name and his attention was immediate.
“If we have forever, do you suppose we could… wait,” I voiced hesitantly. His eyes widened and he pulled his hand away as if touching a burning stove.
“Gods, of course. I’m sorry,” he blurted out frantically.
I sat up to meet him, grabbing his hands to meet my waist entirely to feel him closer. “This is all… very new to me,” I smiled shyly. The fire burning within me said that I wanted everything. To feel every inch of his skin against mine and let him touch me. It was almost primal, and for whatever reason it instilled apprehension. My brain didn’t want my rationale to slip away. I wanted to be in control while at the same time wanting nothing but him.
Clearly seeing the tug-of-war occurring in my mind, Link grasped my hands tightly in his. The grin on his face wasn’t anything I had seen before, if anything reminiscent of that night at his aunt’s house. He had decided he didn’t have to hold anything back anymore and the idea made me melt into his arms.
“You think too much,” he said into my hair. I could hear his smile.
“So do you,” I laughed, happy to merely be. Be at this place at this time and with him. Link spoke slow and steady, while I reveled in his warmth.  
“There’s never an obligation to do anything. At least,” he sounded closer, “not when it comes to you and me.”
Then, we were laying down. I didn’t bother releasing him and felt his breathing underneath me. It felt more intimate than anything else that had occurred. “No expectations for me?” I jested. “Not even one?”
“Well,” Link sighed, “Maybe a couple. They’re quite difficult. Are you sure you want to hear them?”
I moved my face up to meet his inquisitively. “Yes?”
My heart fluttered as that smile returned, meeting his eyes. “You should always be you to me. Doesn’t matter who we meet or where we go. I want you.”
“I think I can make that arrangement,” I said, my beaming hurting my cheeks. “Any other requests?”
“Laugh at all my jokes, even if no one else does,” Link rested his hands on my back.
My head disappeared into the crook of his neck, my breath tickling him. “That will be tough.”
“I told you they were difficult!”
And as he laughed, I knew I was absolutely smitten with Link Forester. 
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kobaltwolffiction · 7 years
“How do you propose we make this work!?” Link huffed, getting impatient with Zelda’s new excuses.
“I cannot give you an answer to that and you know why!” she cried, crossing her arms and shifting her weight from one foot to the next.
“I’m starting to think you’re having second thoughts about us.”
Zelda fell silent, her face scrunching in a look of pain and anger. “How could you say that to me? After everything we have been through…”
“And you only remember part of it.”
“So this is my fault? What does that have to do with our situation right now?”
“No… it’s just I feel like I have waited a lot longer to finally be with you, and now it’s more impossible than ever!” Link slammed a fist on the bench, scaring a bird away.
Zelda continued to stare down at him, her ears feeling as hot as the midday sun.
“Why is it that your father, the ONLY one who believed us and helped stopped the Seven Year War from happening altogether, doesn’t like me enough to allow us to marry? We’ve been best friends for years. I can’t court you in secret any longer… You said it yourself. Soon you’ll have to start meeting other noblemen in town, and then what am I?”
“Link I do not love you any less than I have since I discovered my feelings for you. I would do anything to be with you!”
His frown deepened. “Except go against your father’s wishes? Or run away with me?”
Disgusted, she hissed, “Are you joking? You knew what you were getting yourself into by loving me. I am the only heir to this throne. Leaving would send my people into a disarray and cause an upset full of distrust towards the royal family. There is no one to replace me. Believe me when I say I am doing everything I can.” She started to cry, unable to fight through her frustration.
Link sighed, realizing his words were becoming very selfish. “I know, I know.” He stood to hug her as she curled up under his chin, staring off into the garden greens. “But if your father won’t give us his blessing because I am not of noble birth and you have a year left to find a husband, what am I to do?”
They stood in pained silence for a while, realizing what everything was coming down to.
Link finally broke the quiet, saying, “I just want you to be happy, and I know betraying your kingdom and your father for me would ruin you.”
“But I am happiest with you!” she protested, pulling away to look him in the eye.
“You were meant for bigger and better things than me, Zelda. Maybe this just isn’t right.”
Her heart began to shatter, waiting for him to say the final word, but all he did was reach down to kiss her one last time, his tears mingling with hers.
Zelda covered her sobs in her gloved hands, listening to his footsteps fade.
The couple saw each other few and far between over the next few months, having a tough time finding words to express their remaining attachment to one another. Eventually their relationship became more professional as Link found some ties with the Hyrulian army, determined to serve his country in whatever way he could, but as soon as Zelda began to court a nice man from the upper class, his face became an even rarer sight in the castle.
The once inseparable duo grew apart, trying to establish their own lives without each other, yet always wondering what could have been.
A/N: JUST KIDDING I DID FINISH THE THING ON TIME. I just made a short one for once.
I know, I know. I’m sorry this one is frustrating. I love the notion of true love (and believe in it) and the idea that the true, original Link and Zelda are reincarnated to find each other in each life and find a way to be together in one way or another, but I wrote this one wanting a fight between them, to see what it would be like for them to simply not work out for once, and who better than to pick on but OoT Zelink, the ones basically confirmed (in a way) (maybe idk) to not have made it in the end.
Don’t worry, if I ever get to the OoT story I’d like to write someday, I found a way to work around the pairing with still being able to make TP Zelink cannon without some weird, distant incest thing. The Hero’s Shade just had to throw a wrench in everything didn’t he?
Also one last tangent on true love. I believe it exists and that there is someone out there for everyone who was meant to be married (based on vocation and God’s plan. Don’t worry I won’t go off into a religious rant, it’s just what I believe). I have a hard time with divorce (to me should be last, desperate resort) but I know sometimes it’s necessary and what about death? I also believe some people were meant to love more than one person in their life through marriage (NOT cheating.)
Jeez my note is almost as long as the story. Anyway, I promise no more break ups during ZELINK week of all things. Am I disqualified since they technically aren’t a couple at the end of this? :0 oops
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Shadows of the Future | Chapter 48
It was nearly an hour before Rusl was able to get his shoulder looked at, and an hour more before he found himself in a bed of his own to recover. The drugs had worn off by then, but the pain was much more tolerable than it had been. Aryll entertained him through it all, telling him her exaggerated tale of her adventure with Riju. In the chaos of Ganondorf’s return, Riju and Saki had managed to escape the city before the roads were blocked, bringing her to the beach for the day, where she had apparently seen a mermaid, among other various imagined scenarios. When the drugs had worn, however, all he wanted to do was sleep, and with Riju’s assistance, he sent his daughter off to check on Link. He hardly slept through the next hour, however, before he woke, the pain of his shoulder throbbing. He opted to distract himself with his phone, impatiently waiting for his discharge papers. He looked up from his phone, however, as a presence stood in the doorway. He regarded his son for a moment, then smiled.
“Can you believe how awful the WiFi is here?”
Link smiled and took the seat beside the bed. He draped his legs over the arm of the chair and leaned back to gaze at the ceiling. “Mipha told me what happened.”
“You mean how I got my ass handed to me by a pile of bones?”
“For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure their bones are made of steel.”
Rusl considered this with a small nod.
“Thank you,” Link said. “For protecting them.”
Rusl turned his attention back to his phone. “Someone had to.” He looked up, his brows furrowed, and met his son's gaze. His lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to speak, but then they pinched together instead. His face softened for a moment before he turned back to his phone. “You're grounded.”
Link's brows knit together. “The fuck? For what? I saved this country!”
“For getting gutted by a sword.”
Link slunk down against the chair and turned his gaze back to the ceiling.
“I told you not to get yourself killed.”
“I didn't,” Link muttered. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Hm. Guess Hylia has other plans for you.”
Link groaned. “I sure as hell hope not.”
Rusl smiled and let his phone drop on the bed. “Have you seen your sister?” he inquired. “She was bugging the shit out of me, so I sent her to bug you.”
“She and Riju are wreaking havoc and flirting with doctors.”
Rusl frowned. “She told me boys smell.” He shook his head. “I knew this day would come.”
Link rolled his eyes. “No one said they were flirting with male doctors.”
He groaned. “Girls are just as bad,” he said. “They lure you in with their good looks and charm and next thing you know, you’re married with two damn kids.”
“You would know.”
Rusl nodded. “Don’t worry,” he said. “You’ll end up the same sucker.”
“Let’s see if I can graduate senior year, first.”
“If there’s one thing you’ve been smart about, it’s picking your women. Cute and smart. With a little luck, maybe Mipha can get you through the year.”
“I’m banking on cheating off of her the whole year.”
Rusl looked up at the ceiling. “Well, at least he has a plan.”
“I always have a plan.”
“Not that I’ve seen,” Rusl said.
“Life plans and battle plans are two totally different games, you know.”
“I would know,” Rusl said. “I’ve been doing it a lot longer than you, and not once did I get myself gutted by a sword.”
“You’re not going to drop that, are you?”
Rusl sneered at his son. “Seriously?” He opened his mouth to argue further, but was cut short by the sight of his daughter in the doorway. Her mouth was pulled into a full blown, childish frown.
“Are you guys fighting?” she asked.
“Yes,” they answered in unison.
“I knew it,” she said. “You always fight!”
Rusl patted the bed. Aryll trotted to his side and he lifted her to sit beside him. “We fight because we love each other.”
“She’s going to be so dysfunctional when she gets older, you know that, right?” Link said.
Rusl grinned. “Dysfunctional? Never.”
“She won’t have any solid relationships because she doesn’t know how normal people show affection. That’s what you’re doing to her. That’s where strippers come from.”
Rusl turned to his daughter and poked her nose. “You’re not going to be a stripper, are you?”
“Daddy,” Aryll whined. “I dunno what that is.”
“You’re not going to have dysfunctional relationships, right?”
Aryll sighed, already giving up with their conversation. “Probably.”
Rusl planted a kiss on her head. “Ah, that’s alright,” he said. “You don’t need to have any kind of relationship. No dating until after you’re married.”
Aryll raised a skeptical brow at her father. “Okay, Daddy.”
“She’s too smart for you,” Link said.
Rusl frowned. “Yeah. I got lucky with you. You were stupid and easy.” He sighed.
Aryll grinned, her eyes closing. “Link is smart now,” she said. “He’s the smartest and bravest around!”
“Well, I don’t know how he got like that,” Rusl said.
“From you, silly!”
Rusl pointed a finger at himself, a look of surprise on his face. “No way.”
Aryll nodded enthusiastically.
“Huh,” Rusl said. “Well, I guess it runs in the family, then.”
Aryll nodded. “Yeah, probably.”
Link snorted, but said nothing further.
“I guess I have the best family, then,” Aryll said.
“Well, I’m glad you think so,” Rusl said teasingly. “I think so, too.”
“So, can we go home now?” Aryll asked her father.
“I’m sure we can soon,” Rusl said. “As soon as one of those doctors gives me the a-okay.”
“I’m friends with them,” Aryll said matter-of-factly. “I’ll tell them we can go home now.”
“Right,” Rusl said. “But take back-up with you just in case they give you a hard time.”
Aryll hopped off the bed and pulled at Link’s wrist. “Come on, back-up guy,” she said.
Link sighed but stood and let his sister pull him out of the room. He glanced over his shoulder one last time at his father, who was grinning. “Keep her out of trouble,” he called to him as Aryll pulled him down the hall. Rusl watched as his children disappeared, and he smiled.
Rusl wasn’t alone for long, though he wasn’t expecting any company. The door was open, but he sensed Dorian’s presence before he came into view around the corner. He looked up as Dorian stood in the doorway. Their gazes met for a moment before he stepped in, closing the door behind him, but he did not move further into the room. Rusl narrowed his gaze on him in an attempt to hide the pain from betrayal that may have washed across his face. Dorian’s gaze, however, was not the same cold, hardened gaze he had grown accustomed to over the years. He seemed worn and tired, even struck with remorse. But Rusl was wary of his appearance. Dorian was more than capable of putting on an act and using their friendship against Rusl.
Rusl’s mouth opened, ready to snap at Dorian, but Dorian spoke, cutting him off.
“Wait.” When Rusl remained silent, he hesitated. “I’m sorry,” he finally said. He tore his gaze away, searching for the words he wanted to say to Rusl. “For everything. I’ve kept secrets from you. My actions have only caused you to lose trust in me. But you should know that I only did it to keep you and Link safe. And if losing your trust means that you will survive this, then I will do everything in my power to make you hate me. I’ve made promises to you, Rusl, and I intend to keep those promises.” He shook his head. “If I had known… about Link… I lost track of them. I’ve been pulled in every direction and I made a mistake. I failed you, and I’m sorry.” He met his gaze. “I don’t expect your forgiveness. In fact, you’ll be much better off if you continue to hate me. I’ll let you kill me if it will help.”
Rusl stared at him for a moment, holding his gaze. To say he was terrified was an understatement. His stomach twisted with fear; fear of losing his son. Fear of losing Dorian. And yet, fear that he was being played. He desperately wanted his friend back. Without Dorian, he felt more alone than ever. Dorian had been a constant in his life, at his side, for decades. No matter what, he was always the person he turned to in times of need. He trusted Dorian, with his life, with the life of his children.
Maybe he was desperate not to lose that. Or maybe it was his trust in Dorian that won over all his other instincts. But he didn’t want to lose him. He couldn’t lose him. Dorian, Link, Aryll - they were all he had left in his life.
He pulled his gaze away. “You’re just lucky Link survived,” Rusl muttered. “Or I would kill you.”
“I know.”
Rusl met his gaze again. “I… don’t hate you. I’d be lost without you, D.” His brows furrowed. “Tell me the truth. What’s going on with Kohga? Are you in trouble?”
“No,” Dorian said quickly.
Rusl was unconvinced, however. His gaze narrowed on Dorian. “You’re not planning something stupid, are you?”
“What, like you?” Dorian grinned, but his smile quickly disappeared with Rusl’s hard gaze. He hesitated. “I was ready to do whatever I had to do,” he said simply.
“You’re no good to me dead,” Rusl muttered. “What happens now?”
“Ganondorf had more strength than I realized,” he admitted. “More powerful than even Kohga realized. What I told you before is true. Kohga had planned to infiltrate the city to provide Ganondorf with a stronger army. By keeping the portals open, Kohga thought it would have been enough in case he couldn’t find the power to lift the ward. Link and Zelda may have closed the portal, but it didn’t matter. Ganondorf exceeded Kohga’s expectations. Still, he had planned for Ganondorf’s defeat as well, and he is now focusing his efforts on destroying Hyrule himself and bringing back Demise.”
Rusl’s forehead creased as Dorian spoke. “How?” he asked simply.
“He’s assembling an army for himself,” Dorian explained. “He’s bringing back the dead.”
Rusl stared at him blankly. “The dead?”
“There’s more,” Dorian started. “He’s working on something else. A dark magic.” He hesitated. “He intends to corrupt the power of the Triforce and turn it against Hyrule.”
“How?” Rusl asked fiercely.
Dorian shook his head. “I don’t know,” he admitted. His brows knit together. “It is imperative that neither you nor Link step out of the ward,” he said. “This war has only just begun.”
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