#charlie walker angst
shady-the-simp · 11 months
OMG IF TUMBLR DOESN’T STOP LOSING MY DRAFTS IM THROWING HANDS! An anon asked something along the lines of “what if reader and charlie come home from stab-a-thon and a drunk tall, reader starts crying that she’s not feminine enought and charlie gets really turned on by it and eats out reader?”
Too Tall
Charlie Walker x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Pussy eating, Mention of my favorite song, angst if you squint, self deprecating talk, praise, more talk of his stunning blue eyes (and the fact that he’s a short king 👑), crying, maybe slight dacryphilia, no use of y/n, taking pictures, not proofread
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You stumbled over to the car and Charlie was right beside you. You looked over at your boyfriend and smiled sleepily.
“Thank you, Char.” You slurred as he opened the passenger door for you. He smiled and ran around to the other side as you got in. He started the car and you began the short drive to your house. You turned on the radio at some point in your drunken rambling and House of 1000 Corpses by Rob Zombie came on.
“Your favorite song, right?” Charlie asked you, turning away from the road for a second. You nod happily and quietly sing along as you pull into your driveway. He pulls the key out of the ignition just before the chorus and you look up at him sadly.
“But….” You whine unhappily and slump as Charlie pulls you out of the car and towards your house.
“Do you have the key?” You search your pockets for a second, before getting distracted and rambling about how weird the word key is. He sighs with a smile and searches your pockets himself, finding it immediately.
He unlocks the door and you almost trip on the step inside. You look around as if you’ve never been here before.
“Whose house is this? ‘S nice…” He face palms and smiles endearingly at you.
“It’s your house…” Charlie brings you a cup of water from the kitchen and watches as you sit on the counter and gulp it down gratefully.
You laugh a little as you look at him. He gives you a confused stare as you laugh.
“You’re so pretty, Charlie. Your eyes are fffucking gorgeous. And you're so short, it’s so cute.” Your smile slowly drops as tears fill your eyes.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, why are we crying? What’s wrong?” Charlie immediately gets concerned and has to stand on his tippy toes to wipe the tears that start to fall, and this just makes you cry even more.
Through your sobs you manage to speak. “You’re- you’re just so perfect and I’m just some kinda tall, masculine freak. I wish i was as feminine as Jill…” You look down at the ground as Charlie shakes his head repeatedly.
“No! nonononono, baby, you aren’t a freak. You’re amazing. You have the best smile, and you make me happy every time I’m near you.” He reaches up and strokes your cheek
“You make my life so much better.” He smiles before it turns into a smirk. “Can I show you how much I love you?”
You nod, confused as to what his plans are. You immediately realize as he lifts your hips to pull off your pants and underwear. You gasp as your bare butt touches the cold counter. He sinks down onto his knees and kisses your inner thigh.
“You are amazing, and beautiful, and perfect, and kind.” He punctuates each word with a kiss further up your thigh.
“And I love you.” He kisses your bare core, making you shudder.
He smiled up at you as he kitten-licked your clit and you whined, rolling your hips into his face. He kissed your opening, licking your arousal off and sticking his tongue in.
You let out a shaky gasp and threw your head back, one hand threading into Charlie’s hair. He went up to your clit and sucked softly, making you tug on his hair. He let out a moan that vibrated against you. You moaned and looked down at him.
He winked at you from between your thighs, and you grabbed your phone and snapped a picture of the perfect sight. He slid his middle finger into your opening and you buck your hips into his hand, wanting more.
He slips in his ring finger and starts to finger you while licking and sucking sloppily at your clit. You let out moans and he does too as he thrusts his hips into his free hand.
“Ahh~ I’m gonna- oh shit… I’m gonna cum, Char!” You throw your head back and moan. He pulls away and you whine unhappily. “Why? Why did you stop?”
“I want you to tell me that you love yourself. I want you to tell me that you’re beautiful and not a freak.” He smiled up at you and kissed your thigh.
You took in a deep breath and spoke. “I am beautiful and I love myself.”
He started moving again really fast and you let out a high pitched moan and you gushed all over his fingers and his face. You relaxed in his hold as the shocks of your orgasm washed over you. He groaned into you as he came in his pants.
He stood up and kissed your forehead, bringing you to the bathroom to get cleaned up and go to bed.
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f1nalgirlz · 7 months
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me writing smut & saying the most dastardly things about characters i like while being asexual the whole time. I feel like I’m scamming you all
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shebreathedherlast · 3 months
Daughter of the Sea
Part III
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Luke Castellan x f!reader
Summary: You wake up in the infirmary with a horrifying surprise.
Work Count: 1.6k
TW: Brief memory loss, weapons, mean Luke, broken bones
. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・.
When your eyes fluttered open, you were unable to see. Everything around you seemed to be screaming. You pushed your weight onto your elbows as you desperately gaged your surroundings. With your vision blurred you sought for any semblance of familiarity.
Your head was pounding and your arm ached terribly. What in the gods happened? You sifted through your memories, raising your hand to cradle your head when the pain became nearly unbearable.
Footsteps scuffled towards you and your heart rate accelerated. “She’s awake!” A voice called.
You turned your head to the origin of the voice, but with your blurred vision, everything only fused together.
You made out a tuft of blonde curls and you instantly knew you would be safe. The figure made its way to you, placing a delicate blanket across your shoulders. They carried what you assumed was a tray of food.
They called your name and your head tilted up to meet their words. “Will?”
“gods, how are you feeling? Is there anywhere else that hurts?” He asked
You shook your head in confusion, “Will, what are you talking about?”
The Apollo kid furrowed his brows. An expression you couldn’t quite place fell over his features. “You’ve been in the infirmary for an entire night.” He told you.
“What?” You question, as you burrow your fists in the linen sheets to ground you.
“Do you not remember what happened yesterday?”
Your vision cleared as the events from yesterday seemed to piece themselves together.
A single infuriated word flitted from your lips, “Castellan” you growled.
Will gave you a quizzical look, “Oh so you do remember.”
Anger radiated off you. Yesterday Luke Castellan had practically robbed you of your much-deserved glory. He had humiliated and belittled you and in order to spare some semblance of dignity you were forced to break your arm. Yes, you remembered everything.
“Where is that thieving son of Hermes?” You demanded.
Will shook his head in disapproval. He turned back to the tray and returned with a bowl of steaming hot chicken noodle soup. “Is that what happened? Another one of your qualms with Luke? Seriously?”
You shruggled in response, too preoccupied to give Will an answer. You were busy thinking up all the ways you could make Luke suffer.
“You two really need to get over your whole sworn enemies thing and act like grown-ups. It gives me secondhand embarrassment watching you two fight like entitled toddlers.”
You gawked at him, “Will, I’m only seventeen, I’m not a grown-up.”
And at your comment, both of you laughed. Will was one of those guys that everyone was able to get along with. He had this easy going persona complimented by his humor that had him making friends wherever he went.
“You’re legitimately the biggest idiot I know.” He said.
And who were you to deny the truth?
“I wouldn’t exactly disagree,” You replied, an amused smile painted against your lips.
Will didn’t further the conversation, opting instead to spoon-feed you the warm broth. He gave you another drink of ambrosia before deeming that you would live.
“Thank you, Will…I really appreciate all you’re doing for me.”
Will waved his hand, dismissing your gratitude. “You won’t be saying that when I send you the bill.”
You chuckled shaking your head as you made your way out of the infirmary bed, dressing behind a curtain. Will was walking away and you had just finished pulling on your shorts as loud footsteps rang down the hall.
“You still there?” Will’s voice came from behind the curtain barrier. You pulled the fabric to the side as you stepped into the hall. “Uh…yeah”
He audibly sighed. “Good, because apparently, you're going on a quest in three hours.”
“WHAT?” You gasped.
Will cringed at your response, “Yeah, sorry that you had to find out this way but Clarisse got word of a quest from Ares and she chose the two best half-blood warriors to go with her. I’m sure you can guess what I mean by that.”
A million thoughts came crashing down on you. First, you were going to set out on your very first quest. Second, Clarisse saw you as a powerful ally and that could be useful in the future and third, the only other person besides you and Clarisse who would be addressed as “one of the best half-blood warriors” was none other than…Luke Castellan.
You huffed in anger, your fists balling at your sides. It was just your luck, Castellan, the one who had got you into this whole infirmary situation was going to ruin your first-ever quest.
Tyche must have really hated you.
. .・゜゜・・゜゜���.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・・゜゜・.. ・゚゚・。. .・゜゜・.
Less than an hour and a half later you were packed and ready to go. Though you were forced to endure the torturous presence of Castellan, you were determined to not allow him to get to you. This time the stakes were too high and the mission too important.
Well, that was your resolution until you saw his face.
You practically saw red as you lunged forward ready to strangle the Hermes boy. Clarisse had to step in and physically restrain you from tearing Luke limb from limb.
“I’m gonna kill you, Castellan!” You shout, “You’re dead! Do you hear me? You're dead!”
Clarisse set you down fifteen feet from Luke (what she deemed a safe distance to talk some sense into you without you going on a blood-lust rampage for the Hermes boy).
“In the name of Olympus, what in the world is wrong with you?”
You scoffed, “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me? I think you should be asking that question to that thieving piece of-” It was at that moment that you heard Chiron clear his throat, and you shrank back, swallowing your insult.
Luke approached you with an amused grin, hands raised in the air. He was mocking you. Of course he was, you wouldn’t expect anything less from him.
“As soon as I get my hands on you, I’m gonna claw your eyes out, Castellan.” You seeth.
He tsked, tilting his head slightly, “And a good morning to you too, Chaos.”
Your jaw clenched as every fibre in your body told you to beat the boy before you into a pulp.
“Clarisse,” you whine, “please let me separate his stupid face from this hideous body.”
Clarisse shakes her head to tell you “no.”
You sigh, defeated.
Luke curls an arm around your shoulder, “Oh come on, Chaos, don’t you want another chance to win back your glory?”
You hated the boy before you. You hated him and you don’t think you’d mind it one bit if he so happened to fall off a cliff to his impending death. In fact, you think that you might even enjoy the show.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at the both of you, “Enough! You two need to stop this insufferable fighting and start focusing on the quest, because if you two don’t suck it up and start at least tolerating each other, I have absolutely no problem choosing two other skilled half-bloods to replace you.”
At this you and Luke instantly shut your mouths and glanced at each other.
Then it hit you, he wanted this as much as you did.
“Good.” Clarisse said, “Now I want both of you to hug it out and shake hands, promising that you’ll be on your best behaviour for my quest.”
You furrowed your brows, mouth agape. “Hug it out? Clarisse are you serious?”
“Absolutely.” She replied, pointedly.
Luke cocked his head, “You’ve got to be joking. It’s not like we’re five.”
The Ares kid raised her eyebrows in a taunting expression, “Are you sure about that?”
Luke rolled his eyes.
“K, let’s go now, stop tryna be the mediator Clarisse. Chaos and I are not “hugging it out” like pre-schoolers.” He spoke, a hint of annoyance coating his tone.
“Um sorry to break it to you buddy, but if you two wanna come on this quest with me then you better start doing as I say.”
Clarisse was defiantly being manipulative. She was the one who picked the two of you and now she was placing all these conditions on your shoulders.
After a minute of silence, Luke consented, rolling his eyes again. “Come here my sweet little, Chaos.” He said in an exaggerated voice like he was talking to a baby.
You glared at Clarisse, before trudging over to Luke, who wrapped his arms securely behind your neck, burying you into his chest. When you didn’t reciprocate he brought his lips to hover over your ear, “Chaos, you gotta at least pretend to like me, or else big scary Clarisse here is gonna send you back, and I know you don’t want that, do you?” His whispers sent shivers down your shoulders and eventually, (after a harsh glare from Clarisse) you conseeded and wrapped your arms around Luke’s waist.
His head practically nuzzled your hair and you could’ve sworn you heard him sigh in contentment.
To emphasize how much you two would get along Luke slowly began rocking side to side while continuing to keep his hold on you.
Clarisse smiled in approval.
You stood on your tippy toes and even then you barely reached his ear, “Luke,” you whispered.
“Yes, Chaos?” He asked gently.
“I still hate you.” And with that, you pushed him back. He stumbled a little before quickly regaining his footing.
“I wouldn’t expect any less.” He mumbled under his breath.
As you ran to catch up with Clarisse, Luke stood still, because whatever happened he knew that this quest was going to challenge him beyond belief.
A/n This is more of a filler chapter so hang in there for the next update <3
Tag list: @motorsp0rt @astronomical-admonition @edenssworld @sillychloe @viennasaysstuff @esposadomd @bogbutteronmycroissant @moonykai @sflame15-blog @hoesindifferentshows @gloryekaterina @dakotali @notjustsomeblonde @silkenthusiasts @kanej-and-wesper-supremacy @ren-isdone @ashisabitgay @tsukiko26 @niktwazny303 @idgxitciycouv
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Forced move
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warning : tiny comfort, darker themes , little yandere behaviour , obsession , obsessed love , mutual love , little swearing , tiny mention of blood , nervousness , angst , love , kissing , touching eachother , nothing graphical in smut and blood , little drinking , blackmailing basically , open ending , make out, minors don't interact
Charlie Walker/Ghostface x fem reader
The evening was dark and relatively cool when the small pling from her mobile phone made the eighteen-year-old look up. Glancing up from her homework and books, she picked up her phone and typed on the small screen.
It was a message from one of her friends. Party at the barn.Stabathon-free alcohol come over she read the message and sighed slightly. Not that she wouldn't want to come. But the exam period was coming up and a party compared to the anger of her parents would be something she wanted to avoid.
On the other hand, a little fun and a little alcohol would be a deliberate distraction. And the old, big barn was not too far away. A short drive. A little fun never hurt she thought and decided to finish the sentence before changing.
The thought did cross her mind because of the murders that had been committed in the last few days. Actually, her parents had hung up an exit spear after eight o'clock in the evening. But she thought this was a bit exaggerated.
Uncertainty lay in her gaze as she looked at herself in the mirror. There are still other people here, said this little voice calling for a party. Suddenly the doubts were gone and the fun was there. She looked at herself again in the mirror a loose outfit not uncomfortable but not a looker either.
Simple and appropriate for a horror party. With another pling on her mobile phone she picked it up. Charlie is here too ;) she read the little extra message and a smile flitted across her lips. Charlie Walker, the acknowledged nerd of the group, film club leader and her crush.
Ever since she had seen him at Woodsboroo high school she couldn't get away from him. His friendly, cheerful manner when he talked about movies. How much he knew about movies, his whole being attracted her. Only the glow in his blue eyes when Kirby even spoke to him was something she noticed.
Kirby Reed she knew, no everyone knew that Charlie had a thing for the blonde. He seemed to be attached to her like a dog. She's just using him she thought after hearing this herself as the girls walked by. She knew the girls only briefly, most of all she had to do with Jill.
They had been assigned to several school projects together and even then they got along quite well. But now that she was already going to a party where Charlie was and not Kirby, she could take advantage of the situation. Maybe he'll notice me she hoped and opened her wardrobe again.
She had tried on everything from her normal everyday clothes to her pyjamas and communion dress. All except two things. ,,This is a bit extreme," she muttered and took the short leather skirt and the loose blood-red blouse out of the wardrobe. Holding the two items up, she pondered for a moment. ,,So what?" she decided and put on the clothes she had once bought for Halloween as a joke.
At that time she wanted to go as a hooker with all her friends just for fun. Teenage fantasy she thought and smiled as she turned in front of the mirror. The clothes just looked a lot better than they did a few years ago. It accentuated her curves, her legs were visible all the way up her thighs.
The red blouse made her décolletage clear. He's going to notice me she thought resolutely and grabbed her leather jacket before grabbing her mobile phone and car keys. Walking out of her room, she listened in on the house. She heard the sound of the television downstairs in the living room. A good sign.
Creeping slowly down the stairs, she peeked around the corner into the living room. Both asleep she thought happily as she heard her father snoring lightly and her mother snuggled up to him. Creeping along, she took the black high heels before taking her car key from the small key bowl and opening the door.
Pulling it quietly behind her, she hurried to her car and got in. ,,Done" she muttered in relief and started the engine before driving off towards Stabathon. The drive didn't take long - she was on the road for about ten minutes before she heard the relatively loud noises.
Parking the car, stuffing the key in her jacket pocket to her handy she headed for the barn. This looks good she thought and grinned when she saw all the decorations and slightly dressed up people. Even though her outfit definitely stood out from the others.
She didn't have a knife stuck in her chest, or a ghostface mask, or even the jacket of her football team. She was dressed relatively inconspicuously for the party. She tried to find her boyfriend but gave up after a few minutes.
Too many people with too many of the same costumes and too much alcohol. Looking around she finally found the bar with the drinks.
Heading for it, she found the alcohol in a large glass bowl before grabbing one of the red plastic cups. ,,Y/n the best animatress of our film club in her gorgeous outfit" she suddenly heard a voice next to her and jerked around. ,,You scared me Robbie," she said, shaking her head slightly.
Robbie was the second boss of the film club and Charlie's best friend. She knew he was recording her and it was being streamed live. ,,Don't do that," she said, taking the first sip of alcohol as he looked her up and down with his camera for the third time.
Defensively, he raised his hands and chuckled. ,,What? It's not often you come out like that, a real beauty," he said, but quickly fell silent as he heard the warning look from his classmate. ,,Thanks Robbie, you really are a gentleman" she said rolling her eyes and swearing inwardly. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all.
She took another sip of the drink and was about to leave when Robbie walked around her and cut her off. ,,Sorry, I didn't mean that, come on, let me get you a VIP seat," he said with a smile and pointed to the stage. Nodding, she followed him and quickly arrived at a ladder leading to the upper area. ,,Are you serious straw?" she asked and took one of the stalks between her hands.
Before she threw it at him, which Robbie returned with a roll of his eyes. ,,No, go up and sit or stand on the railing so you can see everything," he said, seeming slightly excited as he looked at his watch. ,,Thanks" she murmured as he left to start the welcoming speech before she made her way upstairs. He's right, she thought, leaning against the wooden railing where she could see everything. A small smile flitted across her lips as she listened to their speech, paying more attention to Charlie than anything else.
Regardless, she took another sip of the alcohol and looked at the first staff for a while. Before she suddenly heard a creaking behind her. The creaking of wood, someone coming towards her. She put the cup down on the railing and spun around. She was already prepared for a prank in the worst case scenario.
To her surprise Charlie showed up. ,,Hi Charlie," she said, slightly surprised, and smiled at him. He was leaning against one of the stacked bales of straw. The white button-up shirt clung loosely to his torso. The grey shirt underneath which was slightly visible through the slightly open collar.
The long brown hair that always looked so soft to her. Almost fluffy. The small smile on his lips and the piercing look of his blue eyes. He was perfect. ,,Hey, I didn't think you were coming," he said, walking up to her before standing next to her.
She felt how nervous she was, how fast her heart suddenly beat, her fingers tangled in her skirt and she stared at him. ,,Yeah, me neither...well a friend texted me to come" she admitted and quickly looked away as he looked from the film to her.
In the corner of her eye, she saw his eyes pass over her form. He's looking at me, she thought excitedly and grinned slightly. ,,You think this stabbing is so funny?" he asked with an amused tone in his voice when he saw her smile. Protectively she put her hands up slightly, ,,No...I um just had to think of a joke" she said hastily and would have preferred to sink into the ground. He nodded slightly in disbelief and turned back to the film.
She continued to watch him and felt almost stupid after five minutes of endless waiting. Do something she urged herself, because one thing she couldn't do was flirt. Or even make a real move. She had once asked him if she should stay for the break to help with the club, or have a coffee. She had even asked him for homework, but at the last moment she withdrew her book with the note for a meeting.
The idea came from Jill and not even from her. ,,Hey, I've got to get back to Robbie's for the next film, see you later," he said suddenly, pushing himself slightly off the railing. ,,Um, yeah, have fun," she mumbled and would have liked to push herself down.
He had just disappeared behind the bales of straw and she was already thinking about finishing the alcohol before she plunged down when he suddenly reappeared. ,,Hey, if you're up for a little party at Kirby's house, why don't you come?" he said hurriedly and she called after him with a ,,I will, thank you!". It's at Kirby's...but he invited me she thought happily and decided to go in search of her friends again. Not knowing that the evening would be all the more exciting.
Not only had Gale turned up, but the real Ghostface and the sheriff were all here. But when the first shot was fired by Dewie, she had run outside with the crowd for fear of being arrested.
As well as becoming another victim of Ghostface. ,,What a night," she muttered as she started the engine and drove down the road to Kirby. Parking the car and getting out, she saw the lights on in the house.They must have left earlier she thought, her high heels clicking lightly on the street before she went inside.
The door was open. But after only a few steps inside she heard voices and a slight relief spread. ,,You knew the door was open, didn't you?" she asked as she walked in and looked into the faces of Robbie, Kirby, Jill and Charlie. Only the latter gave her a small smile. Almost as if he was relieved that she was here.
But she could have imagined that. ,,Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jill asked in surprise and stood up before pulling the other into a light hug. ,,Charlie invited me," she answered briefly and Robbie handed her a bottle of high-proof alcohol. ,,Drink to the survival of my masterpiece," the camera man ordered and she took a light sip. ,,Whatever I invited you...we're watching Stab Seven now," Charlie announced and took care of the film.
Jill sat back on the couch next to Kirby who hadn't said a word to the new girl. Robbie moved a few feet away to the kitchen and continued to complain, mumbling. And Y/n sat down on the left, on the other side of Charlie.
Not that she didn't want to be with him, but Kirby seemed to be looking at her with a look she knew too well. Get out of here, the blonde seemed to say. As best she could, she tried to ignore the look and took a few more sips of the alcohol.
A few minutes had passed and Stab was in full swing when she slowly felt the warmth in her body. She was not drunk if at all slightly tipsy but the warmth told her she had had enough for now.
Putting the bottle on the table, she took off her leather jacket and her red blouse stood out as an eye-catcher. ,,Someone has made herself pretty," she suddenly heard Kirby say. The blonde looked at her carefully and smiled charmingly. But there was annoyance in her eyes. ,,So what?" she asked back and raised an eyebrow before standing up.
Grabbing the bottle, she took another step towards Kirby. ,,Nothing...nothing the question is for whom?" she probed further and Y/n became more uncomfortable by the second. She didn't like the way the evening was going. ,,For no one but me," she countered and walked past the blonde to hand Robbie the bottle and grab a glass of water.
Walking back she just saw a shadow coming from the right before she bumped into someone coming in with firm steps. ,,Ouch...Trevor?" she said as she stumbled back slightly from the force of the older and taller man. Surprise showed on everyone's faces as the one they didn't think was coming appeared. ,,Great" she muttered and looked at the stain of water on her blouse.
Right in the area of her bust and the black lace of her bra pressed against it. ,,The bathroom is upstairs," Robbie said, averting his gaze from her and his camera. ,,Peeping Tom" Y/n muttered, slightly annoyed, and went up the stairs. A few moments later she heard Jill leaving with Trevor, looking for her mobile phone, and Robbie going out onto the terrace. Only Kirby and Charlie stayed behind.
Finding herself in a house and hallway with endless doors, she was baffled. ,,Just great" she mumbled before sighing and opening one door after the other which seemed to take forever. How rich is she? she asked herself when she found the third guest room and the second walk-in wardrobe. Before she finally found the bathroom with another door. Turning on the light she grabbed one of the towels and tried to dry it somehow.
She wanted to avoid walking around in a visible bra all evening. Taking the towel off her clothes, the stain had only receded slightly. Sighing, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her bra was still slightly visible on closer inspection, but otherwise it was fine.
Leaning on the sink, she ran her hand through her hair. Did he even look at me? she asked herself and decided to go back downstairs. The evening was not over yet, even though she could hardly hear any sounds coming from downstairs. Walking down the corridor she suddenly heard a creaking sound like a door.
Looking around, she saw that a door to the guest room was slightly open. Did Jill go in there? she asked herself and decided to check. She hoped it was Jill or just a pet and not a stupid prank by Kirby.
That was the last thing she wanted. She opened the door a little wider and slipped inside before taking a few steps inside and standing in the middle of the room. ,,Hello?" she asked into the darkness but got no answer.
Suddenly the light from the bedside lamp came on and gave the room a slight orange tint. Not bright enough to dazzle but not too dark to see anything. Only the shadows of the furniture and things seemed more threatening.
She had flinched and scurried around as the door closed and suddenly Charlie was leaning against the door, causing it to close. ,,Charlie...you scared me," she said, grabbing her upper body before a small unsmiling smile came to her lips. ,,Is everything all right? It's pretty quiet down there?" she asked and took a step towards him. For the first time, however, it seemed that something had changed in him. His gaze remained on her, not avoiding her, and there was no Kirby in his blue eyes.
He seemed to be looking only at her. An engaging feeling, she found. ,,Everything is fine, Jill is outside with Trevor. Robbie is on the terrace recording and Kirby...she's asleep on the couch" he said after a short silence and walked away from the door with a click. Did he lock it? the question entered her head, but she could have imagined the click. ,,That's good...and you?" she asked and continued to look at him. Her heart seemed to have never beaten so fast as she realised how close they were.
Alone together in a room. No party, no friends, no Kirby, just her and Charlie. ,,Oh, I just wanted to check on you, I was worried, you know? You can't be too careful about the killer, can you?" he asked and slowly approached her. The question took her slightly by surprise.
Ghostface. She had been aware of him. But she as a victim. Why? Because she drew for the film club, read books and had a crush? No, she wouldn't be a victim. ,,That's true, but if he's really copying the original murders, then well, I'm not a suitable victim, I don't have a role in all this," she said, gesturing around her as if the others were here.
An amused chuckle crossed his lips as his blue eyes continued to look at her. ,,Are you sure? I mean the killer could also think of something new...something unexpected" he said and took another step towards her.
He was standing in front of her now, looking at her and not seeming to want to let her go. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest as she looked into his eyes. ,,And what?" she dared to ask as she felt him twirl a strand of her hair between his fingers. Her heart beat even faster.
His look was amused, almost pleased with himself. As if he had accomplished something. Something important. ,,A move," she heard him say before he came closer and closer before kissing her. She felt his other hand on her hip, pulling her slightly closer. She sighed and her hands went to his torso.
He was gentle and careful she was uncertain and reluctant. It was apparently the first kiss for both of them. But it was incredible. Her heart was full of love. She had closed her eyes but noticed the small smile on his lips when he broke away. Through the light he seemed to tower over her even more.
As if his shadow enveloped and covered her. Enchanting her and keeping her close. It was a pleasant feeling, there was only the two of them. She saw the small blush on his cheeks as he carefully let a hand wander over her breast. ,,Oh man," he murmured as he squeezed gently and she couldn't help but smile.
He was completely fascinated by the new feeling and she felt herself falling for him more and more. Dare said her inner voice and she reached for his other hand and brought it to her lips before giving it a soft kiss and placing it on her other breast. ,,That's wow - I mean, am-am I hurting you?" he asked suddenly, almost startled as he seemed to sense her brief shudder.
It was true that she was as good as inexperienced in the area of intimacy. At least as far as contact with twits was concerned, but now there was no better chance. She leaned forward and gave him another gentle kiss.
Before she told him, ,,No...please go on, it feels good," even though she also felt the warmth on her cheeks. They both seemed to have to overcome their insecurity little by little. With caution and uncertainty. She felt him deepen the kiss and his hands continued to run over her body. Exploring every inch and yet with a caution. With a caution almost out of fear of hurting her or out of rejection.
She noticed how he detached himself from her and his gaze went to the guest bed. Suddenly she realised what he meant but the uncertainty she had felt was almost gone. Instead, she felt comfortable, comfortable with the thought of what it could lead to.
Nodding slightly, she took his hand and he led her to the bed. Standing in front of it, he engaged her in another kiss just as he was about to say something. ,,I-" she started before suddenly a clang and a scream could be heard from below. ,,What was that?" she immediately asked in alarm and looked at Charlie who was looking at the door.
Walking past Charlie, she wanted to look outside. ,,If it's Jill, then-" she couldn't get any further when a hand suddenly came down on hers and he gently but firmly pulled her back. ,,It's only Kirby, she must have dropped a bottle," she heard him say, but his voice seemed to have almost changed.
The tone of lightness was gone. It seemed almost commanding, controlling. He's going to keep me here, she thought, feeling her heart beat fast.
But whether out of love or slight fear, she couldn't tell. ,,Are you sure? I mean, there's a murderer on the loose here," she admitted to her concerns and she flinched in surprise when she felt his lips on her neck. He laughed lightly. ,,It's a good thing we're together," he whispered and he seemed different.
As if his nice, friendly, almost sometimes retiring manner was to some extent an act. She felt him continue to spread kisses greedily and needily on her neck. His hands ran lightly over her breasts and he traced the lace of her bra. Goosebumps spread over her body.
A pleasant feeling. As if he was hiding behind something, knowing that he knew something. That he knew something she didn't. ,,Yeah...but here," she stated a little uncertainly and gently pushed him away from her. She knew that maybe it was a one-time moment and yet something inside her told her that something was wrong.
But what? She looked at him again. His eyes seemed darker, still blue, but the good seemed to be gone. His gaze held hers as if he was proud. But proud of what? ,,Are you sure everything is alright with Kirby?" she asked, trying to read his reaction. To her surprise, he almost sighed in annoyance. As if the talking was annoying him and he wasn't nervous at all.
As if he saw it as annoying. ,,The bitch is fine!," he said suddenly, upset but full of resentment. What happened? she asked herself again as she realised that something was definitely wrong. But he immediately realised his mistake as the girl took a step back. Away from him, back away from him. Out of fear. ,,Charlie...what have you done?" she dared to ask and her hands clawed at her skirt in fear of the truth.
Defensively he raised his hands and came towards her trying to explain himself but stopped when she pointed at his shirt. ,,Is-Is...that blood?" she asked, slightly afraid when she finally noticed the small dark spot on his white shirt. Astonishment was in his eyes as he wiped his fingers over the stain.
She saw him lick the substance from his fingers and an uncomfortable shiver came over her. ,,You-you are", ,,Ghostface" he finished her sentence before a knife bored into the wall next to her head, blocking her way. A short cry escaped her lips. Fear had a grip on her, devastating fear. Fear of dying, fear of being hurt. Fear of him in a mix of attraction.
It was scary. ,,Please Charlie," she tried, but whimpered as she felt his fingers brushing against the strands of her hair again. ,,Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?" he asked and seemed to be waiting for her answer.
But he didn't get it and only an anxious shake of the head. ,,No? Well, let's say long enough to know that you're just like me," he said with a happiness that couldn't have been more inappropriate. Not when the cold steel of the knife next to her head could still mean her death. ,,I didn't kill anyone," she dared to say, wincing as he laughed and his eyes darted briefly to the knife.
As if he were weighing when he would kill her. ,,Oh no, I don't mean that... no, I mean our kind, our feelings, you know? I mean we were both just too shy to talk to each other all the time" he explained what he meant and slowly she understood. Slowly she understood him.
Slowly she realised that her crush was a crazy serial killer who had wanted her as an honourary victim all along. She had been the victim for months. ,,And now you're going to kill me?" she asked, looking back from the knife into his eyes. Again he smirked and seemed to enjoy it.
Enjoying having the confidence, enjoying having something and not just being a plaything. He let go of her hairline and his hand moved carefully, almost shyly, over the warm skin of her neck.
Before he lingered there and slowly and gently put his hand around her neck. ,,No, no I would never kill you. Not like Kirby, that fucking bitch...I just didn't want to believe it until now. And now we finally have each other" he began to whisper softly, audible only to them both.
But clearly understandable. Has he had this side all this time? she asked herself, seeming to see this side of pent-up anger, hatred, disappointment and all the emotions only rarely if ever for the first time. And it fascinated her to a small extent inside.
Fascinated and frightened her. ,,I-I...was always afraid that you would never look at me," she suddenly admitted. For fear that they would be her last words. For fear of never having confessed to him. ,,I have always seen you, my precious girl" he murmured and gave her a soft chaste kiss on her lips.
As if he was going back to his old self for a moment. ,,What did you want to say to me earlier?" the question seemed to come back to his mind. But there was a certain impulse in his eyes. As if he was afraid of getting the wrong answer. As if he was afraid that she had even played with him. Suddenly the grip around her neck became slightly stronger.
Not strong enough to cut off her air but enough to give her a warning before he picked up the knife again. ,,I-I wanted to say that I...love you," she admitted. They just looked at each other for a moment. For a moment in which he seemed to be weighing whether he could trust her.
A moment in which she decided whether she could trust him. A moment was enough before he pulled the knife out of the wall and kissed her. The metal clanked to the floor, but it was nothing. It didn't matter that he was Ghostface, it didn't matter that she was actually afraid.
It was the realisation that they loved each other that penetrated them both and made them forget their situation for a moment. ,,I love you too" she heard him say and it was the first time in the night that she felt hope next to fear. Hope that when all this was over she had a chance at love with Charlie. A chance that everything would turn out well.
Because she knew if she didn't make it out of here he would keep her for himself. Because underneath his friendly, cute, nerdy exterior, he was a hurt, scared, insecure serial killer who found redemption in her. And they both seemed to know that she could give him love.
The love to forgive him for what he had done. She was his and whether she wanted to or not he would not let her go. His sweet, dear, beautiful light of hope. No she would never leave him. He would make sure of that.
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p1nkprincess444 · 19 days
˚⋆❀˖°𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒯𝒽𝓇ℯℯ ℴ𝒻 𝒰𝓈 - 𝒞𝓁𝒶𝓎 ℛℴ𝒶𝒸𝒽°˖❀⋆˚
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female!reader x clay roach
word count: 2,160
contents: 18+, angst, suicide
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When you first met Clay you were both in highschool, he was in grade 12 and you were in grade 10. As soon as you met each other you fell into his world. 
He would take you to parties practically every weekend letting you sit in his lap while he shared joints and drinks with you. You both were absolutely hammered and higher than kites as you stumbled back to your house with him. You giggled as you stumbled up the staircase with Clay holding onto you. You tumbled into your bed with him. You both laid on your backs taking in each other's features. You admired the way his hair fell around his face and the way his lips curled up in a smile. You noticed how the veins in his hands bulged slightly as he squeezed your hand. You smiled at the way his eyes flickered down from your lips to your breasts that were almost spilling out of your dress as you laid with him. One simple movement changed everything in a split second. His lips pressed against yours as his hand moved up to cup your cheek. His tongue slid past your lips as his hand moved to the back of your head pulling you closer as he kissed you. Before you knew it his hands were pushing up your dress so it was bunched up around your waist as he pulled down your panties. Your hands fumbled with his belt trying to unbuckle it but you couldn’t seem to manage. It made Clay smile as you struggled, making him gently push your hands away as he unbuckled his belt followed by him pushing down his jeans. Clay’s lips connected with your neck kissing and nipping at it as the leaking head of his cock pressed against your entrance. He slowly pushed inside of you until he bottomed out making you both moan in unison.  
“ Taking me so well.. Fuck you feel so good, ” he punctuated every word with a thrust of his cock. 
You could only respond with whimpers and moans as his pace began to quicken. Your fingers tangled in his long wavy brown hair as he thrusted into you with a newfound desperation. Soft praises escaped his lips as his fingers dug into your hips. Your legs locked around his hips as your cunt squeezed him impossibly tight signaling your oncoming release. You cried out Clay’s name loudly as you came around his cock and at the same time he was filling you full of his seed. 
Clay pressed a soft tender kiss to your lips before rolling off you as he looked into your eyes. “ Are you alright princess? ”
I smiled at the nickname as I brushed hair from his face. “ Mm’ okay, ” I smiled softly as he kissed me again before he tucked himself back into his boxers before moving down between my thighs. “ What are- are you doing, ” my question was answered with his mouth greedily moving to suck on my clit.
Clay responded only in a soft hum as his tongue lapped at your folds. His fingers pushed inside of you as his mouth sucked on your clit. He had your hips pinned to the bed as he fucked you with his fingers faster. Lewd noises left your mouth as you shamelessly grinded against his face while he eagerly moved his fingers faster as his tongue swirled around your clit. Clay curled his fingers hitting the perfect spot inside of you making your back arch as moans slip past your lips. He sped up his movements as he saw you coming undone. 
“ Fuck- mm’ gonna.. ” Before I could finish my sentence I was cumming around his fingers as he lapped at my folds cleaning up the mess he made.
He withdrew his fingers after a few moments, licking them clean as he crawled back up onto the bed. Clay kissed your forehead gently as he pulled off your dress followed by his clothes as he moved you under the plush duvet that covered your bed. 
This seemed to be how you spent your weekends now. You’d get wasted and high at a party and stumble home on Clay’s arm. He’d spend the night tangled in your arms and you’d wake up with him sleeping peacefully next to you. Those were your favorite moments with him in the morning. You admired the peacefully relax fullness of his features as the sun cascading through your window on his soft brown hair and face. It was all perfect until it all came crashing down in your senior year of highschool. Clay was out of highschool but was still partying as hard as ever. You had stumbled home with him to his new apartment, but this time you were reckless with him. He had you bent over the arm of his new couch as he slammed his cock into you. You hadn’t bothered to ask if he had a condom, you hadn’t even remembered to remind him. By the time you did remember he was filling you full of his cum. As you laid awake in his bed he came back from the bathroom looking higher than he ever had. You hadn’t thought to ask what he might have been on as you fell asleep in his arms that night.
A few weeks had passed since that night and you began to get sick, you wanted to push it off as the flu or even a common cold, but deep down you knew it was more than that. A week had passed and you were dropping weight like it was nothing. You were sleeping over at Clay’s and he began to notice how wretched you looked. 
“ Baby, what’s the matter, you’ve been looking worse and worse, ” Clay questioned you as he felt your forehead for the familiar warmth of a fever but he was met with the normal coolness of your skin. His brow furrowed slightly as he pulled you into his arms.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you might be pregnant as you laid in his arms before drifting off to sleep. The next morning like clock work you ran to the bathroom vomiting into the toilet. Your hands pushed your hair from your face as you heaved into the toilet. Clay soon followed you and kneeled next to you as his hands held back your hair. Once you had finished he pulled you into his lap stroking your hair before he got you a glass of water from the sink. He pressed it to your lips gently allowing you to rinse your mouth. He tucked you into his bed as he stroked your hair.
“ It’s just the flu, it'll be alright, you can stay here till you’re feeling better. ”
You nodded and turned over laying on your side facing away from him as anxiety filled your gut.
The next day when Clay went to work you snuck away and went to a small drugstore on the corner. You bought two pregnancy tests and walked back to Clay’s apartment as you took the first test. It came back positive with a small smiley face next to the words. You knew it had to be wrong so you took the second and the two pink lines couldn’t have been clearer screaming at you that you were pregnant. You heard the front door open making you panic as you shoved the tests in the trash can. You greeted Clay as he knocked on the door gently. He hugged you tightly before moving his hand up to your forehead feeling no abnormal temperature again. He laid with you in bed as you both soon drifted off to sleep for a short nap. You woke up alone in his bed, your heart immediately dropping. You crept out of his bed and found him on the couch with a needle in his hand and a belt pulled snug around his bicep. 
“ Clay- Clay what are you doing, ” you stood in the doorway like a child who just had a nightmare in Clay’s large sweater. 
He immediately put the drugs away trying to convince you it was anything but heroin. You laid in his bed with him as he explained how it “wasn’t that bad” he was almost convincing you to try it.
The next few months went on and your now child filled stomach was beginning to grow and so were the size of your clothes. Clay laid asleep in bed but had woken up to find you changing. Before you could pull your sweater over your bump Clay was out of bed holding your face in his hands. The next moment those three words left his lips. The words you dreaded to hear.
“ Are you pregnant? ” His face was one of concern and amazement as you gave a small nod. 
His arms engulfed you into a tight hug as you sobbed. The tears left your eyes because of your stupidity and your negligence. You didn’t know how you let yourself get pregnant in your last year of highschool by a boy your parents hated but you loved. You sunk into Clay’s arms as he whispered soothing words into your hair as he peppered your head with small kisses. 
The next few months were the hardest you could tell the reality of it all was hitting Clay head on. The arms you once loved wrapped around you were now being covered in deep brown track marks as his addiction grew worse by the days. You begged Clay to stop but he kept making empty promises. You’d wake up to him crawling back into bed high out of his mind on heroin, as he kissed you gently before slipping off into a deep drug induced sleep. 
As the months went on and you were nearing your due date you spent what seemed like less and less time with Clay as he was always slipping off to get high. You decided to go to his apartment as you knew he didn’t have work today. You knocked on his door once.. Then twice… and now a third time. All your knocks go unanswered, causing you to begin to become nervous. You knocked louder again until you remembered he gave you a key when he moved in. You fumbled for the key that was buried in your school back. You grabbed it as your hands shook while you tried to press the key into the lock. You opened the door to find Clay on the floor with a needle sticking out of his arm and his belt pulled as tight as he could around his bicep. You dropped to the floor as fast as you could, accommodating your swollen belly as you dropped to your knees next to Clay. 
“ Please- Please wake up, ” I sobbed as I stroked Clay’s hair with shaking hands. 
You began to shake him as you sobbed against his chest. You begged him to wake up as you shook him violently. His eyes fluttered open as he looked around the room, his eyes not landing on anything specific until they met your tear filled ones. He tried to speak but no words passed his lips. You clung to him like a life line begging him to keep his eyes open but yet they began to flutter shut anyways. 
“ No.. No- No! Please Clay you’re all I have anymore, ” I sobbed as I tried to keep him awake and yet he let his eyes fall shut again. 
You laid with your head on his chest as your sobs subsided. You slept on the floor next to him waiting for him to wake up. You waited to feel him move but slowly the rise and fall of his chest subsided and the thumping of his heart stopped. You laid there with your head resting against his chest feeling his skin grow cold against yours. You didn’t know what to do as you laid there until you found yourself standing in front of the bathroom mirror with a razor blade in your hands. Your life was falling apart in a matter of hours, the only man you had ever truly loved was lying dead on the floor in the other room, meanwhile your parents had practically disowned you after you told them you were pregnant. Everything was falling apart. Before you could even think of what to do next your hand was dragging the blade down your wrist all the way to your bicep. You quickly followed this action by doing the same to the other arm. You sunk to the floor as blood seeped from your wounds covering your clothes and the bathroom floor as you clutched your swollen belly. You thought about the life you could’ve had with Clay, a little white picket fence, with your precious little baby that he would cherish. You began to lose consciousness as you clutched onto unlived dreams.
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Dearest gentle reader, i am lady margo.
There are many topics waiting to be written about. I don’t have much experience in writing story’s however I have visual ideas and I’m ready to make those visions come true. There are many things I will write about, tho many things I won’t tolerate or allow to be written on my page.
Some of those things would include-
✃choking kink
✃praise kink
Things i will NOT write about-
✃piss kink
Some of the people i will write about
✃rory culkin characters
✃ethan landry/jack champion
✃roman bridger (scream 3)
✃ Timothée Chalamet  Characters 
And many others but those are some of my main ideas for storys at the moment. You can always request specific stories, or characters you want me to write about. With that being said I DO, have the right to decline any stories im uncomfortable with, or don’t like. One more thing before i sign off, who would you want my first story to be about?
𝐗𝐨𝐱𝐨- 𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐨 ఌ
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itsshawtyfellas · 1 year
Breaking in
Pairing: Charlie Walker x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, 18+ (mature content such as dom!charlie, sub!reader, dry humping, clit stimulation, oral, praise kink, degradation kink, mask kink, penetration)
A/N: ngl I'm a sucker for all of those charlie as a sub type of fics (I stand by that) but I believe that behind that mask charlie is a whole different person based on his murders. So I decided to write something about it because why not 😈 sit down and enjoy my little sluts (btw my obsession with this man is over the roof by now help) the gif is just to give you a little idea of how it will go further into the fic😉
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You didn't know how to feel.
Were you angry? Upset? Scared? Probably all of them.
You just couldn't believe it at first. You refused to believe your sweet, smart and funny boyfriend Charlie could do something like that.
You simply decided to go to Charlie's house after school to surprise him but when you got to his room you saw him taking off his ghostface costume that had droplets of blood in it. You confronted him about it, asking him if he was the one responsible for all the murders in Woodsboro so far and he didn't even bother to deny. He couldn't lie to you, so he admitted it, explaining the truth and reasoning behind it.
You were quiet the entire way back to your house and also inside it. Your mind went back to all the moments you had spent with him; the sweet ones, the sad ones, the intimate ones. As time went by, your thoughts made you realize how real it all was.
It's been only a couple of days since you walked out of his house and you still couldn't stop thinking about it. The rational side of your body kept telling you that you should inform the authorities; that meant reporting your boyfriend would not only make him stay in prison for a few good decades but it would also make you, as his girlfriend, an accomplice of his crimes since you knew the truth. Meanwhile, the emotional side of your body wanted you to hide the whole truth and run back into the kind arms of the love of your life. Whatever your decision was, you couldn't tell anyone about it.
Right as you mind wandered back to reality, you noticed the movie you had put on to distract yourself had ended, so you started to do some chores around your house, since you didn't want to think about it for a little while.
As you finished cleaning the kitchen, you went out for a few minutes to take out the trash, leaving the front door slightly ajar so you could go back in, but suddenly you felt eyes on you and a presence on your back. Turning around to go back inside, you quickly checked your surroundings to make sure you weren't being watched, scared you would be the next kill despite knowing Charlie would never do something to you.
The moment you turned around after closing your door, you came face to face with your boyfriend Charlie; except that he was wearing the ghostface costume and you gussed that he was either coming back from a kill or going for one. For brief seconds, the two of you just stood there in front of each other without saying a word. Every emotion and every thought that you were having and thinking earlier came back rushing to your heart and mind. Your own body was battling against your own, not knowing whether you should run away from him, to him or fight him; so you opted by asking him a simple but stupid question.
"Are you going to hurt me?" He didn't answer, only shaking his head.
"Then why are you here?"
"I wanted to see you." Those were his only words before going quiet again. He could tell you were feeling conflicted but he wasn't going to blame you.
"You could've called me." He took a step closer to you.
"I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me, much less see me."
He took another step towards you but you didn't back away. He kept coming closer and closer until he was right in front of you. Charlie lifted a hand to your face, caressing your cheek, feeling your skin heat up under his touch.
Not only was your skin hot, but your heart was almost popping out of your chest from how gently he was touching you. The way he was touching your face along with the way he was looking at you behind that mask was arousing you, even though you wanted to ignore it.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you through this." His voice, soothing and calm as always, comforted you as he looked at your trembling form.
You had no words. Even after finding out he was the killer – ghostface– he still made you feel warm and fuzzy inside; you shouldn't but you couldn't help yourself, you still loved him and he was still your boyfriend.
"I didn't want you to find out this way, I swear I never meant to put you involved in this." Even though you couldn't see his face, you could still hear the plead in his voice.
"I was involved in all of this ever since you started murdering people knowing you and I were together and I could find out about it at any moment." You said, while stepping away from him, the anger and frustration showing through your voice. Charlie turned his head slightly away from the direction of your eyes knowing how upset you were. "At least show me your face and look at me if you're so sorry."
He was aware of how angry you were, so, like a soldier listening to his commander's orders, he turned his head back to you and brought his hand to his chin to take off his mask, his hair tied into a bun, all while looking into your eyes.
You stared at him; your eyes running all over his face, mostly remaining on his baby blue eyes, as if to remember every single detail of his angelic like features to assure yourself that he was still the same –which he was. If someone told you a few days ago that your boyfriend was the one who committed the murders, you wouldn't believe them and would've laughed in their face, telling them he would never do something like that, for he was far too sweet to kill people in such a brutal way, but right now, as you looked at him, you could only wish it wasn't true.
It didn't stop you though. It didn't stop your mind from reliving all those moments spent with him; it didn't stop your feelings from erupting into the surface everytime you thought of him; it didn't stop your heart from racing whenever you saw him; and it definitely didn't stop you from loving him.
You and Charlie kept eye contact with each other once no other words were exchanged. The silence surrounding your bodies in the living room was loud; you could even hear your light breaths and maybe even your heart ramming against your ribcage.
However, Charlie tried to make another move for the second time that day by walking slowly towards you. The stare in his eyes was so intense the arousal you felt before came back to your body, the tingling sensation lowering to your core. Without thinking, you took a step back as he kept walking towards you until you collided with the wall.
Your breathing got heavier as the air around you felt hot, the arousal only increasing more and more with the way Charlie was staring at you; what you didn't know was that he was doing it on purpose to rile you up. He loved to watch the way your chest rose up and down when he did something like this. It turned him on when he had some kind of control over you since it was unusual for him and when that happened he liked to enjoy it as much as he could.
"Do you still love me?" He asked with uncertainty.
"I don't know if I should." You answered out of spite despite wanting to say yes.
"Do you trust me?"
"I don't know if I should either."
No words were said after that. It wasn't that you didn't trust him or love him –you did, with your soul and life– but you wanted to see how the moment would go and how it would end. Would you lie to him and say you didn't want him anymore? Would you guys break up and never see each other again? Or would you confess your love and trust for him and keep it all a secret? Whatever way that conversation would go, your mind was set on not sending him to the authorities.
You were so distracted thinking about how it would all end, preparing yourself mentally and emotionally, that you didn't even notice Charlie's hand locking itself on your neck, right beneath your jawline, and leaning in to kiss you. Despite getting caught off guard, your body accepted the kiss with an eagerness never felt before.
As the kiss evolved, eventually turning into makeout session, all the doubts you were having before left your mind, the only thing remaining being the love and trust you had for him. A wave of emotions flooded your heart, making its palpitations increase, causing you to pull him closer to your body with your arms encircling around his neck.
To say he was surprised by your reaction was an understatement. Even though the love you had for one another was unconditional, he almost expected you to turn around and go straight to the police, but he was mostly relieved that you didn't. With that, he started to slowly and reluctantly slide his hands down your back, afraid you would stop him but decided to keep going when he felt you holding him even closer. Now feeling more secure and confident, he ran his hands over your waist and to your hips, pulling your pelvis against his when arousal started to rush into his body, going straight to his core.
"Do you want me?" He asked, pausing his actions.
"Yes." You didn't even hesitate to answer his question, the passion you were feeling mixing up with the physical contact only added more fervor into your veins. Right when you were about to carry on with the now heavy makeout session, Charlie stopped you by grabbing your wrist. Looking at him with a confused look in your face, you were about to ask him what was he doing when he suddenly took a step back. When he did this, your mind began to cloud itself with insecurities and second thoughts, in fear that he had regretted his decision; it almost made you prepare yourself for a heartbreak until you saw him kneeling down to grab his mask that he dropped earlier on the floor to put it back on.
"Charlie?" Without answer, he started to walk back to you, your body still pressed against the wall. Even when you couldn't see his face due to the mask, you could feel his eyes on you, watching you like a hawk. It made you feel nervous and a little scared but you kept telling yourself he wouldn't hurt you –after all you trusted him and you wanted him to know that.
Now standing in front of you again, Charlie tilted his head lightly, noticing the way your chest rose up and down due to your heavy breathing, your lips slightly parted and your eyes locked on his –or his mask.
At first, he thought about taking off the costume and let things flow between the two of you like they usually would, but now, as he stands in front you, watching the way your body reacted to him and his actions, he couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to take control, soon overtaken by a feeling of power, something he would mostly feel whenever he wore the ghostface costume for his kills. All of it only turned him on more.
You weren't far behind. If someone walked in on that moment and saw ghostface –or Charlie– in your living room cornering you against the wall, they would immediately think you were being attacked and would call the police –but that wasn't the case as the energy around the room shifted once again as your body heat increased and your heartbeat sped up as Charlie kept staring at you under that mask, causing you to feel just as aroused as he was.
Coming even closer until your bodies were touching, he grabbed your hips and pulled you close to him all over again, his hands then sliding down to your buttcheeks to bring your pelvis towards his to create some sort of friction. Noticing this, you circled your arms around his torso and buried your face in his neck, moving your hips against his clothed erection, while his hands held your ass helping your movements.
Not a single word other than each other's heavy breathing was exchanged as the two of you were humping your hips towards one another, at least not until one of his hands left your butt and you felt his fingertips going over the seam of your pajama pants, teasing you at first to arouse you even more and then going under your panties and to your pussy, using his middle and ring fingers to give you slow and light circles to your stimulated clit.
"C-Charlie..." You panted against his neck. The hand that was still holding your cheek, was brought to your chin, lifting your face from his neck in order to make you look at him, his head slightly tilted in a provoking way.
"What is it? Hmm? Does it feel good?" He asked, amusement oozing out of his voice as he kept touching your pussy.
"Y-Yes, yes, it feels s-so good." You stuttered, as you let your head fall on his shoulder.
"Yes, it does and you wanna know why? Because you're taking it like a good little slut, aren't you?" As he spoke, the words only got stuck in your throat as you felt your orgasm approaching, the only possible answers being the nods of your head and the shifting of your hips as he changed the speed of his fingers, going even faster to help you reach your peak.
"Shhh, I know, I know, there you go." He praised, his voice soft in your ear as the most earth shattering orgasm hit you, making your body tremble in his arms, the sounds of your erratic breathing only getting louder with each after shock, causing your shaking form to look like it just got a short circuit.
Charlie then removed his fingers from your underwear, wiping them on his costume without care and took a step back, giving you a minute to cool off before trying anything else. He was about to ask if you were okay but refrained himself from saying it when you suddenly brought your hands to his ankles, in an attempt to remove his costume, lifting it up and taking it off his body along with his shirt, leaving him with only his mask and jeans. As you were about to unbuckle his belt, Charlie suddenly held your hands, stopping your actions. You glanced up at him perplexed, questioning why would he stop you and wondering if he didn't want you to return the favor when all of a sudden you felt the weight of his palms on your shoulders, gently but firmly pressing on them to push you down on your knees.
"What? Isn't this what you want, hmm?" You could tell he asked it in a rhetoric way, using a taunting and condescending tone and smirking under his mask, whilst stroking your cheek and looking down at you, almost as if telling you you knew what to do. So, with little hesitation and excitement filling your body, you brought your hands to his belt loops, unbuckling them and then unbuttoning his pants, giving little kisses and licks on his firm abs and down his v-line, his hips going forward, towards your mouth as you tugged down his jeans along with his boxer briefs.
"Look at you, pretty little thing getting excited over my cock. You're such a fucking whore, aren't you, baby?" Charlie's words did nothing but arouse you even more, making you feel even more turned on to the point your own wetness was seeping through your panties.
Bringing his pants and boxers down to the middle of his thighs, you took a few seconds to admire him in all his glory, starting with his face –covered by the mask– and going down his naked torso, ending with his fully erected dick, standing long, hard and with a certain girth before grabbing his cock in your hand, kissing his underside and then wrapping your lips around his reddish tip, lightly sucking and swirling your tongue around it while using your hand to stroke him slowly and teasingly to excite him even more. You kept doing this for a while before Charlie got tired of your teasing and put a hand on the back of your upper neck and brought your head forward, taking off your hand so you could bob your head easily.
"Fuck, you're doing so good, it's like you were made to suck dick, weren't you? Maybe that's why you always look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, right? What would everyone say if they saw you right now on your knees in front of the so known ghostface, sucking him off like the dirty fucking slut you are, hmm? You'd love that, wouldn't you, baby?"
Your boyfriend's choice of words only made you move your head even faster, trying to make him reach his orgasm with his hand still at the back of your neck controlling your movements. All you could hear were his groans along with his irregular breathing as he rutted his hips against your mouth, feeling you squeeze your lips around him and running your tongue on the underside as he came and let the milky white substance fill the inside of your cheeks, watching you swallow it all.
As soon as he finished, Charlie grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet, your knees sore from being on the floor for too long, and, without saying a single word, bended your over the arm of your couch and pulled your pajama pants down, looking at the wetness of your pussy.
"God, you're so fucking wet, is this from sucking me off? Yeah? Do you want me to fuck you? Will you be a good girl and let me fuck you? Answer me or I'll make you fuck my shoe instead of me." He said, running his middle finger up and down your pussy, circling your clit every once in a while.
"Yes, y-yes, please fuck me, please..." You panted.
He didn't answer, simply pushing your head down and lifted your hips a little, making you arch your back, and started to rub the tip of his dick on your clitoris and then at your entrance, sliding in slowly to let you adjust to him before starting to move in a slow pace, soon speeding up the rhythm of his thrusts while paying attention to your light moans.
"Fucking hell, you're such a fucking whore, fucking a murderer in your living room when no one knows who and where he is, but you love it, don't you, darling?" The way Charlie was talking only added more fire to your veins and skin, making you try and push your hips back a little to meet his thrusts, when you felt his hands gripping your thighs and sliding up and around your hips, adding more force into his thrusts, only to bring a hand to the front of your body, towards your pussy, stroking your clit to bring you to the edge.
The house was so quiet that the sounds of skin slapping, erratic breathing, grunts and moans seemed loud on your ears but it only made the two of you more excited.
"Are you gonna cum? You want me to fill you up and stuff your pretty little pussy with my cum? Is that what you want? Cum for me then, c'mon, love, you can do it, cum." Charlie panted, his voice slightly baffled by the mask that he was still wearing.
"C-Cumming, cumming –fuck– I'm cumming..." You stuttered as you felt your legs starting to shake, feeling an orgasm coming to hit you body as you shivered, it being as strong and intense as an earthquake, feeling the spurts of cum painting the walls of your pussy, as Charlie came inside you.
After taking a few minutes to gather your breaths, Charlie pulled out of you and used his shirt to clean you up and pull up your pants after taking off his mask and buttoning his jeans. The two of you were staring at each other's eyes in silence before he decided to speak.
"I'm sorry. I really am." Those were his only words before looking at the floor, not being able to look you in the eye.
"It's okay, I love you and I still trust you with my life, and even when I shouldn't I won't report you."
"Thank you, I love you so much." Nothing else was said afterwards as you locked yourselves in a passionate kiss.
A/N: Jesus fucking christ this took me DAYS but tbh I'm just happy that it's already done😁 well I just hope that you guys enjoy the reading🤭
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reiniesainyo · 4 months
IN BETWEEN. charlie bushnell x reader – 04
04 | I CAN SEE YOU previous | next | masterfile
SYNPOSIS. when a girl's co-star is good to her and now she wants it more than everything in between. (smau)
A/N. there's some filipino in this chapter, which I'll have translations placed in between the lines!
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries, and 302,457 others. thelnarchives “oh percy, i think your battle’s just begun.” 🌊⚔️
user1 rina's conversation with percy before he leaves instead of it being chiron or whatever is so ... so . i'm gonna cry over those lines for days user2 the angst they're setting us up for is insane
iamcharliebushnell oh my muse thelnarchives oh my traitor iamcharliebushnell oh that's not! thelnarchive no, in the sense that–
user3 oh the charlie-yn chemistry my roman empire
user4 i'm gonna miss seeing her on screen so much i need something soon
leahsavajeffries it was such a pleasure working with you 🥹 can’t wait for more scenes together, thank you for being my ate thelnarchives leah my baby bunso i love you so much you're so amazing
user5 yn calling leah "bunso" ie youngest in an affectionate manner and leah calling yn "ate" meaning older sister is so cute this isn't right i have diabetes
dior.n.goodjohn IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY IMY thelnarchive i miss you too, dior!
user6 this cast is so smitten for her and i see why and i know why user7 she's such a sweetheart ik they said not to trust celebrities but like oh my god
iamcharliebushnell wait i just saw the whole post, yn the third photo is foul. that's foul. thelnarchive you love me still walker.scobell that's because you're the only one who will dior.n.goodjohn BRO GOT COOKED HAHAHAH
walker.scobell yn please come back they tied me to a pole last time please thelnarchive WALKER I WAS GONE FOR ONE DAY THEY DID WHAT???? iamcharliebushnell okay it wasn't like that walker.scobell YOU LAUGHED AT ME YOU CAN'T SAY THAT.
user8 THE THIRD SLIDE IS INSANE user9 she's real for that one though.......
user10 charlie not noticing is sus user11 bro was mesmerized with her beauty
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries, and 201,498 others. thelnarchives what's this? catch me iamcharliebushnell walker.scobell and leahsavajeffries on the fangirlpediapod this valentines! we discuss not just PJO but also our personal lives :0
iamcharliebushnell for fun here's two snippets of some iconic lines: "the trauma never goes away, it just changes form." and "she's so "i can fix him" core coded yes" thelnarchives there's a reason i'm a debate champion user1 DEBATE CHAMPION???? thelnarchives hear more about my personal life this feb 14
user2 OH I'M SEATED I'M SAT user3 bro i'm sat anyways i don't have a boyfriend
user4 oh the quote she gave ate it ATE i can't wait
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nevvdrinksteaa · 2 months
history // charlie walker
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pairing: charlie walker x reader
original prompt: you’re paired with charlie walker for a school project, it gets dirty
warnings: 18+ nsfw smut, porn WITH plot, afab!reader, slight angst (charlie thinks you hate him for like 5 whole minutes) pet names, oral (male and female), dom!reader, sub!charlie, begging, making out, fingering, whatever the fuck it’s called when you grind against sheets to make yourself c*m, overuse of the nickname ‘char’, never written for dom!reader before (bare w me), no specific reference to body type !! please let me know if i forgot anything!
word count: 3.1k
this is NOT proof read so if there are any mistakes ignore them! i believe that anyone of any shape or size and anyone of color can enjoy this. i don’t believe there is any description of physical appearance (please please correct me if i’m wrong, i don’t want to make assumptions about anything!!)
please send in more stuff for me to write because i’m in the mood to zoom 🫡
1:40 PM
you sat in history, your last period class, shaking your pencil hearing it tap, tap, tap with every move. eyes trained on the clock wishing the last twenty minutes would fly by quicker, eager to get your weekend started.
“for this project, you are all going to be in partners”
everyone shot up from their bored positions at their desks, starting conversations with friends deciding who’s working with who. you look over at your best friend, grinning.
“settle down, your partners were pre-chosen. i think we need some variety in the groups we see”
the class started to groan as the teacher stated that the partner lists were posted on the board, stating specifics on the projects and that it will be due on monday. everyone started to get up from their seats to check the list on the corkboard at the front of the room. you started to write down ideas, assuming your partner would find you.
of course it’s due monday, there goes my weekend. what’s the point of your parents going out of town if-
“uhm hey, i think we’re partners”
you look up, noticing charlie walker standing at the front of your desk, looking at the floor in front of him.
“you think or you checked the list and know?” you smirk at him, giggling to yourself.
“you got me there, i saw it on the list” he states, settling in the chair beside you.
he started rambling, talking about ideas he has for the project.
“okay charlie, here's the deal” you state bluntly, “my parents aren’t home for the weekend and i really want to get this project finished as soon as possible so i can have friends over on saturday”
he was taken back at your tone, shocked at the rude nature. he figured you didn’t like him, and wanted to get it over as soon as possible so you didn’t have to be seen with him. why else were you so angry when you had always been so sweet to everyone? weren’t you two friends?
“well we can do it after school and work on it today, i’m good at history so we should finish it really soon” he says quietly, trailing off towards the end.
“perfect” you say, grabbing your phone and handing it to the boy. “give me your number and i can text you my address”
the final bell rings and the class starts to gather their things. you sit up from your spot at the desk, collecting your books to leave. “i’ll shower when i get home and you can come over after, does three work?”
“sounds good.” he doesn’t look up from the desk as he’s still writing down notes.
“see you later, char” you say, giving him a smile he doesn’t notice.
walking back to your locker, you catch yourself thinking about him and how awkward he is, finding it indearing. you were excited to work on your project with him, you had a crush on him for a while and you hadn’t had any courage to say anything to him.
you grab your things and start the trek to your car, stopping your friend to tell her about your plans for today on your way out.
“the universe is giving you signs partnering you up with charlie, maybe it’s time to tell him about your crush.” she says, shoving her shoulder into yours as she walks.
“yeah right, he’s so infatuated with kirby i would just embarrass myself if i told him i liked him.” you state rolling your eyes. “he’d laugh in my face probably”
“he’s too sweet to do all that” your friend says stopping once you reach her car, “charlie walker is probably not the type of person to be rude about letting someone down, he’d probably say thank you and talk about a movie that’s about to come out”
she unlocks her car as you laugh at her joke, trying to ease the nerves in your stomach. you wave goodbye and turn to leave, hearing your friend shout out her window “don’t do anything i wouldn’t do”
you laugh as you walk to your car, sitting in the drivers seat and starting it before heading home.
maybe she’s right, i should just say something.
you wipe the steam off of the bathroom mirror after stepping out of the shower, skin red from the burning shower you took. you start to pat your damp skin dry before you heard a knock on your door. checking the time to see it was 2:45. fuck, he’s early.
you wrap yourself with the towel tightly before you start down the steps to answer the front door.
“hey” charlie starts, face starting to get beat red after noticing you in a towel. you notice him start to fidget with his hands.
“you’re early char” you say opening the door wider and waving him in. “you can wait in my room while i get dressed, it’s upstairs next to the bathroom”
you both start to walk up the steps and you point to the right when you get to the top. “it’s on the door on the left, get comfortable and i’ll be right there”
you hear charlie hum and grip the strap on his bag before he turns to your room. you step into the bathroom and finish getting dressed, drying your skin and putting on comfortable shorts and a crop top. you head back to your room and stand in the doorway, noticing charlie with his back to the door, looking at the pictures and vinyls hung on your walls.
“you’re not going to steal anything, are you?” you tease, sitting on the middle of your bed with your bag, pulling out your history books.
“of course not” charlie says, “just looking at all your stuff”
he takes a seat across from you, where he had preset his books and notes from class. you grab your phone and turn on some music, asking if the choice was okay and a hum of approval in response.
“so, where should we start?” you ask.
you guys worked on your project for about an hour before you heard your stomach growl. you drop your pencil and look up at charlie who was scribbling away. “are you hungry, char?” you ask
he hummed no at your question and you started to get anxious at his lack of response, he normally would talk your ear off about anything and everything. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“you’re just really quiet today, i wanted to make sure everything is alright with you.”
“i just want to finish this project so i’ll get out of your hair, i know that you don’t really want me around”
his response caught you very off guard. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, shaking your head back and forth softly. “what are you talking about?”
he shrugged his shoulders, not looking up from his lap.
“char, look at me” he looked up at you, trying hard to keep eye contact. “why would you think that?”
“you said earlier you wanted to get the project over with so you could make other plans this weekend.”
you noticed him look back towards his lap and you were confused on what he was talking about
“i figured since you don’t like me, you wanted to get rid of me quicker”
your eyes softened, realizing you didn’t phrase your comment from earlier properly. you immediately felt bad, you never wanted him to think that you didn’t like him. you liked charlie, quite a bit actually. he was very smart, charismatic, and oh so sweet; you couldn’t believe he thought you hated him.
you scooted closer to him, setting his hand on his knee. he looked up towards you with a nervous expression.
“i don’t hate you, i’m so sorry that i made you think i did. i was just upset earlier that we were given a weekend project the same week my parents were out of town” you gave his leg a little squeeze
“oh” he replied, holding eye contact with you. “now i feel stupid”
“don’t feel stupid, it was all my fault. i’ll hang out with you all weekend just to prove to you i like you.” you paused, wanting to say something more. you took your hand off his knee and put it in your lap, looking at the ground, you took in a deep breath.
“actually char,” you start to trail off, feeling the nerves all the way down to your toes. “i really like you”
“what?” you felt the bed move, charlie shifting in his seat
“i don’t expect you to feel the same, i know you have a crush on kirby, robbie told me a while ago, i just felt like i needed to tell you before i lost the courage to”
charlie didn’t say anything, he felt so dumbfounded by your sudden release. he didn’t know what to say, he liked you to, he just never knew how to express it. he liked how kind you were to everyone and how you always loved to listen about everything he has to say.
you got up from your seat quick, anxiety crashing at his silence. “i’m so sorry, just forget i said anything. i’m going to grab a water” you state, heading towards the door
“wait” you heard him get up from the bed and head towards you, “do you mean it?”
you make eye contact, “of course i mean it, i wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true char”
he stood directly in front of you, “i like you too”
neither of you said anything after that, all that could be heard was both of your breaths and the quiet sound of radiohead coming from your phone. he looked between your eyes and your lips.
“do you want to kiss me charlie?”
“yes” he says softly
you felt his lips on yours, pecking slightly. he was so nervous, you knew you had to lead
“do you want to make out with me?”
“please” he nodded quick, looking back to your lips.
you lean forward to kiss him, hands moving up to the back of his neck. you could feel his hands on your hips, barely making contact. you slightly pull away, catching your breath.
“please touch me char”
you felt him grab your waist, pulling you back to his lips. you rake your fingers through his hair, pulling at the root slightly. he whimpered at the feeling, gripping your sides harder.
you started to walk the both of you slowly toward the bed, not breaking away from the kiss. you settled into his lap, feeling his hands glued in place.
“you can touch me anywhere” you say breathless, pulling away
“i’ve never done this before” he admits shamefully
“we can do whatever you feel comfortable with.” you reply, playing with his hair.
you felt one of charlie’s hands leave your hip, slowly heading towards your chest. he let out a breath when he felt you weren’t wearing a bra. he was gentle with his touch, as though he was scared to break you. your hand found his and pressed harder, encouraging his movements.
he started to kneed his hands, rubbing his thumb back and forth over your nipple. you let out a soft moan, pushing your lips back to his. you started to grind your hips back and forth, earning a breathy sound from his mouth. he opened his eyes to look up at you and you took the opportunity to bite the bottom of his lip, moving immediately to his neck, rubbing his cock with your hands.
“is this okay baby?”
“fuck- yes please”
you start biting and kissing the skin below his ear, moving your hands to start unbuttoning his shirt. he shrugs it off his shoulders and you start to make your way down to kneel on the floor, kissing and sucking his skin on your way. you look up at him as you fumble with his zipper, batting your eyelashes at him. he sits up slowly to help pull his pants down, taking his underwear with him. he sets his hands on either side of his legs, slightly gripping the sheets with nerves.
you take his dick in your hands, shocked at the size, before spitting on it. you rub your hands up and down earning a moan from charlie.
“fuck- please i-” he trailed off when you kissed the head, tasting salt on your lips.
“please what baby?” still stroking his cock
“i need more, i want more please”
you lick a long strip from his balls to the tip before putting him in your mouth. slowing going up and down using your hands to help with what you can’t fit. you grab charlie’s hand, moving it from his side to the top of your head. he laces his fingers in your hair, slightly pushing and pulling with your movements.
“i think i’m going to cum”
you pull off, stroking him quick with your hands, “are you going to cum in my mouth char? be a good boy and cum in my mouth for me”
he nodded, eyes shut tight as his head leaned back. “say it charlie, tell me”
he opened his eyes, locked with yours. wiping a tear from your face, so fucking pretty.
“i’m gonna cum for you like a good boy fuck-”
you went right back to work, taking him deeper and blinking the tears from your eyes. you wanted to see charlie cum so bad, you felt your hands move down inside your shorts. rubbing your clit over your panties.
“fuck, i’m cumming, please let me cum. wanna be good for you”
you moaned around his dick and felt charlie grip your hair harder. his dick started to twitch and you felt your mouth get hot, cum filling your throat and mouth. you pulled off slowly, swallowing as you went, keeping your mouth open to pump the rest of his cum on your tounge.
charlie was a rambling, moaning mess. whispering how good it felt and how good you were. he saw you give his dick one last kiss and come back up to meet him face to face.
“thank you”
you gave him a quick kiss, giggling. “you don’t have to say thank you”
he wanted to say it a hundred times over, he couldn’t believe that he just got head for the first time. “can i…” he trailed off
“can you do what char?” you sounded so innocent, like you didn’t just finish choking and gagging on his dick.
“can i do you now?”
you got close to him, kissing up his neck. “you want to eat me out baby?”
“yes, please. please let me make you feel good”
you nodded and stood up from your seat next to him, pushing your notes to the bottom half of the bed. you slipped your top off and pushed your pants down your legs, getting comfortable by your pillows. “come here char”
charlie was quick to move above you, taking your lips to his, touching anywhere his hands could move.
“i might need some help” he sighs sheepishly.
“start by moving all the way down” you say as you give him a quick kiss for encouragement. “do whatever you think is right, i’ll tell you if i don’t like it”
he nodded and moved to your neck, kissing and licking, keeping his hands roaming. you felt him reach your nipples, his hot breath close before sticking his touch out to lick one. he saw your lips open to let out a quiet gasp of air and started to suck, earning a moan in response. he moved his hand, pinching and pulling at the left while he kept his mouth at the right, then switching.
“just like that pretty boy” you said as you move your hand to play with his hair.
he was blushing at the pet name, feeling his cock getting hard against your hip. he started to move down, kissing anywhere and everywhere he could, scared you’ll change your mind. he makes it past your stomach and to your thighs, gently pulling them apart.
he lets out a subtle groan, “so pretty” he mumbles. “can i touch you?” he says rubbing his hands up and down your thighs.
“of course” you sigh, anxiously waiting for his touch
he slowly brings his hands to your pussy, collecting your wetness on his fingers and spreading it around. he finds your clit and starts to rub in small, slow circles, watching you raise your hips slightly.
“right there baby” you say closing your eyes.
he brings his mouth to your pussy, licking a long strip from your hole to your clit. “you taste so good” he says lowly, almost to himself. he continues to play with your clit and eat you out. trying different rhythms and motions based on your movements and sounds.
“char, please put a finger in. i’m so close”
charlie is quick to push in and up, finding that sweet spot. you grab his hair, pulling at the root.
“fuck yes, right there”
he can’t help it, all the mumbling and moaning makes him start to grind into the bed, intoxicated by you. he can feel his cock, hard and throbbing against your silk green sheats.
he slowly slides in a second finger, curling them upwards, taking your clit between his lips and sucking softly.
“i’m gonna cum” you felt your body start to feel fuzzy, stomach pulling at the feeling. “fuck charlie, i’m cumming”
you felt yourself tighten against his fingers, grinding down on his tongue, which was eager to lap up your release. you heard him whimper, seeing his hips stutter against the bed.
he pulls his head up from your pussy, making sure to not look at you in the face. “i’m so sorry”
you look at him confused, leaning forward to see the wet spot on your sheets. you smirk at him, grabbing his hand and licking your juices off his fingers.
“don’t be sorry, this was amazing,” you lean forward to kiss him “and knowing you came from eating me out is kinda hot”
you giggle as you lean back, still catching your breath. charlie moves beside you softly rubbing your hand. “so what do we do now?”
you look up at him, “well” you start lacing your fingers with his “for now, we lay here until we fall asleep. then tomorrow morning we’ll wake up and shower and maybe finish where we left off”
charlie grins from ear to ear, “oh yeah?”
“i mean, if that’s alright with you” you mumble
“being with you is alright for me” he says, kissing your forehead.
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charlie bushnell x ex!reader
warnings: angst, allusions to cheating, swearing
summary: reader and charlie break up and she releases an album
a/n why do i love this (i still love charlie i just needed some angst smau) 😭 also if ur names harper i’m sorry (lets pretend dior's 19 ok? ok)
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liked by treepaine, user04 and 19,834,692 more celebgossip actor charlie bushnell spotted with harper elle. that doesn’t look like y/n l/n to us. comments are closed
yn? u ok did u see the post? n/n pls answer me im worried yn if u don’t answer me in ten minutes i’m coming over about to leave the house read 19:45
leah my bae
yn u ok? i just saw what happened pls talk to me im gonna be there with dior read 19:51
rolling in the deep
hey i just saw you alright? i’ve given leah some food for you delivered
walkie talkie
yn i sent some flowers with dior hope ur ok delivered
char 🫶🏻
yn pls let me explain it was a mistake
you have blocked this user
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liked by dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries and 23,089,54 more thisisyn men suck (other than my dad, my brother, my grandpa, aryan and walker) view comments
conangray fr (i’m not a man) ➔ thisisyn lmao ly dior.n.goodjohn the last pic is apple juice cos leah’s a baby ➔ thisisyn ^ hearts4yn charlie when i catch you ynloml pretty ➔ thisisyn all u ynismywife charlie start sleeping with one eye open walkerscobell is that a swear word i see 🤓 👆 ➔ thisisyn get out of my comment section aryansimhadri when’s the next album coming out ➔ thisisyn you literally already know??? user08 NEW ALBUM???? cinnamongirl motherrrrrrrr ➔ thisisyn childdddddd
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liked by aryansimhadri, iamcharliebushnell and 3,457,890,211 more thisisyn my new album RAGE will be out on 29th june, womanizer my lead single will be out 16th june. view comments
oliviarodrigo omg the cover looks beautiful dior.n.goodjohn i’ve been waiting for this 🤭 leahsavajeffries new filming playlist??? aryansimhadri i’m gonna cover this walkerscobell r u smoking honeymoon the cover 😍 user34 charlie get out of the likes hearts4yn THE DIG AT CHARLIE? ➔ user46 wdym ➔ ynloml she’s releasing her single on his birthday harperelle nice cover ➔ ynloml get tf out ➔ hearts4yn the audacity harperismywife slut user6 she’s not even pretty harper’s prettier
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liked by honeymoon, taylorswift and 121,476,392 more thisisyn haters track 6 is for you 🫶🏻 view comments
dior.n.goodjohn she fr is not better liked by creator leahsavajeffries bout to make sure someone else is hurting liked by creator aryansimhadri claiming traitor ➔ thisisyn u might have to fight leah on that 😶 ➔ walkerscobell and me user6 ew hearts4yn CANT WAIT
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, harperelleismywife and 120 others harperelle in greece view comments
harperellefan fav couple hearts4yn hope ur happy ➔ harperelle i am actually ynloml charlie i just wanna have a word 🤗 🔪 ynismywife omfg user34 anyone else remember when yn and charlie went to greece
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liked by dior.n.goodjohn, aryansimhadri and 56,981,392 more thisisyn i loved performing my album RAGE for the first time. brooklyn you're an awesome crowd! view comments
dior.n.goodjohn ur literally amazing babes ➔ thisisyn u were stunning frfr walkerscobell I GOT DEATH THREATS FILLING UP SEMI TRUCKS ➔ thisisyn POP OFF leahsavajeffries you shouldve heard aryan singing 😭 im sending u the vid ➔ thisisyn YES PLEASE hearts4yn the way everyone was screaming fck charlie 🤭
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liked by thisisyn, dior.n.goodjohn and 3,489,211 more concerttours yn ln performs surprise song, brutal from her album “life lately”, in dublin. comments are closed
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liked by leahsavajeffries, aryansimhadri and 9,743,511 more ynupdates crowd at vancouver were seen yelling “f*ck charlie and harper” but yn ln is soon to tell them that “he chose someone else and i’m not holding him accountable for anything so why should you” view comments
hearts4yn mother is def mothering ynloml this is class ynismywife honestly she’s so pure for that
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liked by walkerscobell, dior.n.goodjohn and 12,784,813 more thisisyn i got them by my side so why would i need you?
(i’m allowed to quote my own songs) view comments
dior.n.goodjohn can’t believe walker stole my noodles, keep an eye out buddy ➔ walkerscobell i’m scared liked by creator hearts4yn not the line from lonely
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liked by aryansimhadri, walkerscobell and 1,674,811 more thisisyn why don’t i have any 0.5’s of aryan 😭 view comments
dior.n.goodjohn pls send me the picture of leah 🙏 ➔ thisisyn just sent ➔ leahsavajeffries can’t believe it aryansimhadri i’m just better ➔ thisisyn should’ve posted the photo of sleeping ➔ aryansimhadri no pls
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liked by thisisyn, walkerscobell and 12,765,911 more celebgossip charlie bushnell and harper elle have broken up rumours say that she cheated on him. comments are closed
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liked by taylorswift, leahsavajeffries and 34,520,921 more thisisyn my ep, REVENGE, comes out this friday !!
i’ve always thought of revenge as the younger sister of rage, i genuinely wanted to change revenge to rage (deluxe) but i’m glad i didn’t because now i can show u guys revenge as itself. view comments
dior.n.goodjohn summer anthem walkerscobell playing this during set rickriordan adding to my play in the show playlist taylorswift this is so rep coded honeymoon talent aryansimhadri too many covers i have to sing hearts4yn mother ynloml can’t wait !!
a/n deciding to leave it there cos i’m too sleepy and have like seven drafts to work on 😭 and can’t wait to see my husband in two days we were literally not fed enough last episode
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kausstar · 1 year
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let's read and get so high we can't recognize the real world around us !
❥ 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐒 (in order) ★ slashers. stranger things. the peaky blinders. criminal minds. euphoria. the punisher ˎˊ˗
smut, angst and fluff included.
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˚₊⊹ 20/20 VISION ✧ ethan landry. ── @echnated !
[ sfw ] okokok! reader x lalala! ethan.
loved the concept, writing and the fic.
˚₊⊹ CLASSMATE CHARLIE WALKER ✧ charlie walker. ── @lithiumfae !
[ sfw - bit of spice ] obsession.
the obsession with her voice is literally everything to me because my voice is rather… man like.
˚₊⊹ DAMN, BOY! SLOW DOWN! ✧ thomas hewitt. ── @vampiremillk !
[ nsfw ] chubby black reader. breeding kink. overstimulation.
i just love pussydrunk! thomas :))
˚₊⊹ SOUTHERN STYLE CREAMPIE ✧ thomas hewitt. ── @/vampiremillk !
[ nsfw ] female chubby reader. breeding kink.
mwahhhh. the whole thing at my legs shaking.
˚₊⊹ NO.1 AUNTIE ✧ steve harrington. ── @erin-bo-berin !
[ sfw ] single mom! reader. steve x single mom! reader. robin x single mom! reader (platonic).
i can literally imagine robin being the funniest auntie alive and i love this.
˚₊⊹ DEVILISHLY HANDSOME MAN ✧ thomas shelby. ── @toomanyfandomsallatonce !
[ sfw ] lots of flirting. kinda dirty flirting. eating.
the flirting throughout had me kicking my feet in the air.
˚₊⊹ EAT YOU OUT- I MEAN ✧ spencer reid. ── @ddejavvu !
[ sfw - bit of spice ] spencer being a complete reck.
the post should say it for its self. just beautiful.
˚₊⊹ HOT WIFE ✧ spencer reid. ── @radiant-reid !
[ sfw ] hot wife! reader x spencer reid.
them sliding it under the table is EVERYTHING that i never knew i needed.
˚₊⊹ MESS OF MINE ✧ aaron hotchner. ── @hotchgirlsummer !
[ sfw ] female! bimbo! reader.
the cutest of this fic makes me wanna just die. i am in love with him. i believe it was written by gods.
˚₊⊹ DO YOU LIKE HER ✧ elliot. ── @eunoiathewriter !
[ sfw ] talks of smoking weed and drugs (duh, it’s euphoria).
i just loved it. thank you for writing this.
˚₊⊹ SHOW ME LOVE ✧ frank castle. ── @captainmarvels !
[ sfw - angst-ish ] insecurities.
so fluffy and adorable i would blush if i could…
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TO WRITERS ! thank you for being here and for your wonderful writing. your writing is not only people of color friendly but also beautiful, and really appreciated by everyone. i hope you have a beautiful day, because you deserve it. <33
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f1nalgirlz · 8 months
Poker Face III 🂱 | Charlie Walker & Kirby Reed
Part 1 Part 2
-ˏˋ WARNINGSˊˎ- emotional cheating, physical cheating, fem! Reader, angst
-ˏˋ Contents ˊˎ- Kirby Reed x reader, Charlie Walker x reader, sad Charlie, concerned Kirby, so angsty
(( R: This should be the final part, I’m soooo sorry for dragging it out this long omfg😭 ))
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You laid there in your boyfriend’s bed feeling utterly pathetic. Your sweater had throw up on it, your cheeks burned from tears, and your underwear were all bunched up as well as uncomfortable from putting them on in the rush you did. After a while of inconsolable sobbing on his couch, he’d managed to get you upstairs, just for you to collapse onto his bed. Your tears and gasps for air had come to a halt, leaving you with stinging cheeks, burning eyes, and the all too familiar pit in your stomach.
Currently Charlie was drawing a bath for you, desperately trying to make you feel better. He was truly oblivious, but all he wanted was to make sure you were okay. He had no idea what had happened between you and Kirby, but he knew you’d shown up on his door step utterly distraught. You heard cautious steps approaching you, followed by a gentle hand on your arm. You looked over your shoulder to see Charlie flashing you a comforting smile. “The waters ready if you wanna go hop in.” He said to you, only receiving a nod in response. You slowly peeled yourself off his bed, letting him lead you to the bathroom. When you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror you wanted to puke again, the guilt hit you like a bullet train all over again. As you reached for the hem of your sweater, pulling it up, Charlie turned to leave. “wait… can you stay?” You asked quietly, continuing to peel your clothes off. “Of course,” he said gently, tonight he was speaking and moving as if you’d break if he made a wrong move.
You slowly walked to the tub, stepping in and sinking into the water. Your eyes moved to Charlie who was making his way to sit down beside the tub. Looking back at the water you spoke up, “I don’t deserve any of this.. I don’t deserve you.” This made the brunette furrow his eyebrows. “Of course you do, Y/n. You shouldn’t say things like that.” He said softly, shaking his head a little. Tears welled up in your eyes again at his words. Shaking your head, you continued avoiding his eyes. As you examined your body, you spotted a pinkish-red purple sort of mark on your chest, making your mouth water and your throat clench. It must’ve been from earlier and that made you sick. “Charlie…” you managed to choke out, causing him to finally look fully at you. His eyes scanned your face, then down. His face looked almost sad when he noticed the mark, but he said nothing. He just grabbed a wash cloth, dipping it in the water and gently wiping off your salty cheeks.
“I’m so sorry…” you croaked out, tears filling your eyes once again. “Let’s talk when you’re dried and dressed.” He said, handing you the wash cloth. As you slowly scrubbed your body, he stood up to leave, kissing your forehead before he walked out the door. Soon, you felt satisfied and drained the tub. You climbed out, wrapping yourself in a towel. You stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment before starting to dry yourself off. Once you were dry, you pulled on the clothes Charlie had left for you on the sink. As you reached for the door handle, you took a steadying breath. You walked into his room to find him sitting on his bed, cross legged staring at his hands in thought. “Charlie..” you said quietly from the door, right hand gripping your left elbow. His head moved up to look at you, his expression was unreadable. “Come sit.” Was all he said, so you did.
“What happened?” He asked, not looking at you. You shook your head. “I-” you started, but couldn’t finish, your voice cracking. You took a deep breath and bit back your tears, you didn’t have the right to cry, you knew that! “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her, Char… I’ve tried to stop… and then tonight we just- I just couldn’t stop myself.. this was the only time anything’s happened! I’m not trying to make excuses for myself.” You said, a tear being quickly wiped away. When you looked at him, he was nodding, seeming like he was processing what you’d just said to him. “Kirby?” He asked, receiving a slow, ashamed nod from you. He nodded to and looked as if he was thinking again. “Do you love me? What are we even doing here, y/n?” He asked, hurt lacing his voice. “I love you Charlie… I just- I don’t know. I’m confused, but I know that I love you. I’m so sorry… I never meant for this to happen.” You said, eyes welling with tears. “Well it did.” He said, sighing.
As the two of you sat apart from each other on his bed, the silence was cut by your ringtone sounding in your bag that Charlie had carried up for you. It seemed like he recognized the tone, slowly looking at you. “Is that her?” He asked, clearly upset. He was nearly gritting his teeth. Slowly, you nodded it was Kirby’s custom ringtone. He huffed and got up “i just- i need a minute.” He said, walking off and out of the room. Once he was gone you slowly walked to your bag, grabbing your phone out and pressing answer. “Hello?” You answered, voice shaky. “Y/n! Finally! Are you okay? I’ve been really worried.” Came her voice from the other side. “I’m fine Kirbs… I told Charlie about what happened. I’m so sorry for doing this to both of you..” you said, sitting on his cold floor. There was silence on the other end before the sound of her clearing her throat. “Listen, whatever’s going on, I still love you, Y/n. What happened tonight happened because I love you. I’m just glad you’re alright.” She said. “I love you too, Kirby, I’ve gotta go.” You said to her, hanging up the phone and stuffing it back into your bag. As you sank further onto the floor, your back hitting it as you fell into a laying position, you saw Charlie’s house shoes. When you moved your eyes up further, you saw him standing in the doorway, staring at you with those sad sad, blue eyes. He didn’t look angry anymore, just so hurt. It made your heart feel like it was being squeezed in a tight fist.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
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R: Sooooo… this probably sucks and ik I’m leaving it so open ended. I had so many endings in my head, i couldn’t really choose one so y’all decide🫶
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shebreathedherlast · 4 months
Luke Castellan Moodboard
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Moodboard for my upcoming fic <3
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ellieslittleburrow · 3 months
Masterlist 🌹🌹🌹
Hi there, welcome. I'm reposting the masterlist on my other account, rusty's lodge and adding the fics i wrote on this one as well.
enjoyyyy 💕
4am Masterlist
Writing conditions
Fandoms : Supernatural, Walker, The society, Hannibal, Peaky blinders, Sherlock Holmes, The Punisher, The Witcher, and many more!
Open to requests from other tv shows i might've watched, so request away 🖤🖤
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Supernatural :   
One shots : 
Sam and dean :
Coming home late..doesn't keep Dean okay.(Angsty Dean x sister reader)
Graduation (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Broken heart (Dean x sister reader)
Cakepops (Dean x sister reader)
Tummy ache (Fluffy Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Arrested (Angsty Sam x sister reader)
Distant(Sam x sister reader)
The best dad (Sam x daughter reader)
Heartbroken (Sam/dean x sister reader)
I'll do it for you (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Sleep paralysis...Part1(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Witchcraft (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Fun evening...Part 2(Angsty Dean x sister reader)
Fun evening..Part 1(Fluffy Dean x sister reader)
Social anxiety (Dean/Sam x sister reader)
Eating disorder part 1 (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
ED part 2, Dean(Dean x sister reader)
ED part 2, Sam (Sam x sister reader)
Periods (Dean/Sam x sister reader)
Hungover Dean ( Fluffy Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Non-binary little winchester(Sam/Dean x sibling reader)
Dean realizes his sister’s lesbian( Dean x lesbian sister reader)
Forever love you, no matter what(Sam/Dean x lesbian sister)
I'm here now, kid (Dean winchester x daughter!reader)
Too young to go on hunts(Sam/Dean/Bobby x sister reader)
Sick (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Pretty girl (Sam/Dean x young sister reader)
psychic abilities (Sam/Dean x sister reader) 
Homeschooled Part 1 (Sam/sister reader)
Homeschooled Part 2 (Sam/sister reader)
Sir mister judge (Dean x sister reader)
Bites pt1 (angst Dean winchester x daughter reader)
Bites pt2 (fluffy Dean winchester x daughter reader)
The hairdresser (Sam x young daughter reader) 
Short hair (Sam/Dean x sister reader) 
Panicky..(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Hurtin' kid.(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Family breakup. (Angst Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Sentimental sister (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
What's that you're wearing?(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Other characters :
The little secret (Castiel x reader)
I promised i’d keep you safe and i broke that promise(Platonic jack x sister reader)
Savior castiel (platonic castielx sister reader)
Charlie's girlfriend (Romantic fluff charlie x sister reader)
Siblings (Dean/Sam Winchester x sister!reader)
Christmas time (Dean winchester x sister!reader)
  Texts 📱 :
Sam and Dean :
Are you sure you’re feeling better ? (Sam x sick sister reader)
Prank time. (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Night terrors (Dean x sister reader)
I crashed baby...(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Other characters :
Blackmail Part 1(Claire novak x winchester sister reader)
Blackmail Part 2 
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Hannibal :
Poor behaviour Pt1 (hannibal x daughter reader)
Poor behaviour Pt2
It is but a little cold. (Fluff Hannibal x daughter reader)
Anger issues (Hannibal x daughter reader)
Protective family(AU Sherlock Holmes/Hannibal Lecter x daughter/sister!reader)
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Peaky Blinders :
Final night in Soho (shelby brothers x sister)
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Sherlock Holmes :
His ward. (Sherlock Holmes x sister reader)
His ward. PT2, choice 1
His ward. PT2, choice 2
The detectives (Sherlock/Enola holmes x sister!reader)
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Big Sky :
Hurt but safe.(Beau Arlen x daughter!reader)
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The Last Of Us :
A father like no other (Joel Miller x daughter!reader)
From stranger to father..(Joel miller x daughter!reader)
Fainter reader(Joel miller x daughter!reader/Ellie x sister!reader)
Home late(Joel miller x daughter!reader)
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The witcher :
Geralt headcanons (Geralt x daughter!reader)
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Top Gun Maverick :
Balls of fire (Rooster Bradshaw x sister!reader)
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Elvis :
I own you. (Smut Elvis Presley x girlfriend!reader)
Classic case of jealousy (Elvis Presley x girlfriend!reader)
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love the head cannons. NEED A PART 4
Perv!Charlie Walker~headcanon 4
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warning : big angst, hurt/comfort, kiss, cuddling, slightly knife play, blood, wound, threat, mention of murder, one sided love, touching without consent, yandere behavior, obssed love, obsession
part one, part two , part three
Thanks for the request anon have fun reading
°It was the middle of the night when she woke up. Dazed and with an aching head, she opened her eyes. She blinked several times and needed a moment to compose herself. ,,What...happened?" she mumbled and felt something soft underneath her. A bed, she thought and looked around.
°She was lying on a single bed, it was relatively soft and yet as she let her gaze wander she felt fear creep along her body. This was not her room, nor was she in her house. She was no longer at the barn either. She was in a strange place.
°Sitting up, she suddenly felt something slightly sticky on her leg. Looking down her leg in confusion, she saw a white, almost transparent substance. Confusion and fear were in her eyes as she wiped the substance off her leg with her fingers. ,,Who smeared this...on me?" she asked herself in shock and felt her heart beat faster.
°She got up from the bed and looked around. It was a small room without windows. A large metal roller door formed the door, so to speak. Going to the exit and entrance, she tried to push the door up. But no matter how many times she tried, she could not do it. ,,Open, please!" she shouted at the gate and tried again. But it was no use, she kicked at it angrily and fearfully before looking around.
°It was furnished a bit like a normal room. Almost as if the person had tried to create an inviting environment. Desperately looking around for a way to escape, she opened all the boxes. But next to normal materials, pillows, blankets and clothes, she found something that gave her pause. ,,What-Why is this here?" she muttered and picked up the Ghostface mask and the long black robe.
°There was no blood on it, but when she looked into the killer's face, a shiver ran down her spine. Is this his hideout? she asked herself and had only one more reason to get out of here. Away from this place and away from Ghostface. Throwing the clothes behind her she continued to look through the box. With a relieved sound she held the knife in her hand, trembling slightly.
°It felt heavy on the handle and the blade were cold but the steel was sharp. In an emergency it would serve her well. ,,Somehow out of here," she murmured and continued to look around. She was about to look under the bed when her gaze caught on a small mirror. ,,What the" she said when she saw the dark hickeys and bites scattered over her body.
°And suddenly the room scared her even more than it should have. Before she could move around, a sudden noise came from outside. Someone was standing in front of the gate.....
°Everything had gone wrong her plan completely ruined and ruined. Kirby dead, Roobie dead, and Jill headed straight for prison. ,,Damn Sidney," he cursed and heaved his way along the warehouses. The stab wound on his stomach was still bleeding. He just left a trail of blood instead of breadcrumbs for the police. He knew it was pure luck that he had somehow escaped in all the chaos.
°But it would be worth all the pain once he was with her. He would finally have her to himself and they would be together. He stifled a cry before dragging himself the last few metres along the walls and gates before arriving at his. ,,Help! Is someone there?" he suddenly heard her beloved voice.
°You're finally awake he thought and knew his luck was in. ,,Yes-yes, it's Charlie!" he called to her and continued to press his hand on the wound. He looked nervously behind him, afraid the police would be around the corner any second. ,,Oh my God Charlie! Ghostface he's locked me in here help me. The door won't open!" she shouted at him and if he hadn't been in so much pain he would have laughed at her naivety.
°Instead, he clenched his teeth briefly and suppressed a painful hiss. ,,Wait, I'll get you out of here!" he shouted back before taking the key out of his pocket and opening the lock. Pushing up the gate and going inside, he finally saw her again.
°Scared, she took a few steps back. Perhaps out of fear that Ghostface might come after her and him. Before she ran towards him in relief and embraced him. He felt her rapid heartbeat, her relieved yet frightened voice thanking him. ,,You're bleeding, wait, there were bandages here," she said in shock and started rummaging through the boxes again.
°Meanwhile he closed the gate behind him and saw her stop a moment later. She saw through it he thought and couldn't help smiling a little. ,,What's the matter...still a little tired, my dear?" he asked sacrastically and heard her mutter something before she stood up. Before he saw the knife flashing in her hands.
°She took a few steps back from him. ,,You-you did this, Charlie! You drugged me-the alcohol...my body. You're Ghostface, you murderer!" she screamed at him as the scales fell from her eyes. ,,Bingo, my love, just like it should have been all along," he said, seeing her shake her head in denial. ,,N-No...Charlie-you're crazy what are you saying?" she asked, still clutching the knife protectively.
°He laughed even though it hurt like hell. ,,Crazy about you, my love. Since we've been at school, I've seen the way you've looked at me, your loving words, the events" he counted up and slowly came towards her. ,,What-no Charlie...you've got it wrong. I've been nice to you because you're my classmate...I love you no-" but he didn't allow her to say the words. That's when he lunged at her and pulled her to the ground.
°They fell into the boxes, but he managed to get the upper hand. He sat on her hips and had the knife in his hand. ,,Don't say that! It's all true. I'm doing all this for you!" he shouted at her and held the knife to her throat. Her hands lay limp at her side, afraid he would slash her. ,,Will-Will you kill me too now?" he heard the question.
°Instantly his heart contracted. His free hand ran down her body, over her side, her soft breasts, placed his fingers on her aorta, felt her pulse. Before he wiped away her tears and clasped her hand. ,,Oh, my sweet, don't cry, I would never kill you. No no, all these other sacrifices were just necessary so that we could be together" he said and let the knife draw small circles over her breast.
°Suddenly he heard the police sirens approaching from a distance. In one swift movement he sat her up and pulled her into a hug from behind. So that one hand with the knife was at her neck and the other kept wandering along her body. ,,Shhh no noise" he whispered and pinched her lightly before she hastily said ,,Yes understood".
°They both heard the police pass by the warehouse. He felt that she would have liked to scream, but the knife at her neck forbade it. ,,They look beautiful on you," he whispered and kissed her neck where one of your hickeys was. His free hand moved lightly up her leg to her middle. ,,You don't know what else we'll do together," he whispered and let his fingers wander over her centre. He noticed how she pulled her legs together, which made him smile.
°The police withdrew after a few minutes and the blue light moved on. ,,You see, it's easy, good girl," he praised and let his free hand grasp a bandage. He easily loosened the knife on her neck. ,,Now you will put the bandage on me and if you do it well I will be gentle...if not you will see" he said and she was about to pull away from his grip when he held her by the jaw. ,,I love you" he said and kissed her. She began to unbutton his shirt and lift his jumper before reaching for the bandage.
°Later, the papers said that Ghostface Charlie Walker and his now-deceased partner Jill Roberts were behind the murders. That he had kidnapped his classmate and taken her out of America to hide somewhere. Not knowing that in his eyes it was a pure necessity to commit the victims. To be with his love, his heart, his obsession, his muse, his property forever.
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p1nkprincess444 · 1 month
⋆༺𓆩 𝓢𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 𝓒𝓵𝓪𝔂 𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓬𝓱 𓆪༻⋆
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i didn't proof read so hopefully there aren't too many errors
gn!reader x clay roach
word count: 1,527
contents: angst, suicide, drugs
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The first night you met Clay it was a simple exchange of him sharing a joint with you after you came home from a long day of work. Little did you know this is the decision that would end your life. Clay and yourself made this a nightly habit of sharing a joint together and talking about your days. He didn’t quite understand what it was about you that made him so attracted to you but he didn’t mind it.
It was reaching winter time so Clay moved your meetings into his house. It was cluttered and messy but you didn’t mind if you were with him. You rested your head in his lap as you guys sat on his couch while sharing a joint. He mindlessly played with your hair as you guys babbled on about random things. You shifted in his lap as you talked, until you noticed a syringe with a small baggy full of a substance you didn’t recognize. 
“ Mm’ Clay what’s that,” I asked as I pointed at the syringe and baggy set aside on a small table in the corner of the room. 
Clay’s smile fades as he looks over at the heroin. He never wanted to get you involved in that. He knew he was a scummy asshole, but things were different with you. “ Sunshine.. Don’t- don’t worry about that, okay? ” 
You paid it no mind as you went back to talking to him. As you slept in his lap but all he could think about was the heroin across the room sitting on the table. He gently moved you from his lap and snatched it off the table as he plopped back down onto the couch next to you. He contemplated whether he should wait to do this, but he didn’t pay it much thought as he started tightening his belt around his arm as he rolled up his sleeve. You squirmed slightly in your sleep making Clay freeze in fear as he thought he might ruin what you had. You mumbled something softly in your sleep before settling again. Clay watched you before pushing the needle into his arm. He let out a soft satisfied moan as the heroin shot into his veins. He leaned back against the couch enjoying the rush he got before he saw you waking up. It took him too long to realize what was happening as you sat up rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“ Clay.. what- what are you doing, ” my voice cracked as I took in the scene of him with the needle in his arm with the belt pulled snug around his bicep. 
“ Sunshine- I-, ” Clay didn’t know what to say, he knew he’d been caught but he couldn’t lose you. “ I’m… sorry I-I’m so sorry, ” he mumbled as he pulled you into a tight hug.
You cried against his neck out of confusion and betrayal. After you had calmed down a bit he just held you as he rode out his high. You didn’t know what to do. On one hand you were falling in love with him but on the other you knew you couldn’t get involved with someone like this. You fell back asleep as he held you, but after you woke up you knew you had to make a choice. You woke Clay up as you sat next to him.
“ You- you have to get clean, If you want me to stay, ” I was serious about this but I knew deep down that I’d stay even if he wasn’t clean.
He agreed immediately but had no real plans on following through. He started to hide his stash better from you as you both began to spend more time together. 
You woke up in the middle of the night feeling around in your bed for Clay but all you felt were cold sheets underneath your fingers. You trailed down your staircase wearing one of his sweaters only to find your kitchen light on. You carefully crept towards the dim light to find Clay at your kitchen table needle in hand. Your heart shattered as you saw him shooting up.
Clay’s eyes locked on yours as he immediately dropped the empty needle to the floor. “ Shit- sunny I- I thought you were asleep, ” he quickly got up as you stood there like a scared child. “ Say something Sunshine… please , ” he begged.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there, “ why, ” was the only thing I managed to choke out.
Clay shook his head as he wrapped his arms around me. You both sank down to the floor as he held you. This is about how it went every time you caught him using heroin. Until it changed… you found yourself on his couch as he tied the belt around your arm. 
“ What- What will it feel like, ” I asked as my eyes nervously met his.
“ It’s going to feel like a hot shower for cold bones, " he said as a slight smirk graced his lips before pressing the needle into your arm.
You let out a soft moan as you shut your eyes before relaxing against his couch. After Clay saw that you were out he shot himself up and sat down on the couch holding your hand as he enjoyed his high. He fell asleep after you but yet woke up before you. He nudged you but all that moved was your head rolling to the side. Panic set in as he checked if you were still breathing, you were but you wouldn’t wake up for another few hours. 
“ Shit.. sunshine you scared me, ” he held you tight against him as he stroked your hair. “ I’m so sorry sunny, ” Clay said as he peppered your head with kisses.
Clay promised he’d stay clean this time but as soon as he started getting withdrawals you caught him shooting up in your bathroom. Your heart broke a little more every time you caught him, until you just expected it of him.  He started to get you high with him each time, he said it made us “ closer ".
“ I love you, ” Clay mumbled as he kissed you while you were both high out of your minds.
You used to love him until he turned you into this. You were a complete mess. You hadn’t slept a whole night in weeks as you spent most of your time high or crying. Heroin was your only escape, but you wanted to escape that as well. You couldn’t reciprocate his words as you sat next to him. He stared at you taken in your unbrushed hair, your puffy and swollen now empty eyes that used to light up with joy when you saw him. He thought about when he first met you, when you were happy telling him a new story every time you saw him, but now you sat broken in front of him. 
“ Smile for me again.. I’ll do anything to see that smile back on your face.. ” he cupped your face in his shaky hands but you couldn’t muster up a smile as you stared into his eyes. It broke him knowing he did this to you. 
You two curled up in his bed together as he held onto you clinging to you desperately. You managed to slip away from him as he slept, you knew that this was your chance to escape, you had to. You walked calmly into his bathroom as you slid the medicine cabinet open and pulled out the sleeping pills. You poured the bottle into your hands as you stared at the white capsules in your hand. You threw your head back and swallowed them. You curled back up to Clay as you waited for the pills to take effect. Your eyes began to flutter shut and you knew this was the last time you’d see Clay. You kissed his lips gently before you let your eyelids fall shut. 
Clay woke up smiling softly as he saw you asleep, but when he tried to wake you you rolled over limply as he nudged you. He checked to see if you were breathing but he felt nothing. He began to panic, he shook you as he begged desperately for you to wake up.
“ Y/n please! J- Just wake up.. Open those pretty y/e/c eyes for me, ” Clay began to cry as he held your lifeless body.
Clay pulled away from you before shooting up a syringe full of heroin, followed by another before he tumbled into bed next to you. He held you close as he began to fade out. He lost consciousness as he held your lifeless corpse. In his final moments he thought about what if he had never offered you that joint. Would you be a lifeless corpse in his bed?
He used to call you his sunshine because you lit up his day with your smile and now you’d never smile for him or anyone again.
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