#does anyone know what headache and chills means
theloveinc · 2 years
eeeee I’m scared
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kachowden · 1 year
Yandere Ex & Reader? Hell yeah.
Tw: Harassment, physical assault (not towards reader), weirdo behavior, Chris is a dickhead, suggestive mentions.
His skin prickled aggressively. Teeth clenched together, grinding against their own enamel.
“Christophe? man? You seein anyone new recently?”
His eyes trailed listlessly to the right of him. Nick wasn’t anything special in his mind. Average teen with slightly above average looks in the eyes of the campus. A constant pain in his as, but- useful. Very useful.
“You know I’m not. And don’t call me Christophe.” His tone did little to hide his irritation, though Nick seemed oblivious to it. Or maybe he just didn’t care.
“Yeah yeah whatever man. Does that mean you’ve gotten over that Ex of yours?”
Christophe’s shoulders tensed violently.
“So they’re on the market then right?”
“Fuck yeah dude!”
Two other members of their group laughed crudely, their names so insignificant that Christophe hadn’t made the effort to remember them. They weren’t useful.
His brows furrowed deeply in agitation, and he was quick to shoot the two teens a burrowing glare. “You shut your fucken mouth.”
Nick laughed awkwardly, patting the fuming blonde on the back. “Now now Chris…they’re just messing with ya…”
One of the other members didn’t seem to agree, his own confrontational personality showing light as he crossed his arms moodily. “I don’t see why your panties are in a twist. Last time I checked you two broke up sophomore year. Don’t you think it’s about time you move on and let the rest of us have a taste?”
The moronic teen made a crude hand gesture towards his friend, who seemed to recognize the tension in the air, and made the wise decision to glance away from the act.
Smart move on his end.
The thud of a body against tile echoed the empty corridor, the perverse male choked and sputtered against the hand that crushed his throat.
“I’d watch my tongue if I were you. With all the shit you spew I’m surprised someone hasn’t cut it out yet and saved the rest of us the headache.”
Blue eyes stared at brown eyes, so dark they looked black, and made quick work to try and wiggle his way out of Christophe’s hold.
“F-fuck Off-!” A fist in his gut made him nearly hurl, his eyes straining and bugging painfully in his sockets from the blood rising to his face. His stomach heaved incessantly, and at this rate he found he might die from asphyxiation on his own bile. Not that he knew what asphyxiation was.
Christophe watched boredly.
“D-dude chill out-“ the other nameless tried to de-escalate the situation, but was quick to stop when he saw the look in Christophes eyes. “J…just say sorry man..” that was directed at the pinned idiot, his smart mouthed friend.
The blue faced male was sane enough to try and spew out an apology, it sounding disgustingly gurgled, though it was the best he could manage while on the verge of passing out. Christophe sneared, dropping the male to the floor.
The blue eyed teen landed to the floor with a heaving thud, his body contracting in its vicious attempts to breath again, his buddy sliding next to him and trying to keep him alive.
“Let’s go.”
Christophe’s indifferent tone was appealing at best, as he made his way down the corridor.Nick was quick to follow.
“You think they’ll snitch?”
A scoff.
“No. He’s stupid. Not suicidal.”
There you were. Mindlessly reading. Fitting, since you were in a library.
This had become routine for Chris.
He found it in himself to admit he could stare at you for hours. And he had before.
It wasn’t hard too. What drew him to you now was the same thing that drew him to you before.
You were so….you. It was weird in a painfully charming way.
You were such a normal person. You had your own quirks, like everyone did. But you didn’t stand out. You weren’t popular. You weren’t a social outcast either. You were just…kinda there.
It was enthralling at the best of times. Irritating at the worst. Perfect at most.
He could acknowledge that your normalcy was intoxicating. Especially in his day to day life.
Christophe would never acknowledge however, the way he still clung to the sight of you after all these years. That your departure from him had affected him as much as it did. That would be soul crushing. Because it meant you still had power over him, which he very much knew you did. But he’d never admit it. Even to himself. He’d die parading it as some morbid interest in your breaking point. In his desire to study you like a lab rat. Someone he’d poke at until he got the reaction he wanted.
And he always got what he wanted.
But even then. Even if he claimed that, his interest in you was not romantic. Was not what it once was years ago.
Your skin looked so empty now, and he physically ached with the desire to leave marks on it like he once did.
He knew deep down he was lying.
The staring quickly became unsatisfactory, and with little hesitation he made his way over to your table, his hand slamming beside yours as he hovered over you, a cruel grin stretched on his lips.
“Looks like the nerd decide to hang out in its natural habitat today.”
He fucken hated when you ignored him.
“Your friends finally ditch you Y/n? Surprised it took this long.” He didn’t mean that. If your friends had any sense they’d never leave you alone.
“Go away Christophe.”
He loved it when you said his name. Something primal always sprang forward, and you were none the wiser to being the only one who could call him that without getting a broken nose.
“Why? I just wanna hang out with my favorite person in the whole wide world~” his expression was pulled into a pitiful frown, though he knew you could see through his bullshit. You always could.
He growled deep within his throat, hand darting forward and snatching the book from your own
The sudden grin on his collar didn’t register until it was choking him, and his eyes were met with the sight of your scalding glare. Your noses bumped together, and it took everything in Christophe to not look at your lips, otherwise he knew he’d try to kiss them. He had very little self control in moments like these.
“Fuck off Chris. Give me back my book.”
Fuck he wanted to listen to you so bad, his thighs were quick to clench together in anticipation, licking his suddenly chapped lips as he trembled in your hold. Though not from fear like you probably suspected. If you were even paying attention to details like that, which- god he prayed you were.
“Careful-! Wouldn’t want the faculty seeing you manhandle their favorite student” He tossed the book to you, and once you caught it you dropped him to the ground.
His eyes darted upwards, the visual of you above him, staring at him like the filth on your boot was burned into his retinas.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“You’re pathetic Christophe. When are you gonna get over me.”
Never. Never, he would stay hooked on you for the rest of his life and he’d known that even before you both broke up
He’s craved you for years. Ages. You’d never know the true extent of how pathetic he was.
“Like I’d still be interested in someone like you Y/n. The end of our relationship was like a blessing. I’d never felt so alive.” Liar. Liar liar liar. It was painful saying these things. Even if your expression was exciting, the way he got to see it almost wasn’t worth it. They burned his tongue.
Being away from you was like being wrapped in heavy cuffs and weights. He felt more suffocated then ever. He needed you.
“Whatever. Just leave me alone this week. I have enough bullshit to deal with right now.”
He had so many questions. He wanted to ask what was wrong. To hold you and tell you that you could talk to him. That whatever, or whoever was bothering you, he’d beat the shit out of them if you asked. He’d do it even if you didn’t too.
But he stayed quiet. And he watched as you left him their on the floor. You cared so little for him.
He savored the backwards glance you threw his way.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 7 months
Eddie helps when you get sick.
Warnings: Kinda mean Eddie at the start, then Soft Eddie, fluff, comfort. ♥️
Today had been awful, not only had you gotten into an argument with your boyfriend Eddie, he was planning for Hellfire and putting every bit of his attention into his campaign.
Knowing how passionate he was about it was one of the things you loved about him, however this particular campaign was his first since all the shit occurred in the Upside Down.
With Vecna dead and The Mindflayer and Upside Down gone, the boys were all looking forward to just having some time to have fun and Eddie's campaign was one of the things they were looking forward to.
Due to the fact Autumn was in full swing and the nights were getting chillier, some of the town was coming down with the flu.
The flu which you were now sure you were catching as well and that's how the argument between you and Eddie started.
You wanted to go home and asked Eddie to drive you as you hadn't gotten your own car yet.
"Jesus h christ. This is my big return as DM you know that princess! How can I leave when I'm almost finished planning for it. It's in four hours"
You grow annoyed but try not to show it and attempt to still be civil.
"Eddie, I told you I think I'm getting sick. It will only take a few moments" he scowls and he actually rolls his eyes.
"Sweetheart, I'm sure you're fine" you sigh and tug his arm. You were feeling very off, a slight temperature, the sniffles and a headache that was growing more annoying by the minute, not to mention the achy bones and sick feeling.
"But Eddie..." he spins around to look at you, his forehead creasing in anger and brown eyes flashing in frustration.
"Princess, will you stop for a fucking second" he snaps and you rear back from his pissed off stance feeling heat creep up your cheeks.
Determined not to cry you turn away and gather you jacket and bag. "Fine. I'll just walk home"
When you leave and Eddie doesn't follow you it makes your heart ache and you walk quickly away from his trailer.
By six you were feeling even worse, fever rising and chills racking your body. Hellfire was starting and yet you couldnt move your body to get up for some water, let alone go to Hellfire.
What would Eddie think? He hated anyone missing Hellfire and you had that argument, the sick feeling in your stomach intensifies and you take deep breaths to calm down.
The fever increases even more and you wish Eddie was here. The ache in your heart doesn't fade even when you fall into an uneasy sleep.
At first Eddie was too annoyed to follow you out, then as the day went on and Hellfire began his mood worsened.
His big campaign was incredible but you weren't there to see it. After a while anxiety replaced his annoyance.
Not seeing you at Hellfire filled Eddie with worry, you never missed a meeting or a campaign and he was already feeling shitty from your argument.
He was a dickhead and should have just drove you home. What if you weren't speaking to him for good and wanted to break up?
Dread fills his stomach and the first thing he does after Hellfire ends is rush to his van so he can see you.
He knocks on your door and grows panicked when you don't answer, he tries to remember where the spare key is and finds it in one of the hanging baskets you loved filling with pretty flowers.
Letting himself in to the house he expects to find you on the sofa watching tv, anxiety gnaws at his insides when he doesn't see you and he rushes to your bedroom.
You're cuddled up under your blankets and he rests on the bed beside you. Shit you were burning up. How long had you been this sick.
Eddie strokes your hair. Pressing a light kiss to your forehead. He was kicking himself for being so snappish with you and not listening when you told him that you were feeling shitty.
The kiss wakes you up and your throat is all crackly, he can barely hear you.
"Hey princess. Fuck have you felt like this all day?" you nod weakly and he feels even more of an asshole.
"I'm sorry for snapping princess. Fuck, I should have realised that you were really sick" you cuddle up to him and he holds you close.
"Hellfire" is all you say and he rubs your back soothingly.
"Yeah, you're more important sweetheart. I'm so fucking sorry I didn't act like it. Don't worry, I'm here now and I'll look after you princess"
The only person he's looked after while sick is himself and Uncle Wayne but he knows to make soup, he helps you get into a hot bath to help your achy muscles.
You're all pouty and it tugs at his heartstrings, your pout was his weakness...though in all honesty you were his weakness.
You complain that he'll get sick too but he doesn't give a fuck and continues to help you.
He gets you flu meds and lays with you as you doze off. By the time night falls and he's getting ready to snuggle down with you and sleep, your fever breaks and you seem a lot better.
"If I get sick babe then maybe you can reuse that sexy nurse outfit from Halloween and look after me huh?" he waggles his eyebrows teasing you and you giggle a little.
When he came out of hospital after surviving the demobat attack you were with him every night, through the nightmares, the pain, everything. He wanted to do this for you.
"Thank you for looking after me Eddie" you murmur and press a kiss to his cheek. He responds by kissing your forehead.
"I'll aways look after you princess, always"
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loveforsatoru · 5 months
Our Blue Spring- Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader (Chapter 3: Cameras/Memories)
"Gojo-sensei!" The loud voice coming from down the hall could only belong to Yuji which immediately wakes Satoru up. He hadn't even noticed he fell asleep in the chair of his office. But he did wake up with the familiar feeling of a heavy chest, throbbing headache and wet stains on his cheeks from his tears. He had another dream about you, and a nightmare of the day you left, reminding him that he failed to hold onto the thing that mattered most. He may not get lots of sleep, but when he does, the images of you always play in his head, giving him hope, only to wake up alone once again.
It had been 7 years since that night. He's a teacher now, so he tries not to show his sadness whenever he's around his students. It's hard when all he wants to do is weep and cry every time he thinks about you, but he has to hide it. The last thing he needs is his students wondering why their usually "happy" teacher is all of a sudden upset.
He quickly pulls his blindfold over his eyes as Megumi and Yuji walk into the room. Yuji was holding something that looked like a camera while Megumi silently scolded him, attempting to get him to not bring up the touchy subject.
Megumi knew what it was, Satoru definitely knew what it was and he felt a chill go down his spine the moment his eyes landed on the small black device. He swallowed a lump and got up off the chair, approaching the two young sorcerers.
"What's up?" He asks, his tone cheery, contrary to the thousands of thoughts and emotions running through his head.
"Nobara and I were looking through a couple boxes scattered around the school. We found a camera with your name on it and wanted to know what it was for!" The boy spoke to his teacher with excitement coursing through his veins. He saw it as a way to finally get to know more about the man who everyone calls "The Strongest."
But Satoru saw it as a deep dive into his past, something he didn't share with anyone. The only ones who know a bit of it are Megumi, Shoko, and Suguru. Even so, he doesn't like talking about it.
Megumi shot him an apologetic look, feeling sorry for not being able to keep Yuji in check. Satoru dismissed it with a wave and small smile which threatened to fall into a frown solely at the sight of the camera.
"That? It's just an old thing I forgot I had lying around." A lie.
"It doesn't matter much." Another lie.
That camera meant everything to him. It contained almost every moment you and Satoru spent together. He loved recording the times you spent together and looking back at it in your shared bed with you tucked in comfortably at his side, giggling at the videos he would take. Never did he think he'd have to look back on those without you.
Every night after the break up he'd rewatch every video taken, swipe through every photo he couldn't bring himself to delete. He did this for about 4 years. It gave him a sense of comfort, but he'd only end up spending the entire night crying. He missed the way you'd look at him. He missed walking into the kitchen and listening to you quietly sing as you cooked breakfast. He missed immediately taking out the camera to record whenever you tried on new outfits or got your nails done and showed them off to him. He missed snapping candid photos of you when you weren't looking, setting them as his lock screen and blushing whenever he opened his phone. He was unconditionally in love with you and that would never change.
The reason why the camera has been at the school, hidden in piles of boxes instead of the nightstand on his side of the bed like it used to? It simply pained him too much to look at. He tried to move on, he really did, but he couldn't. He figured that "getting rid" of the camera would help with that, but it didn't. He just never went to go dig it out because it saved him the littlest bit of heartache.
"Does that mean I can keep it then? I've been needing a new one-" Yuji continued, but he was quickly cut off by Satoru.
"No!" That came it louder than Satoru wanted it to, startling both Yuji and Megumi. That camera was a part of his life, one that he never wanted to let go.
Yuji's smile dropped, and his shoulders slumped, feeling bad for upsetting his teacher even if he didn't mean to. Nobody could blame him. Satoru never opened up. Nobody knew what he was thinking about.
"I'm sorry, Yuji. It's just, that camera means a lot to me. I didn't expect anyone to find it." Satoru exhaled, feeling his gut churn.
There was a couple seconds of silence. Yuji nodded as Megumi whispered something in his ear. Yuji hands the camera back to Satoru muttering a "I'm sorry" before exiting the room. Megumi turns back to look at Satoru with a pained look on his face before following behind Yuji.
Satoru stands there, looking down at the small black device in his shaky hands. He takes off his blindfold and tosses it aside before walking over to his desk and sitting down, his leg bouncing anxiously. He stares at the camera for a few more seconds, his mind and his heart at battle. Should he be doing this? Won't it just hurt him even more? It's been 3 years since he last watched the contents it holds.
But to see you was worth all the pain he'd have to endure.
He powered on the camera, waiting impatiently for the screen to load. A little red light began to flicker, indicating that it was about to die. There was only about 5 minutes of battery life left.
Fuck. He didn't have a charger with him. He'd have to do the best he can with the little amount of time he has.
He watched as the camera suddenly turned on, his eyes lighting up at the sight. The screen was a little grainy due to the camera being somewhat old, but your smile still shined just as bright. Every swipe of his finger against the screen held memories that he's never forgotten and remember as if they were yesterday. He swipes through the hundreds of videos splayed throughout the camera. His touch against the buttons, and fingertips against the display were so incredibly gentle, holding it as if it were worth all the money in the world, but to him it was worth even more.
There was a specific one that caught his eye. It dated back to 6 years ago, your one year anniversary. He blinked a couple times, hesitating before hovering his thumb above the video and finally pressing play.
3/3/07-Now playing:
The video had started off simple. Yours and Satoru's everyday morning routine. You woke up earlier than him and decided to make breakfast, but today was special so you made his favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes.
It was ironic, how you'd always wake up first while Satoru slept in for a couple extra hours, burnt out from missions because nowadays, he's lucky enough to get 3 hours of sleep a night. He can't sleep anymore, not without you next to him.
You were softly humming your favorite song as you started with the pancake batter. Your hair was tied into a ponytail as you paced around the kitchen wearing Satoru's shirt which was incredibly large on you.
You were so caught up in cooking that you hadn't realized Satoru had woken up, leaning against the wall with the camera in his hand, recording your movements which he found to be alluring.
"Good morning, baby!" He beamed, walking towards you and holding the camera close to your face.
You nearly jumped at the sound of his voice, pulling you out of your trance.
"Satoru! You scared me! And get the camera out of my face! I don't have any makeup on!" You scolded him, but he could tell you weren't being serious by the way you giggled and flashed a toothy smile at him before focusing your attention back on breakfast.
"Aww, but you always look beautiful no matter what." He cooed, pampering your face with kisses as he zoomed in on what you were making.
His sweet words caused you to blush and turn your face away. He chuckled at the sight before propping the camera on the table and helping you with breakfast. You always appreciated the little things he did for you. It went on to show how much he loved you. And of course, he couldn't keep his hands off of you. Whether that included placing his hands on your waist to pass by, kissing you while you talked because he can't resist himself or wrapping his arms around you as you both waited for the butter to finish melting in the microwave.
It's safe to say things did not go as planned. Your kitchen was a mess. There was flour on the both of you and the floors with pancake batter smeared across the counters.
But you and Satoru were laughing, nearly falling onto each other like the lovesick idiots you were.
"Wait, wait, sweetheart, you have batter on your nose!" He spoke in between breathless laughs.
Before you could respond, he pulled you in by your wrists, and leaned down to lick the batter off your nose, making a face of contempt at the sweet flavor while trying to mask his laughter at your beet red face.
"Ew, Toru! That's nasty!"
"Oh cmon, you know you love everything I do!" He teased, picking up the camera and waving it in front of you to get a good angle of your face. The flour that coated your clothes, the flush on your cheeks, the way your bottom lip pouted out before curling into a smile as you let out the sweetest laughter. He could listen to you all day.
And he was right, you loved everything he did because it filled you up with such warmth and gave you a sense of security that you never had before.
“Hey, Toru.” You began, laughter dying down as you stared at him with admiration.
“Hm?” He responded, his eyes raking through you. Your beauty was incomparable and incomprehensible. How did he get so lucky?
“I love y-”
The flashing stopped and the screen went black. The camera died. He stared in disbelief, his heart shattering once more. Does the universe hate him this much? What wrong did he possibly do that he wasn’t allowed to hear his sweet girl say she loved him one last time? What could he have possibly done to get you taken away from him? He remembers this day and every interaction you shared on the back of his hand, but rummaging through his memory was nothing like hearing you say the words.
His head hangs low as he begins to cry into the palms of his hands. His throat sore, and eyes stinging as sobs fill the empty office space, emphasizing how lonely he is without you in his life despite being surrounded by hundreds of people. You're his everything. Those other people don't matter if he can't be with you by your side. You’re all he wants, all he needs. He’s been so miserable the past 7 years. It’s impossible to live without you. He can’t cry as much as he wants to, not here. He doesn’t want anyone to hear him, but his tears won’t stop flowing. Every passing second without you hurts him more and more. He doesn’t know how he made it this far.
His cries were so loud that he didn’t notice the camera slip off his desk and hit the floor, shattering instantly. The last of you, gone.
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davidlcki · 1 year
sick reader x ultra worried bruce wayne?
worth it
i LOVE this idea, and its perfect timing because i currently have covid :(( i know a lot of people are sick right now so i hope you all can find some comfort in this!
pairing: pattinson! bruce wayne/ reader
warnings: none :)
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the second you woke up this morning you knew something was wrong. you had chills, a sore throat, and a headache. bruce was still sleeping, so you carefully slipped out of bed to take your tempurature which very clearly displayed the fact that you had a fever. you rub your temples with a sigh, and go to grab medicine. suddenly, a hand was on your wrist. you nearly jumped out of your skin, a yelp escaping your lips as you turn to see who it was. your shoulders relax at the sight of bruce.
“jesus you scared me! what’s wrong?” you hold your hand over your heart as your fast beating heart calms down. bruce practically couldn’t sleep without you, so he of course woke up when you left the bed.
“sorry honey” he lets out a small laugh, which was always music to your ears “you’re sick?”
“how could you tell.” you throw sarcasm at your boyfriend who now looked down at you in pity. you clearly felt like shit and he didn’t want you to have to lift a finger for anything until you were better. he frowns and places a soft kiss to your forehead.
“sit down, i’ll grab your medicine and some coffee” you drop your sarcasm at the softness in his voice. you could tell he really cared.
“thank you, bruce” you smile to the best of your ability through your pounding headache and sulk off to the couch.
it was taking a suspicious amount of time for bruce to arrive with coffee and advil, and when he finally did, you realized why. his arms were full of different types of medicine, blankets, ice packs, and your favorite foods.
“bruce!??” you raise your eyebrows in shock at the sheer amount of stuff he was bringing to you. he gives a sheepish smile.
“i wanna make sure you’re okay, here take this.” bruce hands you your coffee and a small amount of meds, then, he drapes the blanket over your frame. you could tell his experience in this area was limited, considering the fact that he’s never really had to take care of anyone before, and when he’s sick alfred does just about everything for him.
“bruce, you really didn’t have to” you watch as he shakes his head stubbornly.
“i wanna make sure you’re okay” he sits down next to you and watches as you take your medicine.
“i’m trusting you gave me the right medicine, wayne. i mean, this is kind of a lot” you raise a teasing eyebrow at the man.
“it’s what alfred gives me. i think.” he holds his hands up in defense.
“well, thank you. really. before i met you i didn’t know anyone who would care for me like this.” bruce smiles and kisses your lips softly in return. he wasn’t usually one to express with his words, but his kisses did all the talking.
“hey careful, i don’t wanna get you sick” you giggle as bruce continues to pepper you with kisses.
“worth it”
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 8 months
In Sickness And In Health
Luis comes down with the flu, and hasn’t eaten all day. Luckily, his boyfriend Leon is there to make him a warm meal and help him feel better :)
Basically just sweet tooth-rotting fluff from start to finish
Fic below cut!!
A/N: this one is dedicated to @mostlyghostly42 and @mooseonahunt !!!!!!!! You guys know exactly why. Thank you very much for making me laugh so hard my lungs collapse and thank you very much for putting me in your quote book I will forever treasure this inside joke <<<<333 What’s the inside joke you may ask? I fear I cannot tell you because I will be cancelled
Anyways!!!!! I made this fic because I had the flu. Fun!! And now it’s the 696’th fic in the Leon x Luis Tag on ao3. I Wonder if any of this has any deeper meaning or if I’m just tired
To say Luis was sick would be an understatement.
Sure, he was no stranger to pain; after all, getting a knife stabbed cleanly through your spine was bound to leave anyone with at least some chronic pain-
But this was just straight up dreadful.
Luis had no clue where he might’ve caught it from, let alone from who, because he’d rarely left the house all weekend- but like some kind of cruel twist of fate, he had come down with the worst flu of his entire life seemingly overnight.
Ok. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. Luis had dealt with worse. Like, a lot worse. He’d fallen sick to his own creations and experienced pain no single human being should have ever had to go through more times than he could count on his own two hands-
But that didn’t mean the flu he currently had didn’t suck. And he sure as all hell made it known just how bad it was whenever he wasn’t in so much agony he could hardly talk.
‘Is this really all it takes to shut you up?’ Leon had joked one morning, earning him a weak but passionate slap across the shoulder. Luis had to bite his lip hard in order to not fall into a disarray of giggles at the mere sight of Leon smiling like a sheepish young boy.
‘ Maybe you should get sick more often”
“Maybe you should get off your ass and help me, Pendejo”
“Alright, alright!! Such a drama queen…”
That was, of course, all before Luis got really sick.
In just a matter of hours, Luis was left totally bedridden. He couldn’t stand (Actually, he couldn’t stand or walk, like, at all most of the time- having a hole on your spine does that to you) and his body just felt awful.
Luis’ head throbbed with what he thought was one of the worst headaches he’d ever experienced in his entire life- his brain thrashing around in his own skull like church bells on a Sunday morning- and his chest ached and rattled with every intake of breath he took. It sounded awful, and it felt even worse. At times he just felt like holding his breath for a few seconds just to alleviate some of the pain.
His entire body felt like lead and the ends of his limbs tingled with sharp, stabbing pins-and-needles; if he dared tried to move his head or god forbid stand up, his limbs and skull held him down like a fishing lure.
But the absolute worst part of it all were the cold chills.
Every few seconds, sharp, painful chills would Wrack Luis’ spine and leave him shivering cold- colder than he should have been inside of his and Leon’s warmed-up apartment. The chills felt like repetitive, stabbing, freezing knives crawling up his back every few seconds and goddamnit he just wished they would stop already. He’d had more than enough of knives in his back to last him a lifetime, after all.
They felt almost painful, and no matter how much he begged Leon for more blankets, he insisted on keeping just a single thin bed sheet over his back as Luis curled in on himself in an attempt to gather any semblance of heat.
“ You’ll overheat if I give you more blankets,” Leon had explained. The warm hand on Luis’ forehead checking his temperature feeling like a godsend.
“ And you’re already burning up. You’ll just make yourself more sick, dove”
“Mmmmcold…….” Was all he had the energy to reply with in the moment as he brought his wrists up to his chin and whined when another chill wracked his spine.
Leon gave an ever-familiar sympathetic sigh, “ I know, I know… it’ll pass, doll. I swear.”
And that���s more or less how Luis ended up in the position he was. Curled up with his knees at his chest and his wrists tucked under his chin, feeling simultaneously too tired to move yet too sore to fall asleep. If he dare try and move from the position he curled himself up into, his body would pull him back down into the bed again like a ball-and-chain. So all he could do was close his eyes, sigh, and wait for either sleep to come or for something to happen and grant him some relief.
Luis felt Leon slip into the bed beside him, his familiar weight sinking against the mattress and even though he could hardly open his eyes to see, Luis could just tell Leon had something in his hands.
“You feeling alright, dove?”
Leon asked, his voice soft and full of sympathy. Luis very rarely ever got to hear Leon be so quiet and gentle, so as awful as the situation was, he treasured it best he could.
Luis couldn’t say anything in response. He just gave a grunt-y noise from his throat to confirm he was still alive and went straight back to feeling like dead weight.
He physically cringed when another sharp, painful cold chill shot up his spine.
And Leon must’ve noticed, because in seconds, his hands were already carding through his long, fanned-out hair and scratching the temple of his head with repetitive and reassuring scritch-scratch-scritch-scratches. Luis’ hair has grown significantly longer since when they first met, and he was surprised Leon’s fingers didn’t get tangled in his curls.
The blonde's nails felt almost heavenly against the brunette's scalp and he wished he could fall asleep like that forever.
Luis didn’t even realize a moment had passed until Leon spoke up once more,
“I made you some dinner”
That got his attention. He peeled his heavy eyelids apart and blinked at the plate Leon held in his hands; too disoriented to make out what was on it.
“It’s just some cheese sandwiches,” Leon mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed. If Luis were feeling even the slightest bit better, he probably would’ve made a jab at Leon’s American-style dish and lack of cooking skills- but honestly? His heart felt like it was melting at just the thought of his partner cooking him something while sick.
Mierda, está locamente enamorado de este hombre.
“I know it’s not a lot, but…”
Leon continued on, picking up a slice and holding it up to where Luis lay with his vision half-swallowed by the pillows. The smell of warm cheese was oddly welcome.
“But, y’know, you haven’t eaten all day, and you need something in your body,” Leon’s tone was far from upset, but he was definitely trying his best to get his point across to Luis- who, right now, felt like doing anything but eating.
“‘Sides, I made these specially for yooouuuu…”
Luis huffed as much of a laugh as he could manage at Leon’s tone, a smile barely evident on his face- but it was enough of a confirmation for Leon to take the bait.
“C’mon, you know you want iiiiiiittttt….”
“ M jus’ sssso tired….” Luis tried to defend himself, every word that came from his mouth rung in his skull and only added to the already painful headache.
He tried his best to not seem even the slightest amused by Leon, but goddamn, was it hard.
“I know you’re tired, hun,”
Leon kissed Luis’ (rather sweaty) forehead and began rubbing circles into his back when the brunette shivered yet again. And Luis practically melted at his touch; grateful for even just the smallest bit of warmth against his skin. Leon was like a walking furnace most of the time, which only made Luis want to instinctively curl up to him even further.
“But you’ve gotta eat something. You’re just gonna get more sick if you don’t”
Luis made a noise that vaguely sounded like ‘I don’t care’, but it was far too muffled to realistically be considered English at all. If even just moving his head and talking was enough to have Luis’ skull feel like it was collapsing in on him from the inside out, he shuddered to imagine what eating would feel like.
When he heard Leon sigh in defeat, Luis mentally rewarded himself for winning their make-believe war of attrition;
Only to be stopped in his tracks when he heard Leon making…. Fucking plane sounds???
“ Bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrr…….”
“ Leeeoonn…-“ ‘ ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo?’ Is what Lui s wanted to say, but he was promptly cut off when Leon continued;
“Uh, here comes the aeroplane…. Nyoooom…..”
“ Jesús maldito cristo- Leon!!”
Finally, finally- of all the goddamn things- that finally got a reaction out of Luis. He threw his head back against the pillow and laughed harder than he had in days. Was it painful? Oh, absolutely- his head felt like it was being slammed against a wall and his chest rattled like crazy;
But Luis would be lying if he said he wouldn’t trade Leon’s laughter alongside his it for the world.
“ You- Santa mierda- you can’t make t-those jokes!! Joder, you are a secret agent!!”
“ Special agent, actually” the ‘special agent’ smiled, clearly biting back his own laughter as Luis’ only grew more and more.
“That has- got to be- the worst joke you have ever made-“ Luis tried to make out a sentence inbetween his rattly coughs and sharp chills, but much to his dismay, Leon only continued.
“Damn, I guess I better step up my game then huh-“
“ Por favor no-“
“Ok, ok, how about this,”
Leon sat up on his haunches, finally taking the accursed sandwich away from Luis’ mouth.
“If you take at least a couple bites, I promise I’ll never make a joke that bad ever again”
“ Ever?” Luis croaked from his pillow, an eyebrow raised and his smile crooked. He could hardly make out Leon’s expression, but if he had to guess, it was probably one of dishonesty.
“I swear on my mother’s life I won’t”
“You don’t have a mother”
Now it was Leon’s turn to burst out into laughter; loud, uninterrupted and honest. Even through the pain, it was music to Luis’ ears.
“Just eat your damn sandwich, doll”
“ Mmmmmmonly cuz I love you cariño….”
Leon scratched the top of his head one last time and gave him a kiss on the forehead, chuckling breathily;
“I love you too.”
Luis managed to eat… most of the sandwiches Leon had made him. He’d gotten through two of them- conveniently leaving out the crust- before finally succumbing to his own need for sleep.
He was right in his theories, though; every single chew he took make his brain feel like it was being slammed against a wall, but at least the cold chills stopped- and everytime he swallowed, Leon gave a quiet, almost unintentional little ‘ good job’, from the back of his throat. Which probably shouldn’t have made Luis feel as warm as it did- but he didn’t have the strength to care. Or even begin to try and dissect why.
Sure, it felt rather childish to be fed like some kind of dying Victorian child- but there was something undeniably intimate about letting Leon just… take care of him. Even if just for a moment. With no guilt to follow suit. Something Luis hadn’t experienced in a good long while.
Would it be strange to say it reminded him of when his Abuelo used to make him tomato soup when he was a little boy all the way back in Valdelobos whenever he was sick? Maybe that was a discussion for another evening.
The longer he chewed, the more tired Luis grew; to the point where he was literally falling asleep with food in his mouth half-chew. Head slacking and eyes dropping closed, Leon had to pull his hand away from his mouth and tap his chin or give his head a little scratch as a reminder to not fall asleep with food in his mouth.
“ C’mon, dove,” he’d whisper, his voice full of quiet sympathy and affection.
“ You’ve gotta finish it. For me?”
“You’re gonna choke if you don’t swallow..”
Eventually, though, Luis had to push Leon’s hand away and silently say ‘ no more’. Thankfully his partner could read him like an open book and was curled up by his side in a matter of seconds, continuing to rub his back in comforting, repetitive motions.
Their foreheads were inches away from touching, and it was very apparent just how rattly Luis’ breath was; but Leon didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
“ Yyyoour’re gnna catch mmy fluuu…”
“ I couldn’t care less,” Leon chuckled at Luis’ sleepy tone, closing the gap between them with a kiss to his flush forehead.
“ ‘Just means I get to spend more time with you”
Luis could hardly open his mouth to complain before Leon already had a hand through his hair, carding his fingers softly against his scalp.
“ Go to sleep, dove,”
He whispered,
“ You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Luis didn’t need to be told twice. And so he fell asleep in Leon’s arms faster than he ever had in his entire life.
And despite his body’s attempts, Luis had somehow gotten one of the best night's sleep he had ever had in his entire life.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Will- Pregnancy Alphabet
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A= Announcement (When/How do you announce your pregnant to you boss, co-workers, friends?):
The first person we tell is obviously Ella. We purchase her a cake and a T-shirt that say 'worlds best big sister'. Next we tell Jay and Erin, we just show them a positive test. We wait for 3 months to tell anyone else.
B= Baby Predictions (Who will the baby be more like?):
Ella thinks baby will be exactly like her. Will also thinks the baby will be like me and Ella.
C= Cravings (What cravings do you have? ):
Bread. Just bread.
D= Due Date (When is the Due date?):
Due date is May 18th
E= Emergencies (How do they act when something happens during the pregnancy?):
Thankfully nothing is wrong, but being married to a doctor means that I am having check ups everyday. Will is always asking how I'm feeling and if anything has changed with the pregnancy.
F= Falling (How do they react you falling or about to fall?):
I have a little tumble while it's icy out. Will was there to catch me. I then get lectured about being more careful.
G= Gender(s) (What gender do they want the baby to be?):
Ella wants the baby to be a girl, but Will and I don't care.
H= Hands (Do they like to place their hands on your tummy? Do you place your hands on your tummy?):
Yes. From the day we found out I was pregnant he was always putting a hand on my tummy. Ella too. I didn't really place a hand on my tummy until I get a bump and even then I don't stand rubbing my tummy often.
I= Illness (How do they react when you get sick?):
Other than a cold I don't get ill. Will went out and got me medicine that's ok for pregnant woman just to help my headache and stuffy nose.
J= Job (Do you stay at work? Are you allowed to stay at work?):
Yes. I only work in an office so I stay until I have my baby.
K= Kisses (Do they like kissing your bump?):
Yes. Will loves kissing my tummy especially when my bump grows.
L= Life (How has life changed while your pregnant?):
We've been trying to get Ella as ready as she can be for the arrive of the new baby. But life for us hasn't really changed to much other than getting the baby room ready.
M= Movement (How do they react to feeling the baby move? How do they react to the sight of the baby kicking?):
I didn't think Will would be to excited because he's seen it so many times at work, but I was wrong. The moment he felt the baby he rang Jay to tell him, shouting with excitement. At first Ella was a little unsure about how she should feel
N= Nesting (Do you start nesting? When do you start nesting?):
No. I was expecting it ti come but it never does.
O= Outfits (When do you start buying maternity clothes? When do you start buying outfits for the baby?):
Almost immediately. Will and I go shopping at but myself maternity clothes and baby clothes.
P= Parents (Do they give advice? Is it good advice?):
The only person that gives advice is Natalie but it's more this she wish she had known before having her son.
Q= Questions (Do they ask the midwife a lot of questions. Do they keep asking if your ok?):
No. Will is pretty chill. Having a lot of knowledge himself he knows what's going on, although he does ask if I'm ok a lot.
R= Risk (Is there any risks during the pregnancy?):
No thank goodness.
S= Sickness (Do they you have much morning sickness? When does it start? When does it stop?):
My morning sickness would continue till I was just over 13 weeks pregnant.
T= Talking to the Baby (Do they talk to the bump? Do you talk to the bump?):
Yes we both love talking to the growing baby. Ella also loves telling baby how excited she is to meet them.
U= Upset (How do they act when your upset? Why do you cry over most?)
I don't get upset to much during the pregnancy, but when I do Will gets me chocolate and hugs me.
V= Vision as in Supervision (Do they keep a close eye on you? Do they make sure someone's always with you?):
No. Will knows I have gone through this once before and trust that if something felt wrong I would tell him.
W= What's the plan? (What is the birthing plan?):
Remembering how painful my last labour was this time I want to try a water birth at home. Will has managed to get it arranged but things can always change.
X= Xray or Ultrasound (How do they react to seeing an x-ray of the baby. Do they tear up when they see the ultrasound?):
Will doesn't tear up, but he can't take his eyes from the ultrasound. When we get the photos printed immediately they go in his wallet eager to show anyone and everyone.
Y= Yearning (How do they truly feel about having a child? Do they feel as though they are ready for a baby?):
Will is super excited. He thought he was ready but as the babies arrival gets closer he is more nervous. He just wants to be a good dad.
Z= ZZZ (How much sleep do they get during the pregnancy? How much sleep do you get?):
We all sleep pretty good, except for when I need to go to the loo in the middle of the night, but once I'm back in bed I'm asleep.
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genderdotcom · 6 months
see the day
(888 words) the dark urge and karlach chat about birthdays. pre-relationship, early act 1
“You know what, I never even asked what date it is.” Karlach leans back against the damp log, sizzling slightly. “I mean, I know it’s been ten years- time doesn’t flow that differently down there- and I can see that it’s summer. But- other than that?”
Japhet looks up at the sky in silence for a long moment. Crickets chirp and frogs burble on the river’s shores. 
“I don’t know either. Part and parcel of the amnesia, I suppose. Why do you want to know?” It’s the amnesia that makes them curious, they think- but it also obscures the truth of their thought; I don’t think I’ve asked as many questions in my life as I have in the last two tendays. I must not have cared. Or there was nothing new happening.
“I dunno. Wanted to know if I’d missed another birthday, I guess. It’s in summer.” She laughs as she says it, but her smile is more of a wince than anything. 
Another lapse of conversation, this one lasting long, silent minutes. There’s nothing more for them to do tonight- dinner has been cleaned up, the tents have been set, and the sun’s slow descent gives them plenty of time to recuperate. But something niggles at their mind.
Their brow furrows.
“I don’t know how old I am.”
Karlach pries open one eye from where she’s sprawled, giving them a slow blink.
“Ah- I’m sorry. I just realised that in my amnesia, the memory of my age has completely disappeared.”
“Sorry, what? Think I dozed off there.”
“Huh.” She levers herself back up to a sitting position, leaning towards their face with a squint. “Okay, let me have a look.” 
Her golden eyes rove across their face, bending this way and that to take it in from all angles. This close, they can feel the puffs of heated air from her shoulder vents, the slow exhalation of her breath. They see how her eyes flick to their lips; they lick them almost unconsciously- her vents flare. A burst of heat flowing over their skin, strong enough that they blink back tears.
“Absolutely no idea. Sorry, mate, but you could be twenty or sixty and I wouldn’t know the difference.” She snorts. “I mean, I’m twenty-seven- or thereabouts- but I don’t really have an intuition for elves and such. Half-elves. D’you remember your birthday, at least?”
“Shit! Sorry.” She scoots back from them, an embarrassed grin blooming across her face. “Guess I’ve finished my professional examination.”
“And? What verdict have you arrived to?” With the new distance placed between them, the evening chill creeps in. A sense of loss. 
Birthdays. That’s the thought that had brought them to this- but even the concept feels foreign. What would they do with a birthday? What does anyone do with a birthday? Birth just brings forth thoughts of the gnolls they'd fought only yesterday, spawning from distended hyenas in a beautiful- gory- explosion. Perhaps it’s more like that. A more fitting beginning for the creature they are than any sort of celebration.
“I… am not sure I have ever had one.”
“Oh.” She looks terribly sorry for them, all of a sudden. “That might just be the amnesia, but- that’s really sad, Japhet. No… cakes or anything? Gifts? Well, I never got much of those either, but- celebrations? A candle to blow out?”
Gifts just put them in mind of- something. Luxurious black wool grown heavy with blood, keeping its warmth close, an endless embrace- and a headache that robs them of any more detail.
They shake their head.
“We should ask Gale about the date. Perhaps there’s time for us to celebrate your birthday, still.” The thought ill fits their mind, but they continue on. “You can show me what it’s like.”
Karlach smiles- small, at first, then breaking into a grin as a thought seems to occur to her. 
“Wait- I’ll do you one better. Stay here for a sec.”
She stands up in one explosive motion, leaping over the log she’d been lying on and bounding over to Gale. 
They watch on in slight confusion as the two exchange a few words. Karlach gestures grandly, flames flaring yet again- and Gale matches her enthusiasm. Finally, she returns.
“Well, I’ve missed my birthday by ‘bout a month- but we can still celebrate yours. It’s the fifteenth of Flamerule right now- let’s just say your birthday’s on the twenty-second. Sound good?”
They blink slowly.
“Why not?” She counters. “I mean, you can pick another date, but this way we get to celebrate it. Unless we go squiddy before then, at least.” She’s getting antsy the longer they look up at her. Shifting from foot to foot. Even if they’ve never had a birthday- they’ll try it for her.
They’d only met her a scant few days ago. She only saw them this way, as a friend, as someone she should get close to, because she’d arrived too late to see Alfira’s ruined corpse. They’d packed up camp, and by the time they’d returned to the Chionthar’s shores rain had washed the blood-drawn circle clean away. She didn’t know the depths of horror they’d sunk to without even a conscious thought.
“Thank you, Karlach. I appreciate it.”
She grins and flares so bright it reflects off the water for a moment.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
Henry Lakeside Broom Birthday Card
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Feel free to send him messages, interview is under the cut.
Henry: ….
Yasuno: What not happy a Reaper is here to bring you a birthday gift? Don’t worry I didn’t come here in the name of death… I came here cause you caught my interest, Mr. Lakeside.
Henry: I would prefer you call me by my first name, Yasuno… I heard a lot about you
Yasuno: I just came here to give you a good birthday gift in the name of the Starnovelle dorm… after all… we did some research on you.
Henry sighed as he opened the package just to find some goth styled leather clothes and fake piercings… on instinct he grabbed Yasuno's wrist
Henry: How do you know…. *glare*
Yasuno: Oh someone forceful… kinda hot how you stare at me… well I have my information… I know about your other phase as well..
Henry: If you dare let anyone know about this…. *deep breath* Fine, I will accept your gift. 
Yasuno: There you go… you have to chill more, Bossy… I thought these look good on you. Oh well but I guess there are also some questions I gotta ask you… because it's tradition…
Henry: Hm…
Yasuno: So tell me… I heard the great Lakeside son has many brothers… don’t you feel a little envious of their success… given you are the youngest?
Henry: Gilliam owns the finest Restaurants… Killian Makes Fashion for many celebrities, Frederic owns hotels with 5 stars rating, Dansons clubs are often very full and busy, Pene- I mean um… Zach is my blood brother and does well leading his bank… and as them I will do all to make a machine company that will help the world. I see their success as my motivation to grow better and not something to feel envious over.
Yasuno: I see…. then what about your father and mother? How do they feel about this…
Henry: Are you trying to find dirt on me?
Yasuno: No, no… just curious.
Henry:  Urgh… I care for my mother dearly… she often sang me songs and kept me feeling well… being at peace and calming my mind…. My father is… strict to say the least… I often worked under pressure to become a good successor to the family but… he wants us to change the world and do well… he trusts us and supports us…
Yasuno: I see… I am not gonna fully trust that… So how about your broom… will you fly around to celebrate your birthday…
Henry grew quiet and gripped it firmly…
Henry: I am not good with heights.
Yasuno: Oho the strong and stern mister Lakeside has a weakness… it's kinda cute to see you stunned.
Henry: You irritate me… are you done? 
Yasuno: Barely… I  wanna ask you…. would you consider a dat-
Henry: No
Yasuno: Fine I tried… tell me once you put on that Outfit, I would love to see it.
Henry: I feel like I got more headaches than anything right now.
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Thanks to @/thetwstwildcard for the background help
Please share this where you can
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mygwenchan · 1 year
Stray thoughts while watching Love Syndrome III - EP5
Day wore that cast for weeks or even months... yeah I wouldn't want to touch it, that thing is nasty
The strippers are a nice touch though hehe
Jealous Day is jealous. He really doesn't want anyone to look at his man
Yes please, everyone take something off! Itt should start with his wig 🤣
Ohhh~ Itt was totally into that thing with the belt, what a naughty boy 😉
Cue Mac & Nan: Yeah, sorry folks. But it you see something like this, call the police ASAP and get that poor boy out of there. That's even beyond bad bdsm etiquette. Mac, my love, you should just castrate Nan. Maybe that would help
What's with the 70s porn music lol And suddenly everyone is making out ✨Is this a party or an orgy, who knows~
YES MAC throw that water into his face, baby! Throw the glass as well, fuck it, throw the whole bottle! Well, at least Day seems to feel a little bad for Mac, everyone else just ignores the situation (fuck them tbh)
Acts of service in the bedroom. We like to see it. They really need to have Long shirtless at least once per episode, huh? Maybe it's part of his contract? Maybe they knew his abs would save the series lol. They are nice abs though, I have to admit
Cuddle time~ That's cute
Flashback time~ The confusion is real, Day's as well as mine. Also, that kid Salmon is a shipper, they're really starting early these days 🤣
Sorry Day, but Itt is right. Car racing while being in that poor health condition is just asking for an accident to happen
Oh, Mac is back! Sweety, grab a car and run them all over. Just a suggestion
Itt fainted again, didn't see that one coming tbh. Was it too hot for him? Was he too stressed out? Probably both. Dude needs a vacation
Cute moment in the office. We like to see it. But Day, don't just answer Itt's call, not cool man. How did Itt later on know that it was Ball who called though? Ah jealous Day is jealous again. My dude, chill. Your boy isn't going anywhere
You go tell him, Itt! Day doesn't even try to remember you...
Oh? Looks like Itt is getting sick again. I feel him, I always get sick when I'm too stressed out, fever and all. Don't recommend. Also, I officially love Nik: "According to what I've studied, I think I can diagnose you. You're likely just sick!" LOL
Day: "Why does he love someone terrible like me?" Because it's the Stockholm Syndrome, baby~ 🎉✨
Not Nik suggesting that Itt got a fever cause he's on his period. DUDE XD He is the most character ever
Are they ever going to get into that car, or? Ah, now Day has another flashback and bad headache... Hmm, maybe that's why there are so many side characters? They're needed to hold Day and Itt when those idiots faint again
Tiny Itt curled up on the bed 🥰
Day "You can't take a shower, you're sick." Oh oh? Does that mean what I think it means?
YES, THE MAGICAL BL TOWEL MADE A COMEBACK!! They did skip the gay checkered sheets though, so one point deducted for that one
Most unhinged moment of this episode: Day taking a shower FULLY CLOTHED. Come on production folks, that would've been THE perfect excuse to show us Long's abs again, ah...
More fainting to come in the next episode. Stay tuned~
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desicosplay · 2 years
Mastani's Guide to Monkeypox
Disclaimer: I'm not an epidemiologist or a physician - I'm just someone well versed with microbiology and diseases. That being said, here is what I know/what I'm doing about monkeypox. A big note beforehand though - this is not a queer disease. We must prevent spread to high risk populations. Even if you are not high risk, you are no more than two steps away from someone who is. This information was aggregated as of August 28th, 2022. Remember - science is always learning more, so some information may become outdated.
What is it? - a poxvirus. Similar to coxpox or variola/smallpox, monkeypox is a double stranded DNA virus. Double stranded DNA is stable genetic material (especially as compared to SARS-CoV-2, which is an RNA virus).
How does it infect? - Mechanistically, I can't find a consensus. However, this article (warning, it's written for immunologists, not for the general public) suggests poxviruses evades immune responses by modifying recognition proteins.
How does it spread? - Monkeypox is viable in rashes and bodily fluid. It can be spread through skin-to-infected skin contact, contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, and vagina), and contact with bodily fluids, like breathing in/ingesting saliva. It can spread from humans to animals. Since this virus is stable, surfaces (especially soft and porous surfaces - like clothes and couches) can hold viable virus. To summarize, you can get monkeypox by: - skin to rash contact - skin to scab contact - skin to infected cloth contact (i.e. laundering soiled sheets) - sex with an infected person, regardless of sexuality or gender - skin to infected surface contact (i.e. frequently touched surfaces) - 3+ hours, no mask, within 6> feet (droplet spread)
How do you protect yourself? - Maintain your skin barrier as best you can. This means frequent moisturizing, covering injuries/broken skin (i.e. cuts, eczema). A solid skin barrier is an EXCELLENT defense. - Try to avoid extensive touching of folks you don't know/wear protective clothes if you must. This includes items that they spend a lot of time with. - Disinfect surfaces - refer to this list for disinfectants that work and follow instructions. Monkeypox does not survive at high humidity , sunlight, and high temperatures (think near tropic temperatures), but is stable at room temperature for a while (current estimates are at 15 days if undisturbed). - Wash/Sanitize (70% alcohol or more) your hands often. - Watch for symptoms and see a provider ASAP for unexplained rashes. - Get vaccinated if you can. The current guidelines are here (AUG/22/2022), but the next phase opens the vaccine up to anyone. Old smallpox vaccines do work, but talk to your provider about getting this one. If you have a immunocompromising condition (including eczema!), take the JYNNEOS vaccine over the ACAM2000. - Mask up. If you took off your mask for COVID-19, put it back on. - Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth, or broken skin without washing your hands.
What do I do if I'm exposed? - Get vaccinated ASAP. The vaccine does work as post-exposure prophylaxis. - Communicate with your local health department. You may have to isolate for 21 days. - Watch for symptoms (they may be mild!) - Wear a mask around others and insist that others mask around you.
What are the symptoms? - There are a few stages for symptoms. Here is the most common presentation, but if you're ever unsure, see a physician. Keep in mind, monkeypox rash can range from 1 bump to 100s and last about a month. 1. Incubation (5 days - 3 weeks): Before symptoms starts. It is unclear if people are infective during this time. 2. Prodrome (1 - 2 days if at all): Fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, exhaustion, headache, cough. Think the flu, or a bad cold. People may be infective at this time, but it is unclear. 3. Enanthem (1 day): Sores inside the mouth or on the tongue. People are definitely infective at this time. From here on out, you may experience pain and itching. 4. Macules (1-2 days): Flat lesions (re: abnormal skin) spread across the face and to the limbs/other places. 5. Papules (1-2 days): The rash becomes rasied, easy to individually circle, and feel firm. 6. Vesicles (1-2 days): The bumps fill with clear fluid. 7. Pustules (5-7 days): The bumps become cloudy or pus filled. They may develop a spot or divot. 8. Scabs (~7 days): The bumps become crusty and scabby. They will fall off on their own and may leave scars. After all scabs are gone, people are not infective.
Can I recieve medication? - Yes, there are antivirals that help. However, even without medication, monkeypox usually resolves on its own after a month.
What do I do to clean my place after I/someone I live with gets infected: - Clean surfaces with the disinfectants from earlier. Pay close attention to the instructions. Bleach also works, but again, adhere to the instructions. - Launder soiled clothes and linens with extreme care. A wash cycle will render monkeypox dead, but the transfer of items to the washer can put you in contact with infective particles.
Mastani, what are YOU doing? - as someone who is often in the hospital, has to be in public, and lives with someone, this is what we do. Keep in mind, I'm a bit germ-sensitive, so some of this may be overkill. - Change clothes when we get home. I take a full shower, but my partner just changes since they work in a non-hospital setting and are rarely in contact with a lot of people. - Clean our home once a week with disinfectants listed in the link above. - Spray our phones when we get home with 70%+ isopropyl alochol (Note: make sure your phone is off while doing this!!) - Wipe down our electronics similarly (again, more for me than them) - Avoid touching folks we don't know well/ask our friends to keep a close eye on symptoms. - Double mask everywhere. I wear a KN95 + surgical mask, they wear a KN95 + cloth mask. - Wipe down public surfaces before sitting at them. We keep wipes in our bags. - Wipe down our groceries/wash the produce as soon as we get home. (we don't know transmission rates of public surfaces yet, so extra precaution) - Wash our hands as soon as we come in. - Take extra caution using public bathrooms (try to avoid too much butt to seat without a barrier/wiping it down). - Take off our shoes when we get home. - Sanitize/Wash our hands before eating anywhere, including home. - We have a quarantine room/pack ready to go on the chance one of us has to quarantine. Underlined phrases are links. If you have questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability. However, I am balancing school, new monkeypox information, and anxiety at all times. I may not have an answer. When in doubt, seek medical advice from an epidemiologist or physician. Knowledge is power. Be safe, be cautious.
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justaweirdogremlin · 2 years
It’s the spookiest day in spooky month so I give you
Jonas Falk
Tall ratty evil junkie bastard, a villain/vigilante OC
(WARNING: shit handwriting, low quality hands)
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(Yeah dude looks like emo p2Joseph shut up.)
Pronouns are he/him but bro is homosexual and polyamorous.
Not a lot I known about his past since he’s good at hiding a lot of things and quick to cut ties with anyone. But the scars has their tales.
Though seemingly chill, easygoing and dumb with a smirk that’s plastered on his face, of course, he’s a lot smarter and sinister than he lets on, careful with his wording too. Yet, still gives off a sense of comfort to make you feel at ease and lower your guard down. Or up more, because that would feel weird if you were to think about it.
He may be homeless but he really doesn’t mind, he’d rather live on the streets and sleep on top of flat roofs on buildings. Just being outside and move around a lot, that’s what makes him happy. Being good at parkour, the guy has no problem climbing and jumping from building to building or houses at night. Even so, he still keeps a hideout/base of operations, stashing random metal junk to tinker with (usually doesn’t work), blackmail documents on people that interests him to stalk and more stolen stuff.
Cameras, cam recorders, tapes, film (for the cameras), voice recorders, you name it. He always brings a cassette player with headphones anywhere, just to listen to music because why the hell would’t you?
A better visual of his physique + Stand abilities
(Slight nudity?)
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Yes, I made him ridiculously tall, absolute tank (6’10 ft/209 cm). Despite that, he’s still really good at hiding and sneaking, sometimes so quiet on his feet he accidentally jump scares people, but he doesn’t mean to. (Why wouldn’t you be scared shitless if a man with that height was suddenly looming behind you.)
His age is unknown, as I said, not a lot is known about him so who knows when or where he came to existence. Nor of what he is since there’s a bunch of mythical things that exist in the jojo verse. And again, he doesn’t tell much. (But I could 👀)
The stand, Toxic Love (by Tim Curry), with a range of 2m/6’7ft, is like a manifestation of a few different types of pollution.
Producing polluted air that reaches to a rate that is very dangerous to breathe in, damaging your lungs till they collapse.
spreading the noxious gases and chemicals 5m/16’4ft wide, surrounding itself at the center of it. Attempting to get closer to the stand, the denser and humid the fog is. If able to produce enough for an extended period on a high placement, the fumes go up in the atmosphere and infect clouds, creating acid rain, melting the flesh off your bones (remember the rat stand users?). Even Jonas himself isn’t safe from all of that, though it saps away all of his energy.
The stand itself being made of tar, contaminated soil and disgusting water that makes it have a semi-liquid consistency. Having its own cycle like a swamp around the stands uncomfortably warm body. Creating a thin layer of mist, continuously seeping into itself that then heats up into mist again. Punching it with another stand or not, you obviously don’t want to touch that poisonous pile of sludge.
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The mouth stomach is what breathes out all of those fumes. The teeth grinds together to create sparks, with the combination of the sparks hitting the gasses it’ll create an explosion of flames. Of course Jonas is smart enough not to do that anytime soon.
A less explosive way is possible of course, flicking some of the stands tar-like fluids on the opponent and lighting them up.
Keeping his opponents in place and alive is also simple, covering them in tar. Since it’s out of the stands warm and humid cycle, it’ll dry out and harden.
But that’s only in its offensive form, it strains Jonas’ mentality a lot. Overstimulating him, giving him headaches that feels like getting his head split in half with an axe, feeling like he needs to vomit and getting cold sweat. Obviously Jonas doesn’t use that form unless absolutely necessary.
So he has it in its defensive form more instead, and it’s a lot more safer and a lot less mentally draining than the offensive.
The defensive form sits on the top of Jonas’ head like hair with a ponytail being a little shorter than his entire body, closely like a pompadour (wonder who he got that idea from). It can’t do any of the abilities it’s offensive form can do at all, though the ponytail acts as a third arm or a shield. That form also saves energy for the offensive.
Swiftly protecting or deflecting anything that’ll hurt its user. But of course, it’s not strong enough to shield or lift literally anything, like something as big or heavy as a car. It can’t slice through things but it can poke holes. Stabbing through rocks or bricks are possible, sometimes metal if it’s thin enough.
Ironically he likes to keep himself as clean as he can as a junkie, trying to shower more than just once a week, and he smokes.
As said before, he’s smarter and more sinister than he let’s you think. Still keeping that goofy laidback and sassy nature. Though always seems upbeat with a tired smile plastered on his face he actually doesn’t express what he feels, exaggerating and being dramatic to get his point across if that’s what it takes for a person to understand. Otherwise his tone is always… flat? Monotone? Which leads to many misunderstandings. It’s tiresome, observing or messing with people from afar is more entertaining. Jonas doesn’t really care for others, just his documents and recordings. Selfish and narcissistic. Always wants to be right and you’re wrong, he’s smart and you’re dumb, that sort of thing. He’s good with his words and proving it to make you believe him, finding things out about you to get under your skin, that sort of hostility to a stranger or enemy he wants to manipulate to get you on his side. His comforting aura-like thing supports it. But if anything, he doesn’t take things seriously.
On the flip side, if ever manage to get him to feel attached, Jonas seems the same but he’s teasing and brutally honest. He’s not one to lie to anyone or if he makes it technically the truth, which can be surprising. And because he doesn’t regret his actions most of the time. Still an ass with his teasing and sass, but it’s in a way to make it funny for who he’s attached to, which is what he aims for. He’d mess around even more to grumpy ones. His selfishness becoming a facade. Basically just softening up, maybe a little. Still needing to prove he’s better though.
⚠️Cruel noms⚠️
Jonas only partners up with cruel preds, he’s cruel himself and does not care for borrowers one bit. He gifts tinies to his preds when given the chance like a cat gifting owners dead critters, expecting them to eat it. Toys with borrowers as well, giving hard flicks, bruising them, scratching them, squeezing them. It’s a stress reliever to him. He doesn’t talk since he doesn’t see the tiny thing as anything sentient, just another rodent (he’s a villain, what did you expect). The pred he’s partners with or attached to is above anyone in his list, just one at a time, if there’s anything he thinks is a red flag he’ll cut them off. Very caring, protective and a giant cuddle bug when his observer’s instinct acts up.
A dedicated observer taking the trait to the extreme.
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21st-century-ninja · 2 years
Too Fast / Too Slow: Chapter 3
Soulbonds- soulbonds are special. They’re magical, even. They’re groups of people with souls so close that they strip down even the barriers of individuality, filtering impressions of thoughts and feelings between each member of the bond without even needing to speak aloud. Before a bond is completed, these impressions remain impressions. But once the last person in a bond comes of age and turns 16, all of the members gain total access to the others’ thoughts and the bond is complete.
Lloyd is 100 percent certain that Cole, Kai, Nya, Zane, and Jay are his bondmates.
Then his 16th birthday comes and goes with nothing to show for it.
        💚 Lloyd & Everyone         💚 Rated T, Gen         💚 21k words, 3/4 complete         💚 Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates         💚 on ao3 here
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an angsty soulmate au update?  From my perpetually slow content creator???? it’s more likely than you think!!!!!
Submitting this to round 2 of ninbingo as my prepublished work for the prompts of bonds and trust :D  board and excerpt below the cut!
Lloyd comes to with wind-chilled hands and his own breath fogging up in front of his eyes.  
“Took you long enough.”
The voice sinks its claws into Lloyd’s mind, and his heart sinks with it.  It wasn’t a dream.  He blinks.  The haze lifts a bit around him.  He’s in the sky, dark clouds rolling past on either side, hands clutching the reins of the dragon from earlier.
He’s alone, or as alone as he can be.  He’s not sure if that relieves him or not.
“What?” Lloyd says.  His head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton.  He tries again.  “What’s happening?”
“We’re on our way to Stiix now,” Morro says.  His voice echoes all-encompassing through Lloyd’s head.  “Thanks for the boost, by the way.  I’m usually pretty quick myself, but with your power at my fingertips…”
Lloyd trembles.  None of this picture is adding up in a way he can wrap his head around.  How- why?  How is Morro controlling his body, how is he inside his body?  The memory of the man’s half-there, mist-like appearance- it niggs at something in Lloyd’s mind.  He’s seen that translucent, wispy green once before.
“Yep,” Morro says, to Lloyd’s dawning realization.  “I’m from the Cursed Realm, kid.  The one your father was sent to.  Heh.  Actually, I’ve got him to thank for letting me escape.  Tell him I send my regards when you see him, alright?  Don't worry, I won’t make you wait long.”
Lloyd can feel his body shaking.  Morro does nothing to stop it, which means either he wants Lloyd to feel it or he can’t.  Lloyd makes an unsure note of it in his mind.  It’s practically nothing, but Lloyd has nothing, and every scrap of information feels like a shining jewel right now.
“No concern for daddy dearest?” sneers Morro, and just like that, his genial facade is ripped away.  Lloyd stifles a scream as mental claws dig into his head.  “Wow.  How self-centered.  I expected more from the famed green ninja.”
“Why are you doing this?” Lloyd demands, gathering his thoughts and pulling all of his strength into making his voice forceful.  “Why do you care?  What-”
“Because it should be me wearing that gi,” Morro spits.  “And instead, it’s you.”  The green mist at the edges of Lloyd’s vision rises and clogs his sight.  “So I want to know.  What about you made you worthy of being the Green Ninja?  What is it about you that makes you better than me? ”  
A headache explodes behind Lloyd’s eyes as, without his permission, memories spring suddenly to the forefront of his mind.   “Let’s see.  Tragic backstory, terrible parents, the crushing weight of expectation- wow, you really do have all the classic protagonist angst, don’t you?”  
Things that Lloyd’s never shared with anyone, hidden thoughts and secrets and memories- all of them are laid bare to Morro’s rampage.  They flash before his eyes like disjointed reels of a movie, and Lloyd swells with the equal desire to watch and to cringe in horror and look away.
Not that he has a choice.  Morro is in control here.  Lloyd can do nothing to stop him, not even when the clock ticks and he waits and he w a i t  s  a n d     h  e
                         w    a  i     t    
                                                              a      n  
read the rest here :D
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spahhzy · 2 years
Extraction Point.
What in the hell was going on?
Jaune Arc wasn't to sure he wanted an answer to that question as he cautiously walked through the back alleys of Mantle. The streets only lit up by the fires that the battle against the grimm had caused.
To what Salem had caused.
Jaune shuddered at the mere mention of her name.
After his battle against the devouted psychopath Tyrian and him killing said psychopath things should have been looking up, one less general on the board for Salem.
Yet things only gotten stranger now.
What did Tyrian mean by 'king'.
Why did Salem look sad and distraught when he ran from her.
Why was she hunting him down now?
Questions that can be answered later Jaune focus...find Ren and Nora first.
He tried communicating with them via scroll but no dice. Same in regards to RWBY, he hoped everyone was doing fine.
Peeking around the alley corner it was barren just damage and debris strength across the street.
That's when he saw it.
A large church that was lit dimly in the distance.
He could go through the church as a short cut and then go down a few more blocks and he would be back to where everyone was supposed to meet up.
Key word supposed to, he still couldn't get anyone on his scroll...
Just keep going Jaune its just static or some sort of interference, get to the meeting point.
Steeling his nerves Jaune made his way to the church.
It didn't take long to get to the large doors of the church and as soon as he got near the door he could feel a headache coming on.
He opened the doors to inside of the church and he felt a chill in his spine as the air in his lungs left his body.
Their standing at the alter was the man he killed not a mere four hours ago was Tyrian...and at his sides were two beowolves that look to have been...sleeping?
The door behind Jaune slammed shut.
" I know it doesn't make sense King...not much does anymore" Tyrian spoke cryptically as he stroked the long scar on his neck.
"You killed me...I didn't like that" he said shaking his head before to Jaunes horror Tyrian vanished in a pile of ashes before the two beowolves woke up and growled and began advancing toward him.
How is HE still alive! I killed him cut his head clean off!
The growling of the two beowolves brought him back to reality.
Just fight through this Jaune...it has to be a grimm playing tricks
After a brief scuffle Jaune was able too kill the two beowolves with some ease but the main church room was completely destroyed.
Sighing Jaune saw a door at the far end past the altar so with no other options left he made his way to the door and into a dimly lit hallway.
Alright nothing creepy about any of this...nothing at all.
Jaune proceeded through the hallways of the church cursing whoever was the architect all the way through.
Finally after going from one hall way to the next he saw a sign that said 'Garden' and a sign that would point to a door.
Jaune opened the door cautiously and when nothing happened he breathed a sigh of relief, his guard still up in case more roaming grimm would creep up.
He saw a sign that said 'Garden through the congregation room' and arrow pointing too his right.
Walking through the door and making a right Jaune sucked in a breath of air tightly and froze.
In front of him behind a glass window just staring at him as if he knew he would be there was Tyrian.
Jaune in a panic took out Crocea Mors and try to prepare for any attack but Tyrian just stood their staring at him.
Jaune swallowed the lump in his throat before suddenly Tyrian once again vanished in a pile of ashes.
Jaune let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding as he tried to calm down the feeling of fear he was feeling.
Looking to his left he saw doors leading to the congregation room.
Almost there Jaune almost there!
Steeling his nerves and resolve Jaune walked up to the doors, his head pounding again as the headache made its presence known.
With hand on the door handle Jaune entered into the small congregation and then everything felt like it was going in slow motion.
I hope Jaune is okay
Have faith in our fearless leader Ruby he'll meet us at the extraction point!
Trust in Jaune Ruby
Infront of Jaune was Ruby, Nora and Ren but it was like a vision or a memory as they weren't moving just waiting at the altar.
Jaune tried to get close but when he did they all seemed to vanish into ashes as well much to Jaune's horror.
"Hmm here we are King..."
Jaune neck snapped so fast to the sound of the voice as Tyrian had walked through the side door near the alter as if like a ghost!
"I seem to be a bit worse for the wear and you...you are prey" said Tyrian as he just walked right past him and giving him a side glance before looking at the main doors Jaune walked through.
"I'll leave the two of you alone"
Tyrian then disappeared once more into ashes as Jaune breathed heavily trying to control his breathing before he picked up on Tyrians last words
A loud WAIL was heard as suddenly the large doors were blasted open, fire had begun to spread from the knocked over candles in the room and in the center of that fire was..Salem all grotesque still healing from Ozpins attack.
Her black dress in pieces showing off her pale skin or whatever remained of it as some of her ribs were exposed. she raised a bony hand at Jaune, her magic levitating the benches and lamps around, her one red eye looking at Jaune as her other eye was missing, half her face still just tissue and bone as she proceeded to walk towards Jaune as grimm spawned behind her, two Borbatusks charged at Jaune.
Jaune, who snapped out of his engrossed horror, managed to pull out his sword and kill the two on coming grimm with a well placed strikes as the fire began to spread and consume more of the room.
He returned his focus to Salem who still slowly walked towards him as the fire now but almost engulfed the room, making a split decision Jaune dashed full sprint at one of the windows near to him before sending himself through the glass and out into the garden just as thr fire had consumed the room as another wail from Salem was heard as Jaune made a mad dash out the garden his heart pounding as his mind was still trying to understand what the hell happened.
After running for what seems like an eternity Jaune finally stopped to catch his breath, not feeling the presence of Salem or any grimm behind him he was able to rest cautiously.
He looked at his map on his scroll and it showed he was only a few blocks away from the extraction point.
He look at his surroundings and made one last check to see that no one was following him, much to his relief he was alone...for now.
And for the millionth time a single question popped up in his mind.
What the hell is going on?
He hoped to have some answers soon.
Why was Salem hunting him down?
How the hell was Tyrian alive?
Calming his breathing Jaune made his way to the destination in hopes to see all his friends and team and see if they could piece together what was going on.
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lovestruckbimbo · 2 years
I’m down tremendously for this woman…
And here’s a fic to prove it
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“For a warm-one, you stay up quite late.”
My eyes batted open— when I opened them, I saw who spoke. It was Fiine. She stood by the window, her gaze darted away from the view and onto me. I couldn’t even remember what time I fell asleep, nor could I remember even passing out. I rolled onto my back— my head began to throb in a numbing headache as the lack of sleep already began to cause problems. “It’s not that I want to…” I said softly. I could hear the click of her shoes against the floor as she approached me. The bed gently dipped by my feet when she sat down. “Have you always had trouble sleeping?” She asked. I shook my head. “Not really. When I was a child, I never had problems with it. But… the older I got, the worse it got.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, when your whole life is just surviving war… it starts to eat at you. I’m sure you can understand.”
Fiine expression turns somber. “Yes… yes I can.” She muttered. Her hand slowly glided along the bed sheets— the moment our fingers touched, she took my hand in hers and held it tightly. It felt cold, but I didn’t mind. “I can’t imagine how it must have been like for you.”
“I didn’t get the worst of it.” She began. “I lived a life of music, dancing, and privilege— while others died from starvation or being gunned down.” Her voice became bitter as she spoke. “You lost Aria…”
“And others lost mothers, fathers, and children.”
I sighed through my nose. “You can’t blame yourself. You were given a role you never cared about. War does that to people, puts them in a position they would never want to be in. It’s not your fault…”
Fiine’s fingers intertwined in mine as her frown turned into a bittersweet smile. “You’re sweet, you know that?” She said. I scoffed— I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks as my heart fluttered at her words. “I’m just being honest.” I replied. “You can’t live your life blaming yourself.”
Suddenly, a chill reached my warm cheeks— her hand rested on my face, her thumb rubbed along my skin as she leaned in close. “Let’s talk about something else. Like… how to fix your sleeping habits.” She suggested, which caused a laugh to escape my lips. “If I knew how, I would have done it by now.”
“Do you think music would help?”
“I tried sleeping while you were playing earlier. It didn’t last long.”
Fiine paused for a moment, her eyes scanned upwards as she tried to think. Then, an idea popped in her head and her face lightened up. “Do you normally sleep alone?” She asked. I gave her an answer with a nod. “Why don’t I lay with you until you fall asleep?”
I blushed at the thought. The idea alone was tempting— feeling Fiine’s arms wrapped around me, it sounds like a dream come true. “Y-You wouldn’t mind?” I asked. “I wouldn’t have offered if I did.” She answered. I took a deep breath as I attempted to calm my excitement. I pulled the covers away and scooted along the bed— once I was on the other side, I patted the empty spot next to me. “Then by all means…”
Fiine giggled and wasted no time— she bounced on the bed and immediately pulled me into her embrace. My head rested perfectly between her neck and collarbone. My pulse wouldn’t stop racing— her hands rested softly on my back, her head nuzzled in my hair. I barely heard her inhale through her nose. “Has anyone ever told you how lovely you smell?”
I snickered. “Not recently.” I answered jokingly. Goosebumps formed along my skin as she rubbed the small of my back. “Everything about you is lovely— your voice, your eyes, your laugh, your scent…”
“Fiine…” I whined. “What? I’m just being honest.” She said with a smirk. I pouted— she could be a little smartass when she wanted to be. At this point, I didn’t want to sleep anymore— I wanted to stay like this forever, to lay in Fiine’s embrace until time stops for us both. “Hey…”
“Hm?” Fiine looked down at me with a puzzled look on her face. “If we don’t find Eden… do you think, we could make our own?” I asked. “Our own little paradise, just the two of us. Bring in anyone we wanted, live our lives the way we wanted… our own happily ever after?”
She didn’t answer, she just stared at me. Her eyes portrayed her shock by my question. Guilt started to take hold until she pressed her forehead against mine. “Nothing would make me happier… than to spend the rest of my life with you.”
My eyes began to water, her words touched me so— I couldn’t even respond, I just cried. I hid my face in her shoulder, our bodies pressed together even closer. She stayed quiet, her embrace was enough comfort for me, and she knew that. Her hands caressed my body— even as the cold sent a shiver down my spine, I never pushed her away. The fact I was so touch starved, touch starved for her, was almost embarrassing.
As my sobs died down, she cupped my face— her forehead pressed against mine once again as she stared into my glossy eyes. She was so close… so beautiful. I felt a pair of lips against the ducts of my eyes— she kissed my tears away. Words can’t describe how my heart sung. “I mean it…” She began, her voice hushed and soft. “I love you, Maty. I really do.”
“I love you too…!” My voice quivered as I spoke. Her smile widened, her thumbs brushed away the remainder of my tears. Then… she leaned in closer.
She kissed me.
Fiine kissed me.
It felt like a dream— like I was living a fairytale, a princess being kissed by her Prince Charming. When she pulled away, I felt tired, my mind drained from crying earlier. I relaxed, her arms returned to my waist— and they remained there for the rest of the night. As I slipped into unconsciousness, her last words echoed in my mind.
“Sweet dreams, Maty… I’ll be here when you wake up. And the day after that, and the day after that…”
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wclfwiife · 1 year
Rehab sucks - pt 1
“Up and at ‘em, girl.” the voice, much too loud for this ungodly hour, rang out through the dark hospital like room. It cut through the white noise from the walls like a knife slicing through her skull as she slowly tripped back into consciousness. 
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“Ugh,” she groaned, her hands shooting up to cover her eyes as the staff member pulled her curtains open. “Leave it.” Ash hissed, the photosensitivity part of her detox kicked in hard and already having not been a huge fan of immediately being sucker punched by the sun anyway, the head-achey woman was irked by this to say the least. “I prefer the dark.” 
The staff member denied her request for darkness, walking towards her with a tray holding the familiar little plastic cup of pills sat beside a plate of plain toast, dry scrambled eggs, and 2 bigger plastic cups, one half filled with apple juice and one with water. She’d have rolled her eyes if her head didn’t hurt so much. It seemed counterintuitive really, giving the drug addict more drugs to detox off the original drugs. Only in America, probably. Seemed like a very America thing to instill. They claim its for comfort during the detoxification process but to her, it seemed like just another insurance scam because they sure as fuck weren’t helping her feel better the past few days. The nausea wasn’t better, the headaches weren’t duller, her fluctuating temperature and chills did not get less painful so in her humble opinion, the doctors here long with their oh-so-caring staff could take these pills and suppository them right up their--- 
“Morning medicine time, c’mon. I cant leave till you shove these down your throat or I do.” His voice once again sliced into he skull right through her last thought, resulting in an extremely pointed glare from the young woman. “Be my guest. Your throat seems to need them more than mine does.” She shot back, well aware that his threat was aimed at her but it wasn’t in her to let anyone who thought hair gel was meant to be seen as a top layer boss her around. 
He shoved the pills closer to her rather violently, as if to strengthen the threat. “You wanna go to jail? We all know you’re in here to keep outta the big house, girl, so do yourself the favor and just take the damn meds.” 
“If I want to detox dry, I can.” She pushed the cup back in his direction before crossing her arms. “They said I gotta detox, they didn’t say I have to take any of your bullshit. Or your pills.” 
The man she came to know as Ted, although endearingly preferred to call him dick head (it did rhyme after all, just a moniker to help remember his name, really), was clearly getting impatient at this point. He pulled a syringe from his pocket and grabbed her arm roughly. “Hey!” she yelled, yanking her arm as hard as she could to release his grasp but he only tightened it. “Let go of me! What the fuck!? Let me go, you big fucking oaf, get the fuck off o’ me!” She kept writhing and tugging her limb in hopes to get free but the more she struggled the harder he gripped around her upper arm. He said something about making him strap her down and something else about it hurting more if she struggled but he didn’t say what was inside the syringe in his opposite hand. She kept making a scene hoping to catch the attention of someone outside the door and to her relief, the doorknob lowered and another staff member, Pete, rushed in. “Oh my God, please, help me, he’s fuckin’ crazy, please, get this asshole off me, he’s n---” The relief however, was short lived when Pete asked what was happening and instead of helping Ash, he too came to hold her down. “What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed at Pete, now strapping her other arm down at her bedside and moving to strap her legs down. Ash wasn’t a weak girl by any means, but these two grown men tag teaming her while she was in a weakened state was clearly an unfair fight. 
“What are you waiting for?” Pete spat to Ted in a hushed, urgent sounding tone.  Ted grimaced as he strapped her left arm down, tighter than the other restraints were drawn, and pointed to her pill cup with the needle. “She wouldn’t take her damn meds. She’s supposed to take the meds first.” “Well make her take them then. What, ya got a crush on this one? Going soft on us?” Ted snorted, pulling the strap harder, tightening the already too tight restraint on her left wrist and she winced as her skin pinched as it twisted and her bones felt like they were in a vice.
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“I’m not gettin’ into shit from Doctor Douchebag because the ratios are wrong and the whole thing gets fucked. The meds are supposed to be first.” He stressed again, pointing to the untaken pills on the tray once more. “Jesus Christ,” Pete shook his head, frustrated and moved back up towards her face and picked up the small cup with almost too much of that frustration as they almost flew out of it and onto the bed and floor.  “Nice job, dumbass.”  “Shut the fuck up!” Pete, who usually had a calmer demeanor than Ted, which she now realized was obviously an act or he truly had the shortest fuse known to man, repositioned himself so he could grab her jaw and keep it in place as she turned her head violently away from him until he grabbed a fistful of her hair at the base of her neck and wrenched backwards. She hissed at the pain, trying to keep her mouth shut as the plastic cup was being shoved at her lips. Pete kept pushing the cup at her mouth, muttering angry words until Ted grabbed her face, pushing his thumb and index fingers into opposite cheeks, prying her teeth open from the outside like trying to give an animal a pill who wouldn’t unclench its jaw. He finally got her mouth open just enough for Pete to throw the pills in. 
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Three differently shaped pills of varying sizes spilled across her tongue, playing a disgusting tasting game of tag as she tried to spit them out or at least hide them in her cheeks or under her tongue until Pete, the stupid jerk, also poured the water into her mouth, giving her no choice but to swallow or essentially choke to death on both as her head was still pulled backwards leaving the pills and liquid nowhere to go but down. She coughed violently as it all made its way roughly down her throat, it felt like all three pills rolled oddly down her trachea threatening to get stuck at the odd angle she was being held in. When Pete finally let go, she threw herself forward, still strapped to her bed, gasping for breath and choking on the awkward liquid, air, and pills. She wanted so badly to throw up or rub her throat at least, or even just her scalp where his fingers clutched her hair so tightly she was sure he took a few strands with him. 
“You’re both sick bastards,” she muttered through heavy breaths, still fighting against the restraints as best she could but her headache had easily turned into a full blown migraine at this point and the movement was agonizing. Ted took this moment to stab her bicep with the mystery needle and almost immediately the room was no longer still and the two men, who she could realistically presume were not swaying at the foot of her bed, were definitely swaying as he head and eyelids became heavier and heavier until the moving wavy room just turned black. The two staff members waited until they were sure she was out, although didn’t bother undoing her restraints as Ted shoved the used syringe back into his pocket and the men took their leave, quietly bickering on their way out.
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