gaertan · 7 months
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Spooky month for your friendly neighborhood bearded vulture
With October finally on its way I can finally draw some more proper halloween drawings! Used the YCH template I did with my 'sona and one of my favourite October things, Dia de los muertos stuff :>
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Doodled a bearded vulture swordsman
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gildedphoenixx · 1 year
I'm feeling overly chatty tonight so here's some facts about vultures nobody asked for because they're my favorite
vultures are scavengers and eat carrion (decaying flesh)
they have extremely powerful stomach acids that help break down rotting meat and diseases
vultures in the americas don't have voice boxes! they communicate through hisses and grunts
there are different types of vultures based on region ("old world" vs "new world"). Old world refers to the areas in Asia, Africa, and Europe. While new world is the areas around North, South, and Central America.
the bearded vulture can eat bones because of its strong stomach acids its known as the "bone-eater" in Crete
the goddess Nekhbet was portrayed as a vulture in Egyptian mythology. She was the protector of Upper Egypt and its royalty.
my personal favorites are bearded, black, and turkey vultures. really they're all very near and dear to my heart and if anyone else has anything to share about them please do. I love them.
- D
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benjaminratterman · 5 years
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Fall Amongst Sleeping Dragons
As the sun sets, and the fall rises, all the dragons hush their voices and leave to their homes for the next year to bloom.
The character used in this piece is Sakaguchi Kane.
The species is Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus).
Done in MediBang Paint Pro.
Touched up in PaintDotNet.
Completed on 10-8-19.
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umbreonoctie · 6 years
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Some sketch works of dinosaurs. Study of birds. For all birds and birds feet I used reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_horned_owl#/media/File%3ATalons%2C_Great_Horned_Owl.jpg https://pixabay.com/fr/chouette-cornes-oiseau-14918/ - https://graficzek.wordpress.com/tag/ptak/ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bearded_vulture - https://pixabay.com/fr/oiseau-vol-nature-aile-la-faune-3355731/ - https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-bird-flying-under-the-blue-and-white-sky-during-daytime-162292/ - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Secretary-Bird.jpg - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_tit http://www.backyardnature.net/birdfeet.htm - https://www.alamy.com/stellers-sea-eagle-haliaeetus-pelagicus-feet-of-a-bird-standing-on-dead-wood-image281616142.html - https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/306596687108093530/?lp=true - https://nl.depositphotos.com/132587278/stockafbeelding-struisvogel-voet-en-tenen.html - https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1132414 - https://www.freeimages.com/search/bird-feet
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Bearded Vulture
Scientific name: Gypaetus barbatus
Taxonomic classification: Bird and reptile
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Common name: Bearded Vulture
Nutritional Requirement:  its the only species with a bone-diet based. Fresh bones contain 108% as much energy as fresh meat and, interestingly, dry bones retain 90% of the protein found in fresh bones. Dry femurs weighing 140 g retain enough protein to be comparable to 111 g of fresh meat, in energy terms.
Growth and Development: Approximately 100 breeding pairs exist in Europe today, mostly in the Pyrenees between France and Spain; on the Island of Corsica, on the Greek island of Crete and mailand Greece. It has also been reintroduced in the European Alps through a captive breeding programme.
Behavior:Most bearded vultures are monogamous and heterosexual, but male-male mounting has been recorded within polyandrous trios. This homosexual behavior is not directly correlated with different forms of intrasexual competition such as sperm competition or hierarchical dominance. As there is no correlation between dominance and mounting behavior, male bearded vultures in polyandrous trios most likely mount one another to regulate levels of aggression.
Reproduction: Bearded Vultures are most commonly monogamous, and breed once a year. Sometimes, especially in certain areas of Spain and France, bachelor lammergeiers will join a pre-existing couple to create polyandrous trio. Females accept secondary mates because it increases the chances of producing offspring and doubles her protection. The birds usually don’t lay more than three eggs, so they can use all the help they can get.
Evolutionary origins: Bearded vultures are an extremely large old-world vulture with a rather wide distribution across Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa.
Habitat:The bearded vulture is sparsely distributed across a considerable range. It may be found in mountainous regions from Europe through much of Asia and Africa.
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faunafocus · 6 years
Bearded Vulture
#FaunaFocus Bearded vultures prefer fatty bones for their oleic acid, associated with increased energy and foraging time optimization.
Bearded vultures prefer fatty bones for their oleic acid, associated with increased energy and foraging time optimization.
Bearded vultures prefer the fatty anatomical parts of an animal carcass, regardless of bone length, although bone morphology as a consequence of handling efficiency or the ingestion process may also play a secondary role in food selection.
These fatty bones have a higher…
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lilacrue · 4 years
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Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded Vulture
“King of the Dead”
Sketch by me.
References : Google Image.
Texts :
Epic III - Anais Mitchell
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leronniebussey · 6 years
Bearded Volture
Scientific name: Gypaetus barbatus
Taxonomic classification: Bird and reptile 
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Common name: Bearded Vulture
Nutritional Requirement:  its the only species with a bone-diet based. Fresh bones contain 108% as much energy as fresh meat and, interestingly, dry bones retain 90% of the protein found in fresh bones. Dry femurs weighing 140 g retain enough protein to be comparable to 111 g of fresh meat, in energy terms.
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Growth and Development: Approximately 100 breeding pairs exist in Europe today, mostly in the Pyrenees between France and Spain; on the Island of Corsica, on the Greek island of Crete and mailand Greece. It has also been reintroduced in the European Alps through a captive breeding programme.
Behavior:Most bearded vultures are monogamous and heterosexual, but male-male mounting has been recorded within polyandrous trios. This homosexual behavior is not directly correlated with different forms of intrasexual competition such as sperm competition or hierarchical dominance. As there is no correlation between dominance and mounting behavior, male bearded vultures in polyandrous trios most likely mount one another to regulate levels of aggression.
Reproduction: Bearded Vultures are most commonly monogamous, and breed once a year. Sometimes, especially in certain areas of Spain and France, bachelor lammergeiers will join a pre-existing couple to create polyandrous trio. Females accept secondary mates because it increases the chances of producing offspring and doubles her protection. The birds usually don't lay more than three eggs, so they can use all the help they can get. 
Evolutionary origins: Bearded vultures are an extremely large old-world vulture with a rather wide distribution across Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. 
Habitat:The bearded vulture is sparsely distributed across a considerable range. It may be found in mountainous regions from Europe through much of Asia and Africa.
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gaertan · 7 months
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Gaertan ref sheet (outfit 1)
My ref sheet! now, with one of my usual outfits :> 
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Bearded Vulture doodle: now in color!
Liked how the linework turned out so now it's red.
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benjaminratterman · 5 years
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Scientific Name: Gypaetus barbatus
Here is another sketch set of another bird character.
His name is Kane and he is a fighter. He mostly goes to fight clubs down in the ghettos and unmanaged areas of cities.
He got his nickname "The Dragon" for his relentless attacks and the speed he takes down opponents.
His clothing is covered with Dragon designs, and his body also has a large tattoo of a dragon on the back going along the arm.
This was a lot of fun, getting to explore a bird I haven't seen before.
Drawn in MediBang Paint Pro.
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cbevensee · 7 years
Organism of the Week - Bearded Vulture
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      The bearded vulture or scientifically, the Gypaetus barbatus, is in the Animalia Kingdom, Chordata Phylum, Aves Class, Accipitriformes Order, and Accipitridae Family.  
      The bearded vulture is described as the Alps’ largest bird known for their steady diet of bones. Their heads have feathers that are reddish yellow or white with black patches on their eyes that extend below their narrow bill in the form of tufted whiskers, which gives an appearance of a beard. Their necks are rusty orange and they have a long wedge-shaped tail that is black. They come in various shades, from pure white to orange-red. Their appearance depends on the soil they rub in their feathers. The soil is stained with iron oxide, giving them their orange feathers. The bearded vulture grows up to 1.15 meters (3.77 feet) in height, a wingspan of 2.7 meters (8.86 feet), and a weight of 5 to 7 kilograms (5000 to 7000 grams). The bearded vulture’s diet consists of 70% to 90% of bone. To eat the large bones, they throw them from a tall height and are then are able to eat the shattered pieces. This also allows them access to the bone marrow and to eat the smaller bones whole. 
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      The bearded vulture is found from southern Europe, Middle East, northeastern China, and north, east, and south Africa. Their habitat is in mountain ranges above the tree line from alpine meadows to sparsely vegetated, rocky slopes. They live in heights above 1,000 meters and their territory size is about 200 to 400 kilometers squared. 
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      The bearded vulture is monogamous, meaning that they only have one mate at a time. They breed once a year between November and December and eggs are laid between December and February. The female usually lays two eggs, but the smaller second egg is a form of biological insurance and is killed by the oldest sibling in the first week after hatching. Chicks develop feathers to fly after 100 to 130 days and are dependent on their parents for up to a year. The average lifespan is 21 years but in captivity, they can live up to 45 years.
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Fun Fact: The bearded vulture’s stomach acid has a pH of about 1 so the bones can be digested under 24 hours.
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