#but yeah... yeah... (゜ロ゜)
meganechan05 · 10 months
Been thinking about these 2 duos lately
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I just think it would be really funny if they ever meet simply because of how similar they are when you first see them.
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kuromitos · 1 year
I had this small idea in my head for awhile now so I just had to share with you guys.
Damian's school friend has a crush on Tim
How it all began
You and Damian are classmates
The typical 'we seat next to each in class and I notice your doodles on your notes' type of friendship.
You both don't have many friends so you hang out a lot together. Almost attached to the hip
So of course you meet his family. [He met yours too but that's not important] thru different visits and them picking him up from school
In order, you have met: Alfred, Bruce Wayne, his pets, Cassandra, Dick, Duke, and Jason
You heard about another brother who Damian has told you is an 'Annoying insomniac' but you never saw him
Until one day
you and Damian are just hanging out in the library after finishing homework and you hear a knock on the door
A guy who looks no older than 18 or 19 stood there saying that dinner is being made and Alfred wanted to know if you were staying or not.
Damian asked for you saying you were and told the older boy to leave them alone. Which he did, not before saying a remark back to him.
You asked who was that person and he replies to you that was his third brother, Tim.
"The insomniac?" "Yeah." "He's...kinda cute" "what? ( ・-・)" "Nothing (///∇///)"
After that day, you start to stay at his house more just to see Tim and talk to him about anything
Even pretend to need his help on homework
You try not to bother him too much but he still help you out from time to time as a break from his work.
Him finding out about the crush
It wasn't hard for him to find out
You weren't exactly subtle about it
To be honest, everyone but Tim kinda knew already but it wasn't there business
But considering you're Damian'sfriend so he considered this his business
At first, he was kinda disgusted. Out of all his brothers, you fall for Tim? TIM?? (゜ロ゜)
Would make snide comments whenever he catches you staring too long
"You have such bad taste"
"I'm pretty sure drake isn't on our history test"
When you go to talk to Tim, he goes to drag you back to his room but yells at Tim to stop harassing you.
Eventually he confront you on it and ask what you like about him anyway
Doesn't matter the reason you give, he still thinks odd for falling for Tim
But you're still his friend. And it's just a harmless school kid crush. It will go away eventually.
Just don't talk to him about it. He doesn't want to hear it.
That's all. Bye for now ( ´∀` )b
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imustbenuts · 1 month
yakuza 1 kiwami thoughts after finishing it, very mixed feelings about this game :v
i get it. i really do. this is probably a project they started and finished in a short time by reusing assets and pulling the old motion capture data from the master and applying it in the remake. the future of the series hinged on this very flawed original ps2 game. the pacing doesnt let the story sink in and ferment as a result of this ps2 mocap. i get it.
the graphic updates are great. majima everywhere is actually really fun. kamurocho is super cool. the dialogues in the substories and MES are zingers. wonderful. amazing. the pores on everyone's face, fuck yeah. gimme that!
BUT. the main game makes me want to drop a sega arcade machine in front of SEGA's building over in japan. the maimai machines are getting it.
because i genuinely. i dont understand why certain decisions are done in the creation of this game.
story wise i get trying to preserve the og as much as possible and changing things as minimally as possible but. but. i would have re-written a lot of things. hell, i would have rewritten at least one thing and that is yumi.
as it is theres a lot of bits that seems like *checks notes* mr. yokoyama was on the fence about. but sir. SIR.
if you flesh out nishiki, flesh out yumi too. they are a package deal to kiryu's character foundations. im actually really ok with nishiki despite that ending where kiryu and nishiki dont talk! but then yumi??? she hasnt endeared me. COME ON SEDUCE ME MR. YOKOYAMA, SEDUCE ME WITH HER LIKE YOU DO YOUR MEN! im playing as kiryu, so for the love of GOD SEDUCE/ENDEAR HER TO ME.
щ(゜ロ゜щ)!!! WYD!!! you kind of did it with reina with y0!! sir!!
and also, why is yumi's tattoo and literal key defining trait is that shes beautiful (with the gekka bijin shit) and thats. it. beauty = instant love interest for kiryu and nishiki. this was already stupid in 2005 asian dramas, it was stupid in the 90s and its still stupid today. (source: me with all these asian dramas absorbed as background noise growing up)
if yumi doesnt get fleshed out, then drop the romance. just tone it down or drop it altogether. id even argue theres even maybe a better foundation for her to be kiryu's sister than romance, but thats my personal opinion stemming purely from the lack of polish she gets.
there is no in between here imo. the problem is that kiryu seems very... dense when it comes to romance and sex to the point that he reads like one on the ace spectrum. in y0 hes 20 and so reads like his brain was button mashing the hormones, so that still tracks for me. i can also accept him being attracted to anyone but that attraction must come with screen time. he spends more time thinking about nishiki and worrying where haruka's mom is than he thinks about yumi.
this poor butchered girl. yumi's character quality is like. as good as the ring he gave her. a mcguffin. hhhhhhgh. and then she dies getting shot by the guy she decided to move on with while kiryu is in jail instead of waiting for him, like shes... getting punished for it... jesus christ this writing choice is dreadful.
fine whatever... j-drama tragedy and all that. i can still accept all of these flaws bc y7 and y8 are such a GREAT time, and mr. yokoyama has clearly gotten better at this writing thing.
in retrospect for y8 personally, maybe kiryu is so dense he doesnt realize this love is more like a crush or some platonic or familial affection. and in y8 that has evolved into a twisted what if scenario hitch-hiking on his sense of longing for an alternate future that isnt rooted in any reality. (did they date???????????? even stayed together for a while to see if they were compatible in their daily lives or language? i think majima has even cleared the dating hurdle with MES here...)
im. what. what is this. did people QA this enough?
so a bit about Game Design: Crowding.
generally, when the Player Character in an action game is surrounded by multiple enemies, it is ALWAYS a good idea to code some semblance of chill into the AI. if a few enemies starts whacking the PC, then the others in the crowd must hang back and chill. otherwise the PC gets stun locked and their health drains to a flat 0 leading to a game over in a snap.
fps games does this by purposefully making enemies have poor aim.
action games does this by limiting the amounts of attacks on screen from enemies.
so. why is it. the enemies here have a built in auto dodge, block and a stun lock dog piling brain.
not even monster hunter has this amount of read coded into their attack patterns. neither does the souls games. it's also offset by the longer than usual attack animations that asks the player to both read and commit on the screen from enemies and their own avatars alike.
but y1k. ?? ?? ?? ? ??????????????????? w h y. why did it toss out this piece of common sense out the window for the 2 brothers boss fight in debolah and for jingu. naze. doushite. wei shen me. WHY.
i think the most telling thing is when, during multiple BULLSHIT fights i was constantly thinking how i wished i was fighting majima instead...
majima is such a saving grace for me here. what a frustrating ride.
y1k reminds me so much of the same flaws gintama had early on, and i know for a fact things get good and there are good things in here. i really do like some of the plot points. but ugh. ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg.
it just wasn't. sincere enough. you know?
tiger drop.
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dewdrop-writes · 2 years
hai author-san, out of curiosity, who was the first 5 star character that you have pulled in Genshin? Tartaglia was my first 5 star character...😅 Imagine a genshin character asking who was the first 5 star character you got and got a bit shy and slightly nervous. Curiosity have grown, so does the curiosity of some who heard the conversation. You told them not to take it personally before making a beeline towards Childe of all people and the rest were like: щ(゜ロ゜щ) and Childe was like: (◕ヮ◕)
OOO I'm a bit jealous haha! I don't have Childe since I started playing when it was his run and I didn't really have any resources or much primos....
The first 5 star I got was Keqing! I still main her to this day and I will not let gamerbros slander her gameplay (i watched a yt video abt how she's "bad" to play with....bro i have her maxed out and she's so good)
She was like. immediatelly followed by hu tao and another keqing the very next day (I was very much blessed by hoyo on that day)
ALSO yeah! Even if it isn't intentional on the player's part - the first five star pull definitely is something others would envy - maybe they see it as you having a stronger connection with them since the universe brought them to you first? By that logic, the Traveler in my opinion, along with the first playable characters you get for free, are held in high regard cus you're kind of forced to play as the Traveler through the story?
I don't think the characters themselves know they are ranked by stars...but if you were to explain it to them....the superiority complex the five stars would get out of it...dear god. I FEEL LIKE CHILDE ESPECIALLY. Maybe Venti a bit too cus he's cheeky like that.
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sombersafari · 7 months
Dot’s Flower Problem ❀
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Dot: boys I have a dilemma (。•́︿•̀。)
Wakko: oh boy. what did you do?
Dot: I found some of those cute little flowers by the bridge.
Yakko: you can't be serious… they're poisonous! You could die if you eat them! (*゜ロ゜)
Wakko: i’m sure they aren't poisonous to us Animaniacs… (¬_¬)
Yakko: well, it's just as likely you won't live long enough for them to help you either.
Wakko: yeah… but don't we have an antidote kit?
Dot: yeah, but this is my first time trying it out and I don't wanna take any chances with my life! the first thing I did was sniff one of the petals. It smelled okay. Then I got close enough to take another whiff, and all hell broke loose.
Wakko: …you know this could very well be poison right?!
Dot: that’s why I didn’t tell you about it until now!!
Yakko: are you sure? it might actually kill you.
Dot: well at this rate I will be dead already!!!
Wakko: …i hope you’re not lying because you’re really gonna regret eating anything that smells even slightly like flower pollen.
Dot: I’m not joking, boys.
Wakko: you seriously expect us to believe that? (╥ง°o°♡╥ง)
Yakko: i’ve heard worse… besides, isn’t a death wish usually a sign of being overjoyed to be alive in this world?
Dot: yeah, but you know what else? This flower pollen is really weird… I’m kinda worried that someone has taken advantage of its beauty or something! (๑✧ڡ◆ڡ๑)
Wakko: i mean… it doesn’t hurt to check anyway, does it?
Dot: maybe… it wouldn't hurt too much either.
Wakko: let me just grab the antidote kit then… 
*Wakko is now finding the antidote kit in the Gag Bag*
Wakko: Found it!
Yakko: okay.
Wakko: it’ll probably look weird on the outside, but trust me when I say, it works like a charm.
Dot: wow Wakko… that’s… actually pretty impressive. Thank you.
Wakko: no problem!
*after Dot drinks the antidote, the siblings teleported back to the water tower*
Yakko: okay, good news: Dot isn’t allergic to flowers anymore. (˃ᴗ˂)
Dot: thank god…
Wakko: so how was the antidote?
Dot: pretty much fine. I think it tasted okay, too. My stomach started feeling funny again after drinking it though.
Yakko: sounds like the poison has gotten back into your system, kiddo. ʕ•̫•ʔ
Dot: yeah, it did… I thought my throat felt really dry but it didn’t.
Wakko: maybe it was that you were going to try the rose petals… the pollen from them can be toxic in general. That’ll explain why there were petals in that particular cupid’s arrow tattoo.
Yakko: maybe it had something to do with it, too.
Wakko: what? why do you assume so?
Yakko: it was a pretty common poison in the early 20th century. And I read up on it. The only difference is the name; it's a lot harder to get to, but… you should drink more water. (⌒▽⌒)
Dot: yep, that sounds good… I think I’ll make myself a cup of that hot chocolate you made yesterday. Do you want any?
Yakko and Wakko: YES!!!
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snipergys · 2 years
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I have been reading a 2 parts fanfic about Tokoyami and Tsuyu, and is so good that the author convinced me of shipping them...
Please read both fics, they are very good: Part 1 and Part 2
So yeah... I ship them now, they are part of my list of crack ships now ;V!!!
Birb boy + Water girl...
Wait a minute...
Birb boy... Revali?? Water girl... Mipha?
Tokoyami and Tsuyu are Mipvali 2.0!!!
No wait wait wait wait wait even more wait!!!
Tokoyami = Dark kid boy =Gladion
Tsuyu = Girl with a water theme = Lana
And I ship Gladion and Lana too...
My crack ships are related in one way or another щ(゜ロ゜щ) !!
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hanafubukki · 2 years
like, i know the fire emblem fem!protag styling has been one downgrade after another with each subsequent release- but toothpaste chan is really trying to snatch the place of "worst fem!protag design" from byleth rn щ(゜ロ゜щ)
Hello Strei 🌺🌷🌸
Toothpaste Chan is trying so hard and they are winning! I just??? Don’t see the point of them to be colored this way?? Why??
You think after people hated the leaks, they would have changed it. But nope, they didn’t. Let’s hope they allow us to customize or something because I can’t look at them like that forever.
Someone also mentioned they look somewhat like a vtuber model and honestly? Yeah, I can see it.
Plus the design of the new and old characters kind of clash?? It could just be me but it doesn’t look fluid??
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(And byleth…I was just having this conversation with my friend. The lack of emotion to byleth…it just rubbed me the wrong way so much)
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Am literally obligated to get Violet because that's been my character name since gender options became a thing. Every generation I've had at least one playthrough as Violet (or Purple if male). I'm also pretty sure I had a playthrough or two using the name Scarlet but not as frequently.
(」゜ロ゜)」 I can't believe they're making a game with that name now. I'm just so- we're really at this point.
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue.
Tonight the moon's wonder is left unsaid,
For it cannot compare to you.
Happy Pride Month
that works out great then!! i'm glad you've got such an easy decision!! you'll have to tell us about how the prof turns out, yeah?? his personality can either be really great or really meh, so keep us updated!
who needs the sun when i have you to light up my day?
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omnianightclub · 28 days
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﹒hey wonderland wonderhoyer!!! I'll just give you the secret my reqs are selective if i like them..... winks /j (but yeah go for it, might aswell as do it!!)ㅤ—raz
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undercover-trio · 2 years
Hello! I noticed you haven't posted in a while. Are you still alive? (๑•﹏•)
Mod Pengie here~
Safe to say that we’re all alive, there haven’t been many asks and sadly I’m not really into the RWBY fandom currently.
Instead I’m focusing on writing for my new favorite fandom ✨
A total 180 from RWBY ngl
Mod Crow is still active as far as I know, I’m pretty sure they’re still willing to take requests so hit them up if you guys wanna.
ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
Mod Potato Chips is just cruising somewhere, focusing on their life and stuff, Y’know?
Sorry it’s been a while though Penguins, I’ve betrayed ya’ll (ノ´д`)
But yeah, hope that helped anon
Peace~ ✨
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inbloodwerise · 2 years
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Σ(゜ロ゜;) OH YEAH!! WORK!!! ... They're both idiots...
☆ can read In Blood we Rise here too: ComicFury | Webtoon ☆ You can follow me here: Twitter | Instagram | Youtube | Twitch
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tackyink · 2 years
Hey! You ever have that moment, when you stare at some dialogue you've written, and you're wondering exactly where it came from? Or how on earth you're going to fix it because X would never say something like that? Dialogue is hard >.<
Yeah, and I find it very aggravating. Dialogue usually comes easily to me, so when something weird happens I'm like, what is this? I'm supposed to be struggling with description, not conversations! I want to speak to the manager! щ(゜ロ゜щ)
That said, when someone's being OOC and the conversation's getting out of hand, I don't even try to fix it. I delete the offending lines and everything that comes afterwards, and either rework the dialogue or cut it out and write something else in its place. English is my third language, and because of it I feel like I'm always lagging behind the vast majority of native speakers who are also writing fic. Characterization is one part of writing where the playing field is even for me, so if something feels even remotely off, I delete it. Sometimes you need to burn down a scene to fertilize the page for something better.
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space-blue · 2 years
I just finished "For Always" and immediately knew I had to come back here and gush. I have never played Elden Ring, nor do I really read fanfic, but I saw a hot monster with armor and went "Oh fuck yeah? Sure, why not" and DAMN... The tone, the writing, the fact I could follow what was going on despite never touching the source in my life, seriously *amazing* job. I know what game I'm going to spend all night watching playthroughs of now, haha-- Thanks for the accidental new favorite character!
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Anon, I don't know what to say. This is a pretty S tier compliment and I can only convey so much with my thank yous and homemade memes lol
You're basically me though!! When I saw the Maliketh clip in the first trailer I was like, Oh? Σ(゜ロ゜;)
And then the game dropped and early players got to him and the cutscenes and the way he bounds about the place, just so COOL I needed to know the lore and there was so little, and bam, fell down face first in the rabbit hole. I didn't even play the game!!! I can't!!
I was so disappointed no English fic existed, and so frustrated by the lack of lore answers I just— wrote it myself!!
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But I must admit I'm shocked you managed to enjoy the fic while being this fandom blind! I tried to make things clear, knowing not every reader has the same grasp on lore (and me making my own to boot), but I would assume a lot of details were confusing without background, so colour me impressed. I'm taking your compliments and patting myself on the back with them. I wanted to spread the pubber love, but I didn't expect I'd be making fans for him who didn't already know him!
If you're interested in the lore of the world and don't mind spoiling yourself that way, here are the lore video creators I follow and can recommend : @vaatividya whose channel you'll find here. Definitely your first stop!
Then KiteTales & Flex who have very soothing videos with a bit of an in game detective flair that make them very enjoyable. BanditGames, Arlun Grim, The Ashen Hollow, and for pure gameplay, Shirrako will do very clean boss fights.
Music wise, I'd recommend this, which I wrote a lot to, this, and that.
For walkthroughs without commentary, presenting the areas well, I enjoy Fextralife, but with commentary, I found this smaller youtuber who is enjoyable to listen to. If you are curious about an area of the game and want to capture mood, details, etc, it's a great way to get very specific content. Mind you these people are not going into the game blind, and that's a very different type of experience, I'm sure~
Anyway, I hope you have fun if you stick in the fandom, and no matter what you have my undying gratitude and love for that amazing confidence boost comment I'm totally printing and pasting on top of my desk. Also... If you are really into monsters, let it be known I'm considering writing for Monster May, but it'd be back to the roots with original fiction. I'll post both here and on AO3 anyway.
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xrux · 3 years
morty !!! I’ve missed you 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 also am on anon to hide from the general public bc tumblr is scary recently but I still made a new blog anyway ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
pspsps this is emerson,,,, and I see from your posts that tumblr is still in chaos even after being gone for a few weeks :(;゙゚'ω゚'):
OMG AKSKSJSJS I’M IN A MEETING RN BUT I LITERALLY WENT (゜ロ゜) !!! WHEN I SAW THE FOLLOWER NOTIF (♡꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) yeah I totally get you, tumblr’s been icky lately skkssk (lowkey contemplating on a new blog :c but i know it’s gonna be a lot of work HHHH) BUT HI HELLO WELCOME BACK uwu
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mssir · 4 years
Rambles about Harley Quinn S2E12
Wonder Woman's eyeroll as epic and I love that she cuts off Superman's bullshit.
Harley, you are not alone. I can't get over the fact Ive has sex with him either.
"Stop showing me your weird turkey leg calves. I'm not gonna fuck you." Σ(゜ロ゜;), i kinda thought Riddler would have better taste than that.
"Cuz that sounded kinda intense" Hell yeah it did cuz Harley is stressed as fuck.
"... and she's soaring majestically."
"We don't need to settle this with volience." Changed woman, anyone?
"S my V." Ivy's use of English and swearing shall forever entertain me.
But the speeches, to Darksied and Ivy. [cheering & clapping] Way to go, Harley, way to put words to who you are learning you are.
HOLY SHIT. Kiteman did not deserve that. Regardless of what you think about as a character. Finding out your girl cheated is one thing, but finding out because some asshole made it a huge movie in the sky for the world to see? Damn. But also, he was given so many hints and clues and wow.
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undercover-trio · 3 years
Heyo Penguins
I’m making this way too awkward
But yeah people, I’m back!! How’ve you been? How’s uh, school? College? Your job?
Anyways!! Main point, I’ve been gone cause I was out of state. Then school started with the 5 days a week and my brain was mega mad at me.
I’m currently working on a request this lovely anon asked me, not gonna snitch about what it is but yeh it’ll be long.
I’m not taking requests right now, eventually I will but I just want to get caught up with what I owe.
And uh, I missed you guys. I’m a little over halfway done and the request is already 4K words.
Have a goodnight guys, I’m sorry for the disappearance
-Mod Pengie
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