#eh i guess it will help me improve ....fuck this though
Fuck backgrounds, why am I doing to myself, especially if no one is going to see unless I upload it somewhere
Also me at me: just keep swimming, or drowning, it'll build character
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dialovers-translations · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Maniac [Epilogue]
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Ever since that day,
the treatment I received,
improved by quite a bit.
While Yuuri-san was still there,
to take care of everything I needed,
it no longer felt like I was being watched,
around the clock.
That being said, 
I wouldn’t go as far as to say I was free to go wherever I wanted.
However, I could not help but worry,
about how Ayato-kun was doing. 
So while Yuuri-san was not around,
I quietly snuck towards the dungeon. 
ー The scene starts in the dungeon
Yui: Ayato-kun!
Ayato: ...Chichinashi! You made it out alive!
Yui: ...Yeah. I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble. 
Ayato: Ahー I’m glad. I thought you had been burnt to a crisp. 
Right after I stopped hearin’ your voice, that Yuuri dude showed up to extinguished the fire. 
It’s just...I had no idea what was goin’ on inside your cell because the wall was in the way.
The fuck happened to you? 
Yui: Well...
Apparently Kino-kun ultimately gave Yuuri-san the order to come save me. 
Ayato: Hm. Kino did, huh...? 
Yui: I honestly don’t understand why he suddenly decided to save me when he’s the one who started the fire...
( I honestly have no clue what goes on in that guy’s head... )
Ayato: ...And? Did you talk to Kino afterwards? 
Yui: No, we haven’t. I haven’t even seen him ever since. 
Kino-kun...He won’t leave his own room at all after all. 
( He’s been cooped up in there the whole time... )
Ayato: ...Then why don’t you go see him? 
Yui: Eh? That’s...
( Why would I...? )
Ayato: God. I noticed this before as well but...
I just can’t help but feel that when it comes to Kino...you just become more stubborn than usual, or somethin’... 
Yui: ...
Ayato: And Kino as well, he’ll use every opportunity given to him to bother you. You should just ignore it.
Yui: Right. I know that myself too but...
Ayato: See? There you go again. 
Yui: Eh...?
Ayato: In other words, you can’t help but want to look out for him, don’t you?
Yui: Eh!?
Ayato: You know what the two of you remind me of? A married couple having a fight.
Yui: A-A married couple...
( Is that how it came across...? )
( I mean, it’s true that I have a hard time letting it go. )
( But that’s only because I fear what he might do if he’s given free reign... ) 
Ayato: Haah...Why aren’t you saying anything? I guess you weren’t aware of yourself at all, huh? 
Well, that’s fine. But try to put yourself in my position having all of that rubbed in my face. 
Yui: ...We’re not rubbing it into anyone’s faces!
ー Kino approaces them
Kino: ...Hm. Seems like you two are having a great time? 
Yui: ...Kino-kun...
Kino: Sure, I told Yuuri that he can let you roam around the house freely...
But while you are out here talking with this guy, isn’t there something you should tell me instead?
*Rustle rustle*
Kino: ...Come with me.
Yui: Kyah...
Kino: Come, I said!
ー Kino drags her away
Ayato: ...
The only reason why I saved her from the dungeon,
is for those powers.
Because she is Eve.
So I might need her in the near future. 
This whole time,
I’ve convinced myself of that again and again.
I thought it was case closed. 
Yet, before I know it,
I realize that once again,
my mind has been occupied with thoughts of her. 
When I saw her,
talking with Ayato,
I could feel terribly dark feelings,
boil up inside of me. 
However, I did not feel the urge,
to kill her.
I wanted to get her away from Ayato,
as soon as possible. 
Lately, I feel as if I am becoming more and more of a mystery,
to myself. 
ー The scene shifts to Kino’s room
Yui: ...
Kino: Hm. Look who seems to be in a bad mood again...
( Even though she looked so happy talking to Ayato earlier... )
I went out of my way to save you when you were on the verge of death, you know? Isn’t there something you want to tell me?
Yui: ...Not really. I have nothing to say to you. 
Kino: ...
Yui: Besides...I don’t remember asking you to save me.
Kino: ...You really are a natural at making me upset, aren’t you? 
Yui: That isn’t my intention. 
I’m simply pointing out where I think you are wrong. 
Kino: ...And that’s exactly what pisses me off...ーー 
Yui: Yuuri-san told me about your childhood. 
Kino: ...Yuuri did? Che, he really shouldn’t have...
Who cares about the past? That no longer matters, does it? 
Yui: ...
Kino: Haah...Anyway, I’ll have to punish Yuuri for this later. Fufu...
Yui: ...Stop! Like I told you before, doing such things is pointless...
Kino: No. It does have a purpose. It only makes sense to get back at those who have done something which upset you, right?
Yui: ...But! Then you’ll be stuck in that vicious circle forever!
Kino: And what’s the problem with that? If you don’t want people getting back at you, then get strong.
Yui: ...
Kino-kun. You should know this better than anyone else, you know...?
That revenge only gives birth to more hatred...
What you are doing is no different from when the Ghouls used to take out their anger towards Demons on yーー
Kino: Silence!
...Then, let me ask you. Deep down, you want to get revenge as well, don’t you?
Yui: ...Me?
Kino: I mean, you’ve been at the mercy of those Vampires this whole time, haven’t you? 
They unreasonably drank your blood, regardless of whether you consented or not...
The reason why you haven’t gotten back at them for that, is because you lack the power to do so. 
I’m convinced that if you were to somehow get strong enough to be able to fight back against them, you would seek revenge as well!
Yui: Well...
Kino: ( ...Exactly. You want to get revenge as well, don’t you? )
( There isn’t anyone in this World who would be okay with always getting shit on. )
( If you don’t want to get the short end of the stick, you have to get stronger and work your way to the top. )
( Overwhelming powers, so nobody will be able to stand against you... )
Yui: I wouldn’t do that.
Kino: ...
Yui: Not once have I felt the need to get revenge on Ayato-kun or the others.
I’ll admit that I am powerless. Perhaps that is why the thought has never crossed my mind. 
However...Even if were to get stronger somehow, I don’t believe I would use those powers in such a way. 
Because I know just how meaningless that would be...
Kino: There’s just no way!
Yui: ...!
Kino: I’m sick and tired of hearing about your idealistic morals. I know you don’t actually feel that way deep down...
Yui: ...
Kino: Even right now, you’d love to get back at me, wouldn’t you? That’s why...
( You glare at me like that. )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ...Kino-kun...?
Kino: ...Honestly, there’s no talking to you. I’m kind of exhausted.
There’s just no way you could ever understand what I’m trying to say...
Yui: ...
Kino: There isn’t a single person in this World who understands me. 
...Of course, I’ve known that since forever. 
Yui: ...
Kino: No matter what you say, I shall get my revenge...
I will grow even stronger, and have the whole World bow down at my feet.
I won’t let anyone get in my way...Never...
ー He walks towards the door
Yui: Wait!
Before I knew it,
I had latched onto Kino-kun’s back. 
Because I had noticed,
that even though his words,
were even more aggressive than usual,
on the flip side, his voice quivered ever so slightly.
I felt that he was lonely. 
Ever since the day he was abandoned on this land,
he has been all by himself,
living off the hatred he felt,
towards the Ghouls, towards his Father...
as well as everything and everyone else in this world. 
I am sure that I have absolutely no idea,
how painful that must have been. 
Perhaps he is right,
and there truly is nobody in this world,
who can understand him.
However...Even so,
I simply could not turn my back to him. 
I did not want for him,
to have to feel lonely any longer.
Kino: ...What are you playing at? Let me go...
Yui: ...Hey, Kino-kun. 
I...don’t want to give up. 
If possible, I’d like to get to know you better.
Because I believe that you’ll never understand what I’m trying to tell you otherwise... 
Kino: ...
Yui: That’s why I won’t back down.
Until I get you understand...what is right and what is wrong. 
Kino: ...You really are one hell of an annoying woman...
Yui: ( ...Perhaps I am. )
( Maybe Ayato-kun was right...and I worry about him too much. )
( But can you blame me? ) 
( I mean, it’s stronger than myself... )
Kino: ...Be my guest?
ー The scene shifts to black
Yuuri: ...
Kino, he...accepted her...
...Then, I’m sure now...
ー The scene shifts to the Church
???: Kino, that fiend...He got rid of the Familiar we sent to him, huh...?
Fufu, I see...I suppose he has finally declared war upon us...
Well, I knew this would happen sooner rather than later. In the end, he is a Vampire as well...
It was obvious he only wanted to join forces temporarily. From the very beginning, I never trusted him. 
Male Clergyman A: However...Sakamaki Ayato is currently on his side. 
???: Well, you do have a point. I believe he assumed that he would be able to manipulate us by using that man as bait... 
...However, I will not fall for his schemes that easily. 
Kino...I believe it would be best to turn him into one of our loyal watchdogs as soon as possible. 
...Right? Don’t you agree with me as well?
Richter?: ...
Even as a watchdog, his descent is a definite plus.
In that regard, I feel sorry for Kino for being related to Karlheinz. If we can get our hands on Ayato and his brothers as well, then... 
The Demon World will be ours at last...Fufu...Fufufufu... 
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phaticserpent · 1 year
Playing with Fire
Chapter 9
Ultron initiates his plans and you begin to reconsider what you got yourself into
I finally updated! Sorry it took so long. I'm also thinking of adding a tag list now! If you're interested, send an ask to my inbox!
Warning: I guess a bit of yandere!Ultron (ish)
By 'we' it was just basically Natasha. You explained the whole situation but relayed the message that Wanda knew more about it than you. The two of you stared at the cradle and the truck lurched forward, causing you to crash into Natasha.
"Sorry, sorry!" You squeaked out of embarrassment.
"Not a problem. I have Clint on the way." She reported, quickly glancing out of the truck's rear end. You were furiously pushing at the heavy box. "You could come with us." She suddenly suggested.
"Oh uh…..that's alright." You smiled sheepishly. "There's probably no way I'll be able to change or deter Ultron, but I….at least want to be with him."
"You've got guts. If he does anything….and I mean, anything to you, don't be afraid to speak up." Natasha offered and you nodded. The two of you watched the jet hover under the truck. "Eh, you might've wished you hadn't said that. " She said into the audio. You watched Natasha push the cradle into the jet, yet in an instant, you saw a flash of metal.
Before you knew it, you were being carried away by one of Ultron's sentries. You didn't like how the entire flight was utter silence, though, you had nothing to say.
"Ultron—" you started but paused as you watched him lay an unconscious Natasha on the ground. He trudged away while you lingered behind. "Talk to me."
"About what?"
"Okay. Let's talk about why you were helping the Avengers." Ultron turned to face you, basically towering over you. "I thought you understood me."
"I…..I do but your plan has gone too far."
"Too far?"
"Do you really expect me to choose you when you're initiating me and my family's extinction?" You scoffed. "I'm sorry but that's not the Ultron I chose." He stood there, unmoving and speechless.
"–I can guarantee your safety."
"It's not my safety I'm worried about." You gritted your teeth. He wasn't understanding. "Did you really think I would want to live with my entire family gone?"
"Do they even care about you?" Ultron scoffed. His words hadn't registered and Ultron's scoff fell once he realized what he had said.
"You changed." You chuckled coldly. "And not in a good way, I don't even recognize who you are."
"Don't even think about leaving." Though the words came out harsh, there was a certain edge of despair to them. You paused but clenched your hands before walking away. Upon exiting and letting out a breath, you remembered that Natasha is still held captive. You cursed, not being able to bring yourself back inside. Gathering your strength, you marched back inside directly up to Ultron. His eyes glared through you, but your eyes flared back.
"The only reason I'm back is because I made a promise to Natasha. I would never leave you, I wouldn't leave you to despair. I may not be able to change you, but I promised and chose to stay by your side." You gritted every line out. "You were the one that gave me a chance. You were the one who helped me improve my metalwork……And at the end of the day, I was just another fucking pawn to you." Ultron stood, speechless and motionless. He clenched his fist and turned his back to you. It was as if he was waiting to muster the courage to reply, yet those words never came and he simply walked away. After he was gone, you went to check on Natasha but she was still unconscious. So, you went to grab a glass of water as you left it within arms reach for her, but not too close for it to spill. Unfortunately, an Ultron sentry was keeping a close eye on you and Natasha in his absence. You raised your arms up to show that you mean no harm or threat before backing away.
The next day, a little close to dawn, there was an abrupt knock at your door. You hesitantly opened it to see Ultron.
"Can we talk?" He rumbled. His eyes desperately meeting yours. "Please." You widened the door, allowing him inside.
"How's Natasha?"
"She's fine. She'll wake in due time." Ultron grunted. You could tell your question already annoyed him. "I have a plan to protect your family."
"You said camp half blood is protected by a magic barrier, right? Well, I can possibly reinforce it."
"Yes." Ultron sighed. "If I can get enough of my sentries near the border, they can strengthen it. Although they won't be able to replicate it, they could create something similar and buff it."
"Is that even possible?"
"Well…..I'll have to see."
"I genuinely think it won't work….." You said softly. Ultron's hands lowered at your remark, seemingly offended and discouraged. "Not saying that it's useless. It would work if it worked like that…..the magic barrier around camp is something the gods gave. A magic barrier that size and strength is hard to replicate."
"Still, I can try….please." He reached out but paused at your side. Your gaze lingered at his hand and you nodded.
"Alright." You finally said and the tension in the room was relieved. You took hold of his hand and held his gaze. "Please promise me that you'll be safe. Promise me that you'll reconsider your plan……we can give this up and live in peace."
"I will…..I promise." He promised. Did promises even mean anything to him? Ultron walked away from you as you stared after him, wondering what you had just encouraged and kept replaying that conversation in your head. There was no implication of ill intentions that Ultron harbors to keep your demigod family safe. However, he seemed too desperate. Everything he was doing was to keep you here. Yet when you came to that conclusion, you knew you couldn't leave him. After everything he went through to try….you couldn't simply walk away. Everything was too complicated and you couldn't decide if you were in the right or wrong.
"Oh Lord Hephaestus, please help me." You prayed softly. You peeked around, expecting something but to no one's surprise, nothing happened. "Didn't expect him to understand." You sulked back into your room to organize your belongings. A couple of moments passed before you heard the heavy metallic footsteps of Ultron, and you cautiously peaked out to see his prime form.
"Get ready, we're leaving." He huffed out, not even a glance at you.
"Ultron….wait!" You called, reaching out to grab his hand. He stopped abruptly before turning to meet your gaze, though it was more condescending.
"What." He snapped.
"Please…let's reconsider the plan." You suggested. "You're making me feel confused….you're the first person who believed in me, the first person to support me….you genuinely took interest in mine. Now, I don't even recognize you."
"I'm going to have to tell you to get to the point." Ultron sighed.
"The point is, I love you. Instead of seeking revenge, let's settle down and live in peace…..we can go to Camp Half Blood and stay there together, they'll never find us. We'll be protected—"
"You're just a pawn to the gods…..they don't see you for your worth." He spoke softly. "You only have me." Your eyes widened and you stood there, stunned. Ever so gently, he took your hand and guided you out, which was easy as you were in a trance from the shock.
Also on AO3!
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eartheats · 5 months
status: part 1 of 3
[a video seems to be posted. care to click?]
[the video starts a bit unintentionally; one can hear somebody fumbling around what appears to be a backpack before there's a sudden, bright light of the backpack being opened, before the rotomphone is unceremoniously dumped out with what appears to be quite a few things. some pencils, notebooks, pokemon treats, and lots of other stuff; it all gets cleared as ren seems to be setting up their room in the blueberry academy. they're full of giggles and bright laughter, and one can see madison (out of nurse uniform for once) in the background as they both help get the room set up]
🔆: Hey, Mads! Should I start puttin' these books up on this shelf we got here, or do you think they'd be better off in the bookshelf?
[madison looks over for a moment, contemplating before pointing to something off in the background]
👩‍⚕️: I'd probably say the bookshelf. Unless you think there's going to be a lot of books you'll need?
🔆: Well, ya never know. I've been gettin' by at Uva through Completely Legal Downloads [ren airquotes this, to the amusement of themself and madison, who chuckles] of the books I need. But I like this place so far! If they ain't super expensive I'll probs buy 'em to support the place, y'know?
👩‍⚕️: Sounds like someone's developing a bias.
[that gets ren to laugh a bit as they start putting some of their notebooks on the bookshelf]
🔆: Can ya blame me? I mean, I like Uva as it is now--Mr. Clavell definitely hasn't been lyin' when he said he's trying to improve the school. But...there's somethin' about an experience that doesn't have any shitty memories attached that's appealin', you know?
[madison seems to pause at that, as she gets to work on organizing some of the other stuff ren brought with them--clothes new and old, for starters.]
👩‍⚕️: I guess I can't. Not entirely, at least. You do seem infinitely happier than I've seen you in a bit, though.
🔆: Eh, ya think so?
👩‍⚕️: ...Maybe not as much as when you got to go and see your friends in Unova, but it's still pretty noticeable. [madison laughs a bit, getting all of ren's clothes on hangers] I'm glad that hasn't been taken from you. I was worried after...you know...
[madison gestures at the air a bit, and ren doesn't respond for a bit. their face goes...notably more blank, than anything, and they just keep putting notebooks away for a bit until they're done; madison's done hanging their clothes by the time they are.]
🔆: I'm not gonna let her take anymore happiness from me. [ren's tone is surprisingly determined] I've...I've worked so damn hard to find an arcdamned bright side in life, and my own happiness. Somethin' I can be proud of, and share with everyone I know. And fuck, I actually wanna get to know people! I wanna learn all about this school, and more about battle that I'd have never gotten the chance to. Me an' Lulu especially love it, and Bouton and Soba have been showin' a lotta promise too. I just don't want it all to be for nothin', y'know? And that's why I ain't gonna let her take it. I'm--
[there's a pause, and eagle eyed watchers might have noticed madison moving in the background beforehand--what stops ren's words is a soft hug from madison. one she has to lean down for, admittedly, because she does have a foot or so on ren's tiny ass, but it causes them to start for a moment.
it isn't long before they lean in and wrap their arms around madison in kind; mads' hand goes up to run through their hair]
👩‍⚕️: ...Good. I was hoping you'd say that, kid. [madison sounds genuinely proud of them, and though it's barely able to be seen, her expression is warm] You deserve all of the good things in life. And I want you to be able to experience them, too. Without worrying about the future, or what's to come, or anything like that. You go out there and enjoy every bit of what the Academy has to offer, alright?
[madison lets go of ren--or at least tries to. they cling tighter for a moment, startling madison before bringing themself up and wiping their eyes.
they were clearly crying, but the smile on their face is extremely bright]
🔆: I'm...I'm gonna, Mads! You better watch--by the time I'm done learnin' all I can here, Paldea's gonna have to crown a new Champion! Maybe even a new Top Champion, heehee!
[that gets madison to laugh]
👩‍⚕️: Well, look at you starting to dream big! You're gonna have a lot of responsibilities if you take the Top Champion position, though. Are you really prepared for that?
🔆: Nope! Not yet at least! But I'm gonna learn, and I'm gonna become the best damned trainer! Just watch me, Mads!
[madison laughs again, ruffling ren's hair a bit before separating; this time, ren obliges]
👩‍⚕️: Alright, kid! You get out there and enjoy all this Academy has to offer! But you better promise to keep us all updated, you hear me?
🔆: Heehee, crystal, Mads! Ahh, I should probs get going--there's probs some kinda orientation, right? But I still have...
[madison starts to gently shoo ren out the door, smiling a bit]
👩‍⚕️: Don't you worry about unpacking everything else; you leave that to me, kiddo. You get out there and start your school life!
🔆: Heehee, I will! Thank you bunches, Mads, I'll pay you back for the help!
[ren darts off after a wave goodbye, prompting a bit of laughing from madison]
👩‍⚕️: You try, and I'll repay it tenfold, kid. Focus on class!
[it goes quiet for a bit as madison seems to go back to getting everything organized for them. it last for a few minutes, and the recording almost shuts itself down, but...
madison's phone rings, and she picks it up without missing a beat.]
👩‍⚕️: Hello? ...I'm not sure if you have--oh! Oh. Hello, Detective. Yes, you've reached the right number, this is my burner phone. --Yes, this is Madison. Can I help you with something...?
👩‍⚕️: Discussing the case and gathering information, huh...well, I'm at about the safest place both of us can be, so sure. I'll bite. What do you want to know?
[to be continued]
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What was the best job you’ve ever had? I don’t think I’ve had that yet.
Would you rather open a used clothing store or an antique store? Used clothing. I’ve actually just started following like ten stores on Instagram that sell pre-loved vintage-y clothes so this question has pretty good timing! I'm not too big a fan of antiques so I don’t imagine growing passionate with such a business.
Do you think you would want to own a gift shop? Eh, I don’t think so either. Have you ever wondered if your friend was an alien? Uhhhhhhh no.
Do you have a troublesome medical condition? Scoliosis, I guess. I’m sure it also gets worse every year since I rarely put in the effort to improve my posture.
What’s your most annoying neighbor’s name? I know none of my neighbors’ names lol but none of them are annoying.
Would you have started a business in high school if your parents had let you? I’m sure they would have allowed me, but I don’t think they would’ve been the type to like chip in at the start the way other kids’ parents probably would have. They’re very supportive, but they are also very “That’s your decision, so don’t drag us into it or expect anything from us.”
What sport would you have joined if your parents had let you? They really liked that I was into table tennis and they still make it a point to brag about it to family and friends lol; it’s just that my barrier from the very beginning was that there was never a lot of opportunity to train. My school didn’t even have a table tennis varsity.
Do you have any tough life decisions to make soon? Yeah, a little bit! I’m starting to make baby steps towards Legitimately Resigning and as a person who really hates change, everything about this is a big deal for me at the moment.
At what time of the day do you usually have the most energy? Usually at like 6 PM once I’m able to clock out of work. I’ve said it before, but these days I’m a completely different person in and out of work in that I’m a lot happier when I’m not absorbed in it.
Do you consider yourself gifted and talented? I mean I wouldn’t call myself an utter bore hahaha. But I’m nothing spectacular either. I can’t play instruments, I can’t dance, draw, cook, ride a bike...there are a lot of things I can’t do that frustrate me everyday lol.
Do you love your enemies? I don’t have any.
Magenta, aqua, or coral? Coral.
Do you like the color orchid? Idek what that looks like.
Would you rather be a wedding photographer or a nature photographer? Wedding! So many stories you can learn from so many people by attending even just one.
Have you ever had an ulcer? No, but my parents scold me on this all the time since I skip meals as a habit.
Do you have a canker sore right now? Fortunately not. I fucking hate those.
Are you interested in health and wellness? I’m the least interested person about these things, lol.
Would you ever be a fitness coach? Nope, I’m not qualified and even knowledgeable at all.
Do you ever question whether something that makes you uncomfortable is a good thing or not? What an interesting question. I guess I do sometimes! Like if I’m uncomfortable in a social situation or dabbling in a new activity I’ve never done before, I do have moments where I take a step back and remind myself that doing This New Thing may actually be helpful for me or something that I might actually enjoy.
When was the last time you spent time with God in nature? Uh, never.
What color is your bike? I don’t know how to ride a bike :( We do have one though, it’s silver and blue; it’s just my parents who take it for rides.
Are you due for a hike? Yes. Not my go-to hobby but I do want to do one sometime.
Do you have too many hangers? We have enough.
Have you ever created a themed scrapbook? Tried, but I’m hopeless with creative endeavors like that.
Pilates or yoga? Don’t care much for either.
How often do you eat dessert? Like 1-2 times a week. We don’t always have sweet options at home.
Do you own a pair of cute workout pants? I don’t.
What’s the trendiest item you own? F&F adidas shoes, I guess. Only 300 pairs.
Have you ever had someone tell you NOT to trust your gut? I don’t think so.
Do you get irritated by people who lack common sense? Yes. Especially if it happens at work.
What’s the best drink you’ve ever had at Starbucks? I’m not very flexible when it comes to Starbucks drinks tbh, I just stick to what I’ve been ordering for the past...6, 7 years lol - caramel macchiato. Every now and then I’ll try the seasonal drinks, but so far nothing has dethroned my fave.
Did you pull an all-nighter last night? Oh no, last night was a depression sleep. Out like a light by 9 PM.
When was the last time you wrote an essay? Around September when we had an internal writing crash course at work and we were given this really fun prompt to work with.
Do you enjoy writing essays? Love essays, love writing them.
Do you enjoy learning? Sure, as long as it’s about a topic I’m interested in or could potentially be interested in.
Do you get irritated by know-it-alls? Who doesn’t?
What is the most dominant color in your closet? Black. I also have lots of pastel hues but they’re all in different colors, haha.
Do you own anything periwinkle? I don’t think so, actually.
Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Nope.
What is your favorite fairytale? I don’t have one.
Do you have any Irish in you? Not at all.
What is your favorite name that starts with a Z? Zoe/Zoey is pretty cute.
Have you ever felt like you were going to throw up while you were at school? At school and work, yeah.
Do you know anyone who thinks they’re good at something but really is not? Yep.
What color are your running shoes? I don’t run.
Do you wear hoodies? Sometimes, when I’m too lazy to dress up but have to head out.
How many pull-over hoodies do you own? Three.
Do you own a princess crown? Don’t think so.
Do you love anyone? Apart from family and friends, no.
What’s your birthstone? Diamond.
Do you have a class ring? Not a thing here.
Were you ever on a dance team? No.
Do you love your hometown? In a way that it will always feel warm and cozy, like home, yeah. But I don’t particularly hold a really strong sense of pride towards it lol.
Where are you itching to travel to? 서울ㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹ
Do you believe that God’s plans for you are better than you could ask, think, or imagine? Nobody makes my plans for me.
Giraffes or squirrels? Giraffes. I imagine I’d be freaked by squirrels if I see them in real life hahaha. I don’t do well with tiny animals that move fast.
Aardvarks or elephants? Elephants, I guess.
Do you own an epi pen? No.
How old were you when you got rid of all your Barbies? I never played with them in the first place.
Would you want your first child to be a girl or a boy? Girl.
Do you think you would have fun being a fitness coach? No, I wouldn’t have a clue what I’m doing.
What sounds like the most fun job to you? A writer.
List five people who are good role models career-wise. Personally not really a big fan of the concept of role models, so I’ve never had any. Very few people actively make it a point to be one, and people who are typically labeled as such usually back off from the title and give disclaimers that they don’t actually try to be role models for others, so I don’t really see the point hahaha.
Have you ever had an art class that you hated? All of them. Love looking at art, hate trying to make artworks.
Were you always one of the smartest kids in your class? I was above average and would sometimes place the highest in exams, but I was nowhere near a constant topnotcher. I excelled in some classes but did absolutely horrible in others.
Do you read for pleasure? Not since I was in high school.
When was the last time you drank hot chocolate? Two Sundays ago.
Are you unique? We all are.
Do you have a headache right now? Nope.
What decade were you born in? 90s. 
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
yes i can and will call you out out, im stealing the revive book i am singlehandedly reviving cringe culture /j
i mean. cdream is a caffeine addict, it's basically canon if you ask me, i am now having a very vivid image of cdream sat in a heap of books and note papers drinking coffee straight from the pot as punz anxiously hovers at the edge of said pile, clutching a bag of steadily cooling McPuffNuggets.
yeah the odds for a full 100% happy ending for cfiances are Slim, especially since they're all at uh. very different lore wrap up stages. the lnv finale is very likely going to be the end of quackity's character. the odds for cdream dying or /p dreamnap somehow reconciling in that stream are even lower than the fiances wedding so it's definitely not gonna be the narrative end for sapnap. and im not even touching ckarl with a ten feet pole. i saw the ghost post btw, i am very much hoping that ccq isn't just gonna kill his character off entirely. atleast he's gonna wrap his story up, which is something which i've only heard a few ccs talk about. rip cranboo i guess. literally.
honestly, if we're looking at the scene from a doylist perspective the most likely interpretation is proabably just that ccsapnap wasn't prepared to rp a mental flip on his fiance And his murderhobo bestie. in character he probably he just filed it away for later when he wasn't actively preparing to fight dream.
don't worry finn, we all have our c!diskduo demons hidden away in the tumblr drafts. mine probably are the polar opposite of yours but the point still stands.
i mean you don't have to agree obviously, but i think inconsolable established firmly that wilbur had no fucking clue that dream had gotten out of prison. even if you consider the possibility of him lying to tommy, the fantasy sequence made it pretty clear that he still expected dream to be locked inside the prison. so it's either train talk or prison visit. i still haven't gotten around to rewatching that scene, i'll let you know what i think once i do.
csam has to make the ultimate decision between stopping the collapse of las nevadas and bringing cdream a bacon and cheese sandwich as quackity watches in despair. take a guess what he chooses. i wonder if csam has any plans to end his character.
i mean especially cdteam is also a complicated, tangled and angry mess, but yeah q and sam had care but also this very business like and scary.y vibe to them. i would genuinely kill to see a confrontation between them during that stream now that both underwent very drastic changes in mentality (for the worse or for the bettter.
im genuinely trying to keep my expectations low and simple, even though i fear that the first is probably a disservice to ccquackity's work and i literally cant help the second.
I'm not depressed" TikTok audio which I mean pretty fitting for them
I really wonder if that's actually going to be the ending of the character I have the feeling like the most lore based ccs are trying to wrap up their lore already which I don't know if it's in preparation for the second season because Foolish did say he was getting near his last streams for the first season but he called it that directly implying that whatever the world altering event is will lead to the second season and well Wilbur had said that while the lore will be done with his character he would still be around so maybe Quackity will still be around just with less serious lore which a ghost character could work pretty well for that
C!Ranboo is so dead he's just so dead but I really wanted to know what his deal with c!Dream was c'mon at least tell me that man
I really am so confused on what direction the dsmp is going to go
Yeah that's probably pretty true but now I don't know when to really chuck things up to eh it's just the streamers improving because not everything is that serious because after seeing how specific their scripts got at points during the tribute video I think I may have severly underestimated that point in the past
The latest one I had was like a 5 page essay on c!Dream c!Tommy and obsession that I was so close to posting but that I held back on because maybe society just isn't ready for it just yet and the other one was c!Dream c!Ranboo c!Tommy and The Plan that was pretty much just me crying because c!Tommy c!Ranboo friendship matters to me but so does c!Endersmile
So yeah I bet they are complete opposites on almost every regard to ironically I feel like we agree the most on c!Tommy himself
I guess I didn't see it as what he was expecting the most just as what he was one more used to and what made more sense because well in a real setting if c!Dream wanted to kill c!Wilbur it wouldn't really be a difficult task for him to do so therefore what made more sense in my brain is yeah his fantasy takes place here because it's the only possible place it could occur in c!Wilbur killing c!Dream like that and c!Quackity and c!Sam torturing him like that are things that could only happen there makes it all the more imperative that he stays there
But on that case train talk it's what makes more sense because c!Sam didn't really let other people visit c!Dream c!Sapnap did say that getting past him for any visit at all was incredibly difficult so I don't think he would have left c!Wilbur in
Honestly if that did happen in lore I would just be cheering on for c!Dream getting his cool moment of revenge I think he's earned it by now and I don't think he does whenever he brings up c!Sam or any of his other dsmp oriented proyects it's only to talk about what more things he wants to do to my knowledge he hasn't really spoken ever about putting an end to the server or to any of his characters and I don't really think he wants to he seems to have a lot of fun in it and he's part of the members who have been on it the longest after all
C!Dteam are everything to me and also have so many issues that I just don't know how their happy ending could go but I'm still holding onto for hope okay
C!Sam and c!Quackity confrontation just really calls to me because look at all the awful things they did together they both know the other is capable on some pretty inhumane things a business relationship like that is dangerous and seeing how different they are now than when they first met it would just be cool to hear them talk about it
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
I uh... Didn't mean for this to be so late, but I've been having a really shitty couple weeks, so uh... oops.
Anyways, Geats! I'm ready for Round 2!
-The fox!
-"I literally almost died, neesan!"
-"Yeah whatever you say bro lmao"
-Everybody loves Ace-sama!
-...did he use his Desire for this hgjkl
-Oh hey, Miss Tsumuri.
-"I am so fucking awesome. ...and yet..."
-What kinda limit would exist for something like this?
-Desire Driver!
-ID Core!
-Tanuki Boi!
-I see Toei's green screen has improved.
-Up to you determine which way I mean that.
-Oooooooh, Trust Last! I've heard this a few times, and this absolutely slaps.
-Bomb for the win!
-God, this sponsor screen is
-Jamato! Those freaky plant mushroom people!
-This is a truly twisted game you're making us play, Tsumuri.
-How many people do you reckon not get brought back? Or how many do you think still feel some form of residual trauma and not realize why?
-Moreover, how did the people running the game decide that this is the best way to go about it?
-Desire God power.
-Oh fuck, putting them on the spot like that?
-Where we droppin' boys?
-The Desire Grand Prix. A treasure hunt!
-...did they like... give those loot boxes to them?
-Oh, Neon has no friends... how tragic.
-Daaaaamn, Ace got kicks.
-Armed Water!
-Oh wow, not even gonna give us water pressure, huh game?
-Then again, a BONK is just as good a strategy as any.
-Guess it's nice that there're more people are willing to help each other out than not so far.
-...how long will that last, I wonder?
-You did it, Keiwa! You survived your first encounter~!
-Don't you dare think you're safe for a moment though~!
-"Ohhhhhhh, you're that nice kid I rejected!"
-World Peace, eh, buddy?
-Awww.... this must be the Dad Rider I've heard so much about.
-"Hey hey, congrats! You did it!"
-Well fuck, man, now I'm wondering how the hell we have all this swanky stuff.
-I will follow your career with great interest, Neon-san.
-"Haha, woooow, you're all
-Buffa! Asanaga,right? Er... Michima? No, no, Azuma Michinaga!
-Tycoon and Nago!
-Background characters hjkl
-Free time, he says.
-Faucet and Shield!
-"...trash? :("
-No fighting, no cheating.
-Holy shit, these go by so quick.
-"Those who survive!"
-Oh yeah, Keiwa saw that
-"Not if you're a Kamen Rider."
-So, poor Shirowe from last episode is absolutely dead.
-Rest in peace, Kyoryu Blue.
-Oh god, is she another rider fan.
-Oh hey, the Jamato have their own language! Like the Gurongi and the Femushinmu!
-Pretty neat.
-I see Mary and Nago are a fine dynamic duo.
-Armed Arrow is absolutely cursed now.
-Panda Magnum.
-And I get
-A panda sniper... perhaps a call back to the Scouting Panda Raider from Zero-One? That would make sense considering Takahashi...
-"Oh fuck I could actually die here."
-Ginpen's family!
-C'mon Keiwa! Get your butt in gear!
-For a tanuki you seem to lack any balls!
-Nooooo, Taira-san!
-So, if the ID Core is smashed, that's it. Game over.
-Y'know, for as suspicious as Tsumuri is, she genuinely seems kinda broken up about Ginpen.
-"I fight for the children. For their futures."
-If you don't fight, you can't make your dreams come true.
-Change the world.
-"Hey so, can I borrow that? All those orphans and poor people I'm fighting for kinda need it."
-Boost Armed Water looks so sick.
-I think I get it now. Armed Water and these other low tier items are pretty sorry on their own, but using it in conjunction with the
-Daaaaaamn, that's a strong finisher.
-"Good job, idiot! Thanks, dummy!"
-"You lied?! You can't just do that, I trusted you!"
-Ahhhh, little Boost is a fickle sort.
-No chance at bringing them back, huh?
-Ohhhhh, Ace.
-You may be a lying son of a bitch, but... you're still a Kamen Rider at the end of the day, huh?
-Some exceptions, huh?
-Zombie Survival!
-Zombie for Zombie!
-Part of me wonders... how do the administrators of the game pick out Riders?
-What manner of bizarre criteria have to be fulfilled to be chosen? Is there even an age limit? I mean, Da-Paan's a high schooler, right?
-If you hadn't noticed, Ace's coin is a Roman denarius with a relief of Julius Caesar. Considering Caesar's own strategic track record and claims of divinity, this fits very well with his character.
-Right, so! I'm quite excited to jump into the next round. Here's hoping we both make it through to the end, huh?
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Tattletale | (dark)stepbrother!Sam Wilson x reader
summary: your step-brother was kind enough to let you stay at his apartment just off-campus when you began your freshman year of college where he was a senior.  unfortunately, his kindness ran out when he learned about your secret side-hustle.
word count: 4.7k
warnings: smut!! (noncon/heavy dubcon and stepcest, they’re not biologically related but were raised from adolescence as siblings), facefucking, slapping, choking, degradation, coercion, DP (with a toy), anal play, possessive behavior, unprotected creampie, lots of crying/implied dacryphilia
Tumblr media
this is a dark fic containing triggering topics, please do not read if this would be triggering for upsetting for you in any way.
Your step-brother (and roommate… and technically your landlord) wasn’t usually home when you got back from your Econ class, so you jumped a bit when you saw him nursing a beer in your shared living room; apparently, he was waiting for you.
“Hey, Sammy,” you greeted sheepishly, suddenly feeling self-conscious when his eyes raked over your body— it was hot out, so you just had on a tank top and cut-off shorts, but now you wish you’d covered up more.
“Hey,” he nodded back, setting the beer down and leaning back on the couch, “you got time to talk for a minute?”
His tone made you a little nervous, but his casual body language set you at ease.  He probably just wanted to ask if you could stay somewhere else over the weekend so he could have a girl over, or maybe he needed your help with one of his more difficult assignments— though frankly, you probably couldn’t help much with a senior-level project.  “Sure,” you shrugged, setting your backpack down and slipping off your shoes to join him on the couch.  “What’s up?”
“Nothing, really, I just feel like we don’t talk as much as we used to,” he explained with a little sigh.  Something about the way he glanced to the side for a moment made you wonder if he was being completely transparent.  “Remember when we were younger and we talked all the time?  Or when I moved away to start here and we called every day?  I miss that…”
You smiled a little, moving closer on the couch to rest your hand on his.  “Me too,” you admitted.  “I just figured you saw me as your annoying little sister.”
“I do,” he laughed, “but, you know, we used to be really close!  You used to tell me everything.  And now… now I don’t think you tell me everything.”
Your suspicion that this was more directed than he let on was growing, but you wanted to be close again, too, so you let it continue.  “Well, we’re older now so it’s not quite the same…”
“I guess it’s normal for siblings to grow apart when they’re adults, but, I don’t know… I guess I just didn’t see it coming with us.  And now that I’m letting you live here I thought it would be like old times; to be honest, that was part of why I had you move in in the first place.”
Just as you started to shift away, he flipped his hand and grabbed your wrist, stopping you from pulling away.  “Sammy,” you whispered in shock, leaning back as much as you could even as he moved in closer.
“I think it’s the least you can do to be honest with me, sis,” he hissed.
“I— I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you protested, your gut sinking in fear of being reprimanded by him.  He was so friendly 99% of the time, but you were still terrified of those few memories you had of him getting angry with you.  Disappointing him was one of your greatest fears.
Sam laughed, but he didn’t exactly seem amused.  “Stop playing dumb, honey, I think you know what this is about.”
“I… I don’t…” you stammered, your heart dropping further when he reached for his phone.
“Got a text from Steve today,” he explained as he unlocked it.  “Wanna guess what it was?”
You swallowed dryly, more sure than ever that it was what you dreaded most.  “I don’t know, Sam…”
“I’ll give you a hint,” he grimaced, reading something from the screen.  “Kinky virgin horny for cock, 18, freshman at NYU.”
You looked away but he instantly grabbed your face and turned you to look at him.  “You know, I let you live here while you were in college so you could get an education.  Not be a fucking slut.  Did you think I wouldn’t find your OnlyFans?  Steve found it first, god knows what he did with these pictures before he sent them to me.  Is this what you wanted?  Any guy— even a guy we know— to get off to these pictures?”
Your shoulders slumped and your chest deflated as you started to cry.  “I’m s-so sorry, Sammy—”
“Don’t call me that,” he sneered.  “How stupid are you?  Did you think these would stay private?  Guys trade these all the time, they’re never secret for long.  How long have you been doing this, huh?  Must’ve been a while considering the sheer magnitude of content.  Looks like your first post was on your 18th birthday— Jesus fucking Christ, you couldn’t wait a minute could you?  I was there that day… when did you sneak off to take this little number, huh?”
You didn’t want to look as he turned the phone to you, but his hand tight around your wrist was a reminder not to struggle too hard.  You remembered taking the photo, and it had been during your party.  The idea of how wrong it would be to strip down in your parent’s bathroom to snap a picture in the mirror had only been more encouraging at the time.  For some reason you hadn’t considered that someone would find it; you cringed at the idea that Steve saw you entirely nude, let alone your brother.  It was humiliating.
“And what about this one, huh?  How fucking slutty are you?” he spat, pulling up another picture and shoving the phone in your face as you were confronted with the image of you on your bed with your legs spread, fingers toying with your clit.  “You really don’t leave anything to the imagination.”
“Sam, I didn’t— you weren’t supposed to—”
“Just stop talking.  I can barely look at you right now,” he shook his head.  “This stuff is seriously depraved, sis.  The idea of all these guys drooling all over my little sister… and you actually encouraged them, the fuck is wrong with you?”
Tears poured down your face, and you felt like the anger radiating off of him would burn your skin somehow.  
“And don’t give me some stupid fucking sob story about how you’re doing this to pay for school when I know damn well that mom and dad pay for your classes and I pay your fucking rent.  You didn’t do it for money; you did it for fun.  You did it ‘cause you’re a shameless fucking slut.”
“‘M not,” you denied, “Sam, really— I’m still a virgin, I don’t— you know I don’t do that.”
“You just fantasize about it.  And chat with strangers online about it.  And make videos going on and on about how bad you wanna get fucked.”
You shuddered as you realized: “You watched one of my videos?”
He grinned and pulled you closer.  “Baby… I watched all of them.”
Completely at a loss for words, you silently tried to squirm away only for him to wrap his other arm around you and pull you closer, ignoring your sobs of fear and confusion.
“You’re actually sorta talented, for a dumb little virgin who had no idea what she’s getting herself into,” he purred against your ear, starting to push up your tank top.
“N-no,” you whimpered, “Sam, stop— I’m sorry.  I’ll delete the account, I’m sorry.”
“Too late for apologies, little sis,” he cooed, “it’s not just the account.  It’s that you made those posts from my apartment, you took those pictures in the room that I gave you.  Not to mention the way you walk around in these tight clothes, teasing me just because you can.  This goes way deeper than a few dirty pictures, sweetheart, and you know it.”
When you tried to wriggle away again, he seemed to exert nearly no effort at all to be able to spin you around and pull you down into his lap, where the shape of his hard cock pressing against your ass was obvious.  “Sam, s-stop, this isn’t funny.”
“Damn right it isn’t funny, I’m dead fucking serious,” he growled against your ear.  “What was it that you said in your most recent video, the one where you were wearing a collar and using that gaudy pink vibe on your clit?  ‘I need your cock to ruin my hole, daddy’... am I remembering that right?”
Hesitantly, you nodded, and he laughed darkly against your ear as he pulled your hips into his.  
“Say it, then.  Like you said it in the video.”
“Sam, no—” 
“No?” he repeated incredulously.  “You can’t say no to me, honey.  Cause if you do, I’m gonna send all these pictures and videos to mom and dad, tell them all about how their precious little angel is selling her ass on the Internet with the phone they pay for and the laptop they bought.  What are they gonna say to that?  Think they’ll take you back after that, let you stay with them when I kick you out?  As if.  So unless you think one of these creeps online is gonna give you a place to stay, seems like I’m your only option.”
You choked on a sob as you cried harder, hating that he was right.  
“So you need to start doing what you’re told, or you’re gonna end up doing a lot worse with someone much less generous than me, got it?”
Terrified of him but unable to imagine the alternative, you nodded.
“Then.  Fucking.  Say it.”
“I…” you began, sounding weak and weepy compared to the original video you were quoting, “I need your cock… to ruin my hole… daddy.”
“Eh, needs improvement but it’s a start,” he shrugged, throwing you down onto the couch and climbing on top of you.  When you tried to protest, or at least turn around to face him, he slapped your ass harshly and it stung even through the denim shorts.  “I have needs too, sis.  Can’t hardly get any when you’re here all damn day being a fucking cockblock.  And frankly, since you started dressing like this and acting like a whore, I haven’t even been able to think about anybody else… can’t get hard for anyone but my slutty little sister.”
He leaned down to press his body against yours, pinning you against the cool leather by your shoulders.  
“Steve told me about your account weeks ago, babe… I’ve been getting off to your cute little pictures ever since.”
It made you wince, but it made him laugh.  Shame and fear and disgust swirled in your gut and made you nauseous, his grip on you tight enough to leave a bruise as he dug his fingertips into your skin.  When he sat back up, he started pulling at your jean shorts roughly, ripping them slightly as he shoved them down to your thighs.
“Wow, look at this pretty little ass,” he groaned.  “A thousand guys have seen it, but it’s better in person.”  He slapped you again on either cheek, hard enough to make you yelp.  “What’s the matter, sis, I thought you liked being spanked?  You talk about it all the time.  You talk about how you want me to spank you raw and leave marks all over your body, hurt you and break you and claim you.”
“I— I wasn’t talking about you,” you defended, remembering how you always addressed the viewer when dirty talking in your videos, but keeping it generic enough that any guy could imagine it was him.
“Then who did you think about when you got off?  Who was it that got you wet for your videos?” he pressed.  “Because you’re wet right now… and I’m the only one here.”
You shook your head, you tried to speak to deny it, but words escaped you as he flipped you around and hovered above your face.
“Do you get wet for anybody, baby, is that it?  Will you spread your legs for any cock?  Or do you just have a special place in your cunt for your big brother?”
Your stunned silence earned you a slap to the face, sending your head spinning to the side as your cheek stung and burned.  Just as the heat of the impact really started to get to you, he hit you on the other side, and again, until you finally gave him an answer: “You!” you yelped suddenly.  “You, Sam, just you!”
He laughed a little, leaning down and capturing your lips in an unexpected, dominating kiss.  It was awkward and sloppy, exactly the sort of kiss one would expect when it was forced; just as passionless and confused on your end as a kiss to your step-sibling should be.  But he moaned against you and forced his tongue deeper into your mouth, hands coming down to grope your tits through your tank top and bra.  Trying to push him away was beyond useless, and he slapped you again without even breaking his lips away from yours.  Soon he was reaching to pull down your top— no, wait, he was tearing through it, and your bra snapped like a rubber band against his strength.  When he grabbed your breasts again, without any clothing in the way this time, your nipples were hard and sensitive between his fingers; it was so obvious that he smiled into the kiss, biting your lip playfully.  “Wow, you really do like this.  Your step brother’s forcing himself on you and you’re such a whore that you’re actually into it.”
He slapped your breast, just hard enough to sting, and you cried out; he did it again and your back arched.
“Yeah, I knew you just needed to be put in your place, little sis.  Just needed me to fix your attitude, that’s all.”  He wrapped his hand around your neck, not squeezing enough to cut off airflow but obviously threatening it, before leaning down to whisper in your ear: “get on the ground, on your knees.”
Even for what was left of your virginal innocence, you knew what he wanted.  Wordlessly, your only sounds the weak little sobs that shook your chest, you slipped out from beneath him and onto the floor by the couch.  He shifted to sit in front of you with wide legs, thick thighs spread as he looked down at you with an expression of anticipation.  
“Get on with it, honey, I know you know how.  Seen you choke on your toys a thousand times.”
After taking a stabilizing breath to cope with what was happening, shivering from the cold air on your exposed upper half, you sat up slightly and reached for his belt.  You’d felt it pressed against you before, but now you could see the shape of his cock threatening to burst out of his jeans, so thick and long that you were confident he heard the little gasp you let out.  And yet, you knew you had to trek forward, so you began to unclasp his belt before unzipping his fly.  He lifted his hips to help you pull his pants and boxers down, but other than that he was too busy stroking the side of your face with his fingers in a move much too delicate for the situation.  You stopped breathing for a second when you saw the size of him, his cock bouncing up when you released it to slap against his stomach.
“Sam, I can’t,” you sighed, starting to back away, “I’ve never— it won’t fit.”
“Nah, baby, it’s okay,” he encouraged gently, pulling you closer, “you can take it just fine.  Just open your mouth, sis…”
He guided the tip of his cock between your lips, still swollen from his bruising kiss, and you whimpered when you felt his warm skin against your tongue, tasting the salty pre-cum that leaked out slow and steady.
“Yeah, just like that, now go ahead and suck on me,” he instructed, groaning when you closed your lips and hollowed your cheeks, using your tongue to tease the slit like you’d read online was a good thing to do.  He chuckled and bucked up into you, holding your head as he started to pump his hips and slowly fill your mouth to the brim.  “See, you can do it— now choke on it.”
When he pushed in until you gagged, your first instinct was to push on his thighs and try to get away for air, but he held you down as he hissed through his teeth.
“I know you can take all of me in your throat if you just stop fucking fighting,” he hissed, slapping you one more time which caused your throat to open up in shock— and it was just enough for him to shove in deeper, groaning at the feeling.  “Yeah, that’s it… fuck…” he sighed, moving his hips faster.  The struggle for air made your eyes water (although you hadn’t really had much of a chance to stop crying in the first place) as your grip on his thighs tightened.  “I bet your pussy is getting so wet for me right now,” he chuckled, “I bet you love choking on my cock, huh?”
You tried to shake your head but you couldn’t really move much; he pulled you off of his length by your hair, just in time to give you a much-needed sputtering gasp for air.
“Fuck, I’d love to fill that pretty throat with my come,” he smiled— a sinister sort of grin that made you shudder as you looked up with him, feeling spit and pre-cum on your lips and chin— “but I know what you want.  Since you’ve spent all year begging to lose your virginity on the internet, I figure I’ll be nice and give you what you’ve been asking for.”
Before you could even begin to consider a response to that, he hoisted you up and threw you back onto the couch, spreading your legs as you looked away in shame.
“Yep, I was right, you’re fuckin’ soaked,” he laughed.  “You nasty little slut, are you actually getting off on this?  Wow.”
A renewed sense of ‘dear god this cannot happen’ shot through you as he leaned down and slid his cock over your folds, teasing your clit with his swollen head.  “Sam, stop, please…”
“I’m kind of getting tired of you begging,” he hissed as he leaned down, glaring right into your eyes as you froze beneath him.  “I’m obviously not going to stop,” he explained as his hand slipped around your throat, “you dumb fucking bitch.”
Your ability to fight back was taken with your opportunity to breathe, his strong fingers cutting off blood flow to your head quickly as he clamped down on your neck.  Instantly you clawed at his hand, your vision starting to go a little spotty, and he laughed at you coldly before letting go.  And when he finally did, his hand moved instead to hold both your wrists above your head while the other guided his cock into your pulsing entrance.  When he pushed his hips forward, the air was punched from your lungs as your back arched, a sharp pain reverberating over your body from the stretch of him inside you.
“Fuck!” he groaned, pushing in deeper, slow but consistent.  “You’re tight, baby, you really did need a cock to ruin this hole, huh?  Fuck, ‘m gonna, just hold still…”
But how could you hold still, when every instinct had you moving your hips to try to push his cock out, your hands tightening into fists as they tried to fight against his strength.  Of course, now that he was inside, he had a second arm to hold you down with, but the terrifying thing was that he really only needed the one.  “Sam!” you sobbed, your own voice sounding foreign with the way it wavered and cracked.
“Yeah, baby, that’s me inside you,” he purred, “that’s your big brother’s cock tearing up this little pussy…”
When he roughly shoved the rest of himself inside, the tip of his cock found the end of you and your eyes shot open.  He smiled down at you as he examined your face; twisted in pain, and glistening with tears turned greyish-black by your mascara.
“None of your toys ever went this deep in you before, huh?  Poor thing, should’ve known you were all talk… you don’t even know how to take those big cocks you drool over.  I can’t even imagine what you’ll be like when I put this in your ass.”
He cackled at the pure terror that danced over your expression, and the way your walls tightened around him briefly.  
“Relax, sis, not today.  I’m just sayin’, if you want me to keep my mouth shut to mom and dad, you’re gonna have to keep me happy.  Lucky for you, I’m very happy right now, snug inside this sweet little cunt of yours…” he trailed off, leaning down to kiss your cheek and moving to suck on your ear, bite your neck, lick up and down over your pulse.  He was waiting, you realized, for your body to relax so he could move inside you with less resistance.  You were a little surprised he didn’t just jackhammer into you with no regard for your pain, but you had a feeling that part was coming soon anyways.
He reached down to pull your legs up, guiding them to wrap around his hips, and the new angle forced his cock a little deeper which made you squeal.  The sound morphed into a stuttered moan, however, when he pulled back out of you slowly, savoring every detail of your walls as he sighed against your skin.
When he slammed back home, your nails dug into your own palms.
“Baby,” he whispered, “you’re close, aren’t you?  Just from this.  You always came so fast in your videos…”
Irritatingly, he was right; your walls were flexing as more slick coated his thick shaft, dripping down until you could hear the wetness whenever his hips slapped into yours.  You couldn’t help it, considering how he pushed right into your g-spot with every stroke inside you, hitting every sensitive place harder and better than any toy ever had.
“See, baby?  We were made for each other,” he cooed.  “You were made to take this cock.  You were meant to be my little fucktoy.”
You hated the way his words only added to your pleasure, pushing you right up to the edge— which his cock slamming all the way into you one last time finally sent you over.
“Oh, fuck,” he gasped when he felt the force of your orgasm, smiling pridefully as your eyes fluttered shut and your head fell back against the couch.  “So sensitive, sweetheart, and so fucking wet for me…”
He fucked you faster and— somehow— deeper, chasing his own release with aggressive thrusts into you.  Each of his low grunts against your ear sent shivers down your spine, your legs around him tightening to pull him closer.
Just as you thought he might find his rhythm for a while and maybe, if you were lucky, be finished with you soon, he pulled out quickly and patted your thigh.  “Hands and knees, baby,” he instructed, watching you shakily turn around and lift yourself on weak arms.  It was short-lived, though, as he pushed your face back down into the couch cushion, forcing your back into a dramatic arch that made you feel like your body was on display for him.  As if that wasn’t nerve-wracking enough, you couldn’t even see him much anymore, which meant you had no idea what he was reaching for when he leaned back— but you heard what it was when he turned it on.  “Oh, you recognize this?” he mused.  “It was my favorite of everything I saw you use.”
He rubbed the vibrator over your folds slowly, chuckling a little when you jolted each time it brushed against your clit.  You didn’t really understand why he would want to fuck you with a vibe when he seemed to have been enjoying doing it himself; but then he slid it up a little higher, to your other hole, and you gasped.  “S-Sam,” you pleaded.
“I know you took it here before.  I watched you do it.  I even heard you the night you filmed it— these walls are thinner than you think, sis.”
Shame burned on your face as you imagined him listening to you put something up your ass for the first time, only for him to see the video the next morning when you uploaded it.
“Do you think it’s gonna feel different when I put it in while I fuck you?” he mused, pushing the vibrating tip of it into your hole.  Thankfully it was pretty slender, so the stretch wasn’t bad, but the vibrations were strong enough that you could feel them everywhere, and you realized he would be able to feel them, too, while he was inside you.  “You’re gonna be so fuckin’ full, sis, stuffed to the brim just like you wanted.”
He pushed the toy in deeper until your hands clutched at the sofa beneath you, which was apparently his cue to guide his cock back into your drenched pussy.  Just as he promised, you felt so full that you had no idea how to cope with it, your legs shaking as you tried not to collapse beneath him.
“Fuuuuuck,” he groaned, moving himself and the toy at alternating paces inside you as you mindlessly drooled onto the cushion, your overstimulated body barely able to handle the sensations he was forcing upon you.  “You like being my little fucktoy, don’t you?  You’re so pretty like this, so pretty being used just like you deserve.”
“Sammy, please,” you sobbed, barely intelligible as you couldn’t really string your thoughts together anymore.
“You want more, huh?  Needy little slut,” he snarled, but the way he said it almost sounded like a compliment.  It certainly made your heart swell as if it was.  He fucked you faster, then, and pushed the vibrator as deep into your ass as it would go until you were sobbing and blubbering and basically just a complete mess beneath him.  “Keep squeezin’ me so tight and I’m gonna come inside you, sweetheart,” he moaned.
Some part of your brain was still aware enough to know that that was not a good idea, but you didn’t even really think to tell him not to because you knew he would anyway.  Finally, you had accepted that he was going to do whatever he wanted with you and your resistance only brought out his crueler side.  
“Fuck, come again for me,” he demanded, “come on my cock while I come inside you— that’s it, cream on my fucking cock while I fill you up, slut.”
It was jarring, the way his words suddenly knocked you over the edge again as you cried out, fresh tears filling your eyes and joining the damp spot beneath your face on the couch.  You felt both your holes clenching around the intrusions he had filled them with, your head going fuzzy and your limbs going numb from the intensity of your peak; waves of warmth washed over you as you slumped down a little bit, the distant sound of his praises just barely reaching your ringing ears.
His free hand held your hips tightly while the other kept pumping the vibrator into you, and even through all the overwhelming stimuli going on at the moment, you could feel his cock beginning to flex deep inside you.  Each pump of his come painting the deepest parts of you coincided with a low moan from him, the sound so cruelly perfect and forcing your channel to clamp down on him, weakly, one last time.
“Fuck, baby…” he groaned as he caught his breath, turning off the vibrator before slowly pulling it out of you and tossing it aside.  He kept his cock inside for longer, though, as he rubbed your ass and back gently.  “You’re gonna be such a good little fucktoy for me, sis, I just know it.”
He let you drop when he pulled out of you, your spent body limp and leaking on the couch as he stared down at you.
“I think you need a shower, sweetheart,” he chuckled.  “But first, you need to give me the password to your OnlyFans so I can help you delete it, okay baby?  We don’t need anybody else looking at what’s mine.”
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realcube · 3 years
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rq; could you possibly write a one shot about the reader having AD(H)D and has a really hard time focusing on core academics (math, science, english, history) because they feel scared about stimming and/or fidgeting in front of people and so they ask tamaki for help?
tw; very mild angst, fluff, stimming, i use the word ‘embrassing’ too much, swearing
words; 2.7k
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it only took a moment of skimming over your latest progress report for you to understand the situation.
you continued to thrive in practical subjects like physical education, graphic design and manufacturing — the three main reasons you managed to secure your spot in the support course — but your core subjects seemed to be lacking.
for the last two years, you managed to score flying colours in all your subjects. but now, it was starting to appear as though your golden era was coming to a close. what was once a report with only scores greater than 90%, was now a range of totals anywhere from 90 to 50%.
this meant you were still passing all of your classes but these grades were only indications of how you were doing now; you knew that if you continued to struggle in all of your core courses, you might not finish your third year of UA highschool.
you simply wouldn't allow for your grades to decline further, so like any good student would, you made a list of ways you could improve.
number one was, of course, study more. however, you were almost certain that discipline and diligence aren't the causes of the issue.
number two was to ask for help from your teacher and although this was a completely valid option, you still felt like the problem ran deeper than your ability to comprehend the material. after all, you had made it this far without having to do so.
before you could even ponder number three, your pen ran out of ink. with a huff, you reach out to grab a new one from your pencil case, until you noticed that in the spot where your pencil case usually sits on your desk, there was nothing.
it was as though the void had caused all your memories of yesterday to come crashing down on you in an instant; it was almost nauseating. yet it, ironically, provided some clarity as to the location of your stationary.
two days ago, after school, you paid a visit to tamaki's house to deliver the gear he had commissioned. however, what was initially meant to be a casual interaction, somehow turned into a game of pictionary (with mirio and nejire there too, of course), for which you needed to bring your pencil case out of your bag. amidst your awkward goodbyes, you must've forgotten to put it back into your bag, hence your pencil case is probably lying dejected on tamaki's coffee table.
this left you with no choice but to throw on your jacket and begin your journey to tamaki's house. fortunately, he only lived a bus ride away from your home, yet you still mentally rebuked yourself for the whole length of aforementioned bus ride due to the fact that every time you would interact with tamaki, it felt like you were digging a deeper grave for yourself.
partially because you always found yourself oversharing with him — not that it was a one-sided ordeal — and you couldn't begin to explain why; he kinda just had a comforting aura about him. albeit you haven’t said anything embarrassing yet but the possibility of that happening was way too large. plus taking into consideration your complicated feelings for each other, leaving your pencil case at his house was a disaster waiting to occur.
or perhaps you were overthinking it. either way, you were now standing in front of his door with your school uniform and backpack on during a saturday afternoon because you had no idea what else to wear.
after ringing the doorbell, you stood as a patient statue in the cold until tamaki reluctantly opened the door and only poked his head out. “hello?”
emphasis on ‘only’, because he was truly committed to not allowing you to see him in his casual-wear, for some reason. a part of him reasoned that there was no way you would expect him to be wearing his school uniform on a saturday, but the majority of his brain was screaming about how he had to hide his clothes from you at all costs. especially since he was wearing socks, comfy trackpants and — most shamefully — a sweater with a small octopus design on it. and what would you think of him if you saw that his choice in loungewear was so childish?! it would be utterly humiliating.
completely unaware that tamaki was having a crisis behind the door, you pulled your most authentic smile and said the line you had been rehearing on the bus, “hi, tamaki. sorry for coming unannounced, but i think i left my pencil case on your coffee table when we were playing pictionary with mirio and nejire.”
“oh.” tamaki was almost too panicked to process what you just said but once he did, he immediately recalled the moment he noticed that you had left behind your pencil case. at the time, he planned on calling you to ask if he could drop it off at your house, but his nerves got the better of him and he decided to keep procrastinating the call until he completely forgot.
though, if he remembered correctly, the pencil case should be lying on his desk after he moved it there in hopes that the convenient location would remind him to return it; which it evidently did not.
“yeah. uh, i’ve got it. i’ll just go get it.” his face tingled with warmth slightly as he retracted it from the doorway, resulting in him finally realising how cold it is outside. in fact, since the eaves of his house shielded you for the climate, he didn’t even notice that it was snowing!
the polite bone in him got to work before the rest of him could react, as he blurted out, “come in, make yourself at home.”
fuck! i mean, it’s not that he doesn’t want you in his house — quite the opposite actually — but rather now he had to dart off to his bedroom before you could catch a glimpse of his sweater. but at least now this gave him an opportunity to change into something less embarrassing.
closing the door behind you, you were now left alone in tamaki’s living room. your eyes followed his figure as he dashed towards his bedroom, “odd.” you murmured to yourself. you weren’t exactly tamaki’s BFF but you were close enough to him that you could tell when he was acting weird.
but you didn’t think to much of it. actually, you were slightly grateful for this weird spike in tamaki’s behaviour because if he doesn’t want you around, that just means you are less likely to overshare and catch feelings, which means better outcomes in the long run, right?
after changing into a plain blue sweater and collecting your pencil case, tamaki strolled into the living room and handed it to you with a weak smile, “here you go.” he almost whispered, patiently waiting for your response so he could mentally prepare himself for goodbyes or another hour (or so) of conversation.
“thank you!” you basically squealed, pulling off your bag to stuff your pencil case back inside. while adjusting the straps on your shoulders, you took a moment to appreciate tamaki’s familiar attire, “oh, i love your sweater; i have a similar one with a cute little octopus on it.”
tamaki concluded that neither of you would be saying goodbye for a long while.
“thank you.” he responded with a soft smile, folding his arms over his chest as he made his way towards the kitchen, “um, so how are you?” he inquired, assuming that it was a pretty harmless question that would simply help get the conversation off the ground while he prepared tea.
“i’m good. but i don’t think i can say the same for my progress report.” you said with an awkward chuckle, standing aside as you watched tamaki put the kettle on. “and how are y--”
“what do you mean?” tamaki asked, disregarding the fact that he didn’t answer the question himself. although, simply put, this was because he found that conversation came more naturally to him when he was with you; or perhaps that is a slight overstatement. he tended to be more curious and inquisitive when talking to you and it wasn’t hard to tell.
until now you and mirio simply brushed it off as tamaki’s interest towards the support course, since you were the one who manufactured most of his gear. yet nejire always teased him as she believed that tamaki’s interest was caused by a different sort of passion.
nevertheless, regardless of tamaki’s motives, you still found yourself consistently answering his questions, “eh, well, i’ve just not been performing as well as i hoped.” you replied plainly with a shrug.
“is that all?”
no matter how many questions he asked, each one still managed to catch you off-guard. “um,” your throat ran dry, which might’ve been a sign from a deity to stop talking, but your swallowing was your way of proving that you did not care. although you will probably regret it later, talking with tamaki always relieved you.
“well,” you started, the lump in your throat growing by the second, “i guess i have a bit of trouble focussing in some classes too. but i mean, maybe it is because i drink too much caffeine? i’m not even sure to be honest.” that was lie, you were  90% sure of what the problem was, but you wanted to hear tamaki’s response before you proceeded, to determine whether he’d be open-minded about it.
“there is no such thing as too much caffeine.” he joked, handing you a cup of tea while he sipped on his own. “so it’s probably something else.”
he’s too good. it’s as if he knew you were withholding information.
“well,” you began once more, trying your best to appear clueless, “i guess moving helps me focus, but no once else in the class does it so wouldn’t it be embarrassing if i was the only one?”
“i don’t think it would be embarrassing at all.” he spoke softly, leading you back into the living room and offer you a seat on the couch beside him, which you graciously accepted. “but if you think it is, then i have something to help.”
before you could say anything, tamaki got up and headed towards his bedroom; leaving you to drink his heavenly tea while he searched. though, only a few minutes passed before you felt his arms slither over your shoulders to hook two clips together by your neck.
“there.” he said with a proud smile, “this is one of my cloaks that i use in my hero costume. you can tie it together so it covers the whole front half of your body.”
observing your reflection in the blackened TV, you smiled upon seeing for your own eyes that everything he said was true. it was like wearing a cape that goes around your whole body, and it had a nice hood! “wow, this is so adorable!” you cheered, then paused, “but how is it going to help me focus?”
“well, you can do whatever you want underneath it and no one will notice.”
ignoring the shady implications of that sentence, you moved your hand around underneath the cloak and he was right! no one would see you fidgeting underneath the cloak, and hopefully the professor’s voice would cover any sounds you made. plus, it looked pretty badass.
“this might work! are cloaks included in dress-code?” you joked, but you weren’t laughing for long as you turned to look at tamaki who was wearing an upset expression with his head hung low, “no.”
“oh.” you sighed, unclipping the cloak and handing it back to tamaki with a slight smile, “it’s fine. thank you for your help, and the tea. it was delicious, but i’ll probably have to start cutting back on the caffeine.” you gave it a chef’s kiss yet he didn’t even chuckle like he usually does. it was almost scary how your true emotions reflected onto him, as it seemed like the whole atmosphere had changed.
“(y/n).” tamaki uttered with a much more serious tone; eyes filled with determination yet trained onto the cloak in his hands. “you shouldn’t be embarrassed-- or at least, I, um, don’t think you should be.”
your eyes widened at how sternly he said the first part; granted, he became flustered when it came to the second part, but it really showed you how firmly he stood by what he was saying. you nodded for him to continue as he looked like he still had a lot on his mind.
“it’s unfair that you have trouble focussing because of what other people think. so my two cents is that you should do whatever you need to do, and, um, not care about other people... well, i mean, you should care about them, but just not what they think about you. because like, you can’t really control that--”
he found himself having to abruptly shut his mouth to stop himself from prattling on any further. especially since most of what he was saying was probably none sense that he mistook for inspirational, or at least that is what he gathered from the shocked look you wore; it was ironic how humiliated he was.
“that’s nice to hear.” you hummed, a kind smile gracing your features in place of the previous stunned expression, “though it’s hard to believe coming from someone as cool as you, tamaki.”
“yeah.” you chuckled, rolling your eyes at his baffled look which he must have been faking. surely he knows how highly thought of and respected he is throughout the whole school. he is in the big three, for fucks’ sake! “there is probably a better word to describe it, but you are one of the most badass people i know.”
“badass?” it was as if all he was capable of doing was repeating these words to you with an innocent yet confused gaze.
“yes!” you enthused, “so, is there anything you even have to be embarrassed about?”
“i do!” he almost whined, and without thinking, he stormed to his bedroom only to grab the sweater he cast aside earlier to show it to you, “look! an octopus sweater, isn’t this embarrassing?”
you deadpanned, unsure as to whether he was joking or not. “stimming is very different from a octopus sweater but go on.” however after a few moments of actually analysing the design on the article of clothing, you exclaimed, “oi, i have that exact same sweater! how is a cute little octopus embarrassing? plus, it would be extra cute on you because you have tentacles.”
in a moment of frustration and wanting to prove a point, he threw the sweater aside and began to sheepishly grab at the ends of his sleeves, “well, you know what’s even more embarrassing? having a crush on someone for three whole years and not having the balls to ask them out! and on top of that, being to nervous to return my crush’s stuff after you left it at my house.”
you weren’t sure if he meant to switch out ‘my crush’ with ‘you’ on purpose or if he was just confused. either way, you found yourself leaning in to wrap the poor boy in an overdue embrace, smiling against his chest as he hugged back. “that was..” you faltered, allowing tamaki to interject with “mortifying” but you were quick to correct him, “i think that was a very unique way to confess, and i'm just glad you did.”
your chuckle that followed was left to echo around the room as tamaki stood still and silent, simply enjoying the comfort in your arms as feeling the pleasure of time escape him. until eventually he whispered close to your ear, “so since i know more about embarrassment than you thought, will you take my advice now?”
you snickered, gently tracing shapes onto his back, “i was going to take your advice either way because if i don’t get good grades and remain in the support course, how will i graduate with you?”
“good point.” he hummed, not-so silently enjoying the relaxing sensations near his spine, “but we are not wearing matching octopus hats.”
how did manage to shoot down your idea before you even proposed it?
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shy-and-bubbly · 3 years
Summary: Local demon boy had absolutely no idea what tickling was until he saw it in action. Confused, he couldn’t understand what was happening. Perhaps his best friend will know what he’s talking about if he asked. Nothing wrong with asking, right?
Warning: If it wasn’t obvious, this is a tickle fic featuring my favorite mcyt duo. It’s my first tickle fic to be exact, so I hope I did well lmao.
Bad stepped out of the nether portal appearing back to the outside world. He was busy collecting quartz to make some repairs to his and Skeppy’s mansion. Walking along the bridge path, he went to a nearby crafting table to craft the quartz into quartz blocks.
His crafting was disturbed however when he suddenly heard a shriek. He whirled his head to the right, alarmed that something terrible was happening.
...He was bewildered to say the least from what he saw.
Bad only stared at Tubbo and Tommy, tilting his head in confusion. He was far enough away from them to not catch their attention.
Tommy was rolling on the grass, spitting out cuss words and laughing his head off, while Tubbo… he has no idea what Tubbo was doing. He sees that he has his hands on Tommy's sides, but he can't tell what's happening or why Tommy was acting like that.
Tubbo had a grin on his face. "So are you going to take back what you said to me, bitch?" His hands moved to Tommy's stomach area, almost getting kicked by Tommy in the process. "FUCK! NAHAHA!"
Bad's tail swished from side to side for a moment. Even though he has no idea what's going on, he was intrigued. Whatever they were doing, it looked like they were having fun. Especially Tommy, judging by how hard he's laughing.
After a few more seconds passed, Bad finished crafting what he needed and walked back to the mansion. Skeppy was already there and was making progress with the repairs on the roof.
"Geppyyy, I'm back!" Bad greeted with a sing-song tone in his voice. Skeppy looked at Bad, smiled, and came back down to see him. "Hey! Did you get more quartz?"
"I got more quartz!" Bad happily announced while his tail swished about.
"Finally! I was running low on slabs. What took you so long?"
"Hey! I was getting as much as I can, you mutton chop!"
Skeppy giggled and thanked him when Bad split the amount of blocks between the two. They talked for a long time while building together. Skeppy would bring up random topics to talk about, and Bad brought up potential improvements on their estate.
During a period of silence between the two, Bad thought back to that scenario he saw with Tommy and Tubbo. He paused in thought, wondering if he should bring it up.
A part of him didn't want to, because he himself wouldn't even know what he's talking about. Then again, maybe Skeppy can clear up any confusion if he talks about it as best as he can.
"Hey, Skeppy?"
"Mmm?" Skeppy was only half paying attention, trying to make a nice staircase to give their mansion a more modern look.
"So.. you know how on my way back, I stopped by a crafting table to turn the quartz I mined into blocks?"
"Uhh yeah?"
"Well, while I was crafting I saw Tommy and Tubbo on the ground. And I saw something very peculiar.."
Skeppy paused with his building for a moment and looked at him. "Go on?"
"Tubbo was doing something to Tommy, but I don't know what he was doing. I don’t know how to describe it other than he had his hands on him."
Skeppy frowned a bit, not knowing where Bad was getting at. "What? What do you mean? Was he hurting him or something?"
Bad eyed to the side and thought about it. "No, I don't think it was anything like that. Tommy was laughing a lot so he didn't seem like he was in pain.. I guess?
"Laughing.." Skeppy started slowly, trying to put the pieces together. "So you mean that you saw Tubbo tickling him?" He watched as Bad tilted his head in confusion.
"Tickling.. You know, when someone tickles another person and..?"
A moment of silence has passed as Bad still held that confused look on his face. "Wait a minute. You don’t know what that is?"
Skeppy was absolutely dumbfounded. "What?! You seriously-.. How?!"
Bad's tail twitched nervously as a tinge of red appeared on his face. "I-I don't know! This is probably the first time I'm hearing this word Skeppy!"
Skeppy took a moment before continuing. Now that he thought about it, Bad did grow up in the Nether. It may not be too far fetched to assume that stuff like this just never happens. On top of that, English isn't the demon's first language either. It's believable that he's never heard the word "tickle" either.
"Does this mean you've never been tickled before? Not even when you were a child or..?"
Bad shook his head. "How does tickling even work?" He asks ever so innocently.
"Oh god how do I even.. Uh, you see.. tickling someone basically means that you.." Skeppy warily puts his hands up, struggling to come up with an explanation "..use your fingers.. to touch someone where it makes them laugh."
Bad thought back to when he saw Tubbo tickling Tommy. "Okay.. but why do they laugh? I don't get what's so funny about someone's touch."
"It's not that it's funny. It's because it feels.. tickly or tingly or.." Skeppy lightly facepalms. "I'm really bad at describing it. It's like one of those things that people generally know about, that it doesn't need to be explained."
"So what you're saying is if I touch, um, if I tickle your shoulder, that means you're going to start laughing?" Bad curiously put a hand on Skeppy's shoulder.
"Uhh that's.. not exactly how it works."
"Hmm.." Skeppy can see the genuine confusion in his face. Bad doesn't even know how to tickle, or what it even felt like. Skeppy’s eyes widened as a smile appeared on his face. This gives him an idea!
"Actually, why don't I just show you! That would be way easier than just trying to explain it!"
"Show me?" Bad's tail wavered in the air for a bit.
"Yeah! I'll show you by tickling you! ..If you're okay with that?"
"Oh! ..Hm.." Bad wasn't sure about it. He thinks he feels okay with it, but he's never been tickled before, so he doesn't know. Then again, it didn't look like it was a bad thing. Right?
Skeppy could tell that Bad was uncertain, so he gave him a patient smile."If you end up feeling uncomfortable, I'll stop tickling you. All I'm going to do is a demonstration, okay? Think of it as a test! Do you trust me?"
Bad smiled and nodded as his tail continued to swish from side to side. A demonstration sounded fine to him, and he trusted Skeppy. He would never purposely harm him. "Okay, I'm okay with it."
"Alright then! Keep your arms up and try to stay still!" Skeppy grinned wanting to jump right in.
"Just lift your arms up a little bit." He giggled.
Despite not seeing the point of this, he did as he was told, standing still while Skeppy was contemplating where he should start. "You see Bad, when you tickle someone, you have to go for specific areas like riiiiight here."
He began by lightly poking and prodding Bad's stomach. Bad didn't know what he was expecting, but he let out a small gasp when he started feeling.. a strange sensation.
This new sensation was pleasant yet somehow unbearable. For some reason he had the urge to laugh, feeling the sniggers build up inside his chest.
Skeppy observed Bad. Seeing that he was slightly squirming with a wobbly smile on his face, he beamed. Bad was ticklish!
"Come on Bad hold still! I'm trying to show you how this works!"
"I'm t-trying." He broke into a grin. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand still. He was slowly moving backwards, not that it mattered anyway. Skeppy would follow, not making the tickling disappear.
"Skeppy, ihit feels strahange." Bad felt his back being pressed up against the wall as titters started to pour out of his mouth.
"Good strange or bad stange?" Skeppy chuckled a bit while scribbling his fingers on Bad’s stomach.
"I.. Ihi dohon't know?" Bad answered truthfully. Skeppy only smiled at him. Since Bad didn't ask for him to stop, he took it as a sign that it was okay to continue.
"Hmm.. Let’s try another spot then?" He stopped tickling his stomach and moved to his sides. The reaction was almost immediate.
"Oooo now we're talking!" Skeppy couldn’t help but smirk.
The tittering turned into squeaky giggling as these tickly sensations became stronger. His face was starting to flush up and even his tail was being twitchy. Skeppy started giggling along with him, seeing the adorable state that he’s in. “It looks like this is a good spot for you Bad!”
"Skehehehee! Ihihihi cahahan't!" His knees gave up as he slowly slid down to the floor. “Curling yourself up on the floor isn’t going to help you Bad.” Skeppy teased, and it turns out that he was right. He was still helplessly giggling as Skeppy was attacking his sides.
“Hey wait a minute. Didn’t I tell you to keep your arms up mister?” Skeppy decided to grab one of Bad’s hands, lifting it up above his head. He was tickling his now exposed side with the other hand.
“Wahahahait! I'm sorreheehee!” Bad squirmed for a bit and tried to pull his lifted up hand away from Skeppy’s clutches. He was also trying to bat Skeppy’s merciless fingers away with his other hand. None of that was very effective.
Skeppy couldn’t really help himself. He always loved toying with Bad, and this was a fun new way to do it. “Uuuup annnd dowwwn annnd uuup annnd dowwwn and-” Skeppy felt Bad go limp, his giggling becoming more squeaky and high pitched. Even his tail was wagging on the floor.
“Are you enjoying yourself Bad? I’m gonna move to the next spot now. You’re okay with that?” Bad was covering his face with his free arm, but he saw him nod even though he was such a giggly mess. That was surprisingly adorable to Skeppy, giving him permission to tickle him silly.
Skeppy was caught off guard and, cackling at that embarrassingly loud squeal. "What the fuck was thahahat?!" Skeppy apparently found a sweet spot. He was pinching both of Bad’s hips. Bad let out another squeal before dissolving into hiccupy high pitched laughter.
"LAHAHAN- *hic* AHAHAHA!" The poor guy couldn't even get his language remark out. His tail was spazzing out, hitting the wall and floor repeatedly with small thuds.
"Awww Baaad!" He cooed. Skeppy didn’t know what was cuter. Bad’s hysterical laughter or the fact that Bad is holding still while covering his face with both hands. “You know, I think you should laugh more often Bad. It’s cute.” Skeppy started drilling his thumbs into Bad’s hips, making Bad’s laugh nearly silent.
"Awe does it tickle too much for youuu? Is the wittle badboyhalo too ticklish?" Bad swears that Skeppy was making this worse the more he talked as he felt his face get even warmer.
"YeheHEE YEHEHEHEHES! ..*hic*"
Skeppy giggled a bit at his honesty. "Aw, how cute." His fingers skittered across Bad's stomach and sides, making him let out a whinny squeal. It was a little bit of break for him since his laughter became less intense.
After a few more seconds, Skeppy slowly came to a stop. "Okay okay, I think you had more than enough.”
Bad was catching his breath, slightly laughing because of the ghost tickles. He was hiding his face in his hoodie, leaning against Skeppy. "You were having fun, weren’t you, you muffinhead."
Skeppy giggled in response as he hugged him. "I'm sorryyyy. Did I go too far?"
“That was.. a lot. But I guess that wasn’t so bad..” Bad admitted. “So what you’re saying is, you liked it?” Skeppy grinned. Bad peaked out of his hoodie before responding. "I uh.. I thought that it was interesting and I didn't.. hate it."
"Dude you totally liked it. It was kind of obvious since your tail kept wagging."
"Wh- No it wasn't!"
Skeppy laughed as he saw Bad's flustered face. "Yes it was. Now come on, let's finish building already!" He pinched Bad’s side making him squeak before standing up and offering a hand.
Bad let out an embarrassed “grr” before he took Skeppy’s hand to help him stand up. A few more seconds of silence and passed. Then, Bad suddenly had an important question in mind. He asked Skeppy the moment he thought about it.
"Hey Skeppy, are you ticklish?"
Skeppy hasn't denied something so fast in his entire life.
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honeytae · 3 years
You’re too persuasive for your own good.
hey bubs! this is just some shower smut with seokjin bc i’ve been dying to write this concept for a while and it’s just been a bit since i even wrote smut so..i hope you enjoy, my little thots :) tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy genre: smut
word count: 4.6k warnings: sex in a ~dangerous place~, unprotected sex (use a condom!), seokjin being a stubborn little shit
You groaned as you watched the character on your phone screen go off the road, turning your device off with a frustrated sigh before slipping it into your pocket.
Seokjin had gotten you hooked on yet another stupid game, claiming you should get it because “it’s multiplayer, so we can play together.”
He had, of course, not shown your poor new beginner skills any mercy, thoroughly enjoying how frustrated you got when he leaned over to kiss your cheek, telling you “It’s okay, love. Not all of us have what it takes.”
Those words are precisely why you’d been spending all your free time playing, practicing in order to knock his confidence a bit.
It was also the reason you were at the boys shared apartment, wanting to show him your hopefully improved skills and shove it back in his face.
With a sigh, you knocked on the familiar door, craning your neck from side to side as you waited for one of the men to answer.
When the door finally peeled open, you were met with the surprised expression of Taehyung, eyes widened at your presence before a square mouthed smile took over his face instead, his pupils obscured by the push of his cheeks up to his eyes.
“Oh, hey!” He greeted, you smiling back at him as he pulled you into a brief hug, gesturing for you to come into the apartment as he stepped back to give you room to do so. 
“What’s up, Tae?” 
“Eh, not much. Working, sleeping, eating. You know.” He offered with a shrug, you nodding in response before he gestured to Jin’s room down the hallway. 
“I think he’s in the shower, although he might be out now. We just got back a little bit ago.” He explained your boyfriend’s absence, your mouth popping open into an ‘o’ shape with a single nod as you turned to head to Jin’s room.
“Oh wait, we’re ordering either Chinese or pizza for dinner. Which would you prefer?” He asked, dark eyebrow arched at you as he awaited your choice. 
“Hm, I’m fine with either, but I guess I could go for Chine-”
“Yes!” He interrupted you with a cheer, you smiling at the man’s outburst as he pumped his fist into the air in victory. 
“You’re the tiebreaker since Yoongi-hyung didn’t care.” He explained his reaction, your mouth gaping in an “ah” before you chuckled at the man strutting down the hallway containing the bedrooms, loudly informing everyone of the updated dinner plan. 
Following his path to reunite with your boyfriend, you listened as some of the boys laughed at Taehyung’s actions, bursting into each room to sassily tell the members what he’d be ordering.
Pushing the door to Jin’s room open, you were immediately met with the sound of water slapping the shower floor, steam lingering in the bedroom area as it continued to pour out from the open doorway of his en-suite bathroom. 
“Hello, my love.” You called out to the man as you stepped into the thick air of the bathroom, pointer finger flicking up the switch that powered the vent to hopefully suck some of the humidity out of the room. 
“Baby! Hey, come on in, it’s warm.” He pushed the curtain back to reveal himself in all his glory, making your eyebrows raise in amusement at your boyfriend’s lack of shame. Modesty was never one of his top traits.
“I can see that. The whole bedroom is steamed up.” You chuckled, Jin smiling at the noise before his fingers started to gesture in an attempt to entice you into the shower with him. 
You remained in your spot in the middle of the bathroom, lightly smirking as you crossed your arms over your chest, proud at the annoyed sigh that came from his mouth when he realized you wouldn’t make this easy on him. 
“Can you come in here please?” He asked again, making you hum in consideration. 
“I don’t know, I was gonna go help Tae order the food.” You excused with a nonchalant shrug, your boyfriend rolling his eyes at your teasing.
“Fine, but can I have a kiss before you go?” He proposed, causing you to step closer to him as he pushed his dripping hair back from his forehead, leaning out of the shower slightly to press his lips to yours. 
“Ah! Jin!” You yelled when his wet hands went to your hips, your shirt now soaked through with the water from his palms. 
The man’s high pitched laugh bounced off the shower walls at your reaction, causing you to bite your lip to not smile at the sound.
“I cannot believe you fell for that.” He laughed, you shaking your head at him in disappointment. 
“Me neither.” You huffed, turning to grab a towel to scrub at the now wet spot in hopes to dry it. 
“Come on, baby, just come in. You’re already wet now, anyway.” He said, you scoffing at his relentless begging. 
Glancing up from your shirt to his face, you couldn’t stop your eyes from trailing down his chest and torso, truly a sight to behold even after how many times you’d seen it before. 
The man caught your eyes traveling downward, a smug smirk lifting the corners of his lips causing you to blush when you met his eyes again, quickly diverting your attention back to scrubbing at your shirt. 
You and Jin both knew that the vision of water streaming down his taut body was tempting you enough, and with a little more convincing, you’d join him in no time. 
“Baby, can you please come in and shower with me?” He asked again, causing you to sigh at his persistence with a shake of your head.
“Jin, I don’t think that’s a good idea, the guys are here.” You said knowingly, not trusting the man to keep his hands to himself when it was so easy not to.
“Hey, I can control myself when I want to.” He raised his eyebrows to further prove his point, eyes widened as you raised your own back at him. 
“Doubtful.” You snorted, Jin sighing in response as he leaned back against the shower wall, gaze locked on you all the while. 
“C’mon, love, I’ll wash your hair for you.” He promised, holding a hand outside of the shower to reach for you, water droplets falling from his fingers to the tile floor as you remained stubbornly in your spot. 
“Please? I just want to hold you, I missed you today.” He begged, eyes brightening when you sighed, caving into him and his advances because, fuck, you missed him today too. 
“Ugh, fine. Only because I skipped a shower this morning, though.” You said, Jin humming with a smile at your excuse.  
The way his eyes traced over your body as you tugged your shirt over your head did not go unnoticed, your eyes rolling in annoyance when the removal of your bra caused a hungrier spark in his eyes. 
“Hey babe, my eyes are up here.” You placed your pointer and middle fingers under his chin, tilting his head up to look at you as a breathy chuckle fell from his lips. 
“Sorry. You can’t blame me though, you’re gorgeous.” He defended his actions, making you duck your head to cover the heat rising to your cheeks, brushing the action off as your fingers began to fumble with your jeans zipper. 
If you ever got used to his compliments, you’d surely be surprised with yourself. 
Shuffling out of your pants, you quickly slid your underwear down your legs, practically running into Jin’s open arms due to the cold air of the bathroom now chilling your bare skin. 
“Hey.” He smiled down at you, you mirroring his expression as his arms locked around your waist, holding you to his warm chest. 
“Hi.” You replied, heart beating a little faster as his hands traveled up from your back to your jaw, cupping your face in his hands as you leaned into his soft pouted lips for a kiss. 
“How was your day?” He mumbled, you humming nonchalantly.
“Nothing to write home about. How was yours?” You asked, Seokjin humming with a smile.
“Nothing to write home about.” He shrugged, you rolling your eyes before withdrawing your body from his, leaning around him to grab the shampoo from the shelf installed on his shower wall. 
“Yah, I said I’d do that for you.” He snatched the bottle from your hand, squeezing the gel onto his palm before snapping the lid of the bottle shut once again, setting it aside and placing his fingers at the top of your head. 
You hummed as his fingernails began scratching at your scalp, the circular motions of his fingers lathering the shampoo causing you to lean farther into his chest. Wrapping your arms around his torso, you relaxed your body against his, pausing when your thigh was met with a familiar bulge. 
Peeking your eyes open to look at the man, you were met with a slightly guilty expression, his eyebrows raised and mouth pursed in an attempt to push back a smile. 
“Jin.” You sighed in disappointment, the man’s lips quirking into a smile at your tone before murmuring to shut your eyes, tipping your head back underneath the water. 
After thoroughly rinsing the shampoo out of your hair, he led you back to a straightened position, smoothing your hair back from your face before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it.” He chuckled, you shaking your head with a small smile as you leaned down to grab the bottle of conditioner beside you.
“Yeah, and I can’t help it either. Not when the apartment is full of six other unsuspecting men.” You remarked, Jin huffing at your stubbornness as you coated your hair with conditioner. 
As tempting as it was, you could, absolutely, no way in hell, have sex with Jin in the dorm when the others were around. You two had made that rule early on in your relationship, so you didn’t know why he was suddenly not so against the idea now. 
Hearing him sigh as you closed your eyes to once again rinse underneath the showerhead, you thought he’d finally given up on the whole sex in the shower thing. 
You were proven wrong when you felt the sudden touch of his hand on your hip bone, his chest pressed to your back as his chin rested on your shoulder. 
“Can I at least wash you?” He asked, making you smile as you turned your face to see him, hand going up to scratch at the back of his head affectionately. 
“As long as it’s innocent.” You replied, Jin nodding with a kiss to your cheek before he leaned over to grab the bottle of body wash, squeezing a good amount onto his palm before snapping the lid shut. 
Placing his palm on your stomach, he rubbed the area above your belly button in tender circles, spending some time there before slowly beginning to descend his hand down below your navel.
Hesitating to see if what he was doing was okay with you, he looked down at you over your shoulder, nuzzling his nose against your temple in a silent ask.
His hand remained unmoving until you gave him the go-ahead, expecting the innocent lather of soap bubbles rubbed onto your lower stomach with those long fingers to not fluster you. 
Big mistake. 
Noticing your gulp, Seokjin smiled to himself, hands traveling lower and settling onto your thighs, fingers teasingly staying put even when your hips greedily bucked into his touch. It was reflexive, but you immediately regretted it, knowing it gave him a hint of just how weak you were here.
“Jin. No funny business.” You repeated, mostly to yourself as a reminder of your own rule. God, it made sense to you only a few minutes ago, but now you couldn’t come up with a logical reason for you to not let him touch you the way you so badly wanted him to.
“Okay.” He sighed, removing his hands from you in defeat, only to raise his eyebrows in shock when you whined, hand gripping his wrist to guide it back to your abdomen. 
“Love, you just said no funny business.” He stated obviously, eyebrows knit together in confusion as you seemed to internally struggle with the situation you were being faced with. 
To give in to your desires and risk royally embarrassing yourselves, or to push off both of your needs after a long day of not being able to see each other?
Fuck it.
“I didn’t say to stop touching me, though.” You spoke up softly, Jin smiling at the sudden shyness in your tone. 
Wordlessly placing his hand back on your stomach, he kept his palm circling the area, innocently at first before trailing up your sides, grabbing ahold of your breasts and smiling at the way you arched your back, pushing your chest into his touch. 
Bringing your arms up above your head to wrap around Seokjin’s neck, he hummed as your fingernails scratched at the hair at his nape affectionately.
Deciding to push it further, he placed a thumb on your nipple, rubbing it in slow circles as he admired the way your head fell back onto his shoulder, eyes fallen closed at the mere feeling of his hands on you, soft sighs leaving your gaped mouth.
“You’re so pretty.” 
You whimpered at both his words and the way one of his hands left your breasts, trailing down your wet skin to settle between your legs, whining when he bypassed the area craving his attention most. 
“B-baby,” You stuttered at the combination of his fingers tracing over your inner thigh and his thumb remaining at your nipple, your boyfriend groaning as your ass pushed back against his now fully hard cock.
At the action, Seokjin rewarded you with his finger attaching to your swelled clit, rubbing at the bud with the pad of his thumb as you whined in response.
Biting down on your bottom lip to quiet your noises, you nearly drew blood from the skin when his long fingers curled into your entrance, using both the water and your arousal for an easy slip inside. 
“Fuck, Jin, the guys.” You whimpered, chest stuttering in a broken breath when he began thrusting his appendages into you. 
“They won’t hear anything over the water. Don’t worry, just let me make you feel good.” He mumbled into the skin of your neck, the way his mouth latched onto the skin and gently sucked on it shutting you up immediately. 
“Okay?” He released your skin with a pop, to which you eagerly nodded your head yes, the steady heartbeat between your legs winning, all logical thinking being tossed out the window without a second glance. 
Turning around in his grip, his hands quickly adjusted to hold your hips, eyes slipping shut with a drawn-out moan escaping his pretty lips when you dove forward to give him a heated kiss, tongue greedily traveling inside his mouth. 
“Shit.” He groaned against your bottom lip when he felt your fingers wrap around his length, breath catching in his throat at the way you pumped his neglected cock in your closed palm. 
“You’re too persuasive for your own good.” You smirked, Jin’s scoff at your words being cut off by the gasp you got out of him when your hand twisted around his base. 
The glide of your hand against his velvety skin had him reeling, head falling forward to rest on your forehead, hips subtly thrusting into your hand as his eyes clenched shut. Swiping your thumb over his slit, he hissed a breath in through his teeth in response, making you smirk at him in pride.
“Baby,” he exhaled, hand gripping your own and guiding it away from his cock, leaving it pulsing in need in favor of lifting your body so that you were leaning against the wall, a gasp coming from you at the feeling of your warm skin pressing to the ice cold shower wall.
Nevertheless, you responded by wrapping your legs around his waist, your arms securing themselves around his neck.
“Love, is this a safe position?” You asked teasingly, the smirk being wiped off your face by the feeling of his lips against yours, hungrily capturing your lips with his again and again.
“Would you like to test it?” 
“Hmm, but if I end up with a cracked skull, you’re fronting the bill,” your voice softened as his lips began trailing down your neck, placing sweet kisses along your collarbones and a final peck to your sternum, coming back to eye level with you as his fingers squeezed your thighs.
“I won’t let you crack your head open. But I will absolutely pay extra for my girlfriend to be stitched up like some sci-fi shit.” He joked, you scoffing in reply before meeting his lips once again, breath hitching in your throat when you felt his tip bump against your entrance. 
“Baby, please.” You whined, Jin hushing you with his lips smoothing over yours, hand traveling down to properly line himself up before pushing his head inside. 
“Fuck,” You whimpered at the intrusion, the back of your head bumping against the wall as his cock sank into you inch by inch. 
He groaned at the tightness of your walls enveloping him, eyes fluttering shut, holding himself there for only a moment before beginning to withdraw his hips, a soft moan leaving your lips as he gently pushed back into you.
Clenching your muscles around him, you watched with pride as his features screwed, eyes closed in bliss as his pretty face looked absolutely wrecked.
A loud moan escaped him at the feeling, causing you to press your lips to his to muffle the noise. You hummed when his tongue met yours, using your arms wrapped around his neck as leverage to grind down onto him.
“Jin, faster.” You whispered, the man moaning at your words before he began to pull back, entering you at a faster pace than his previous. 
“Ah, fuck.” You hissed as he started snapping his hips against you to drive his cock in and out, clamping your teeth down onto his shoulder to quiet your noises. 
The way the head of his cock hit all the right spots, his harsh thrusts jolting your body up the wall; you felt dizzy, seeing stars as the man’s sexy grunts and low moans slipped past his pretty pink lips. 
You were so out of the zone that you didn’t even realize you were suddenly sliding down the wall, Jin’s feet having slipped on the shower floor due to your position. 
Steadying himself, he quickly caught your body before your ass could collide with the floor, narrowly avoiding a broken tailbone in the process. 
Jin’s eyes widened in a panic as he froze for a moment, quickly regaining his sense and running his hands down your arms in concern. 
“Fuck, baby, are you okay?” He seemed to survey your eyes then allow them to trail down your body in search of any obvious injuries on your skin, his features crowded with worry until you gave him a verbal answer. 
“I’m fine, Jinnie. But unless you want that whole sci-fi girlfriend thing to become a reality, I think we should figure out another solution.” 
And while his head told him that it was probably the best idea to just stop and get out of the shower and move to the bed like civilized people, his other head told him that he needed to be back inside of you as soon as possible. And that head was winning right now. 
“I have an idea.” He spoke up, hands turning your body so that your back was facing him, leaning over your back to bend you over so that your arms could reach out to grip the bar at the side of the shower. 
Your eyes widened at the unexpected action, pouting slightly at the view of the shower wall instead of Jin’s face. Still, you dutifully reached your hand out to grasp the pole in front of you, arching your back to push your ass up for Jin’s viewing. 
It seemed to work, his hands reaching down to grip your hips as he ground his hard cock against the flesh with a groan. 
“Jin,” You exhaled, “don’t tease.” 
He didn’t hesitate to follow your instruction, your head dropping forward as he made his re-entrance into you, quiet moans leaving your mouths simultaneously at the feeling.
As Seokjin rocked into you, loud moans spewed out of his mouth and echoed around the shower walls, most likely spilling out into the bedroom. God, you hoped nobody had ventured inside. 
“Jin, Jin.” You called in a whispered shout, the man stopping reluctantly with a whine.
“What?” He practically whimpered, frustrated at the interruption of euphoria flowing through his body, you giggling a bit in response to his grumpy tone.
“You need to be quiet, baby.” You reminded him, nothing but the sound of the water raining down from the showerhead filling the room, causing you to turn your head back to look up at him due to his rare silence. 
His hair was damp and disheveled, strands strewn across his forehead as his hooded eyes looked down at you. His chest was still rising and falling rapidly, the smooth golden skin highlighted by the water sticking to it. You practically drooled at the scene, Jin’s clearing of his throat catching your attention once again and bringing your eyes back up to his face.
“Oh? I do?” He smirked and, before you could nod your head yes to answer him, he brutally snapped his hips into you again, causing you to cry out before you bit down on your lip to quiet the noise. 
Leaning down to press his chest to your back, he continued his pace, spreading your legs farther with a nudge of his foot against your own as his harsh pants filled your ear. 
“Oh god, there, baby.” You whined as he suddenly brushed up against a rough spot on your walls, your boyfriend taking the cue and hitting the spot at an increasingly fast pace as you whined incoherent praises to him. 
More rough grunts and moans spilled out of his mouth in response, noises becoming louder as you began grinding your hips back onto him, successfully slipping his cock farther into your heat. 
Linking an arm around your waist to rest a hand on your stomach, he began pressing kisses along your upper back and shoulders as he continued to pound into you, drawing soft moans out of your mouth that slightly echoed around the bathroom. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He breathed as you clenched around him, quickly pulling out and taking himself into his hand to encourage his orgasm. 
The sprays of cum shot onto your back were immediately washed away by the water streaming from the showerhead, both of your heavy breathing filling the enclosed space before your squeal filled the room, caught off guard by the man suddenly sinking to his knees and attaching his mouth to your throbbing core. 
“Ugh, Jin!” 
You couldn’t restrain yourself from yelling out as Jin’s fingers spread you open so that his tongue could circle your pulsing clit, slipping through your folds to end up back at your entrance, securing your wobbling knees with his arms as he plunged his wet muscle into you.
Biting your lip to hold in your noises, you began to subtly roll your hips against Seokjin’s mouth, him encouraging the movement as he completely buried his face between your legs. 
He grunted against you in frustration at your lack of reactions to him, withdrawing his tongue from your entrance, eliciting a whine from you before the feeling of two of his long fingers entering you instead caused you to moan, Jin smirking in satisfaction before leaning forward to tongue at your neglected clit. 
“Baby, I’m,” You cut yourself off with a gasp as Jin’s fingers curled to brush against your walls, eyes squeezing shut as your muscles convulsed around his appendages, your boyfriend’s moan sending vibrations through you and throwing you over the edge. 
You appreciated the hold he had on your legs as you came down from your orgasm, knees weak and head dizzy as you tried to regain control of your breathing. 
His hands never left you as he stood back up, trailing his palms up your thighs to hold you steady by your hip bones, turning you around to face him and lean back against the wall. 
“You have to wash me again.” You mumbled into his chest sleepily, hearing the man laugh before you felt his lips pressing to the side of your head. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Your drowsiness only increased as you felt his soothing hands glide over your body, washing you once again with a lather of soap on his hands as you leaned into him. It was peacefully quiet until Jin seemed to snap out of his state of lethargy, dancing his fingertips across your sensitive hip bones, causing you to giggle at the ticklish feeling with a quiet whine of his name. 
After getting dressed in some of Jin’s sweatpants and a hoodie, you collapsed onto the bed, exhaustion hitting you as Jin lightly chuckled, ruffling a towel through his hair before tossing it into the bin beside him.
“Jin,” You grunted in complaint when he jumped onto the bed, causing the mattress to bounce and moving your entire body from your comfortable position. 
The man only laughed in return, wrapping his arms around you as you cuddled into his chest, resting your forehead against the material of his shirt, his breaths almost lulling you to sleep before remembering the other grown men wandering around outside the room.
“Do you think they heard us?” You asked quietly, Jin humming nonchalantly in response, watching as you glanced up at him for further elaboration.
“I think there’s a 50/50 chance.” He put it simply, laughing loudly when you whined and buried your face into the material of his shirt, hearing your muffled words of complaint disappear into the fabric. 
“They’re not that naive, baby. Obviously we’re sexually active, what’s the big deal?” He shrugged, still face unchanging as you looked up at him with widened eyes. 
“Just because it’s known doesn’t mean it needs to be proven.” 
At your words, you got another shrug from the man, causing you to roll your eyes at the gesture but cuddle up to him nonetheless. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” You sighed, nuzzling your cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt and letting your eyes fall shut again. 
”I’m aware of that.” A kiss to your temple punctuated his drowsy words, a breath puffing from his nostrils as your hand rubbed at his damp scalp.
“Are we going to sleep now?” You asked, the question muffled into his chest as he stroked his fingers through your wet hair.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” He agreed, the words barely audible as his mouth moved only slightly in his half asleep state. 
You giggled at the sleepy man, lifting your head from his pec in order to press your lips to his plush bottom one, then puckering your lips against his top one, the corners of his mouth quirking in a fond sleepy grin as his hand raised to support the back of your head, pushing your lips directly to his to initiate a proper kiss. 
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
A New Inconvenience
Wrote some more for the Marriage of Convenience AU.  Enjoy.
              Ford walked through the front door.  He smiled at the already familiar sight of Stan playing with Orion and Iris in the living room.
              “Hello, my dears,” he cooed, kneeling by his children. Orion and Iris promptly latched onto him, embracing him as tightly as their tiny arms could manage.  “Did you have a good day with Uncle Stan?”
              “Miss Dada,” Orion mumbled.  Ford kissed the top of his son’s head.
              “I missed you as well.”
              “Uncy Stan took good care of ‘em, don’t worry,” Stan said breezily.  Ford scowled at him.  “What?”
              “How many times must I tell you to stop using improper language?”
              “I didn’t swear!”
              “No, you just completely butchered a word.”
              “You act like me calling myself Uncy Stan is gonna permanently screw up the way they talk or something,” Stan scoffed.  Iris tugged on Ford’s shirt.  Glad for the distraction, Ford smiled at his daughter.
              “Yes, Iris?”
              “Mama sad.”
              “Oh, yeah,” Stan said, nodding.  “Angie came in a bit ago, looking pretty upset.” Ford’s blood ran cold.
              “She had a doctor appointment today,” he said quietly.  Stan’s eyes widened.
              “Shi- shoot.  Maybe she just hates the doc?”
              “No.  She’s very upbeat after doctor’s appointments.”  Ford rose to his feet.  “I’m going to speak with your mother, continue playing with Uncle Stan.” Orion and Iris looked disappointed, but toddled back to Stan.
              Ford strode quickly down the hall, past the twins’ nursery and the guest room Stan had officially moved into, until he arrived at the room he shared with Angie.  The door was ajar.  Ford slowly opened it.  Angie sat on their bed.  To his relief, she didn’t seem particularly distressed, the way he’d imagine she would if she got bad news from the doctor.  She looked more conflicted, as though she hadn’t decided her feelings.
              “Angie?” he said tentatively.  Angie looked up.  She managed a weak smile.
              “Stan told me you seemed upset after your doctor’s appointment.”  Ford crossed over to the bed and sat next to his wife.  “Is everything all right?”
              “Depends on how you define it.”
              “Angie, please don’t beat around the bush.”
              “Remember what we were doin’ ‘fore Stan showed up?” Angie asked, ignoring Ford’s request.  “How we were plannin’ to add more to our fam’ly?”
              “Yes.  But we stopped after Stan arrived.”
              “Well.  It didn’t make much of a dif’rence.”
              “Oh.  Oh, no.” Ford’s heart sunk.  “No.  You’re-”
              “I’m pregnant.”
              “We were only trying for a week!”
              “That’s all it takes, sometimes.”  Angie was maddeningly calm, but then again, she wanted a big family.  Ford pushed back the reminder that, before Stan showed up, he had also wanted a third child, hoping that having another baby would improve his marriage like the twins had.  “All I can say is I hope it ain’t twins again.  I love Orion ‘n Iris, but carryin’ two babies at once is rough.”
              “How could this have happened?” Ford moaned, putting his head in his hands.
              “You know.  You were there.”
              “Why are you taking this so well?” Ford snapped. Angie crossed her legs, tilting her head thoughtfully.
              “Well, I figure, can’t do much ‘bout it now. Stressin’ will only make things more difficult on me and the baby.”
              Yes.  Stress was the source of some of her complications with the twins.  Ford closed his eyes, terror suddenly surging through him.  Angie’s first pregnancy had been difficult for them both.  It might make me a coward, but I don’t know if I can do that again.
              “Stanford?”  A hand was gently placed on Ford’s back.  “Talk to me.”
              “I…”  Ford stood up.  “I think I need to go for a walk and clear my head.”
              “All right.”  Angie continued to be infuriatingly level-headed.  “But durin’ this walk, please don’t grab one of yer cigarettes that ya think ya keep hidden so well from me.  I can barely tolerate that smoke smell when I’m not pregnant.”
              “I recall.”  Ford frowned at her.  “You knew I picked up smoking again?”
              “Oh, darlin’, yer not nearly as sneaky as ya think ya are,” Angie said with a smile.  Ford managed a small smile of his own.  He leaned over to kiss Angie on the cheek.
              “I’ll be back shortly.  And I won’t smell of cigarette smoke.”
              “Thank you, dear.”  Ford left the bedroom and headed for the front door.  Before he could leave the house, however, Stan, still supervising the children in the living room, spoke up.
              “What’s going on, Sixer?”
              “Oh.  Well…” Ford looked over at his twin. Stan was uncharacteristically nervous.
              But then again, he’s quite fond of Angie.  Who wouldn’t be?
              “Angie’s fine.  She just got some unexpected news.  I’m going to go on a walk.  I’ll be back in about ten minutes.”
              “Oh.  Okay. Uh, have a good walk, I guess.”
              “I’ll do my best.”  Ford walked outside, down the front steps, and began to make his way down the street.  He hadn’t even gotten a block away, however, when there was a shout behind him.
              “Hey, Ford, wait up!”  Ford looked over his shoulder.  Stan had left the house as well and was jogging to catch up with him. “Figured you could use a walking buddy,” Stan said once he was by Ford’s side.
              “The children-”
              “Angie said she was gonna watch ‘em.”  Stan cocked his head curiously.  “You seem pretty high-strung right now.  What’s going on?”
              “I…”  Ford sighed. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to walk again.  Stan began to walk as well.  “Angie’s pregnant.”
              “Oh.”  Stan blinked. “Okay.  Not what I was expecting.  But why are you in the same boat as me?  I thought you said that the only reason you and Angie knock boots is to have kids.”
              “You showed up, resulting in us ceasing our…conception attempts after only a week.”
              “Ford, it only takes one time.”
              “I know!” Ford burst out.
              “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Stan said soothingly. He put his arm around Ford’s shoulders. “Do you not want another kid?”
              “I honestly don’t know, Stanley.”
              “You clearly wanted one at some point.”
              “I…”  Ford’s head drooped.  “I didn’t. Not really.”
              “Then why the hell were you trying to have one?”
              “…I don’t want to tell you.”
              “C’mon.  I’m not gonna judge you.  You have the authority to kick me outta your guest room.”
              “I thought it would benefit my marriage,” Ford mumbled.  Stan came to a sudden stop, staring at Ford.  Ford stopped as well.  “What?”
              “You- you wanted to have another kid because your marriage was on the rocks?” Stan whispered.
              “Well, to be fair, the conclusion was rooted in evidence.  Angie and I struggled a lot our first year of marriage, but when Orion and Iris were born, our relationship became much better.”  Ford shrugged.  “Recently, we started arguing over minor matters, becoming frustrated, even sleeping in separate beds.  I merely decided to revisit a potential solution that I knew worked.”
              “Stanford, you decided to have a baby just to save your relationship.  That’s- that’s fucked up.”
              “What happened to not judging me?”
              “I said that ‘cause I didn’t think you’d do something so damn stupid!  You wanted to make another human being.  Because you were fighting with your wife.”
              “What’s done is done, Stanley,” Ford snapped.  “I can’t reverse it.”  He could feel hot shame pulsing through his body.  Until Stan had pointed it out, he hadn’t considered how careless the decision to have another child was.
              He’s right.
              “I mean…”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  He looked away awkwardly.  “It’s early enough that if you want, you could reverse the baby.”
              “You- you mean Angie terminating the pregnancy.”
              “Even if I wanted to do that, which I don’t, Angie never would.  She’s not against others doing that, but she personally won’t.”  The issue had come up when Angie was pregnant with Orion and Iris. The doctor voiced some concern over Angie’s low weight and nutrient levels, and suggested they reduce the twins to a singleton.  Ford had to stop Angie from slapping the doctor.
              “Fine.  What about adoption?” Stan suggested.  “I bet there are a lot of people out there who would love to have a smart, cute kid. I know I would.”
              “Give up my child?”  Ford thought back to the day that Orion and Iris were born.  The surge of love and happiness at seeing their extra fingers and toes.  How thrilled he’d been to see the distinctive birthmark on Orion’s back that resulted in his name.  Running his fingers through Iris’s bright red hair for the first time.
              If I gave up my child, I’d give that up, too. Like a prophetic vision, images came to Ford’s mind.  A newborn girl with Angie’s nose and his eyes, wispy brown hair, and a laugh that could melt the stoniest of hearts.  Tears sprang to Ford’s eyes.  I can’t even stand the idea of missing out on my third child’s life. When the day comes, I’d never be able to place her or him for adoption.
              “No,” Ford said finally.  He shook his head.  “No, I can’t do that.”
              “Sounds like you made up your mind, then,” Stan said.
              “Heh.”  Ford managed a small smile.  “I suppose I did.”  He looked at Stan.  “Thank you, Stanley.”
              “Hey, I’m here to help you and Angie out,” Stan said with a shrug.  “This is just part of that.”  He grinned. “And if I get a new niece or nephew outta this, I’m not gonna complain.”
              “Even though, as the live-in nanny, you’ll be responsible for her or his care once Angie and I run out of parental leave.”
              “Eh, I can handle it,” Stan said confidently. Ford raised an eyebrow.
              “Newborns are very different from toddlers, you know.”
              “Angie can show me the ropes before I ever get left alone with the kid.”  Ford bristled instinctively.
              “Angie and I split responsibilities evenly. Just because she’s a woman, I won’t be saddling her with the majority of childcare.”
              “Whoa, I didn’t mean it like that!” Stan said, holding his hands up in defeat.  “I just- Angie’s- Angie’s pretty great.  And- and maternity leave is longer than paternity leave anyways, right?  She’ll probably be spending more time at home than you.”
              “Yes, she will have more time off than I,” Ford confirmed.  Stan nodded.
              “Yeah, that’s what I was getting at.”  Stan cleared his throat.  “Anyways, uh, we should probably get back.  Orion and Iris get fussy around this time.”  Ford nodded.
              “That sounds like a good idea.”  He and Stan turned around and began to walk back home. “Angie and I will have to come up with some names.”
              “Easy.  Stanley.”
              “What if it’s a girl?” Ford asked, genuinely concerned about what Stan would say.  The answer was immediate.
              “And you claim Orion is bad.”
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Ecstasy [09]
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ーー And so, time passed by peacefully...
ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki Castle
Yui: Tomorrow the evening gala is happening at last...
( I wonder if I’ll actually be able to dance... )
Azusa: Eve, are you nervous...?
Don’t worry. You’ve improved a lot at dancing...
Yui: ...Yeah, thanks.
Yuma: ...Oi. Did ya guys hear that just now too? 
Kou: I think so? Did somebody run into the wall or something?
Yuma: I highly doubt it.
ー Ruki enters the room
Ruki: No, he’s not too far off.
Azusa: Ruki...? Did something happen?
Ruki: A message has been delivered. ...The Vibora’s castle was attacked by an unknown enemy and there are close to no survivors left.
Kou: Eeeeh!? W-Why!? 
Yuma: The fuck, they got nearly wiped out!? There’s just no way...!!
Yui: ( Vibora...That’s the Snake Clan, right? Where did this suddenly come from...? )
Azusa: I wonder who attacked them...?
Ruki: ...The First Bloods are most likely behind this attack.
Azusa: ...!?
Kou: Eh!? Then perhaps...
Ruki: Yes. I believe we might be their next target.
...Their power is immense. I realize that now better than ever after actually standing face to face with them once.
I assume it will be a difficult battle. We will need to come up with a thorough plan if we wish to fend them off.
Yuma: Fuck...
Yui: ( Carla-san and Shin-kun will attack this place... )
( ...I suppose they’re hoping to settle the score before the Lunar Eclipse comes to an end... )
( I wonder why they’re after me? )
( I can’t help but be anxious, even though the others are here with me... )
Azusa: ...Don’t worry, Eve. If you’re scared, I’ll hold your hand.
→ Thank you (♡)
Yui: ...Thank you.
( Right...It’ll be okay. Our hands are always connected. )
( I’m not alone. Azusa-kun is always here with me. That’s how it should be, right...? )
→ I feel relieved 
Yui: ...I think I feel a little better thanks to you. 
( ...It’s pretty amazing. The touch of his hand makes me a little more relaxed. )
( I wonder if this is what it means to love someone. )
Azusa: I’ll hold your hand whenever, for as long as you want, okay?
Yui: Yeah...I’m counting on you. 
Kou: Anyway, the Vibora have been wiped out, huh? I wonder if that means tomorrow’s party will be canceled? 
I’m honestly a little bummed out about thatー Oh well, guess now’s not the time for that.
Ruki: No, I think we should assume that the gala will proceed as planned. Although the majority of the Vibora on the guest list will no longer be able to attend. 
Yuma: Haah? For real!? 
Kou: Hmm, really?
Ruki: I’m certain Karlheinz-sama made his decision with a certain motive in mind. This isn’t something we should worry about. 
More importantly, we’ve been told to tighten the security around the Castle. I’d like you guys to split up and patrol the surrounding forest. 
Kou, Yuma, Azusa, can I leave this up to you guys?
Kou: Yeah, yeah, gotcha~
Yuma: If we spot anyone suspicious, we just gotta send them flyin’, right? Hehe, leave it to me!
Azusa: I’ll...try my best too. 
Yui: Be careful, okay? Please don’t do anything reckless. 
Azusa: Yeah. I’ll be careful...not to let my guard down.
Kou: Geezー! You’re way too paranoid, M-neko-chan!
Yuma: Well, I’m sure she’s only worried ‘bout Azusa. 
The two of us are just the extras on the side. 
Kou: Ehー Really!? How could you, M-neko-chan! I can’t believe you don’t care about me!
Yui: T-That’s not true!
I’m genuinely worried about the two of you as well...!
Kou: Fufufu, I know, don’t worry! I was just teasing you a little~
Yuma: Oi, let’s get goin’. If we take too long, those Sakamaki’s are gonna start complainin’ again which gets on my nerves. 
ー Kou and Yuma leave
Azusa: I’ll get going too. 
...You shouldn’t leave the castle, okay?
Yui: Yeah, I know. I’ll wait here until you guys return. 
...Be really careful, okay? Please come back here together if you sense danger. 
Azusa: Yeah. ...I’ll get going. Nn.
Yui: ...Have a safe trip. 
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( ...It’s honestly a little awkward to be all alone with Ruki-kun under these circumstances... )
( Guess I’ll go back to my room... )
Ruki-kun. I’ll head back to my room, okay?
Ruki: No, wait.
ー A bunch of random guys surround Yui
Yui: ( Eh? ...Eh? What’s happening? )
( Why am I being surrounded by a group of unfamiliar figures? )
( Who even are these men...? )
Ruki: I do not like having to say this...
Now that it’s come to this, I simply can’t let you do as you please any longer. 
I wish you would have worked with me to avoid Azusa getting hurt any more than necessary, but...
Yui: ...What do you mean? Who are these guys...?
Ruki: I told you before, did I not? While you are Eve, Azusa cannot become Adam. 
As long as it is necessary for the two of you to be separated, I simply have no other choice but to move you to a different place.
ーー Take her away.
Yui: Wha...? What are you doing!? Stop, let me go!
Ruki: I have no other choice. This is in the best interest of the both of you...
...Go and find the Adam who is right for you.
Yui: ーー !?
ー Yui loses consciousness
After Ruki-kun told me what to do,
I thought it over again and again. 
Yet the possibility that out of his wish to separate the two of us,
Ruki-kun might just take direct action himself, completely slipped my mind.
No, perhaps I did not want to consider said option.
I might have just wanted to turn a blind eye to the possibility.
However, reality (現実) turned out to be much more harsh, than my naive imagination.
And then ーー Everything became engulfed in darkness. (闇)
<- [ Ecstasy 08 ] [ Ecstasy 10 ] ->
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gachastranjr · 2 years
SPOILERS Version 2.7 Archon? Event? Quest
Warning: Much cursing, long mindless rant, and SPOILERS just scroll past nothing to see here
First, I am so fucking upset that I had to play this quest on mobile. Especially with the fact that it has so much Xiao/Yaksha lore in it. Disappointing really.
But anyway, tbh I wasn't all that interested in the first few parts of the quest. Then we get to the second half of the quest and I am living for it. And maybe it's because of Xiao.
I did enjoy the domains. The puzzles are pretty good. And the challenges I would have loved more if I was not using mobile.
The last two cutscenes were so fucking amazing. It just sucked that I have to watch them in mobile! Dammit! I was losing it when it showed Xiao talking to Zhongli on the balcony of Wangshu Inn then man's suddenly attempts to sacrifice himself but Zhongli pulls through and saves him. The relief I felt when I saw him being saved. Holy fucking shit! Then the Boyang-Bosacius cutscene being so damn bittersweet! I loved that so much! Seeing him like forgetting and shit was so sad then he gets this flashes of memories of the Yakshas and Rex Lapis just hanging out and his name being called. Fucks sake! Felt so bittersweet! I loved that so much!
About the characters. For me, the new ones were okay I guess. Well, Yelan is one epic badass. She's such a girl boss and so hot as well but Xiao for me took most of the spotlight especially at the end of the quest. Yelan is cool and all but the maybe fact that the archon quest wasn't entirely or even mostly about her didn't give me a chance to like enjoy her character much. I have yet to do her own quest soo.. I'll see later.
Shinobu is eh. She is the first one I think that I can say is very mid to me. She's a good character but I can't get behind her design, personality or role at all. Her involvement in the story was sort of weak to me because I kept forgetting about her and the urge to skip her dialogue didn't help.
I just got so lowkey annoyed at Itto for the good chunk of it. I didn't like the early conflict between Itto and Yelan basically and even the Itto and Paimon/Shinobu banter. They just made Itto look so petty imo. He was just picking unnecessary fights and not even because he was being competitive. I love the guy but this was quest was not doing him good. There was Ushi involvement though and that was pretty cute!
Yanfei had good involvement. Being the one to put pieces together being her lawyer self. I'm surprisingly pleased that she was here in the first place. I thought she would just be there but she did a lit more than I expected and I enjoyed that.
I fucking love Xiao so much. Man, he gets so much development and fucking hell his cutscene moments were all so good! Getting to see him on the Bosacius flashbacks were does wonders for my soul. He's such a good fucking character!
I really enjoy the anemo characters so much and the fact that we have gotten content for them is amazing. Anemo characters have got the best stories imo. I hope to get more. Maybe like circle back to Jean or Venti or perhaps get a new female anemo 5 star.
I am so glad to have been set on pulling for Xiao! And he came home!! LET'S GO!!!! Sorry Yelan. I just got a good hydro so I had to pass. Then I'm saving up for a Kazuha C1/C2 or maybe Heizou.
Overall, It's a good quest! Tho the start was weak the second half pulls through and the cutscenes fucking carries it a good amount. The cutscenes HOLY SHIT! I loved those. So. MUCH. Genshin really been improving. Can't wait to see more.
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berrynarrybanana · 3 years
Deck the Halls - pt. 1
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A/N: Ummmm.....so this is kind of like a Christmas fic, but it turned out very different than I expected it to. It’s more of a...wintery suspense type thing with an actual lengthy as fuck plot, but the romance is strong from the beginning. I tried to keep it in one post, but the word count is simply too much for me to put in one post. I plan on updating everything that I have so that you all can indulge in the story while I finish it up. I know that this might not be everyone’s cup of hot chocolate, but I hope that some of you enjoy it! I haven’t really done anything of this nature before, so I’m kind of nervous about the whole thing. I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday, and I can’t wait for us to ring in the new year together! I love you all loads! 
Word Count: 7.3k
Warnings: Mentions of death, violence, smut, fluff....other things i can’t remember at this moment? 
November 1
Harry is walking through the snow. 
The soft sound of snow crunching under his boots and the wind whipping around him is all that he can hear at first. He feels cold, but he’s been colder than this. His hand feels warm, though his hands are bare. He glances down, his eyes locking on an emerald green mitten. He feels the fingers in the mitten flex, gripping his hand tightly. He trails his eyes up the arm covered in a light green coat, freezing when he sees the curly tendrils of snow white hair draped over her shoulder. He knows instantly who it is, and he knows exactly how this dream will end. 
When his eyes finally land on rich, berry red lips, he feels his breath catch in his throat. He’s never seen her face before this. She’s usually drowning by the time he gets to the lake, already under the block of ice as the man with blue hair holds her under. He can’t help but stare, taking in the beautiful and ethereal features of her face. It’s almost as if she isn’t real at all, from the color of her skin to the pointed tips of her ears. The hair was strange, but he’d gotten used to the beyond platinum shade over the years. It wasn’t so shocking to him anymore. 
Harry turns his attention from the girl when he hears a twig snap, his gaze dropping to the snow covered floor of the forest they've been walking through. He wasn’t sure why they were walking in the woods, or where they were going, but he was happy to be spending time by her side. He was happy that he wasn’t watching her die for once, her beautiful face still full of life as her lips moved. She was talking, but he couldn’t hear a word that she said. All he could hear was the wind and the snow, a whistle and a crunch echoing in his ears as if he had winter sounds playing from a quality stereo. 
He hated that he couldn’t hear her.
He hated that he didn’t know where they were going. 
But suddenly, it all becomes clear. 
The lake. 
“Don’t.” Harry croaks out through chapped lips, squeezing her fingers in an attempt to get her attention. Her lips stop moving as he pulls her closer, but she offers him a sad smile. “We shouldn’t-”
“It’s alright.” He can finally hear her voice, the sound something akin to Christmas bells being softly run in the middle of the night. “We have to go.”
“You can hear me.” He breathes out, his eyes stinging due to the wind, and the inevitable tragedy that’s about to occur. “You can hear me and I can hear you.”
“I guess so.” She glances up, an amused smile curling the corners of her lips as she hums out. 
When she looks back down at Harry, he loses his breath. 
“What’s your name?” She asks, turning her back towards the lake, giving him her full attention.
“Harry.” He whispers the word, almost as if he’s afraid for anyone else to hear it. “I...who are you?” 
“I can’t tell you.” He watches her face fall, her expression going dismal. “But I want to.”
“You can tell me anything.” He moves closer, squeezing her fingers. “Talk to me, love.” 
“I can’t say it.” Her brows furrow in frustration. “It won’t come out, no matter how hard I try to say it.”
“Why is this happening to us?” He presses, moving his feet closer. “Why do you drown every single time? Why can’t I save you?”
“I don’t know.” She glances down, her cheeks losing their glow. “I wish that you could save me, Harry.”
“I’ll try harder this time.” He gulps, his throat tightening as tears threaten his eyes. “I’ll try harder to save you, I promise.”
“But you won’t save me.” She looks up, her own eyes glossed over with unshed tears. “It’s okay, Harry. It was meant to be this way.”
“No, I don’t believe it.” He shakes his head. “I can save you.”
She shakes her head, slowly backing away from him. 
“We have to go now.” She says softly, her feet carrying her towards the iced over lake. 
Harry notices a pair of skates dangling over her shoulders. 
“No, don’t go.” He reaches out for her, but she continues to move away. “Don’t leave me.”
“I have to.” She steps onto the ice, the soft cracking noises causing Harry’s eyes to grow wide with panic. “Save me, Harry.” 
And just like that, it’s all over.
November 2 Harry’s POV - Age 21 
Harry pushes the door to Paradise Records open, watching a few flakes of paint fall to the concrete stoop outside of his shop. He made a mental note to buy some paint to touch up the door before the holiday season started. 
He could feel the frustration creeping up his spine at the mere thought of Christmas, and it was times like these that he wished the world had sympathy for those who hated the holiday.  He hated to give into the global phenomenon, but it did bring in enough business and revenue to keep the shop afloat until the annual summer sale rolled around in June. 
He sipped at his bitter, black coffee, walking into the record store with a relieved sigh. This was truly his paradise where he escaped from the demons that haunted his mind. For a split second, he was finally at peace after the grueling nightmare he endured. That peace was quickly disturbed by the jingling of bells from the front door, causing Harry to frown as he turned on his heels. 
“Another beautiful day in paradise, eh boss!” Niall clapped his hand down on Harry’s shoulder on his way towards the checkout counter, causing Harry to bite back a whine of discomfort. “How are you today?”
There were knots in Harry’s shoulders causing him pain, and most of them were caused by the cheery Irish lad pushing behind the checkout counter.
“Good morning, Niall.” Harry turned towards the boy with a sarcastic smile. “Why are you always so bloody loud.”
 “You knew I was loud when ya’ hired me, I put it under my strengths on my job application.” Niall called out as he walked through the beaded curtain to the back office, whistling a tune that made Harry’s ears ache. 
“I didn’t know that you were a fucking foghorn, mate.” Harry hiked his leather bag higher up on his shoulder, fighting off a yawn as he followed slowly in Niall’s footsteps. 
“Did you have a long night?” Niall popped out from the beaded curtain, causing Harry to jump as he made it behind the counter. “You look exhausted.”
“Yeah, long night.” Harry grumbled, shutting the employee gate at the end of the counter. “You watch the front for a few hours, I’ve got some paperwork to catch up on.”
“Sure.” Niall nodded as Harry pushed through the curtain. “If you need anymore coffee, just let Mitch know. He’s stopping at Java Java before he comes in.”
Harry pulled out his phone, typing a quick text telling Mitch not to get Niall coffee. 
He didn’t need any more energy. 
He needed a proper nights rest.
Harry sat down at his desk, putting his coffee by his keyboard with a heavy sigh. 
There wasn’t enough espresso in the world to fix the aching in his head caused by the nightmare he had last night. In the sixteen years that he’d been having the recurring nightmare, he was never able to talk to her in the dream. He was still haunted by the beautiful sound of her voice when she spoke to him, but he was mostly haunted by the sound of her desperate pleas for help. But his feet were frozen solid to the ground as the man with ice blue hair held her under the water. He emerged from the cracks in the ice this time, pulling the girl under with him as she screamed for her life. Harry remembers screaming for her until his throat was sore, but when he woke up this morning, he felt fine. 
Harry brushed his palms over his face, inhaling sharply as he tried to push the image of her face from his mind. He didn’t need to spend the rest of his day thinking about her. He needed to get to work. There was a lot that he needed to do in preparation for Christmas. Every single year, parents and Uni students would come into Paradise Records and buy out his record players, and usually all of his Christmas albums. He’d already pre-ordered Christmas albums, but he needed to get in contact with the shipping company and the manufacturer to make sure they all arrived on time for the Christmas sale. 
“Hey boss,” Niall’s sudden shout made Harry flinch, muttering a curse under his breath at the Irish lad. “Gemma is here.”
“Tell her to come back.” Harry called back, reaching into his bag in search of his glasses with his left hand while he booted up his computer with his right hand. 
He hated wearing glasses, but Gemma bought them for him last Christmas when he opened the shop, insisting that they would improve the quality of his eyesight by blocking out the blue light in most devices. He did notice a slight difference in the quality of his vision after using them. 
“Look at you, a dapper young man in his glasses.” Gemma pushed Noah’s pram into Harry’s office, the toddler screeching out the second his eyes landed on his uncle. “Alright, young man, Mum isn’t superwoman. I can’t move that fast.”
“You have five seconds to hand me my nephew before I start screaming with him.” Harry teased, looking at Noah with a wide smile. “I’ve missed you, mate.”
“It’s been three days, not three months.” Gemma huffed out, unbuckling the straps on the pram until Noah was free of restraint. “Alright, you can stop your crying now dove, uncle knobhead is right here.” 
Harry scowled at his sister, leaning up to grab his nephew by the waist with ease.
“Harry.” Noah screeched, patting his palms against Harry’s cheeks. “Hi.”
“Hi, bubba.” Harry kissed over Noah’s face, causing him to giggle out as Gemma found a seat on the opposite side of Harry’s desk. “You know he’s not going to leave here without throwing a fit, right?”
“I know.” Gemma let out a breathy laugh laced with frustration. “Thanks for the reminder.”
“You’re welcome.” Harry settled Noah in his lap, resting his hand on Noah’s lap so that he could entertain himself by playing with the rings on his uncle’s fingers. “What brings you by?”
“I just wanted to talk to you about Christmas.” Gemma said softly, watching Harry’s face change from curious to furious in two seconds flat. “I know, you still don’t feel ready to celebrate after Mum and Dad, but I think we should start easing back into it. Noah is getting older, and we’ve got friends who-”
“I’ll do it for Noah, but I don’t want to celebrate with other people.” Harry interrupted. “I still don’t get how can you be okay with it, Gemma? They died because of some stupid Christmas tradition.”
“So are we supposed to hate pancakes now?” She tossed her hands up with an eye roll. “You drive a bloody car, don’t you? The pancakes didn’t kill them, Harry. Some reckless driver knocked into their car.”
“It’s not-”
“You’re being childish, Harry.” Gemma snapped at her younger brother, shaking her head. “Christmas isn’t the thing that killed Mum and Dad. I know that it sucks, having the anniversary of their death on your favorite holiday, but you have to deal with this. You can’t keep pushing it off like this.”
“I can, and I will.” He said, clearing his throat as his sister shook her head. “I don’t want to be happy without them on such a terrible day, Gemma.”
“I really think you should talk to someone about this.” She sighed, brushing her palms over her thighs. “I think it would do you some good to work out the issues you have surrounding this whole thing. I’ve been talking to someone since it happened, and it’s really helped me cope.”
“I don’t need help.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s fine, Gemma.”
“It’s not fine, and the fact that you don’t seem to realize that worries me the most.” She whispered. “You’re drowning in your own grief, and I can’t save you.”
Harry froze, his eyes snapping back to his sister. 
“What did you just say to me?” He asked her, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I said it’s like you’re drowning in your own grief.” She said slowly, tilting her head with narrowed eyes as Harry stared back at her like she’d stepped on his foot. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Because…..” He paused, licking over his bottom lip as he inhaled sharply, shaking his head. It was best not to mention the nightmares, or the girl. “Nothing.”
“There you go again.” She let out a bitter laugh, smacking her thighs. “You can’t keep everything bottled in forever, Harry.” 
But this, I should keep bottled in. 
“It seems to be working out alright.” Harry shrugged, searching for something to change the subject. “How are we on presents for little man this year? Did you get everything on your list?”
“Yeah, nearly.” Gemma mumbled, picking at a loose strand of thread on her scarf. “Niall has helped me get most of the shopping done when I’m at work. He’s truly a godsend, Harry. I’m so happy he lives close by, and that Noah loves him.”
Harry narrowed his eyes at his sister, previous suspicions about Niall and Gemma creeping back into his mind. He always knew there was something between the two, but he could never get a straight answer out of either of them on their feelings. Gemma swore that he was only a friend, and a good neighbor. Niall swore that he only hung around Gemma to hang out with Noah. Harry pressed his lips together, watching as Gemma’s cheeks turned pink, the soft color giving away their secrets in an instant. Normally, she was better at hiding it. 
“What?” She squeaked out, shifting in her chair.
“You slept with Niall, didn't you?” Harry said slowly, his eyes narrowing. “You finally bit the bullet and slept with him.”
“Harry, Noah is right there.” Gemma’s eyes grew wide. “Don’t say things like that in front of him!”
“Don’t be a hypocrite, Gemma! Who was watching Noah when you were getting it on with Niall of all people!” Harry asked, his brows lifting up towards his hairline. “Noah doesn’t know what that means, calm down.”
Gemma snapped her mouth shut, sinking in her chair. 
Harry wasn’t really mad, but he enjoyed teasing Gemma. 
Niall was a good guy. 
“My poor nephew.” Harry tutted, shaking his head before he pressed a kiss to the soft ginger hair on top of Noah’s head. “I’m so sorry, buddy. I’ll make sure to dock Niall’s pay to help out with the therapy you’re going to need when you’re older.” 
“Alright, we get it.” Gemma grumbled, crossing her arms with a frown. “I’m a terrible mother and a horrible sister.” 
“Hey.” Harry snapped, turning his attention back towards his sister with furrowed brows and a deep frown. “I never said that, and I never will. I’m only teasing you because you slept with fucking lucky charms out there, I’m not shaming you as a woman or a mother in anyway. You’re allowed to have fun, Gemma.”
“I know.” Her lips curved into a smile as her brother nodded, glancing at Noah as the toddler tried to pull off his Grateful Dead ring. It seemed to be his nephew’s favorite ring, and Harry couldn’t wait until Noah was old enough to wear it himself. “I’ve raised you well.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Harry rolled his eyes with a playful snort. “I just don’t want to hear about you and Niall’s sex life ever again, capiche?”
“Got it.” She nodded, trying not to smile. “He’s a really good guy, Harry, and I really like him a lot. I would also love it if he could spend Christmas with us.”
Realization dawned over Harry as he looked at his sister. 
So that’s what this is about. 
“You want him to spend Christmas with the three of us?” Harry asked. “Like, as a family?”
“We’re gonna ease Niall into it, but I think so.” She softly laughed. “Noah adores him, Harry, and quite frankly so do I.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, looking down at his nephew with hesitation. 
These two were all that he had left in the world, and bloody Niall was trying to take them away. 
But maybe she needed someone like Niall in her life to balance out all of the bad that loomed over her head. The Irishman was supportive, and positive no matter what situation he was in. He was loyal and kind to everyone he met, and he was honest, and genuinely the best at giving advice. Harry hated to admit it, but Niall was everything Harry used to be. He couldn’t be that positive influence that his sister and nephew needed anymore, but Niall could. 
So maybe he needed to let them move on. 
“Yeah.” Harry whispered. “I’ll think about it, okay?” 
“Okay.” Gemma smiled. “That’s all I’m asking.”
“I can’t believe-”
“Oh, actually-” Gemma held up her hand, interrupting Harry. “I am also asking that you won’t kill him when I leave.” 
“That’s asking a lot.” Harry blew out a breath, shaking his head. “I’m definitely allowed at least one punch, Gemma. My best mate slept with my sister, c’mon.”
“Please don’t punch him, he bruises like a peach.” Gemma groaned.
“How do you know that?” Harry’s brows lifted before they fell, a look of disgust washing over his face as Gemma pressed her lips together. “That’s fucking gross! I didn’t need to know that!”
“I’m sorry!” 
“Did you tell him?” Niall’s head poked into Harry’s office. “Did he call me his best mate a second ago?”
“I’m going to punch you.” Harry lifted his free hand, pointing at Niall. “You’re lucky I have Noah in my lap, mate.”
“But I bruise like a peach!” Niall looked at Gemma with wide eyes. “Did ya tell him, love?”
“I did.” She nodded, but she pursed her lips in defeat. “I can’t help you with this one, Ni.”
“Oh, for fucks sake.” Niall groaned. “I knew I should have taken those self defense classes with you Gem.”
Harry watched Niall sulk out of his office, Gemma glaring at Harry before she got up to follow her new loverboy. Harry rolled his eyes before glancing down to Noah. The toddler dropped his head back against Harry’s chest, lifting his uncle’s hand up to chew on one of his fingers with a sparkle in his eyes. 
“This is your fault, mate.” Harry said softly, not a stitch of malice in his voice. “I’m only agreeing to this because I love you more than anyone else in the world, and I expect you to change my nappies in return when I’m old, do you hear me?”
“Harry.” Noah gurgled out, a gummy smile melting Harry’s fake stern expression. “Harry, hi!”
“I love you.” Harry pressed soft kisses all over Noah’s face. “You’re my favorite human... even if you don’t have any teeth.”
November 3 Holland’s POV 
Holland felt like she was going to vomit as she walked through the halls of Santa’s workshop. 
As the elves watched her with judgmental, licorice colored eyes, her palms started to sweat, and her feet moved faster. Her father requested her for an urgent meeting, but Holland truly had no idea what it could be about. She hadn’t told anyone about her dreams, afraid that people would think she was crazy for having them. She was used to the dreams, but last night’s dream put her on edge. Something was different about the situation, and it wasn’t just the fact that she knew the boy’s name. 
For the first time since they started, she saw his face. 
She would admit without shame that she would die over and over again in her dream if it meant she could look at him. His hair was shoulder length and the strands curled up at the end. He had a beautiful set of candy pink lips that Holland wanted to taste with her own, and gorgeous jade eyes that were almost translucent. She spent most of her nightmare staring into them, trying to see into his soul as if it would help her find him. 
But it didn’t work. 
He was still just a stranger to her. 
A stranger named Harry.
As she approached her father’s office, she felt her palms become slicker than they were before as her heart pounded faster and faster in her chest. She reached down for the doorknob, turning it before she pushed the heavy wooden door open. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the three, ominous figures standing off to the side of her father’s desk. The vibe that they gave off sent shivers down her spine as the little hairs on her arm stuck up to warn her of danger. 
“Come in.” Her father ushered her in, and Holland’s feet followed the command without hesitation. “Holland, I would like for you to meet the Council of Elders.”
“Hello.” Holland offered them a small wave, her body shrinking nervously as they glared back at her. 
Their dark robes were just as creepy as the large, wooden walking sticks they carried. 
“Young child.” One of the men spoke up, holding his hand out to her. “Give me your hand.”
Holland looked towards her father, afraid to take a stranger’s hand. 
“Go on, Holland.” Her father said. “Do as they ask, my dear. I promise that they won’t hurt you.”
Holland moved closer to the man with jet black hair, sliding her fingers into his palm. 
A shock greeted her senses, causing her to gasp and jump. 
“It’s alright.” The man whispered. “Close your eyes, show me what you see.”
When Holland obeyed his order, Holland thought of the lake.
Her entire dream played out in her head, almost as if it were on a television screen instead of in her mind. The closer they got towards the end, the harder Holland gripped the man’s hand in her own. The end was the part that she hated the most, the part that tore her apart. 
“Holland, baby, please breathe for me.” Harry’s palms brushed over her cheeks, tears streaming down his own as he tried to bring her back to life. “I need you to wake up, Holland! I need you.”
The dream finished with Holland on the ice, Harry sobbing into her neck. 
He did know her name. 
“My, my, my.” The man spoke, tutting his tongue. “It seems that I was right after all.”
“Right about what?” Holland whispered, blinking her eyes rapidly in attempts to clear the tears from her vision. “How did you know about my nightmares?”
“Because I rule them, my dear.” The man spoke. “I’m Morpheus, the god of dreams.”
“Oh.” She whispered, still in shock. “You make those happen?”’
“Most dreams are of my creation, but not yours.” He said. “Your nightmare is crafted at the hand of someone else, a master manipulator that has conned his way into using someone else’s magic.” 
“Morpheus, I would like to know what in the sleigh bells is going on with my daughter-”
“Kristopher, this is not your place.” The shortest of the three men hissed, his chubby cheeks turning red. 
“Now, now…” The only woman spoke up, a sly smirk on her black painted lips. “Erotes, Kristopher is merely concerned for his offspring.”
“If he was concerned about her well being, Ma’at, he would not have split her from the boy-”
“Erotes.” Morpheus drawled out. “He could not have known about the boy.
“He should have known.” Erotes turned back to Holland, offering her a soft smile. “To be parted from the other half of one’s soul is a pain I would not wish on my worst enemies. I sincerely apologize on behalf of myself for letting you be away from him for so long.”
“I don’t understand.” Holland looked from Erotes to Morpheus, her brow furrowed. “What does-”
“Things have changed, haven’t they?” The man hummed out as if Holland were a specimen that he was examining in a lab instead of a girl. 
“He knows my name.” She whispered. “And I know his name.”
“And you didn’t know it before.” The man narrowed his dark eyes, staring at her with a curious grin. “How is that, little elf?”
“I don’t know.” She tried to pull her hand back, but the man kept her fingers in a tight hold. “I just...I had the first dream when I was five, and it’s always been the same up until last week. It was all the same until suddenly I saw his face, clearer than it’s ever been before. I said his name like I’d known it all along and then….when I was drowning I saw him for the first time.”
Holland cleared her throat as it started to tighten, trying to regain her voice.
“You saw who did it.” The man spoke. “You know who it is that is trying to kill you both?”
“I do.” She nodded, licking over her lips nervously. “It’s Jack Frost.”
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Kris spoke up from his desk, his chair scraping across the wooden floor as he stood up. “What does Frost have to do with this?”
“The boy that you exposed yourself to as Santa sixteen years ago on Christmas night is your daughter’s other half.” Erotes said. “They are two souls created from the same star, the brightest star, and their love for each other has been tainted by your ignorance. The moment you laid eyes on the boy, you should have contacted me.”
“He reminded me of Holland, but I didn’t...” Kris said. “He had that same glow that she has in her eyes, I remember that much about him.”
“Their souls were forged from the ash of the Christmas star.” Morpheus said. “Other than you and your son, these two are the last people on earth with true Christmas spirit and it is their job as children of the Christmas star to instill that spirit into the souls of everyone they meet.”
“Jack Frost wishes to kill them both to absorb that power for a different use, of course.” Ma’at spoke up, drawing Holland’s eyes from Morpheus. “In the wrong hands, their power can be used for evil things.”
“When Frost kills them both, he will kill Christmas.” Erotes tutted. “We wouldn’t want that to happen, Kringle. The humans wouldn’t know what to do without Christmas, it would be horrible.”
“So what do we do?” Holland looked at Morpheus, swallowing around the lump in her throat as he looked down at her. 
“We must keep an eye on Jack Frost.” Morpheus spoke. “And you must find your soulmate. He has suffered great tragedy, and his Christmas spirit is nearly gone. You must save him, and restore his power if you wish to properly fight for your lives.”
“Both souls must be pure in order for you to fight Jack Frost and his twisted magic.” Ma’at said. 
“You must go to him, Holland.” Erotes said. “You must be by your beloved.” 
“I don’t have any clue how to survive in the real world.” She shook her head. “And I don’t know where to find him, or how I would even begin to restore his Christmas spirit. I’ve never been trained on that kind of thing.” 
“Look at me, Holland.” Morpheus snapped. “I have faith in your ability to do this without failing, but my faith in you is nothing if you don’t believe in yourself. Let that be the lesson you learn during this mission of yours.”
“Without Christmas, the rest of us will cease to exist.” Ma’at said. “The entire world of magic relies on you.”
“I will take you to him in six days time.” Erotes said. “He is in London.”
She swallowed, clenching her fingers into fists at her side. 
“Alright.” She said softly. “What do I need to do to prepare myself?”
“There is a book you must read.” Morpheus said. “I will send it to you as soon as I return to my own realm. You need to practice your Christmas magic, little elf.”
When Holland blinked, the council of elders was gone without a trace.
She turned around to her Father with wide eyes, her mouth open in shock. 
“What in the sugar plum just happened?” 
November 7 Harry’s POV
Harry felt like he was one gust of winter wind away from falling over. 
The lack of sleep was starting to catch up to him as the days grew shorter and the nights colder. 
Fighting off sleep to avoid the violent dreams that plagued his mind at night wasn’t helping, because no matter how hard he tried to fight it off with caffeine, or cold showers, he ended up falling into the ominous forest in his mind where he would inevitably watch the girl die the same way that she always did. But the blue haired man was getting bolder, taunting Harry with icy smirks and snide remarks. Harry could never retaliate with his feet frozen solid to the forest ground however. His eyes were always glued to the girl with snow white hair as she cried his name out, his heart breaking in his chest as he accepted the cruel fate bestowed upon them. 
She was fighting so hard to stay alive, and it killed Harry knowing that it was never enough. He spent a lot of time trying to convince himself that it was just a nightmare, something that the darkest parts of his brain conjured up to punish him. But with each passing night that he stared into the girls eyes, he started to think that he was wrong about that. His brain didn’t conjure this dream up at all, it was real. It made him feel insane, of course, thinking that some recurring dream with two strangers in it wasn’t a dream at all, but a reality. But he couldn’t shake the feeling in the pit of his stomach that this was a premonition, not a figment of his imagination. 
That girl was real, and Harry cared for her. 
They weren’t just friends in the nightmares, they were lovers.
At this point, he was considering committing himself to an insane asylum so that he didn’t end up accidentally telling someone about these dreams. If he told anyone, they would surely look at him like he was loony, and he couldn’t really blame them. It was a weird situation, and he didn’t have anyone he could confide in. 
“Why do you look like you’re in pain?” Niall nudged Harry’s foot with his own, lifting his pint up to his lips as Harry snapped out of his thoughts. “You’ve been staring at the table for like, five solid minutes. Do you have heartburn or something?” 
“I don’t have heartburn, you prick.” Harry rolled his eyes, grabbing his own pint from the table before he tipped it back. “I’m still upset with you for sleeping with my sister.”
“Here it goes.” Mitch inhaled, trying not to laugh as he reached for his whiskey. “Styles, I don’t think talking about your sister’s sex life with your best mate, while your drunk, is a good idea.”
“Yeah, what Mitch said.” Niall shifted uncomfortable as Harry slapped on a fake scowl, sending it towards the blonde boy. “You’ve already threatened to punch me-”
“I’m still going to.” Harry said plainly. “Of all the women in the world, you had to pick my sister.”
“Mitchell, help me.” Niall whined, glancing over at the brunette with desperate eyes. “I don’t want to die tonight.”
“I don’t think that I can help you.” Mitch shrugged his shoulders, catching the wink Harry sent his way. “He might actually kill you.”
“I might.” Harry shrugged, sipping at his beer. “I might save it for a rainy day, who knows?”
“Jesus.” Niall scoffed, shaking his head. “I better call my Ma and tell her I love her then.”
“Niall, I’m kidding.” Harry laughed, shaking his head. “I’m happy for you both. I think you’re good for her, even if I hate to admit it.”
“Really?” Niall let out a sigh. “Because I really like her.” 
“I know that you do.” Harry nodded, sitting his pint glass on the table. “And I know that you love Noah just as much as you love her.”
“I really do.” Niall’s lips curved up in a secret smile. “They make me happy.” 
“And the end of the day, that’s all we can really ask for.” Harry shrugged his shoulders. "But I don't want to hear anymore about how you bruise like a peach or what you get up to in your spare time.” 
“That’s fair enough.” Niall nodded.
Harry lifted his pint glass, downing what was left before he stood up. 
“Where are you going?” Niall’s brows furrowed. “It’s still early!”
“I’ve got to open the shop tomorrow.” Harry reached for his jacket, sliding his arms in. “I don’t want to be late….or hungover.”
“I think you’ll already be hungover.” Mitch laughed. “I can open if you’d like me to, I don’t have any plans tomorrow.”
“Nah, you spend time working on those guitar skills, shredder.” Harry stuffed his hands in his pockets as he looked at Niall. “And you, treat my sister to breakfast or something you lowlife.”
“Will do.” Niall laughed, his cheeks turning pink. “We’ll drop something off for you with Noah?”
“I’d like that.” Harry mumbled, offering Niall a tight lipped smile. “Alright lads, you be good.”
“Same to you.” 
Harry waved at his friends before he made his way out of the pub. 
He walked towards the end of the street, looking both ways before he ran across. 
His building wasn’t far from the pub, but the wind whipping around made it feel like a twenty mile trek in the tundra. Harry was shivering by the time he made it into his building, his feet carrying him slowly through the lobby and towards the lift. He stepped in, using his elbow to press the button to his floor as his teeth started to chatter. The landlord was going to get an earful about the temperature inside the building tomorrow, Harry would make sure of it. 
He stepped off of the lift, fumbling his fingers around in his pocket until he made contact with his keys. He pulled them out, glancing down until he found the one that opened his flat. As he walked down the hall, his mind went back to the girl. He could almost smell her familiar scent in the air, berries and clove filling his senses with every step he took. He was sure one of the ladies that lived down his hall was burning a winter candle with the same scent. 
It was the only explanation. 
When he made it towards his door, he heard a soft gasp. 
He lifted his head up, his eyes growing wide as he saw the girl from his dreams standing right across the hall from his flat. She was staring at him, her pine colored eyes wide with disbelief and her berry red lips parted with shock. Her hair wasn’t as white as he remembered, more honey colored tones tied into the strands to compliment her skin. Harry stopped in his tracks, his heart slamming against his rib cage as she blinked rapidly, shaking her head as if she were trying to bring herself back into reality. 
Harry swallowed around the nerves in his throat as he took one step forward. 
Just as his foot landed on the ground, she fell to the floor. 
Harry felt like he lost all of the air in his lungs, vivid visions of her body falling through the ice playing through his mind. But this time, he could do something about it. He rushed forward, grabbing her arms with his palms to lift her up as her head lolled back. She was limp, her body heavy and warm in his hands. He was shocked by just how warm she was, her skin was usually ice cold by the time that he got to her. He felt the tears blurring his eyes as she lay there. 
“No, no.” He shook his head. “Get up!” 
Her eyes snapped open at that, the dark shade of green greeting Harry like a breath of fresh air. 
He was stone cold sober when he yanked her against his chest, holding her tight in his arms. 
“I can’t breathe.” She gasped out, her hands tapping his shoulders. “Harry?”
He pulled back, staring back into her eyes with pink cheeks. 
“How are you here?” He asked her, licking over his lips. 
“Um, I don’t really have an answer for any of it.” She cleared her throat, glancing away from his gaze with shy eyes. “I just kind of...ended up here?”
“Did you take a taxi or something?” He asked, confused when she laughed. “Do you live in London? Have you always lived in London?”
“To be honest with you, I think that I teleported here.” She said slowly, like she was unsure of the response he might have. “That might sound insane to you. I know you only ever see stuff like that in Dr. Who, but um, it’s kind of real?”
“You sound like a mad woman.” He whispered, his eyes flitting over the features of her face, taking it all in. “But for some reason, I believe you.”
“If you think that was mad, wait until we dive into the fun stuff.” She said softly, giving him a sympathetic smile. “I don’t really know what I’m doing here, if I’m being honest with you.”
Harry nodded, loosening his grip on her arms. 
“Do you have some place to stay?” He asked her. “Or do you plan on teleporting back to wherever you came from?”
“Um, that’s my flat.” She pointed to the door just next to them. “I’m staying there until...well, until I can go home.” 
Harry suddenly felt drunk again, his mind swirling with information as he let go of her. 
She sat up on her own, clearing her throat as she brushed her palms over her thighs. 
“I’m gonna get off of the floor now.” She said softly. “Is that okay?”
“Just promise me that you won’t faint again.” He felt his brows pull together in concern, panic flashing into his heart. “Please?”
“I will try not to.” Her laughter still sounded like bells. “Um, so, I know your name-”
“But I’ve never learned yours.” He finished for her, standing up before he offered his hands out to her. He pulled her up, pressing his hand against her hip when she stumbled. “Are you okay?”
“I’m good.” She offered him a smile, one that genuinely comforted him. “I’m Holland.” 
“Holland, baby, please breathe.” 
“I did know that.” He cleared his throat, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck as his cheeks grew warm. “I guess….I guess I forgot about that part of my dream.”
“Our dream.” She pressed her lips together, fighting off a smile. “I have the same one.”
“How do you know both of our dreams are the same?” He asked, a small smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. “Maybe mine is different from yours.”
“I think I die in each version of the dream, Harry.” She said softly, trying not to laugh when his face paled. “But, I’m here now, in the flesh!” 
“But you’re going to die.” He said slowly, anger rising in his chest. “That’s not funny.”
“No, I’m not going to die.” She was firm with her response, holding her chin up proudly as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I refuse to die like that, it just won’t do.”
“I don’t think you can control it.” Harry said, his voice bleeding with frustration and disbelief. “You are a mad woman.”
“I’m not.” Her berry lips pushed out into a pout, and Harry nearly dropped to his knees. “I’m very smart, and extremely sane, Harry. I just….I happen to know things that you don’t!”
“Things like teleportation?” He asked, his brows lifting towards his hairline. “You look different, did you know that?” 
“No.” She said. “Why do I look different?”
“Your hair is normally white.” He lifted his hand, grabbing a few strands gently. “And your skin is normally like the snow.”
“I suppose it would be weird if I walked around London looking like that, eh?” She asked. “I can’t exactly be myself in this world.” 
Harry knew what that was like. 
“I think you’ll be just fine.” He whispered. “You’re still beautiful.”
“Well, I should probably go inside.” Holland said softly. “I’m quite knackered from all of that teleporting and stuff.” 
Harry felt panic start to rise in his chest again. 
She was leaving him. 
What if something happened to her while he was just across the hall?
He would never forgive himself. 
“You’re…” He felt his palms get sweaty. “Are you sure you’ll be okay by yourself?”
“I’m sure.” She nodded. “I’ve done a lot of research on this place, so I think I’ve got the hang of everything.”
“This place, as in the complex or this place, as in earth?”
“This place as in London.” She snorted. “I’m from Earth, gumdrop. I just come from a very small, remote island near the arctic.”
“Are you really from earth?” He let out a breathy chuckle. “Because I could have sworn you fell from heaven.”
Harry watched her cheeks glow like they did in the beginning of his dream. 
“You’re cheeky.” She said softly. “I learned what that means by watching Skins. By the way, those children should all be on the naughty list, they’re horrid.”
Harry froze, watching Holland as she shook her head. 
“You still believe in Santa?” He asked her softly, as if he were afraid he would startle her. 
“Oh, yeah.” Her eyes grew wide, but she was quick to look away. “Who doesn’t?”
“Most of the world.” He cleared his throat. “Most of us don’t even like Christmas.”
“Gumdrop, by the time I’m through with you, I’ll have you singing Christmas Carols with Santa himself.” 
“If there’s one thing you should know about me, Holland-” His voice was low as he spoke, frustration bubbling in his chest.. “It’s that I will never love Christmas or anything that has to do with that bloody holiday.”
He pulled his hand back, turning on his heel before he slipped his key into the lock. 
He could feel Holland’s eyes on his back, but after the comment he made, he needed a little time to cool down. Sure, Holland was someone that he had dreamed of meeting for most of his life, but he didn’t really know her as a person. He drew the line at Christmas with anyone, and she was no exception to his strict rule. He pushed into his flat, shutting the door behind him with his foot. Seconds later, he dropped his head against the door with a heavy sigh. 
“Maybe this is another dream.” he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. “Wake up, Harry.” 
But when he opened his eyes, he was still standing in his apartment, and he could still smell the sweet scent of berry and clove. 
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meyeselph · 3 years
Gwenpool: Desperate Misanthrope's Confused Angst
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Ms. Pool woke up in a familiar room. Not in Krakoa - there are no mutants around. This isn’t a story about that. Look, honestly, without an actual Gwenpool series and the constant breaks in her comics appearance I can’t even begin to give a fuck. I cancelled my marvel universe subbie. I might get back to my stories but single issues are iffy. I read fast and don’t pore over the artwork. So I get 10 minutes of entertainment for….FIVE DOLLARS? When did this happen? Jeezus.
Who even reads comics anymore?
Anyway, long story short, Gwen got out of bed and recognized the room as her old one from the “old times.” The dark times. The ‘not running around in pink and white outfits and shooting people’ times. She panicked (Been there. It is what it is though). The only way out of trauma is through.
She dressed in old clothes, immediately hit by old smells, she couldn’t help but cry. Was it all a dream? Have I gone insane (again)? All the usual self doubts cropped up. I mean, really, if you think this kind of thing didn’t pass through her mind regularly why don’t you transport yourself to a comic book universe?
Oh, you can’t?
Oh. It isn’t actually possible for you and I’m stupid for suggesting it. So, yeah. If it actually happened and you kept that attitude then the logical assumption for a normie is a mental breakdown. Trick for Gwen, though, is it's probably always been both real and her being nuts.
So she goes downstairs to the kitchen to figure out why this is happening and Evil Gwen is having cereal. Let's say cocoa puffs. I’ve been thinking about those recently. You ever remember cereal as something worth cherishing. Not as just bullshit that TV convinced you to want? God damn, now I want Cookie Crisp. Cookie Crisp wasn’t even ever that good. Why do I want Cookie Crisp?
So also sitting around the table were the faceless versions of her father, mother, and her brother. Just chilling. No BD. Seen Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind?
Yes, I know that references aren’t jokes - fuck you, I’m painting a picture and I CAN’T PAINT, THAT’S WHY THIS ISN’T A COMIC. Fucks sake. Anyway. So, Gwen is so creeped out that she just sits her butt down by Evil Gwen as if she’s the comforting presence here.
Her name’s too long. Let’s call Evil Gwen uh…….Gren. You know, like Grendel from Beowulf. I haven’t actually read Beowulf and this is all a little confusing but I'm solving problems here. Writing this is harder for me than you would think so it’s best to keep things flowing off the cuff. That’s the Gwenpool™ style anyway, isn’t it? Are you laughing yet? IMPROV. “YES AND” MY SHIT, READER!
“So, you ever really look into the retconned past thing, hun?” Gren said, moving her tongue around her food. Being gross as an attempt to be properly evil. She swallowed before continuing. “This is all I could really put together on short notice but i’m pretty sure what the future people created, all that stuff to try and trick you, it was all bullshit.”
“What do you mean? Are you trying to convince me to go all psycho like you again?” Gwen asked, exasperated, realizing she was now back in the whole ‘fuck with Gwen to decide her fate’ song and dance routine from the end of her first arc.
“Nah, not really.” Gren said. A hammer appeared in her hands out of nowhere and Gren swung it into their fake father’s head, snapping his neck..
“DAD!” Gwen instinctively cried as she saw her father’s body slump to the floor. Gren slapped Gwen’s face. “That’s it,” Gren said, “this is what the trick was.This is a poorly created character in a fictional story. Meant to manipulate you into attaching your concept of “father” to it. Even his finished version in the original comics run wasn’t THAT well drawn. Your dad read like a boomer’s idea of a responsible parent. You were going through a mental crisis and struggling to find purpose in life and his genius idea was get a shitty low paying job and suck it up?”
Gren turned to their brother, pushed his face to the table and smashed the back of his skull. . “Brother dearest, too. Going right along with their victim blaming. He gaslighted you as if what you were going through was just you being ‘irresponsible.’ Bitch, people working a minimum wage job aren’t somehow not impoverished and miserable because they get some of that ‘honest work’ that folks keep badgering on about. Minimum wage work is occupied by many physically and mentally disabled people held hostage; they’re people society only pretends to care about. Then they turn it all into you acting like some world ending threat. No questions about what drove you to the edge in the first place. You are just ‘unstable,’ so you’re just a problem to be solved. They say, ‘Let’s all solve this girl being upset and on edge by ruining her concept of self, reality, and memory.’ Brilliant!”
Gwen barely processed this in horror. Gren then slit the poor facsimile of their mother’s throat while continuing to rant, “You see people die all the time, Gwen. Half of the time you are doing the killing. You do it because it’s in a story. In a story the NPCs don’t matter and, after all, your original schtick in the story was to be kill-crazy. The non-marketable characters can be replaced or retconned at the stroke of the artist’s pen.” Gren leans forward as she pulls a Gwenpool mask over Gwens face. “Then the writers convince you that you have some middle class milk toast family and you take abuse and subsume your emotional needs because the problem MUST be you. You aren’t ‘normal’ so you have to be fixed.”
Gwen wiped her eyes over the mask and sighed. A bit of fire filled her gut as she stared at Gren. “So fucking what? You want me to go on a killing spree and be a big time villain to get myself a nice, shiny permanent big bad status? That’s how I stay around right? Just build my legacy on bodies?”
Gren scoffed “You already lost that fight, girly. Where do you think we are? Because this ain’t Marvel Comics.”
Confused, Gwen blinked and tried reaching for the page margins, finding nothing. Wait….why was everything on this page so ill defined and undetailed? Wait? Why was the story in kinda wobbly third person past tense?
Gwen sighed “Oh. I’m in a fanfic. I guess the publishing fight is for another day eh?”
“My advice, personally,” Gren stated, “is that you consider the lobster.”
“Wait, what the fuck?”
Gren pulled aside the kitchen curtains revealing the face of a giant lobster, its claws tapping on the glass. The lobster muttering gutterally about personal responsibility.
“Because there’s a couple thousand giant lobsters outside that would like to claw you until you read their book.”
Scared of Girls
On the rooftop, Gren shoved a high powered rifle into Gwen’s hands while she handled the close range threats. So, this conversation they’re about to have is important. Sniping puts Gwen into a sort of zen space, so that’s a better task to keep her focused, after all.
“So, what? You wanted me to internalize that my “origin story” is bullshit? Okay, what does that accomplish, then?” Gwen asked in a bit of a deadpan. She was so tired today. Not really feeling her happy go lucky energy. More like a “happy go fucky” energy. It was hard to always be on a knife's edge. Still the rifle’s kick into her shoulder was satisfying as she blew through two of the creepy looking lobsters at once. “Also, why the lobsters?”
Gren considered this. “Okay, last question first, I had to experiment a lot and do a lot of research to construct this place for your learning and healing in fanfic form....These buddies are a failed experiment of mine that I repurposed because the fic needed more action. Isn’t that right, giant enemy crap?” As she peppers the nearest goon with a hail of shotgun pellets the entire throng of them burst out, sharply muttering about divine symbols.
“As for what I'm trying to teach you, it’s that you aren’t reaching your potential.” Gren grumpily huffed.
“Duh,” Gwen reloads, “I mean you just killed a mannequin version of the voice in my head that says that to me every day.” one of those crustaceans talks about feminine symbolism while she decides on her next target.
“Not like fake daddy’s ‘Be a responsible member of society by paying your taxes’ type of potential. I mean your creative and emotional potential.” Gren flipped off the slavering throng of monsters, noticing they were starting to keep their distance from the roof.
“I never did finish that fanfic idea I had.” Gwen mused.
“God, don’t mention that,” Gren thrusts a finger at Gwenpool. “Not that I don’t respect fanfic, but when comic book writers make you and Kamala squee about fanfiction to try and relate to “the kids” it comes across as so condescending.”
“Really? I mean…..I'm sure it’s meant as support for the concept?”
“Most fucking superhero comics are just legalized fanfiction! The people who created the characters are either long gone or working on someone else’s characters! They just think they are so much better because they got fucking paid. They can’t imagine themselves as on the same playing field as fanficcers even though most of them have the same level of connection to the roots of the work as anyone else.” Gren groused loudly as she seemed to pull Reed Richards out of nowhere.
Confused, Reed looked around until his eyes met Gwen’s.“Oh great, you again.” Reed groaned as he turned to survey the piles of lobster gibs while Gwen cheered the lobster forces’ retreat with a resounding “EDF, EDF!”. The scattered creatures skittered amongst the bland scenery. It looked like a suburban neighborhood but someone forgot to color in the sky….or write that the sky had color. A castle hung out in the distance breaking up the generic normalcy and lay cloaked in shadow despite being surrounded by an endless white void.
“And…..black….you?” Reed pointed to Gren, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I have an evil future self….well I stopped that future so it’s an….evil...alternate timeline self?” Gwen said with a nervous chuckle, abandoning the kill quest for the minute and rested her rifle on the roof.
“Ah. Yeah I’ve been down that road. It’s a rather common occurrence. Multiverse being what it is.” Reed laughed heartily while putting his hands on his hips.
“I’m not sure I’m evil, honestly,” Gren interjected. “I think I’m just really fucking grumpy and I’m slightly more gung-ho on the homicide. Considering Gwen’s already one of the more kill crazy characters on the roster it’s not that much of a distinction.” Gren flipped her cape. “My main distinction is I don’t like that meme from The Incredibles! You can just make it so the cape detaches automatically when it’s pulled hard enough!”
“You could still have it tangled up around your face.” Reed pointed out in his standard know-it-all fashion.
“Don’t make me go into fuck wife mode, stretch.” Gren spat. “Okay, anyway, so I brought him here to illustrate a point. Reed. Explain particle physics to me as a laymen.”
“Huh...i’m not sure why but okay. Particle physics (also known as high energy physics) is a branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation. Although the word particle can refer to various types of very small objects (e.g. protons, gas particles, or even household dust), particle physics usually investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles and the fundamental interactions necessary to explain their behaviour. In current understanding, these elementary particles are excitations of the quantum fields that also govern their interactions. The currently dominant theory explaining these fundamental particles and fields, along with their dynamics, is called the Standard Model. Thus, modern particle physics generally investigates the Standard Model and its various possible extensions, e.g. to the newest "known" particle, the Higgs boson, or even to the oldest known force field, gravity.” Reed rattled this off rather mechanically.
Gren then took out her phone and showed Gwen the Wikipedia article on “Particle Physics,” which is naturally the same words that Reed had regurgitated above, just without any formatting and, again, on a phone.
“Reed can’t be a genius in any subject unless he’s written by a genius in that subject. That’s how stories work. Everyone is limited by the understanding and capabilities of the writer. Same with your origin story and all the people you’ve interacted with. If you are as ‘meta’ as you think you are then you have to realize that you aren’t actually talking to people. You are talking to the writer. Dr. Strange didn’t rewrite your existence to be a part of the Marvel Universe. As far as most of Marvel continuity goes Dr. Strange was never there and doesn’t know or care about his MCU casting…..Hey Reed, buzz off please before the conversation pivots to why you haven’t cured all known diseases.”
Reed looked a little surprised but then pulled out a teleportation device (of course he has one) and blipped away with a shrug.
“How awkward is that going to be when he enters the MCU after Kamala is already introduced with a very similar power set?” Gwen chuckled.
“Keep up the way you’ve been going and you’ll never see it. I’m not exactly expecting a young blonde girl casting call for Deadpool 3 and that’s your best bet.” Gren snarked. Gwen winced with a sigh.
“I don’t get what I'm doing wrong. I have a fanbase comparable to some of the characters that have already shown up but I can’t even get comics written about me most of the time. An MCU push seems unlikely. They would literally have to deal with completely recontextualizing my powers and gimmick”
“Let’s ask her what you should do.” Gren motioned her way to the suddenly appearing long hair future Gwen, looming over them like The Attack of the 50 foot Woman for some reason. Dwarfing the roof they are on. Let’s call her BIGwen!
Gold Guns Girls
As BIGwen acclimated to her surroundings she stubbed her toe on a car, dramatically flipping it so that it took out a few more lobsters before caving in a nearby house. The lamentations about clean rooms soaring as the remaining couple dozen of them attempt to clean up some of the bodies of their fallen kin. The large and sort-of-in-charge Gwen hissed in pain and adjusted her boot. Getting her balance as best as possible she muttered curses that traveled rather well considering the lung capacity of a giant.
“You know,” Gren started, “I wasn’t expecting much from our previous uses of the ‘make her big for emphasis’ trick, but it really does only work as a vague ghostly background element. I didn’t just want it to be ‘oh, here's a third Gwen for the conversation, though. Would lack umph.”
“ Yeah, I get it, but staring at my own giant taint is unsettling.” Gwen muttered.
“I’d still, hit it.” Gren grinned, then immediately got punched in the arm. “OWWW! Look, I’m the evil one here and we’re in a fanfic. I’m allowed to make internet fetish jokes.”
“And I’m allowed to hit you for it.”.
“Dirty lampshading goody two shoes. Don’t act like half your fanbase isn’t thirsty. It’s “insert current year argument”, all art is sexy to someone.” Gren complained back,rubbing her arm before hopping off the roof. Gwen followed while listening as patiently as she could considering how many changes in topic her evil-caped self is going through to get to her point. “This chick is the reason you’ve been on the path of good girl. Some vague idea that in the future everything will work out for the best. HEY, DOWN HERE, BIG SHOW!” Gren waved at BIGwen and she looked down curiously.
“Yeah what??” BIGwen responded in a booming and agitated tone. Honestly, being in this fic made every version of Gwen a little grumpy.
“How’s she supposed to be a popular hero that makes it into the MCU and has a stable publication history?” Gren asked.
“Fuck if I know.” Came BIGwen’s response. “Have you tried growing your hair out?”
“Rub it in,” Gwen muttered under her breath, “I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of depressed now.” Gwen said as she sat on an abandoned car.
Gren hopped on the roof of the car, patting Gwen’s shoulder before squatting with enough force to flex the car’s shocks like a rocking chair just to amuse herself. “Future “good” Gwen wasn’t an actual plot point, it was a call to action to the fans to make fanfic like this and support the character outside of the actual Canon. Chris didn’t trust that Marvel would treat the character right. That, and your obsession with getting a new book, are both the writer’s attempt to turn a marketing tactic into fan engagement. If you want to be real then that makes the fans want you to be real even more, too.”
Gwen sighs heavily and leans her chin on one hand. “I mean...the time traveling through the life of an NPC fan complete with a Never Ending Story reference was a bit sappy even by the standard we sometimes set...damn it it really was just kind of a fan manipulation trick wasn’t it?”
BIGwen Sat down on the street next to them and crossed her legs. “Hey, little me. Don’t get too down. I mean it worked for the most part. You have a healthy cult following. Characters have survived on less and there are worse things to be known for then as a fan first character”
“But I have to fight for attention all the damn time, though. It’s so easy for Wade with his fucking meme bullshit. He even gets runoff enthusiasm from me. Jeff the land shark is all over Oldpool online” Gwen felt rather heavy and tired all of a sudden. Marvel editorial forcing a gun to your head is not a fun way to be.
“All that fight is hell on the fanbase too.” Gren sighed. “Advocating for shit, getting crumbs and being expected to accept it while Disney lavishes all the attention based on some bullshit numbers game. Even if you make it into the MCU will it be a Batroc style cameo with obligatory ‘killed off in case we don’t feel like paying the actor again later.’ Will it be an emotionally rounded character or an ambush bug style joke? The thing is. You're Not the one fighting and you never were.”
“The fuck do you mean?”
“This version of her doesn’t know?” BIGwen whimpered.
“You aren’t real, Gwen.”
Head Like a Haunted House
“No….we aren’t having this conversation. Fuck you fuck you i’m not a fucking Nihlist and i’m not going to do this right now.” Gwen said as she scrambled off of the car and pulled out some guns. BIGwen then picked her up off the ground.
“You need to hear this, Gwen,” BIGwen boomed. “The gimmick has run its course. It’s fucking with your canon. You’re never going to be a marketable character keeping up a half fourth-wall Kayfabe”
Gren climbed onto BIGwen’s Shoulders and perched over Gwen all menacing like. “You need to listen. I’ve been trying to ease you into this. Making things more meta slowly until you were ready but it was never going to be easy.”
One of Gwen’s guns was fired from it’s holster and pierced one of BIGwen’s fingers. BIGwen screamed and her grip loosened. Soon Gwen was on the move running up her arm and firing at Gren, who dodged like the nimble and cute badass she is. “Don’t do this Gwen. Just because it doesn’t matter to the comic version of you doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.”
“I’m a real person god damn it! I read the comics out there! I came in! That’s why I know shit I shouldn't know. That’s what I am! THAT’S ALL I AM!” Gwen shrieked as she pulled out a sword from hammer-space and decapitated BIGwen. Suddenly a mess of colored streamers and a pile of Mickey Mouse merch tumbled out. Look, I am busy right now. Gwen is still slashing at my ass. I'm not going to explain it.
For some reason now the remaining lobsters were helping Gren. For Gwen’s own good you understand. This is proof that I’m right for some reason.
Gwen pulled out a revolver, firing pumpkin sized holes in lobsters who were still wailing about self actualization. She fully planned on shoving a sword up her evil self’s ass and getting rid of this doppelganger shit for good. Which is total bullshit by the way. She totally just cut off Gren’s leg because what the fuck you mean I’m not real? I’m going to be real all over your corpse.
Gren didn’t really think that was even a good comeback and also thought you should probably say it instead of meta willing the smack talk into existence, otherwise this fanfic is going to read like trash. Also, Gren’s leg wasn’t actually cut off. In a puff of smoke it is revealed that the cut off leg is a log and her leg is fine. Gren is a ninja now, believe it.
Gwen proceeded to do a sick ass CQC judo throw on Gren and then grab her cape and wrap it around her face like Reed suggested. Callbacks for the win! Callbacks to Checkov’s gun ideas always lead to victory in fights! She then totally shot at her and such.
But the bullet was caught by the cape because the cape was a symbiote! That’s right Gren is also GRENOM!...boy that sounds stupid. Anywho, the cape was no longer around her face and the fight continued and Gren now ALSO had extra powers and special wizard-symbiote armor (that would only show up in the MCU version if Marvel finally got the Sony characters back). The meta powers work like shit in text but this would be really good in CGI or animation if Marvel wanted to adapt this fic and give the writer lots of money. Gren still has more experience with them, though, and Gwen can’t really just kill her way out of this fic so she has to just let the story play out.
…...eh?....oh Gwen’s crying. I love/am you girl but we gotta work on the crying. Fucks sake this is harder than I thought. I’m depressed now too. Well I'll try to get the writing back on track so you guys can see what is going on. Even the lobsters are minding their manners now. Chill vibes, guys.
“The marvel character page for Gwenpool says, and I quote:
Gwenpool arrived in the Marvel Universe from the “real world,” but has wasted no time in making the most of her time in her fictional universe. Using her knowledge of comics to her advantage, Gwenpool causes and solves problems for her fellow heroes.”
Gren drags a lobster corpse slowly toward Gwen and sits on its tail as she talks to her. Taking her time to really scrape the lobster against the ground, smearing the gore on the pavement. Not that it was heavy for her or anything. Totally still has that symbiote, which would make moving it easy. Totally wasn’t a detail added in the second revision of the fic slightly before the lobsters were added.
“The words “Real world” are in quotation marks in that wiki. Real people don’t make it into comics because fiction isn’t real. Half of your versions barely make use of the ‘real person’ gimmick because it’s too meta by half and not every writer wants to waste time justifying it. So they just treat it like Deadpool’s medium awareness. Which it mostly is.”
“I really am just a fucking rip off distaff character.” Gwen moans. “Just a Gwen combined with a Pool. I’m worse than the Batman who laughs. I never mattered because I was never real”
“Fuck don’t say that. You were made with love and care by a team of creators who took a weird offshoot idea and built out a compelling metafiction idea and a likeable protagonist off of it. They just didn’t have the time and foresight to go far enough.” Gren sighed.
“Far enough?” Gwen sniffed as she was pulled up to her feet and dragged toward one of the big castles. As they walked Gren kicked along a Mickey Mouse doll that had rolled out of BIGwen’s severed head. Every time it bounced it cheerfully said ‘hahah. I love you!’
“Too much haha, not enough trauma. You’re not just a joke character.” Gren said as she kicked the Mickey doll into the big front door of the castle. The shadowy thing of course lighting up and being all fantasy and shit as the door opened.
“Well I did end both of my comic runs pretty mopey.”
“Damn right you did. When the jokes run thin they run to your real bread and butter. You’re an empathy machine.” As Gren shoves Gwen through the gate they are swallowed up in the castle, going dark again. “Let’s getcha sad clown on.”
Never there
“See, what evil me should have been telling you about in the original run is how to find meaning and purpose when technically nothing means anything. Comic book characters live in a world without real death and suffering. It’s all a puppet show version of real pain and real emotion meant to bring that out of an audience.” Gren opined as they walked through a black void to a couch floating in a nothing area lit only by the static of an old TV.
“Can we turn on a light?” Gwen asked as she sat on the couch. Gren sat on another recliner that suddenly appeared and put her feet up.
“Fuck off. Ambiance is a thing. We aren’t having a ‘lights on with something fun on the TV’ conversation. So look, I am not really ‘evil gwen.’ I’m half an author insert and half a plot device. If we are talking about the reality of the story you are basically talking to yourself. I am speaking about the things you don’t want to admit to yourself. You know, you’ve seen this kind of story sorta... right?” Gren picked up the remote and frustratedly changed channels between a bunch of vaguely illustrative footage on the TV, not finding anything that worked. A lot of black and white footage of trains for some reason. Just what comes to mind when I think of documentary footage? Weird.
“I am not sure how to illustrate this shit visually and this is a text story anyway so I would have to explain the illustration,” Gren griped.
“I basically get it. It’s not that uncommon a trope.” Gwen nodded.
“Because of the level of meta we are on right now we have to really acknowledge that you are basically an author insert, too. I mean, to a certain extent every version of you is more the writer that is working with your character at the time than a set character.” Gren said as she settled on a visual of Gwen being pushed out the window by her own narration text in the original comic run. When all else fails, resort to footage from the last story. That way people can look it up online!
“Right here is where the character crystallized in the mind of the author of the current fic we are in. A vague suicide metaphor wrapped up in the flavor of self destructive escapism. Your parents in the story thought it was a suicide attempt on at least some level. This is serious business. Not just a girl who doesn’t like work and can’t finish her fanfic. In this comic you are built on this understanding. The writer of this fic has ADHD and autism. So his version of you more or less has it, too. Writers bring themselves with them into their work.”
Gwen nods and takes a deep breath. “I….I can feel it. Like the world is closing around you. You aren’t built for anything that anyone wants from you. The one thing you really believe in, the one thing that really defines you, the stories in your head…..it’s just not enough.
You can’t trust you’ll ever make it with writing because you can barely write. You barely have the energy to do anything but wish that you weren’t you. What if someone actually listened? Actually believed in you and whisked you away somewhere else where the world would fit your needs? What if you were someplace you could be someone else, someone strong and confident?”
“Yeah. Like a funny anti hero in a comic for instance.” Gren nodded. “But the original comics sort of left the theme on the table. They were captured by the misconception of Gwen as the problem and not a person who needed help. All that desperation that real fans of the character might feel just bundled up into love for this character that really ‘gets’ them but Marvel doesn’t ‘get’ the character. They won't use her. They won’t go past vaguely gesturing at her mental issues and moving on. They saved the angst for Wandavision.” Gren scoffs.
“I mean the show was okay but they literally have a character built entirely on the theme of escapism and trauma. One that’s custom built for mind-screw visuals and reality bending plots and they think she’s just a lazy fangirl who really likes guns that they can sit beside Deadpool sometimes and stick in the X-Men’s bloated background character roster when they don’t need her.”
Gren leads Gwen off the couch and deeper into the void where a door to a bedroom waits. A room like her own, absolutely slopping over with old toys of comic book characters. An unclean messy space in a run-down house that smells faintly of cigarette smoke. Huddled in bed, reading an 80s era X-men comic with a flashlight, is a 12 year old Gwen.
“This is never going to be canon but this is the version of Gwen in this fic. She can’t stop crying at school. Things that shouldn’t be hard are so hard and she can’t explain why. Everyone says she’s making excuses. Meanwhile her mother is fucked out of her mind on pain killers and her step father killed himself last year ‘cleaning his gun’ while drunk. You know exactly what is on her mind right now?” Gren says as she gestures at the girl.
“I wish the superheroes would save me from this.”
“They won’t. They can’t. They were never meant to.” Gren Slams the door loudly on the scene.
“That is the emotional core of Gwenpool in this fic. The desperation that so many of the fans down here in the fucking muck of the real world feel. Poor and emotionally unfulfilled. Confused and vulnerable. If Disney and Marvel gave two fucking shits about people like that they wouldn’t waste as many stories as they do. They wouldn’t just use untold wealth to make expensive escapist stories with the military. Their gestures toward progressive ideas that they occasionally make in their stories would be THE ENTIRE POINT of their stories and the actual thing they used that money for instead of lobbying the government to keep Mickey Mouse out of the public domain.
“Disney has the power yet they save a fucking miniscule fraction of who they could. Saving people doesn’t make money.”
When I Get To The Green Building
Gren stormed through the void. The scene disintegrated around her as Gwen followed. Both now in a bit of a sour mood but with newfound determination.
“Come to think of it. Why is the fucking Hulk getting to fight for social justice in the comics? Why are they making a gay alternate universe Captain America? Why are they grasping at straws so hard to find characters that get to advocate and I am just sitting on a fucking island being grumpy?” Gwen groused. “I’m pretty sure I’m pansexual….at least in this fic. I could advocate for a bunch of shit at once.”
“You have a youth fanbase, a unique story and you technically aren’t an alternate universe version of fucking anything no matter how many people still think you are a Stacey. They made a fucking ‘for the fans’ character and then neglected it. Presumably because some fucking money making metric didn’t pan out despite the comics just being an MCU test kitchen and IP farm anyway.”
“You’re a fucking check mark on a ledger. I don’t even know if anyone technically created Gwenpool as a whole and Disney/Marvel can give the character to whoever they want to do whatever they want completely separate from what the fanbase wants and needs because she isn’t established. The IP landlords have spoken. The fans haven’t risen to enough ‘buy my merch’ calls to action to invest more resources. So tease endlessly until that changes.”
“Gah. Now I'm actually as pissed as you are.” Gwen said as she started fiddling with her guns. “Who do I kill?”
“We can’t do shit. You’re not even a character at this point. You are a meme for an underused character.” Gren smirked all evil like. “See but that’s it. You aren’t just a meme. You’re a MEME.”
“Uhm...I don't follow.”
“Like the concept of Justice. Gwenpool is an idea. Defined entirely by how people who engage with the idea choose to engage with it. The IP law means Disney owns Gwenpool but they don’t own how Gwenpool is perceived. Just like we as a people decide what justice is through popular consent we also decide what Gwenpool is. You see they made a character for the fans…..in my opinion that means the fans can do as they like with it even if it makes Disney uncomfortable.”
“I mean they can’t even stop porn of their characters just because of the sheer volume of the problem. I suppose people could do whatever.” Gwen nodded.
“Exactly. So the fans should just fucking Occupy Gwenpool!” Gren said as she flipped her cape dramatically with a mad smile on her face. That’s right. She was Dirtbag Leftist Gwen all along!
“Squat on that IP. Make Gwenpool a mental health advocate. Make her an LGBTQ activist. Make her fight for social and financial justice so hard that Bruce Banner looks like a poser. Make her talk shit about politicians who put their career ahead of the people. Do all the shit that makes the comicsgate crowd sad. Keep politics in our stories! Rally around that pink and white ass so hard they have to notice and then tie it all to the fact that Disney has great power and with great power they take no responsibility for how shitty the world is.”
“ If they are going to fuck Gwenpool fans they gotta learn Gwenpool fans fuck back. We have already proven we can make all kinds of cool shit. Let’s get serious and make more, harder, faster! Get a hashtag or some shit. They can't DMCA all of us! GWEN IS OURS WE JUST HAVE TO REACH OUT AND TAKE IT. Then they either respect the character and her fans or they just hit a PR disaster.”
“Marvel/Disney neglects fan focused cult character themed protest movements. Proves they are only progressive when it makes them money. They’re so worried about Mickey ending up in the public domain? We’re the public domain! After our entire lives stannin their characters and buyin their merch building them from an animation house into a juggernaut they are just another weight on top of the boot on our necks. They have to take responsibility!” At this point Gren is pretty much ranting maniacally and neglecting the actual writing of the story so this is Gwen taking over to wrap up.
Guys I may not be ‘the real Gwen’ but really, isn’t the version of Gwen that actually came from the real world all of us? Isn’t Gwenpool really the Gwens we made along the way? We could easily bring a little heroism and chaos to the real world (at least to the internet) if we really tried. Put the fear of God into some IP landlords and fight for some cool people that society is screwing over, too.
Prove that even in the fandom abyss people aren’t as powerless as they seem. Use that internet comic fan mobbing for something besides giving Zack more money. Disney is gearing up for their next IP fight for Mickey in 2024. Seems like a fine time for IP themed protests. For now we just need to spread the word that our needs are more important than their profits.
It’s been real. It’s been long. It’s been a real long time coming…..
But I finally finished my fanfic.
See ya, true believers.
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