#as someone who worked hard to be independent from her family and now has to deal with constant harassment at her workplace
wc-confessions · 1 day
Although I may probably be going quite (a bit) too far for saying this - about the people who state this certain thing about Blossomfall, - but-
I honestly think that people who believe that Blossomfall is being immature for being jealous of Briarlight by stating “she’s an adult now, she doesn’t need her mother’s attention and support” just -
Feels like they have at least a bit of a mindset of those type of people who believe that once a teenager turns into a 18 year old, they must AUTOMATICALLY and/or IMMEDIATELY know how to physically, mentally and/or even financially know how to be fully independent and take care of themselves completely alone.
(possibly maybe even having a bit of a similar mindset to some of those parents who kick their child out of the house immediately when they turn 18 years old expecting them to be perfectly fine automatically living on their own (with 0 help?!))
And is someone who just recently turned 18, this belief about recently legal adults is honestly quite untrue.
And is especially true for Blossomfall’s case, considering the fact that she isn’t even moving away to live independently from her family - because she lives within a Clan, which has (at most) around a “small” group of 20-30 people - cats - within it. The place that Blossomfall lives with is the place that she’ll STAY and live within for the entirety of her life, as well living with the people she grew up with - including her mother, Millie.
So the fact that Millie is neglected to see her daughters within a small tightened community - heck, a small tightened group - that they’ll live within for the entirety - or at least, the majority - of their lives, making Millie neglect even MORE impacting and/or noticeable for Blossomfall to experience compared than the average person. Something that’s also hard to ignore when you live and work around and/or with your family members on an everyday basis.
And the fact that Briarlight became disabled when she, Bumblestripe and/or Blossomfall were RECENT adults, making the neglect a bit more impactful, considering the fact it started to occur when Blossomfall was only JUST legally came out of teenage-hood and occurred when she was still quite young, which is QUITE different compared to if the neglect occurred when she was like… around the age of a 25 - 30 year old person I suppose.
Also the fact that Blossomfall shows systems and/or signs of being a “glass child” - feeling and/or being completely or mostly ignored, while their sibling gets all of the affection and love - which is something that can happen in real life, especially with children those parents put more effort and/or love into seeing and/or taking care of their disabled children than their able-bodied children.
Plus - at the very least, from what I heard about her - Blossomfall KNOWS and/or is AWARE that her jealousy towards her sisters is “negative” and/or “irrational” to the point that she literally believed she had deserved to go to literal kitty cat H*LL for it. Over a situation - neglect - that her own mother decided to do, which is something that’s NOT Blossomfall and any of her sibling’s fault.
And while yes, Millie does, care about her Briarlight, her disabled daughter and knows that she may need special care for her disability - that does NOT excuse Millie for NOT giving Blossomfall and Bumblestripe love and affection when she’s able so, let alone within a small tightened community where her children live with and/or around her daily will feel more impacted by her neglect that’s quite noticeable to the people Blossomfall lives around.
And the fact that Millie treatment of Briarlight and her disability is NOT good and is even ableist (at times), which is a WHOLE other (and worser) can of worms itself.
*sighs* Look, I’m not trying to bring back the (past) mindset of the fandom EXTREMELY hating Millie for neglecting Blossomfall.
I’m trying to state that Blossomfall maybe quite a bit over-hated for reacting to Millie neglecting her and her brother within a tightened small group/community, even regardless of how irrational her jealousy towards her sister is. To the point that I wanted to inform people about it within this confession.
So…yeah. Thank you for reading my confession about Blossomfall, and I hope that you at least thought it was a quite interesting confession to read about.
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mysoullanguage · 10 months
#0017 your relationship with your mother, based on your moon sign
aries moon: your mother could’ve been an example of independence and freedom. she could’ve been a highly confident person with great ambitions and determination. for you, you would’ve always had your personal space and independence respected. now, you would be a confidently independent person with respect for others’ boundaries. your mother would build you up instead of seeing you as competition. another side to this placement could be a mother who was controlling or superstitious of what you were doing. obsessiveness or severe possessiveness could’ve led you to have a lot of anxiety with others in your personal space. therefore, you’ve become a hyper independent person who sees other people’s company as a threat. because you worked so hard to gain your own independence from having your independence, privacy, and boundaries violated as a child, you tend to build up emotional walls around yourself. your mother could’ve been a temperamental type with an unpredictable attitude in the house. commitment issues or issues with emotions are a common theme with this placement as any sort of tension or problem = a threat to you. this, as a result, causes you to resent your mother as someone who has hurt your self-esteem, confidence, and as someone who never respected your privacy and boundaries. the mother could've acted the father or have bad relations with the father or may have competed with him. mommy issues are common here.
taurus moon: this is a comforting moon placement, as your mother was likely a very caring and hardworking person. the only negative really about this placement could've been a highly materialistic view on life or a person overly protective with low self-esteem; someone who focused on work too much to the point of neglect. generally, however, this is a very reliable person who taught you a lot when it came to self-worth. she could've taught you how to build it yourself through her own insecurities or she could've helped you build it by supporting you. she may have taught you that material things = happiness. you are traditional and have very strong morals. she may have been overly traditional however; she may have had strict rules or may have been rigid with her upbringing of you. generally, she was an anchor to you because of her ability to teach you patience and resistance. this isn't a hugely emotional placement (for you or the mother) but there is great wait and patience when feeling things. impulses are not rushed and neither is sadness but they are felt. you have been taught to take life slowly and to take partnerships seriously rather than treating them like they only come once in a lifetime. your mother could’ve projected her ideal version of you and tried to make you do things to fit a “perfect” picture — she expected too much of you.
gemini moon: your mother could’ve been someone who gossiped or spoke in public. for you, emotions are either a silent topic or are actually very well expressed. if your mother was someone who projected onto you or provided a turbulent household (constantly moving, etc.) then you could’ve learned that, really, nowhere is your home. this is a very depressing placement to those who want a family as they feel it hard setting down roots or even connecting to their own previous roots. verbal abuse or a mother who was very emotionally distant OR unstable and could’ve caused you to be unsure of your true feelings. if your mother was in and out of your childhood, you were probably on your own and therefore became very used to your own company. as a result, you’ve become hyper-independent. curious and versatile with others, your versatility came from your imaginative childhood and forced use of skills and knowledge. on the other hand however, you could’ve just had a dynamic household in which travel and sport was emphasised. your creativity, curiosity, and passions were fuelled by a mother who was the same as you. so, she could’ve been great inspiration to you on how to use your words or thinking in a way that benefits you or the reason you are emotionally fickle. the stereotype that air moons are emotionally cold or unavailable stems from the fact that their mothers never really let them explore their feelings and, as a result, see them more of a chore than an actual element of humanity.
cancer moon: family is a strongly potent memory to you, in whatever context that may mean for you. your mother may have been a deeply compassionate person with a lot of care for the home and family. because this is in its natural placement, it indicates more peace than turbulence. you share a strong connection with your mother. your mother and household will have a big impact on your life, ultimately helping you decide what type of family you want, and what type of mother you want to be. on the one hand, your mother may have been incredibly patient, humble, caring, and loving. on the other, she may have been overly protective and overly possessive over you, sheltering you away from life's harsh realities and, as a result, causing you isolation and boredom. emotions are deeply felt and nostalgia/sentimentality are strong feelings in your life. the result of loneliness in your household may have caused you to be overly dependent in relationships or forces you to over-indulge in emotions in relationships. alternatively, emotions may set you off altogether and you may deal with things on your own. abandonment issues may be a prominent observation with this placement. mommy issues are also prominent here.
leo moon: your mother was the source of your self-esteem issues or your radiant confidence. on the one hand, your mother could’ve been a confident and artistic person with a great attitude towards life. she could’ve been a fashionable and intelligent person with great optimism. this would’ve caused you to develop a healthy self-esteem with a love of self-love and dignity. for you, you are highly dignified and never seek for others’ approval. on the other hand, your mother could’ve seen you as competition or as someone who challenged her authority. she could’ve seen you as an extension of herself, ultimately using you as a project, projecting her insecurities and feelings onto you. you may have, therefore, become heavily burdened with doubts of your own self-esteem and value. so, you tend to look for value through others. you cannot self-validate yourself so you look for validation and approval through others. this toxic pattern leads to many vain and dangerous relationships in which your insecurities must be overcome by appearances and material things. you may have become a bad people pleaser as a result of your mother’s demanding nature or someone who had a strong self-image.
virgo moon: this placement is very popular with vain or insecure people as their mother could’ve been a highly critical and difficult person. for you, you could’ve had a hardworking mother or a mother who was insecure… or even very sick in general. either way, diet may have been important in her life or your life as either may have struggled from sort of diet restriction or disorder. your mother could’ve been a great public speaker who used her voice to help others and was, in general, a very caring person with a loving heart. she could’ve shown you the true meaning of healing and helping others, or she could’ve turned you into an absolute people-pleaser with little to no boundaries. your experiences are often self-sabotaged. for example, relationships are often manifested to challenge your self-perception. you may have a strong work ethic or you may be someone so emotionally out of tune you rarely let others see how you feel. you could be a very gentle and strong person otherwise. your personality can either be magnetic and gentle, or insecure and tense. lack of boundaries and lack of self-esteem and confidence could’ve forced you to let others abuse and hurt you because you have no sense of right or wrong. there could be very high expectations upon you or your mother was just very critical. virgo is a perfectionist; they typically despise anything or anyone that does not fit a specific ideal.
libra moon: your relationship with your mother could’ve been very vain or superficial. on the one hand, your mother could’ve been very feminine and beautiful. as a result of her presence and influence, you’ve become feminine and very beautiful too. if your mother was the type with high standards, her influence could’ve made you into someone who has high standards too, or at least someone who has a strong self-image. regardless however, your mother’s “looseness” or “unseriousness” and general optimism would’ve encouraged you to be the same. your flirtatious attitude and charming personality heavily reflects her buoyant personality. if your mother was the insecure type, she may have used relationships as an escape from reality or used relationships/men as a way to gain validation and value. in some aspects, she may have married the man for money. in general however, this is a very vain placement where appearances are heavily depended on. external validation reassures internal insecurities and reinforces a broken relationship you have with yourself. superficiality is a key observation as you tend to live life and relationships on the surface instead of reaching below.
scorpio moon: there is a greatly intuitive or psychic relationship with the mother. she may have been the source of great paranoia and emotional pain. manipulation, gaslighting, and invasiveness was probably a popular theme in your early childhood and present life. your mother was either very distant or very emotionally demanding with you. she would've expected you to understand life at a profoundly deep level and, oftentimes, she had a negative view of life and people, ultimately projecting it on you. thus you feel as though you were forced to understand too much at a very young age. in some instances, this placement could indicate a family with many secrets, with your birth being a reminder of certain secrets. your strained relationship with your mother causes you to actually have distrust with others and to have a hard time opening up to others. this is oftentimes the source of scorpio moon's "scared to open up unless it's with someone they love" stereotype. many people say scorpio moons are deeply emotional with caring and compassionate hearts but fail to mention it's because their mother has forced them to feel so much when they were young as a result of the mother's "need" to constantly probe into their lives.
sagittarius moon: for you, independence and spontaneity were a big theme in your childhood, and still are. your mother could've been the type of person who saw your potential from a very young age. she could've been overly protective over you or controlling to the point you felt restricted and burdened by her paranoia. alternatively, this could point to a mother who was very adventurous and spontaneous and was a great inspiration to you and helped you shape your view on your own life. she could've been a traditional person with strong morals, with you ultimately having them too. your need for independence stems from the likelihood you were very unique as a child and didn't fit in many places. there is mutual love and understanding of one another but there is also a tendency to be stubborn with one another. oftentimes, your philosophical way of living is actually opposite to your mother's; therefore, you learn to live opposite to what your mother has taught you. so, your mother becomes an important anchor in your way of living this way. personal observation: these people may be foreigners in another country OR have a foreign mother
capricorn moon: one issue with this placement is the material and cold emphasis typical with almost any capricorn placement. on the one hand, your mother could’ve been a highly skilled worker who was very hardworking and determined in the home. she could’ve been a very material person with great success and status to her name. her being family-oriented may have caused you to be the same. you may have traditional values that reflect your mother’s. on the other hand, you may have had a mother who was overly possessive and controlling. she was probably the type to worry too much or have too much control over your boundaries and self-esteem. her micro-managing you could’ve made you resent her care. emotional unpredictability could’ve been a strong theme but also the fact that emotional coldness from her would’ve turned you into someone who rarely focuses on the emotional, but instead, on the rational. you are a rational feeler with little regard to actual feelings like sadness. if this moon is positively aspected, you could have a very strong work ethic with great boundaries and good self-esteem. you are powerful in everything you do; you do not let your feelings and short-felt impulses lead you astray from your ultimate goal. for others, however, the lack of emotional support and comfort or constant smothering could’ve caused you to either become overly independent in fear of vulnerability and in fear of losing yourself in other people. you may have matured early. she was probably very serious and you may have always felt a silent disapproval from her. she expected you to follow the dogma or the rules of the book which, inevitably, has made you want to go against them…
aquarius moon: you are versatile, curious, and emotionally detached. this doesn't mean you don't feel emotions or aren't connected to them; rather, you think logically than emotionally. in your childhood, your mother could have been a highly inquisitive person, but one to let you to your own devices. this means you may have grown up very early or may have matured very early. your relationship with your mother may be very hot and cold or just very cold because the independence acquired in your childhood has caused you to be, inevitably, independent and self-reliant as an adult. there's little to no need for anyone really, even relationships. however, there is still a deeper yearning for connection and understanding between you and others. on a general level, you are a very mental person who prioritizes mental synchronicity. this is the key to ultimately unlocking your heart. your lack of emotional connection with your mother and her unpredictable emotions or attitudes would've ultimately led you to use problem-solving skills rather than compassion in many scenarios. additionally, you may have forgiven yourself for trying to rely on your mother for emotional support. simply put, she couldn’t offer you the emotional security you required. you may have had little to no friend groups as a child; you may have felt left out a lot.
pisces moon: there is often a sad disconnect with the mother as a child, whether the mother was absent/distant or actually dead. you may have a very intuitive bond with your mother but you may have also taken her burdens upon yourself as a child. you may have been lonely. on the one hand, she could have been a highly intuitive and caring person with a deep personality and an admirative perspective on life and people. mental illness, addiction, or neglect may run through the family whether your mother suffered from this or you. with this placement, you have learned compassion and patience and have learned understanding of other people's suffering. she may have been an artistic person with a loose approach to life and she could've been a genuinely compassionate inspiration to you. if not, she may have been an overly smothering person with little regard for your own individuality; she may have been insecure or may have had her head too far in the clouds at all times. she may have found it difficult to truly connect with life. there could’ve been more than one mother figure here. your relationship with your mother has caused you to become hyper aware of other people’s moods and reactions — you tend to “just know” how people feel.
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AITA for advising a woman to get married?
Maybe I'm digging my own grave because this website is very US centric but I'm hoping you see where I'm coming from. I (mid 20s M) come from a culture where arranged marriage is the norm. I have this friend Maya (early 20s F) who also comes from a similar culture, but the difference is that hers values consent more, whereas where I live, only the parents have a say in the matter. We also have a USAmerican friend Jade (late 20s F) who will make an appearance at the end.
Maya is a sex repulsed Ace, and she kept saying she will stay single forever. I know what the situation for women in her country is like, it would be very difficult to live without a husband. One day she made a vent post saying how her parents keep asking her to reconsider, that they are worried about her being alone for the rest of her life, and her father is worried about who will financially support her after he dies.
She didn't come out to her parents, no use of doing it since they won't even understand what Asexuality is. All she did say that she refused to marry a man she wasn't in love with, and implied she will never fall for one. She's trying too hard to prove she can be an independent woman.
Her family, out of concern, told her that marriage isn't about love. She can marry someone who she is compatible with and get along just fine. That many people don't end up married to the love of their lives and even if they do, they end up losing the spark anytime but stay because they built a loving home together.
I don't find this a bad thing. Stability is very important in marriage. I mean sure, I wish I could marry the love of my life, but if my parents decided that my next door neighbor would be my wife, I would go along with it because that's just how things are where I live.
I told Maya this and she got upset with me. She said my case was different because I'm a guy (??) And because I was hetero.
I told her to value her culture more, and she has the advantage over me because she can actually CHOOSE her spouse. She got angry and said I wasn't being considerate of her feelings, and she'd rather die than be touched by a man, which frankly is making me worried.
I told her she wasn't being realistic. She is fine for now, but she will suffer in the future. Being single in our cultures is very difficult and she needs to give up. She replied with long paragraphs about how she doesn't care. I say this because I care about her as a friend, and her parents from what she described are good people too and they care about her too. She doesn't appreciate it and thinks she can live alone for the rest of her life. Unlike the west, roommates arrangements aren't available here. If she loses her family, she becomes dependent on relatives who may or may not be available. Frankly I think she's very influenced by the western lifestyle which will get her nowhere in real life. And she's disabled and works a minimum wage too.
Maya stopped talking to me for days. The whole discussion was a on a public post so by the time our mutual friend Jade woke up (different time zones) she read the whole post and came to scream at me in DMs. Jade was Ace herself, she told me I was being sexist and acephobic. I told Jade that wasn't my intention but she should stay out of our business because she can't relate to our cultures and isn't being helpful to Maya, and she has it easy because she has the resources available that allow her to be independent.
AITA for wanting my friend to realize she's being unrealistic and things won't work for her in the future?
What are these acronyms?
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svn-bangtan · 8 months
In The End - MYG (Teaser)
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»Summary: Han Y/n, hailing from a prominent family in Seoul, returns to South Korea after years abroad. Amid her family's internal power struggle for their hotel empire, Y/ns disinterest in the chairman position disrupts the status quo. A mysterious phone call prompts her return, marking a turning point. As she confronts her arranged marriage to Min Yoongi, a once-fancied childhood crush, the stark reality sets in. The contrast between her youthful fantasies and the complex man he has become introduces unforeseen chaos.
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»pairing: Husband! Yoongi x Wife! reader
»genre: Arranged Marriage AU, Angst,
»wc/date: 1k | August 2023
» warnings: Angst, Yoongi is cold, reader is cold but eventually opens up and is very independent, eventual smut. All other warnings that may come will be noted on each part.
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»  Part 1
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The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the opulent room where Han Y/n and Min Yoongi found themselves entangled in a fierce argument. The atmosphere was charged with tension, as their words collided like storm fronts.
"You just don't get it, do you?" Y/n's voice trembled with frustration, her eyes sparking with emotion. "You act as if my feelings don't matter at all. Like I'm just a pawn in this marriage game, waiting to fulfill my duty."
Yoongi's brows furrowed, his gaze locking onto Y/n's. "And what about me, Y/n? Do you think I had any choice in this? You're not the only one whose life has been disrupted."
Her lips trembled as she fought to hold back tears. "You think I don't know that? Do you think I'm naïve? I've been living this reality my entire life. But that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to feel hurt or angry when you treat me like a stranger."
Yoongi's patience wore thin, frustration mounting in his voice. "So, what, you expect me to sweep you off your feet and play the part of the dashing prince? Is that what you want? This isn't some romantic drama, Y/n. This is real life, with real responsibilities."
"No, but you're not making it any easier!" Y/n's voice quivered with raw emotion. "I've been trying so hard to make this work, to understand you, to be a good wife even when you're distant and cold. And what do I get in return? Indifference and disregard."
A bitter laugh escaped Yoongi's lips, his patience waning. "You act like you're the only one who's suffering here. Do you think I wanted this? To be tied to someone I barely know? You're not the only one who's sacrificed, Y/n."
Her eyes flashed with anger, the pain beneath her frustration bleeding through. "You talk about sacrifice, Yoongi, but have you ever considered what it's like for me? To be shoved into a life I never asked for, with a man who barely acknowledges my existence?"
Yoongi's restraint snapped, his voice rising as anger flared within him. "You knew the terms when you agreed to this marriage, Y/n. You knew that our families were binding us together for their own gain. Don't act like you're the victim here."
The words hung in the air, heavy with accusation and regret. Y/n's tears finally spilled over, her voice cracking as she retorted, "And what about you? Have you ever once tried to see things from my perspective? To understand the weight of expectations that I'm carrying?"
Yoongi's jaw clenched, his tone harsher than before. "You talk about expectations? My entire life has been built around expectations – from my family, and from the industry. And now, I have the added weight of being a husband forced upon me. Don't think for a second that you're the only one dealing with pressure."
Y/n's voice wavered, the pain in her eyes cutting through her anger. "Is it so wrong to want something more? To want a connection, a partnership based on more than just duty? We're both trapped in this, Yoongi, but it doesn't mean we can't find a way to make it bearable."
"Life isn't always about finding happiness, Y/n," Yoongi's voice softened slightly, tinged with bitterness. "Sometimes it's about fulfilling responsibilities, no matter how painful."
Tears glistened in Y/n's eyes, her voice trembling as she whispered, "But what's the point of it all if we're just two strangers sharing a house? Is this the life we're doomed to live?"
Before Yoongi could respond, before he could unleash another wave of his own frustration, Y/n's eyes blazed with an intensity he hadn't seen before. And then, as if the floodgates had burst open, she shouted, "But do you even know what love is, Yoongi? Have you ever loved someone?"
"Love, Y/n? Is this what this is about? Something as pointless as love? If I had known you'd act like the spoiled rich brat I always remembered you to be, I wish I never signed those papers, never agreed to marry you in the first place. Grow up, you aren't in America anymore, and you aren't in some fucking fantasy world, we are in reality."  A bitter edge crept into his voice.
Y/n's eyes widened, her heart twisting with hurt and anger. His words struck a deep chord, cutting through her defenses. The silence that followed was heavy with the weight of their unspoken emotions.
A tense pause hung in the air, a silence broken only by the sound of their strained breaths. And then, as if a dam had broken within her, Y/n's voice trembled with an unexpected vulnerability. "I've fallen in love with you, Despite the walls you've put up, despite all the pain you've caused me, I've fallen in love with you all over again."
Time seemed to freeze in that instant. Yoongi's eyes widened, his breath caught in his throat. The intensity of her confession hung heavily in the air, a declaration that shattered the fragile equilibrium of their argument.
As the rain began to pour outside, the room was steeped in a heavy silence. The weight of her words settled around them, each drop of rain echoing their unspoken emotions. And then, without another word, Y/n turned abruptly, her footsteps echoing through the grand corridor as she rushed towards the door.
"Wait!" Yoongi's voice finally broke through, laced with a rawness he rarely displayed. Raindrops splattered against the windows as he took a step forward, his eyes searching for hers, desperate to find a connection that had been missing for far too long. "Y/n!"
But Y/n's steps didn't falter. The weight of her confession still hung heavy in the air, and the intensity of her own feelings overwhelmed her. She needed to escape, to find solace in solitude, to come to grips with the reality that she had bared her heart to a man who might never reciprocate.
As the door slammed shut, the room fell silent once more, the aftermath of their argument settling like dust. Yoongi's hands clenched into fists, his mind racing. He was left alone with his thoughts, with Y/n's confession echoing in his ears, the sound of her retreating footsteps fading into the distance along with the sound of raindrops tapping against the windowpane.
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sidetongue · 1 year
There are so many people in my day to day life who see dogs as just pets. So many people who don’t understand how much I’m struggling with Miller’s condition. Even people in my own workplace are surprised by how “hard” I’m taking it. The reality is these people go home to a partner or family of an evening, I go home to my dogs. That sounds really miserable and antisocial - but I’m an independent person and I’ve bought my own home and set up my own life and I’ve done it all by myself… except for the little pack of supporters who’ve been there through it all. Miller has been through it all.
Miller knew me when I was 18 and living with my grandparents; still a kid and having no idea about being an adult. Miller knew me when I went through my first break up, and she stuck around through the heartache. Miller knew me when I first ventured out into the big wide world; renting a “big girl house” with a friend and having a stable income and working towards my dreams. Miller knew me through my second break up, where I fled the country and went on a journey to “heal myself” and left her (and Henry) with my grandparents. She didn’t mind. She enjoyed the extra snacks. Miller knew me when I bought my first home, alone, and was right there beside me throughout.
She’s known me through my entire adult life. But I’ve known Miller through the day when she first came home… carsick on the passenger’s seat with only petrol station toilet paper to clean it up. I’ve known Miller through her “drug overdose” where she decided to snack on a pack of ibuprofen (again, with Henry). I’ve known Miller through horrific and uncontrollable ear infections. Where I thought the kindest thing was to let her go. Where I saw her in chronic, severe pain and several ear surgeries and procedures. I’ve known miller through her, um, “back end” problems, and having to remove stitches from her actual butthole. I’ve known Miller through her mellow years, where her only crimes are barking at a yellow lab on the beach or greeting our guests with a loud and persistent voice.
Today someone came to my house and there was no loud voice to greet them. She’s in a vet clinic cage, yellow as a highlighter, trying her hardest to stay alive. She’s 8 years old and has lived a life rich with joy and adventure, but my god I’m not ready to say goodbye yet. She’s not grey, she’s not creaky, she’s still got so much life in her. So many more rivers to swim in and songs to dance to and yellow labs to bark at. Every waking moment is spent agonising over my special little blue dog.
We don’t see leptospirosis where I am located. It’s very rare, and my vets have little experience with it. Today we contacted other hospitals in places were it is more prevalent so we can get a better idea of what we’re dealing with. It can take 7-14 days to see a turnaround. Miller is on day 4. I don’t know how I will afford 14 days of intensive care. I don’t even know how to think about money right now. I don’t know when the right time is to call it; to let her rest, or whether she wants me to keep fighting for her. Every minute is a nightmare and I miss my best girl.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: I’m now including Nero and Tara in my SoA preferences. Let me know if you want anyone else added xx p.s. it’s also really hard to sort them into Hogwarts Houses when they’re literally outlaws and would do anything for the club 
Warnings: mentions of death, guns, blood and swears
🌿ENTP 🍁Gryffindor (in Season 7 you could say he’s a Slytherin) 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Aries Rising  
・Jax would be best suited to someone who can handle the outlaw life. Someone who doesn’t care about breaking the law.
・What went wrong with Tara was that she couldn’t fully accept it (no judgement, as it’s very violent and different from the norm). She wanted Jax, and her sons, but they were too integrated in the club
・Jax’s perfect match is someone who is just as badass as he is; fierce, brave but also open-minded. That’s why air and fire signs are his best matches. 
・His feelings are a big part of Jax - he journals, and eventually writes down advice for Abel and Thomas. He would need someone who respects that side of him, who doesn’t see it as unmanly (it’s not unmanly anyway).
・Jax would love to stop and have deep, meaningful conversations with his s/o.
・ He’d also need a person who can look after his sons. Even though he’s one of the more progressive Sons, ultimately he wants a partner that can look after his sons.  
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
・In MBTI terms: most compatible with IJ types- meaning INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ, and ISFJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Enemies to Lovers
Sun (Jax) x Moon (You)
Insane Sexual Tension  
🌿ISFP 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising  
・Opie’s perfect match is someone who is loyal, humble and trustworthy. 
・Probably another Hufflepuff would be the best suited for him. And someone with a chaotic good alignment. 
・Although he’s dedicated to the club, he still has a moral compass and doesn’t want to go too far
・Opie is also set on making his family bigger, so a person who is family focused would be important
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Practical, reasonable, intuitive and hard-working. 
・In MBTI terms: most compatible with EJ types- meaning ENTJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, and ESFJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Height Difference
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top  
Innocent x Protective (Feels A Moral Sense Of Obligation)  
🌿ESFJ 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon, Leo Rising  
・Chibs would be best suited to someone who is emotionally mature and independent. A person who can survive being days apart.
・Would work with someone who can be pragmatic but also imaginative. Probably another Ravenclaw or even a Slytherin. Chibs needs a person who is okay with doing what needs to be done for the cause/the club
・He’d love someone who is interested in Scottish/Celtic culture
・Although Chibs would love feeling wanted, he’d be so impressed by a s/o who can defend themselves. Someone badass, and intense
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: the other earth signs - Taurus, Virgo as well as the water signs - Cancer, Pisces, and/or Scorpio
・In MBTI terms: compatible with fellow SJ types - ISFJ, ESFJ, ENTP, INTP
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
You Confessed Your Love When Thinking He Was Unconscious
Tragic Past x Ray of Light  
The sarcastic duo that can finish each other's insults  
🌿ESTP 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Rising  
・Definitely best matched with someone who has a sense of humour and an open mind
・The person definitely needs to be chaotic neutral. I think he’d love it if his partner was even chaotic evil - he’d find that really sexy
・Tig loves being told what to do, and wouldn’t care if his s/o was domineering
・And would love being able to make his s/o laugh. That would be an important part of the relationship - the banter
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, and Cancer. Fierce, adventurous, exciting and sensitive. 
・In MBTI terms, someone with: ISFJ, or ISTJ.
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Teases Them (Tig) x About To End Them (You)
Isn't Scared of Anything (Tig) x Worries About Everything (You)
The idiot number 1 and idiot number 2 who are smarter individually but share 1 (one) brain cell when put together (can argue that Tig already has 1 braincell, but I think he’s smart at times...)
🌿ISTJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising  
・Happy’s perfect match would be someone who is family oriented. And not just in terms of the club. 
・He needs someone who will get along with his family, who will come to family dinners and prioritise family life over anything else
・I know it’s a bit of a paradox having Hufflepuff and chaotic neutral - however Happy is all about brotherhood, loyalty, laying down his life for his family. And he would do anything to keep his family/the club safe. He’s a soldier who will carry out his orders without question
・Would do well with someone who knows what they want and won’t be told what to do. 
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo. Loving, stubborn, stands up for what they believe in. 
・In MBTI terms, someone with: ENFP, ISTJ, or ESTJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
They probably hate me (You) x Deeply, passionately in love … is terrible at showing it (Happy)
Opposites Attract  
Plant Dies (You) x Buys Them A New One (Happy)
🌿INTP 🍁Gryffindor although that could be debated 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Pisces Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising  
・The best type of person for Juice is someone who is nurturing. Who makes him feel seen, heard and loved. 
・He’s probably the most sensitive out of the Sons, meaning he needs someone who is attentive. 
・You know those hidden things that people love? Having soft teddies, blankies, maybe collecting weird things - Juice would totally be okay with that. He’d even get into it too - but you’d have to be okay with how organised he is. His organisation could be seen as OCD 
・To create a great relationship with Juice you would need to be open, communicative and sensitive. If you’re judgemental then it wouldn’t work. But I think Juice would totally be okay with a bossy s/o
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and/or Leo. Creative, sensual and enthusiastic. 
・In MBTI terms: ENTJ, or ESTJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Always bringing them rocks they think they’d like (You) x Keeps the rocks (Juice)
The Gomez (Juice) and Morticia Addams (You)
Emotional Support Animal In Human Form  
🌿INFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Taurus Rising  
・Nero’s best match would be someone who is intuitive, passionate, loving and intense. 
・He’s quite an independent person, someone who handles his sh*t, rather than being overwhelmed by it 
・Nero has a good heart, and doesn’t like brutality. He wants to give his son the best life he can. Like a parallel to Jax, except Nero is set on leaving the life of gangsters and clubs
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Libra (sometimes, opposites attract), Sagittarius, and Leo (fellow fire signs will speak their same passionate language)
・In MBTI terms, someone with: EP types- meaning ENTP, ENFP, ESTP, and ESFP
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Two damaged, vulnerable people swearing to protect each other no matter what
Confident & Flirty (Nero) x Screaming Internally (You)
Great At Driving, Could Be Considered A Professional (Nero) x Drives Like They Have Nine Lives (You)
🌿ISFJ 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Cancer Rising  
・Someone who is stable and makes her feel safe 
・Tara needs to be respected and included
・She would have advanced so far in her career if she didn’t have to look after Abel, and then Thomas (again, no judgement). So having a s/o who supports her rather than having to do the majority of the supporting, would be a fresh and amazing feeling for Tara
・She would do well with a person who is committed to their work, who is grounded and down to earth
・Tara needs to feel like she belongs, and that the person she’s with is completely loyal to her. Cheating is a deal breaker. 
・She needs a person who wants a long-term relationship, rather than a fling
・Would need to be in a relationship with someone who is more open-minded than traditional. Although there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife (only if you want that!!!), but being forced into that role stopped her progression. 
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: most compatible with EP types- meaning INFJ, ENFP, ISTJ, and ESFP
・In MBTI terms, someone with: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or Cancer. Grounded, perceptive, balanced and/or sensitive. 
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:  
Are they friends? Are they lovers? Who cares they’re happy and adorable together
Aggressively Supportive Of Each Other
Looks Like A Softie, But Can Kill You (Tara) x Looks Like They Can Kill You, But Is A Major Sofite (You)
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artythebear · 3 months
Vampire Parents
Today we'll talk about Solstice's and Full Moon's parents who raised them to be strong and charming men
Solstice: Sungleam and Pargelius
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Daytime vampire
Height: 210 cm - 6,89 ft
Pargelius is classic daytime vampire with excellent ability to charm and endear himself whether it's a prey or another vampire he knows for literally 10 minutes. He doesn't hesitate to use his skills at any opportunity but actually doesn't cross the line when it comes to his wife and family. Passionate and confident, he becomes soft and gentle next to his beloved, completely forgetting about all outsiders.
He served in the vampire army for a while, but after reaching a high status, he resigned. Now Pargelius helps his neighbors with hard work and his wife with gardening.
Daytime vampire
Height: 195 cm - 6,4 ft
Kind, loving mother and wife who also has fangs and claws to protect her family. But in most cases, she gives this role to her husband, admiring his strength. She was never doubted Pargelius's loyalty, calmly reacts to his behavior towards others, knowing that in the end she's truly dear to him.
Sangleam is gardener. She grows flowers, selling them as seedlings or picking bouquets. She's always looking for new seeds, sometimes wants to secretly buy them from humans, but doesn't take risks because of the laws.
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Their relation to Solstice
Since childhood, Sungleam and Pargelius raised Solstice to be independent and responsive, allowing to decide what his future would be himself, even if they didn't fully understand his interests in books and humanity. Parents treats their children with care, fully providing them with everything they need (yes, Solstice has siblings, more than two, but about them sometime later). They respect his choice in feeding only donor's blood without violation, and before the advent of the Donor Organization, shared what they hunted themselves.
Immediately after announcement of his son's wanted list for violating the law, parents wanted to find and hide him, first finding out what he had done. But nothing was found in his old room or rented apartment, not even a note. They could only hope Solstice was in order and he wouldn't be caught by the guards.
Full Moon: Dawn and Crescent
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Daytime vampire
Height: 210 cm - 6,89 ft
It's hard to believe, but Dawn is really Full Moon's father. He's calm and gentle husband who loves his wife as tenderly as in the first days of their meeting. Dawn is from a poor family, unlike Crescent Moon, so the lady's father did not accept his daughter's choice. He was never felt shy about his feelings and always acts on the call of his heart. Even rejected several times, he didn't give up and still trying to reach Crescent's love. Their relationship was kept secret until the day vampire dared to ask her parents for her hand in marriage.
Nighttime vampire
Height: 200 cm - 6,56 ft
Cold, as a night vampire from an aristocratic family should be. But unlike her family, she was attracted to something opposite to them, soft and warm. Crescent found these traits in Dawn, a simple daytime vampire from the outskirts of the city, who one day, by the will of fate, got on their streets and, at a chance meeting, asked "Would you like to go to the evening fair with me?". Didn't know why, but she accepted the invitation. There had never been any serious quarrels in their marriage, thanks to Dawn's ability to soften the edges. And Crescent Moon can't take offense at her gentle husband for a long time
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Their relation to Full Moon
Crescent is a strict but fair mother. Since childhood, she raised her son as an independent and self-confident man, setting boundaries between vampires and humans. In her opinion, laid down by her family, humans are not anyone above the source of blood. Dawn diluted this categorical by saying that not everything is as clear as it might seem at first glance. This is his life and his choice of how to build his attitude towards someone.
The loss of Full Moon and his announcement on the wanted list greatly shocked both parents. Especially the fact that he committed such a terrible crime — he killed a vampire. But despite this, they hope Full Moon is healthy (considering that vampire blood is a deadly poison for a vampire) and has found a safe place where the guards won't find him.
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 4 months
Hello JWB! Your blog is the best!!
I recently started my 3rd rewatch of Ipkknd over the past 10 years and reading your blog alongside is so much fun! Your navigation for the blog is so meticulous. You are absolutely hilarious and reading your posts reminds me of when me and friends used to discuss the new Ipkknd episode every day on our ride to school! Good old times 🥲
I have a question for you as someone who has watched the show at different periods in her life. There are some scenes which I had a different perspective of when I was a teenage girl compared to now as woman in her 20s. For example, in my current rewatch I get so annoyed at scenes where Arnav holds Khushi hard enough to leave a mark on her arms, but when I watched the scene as a 12 year old its not something that crossed my mind as abusive (especially when they played the Oh-so-wonderful Rabba Ve over those scenes).
So are there are any scenes like that which you looked at differently over the years with age?
Hello my dear anon!
Such a brilliant question - SO MUCH HAS CHANGED with age and time.
1. Arnav and Khushi’s sangeet. I was just so happy to see them get married that I didn’t think much about it but as I grew older I just really didn’t like it. They completely wasted Akash and Payal and I never understood Mami’s over involvement in the sangeet and also… Khushi lip syncing to lyrics instead of a yes I’ll marry you and WHY IS MAMI PLAYING KHUSHI AND WHY IS AN AUNT AND NEPHEW DANCING ROMANTICALLY 😣
2. The dabba service. I actually liked it when I was younger cause the comedy made me laugh. As an adult though I’m bothered that Khushi’s decision to be financially independent does not stem from supporting her family but that she needs to return 300 rupees to Arnav? And somehow we’re supposed to think she’s highly intelligent for working at her husband’s place, through his office kitchen and that’s a … victory? Also so awkward for Arnav to publicly be demeaning of Khushi and him getting furious that she’s “insulting him” but also Khushi getting rabba ve because he enjoys her food? It’s just too regressive that anything Arnav likes about Khushi is tied to bahu duties - that is cooking great food or calling herself his wife. Also Khushi just acts so childish in general I cannot.
3. Khushi’s behavior when Arnav lost his voice. I found her irritating. She’s too childish. The fact she expects Arnav will give her a gift to thank her for having done a “great job” like WHY can this woman NOT be intelligent is beyond me. ARNAV AND KHUSHI DONE SHARE THAT RELATIONSHIP! ALSO WHY DOES SHE GO AHEAD AND SIT IN THE DRIVER’s SEAT??? IS SHE A LITERAL CHILD LIKE I NEVER DID THAT WHEN I WAS 7 MYSELF! And it’s supposed to be funny that Arnav makes her do squats in front of a police officer? That’s demeaning to a woman who’s supposed to be your wife. It’s just really not landing for me tbh.
4. Khushi as a character is very annoying post elopement because she’s reduced to a childish caricature without a hint of brain.
5. I don’t think Arnav does anything great or romantic in the 24 hours track. He has emotionally and verbally abused Khushi multiple times. The one time she tries to leave house - that too for the sake of his sister - he makes her work around for money, threatens her friends so they can’t financially assist her and then takes over her property? I don’t find this coercion romantic nor do I find it to be “ASR” style. My guy was running behind to say sorry cause he was rude to her on the day his parents died. The one day where he’s allowed to be by himself and rude because it’s a traumatic day. (I have to see Khushi’s birthday and the sexy back massage in a separate context to enjoy).
6. I’m not ok with Arnav showering gifts on Khushi after he brought her home by coercing her. I don’t like how Khushi switches into bahu mode to make Anjali happy - girl you were threatened by your husband two hours ago and you’re busy playing Mrs Raizada? - and I’ve said this before but the sudden showering of gifts felt closer to love bombing and a reward for listening to him. I know Arnav is a man of actions - a man of actions would correct his mistake. I needed somethings to be better between Arshi to enjoy this.
7. I DO NOT LIKE THEIR I LOVE YOU DAMN IT. The fact it’s preceded by a very non consensual/dubious consent suhaagraat setup and that Khushi is busy talking about rituals than actually talking about what matters is… ugh. It genuinely feels like sexual frustration and my heart felt so sad that he’s dragging her around pheras to get done with it and Khushi’s elopement was traumatic.
8. Khushi tricking Arnav to light Janmashtami diya. Arnav is an atheist, that’s just as critical as following another “religion”. Would Khushi get a Muslim man to partake in Hindu religious activities by plot? No right. Would she be appreciate being tricked into having bread and wine as that’s the flesh and blood of Christ? Nope. The fact that they show wow Khushi is amazing she brought a NON RELIGIOUS MAN to partake in a religious amazing and thus has more influence than Lavanya on Arnav grates my nerves. I’m religious, and I cannot imagine imposing it on anyone - especially not to my atheist brother.
9. This is something small but I don’t get why Khushi can’t stay over the day Anjali miscarries and when Arnav asks her to stay back. Like something majorly traumatic has happened and Khushi still has to go by what will be acceptable for Dadi? That it’s not ok for Khushi to stay over? I get it if Dadi interrupted cause she’s perfectly terrible enough to do it and Arnav then wants Khushi to leave cause he won’t be able to hear another word against Khushi and she matters more. But also this is Anjali - there’s no way Khushi is leaving the house until Anjali regains certain consciousness and stability.
These are 9 moments that I didn’t like as I grew older (I have some stuff that I didn’t like right off the bat, lol) but here are also a set of moments that I actually grew to love the older I got.
1. A lot of first half Arnav. Very well setup as an anti hero with darker shades. His opinion on marriage and relationships is actually really good and I love the scene where he calls off the arrangement for his arranged marriage cause he clearly states that this would ruin multiple lives.
2. Shyam. I thoroughly enjoy a lot of his scenes because what a villain! I love all of his “nice damad” scenes cause it perfectly establishes why none would suspect and why Payal Khushi will have a hard time telling the truth to the Raizadas cause it’s just so impossible. I also love kidnapping era Shyam cause he and Khushi have AMAZING scenes and the show remembers that Shyam is KHUSHI’s villain! He really drives the plot.
3. I really have grown to love the scene where Khushi thinks she must leave Arnav because he won’t be able to accept aarav and that’s stemming from her own orphan trauma and that when Arnav does see her leaving he’s so gentle about it. He makes her sit, addresses her concern and that Khushi just bursts into tears and hugs him and admits she doesn’t know what she is doing and I love it that Arnav cares for her and Khushi is being her most honest self. It’s so underrated and SO beautiful.
4. Heer Ranjha in a different context. Because what Arnav says is an apology and perhaps the best one in the show.
Thanks for the love,
- Jalebi
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crystal-moon-101 · 9 months
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Name: Rook Rilla Nickname: Rill, Rilly, Medic!, Rook Age: 17 Gender: Female Birthday: October 3rd Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Ethnicity/Species: Revonnahgander Personality: Stern, Blunt, Tired, Alert, Stubborn, Pessimistic, Harsh, Patient, Wise, Hard Working, Independent, Logical.     Hobbies: Harvesting/Farm Work, Has a lottttt of house plants, She quite enjoys going to the spa and does a lot of yoga, Knows how to play a Revonnahgander string based instrument, Like to take solely long hikes.
Rook Blonko - (Father/She was inspired by her father to become a Plumber, even if not to be a soldier or front line fighter. Rook takes a lot of time to make sure his daughter can take care of herself, and often respects her judgement. Though admittedly, him and Rayona can be a bit coddling, and Rilla has always been an independent person since a young age. But they’re a healthy family that know how to communicate, so it’s often just minor bumps that they quickly deal with.)
Rayona - (Mother/Similar to Rook, she was inspired by her mother, who is a nurse at a Plumber’s hospital. In a way she combined her parents two jobs to learn how to be a field medic. She’s one of the few who enjoys her mum’s strange sense of humor. )
Young One & Little One - (Younger Twin Brothers/She often calls them little rats, as the twins are loud and rambunctious, often getting on her nerves on purpose. But she does love them, and often teaches them valuable lessons, being there for them when they don’t go to their parents. If only they understood the concept of space.)
Rook Da - (Grandfather/The two have a fairly complicated relationship, mostly because Rilla caught on at a young age that while her grandpa meant well, he had a habit of speaking his opinion on things that don’t concern him, mostly targeted towards Rook, even if they’ve sorted out most problems by now. And since Rilla is one to speak her mind, she’s not above telling her own grandpa to zip it and leave her or her family alone. But she has learnt a lot from him, and knows he is family, taking the good advice from him to heart.)
Rook Bralla - (Grandmother/Funnily enough she respects her grandma more than her grandpa, probably because she was just happy to finally have grandkids and just wanted to be a happy family. While she does say Rilla should understand that her grandfather came from a different time, she is amused at how out there Rilla is with her thoughts, and has many funny stories of when Rilla was younger and being babysat by her.)
Rook Shar - (Aunt/Shar is very much considered the cool aunt in the family’s eyes, having never settled down and sticks to her Plumber work. She often pops by during Rilla’s trainer to give some tips or watch her growth, cheering her on from the side. While it can be embarrassing, she is someone that Rilla feels comfortable to be around, perhaps something that can relate to her.)
Rook Shim - (Aunt/Since her Aunt Shim has been recently starting her own family, Rilla tends to come around to help her with the new kids, as despite how she comes across, Rilla is actually pretty good with kids. Though this does mean that her Aunt does have a habit of calling her up for free babysitting at the most random of times.)
Rook Shi - (Aunt/Her other Aunt mostly has been focusing on the family farm for the time being, so Rilla, when visiting, has spent long days out in the field with her, learning some framing tricks from her auntie.)
Rook Ben - (Uncle/She does find her uncle to be quite similar to her brothers, a little too loud for her tastes. But he helps remind her to lighten up a bit, and gets her to actually experience the festivals and celebrations they have back home, since when she was little she use to not wanna go.)
Jay Tennyson - (Friend/Teammate/She grew up a lot around Jay due to their fathers having a close friendship, so she can be sisterly towards the young boy. She does nudge him around, telling him to toughen up a bit, but more so to prepare him for some of the things they might face in the future. He’s one of the few people she can trust a secret with, and the two enjoy quiet times together.)
Thea Levin - (Friend/Teammate/The two that admittedly but the most heads in the team, often because their personalities clash. It’s hardly out right yelling, just blunt comments here and there. But they do get along, even if Thea likes to tease her alongside Malax.)
Malax Shard - (Friend/Teammate/Similar to Thea, Malax loves to tease her, knowing it can rile her up. But there’s a respect between the two, trusting each other’s judgement when things get dangerous. Frankly they’re the most mature members of the team, even if they have their moments.)
Becky Armstrong - (Friend/Love Interest/Neither of them are really sure when they started catching feelings, since they have been aware of each other for a few years, but given Rilla often helps with Becky’s injuries after training, it’s safe to say that the two obviously like each other. If it weren’t for being caught up in the current business with Eldrigma, then they would be dating by now. But as it is, they’re patient with each other, and come to vent to each other about their teams when things aren’t going well.)
Aurora Mann - (Friend/Given her bubbly nature, Aurora can come across as a bit much for her, often thinking Aurora lacks in the wisdom department in regards to jumping into things she shouldn’t, including the romance section of her life. But she can see that the energy she brings to the team is needed, and is impressed by her hybrid skillset.)
Cyra Albright - (Friend/Like Jay, she keeps an eye out for Cyra, wanting to make sure the young member of the Nova Squad is being looked after. She knows how over stimulating things can be for kids training under the Plumbers. Plus, they both come from farming families, so they enjoy talking about relatable things only they would understand.)
Channer Daniels - (Friend/She tries not to let Channer out of her sight, never trusting them as she knows the kind of chaos they bring. When the two groups are working together, she’s often the one that’ll notice when things go too quiet, and looks to find Channer in the middle of doing something. But when it comes down to it, she can trust Channer to do the right thing.)
Eldrigma - (Enemies/She has been unsettled by Eldrigma since day one, as even someone like her is able to sense the raw power that comes from him, along with seeing the unsteady emotions behind his hardened expression. She’s aware there’s more to his story, but frankly doesn’t care given all he has done to them, knowing there is no justification.)
Vesper - (Enemies/Given Vesper’s condition, Rilla has a lot of deep feelings regarding the broken anodites. As a medic, it’s never pleasant to come across people suffering from physical problems she can’t help with, and it angers her that Vesper’s out family and people would just dump her, even if she can understand the fear behind what inflicts the woman. It never sits right with her, and while she keeps herself firm in the position that Vesper also needs to be stopped, it does hurt that she can’t help.)
Alate - (Enemies/Frankly, she would rather jump into the sun than stand around this freak. Given her medical knowledge, the things he does to people often hits her in a different way to the others, piecing together the kind of pain and suffering he’s brought, knowledge she doesn’t like to share with the others. The of the many reasons why she want’s Jay nowhere near him, given Alate’s obsessions.)
Sciros - (Enemies/She thinks he’s a pathetic man, given he uses kids to do dirty work for him. But she also knows he is smart, and knows how to play many games with people. He’s a petty crook, willing to give away anything to win, something that doesn’t please her.)
Representing Song: There Beneath - The Oh Hellos
Skills: First-Aid Training/Medical Knowledge. Extreme Leap/Ability. Hand-To-Hand Combat Training. Marksmanship Training. Multilingualism. Weakness/Flaws/Fears: Like many of her kind, the heat can bother her quite a bit due to her having fur. Compared to the rest of the team, she is the easiest to deal with in combat on her own, given she is the team’s field medic (one of the many reasons she carries a gun). Her stubborn and blunt personality can often make bad first impressions on people.
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astaraels · 3 months
Femslash February — Day 3 — Found Family
Debbie/Sandy, little domestic bitches. (ao3) @m4ndysk4nkovich this one's for you, m'dear <3
For a long time now—longer than she might admit—Debbie had known something was missing from her life. Intellectually she knew that she didn’t need a romantic partner to fill some kind of void, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t want love. She had a long list of people trailing behind her who had broken her heart, men and women alike, and at some point Debbie figured that love must not be in the cards for her. Not even just romantic love, either; sometimes it seemed like everyone she loved, family included, decided to leave her. Or would leave her, one day. And it hurt, goddammit. She was a strong, independent woman, a working mom with her own business, but at the end of the day she still wanted someone to love her. Maybe she was still a silly little girl deep down. It didn’t change anything, though.
So she’d decided to stick with just fucking, just mindless sex where feelings didn’t have to be involved. It worked pretty well, too—didn’t have to worry about Franny getting attached to someone who’d inevitably leave. And Debbie knew she’d always get her heart broken no matter what, but it was Franny she worried about more. Maybe she’d had a chaotic upbringing, but she wanted better for her daughter. And it was…it was fine, for a while. She’d done tinder hookups with West Side lesbians when she could get one of her brothers to watch Franny—meet them at a bar, have some drinks, go back to their place and fuck, then leave as soon as the other woman was asleep. Not many, and not often, but enough that it scratched an itch. And she never, ever brought any of them back home.
But then she broke her own rule. Sitting on the front steps of the Gallagher home, she’d turned to Sandy Milkovich and took the cigarette out of her mouth, looked her straight in the eye and said, “Wanna fuck?” Then she’d tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach when Sandy blew out a lungful of smoke and gave her a lazy grin, all “fuck yeah” in her low, gravelly voice. They’d gone up to Debbie’s childhood bedroom and fucked in her bed, and Debbie was never so grateful that her daughter slept like a rock.
And suddenly Debbie had someone who was there—who stepped into her life like there’d been a spot perfectly carved out for her. Sandy didn’t have to stay, but she did. They slotted against each other like they’d always meant to be there. And Franny, well…Franny adored her. One day Debbie had come home from work, dragging her tired body up the stairs to the bathroom so she could take a much-needed hot shower, only to find Sandy and Franny in there already. Franny giggled as she played with Sandy’s hair, making it into a huge mess, but Sandy glanced at Debbie in the mirror and shrugged.
“No one else has long enough hair for her to practice with,” she said by way of explanation. Franny looked up at her mother and grinned, hugging Debbie’s leg in greeting.
“Hi, mommy! I missed you!” she said.
Debbie crouched down and hugged her little girl back as tight as she could, loudly giving her a smacking kiss on top of her forehead. “Mwah! I missed you, too, Fran. Did you and Sandy have fun today?”
“Yeah! We got ice cream, and played at the park, and watched monster hunters!”
Sandy shrugged, but Debbie could see her fighting off a grin. “Your kid really likes monster hunters, by the way.”
“Does she, now?” Debbie asked, leaning over and giving Sandy a kiss as well. Sandy brought her hand up to mess with Debbie’s ponytail a little bit, which was a mess from her hard hat that she’d had to wear on the job site. After the whole debacle with Julia and almost getting arrested—Claudia apparently had had no idea that seventeen was the age of consent in Illinois, so the case against Debbie had fallen through really quickly—Debbie had never been happier to get back to work. Their union had managed to secure some good concessions in her absence, and the other welders on site had given her a lot of pats on the back for being the one who started the whole thing in the first place. Sure, being out of work for so long hadn’t been great, but it was worth it now that she was making good money. Enough that maybe she could splurge a little more on Franny this year for Christmas.
“Oh, yeah,” Sandy told her. “Said she wanted to watch the rest with you tonight. Mick and Ian are off doing newlywed shit or something, so we probably could make one of those frozen pizzas and watch TV till this one falls asleep on the couch.”
Debbie grinned. “I like the sound of that. Hey, Franny, go get changed into your pajamas, okay? Mommy’s gotta get a shower.” Franny nodded and ran off to their room, and Sandy closed the door once she was gone.
“Maybe it’d be a good idea if we showered together,” Sandy told her, one eyebrow going up almost suggestively. “Conserve water, and all that shit.” She pressed Debbie back against the door and kissed her, a hand going to the back of Debbie’s neck to pull her in closer; Sandy’s other hand went to her waist, tracing along the waistline of her jeans. Debbie couldn’t help but grin into the kiss. She couldn’t stop thinking about how well they fit together, every time they fucked just better and better, not to mention how easily Sandy had found a place in her and Franny’s lives like she’d always been here.
“Hmm…” Debbie said, pretending to think it over as she draped her arms over Sandy’s shoulders. “You know, you might be onto something there. Anything we can do to keep the water bill down, right?”
Sandy chuckled, her lip ring bumping against Debbie’s mouth. “That’s me,” she said, “always trying to be conscientious of the bills.” She reached up and pulled Debbie’s long hair out of her ponytail holder, and Debbie maneuvered them around so she could get the water running.
It was almost a revelation, being so easily comfortable with someone so quickly. Debbie had always fallen fast, anyway, but Sandy had fallen into their family life with little effort. Maybe it should scare Debbie that it could lead to heartbreak—no matter how she tried to do things differently before, it had always led to that in the past. But maybe that was the trick: maybe it was about letting things happen as they would, and not overthinking it too much. That had always been her downfall before. But with Sandy, it was easy to let the world fall away.
Later, they sat on the couch with Franny, eating slices of frozen pizza that they’d heated up in the oven, Franny enraptured by the show on the TV while Debbie lay stretched out with her head in Sandy’s lap. Everything in her life was about her family—her siblings, her daughter. At one point that family had included her parents, before they both disappointed her beyond repair. And now there was Sandy, who was combing her fingers through Debbie’s damp hair and handing Franny a pack of markers from the coffee table so she could draw the sea monster that this episode was all about hunting. This little family was good, too; as a rule, Debbie tried not to get her hopes up too quickly anymore, having learned that lesson the hard way too many times. But maybe, just maybe, this could lead to something good.
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cogentranting · 4 months
I went to see Wish a little while back, and it was... fine. I had a good time watching it, but probably wouldn't watch it again on my own. It's visually beautiful, it's funny, Magnifico is a good villain, the story mostly works. But it feels a little flat and hollow. And I wanted to parse out what I think the problem is. In short, I think the problem is Asha. And I think that problem is twofold.
A. Personality and Motivation
I heard a lot of complaints about Disney always doing 'adorkable' princesses now (I will note, of the post-renaissance princesses, there's a pretty even split of adorkable and not- Rapunzel, Anna, Mirabel, and Asha on the one hand; Tiana, Elsa, Moana, Raya on the other). But I don't think that's the problem in itself. The problem is, that adorkableness is Asha's only clearly defined characteristic. Rapunzel, Anna, and Mirabel all have traits beyond that. And that's clearest in terms of what the characters want. Rapunzel wants to see the floating lights and that transitions into wanting the freedom and love that Gothel has denied her. Anna wants to connect with her sister (or really anyone-- Hans, Kristoff, Olaf...) and to protect Arendelle. Mirabel wants to feel useful to and accepted by her family. Asha wants to help everyone else want things. It's entirely focused on what other characters around her want. She wants other people to have a shot at getting their wishes. In theory that means she's selfless and cares about others. And that's all well and good but it creates this void around Asha herself that makes it hard to connect with her emotionally. What does she want for herself? If the King weren't hoarding people's wishes, what would Asha wish for? What would she dream about? What does her happy ending after the King is defeated look like? It's very hard to tell. A character can be selfless and focused on helping others and still have things they want for themselves. Look no further than Asha's "I want" song This Wish. It's so vague.
B. The Relationships
The other half of the problem with Asha is that she doesn't have a central relationship. Rapunzel has a broken relationship with her 'mother' and finds love and trust and partnership through her relationship with Flynn. Tiana is driven by her relationship with her late father, and finds healing in her relationship with Naveen. Moana is in conflict with her father and finds her confidence and independence through working out her friendship/partnership with Maui. Raya can only regain the relationship with her father by working through her trust issues with Namaari and learning from Sisu. Mirabel working through her relationships with her sisters, and interacting with Bruno allows her to confront her relationship with Abuela.
Asha has a lot of relationships, but none of them is really allowed to take a central place in the story. She's got 7 friends but there's not really room or a need for growth in any of those (except Simon, but that's kept more peripheral and really exists more to demonstrate that Rosas really does have a problem that needs to be fixed). She's got a dead father who forms some kind of inspiration for Asha, but it doesn't drive her the way Tiana's father does. She has a mother who matters to the story very little. There could have been key relationships between her and Magnifico and/or Amaya (and I think you can see hints of that) but that's not developed either. Asha's grandfather is important to her in some way, but again that relationship is not allowed to come to center-- he's the closest we have but even if we allow that he's occupying a role similar to that of Raya or Moana's fathers, that's still only half the equation. Asha still wouldn't have someone to interact with and grow alongside in the way that Moana had Maui, and Raya had Namaari and Sisu. The story is missing a deuteragonist.
And I think that contributes to the first point, to Asha feeling flat. She doesn't have anyone to define herself in relation to. She has a bunch of generally positive relationships and so is only defined by a general kindness and altruism.
There's been some concept art bouncing around of a human version of Star, so it seems that an early version of the story HAD its deuteragonist, partner for Asha to run around with and interact with a learn from (and in some sense to receive what she needs on a personal level-- in the way that Rapunzel receives the love she needs from Flynn, or Moana gains confidence in her leadership by having Maui choose to follow her-- which would help Asha recover a personal motivation). But when Star changed from having a human form to being a little blobby thing, he moved from deuteragonist to cute creature sidekick. And the story lost a key component and didn't replace it.
There are other smaller problems too-- some of the songs feel off (and none of them are great), the friends are sometimes annoying, Amaya's characterization doesn't quite work right, some of the easter eggs don't work etc.-- and I do think the thematic core of the movie has issues (but that's another post in itself, and I don't think the issue is what other people have claimed it is). But I think it would all come together reasonably well if Asha herself had come to life a little bit better. And that is a shame because I think her character design is good and I think Ariana DeBose does a good job playing her.
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This is Vincent Regan (One Piece Live Action's Vice Admiral Garp) in the 2004 film Troy.
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And frankly it's giving me pirate vibes and feeding some headcanons I already have for certain fan fictions I'm already working on/planning and someone make it stop I have too much shit to work on already wtf open head remove brain please
Also I just found out I share a birthday with Vincent Regan? cooool~
So feckit, here's my character history for Garp for my OPLA fanfic canon, for the hell of it and also to get it out of my head so I can work on what I actually want to work on right now.
Marine brat, family moved around a lot, but settled in Foosha Village when he was around six. Had one older brother (seven years older), father was a Marine Vice Admiral.
Bad relationship with father—he wasn't around much due to his work, and when he was home, the guy was kind of a major jerk.
Older brother sort of took on the fatherly role as a result, ended up joining the Marines at sixteen but staying relatively local at the base in Shells Town on a nearby island.
Made friends with a homeless girl named Helena at nine years old, who claimed her parents were pirates, and told incredible stories about their adventures.
Helena later reveals, when they're around thirteen and Garp points out that a lot of her stories don't add up or make sense, that her father was a Marine, and an abusive dirtbag. She had actually run away from home, stowed away on a pirate ship, and got dumped off in Foosha Village when they discovered her, and she plans on setting out as a pirate herself when she's older.
He's pretty resentful of the Marines because of his father, but he knows he's expected to enlist when he's old enough...
But fuck that, he's got an alternative now, and he's going for it, no holds barred.
Even if Helena insists on being captain and they butt heads over it a fair amount, he honestly accepts it because frankly he's head over heels for the free-spirited independent girl and he's pretty sure her ambitions have saved him from being molded into his old man's clone.
Fuel is added to the fire of his rebellion when his father is in town when he is fourteen and discovers his younger son's friendship with the street-rat Helena. Helena doesn't hold back her opinions of how much of an ass-bandit the man is, and he ultimately forbids Garp from seeing her.
Obviously that does nothing but result in him just seeing her in secret; not like it's that hard since his father is rarely around anyway.
A few days before he turns sixteen, his father arrives to take him to the base in Shells Town to enlist on his birthday. Helena proposes that they steal the man's personal sloop and set out in the night, and it's a sealed deal.
Three years in, they both have pretty hefty bounties and a decent crew put together, just enjoying freedom on the Grand Line.
But all good things must come to an end—they get into a firefight with a Marine vessel, and while they win...they learn that Marine crew was captained by Garp's older brother, who went down with the ship.
Garp can't take the guilt, no more than he can take how aloof Helena is about the ordeal, with her stating that all Marines are scum and she honestly can't bring herself to feel any guilt.
Their falling out results in him leaving, heading home to Foosha Village, and ultimately begging his father for a second chance at eighteen years old.
His father, an admiral now, agrees to pull some strings to get his bounty cancelled—as long as Garp enlists as a Marine and dedicates his career to hunting down and bringing in Helena...and, however reluctantly, he agrees.
He advances the ranks relatively quickly, having three years seafaring experience already, and his ability to think like a pirate means he's damned good at taking them down.
His father has already passed away by the time he manages to track down Helena at thirty-two years old in the North Blue. By now she is one of the most notorious captains in the world, known as The Siren for both her affinity toward music as well as her affinity for seducing her way out of trouble.
At some point, she's gained devil fruit powers (Mizu Mizu no Mi, Logia Type, Water), which has contributed greatly to her success.
He is frankly surprised when she willingly gives herself up on the condition that her crew is allowed to continue without her; Garp doesn't have much choice but to accept, as her devil fruit abilities make her nearly impossible to combat.
They're several weeks out from Marineford, which gives them a great deal of time to catch up while she's stuck in the hold.
She apologizes for being as cold as she was about the death of his older brother; says she knew it would ultimately drive him to leave her side and she felt it would be better if he left in resentment toward her than in guilt of leaving her behind.
And goddammit he's still in love with her.
Aaaand surprise surprise! she ends up preggo halfway to Marineford.
Unbeknownst to his own crew, he works out a plan with Helena to contact her crew and have them stage an attack to retrieve her, which he will intentionally lose, under the condition that she gives up her career as a pirate to raise their child.
Resulting in him returning to Marineford empty-handed, of course, with no one wise to the fact that Helena is carrying his child.
At this point Helena already has a base that has developed into something of a small village, an uncharted island on the Grand Line, of which she provided the coordinates to Garp.
The resulting falling out between him and Helena ends in them separating.
They marry in secret on the island, ultimately have two sons together, but everything comes full circle as his eldest son, Dragon, grows to resent him for being absent most of the time and not particularly personable when he is there, and ends up oposing the World Government directly...
And his second son (yes, another OC I've got a whole ass family tree going here) refuses to even accept his name after his older brother leaves, and ultimately runs away on his own in his early teens and joins Gol D. Roger's crew.
As a direct result of all this, when Garp ultimately takes his grandson in, he decides immediately that he doesn't want the boy involved with piracy...and yet he finds it hard to fault him for it when that is the path that Luffy ultimately falls into. His own history is a tremendous part of what leads to him letting Luffy go in Cocoyasi Village when he corners the Strawhat crew there.
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tallulah477 · 6 months
LOL ty! im glad you think i could write JFJFFNND but nah i use a lot of run on sentences lmfao but i also have too many ideas that are in my head or on my notes app
but honestly the avatar universe is just so good on its own like i think u can make 28747373 fics out of the canon story like and still make more yk but i do love thinking of neteyam and loak in different aus like the royalty one 🤭 soon to be king neteyam whose bethrothed to another but loves his maid he known since childhood and plans to run away with her to a small cottage with a garden to sustain themselves
and prince loak doesnt reallt care for neteyams future wife (only cares abt training and finds her bratty) but as time passes when she goes to visit them he falls for her and her bitchy attitude (i imagine their relationship is all bark no bite)
and OMLLL loak who goes to visit her families nation/kingdom and as he's getting a tour of the place he can hear rumours from the knights or princes at the event later that night that theyve had sex with her and she was crazy shit like that
and then the first time they have sex he finds out shes a virgin and he would be just so SOFT with her and when she wants to ride him he says she just doesn't have too but shes like No I will then cue her getting the wind knocked out of her as she slowly inches further down on him and then he just takes over and fucks her from that position - he pulls her down to where theyre chest to chest and hes trying really hard to not go so fast bc its her first time but hes going crazy he gotta grip the sheets and lots of praise from loak saying shes being such a good girl for him and calling her his princess
im realizing i made their dynamics so 180 from eachother LMDAOKFJFNF
also i think yk whose who sending the messages based on the typing style but ill just do that emoji anon thing NFND
— 🤍
I swear it's like you read my mind because I was just going to make a post today asking if you wanted to be my first emoji anon lmao
Welcome 🤍 Anon!!!
I completely agree that on its own the Avatar universe is so huge and one of the most ideal worlds to write in. It's so unique and real - like firmly settled in what it is and how thought out/meticulously it was crafted. But there's also so much room for fans to take bits of it and put their own spin on it while still staying true to the overall world as a whole. Like the queue play thing: we know how they work and what they do for the most part, but we're able to be like "hmmm, I think it would feel AMAZING if we put it here (wink, wink)" and play with it and attach it to body parts that James Cameron would probably be horrified if he knew what we were trying to do to the sacred alien appendage 😂
Catch up on the story:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Extra: One | Two
CW:// None
I can just imagine Lo'ak's reaction after Neteyam and his girl run away together and Lo'ak becomes the future king-to-be. He'd be so upset because his whole life he's been compared to his older brother and always in his shadow and Neteyam always got everything, but at least Lo'ak got to focus on training and eventually he would be able to settle down with someone that he gets to choose. But noooo, Neteyam gets everything he wants, including the girl he wants, and just left Lo'ak there to take over every responsibility that he just up and dropped.
Now Lo'ak has to take be betrothed to the girl Neteyam was supposed to be with and she's got an attitude problem even more than before Neteyam left. But can you blame her? Poor girl grew up in a society where men ruled everything and woman were looked at as things to be used or bargaining pieces. She knows what's said about her - the rumors that other people make up about her to put her down. God forbid we ever have a strong, independent woman with any sense of self confidence. And she thought she was getting lucky with Neteyam, maybe she finally found someone who would respect her and treat her well. But he never gives her a chance, prefers the company of a maid, and then runs away with her.
Her confidence would be absolutely shattered after that and then here comes her replacement prince, the king of attitude himself, also scorned by his older brother's actions. They both have walls up, both have issues they have to deal with - but when those walls finally come down? Hoooo boy. Magic ✨
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radiokathryn-if · 7 months
What types of MC's do the RO's like the most and what do they dislike the most?
hmmmm to answer this I'm going to go with what the ROs look for in a partner rather than what the MC would be like... if that makes sense──I don't want to make any 'canon' ideals for MCs! (did I answer this right??? I'm second guessing everything today)
Current Nate is tricky because he's not looking for a romance he's looking for one night stands or a fuck buddy. He likes it when people are bold enough to look him in the eye and tell him they want him (he's an egotist!) He's interested in a challenge but not if he has to actively work for it. He won't get with someone who can't keep their mouth shut (about their circumstances, not particularly during the sexy times...) so Nate tends to stray away from overly talkative people or those who can't keep a secret.
Eva is open to all kinds of personalities. She likes trying to get shier people to open up for her──she has no problems taking control of conversations or... situations. She likes playing the game with playful or flirty people, keeping her on her toes interests her. She likes seeing how far someone bold can go before she's the one who can let go and get a little looser/more passive. (she's the ultimate switch I'm telling you now) However, the core through line is she will not be with someone terribly selfish and arrogance gets old fast... mostly because it reminds her of Nate. (don't be like Nate, essentially.)
Mica doesn't particularly enjoy straight-laced or just judgemental people. They are very easy going and very spontaneous so a partner that wouldn't even entertain their plans or judge them for trying something completely random is very off putting. They do prefer more talkative people rather than stoic or quiet/shy people but it's not necessarily a turn off.
Let's be real, Detective Han is... emotionally stunted at best. They don't have time (in their head anyway) for romance so they've never given it a first thought let alone a second one. They find themselves more intrigued by someone who can match them──who won't back down from their morals or beliefs, someone who can challenge them to think and help them understand. Other than that they have no idea what their preferences are! (they don't like the feeling of being clung to... but in a isolationist 'you have to do everything with me and only me' kind of way not a physical way.)
José's hard no is someone who won't/can't get along with their family. Their second (less hard) no is someone who can't respect their autonomy and line of work/way of thinking. They don't have a particular preference over their partners personality or hobbies but they do know they want respect and loyalty. (Though, they must admit it's kind of fun to bounce off of a personality type different to theirs.)
Honestly, Ji Han doesn't know if he has a preference or not──he's usually the one who changes things up to fit the bill for the other player, you know? He can say he doesn't gel well with people who are elitists or those who look down on others just because they can (he's been with a few of them... didn't end that well) and he doesn't even consider people who are morally strung up... on their high horse for example. He bounces well off of shier people because he likes to get reactions from them──though he likes getting reactions from anyone he dates so really if they can't take his teasing well then they're not for him.
Fauve is a bit different. She hasn't gone for people genuinely in a very long time so she's a little rusty in the real feelings department. She likes people who let her be her──independent. He really appreciates it when someone can communicate well, because she needs to be on top of things surrounding emotions and she can't just take over a relationship with someone who won't work with her. (does that make sense? in essence she needs a partner that will let her 'take control' but not of everything. she still needs their involvement, she's not a dictator.) However, she does like it when she gets romantically surprised──randomly but her flowers or suggest going on a date out of the blue. Be involved with her personally not just aesthetically, ya'no?
With Jackson, his hard no is if they are child free/if they don't get alone with Cilly. He will not ever drop his daughter for a potential romance──he comes with 'baggage' he knows, so he won't even entertain people who can't handle it. I think Jackson actually prefers a more quieter partner, not shy per say but maybe calmer? He needs time in a relationship to build up a connection of trust and understanding. That and he's not the most talkative person in the world so holding conversations isn't his strong suit. (That's not to say he wouldn't go for someone louder or talkative, as long as they respected him to be a listener rather than a converser.)
??? is fairly new to this... romance stuff but not nearly as fresh as the detective. Their first, and only, relationship didn't last very long and they didn't really know them all to well (it was a mess and ??? was very hurt by it... itwasadare) they look for someone to trust─or rather someone who has shown ??? they can trust them─which is why they tend to gravitate towards openly kind and warm genuine people. Their ex was really snarky and mean in bad faith so they tend to avoid that like the plague.
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capseycartwright · 10 months
Every year the day before my birthday, I write myself a letter – it’s my way of saying goodbye to the year I’ve just lived, a way of letting go of the good, and the bad, and everything else in-between. I’ve written one of these letters every year since I turned eighteen, so this year marks ten years since I started one of the greatest traditions of my life. The words come easier, some years, and other years, the words are stuck in my throat, fingers stiff as I try to articulate what it means to live another year, how to put into words all the way that life challenges and changes me – for better, and worse – every year I get to spend on this planet.
This is one of the years where the words aren’t coming as easily. I’m not entirely naïve, anymore – though I don’t think you can ever fully lose naivety when it was such a hallmark of your personality growing up – but it’s hard not to hope that after a bad year, a good year would follow. I thought that maybe that would be the case, after 26 being one of the hardest years of my life so far, but the universe does not see my birthday as the fundamental start, and end, point that I see it as, and the hardship sort of just – continued.
Maybe that’s one of the things I’ve learned this year – whether you measure your year by birthdays, or New Year’s Eves, these arbitrary start and end points don’t mean much at all: your problems and your wins are yours the day you’re 26, and they remain yours the day you turn 27. As arbitrary as they are, I like a start, and an end, and – even arbitrarily – my final day of being 27 feels like a moment to reflect and think about who I want my 28-year-old self to be. 
I want her to be happier. It’s not that I don’t have a great life – I do – but 27 has been plagued by this lingering unhappiness that has wormed its dark tendrils into every aspect of my life, work and friends and family and everything that doesn’t fall into those neat packages. I could reflect on all the reasons for it. There’s an element of trauma, for one, because watching my mum, my best friend in the entire world, lie in a hospital bed for weeks on end, sitting by her side and holding her hand as she begged me to stay with her, hallucinations caused by an infection making her believe I was nothing more than a figment of her imagination as she took her final breaths, is something I’ll never forget as long as I live. She’s okay now – and every day, I thank a God I’m not sure I even believe in for the fact she answers her phone every morning when I call, greeting me with a tired ‘hello, love’ – but once you’re faced with the reality of how vulnerable your parents really are, it’s hard to forget that there will be more hospital beds and hand-holding in your future. 
I could talk about breaking my foot, and how what feels like a simple injury affected my mental wellbeing in ways I’m still picking up the pieces from – I have never been good at being vulnerable, and I am independent to a fault, and after putting myself in an Uber, hopping around on a foot that I couldn’t put weight on, still unwilling to ask for help, I sat in a hospital car park with a cast that went to my knee and sobbed into the phone, wishing then, more than ever, that I had never left the safe cocoon of my parents embrace. 
I could talk about a lot of things – but I’m realising, more and more, sometimes there is no reason for sadness. Sometimes, you’re just sad, for no good reason, and that’s another thing I’ve learned this year – that I can’t always rationalise the way I feel, that there’s not always a reason, not always a ‘why’ that I can fix. That’s been a hard one to accept, because I have always been a ‘fixer’ – someone who focuses on the things I can fix, the things I am able to change – and that has been another thing I have had to accept this year: I can’t always fix things. There are things in my life that have happened, and will happen, that are so far out of my control I can hardly touch them, and I just have to accept that. And my god, do I hate the prospect of having to just accept things. That’s been a theme of my 27th lap around the sun – having to accept that there are things in my life that I can’t control, can’t fix, can’t change. It’s been an exercise in learning how to let go and lean into the uncertainty and challenge of life. 
I could talk about a lot of things, is the point – but all of those things don’t change that ambition of mine to live a happier life. I have a wonderful life. I have a job that gives me purpose, a job that gets me out of bed every morning and makes me feel like maybe I am making a difference in the world. My parents are, objectively, my favourite people on the planet, and this year, I got to explore a new city, in a new country, with them. I have a family who I love dearly – and I think I could probably write a good sitcom about. I have the best friends in the world, and they’re scattered all over the planet, but they are always at the other end of the phone – whether I’m drunk on a tram and crying about a boy or having a bad day at work and need to get my annoyance off my chest. I am about to move into a new apartment, with new flatmates, and it feels like the most wonderful change I could hope for. I have a wonderful life, is the point – and I want to fully enjoy it. Although there have been moments of pure joy in my life this year, I feel like I have lost the ability to find joy in the mundane, the normal, the everyday – and if I can set myself any goal for 28, it is to find the joy in the everyday again. 
I’ve been thinking, a lot, about what it means to be happier, how you can be happier – and, as with anything in life, I’m realising that happiness is not a given: it takes work, to find the joy in your everyday. I don’t think I’ve been putting that work in, this year. It’s a startling realisation to have, if I’m honest – and a healthy one, too, to realise that you have put too much faith in the grandiose power of the universe, and neglected the (perhaps less grandiose, but still powerful) power you hold yourself to create a happier life. It seems silly, to forget that I hold all the power I need to give myself a happier life – especially when I am the person who’s created this life I do have. I am a product of all the people who love me, and who’ve given me the space to grow and learn and become the person I am today, of course I am the product of so many people’s belief and love – but I am the person who made the decision to move my life abroad, and pursue a dream so big I can hardly believe it’s mine, so I am the person who has the power to make my life happier. I’ve learned that this year. 
I’ve also learned that with every promotion, you hit a crossroads. That sounds terribly lofty – but hear me out. I am lucky enough to have had several promotions in my (arguably short) career so far, but they’ve been promotions from intern, to assistant, to low-level grown up. Last month, I was promoted into the most senior position I can ever have in my organisation – and I underestimated the change that comes with that new title. I thought senior was just doing bigger, and better, and more – and in some ways, it is. But in other ways, it’s not – being more senior is about being more of a leader, thinking strategically, and giving those same interns and assistants I used to be the opportunities my senior colleagues once gave me. It’s hard, to let go of the things you know you can do well and pass them on to someone else to make their own – but that is a part of my new journey. 
I’m calling it a crossroads because it is one – now, I have the word senior in front of my title and so I need to decide what kind of senior staff member I want to be: and it’s hardly a decision, really. I want to be the kind of senior staff member I started my career surrounded by – open, and caring, willing to teach and eager to get junior staff involved, the kind of senior team leader who passes on their knowledge and expertise long before they hand their notice in – sharing not out of necessity, no. Sharing because it’s what you should do. I’m not sure I’m a natural born leader – it’s a role I wasn’t sure appealed to me, until I lived this twenty-seventh year and realised that it’s the path I want my career to go down – and it's going to be one of the greatest learning curves of my life. I’ve never been good at letting go – I hold on to the things I love, my grip deathly tight, until they are wrenched from my grasp without my permission. It’s not a nice way to be, I know – and so in these final few weeks of being 27, I have begun a learning process that daunts me more than any essay, or exam, ever did – I am learning to let go, so that other people can grow in the places where I have been given the space to flourish these last four years. 
This letter feels altogether very forward looking – which reflects my state of mind, I think – but I don’t want to see this year out without some good old-fashioned reflection, because if there is anything I am good at, it’s being nostalgic for times that aren’t even over, yet. In years gone by, I have reflected on my strength – the way I have continued through some of the worst, and scariest times of my life, and still come out the other side. That strength is still there – and I will always be proud of it – but this year, I’m prouder of the way I have admitted my own weaknesses. There’s a lot of reasons why I am the way I am, independent to a fault, unwilling to admit my own flaws and weaknesses, and so it hasn’t been easy to embrace my own weaknesses, the things I am not good at. It hasn’t been easy to ask for help – but I have. I’ve asked for help by text, and in person, and I am learning to rely on the people who love me: because my weaknesses are not burdens. I don’t always believe that – but I’m trying to, because people in my life love me, and loving someone means loving their weaknesses, as well as their strengths. 
27 has brought about a need to embrace my own vulnerability in ways I don’t find entirely comfortable. Independent to a fault, unwilling to ask for help – all of the above. But all that has made it so I am living a life more isolated than I would like, and 27 has begun a process of unlearning that, of dismantling the near-impenetrable stone wall I have built around myself. I have always been embarrassed of how much I feel – good, or bad, I feel with my entire self. A friend told me this year (hi, Emma) that the way I feel is one of her favourite things about me – and that the way I feel so intensely is a beautiful quality. I don’t think I fully believe that, yet, but 27 has marked the beginning of wanting to believe that – wanting to believe that the way I have never been able to feel by halves is a good thing. That it’s a good thing, I care so passionately about my family, and friends, and colleagues, and the world we live in, that it can feel overwhelming. That it’s a good thing, to cry at emotional TV adverts and to lose myself in the wonder of romance novels. That it’s a good thing, to feel so much that I can’t help but want to write – fiction, or prose, or whatever comes to mind when my fingers start to move against a keyboard so rapidly that my thoughts can hardly keep up. One day, someone will love me for how intensely I feel – and it won’t be a burden, to be the object of the overwhelming love and care I feel for people. 
(I know who I’d like to be the object of that love, and care – and it’d be somewhat insincere, to let a letter like this pass by without acknowledging that so much of this twenty-seventh year of mine has been taken up by you, by this friendship of ours that’s become one of the most important in my life – because you’ve listened, to all my fears and woes and worries with a smile and the knowledge that can only come with being a few years past 27 – and I have fallen so hard for you in such a short space of time, it sometimes makes me wish I didn’t feel so much. I should tell you; I know that – and I hope 28-year-old me will be brave enough to. Because I think we’d work, and sometimes I think you think the same. It's on my list, of things I’d like to do this next year of mine.)
Maybe it’s because 30 is looming on the horizon, a new decade of my life peeping around the corner – but so much of this year has felt contemplative. Who do I want to be? What kind of friend, colleague, do I want to be known as? Where do I want to continue to build this wonderful life of mine – is the call to come home outweighing the desire to stay abroad and live this life of adventure I have sacrificed so much for? I don’t have answers, not to all of those questions, and maybe I never will have definitive ones – but I know this much for sure. 27 has been hard – harder than I imagined it would be, hard in that deeply existential way I think nothing can prepare you for. It’s been hard, and it’s been wonderful – new babies, and new friends, and old friendships set alight with a newfound joy, a promotion to a senior role in a job that has changed the course of my life, a new apartment and new flatmates I think could become close friends, a family, even – and it’s been divinely nuanced in that way I am realising life always is: there is no definitively good, or bad year. There are only years I am lucky enough to live, time I am lucky enough to have, and laughter lines that don’t make me queasy, the way I used to think they would – because they are a reminder I am here, and I am alive, and laughing, and each day I spend on this planet is a privilege. 27 has borne so many reminders that life is short, and it's fragile, and it ends, so quickly and unexpectedly, and perhaps that’s part of why I have such a burning desire to live a happier life: because we only get so much of it, and I have already lived 27 years of mine. 27 has been hard, and it’s been good, and it’s been bad, and it’s been wonderful – and I won’t miss it. Not when I think that what the first few months of 28 has in store for me is exciting, and overwhelming, and utterly transformative. 
This has been 27 – and I think that I’m going to like the version of me that 28 will see the growth of so much. And I’m excited to see who I’ll be in a year, sitting here the night before my birthday, saying goodbye to a year that feels full of unknown. Me of a year ago would have hated that uncertainty – me of today, well, she’s trying to embrace letting go. We’ll see how that goes.
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etre-grantaire · 1 year
So we are approaching what is probably going to be Scary’s lowest point, but oh god I think there is so much opportunity for Terry Jr to reach out to her right now and I really really need that to happen.
Like the parallels are right there, and I think that Terry is uniquely in a position to reach Scary where she is—being manipulated by a father figure purporting to care about her but really just using her for his own ends. Like Terry has been there and lived it and almost got the people who love him killed because of it.
I think that maybe Terry forgot how he felt about Ron at first, how hard it can be to have someone come into your life without your decision and without your consent and then try to love you, because it seems like from the moment they bonded in the forgotten realms they ended up having a pretty good relationship (because Ron’s emotionally available now!). And I think that maybe he blocked it out or softened his memories and that’s why he’s struggling with Scary—he doesn’t remember how hard it was with Ron to start with and he’s just projecting the good relationship they ended up with onto Scary. But this might be a wake up call as to how far she’s slipped away. He’s watching the past repeat itself, but now he is in a position to help her.
I feel like Link is really going to struggle with forgiving Scary because his dads are everything to him and he already spent so much time worrying about Marco, and now Scary has just dragged him into this world by facilitating a murder at his dinner party. And if Grant was hurt during the escape (“you should see the other guy”) I think it would be really hard for him to come back from that. The two people he cares most about in the world have been seriously hurt by Scary’s actions and this might be a breaking point for him.
Normal I think will really want to forgive her and bring her back to them but I think he has too much of the Oak anger in him and even though he’s trying to control it, I don’t think that he’s ready for a situation like this, where Scary is probably going to do everything she can to push him away and hurt him. And I think that without Link’s support he probably won’t have the confidence to try and reach out by himself.
Taylor would probably be the most okay with the actual murder, but the fact that Scary did it without talking it through with them may seem like evidence that his dad is right and he can’t even trust his friends, and he might pull away. While I can see him trying to talk to Normal and Link about Scary’s point of view (clearly trying to be Tony Pepperoni’s friend wasn’t working, and they had already spent 2 months trying with no result, and I think that the Close-Foster-Swift family has a kind of maybe cold practicality to them at times when it’s not their loved ones getting hurt), I don’t see him reaching out independently to her. He’ll also probably be more focused on what this means for his mom and if she’s going to be safe, now that he’s seen Willy kill someone when they become inconvenient with no regards to consequences.
So I feel like it will really need to be Terry who reaches out to bring Scary back from Willy and offers her another father figure but on her own terms, and help to bridge the gap between them. Having Terry Jr look at her after what she’s done and tell her I see you, I know you (I am you), and I still love you would just be so powerful. I’ve seen the worst of you and I’m still here.
He’s not the step dad, he’s the dad who’s going to step up.
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