#but am i the only one who felt that arc was a bit rushed?
sassyfever · 26 days
Now that the new mini arc is finally starting Imma make a couple predictions. Angelina is now a bizarre doll and ✨coincidentally✨at the hotel. Grelle is also there. For drama's sake you know how it goes.
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friskarm · 4 months
tentatively putting my thoughts into the tag. for context i am an anime-only watcher but i've been really, really enjoying the mage exam arc and i was definitely a little surprised to find out that this arc has a lot of people frustrated!
one of the strengths of this arc, i think, is seeing how frieren interacts with characters and personalities we've not seen her encounter before. fern and stark are both relatively placid as people; they're generally content to go along with what frieren says.
lawine and kanne are two very strong personalities that frieren initially doesn't know how to deal with at all! they have a whole thing going on and frieren's choice is to. not handle it at all. rather, she spends much of her time quietly observing the two of them until she can speak with each of them individually and figure them out, just a bit. she really struggles to get a grasp on the situation until she does that; it's lawine and kanne who are acting first within their team.
then, secondly -- frieren's plan is so. elf with a lot of time to spare. the impact of the time limit is felt so strongly by every human character on the field; everyone is in such a rush! fern's team are stoked they caught a stille so early. the team that attacks them are desperate to steal it asap. after lawine freezes the lake, the other teams are desperately trying to thaw it, for a quick solution.
frieren, though? frieren's solution takes a shitton of time and involves her essentially meditating by a pond for god knows how many hours. it's such a frieren plan; i feel like only someone with a relationship with time like frieren does would come up with it.
tldr; frieren's capacity to form relationships and understand people and her relationship with time are shown off in a really interesting way wrt the way frieren solves the stille problem.
that, and... it seems a bit silly to say this about a show with a certain character in the title but... i do not feel that frieren is exclusively about frieren. it is certainly a story about her adventures but frieren is by no means the only important character! fern is also there! and stark but hes on vacation. so let's talk about fern.
the one fight scene fern has is so unbelieveably crunchy to me bc we learn so much about the world (now) and about the world (part)/frieren's view on magic from it! the girl she fights has really impressive magic; we know that this is generally considered a time of peace, the demon lord is dead, etc. magic is not necessarily a means to an end. i wonder if this means magic has entered a sort of renaissance? a time period after a period of great upheaval, where social structure is thrown out the window and great advances are made in technology, science - and maybe magic!
the way fern uses magic is very indicative of how frieren feels about magic. fern says (that frieren said) that "this is enough to defeat mages of this era", which is so interesting to me bc yes, ofc, fern does win! with her simple magic and full auto fire. but does that automatically mean fern is a better mage? it's complicated...
you hear a lot about the different philosophies of people who use magic in these episodes, and what i'm really interested in seeing is mr war guy meet frieren, bc i think they'd be the most interesting contrast -- a warrior of the past, and a warrior of today.
specifically bc -- frieren is basically a custom-designed warrior. the way she can mask her mana is very specifically designed to be able to weaponised against demons, flamme did that to her very purposefully. the way she's trained fern is also indicative of that; fern's immense firepower and stamina being "enough to defeat mages of this era" without being flashy so to speak indicate, at least to me, that this sort of thing was common in frieren's time! but this is a type of magic very specifically made for battle against a very specific enemy.
no wonder frieren likes collecting weird spells so much... i wonder if she's had much time at all in the past to play around with magic for the sake of anything but fighting and training to fight?
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featherstorm2004 · 6 months
All For One and the power of context
I tend to drift alongside the BNHA fandom as a somewhat casual enjoyer so I haven't really made much posts about the series even if I do like it. Mostly because the things I want to say have already been stated by someone else so, I never felt a need but with these latest chapters I wanted to mention what I believe is Horikoshi"s biggest strength "context".
What I mean by that is his ability to turn seemingly boring or one note characters into some of the most fascinating by showing how these characters upbringings and living situations made them who they are today. And I believe we can all agree this is shown most strongly with the villains, are most recent example being All For One who has made the transformation from a pure evil one note villain to a complex human being within just a few chapters, even if All For One himself would refuse to admit to such humanity.
This can also be seen with other examples such as Mr Compress, Dabi and Toga with the later being the most demonised by the fandom until recent chapters. But for now I wish to focus on All For One as I find his situation to be the most fascinating because unlike the other villains who desperately want to be seen as human and accepted by the world around them, All For One seems almost afraid to admit his humanity and the cruelty of his circumstances.
Ever since All For One was introduced we have been lead to believe by the narrative and All For One himself that he is simply pure evil, that there is no complex reasoning behind what he dose or why he dose it he was simply "born arrogant". But I don't believe that and I don't think Horikoshi wants you to believe that either, it has been displayed to us multiple times in the series that there is no such thing as people who are born evil. I would argue that nature vs nurture is one of the key themes of BNHA.
One key example of this is Endeavour and Dabi, where in the early arcs of the series we are led to believe Endeavour to be this pure evil abusive monster who tormented his family and whilst he was most certainly an abusive prick, Endeavour can't be simplified so quickly with his atonement arc being a clear sign of that. And then there's Dabi who was hated for not caring about his family or friends because of the way he tried to deflect and hide any emotions that weren't pure anger or disgust, then his complete backstory that wasn't from Endeavour's point of view we see almost immediately after the fire he rushes back home to apologies to his family.
The reason I bring these things up is because it displays seamlessly how the lack of context to Dabi and Endeavour's stories led to them to be demonised and simplified into pure evil characters when that is far from the truth.
And I believe a similar phenomenon has begun to scour with All For One, as with the most recent chapters, where we have been allowed to peel back to mask the demon lord just a little bit to see the real man behind the mask of evil. Now dose this mean I am implying that All For One is simply misunderstood or that he can be redeemed? God no but that's not the point, that''s never been the point.
We aren't meant to like All For One or think that he deserves forgiveness but we are supposed to understand him, to deconstruct the layers of the number one villain and understand how he has gotten to this point. To understand that he was a child born in what was essentially an apocalypse with no parents, no name and no one willing to help him because of his quirk, where him and his brother where hunted by hate groups and the government for simply being born different, where he had to not only find a way for himself to survive but also his sickly twin who couldn't help him much due to his illness.
It is this very important context that allows us to understand how a man like All For One came to be. But we must also understand two very important things and that 1) All For One is a liar and 2) he is very childish. At first I thought it was strange how juvenile he acted during these recent arcs and even stranger when he started de-ageing but now I understand why, because the truth of the situation is that All For One never truly grew up from his days as a young child reading comic books with his brother.
In many ways all of this conflict, pain and destruction is merely an extension of that, he is quite literally a child playing at being the big bad in his favourite story. It also explains why he doesn't understand why his brother wants to stay away from him because it's just a game why are you getting worked up over me breaking a few toys? This also would explain all his tantrums first with All Might and now Hawks because they're ruining his game and his story.
Now that's not to say that I think All For One doesn't understand all the pain he's caused or that what he's doing is wrong. But like early Shigaraki he's distance himself to it, it's a similar phenomenon where people in a video game are more willing to do more messed up stuff like murder or bulling a character because they are distanced from it to a point they feel comfortable acting that way just to see what happens.
That's also why I believe All For One clings to his demon persona so much, because if he is truly a demon if he was simply born evil with no ability to feel love or empathy then that also means that he doesn't have to take accountability for his actions because that was simply how he is.
But it's not just about accountability.
I also think the demon persona is a form of self defence for All For One, a way for him to take back control from a world that denied it to him. Like most victims of trauma he is trying to create a way for him to have agency in a situation he originally had no control in, this can be seen in many children who place themselves in the positions of the hero's in the stories they are exposed to, so they too can feel that sense of power and control in they're own lives.
So, that's simply what All For One did only instead of mimicking the hero he decided to mimic the villain. And I think his reasons for doing so are fascinating, at first he relays to the audience and All Might that it's simply a power thing or his desire to rule the world but it's not that simple.
The real reason is surprisingly more human, All For One wants to be loved, to be relied on and trusted. Essentially, All For One desires a family, a community to call his own after being denied one his entire life and this explains a lot about his earlier actions, hell in one of the first vision's Deku receives about All For One he refers to his minions as his "dear friends" and when he is fighting with All Might one of his biggest grievance is how All Might forced his "dear friends" to go under ground.
He even refers to Aoyama as his nephew and gets him and his family to call him uncle, this man is obsessed with the idea of family. Which in turn explains his absolute rage and hatred to all the barriers of One For All as in his eyes they stole the only family he's had since birth, the only person who loved him unconditionally, until he went too far. It's probably the reason All For One chose to fixate on Tenko so much despite having an army of children who could be his successors as not only did he get his revenge by stealing a family member of one of All For One's holders but he also gets to have a child who appears close enough to him and his brother that he could pretend he is actually family.
However, I don't think All For One can admit this to himself, that he is in fact a human being. A human that desires to be loved and love in return because if he dose admit that to himself then he would shatter and he'd have to face all the emotions and consequences that he's been running from for over a century. It would essentially be an ego death for him as everything he's convinced himself he is and what he was taught to be by the world who fears him would suddenly be a lie and he can't handle that.
So, he lies to himself and to the world desperately trying to convince everyone that he is in fact the demon lord, and not a child who desperately clings to fiction. It's tragic in a way as ultimately I believe Yoichi was correct, if given the right care and upbringing All for one could have been the kindest ability in the world, but alas they were not so lucky.
As, for where his story is going I honestly have no idea, he may be killed, he may De-age into nothingness. But I think it's important to remember this context whenever we discus the story of BNHA with all it's flaws it is ultimately about broken people desperately finding a place in the world.
But that's just my opinion.
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Sagau with a mitsuri like god?
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❀ synopsis: the god of teyvat is finally looking for a consort, and Zhongli just so happens to be the chosen candidate. What will be Xiao's response to this epiphany?
❀ notes: I wanna make headcanons about demon slayer soon, probably once I am done watching the swordsmith village arc. Also this is a bit rushed because I just want to post something before I study for days on end with exams coming by. pls, this is Xiao and Zhongli centered because I'm making my way to Liyue BABY-
❀ pronouns: they/them
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Stories about your strength and benevolence have been shared all around Teyvat. How you have fought countless outer gods and purified multiple worlds from corruption were shared with kids and studied by historians to understand more about your past. But of course, you acolytes are the ones who know just how deep your love runs for your people.
One of them was Xiao. Xiao was one of your followers who got to know you personally, ever since you manage to defeat the tyrant who took control of him. He swore loyalty to you and stood by your side ever since. Small talk was common, and though you have to initiate and carry out the conversation, it was still pleasant.
He makes sure to check that the food you were consuming was safe and not poisoned (as if poison would affect you in any way), and he pressures the cooks to ensure you are only served the best gourmet food. Most of your acolytes know how protective Xiao can be for you so they stay out of your way as much as possible, only communicating with you through gifts and letters that are present in your shrine.
Only a selected few acolytes that can talk to you are the archons. Mostly because Xiao knows he can't defeat them even if he tried, and he wouldn't be a fool to try and intimidate them. He respects the Geo Archon, he can tell he was a very devoted follower of yours and he respects his values. His least favored archon was the Anemo God, though it's more of indifference than dislike.
While he does enjoy the bard's musical talent, all he has ever done is push you away from your work and distract you with little escapades. He has confronted Venti about it multiple times and all he did was shrug off the commotion and skip away.
May Celestia help anyone daring to approach you after you made an announcement that you are finding a consort. They have to go past Xiao first if they want to go to you. He would be supportive of Zhongli being your consort, but something felt off when he proposed the idea to Xiao. He isn't very educated in the ways of feelings, but he can sometimes tell when the emotions are good or bad.
He knows Zhongli is more than worthy to be standing beside you. He should be proud that his Master has found someone like Zhongli, but...why does his heart tell him otherwise? He does his best to shove it down when he watches him hand you a bouquet of qingxins, every time you hold his hand and kiss his face, every time you feed each other Xiangling's latest dish. He doesn't understand, why isn't he happy for the both of you?
Is the problem in him? Why is he like this? He projects his anger towards hilichurl camps before he is left alone to reflect on his feelings. He usually feels like this when he senses something bad is going to happen...is it because the Geo Archon is hiding something? Was something going to happen on the day of the wedding?
Yes, that must be it. The wedding is going to be sabotaged. Or! Or! The wedding must be a scheme to put you in danger. He needs to find a way to postpone the wedding date to find out whats causing him to feel uneasy.
So now it's mostly just him trying to convince you that you don't need to rush the wedding process, while you just sit there for hours straight waiting for him to finish.
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neverevan · 5 days
This has been on my mind (obviously with everything that's been happening) and I'm curious if I'm alone in it. Do you sometimes think maybe they missed the window with buddie? That it should have happened in season 4 and maybe now they're trying to tell us it's too late? They keep digging the hole deeper for eddie, with shannon being the "the love of his life" he'll never get over and I just wonder if it'll ever make sense again in a way that's not a "consolation" because that would be unfair
so much to unpack here and I doubt you'll like my answer but I'm behind on asks anyway so why the hell not.
so here's the thing.
I am so SO happy that they didn't do buddie in season 4. a rushed season affected by covid with literally one episode lead-up? if we lean into the idea that the shooting/will arc was supposed to be that, that is.
(but mind you that has never been said or confirmed, they floated a bi Buck storyline that got shut down, at which stage we don't even know, could possibly have been before even having a script written for it and way before they even came up with the shooting arc itself.)
but if we lean into that then I would've found it lackluster, personally. I know not everyone holds the same opinions and that's totally fine.
but having two characters who have previously only ever dated and talked about women* suddenly kiss and start dating, without coming out, self-realisation, any other preamble aside from "you almost died/I almost died" which isn't exactly a new predicament for either of these characters...
(*in Buck's case the bi crumbs were huge and I always felt that it could've been a pretty natural progression if they just let us know that actually, Buck was out this whole time it just didn't come up on screen lmao but in all seriousness from a general audience standpoint? having both of them suddenly be together? even though, we had a lot of subtext, I just doubt it would've worked as well as it could work now.)
I mean sure, it might've been just the start and then they could've done a bit more background work for it in season 5, but even if Fox didn't shut it down (again, just a simple bi Buck storyline, not even two main characters on the show suddenly being in a queer relationship or leading up to it at the very least) the risk of not getting renewed for season 5 would've been higher than ever, so for them to leave it hanging at the end of the season would've been unlikely imo.
just to reiterate before moving on: all of the above is based on speculation and what ifs.
and about buddie in this current climate, well... I talked about this extensively so just to keep it short; though I'm more than content if not, I still believe that buddie will become canon eventually.
and ngl I find it kinda frustrating how little faith some of you have in the writing of the show when this season proved more than anything that they are finally back on focusing on the characters and actually have ideas about where to take them instead of having every single one of them running around in circles.
sure, some of the storylines are more than bonkers, but this is 911 and that trend started in season 1, so if you don't like that, then maybe this isn't the show for you. because this season with all the insanity and heartbreak was and is so far, quintessential 911.
both Buck and Eddie are well established, complex characters and they deserve to be taken on a narrative journey separately and together if buddie should happen. yeah, clearly neither character is in a place right now, but what's the rush?
we have at least one more full season ahead of us, that could be more than enough time to take them there.
and I know that anytime I say this there are at least ten people in the notes saying that we had 6 years of lead-up, so it wouldn't be rushed, but I can't help but disagree.
Eddie still has no idea how to be in a relationship and actually be in it. yeah, sure, he and Buck have been playing house for years, but the fact that neither of them seem to recognise that is a big issue on its own. and Buck, for the first time since Abby, is in a good place romantically. like the ship or not, it's canon that he's more content and happy than ever and everyone around him thinks so too.
now, we don't know how long this relationship will last and if/when it'll end and why. but if Buck got the chance to discover this part of himself without trauma and significant pain, with the people around him being supportive and patient, then I don't want Eddie thrown in there with a halfhearted realisation-to-kiss-or-confession within one episode either.
I have trust that if buddie is about to happen, it'll be handled well and in no way, shape or form would it be a consolation prize — especially because Tim is no longer bending over for the bullying of the fans and just goes by his own rules and only gives as much as he wants to. as he should.
honestly, this whole "gimme and gimme now" attitude is so stupid. and frankly, the notion that a popular queer ship would actually have a real chance to go canon has just relatively recently became a thing and now so many people almost feel entitled to it, which then spoils their experience with what's actually going on as a whole.
if your enjoyment of the show is solely dependent on a ship becoming canon? then maybe watch something else, because you're just setting yourself up for heartache, one way or another.
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bunji-enthusiast · 2 months
Wonder how Redeemed! Scourge would act around Team Sonic during and after his therapy and redemption arc, would be interesting to see how he would react seeing the genuine friendship between the whole team especially if the reader is involved. He only had his team and Fiona, most probably stayed out of fear(?) idk I haven't read the whole lore but prob close to that
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Okay first of all, you probably had to give your friends a large heads up and a warning to be kinder and not act so weird toward Scourge. Considering his huge reputation with his previous actions, quite frankly it could be worse, seeing as how he enslaved a numerous amount of mobians and mobilized the plant in his own dimension. Then came his scars, then came this. 
His memories are scrambled, so he can't recall every single thing evidently. But when it came down to you, Sonic, Knuckles and Tails; he could feel the warmth of friends and family found alike. Working together and providing good memories together regardless of the circumstances or the situation. He didn’t entirely expect them to greet him warmly as they would.
But in all rights, they still reserved some resentment toward the green hedgehog. Scourge completely expected that, and he was fully ready and prepared to gain back their trust with time. 
Unusually, he felt a new sensation stirring in his chest each time he saw you interacting with any members of the team. Scourge evidently didn’t realize how much he had done his old friends wrong. Nonetheless, he simply watched from a comfortable distance – while maintaining his persona, less his old self, but with better restraint now this time. 
Fiona was one of his closest members, his old lover. But he sees now he was extremely piss-poor behavior when he saw you interact with one additional honorary member; Amy Rose. He did apologize to her properly for his prior behavior toward the pink hedgehog, to which she still held grievous amounts of skepticism toward Scourge, but was most willing to make amends with him. Scourge thought she was an absolute saint: at any point in time of his life, he never expected to have such a mindset. He felt a little better that he improved more on that aspect before meeting any of your friends. 
Scourge could appreciate how quickly Sonic could make amends with you, or any other of his friends for that matter. Before he was easily annoyed by Sonic, as he was often compared to the Blue Blur – but now he could understand why those comparisons were uttered before. He just needed a bit of straightforwardness and blunt honesty to set him straight on a bit of a better path.
He thought he was really annoying to converse with though, Sonic will not let him live down his infamous reputation for prior events. He didn’t like him in that entirety, but he came to learn and understand that he has a tendency to tease; Sonic surprisingly won’t cross any boundaries with Scourge, and even began to worry over him in the few past months he’s gotten to know him. The real him. 
The real Scourge.
Getting acquainted with Miles was something he found rewarding, he thought the little fox was cool as hell the better he had gotten to know him. Scourge didn’t mind being in his presence, as he had also found him to be very reliable. Tails was a nickname he was continuously called by many who have come to know him, as he had often introduced him this way. Scourge felt the honesty and modesty radiating off of the little fox, he could really respect the guy.
As for Knuckles, he wasn’t completely sure. He was cold and hardened, indifferent to Scourge. Though he did his best to remain with understanding and patience toward the echidna, understanding that the guardian may resent him moreover in comparison to the others.
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ngmn2002 · 7 months
Ch 108: Random Thoughts
First things first...
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Now, I didn't expect this thing will go this way. Expected Akane to join No.1's side on the court thing, but for Teru to also join the rest? No.1 are up to something, Huh? They are taking their moment to shine, which is not unexpected it's their arc after all.
Look at how the table have turned... even though at the end Akane was back to 'he is going to kill me' mode. It was funny. Getting to 'see' how the stamp really affects those who get it on them with Teru is cool. Turns out this stamp really is effective and dangerous. Though, I couldn't help but wonder... in Tsukasa and Nene's case, they got the stamp on them, while Hanako and Teru got it on their clothes, if we thought about it in some way... is there a chance they will be free if they just (had the chance to) take off their top? ........ Anyway, back to Tsukasa and Nene's case... first time for me to see Tsukasa 'limited' this way, he is always so capable but there... he was so done, not even bothering to do a thing. It felt actually cute. Uh... I have to also comment on how he got tied? let's say in a different way from the rest a look too... he didn't only have a handcuff around his hands like the rest but also...
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Ehhh... we need to have him this way thanks to someone I assume... anyway....
Speaking of 'someone'... is it really that easy for him to escape or is something else at play here? Are we to assume Teru really didn't pay attention to him and got distracted or...? since Hanako really didn't do much in Teru's favor after he ran off... I wonder if it all was just a matter of Hanko taking the chance of Teru not paying attention to him to run away after all.
Little Nene waking up inside the cage... Never a dull moment with Nene-chan monologuing. This time little her.
Still... this thing... it's everywhere...
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Why? For 2 of the purest souls to end up that way... even baby Nene didn't survive?!
Free Nene! Free Tsukasa! No more of them living this way... or am I just asking too much Mr. someone? Just kidding. JUST KEEP THEM HAPPY, ALRIGHT?!
Ehhh... this theme... if you look at it even metaphorically... everyone is a prisoner by some sort of thing... all are trapped in someway... we don't really need the cage, chains or anything of that sort... they can take the form of rules... duties... rumors... boundaries... family traditions... society... world...
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Princess Rapunzel Nene-chan! pumpkin Cinderella magical attack! fly us to the moon! His comment! too funny!
I love how she went all excitedly "Tsukasa-kun! You're awake!" and rushed to his side... feels so good to see a nice mood between them...
Done Tsukasa-kun... he is adorable. The mouse got the cat... by using some low methods... life can be so unfair at times... it's funny how he is just... 'I won't bother anymore.' Where is all mighty Tsukasa? He is so lovely when he just losses interest in something. He just goes: power off. It's as if things just go by the press of a button it's so funny. Yeah... he is adorable! If we wanted to make the mood a bit gloomy, we can say he was also deeply mentally done, not also physically or just done by the situation. recalling a similar thing from the past where he struggled to break free for so long without getting anything out of it and just lost motivation to go any longer. A really hopeless and miserable Tsukasa... it hurts too much to imagine...
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Ehhh... she is adorable. Trying to free herself together with Tsu, being the little hamster she is.... so sweet!!
I love casual Tsukasa. -I can't break it. -I see. Best dad ever, who offers help and words of wisdom to his little child as much as he can and cheers for her to give it her all with a smile on his face meant for her, even when in a bad state himself.
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Their word- exchange during the whole thing was done in a really cute way. why bring a thing called 'key' to the table though?
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One day we will see said 'twin power' shining, Nene-chan. We only need to keep patient.
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The thing that broke me. I'm not ok. This thing had me crying too much. I still can't get over it or what might it really hold. It's too much.
So, was Tsukasa this way in the boundary? before in their past? both? Did he reach a point where he pleaded for Amane to come see him? For like... 10 years or 20 or never mind, they just saw each other on the roof the other day.
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Tried with all his might but all his efforts where in vain until he lost hope Amane will respond to him or come see him?
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I wonder if Sumire's words got to him. That is, if he knew Tsukasa was calling for him all the time. No.6 seemed oblivious of Sumire's want to meet him once more.
Then... tried once more motivated by the want to go see Amane himself? You're not coming to see me? I will go see you instead.
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He tried to get his way by himself to make it happen,
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then the help of hers.
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Then finally... went to see him. Even though he was still too weak...
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Now, remembering every time Nene called for Hanako to come save her and how he showed almost in all of them,
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Tsukasa saw that one But with Tsukasa that wasn't the case for a long time... it hurts... he even was under the impression Amane will come save Nene but not me when they fell down...
But, knowing Nene gets the feeling and what he was talking about...
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Imagining Tsukasa looking like her in there hurts so bad She can understand him too well, they can support each other.
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It really felt too good Tsukasa opens up to Nene so much, trusts her and has faith in her. For him to talk about his sincere feelings with her over and over again... way too openly... ahhhh... it's too much....
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This gentle face and smile that are meant for her and to see him cheering for her even when he is in such a state...
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This boy... I love him. So very much. He is one of the kindest, most selfless, contented, purest souls ever..... I don't even know where to start or where to end with trying to describe his beauty and charm/trying to understand him and his feelings... please all I want is for him to be happy...
Not this way...
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Please... please Tsukasa... I'm begging you... ask for more... think of yourself more... desire even the little amount of things... you can have the world if you ask for it... just ask... don't go things are this way... STRUGGLE as you say... it's killing...
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.......... Sumire... Tsukasa... why... No. 6.. Hanako... WHY?! WHY?! We're waiting for the other to do something. One take the first step please!
That whole scene broke me. I'm not alright. Not at all.
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Look at him. Look at him. Forgetting all about his own safety and being just to save her. Now, isn't that the guy who selflessly sacrificed himself for his brother? He is just... I can't....
Having Nene asking him once more to call for Amane, yet he kept going with his belief... remembering every single time Tsukasa went calling Amane's name when they meet hits differently now. His excitement to see Amane and how he reacts... ehhh....
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While falling down, I wonder if he kept sticking to his belief... or if he actually called for Amane in his mind... and then Amane showed up, saying 'what?'. He saved them BOTH. Tsukasa's shocked face was... oh... I hope what happened made him happy... He had Tsukasa's arms around his neck! He put the 2 of them to safety! Hanako in between this chapter and the previous ones feels like night and day XD And then...
He freed Nene alone. Gave Tsukasa his usual rude Amane look and a cold shoulder. Talked like... ugh... he pleases you with actions... gets you pissed off with words and expressions...
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You'd better work on this really fast sir. Get a grip, will you? It's about time you do so.
Uhh, don't get me started on your twin... Mr. poker face. Mr. :D How about he lets us into his mind for a moment?
Let's take a really deep breath... starting over...
So, Mr. :D went to Mr. talk to people around you, and was surprised the later saved him too. Oh, Tsukasa... Ugh, Amane.
On the funny side...
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So well - deserved. Use his GREAT CURSE against him as much as you can. Thanks Mr. :D, cutie princess. Now I really want to see Tsukasa going that way. I love you, Amane or even better onii-chan. I need to see Amane getting a heart attack and passing out for my own sake.
Pffft... he is not mad. For real? Not even for a little bit? You kept the boy tied up. Your face had the 'angry' mark on it once he reminded you of what happened. Uh... did you like seeing him that way by any chance? Asleep, locked in the boundary for years, and now this... with the thing around his ankle even... I really had a little idea of... Mr. fan of imprisoning his loved ones... if he saw Tsu and Nene still locked in the cage... he would actually take the whole cage with them inside and keep them that way forever. At least it would come to his mind. I won't believe it won't.
To have Nene saying I hate you Tsukasa-kun... ok... fine... she has a point. wonder for how long that will go...
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The moment you realize how both twins are so talented with handling children. Some twins' hell this girl got herself into. Best of luck to her with them. Anyway, always feels nice to see the 3 of them getting along well together. A really nice party.
Have to say, I love how Amane trusts Tsukasa with Nene to the point of him throwing her to him, knowing he will catch her, keep her safe on his behalf. They get along really well and are in sync. Awesome to see. The dash Tsukasa made and that slide move he went with... Nene is not a ball you 2, you know? Still, a proof of when you trust Tsukasa with something, you'll never be disappointed. Can I see more of the twins this way?
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What a group I never expected to see, ever.
So that's how Tsukasa and Teru's first meeting will be? It's too funny.
Uh, if only I didn't make that joke to myself a few hours before the chapter was out... I went... No.1 really miss these scales of justice... and here we are... what will they put on the empty side? The group's misdeeds? XD
I feel sorry nat and sakura are not invited to the party. Don't they need to join the 4? They misbehaved with No.1 too. That's already unfair for a court that will put all guilty to their place and bring 'justice'.
Nene is free... can't she help them? The answer will be no most likely, but I wonder if we will need her free small hands at some point.
So, this chapter ends with 3 powerful men being so powerless a little girl can do better than them. Life... L-I-F-E.
We close on this note. Till next chapter.
Ok, that was the messy chapter review... It's all over the place, yes. Not in the usual style I write my other chapter reviews, yes.
That one Tsukasa scene had me becoming a total mess, I still can't get around it or grasp it fully. It makes my head & heart hurt so bad. When will I be able to think better... I wonder. For now, this is the best I can do with this whole chapter.
Thanks for reading.
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yumemiruuuu · 4 months
“2ha moments that tainted my mind like how the Flower of Everlasting Hatred tainted his heart”
Part One because there is NO WAY that I will not have any more thoughts after re-reading and reading volume 5 like what the fuck, what the actual fuck.
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“Chu Wanning, watch me fuck you to death”
Butterfly Town corpse procession where they both switched places and STILL ended up getting paired up and “married off” together, like just fucking kiss already LAWD.
The way Chu Wanning LITERALLY HAS THEM IN HIS ARMS???? WITH TIANWEN IN HIS OTHER HAND??? BECAUSE HE LITERALLY LOOKS OUT FOR THEM????? AND PROTECTS THEM???????? anyways, I love Chu Wanning. Chu Wanning my beloved. He is literally so gorgeous and I don’t care what everyone says in that universe about him because like if I saw him, I would literally also pull off a Mo Ran and beg for him to be my shizun.
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The Xia Sini arc. That’s it. Literally my favorite arc, I WILL NOT fucking shut up about it. That arc healed something in me if you exclude the murder mysteries slasher movie elements to it. Ask me about it and I will answer every single one of your questions including the meaning of life.
MengMeng. Just… MengMeng because he occupies 28% of my thoughts following closely to Jiang Cheng who occupies 37%.
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“Ah, JIANGUI!!” and then everyone clapped.
The Lake Jincheng moment when they get drugged and put to sleep and Mo Ran having that incredibly vivid dream about Chu Wanning getting violated by someone else and so he’s enraged and is like “I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS TO VIOLATE CHU WANNING”??? Like, what the hell was that?? Actually, what the hell was that whole Lake Jincheng arc????
On the topic of the Lake Jincheng arc, that whole bit with Xue Meng and him getting crushed over the fact that not only does he NOT get a holy weapon because everything was a lie, but also the fact that his previously orphaned nephew who came from such… horrible background got the only remaining true holy weapon?? I felt his pain so hard, dude. Like, Xue Meng, I feel you. I understand your pain.
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Shi Mei feeling up Mo Ran because he wasn’t paying attention to him and was being extra nice to Chu Wanning instead???? Like… what??? Can’t you be normal please???? I’m so sorry, I genuinely dislike the “sweet like honey” type characters because they always turn out to be assholes and I just can’t trust them maybe it’s also trauma and my trust issues but like goddamn Mo Ran literally have bad tastes if he liked Shi Mei I’m so sorry for saying this
Mo Ran having SUCH anxiety with his food to the point that he would literally WOLF IT DOWN in less than a day, and anything else, he hides because he’s so used to having his things taken away from him, and the relief he felt when Chu Wanning told him that there’s no need to rush because there’s always more for him when they’re eating together and just… brb I am genuinely going to cry.
The chapter title change from “This Venerable One…” to “Shizun, Won’t You Pay Attention To Me, Please Pay Attention To Me.”
Chu Wanning not knowing how to react to Mo Ran (seemingly) suddenly manifesting in front of him: “who the fuck is this child and where did he come from” ←this is totally a canon quote
“…he came with a low guttural roar.”
Mo Ran’s pronunciation guide
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Anything beyond this point is Volumes 3/4 Spoilers so…
You’ve been warned (lol)
I am never getting over looking up Yuwu and 2ha connections, ONLY TO COME BACK FROM GETTING SPOILED THAT CHU WANNING IS MADE FROM WOOD?????
On a similar note, I was looking up Nangong Si because I wanted to see official art of him and found out that not only A) does he die (I actually went through a whole bit of copium this morning in the shower ober this because I randomly remembered it and was like “no he doesn’t… wait… does he… noo.. no… nooo…) but also B) Ye Wangxi is a female????
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Now that I know about Chu Wanning literally being carved from wood, I can’t stop agonizing over Chu Wanning’s thoughts where he would compare his features to someone like… say, Shi Mei. How pained must it feel for him to have these thoughts knowing that he was MADE BY HAND. The facial features on him such as nose, jawline, chin… EVERYTHING was deliberately carved to look that way. That would honestly fuck me up so badly, especially since I also have my grievances about my appearance.
Although,,, to be honest, I actually don’t know if Chu Wanning is even aware of his own origins but IF HE DID, it probably fucks him up a ton. And I agonize over this every. single. day. Oh god, I just also remembered the part where Mo Ran specifically says to him: “Chu Wanning, are you made of wood?” Ohhh OHHHH OUCHIEEEE. VERY. OUCHIEEE.
Another thing that drove me insane is the scene in volume 3 (I’m pretty sure?) with the wontons where Mo Ran is narrating and lamenting over how he couldn’t remember what his shizun’s expression looked like when he shoved off the wontons Chu Wanning made… because he just…. couldn’t care less….. and just…. Knowing that Chu Wanning was the one who has been making Mo Ran’s wontons this entire time knowing that he would like them?? I literally CANNOT even begin to imagine the types of expressions that he could have possibly been making.
Just… like… Imagine being Chu Wanning, and you care SO MUCH about Mo Ran to the point that you are willing to sacrifice your own feelings for the sake of his happiness knowing that he likes your other disciple that is “much better looking”, and despite that, go out of your way to make him spicy wontons, even though you are not that good at making food AND dislike spicy foods. And then you make his favorite food to try to get him to cheer up even a little bit when one of your disciples (and your crush’s crush) dies and you proooobably blame yourself for it and not only does he essentially say “fuck you and your food” but he blames you and basically tells you that you’re a horrible person (which you most likely already blame yourself for and agonize over so now it also feels like someone else is confirming your sense of guilt) . Like, I would NOT be okay after that. I’m usually good at not showing my feelings but this would truly devastate me and fuck me up a lot to the point that I wouldn’t even know what to do.
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bibibbon · 4 months
What MHA's lacks: world building part 2
I have already talked about this topic before but I mainly focused on the world building of Japan as a society itself .
Now I wanted to talk more about the MHA world building outside of Japan. When it comes to world building outside of Japan all we have are the MHA movies (which are somehow canon but the timeline for them makes no sense to me) and the whole interaction with star and stripes/USA.
Obviously we were gonna get a look into heroics and heroes outside of Japan after the war arc (it was inevitable especially with Japans need for foreign help) but I can't help to say that the little amount of world building outside of Japan that we got was lacking to say the least.
America or star and stripes. It was obvious that we would be getting heroes from around the world but I really hated how the idea of America and American heroes was something that was heavily sterytopical (maybe Iam thinking too deep into it 🤷‍♀️) but I don't like how star and stripes legit had her costume based on the American flag (I know it's supposed to be like all might). To me star and stripes felt like such a rushed plot point who is just the female version of all might that lacks all the character depth and wasted potential that all might has. The idea of America actually having a military is very interesting but it's never expanded on why or how they have a military. How is a military army any different than quirked heroes? We just saw them operate various airships and that's it for them 🤷‍♀️. I personally think we should of gotten an idea or at least a view as to why there is a military for example, America has a military and heroes whereas Japan uses heroes as soldiers and entertainers. Star and stripes should of been introduced way earlier in the series because she is the number one in USA and everything about her is heavily inspired by all might so we could of seen bits of her after all mights retirement and whatever relationship she had with all might because everything about that plot point of foreign American military and heroes was so vague and needed expanding.
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I-island. I love the concept of i-island even if it's introduced just in a movie (I think it should of been a canon manga plot point), if you think about it having an island that focuses on the creation and progression of technology and it being like a very high tech island is a very interesting idea. What type of Industries are in i-island? The population is well off due to the island being very neutral in political ideals and is considered a place of education and technology. You could of had it to be an area that has a very low crime rate because everyone is open to the same opportunities and the small population makes it so that people are very connected to eachother. I-island could also be a place where heroes are sent to train and usually go to find a support company to work with.
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Other heroes. When it comes to the whole world of MHA there are a lot of heroes from many different places but I don't necessarily like their character design like is it only me who finds it weird that pro hero native (who is a Japanese citizen) has a hero costume that is of native Americans? Or when showing us a hero from Egypt their costume was a literal pharo?. I feel like horikoshi could of been more creative when it came to showing other heros form other parts of the world and their costumes. I am not totally against having heroes that share and represent parts of cultures but if it's done in a way where it's just them wearing a very sterytopical costume then what's the point ?!?!? Sure you can make a character who does wear a very sterytopical costume and profits off other peoples culture to show how hero society is messed up and actually critique something like that but we don't see that and I think that's wasted potential.
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Political relations and political differences. Every country is bound to have a variety of different political relations and differences so this could be difficult to explore if you try and include every single place in the MHA world. However, the building up if the war arc and the aftermath we should of seen Japan's political relations with other countries. Did other countries offer aid in anyway? Did they send out something akin to peacekeepers to the field? Or something of the sort. Is there even a party or organisation that connects other countries together in a tien if crisis in MHA and did they refuse to help Japan because they feared AFO or something. I feel like this could of been an interesting plot point to explore but it's never mentioned best thing we get is one panel of a political saying something
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Transfer students. I think it was a fantastic plot point to have pony as a transfer students in the heroics course but I just wish we got more of her. For example where did she live? How was her life before she came to Japan? How does she feel about everything? How was it for her and her family when it came to the war in Japan? Or how did they deal with the parent conference when she is a transfer student? Surprisingly, pony has more potential as a character and more plot points to explore than a lot of 1 A character but we don't get much of what goes on with her.
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infernal-house-demon · 7 months
I have a million thoughts about the ending of ofmd. I think overall it felt a bit rushed, through no fault of djenks or anyone else, but because they were given less episodes to work with.
All things considered with a shortened season and budget cuts I think they pulled it off pretty well.
The one thing that I just can’t get past is Izzy. Don’t read any further if you don’t want spoilers.
so, David Jenkins has said that the plan was always to kill Izzy off. And honestly, I think there was a way to do that where I still could have been satisfied with the ending even if I didn’t like seeing my fave die. But because it was a shorter season, it felt rushed. There was barely any time for mourning, to really feel the impact of his death. Even if it had been to save one of the crew that might have made it feel more congruent with his arc this season. But it was so sudden and we didn’t get time to sit with it before everyone quickly moved on to their happy endings. It just felt like such tonal whiplash.
(I also in general have a real disdain for the trope of traumatized characters only finding rest or redemption in death. But that’s more of a personal preference.)
I can totally understand why Izzy would have to die from a symbolic perspective. As he says to Ed in his final scene, they were both a part of Blackbeard. However, he also spent this season growing outside of that relationship, building a family with the crew and finding out who he wanted to be. From a queer perspective, it felt really jarring watching a character like that finally come into his own only to die shortly after (I am absolutely not saying that it was homophobic. I am just saying as a queer person it was hard to watch that journey end that way. This show is the farthest thing from homophobic.) Also the symbolism of his leg and him being part of the Revenge only to die and be left behind? Really painful to watch. (Also I have feelings about the disabled character being the one to get killed off but idk quite how to write about that right now)
My final gripe, was his death scene. Everyone acted beautifully in it, as usual. And I’m glad that he apologized to Ed for his role in feeding into Blackbeard. But I didn’t like that it was all about Edward. The line where Izzy tells him he has a family and they love him felt so out of place. Because we’ve seen very little this season of Ed interacting with the crew (after terrorizing them as Blackbeard of course), but beyond making general amends his story has been focused a lot on him and Stede this season. Izzy is the one we’ve been seeing find a family with these people.
Anyway, I think they did a decent job all things considered and it’s not their fault it felt rushed. Con O’Neill is an acting master and I loved watching him do his thing. I feel kind of bad for complaining about the ending because this show has given me so much in terms of representation and queer joy, but this one moment just doesn’t sit right with me. Overall very grateful for this show and I will miss Izzy so so so much.
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originallypoki · 7 months
Our Flag Means Death S2 Spoilers!
Something people doesn't seem to realize, is that pacing has a key impact to a story. Yes, the tale you want to tell can be the best someone has ever come up with, but if your pacing of it is awful, it pulls the whole story down with it. To rushed pacing? It loses meaning and impact, because there's no time to become attached. To slow paced? It becomes boring and uninteresting, finishing the book, show or movie feels more like a task than actual fun.
The first 4 episodes of season 2 of OFMD were awesome. The pacing was perfect, we had enough time to register what was happening and to sort out our emotions. I was a bit thrown off by ep 5. Because, while still good paced, you can start the see the problems because of the missing 2 eps ( for example the skipped fight, instead choosing to tell, not show. )-
Then episode 6 and 7 happened. And oh boi, I wanted to drop the show, only my love for it keeping me going.
I know that it isn't David Jenkins and the production team's fault, since the 2 episodes got cut, giving us the total of 8. But I can't excuse the decision to cram the plot of 10 eps into 8. If you have so little time left, why don't just cut some 'unimportant' storypoints?
Like Ned Lowe, he was introduced and died in the same episode. His purpose was to give GentleBeard development I know, that still doesn't give him enough importance to let him stay in the shortened version. Just like the second break-up from GentleBeard we got in ep 7.
Instead we got very out-of-character characters, Stede for example. I can see why he acts the way he does in ep 7. It would make sense, had he more time to have proper character development! Instead he feels weird, plus the very very uncomfortable second-hand embarrassment scenes (like the fight with Zheng). And sadly after ep 3, I couldn't feel the same chemistry GentleBeard had in S1. While there were cute scenes, like the end of ep5, I felt like something was missing to make me actually care. It's just my feelings, so not very important, but it was a bit disappointing.
The end of ep 7 gave me hope. Because it was a perfect way to introduce a villain, who's a genuine threat to our heros. And I maybe like Prince Ricky a bit to much. Then ep 8 came crushing down while drowing my love for OFMD, that made me ignore everything wrong with the second half of S2.
I like ep 8, well the first few minutes. It felt like I finally had time to see what's happening and David Jenkins didn't leave us completely clueless. ( Let's ignore the logic holes since it was is a comedy show and they were always there. ) And I was way to busy squieking like a pig of happiness to think critical.
I have many criticism points, but will only focus on one;
Izzy's death. And by god, I. Am. Pissed. Killing a character that is beloved by the fandom isn't the problem. While I love him, he's my favorite, I also love a good ol' angst. But he was in the middle of his redemption arc, and ending this with death is just such weak writing. I have nothing against killing a character off for development. Iron man for example, his whole story is about becoming a better person and jumping over his ego. And it ends just like Izzy in death. But Tony was through his arc, his death was the final, showing he has changed, showing he would do everything to save the universe and more important, the people he loves.
If Izzy died at the start of or before S2 I wouldn't complain, because it would've been perfect for him. Maybe if he died a more impactful death I wouldn't write this. But you can't make a character finally change and then destroy the meaning of it by killing him off in the fucking middle of the change. It would've had so much more impact seeing how he becomes a part of the crew he loathed not even a few weeks ago. Episode 5 did that great, while a bit fast. I like how he and Stede get along. Growing closer. It was a bit too fast paced, and I hoped for them to finally communicate, not talk. The same with Ed, I wanted him and Izzy to finally talk to eachother and not through eachother. However, giving us acutally communication while Izzy's fucking dying is not how you give impact. (And credit where credit's due; I really like that dialog, it was beautiful and the right words choosen to explain how Izzy feels)
Not to forget what a meaning it conveys. Izzy always did what he thought was right, even when it was completely wrong. But when he finally grows and begins to do actually what is right and let's go of Ed, he dies?
Still, I wouldn't say that they shouldn't have done a season 2 at all. It has great potential and I can see what they were going for. So, while it has it's problem's, it's nothing what a good fanfic can't fix. So I look forward to the amazing works that will build up on this hot mess and / or 'correct' it.
So bye, I'll go cry and give the last three episodes of S2 of OFMD, the last 20 minutes of S2 Go treatment T^T (except that GO S2 was fucking fantastic through the whole season)
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the-owl-tree · 3 months
I wish starlight had a better redemption arc. lowkey that’s the only reason I hate her outside of her dumbass backstory (I could fix it) and the lack of explanation for her being almost alicorn level gifted. like lemme tweak her backstory a bit:
she was considered exceptionally talented and everyone had high hopes for her to go far in life or could even get into celestia’s school (kinda like twilight) but she was suuuuper attached to sunburst in an unhealthy way (bpd gang rise up) leading to her revolving her entire world and life around him and when he left she completely spiraled and used her powers to keep others around her from leaving. her specialty are memory and mind altering spells since she canonically even after her “redemption” can’t seem to stop revoking other pony’s rights to free will.
she operates on pure natural talent and raw might due to lack of proper training so it was actually really easy to defeat her and send her packing out of her village. her second appearance she came back with the alicorn amulet (the one trixie had in that episode, but it was gone so fast I am ignoring it. that’s such a cool item wasted on one episode?? no) which is how she fucked with alternate the realities.
in a world where friendships and bonds are pretty much building blocks for their society I can see it being probable that pony’s without friends could suffer health wise too. not just mentally but physically. maybe she never got her cutie mark and blames friendship in general for stunting her. she doesn’t hate just twilight, she hates ALL of equestria. every other pony has someone and she has nothing and no one. no friends, no cutie mark, no purpose. just rage.
when she is defeated again, she should have faced actual consequences. send that horse to prison. idk. why did cozy glow get sent to hell. this isn’t about her.
I think a probation period or similar where she has to earn back the right to use her magic while attending the friendship school and amending her crimes would have been good to see. she her earning forgiveness. show her earning her cutie mark! show her apologizing to every pony she hurt and then accepting they won’t like her anyway! I know it’s a kids show and really they can’t do too many heavy topics, but also I hate this horse
Starlight's insane magical power without any amulets or anything bothered me, I like the idea of her getting her hands on it instead of her just being super mega OP. I get it's for the sake of the plot but it's also sort of like...does magic need to be trained? What's the point of magic schools if the average unicorn can learn a teleportation spell rather easily? do you guys ever think about how OP magic gets in the later seasons, regardless-
It felt weird that the way they chose to write her being won over by Twilight is literally forcing her between a rock and a hard place. Either start being nicies or apocalypse time forever, isn't that fun! It makes it even more disingenuous with how little time they spend redeeming her or even having her recognize the impact she's had on those around her (it bothers me the show seems more invested in how Starlight has been hurt by the Our Town debacle than the Our Town ponies). It also doesn't help her backstory is embarrassing...like girl write a letter you can levitate quills some kids have to use their damn mouths!
I disagree with her being locked up, mainly because I think MLP's weird tonal dissonance around incarceration is uh really weird for the neon pony story (seriously. why did they lock the child in tartarus, why did they turn the child to STONE). Rehabilitative justice is a GREAT thing for kids to learn, showing that anyone can change with work, kindness, and friendship (in the show at least lol)! But by not centering who Starlight hurt and just rushing through her actually working to be better, it makes her story lacklustre and half-hearted. At least in my opinion!
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
A Rambling First Thoughts Review + Critique of "Peter Pan and Wendy" (Disney+ 2023 movie) Spoilers ahead.
Okay for being called "Peter Pan and Wendy" I think aside from prequel iterations, this movie had the least bit of connection and bonding between Peter and Wendy that I've ever seen.
Wow okay, not even sure where to begin on the rest of my thoughts but certainly that was the first one. I didn't feel much connection between Peter and Wendy at all, and the story had very little justification for the emotional moments between them it tried to eke out, which is actually very difficult to achieve since the original source material has it baked in that all the adaptations, even the ones that twist the formula, have been able to adapt and grow off of.
Oof and I gotta say the movie rushed the beginning to really crawl through Neverland. I was shocked at how fast it was that they were already going, and it didn't really seem like an urgent event. Just like, oh yeah Peter's just gonna show up at your window and take you to Neverland one day kthxbai. Rather than it being a motivated decision for Wendy to say "I'm growing up tomorrow" (leaving the nursery, going away, etc.) but I don't want to, so I'm going to go and never grow up.
Also sidebar, Wendy my love, being an ass to your brothers is not endearing to your plight and is definitely new for this adaptation which was a Very odd take. And it could be argued by the end...or even the middle...she realizes her responsibility to take care of them and look after them in Neverland but that's a weak sauce character arc for someone who HAS one built in that's just as valid.
A really odd take for them NOT to double cast Jude Law as Mr. Darling and Hook. I actually would have liked to see his take on Mr. Darling. But RIP Mr. Darling had barely a personality at all or anything to do here.
And RIP Nurse Nana. Now you are just a dog with nothing to do, and no reason to be put out in the dog house.
And then Neverland, oh my dear place of literal dreams, what they did to you! Now, I am somewhat a fan of the Home Under the Ground being a castle ruin in this version, that's actually something close to how I've seen Neverland at least once. But it felt very empty, both the Home and the island. It was too...empty. And even though every iteration we know only the pirates, Lost Boys, Peter, the Indians, the fairies, and the mermaids live in and around the island, plus animals, all the other versions haven't felt so barren. Is it because Neverland became one large same-y landmass rather than a place that has mountains and lagoons and tropical forests and literally anything children dream of? Maybe that's part of it. But it's hard to place precisely. It doesn't feel lived in. The castle ruins didn't have beds or a table for meals. It had a neat rope swing and a fireplace yes, but it still just looked visually and felt empty, when a badass castle hideout could be so cool!
And regarding Hook and Peter having a history, having a tragic background. First, I'm not opposed to the friends to enemies take. Saw it done pretty well in the prequel special Neverland, though it was from a Fagin+Snape-like mentor to an orphan Peter who looked up to him, rather than two kids and one who grew up. But again, it may have worked with a different story. I don't think it was the right choice here, or at least it was not properly executed. The voice in my head kept saying, if Hook was a lost boy and Peter's friend and he KNEW where Peter's hideout was all along, then WHY hasn't he tried killing him before? The whole sticking point in the source and other adaptations was that he had NO IDEA where Peter's hideout was, otherwise he would kill him there!
Tiger Lily being a badass is never bad in my book, but once again, her service in the story feels unearned. I don't feel the bond between her and Peter, honestly. She had more of a connection with Wendy (and it caught me off guard how I immediately thought, "okay I would ship that" after their conversation en route to the hideout.) And then her tribe is just sort of there. Without much connection to the island, or to Peter. Tiger Lily calls him "Little Brother," but taking the movie as it is without reference of any other Peter Pan media, it doesn't feel earned from what we are given up to that point. It just feels like Tiger Lily being Peter's deus ex Machina, which really historically has been Tinkerbell, and that made sense given Tink and Peter's shared history and friendship. (Something that's also sadly toned back in this movie as well)
"Peter Pan and Wendy" is not even a poor live action adaptation of a Disney animated movie, it's just... a strange and lackluster adaptation of Peter Pan, which had been done successfully as a Disney animated movie. And I think that feels a bit more disappointing.
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myloveforhergoeson · 29 days
ash's april 2024 reading round up
find all the books and fics i read this month under the cut with a link to the synopsis and my reviews/ratings attached :)
this is just for fun! i'm not a professional, i just like to read <3
The Fake Out by Stephanie Archer (18+!)
review: ALKGNALGBLGSLBVLSHGWL i don't even know where to begin!!!!!!!!! so good! so good! i don't know what this woman puts in her books that make them so good! not only were the main characters rory (pro hockey team captain) and hazel (team physiologist) so interesting, but the way they help each other accomplish their goals AND grow into the people they want to be was beautifully done. rory, stepping into his first year as team captain wants to make sure his less than steller reputation stays in the past and agrees to fake date the team physiologist to maintain good image... all the while she needs to fake date him in order to get back at her shitbag ex who was drafted onto the team this year. one problem though, hazel hates hockey players (see: shitbag ex) and rory's been in love with her since she tutored him in high school... oh my god... their struggles, while sensationalized, still felt realistic for their situation, and i specifically loved rory's arc of becoming the hockey player he wanted to be instead of the player his father wanted to be. and hazel's dream of opening her own inclusive fitness studio to help her mother work through her body image issues... sobbing... a whole wealth of untapped love and affection all coming from this fake relationship and i lapped every little bit of it up. the dragon imagery (and rory's dunk dragon tattoo) was adorable! the multiple perspectives really solidified their story for me - archer just kills the he falls first storyline and i loved the way hazel fell even harder even after swearing she wouldn't!!!!! i can't decide if this book was better than the first one... i think i liked the story of this one better, but the characters in the first more? why am i pitting two bad bitches against each other??
tw: mentions of a secondary character (hazel's mom) struggling with body image issues
rating: 4.5 times i was kicking my feet and giggling and shit throughout the story!!!!!
2. Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey (18+!)
review: if you're a regular here you know tessa bailey is my favorite author <3 she's literally incapable of writing a bad book i'm pretty sure. anyway! what happens when you mix an out of control, free spirit gardener (hallie) and an uptight, schedule oriented history professor and vineyard heir (julien)? one of the best opposites attract romances i've ever read! while i know nothing about wine, the napa valley setting felt so cozy and homey; i felt like i was right there with hallie and julien! despite being so wrong for each other, of course their romance was so right!!!! hallie's secret admirer letters to julien were so so cute, and julien's struggle of wanting to be with hallie so bad while writing back to his mystery admierer was so captivating. little did he know (though he'd been dreaming) it was hallie all along! also... god... the way he spoke to and about her... i don't think a man has ever been more in love in the history of ever. also he literally couldn't stand to see her sad so he literally revitalized the local economy????? hello?????? i <3 fictional rich men <3!! and lucky for me this book is part of a duology, with the next novel focusing on julien's sister which i just started yay!
rating: 4.5/5 times i was embarrassed reading this book in public because i was worried someone would look over my shoulder...
fic list!
Gotta Dream Big Time by WeAreBTR (641)
fandom: big time rush (tv)
pairing: logan mitchell & kelly wainwright (note the & and not /!)
SOOO CUTE! i've never seen a fic written about these two and the dynamic the author formed between them was so sweet :)
We're Much Better Together by WeAreBTR (1,790)
fandom: big time rush (tv)
pairing: lucy stone/jo taylor
yeah. this is how it should have gone down in the show. sooo much characterization packed into such a short fic. really incredible to read... and lucy and jo are so adorable! <3
3. You Just Can't Walk Away by WeAreBTR (537)
fandom: big time rush (tv)
pairing: carlos garcia & katie knight (& not /)
the emotion in this one literally had me worried for katie... such power in so few words!
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
So... *rubs my grubby little hands together*
Who's been Vecna's spy in Hawkins all along?
No, it's not Will. We know what happens to him when Vecna is actively using him and it's too hard to ignore.
We also know from seeing Billy being flayed that Vecna is very clever to not go too far off the beaten track when it comes to how his hosts will act. Billy's hair got a bit neater, his clothes got a bit tidier, but otherwise he was just the same dude.
It's safe to assume that any change in the OG party members would have been spotted almost immediately by El. So Lucas and Dustin are, in my mind, out of the running. Lucas went looking for Will by himself in s1 after he fought with the others and was obviously invested in getting his friend back. Dustin, by his own observation, would have set off all the magnets and compasses that he carries around. Erica is out too, because of her willingness to get hands on is s3 & s4 to foil plans. Max isn't an option either because aside from the obvious reason of Vecna trying to kill her, she was too close to Billy. This is another way we can discount most of the main party; she would notice just as soon as El would.
I also personally believe the main grown ups of Hopper, Joyce, and Murray to be out of the running here too. Joyce very much fucked with Vecna's plans in s1 by refusing to believe any of the lies she was fed about Will and Hopper has had no real character changes through the seasons to warrant suspicion. Murray is just that little bit far enough outside of the main Hawkins orbit for Vecna to think of him as an option, and doesn't have enough allies in the town early on for him to be considered useful enough. Nancy and Jonathon I'm also discounting because of Jon's proximity to Will, and Nancy's willingness to shoot at anything larger than a golden retriever.
So now. Let's get down to brass tacks. Who is the spy?
Mike is an obvious option for a couple of reasons. When Will was still possessed, Mike was the one that broke him out of it and it was Will's encouragement that helped Mike talk El through her fight with Vecna. Is seeing and hearing each other so loudly through the fog more of a psychic bond than a spiritual one? As much as I am a Byler truther at heart, something tells me that Blue Meets Yellow In The West might be a Mike Vs Will showdown, and not a joining of forces. Mike has also had some significant changes happen. El noticed straight away when he started signing things 'From Mike' instead of 'Love Mike'. He stopped calling Will when they moved to California. He didn't rush to El's side when the other girl's were bullying her, he just looked around, bemused. Not only is this wildly removed from the person we got to know in s1 and s2, but it's so different to someone that his best friend describes as 'The Heart' of them all. Will felt something off about Mike too, when he got to California. Was that sense of Vecna being around just his presence in the Upside Down, or his psychic link to Mike?
Second up, we have Robin. Robin appeared with very little backstory and even Rebel Robin leaves a lot of guesswork and blank spaces. She just happens to speak Russian? As well as how many other languages? Interesting. Did Vecna think that his spy should be able to communicate with the people who were aware of his monsters? Robin also sustained very little damage in the Russian tunnels. She was held captive just like Steve but came out basically untouched. Was this the enemy recognising an ally? Or was it Vecna protecting his asset?
And Robin, of course, leads us to Steve. Oh Steve, beautiful Steve. Let's talk about Steve. Let's talk about Steve, who we know nothing about, who's family we have never met, who went through the biggest arc of all by inserting himself right in with the main group and earning their trust. Let's talk about the jock who can't win a fight until he's up against a literal soldier because maybe he knows how this solider was trained. Let's talk about all-of-a-sudden-has-blonde-highlights-wears-cherry-lipgloss-forgot-how-to-get-a-girlfriend-but-knows-how-to-connect-with-smaller-kids Steve. Let's talk about Steve who throws parties in his big house and invites everyone so he can see them all at the same time and make sure everyone knows who he is.
And isn't it just wild that our boy Steve got tortured so bad by those Russians but it was all superficial damage? No broken bones, no broken nose, hell, he doesn't even have a scar. What a coincidence that they mixed up the truth serum too, huh?
Do his parents really not come home of their own accord? Or do they just get this feeling that maybe they should extend their trip? Steve saw Billy up close and didn't even try to hold on to his King crown. Vecna saw Billy up close and felt bolder, so he let himself slip more into Steve's aesthetic. He added the hair, the lipgloss, lost the swagger, because he'd found Billy and he thought he was so close to winning. He got lazy.
Steve watches everyone closely. Steve knows everyone will tell him their secrets. Steve knows how to rip a demobat apart despite never seeing one before and knowing nothing about their weakspots, or that their blood isn't poisonous if it gets into his mouth.
Steve has been Vecna's spy all along. And in s5, Steve will sacrifice himself for his friends. Eddie was never Kas. It's always been Steve.
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
My thoughts so far (mainly the arc from Retrace XXXVI to Retrace XLII—trio investigates Sablier arc?)
1] Glen Baskerville: so, we get a face reveal for the ‘evil mastermind’ behind the Tragedy of Sablier. But before we talk about the meeting between Glen and Oz, I want to talk about Lottie’s bits of memories from the Tragedy.
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—out of all the events shown to us through Cheshire’s dimensions and even at Sablier itself, I can only trust these bits of Lottie’s memories (surprise!)—why? Because, for one, she has no reason to lie about her treasured master; and two, she is still alive. Alice from 100 years ago is long dead and the chain Alice has no memories of her past. She is just like us, readers, clueless of the actual events. And whatever memories we do see, I can’t trust them, being all shaky, distorted and twisted and traumatized.
Anyway, I felt something was off about the three panels even during my first read but I couldn’t place what exactly. I simply assumed it was because Glen’s face was shrouded in darkness and mystery, looking all cruel and villainous.
But I think I know what rubbed me wrong about the panels. It’s the urgency in his behavior. Why is he so agitated here? If the plan was made to sink Sablier into the Abyss to appease(?) the Will, then he should sit back and enjoy the game, no? Like, say, Father from FMA, who had a similar masterplan and motive to sink Amestris and make a Philosopher’s Stone out of all the souls. Not to mention, why did he give the order to Lottie and Co. to kill all the people? They might have been sacrificed to the Will, dead or alive, right?
Here we get the answer from Glen himself—
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The Will of the Abyss didn’t exist in the beginning. The Abyss itself was probably some sort of an energy source before it was granted a vessel. I am not yet sure of the exact details but what I strongly believe is that the White-Haired Alice is in reality a human and the actual twin sister of our Alice who was kept trapped inside Rapunzel's castle. But that raises a ton of other questions like—who placed her inside the Abyss? If it were the Baskervilles, did they believe she won’t have a ‘will’ of her own? Did they really think she would simply be a robot for them to use? And again, who is ‘Alice’? And how is she special to make them think she could act as a vessel for the Abyss?
Okay, well, that aside, Glen’s logic here actually makes sense to me? (or maybe I just listen better to dark-haired emo guys ahem so don’t take this seriously lol I am not trying to condone his actions or anything just trying to understand both sides of the argument) It’s similar to what Break said in Retrace IX. The power of the Abyss is malfunctioning, has pervaded the human world, currently disrupting it—the only way to set it right is by obtaining the Intention of the Abyss. Well, how Oz calculates into his equation or why he is called a Key is not yet clear but this—
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—seems important. It appears before Oz existed, only the Baskervilles, the servants of the Abyss, could access it but after Oz’s ‘birth’, everyone can do so.
Soooo, taking away all that ominous shading from around Glen, that’s what he too is saying, right? I am almost starting to believe that Glen was actually trying to set right the accident—not planning for it—because that way I get the answer to another one of my questions: why did he give the order to kill all the people in Sablier? Why could the people not have been sacrificed alive to the Intention, if sacrifice of so many people was to be the end outcome anyway?
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Honestly, from his agitation and his overall urgency and his apparent hurry to even pause to answer his subordinates’ very valid question, it felt less like a planned affair and more like a last-minute rush hour, more like he was running out of time. Why was he running out of time if this Tragedy was planned in advance?
On the other hand, if–if he didn’t know this Tragedy was gonna take place, and if the Intention suddenly started to pull down the capital, his reaction would make sense. I think, so I ask, was he trying to save the people of Sablier from a Fate worse than Death, as they say? Anything that gets dragged into the Abyss gets converted into Chains or something worse (see: Vincent shot down Phillipe’s dad before he got dragged into the Abyss?), I think Glen gave the urgent yet baffling order to kill the people so that they ‘die’ before they get dragged into the Abyss.
[Well, I think I am wrong anyway; somehow none of my guesses are working for this story lol. Two faults I can easily pick on in my theory: 1] Lottie and co. were alive and well in spite of being dragged into the Abyss and 2] the people could have been evacuated from Sablier, no? or perhaps it was too late for even that?]
Next, this—
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Glen is not a memory, is he? He is actually talking to Oz. At first, he wrongly assumed that Oz was Jack and addressed him so; but then he realized his mistake.
And then, comes the familiar line—the Baskervilles said this, his dad said this and now, Glen too—
Your sin is your very existence.
—let me tell you I didn’t take this line seriously until now. Eh, it’s some line that is being repeated to make a Tragic Hero with a Tragic Backstory out of Oz—is what I thought. But now, a guy who has no connection to Oz whatsoever repeats the same line, out of nowhere, without any outside influence or knowledge, merely by looking ‘inside’ the boy; and I am suddenly being forced to wonder what it means (perhaps in a literal sense)
Oz should not have existed.
Alternatively, Oz shouldn’t have been born.
Xai Vessalius said the same thing too. Pretty sure this has something to do with Oz being the Key to access the Abyss, but what exactly he can do is unclear to me.
(Oh, an additional complaint (of sorts?): uh, I didn’t like Jack’s attitude toward Lottie and co., they were merely asking for an answer from him (they were even quite casually polite unlike their usual attitude towards the others); while the answer he gives them is: 1) he is trying to protect his friend’s reputation (before his own subordinates?? Please. The Baskervilles seem too loyal to their master. Even if the truth is too hard and too cruel to digest, they would have accepted it as one of their master’s orders anyway.) and 2) that Lottie won’t stand a chance before the B-Rabbit’s power… which okay? Doesn’t answer their question though? Honestly, feels like he is trying to scare them away from the truth more than anything else. And if my theory is right, and Glen was actually trying to save the people, then why would he (or the Baskervilles) want to bring about another Tragedy of Sablier? *shrugs in idek anything at this point*)
Moving on,
2] Vincent, Gil and the Will of the Abyss: (or, as I believe the girl talking so rudely to Gil and Vincent. I won’t have it that it’s our sweet Alice being the one mocking him about his eyes but if it is so, then well…)
Anyway, she is the one that tells Vincent about Glen and five chains that exist within his body: Jabberwock (the one Glen had in the scene with Oz), Raven (Gil’s), Dodo, Owl, Griffon (Xai’s chain) (all creatures from Alice in Wonderland). Also, that Glen is an undead spirit that keeps changing bodies (like atla!avatar), that he rules over the Baskervilles, that Gil would be the next Baskerville head and so unless Vincent stops the ceremony to transfer Raven into Gil’s body, Gil will die. Why would Gil die if he is meant to be the next heir; it makes no sense. Pretty sure the Will was simply lying to make Vincent open the Door.
The solution—open the Gates of the Abyss (real reason: so the Abyss could creep into the human world, huh?) which Vincent believed and did anyway… kickstarting the Tragedy of Sablier. (So, that’s all Vincent remembers? I hoped we could learn more from him; but the next thing he was seeing after opening the Gate was the massacre in Sablier.)
So, in the present, Vincent desires the Will of the Abyss so he can reverse time and make it so that the Tragedy never happened in the first place. yk, this is one rare situation where I actually wish Time could be reversed and the past could be restored because Vincent was only a little child at the time. He just desperately wanted to protect his brother (and prove that he is not a curse or burden to his brother) but the adults around him used this vulnerability to manipulate him into committing acts beyond his full comprehension. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing indeed. Even then, and taking Break’s case as an example, even if he manages to reverse the Tragedy, something even bigger and more tragic must happen.
Also, about Raven: apparently, transferring this chain to Gil was the first step to make Gil the next heir to the Baskervilles. Vincent was against this 100 years ago yet he willingly shows Raven to Gil in the present (ten years ago i.e.). Why? Is this some part of his plan? To try and make Gil remember his past? Or, so they find an irreplaceable position in the Nightray household? Or, considering his calculations to change the past, this contract won’t matter anyway—is what he thinks?
I am worried about Gil, too. What is the ‘kill him, kill him,’ saying going on inside his head? Break correctly points out that those thoughts aren’t his own. I can’t explain why but I feel like it’s Raven that’s feeding him these thoughts. Or, it could also be the B-Rabbit chain that is under his control or something. Uhhh, idk what’s going on with Gil, nothing good obviously.
About Gil, Jack and Glen: I thought Gil was Jack’s servant in the past, that’s why he feels so bonded to Oz but turns out this is not so. Although strange why—
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Even in Cheshire’s domain, Gil is the one that ran into Jack first. I wonder…
Another thing: Gil obviously doesn’t remember anything from his past, but did he know Glen? There must have been some communication between Glen and Gil 100 years ago if he was chosen to be the next heir and all. Was Glen Gil's master, if not Jack?
Either way, it’s sad—the two brothers’ relationship. In spite of all their hardships, they clearly cared for each other even if the thought seemed to have entered Gil’s mind several times to just up and leave Vincent behind (which he thankfully didn’t. He is his only relative, after all.) Vincent too cares a lot for Gil, if not for anyone else. And was ready to listen to the words of some strange lady in strange robes (kids, never accept candy advice from strangers, okay?) to help his big bro.
3] Miranda Burma:
Ah, this lady.
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And this lady:
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are the same, right?
This bitch lady was the one manipulating the hell out of a little child. She has played an important role in the Tragedy by getting to open the Gate to the Abyss. Perhaps, as a member of one of the noble houses, she was granted entry to the Baskerville Mansion, and she decided to misuse this trust to bite the hand of her own host.
Anyway, her existence in the story makes me all the more certain that the Tragedy came onto the Baskervilles as suddenly as Vincent opening the Gate to the Abyss. And that the four Dukedoms each have something or the other to do with this Tragedy. Perhaps, they were jealous of the power the Baskervilles held, that they alone could act as the Servants of the Abyss and wanted the Doors to the Abyss for themselves?
Oooh, could it be that Jack Vessalius too is part of the plot? What a twist it would make yum! Did he betray his best friend’s trust in him to plot with the other Dukedoms against him? After the Baskervilles were defeated, he must have been declared the ‘Hero’ by the other Dukedoms for all his help, eh? Perhaps, there is some truth to Lottie’s accusation, after all? Jack didn’t defend himself then—simply scared her off with the B-Rabbit’s power.
Also, very interesting that four of the five chains that originally belonged to Glen were shared between the Dukedoms like spoils of the war.
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This scene is a red herring, yes? Glen’s Evil Smirk TM is supposed to be taken as—ah, obviously he is in cahoots with her and the Plan, but that seems too obvious to me; I rather feel like she was someone he trusted a lot and was simply smiling in acknowledgement, not knowing of the secret betrayal going on around him. I have read too many detective novels to fall for something this obvious hahaha.
side note: she is totally a manipulative bitch but her hair is beautiful lol
4] Xai Vessalius: oh yeah, and what about the Vessalius' household head? The one who hates his ‘son’ so much that he is ready to personally cast him as far as possible into the Abyss to maintain some distance lol. The Burma Dukedom was clearly ‘in’ the Tragedy, but seeing that Xai Vessalius and Duke Nightray are working together (at least in some capacity, for the Duke vouched for Xai’s alibi while the latter was def in the Coming-of-age ceremony) makes me wonder (once again)—who is on whose side? Who is telling the truth? What are they hiding? The truth behind the Tragedy of Sablier?
Plus, Rufus Barma reads out (from a book that no one but he can read which in itself is suspicious lol) that Jack sacrificed his body to stop Glen (the spirit) from resurrection but… that might also be because the four Dukedoms don’t want Glen to awaken (otherwise the truth might come out).
Not to mention, there is this and idk what to make of it—
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The more I continue with this story, the more it feels like Oz came into existence from very dubious sources just like the Intention of the Abyss.
And what about sweet Uncle Oscar? Is he as good-natured and jovial as he appears? In spite of Gil repeatedly telling him that Xai was the mastermind of the Incident at the Coming-of-Age ceremony, he simply brushes his statement off. Are both brothers (and Duke Nightray) in this together?
But Xai also seems to be acting with the Baskervilles. Maybe, in his own faceless (lol why is his face not revealed already?) methods, he too is simply trying to uncover the truth from 100 years ago and really, nobody knows anything?
5] Alice and Jack (and Lacie): Well, I didn’t learn anything new about these two except for that the eerie tune we’ve been hearing right from the first chapter and the grave belongs to ‘Lacie’. She was someone very beloved to Glen and had to be made into a sacrifice for the Abyss. (Well, that’s a lot of things to unpack but for now I am not gonna make wild assumptions bc i am gonna be wrong anyway.)
only thing: if my theory that “the Tragedy of Sablier was orchestrated by the four dukedoms to get hands on the Doors to the Abyss and get rid of the Baskervilles who were caught right in the middle of a crossfire when Vincent opened the Gate” is wrong, then the other theory could be something like: Glen sacrificed the people of Sablier to the Abyss as a cost to get back Lacie or something. (yk, the trope of the villain ready to throw away the world for the sake of one ‘beloved’ person)
6] Human Experimentation: arrgghhh I was right about this and now I am sad I was right, bc Phillipe is gonna be used for these experiments, right? The so-called facility to take in kids whose parents were illegal contractors seems above board and done in a good cause and all (or so our main trio and Leo-Eliot believe; Leo is esp. good with the kids) so the author can hit them (and me) hard when they find out that the kids have been used in experimentation and never gonna return. ‘Endless supply of human guinea pigs’ are you kidding me?!! I already had a hunch that the organization of Pandora was shady af and now I have proof.
7] Eliot Nightray: I don’t know what to make of this boy yet; but I am warming up to him anw because he is such a tsundere lmao. He clearly wants to react positively whenever Oz loudly offers to be friends, instead he is having this ‘stoned’ expression on his face ///>^<///
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(lol he is so funny; He is literally the anime single-canine-in-mouth-when-mad catboy in this whole dark affair lmao)
or has a constant nerve popping on his face somewhere lol
Another curious thing: he claims he wrote the song Lacie (the same song Glen wrote) so...... what does it mean? Is he destined to be the next host for Glen? Does he share his memories? And he even has the nightmare of burning buildings and people dying (Tragedy of Sablier, right?) Eliot as the next Glen is something I’d definitely want to see. He’d look so cool with all those layers of robes.
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okay he looks really handsome here; had I read PH 10 years ago, I might have crushed on him so hard hehehe
8] Baskerville clan: now that Zwei and the one who cast Oz into the Abyss, Xai are both revealed to be /not/ Baskervilles, I believe only Lottie, Fang and the other guy are the only remaining Baskervilles. Oh, and the new young girl who appeared from the Gate still in possession of the Baskervilles–Lily.
I am actually warming up to this little ragtag group of mass murderers. They might be villains to this story (or not from their pov) but they are still family—Lottie being the older sister,
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Fang gives off Tired DILF of FourTM energy (how did I not notice him before? I am in love with the way he talks &lt;;3),
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Lily is the little sister.
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Lottie came across as super weird in the beginning but I feel like that’s all just a cover to hide her hurt feelings at her own helplessness and their inability to find their master’s body and give him peace.
The scene where she is consoling Lily and recounting her own experiences:
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She looks so sad here :((
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And, just like that, I am down for the villains once again lol
9] Oz and Alice: lol I am not even trying to understand what’s going on with Oz anymore. That he is able to use B-Rabbit's power on his own is one thing, but why is he wielding the scythe as well all of a sudden? Does the power of the B-Rabbit keep transferring to Oz’s body the more he uses it? What will happen to Alice then? Will her soul disappear? Because as I understand, B-Rabbit merely assumes the form of Alice bc it is harder to maintain the whole form,, but Alice was already dead 100 years ago. So, what is in the B-Rabbit chain must be more or less a small fragment of her soul. If the B-Rabbit finds a stronger host, is it automatically transferring to it? Maybe then, Alice can finally rest in peace ;-;? I just hope she finds the whole truth of her life before she passes for good this time. This girl is becoming lonelier and more lost as the story proceeds. And even her chipper and boisterous attitude is more forced these recent chapters unlike the first few chapters. Oh, I can’t even remember the last time she was hungry for meat TT~TT
To end this long essay on a funny note, have a panel of Alice ‘kissing’ Oz in the end—I am laughing at the shape of Oz’s cheek at the end of the ‘kiss’
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