#and they're still snippy and mean even after they get together
your-turn-to-role · 11 months
is there a canon reason why percy and vex broke up? did tal or laura ever say why exactly?
not to my knowledge? they mentioned a lot about the secret wedding, but the break up was mentioned offhand in the campaign wrap-up talks machina, when they were asked if there was anything anyone did during the year off that never came up in the campaign
i will say though that in quite a few talks machinas tal and laura talk about perc'ahlia like a celebrity relationship (or specifically say "yeah we're one of those couples"), and that's a thing you tend to see fairly often with celebrities that end up in tabloids - they have a complicated life, they break up and get back together quite a bit, so i think part of it is tal and laura having fun playing that drama and letting them be those disaster celebrities
if you want my speculation on an in-canon reason though? i think the commitment freaked them out
like vex has always had issues surrounding stability, she's not had it in her life since she was a little kid, and she's just made excuses to herself her whole life that she's fine because she doesn't want stability - she just wants her brother and to keep moving and to never have to worry about putting down roots or forming emotional attachments because it hurts less that way. it's why she gets so jealous and snippy when vax starts showing interest in keyleth, and why she keeps shutting down his attempts to tell her he's moving to zephrah - she can't keep being flighty and only attached to her brother if he wants to settle down with someone else
as much as she loves percy, and they're good for each other, we know from the grey hunt trial that the idea of settling down with him scares her, because it's new, and because it means for the first time in a long time she has something to lose
percy is almost the opposite, he lost his entire family once already and he doesn't ever want to do that again. it's why he gets so vicious when scanlan leaves, because vox machina is his new family, and no one's allowed to tear that apart again (also why we get the really tentative "i know we don't always agree and i know i can be unkind, but... you know you're family, right?" to grog immediately after)
but a relationship is a whole new step, he trusts vex about as much as he does anyone, but this isn't just trusting her with his anger issues, or trusting her with his city, this is trusting her with the future, with his future, with always being around. i don't think he's confident enough to believe she loves him that much, that anyone could, and if he lets himself take that step fully, he has so much more to lose if something happens like it did last time
so it's all well and good when the relationship is new, when they're still trying things out, when it's flirty and it doesn't have to be serious if they don't want it to
even in moments where it's emotionally heavy, like percy's resurrection, it's still new and in the moment, they're not looking past what's immediately in front of them
(and even after that heavy moment, vex got nervous percy didn't like her back and decided to push it all to the back of her brain and not think about it - vax straight up told her to go chase him bc she deserved to be happy and she instead got drunk and changed the subject)
but then the fighting's over. they're not worried about their lives every day. no one died, they're both still here. and it starts to sink in with them that this isn't going anywhere. that this can be their forever, if they choose it. and that scares both of them, and when they get scared they tend to either wall themselves off or lash out, and both would cause a schism in their relationship. and then one day it turns into an argument and in the heightened emotion one of them says they should break up and the other agrees
and now they're emotionally safe, because if they cause the relationship to end on their terms it can't be pulled away from them unexpectedly
but they're not actually happy
and maybe they come to that realisation on their own, more likely they talk about it with their friends and vax and keyleth tell them they're being idiots
and then the question is what to do about it
it's possible they went slowly back into it
or, since we know their first marriage proposals were a dare, maybe they weren't even together again yet
i could see that being exactly the sort of thing they'd do if they wanted to get back together but they didn't want to be the first one to admit that they wanted to
skip the dating phase we already did that i dare you to marry me
and maybe they talk about it much later, maybe they don't
but i think by the time they got to the marriage, they'd realised they wanted this to be more than a casual thing, and it's still probably scary, but there's no one else they'd trust to get them through that fear and come out the other side
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wc-confessions · 7 months
I hate how people will often use 'Dovewing had it better in ThunderClan than her sister'! DID she though? Lionblaze and Jayfeather are the reason her relationship with Ivypool was irreparably broken. Not Dovewing's relationship with TigerHeart and her leaving the clan, Jayfeather and Lionblaze caused this. They (Lionblaze and Jayfeather) willingly made Ivypaw into their spy after finding out, despite Dovepaw being utterly horrified they wouldn't do anything to save her from the Dark Forest, even when she started getting injured there. Even though, you know- Lionblaze could've spied there instead seeing as he was immortal in battle. Both Jayfeather and Lionblaze were constantly snappy with her, and even left her out of important discussions too at times. They get angry when she's uncomfortable using her powers to spy for them, or when her powers don't work right. "Hear anything." literally is noted by Dovepaw to have become her mentor's usual greeting after her powers were discovered. Not even a "Hi Dovepaw, did you hear anything important today?" just "hear anything". And Jayfeather even gets snippy with her for needing to get used to the area before she can use her powers when they're on the way to the Tribe!
And that's not all: the three, including Dovepaw started visiting Firestar's den to discuss the prophecy (one such time being when she sensed the tree was going to fall on camp). Even in camp she can't escape! Even her LEADER sees no issue in putting that much pressure on an apprentice! Her clanmates keep pushing for her to be with Bumblestripe, and get upset with her when she politely turns him down or even when she's only annoyed with him- like when he walked so close to her that they bumped into each other. And after they broke up? Blossomfall, one of the cats trying to matchmake them flat out says she never thought she was good enough for her brother, and that she was always "different". And even though Dovewing and Ivypool fought a lot as apprentices (thanks, Lionblaze and Jayfeather /sarcasm), Dovewing would still try to be there for her sister. She tried to comfort her when Ivypaw felt like she got special treatment, she covered for her by hiding a sharp thorn in her nest when she started bleeding in the night, she even tried to let her eat her catch on a hunting patrol because she was so worried about her sister (before Ivypaw started arguing with her). But time and time again, people accuse Dovewing of being the bad sister with a great life. Even as the last thing Ivypool did to her sister (before she returned to the clans) was shoot down the SkyClan search party because Tigerheart and Dovewing would be travelling together (and then yell at her that she should be with Bumblestripe) before ultimately giving her the silent treatment even when Tigerheart begged Ivypool to talk to her sister again.
So please, while Ivypool certainly had a traumatic experience in ThunderClan, please for the love of god stop acting like Dovewing's was sunshine and rainbows. Her clanmates pushed her to be with a cat she only ever liked as a friend, her leader saw no issue with her being the clan's personal drone, her mentor and medicine cat never liked her for herself and only used her for her powers, and her own sister time and time again as an adult and out of the Dark Forest's manipulative clutches, turn her back on Dovewing and even sabotage a SkyClan rescue party purely because she and Tigerheart both volunteered. And while Ivypool suffered, her actions towards Dovewing are not justified. Trauma doesn't mean you get to be controlling and cold to your sister who always tried to be supportive to you at the end of the day, even if the both of you would had arguments and said things neither of you really believed as kids.
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possessionisamyth · 8 months
Let's talk about Jill! I love her. You love her. She has ProblemsTM, and no one talks about her enough.
Jill is the most skilled S.T.A.R.S member, and the most adept at dealing with bioweapons post RE3. Sure, Chris got his ass beat by Wesker and killed Alexia in Code Veronica(a kill Claire should've gotten), but they still don't compare to all the various fucked up forms of Nemesis who Jill had to kill again, and again, and again mostly by herself.
From that point on it's Chris and Jill working together if you want to count the manga segments, but let's touch on her character beats. Like her insomnia. Or her untreated PTSD. Or her depression. Actually, I'm going to tackle the most fun thing about Jill when it comes to handling her various brain problems and that's how she deals with them.
She gets really mad.
Why is this fun? Why is this different? Why is this valuable? Well, the simple answer is a lot of women characters aren't allowed to show ugly, visceral anger when they're given mental illnesses. If they do, it's to the villainize them. The same way goes for men not being allowed to cry more than a single tear down the cheek when they're depicted as sad. If they do more than this, they're considered weak and feminine which is also a way to villainize anything deemed feminine, but we are staying on topic.
Jill gets pissed off when she's challenged, and it's great and refreshing because tools in the narrative justify her anger. She slaps Carlos in the face when he implies they should kill themselves instead of getting eaten by zombies or blown up by the bomb because how dare he suggest giving up after all the effort they put into surviving? It's on sight whenever she so much as sees Nicholai in the novelization. She's snippy, and annoyed, and cussing in RE3 Remake and none of it is framed as cutesy. She's fucking tired, and she's mad about all this shit blowing up in her face all the fucking time! That's why people were calling her mean in the remake, and it's like! Good! I'm glad she's angry and "mean" in one of the worst times of her life!
It's a little sad to see some of that frustration drop in Revelations I, but god Wesker capitalized on her blinding rage when he put her under mind control. Still an extremely stupid arc to give her. Will never forgive them for it. But my girl was so fucking mad, and you know what they didn't do when Chris saved her? She wasn't crying or sobbing or weeping. The anger was still there, but as much as the mind was willing, the body was too weak to employ it. She pushed Chris away to yell at him to save the world. If she was just a modicum stronger it might've been a harder shove or a slap, but that's all she could do.
And we get a mere snippet of this anger in Death Island when she's in the shooting range talking to Chris. The truth is she's not handling being back on the field well at all, but she built her entire life up to S.T.A.R.S and past that proving that she's not weak to other people. It's too hard of a habit to break because it's a defense mechanism. To Jill, being viewed as weak even for a moment will lead to being taken advantage of, and she never wants to be taken advantage of. She needs to have control over her life and herself, doubly so after surviving Wesker. So she's going to keep that control even if it means accidentally biting the hands that reach out to her to help. This kind of depiction is usually only given to men, and Jill gets it. She gets it! And she's not evil for it! And it's so so so soo good when it's employed well! (Unfortunately this is also why in newer iterations they keep trying to tone this down by making her appear sexier, because she's too intimidating otherwise. Yes, it's just as bullshit as it sounds!)
Unlike Claire, Rebecca, and even Ada who can't show more than two emotions, Jill can shoot and kill and stab and tear and destroy with all the anger she wants, and she can still get a nice date if she wanted before the rest of the RE cast! This anger is allowed to be hers without it being framed as masculine with that "one of the boys/i have three brothers" nonsense and without vilifying her womanhood for daring to express her anger as ugly as anger can be! And that's why she's great, and I love her, and someone for the love of god please get her into some decent hands for whatever she's in next.
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can i offer percybaster god swap au Poseidon Al and Hecate Percy 👀
or even percaethabaster
YES!!! I mean I'm now going to ramble about percybaster but this totally fits as percaethabaster too (mostly mine and phoenix's ramblings tbh)
Ok ok Al who's been at camp since he was a kid, all alone in the Poseidon cabin, not allowed to go outside the camp because of what happened to Thalia and people mostly avoiding him bc. Big Three kid.
He's lonely! He has double daddy issues from both Poseidon and Mr. Torrington! He only has a handful friends! Kronos found himself a perfect opportunity!
Insert Percy
Tlt goes mostly the same. Luke steals the bolt and the helm. Poseidon and Zeus are at eachother's throats. Al is snippy bc he's half sure Zeus wants to kill him more now. His friend Annabeth wants to know if he knows something. (He does the voice in his dreams have a finger on it but he won't tell her that!)
Percy comes to camp in the same way. Turns out being the son of a Titannes attracts a lot of monsters. Aka the Minatour. Sally instead of being taken by Hades (bc he doesn't have any reason to blame Percy) gets saved by Hecate and they're casually chilling in the Underworld during the whole time. Percy still thinks she died tho
Al takes Annabeth, Grover and Percy on his quest bc he doesn't give a single fuck about the rules.
Al leaves with Luke that summer. No scorpion scene ensures. Percy is told Al joined Kronos but he doesn't want to believe it.
Until he comes face to face with Al in SoM.
So now we have Al as the Ta's leader, Luke as his general/advisor, Silena as the spy and Ethan and Chris as his lieutenants
Al and Percy secretly meet up a lot. They're dating. Luke knows this and helps/covers up for Al (also does the threatening when they need to bc he knows Al can't threaten his bf). Ethan also knows but no one knows he does. Annabeth also also knows but Percy only learns this after The Percybaster Breakup.
Yeah, so, every time they meet they slightly argue about Kronos but also brush it off quickly. Until Al tells him he'll be Kronos's host that is. Percy is obviously upset and angry. Al tells yells him he doesn't have a choice in the matter. Cue they yell at eachother and Al storms off. The next time Percy sees him is as Kronos. :)
And Hecate Percy, right?! He's the only sibling in Chb! The rest are in Ta! He fought Lou in the labyrinth instead of Ethan! He has to fight the rest in Botl and BoM! He loves his mom and knows she loves him too but they're on opposite sides!
BoM rolls around. Alabaster inherited the Earthshaker part and Kronos uses this! It's the reason Williamsburg Bridge is destroyed. And the roads of Manhattan are in shambles.
In throne room Annabeth manages to reach out to her old friend and Percy hands Al the knife. Al dies.
Except. That's whet everyone else thinks bc Poseidon, not wanting his son to die, turned him into a fish. Al is very much not impressed.
It's OK Hecate turns him back during Hoo and he joins the Argo when Hazel visits Hecate. He's so worried/scared when he learns Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus.
Percybaster get back together during Boo
That end scene with the gods in Boo, a summary;
Poseidon: Would you rather I let you die??
The rest of the Olympians: ...we would actually.
Also Hazel and Percy bonding on magic.
Honorable mentions: Luke getting the canon Al treatment and getting exiled, Chris and Ethan death swap, the Ta massacre still happening so Percy losing almost all of his sibs.
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bekkachaos · 11 months
fuck it friday 🤘
oops it's absolutely not Friday anymore
tagged by so many beautiful people @prince-buck-diaz @monsterrae1 @heartbeatdiaz @spotsandsocks @alyxmastershipper @wildlife4life @elvensorceress @buddierights 🩷🩷
Not tagging anyone else because it's super late, but if anyone still wants to please tag me 😁
So I heard this song and got an idea for my angstfest fic in which Buck and Eddie both ended up down the worst possible paths in their lives, Eddie is living in LA, suspended from his job, his parents have taken Christopher back to Texas after a battle in the courts, and he's lost, standing on a bridge in the middle of the night looking out over the quiet, and he meets Buck, dirty and disheveled, more than likely living on the streets, and he's high, Eddie can see it in his eyes. It starts them down a winding path together that just might turn them around.
Have a little snippy snip below:
Eddie's fingers on the metal rail turned white. His teeth ground together so hard he should have been worried one or more might chip, but he wasn't.
There was only one thing on his mind, and that was how much he had failed. He failed himself, and Christopher. Eddie refused to believe that he was better off with his parents, and the fact that he hadn't been able to prove that to them, or the court, well, it just solidified his failure and it felt like cement sinking down through him.
Everything seemed to spiral after that. The underground fighting ring, getting suspended from his job at the fire department. And his parents wouldn't even let him speak to Christopher. Not yet, they kept saying. Let him get settled, we don't want to make this any harder. Call him when you've got your life back on track. You need to show him some stability.
He closed his eyes and sucked the biting air into his lungs, filling him with cold, fanning the fiery anger that consumed him and escaping back through his split lips in a heavy cloud.
"You know most people think your breath doesn't do that until below freezing."
Eddie flinched, turning back to see a tall man approaching slowly from behind, hands shoved into his front pockets and eyeing him with a tilt of his head.
"Excuse me?" was all he managed in reply.
"When you can see your breath in the air, doesn't have to be freezing, hell, only needs to get to about 45," he said, making an o with his lips until his condensated breath came out in a long thin line.
Eddie eyed him warily. He hadn't seen him when he arrived at the bridge, there's not much around save for a few derelict buildings and a foot path leading towards the overpass. On top of that, he could see the way his pupils were dilated, he was high on something, or maybe coming down.
"I'd say sorry, that I didn't mean to interrupt, but I guess I did," he said, keeping his distance from Eddie but not taking his eyes or his curious gaze from him.
Eddie just grunted back at him, not sure that he should turn his back on him. He could probably take him in a fight, as long as he doesn't have a knife, but he doesn't really want things to come to that. His knuckles were still cut and bruised from his fight earlier and his brow throbbed from the left hook he'd been too slow to dodge.
"Want to tell me what you're doing out here?" the stranger asked, and this time Eddie really didn't care what happened next, so he turned his attention back to the black over the bridge.
"Could ask you the same thing. You always sneak up on people? Start conversations about the air, how cold it is?" he said roughly.
"Only when they're holding as tightly to the bridge rail as you are."
Eddie let his teeth grind, letting his grip ease as some of the feeling came back to his knuckles, the ache of the pain now somewhat dulled.
"There," he said, turning back and folding his arms over his chest defensively. "Feel free to walk away now."
The man's lip turned up in a smile, and for the first time since he'd appeared, Eddie felt himself lower his guard.
It wasn't menacing or snide. It was somehow a thing of warmth in the coldness of the dark.
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Do you think Anakin could ever convince Obi-Wan to give him a good luck kiss for crazy missions?
Or maybe Obi-Wan accidentally started it and created a monster. Like maybe it was an especially dire mission and Obi-Wan was sure they're not making it out alive, so he quickly brushes something soft and barely there across Anakin's mouth "for luck" before they split up in their respective suicide missions. And Anakin just about has several crises one right after another but he can't stop what he's doing because they need to live long enough to demand what the kriff??
And against the odds they do live, only Obi-Wan won't acknowledge that there was a kiss and Anakin is going to lose his mind. But there's a new need in him with Obi-Wan's name in it and it won't be denied. So next time they're on a dangerous mission together, Anakin leans over and steals a quick kiss.
"For luck, right?"
"... Ah, yes, I suppose..."
And Obi-Wan is not reprimanding him and that's as good as reciprocation. It's better than spice, Anakin has never been so high, and it's no surprise that the mission is a huge success.
After that he starts to seek out kisses whenever he can justify them.
"For luck," he always says cheekily, and Obi-Wan usually has something snippy to say in response, but it doesn't matter because just for a moment he gets to have his master's willing mouth against his.
Padme thinks it's hilarious, and casually mentions that she won't mind if they get carried away ever. Anakin tells her honestly that he's not sure what she means and she laughs even harder.
Eventually, Anakin starts asking for kisses, not just taking them and somehow those are almost better. Because it's Obi-Wan initiating- always cautious, like he thinks maybe it's a bad idea- and it makes Anakin feel like there's a live wire under his skin.
It makes him want to press Obi-Wan against something and kiss even deeper until the only thing they can breathe is each other, but he has a feeling Obi-Wan would put a stop to things if he did so Anakin doesn't dare.
Still he can't help but greedily push for more. He sort of forgets one time that the men are still there, but Obi-Wan doesn't and he shoves him away hard. It's the first time he's done that and it hurts more than Anakin wants to admit. It's not like the men would even care about something like that. But Obi-Wan obviously cares and it's frustrating.
The mission goes badly. And so does the next. And the next. So maybe it shouldn't be a surprise when they line up in the hanger and Fives sort of gives him a shove towards Obi-Wan.
"Go get your freaking kiss. We need all the luck we can get anyway."
And Obi-Wan is all spluttering rude words and sharp edges, but he doesn't stop Anakin this time even though they both burn a bit with the men's eyes on them (for different reasons Anakin would bet), and he can't help but think Obi-Wan is perfect.
They're perfect. Together. A team. The Team. And everyone can see it too and it's so right that they should.
Anakin can't stop grinning the whole mission and everything goes perfectly for once.
The men never let them skip a kiss again. They start swapping kisses of their own sometimes. Obi-Wan gets exasperated at him all the time still, but he never rejects him anymore. And Anakin...
Well, he's starting to think of other things they could do for Luck.
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
ARC REVIEW: The Duke's All That by Christina Britton
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3.5/5. Releases 2/6/2024.
Vibes: "my wife is dead--OR IS SHE?", inconveniently talking parrots, there's only one bed, och aye
Working class guy turned unexpected duke Iain thought he was a widower... for thirteen years. Except oops, his wife, Seraphina, has been alive the whole time. And they're still legally married, whether they want to be or not. Ian isn't very happy with Seraphina, who he believes left him without remorse; and Seraphina isn't any happier with Iain, who she charges with his own betrayal. She's made a happy life for herself, and Iain could upend everything she loves; but there's still something between them, and even getting a divorce may not be enough to stop that.
Apparently, "I thought my spouse was dead" is on trend for 2024, and I'm not mad at it! This book was off to a great start with a reunion between Iain and Seraphina, both seriously pissed. And I do love their interplay, the hurt feelings and the snippiness and the remaining attraction. This is a solid book.
... Which makes it a little more disappointing that it's not everything it could've been. It's a pleasant read; I did like it; and I suspect that some of the people reading this would really like it. But I think it could've hurtled to a different level if there had been just a bit more stretching.
Quick Takes:
--This is the type of plot that does rely on chemistry to make the couple believably matched, and Iain and Seraphina do have that. There's more to their history than their (brief) time as a married couple, and that added to the sense of hurt feelings. They don't quite know each other--I mean, can you know someone after thirteen years of separation?--but they do still have feelings for each other, and that's rather delicious.
--Here's the thing, though. After this really arresting first meeting, you kind of go into this "hurry up and wait" thing. I get why Britton focused on Seraphina's relationships with her friends and her sisters. She's a girl's girl. I love female friendships in romance novels, especially historicals.
However, the focus on those relationships and Seraphina's life without Iain either needed to get cut down a good bit, or it needed to be shifted to another part of the book. For all that these two had a lot of chemistry, I didn't feel like they had enough time together in the first chunk of the novel, and that slowed the pacing significantly. Once we get to them one-on-one, I was kind of frustrated.
--Your mileage may vary on why there's so much confusion between Seraphina and Iain and what they both think of each other. I don't really mind miscommunication and secrets in romance, but I will admit that there is a lot happening here. On the other hand, I don't know that this kind of plot works without it.
That being said, there are a lot of external forces at play. Which again, may work for you. I felt like it was sort of... shoved in there to shift some of the blame off the two of them. I'd rather they both have to come to terms a bit more about being a little (or a lot) irrational. Because feelings!
--I did like how tough Seraphina was, and how willing she was to go to major lengths--including painful ones--to take care of herself and her sisters. It's rough at points, but I respected it, and it made her subsequent feelings and emotional walls more understandable.
Conversely, I found Iain to be a bit more "also ran" but still, he was a solid hero. I kind of would've liked him to be more of an asshole, to be honest. But that's kind of hard to pull off in the current market.
The Sex:
There are a few sex scenes, none of which are bad, but they're also not anything super explicit or super tame. Sort of flowery, but not super flowery, if that makes sense. I do think it could've happened a bit earlier in the book. Like I said, this is a slow burn.
Overall, I don't know that this book made me feel like I MUST read another Christina Britton novel anytime soon. But it was good, and I appreciated the places it went to. If you're into something that touches on the "dead spouse but not really" thing without going too far, check it out.
Thanks to Netgalley and Forever for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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weewoobrainrot · 2 years
guys so i decided to rewatch the first lone star episode and and and omg
get ready for another analysis <3333
so obviously there's the conversation between tk and owen about tk and alex and in that few minutes we learn so much about how owen feels about that relationship
he doesn't congratulate tk right away, and when he does it's just "i'm happy for you son" but he's very much against the proposal, but he wouldn't ever actually say it to tk, despite tk knowing. and one of the things that stuck with me too is "why don't you move in first"
tk and carlos are literally everything tk and alex weren't, in the best fucking way possible.
they took their relationship slow, well when they actually started dating. there's a good few months between season 1 and season 2, so it's safe to assume tk and carlos moved in 6/7 maybe 8 months into their relationship?
not only that, but owen actually adores carlos. this is evident so much. owen constantly insisting carlos call him owen and not captain (a sign he has respect for carlos) and even when him and tk were broken up, owen hugs carlos in the hospital.
the hug in the hospital always gets me. because when owen tells everyone the bad news, he makes eye contact with carlos, no one else. he looks at him and he sees the fear in carlos's eyes, the fear on his face. and he hugs him. they're in this together. because they both love tk. they have that in common
owen really cares about carlos and it's so cute. they're scenes together in 2×08, where owen talks to him after he gets suspended. he reassures carlos that his instincts are good because he has a heart. he uses his emotions to make his calls. and y'know what? owen knew carlos was right and he's only known carlos like a year. carlos's own dad didn't believe him (yes i'm still salty over this, fuck you gabriel) but owen knew there's no way carlos was wrong.
and carlos has so much respect for owen. i mean, calling him captain all time, while now is a running gag, shows just how much respect he has. owen is his boyfriend's fiancée's dad, and he still calls him by his title. and in 3×05 carlos called owen his father in law, more or less which means he saw not only a future with tk, but with tk's family, long before their engagement.
and yeah, as a parent all you want is for your child to find their person (and for the parent to like the partner). anyway, omfg did tk find his person.
i could go into a whole analysis in itself about tk and carlos, but i'll summarize with they get each other and that's what you need in a relationship
when you watch the show, owen never once has a bad thing to say about carlos. never. he's always been in love with tk and carlos being together, because they're so good for each other. sure they go through their ups and downs and they fight, but all of them led them to where they are now. engaged.
owen never says a bad thing about alex either, but his attitude, the silence after tk telling him he was gonna ask alex to marry him, the snippy comment of maybe you should move in first. he never does anything like that when it comes to carlos. owen loves carlos
so i just know owen is gonna freak out when they tell him their engaged. like he's gonna be so upset they didn't invite him to the official announcement and insists on an engagement party and he makes a huge deal about it, because he's so happy for them. he's gonna have the biggest smile on his face everytime he sees them and everytime one of them calls the other fiance/husband :)
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22, 31, 34, 41 and 61 for the ttrpg character asks! I want to know everything about julian :D
Well, buckle in! EVERYTHING ABOUT JULIAN, coming right up!
(still taking asks for my botany boy, pepper, and nuth!)
22. how would they decorate their living space, if they had a chance?
Julian is truly a case of The Autistic Urge To Be Organised fighting with the ADHD Urge To Accumulate *Stuff* - I've always imagined his chamber back at Silversage to have that kind of...Pleasantly Cluttered look about it.
Of course he's got quite a lot of books - he can never decide on the organisational system he wants to use for them, but does group shelves by subject matter (folklore/faerietales/fiction vs encyclopaedias/nonfiction vs academic/magical) and has a whole array of potted plants, it's hard to find a surface that doesn't have at least one. In terms of preferred colours for upholstery, Julian gravitates to rich mahogany browns, dark leather, cream, gold/yellow/bronze tones, and of course warm greens as an accent.
I'm sort of imagining gold-on-mauve for the wallpaper, though. Something like this?
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The big bay window has hanging baskets in with trailing plants, and has those curtain-pulls with the fancy tassels. And a writing-desk is of course a must, ever an 'organised chaos' of loose parchments kept together with clips and whimsical paperweights in the shape of Very Round versions of magical beasts.
I imagine his dormitory at the Nugins Arcane Academy has similar aspects about it, but I'm not sure what novice quarters are like and whether they're shared spaces, so I'd need to chat to the DM about that because how it'd look would depend heavily on if it was shared or solo. (The potted plants are there, though. Where Julian goes, foliage follows.)
The rest under a cut because, as always: This Gets Long.
31. do they respond well to praise? how about criticism?
Julian is a golden retriever of a man, insofar as he is a people-pleaser who loves to hear he's done well. However, he tends to deflect praise a little, he gets bashful. Like, you can tell he's happy, because he's smiling ear to ear, but he's also insisting it was the least he could do, really and (if he was not alone in doing the thing he was praised for) redirecting the spotlight eagerly to someone else who truly does deserve to be commended, I mean, they did an absolutely splendid job.
As for criticism, this varies strongly by who delivers it and what it's about. By default he accepts criticism gracefully, usually apologetically - and then ruminates on it for far too long after the fact, analysing his error and chastising himself for his thoughtlessness. If he truly feels the criticism was unearned, he usually stammers out some attempt at correction, but his protests tend to be quite timid.
Criticism from someone Julian actively does not like brings out his snippy side, though! There's usually a pause, a sigh as he tries to contain his patience, then (in tones either Carefully Measured or in Exasperated Retort) something starting with an emphatic, "Listen-" or, "Well. I'll have you know that-".
The old party Fighter was frequently derisive of Julian's verbosity, inefficiency, lack of ambition, and general lack of the skills he personally associated with the word 'wizard' - say, the ability to cast Mage Hand. This ruffled Julian's feathers terribly and really got under his skin, and I don't think he's so far ever spoken to anyone else quite as sharply as he did when Himo suggested he was short-sighted for not having an interest in farming Maximilian.
“Well, before I could even do such a thing, Himo, firstly I would have to discern how to replicate him. And after that, divine what can be learned from him about magibotanical beings as a whole. You’re being so…” he sighs, exasperated, “just so simplistic.”
41. how do you keep notes for this character, if at all?
I don't have in-character notes specifically for Julian (which is shocking, I know) but I do record our sessions and also have a veritable fucking tome of a campaign chronicle that functions as Julian notes, I suppose! It just also happens to function as a complete narrative recap of everything that's happened. (I keep considering sharing it in instalments on here but it really is So Fucking Long that I doubt anyone would want to read it!)
Our DM got me - well, got Julian a gorgeous personalised leatherbound book for my birthday a few years back. I have often considered using it for jotting down IC notes-to-self, his observations of Maximilian's growth, etc, but I've had terrible New Book Paralysis about it. Here's what it looks like, though. :3
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61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
Oh, it's got to be the ridiculous Kolton's Dagger Accidental Innuendo Spiral, I think. Let me explain. It's a long one but it has me grinning whenever I remember it.
Okay, so, as we know, Julian is very easily embarrassed, and once thrown off-kilter in an interaction he struggles terribly to recover his footing.
(As a small example of this: Our Fighter insisted on calling the elven Mayor of Hare Ear Fjord "Cadence" instead of his name (Caidith). To Julian's mortification he then did the same, completely unintentionally. Then, panicking, fumbled his hasty correction into "Caileth" (which would be like someone calling him "Juliet"), and then, by now visibly pink in the face, finally arrived at Caidith's name. This happened twice. (The second time he was quicker to catch himself, so it was more of a "Caden- Cail- *gathers his breath* Caidith. So sorry. Terribly sorry.")
So, our newest party member, Kolton, had a dagger that seemed very familiar to the rest of us but none of us could put our finger on why. (Every single INT check was garbage, but it previously belonged to the aforementioned Fighter.) Heather went to ask Julian about it, to see if he had any insight, and when he didn't Julian pondered if Kolton might permit him to Identify it if he asked.
To this, Heather waggles her eyebrows and goes, "Y'gonna ask t' see Kolton's dagger, are you? Steady on, Julian! You've only known him a few hours!" and from here everything spiraled out of control.
So Julian, pink to the tips of his ears, bats her arm with the back of his hand, and to spare his embarrassment declares that on that note he's going to go and check on Maximilian, and Heather - who has seen her chance for mischief because it's way too easy - calls after him, "That what y'call it these days?" She then decides to summon Kolton on his behalf by hollering, at the top of her voice, "EY KOLTON, JULIAN WANTS T'SEE YER DAGGER ;)"
Naturally, this does not set Julian up well. Kolton, to his credit, graciously does not acknowledge any double entendre on Heather's part. A true gentleman. However Julian has been pre-flustered and has succumbed entirely to his chronic case of Foot In Mouth Disease. On receipt of the dagger, he chirps (far too chirpily) that he'll be 'in his corner' and will 'be back in ten minutes' - at this, Heather guffaws.
Ten minutes later he comes back none the wiser to the dagger's origins but educated on its enchantment - it's a Dagger of Returning! :D And perhaps Julian might have recovered at this point, but no. As he explains to Kolton, he decides to explain the attuning process thus:
"You'll have to spend a little time with it first - things like this require you to, ah, 'get to know' the weapon in question."
(And Heather, in her hammock across the way, audibly snorts. He colours.)
"I am so sorry, my phrasing is just atrocious today. That's the long and the short of it, anyway- HEATHER." (At this point she is fully shuddering with a full on fit of the giggles.) "It's a very nice dagger that you have here, that's all I'm trying to say!"
Now, technically that's the end of the Kolton's Dagger Spiral, but it immediately flows into the other Heather-Julian interaction that has me hooting whenever I relisten to it:
At this point Julian flees the conversation abruptly and tries to decompress/compose himself by noodling with his Sending spell. Tucked away in his corner of the crew quarters, Julian finally cracks the code on the last few theorems of it all, and, now that he can, gives his sister a call to finally let her know that he's okay and not to worry. Olivia is aghast to hear he's in a whole other country - CORRAN?! Mother and Father have been putting up missing posters, Julian! They're going to be furious.
Being timeblind as hell and also unconsciously procrastinating on going home (because that would mean ultimately returning to the Academy halls), Julian had not really processed that to his family, he had....simply not come back from his most recent expedition, and was now over a week late. So that hits him, and he immediately flies to Heather's side, grabs her arm, and whispers, with grave urgency,
"Heather, I am in so much trouble."
What Heather has witnessed, for her part, is her good pal Julian get real fuckin' flustered around that big lad with the sword and the shaved sides, then run off to his corner, huddle there muttering to himself awhile, and then run back to her in a flap. Her passive insight makes it clear to her that he's genuinely stressed now, he's not just being a big blushing goofball. This requires seriousness.
"It's o-kay, Julian," she says, slowly like she's settling a spooked animal, clapping a big hand on his shoulder and giving it a reassuring rub. "Yer okay."
"It's not!" he cries, "My parents are going to be furious!"
There's a beat. Heather's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Do they not know?" Said eyebrows descend into a thoughtful frown, she tilts her head. "Have y'not....like, told them?"
And the whole table fell apart laughing as Julian scrambled to clarify, and I'm smiling writing it up again even now. What a fucking dork. And what a joy Heather is in every scene.
I think the thing that has me full of the giggles over this exchange specifically is that like....you know when you get to take your hands off the steering wheel of a character and they just do it themselves? This was one of those - he dug this stupid hole himself and I just stood by and watched him do it. He's absolutely useless (affectionate) and it makes me laugh.
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arbitrarycategories · 2 years
Had a very strange dream that was like walking around inside a fic so I'm inflicting my psychic damage brainworms on you! Deku was hanging out with his squad and they were all gently ribbing each other and laughing together and somebody was like "I bet you can't go a week without eating mochi" to Uraraka and she got feisty and competitive but it was mostly for show they were all still just messing around and having fun so she was like "oh yeah? Well I bet you can't go a week without hanging all over Bakugou!" to Deku and he was like *confused but sweating* "aha what is that supposed to mean??" And they were all like oh yeah Deku physically cannot stop himself from jumping up to talk to Bakugou at every opportunity, Bakugou has a Deku magnet in his pocket har har just jokingly goading him and Deku of course was equal parts embarrassed and competitive so he was like "you know what? I bet I can! I have self control! I'm not a puppy!" So they decided to see who could last the week without their thing, Iida and Todoroki and Tsu all had stuff too but it wasn't as built up and most of the rest followed Uraraka and Deku anyway. But everyone else thought it was all in good fun, not very serious, mostly a joke anyway. No one expected Deku to actually take it kind of seriously? And stick to it? Giving Kacchan polite smiles and nods etc when directly addressed but otherwise fully ignoring him. And no one expected Kacchan to become increasingly distressed by the change in behavior, at first being pissy and grumbly about it, then becoming touchy and snippy at everyone about everything between staring pensively at Deku, and eventually withdrawing completely and going quiet and getting bags under his eyes and just looking all around wrecked. Deku doesn't notice how bad he looks because his strategy to not give in to talk to Kacchan is to not even look at him. The rest of the squad gets increasingly concerned and guilty and start trying to back out of the bet but stupid competitive Deku thinks they're just trying to trip him up so he loses, and ends up shouting "I DON'T HAVE TO HANG ALL OVER HIM OR TALK TO HIM, IT'S NOT LIKE I NEED HIM" talking in like a compulsion or codependent kind of way and turns around when he hears a weird choking sound to see Kacchan just long enough to see he's crying before he makes a mad dash to his room. I don't remember all the details after that but there is "oh shit"ing and attempts to fix and the Bakusquad are initially blocking his efforts like "no bro that was fucked, you need to back off" until the Dekusquad explains and then they're all helping to shove them together to talk it out. And in his haste to course correct and fix and explain Deku ends up word vomiting a confession. There are tears and kissing and later Uraraka pulling Bakugou aside to apologize for starting it all and not stepping in sooner. The end!
Oh my GOD that is!!! SO FUCKING AMAZING. I need this fic NOW okay??? Either you write it or I will!!!! (Or since you dropped this in by askbox on anon, someone else will snatch it up!!!) THIS IS SUCH A GOD TIER IDEA
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ofherlionheart · 2 years
are u… cheating on atla? 😨 (/j)
lmaoooo i like to think i have an open relationship with all media ✌️🤪
jokes aside, i'm still working on atla things :) and am always happy to talk atla! at the same time, this hasn't been an atla-exclusive blog for several months now lol so. welcome to my rebranded home, "juggling blorbos"
#my old theme was getting buggy and i have nanami brainrot rn so i decided 2 birds 1 stone instead of Doing My Job today#also real talk while i enjoy the atla fics that im still working on#my brain has been itching to dig into some new chars/new dynamics for months now#i feel like i have a legit backlog of daisuga iwaoi wangxian and now itafushi n satoru/nanami Thoughts™#idk the ship names for gojo/nanami or kenma/kuroo#daichi is a scared homebody in a way that zukka is not#oikawa is a vain brat and i don't think i've ever had the joy of trying to write that kind of character w/ nuance#wangxian is also so so so so different from zukka. mdzs is so diff from atla#s1 fushi seems pissed that he fell for itadori on first site and im fascinated by itadori's brand of himbo (zukka is decidedly not himbos)#also i desperately want a 'my bf's best friend fucking hates me' short fic b/c todo's funny as fck#i also think getting into kenma or satoru's headspaces would be tricky for me#nanami would be fascinating and also uh. kinda a DILF#wow sorry for the essay in the tags#OH also nobara and maki. that looks Fun omg#idk dude zukka has become such a soft and considerate and loving space in my head#that now i kinda want to play w/ the complete opposite#disaster couple actively destroying each other's live for 3/4 of the plot#and they're still snippy and mean even after they get together#mxtx said hey look at this fckn tragedy and my writer brain went God I Wish That Were Me (writing the tragedy lol)#do i even have the sustained patience to write a tragedy? probably not#tl;dr ive been too nice to blorbos for too long. time to start horse plinkoing
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streetlightsky · 3 years
so, here's a lovely sebchal not!fic as i've elected to drop this idea from my writing list despite heavy upfront research and worldbuilding. this was inspired by in time (2011) where time is used as currency and each person has a clock on their arm that indicates how much time they have to live.
in this ficverse, a driver's f1 career is based on time they accumulate through race results. i created a whole scoring system on how much time they can gain or lose based on results, penalties, championship wins, etc. but not only that, drivers are required to pay a fee to the FIA to drive for that year and another to their respective team who set their own fees. i literally have the math calculated for seb and charles since the start of their f1 careers, and it works out but only for them two because, well, it's a sebchal fic.
so, seb gets call early 2020. it's ferrari. they tell him he doesn't have enough time to pay for 2021, so they're ceasing negotiations and terminating their relationship at the end of the year. news gets out that seb and ferrari are parting ways, but rumors swirl about the split--if they had a falling out, if charles pushed him out, if he has no time left, etc. britta knows, obviously, but seb keeps everyone else in the dark and contemplates what to do next.
the year goes horribly. the abrupt canning has left a sour taste in his mouth, and it doesn't help at all that the car is terrible. when he and charles crash in styria, it basically foreshadows what's to come. charles is apologetic about the incident, but he can tell something is off given how seb is both snippy and yet uncaring, argumentative and yet resigned.
"You are mad," Charles says after the meeting.
"I'm not," Seb says. He's tired. He's annoyed. He's confused. "Not at you."
the next few races are just as bad--barely getting any points and gaining no time at all. he contemplates retirement because at this point, even if he can pay the annual FIA fee, he literally cannot pay any team's fee; it's that dire.
charles persistently tries to find out why seb is leaving. he drives the same terrible car, so he's not immune to poor race results. still, he knows something else is going on, and he just wants to know if seb is okay. he keeps asking for seb's standings on the radio after races, and eventually, he puts two and two together and realizes seb must be running out of time.
so charles confronts seb in monza, and seb tells him the truth.
"It's gone. All of it," Seb tells him.
"What do you mean? You are a four-time world champion."
"I lost it all," Seb says. "Most of it, anyway. I can't keep paying forty years to Ferrari and not win championships. I failed."
"Don't say that."
"Racing Point offered. For next year, as Aston Martin. But I don't even have enough for them."
charles is stunned more than anything. and he can't get it out of his head that he has watched seb and how he works and how he gives his all every single day and every single race only for the man to lose an unbelievable amount of time over the years trying to keep up with ferrari's ridiculous ways.
when seb dnfs in monza, he knows his f1 career is over. when charles crashes out in monza, he's still thinking about seb, who deserves so much more than this.
he cannot let seb retire.
when seb knocks on his hotel door to check on him after his crash, charles makes his decision.
"Give me you arm," Charles tells him.
"What? Why?"
"Just... give me your arm." Charles is practically vibrating with what he's about to do. It's unheard of--maybe even prohibited. But he doesn't have time to read the rulebook or make himself suspicious by asking.
His eyes set. "They can't do this to you," he says. He grabs Seb's left arm, pulls up the sleeve, and taps a finger where he knows the timer is.
The timer reads three months--three measly months that are absolutely meaningless. It lights a fire in him. It makes him even more resolute than before.
"I'm not going to let them do this to you," he says before grasping Seb's arm and transferring seventy months to the German.
Seventy-three months. Enough for the annual fee and a year with a midfield team. It's a start. It's something.
seb is shocked and appalled and tries to give it back, but charles refuses. after the transfer, charles only has 24 months left, so he can't possibly pay the cost of driving for ferrari. but charles admits that because he's an fda driver, ferrari waives his team fee and pays his annual FIA fee, which is why he didn't even know ferrari's ask was that steep.
"You have enough now, no?" Charles says.
"This isn't right," Seb tries. He shakes his head in disbelief at what Charles has done--what Charles has done for him. "I can't take this. This is your time. Eventually, you will need it, no? I can't take that."
Charles shakes his head adamantly. He wants Seb to have it. He would give Sebastian anything.
"Charles, if I retire, then I retire. It's okay. There are worse things than--"
Like a flash of lightening, Charles pushes Seb against the wall and kisses him. It's hard, insistent, desperate. He's been holding back his crush for so long. It's wrong, he knows. He shouldn't take advantage of Seb like this. But he also knows he's never going to get the chance again--never going to be brave enough to try again.
He'll be okay with Sebastian on another team. He doesn't know what he will do if Seb disappears.
"Sign. With Aston Martin. Please. You have enough now. Sign the contract."
thursday morning in tuscany, news breaks that seb has signed with aston martin for 2021 and beyond.
the rest of the seasons happens. charles wears his seb helmet for the last race like the lovesick lunatic he is. and then, when the season is over, seb knocks on charles' hotel room and catches the younger driver before he goes out to town to drink away the horrible season. and seb doesn't really know what to say because it's not quite goodbye or thank you and he can't pinpoint what he's really feeling. instead, he kisses charles.
charles pushes him away immediately--offended and hurt. he leaves seb without a word and proceeds to get unreasonably drunk.
on christmas, charles opens a package from seb. the latter gifted him the toy race car they got from sky sports after they did that formula radio race in 2019. and the christmas card says the red car belongs with the ferrari driver and that seb will always be grateful for charles' gift to him.
charles is beyond furious.
he drives all the way to thurgau without giving it much thought the very next day. he shivers outside because it's lightly snowing and he didn't bring a jacket, and he bangs on seb's door.
The door swings open, and Charles freezes for a moment staring at Seb and his haircut and his knit sweater before shoving the toy car into Seb's chest.
"What is this," Charles snaps.
"Well, it was your gift," Seb says, catching the item in his hands. The quip only makes Charles clench harder. "I thought you would like to have the set."
"Well, I don't," Charles says and promptly turns around to get back in his car and leave.
Seb calls out asking if he drove all the way here from Monaco, if he's not even going to come inside for a bit, if everything is all right. Charles is at the car door before he whirls around and stalks back to Seb.
"Don't," Charles says. His tone is low, almost dark, almost desperate.
"Don't kiss me if you don't mean it."
They stare at each other for a long moment. Charles has never allowed himself to think about the possibility--has never allowed himself to believe that his feelings for Seb would ever be returned.
"Okay," Seb says.
Still, Charles feels crushed. He looks at Seb one last time and then turns to get back into his car for real this time and drives back home.
and this is where the story gets stalled and muddy because i want it to extend to the next two seasons but don't know the specifics of what happens other than a couple of scenes. in 2021, it takes a while for aston martin to announce their lineup for 2022. charles panics a little and goes to seb privately during a race weekend and asks if he has enough time. seb confirms that the contract he negotiated with aston martin takes care of any time payment issues, so it's basically a done deal. charles nods like, "good," and leaves without saying anything else.
then the same thing happens in 2022, only this time, seb has decided to retire for good. charles tries to talk him out of it, tries to give him more time, but seb refuses. he wants to retire. retirement is his choice. he tells charles that he's made his decision and it's a good one--that there are still opportunities and things waiting for him in retirement. and before the last race results, seb transfers all of his time to charles before the FIA takes it. it's not much, but it's what he can do after what charles has done for him. neither of them utter a single word during the entire interaction, but it's a super intense and intimate scene--more than just seb handing over the torch.
and one day in the winter before the 2023 season, seb shows up unannounced at charles' door.
"What are you doing here?"
"You once told me not to kiss you if I didn't mean it," Seb says.
Charles thinks back, vaguely remembers this, and nods. "Yes, I did."
And Seb kisses him.
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
💭 I wonder if you can write one with Stiles. Something like angst to fluff. They're not friends but she's in the pack. Something happens and they got scared and stuck together somewhere. “Are we going to die?” “If we die just know I love you.” “I don’t think I can do this without you.”
Something like that 😝🤭
i started writing this as a blurb before realising you wanted headcanons lmao my bad
no more requests, the sleepover is over! I am just filling out all the ones left in my inbox!
not getting along with stiles at all
he's anxious and doesn't trust too easily, you get that
but when he was still giving you the cold shoulder after months, you got tired of trying to win him over
so you stopped
it became easier to snark back than it was to just bite your tongue
it brought you a little satisfaction every time he got that look on his face when he had nothing left to say, and you got the final word in
but, deep down, there was always something nagging
something that cut a little deeper, because you didn't get why he didn't like you
there was a lot about him to dislike. he was kinda rude, and sarcastic at all the wrong times, and very opinionated
but there was a lot to like too
he was caring to the others, you'd seen it, and he was funny, as well as incredibly smart. he was thoughtful and loyal and handsome, and-
and you just didn't get it. so, you tried not to think about it too much.
maybe it was because you weren't lydia martin, or malia tate, because they never got this kind of treatment
but, you were damn good at research, and so was stiles, and that usually meant a lot of begrudging team-ups.
"look, I can't do this without you, alright? so just get dressed, I'm already on my way."
and then he hung up, and just like that, stiles stilinski expected you to be at his beck and call.
that was how you'd find yourself sitting in his car that night, staring out of the windows and sipping on a now cold coffee from the mcdonalds drive through, barely able to see anything
"what exactly are we doing, stiles? it's been hours. a lot of your stakeouts lately haven't lead to anything. I think you're losing your touch."
and his cheeks are a little red, the music playing quietly in the background, and he shrugs.
"better safe than sorry, right? just chasing leads, and stuff."
"lotta' dead leads. but, I suppose so."
"wanna' play a game while we wait?"
stiles forcing you to get your phone out to download an app he swore would be fun.
shifting to face one another a little more, his arm brushing against yours as you both lean on the armrest in the of your seats.
"look, while we're here, there's something I kinda need to tell you."
and then there's a finger brushing very lightly over the back of your hand, and you can't help but twitch, and you're looking up at him
he's so fucking close, you can practically taste the sugar on his lips of the donut he ate hours ago
that look you've been seeing a lot lately is back, and you've no idea what it means, but he's close
like he's practically glowing
in fact, it kinda looks like he's being haloed
and he's licking at his lips but something behind him is glowing, and your eyes go wider
"no, wait, i know you think i hate you, but-"
"no, stiles, what the hell is that?"
and he fucking curses under his breath as you both get out of the car
"should I call scott?"
and there's the stressed and snippy stiles you're used to
as you call, he's wandering off into the woods, and what are you supposed to do? let him wander off alone and die?
so, you call scott, and send a text to malia, and then you follow him
which, turns out to be a monumentally bad decision
because one moment you can see by the moonlight, just about
but then your phone dies, which is odd, because it was almost fully charged
and so does stiles'
and the deeper into the woods you get the darker it gets, and no matter what directions you walk in, it doesn't seem to get lighter
like you're walking in a maze instead of going back the way you came
and you were fucking terrified because there were noises, and you couldn't see the glowing anyone that you'd seen in the sky
you can barely even see stiles in front of you
and those noises are back, a little clearer around you, like voices chanting
it feels like there are hands on your body, but there's no one there, like something pulling you back into the darkness
but he seems totally unaffected
his hand is on your cheek and he's making you look at him but his words are silent as his mouth moves, all you can hear is the whispering getting louder into chants of words you still don't understand
so you try to read his lips
and it's something about mind games, something about the nogitsune, and something about focus
but how the hell are you supposed to focus, because it's too much
it's too much, it's shouting now, like having headphones turned on too loud, like lydia screaming right beside your ear, and being unable to turn it off
it hurts
and then, it's a little bit clearer
stiles's hands sliding down your arms, fingertips smoothing over your palms before his hands are linking to your own, and his forehead is pressed to your own
and it gets a little quieter
he pulls you closer, and you can hear the rasp of his breathing now, his mouth near your ear, arms wrapping little tighter around you as he holds you against him
"focus on my voice, okay? just stay with me."
"stiles, what the hell is happening?"
"nothing, to me. but, I think that's because after the nogitsune, nothing has been able to get into my head like that. I don't know what's happening to you, but I got you, okay? just hang on."
"are we gonna' die?"
"not before I get to tell you I love you when you're not crying."
and you didn't even know that you were crying, but now that you thought about it, you could feel the aching pain in your throat and the burn of your eyes
"you hear me? you stick with me, because even if you reject me, I need that closure. don't you dare die on me, okay?"
and then there was a weak laugh from you, and the beat of your heart thudding against your chest, terrifying you at the strength of it
"I won't reject you. promise."
"good to know." he'd mumble, right next to your ear, before dipping down to press a kiss to your cheek, nose bumping yours
but then it's getting louder again, and stronger, and you can't take it
the last thing you hear is your name, before it's fading away, and your knees are buckling, everything fading to black
when you wake up, it's in your own bed
and it's light outside again
the ache from your head is gone, and the smell of herbal tea is drifting through the house, the teabags you'd recently ordered
you're a little weak as you go down the stairs, and before you even reach the bottom, you can feel the eyes of every wolf in the house
"who's using my new teabags before I even tried them?"
and it's lydia, the clanging of a spoon against the ceramic mug sides, and she smirks a little at you when you reach the bottom of the stairs.
your throat is sore and your whole body aches, and everyone is staring at you with varying levels of relief, love and curioisty
and as your eyes moved over them all, stiles is standing at the back of your living room, red-rimmed eyes and a watery smile as his shoulders sag
it takes him only a second to cross the room, and there's different degrees of shock as his body collides with your own, arms wrapping around you tightly, pulling you into him
liam is lost, scot is chuckling, and that smirk is still on lydia's face
"are you okay?" he's whispered, your arms coming up to hold him just as tightly as you nod "i was so fucking scared."
"that thing you told me last night. tell me again."
and he pulls back, splotches of deep red on his cheeks and his lips part, your finger covering them a second before he spoke. "later, when we're alone."
but then your finger is under his chin, pulling him a little closer, and he all but squeaks when your lips brush his.
"you'll like the response you get. promise."
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cancerbiophd · 3 years
Why am I so afraid of professors? They're all so smart and cool and I always feel like I'm not good enough, especially when they appear to be irked or treat me coldly/with hostility. It makes me feel stupid and unadequate and unworthy. I'm terribily uneasy every time I have to interact with them. Even if I studied hard and I know I'm saying something correct i tend to get unsure and submissive, like in a very 'i-hope-i'm-doing-this-right' and 'please-don't-hurt-me' way. Of course this affects my exams because it looks like I'm not sure of what I'm saying... and the professor gets irked even more because they obviously think I haven't studied and I'm wasting their time. I hate myself for it. Please, do you have any tips to overcome this?
Hi Anon, ohh I know that experience very well. I also used to be absolutely terrified of professors when I was in college. Raising my hand to ask a question in lecture? Nuh uh! Going to office hours? NUH UH. I had huuuge anxiety regarding all that. 
But it slowly got better (though it took longer than I--and my grades--would’ve hoped), so I have some ideas on how you can also become more comfortable around professors. Feel free to try any you feel comfortable doing, and also keep in mind this is in no way a comprehensive list of ideas, and that everything will take baby steps and most importantly, time. 
Firstly, know it’s not your fault. I’m not a therapist or anything so take this with a grain of salt, but it seems to me that something traumatizing may have happened in your past/still happening in your present to create this current feeling of fear around authority figures, especially if one of your constant fears is being physically hurt by them. If that seems to ring true, I highly recommend seeking the advice of a professional therapist, as they can help you find more permanent solutions through these types of obstacles. I think seeking a therapist would be a very kind thing you can do to take care of yourself because, most importantly, you deserve to live a life free from fear, and secondly, it’s affecting your day-to-day life (ie. your grades and mental well-being).
Secondly, I really hope you have a really good experience with a professor one day. A professor who is so kind and so passionate about helping you that it’s a huge step in healing and growing. To get you started, I highly recommend following one of my favorite blogs and professors on tumblr @xiaq. They’re seriously amazing and just, an all around good person. 
Sit near the front of the classroom/lecture hall. Not only will this help in paying attention/retaining information during class, but just by being closer to your professor will help slowly ease you into being more comfortable in their presence. You may also feel more comfortable asking questions in class, as you won’t have a wall of students turning around to look back at you as you speak (I know this gave me huge anxiety). 
Have a study-buddy for each class who you can go to office hours with. Experiences are always less intimidating when you’re with another person. Another bonus of a study-buddy is that you can also ask them any questions you have, and thus possibly skip having to interact with the professor all together (which would be a good thing if the professor really is being unhelpful and rude).
Going off of that, surround yourself with people who inspire you, specifically those with are very comfortable around professors. As social creatures, we oftentimes will passively pick up the mannerisms of those around us. I used to be suuuuper timid and shy, but my confidence grew during high school and college after I became friends with more confident people. 
Seek out a TA first (if possible). TAs are students too (they’re just in graduate school), and they may come across as less intimidating. Heck, I could’ve been your TA :) 
Spend more time with professors or TAs, even passively. Regular exposure is the fastest way to having something feel “normal”, after all. Ideas of doing this include: volunteering at a research lab, getting a part-time job on campus somewhere that has regular interaction with professors or TAs, volunteering at university-sponsored events with professors, hanging out at community learning centers where TAs volunteer as free tutors (if your university has them), signing up for smaller-sized classes (more professor interaction), or even doing homework in public study lounges near professor offices (these areas have the bonus of usually being more quiet than libraries). 
Do something even more intimidating than interacting with a professor. Ok here me out: Once you accomplish something that’s even scarier, your newly gained confidence will be like, “Wow, if I could do something that’s so much more intimidating, then talking to my professor isn’t so bad in comparison!” What you do is up to you, but it should be something that’s obviously safe, but challenging enough so that it’s just a little bit scary, and in the end you’ll be more confident for having accomplished it. Like performing in public, or running for a leadership position for a club you’re in, or working a part-time job/volunteering opportunity that gives you the chance to interact with lots of diverse people.
Know you are not being a burden when you ask a professor for help. A) It’s their literal job to teach. You are no more a burden asking a professor for help on their class than you are going to the doctor’s office when you’re sick. As a student who is paying thousands of dollars in tuition (or someone is paying that for you), you are the reason why that professor has a job and a salary. So they need to do their job well, right? B) Teaching is also their passion. There are a variety of career paths they could’ve taken (especially for those with a PhD), and staying in academia is usually by far one of the hardest and most competitive paths, so the fact that they’re still there means that they really do enjoy what they do. 
But know also that professors are human. Sometimes they may be having a bad day that’s unrelated to their students, and may seem a bit more tense and terse. We’ve all been there, right? If a professor or my boss seems a bit snippy that day, unless they explicitly say to me “Julia, I am so mad at you right now”, I chalk it up to something else happening in their lives that has nothing to do with me. My mental wellbeing has greatly improved by adopting this way of thinking: “never assume another person’s intentions and only accept what they explicitly tell you.”
Say more “thank you”s instead of “I’m sorry”. This moves things away from erroneously putting all the blame on you towards being appreciative of the other person’s time and energy. Instead of “I’m so sorry I don’t understand this from class” try saying “Thank you for taking the time to teach this again to me”. See how different the vibes are? And how much more positive you feel by saying the second one? The other person will also feel more positive about the interaction too. If you catch yourself instinctively saying “I’m sorry” (because I know it’s a habit that’s hard to shake), quickly follow up with a “thank you” as well: “I’m sorry I don’t understand this from class but thank you for taking the time to teach this again to me.” 
Lastly, be patient and kind with yourself as this will take time. Overcoming something that gives us anxiety takes exposure, patience, and time; it won’t happen overnight. Take baby steps at first, and it’s ok if you just can’t do something today. That’s alright, you can try tomorrow. 
Also, if anyone who has gone through something similar has any advice or words of support to share, please feel free to reblog or leave a reply! 
Good luck anon, I hope things get easier for you ❤️ 
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
forget about love (one shot)
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Summary: In which Scorpius and Rose discuss love.
It was a clear, crisp spring day at Hogwarts. Classes had long ended, and several students were enjoying the sunshine by the Great Lake. Some students were relaxing under the oak trees nearby, dozing off from the cool shade instead of the heat from the sun. Textbooks and sweet wrappers were discarded lazily in several piles, some open, others not touched at all. It was Friday, after all. No one except the extremely studious would bother doing homework on such a lovely day. Especially not on a Friday.
Rose was by the sparkling lake, shoes and socks tossed aside as she dipped her toes in the refreshing water. Concentrating with all her might, she picked up a flat stone and flicked it across. It skimmed a good three times, before plopping into the water. The circular reflection surrounding it as it fell into the deep lake. She sighed, lost in thought. She had finished all of her homework hours ago, so she didn't really have any plans. There wasn't any Hogsmeade this weekend either, nor any Quidditch games. Sure she could spend time with her friends, a gaggle of girls she often gossiped with, but whenever she did talk with them, she felt as though she was wasting time.
'Shouldn't you be doing something right now? Why are you relaxing? You're so lazy.'
'Stop it.' She thought to herself. 'I'm allowed to relax- I'm allowed to-' She flung another rock into the water. This time, it skimmed five times. Impressed with herself for a brief moment, she smiled.
Something disrupted her concentration. A group of students cheered loudly.
"Rose!" Polly Chapman waved from farther away. "Yann is going to do a backflip for us. Wanna watch?" She batted her eyelashes at Yann, who grinned cheekily as a kiss was planted on their cheek.
"Back handspring." Yann corrected sheepishly.
"No one cares what it's called." Karl rolled his eyes. Yann scowled, swatting their hand at the Hufflepuff's head.
"Shut up, Karl." Polly snapped.
"Sorry Polly."
Rose smirked. "I'll watch, just ...don't break your neck."
But whatever gymnastics trick Yann did, Rose wasn't watching. Her mind was back at the water. She flicked the stone across. Six times.
"Yes!" She cheered silently.
"How do you do that?"
Rose jumped, startled by the sudden noise. She faced Scorpius, who was behind her. Had he grown taller? He seemed to tower over her every day. Casually holding a textbook in one hand, his other hand in his trouser pocket. Less awkward, more confident and pristine with his perfectly placed platinum hair. If she was attracted to him, or boys in general, she might have found him attractive.
"Sorry," He said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I thought you heard me."
Rose shrugged, never admitting that she had been startled, let alone scared. Thinking he was referring to Yann, she said: "Oh Yann's been doing gymnastics since they were three. I suppose just lots of practice and-"
"No, no. I meant your rock throwing." He gestured with an exaggerated wrist thrust. "That."
Rose blushed, still puzzled. "Um. My mum taught me ages ago. How to skip stones, I mean. You get the hang of it with practice. " Her dark brown eyes glanced back at the water. "Do you need something?" She hadn't meant to come across as snippy. She was stressed, a bit irritated and always wary of Scorpius, who had been flirting with her for the past few years. Now that he was dating Albus, that had stopped, but that didn't mean things weren't awkward. Admittedly, she had no idea how to react in front of him, and cold, short responses seemed the easiest way for him to stop bothering her.
"No." Scorpius shook his head. "I just wanted to talk."
Well that was unexpected.
"Talk?" She echoed.
"Yeah," He chuckled, fiddling with his hands. "As friends." He added hastily.
Rose gave him a funny look, but sat down on the damp dew grass, gesturing him to sit beside her. He happily obliged, avoiding a patch of mud in between them.
"Your hair looks nice today."
She snorted in amusement. Her hair looked exactly the same as it always did, two afro puffs on each side. She never saw any point to change it, she liked it how it was. Still, it was a nice thing to say when he didn't have an alternative motive.
"Thanks, yours does too." She said teasingly.
Scorpius dimpled. "Cheers, Rose."
"So, what did you really want to talk about? Not that I'm complaining, but usually you're off frolicking with Al." She paused, choosing her words carefully. "You two didn't have a row, did you?"
"No!" Scorpius exclaimed. "Everything's fine. I was just..." He frowned, trying to find the words. "Do you know what being in love is like?" He asked, rather bluntly. Scorpius was never one for being subtle.
Rose looked uneasy. "For the last time, I'm never going to go out with you."
"Yes, we've established that." Scorpius joked. "When you kicked me in the shin."
Relieved, she smiled softly. "To answer your question, yes I do."
"Oh. With-"
"It doesn't matter who it was." She said quickly. "It was a long time ago." To be fair, there were quite a few girls who made her heart flutter.
"Noted. And how did you know?"
She frowned. "What's this about, Scorpius? Is there a point to this?"
"There is."
"Then what-"
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know if I'm in love with Albus." He looked troubled, and the minute the words left his lips, he backtracked. "Wait. I mean I love him lots, but I'm worried that I don't love him, love him."
"You've been dating only a few months, I don't think that's uncommon."
"I know it doesn't make any sense." Scorpius said. "But lately I've been having doubts. If my feelings are real. Even though I love him."
"I don't follow. You love him but you're worried you don't love him?"
"Yes, and no."
"What makes you think that?" Rose raised an eyebrow.
"Well, we've been through so much together. We're practically attached at the hip. I'd do anything for him. He's brilliant. Smart, caring, so so handsome and...he makes my heart melt. Like, actually feel melting. Maybe it's his eyes. They're green like emeralds and beautiful to stare at..."
Rose raised her hand. "He's also my cousin."
"Right, sorry."
"That was quite obvious." Her lip twitched. "So, what's the problem? It sounds like you care about him."
"Yes, but we've been all matey since first year. What if I just admire his friendship? What if these feelings are fake? I can't imagine hurting him if I say this but-" He looked close to tears. "I can't lose him."
Rose was uncomfortable, a reaction she had whenever someone cried in front of her. "Look, I know feelings are ...difficult to understand. Especially for people like us." An unspoken understanding of what she meant dawned on them both.
Scorpius looked down miserably.
"Love is a very complicated emotion that even I don't fully understand. I guess my answer to your question is: When you're in love, you feel different. A certain amount of joy that makes you willing to stand by that person or people no matter what. It's not something you can just...control. It happens as is.
But, you're also sixteen and you don't need to understand this shite completely. So live life, let your hair down, enjoy being with my cousin, sipping butterbeer with heart shaped foam." She teased.
Scorpius gave a watery laugh. "Yeah,"
"But, for what it's worth...I've never seen a relationship quite like you and Albus." She shrugged again. "I'm probably the last person to talk about romance. It's not really important to me." She looked back at Polly and her friends thoughtfully.
Those thoughts had to wait.
"So, are you ready for next week's match? Gryffindor's going to crush Hufflepuff." She smirked confidently.
"I'll be rooting for you." Scorpius assured her, immensely pleased for his friend.
"You'll come to the match?"
"Of course, and I'll wear red and gold even though it does /not/ look good on me."
She laughed. "Great! Thanks..." She trailed off.
"Rose?" Scorpius asked, puzzled, looking in the direction she was facing. "Are you alright?"
A group of girls were approaching the lake, wearing bikinis and giggling and squealing as they touched the water. A tall Gryffindor girl with wide hips and golden hair dove underwater with a splash. Rose blushed and turned away.
"Isn't that Frankie Longbottom?" He smiled. "She looks nice."
"What?" She said, still a bright crimson. "I've got to go---study." She darted away, nearly dropping a stack of books as she practically sprinted back inside.
Scorpius' eyes widened in realization, then chuckled. 
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, March 22
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson -- his journey from thief to superstar
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Page 2: These stars wheely like to bike -- Hugh Jackman, Eva Longoria, Matthew McConaughey, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Russell Crowe, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Page 3: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Al Roker, Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, Matt Damon, Justin Theroux, Ethan Hawke
Page 4: Jennifer Aniston's roles and costumes
Page 6: Susan Sarandon is 74 and single now and she admits she likes to date younger men because they have more inquisitive minds than older guys
Page 7: Golden Age of Glamour -- the shocking beauty tips, tricks and secrets of Hollywood's most stunning stars -- Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford
Page 8: Listen to Granny -- older media influencers are getting into the act on social media, with women in their 80s and 90s earning huge followings and lots of money on Instagram -- while some are all about their head-turning styles, others go with decorating or fitness to create their granfulencer brands
Page 9: Go ahead and binge that new TV show because it's good for your mental health -- new research shows the lack of social connection we're all feeling now because of COVID-19 restrictions can be filled, at least to some degree, by watching TV, reading books and listening to music
Page 10: Lucia DeClerck has some advice for living a long life, and she knows what she's talking about because she's 105 years old -- not only did Lucia live through the 1918 Spanish Flu, she's the oldest person in her nursing home and she just beat COVID-19 -- how does she do it? Gin-soaked golden raisins
Page 11: 8 ways to prevent back pain
Page 12: Stars Still Strong and Sexy As They Hit Milestone Notorious 90 -- Marla Gibbs, Gavin MacLeod, Angie Dickinson, Barbara Eden
Page 13: William Shatner, Olympia Dukakis, Dan Rather, Rita Moreno, Willie Mays, James Earl Jones
Page 14: Dear Tony, America's Top Psychic Healer -- all marriages need care and attention to flourish
Page 15: There are nicer, more medically accurate ways to describe it, but "dead butt syndrome" says it all, that feeling of numbness or achiness from sitting too long -- it is no joke to the many people who experience the discomfort of DBS, otherwise known as lower cross syndrome, gluteal amnesia, or gluteus medius tendinosis -- people who sit at their desk all day for work are particularly prone to this syndrome, where muscle tightness in the hip flexors and weakness in the gluteus medius muscles in the buttock combine to create hip and lower-back pain, leading to numbness -- luckily there are simple remedies you can try to alleviate symptoms and even reverse the syndrome
Page 16: Princess Diana: little girl lost -- Diana's brother Charles Spencer reveals truth about heartbreaking childhood
Page 18: There are about 100 prepaid food receipts fluttering on the wall of Ruma's Deli in Missouri and if you're hungry and your pockets are empty, you can grab one, bring it to the counter and get a free meal, no strings attached
Page 19: Pixel the cat is so creepy-looking even a professional exorcist crossed himself and ran -- Alyson Kalhagen's cat has giant googly eyes, a Halloween pumpkin smile and oversized bat ears and he's also fond of making funny faces but the two-year-old has racked up a fan base online, where more than 12,000 followers find Pixel's peculiarities precious
Page 20: Cover Story -- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is huge in every way -- the muscle-bound ex-wrestler has starred in dozens of blockbuster films, has tons of projects in the works, millions of bucks and a brand new show about his childhood but he hasn't always been on top of the game -- the dynamo has gone through so many tough times and bad decisions they would sink a lesser man but he's an open book about all of them and how he fought to get to the top every step of the way
Page 22: After a long break to raise her children, Michelle Pfeiffer is on the silver screen again and looking better than ever -- the 62-year-old is in a new film called French Exit, in which she plays a tragic widow who packs up and moves to Paris with her son -- the actress says to return and thrive in an industry formerly known as being obsessed with youth is a gift -- although her husband David E. Kelley has been behind dozens of hits like The Undoing and Big Little Lies, Michelle doesn't want to work with him because she's seen a lot of couples where they seem to have a great marriage, and then they work together and next year they're filing for divorce -- next up, Michelle will play Betty Ford in the upcoming series The First Lady
Page 24: A Texas grocery delivery driver got more than just shelter from the storm when her car became stuck in a customer's driveway -- the people who lived there took her in for five days and made her feel like part of the family
Page 26: Deep Focus -- stunning underwater pix from an unseen world
Page 32: Pet Projects -- family portraits get everyone into the picture -- photographer Tasha Hall creates "farmaly" photos, which include each and every one of the household where they've got two feet, four feet, paws, claws, hooves or wings
Page 34: While everyone loves a comfortable, cozy mattress, having a really good becomes more important with age because a bad one may leave you with aches, pains and posture imbalances but the problem is that these specialty mattresses are very expensive -- fortunately, Medicare may cover up to 80 percent of the cost if you go about this purchase the right way and you'll then be responsible for the remaining 20 percent, as well as any deductible
Page 40: Psychic Self-Defense -- many people are born with a psyche that is naturally sensitive -- there has been a modern-day rise in occultism and practicing psychics and the way of the world at this time had made many more people seek help -- this has produced a far greater awareness of the need to protect and defend ourselves when working in a magical or psychic context -- we are all constantly being bombarded with psychic vibrations, not all of them good
Page 42: 20 Things You Never Knew About Tiger Woods
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Jenny McCarthy is in high spirits as she preps to tape a new episode of The Masked Singer in L.A. (picture), Goldie Hawn works out in L.A. (picture), Jane Fonda has given up on getting hitched -- she has three failed marriages and being single means she can watch whatever she wants on TV, Kelly Clarkson admits that since her marriage soured she no longer considers marriage a fairy-tale thing and she can't imagine being married again, Charlize Theron admits she hasn't made the grade when it comes to homeschooling her kids Jackson and August, Patrick Schwarzenegger is looking to follow in the footsteps of his dad Arnold Schwarzenegger but says his dad hasn't offered any pointers when it comes to a career in showbiz, Bindi Irwin is close to welcoming her little wildlife warrior with husband Chandler Powell and her 17-year-old brother Robert Irwin has some opinions about his sister's ever-expanding figure saying she's massive
Page 45: Duchess Kate and Prince William hold video calls with folks shielding at home during the pandemic to discuss the positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccine (picture), Chrissy Teigen goes shopping with daughter Luna (picture), Mary-Kate Olsen finalized her divorce from French banker Olivier Sarkozy and she was spotted in NYC having dinner with businessman John Cooper, Gordon Ramsay is steamed after being diagnosed with arthritis, Jessie J has a new boyfriend with dancer and choreographer Max Pham Nguyen, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin dropped a bombshell -- they've welcomed their sixth child via surrogate
Page 46: We all get a bit snippy at times, but if you tend to fly into a rage, it's not good for your health or friendships -- here are some simple anger-management techniques you can do any time
Page 47: Curious Earthlings have always been hungry for movies about the moon and its mysteries -- Cat-Women of the Moon, A Trip to the Moon, The Right Stuff, First Man, Gravity, Apollo 13, Hidden Figures
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