#but just because he's really nice and loves to dance
Hi I saw the Tsum request you made and it was super cute! I was wondering if you could do the same one but with Idia/Jack/Vil/Leona please?
Idia Shroud:
You had never been more surprised than seeing the shaking tsum outside your door, its intrusion into your room immediate when you opened the door wide enough for its body to hop inside. It made itself comfortable under a desk in the corner, wanting an enclosed area where it would feel safe; you pouted a little as you had hoped to cuddle, but just like Idia, you knew it’d take a little work. You pulled up a video on your phone, music from a game that Idia loved, and you’d never seen something so small move so quickly. It hopped right onto the bed with you, settled and cuddling on your shoulder as it danced along to the song happily with you. Idia wanted to lock himself in a closet, and maybe lock the tsum in a separate one, and never have to think about being upstaged again.
Jack Howl:
You have to admit you’re surprised when Jack’s tsum doesn’t play its cards close to its chest; Jack did it poorly but there was still an attempt, yet the tsum lit up as soon as it saw you. It protectively took a seat on your shoulder and only separated with Jack’s insistence, which is why when it goes missing he knows exactly where it is. Seeing you cuddle starts a staring contest that has you sweating, as if Jack tsum is daring Jack to take him away from his happy place. You settle them both down with pats on the head, saying to relax and offering to go wherever Jack needed to be so you could spend more time with the tsum.
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona is actively trying to not be annoyed but keeping the irritation off his face was a challenge the second prince simply couldn’t overcome. His glare is briefly directed at the tsum who might seem expressionless at first, but he could tell it was celebrating inside for getting under his skin. Your lap had always been Leona’s napping spot, soft thighs working as perfect pillows, and it seemed the tsum had the same idea. He supposed he should’ve seen this outcome approaching since the tsum seemed to mirror him in many aspects but this was one betrayal that Leona hadn’t seen coming, from you or the tsum. He’s rarely this petty towards you so you can’t help but tease him when the opportunity approached, asking if he was really getting territorial because you wanted to cuddle with a tsum that greatly resembled him.
Vil Schoenheit:
You are the honored one, blessed to hold Vil tsum in your loving arms. Your immediate affection for the tsum was felt and reciprocated, allowing you to admire them up close and personal. It felt like good fortune shining down on you when the tsum took it upon itself to sit comfortably in your arms, allowing you to snuggle closer without complaint. Vil is annoyed that the tsum didn’t attempt to play hard to get at all. He had to bite his tongue to not reveal too much about your own relationship, though he feels some envy as it must be nice to just be held by you like that.
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What do you think it would be like to marry Kurt? Do you think he’d invite everyone he could possibly think of, or one with just his mothers, Rouge and Gambit? Who do you think would be the officiant?
And do you think he’d go all out for it and make it grand, or just leave it it simplistic? Because I feel like he’d want it to be more simple.
And what kind of ring do you think he would like? I think a silver one would go lovely with his skin, like moonlight casting it’s breathtaking image onto a glimmering lake.
I know that he is technically not allowed to get married since he’s a Catholic priest but I need him so badly! :( Oh my gosh I love him so much! 😭😭😭
You know, I think he could do both, actually. Of course, I also don’t really see him going all out and inviting 500 people while renting a massive hall, but I think he’d want to celebrate with family and friends, so here are my thoughts:
There are in fact two ceremonies, one for him, his significant other and his closest people, and one for celebrating with everyone they want to have there.
The first wedding would be a very small ceremony in a small chapel, probably somewhere in a forest in Germany, just with his s/o, Rogue as his "Best Man“, and one other person for his s/o’s Best Man or Maid of Honour (and of course the priest).
It’s just really small and private and intimate and absolutely lovely. They spend their honeymoon in a small cabin in the forest/mountains in Germany, just a week for just the two of them. Just existing with each other. And don’t think that this man won’t worship the ground his s/o is walking on.
After the first ceremony there is not a huge celebration. They maybe go for dinner in a nice restaurant but that’s it.
The second ceremony though…..is a bit more lively.
I’d like to say, that the wedding ceremony was held on the school’s ground, a few weeks after the original wedding ceremony. And since they’re already legally married, it’s all a bit more relaxed.
Honestly, I’m not sure who would officiate the wedding. My first thought would be Xavier, but I think that’s because he gives off this old, wise man vibes, that are stereotypical for a officiant. Now, that I think about it, I actually think that I would love to see Gambit officiate the wedding.
He’s as good as Kurt’s brother-in-law, so I’d like to think that he would do Kurt this favour, because for him, Kurt is family [though he would never say that out loud] and Kurt thinks the same way. And it’s beautiful.
It’s most likely during vacations. Not that he doesn’t love the kids, but he does not necessarily want them all around. Close ones and older ones, sure, but there will be another celebration for that. For this celebration, he sticks with the older ones.
There is a huge pavilion with beautiful arrangements and decorations and Storm makes sure that there won’t be one rainy cloud around for that day.
Kurt cries, when he sees his s/o walk down the aisle [just like the first time]. The vows are more beautiful than on their first wedding (they didn’t really do vows then, because it was just small) and even Logan shed a tear.
Gambit did a splendid job btw. Just like the rest who helped to organise this celebration, so it would be a bit of a surprise for the newlyweds.
The cake is of course chocolate, though not completely, if his s/o does not like it. The dance is just really emotional and Kurt safely leads his spouse over the dance floor. It kind of inspires the others, so there will be a lot of dancing.
Rogue holds a beautiful speech as sister of the groom and Kurt cries silentely, before just hugging her very, very hard.
It’s a long day, but an amazing one, and everybody made sure that the couple got a few more days to themselves in a cabin in Canada (sponsored by Logan) as some sort of second honeymoon.
After the holidays, there will be a summer party with the kids, where Kurt and his spouse will also be celebrated, but not that much.
In General, I think he will do both weddings, just to make sure that 1) he will have a day solely dedicated to him and his partner without too much stress and 2) everybody they care about will have the opportunity to celebrate with them.
However, no matter how the wedding will go, it will be beautiful. I mean, it’s Kurt Wagner, what are you expecting?
He will spend the entire night staring lovingly at his s/o and dance with them, kiss them and constantly call them “My wife” or “My husband” or “My spouse” as well as “Mrs. Wagner”/”Mr. Wagner”/”Mx Wagner”. Kurt just can’t get enough of it!
It’s also very sweet and it shows how much he cares about them.
It’s just a very, very beautiful affair and marrying him is one of the best things anyone could do.
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twst-drabbles · 3 days
Ace, Deuce and Rook 2
Summary: Another day, another practice session with Vil. Ace and Deuce noticed you were cutting it close to the meeting time and went to wake you up. When they opened the door, they found you not alone in your bed.
(Brain has been stuck on Rook for whatever reason. Little weirdo has invaded my thoughts, so may as well spit him out on the page. Also I just think it would be funny of the Prefect was casually sleeping with Rook in the same bed, baffling the others with the fact that they are, in fact, not dating or fucking.)
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Ace slammed open the door so loudly that even he was taken aback.
“Ooh,” Ace hissed, creaking the door back just to make sure he didn’t dent the wall, your morning drink in his other hand, “Ah, sorry there Prefect, but you really should’ve gotten up earlier. I even brought you your drink. Did you sleep through your alarm or something?”
“Would they do that, though?” Deuce popped up from behind, in his hands a decent breakfast that, unfortunately, followed Vil’s nutritional rules. It’s filling, at least there’s that, but it ultimately wasn’t exactly to your preference. “Being late for anything doesn’t really suit our Prefect. Are you sick? We brought you something if you want it.”
Ace and Deuce, with how you are, are pretty much used to dealing with people that love punctuality. With you around, it’s become nearly impossible for them to be late to anything, their sense of time fine-tuned as a result of not wanting to face your wrath. Now they can accurately tell how much time their travels will take with just a look at a map, though this does also mean that they do everything last minute if they can afford to.
Ace and Deuce are lazy more efficiently, oddly enough.
And Grim, well he’s not here. Already zipped on over to practice because he’s determined to dance so well that Vil will have to replace Ace or Deuce.
As such, they know that if you don’t get up, the one responsible for their fear of being late to anything, then something has to be wrong.
“Mm,” you shifted around then turned, blinking blearily at them, “Oh nice, food.” You sat up and scratched at your head, waving your hand over at the empty nightstand. “Just leave it there, I’ll get to it in a minute.”
“Hmm,” Ace frowned, miffed, “you’re not sick at all. Was I really worried for nothing?”
“Did you sleep well at least?” Deuce lightly shoved Ace to remind him to play nice, “You’re going to be late to the rehearsal if you don’t get dressed, you know?”
Do you even have time to eat? Well, Ace will probably make sure you have this drink in your stomach while Deuce handed you food you can hold in your hands.
“Seriously, is something wrong? It’s not like you to sleep in like that.” Ace wanted to point out the hypocrisy of this whole situation but he didn’t want to be a jerk, not this early in the morning. Maybe in the afternoon. “If you need to skip, just tell me and I’ll–”
“There’s no need to worry your little heads about it,” sighed out another voice, right from under a lump Ace and Deuce were convinced was just a large body pillow. Popping out from under the covers like a mermaid breathing in fresh air, Rook laid his torso right over your thigh, “I already informed our Beautiful Vil that we’re taking a little break today. It would seem that the both of us have reached our limits yesterday.”
Ace was lucky he was already putting the mug down on your nightstand before he lost his grip on it. Deuce, however, was not so lucky flipped the plate right on the ground.
Both of their eyes were wide, though Ace was the first to regain his voice.
“H–” Ace cleared his throat from the tinny tone it took, “How long was he in there?” He pointed to the happily smiling Rook, like he was some creature from the deepest tunnels.
You slowly blinked, then yawned. “Hmm, all night.”
“He didn’t do anything weird to you did he? Blink twice if yes!”
Ace grabbed your shoulders and Deuce was already lifting up his sleeves, ready to grab and toss Rook out the nearest window.
“Oh my,” commented Rook, swinging his legs without a care in the world, “Is it really so strange for two people as close as ourselves to sleep in the same bed?”
“If it’s you, yeah!”
“Wow, that was perfectly in sync.” You sounded vaguely impressed before tossing two little pillows right into Ace and Deuce’s faces, “Relax, I’m the one that offered.”
“Wha-why?!” So exclaimed Ace, offended that you would say no to him sleeping on your bed, but say yes to this stalker.
“Are you two… dating?” Deuce, as much as tried to stay composed, could not help the way his face contorted in disgust.
“No,” now it was your turn for you and Rook to be in sync.
“Then why–!?” Poor Ace, his brain was storming with confusion.
“I just wanted to share a bed with Rook,” you leaned back, reaching over to grab your drink, “Besides, what I do is my business.”
“I…” Deuce scratched at his head, “I don’t get it.”
“Me too man,” Ace sighed, “Me too.”
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So High School
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A: this was a random thing I came up with. I hope it’s cute
Warnings: fluff, drinking, smoking weed, smut, oral (female receiving), unprotected p in v, Kirk x fem
You and Kirk had been together since your sophomore year of high school. You were both the "weird" kids in high school. So when you got sat next to each other in third period history it almost felt like fate. You talked to each other nearly everyday since then. You always loved how much Kirk loved his comic books and horror movies. You could listen to him go on and on for hours and never get bored of him talking. You’d been in love with him since the moment you met him. When he joined Metallica you quickly became friends with all of the guys. You’d loved watching him play and being around him. There was simply just nothing better than being with him.
Though, one thing you never did was go to prom. It felt stupid and it seemed like a dumb thing to think about, but when you looked back at pictures from high school you’d always wished you had a picture in some stupid dress standing next to him. He knew this. He hated high school dances and didn’t really care, but he knew it was important to you, so when he surprised you with a “prom” at your old high school you were over the moon. It was just you, Kirk, James, Cliff, and Lars but it was going to be perfect regardless. Because you had him.
You wore a long, mint green, satin dress. It was a corset like dress that helped extenuate your body while still trying to look nice. There were laces up the back that showed your freshly tanned skin. Kirk wore a white shirt that was only halfway buttoned and black jeans with his black converse. He never cared for school dances in high school but he knew this was important to you and he wanted to do this to surprise you. So if you could only get jeans and a nice shirt then you’d take it. It being mostly unbuttoned was just a plus. You were standing in your backyard waiting for him to walk out with your corsage.
"You look beautiful," Kirk said as he walked out of the house. A smile spread across your face.
"Thank you, baby. You don't look too bad yourself," You giggled. Kirk chuckled and grabbed the corsage and wrapped it on your wrist. James and Lars giggled as they were snapping picture after picture as the two of you got ready. Kirk leaned in, his lips touching your ear.
"We should just ditch the whole thing. I can take you to the hotel and we can have a good time," Kirk whispered. You playfully hit his shoulder.
"Pose for the damn picture," You laughed out. He rolled his eyes and put his hand around your waist and looked at the camera. The two of you smiled taking a couple nice pictures before you both broke out into silly faces. Kirk ushered me to his car and we got in.
"You sure you wanna go to the dance and not just back to the hotel?" Kirk asked as he started the car. You laughed.
"I'm sure. Now lets go try to have a good time," You responded.
That's what the two of you did. You went and danced and ate some food. You both drank and smoked weed, getting undeniably high as fuck. You talked all night long, not even worrying about anything else. James, Lars, and Cliff all brought random girls to keep them company. They were all dressed up and getting shitfaced. You couldn’t help but smile at how sweet the whole thing was, but mostly you were just focused on Kirk and how happy he made you. You grabbed his hand and lead him out into the hallway and to your old locker. He pushed you against them just like he used to and connected your lips in a feverish kiss. The taste of weed and beer still on his you.
“Can we go back to the hotel now?” Kirk mumbled against your lips, his hand traveled up the strings of your dress, grazing the skin.
“Mhm…” You mumbled back with a nod. Kirk smiled and lifted you up bridal style before running back toward his car. You giggled as he ran.
You quickly arrived at the hotel and he lead you into the room and sat you on the edge of the bed. Your heart was full everything feeling so heightened. You two had sex all the time but for some reason this felt so much more intimate. He sat next to you on the bed and carefully undid the ties of your dress. He helped you out of it before pressing his lips to yours.
“You’re beautiful,” Kirk breathed out as he pushed you down on the bed. He trailed kisses down your chest and torso. His hands hooked around the lace of your thong before carefully pulling it off. A small groan left his lips as he stared at you, “so beautiful.”
He gently kissed down your thigh before settling between your legs. He licked between your folds groaning as he did so. Your hand tangled in his hair as a moan left your lips. He started to fuck you with his tongue, his thumb rolling against your clit.
“Fuck…Kirk…” You moaned out as your hand tangled into his hair. Kirk’s tongue quickly pumped in lapping up every last molecule. He groaned as he moved feeling you spasm beneath him.
“You’re so good,” Kirk mumbled, “So wet. So good.”
Your hips bucked against his tongue. He pressed your waist down on the bed and started to move his tongue quickly. His thumb spreading up against your clit. You were soon moaning out and finishing all over his tongue. He licked up your slick before standing up.
Your hands went to his shirt and quickly undid the rest of the buttons while he pulled himself out of his jeans. He was now standing in front of you naked, his dick standing tall and ready for you. He quickly pushed into you a loud moan leaving your lips as you adjusted.
“You’re so beautiful.” He groaned, “you’re so fucking wet.”
His hips started to rock and long moans left your mouth. Your hands gripped his back and your nails slowly raked down his back. He moaned out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He slowly picked up his pace ramming into you harder. He picked up your thigh and he lit by his stomach adjusting the angle. He fell in deeper hitting every spot perfectly.
“Kirk…oh my god,” you moaned out.
“That’s it, baby,” Kirk breathed out. He moved slightly faster.
“Don’t stop. That’s it. Yes…” you moaned out. He nodded and kept his pace ramming into you over and over. Your body started to shake and you loudly came, his name falling from your mouth
“Fuck…” Kirk groaned out. His hips still moving quickly chasing his orgasm. Your moans turned into loud whimpers as he kept going. Overstimulated and sensitive as he kept moving against you.
“Come on baby,” you whined. His head fell back and a loud moan left his mouth. He pulled out and came all over your stomach.
“Fuck…” Kirk said breathlessly. You nodded in agreement.
“Was this a good prom night?” Kirk chuckled out as he pulled away for a moment.
You nodded and smiled, “wouldn’t imagine it any other way, my love.”
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terresdebrume · 2 days
Re: dancer!Charles
Not to give myself ideas for an AU I can't really write (but also spitballing a bit for down on my knees) I just love the idea of au!Charles dancing because he's got to put his energy somewhere and things like cricket are great but don't have the same space for the anger than art has
And then Niko (who has the silhouette of a ballet dancer) who followed a shy friend for moral support and found herself enjoying the trial class so much, especially when that nice guy with the smile and the earring went out of his way to put her at ease, that she just... Stays
And them just becoming the most unlikely duo in the class but also they appreciate and trust each other enough that it works and they enjoy themselves every time
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Immortal with an immortal S/o pls(maybe where the s/o isn't a hero)
The Immortal x Immortal male reader
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Im going off my personal headcanon that Immortals name is Abraham or Abe, just cuz its easier to write. A shorty but a goody. I was listening to old people music, cuz I kept imagining them acting like an old married couple.
Having an immortal partner would be something that helps Abes mental state quite a lot, since one of the reasons he struggles mentally is the fact that the people he loves keeps dying from one thing or another.
How you are immortal doesn’t really matter, even if it strong effects your physical appearance. As long as you can come back like immortal can, or somehow can’t die at all.
Maybe you stood by his side back during the beginning of his hero acts, back before it was called being a hero and it was just Abe wanting the best for the world and its people. But you quickly realize being a hero like that isn’t for you.
You do your own thing when Abe goes out to be a hero. You guys have both been alive for so long that neither of you really get jealous or worry too much if you don’t see each other for months. It’s nice to keep in touch though, and you guys make sure to meet up as much as you can.
Maybe you are more focused on something like the arts, performing, writing, and so on. Or you might even be more active in helping the little guy, like food banks and the likes.
Maybe you live in a cabin far away from the cities, up in the mountains where even the GDA leaves you alone. So, its somewhere Abe can come and just relax and be himself. Cue him coming back from a stressful meeting with the guardians, and he immediately relaxes when he hears the music playing from wherever you are.
You are both very old, which means your tastes are kinda dated. With you not being so busy being a hero, you can be a bit more modern, but there’s still lots of old things that make you nostalgic, and stuff you two like to do together.
I could imagine that Abe quite likes to do domestic things together the old way. Like cooking with the old tools, no modern machines or crazy inventions. Just you two, your hands, and whatever tools you guys have had since the 50s.
You guys would also dress quite old at times, even if it was on accident. People end up thinking you guys are some of those people who dress up and act out old times. It gets a little funny when you guys meet other people who do that, who all gush at how great your outfits are, unaware that it’s so good because its actually your clothes from back then.
Abe is also old school romantic. You bet he brings you flowers. You bet he still acts like he’s courting you like some kind of knight. And you bet he gets scandalized and flustered being too affectionate in public. You find it adorable though.
It’s a very common occurrence for you two to dance together. Be it in your kitchen or living room with oldies playing. Or at those clubs that are for the people dressing up and acting like it’s the 50s for fun.
You guys have most likely also been married for many many years. Way before it became illegal for two men to be married, and maybe even before marriage is as we know it now. But Abe would be so flustered thinking about marrying you again.
You can tell what he’s fumbling about since you’ve known him for so long, but its so endearing that you just let him work up the guts to propose again, probably for the 10th time in your guys long lives.
All in all, you help center Abe much more than he is in canon, since he doesn’t have to worry about you growing old and dying, or just you dying in general. He still worries of course, I don’t think he ever doesn’t worry, but its not as bad.
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fanmoose12 · 1 day
Hello Fanmoose 🤎
I just saw your post with the Fanfiction Tropes! I choose #42 the big damn kiss.
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Generally, February is a pretty hectic month for Hange. It doesn’t by any means come even close to how January makes them feel - the first month of the year usually brings so much chaos that even they struggle to keep up with it all, and while, in that regard, February is a lot much calmer, the exhaustion from the stress accumulated during the month prior entirely drains Hange off all energy. 
And, somehow, this year it feels even worse. 
St. Valentine’s Day that Hange ordinarily adores, because there is little they love more than showing people that they love just how much they love them, this year seems more like a dreaded nightmare. 
It’s Hange’s own fault, of course, and they’re very well aware of that - it was their decision to participate in the annual dance contest, and it was their own pettiness that drove them to make that very same decision. But logic matters not, when their pride is wounded, and they’re ready to do anything to win against their last year’s partner, and, subsequently, unfortunately, their ex, and they have to do it in the most over the top way possible too. They have to wipe that smug smirk off Zeke’s face, to humiliate and crush him - treat him the same way that he treated them.
Which is what they have been training and rehearsing for so relentlessly, spending more time in a dance class than they ever did. Which is why, most probably, Moblit suffered the way that he did. 
And as Hange sees his face contort in pain and his ankle start to swell and turn angry red, their determination takes a form of what it truly is - a childish, pathetic and selfish act that ended with their friend getting hurt. 
Their vigor nearly dies right there and then, but– still survives, unfortunately. 
Hange is in too deep already, they must snatch victory out of Zeke and his new girlfriend Pieck’s hands, so after they help Moblit get back to his room, bring ice for his ankle and his favorite brand of chocolate for his fallen spirits, promising to buy him lunch for the entirety of the next week, they make themself cozy on his couch and begin to think about their next move. 
They need to find a new partner, that much is obvious, but who can they even go to with such a request? 
Their brother Mike is deemed unsuitable immediately, the contest, after all, is only for couples. And beating your ex with the help of your older brother seems a little too pathetic, even in Hange’s case. Unfortunately, they can’t ask Erwin for help too: there is probably not a single soul in their university who hasn’t heard - and, on numerous occasions, witnessed - the great love story that is unfolding between him and Mike. Of course, Hange could go to Nanaba and bribe with her some kind of generous offer - a bottle of her favorite wine or that cactus she’s been fawning over ever since she laid her eyes upon it in a local flower shop, but, although, Nanaba is undeniably kind and unbelievably easy to bribe, she’s also very obviously done with the whole drama surrounding Hange and Zeke’s failed romance. Being a part of a vindictive scheme is probably the last thing that she’d want to do. Hange can always ask Nifa, the girl is too nice to reject them, but after already hurting one member of their science club, they are a bit apprehensive of involving another one. 
And that leaves them with just one option, an option they wouldn’t really consider as such, but– Levi hates Zeke too, doesn’t he? For entirely different reasons, of course, but the animosity is there, and, maybe, Hange can play off it. 
Levi will probably deny them at first, but with a bit of persuading, pestering and - good-humored, naturally - tormenting, they’re sure he’ll come around. 
He must come around, he is Hange’s last and only chance. 
And they’ll do anything not to squander it. 
They set their plan in motion first thing in the morning, taking a seat beside Levi at the beginning of the lecture. 
Immediately - he eyes them warily, his eyebrow slightly raised. The reason for his suspicion is understandable - usually Hange occupies the first row, not the last one that Levi seems so fond of. But they’ve foreseen his apprehension, and they beat it swiftly - with a cheerful smile. 
Levi takes one look at that smile and– lets out a deep sigh. 
“What do you want from me this time?” he asks bluntly, and Hange would have been offended if they weren’t so annoyed by Levi’s ability to read them like a book. 
And since Levi doesn’t have the patience to bear around the bush, Hange doesn’t do so either. 
With that same - undeniably charming, if they can say so themself - smile, they grab his hand, hold it tightly, and proclaim rather loudly, “Help me, Levi Ackerman, you’re my only hope! Please be my boyfriend for the next two weeks!” 
In the first few seconds, Levi seems taken aback - his eyes are wide, his jaw grows slack, and if Hange is not mistaken by the artificial light of the lecture room, his cheeks gain color as well, but then his gaze darts to the entrance, where a limping Moblit is approaching his usual seat, and the realization dawns on him. 
And he yanks his hand out of Hange’s grasp. 
“Are you for real, four-eyes? You’re still fixated on that jerk?” 
“I’m not–” Hange starts, their voice raised in outrage before they notice the annoyed looks of their fellow students. They take a pause then, will their voice to quieten, although it remains just as strict. “I’m not fixated on him! Or anyone else for that matter!” they hiss in Levi’s face. “I just want to beat him!” 
Levi raises an eyebrow, looking so unimpressed that Hange starts to rethink their whole plan altogether. Maybe, Nanaba would be more agreeable, after all. 
“Do you really want to beat him?” Levi asks. “Or just get him back?” 
“Oh fuck you! I’m not that pathetic, you know?” 
“The whole campus seems to think otherwise.” 
“Well then fuck all of them too,” Hange declares, crossing arms on their chest and turning their face away from Levi’s too sharp eyes. They can’t believe that he out of all people would turn out to be such an asshole about that. 
They rise up, ready to storm out and proudly march to their usual seat. Levi’s hand on their elbow stops them, though. 
“Is that really it?” he asks, staring into their eyes with intensity Hange has never noticed in him. “You just want to beat him?” 
“Well…” Hange’s lips curl into a wry smile. “And, preferably, humiliate him greatly in the process.”
Levi stares at them for another inexplicably long moment, before he returns his gaze back to his nothers. 
“Alright then,” he says, “I’m in.” 
Hange squeals, and - ignoring the very pointed and very irritated glares of other students - pulls Levi into a hug. 
He grumbles something nearly illegible, but - doesn’t push them away. 
Hange counts it as another win. 
Their first rehearsal, to which Hange drags Levi as soon as their last lecture ends, is… awkward, to say the least. 
It’s not in Hange’s nature to be shy, and they know they’re quite tactile, and it’s not like they’ve never touched Levi before. Even with his disagreeable self, there is a hand upon his shoulder there and their legs thrown over his lap here, an occasional hug, and, for god’s sake, they even slept alongside him in his bed during those few incidents when Hange was too drunk to make it to their own. 
They’ve been friends since high school, and, although oftentimes Levi acts like he’s repulsed just by their presence alone, Hange knows it to be nothing more than a facade under which he hides his softer - and, dare they say, absolutely adorable - side. 
But now, seeing him in the light of a cold and lazy February’s sun that flickers through the window of a dance class and standing so close to him while being very much not drunk, Hange feels… strange. There is a strange flutter in their chest and their belly feels strangely warm, and they’re certain that this warmth has already traveled to their cheeks. 
It’s the strange intensity in Levi’s gaze that is to blame, Hange is sure of it. What they’re not sure of if it has always been there. Did he always look at them this way? Did they just never notice? 
“Oi,” he snaps abruptly, putting an end to Hange’s reverie. “Are we going to do something? Or just stand for the whole day?” 
“Right!” Hange forces a giggle out, knowing it sounds way too weak to appear genuine but not knowing how else to hide their embarrassment. Embarrassment they very - if ever - feel, especially in the presence of someone as familiar to them as Levi. They shake their head, banishing these ridiculous thoughts, and focus on a task at hand. Moving even closer into Levi’s personal space, they take his palm and place it on their shoulder, "So, this goes here,” they murmur, mostly to distract themself from what they’re about to do next, “and this goes here,” they put their hand on Levi’s waist, and then, as the final touch, they take his free hand in their own, “and that’s… how we begin.” 
“So you’ll be the one to lead?” 
If Hange’s hand wasn’t held by Levi, they would have smacked their forehead. Of course! How could they forget! They’ve practiced the routine with Moblit before, and he, for the most part, was on board with everything Hange offered. But Levi is not Moblit. He is not so… gullible. And he’s quite stubborn, when he wants to be. 
What if he refuses to be the led one? 
“Are you against it?” Hange asks, tentatively, afraid to hear the answer. If Levi truly is against it, they would need to relearn the whole routine, and with only a week and a half before the competition, they’re unsure if they’re up to it. After all, they’re a scientist, not a dance master. 
But Levi dismisses their worries quickly, with a mere shrug. 
“I don’t really care. Whatever makes the asshole lose.” 
Hange surprises even themself with how relieved their chuckle is. They make eye contact with Levi, wait for him to give them a nod, and then start slowly leading him through the routine. 
It’s nothing crazy, naturally, Hange does like dancing, but they’ve never invested much time in perfecting that skill, more focused on their academic talents, but it’s still complicated enough - they do have to flabbergast everyone, juries and, especially, Zeke included - and, at first, Levi struggles to follow, his legs constantly getting tangled up in an effort to match Hange’s pace. But he catches up fairly quickly, he certainly is a quick learner, and as he gets more familiar with the routine, he grows more confident, and– starts to move so gracefully that Hange, who knows the dance like the back of their hand already, feels a little slighted. But the feeling goes away swiftly, as in its stead appears gratitude and a sense of awe. 
They really couldn’t find a better replacement for Moblit. 
The sun has already set by the time Hange’s body tells them that it’s time to quit. Dancing with Levi is not just easy, it’s surprisingly fun too, and, as a result, they lose track of time completely. They fail to notice just how exhausted they feel too, and it’s only as they get dizzy from yet another turn that Hange registers the pain in their legs. 
They motion Levi to stop, and plop down to the floor right where they stood, sprawling across the hard floor of the dance class. 
“Disgusting,” Levi comments, but takes a seat next to them. He kicks their shin, waits until Hange turns their head in his direction, and asks. “Except this, do we need to do something else?”
Be it their exhaustion that turns their mind sluggish or just Levi’s cryptic and concise way of communicating, but they can only find one answer to his question, “Huh?” 
Levi rolls his eyes like he often does in their presence, and explains. Or, attempts to anyway. “You said I need to be your boyfriend. Does that mean–”
“Oh!” a metaphorical lightbulb flashes over Hange’s head. They chuckled and wave their hand dismissively. “Dunno. I honestly didn’t think about it much, but I guess… we should hang out more, just the two of us, you know? Nothing more than that. I mean, no offense, but I doubt you can act all lovey-dovey with me.” 
Strangely, Levi does take offense. His jaw clenches and his eyes narrow, some emotion coming to life inside them that he hides before Hange has a chance to decipher it. “I could,” he says, voice strangely hollow, as he stands up, not looking at Hange anymore. “If I really was your boyfriend.” 
Not saying another word, not even bothering with a goodbye, he walks out of the dance class, leaving Hange alone, still laying on the floor, and so, so confused. 
Hange tries not to let Levi’s words get into their head. They really, really do. They attempt to chalk it all up to him being clumsy with his words, he’s known for that, after all. But usually Hange can easily understand what Levi’s really trying to say. Their friends even call them Levi’s personal translator, because no matter the state they’re in, they always find the meaning in Levi’s short and, oftentimes confusing, remarks. But–
But if Levi meant what they think he meant then– no, it can’t be. It is utterly ridiculous. Even the notion is completely fanciful. 
They just were tired, and, maybe, a bit affected by the whole experience. Dancing, after all, is quite an intimate affair. And while they didn’t feel anything even remotely resembling that with Moblit, it’s simply because Moblit is, well, Moblit. Good-looking, certainly, but not in the way that Hange prefers. He lacks the edge that gets them so excited. 
Levi has that edge, however, and Hange would have to be completely blind or blatantly lying to deny his handsomeness. 
Perhaps, it’s simply natural to feel this way while in such close proximity with him. It’s strictly physiological. It’s not like any deeper feelings are involved. 
And, certainly, Levi does not reciprocate them. It’s all just in their head, and it will go away as soon as this whole farce with fake relationship is over. 
They just need to win the competition, there is no place in their mind for anything besides that. 
For the next week, they rehearse almost daily, stopping more often than not when they’re either too tired to continue or so sweaty they can’t stand to be so close to one another. The routine evolves a bit, getting more complicated and so, so much better.  
As does their relationship. 
The necessity to spend so much time alone with Levi pushes Hange to realization that although they’ve known him for so long, they don’t really know him all that much. It shouldn’t be surprising to be honest, he does tend to stick to the background, after all, and it’s understandable why his persona oftentimes gets overlooked in a group of friends as rowdy as theirs is. 
But now that Hange pays more attention to him and him only, they discover many hidden sides of him that they had no idea existed. But now that they do, they’re so very eager to explore them in more depth. 
For starters, they find out just how funny Levi truly is. They’ve heard his cutting remarks many times before, of course, they’ve laughed at them just as often, but now that there are just the two of them, no raucous laughter from Mike or teasing jests from Nanaba, Hange develops a new fondness for his humor, dry as though it might be. 
He’s also unbelievably considerate, a trait of his that before Hange was only vaguely aware of. But now they see just how kind Levi is, albeit he does express it in very peculiar ways. He pushes into Hange’s hands his lunch, saying that he accidentally made way too much, he gives them mittens, claiming that he does not need them, he walks them to their dorm after their dancing sessions because, apparently, he sleeps way better after a stroll, he brings them coffee in the morning, cursing the barista in the local cafe, who mixed up his order for the third time in a row. The kind gestures are adorable and heart-warming to no end, and the badly executed attempts to cover them up make Hange brim with fondness for him.
He’s surprisingly attentive too, not just tolerating Hange’s endless rambling but actually listening to it as well. He barely participates in conversation, no matter what it is about, but he always listens, hums or shakes his head to express his agreement or disbelief. 
And– what perplexes Hange most of all - he helps them sell the story of being madly in love when even Hange themself doesn’t think to do so. He sits just a little too close, when they eat in cafeteria, holds their hand as they go to fill the application form to join the contest, and once, as Zeke passes by them in a hallway, he wraps an arm around their waist, pulling their side flash against his. 
The act is spontaneous, his palm on their waist is so warm that it snatches air right out of Hange’s lungs. 
He lets go of them just as abruptly as he pulled them in, and instantly - they lament the loss of his touch. 
And it’s such a ridiculous, completely irrational thought - not only Levi is their friend, but don’t they touch on a daily basis? Aren’t they just as close - if not more - when they’re dancing? 
But this feels different, somehow. It was technically unprompted, after all, Hange didn’t ask that of him. 
And it’s this very thought that makes them question - why does Levi even go along with their crazy idea? Why a man as blunt as stubborn as he is, didn’t just tell them to fuck off? 
With Moblit, at least, there were no doubts. He’s as loyal as they come, and on top of that Hange promised to tutor him in biochemistry to return the favor. With Moblit, there were no secret motives. 
Does Levi have any? 
Hange doesn’t know, and they hate not knowing, so they decide not to torment themself, not come up with any more ridiculous conclusions, and simply ask like– well, like normal people do. 
And so, after yet another rehearsal, just four days before the contest, ask they do. 
“So,” they begin, as they sit down to take a much needed breather. They feel too awkward, clumsy, completely out of their element, but Hange braves through, even going as far as to meet Levi’s eyes. “I know I asked a lot of you with this whole contest thing, and I know, you’re not exactly a shy type, so I’ve been wondering… do you want something in return? Maybe, my lecture notes, or–” 
“No, nothing like that,” Levi answers. “I haven’t decided what I want yet, but…” he pauses, and for the briefest moments, for half a heartbeat, his eyes dart to Hange’s lips. They notice it, it’s hard not to, but– they don’t know how to feel about it. At least, their mind does not. Their body, however, feels like it’s caught fire. Their cheeks grow hot, their heart beats so, so fast and in their stomach - there is again that strange warm feeling. “Can I tell you after the contest?” 
Levi’s voice is calm, level. Hange desperately tries to match it. 
“You mean after we beat that pathetic loser?” they say with a chuckle that rings far too hollow. “Sure! You can ask anything of me!” 
Their words, the easy promise echoes in their head long after they’ve said it. It still rings in their ears even as they go to bed. 
Anything, they’ve said. And with seeping dread, Hange realizes they might really mean it. 
The last night before the contest is the toughest rehearsal they’ve yet had. 
Hange’s moves are out of rhythm, uncoordinated, they’re either too quick or too slow. They’re completely out of sync with Levi, which hasn’t happened… since their very first session. 
After one too many accidents of a stomped foot, a low growl rips out of Levi’s throat. He yanks his hand out of Hange’s grasp, marches to turn the music off and turns to look at them, eyes fiery and far too dark. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you that nervous?” 
“No!” Hange quickly lies, averting their eyes from Levi’s too intense gaze. 
But he lets them have none of it. He’s by their side in an instant, and first - he pulls on Hange’s hand until they take a sit on the floor, then - he keeps hold of that same hand, snatching their right to pretend that nothing’s wrong with them. 
“You realize that the world is not going to end if we lose to Zeke, right?” he asks, with far more softness than Hange thought he had in him. “Someone else might win the contest. And even if we do win and beat him fair and square, he’ll continue to be an insufferable dick. It’s not going to fix him, Hange.” 
You are not going to fix him, hangs heavily in the air, and that– that makes Hange laugh. Because it’s not their goal, not at all, at least - not anymore. Perhaps, if they were honest with themself, they did want to get Zeke back. They’ve missed him for much longer than the jerk deserved. They’ve craved the exhilarating feeling of being cherished, understood and listened to that he gave them. But– it’s not what they want now. Or, rather - it’s not Zeke that can provide that to them. Now, they have an entirely different problem. A problem that came out of nowhere and doesn’t seem so easily fixed. 
A problem in a shape of one Levi Ackerman. 
They like spending time with him, perhaps a bit too much, like hanging out and exchanging silly jokes, like sharing lunches, like rambling to him about anything and everything and catching his gaze on them, knowing that he listens, even if he is not particularly interested in the topic. They like dancing with him too, a lot, but more than that - they like having him so close. 
Levi is warm and solid, and so gentle that butterflies in their stomach often make Hange feel dizzy. And his eyes - that fascinating color they've always compared to steel in their head, in the artificial light and when they’re aimed at Hange, now seem like a sky on windy, chilly days that are best spent indoors with a cup of tea and an exciting book. 
Only Levi’s arms are far warmer than any cup of tea, and he himself is far more fascinating than any book that Hange has ever read. 
Levi is amazing, they’ve come to realize, and that realization feels like a brick that’s fallen on their head. Well, hadn’t he always told Hange that they’re a bit too soft in the head? He was right, perhaps. Perhaps, he knew Hange far more better than they knew him. 
Hange chuckles softly at their silly thoughts, and, catching Levi’s confused glare, they smile at him and say, “I don’t want Zeke, not anymore.” 
The rest of the rehearsal goes on without a hitch. 
The night of the contest is very different from what Hange imagined it would be. 
There is just as insane amount of little hearts streaming from the ceiling as they expected, the public is as rowdy and cheers for their friends just as loudly, but what is missing is the thrill, the nerves, Hange’s very own clammy hands and wildly beating heart. 
Instead of anxiety or anticipation, there is only a sense of melancholy that threatens to swallow them whole. 
Tonight is the last time, after all. The last time that they’ll dance with Levi. And the last day that he needs to pretend to be their boyfriend and spend nearly all his time by their side.
They surely will miss it, they surely will miss Levi’s glares, his dry remarks, his blink-and-miss-it smiles, the warmth of his touch and the giddy feeling that being so close to him brought to them. 
Everything will return back to normal after this night. Levi will return to his position as a friend Hange only occasionally hangs out with. 
Too bad that now they wish to be someone more to him. 
“Zeke looks even uglier with that beard. You definitely dodged a bullet there, four-eyes. Imagine kissing that face.” 
It’s with a start that Hange turns to look at Levi. They haven’t realized he was standing so close to them. And they haven’t realized that it’s Zeke’s turn to perform now. 
How laughable, they think, allowing themself a little moment of self-pity, they've spent so much time and effort to beat Zeke, and now they don’t even follow his routine. 
But nothing is out of usual, is it? It’s just in their nature - jumping from one fixation to another and losing themself completely in it. 
“Not even reacting to my jokes now? It’s pretty rude, you know?” Levi now inches closer, his breath warming Hange’s ear. Like that, it’s very hard not to shiver. 
Like that, it’s very hard not to think how much they want him. 
“Sorry,” they put as much conviction as they can but the chuckle still comes out incredibly forced. “I was just zoning out.” 
“You looked sad,” Levi says, his mouth pulled in a displeased expression. “Is it because of–”
“Of course not!” Hange denies hastily. And just as hastily they take Levi by the hand. They don’t know even as they do it why they do it, but– Levi’s hand is warm and soft and fits right into theirs. And– he does not pull back. 
That is enough for Hange to await their turn with a smile on their face. 
When their names are announced and they’re ushered onto the scene, the nerves do get the best of Hange, but - only for a fleeting moment. 
They look away from the crowd, missing the smug smirk on Zeke’s face, they tune out all the cheering and applause, and focus only on the music and a man in front of them. 
Gliding through the stage is easy when they know Levi follows them, that he will mirror their every step and move. Hange forgets about everything, lets emotions wash over them as they enjoy their last dance with him. 
The music swells, coming to a climax only at the very end, as Hange, with all the dramatics they can muster and not breaking eye contact with Levi, dips him. 
The song ends on a high note and the crowd’s cheering fill the silence instantly, and Hange is ready to straighten their partner, when something unexpected happens. 
That unexpected comes in the form of Levi’s hand fisted in their tie and pulling on it until Hange’s face is inches away from his. The unexpected doesn’t stop there, and it blows Hange’s mind completely, when Levi crushes his lips against theirs. 
The kiss is sudden - and that is quite an understatement - and it is sloppy, uncoordinated, their positions are too uncomfortable to allow it to be anything less than that, but none of that matters, none of that makes this moment any less precious to Hange. They lose themself in it, the world fading to the background instantly, but all too soon - Levi pulls back. 
“I made you chocolate,” he whispers in the small space between their lips. “Be my Valentine?” 
Quick and sure, without even a shadow of a doubt, Hange answers - by kissing Levi once again. They put too much force, too much feeling in it, and as a result, both of them end up in a mess of limbs on the floor. 
The public dissolves into cheery laughter right away, and so does Hange, and after a quick beat - Levi joins as well. 
He looks so handsome like this - with cheeks red, lips swollen and eyes sparkling. Hange can’t tear their gaze away from him, they don’t want this moment to ever end. It sadly does when one of the professors ushers them off scene with a strict voice and badly hidden smile. But Hange doesn’t let that small hindrance put their mood down. They help Levi get to his feet, clasp his hand tightly in theirs and lead him to a more secure place, away from the public’s greedy eyes. 
That night, they don’t find out who won the competition. That night, they find themself preoccupied with far more pressing matters. That night turns out to be the very first one of the many, many more to come.
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cetaitlaverite · 1 day
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
masterlist is linked here in case you missed it and you're interested, the bonus chapter of the first night freddie and rosie spent together in his plane is linked here <3
26. Bärchen
With a hand shielding her eyes, as though she could somehow protect herself from the words Freddie was about to throw at her, Jem let out an almighty huff. “Fred, don’t tell me what I think you’re going to tell me.”
Freddie had her hands clasped behind her back, swinging her hips left and right coquettishly with a pleased little smile on her lips. “Depends on what you think I’m going to tell you.”
“Good or bad news?” Millie asked suspiciously, sitting in the grass around the back of the wireless operators’ nissen hut. Her head was tipped back to rest against the wall behind her, her eyes fixed on Freddie warily. The morning sunshine made the strawberry blonde of her hair appear strikingly red.
Freddie smiled innocently. “Good news!” she chirped. “Very good, I think. And if you love me you’ll be happy.”
“You and Rosie are back together,” Jem said blankly, as though tired of the preamble.
Now it was Freddie’s turn to huff. “Jem, that was my news and I was supposed to announce it!”
Millie snorted. “Fred, you are so predictable it’s unreal. The fact you thought we didn’t anticipate you and Rosie returning from your little holiday thick as thieves is laughable.”
Freddie wasn’t sure whether she was supposed to feel offended. “Well, I didn’t know.”
Jem scoffed.
“Okay, well, maybe I thought it might be nice if all of my anger finally faded away if we went home again,” Freddie amended. “But I didn’t anticipate telling him I love him.”
“What?” Jem’s eyes shot open, the hand shielding them falling instantly to her side.
Freddie smiled smugly. “Ha! Didn’t anticipate that one, did you?”
“You told Rosie you love him?” Millie asked, sitting up straight in the grass. Even Meatball, lying beside her, tilted his head, sensing a change in the tone of conversation.
Freddie’s smile turned sheepish. “It kind of slipped out. Daniel’s mother caught us dancing outside together when we came back from the jazz club.” Freddie launched into a hasty retelling of the argument which had ensued and how her confession of love to Rosie had fit into it. By the time she was finished, Millie and Jem looked decidedly less wary of the entire situation.
“So everything’s back the way it was before?” Jem asked after a beat in which the story settled on the air between them. “You’re just pretending the break up never happened?”
“I apologised for what I said, if that’s what you mean,” Freddie answered her steadily. “Because I was spiteful and unkind. But I don’t see any real reason to drag out the argument any further. I love him and he loves me and that is so special, after everything which happened with Daniel. It’s important. When you first met me did you ever think I’d get to this place ever again? Even this time last year the idea would have been preposterous. I would have laughed in your face if you’d told me I’d fall in love again.”
With a soft sigh, Millie pushed herself to her feet. She approached Freddie and took hold of both of her hands, considering her for a moment, before grinning and using her hold on Freddie’s hands to pull her into a hug. “I’m proud of you, Fred,” she said into her shoulder. “I know it’s not always easy for you but you’re always trying so hard and I’m proud of you.”
Freddie smiled into Millie’s shoulder. “I don’t have to try so hard anymore, really. Not with Rosie. Sometimes I have to be brave but he makes everything feel so safe and so easy. I find it impossible to be angry with him for long.”
When Millie pulled away from their hug Jem was right there and waiting for one of her own. “If he goes down I’ll still fucking kill him,” she warned, wrapping her arms tight around Freddie.
Freddie laughed.
“But I’m proud of you too, Fred,” Jem went on. “You know I only ever want you to be happy, don’t you?” Momentarily, Jem pulled away from the hug and rested both of her hands on Freddie’s shoulders. Her gaze was serious. “When I’m suspicious of Rosie or I complain about him it’s only because I care about you and I don’t want you to get hurt, you know that, don’t you? I think he’s really good for you, and I don’t want you to think I’m being unsupportive.”
Freddie smiled and hugged her tight. “I know, Jemmy,” she whispered. “You’re looking out for me. I wouldn’t ever want you to be any other way.”
But while Freddie and Rosie were formally back together, back on base they saw each other almost as little as they had before spending the weekend in Oxford. Work had picked up prominently; Rosie was flying again and he was flying often, and Freddie knew without having to be told that her workload was increasing day after day in preparation for a big invasion of Europe.
She looked over countless flight plans for Croz, circling the locations where Luftwaffe resistance was likely to be the most oppressive in red ink, and combed back through every transcript she could get her hands on of previous manipulation attempts as part of Operation Corona. As time wore on she started to receive some specifics. The invasion was going through France, so she should prepare specifically to target France-based Luftwaffe efforts. Incidentally, it did matter to her planning where they should expect the planes to be coming from.
Later and later into the night she remained in her office. No one batted an eye because she wasn’t the only one. Croz was likely single-handedly causing a coffee shortage in the south east of England - Freddie wasn’t sure he had slept since March - and the bags under Jack’s eyes were so dark against his pale skin they almost looked like bruises.
Freddie’s office was a mess. There were piles of paper everywhere, some screwed up in balls where she’d become frustrated with her own plans and tried to toss them into the bin and missed. Her shoes were strewn halfway across the floor along with a couple of Meatball’s toys from Christmas. Her jacket was on the leather sofa - Meatball was currently using it as a pillow - and her tie was hanging off the back of her chair. The chaos was organised, at least to Freddie, but it was still chaos, and chaos it would remain until the invasion had come and gone.
Today, Freddie had skipped lunch. If she wanted to get to bed at a reasonable hour for once she simply couldn’t afford the luxury of leaving her office. She worked relentlessly, until her eyes burned and her throat ached for water, until the typewritten words on the pages in front of her started to blur together. She rubbed at them harshly until she could see straight again.
She wasn’t sure when Rosie had arrived. She hadn’t heard him come in. He called her name in a tone which suggested he’d been calling it for a while and when she looked up he was frowning, his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall opposite her. “You weren’t at dinner.”
Freddie nodded. “No time,” she said, turning back to her work.
“You weren’t at lunch, either.”
Freddie shrugged. She didn’t look up.
“Fred, the invasion ain’t tomorrow,” Rosie said.
“It might as well be,” Freddie replied, her focus largely on the pages in front of her. “I need to make sure we’re prepared. If working overtime for a little while helps to save lives then what does it matter in the grand scheme?”
Rosie sighed. “You won’t do your best work if you’re exhausted.”
Freddie shook her head, her eyes quickly scanning the words on the paper before her. “It’s muscle memory by now. My German’s native, I don’t have to think about it, and I know these missions. I just need to be sure -”
“You need to rest, Fred,” Rosie cut her off.
Freddie shook her head again. “I just need to get these done.”
She almost forgot he was standing there, watching her closely, as she fell back into the routine of her work. She marked out places where communication could be stronger, highlighted instances where orders had been evaded, distrusted, or confusing. All of this needed to be tightened. There needed to be no doubt on the day of the invasion that the fake orders they were giving the German fighter pilots were real.
The words she was reading became loud in her head. Her temples started to throb, thudding with the rhythm of them. Her eyes were blurring again. She squeezed them tightly shut a few times until her vision straightened, then went straight back to her work.
“Fred,” Rosie said with a sigh as she reached for a new set of papers, “the world won’t end if you take one night off to go on a date with your boyfriend.”
Freddie glanced up. This was the first she was hearing of a date. She rested both of her elbows on the desk and put her chin in her hands. “My job is important. I want to make sure we win -”
“Brilliant as you are, Fred - and you are brilliant - you aren’t gonna win us the war single-handedly, sweetheart. Especially not like this.” Rosie’s voice was soft and so were his eyes when she met them. He was always so gentle and patient. 
For seemingly no reason at all, Freddie’s bottom lip started to wobble.
Rosie was crouching beside her desk chair in an instant, turning it to face him.
“I’m just tired,” Freddie batted away his concern as she sniffled and pushed back her tears. “And I want to go on a date with you but I’ll feel so guilty if I don’t get my work done.”
“Just a short date,” Rosie reasoned, resting both of his elbows on her knees. His eyes were kind. “It’s warm today. I brought you some dinner and I thought we could have a picnic for dessert.”
Freddie smiled, reaching out and pushing back some of his hair. “Did you get chocolate?” she asked quietly.
He smiled wide, chuckling a bit under his breath. “I got so much chocolate,” he assured her. “The kitchen’ll probably put up warning posters once they see how much is missing.”
Freddie laughed. “My most favourite little thief,” she said fondly, still running her fingers through his hair, attempting to loosen the gel and free his curls. “Aren’t lawyers supposed to be loyal to the law at all costs?”
Rosie scoffed, grinning. “No. Lawyers just know how not to get caught.”
Laughing, Freddie leaned down to kiss his forehead. She let her lips linger there for a moment before sighing and withdrawing. “I can’t be gone for more than an hour,” she told him, keeping her eyes on him and the way his eyes lit up even as she began to organise the papers strewn across her desk into files.
“I’ll have you home before curfew, Fred, don’t you worry about that.”
Freddie laughed, rolling her eyes indulgently. “You’re so cheesy sometimes, Rosie.”
“I’m just in love,” Rosie dismissed her. “And who can blame me?”
Rosie had his military issue duffle bag waiting outside her office door - evidence Freddie hadn’t needed that he hadn’t been prepared to take no for an answer - and he picked it up to take with them as he led Freddie and Meatball to the airfield. 
It was deserted aside from some of the mechanics working on the planes. The ground crews paid Freddie and Rosie no mind - aside from Ken Lemmons, who called out his greetings. When Meatball ran over to greet his former babysitter, Ken promptly smothered him in attention, grinning as Meatball ran around his ankles and barked.
Rosie laid out an old blanket for him and Freddie to sit on and then set out his wares. Along with everything he’d taken from dinner for Freddie, he’d also managed to scavenge multiple chocolate bars and some strawberries. Freddie smiled as she watched him try to lay it out nicely for her.
Meatball, worn out from demanding Ken’s attention, made his way back over to them and laid down on the blanket behind them, content to laze in the warmth of the sunset. The sun was still setting so late. Freddie wondered if the government would decide to treble the daylight savings this year and have it still look as bright as midday at midnight.
Freddie started to eat the dinner Rosie had brought her quietly while Rosie entertained Meatball, playing fetch with one of the toys Meatball had brought along with them. Smiling, Freddie watched them and tried to imagine having this even after the war. Her, Rosie, and a dog, sitting outside to watch the sunset and having a picnic. It sounded like a dream.
“Is this our first date?” Freddie asked suddenly. She had just finished dinner and was watching idly as Rosie started to unwrap one of the chocolate bars.
He glanced up at her with a confused grin. “No. Of course not. It can’t be.”
“I think it is.” She shared his smile, cocking an eyebrow in challenge.
“What about all those times in my plane?” Rosie countered.
Freddie scoffed. “Those were not dates. They were…” She searched for an appropriate word. “Trysts,” she decided. “Rendezvous. I don’t know. But I’m disappointed to have to inform you, Major Rosenthal, that taking a girl to your plane to fool around does not constitute a date.”
Rosie laughed, rolling his eyes amusedly. “Alright, first of all, we don’t ‘fool around’. And second of all, if I remember correctly you were the one taking me to my plane the first time we made love.”
Freddie grinned. “Oh, yes, because you took so much convincing. Need I remind you I can’t actually get in without your help?”
“What about in Oxford, then?” Rosie challenged, returning to unwrapping the chocolate bar but grinning to himself as he did it. “When we got ice cream? When you showed me around? When we went to the jazz club?”
Freddie hummed thoughtfully. “Though you make a strong case, you remain incorrect. We got ice cream because I wanted ice cream and you agreed to go with me. I showed you around because that is what people tend to do when they take someone home with them. And the jazz club.” She had to consider her argument for a moment. “Well, the jazz club would be your most compelling argument, but considering it was my idea and I suggested it to you when we were still just friends, I don’t think it can be considered a date.”
Rosie tipped his head back and groaned playfully. “There was a rose on our table!”
Freddie raised both of her eyebrows as he met her eyes once more. “Did you put it there?”
“Did you ask them to put it there?”
“Then I fail to see the relevance.”
Rosie laughed, tossing the chocolate bar to the blanket so he could wrap both of his arms around Freddie and lift her to sit between his legs. “So hard to please,” he teased into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She giggled as he kissed her cheek and then her neck. “If all those weren’t dates then this ain’t a date either. If we’ve still got a first date to have then I wanna plan it properly.”
Freddie grinned, turning her face towards him and instantly receiving a kiss to her lips. She laughed. “After careful consideration I’ve decided to allow you to take me on a formal first date, Major. This will be a prologue, of sorts. A prelude.”
“A preview,” Rosie suggested, grinning.
“Right,” Freddie agreed. “A preview. Exactly.”
“When can I take you out on a real date?” His eyes were all lit up like he was looking at the stars.
Freddie smiled back at him, lifting a hand to caress his cheek fondly. “I believe that’s up to you, the Right Honourable Date Planner.”
“Alright,” Rosie conceded. “When would be a bad time to take you out?”
Freddie considered this. “Late at night or early in the morning,” she decided. “A good window of opportunity would be when we’d usually be in the officers’ club.”
“Gotcha,” Rosie confirmed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Freddie smiled, leaning in to nuzzle their noses together. “I look forward to seeing what you come up with.”
Freddie remained sitting between Rosie’s legs as they made a start on the dessert he’d acquired for them. She hummed happily as she alternated between the chocolate and the strawberries, smiling every time Rosie leaned down to press a kiss against the side of her face.
She could feel how in love he was feeling, sitting there on an old blanket in the middle of the airfield, eating stolen sweets as the sun set. He couldn’t seem to get his hands off of her, nor his lips. And Freddie resented that she’d been the reason they’d been kept apart for a little while. This new workload had come with a lot of consequences but the worst of them was making her take for granted the man who had her heart.
“Rosie, I love you,” Freddie declared as she finished her chocolate bar and turned to face him. She sat up on her knees between his legs and curled her arms around his neck. “I love you so bad.”
His smile was wide as he gazed back at her through the vibrant orange of the setting sun. “I love you too, Fred. So, so bad.”
She sat quietly and just looked at him for a little while, taking in his face and its happy glow, his curls and the almost red tint to their ends under the light of the sunset, the fond curve of his lips as he smiled, not for any particular reason other than contentedness.
“I love you so much,” Freddie whispered, brushing a kiss against his smiling lips. After Daniel was killed she thought she’d never love a man again, that she’d live a long, lonely life and die old, still dreaming of the love she’d lost at twenty-one. But here was Rosie and she loved him more than life itself, more than she’d imagined herself capable of feeling love anymore. He’d met all of her rebuttals with patience and acceptance and gifted her the love she had now by being willing to wait for it. “My angel,” she breathed, rubbing her thumb over his cheek as she cupped it. “My love.”
Rosie was smiling. His cheek was warm beneath her thumb. “How do you say ‘I love you’ in German?”
Freddie smiled and moved her thumb out of the way momentarily just so she could press a kiss to his blushing cheek. “Ich liebe dich,” she said. “But you can only use it with someone you’re in love with. You have to be absolutely sure.”
“Ich liebe dich,” Rosie said, trying hard to work out the unfamiliar syllables.
Freddie smiled, endeared by his attempt. “Ich lieb’ dich auch, Bärchen.”
“What does that mean?”
“Bärchen?” Rosie nodded, so she translated, “Little bear. It’s a term of endearment. You would only use it for a boyfriend or a husband and since Daniel hated German I’ve never really gotten to use it. But you -” she was smiling wide as she kissed the tip of his nose, “- are the most ‘Bärchen’ Bärchen I have ever met.”
“I’m a little bear?” Rosie scrunched his nose up, both in response to her kiss and to her claim.
Freddie laughed. “Not because you’re little! Because you’re precious. ‘Little’ is used in German terms of endearment more to emphasise the fondness you feel for something than for size. So a Junge is a young boy, but a Jungchen is a young boy you feel affection for, generally a son. He doesn’t have to be little. It’s the same with Bärchen. So you’re my Bärchen. Und ich lieb’ dich so sehr, ich könnte sterben.”
Rosie was smiling even though he couldn’t understand her. “Can you teach me some? I wanna be able to understand you when you speak German.”
Freddie grinned, sitting up straighter on her knees. “You want to learn German?”
Rosie tilted his head to the side as he gazed at her, his eyes flicking between the bright smile on her lips and the warmth in her eyes. “It’s a part of you. Maybe the only part of you I don’t understand yet.”
Freddie fell forward into his arms, curling her own around his neck as she kissed him repeatedly. “I love you,” she mumbled against his lips between kisses, again and again and again. “Ich lieb’ dich. I love you. I love you so bad it hurts.”
“I don’t want it to hurt,” Rosie said, pressing another kiss to her lips.
“It feels happy too,” Freddie reassured him. “Safe and warm and exciting. It just hurts when I don’t know how to express it clearly enough.”
Rosie smiled. “I think you do a pretty good job.”
Freddie shook her head. “You’ll never know how much I love you, whatever language I tell you in.”
“But I feel it.”
“Good.” Freddie smiled. She needed him to feel it. If there was one person in the whole world who deserved to know he was loved it was Rosie. She couldn’t stand the thought of him ever passing a day doubting it.
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staliaqueen · 30 days
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Headband 3.02
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#spinda#AAAHHHH YES!!! our belovèd spinda. from their café!!! probably one of my favorite minor characters from pmd sky#whom i don't even think was in the original explorers games. i think spinda's café was exclusive to sky. if i'm remembering correct#ly. or maybe that was shaymin village. i know shaymin village was for sure but maybe it was just that and not both of them. either way#have a delicious drink and allow the flower of conversation to bloom! i could quote spinda all day. he had “hopes and dreams” before toby#ever did. THAT'S ALSO like i had no idea what spinda's pronouns were. i kept trying to figure it out because i talked about him quite a lot‚#but no one in game ever talked about him. to mention his pronouns? turns out. there's ONE line of dialogue where the post office fucker in#shaymin village mentions him and calls him a he. i think that's the only time spinda is referred to in the third person with a pronoun#i believe it's when they're talking about like. how you can send gifts or whatever and pick up the characters' responses at spinda's café#which is still a really fucking good feature. of any video game. SEE WHAT I MEAN spinda and their café is just an incredibly good      Thing#it's to the point where my home wifi network is named “Spinda's Café Wi-Fi” because i love it so much. so if you're ever runnin around#and you see a wifi network by that name… it might be me! you never know! or… it could be the real deal. the real spinda's café is somewhere#nearby…! ugh. i wish. i would go there immediately#not even to mention all the other shit about this pokémon that's really good. like that they never walk in straight lines or whatever#their little dance. it's just.  huUGHKLJKAHJVDHJHDAJSVGD i love spinda. a nice pick-me-up after the underwhelmingness that was grumpig#shake it this way… shake it that way… and stir it all around… and it's done!
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beartitled · 1 month
Hi Bear!
I bring a weapon idea for you! (or your sona I'm not sure lmao)
I present to youuuuu
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The first one has HIVE-ish colour and the second one has colours that would go better with ur sona's colours (I think-)
I originally had idea that your sona could have a hammer but brain said nuh uh and went BATTLE AXE
I'm not very familiar with drawing weapons so it's very simplified skkskskksk
Feel free to add some details if you would like to :D
I can't get this out of my head so there's a chance I might doodle more ideas lmao
Now I shall dissappear and hyperfixate on weapons
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@braisedhoney @insomniphic @idunnowhattowriteheretbh
I’m so happy I was able to finish it and take my time to experiment with colours ✨✨
Big thanks to you CR2868✨
This was such a fun ask to answer, I hope you enjoyed the comic ❤️
Just letting you guys know
🐝Hive asks are always welcome🐝
I always enjoy doing fan content for the Hive, I love this cozy honey ship 🫵❤️
(They will take time to answer most of the time, but ya know 💥 art time comics lost of time 💥💥)
Reminding ppl that
Hive belongs to @braisedhoney
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If you’re new here and have no idea what Hive is
👉Check out @talesaboardthehive👈
Also in my navigation header you can find a bunch of silly comics I did for the Hive
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❗️smol reminder, my comics are not canon to the official Hive lore (only if Ney decides they are 🫡/ silly)
bumblebee puppy 🐝
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(I love him)
(he’s stinky, but I love him)
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moeblob · 21 days
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Ananza realizing that Deacon's mom was a devoted follower of hers THEREFORE that's her son now, too! And she will dote on him and love him and never pick on him like all the other deities tend to do. That's her precious little boy who lives in another city and rarely gets to see her!
#my characters#deacon gets mocked for being weird by every other deity but her and ymber (though he does think hes a TAD weird)#and ananza is like NOPE THATS MY LIL BOY !!! I LOVE HIM! and after deacon and ymber leave from their visit#she gets all huffy with fulj because YOU COMPLAINED ABOUT DEACON SO MUCH ??? my sweet lil angel?#and fulj just what - hey wait - did we meet the same person? sweet lil angel?#also for if you care cause i definitely do#ananza is like hmmmm since thats my son now i HAVE to give him something but .... ymber is so protective....#and then she is like OH YEAH ! ohime said deacon recognized my dance !#then she is like deacon please come dance with me i formally request a dance come here away from him please here hey#and since deacon is a nice guy hes like ok but i cant really dance well and shes just noooo worries!#and then as they dance she slowly gets him away from ymber and after they are at a decent distance she just#takes his hands in hers and then FWOOSH there's a bunch of wind and deacon is left speechless like ??? what was that?#and so then she is so proud to say that while ymber placed a very PASSIONATE blessing on him she did no such thing!#it is a simple blessing for him since hes like a son to her and hey it might not make you immune to stuff like drowning#but if you are ever in combat which i hope you arent then you will be super duper agile and quiet#and so hes like oh thats pretty cool actually! hey wait what did you mean by passionate hey what#but then the super light footsteps actually are not simply for combat and now hes just a very tall quiet guy#and since he cant remember faces if he sneaks up on someone and they say AGAIN? HOW ARE YOU SO QUIET? hes just#im sorry i didnt mean.... to.... do that.... again.............. (whomst is this and how many times did i spook them)#and ymber is just really happy that thank goodness his blessing and ward act as a GPS and so at least HE knows when deacon is nearby#and fulj is like i hate him even more now did you know he nearly gave me a heart attack like two hours ago ??? this is a crime against me#anyway ananza and deacon are just cute together and hes her precious lil son!
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Pre-relationship 4-6 for the Mario Bros.! (Or your favorite of those questions if you only want one haha)
Yes!!! More Mario Bros ramble!!! Blessed!! Thankyou!!
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4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Hard to say, sense they've always been like this. There's not a specific moment either of them could go back to and say when they fell in love, they've always loved eachother, you know?
Though Luigi was the first to recognize these feelings as romantic, and different than how he loved, say, their mom and dad, and that that was something important. Mario didn't think it mattered what kind of love they had, their mama had taught them Love is Love, so what does it matter, right?
This happened when they were like 7.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Maybe not quiet resist, but Mario did consider it for a while.
Around middle school-ish age, 12 or 13, their mom sat the brothers down to explain the difference between Familial and Romantic love, and why that difference was important, kind of assuming they didn't really know the difference in their emotions yet.
The whole thing made Mario feel awful. He'd made his mother worry, his father angry, and worst of all he, the older brother, put Luigi on the line for his own selfish reasoning.
The only reason he didn't fully withdrawal from Luigi and stew in an early sea of self deprecation was Luigi rubbing it in Mario's face that he was right, that the love he has for Mario and the love he has for the rest of their family is different. He did an "I Told You So" dance and everything. He was right and Mario was wrong ha ha ha ha ha!
So yeah. Mario considered resisting his feelings for all of about 20 minutes before Luigi snapped him out of it, and reminded him why that would simply never work. Not for them.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Mario doesn't believe in soulmates, he's a simple guy and not all that romantic in the grand scheme sense. Luigi on the other hand is all about Cosmic Connection and the "Over and Over again, life after life, I will find you, and I fall in love with you again and again" kind of cheesy nonsense. He'd be over the moon about it.
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good-beanswrites · 5 months
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My Lyrics for Eve's Demon Dance Tokyo! This song jumped the line of wips, I immediately fell in love with it 😂 I'm really proud of these -- it worked out well and was a blast to sing :D (Lyrics under the cut and my rambly process commentary in the tags lol)
Ah, don't you miss the home from where you came?
So many memories, feel your mind FLY FAR AWAY.
Tread-tread-tread-tread memories in tow,
Humans with such strange STYLE, all confusing me to no end
Jealous of them; wanna join them;
Credentials and such be damned. JUST GIVE ME (a)
SUPERMODEL TO DATE, wouldn't that be lovely?
CAMERAs are my place to be.
STYLE won't you come to me.
Ah, my voice as well has BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS, I’M LOVING IT.
You and me set side by side, I'll face you if you'll risk it.
Now I'm starving! Carefully as possible,
I'll consume you! Thorn-covered and poison-full,
Eating until I feel fed. "I'll have one of each," I said.
Grow wild! The worst follows AFTER BAD.
We'll fall down! Crashing parties that they had.
Conversations charge ahead: the turning point OF THE DEAD.
Endlessly I'm feeling coerced into everything.
Thump, thump, my heart --
Knock, Knock, my heart unlocks, love thump thump thumping like an arrow that's notched.
That dress looks so nice, does it feel too tight?
Now, you lead the way, to each command I will agree.
Do you think he's cool? Do you think he's lame?
It's all the same, let's dance BARRIER FREE.
SHOWTIME starting now, you can't allow yourself to sway.
Shed your worries and their weight, flying fast and far away.
We, the ones the world will never hold in high esteem
Never need to offer flattery, all we do is dream.
Now I’m starving! Even more voraciously
I'll consume you! Opening my arms you'll see
No one can take you from me, you're mine for eternity
Grow wild! Drinking more than I enjoy
We'll fall down! Stumbling I feel destroyed, these city nights show me I'm
A disappearing BOY.
We, the ones the world will never know or write about,
Now, to vast Pacific waters you will hear us shout... (SHAKE'N)
Please, wait a moment, Beautiful. Where is your smile from before?
Are you so sure I can't see that face anymore?
A strong PRIME MINISTER for you is what I became.
I swear to God I'll protect the country called by your name.
If we're close to Hell, never say farewell, please keep your hand holding mine.
I want to dance with you forever, won't you look me in the eye.
Now I'm starving! As ashamed as possible,
I'll consume you! Thorn-covered and poison-full,
Eating until I feel fed. "I'll have one of each," I said.
Grow wild! Gimme an ADVENTURE
We'll fall down! Crashing parties that occur.
This sleepless night, it bores me. SPICE is what it needs.
Now I’m starving! Even more voraciously
I'll consume you! Opening my arms you'll see
No one can take you from me, you're mine for eternity
Grow wild! Drinking more than I enjoy
We'll fall down! Stumbling I feel destroyed, these city nights show me I'm
A disappearing BOY.
And I recorded a little draft! Now listen. I'm really bad at singing. My mic was being annoying. However, I always get frustrated when I can't tell how translyrics are supposed to sound, and wanted to put it all together. It's meant more as rhythm reference than a nice performance 😅
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kitwing-moving · 1 year
thinking about eichi kissing my hand and dancing with me*explodes
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abba-enthusiast · 1 year
This was such a surreal concert experience
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