#disciplining on a budget
brucedinsman · 10 months
Discipling using books when money is tight — The Domain for Truth
I love discipleship with others.  I love reading with books with others. Yet I also know sound books are expensive.  How do you disciple others with books when money is tight? There’s free books on Kindle. I recommend R.C. Sproul’s Crucial Questions eBooks Now Free Forever There’s also Monergism dot com.  There’s tons of free classic […] Discipling using books when money is tight — The Domain for…
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No matter the difficulties, no matter the circumstances, no matter the uncertainties, my habits will always be there for me. Early morning workouts, smoothies, exfoliations, journaling, manicure, pedicure, affirmations, meal prep, naps, skin care routine, Sunday resets, yoga, pilates, books, and meditation will always keep me sane in the ever evolving world and that’s my strength.
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princessproductivity · 2 months
These two mistakes are stealing your time... (They were stealing mine too!)
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It can feel so disappointing to have a plan for your long-term goals written out and still feel like you are unable to achieve everything. I promise I've been there. There were two key mistakes I was making that were leaving me feeling overworked, and underproductive.
Mistake #1: Sleeping in.
I love being awake early... but I hate the act of actually waking up early. The relief that comes with knowing I'm up hours ahead of time, with plenty of wiggle room in my morning to get a head start on the day is amazing. All of a sudden, I realize my morning rush out the door doesn't need to be so stressful.
Sadly, that relief never makes the 5:00 AM alarm any easier.
The problem is that late nights lead to late mornings, and all too often I found myself rushing out the door unprepared for the day as the result of the previous night's pleasures and an extra hour of sleep. Don't get me wrong, it can feel great to sleep in on the weekend, but as my day has become less structured around a set "day job" schedule and more self-directed, I realized just how harmful the habit of sleeping in can be for an entrepreneurial lifestyle.
Many studies have led to the conclusion that our best ideas occur early in the morning and that we miss out on our most critical growth opportunities when we sleep in. I'm not saying that the early mornings are fun... I am saying that they are worth it.
Mistake #2: The cost of sacrificing high amounts of time into low-reward ventures.
As an entrepreneur, I understand the importance of casting one's net far and seeking new opportunities to learn and grow. However, sometimes your time is more valuable than what that opportunity itself may have to offer.
I recently accepted a minimum wage position (my first in years) on Saturdays, helping the owners of a small-town thrift shop set up their online sales channels. I didn't need the money, but I figured it was a great opportunity to explore online sales further as I had some experience with it already, and I loved the idea of helping another small business get off on the right track.
Unfortunately, I quickly learned that the two women who co-owned the business were not on the same terms about what they wanted long-term from the venture. Both had their own successful businesses on the side, and this little thrift shop was more of a hobby venture than one they truly wanted to see succeed.
Ultimately, it came to be that neither of them truly knew if they wanted an online sales channel at all! The six hours I spent there every Saturday was valuable time that I couldn't get back. While the idea of helping another business kick off was appealing upon a first impression, I realized that my time wasn't worth minimum wage in a place that clung to stagnation instead of capitalizing on new growth opportunities.
There will always be more opportunities than we can take — make sure the ones you do take are worth the time you will never get back.
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What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to organize your life... 7 ways to reduce your screen time...
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thewealthystatus · 2 months
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upgradebitch · 4 months
this project is going to kill me
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fastlane-freedom · 9 months
Master Your Finances: 10 Proven Strategies for Financial Freedom
Financial success is a dream that many people aspire to achieve. Whether it’s the desire to retire comfortably, provide for your family, or simply enjoy a worry-free life, mastering your finances is essential. But achieving financial freedom is not a matter of luck; it requires careful planning, discipline, and the implementation of proven strategies. In this blog, we will explore ten strategies…
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
I just finished watching Abbott Elementary (or all that’s come out so far aaa) and the way that every single one of these teachers are people my gay ass would wish were my parents as a kid
#the klock keeps ticking#abbott elementary#the school itself reminds me so much of the catholic school i went to#very small very under budget everything is old and broken#except the difference is that the teachers in this show are all good and not monsters#they just. they just love the kids so much you know 😭#my favorite character is barbara shes adorable and also like the best teacher#she just works so well with her students and believes in them and does whatever she can to help them 🥺#they all do really its like aaaaaaaaa#janine is the type of teacher that you kinda need to protect cuz you know shes really stressed and trying so hard#and she makes cookies and you look at your classmates like listen here dickweeds you better eat these fucking cookies#melissa is one id definitely wish was my mom shes very tough but caring#she has the energy like shed beat the shit out of some incompetent adult but always makes sure to treat the kids like angels#you need to give her flowers#jacob is the teacher whos very nice and passionate and he tries a bit too hard to make the kids happy#that hes very bad at discipline and ends up letting the class get too out of control#so you kinda gotta help him out sometimes by telling everyone to be quiet and pay attention#definitely a teacher i wouldve eaten lunch with and i would draw him a ninja turtle and hes probably cry#gregory is the teacher i wouldve lost my shit over like on the first day youre really nervous hes gonna be scary#cuz hes kinda being a bit short#but then you realize he was just really exhausted and really really nervous and he like would make a really bad pun while teaching#and youre like OH okay so i gotta do everything for this man i see i see#like all i can imagine is that he for some reason has to do something really weird like ride a tricycle one day#and youre like YESSS GREGORY OMG YES PLEASE GET IT KING YESSSS#he just drops really weird bombs occasionally like he reveals that hes a talented juggler one day and youre like please adopt me please#you gotta give him all the drawings and cookies#this is my deep thorough analysis of these teachers thank you very much
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smbmatters · 1 month
The Wealth Mindset: Cultivating Abundance in Your Financial Life
Welcome to the journey of cultivating a wealth mindset. In this article, we'll explore the power of mindset in shaping your financial reality and uncover strategies to foster abundance in your financial life.
1. Understanding the Wealth Mindset
At its core, the wealth mindset is a belief system that focuses on abundance rather than scarcity. It involves adopting a positive attitude towards money and viewing financial success as attainable and within reach.
2. Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance
The first step in cultivating a wealth mindset is to shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance. Instead of dwelling on what you lack, focus on the abundance that surrounds you. Practice gratitude for what you have and believe in your ability to create more wealth.
3. Embracing Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are powerful tools for rewiring your subconscious mind and reinforcing a wealth mindset. Repeat affirmations such as "I am worthy of abundance" and "Money flows to me effortlessly" daily to internalize positive beliefs about money.
4. Setting Clear Financial Goals
Goal setting is essential for creating a roadmap to financial success. Set clear, achievable goals that align with your values and vision for the future. Break down your goals into smaller milestones and celebrate each achievement along the way.
5. Adopting a Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is the belief that you can continuously improve and develop your skills and abilities. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than setbacks. Stay open to new ideas and strategies for building wealth.
6. Taking Inspired Action
A wealth mindset is not just about positive thinking; it also requires taking inspired action towards your goals. Take proactive steps to manage your finances wisely, invest in yourself and your future, and seek out opportunities for growth and expansion.
7. Practicing Financial Discipline
Financial discipline is crucial for maintaining long-term wealth and prosperity. Practice mindful spending, live within your means, and prioritize saving and investing for the future. Avoid impulsive purchases and focus on building wealth steadily over time.
8. Surrounding Yourself with Success
Surround yourself with people who inspire and support your financial goals. Seek out mentors, coaches, and peers who have achieved the level of success you aspire to. Learn from their experiences and emulate their mindset and habits.
Cultivating a wealth mindset is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By shifting your perspective from scarcity to abundance, embracing positive affirmations, setting clear financial goals, adopting a growth mindset, taking inspired action, practicing financial discipline, and surrounding yourself with success, you can unlock the abundance that awaits you in your financial life.
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therealwaiyaki · 5 months
Switch Goals
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible – Tony Robbins Still Going At age 39, Lebron James should not be playing the level of basketball that he is. At an age where most players experience significant decline or have already retired, Lebron continues to defy the odds. In his 21st year in the NBA, a feat matched by very few, Lebron has separated himself as one…
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brucedinsman · 10 months
Discipling using books when money is tight — The Domain for Truth
I love discipleship with others.  I love reading with books with others. Yet I also know sound books are expensive.  How do you disciple others with books when money is tight? There’s free books on Kindle. I recommend R.C. Sproul’s Crucial Questions eBooks Now Free Forever There’s also Monergism dot com.  There’s tons of free classic […] Discipling using books when money is tight — The Domain for…
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Things I can change (improve)
1. How I think about myself.
2. What I know.
3. My body (workouts and wellness)
4. My style
5. My circle of friends
6. Where I live
7. My hobbies
8. My perception
9. My goals
10. My habits
11. My mindset
12. My character
13. My income
14. My career
The goal is to change the things I cannot accept and accept the things I cannot change.
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illumtori · 7 months
Personal Finance 101: A Beginner's Guide to Smart Money Management
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Managing money is a challenge that everyone faces. We are not talking about becoming a Wall Street whiz, but understanding the basics of personal finance to make life a bit smoother. Once we have a grip on our finances, a lot of other things will fall into place.
Why Personal Finance Matters
Freedom & Flexibility: Understanding your money today and making it work for you can lead to more options tomorrow. Whether it is traveling, pursuing a personal passion, or making life decisions, having financial knowledge and literacy gives you options.
Peace of Mind: Money woes rank high on the list of stressors for many people. Having a handle on your finances, even just the basics, can ease that burden and give you a sense of control for a topic where most feel is out of their control
Avoiding Debt: It is easy to get caught up in credit card debt and loans. Understanding how different forms of debt work and when to use them can save future problems.
In essence, personal finance is a tool and a way to navigate life's ups and downs with a bit more assurance.
Basic Terms Every Beginner Should Know
Budget: This is a roadmap for your money. It details how much you are earning (income) and where it is going (expenses). A well-planned budget ensures you spend within your means, save adequately, and avoid unnecessary debt.
Savings: This is the portion of your income that is put aside and not spent. This concept revolves around future-proofing: building an emergency fund, setting aside money for larger purchases, or simply preparing for unforeseen challenges. Consistent saving ensures financial resilience.
Income: This represents all sources of money you earn or receive regularly. It could come from your main job, side gigs, passive income streams, or even occasional freelancing.
Expenses: These are your outflows and represent more than just monthly recurring expenses and bills. Expenses encompass everything from fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, to variable expenses, such as entertainment, dining, or shopping.
Debt: Often seen as a negative word but simply means borrowed money that needs to be repaid. Not all debts are bad, but understanding and managing them is essential to maintain a healthy financial situation.
The Pillars of Personal Finance
Understanding the foundational concepts of personal finance can be thought as constructing a house brick by brick. Here is a more detailed look at the fundamental building blocks:
Budgeting: This is not just about restraining yourself from buying the latest gadgets. It is an ongoing process that requires regular review and reflection. Budgeting involves tracking your income, categorizing your expenses, setting financial boundaries, and sticking to them. It provides a clear picture of your financial health and highlights areas for improvement.
Saving: Short-term savings might cover holidays or gifts, while long-term savings could go toward retirement or property investments. Regular saving, even if small, can compound over time, providing substantial financial benefits in the future.
Investing: Think of this as your money's growth mechanism. It is not just for the wealthy; even small amounts can be invested. While it might seem daunting, numerous beginner-friendly platforms and resources can guide you. The key is understanding risk, diversifying your portfolio, and having a long-term perspective.
Debt Management: Handling debt wisely can be a game-changer. It is about distinguishing between good debts (like education loans or mortgages, which can offer long-term value) and potentially harmful ones (like high-interest credit card debt). Having a clear repayment plan, prioritizing high-interest debts, and avoiding unnecessary borrowing are all crucial aspects of smart debt management.
Building Your First Budget
Creating a budget isn't about restricting yourself. It is about understanding your financial landscape. A clear budget paints a picture of where your money goes, allowing you to make informed decisions.
Understanding the Basics: Before diving into numbers, grasp the core principle: income (money coming in) versus expenses (money going out). If expenses surpass income, you are headed for a financial pinch. It is vital to balance the two, ideally with a little leftover for saving.
Categorizing Expenses: Break down your expenses to see the bigger picture. Group them as:
Fixed: Expenses that remain constant, like rent or mortgage.
Variable: Costs that fluctuate, such as groceries, dining, and entertainment.
Periodic: Expenses that pop up occasionally, like car maintenance or medical bills.
Understanding these can help you pinpoint where adjustments might be needed.
Efficiently Tracking Expenses: Whether you are tech-savvy and lean toward apps, or you prefer jotting things down in a journal, choose a method that you will stick with. Seeing your expenses laid out can be eye-opening and is essential for effective budgeting.
Review and Adjust: Life isn't static; it evolves. Got a raise? Added a new family member? Encountered unexpected medical bills? Your budget should reflect these changes. Monthly or quarterly reviews can help ensure you stay on track.
The Power of Saving
Saving isn't just a financial action. It is a mindset. It is about looking ahead and being prepared.
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Objectives: Clearly define what you are saving for. Short-term goals (think 1-3 years) might include vacations or purchasing a car. Long-term goals, on the other hand, stretch beyond that. This could mean buying a home, planning for a child's education, or ensuring a comfortable retirement. Knowing your objectives can determine how and where you save.
The All-Important Emergency Fund: Life's only certainty is uncertainty: job loss, health issues, urgent home repairs. An emergency fund acts as a financial cushion. Experts often recommend saving three to six months' worth of expenses. Start by saving a small portion each month until you hit your target.
Saving on a Tight Budget: It might feel daunting, especially when funds are limited. But remember, consistency over time matters more than the amount. Here are some strategies:
Automate: Set up automatic transfers to your savings account. Even small amounts add up.
Cut Non-Essentials: Reevaluate subscriptions, dine out less, or consider carpooling.
Extra Income: Look for side gigs or sell items you no longer need.
By deepening your understanding and adjusting habits, you can create a stable financial foundation that supports both your present and future aspirations.
Avoiding Common Financial Pitfalls
Every journey has its hurdles. In the realm of personal finance, it is vital to recognize and sidestep these common pitfalls:
Overspending: Living in an age of instant gratification makes it tempting to indulge in every whim. However, continuous overspending can quickly erode your financial health.
Solution: Create a spending plan. Allocate a specific amount for discretionary spending. If you are about to make an unplanned purchase, take a step back and assess if it is a need or a want.
Not Planning for the Unexpected: Life is unpredictable. Car repairs, medical emergencies, or sudden job losses can throw anyone off their financial game.
Solution: An emergency fund is crucial. Start by saving enough to cover three months' worth of expenses and aim to extend it to six months over time.
High-Risk Debts: Credit cards, with their easy access and high interest rates, can become a slippery slope if not managed. Relying too heavily on them can lead to a mountain of debt that takes years to clear.
Solution: Always aim to pay off the full balance every month. If you already have a balance, prioritize paying it down. Consider transferring to a lower-interest card or seeking advice on debt consolidation strategies.
Ignoring Financial Education: In the age of information, it is a mistake to not continuously educate oneself. Being uninformed can lead to missed opportunities or falling prey to financial scams.
Solution: Dedicate some time each month to read financial blogs, books, or even attend workshops. Knowledge truly is power in the realm of personal finance.
Avoiding Financial Discussions: Many see money topics as taboo, avoiding discussions with partners or family, which can lead to misaligned financial goals or unchecked financial habits.
Solution: Regularly discuss finances with your partner or family. Set shared goals and check in on each other's spending habits and financial aspirations.
With a deeper understanding of these pitfalls and armed with solutions, you will be better prepared to navigate the complexities of personal finance.
Embarking on your personal finance journey might seem daunting at first, but the rewards are invaluable. Understanding and mastering your finances is more than just about money. It is about creating freedom, reducing stress, and setting yourself up for a future filled with possibilities. Remember, every step, no matter how small, is progress. And the best time to start? Right now.
Looking for a productivity tool that can help you achieve goals, set budget, and be more productive? Come learn about Illumtori!
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princessproductivity · 2 months
How I am using Notion to organize my life!
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I am a huge fan of free tools and resources, and Notion is a game-changer for being able to create detailed plans and goals that can be tracked across multiple types of devices. While I do most of my planning on my laptop, I love being able to open up my plans and change them as needed from my cellphone when I am out of the house.
Below is just a small example of what a week plan may look like for me. I try to include an opportunity every day to learn, be active, and focus on my faith. Each week I focus on a new podcast and read a new book, and I try to find new ways to apply what I've learned to my life.
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I'm a huge supporter of reading. I believe that we are capable of figuring out anything on our own given enough time, but that a single book can be the difference between the solution taking a year, or an hour to find.
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One thing I really love about Notion is the ability to create a very detailed reading list with books, podcasts, articles, and more. I am actively making an effort to read more books, and having one set place to keep track of my reading list is such a useful tool!
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Another awesome feature of Notion is the implemented AI tool! This is a gamechanger for those who freeze up when it comes to planning, or are just now learning how to streamline their goals!
Like I mentioned at the start of this post, I am a huge fan of free resources and tools for those looking to improve their life circumstances! With that in mind, the best part about Notion is that it is free! While there is a bit of a learning curve to utilize all of the tools they offer (even I'm still figuring everything out!) it is so worth the time to try it out and explore the opportunities it opens up. This program offers so many features, these are just the ones that stood out to me on a first impression!
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What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to organize your life... 7 ways to reduce your screen time... These two mistakes are stealing your time...
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thewealthystatus · 3 months
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sgrji · 9 months
बचत की तकनीकें: आपके वित्त को प्रबंधन करने के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव
1. **बजट तैयार करें:** मासिक बजट तैयार करें ताकि आप अपने आय और व्यय को ट्रैक कर सकें। इससे आपको यह स्पष्ट दिखता है कि आपका पैसा कहां जा रहा है और आप किस क्षेत्र में कटौती कर सकते हैं।2. **स्वचालित बचत:** अपने चेकिंग खाते से एक अलग बचत खाते में स्वचालित हस्तांतरण सेट करें। बचत को नियमित रूप से बचाने की तरह व्यवहार करने से यह सुनिश्चित कर सकता है कि आप निरंतर बचत करते हैं।3. **आपातकालीन निधि:**…
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truprosperity · 1 year
Debt Demolition: Unleashing Your Financial Superpowers
Living burdened by debt can be an overwhelming experience, casting a shadow over our financial well-being and causing stress and anxiety. The weight of debt restricts our choices, making it difficult to save, invest, or pursue our passions. However, it's important to remember that we have the power to change our circumstances. With a steadfast determination and a well-crafted plan, we can liberate ourselves from the grip of debt and reclaim control over our financial lives.
In this insightful blog post, we will delve into the profound significance of breaking free from the shackles of debt. We'll explore how debt hampers our financial freedom, limits our opportunities, and delays our dreams. From the constant worry and sleepless nights to the feeling of being trapped in a cycle of payments, the impact of debt extends far beyond our bank accounts.
But there is hope. By taking deliberate steps and implementing practical strategies, we can embark on a transformative journey towards financial freedom. We will guide you through a series of actionable steps designed to help you regain control over your finances. From assessing your current situation to creating a roadmap for debt repayment, we'll provide you with the tools you need to craft a solid plan.
Moreover, we'll delve into the art of budgeting and cutting expenses, revealing practical tips and strategies to help you live within your means and allocate more funds towards debt repayment. We'll uncover the hidden potential for increasing your income, whether through side hustles, freelancing, or leveraging your skills and passions. Together, we'll explore various avenues to boost your earnings and accelerate your progress towards a debt-free life.
Throughout this blog post, we'll emphasize the importance of seeking professional guidance and leveraging the support of others on a similar journey. We'll provide resources and recommendations for credit counseling services, financial advisors, and communities that can offer valuable insights and encouragement along the way.
By the time you reach the conclusion of this blog post, you'll be armed with a comprehensive understanding of the significance of getting out of debt and the practical steps needed to pave your way to financial freedom. Remember, the journey may not always be easy, but with determination, discipline, and the right mindset, you can break free from the burdens of debt and embark on a brighter financial future.
The Significance of Debt-Free Living: Being debt-free holds immense importance for several reasons. Firstly, it alleviates financial stress, allowing you to focus on building wealth and pursuing your goals. Secondly, it provides you with the freedom to make choices without the constraints of monthly debt payments. Lastly, it enhances your financial security, providing a safety net during unexpected circumstances.
Assessing and Strategizing: To begin your journey to debt freedom, it is crucial to assess your current financial situation. Take an inventory of all your debts, including credit cards, loans, and any other outstanding balances. Calculate the total amount owed, the interest rates, and minimum monthly payments. This assessment will provide you with a clear understanding of your debt landscape.
Next, create a strategy to tackle your debts effectively. Two popular approaches are the debt snowball and the debt avalanche methods. The debt snowball focuses on paying off the smallest debt first, while the debt avalanche targets the debt with the highest interest rate. Choose the strategy that resonates with you and aligns with your financial goals.
Budgeting and Cutting Expenses: Creating a comprehensive budget is a vital step in your debt-free journey. List all your income sources and track your expenses meticulously. Identify areas where you can cut back on discretionary spending and redirect those funds towards debt repayment. Consider adopting a frugal mindset, finding creative ways to save money, and exploring options to negotiate lower interest rates or payment plans with your creditors.
Increase Income and Accelerate Debt Repayment: In addition to cutting expenses, finding ways to increase your income can significantly expedite your debt payoff. Look for additional sources of income, such as freelancing, part-time work, or monetizing a hobby. Direct the extra earnings towards paying off your debts, focusing on one debt at a time until it is eliminated, and then moving on to the next.
Seek Professional Guidance and Stay Motivated: Debt repayment can be challenging, both emotionally and financially. Consider seeking professional guidance from financial advisors or credit counseling services. They can provide expert advice, negotiate with creditors on your behalf, and help you develop a customized plan.
Lastly, staying motivated is essential throughout the debt-free journey. Celebrate milestones and small victories along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive community of individuals with similar goals, and regularly remind yourself of the freedom and financial security that awaits you on the other side.
So, getting out of debt is a transformative journey that opens doors to financial freedom and empowers you to live life on your own terms. By assessing your situation, strategizing, budgeting, cutting expenses, increasing income, seeking guidance, and staying motivated, you can embark on a path towards a debt-free future. Remember, every step you take brings you closer to regaining control of your finances, achieving peace of mind, and paving the way for a brighter financial future.
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