#ch. jason
hanasnx · 5 months
Riding on the back of JASON TODD’s motorcycle gets you incredibly hot. Everything from the way he put your helmet on and gave it a pat-pat to make sure it was nice and snug and safe; how he coached you to lean with him when he made turns; how you sat on a vibrating vehicle with your cheek nuzzling the cold leather of his bike jacket and your arms wrapped securely around his thick torso; and during stop-lights he’d reach behind him to rub your thigh, checking on you, making sure you’re okay. You wore the little black dress he likes, the one that rides up a bit high on your thigh, but he told you he wants people to stare at the hot piece of ass on the back of his bike. Now he’s parked the cycle, got his jacket unzipped and his helmet under his arm, running a hand through the hair he hasn’t cut in too long. All you can think about is giving him the most offensive head of his life. “What are those fuck-me eyes for, baby?”
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geneticdriftwood · 2 months
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persephone's in hell; a rooftop conversation
for @mysterycitrus
persephone's in hell, @mysterycitrus // white winter hymnal, fleet foxes // assorted dc comics
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goatsghost · 1 year
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i love how, in every universe, no matter how much jason hates bruce or wants to distance himself from the family, he still loves alfred just as much as he always has
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bruciemilf · 10 months
Jason @ Dick after the fucker conveniently didn't tell him Bruce actually DID want to and TRIED to kill the clown but he had political immunity due to being the ambassador of Iran and Clark stopped him to avoid a war:
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samgelina-jolie · 1 year
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thesandsofelsweyr · 6 months
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⚠️ cw: smut (⚤)
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks, hating that uncertain quaver that stains his tone.
She takes a step toward him, taking his hands in her cuffed ones, then lifts them to her lips and kisses them softly. "Yes baby," she purrs.
Reflexively his hand drops to her throat and wraps around it, jerking her face up to his, her eyes to his. Words slip out before he even realizes what he's saying. "Yes what?" he growls. He trained me well.
A smile stretches across her lips. "Yes sir."
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plainclothesdisaster · 9 months
Red Knight - Chapter 2
DP x DC | Dead on Main
Jason Todd encounters one Danny Fenton in the streets of Gotham and suddenly he's thrown into a world of ghosts and monsters. Will he embrace this life? Or will it just end up with him dead again?
Read on AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
No way Jason was going to call that number. He was busy with Black Mask. So long as there was no trouble, he didn’t need to get involved in meta business. And he certainly didn’t need help from one. He was absolutely fine.
He could have told Bruce and the others to keep an eye out, but what would he have said? Be on the lookout for a generic dude who can tell if you died? Yeah, not worth ringing alarm bells. He went back to his work.
Days later when Jason shot a would-be robber in the leg, he was totally calm. Weeks later when he pushed a rival crime boss off the back of a moving truck— definitely still keeping it together. A month later when he held one of Joker’s pawns by the head and smashed his skull to the cement again and again and again and the rage roared like an ocean in his ears— okay maybe he was missing the easy peace he’d enjoyed those first few days after confronting that stranger in the alley. He’d gotten so used to the rage that he’d forgotten what it was like to live without it.
Back in his apartment that night Jason scrubbed the blood off his hands. He didn’t think about the crumpled receipt he’d stashed in a kitchen drawer a month ago and hadn’t dared look at since.
As he laid down to try to sleep he could still feel the new weight in his chest but now an old anger clawed at it again like a ravenous beast. Uncomfortably aware of it now, like when someone reminds you you’re breathing. What had that stranger done to him?
That doesn’t mean we’re totally human either.
Jason felt different since coming back from the dead, that was obvious. But taking a dip in the Pit didn’t make people metas. Not like that guy. Jason couldn’t walk through walls or disappear. At least he didn’t think he could.
He thought of the stranger’s— of Danny’s easy cheeky smile. Totally unthreatened. Jason’s heart twisted with rage and something else.
He pushed himself out of bed and got suited up again. No use laying here with his blood on fire. The chill of the empty streets would have to serve as a balm.
Later he’d blame his carelessness on his frazzled state of mind. But regardless of the cause, Black Mask’s goons caught him in their trap with maddening ease. One minute he was following a mark on the street, the next he was jumped from behind, tied up, knocked out.
He came back to consciousness in a small windowless room, tied to a chair with a hefty amount of rope. The sharp tang of metal and the weight of sweat hung in the air. Three goons with guns hovered over him. They’d taken his helmet but left the domino mask. So considerate of them.
“We’ve got some questions for you,” the head goon said, smiling with stained teeth.
Jason’s vision went red. Rage, rage, rage. There was no room for thoughts in his head, only the loud wailing of his anger. These goons were dead, deader than dead. Except at this rate so would he.
He felt a gun to press into his temple. He bared his teeth. Anger howled within him. The guy was talking but Jason didn’t hear their questions, he just wanted to kill them.
Then suddenly the howling stopped. A familiar quietude settled beneath his heart. It took his eyes a moment to focus and then he saw him there, inexplicably also inside the safe room, standing behind the goons. The stranger from the alley. Danny.
“I was starting to think you’d never call.” Danny smiled, all sunshine. What the fuck. How was he here?
His captors turned with a variety of shouts, guns out and primed against the new intruder. Danny didn’t react. He didn’t take his eyes off Jason.
“I didn’t.” Jason breathed. It felt like his heart had stopped.
“You’re like me. I never expected you to.” Jason caught a flash of fangs under Danny’s lips and his pulse skipped. “Good thing I was in the area.”
Then a goon grabbed for Danny’s arm. Jason half-shouted a warning but Danny was quicker. He nailed his assailant with a fist to the chest that sent him smashing back into the wall. The second thug swung his gun around and got a shot off. Jason swore it hit Danny in the leg but Danny didn’t flinch. Instead grabbed the gun and kneed the guy in the stomach so hard it lifted him off the ground. Danny turned just as the head good aimed a shot right between his eyes. Gunfire. Jason braced for the blood splatter, but it didn’t come. Instead Danny grabbed the guy by the throat and slammed him to the floor. The goons didn’t move.
When Danny looked back up at Jason his eyes glowed with that same ethereal intensity he saw before. Jason felt a thrum of energy from deep within him like a second pulse. Like calling to like.
He stared mutely as Danny rose. He should have been dead twice over. A foreign reverence leapt to the forefront of Jason’s mind, he didn’t know from where. Who the hell was this guy?
“You wanna get out of here?” Danny asked.
“Uh, yeah.”
Danny didn’t hesitate. He touched Jason on the shoulder and the ropes fell off him with the same slippery feeling he had when Danny had put a hand through his chest. He lead him through the door (literally through it) and out onto the street where a motorcycle waited.
Danny tossed Jason the keys.
“See ya round?” Danny turned to walk off. Like he’d just run an errand and not shown up out of nowhere in the middle of the night and beaten half the life out of some of the Narrows’ meanest thugs.
“Wait.” Jason stopped him. “What the hell is up with the guardian angel act? Who the fuck are you? What did you do to me?”
Danny turned back and smiled. “You want to get something to eat?”
Danny didn’t start talking again until they were seated across from each other in a booth at a 24 hour diner, two steaming cups of coffee between them. Jason had begrudgingly acquiesced to the offer of food. He guessed it was somewhat better than having this conversation at gunpoint. Not like that would have worked anyway, judging by how it went last time. This, at least, might get him some answers
“So, you died right?” Danny began.
Jason’s grip tightened on the handle of his mug. “You are supposed to be the one answering questions.”
“And I will! But you’re going to have to help me understand a bit too. You’re a unique case.”
Jason didn’t know whether that was a good or bad thing. “Yeah I died," he huffed. "Didn’t stick though.”
Jason raised an eyebrow. He half expected Danny to know all about his death, seeing as he seemed to know so much else about him.
“A clown with a crowbar turned my lights out. Lazarus Pit turned them back on.” At Danny’s confused look, he continued: “Lazarus pit. Glowing pool? Impossible healing waters?”
“Oh is that what you call those pools of rancid ectoplasm beneath the city? I suppose that would be just enough to do it.”
Rancid ectoplasm sounded like another can of worms but that would have to wait. “Do what?”
“Keep you half alive.”
“What do you mean half alive?”
Danny took a big sip of coffee. “When I was fourteen my parents built a portal in our basement. It led to what is basically the realm of the dead. It didn’t work at first, until I went in and accidentally turned it on. The portal opened on top of me, which wasn’t great for my overall health and well-being per se. It killed me but not all the way. Instead I became half ghost.”
“Ghost.” Jason half chuckled and waited for the punch line.
Danny looked straight at Jason with those intense blue eyes, completely serious. “Ghost, specter, phantom, whatever you want to call it. I’m part ghost and you are too.”
Jason blinked. “Bullshit.”
That made Danny laugh. “I usually am pretty secretive about my whole deal but maybe I can be more lax if that’s the reaction I’ll get.”
Jason grumbled. The waitress came by and put a steaming plate of hashbrowns on the table between them.
Danny leaned back in the booth. “Okay, well if you don’t believe me— since coming back have you been stronger than a normal human should be? Faster? Get hurt less bad and heal quicker when you do?”
Jason frowned. “Side effects from the Pit.”
Danny raised a knowing eyebrow. “Uh huh. If that’s what you want to call it.” He grabbed a hashbrown and took a bite, continuing to talk between chews. “The weird thing is you should be able to do so much more. But now that I know you were doused in corrupted ectoplasm it’s making more sense.”
Jason narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean more?”
Danny extended his hand intangibly through Jason’s coffee. He waggled his fingers for show.
“Intangibility. Invisibility. Flight. You should at least have basics like those.”
Basics huh. Dying didn’t magically make him able to fly, of that he was certain. Not that superpowers wouldn’t be convenient, they weren’t exactly Jason’s brand.
“But I think what the problem is is you’re running around with a half formed core. I did my best to stabilize it the last time we met but I’m not an expert in these things.”
“Core?” Why did every sentence out of Danny’s mouth have to make less sense than the one before?
Danny tapped his chest in the same spot Jason felt the now-comforting weight in his own. “Ghosts don’t have a heart. We have cores, which are metaphorically the same thing.
“Half ghost cores are weird in their own right. But yours feels especially weird. It’s like… spiky when it should be smooth. And soft when it should be hard. Does that make sense?”
Of course it didn’t. Jason wasn’t here for a supernatural biology lesson. But that wasn’t important. “And you— what you did— made it… quiet. How?”
Danny flipped his hand up on the table and suddenly a glowing green ball of energy hovered in his palm. “Pure ectoplasmic energy to cleanse out the corrupted stuff. But it’s temporary. It’s worn off since I last saw you. I think your core generates corrupted ectoplasm. And that I can’t fix by myself. At least not here.”
“Where then?”
Danny’s face turned sheepish. “You remember that realm of the dead I mentioned?” He closed his fist, extinguishing the light. Jason leaned back.
None of this seemed believable. Jason had died and come back to life, he accepted that impossibility. But all this even more impossible stuff about ghosts and ectoplasm and realms of the dead— that was pushing it.
None of it changed the fact that Danny knew too much about him, and worse, he seemed to have some kind of power that affected him. There was too much he wasn’t saying. And now he wanted to take him to a different dimension to fix something that Jason still wasn’t convinced actually existed. Yeah, no.
“Why do you even care? What do you want from me?”
Danny shrugged. “I just want to help.”
“Because I can. It’s hard for me to ignore someone like you. Someone like me.”
The worst part was that he seemed genuine. But Jason wasn’t so naive to think that even if Danny said he wanted nothing in return that there wouldn’t be some other strings attached down the line. He sat back in the booth and folded his arms.
“Nah I’m good.”
A hint of a frown flashed across Danny’s face as his response. He didn’t push any further and Jason felt a small relief. He didn’t want this to end in violence, not just because (for the first time in a long time) he wasn’t sure the violence would end in his favor.
“Thanks for the coffee,” said Jason. “I’m gonna head home.”
“You still have my number right? It’s an open offer.” Danny wasn’t great at hiding his disappointment. Jason almost felt a twinge of regret.
He pushed himself up from the booth and left.
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dailyrannells · 1 year
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Whizzer & Jason + Packing Up
Whizzer will act very parental, Completely gentle, Absolutely swell.
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nana-mizu-shiki · 1 month
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Well, I guess everyone except for Dick, he's just too mother hen for that.
The only comment I have on this is the amount of times I've seen the word "I," even though this is a third-person fic; it should be "One." Like, instead of "He failed. I would assume that was obvious." It would be, "He failed. One would assume that was obvious."
I'm sorry if this comes off rude, it's ment to be constructive criticism, I just really can't unseen it. I definitely recommend the fic though! I love it!!
Hope you enjoy the read, thanks for reading my word-vomiting ramble!! <(_ _*)>( ゚ 3゚)
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hanasnx · 5 months
Hop hop 🐇 strutting around Jay's apartment in nothing but panties and his leather jacket that's still warm from his body 🐇 hop hop
-doe 🐾
JASON TODD shirtless and in gray sweatpants and a thin silver chain around his neck, manspreading in his seat as he annotates on some blueprints. The Bat left quite an impression on him, including his knack for being thorough. The cap of his sharpie sits between his teeth, the soft squeaking of the marker scribbling on parchment filling the room. Even though you got laid this morning, you should be good, but instead you’re especially needy. He’d gotten back a little bit ago from picking up those blueprints, and the leather bike jacket he wore on his motorcycle ride had been thrown on the bed haphazardly. Crawling out in just your undies, you were chilly, so you put the jacket on. It sat on your shoulders like a curtain. Heavy, and huge, and stiff. Still warm from his body heat, it provided enough protection to pad out to see him.
It takes him a second to notice you, and when he does, that famous grin stretches onto his lips. Hopelessly attractive with defined dimples and smile lines that could kill, crookedly smiling at you with that cap in between his pearly white teeth. “What’re you doin’ over there, baby? C’mere.” He snips the cap from his mouth between his fingers like a cigarette, and you obediently come to his beckoning hand and inviting lap. You sit on his thigh, and the rigid material of the jacket stands up on its own. He snickers at you. “Whose jacket is that, babycakes?”
Timidly, you concede, “My Jay’s…”
It amuses him further, giving you a soft look with a flash of his raised brows. “Yeah? S’your Jay’s?” he mimics your melodic response in a twinge of a mocking tone out of endearment. “It’s, uh, little big for you, huh? Your Jay a big guy?” He wasn’t gonna let this go, and you fidget with your hands, looking up at him with those glossy doe-eyes. While he talks, a single finger moves aside the leather to get a peek at your bare chest.
“Huge.” you tell him with stars in your eyes, gesturing size with your hands, and it makes him laugh again, particularly inclined to adore you with a kiss on your cheek.
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dcmultiverse · 2 years
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BATMAN & ROBIN (1997) - dir. Joel Schumacher
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megan7899 · 8 months
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Day 13 Friday the 13th
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samgelina-jolie · 1 year
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mistergreatbones · 3 months
I refuse to believe Tim only snuck out at night to go to Gotham. He definitely fucked around in the city on weekends and summertime. A bunch of people from Crime Alley to Robinson Park who know him as “the one weird kid” + friends he used to hang out on various playgrounds with as kid.
No kid adventurous enough to decide to sneak out at night in the first place, let alone do any of the shit Tim has done, is gonna be satisfied staying cooped up in a lonely manor.
Also, Tim must love Gotham. He must. Sure, maybe Tim’s obsession with Batman and Robin started with him just wanting to see some cool gymnastics and fights, but Tim absolutely believed Bruce and Dick and Jason were heroes. Else, why would he care about Bruce self destructing? It’s sad to see anyone suffering, especially someone you look up to, but Tim must have been genuinely upset at how Bruce was treating people to try that hard to get Bruce to stop. Tim knew he could get hurt, and he knew he would have to stop Bruce from going too far, but he became Robin anyways. And he kept fighting every day even though he was put through the ringer over and over and over again. Robin can’t just be a job for him. There’s no way he doesn’t love his city…
Sorry I got distracted. What I’m really trying to say is that I think Jason and Tim should keep accidentally having mutual friends from before they were Robins/Waynes.
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roguestorm · 1 month
thinking about how talia gave her baby up so that her father couldn't touch him and he would be safe. and thinking about an au where damian is raised by another family until his adopted parents are murdered by the league when he's ten so that he can be claimed as the al ghul heir. thinking about talia trying to keep him safe while also protecting him from the world she never wanted him to be part of -- teaching him the skills he needs to survive necessarily means sacrificing part of his innocence.
also, thinking about who damian would be if he were raised by more normal parents. i think he'd still be very intense and very intelligent, and i think you can keep the love of animals and the interest in art. if you want the snobby entitlement, you can sort of make it the entitlement of being a rich kid as opposed to being raised by the league? like keep the "i can speak five languages and i had the best tutors in the world" but the tutors were in like tennis instead of knife-fighting.
and i think having his parents murdered by the league is a nice way of giving him some of the tragedy necessary for batman characters and providing him with a source of anger towards talia (or bruce, if you want) because why didn't she do a better job of protecting them, how could she let this happen to them? and if they were murdered to get to him, you can throw in a level of guilt there.
you do lose some of the core of what makes damian interesting, which is his blood-soaked past that he is an undeniable victim of but also that he feels like he has to atone for. but that's inevitable if the basic premise of the au is "what if damian wasn't raised by the league?"
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retrointhenow · 2 years
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Christian Slater in this scene does things to me. Is it the fit ? Probably. Is it Christian Slater as JD ? Most definitely
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