#emmy is a character i can think about all the time
impofthegasstation · 2 months
thoughts about Emmy? :3
emmy. ohemmy/ i have too many thoughts about her i love her so much. i want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her violently
i drew her on a bit of tissue and shoved it into my wallet today. as emotional support . that's somethinhg- she was also the character which got me to cry at the end of al.... ohhg emmy
did i talk about her and luke's friendship in my luke ask?? i dont remembe ri don't think i did but holy fuck ing fuck it's my absolute favourite friendship probably, i love sibling relationships and they're. theyre siblings it's canon i don't accept any other answers. i love the rivalry between them, it;s really fun but also emmy is just. so obviously caring at the same time.... she cares about everyone al lot she's so ful of love and affection it drives me crazy my friend my friend emmy emmy emmy altava ughfdgrehiikhqorbgof Emmy.
she's strong . i like strong women. i think the time she kicked a man in his balls is awesome also just. her immediately going for the black raven and layton going "emmy no!" is really funny. extra funny to me once you realise the black raven is just several children
the entire. betrayal thing is. it's so fucking. Emmy i want to shake uou violently oh gmy god She didn't even . I can't fucking word it ji jsut want to shake her Violently make her real level5 i need to shake her. seeing the fuckin. Conflict in her eyes :( oughhhhhgouhgghhg
what else am i able to word uh. she likes irn bru that's something. i like two headcanons for her, the obvious lesbian emmy hc and the maybe less obvious aroace emmy hc.. i like making every characert aroace it;s fun. aroace lesbian emmy woohooo! yay. emmy. i jsut need to shake her violently and also be her friend . emmy is mu friend......
this is nonsense probably sorry abuout that
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talaok · 9 months
An idea for pedro and reader
They are in a relationship and live together. The reader is also an actress. She asks pedro to practice her lines with her. In the play, she is having a really long line, breaking up with the person ans leaving them... pedro can't continue... at night in bed they are cuddling and pedro talks about how he hated the feeling or the thought of the reader ever leaving
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: ahh this is amazing how do you come up with stuff like this
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"I know that face," he said, busting you immediately as you emerged from the bedroom.
He was sat on the couch, lazily half-reading something on his phone.
"what is it sweetheart?" he asked, as with a soft click, his phone went black
You bit back a smile "How do you know there is something?"
"Because you're very easy to read" he explained "Now tell me what you need"
"Excuse me? I'm not easy to read" you gasped
"No?" he asked rhetorically "Then what's up with the script in your hand?"
You glanced down at the papers between your fingers, feeling a soft veil of defeat land on top of you.
"Fine" you gave up, "Can you help with a scene?"
It wasn't unusual for you to run lines with each other, god only knows how many times he made you go through that scene from The Last of Us...
"of course" he nodded "What's it about?"
"Break up scene," you told him as you joined him on the sofa "I just feel like I'm missing something" 
"well I don't know" you laughed "That's why you're here"
"All right," he said, as you handed him the script.
"You just have to read the ones not underlined" you pointed to the paper
"Can do" he smiled, watching as you stood from the couch and ran your hands soothingly down your jeans.
"ok" you breathed closing your eyes for a moment to get in character.
Pedro took it as his cue to start
"baby I love you" he murmured as written.
"And I-" you stopped, your forehead creasing as if your next words physically pained you "I... I don't know if I do anymore" you spoke "I don't think so"
"what are you saying?" Pedro read again, his tone more clipped now, but you were too focused on your performance to notice the way his eyes had changed, had... saddened.
"I'm saying I don't feel that spark anymore, that-that I miss walking faster when I come home because I know that's where you are, that I can't remember the last time my heart swelled like it did on our first date"
Three long beats passed, before Pedro realized that was his cue
Something was happening inside of him.
He knew this all was fake, but a part of him couldn't help but wander on its own... sure it's just a scene now, but it's so real, people fall out of love constantly, and you- well, Pedro realized for an interminable, terrifying moment, that you weren't immune to it, that what was happening to Jeff in this scene could very well happen to him any day now.
He had always known he didn't deserve you, that you were too much, too perfect, too good, too kind to be with him.
And for the first time in a while, a dreaded thought crossed his mind.
What happens when she realizes it?
"Rose" he called, pulling himself out of his own thoughts
"I know" you sniffled, your eyes filled with tears now "I'm sorry jeff-I really am- I don't know what happened, I don't know what's wrong with me, I just know... I just know I don't love you anymore... I can't bring myself to anymore"
And that was it.
Pedro had to glance out the window to take his mind off of whatever was happening.
"It's perfect" he said, after taking a lungful of air "There's nothing missing sweetheart, you nailed it"
"but" you stuttered "the scene is not done baby, there's still-"
"I know" he shook his head, closing the script.
He didn't want that thing in his hands anymore
"But trust me it's perfect, you don't need any more practice"
"a-are you sure?" you asked, wiping away a leftover tear  
"I am" he nodded "don't worry, you were incredible" he forced a smile "as always"
You grinned now "Oh well, if the Emmy nominee says so..." you considered, sitting back next to him "I guess I'm gonna have to believe you"
__ __ __
the rhythmic thumps of his heartbeat were the only sound you could hear from your place on the bed.
You were curled up against him, your head on his chest, and his fingers playing with your hair as his ability to emanate warmth better than any thermostat ever could, proved itself once again even on such a cold winter night.
"You've been quiet today" you finally spoke the thought that had been eating at you for hours.
He really had been.
When he didn't answer, you looked up at him, stopping drawing circles on his belly.
"Is something wrong?" you asked, wishing you could have had a clearer image of his face than the one the soft streetlamp from outside the window granted.
"No sweetheart, nothing's wrong," he said... but there was something in his tone that felt off.
You propped yourself up on your elbows to meet his gaze.
"You know, I'm not the only one who's easy to read..." you murmured gently, as your right hand went to stroke his pecs soothingly "You can tell me whatever it is, you know?"
A beat passed, and then two, as silence spread around the darkness of the room
"I know baby, it's just" he sighed "it's stupid"
"I'm sure it's not" you reassured him "and it's not like I haven't told you my fair share of stupid things" 
He let out a weak chuckle.
"c'mon" you urged sweetly
He looked at you for a moment, before finally making up his mind.
"it's just- " he breathed "the scene you wanted my help with..."
"what about it?" you asked, after he didn't finish the sentence.
"I-It made me think"
Oh shit, your heart faltered, was he about to break up with you?
"That that could happen in real life too, you know?" he swallowed thickly "that one day you could stop loving me"
"and the thought of you leaving... of- of not having you by my side anymore... it just- I wouldn't know how to do it"
"Baby" you whispered, "what are you talking about?" 
"you're too good for me y/n, and I guess I'm just scared that one day you'll realize it and just... leave"
"stop" You placed a hand on his lips to silence his nonsense "Baby, that was just a scene from a play"
"Yeah but stuff like that happens"
"well not to us" you promised "You're stuck with me forever, pretty boy, whether you want it or not"
"no" you stopped him "no but. Pedro I love you" you breathed "I love you so much it actually hurts sometimes. So no, I'm not leaving"
You could now hear his heartbeat even if your ear wasn't placed above it anymore.
he looked at you, really looked at you, and slowly you watched the doubts melt from his irids.
"thank you" he said simply, leaning closer to you "and baby…I love you more"
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/15/2024 Crew Recap
Hey all, today has been a very very very long day. I’m typing this with my eyeballs glazed over and half open. However, so much has happened in such a little amount of time I wanted share a few things before I pass out I know a lot of you are in different timezones, are busy with life, and taking a break, so maybe this will help with parsing through some of the crazy stuff the crew has been up to.
The petition hit 50K, and is at 52.5K at the moment
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Fundraisers: I didn’t even realize there were two different fundraisers for Palestine/Gaza going on but we blew both out of the water. (Note: the second picture is from a November campaign but I think its just as important to highlight— ty for the correction anon!)
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The Emmys hashtag turn out was great tonight. There was some pretty amazing and creative stuff going on across all the platforms. Some can be seen on IG, but if you wanna see the majority of it, check out twitter #SaveOFMD #75thEmmys
---We have new ways of protesting and advocating for our show, see here for the thread on tumblr (from twitter):---
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And to support that @saltpepperbeard was kind enough to put together a wonderful guide on how to Call It Through as a Crew: Alleviating Some Phone Anxiety which as someone who is socially anxious and sometimes verbally vomits on people when on the phone, is AMAZING and thank you so much for doing that to help.
-- > There is also this new thread on some new places to call into. Don't quote me on that being an official thing we should do, I'm sure @renewasacrew and others will have more in the AM, I just wanted to share it so people could follow if they wanted to.
New Articles!
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Our Flag Means Death: Here’s why season three deserves to be aired
Petition to save BBC show with rare Rotten Tomatoes score gets 50,000 signatures
There's so much more that's happened today-- but I can't write it all down because my brain is couscous.
<---So instead, I'm going to use this last part to gush over you all and your amazing contributions in all your unique ways. The community support the last few days has been SO INCREDIBLY UPLIFTING.-->
I saw (and experienced) people reblogging asks where random followers, anons, and mutuals just reached out and sent love because they could tell people were struggling.
I've seen comments all over the place on Tumblr, IG, Twitter, and Facebook where each and every person is encouraging each other to speak their mind, or complimenting their artwork, encouraging them if they were feeling uncomfortable with things outside their comfort zones, coming up with new and exciting ways to fight back, people reaching out to the cast/crew just to say hi and remind them we love them.
I've seen Self-Care checkpoints all over, reminding people to drink water, take a break, block your notifications for a while, not engaging in negative behavior.
I've seen people being so nice on instagram posts that the people who were being dicks about all our comments turned around and decided to watch OFMD!
I saw so many people doing new analysis of scenes and characters, and having really deep and friendly discussions that make everyone think in new ways.
I saw people digging through old tumblrs to bring life back to old posts and artwork.
I saw so much NEW artwork, new FICS! New GIFS! So much new art and love!
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I could literally go on and on, but I've just...I had to dump this out of my brain otherwise I'd explode. I've just seen so much today that continues to make me so proud of our little safe space ship and so happy to be apart of this community.
You all continue to be the best of the best of humans, and I am so very grateful to get to witness and be apart of it. Rest up lovelies and have a good day / night, wherever you may be. May you dream of sexy middle-aged gay men kissing, or hugging, or whatever else you want them to be getting into.
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Co-Stars pt.8
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: A bad joke is made about Y/n and Callum won't stand for it.
Warning: Joe Koy/ Swearing/ use of Y/n/ mention of being naked
Word count: 1.1k
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Yn's outfit:
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Award season was going well, she won an Emmy and now she was nominated for a Golden Globes for Best Performance by a Female Action in a Drama series. Unlike the Emmy’s, she was now nominated as if she was a main character, and it was amazing. The cast walked on the red carpet, again, getting yelled at by photographers. ‘’Good luck tonight, Y/n, I hope you win!’’ one yelled. It made the woman smile. ‘’Boys how does it feel to work with this amazing woman’’ without saying a word, they all start to kneel, to pay their respect to her. ‘’Oh my god’’ Y/n laughs. She takes a pose for the photographers and the boys get up. ‘’I love you guys’’ she says to her co-stars.
They didn’t know who the presenter was, so Y/n had to google him, but at the same time, Florence Pugh came to the table and asked for a photo with her. Her phone was towards the camera, her google research was exposed. But the ceremony started, Y/n was nervous, she was against really good actress, like Emma Stone and Bella Ramsey. ‘’Now Master of the Air was amazing! But I didn’t get why each time we saw Y/n on screen, we saw her naked, I mean, was the only purpose of her character, being naked? You’re playing in a series about WW2, not Sex Education’’ that was supposed to be a joke, but no one laughed. Y/n was looking at the presenter with a death stare before taking a sip of his drink. Joe nervously laughed. ‘’Sorry about that’’ he continued his speech but when he ‘apologized’ the camera went on Y/n and Callum. ‘’You better be sorry, asshole’’ Callum mumbled. He hid his mouth when he insulted him, but he didn’t understand why he thought making this joke was supposed to be fun. ‘’He clearly didn’t watch the hole show’’ Austin said to Y/n, which made her smile.
‘’And the winner is…’’ her heart was going to burst out of her chest. ‘’Y/n Y/l/n for her role in Master of the Air’’ She got up her chair, kissed Callum, hugged Austin and Antony, took off her shoes and made her way to the stage. She hugged Meryl Streep, she was presenting the award, when Y/n got to Joe, she didn’t hug him. She took the statue and came closer to the mic. ‘’Oh my god, wow, thank you so much. That’s amazing!’’ her voice cracked from the emotions. The crowd cheered for her. ‘’This series means so much to me, my wonderful co-stars, I love you so much. I don’t want to say the same thing as my other speech, because I did more than being naked in every scene, so I won awards, and people actually know who I am.’’ The crowd laughed at the comeback for the woman. Joe faked laugh and looked at the ground. ‘’To all the people out there, that are scared to pursue their dreams, don’t give up. You can do it, dreams come true! I got men kneeling for me, I won awards, and I got made fun of on national television! Thank you and good night!’’ she said, making the crowd laugh again. Callum was so proud of his girl; she stood up for herself and she did it the funniest way possible.
‘’The Golden Globe for the best drama Television Series goes to…’’ Drew Barrymore opened the envelope, the cast all held hands, silently praying. ‘’Master of the Air!’’ she exclaimed, stomping around in excitement. The cast got up, followed by Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Gary Goetzman. When they all got on stage, the trophy was handed to Gary. Callum and Y/n held hands; it was special to be on stage together. ‘’Wow! Thank you so much, this is amazing! This T.V show is, I think, really important to understand history and its darker parts. I’m going to stop talking or I’ll take all the time’’ Gary laughed. The mic was given to Tom Hanks. ‘’Like Gary said, this series is the third, we did Band of Brothers and The Pacific, but Master of the Air is the last and to see it getting so much recognition fills my heart with joy’’ he said, tears in his eyes. Steven stepped forward to talk. ‘’Thank you to everyone that made this project happen, to our beautiful cast, thank you for accepting to follow our crazy idea, love you all’’ he blew kiss to us. Austin stepped forward. ‘’Thank you so much. This type of series, uh, I think, needs to be done so the next generation can understand what really went down. Thank you so much!’’ Y/n smiled; Callum stepped forward. ‘’And finally, thank you to everyone that really watched the show and saw that Y/n wasn’t always naked!’’ that made the cast laugh. A Y/n face palmed, but she was happy to see that the joke wasn’t forgotten and that the guys didn’t like it. ‘’Yeah! Y/n is amazing!’’ Barry quickly said. The woman laughed as they all left stage. Backstage, they all hugged, even the directors joined in. ‘’I’m so proud of all of you.’’ Tom Hanks said.
‘’So, Y/n, a picture came out, can you explain what you were googling’’ the journalist asked, making the woman laugh. ‘’Uh, I didn’t know who Joe Koy was, so I looked him up’’ she simply said. ‘’About the joke he made, your co-stars became protective, what does it mean for you?’’ she was tired of this question, each interview station, they asked that question. ‘’Personally, I thought it was low, I mean, it wasn’t the fact that she was naked that made her win an Emmy and a Golden Globe, so yeah. But I think he learned his lesson’’ Callum answered. Y/n smiled and leaned her head against him. ‘’Thank you, good night’’ the journalist said. They could finally leave this place. Y/n has her statue in her hand, it was really beautiful. ‘’It’s going to fit perfectly beside my Emmy award’’ she said in the limousine. Making her co-star giggle. ‘’Like we told you before, we got your back, we weren’t going to let him disrespect you like that’’ Anthony said. Y/n thanked him as they made their way to the after party.
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garoujo · 2 years
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➤ seven minutes in heaven series masterlist.
NEW MESSAGE @WARNINGS : f! reader, college!au, frat party / exhibitonism, aged up!characters, jock / quarterback!itadori, he is the sweetest best boy, alcohol mention, gojo cameo, cream pies, pussy drunk yuuji, unprotected sex, pussy eating, minor marking.
(1) ATTACHMENT @WC : est. 5.5k
NEW MESSAGE FROM EMMIE @GAROUJO : hello ! ! it’s been a week or two since the last update for this series but i was feeling v unmotivated — but ‘ts back n i hope u enjoy this <3
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“pssst—so you’re coming, right?”
the sudden interruption to your note taking makes you jump slightly, raising your head to lock eyes with itadori who is so obviously turned round in his seat to lean across your desk, and you can tell by the stupidly cute pout on his lips that he thinks he’s being quiet.
“coming where?” you hum, you know he’s talking about the frat party on friday — it’s all anybody had been talking about all week. your college football team have a game on friday that you know they’ll win and then the whole school will celebrate at the frat, it was tradition at this point.
but you still feign ignorance because you haven’t had enough time to come up with an excuse to not go yet.
“to the party! you’ll come right, please? it’s not fun if you’re not there, you said you’d cheer for me at the game too.” yuuji replies, enthusiastically and the whispers that he seems to think are leaving his lips are only growing louder with each word.
“i don’t know.. i might be busy.” you grumble, trying so hard to avoid his bright gaze while you scribble down whatever comes to mind — a whole load of stuff that doesn’t make sense while you think of a real excuse because you know that won’t cut it.
“hey, come onnn. you’re lying.” yuuji whines, playfully shuffling at your paper so you’ll look up at him and you regret it immediately when you notice the way his lips are jutted out, in addition to the wide eyes he’s sending you so shamelessly — is he really using puppy dog eyes to get you to go to a frat party?
“please! you can come with me and fushiguro, we can go together—“
“itadori! are you even listening?” your teacher finally hisses, narrowing their eyes at the back of the class which unfortunately includes you also.
“sorry, sensei~” yuuji calls back, but he turns round to pout at you again before he faces forward. “you gotta come okay.”
but unfortunately, like most of the school, you had a soft spot for the quarterback— he was different from the usual douchebags you would expect, the ones in the movies who break hearts and have you swearing to never love again.
itadori yuuji wasn’t like that. he was athletic, your typical jock with rippling muscles and a varsity jacket, bubbly, goofy and in shape. he didn’t do great in studies but he tried and with what he lacked in general knowledge he made up for with spirit.
he knew every one of his classmates by name and stood up for them against bullies (even the ones on his team), he was charming in a sense — like when he’d get flustered after confidently answering a question wrong or when he’d make playful jokes with your teacher back and forth, there was a natural charm to him that made you want to know him.
and you did, you don’t know how it happened — his seat was right infront of yours in class, he’d made a habit of collecting papers for two whenever it came to handouts and if he was ever having trouble with a question, he’d much sooner turn round to ask you than stay behind. you wouldn’t call you guys best friends by any means but what you had felt nice, you walked with him to practice on wednesdays because you went that way home and he invited you to games — always shooting you a bright sort of grin through his helmet whenever he noticed you in the stands.
which makes it even harder to avoid him even after class, because it is unfortunately a wednesday and you’re standing at your desk, packing your things away while said quarterback rambles to you about all the reasons you should come to the party on saturday. his pleas don’t even falter when he’s expectantly grabbing your bag from you and slinging it over the shoulder opposite his own as you both leave, making your way down the hallway that’s now mostly clear from students despite a few stragglers.
“i was being serious, you can come with me and fushiguro! he hates parties but even he’s coming.” yuuji smiles in earnest, you’re honestly surprised that he’s even convinced fushiguro to go — him hating parties was definitely true but you’re pretty sure hes had to deal with the exact same loveable jock that you are right now, so you also can’t really blame him for giving in — most likely just so he’d stop going on about it.
“i don’t want people to think i’m following you both around.” you argue, but there’s no real annoyance to your tone when you nudge into his side — trying and failing to playfully knock his well trained body even a little off balance.
“they won’t think that cause we’re friends, right? it’ll be fun. even gojo and geto will be there and you know them too. i want you to come.” the blushy haired jock next to you grumbles and there’s a real honesty in his tone despite it being spoken through a smile.
although you find yourself mentally cursing the warmth that blooms along your skin when you finally turn to look at him, painted in a warm hue by the swirls of amber in the sky and you feel yourself soften when you realise that yuuji’s eyes were already on you.
but any tension pooling in your mind is quickly broken with a hopeful grin followed by a see you tomorrow and a pat on your shoulder, watching yuuji hand you your bag before he runs to practice and you can’t help the exasperated sigh that falls from your lips when the silence finally settles after he’s gone.
you’re aware your soft spot for the quarterback was probably just as much of a curse as it was a blessing, because now, that same bright grin is staring back at you while you stand in the kitchen during the very frat party that you were trying to avoid — just because itadori had insisted through the remaining days before that he wouldn’t have any fun if you didn’t come.
the atmosphere at the party is as you expected, there’s students littered around the fraternity — an ocean of red cups and gossip, places like this were breeding grounds for rumours and drama.
but you’re with itadori and megumi so you don’t really care, leaning against the kitchen counter and too preoccupied with yuuji’s enthuastic rant about the game while the bass thumps through the walls. but his eyes are on you and his gaze is just as warm as the humid air around you.
although just before he can ask you if you were cheering for him like he was hoping you were, he’s interrupted by a familiar drawl.
“oh? you really came.” you hear a smooth tone echo from behind you, the ragged sound pulling you from your hazed mind before it’s followed by an arm being hooked over your shoulder and you’re being pulled against a hard chest.
“so itadori really convinced you, huh.” satoru hums from where he’s got both you and megumi in some form of makeshift hug, although it feels more like a chokehold given his stature and the way you’re both swaying to look up at him.
“quit it, satoru.” geto sounds from behind him, sighing before hes shifting to stand next to him to send you all a kind-hearted sort of grin - one thats vaguely different from the menacing one on his white-haired counterparts lips, who chooses to ignore his interruption.
“you guys are just in time, we need you for the game. you’re in, right?” satoru goads, but you notice that the smirk on his lips is a lot more devilish than the ones you’ve seen before. even when you make a curious sound, you can see the way his crystalline eyes reflect amusement when he looks at you. he was always one for joking around, more times than not he had you laughing — mostly at him, but his words felt different this time.
you’re not surprised when you watch itadori send him a starry-eyed glance, but there’s a certain thickness in the air that you’re pretty sure goes completely over the loveable jock’s head when the next thing you know, the three of you find yourself squished together on an old worn couch in the living room.
satoru’s situated himself in the middle of the room, like a sort of game-master you guess you’d call him — expected considering he was one of the oldest in the frat, listening to him list out the rules to a game that you’re more than familiar with, and now you understand the sort of amusement that was present in his smirk earlier.
you should’ve known you’d made a mistake as soon as your eyes met his and the soft light was glinting off the playfulness in his gaze, ending up with you being roped into going first — which surprisingly seemed to pull an almost uncomfortable shuffle from itadori at your side as his thigh bumps yours.
“hey, you okay?” yuuji smiles, his voice low and barely audible but he knows that you hear him — his attention taken with you so casually when your face twists to meet him at the sound, but his question is appreciated and heartfelt.
you nod when you look at him and he blinks quickly at the sudden close proximity before you’re turning to face the room again with a sigh.
but itadori’s gaze is still on you while satoru’s giving you a hooded look thats entirely too perceptive for your liking, a smirk curling at his lips as his brows arch from over his glasses and he’s spinning the empty beer bottle that’s lying in the middle of the floor with a quick twist of his wrist.
you were fine atleast, until that same bottle lands on a man who has bile turning in your stomach when he shoots you a smirk that’s thick with desire, dark and expectant. you didn’t know him, but you knew of him and he was the kind of person who you’d rather smack than be locked in a closet with, especially alone.
he was a playboy and a loser, you’d only ever seen him trailing behind satoru and itadori — kissing their ass and sucking up to the rest of the team, or drooling all over women who definitely did not want him. he was a sleaze and a douchebag, and before he even has the chance to move you’re already curling back against the couch.
“not happening.” you hiss, fingers squeezing against your thighs when you narrow your eyes at satoru, and you watch him raise a brow at you before he’s rising to his feet.
“you agreed to the game, princess.” the white-haired male shrugs, although you can even see the sorry distaste on his features when he notices the hungry grin on the other bastards. but just as your mouth opens to protest a second time, you feel a strong arm wrap around your middle before you’re pulled to your feet.
���i’ll do it, gojo-senpai.” yuuji grunts from beside you, curling his arm around you to press you protectively against his chest and there’s a burning hot rush of blood under your skin where his thick fingers grip at the dip of your waist. “there isn’t a rule against it, right?”
the frown on his face seems almost unnatural when you tilt your head back further to look at him, unfamiliar given the smile you were normally used to, but when you feel his hands squeeze at your restless figure you still can’t help but feel safe. you watch the gears turning in satoru’s mind at yuuji’s outburst though, shooting a glance at suguru from over his shoulder before his dark haired friend shrugs and he’s sighing with a click of his tongue, failing to hide the soft smirk of amusement that’s twitching at the corners of his lips.
“i’ll allow it, yuuji-kun. just you kids behave, yeah?” he drawls and you hadn’t realised your heart was racing until those words leave gojo’s lips and you’re squeezing yourself closer into your.. saviour of sorts, before you’re both ushered down the hall and thrown into a darkened-closet by the same white-haired upperclassman.
but you don’t fail to notice that itadori’s arm never left your figure, even as you strolled down the halls or when you both crowded into the equally small closet — it feeling even smaller giving his broad physique, even now his fingers on your waist were still present and grounding— a feeling you could quickly find yourself yearning for.
“i’m sorry you got roped into this.” you speak first into the shadowy darkness of the small space, the soft light glinting prettily off of yuuji’s eyes when he meets your gaze, and you know you probably look as awkward as you feel when your fingers trace along the lettering on his varsity jacket. but he still grins before he squeezes your waist — like a sort of reassuring touch, like he knows you need it.
“hey! i volunteered you know, and well i was kinda hoping it would be me anyway.. but that guy really sucks.” yuuji’s grinning, a little flushed in the face but you put it down to the stuffiness of the closet rather than anything else when you blink up at him. but you watch him scratch at the back of his neck with another grin when his words finally sink in and you're casting him a wide-eyed glance.
“what did you say?” you reply quickly, something unfamiliar curling down your spine as your hands twist nervously in the fabric of his shirt — fingertips grazing the sharply carved planes of muscle underneath and part of you wants to explore more at the first, almost intimate touch.
“huh? that guy sucks. he’s really mean to girls and it’s always made me mad, even gojo-senpai doesn’t like hi—“ yuuji taps at his chin, his eyes never leaving yours before you cut him off again.
“no before that.” you gape, feeling your fingertips against his chest again when he hums and thinks back to a few moments ago before he’s smiling again.
“oh! i was kinda hoping it would be me anyway.” he grins in earnest, his tone never once faltering and there’s a sincerity to the way he pats down the curve of your spine. “why?” you swallow, and the atmosphere in the closet suddenly feels stuffy with the question.
“because i like you.” itadori answers, voice unwavering, again, and you don’t know if the tingling in your skin is embarrassment or desire when you flutter your eyes back up to meet his and notice the sudden heaviness that stares back.
he doesn’t look nervous at first glance but his hand almost trembles along your back when you press closer against his front, feeling the way his heart is pounding against your palm as his broad chest expands with every exhale he takes, and if you looked closely you’d be able to make out the slight dusting of pink on his ears underneath the soft curl of his hair.
“yuuji, um—“ you start, laughing quietly in disbelief and you watch itadori’s eyes glance down at your lips before he’s swallowing dryly and hugging you closer, “i mean like really like, that’s why i like seeing you cheer for me at games and that’s why i asked you to wear my jacket, even though you said no..”
the last few words of his sentence are said through a pout but when you find yourself patting at his chest at his confession, you watch an earnest, bright grin curl at his lips before he’s sending you a vulnerable sort of look that’s is so handsomely unfair.
“i—just didn’t think of it like that.” you breath, a whispery sort of tone to your voice and you watch itadori’s eyes jump over your features before you hear him gulp and take a nervous breath. but a hardened look of determination comes over him as his cheeks flush deeper, and his fingers twitch against your skin when your hand comes up to rest against his cheek — encouraging him to lean closer.
“would you take it now?” he asks, words almost an exhale across your lips and you don’t realise just how close you’ve become, until you feel itadori’s heart kicking against his impressive chest under your palm. “yes.” you answer quickly, and the closet suddenly feels stuffier when his wide eyes jump from yours to your lips before he’s grazing them with his own.
he’s a little distracted once he sees just how pretty you are up close, so you decide to take matters into your own hands when you twist your hands into the fabric of his shirt — pulling him in for a kiss that feels natural despite how he stiffens at first.
but when itadori feels the way your lips press against his, it’s like something dangerous snaps in his self control and suddenly your body is thumping against the wood of the wall, his hands gripping tightly at your hips as he licks messily into your mouth, drinking you up and groaning at the first, wet glide of your tongue along his.
you curl your arms around his neck as you croak his name, noticing the way his eyes are screwed shut as he pins you to the hard wood behind you, feeling you wiggle against him and he groans before his warmth leaves you.
itadori is breathing hard when he pulls away suddenly, pupils blown wide as they scan over your features with parted lips and desperate pants. “fuck, i’m sorry, is—is this okay?” he gasps and you’ve never answered faster than when you rasp out a yes, kissing him fiercely as he grinds against you — large palms roaming along the new dips of your figure he’s yet to explore until you’re mewling against his panting mouth and hitching your leg around his waist.
“can i touch you? p-please..” it’s messy, rushed the question as you feel him smear spit along your chin as his mouth moves, but he doesn’t pull away — if he had a choice, he never would given how breathless and eager he feels.
“please, yuuji! i want you.” itadori feels blood rush to his thick cock at the breathless plea, his dark jeans suddenly feeling tighter as his arms leave you — in favour of almost tearing off his varsity jacket to throw it on the floor, and you feel your world shift suddenly when your back is pressing against the thick fabric after as you both hit the ground.
“needed you s-so bad, for you so long.” he purrs, voice cracking under the heavy weight of his desire and arousal as his big body pushes its way between your thighs, and you feel dizzy when you melt under the weight of him, letting him rut desperately into you like an animal.
he’s absolutely enamoured by you, panting as he smears kisses along your jawline — sucking at your neck as his hips rub and grind into yours, groaning when he feels you grab at his broad shoulders with each press of his lips.
you feel one of itadori’s rough, strong palms stroke down your thighs — pushing your skirt around your waist as he continues to press kisses along your skin, igniting your nerves along the way as you twist, looking down to meet his wild eyes as he crawls down your body — pushing your shirt up to suckle pink, blooming marks against the skin.
“you’re s-so pretty, ‘s this okay? want you, fuck.” there’s a carnal drop in his tone, a low lull and you feel the sound vibrate against your skin before he’s pulling away with a wet pop — trembling hands moving to quickly pull down your panties only when he hears you gasp out another yes, followed by a tentative swipe of his fingers along your already embarrassingly slick pussy.
itadori smears kisses down your hips, spit coating your thighs before he’s lifting your weak legs over his shoulders — panting like a dog when he gets his first glimpse of your pretty pussy and he lets out a wrecked groan, low and long before he’s immediately shoving his face between your thighs, taking a long taste of your cunt.
your back arches at the sudden stimulation when you feel his tongue flatten against your clit, but it only takes a few seconds before his muscled forearms are keeping you pinned beneath his huge body, your hips twitching as you cry out for him — grabbing at the blush strands of his hair before your thighs and lungs tremble on your next inhale.
everything about how he eats you out is messy and itadori feels lost in his own pleasure as he loses himself in your addictive cunt, the taste feels like fucking heaven on his tongue and he moans; ragged and hungry when his hips instinctively rut into the carpet below him, the sudden stimulation on his heavy, leaking cock causing a pleasured vibration to rumble through your clit.
every swipe of his tongue feels like it sends bliss racing through you, arousal pooling dangerously in your stomach as your eyes prick with pleasured tears — his pace never eases and you feel like you can barely breathe as he showers you in strong licks, panting warm along your glistening folds when he pulls away to admire the way your slick shines when it’s mixed with his spit.
it’s embarrassing how quickly you feel your orgasm, the sight of itadori’s huge frame humping the floor between your thighs as he loses himself in your taste only making it approach faster. you feel his nose knock against your clit as he smacks lewdly, feeling your warm walls flex around his thick tongue when he dips it past your fluttering hole. he’s panting and fucked out, and you’re pretty sure the lower half of his face and cheeks are soaked as you feel your arousal pool onto his jacket below you.
he feels so fucking good, and you feel lost in a dizzy dream when you meet his heavy gaze once more, watching the muscles of his back move through the tight fabric of his white shirt — you would never have thought that your college’s loveable quarterback ate pussy like it was his first meal in days, but you think the realisation might just make you like him even more when you feel his lips close around your clit to suckle lightly.
you feel something dangerous spark along your nerves when his huge palms rock you against his mouth, reducing you to pretty pants and babbles of his name before he’s pulling away with a long whine that makes it sound like it physically hurt him to pull away from you.
“p-please—don’t cum yet, can you make you feel even better—fuck, i gotta feel your pussy ‘round me, baby.” itadori moans, voice tight with need as he rips his belts and pants open — messily tossing them down his thighs until he’s groaning at the sudden freedom from the loss of the restrictive fabric.
even in the darkness of the old closet you can see the thick curve of him in his boxers, he’s huge and you can almost see the way it twitches with carnal need — not that your surprised with how impressive he is. but it only makes your mouth water when you watch him pull down the final layers of fabric between you, the throbbing, silky curve of his cock grazing along your thighs as he looms over you with a growl, letting his cock drag through the messy, glistening folds of your cunt.
“do you think you can take it, baby? i know you’re gonna take it s-so well. oh so fuckin’ good.” itadori chokes, wide eyes meeting yours and your lips part to sound out a sweet uh-huh when his swollen head catches under the hood of your clit, your legs squeezing around him impatiently before he’s breathing hard through clenched teeth and reaching down to grip around the base.
your mouth drops open to moan when you feel him rub against your clit, hips twitching up wildly and needy as you chase the stimulation and he feels so fucking dizzy at the way you moan for him — shameless and uncut and he’s all but forgotten you’re both about to fuck on his varsity jacket, that’s spread out on the floor of some gross frat closet.
the next swipe of his cock through your folds presses it against your twitching hole and itadori tries so hard to keep his eyes on you through the pleasure when he finally sinks in. but you’re so fucking warm and tight, and the way your fisting at his shirt makes an almost animalistic growl vibrate through his chest as you twitch at the thick spread and he’s pulling you in for a sweet kiss — a contrast to the way he’s bullying his cock into your tight cunt.
“too big, yuuji—ah!” you moan brokenly against his lips and itadori can’t help the pride that swells in his chest as his eyes flutter, his grip dragging you across the floor as he pushes himself deeper into the desperate hug of your walls, shushing you as his teeth drag along your bottom lip.
“but you take me so well, baby—fuck, feel so good. you’re doing s-soo good.” he growls and groans like a man possessed with a slow, wet withdrawal of his cock, rolling it back into you a little each time as your pussy squelches lewdly and his hips press tight against your hips with another mewl.
you can barely breathe with how deep it feels like itadori reaches, the pleasurable sting making the room below you spin before you’re caught off guard with the first harsh smack of his hips between your thighs — the sudden quick pace fitting for someone with such an athletic prowess as you dig your nails into his broad back just to keep yourself grounded.
every wet withdrawal of his hips is so fucking loud and each deep thrust of his cock feels like it reaches even deeper as you a moan of his name kicks from your throat, your desperate attempts at keeping quiet being fucked out of your mind with the way your body is crumbling under each of his thrusts, your orgasm already so close as you hear him babble, wet against your cheek.
“never wanna stop..hnnn, you feel so good. need—shit, need more, wanna feel you, baby.” itadori growls against your skin, and you can hear all his need and want for you in the way he moans your name with each exhale — grabbing at your body like he’s afraid you’ll disappear as he splits you open beneath him.
his eyes are hooded when he looks at you, pink hair smeared along the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead as he presses deep into your body — blunt head of his thick cock pressing against the swollen spots inside of you and all you can do is take it. your voice bounces of the walls of the small, darkened closet as you pant and lilt your head back — clawing red marks down the ivory skin on itadori’s back.
it’s almost inhumane the way his quick, intense pace grows heavier — your body jolting beneath him as he digs his cock up inside of your pussy, the bruising grip he has on your hips being the only thing keeping you underneath him or else you would’ve bounced rignt off with each heavy, wet connection of his hips — driven by the brute strength in his muscled body.
your orgasm hits you suddenly, so hard and good that it almost hurts and your toes curl as your fingers move to grab at itadori’s hair, trembling and clawing at his biceps with the other as you cream around his cock. but he doesn’t stop, not when you’re panting and gasping with each shockwave of bliss below him — the vibration of his groans echoing somewhere deep in his chest as his cock thickens inside of your soaked cunt.
“please, baby—lemme give y-you my cum, will look so good. let me, baby.. fuck, gotta hear you say it.” he slurs and you hiccup before you’re moaning out another needy yes, tightening your thighs around his waist in the hopes it’ll keep him trapped inside.
but itadori’s pace stutters at the first too tight, milking compression of your walls, gritting his teeth with a surprised grunt when his jaw clenches and his eyes watch more cream pool around the base of his thick cock, your walls throbbing with every unforgiving push of his hips.
then he looks at you as he cums thick and heavy inside of you with a long, agonised groan, you’re underneath him and fuck—you’re so pretty. his classmate who sits behind him in class and who he walks to practice with on wednesdays — who cheers for him at games and looks so fucking ethereal when they’re cumming around his cock, he’d fucking dreamed of a moment like this.
it’s addictive, you’re addictive, itadori thinks when he pushes his thick load into your tight cunt, babbling out curses and praises as they curl down your skin while he pins you completely. his primitive instincts take over as he continues to fuck into your messy, sensitive pussy until you’re both spent and a mixture of your cum is smeared along your thighs, only following it with a few shallow thrusts to accommodate the thick rush of cum he unloads inside of your puffy walls.
“baby, you with me? does it hurt?” you finally hear him mumble against your cheek, pressing his lips to the skin after as he kisses you back to him, back to where he’s got you pinned to the closet floor while his fingers massage at the probably soon to be bruises on your hips.
you blink slow, hazy before you’re looking up at where itadori is still looming over you, he’s flushing deep as he catches his breath but he’s still quick to scoop you up into his chest — making sure he’s not hurt you as he looks at you with a pouty, sleepy expression.
“yuuji.” you whisper, throat dry and raspy but you watch him smile as he holds you delicately, a hard contrast to his rough grip a few moments ago as he gives you puppy dog eyes.
“you’re alive, baby! you scared me, did i hurt you? you’re okay?” he asks again and there’s a tenderness to his words when they’re not spoken through his usual bright grin. but you look at him again before you’re smiling and snuggling into his strong shoulder.
“i’m okay, it was so good.” you sigh, shaking slightly when itadori pulls you to stand with him — supporting the trembling of your thighs with a strong arm around your waist before he’s grimacing as he picks up his jacket, sending you another cute pout before you’re both laughing at the cum and other fluids that’s soaked into the fabric.
“awww, does that mean you won’t wear it, baby?” yuuji whines, and you smile again before you let him curl you against his chest — pulling you in for a kiss that’s slow, but still a little messy as he presses you close and you let yourself pull him even closer for a moment, not ready for it to be over yet as you wind your arms around his neck.
he squeezes you to pull away, only to help you clumsily smooth down your clothes, making you both look semi-presentable. “does this mean you’ll go on a date with me?” he grins and you scratch your fingers through his still slightly damp hair as his hands smooth along your sides and he tilts his head at you.
“first you gotta clean your jacket so i can finally wear it.” you reply quickly and the sound seems to make itadori’s smile stretch even wider, but just as he leans in again, your lips parting when his brush against them —the door of the closet is abruptly torn open.
“there you are, yuuji-kun! how was the confession?” satoru drawls but his hazy eyes reflect an unfiltered, knowing sort of amusement when they look over your disheveled appearances. but it’s just as charming as it always is when you watch itadori flock to the older student, big warm hands resting on your hips to keep you wrapped up in him.
you listen to them ramble, trying to ignore the teasing gaze of both gojo and geto as they drawl and hum their words — wigging their brows at you when itadori tells them ( while missing a few details ) about how he needs to wash his jacket before you wear it. but your attention is quickly stolen from a certain dark haired, disgusted looking fushiguro from where he appears next to itadori.
“you’re both gross.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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chickensoupbmc · 7 days
Transmasc Michael+Transfem Jeremy (they're best friends)
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Them!!!! (Michael is doing her eyelinerr 😛😛😛💥💥💥💥💥)
(⚠️yap alert under the cut⚠️)
THIS!!!! BWBDGDHDGRBF YES!!! OKAy so I think about this headcanon a lot and in my mind how i basically think it would be is that Michael came out in middle school and Jeremy/ Emmie came out maybe near the beginning of senior year in hs
I think when Michael came out in middle school Jeremy was like "why would you do that though?? That does not make sense to me like why would you want to do that" and Michael was nervous Jeremy was transphobic at the time but Jeremy literally just could not understand why a 'girl' would ever want to be a boy. Eventually Michael stopped worrying about that because Jeremy was very supportive of him, he just genuinely couldn't exactly understand it
I think that after the SQUIP and stuff when Jeremy stops suppressing who he wants to be and whatever he starts to realize he wants to present a lot girlier than he does currently. He eventually comes to realize maybe he sorta wants to be a girl. And that scares him. I think at first he doesn't believe he could be trans. He'll overthink a shit ton with stupid stuff like "well I never acted like a GIRL as a kid, it's not like I know I'm supposed to be a girl, its just that I wish I could be!! That's not trans is it?" or "maybe im still just frazzled over everything that's happened lately, maybe I'm just confused or misinterpreting myself" and just stuff like that.
I think he'll EVENTUALLY bring it up to Michael and Michael's like no that's trans as hell dude. And they work it out together. I think Michael would be super excited over the idea of maybe Jeremy being trans too. He'd put in a lot of effort to try and support her (?) as much as possible.
Once Jeremy's sure that's who she is and that she feels happier thinking of herself that way, then she'll pick a new name. I headcanon she goes by the name Emmie because I've seen some other people in the fandom use that for her (ne0-gal comes to mind, + I've seen 1 or 2 others) and I just think it's cute. + Emmie is like Jeremy but like without the Jer and spelt funky. It makes sense to me okay I swear.
I think she'll start with little things in her transition (like growing out her hair, painting her nails, maybe subtle jewelry, and she might wear girly outfits at home / Michael's house, but not in public yet), since she'd be way too scared to just jump into anything. But I think in college she'll be a lot more out with it and stuff. 😛😛😛😛 okay guys that's all I'm gonna yap for now but I swear I think about this all the time
(I use the pronouns a character went by at the TIME when I am talking about them in a certain point in the past because it makes more sense to me ((and I myself am trans so I am not doing that with any sort of malice)) but if that makes people uncomfortable I can go back and edit this !!)
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eregyrn-falls · 6 days
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Gravity Falls Revival Prospects Teased by Disney TV Boss (Exclusive)
By Russ Milheim Posted: June 05, 2024
(From "The Direct", original article linked above.) While Gravity Falls may have ended in 2014 on the Disney Channel, fans are still hoping for a revival—thankfully, that doesn't look too far out of reach, at least according to an update from a top Disney executive. The series may have ended in 2014, but since then, creator Alex Hirsch has published several books in the universe. This included Gravity Falls: Tales of the Strange and Unexplained, Lost Legends, and Journal 3. In fact, another book is even coming out later this year, called The Book of Bill, which tells the story of the show from the perspective of the big bad. However, while books are great and all, a continuation of the show would absolutely thrill the franchise’s fanbase. In an exclusive interview with The Direct’s Russ Milheim while promoting the release of Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation, Executive Vice President of Television Animation and Disney Branded Television Meredith Roberts gave a hopeful update on a possible Gravity Falls revival. She confirmed that they’re “in conversations with [creator] Alex [Hirsch]” before ending with an encouraging “never say never:” “You know, we're in conversations with Alex. He's about to publish a book with Disney on his project. And we also do some shorts. So never say never.”
What Could Be Next for Gravity Falls? While the update is a small one, plenty of fans will be thrilled to see even a slight glimmer of home. Sure, the new book releases are exciting, but not nearly as much as having the show back. If the show were to return, creator Alex Hirsch would likely want to introduce a new threat other than Bill. Admittedly, that's a high bar to clear. Perhaps a continuation would also age its leading characters, Dipper and Mabel. However, having older leads could transform Gravity Falls into a much different, more adult-based narrative. Either way, there's plenty of demand from fans to see the world of Gravity Falls again. Hopefully, that's something Disney can capitalize on sooner rather than later.
Since this is going around, and I haven't seen it posted here... well, here you go. What does it mean? Nobody knows! It may not mean anything. It's hard to tell whether this is just a Disney exec making noises for promotional purposes or what. I honestly would take this with a grain of salt until or unless Alex himself posts or tweets about it.
(My own thoughts: to be worthwhile, I strongly feel that any new Gravity Falls content would need to have the involvement of Alex Hirsch AND a good chunk of the other folks who worked on the show. People like Rob Renzetti, and others like Matt Braly, Alonso Ramirez Ramos, Emmy Ciceriega, Dana Terrace, Matt Chapman, Jeff Rowe, etc. etc. It would probably be difficult to impossible to get everyone back, unless it was for a very limited project, like a TV-movie or something.
I'm not saying they would ALL need to be back, and I do also think you could find some new folks to work on the project who would be very good replacements for some of the original crew who might not be able to come back. But, I've said many, many times: Gravity Falls was not the work of only one man. I respect the hell out of Alex Hirsch, but, the show that we love had contributions from a lot of other people that went into creating the final product. If what we want is something as good as the original show, then I think it would need input from those people.
And even then, we still have to keep in mind that it can be difficult to recapture lightning in a bottle. Even if they got back a majority of the original team, it's 10 years later (ish), and all of those folks have been through a lot, and most haven't been working with each other. There's a groove that the crew of the show got into at the time, and they'd have to recapture that groove. It would be different in at least SOME ways. Maybe a GOOD different! A lot would depend on the enthusiasm they had for doing it.)
So, we'll see! Keep an eye out, though, for more news.
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d-criss-news · 7 days
See an exclusive first look at Darren Criss’ return to Broadway in Maybe Happy Ending
The "Glee" actor stars as a Helperbot named Oliver, opposite Helen J. Shen making their Broadway debut as Claire.
There’s nothing new about an awkward meet-cute turning into a love story… But what if that love story is between two robots?
That’s the question posed by Maybe Happy Ending, a new musical coming to Broadway this fall, starring Emmy-winning Glee and The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story actor Darren Criss. The show also marks the Broadway debut of Helen J. Shen (The Lonely Few) and Dez Duron (The Voice). Featuring a book by Will Aronson and Hue Park, with music by Aronson and lyrics by Park, Maybe Happy Ending is helmed by Tony Award winner Michael Arden (Parade, Once on This Island), with scenic design by Dane Laffrey (A Christmas Carol).
Ahead of its debut, Entertainment Weekly has your exclusive first listen to the show, with a music video of Criss and Chen’s emotional duet, "When You’re in Love.”
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Darren Criss and Helen J. Shen in "Maybe Happy Ending". MAYBE HAPPY ENDING THE MUSICAL/YOUTUBE
The musical — a big hit in its native South Korea, winning six 2016 Korean Musical Awards and the Richard Rodgers Production Award for the English-language version — made its American debut at Atlanta’s Alliance theater in 2019. Now the show is coming to the Great White Way with Criss and Shen as Oliver and Claire, two outcast HelperBots whose initial awkward encounter evolves into an unexpected relationship.
“There's a real pathos that kind of snuck up on me with these two,” Criss told EW of the HelperBot romance. “You think, 'Oh, cute, like androids falling in love, that sounds sweet.' But there's a lot more to that when you start to examine what it is to not only love something or someone, but the inexorable, unavoidable back end of love, which is loss.” Oliver is living the simple life of an outdated HelperBot when the story begins, tending to plants and listening to jazz in his one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Seoul. Then Claire comes by to borrow a charger, and changes everything. The video finds the HelperBots united by emotion, yet far apart as they process the swirling feelings of being in love for the first time. “When you’re in love, you’re never satisfied,” they lament. “The thing you want is always out of reach.”
By the end, they’re piecing together both the joys and painful realities of their newfound feelings. They sing, “Now I’m hoping that you feel all the things I feel / Wishing that you want me to sit beside you /Wanting now to learn all the things you are / Waiting for a chance to invite you in my heart.” If the prospect of seeing two bots find love isn’t enticing enough, Criss jokes that empathizing with the characters will at least give audiences a leg up in the AI apocalypse. “If there's any incentive to come see the show — other than a wonderful theatrical experience with a lot of beautiful universal themes and all that great stuff and fantastic music, and hopefully good performances — if not that, it's at least to soften the punishment and wrath of the AI takeover,” he laughed. Maybe Happy Ending begins previews at the Belasco Theatre on Wednesday, September 18. Tickets will go on sale to the general public beginning on Thursday, June 6 at 10AM.
Watch the "When You're In Love" music video above and read more of Criss' thoughts on the HelperBot romance below.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Can you start by telling me a little bit about Oliver and what's at the core of this character for you? Well, I'll tell you what, this is the first time I'm ever really doing any kind of talking about a show that I haven't had much familiarity with yet. And I'm not saying that to avoid talking about it so much as to highlight the unique nature of my involvement in this show because, at least if we're talking about the theater, specifically Broadway Theater, every show that I've ever done came with something of a legacy and was a show that I would have been very familiar with, and I think audiences at large, for the most part would've had a history with it.
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying was my Broadway debut, massively popular, classic Broadway show, people knew it. Second one was, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, I grew up as a teenager loving that show. And then the revival of American Buffalo, that's now a standard contemporary American classic and studied that in drama school and yada yada yada. So when talking about the show, I had a really good handle because the show had lived with me for most of my life. [Maybe Happy Ending] is a brand new show, which is wildly exciting. But I have yet to figure out that answer. I can tell you what his core is on paper, which is that Oliver is a Helperbot, something like a hundred years in the future where our technology helpers — in the way that we have our Alexas, and our Siris, and our digital systems, and our smart assistants — have evolved into more humanoid representations. He is a Model 3 in the world of Model 5's and is very much outdated, and kind of running the last of his powered up life in the world that we're watching him and coming to grips with the things that left him behind.
We got a little taste of it in the music video, but what do you think it is about the Oliver and Claire relationship that people will respond to? Or what did you respond to? There's nothing like being able to look at ourselves by looking through the eyes of things that aren't us. I find the most I'm ever moved about the human experience comes from animated films where you have non-human characters trying to figure out human emotions. It's a really great way for audiences to subconsciously look at their own experience objectively. It's funny that it takes inhuman characters to examine humanity in a way that feels somehow accessible. If you see yourself up there, it maybe hits too close to home. But you might think about it a little differently if you're suddenly looking at things through the objective lens of a true outsider — be it a cartoon fox or a mermaid wanting to be human.
So having said that, this is a story about two HelperBots, two robots “falling in love." Of course, they're not human, so they can't physically, literally intimately actually fall in love, but they have to sort of figure out what that means by way of how they've experienced human beings themselves, by cues they've gotten from their own owners and from the world around them. And when you start examining things like love, things like loss through the eyes of non-humanoid things that are trying to computationally analyze and synthesize those things, you sort of start to look at them in a different way. There are many things about the show — the premise was very interesting, and I think the design is exquisite, it's a wonderful theatrical experience. Getting to work with a longtime friend, Michael Arden is such a joy, and there's so many things about that that make this appealing to me. And of course the music is fun, and it's cute, and funny, and charming. But there's a real pathos that kind of snuck up on me with these two. You think, 'Oh, cute, like androids falling in love, that sounds sweet.' But there's a lot more to that when you start to examine what it is to not only love something or someone, but the inexorable, unavoidable back end of love, which is loss. And how do we deal with that? How and why do human beings willingly enter this contract if we know that on the other side of it, there is something that will hurt and that can hurt because love does come with loss, whether it's loss of self, loss of wholeness.
And this show really shows a really beautiful balance of these beings trying to suss out thousands of years of human meditation — of all the hundred thousand songs and poems and stories that have tried to help us understand this balance of love and loss, and the highs and the lows of it are pretty profound. er. In “When You’re In Love” there's the sentiment that being in love is the loneliest you can be. Is that something that you immediately connected with, or was that surprising?
I think that song's very interesting because it's them putting the pieces together. Many lines in the song that talk about how being loved does just constantly leave you with a sense of longing. Which I think goes back into the main thesis, which is love in many ways is loss. They kind of coexist in this yin-yang. It's just one's much more fun and more accessible to talk about, but they kind of come hand in hand. Again, the systematic exploration of all of the ones and zeros of what love is — it's a lot of ones, but it is also a lot of zeros, and one of those things is being lonely and the feeling of not being whole without a certain thing. Which I think is a really good connector to what this show talks about, which is the function of the things in our life that we lose. It is funny that we are getting closer and closer to the realities of what this show presents and suggests. The idea that Siri could be a person in a hundred years isn't absurd, it's not a crazy idea. Even talking about things like robots or artificial intelligence, it's an immediate thing that is part of the cultural fabric and a continual discussion about how and where and why it's going to be part of our life.
But even without talking about those sort of more sci-fi leaning things, technology is in many ways, like people in our life. I mean, people treat their phones like babies. We have attachments to our phones and the way that we need them in our lives and the way we care for them and the reliance we have on them. And the idea of shelf life and things being outdated, we're pretty comfortable with. It's more comprehensible with tech and objects. But it's funny that we have this cognitive dissonance between that and the idea of things being outdated and out of its prime is harder to grasp and a harder pill to swallow with people, and it's a harder journey to go on with people. But what happens when our objects become closer in likeness and experience to people? How are we going to wrap our brains around that and how will they wrap their brains or their programming around that? And how will they feel? Will they feel at all? How will they feel about their impermanence as it relates to ours and vice versa? So there's a lot of really, really nice questions being asked in this show.
Are you finding that it's changing your relationship to Siri and Alexa and your technology? As of now, absolutely not. Well, maybe in the future. Maybe. I'll bite my tongue… In a few years, who knows? She's listening. I'll be nice to you Siri, I promise. As long as you're nice to me when you decide to take over the planet. Well, after you've played a Helperbot, you've got an in. Hopefully that'll soften the AI takeover, they'll let us loose. If there's any incentive to come see the show — other than a wonderful theatrical experience with a lot of beautiful universal themes and all that great stuff and fantastic music, and hopefully good performances — if not that, it's at least to soften the punishment and wrath of the AI takeover. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
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leggerefiore · 2 months
ive been marinating this idea in my head for a week and now i must request: ingo, emmet, larry, and cyrus (all separately ofc) when their beloved is hopped up on anasthesia after a surgery and when s/o finally awakens the poor thing temporarily doesn't remember who the stunningly handsome man at their bedside is but they sure don't mind when they get kissed by him... (bonus funny: confusing the twins for one another. hope emmet doesnt get too jealous...) its all the anathesia tropes in one lol
I can finally return to this after having gone under anesthesia and recovered from it....
cw: nondescript surgery mentions, temporary memory loss, confusion, fluff,
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Cyrus, Larry
The procedure went well to your poor boyfriend's (and your own) relief. He had stayed for the entire length, simply far too worried and ready to act as your medical advisor for anything that may arise. Thankfully, nothing had, and it had entirely gone to plan. Now, you were still under the effects of the general anaesthesia and thus unconscious. However, you had been otherwise cleared, and he was able to come in and wait for you to regain consciousness. Naturally, he did.
Sitting at your bedside, he quietly did things to pass the time until you began to awaken. He was a bit distressed to see you in such a condition, yet was happy that you had made it through everything so well. Everything moved slowly until… you began to stir. He put down whatever he had been using to distract himself to focus on you. Your eyes opened, and you sat up weakly. Blinking, you met his gaze. Something about your general behaviour told him that you were not entirely back to normal…
Still, he leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead and grasp your hand.
● “… Emmet?” you asked, bewildered to see him at your bedside. Ingo blinked at your words and opened his mouth to speak. That was not an uncommon thing he heard, but it felt strange coming from you. “Emmet… Why are you here…?” you held on to his hand tightly, “… You kissed me, too…” Ingo felt somewhere between chuckling and losing his mind. He certainly hoped you were not letting Emmet randomly kiss you, but he supposed it was the anaesthesia causing your brain to not think logically.
● “Emmy…” you called out to him again, “Your clothes are weird today…” Your hand began to play with his sweaters' sleeve. He sighed. You definitely were not in your right mind. “… I like you, Emmy, I really do,” you suddenly continued and looked a little embarrassed, “You're really cute, but… I love Ingo, you know? He's so sweet… A real gentleman…” Your gushing made his eyes go wide. His chest fluttered. Gentleman…? “Oh, don't tell him…”
● “… Dearest,” he mumbled, holding your hand again, “… I'm Ingo.” You blinked and opened your mouth. “I love you, too,” he chuckled and pressed another kiss to the corner of your mouth. You began to laugh yourself. “Emmet might pop in later… He mentioned something about getting you a cake…” Ingo's free hand went to sweep his hair back. Would your doctor approve that? He would need to ask and stop Emmet from wasting his time if you could not… Before he could get lost more in contemplation, you reached your free arm up to pull him in. It seemed that you wanted a hug now. Who would he be not to oblige you?
○ You stared at him for a long moment extra when he pulled back. Emmet tilted his head while you grasped his hand tightly. Your eyes squinted. For a moment, the twin debated if you were unable to recognise him. Before he could begin to fret, you spoke. “… Ingo?” you questioned, “Hey, Ingo! What are you doing here…? Where is… here?” You looked around the room in confusion. Emmet felt floored. Ingo? You mistook him for his brother? He blinked. “Did you kiss me, too?” you seemed to avoid his gaze. Emmet wanted to speak, but you moved to stare at your IV, confused. His hand tightened around yours before you tried anything.
○ “You aren't wearing your normal clothes,” you instead shifted your attention back to him, “… Hey, why are you wearing a Joltik t-shirt?” The print on the front of his shirt was a Joltik chewing on a wire. It was something that you had bought for him while out shopping. His heart hurt. Did you not remember? Why did you think he was Ingo? Why would Ingo be at your side after a surgery? “I'm sorry, Ingo…” you sighed, “I'm genuinely complimented you feel that way about me, but I love Emmet… You know that, right? Emmy is so cute… I just want to cling to him all the time…” The younger twin's eyes went wide. Oh… Oh, that was verrrry adorable.
○ “Darling,” he cooed and leaned forward to peck your lips, “I am Emmet.” You gasped when he pulled away. A giggle left him. It was truly no mystery why he loved you so much. His free hand went to remove a few stray strands from your face. “You are verrrry sweet,” he continued, “Ingo said he would come later. The station needed one of us.” Emmet was truly grateful Ingo had offered to handle all of their work today so he could be by your side today. The older twin had also offered to bring food in for you both whenever he got off. You lightly tugged his arm. Right. You. He smiled at you and was ready to listen to you more.
☄️ You were silent as he pulled back. Your eyes seemed to stare right through him as you remained wordless. Worry entered his mind, but Cyrus quashed it quickly with a logical explanation. Your throat was likely parched. His eyes scanned the room for a water he had bought. Seeing it on a nearby table, he went to stand up and grab it for you. However, his actions were halted by you reaching out a hand to grab his sleeve. “… You're really handsome…” you mumbled. Cyrus nodded. That was not exactly what he expected the first words out of your mouth to be, but he could accept that nonetheless.
☄️ “… Who are you, mister?” you asked. The blue-haired man froze in his spot. The water was forgotten. What…? That question… You surely recognised him. He was your boyfriend. That felt like something impossible to forget with how often it weighed on his mind. “… You're quite a bit older than me, aren't you?” you continued. Cyrus was dumbstruck. Quite a bit… Older than you…? Were you messing with him? “You kissed me… But we don't know each other… Did you mistake me for someone?” you babbled, “I hope you didn't… I want you to be single…”
☄️ Cyrus sighed. That was quite enough of that. Clearly, the anaesthesia was altering your cognition and making you forget specific things. Fine. He was not bothered by that. Or you comment about his age. “… I am your boyfriend, so I am not single,” he explained, “My name is Cyrus… And I'm only twenty-seven, actually.” You gasped at his words. Another remark about his age was made. It was against his usual behaviour, but he leaned forward to kiss you on the lips and silence you. It working and being reciprocated calmed him. This would pass… He just needed to be patient. You gazed up at him with adoration when he pulled away. Suddenly, his confidence returned.
🍙 You squinted at him as he moved away to sit back down. His nerves tensed as he recalled the last time Geeta had given him a look like that. Larry did not understand what was going through your mind. Were you in pain? He hoped not. Though he was more than ready to call for someone if needed. You remained silent for an awkward moment. He supposed he had not said anything either. Maybe you were not sure what to say. Should he start talking? Asking you how your surgery went did not seem like an appropriate thing. Before he could open his mouth, you finally spoke, “… Hey, did I take your bed here?” Larry went still. What did that mean?
🍙 “… This is a hospital, right, mister?” you continued, “Isn't this… like, your bed? You seem like you belong here…” There was no response to that from the salaryman. You were out of it. That much was more than obvious now. He also could not deny that there was some truth to that statement. Him falling asleep at his desk the other day was a bit concerning, certainly, but he wondered how you missed the IV in your arm. “Why am I in your room? Do I care for the elderly?” your words cut deeper each time you spoke. His trained facade was almost ready to shatter under your innocent harshness. “… You are kind of cute... In a non-traditional way, I think,” you mumbled to yourself.
🍙 You having apparently forgetting him was not the worst thing, he supposed. Larry was going to avoid thinking too much about the last words that you had spoken. Maybe a refresher would help you. He certainly did not plan on leaving your side. Geeta might make a surprise visit, and the last thing he wanted was her ire. Well, that, and he did not exactly want to leave you alone after surgery. “… I'm your partner,” he explained, “I'm Larry. We've been together for a few years now… You insisted on us dating, actually.” You nodded deeply and mumbled an acknowledgement. Somehow, this felt less exhausting than the league office. You tugged his sleeve and demanded another kiss to prove it. Now, he felt the exhaustion settling in.
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georgevilliers · 3 months
Mary & George thots
I watched all 7 episodes this morning starting at 4:30am on about 4 hours of sleep so here are all of my very sleep deprived but professional opinions. Also, I read the book The King's Assassin by Benjamin Woolley so i have Extra Opinions
(spoilers and lengthy thots beneath the cut)
These are not going to be in any specific order because I can not be bothered (see: me being up since 4am on 4 hours of sleep) and as a blanket statement I loved the show!!!!! Most of the things I will say are going to be neutral statements relating to differences I saw between what I read in the book and what was in the show. These are not good or bad things, just observations! I think it's fun and interesting to look at the things they changed to make it more interesting and palatable for a tv viewing audience, and I don't think it changes the quality of the product at all! With that out of the way, let's get on to the content:
we'll start with the things I loved
NICHOLAS GALITZINE. Like. HELLO??? I am very familiar with his work (watched everything he's been in and recorded a podcast about it) and I know he's been criminally undervalued in almost every project he's ever done but this really, really tested his limits and I mean that in a very good way. You can tell this whole project was a test of his abilities as an actor both physically and mentally and he really rose to the challenge in such an impressive way. I'm not really sure if this is ever going to be Emmy/awards fodder (if they meant it to be they released it at a very poor time but thats a different discussion for another time) but I do think this is going to lead to some very interesting places for him. People (important decision making ones) are going to see this and realise what his abilities are and this is a very good thing.
The costumes are so incredible. The details, the colours, the cuts, the CAMP. I'm not a costuming expert so I have no way of knowing how accurate any of the costuming was but damn did it look good.
On that note the CAMP. Oh my god. This really had that je ne sais quoi that makes something camp in the way only queer people can make something camp, so really hats off to everyone involved in the production value.
I should mention all of the actors here, including Julianne Moore and Tony Curran. I am biased, being that I now seem to only exist to consume Nicky G media, but everyone did such a great job.
The script is so complex and rich, I really don't envy the actors having to memorize some of the tongue twisters that were part of the dialogue.
I think they did a really good job of crafting George as a character. As someone who is predisposed to love Nick's face (lol) I really did feel a bit of hatred towards him sometimes. I found him embarrassing, hot headed, full of himself, and pitiable, sometimes all within a few scenes!
Let's talk about some of the big changes I noticed
they really REALLY made up about 95% of Mary's storyline, I would say. This is just going off the King's Assassin, mind you, but from what I learned about Mary from that book is that essentially her only role in the course George's life took was the initial bit: sending him to France to become a learned gentleman, and sending him to London to try to catch the king's attention. If anyone has any recommendations for sources about Mary's life I could read about I would be very interested in it in order to piece together more fact and fiction! In general, I would just assume the vast majority of Mary's storyline did not happen, but it was fun though! One thing that is mentioned in the book is that her and the king did become good friends.
I really missed the use of nicknames from James. I guess it was hard to show most of them on screen as a lot of them appeared in letters they wrote to each other when they were apart, but James often referred to him as "Steenie" referring to St Stephen who apparently "had the face of an angel", amongst numerous other nicknames such as wife, dog, and child etc.
I also really wish they had included this famous speech of King James' to his privy council, because it is burned into my brain I can literally recite it word for word now: "You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled. I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George."
I think they sort of removed some of George's abilities in order to make him rely on Mary more to involve her character in the storylines. In reality he made all of his own political decisions, knew how to play the king without help if he needed, and was a competent (if not terrible and easily swayed by bribery and trying to level up his own interests) member of the government
One of my favourite things to learn from the book is that when George took a wife (which, I believe in reality he was all too happy to marry in order to secure his possessions with an heir) she was welcomed by the king with open arms. King James became besties with Katie and he considered her as sort of part of their "family". In general I think they played up the "jealousies" from King James.
While it is alleged that George did kill James, it was not by asphyxiation. According to the book, he was suffering what is now known as malaria and had a violent fit, thought to be brought on by a "medication" George gave him which was provided by a doctor but actually administered by George, which is what ended up finally killing him
In general I wish the end hadn't felt so...rushed? Maybe it only felt that way because I know how it actually plays out and maybe if I rewatch while not trying to think about real life events so much, it might feel less so. But the whole issue with Spain took up such a small amount of time in the show when in real life it was like...a problem spanning multiple years. And I know they obviously can not show all of that within a 7 episode television show, it does seem like maybe they should have left it out altogether if they weren't really going to see it to its full justice?
My other small complaint is that it felt to me in some parts that the love between King James and George wasn't there. Certainly it feels to me like perhaps George did not feel the same level of love towards King James as the king felt for him, but the king certainly felt so much love for George. There were multiple instances outlined in the book in which they were "on the outs" because George started ignoring him in favour of Charles, or for other reasons, and it seemed to really tear at the king and he seemed to often be the one reaching out to George trying to keep his love close, rather than George trying to rein the king back in under his power. At that point, George had all of the power he needed and the king was so passive and loved him so much, he stayed the king's favourite until death, and George had very little to worry about in that regard.
There! That's all I can think of for now, and I think this has gone on quite long enough. I feel I need to rewatch the show and try harder to not think about real life situations and just enjoy the story. The fiction in the series is greater than the fact but I still think it's fun! And I recognise that there is a need to dramatize things greatly because the way things really played out in reality would not make good television at all. I hope no real history scholars find this post, and if you do please be gentle with me! I am not really an expert, just a history fan (even though I do find myself wanting to quit my job and become a George Villiers scholar).
If you read all of this you really deserve a medal, and you have all my thanks!
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head---ache · 10 months
New character charts!!!
Edit: Added new info to Lash's section + Added a link to Emmie's section.
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They're here!!! The only new info is in the charts themselves btw, the long text under this is the same, except very minor changes. I just thought it would be better than having to go to the old charts to read all of this.
Emmie: She's now officially the one and only Tube Baby of the group!!! I imagine Tails will later use the big fucking tube in his lab, just not for any of the kids in this group (here's three posts about it: First, second, third).
Just to quickly mention it, her full name is Emily, however, everyone in her life just calls her Emmie, because, according to her, 'it goes with her vibe' (first talked about here + in universe explanation here).
She has Black Arms DNA, and although it's uncertain how it affects her, they (Emmie and her dads) know she has green Black Arms blood (shown here) and has access to the hivemind, which as a baby she used to communicate with Shadow (here), but as she grew older she stopped using it, and now finds it harder to access to it.
She also, of course, has Chaos Energy. She can perform Chaos Control (in this one) and turn Super (that second thing they don't know until she's a teenager, shown in this comic). She also has all the abilities Sonic and Shadow share (such as spindash).
Sparks: Like I've said before, Sparks is a Belly Baby, Blaze carried (here's context).
Sparks has fire powers, similar to Blaze's, though they find it a bit harder to control. They get Blaze and Espio's help to learn to use said powers, since they require a lot of concentration. Also, again, like Blaze, they can turn into Burning Sparks (here), but that form is more unstable and drains their energy pretty fast.
I am also taking this space to clarify this about the entire family (including Tulip). Since Blaze is a princess, Amy, Sparks and Tulip do acquire royalty related titles, however, they're very informal and don't hold that much power, since Blaze didn't want them to have any responsability simply because they're related to her. So they're royalty just by name.
Lash: Another Belly Baby, your local surprise baby representation.
Like is said in her chart, her main ability is acrobatics. She also has some sort of super speed but she doesn't rely much on it.
It's not said in her chart but she has both mommy and daddy issues and is often at Aim's house. The first time she stepped into that home and Tangle and Whisper welcomed she immediately felt glued to that family (here).
She also has two younger siblings, Strike and Decay (post introducing them here), and at first she didn't have that much of a relationship with, since they're younger than her and closer to each other, and since Lash spends a lot of time away from home, however, she eventually steps in and tries to be a part of her siblings' lifes as their parents' should've been.
Aim: I finally decided that he's also a Belly Baby, mostly because the timing didn't add up, since him and Emmie are the same age and there's only one Baby Making Tube.
Like it says in their chart, he does archery, which is his main fighting technique, however, during battle they also use their tail to move around faster (otherwise he just keeps it under his cloak) and teams up with Whisper's wisps in very rare occasions.
He does not speak, unlike Whisper who simply speaks quietly. Aim doesn't speak at all, but everyone around him eventually just finds a way to understand him (because I think it's funny). He very usually is the braincell carrier of the group.
Bria: Bria's a Belly Baby as well, it just felt like something Sonia would want.
They don't have any special ability, but they did learn martial arts as a way of self defense, consdering the group of people she often is surrounded by.
Even though Bria's hard of hearing, his biggest passion is music (over being a hero). She plays piano and guitar.
He's also the extrovert of the group. The loudest and friendliest there is. (Should I also add they're Emmie's cousin?)
Tulip: I was a bit more indecisive with him, but in the end I decided to also make him a Belly Baby, because otherwise it felt weird for that to be the one thing he has in common with Emmie. (In-universe explanation here!)
He hasn't shown any special ability yet -he's the youngest of the group though, being only ten years old-, so he isn't allowed to be around the other kids when there's danger, however, he's very sneaky and often gets things to work in his favor anyways. He does have an interest in tarot though, thanks to Amy, and he also shows to have an impressive intuition.
When he's not around Sparks he is often found next to Big, probably complaining to him about something.
Destiny: One and only Code Baby!! She's basically made from the same programming as Nicole, but more advanced and sophisticated.
Being an AI herself, she can hack robots and similar things, which helps during battle. They can also get into anyone's computer if they want to (they rarely do).
She usually takes the leader role very naturally, immediately making a plan on the spot and guiding the rest of the group. However, she's quite shy (even while being an extrovert. This forms a bit of a problem for her, wanting to be around people but being too shy to do it). Her more confident side mainly showing when assuming the role of the leader. She has great friends tho, who encourage to speak up and lead:]
Spades: She's a belly baby just because of the timeline, there simply wasn't a way without changing her age to make it make sense for her to be a Tube Baby -and I like her being 16-. Unfortunately I backed myself into a corner here JSKDJSKFJWKFKS I don't have many details on how she came to be because, guess what!! There's no real way for her to be the way she is the way I want it to happen:]]] So let's just use our imagination and say that it's possible for two amab people to have a kid who's biologically related to both of them because this is a world where magic color changing hedgehogs are a thing so this isn't super crazy, okay? Okay.
Like I said in this post, Spades has trajectory manipulation, so basically she will never miss her target, and can move away whatever is thrown at her, so that's pretty handy:] She also trains with Espio, so she has a lot of his abilities. She doesn't really want to be a ninja but has many of the skills.
She's the mom of the group!!! And the braincell carrier. She is very sweet and caring, but also quiet and calculating. Her strategy is the best, and her stoic appareance makes her look a bit threatening, but she's actually a total sweetheart!!
Also about swimming!! She really likes it because she finds it relaxing. You can't hear anything underwater so she likes to close her eyes and just swim around.
She gets along with everyone in the group, but is usually hanging out with Aim and Lash:)
And that's it for the individual kids!!
Here's some other links of interest:
-1. Character reference sheets for all the fankids, including a height chart.
-2. Voice claims!!!
-3. The old charts!!
-4. Ideas for weapons:)
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vintagetvstars · 29 days
Betty White Vs. Eartha Kitt
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Betty White - (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Golden Girls, Life With Elizabeth) - I mean - does she really need an introduction? It's Betty White, people! The First Lady Of Television! What *hasn't* she done? She had an incredible career (in fact, she earned the Guinness World Record for the longest TV career by a female entertainer *twice*!) with an infinite list of successes - she won seven Emmys, three SAG awards, and even a Grammy. I personally know her best for her spectacular portrayal of Rose Nylund in The Golden Girls, but she's played so many great characters in her long career. A lesser known but marvelously charming role is that of the titular character in Life With Elizabeth, a 1950s sitcom which she also co-produced at the age of *28*! She was also a great advocate for a number of causes - animal welfare, gay rights (she used to accompany her friend Liberace to events to help him avoid being outed as gay), and racial equality: she famously hired Arthur Duncan, a Black tap dancer, on one of her shows, and when threatened with going off-air if he wasn't fired, she just declared "He stays, live with it." She's the whole package - amazing actress (and comedienne and producer!), kind and hilarious, and of course - beautiful! Just look at her - that smile! Those eyes! That charm!! Watch her in action if you can (they're too long to link here, but entire episodes of Life With Elizabeth are on youtube!), but honestly - her pictures alone are enough to make me swoon!
Eartha Kitt - (Batman) - No text propaganda
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Betty White:
Have you seen her?? Look me in the eyes and tell me that Betty White's smile doesn't have the power to turn anyone's heart to mush. She looks adorable one moment, and can come up with the most out of pocket lines the next (all while still looking innocent about it). People know her best as Rose Nylund in The Golden Girls, of course, where she played the show's most naive character. But reportedly, Betty was actually the cleverest person on set. She didn't even have to learn her lines; reading the script once was enough for her, and she'd be able to remember any additional changes throughout the week without a problem. Which is pretty amazing if you ask me! Anyway, Betty is an icon. Her television career spanned seven (7!!!) decades, covering basically the entire tournament's time period (and then some!). She *almost* turned 100 and her outliving other celebrities was a Tumblr meme for ages. She had her own talkshow in the 1950s, for which she hired a female director, and had an African-American tap dancer (Arthur Duncan) as a regular cast member. When faced with criticism for the latter and the threat of being boycotted, Betty responded with "I'm sorry. Live with it" and gave Duncan *more* airtime. She was also the first woman to ever produce a sitcom (Life with Elizabeth) in which she played the lead, and looked absolutely stunning doing it. All in all: Betty was a badass, had a heart of gold, and she's absolutely stunning!
I think I might cry at how pretty she is honestly
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that SMILE!!!
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she's even pretty when she's not smiling... ahh...
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some soft butch realness
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missezramay · 1 year
ted lasso, post-finale thoughts.
I went into the finale thinking yeah, if the writing serves, I can accept any outcome even if it's not exactly what I want. Instead, I was hit with a plethora of mixed emotions I didn't expect to have. Confusion, anger, hurt, annoyance, small bursts of joy in between, and just deep sadness. Almost 20 hours later and I'm still incredibly dissatisfied and processing. For the most part, finales should provide a feeling of celebration and relief. I... don't feel any of that.
I'm just really trying to pinpoint why I'm so sad.
Of course everything inevitably has to come to an end. Of course Ted was always going to reunite with his kid. Of course it's not about winning or losing. Of course Tedbecca can remain platonic if that was always the plan. Of course that's the way life goes, but...
For a show (and this season particularly) that constantly encouraged us to 'believe' and 'hope' in the idea that 'everything will work out', all those 75 minutes did was take me on an unsettling, emotional journey for no concrete reason other than to mess with the audience (the opening scene was just adding salt in the Tedbecca wound I've had since S2). Because everything in a macro sense, "worked out". But the WAY it "worked out" does not sit well with me?? And it's supposed to? For a lot of people (on Reddit/Facebook, lol), it was enough?? Richmond not technically winning and Ted leaving like that without so much as a tear? What am I missing??
When I tell you I'm trying to embrace the good parts, I'm really trying. Yes to KBPR & the women's team, Yes to Colin kissing his fella, Yes to Rebecca & Mae & the guys owning the club, Yes to Roy becoming Manager.
So... why am I still so upset? Hmm, let's see.
The boys' musical number? The cutest. Ted didn't think so.
Nate's apology? Heartbreaking. Ted didn't bat an eyelash.
Rebecca begging twice for Ted to stay? Ted, absolute silence.
Beard staying/getting married in London to his toxic gf? Comic relief, haha, fine. Except Ted wasn't there as Best Man.
Don't even get me started on the huge disservice to the Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle.
Now listen, I get that he misses Henry & Henry misses his dad. I'm not that cold. A father/son's love is important. It was always the catalyst for this show; for him to work on himself so he can be a better father unlike the one he grew up with. That's fine.
But on this particular week. His last week with his Richmond family. There was NO sense of him being sad to leave them. He can be sad about missing Henry but he can ALSO be sad about leaving. No, he just completely checked out. He let everyone pour out their hearts (Hannah's getting her third Emmy, mark my words) to him, and he just stone-faced the entire time.
The argument is that he was internally processing, he was overwhelmed, he was trying to distance himself so it would hurt less. Fair points, okay. But this is a television show, moreover, A FINALE. TV characters, while relatable, are heightened versions of ourselves, there so we can better process our emotions and learn to handle things better in our real lives. Ted deserved MORE dialogue and displaying MORE emotion than whatever this was.
We're never going to see him again. We're over here crying along with Rebecca, Nate & Beard, but he didn't sob once. Even though he spent three years building a family with them. I even thought, hey at least he left his legacy with Trent's book but newsflash, he wanted his name taken off that too! Complete erasure.
I just feel so robbed of better moments. Like there were nice moments here and there. But they could've been BETTER. Honestly, Nate & Rebecca's breakdowns were close to perfection, so much love there. But the lack of dialogue and Ted not reciprocating? Broke ME.
I just cannot. understand. this. choice.
Massive sigh. I'm just truly baffled by the way everything wrapped up and not getting the satisfied feeling that one half of the viewership got. Maybe I'm in the minority, but that means something. It carries weight. Also, for a "three-season arc" that was planned well in advance, why all the rewrites and parallels and fakeouts... it's just cruel. But as the theme says (and maybe this was a warning all along), yeah, I guess this might well be it.
This show has given us so much and the last season flailed for the most part. I don't want to disrespect the show by being negative and cynical (looks like I failed!!) or cast blame on anyone in particular. The cast/crew are amazing people and I'll be grateful for being a part of the journey but I'm just so sad and this feeling sucks and I will never get over it.
Going to miss them. x
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Jamie didn’t forgive his dad’s abuse; he let go of the control his father has over him: Ted Lasso 3x11
Watched Ted Lasso 3.11 last night, and I really regret going on social media to see peoples’ takes before watching the actual episode. Based on some reactions, I went in scared about how bad they fucked up, and came out bewildered at a general lack of media literacy and bad faith people have in shows they profess to like?? 
Tons of people with more relevant life experience have spoken about the controversial plot line of Jamie “forgiving” his dad, but it truly did not read to me like a story of a victim forgiving an abuser and letting them get away with stuff or even inviting said abuse back in their life. His mom, who had the most significant conversation with him in the episode imo, insists that his dad won’t change and embodies the “fuck him” attitude. 
However, this episode also makes it clear that isn’t working for Jamie! He is constantly affected by the specter of his dad (looking back in the stands over and over, clearly worried about seeing him after a long gap), regardless of his dad actually being there. 
Explicitly, textually, within the show, any forgiveness would be for Jamie, not his dad. But also, nothing in the show indicates that Jamie actually forgives his dad, even after talking to Ted. 
Instead, to me, it reads far more like Jamie letting go of the control his dad has over him, despite not even being present. Before the conversation, the stands are a source of fear and anxiety for him (get Phil Dunster an emmy!!), but not only because the Man City supporters are booing him, but because he connects that to his dad (his mom literally says that his dad will be in the stands booing him, for him, all those Man City fans hating him could camouflage the larger threat of his dad).
After the talk, he taunts the crowd back, essentially letting go of that fear to better heal himself, taking control of a threat that isn’t really a threat at all. He is taking his mother’s advice to let his father out of his life, to stop proving anything to him, to stop setting himself up in opposition of his dad - hence the crucial climax of him making a “selfish”, solo goal, despite that being something his dad would want from him. 
In regards to the text to his dad at the end, it was the most bland text I’ve ever seen. There was no forgiveness or emotion to him hoping his dad would be okay, it’s like a text you sent to an acquaintance from ten years ago because you heard their dog died. Instead, this is also Jame in fact letting go of his anxiety and fear - multiple times, he is anxious *because* the last time he talked to his dad was when his dad showed up unexpectedly in Wembley, and he’s constantly paranoid it will happen again. In my mind, this is Jamie taking control of the situation while being emotionally distant in order to cut that sense of anxiety out and make the first step toward that inevitable meeting again. He is reducing his dad from a terrifying unknown to a situation he starts and can control. 
Because this time Jamie knows he will be able to handle whatever is thrown at him; not because he deserves or accepts abuse but because even if abuse is doled out to him as a result of reaching out, the rest of the episode shows how much love he is surrounded by, how much support. When the announcer says “this must be so meaningful to his family,” it is his mom + stepdad, his coaches, his fans, and his team we see first. His dad is an afterthought (though I think it is completely in character for the “forgive and humanize everyone” show to have his dad also choose to heal - completely separate from Jamie’s own journey or even his knowing.)
And that the direction he has chosen to take is in honor of that love, and for that love of his team and his real family. 
People keep saying he should have cut his dad out entirely, but he is already doing that at the start of the episode, and for this specific person and situation, it isn’t working. It isn’t contributing to his healing process, and it seems kind of one note for everyone to insist that all victims be able to or willing to cut people out of their life. Peoples’ relationships to their abusers is not black and white, which the show has already demonstrated with the fact that Rebecca and Rupert can have good times together while she still has strict boundaries and knows he was and is abusive. 
I thought Jamie’s story was a well done, nuanced take that didn’t give an inch to his father’s previous treatment of him, from Jamie or the people around him. I believe even Ted offers the path of forgiveness because he recognizes Jamie is in a place for it - an emotional place where he has moved beyond anger and spite, and a physical place where his dad doesn’t present physical danger to him. The episode was so sincere in showing how badly his dad’s abuse has hurt and damaged Jamie, and how forgiveness, for him, means choosing to let that relationship stay in the past and move on.  
Respect to everyone’s opinions though!!! I think it’s totally okay to be critical of the show, especially when some story lines are so important and sensitive. I just truly didn’t even see the biggest issue most people have with the plot line, which is a sincere forgiveness of abuse i.e. that the abuse was okay. I definitely also think him blocking his dad would be another way to get control over his anxieties, but not one I think meshes with the tone of the show.  
Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I loved the episode—though I do think next week will rip my heart out. 
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insanityclause · 3 months
When Tom Hiddleston landed his career-changing role in Marvel’s Thor back in April 2009, he never dreamed he would be playing the character for nearly 15 years. To be fair, no one did—except maybe Marvel’s mastermind Kevin Feige, who had begun laying the cinematic groundwork for a multi-billion dollar franchise. At the time, Hiddleston happily threw himself into extensive research and prep to play the duplicitous brother of Thor (Chris Hemsworth).  “I was cast in April 2009, and I had about eight months to build the character from the ground up,” Hiddleston says on this week’s Little Gold Men. “So that was a deep dive into everything Loki from any comic book, any Norse myth, any saga, everything—from the whole run of Marvel comics to the ancient Scandinavian stories, and how he pops up in The Ring cycle for Wagner, and Jim Carrey is wearing the mask of Loki in The Mask.” Hiddleston was trying to discover “this sense of, what's Loki's impact on human imagination and culture? And then synthesizing all of that into the story we’re telling. That was such a delightful period of discovery and curiosity.”
Hiddleston’s scene-stealing portrayal made him an instant fan favorite, laying a formidable foundation for a character who went on to appear in six more films and the stand-alone series Loki. The two-season series threw the character into a new dimension and timeline, stripped him of all his creature comforts, and gave the actor new challenges to tackle.
“In successive iterations, [my approach] has been, how do I keep it interesting?” he says. “I genuinely say this to myself and to others: ‘We're not reheating yesterday's meal in the microwave. We're cooking up something new.’ It's trying to find new ingredients or new challenges for the character, for us as actors, so that it feels like the same person is growing. Because that's what human beings do. They don't stay the same, they grow. Sometimes they regress, but there's always movement.”
Hiddleston has gone on to star in a wide array of projects outside the Marvel universe, of course, from his Emmy-nominated, Golden Globe-winning work in The Night Manager to Jim Jarmusch’s acclaimed romantic vampire drama Only Lovers Left Alive and Steven Spielberg’s epic War Horse. But he’s definitely spent the most time with the God of Mischief. And though no official announcement has been made, the final episode of Loki season two strongly indicates the closing of a formative chapter.
The actor and executive producer stopped by Little Gold Men for a thoughtful discussion about the gift of developing and playing a single character for so long, the surreal fun of working with drama school classmates turned costars Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Wunmi Mosaku, and getting to come up with the character's last line (for now). Listen below, where you can also read excerpts from the conversation.
Vanity Fair: Did the series version of Loki feel a little more stripped down, or did you have the same kind of mindset playing him as you did in the films? Tom Hiddleston: Yes. I think it was stripped down literally in the sense of taking away the costume, but stripped down spiritually and in his soul. I thought [the concept] was such a brilliant idea, and it wasn't mine. It was [executive producers] Michael Waldron and Kevin Wright, and the great and the good at Marvel Studios. I thought for any character, if you were presented with your life and watching a kind of highlight reel of it, what would it add up to? Would it be satisfying? Would it be meaningful? Would it be amusing? Would it be disappointing? And I thought to do that with Loki especially, as it's the journey of a life that the audience is familiar with, but he hasn't seen it. I just thought it was a brilliant conceit. And then I leaned into this idea of the leopard being challenged to change his spots. Because you'd have to if your life ended up in murder by Thanos and humiliation. You'd want to try something new.
And that was really fun, developing a story which was actually very philosophical. It asks the question of Loki, as I hope it asks the question of all of us: Are we in control of the course of our lives? Do we have any free will, and can we break free from any kind of predetermination? It seemed like a great question, and a fun way to ask it.
You’re also an executive producer on the series. How did you take on that role? What did you get to do?
Honestly, it was such an honor and I loved it. I loved the extra imagining and problem solving. I was invited into the writer's room really early, season one, even earlier on season two. And to borrow the words from Lin Manuel Miranda, to be in the room where it happens, and to sit around the table and break story and crunch through the great creative ‘what if’ questions—what if Loki did this? What if Mobius [Owen Wilson] did that? What if they couldn't find Sylvie? What if the TVA ran on an energy source, and it wasn't energy, it was time?
Can you take any credit for bringing Ke Huy Kwan or your RADA buddies Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Wunmi Mosaku on board? I love that that was a little bit of a through-line, that you all got to work together.
Well, when their names came up, Gugu and Wunmi particularly, I was able to say, those guys are great. And Ke was just an amazing idea because actually, [his character] Ouroboros was coming to life on the page. Somebody suggested Ke, and Everything Everywhere All At Once had just come out. And I was like, genius: somebody call him now before we lose him. He was so joyful and optimistic and happy to be there, so honored to be there. He'd wanted to be in a Marvel project his whole life, I think, and, and he brought everything and more to that character.
The day he landed, he came from the airport straight to the studio, probably thinking, ‘I'll just say hello and go back to my digs.’ And Owen and I were actually rehearsing the scene before Mobius and Loki meet OB for the first time. And he came in and he listened. And then we got to the bit where we were like, ‘You're in the next bit. Do you want to do it?’ He said ‘Okay!’ And he stayed and rehearsed for three hours. I think he felt completely crazy having just [traveled] across the continents, but it was so brilliant. And the chemistry was so immediate between the three of us, and so funny. We all love Ke.
Thinking about your journey with this character and all the places he has taken you, has there been a surreal aspect to it? I think about you being in drama school with Gugu and Wunmi—now you're getting paid to play.
It's a wonderful question, and I'm never unaware of the great gift that this job is. Especially because it happens all the time,: I go out into the world and I meet young people or children, and they're so amazed that they’re meeting Loki. I'm obviously not Loki, but the response is so immediate and so emotional and so joyful. What a gift. It's the best job in the world. And I never dreamed back then that I would be part of something with such reach and for so long. It just is the most unlikely, surprising, delightful thing. And we—Wunmi and Gugu I've known for a long time. It is amazing to look and go, ‘Can you believe we're here, we're doing this?’ It is exciting too, because it feels right in some way and they're great actors. They are brilliant.
Do you get recognized as the character, or are people starting to recognize you for your other work?
Oh, it's always different. I went to a friend's birthday party the other day—a friend and his wife, both turning the same age. They got a taco stand. I went to get my taco and the guys were like, ‘Only Lovers Left Alive, man. Love that film.’ And I said, ‘Thank you very much. That's very kind.’ Some people say The Night Manager. Some people stop me in the street and go, ‘It's you! You're the dancer.’ And they're referring to some talk show, some bit of dancing I did on a talk show from like a thousand years ago, which really tickles me.
Speaking of dancing, I wanted to bring up your physicality. With the most recent season of Loki in particular and that time slip, did you have to have massages and stretch after? Because it seems like such a jarring movement.
It's jerky, yes. I had to put my body under a kind of relentless physical stress. But I think it pays off in the way it's presented. In terms of movement and physicality, it comes from my own admiration for other performers when I sense that there is a really, alive and visceral physicality in the performance. Some of people are great actors, very cerebral, very intelligent, but sometimes not always fully embodied. And I love the actors who are giving me a sense that the whole body is occupying whichever space that is. They could be on a horse, they could be driving a car, they could have just run in through the jungle. I don't know, it could be anything, but a real sense of physicality is always something I admire in other actors.
One of my favorite things in doing a little research about your work on this season was that you got to craft Loki’s last lin,e and it also maybe came from going on a run. Can you talk about that? Well, first on running, I love it and it is a big part of my life. And a big part of my creative life. Running outside, in space, in the world with only your own legs to carry you and your own breath to fuel you, I find incredibly freeing. And it's where I do some of my best thinking and dreaming and imagining. Things bubble up from inside you. So I often run at the beginning of a day, very early and with an awareness of what's coming, what the scenes of the day are. Sometimes things will bubble up. And maybe that's just extra oxygen in the brain, who knows? 
But to the point about that last line: one of the things I kept trying to guide our team back to was that the whole series, both seasons, was really about finding purpose, or re-finding, re-defining, re-discovering a sense of purpose. And I think a primal need in all of us, is that we need our lives to mean something. So I kept coming back to this line from The Avengers, ‘I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose.’ And we kept thinking, well, if Loki has a second chance, he gets to redefine his purpose or re-imagine it. I went for a run and was listening to some film scores, and it was a beautiful day. I was thinking about the journey of playing this character and where it started, and all the people that I have had the great good fortune to work with and become friends with—that completely unique kind of soul-sharing relationship where you make something together. And I remembered the end of the first Thor film, and how emotional that felt and. I just suddenly thought, that's what he should say—but it should mean something completely different. Loki's last line in Thor, directed by Kenneth Branagh, is, ‘I could have done it, Father. I could have done it for you, for all of us.’ And of course his effort to gain his father's pride has been misguided and ill thought-out. And then at the end of Loki season 2, 14 years later, he turns to Mobius and Sylvie and says, ‘I know what I want I know what kind of god I need to be. For you. For all of us.’ It felt very resonant somehow. I hope the audience picked up on that.
Are you able to just say goodbye when it's wrap time, or do you have any sort of meditative, formal way of saying goodbye to a project or a character?
That's such a good question. I think it's a very honest, immediate feeling of relief, which they say is the most intense human emotion. You'd think it was anger or grief or something, but actually relief is—the way relief kind of washes through you, and a sense of finality that some finish line has been crossed and there are no more miles to run. And for me anyway, huge amounts of energy have been stored inside myself which had been poured out over time—over maybe 20 weeks or however many months. 
I love that feeling of completeness. The great joy of what I do for a living is that it involves very intense, very close working with a team. And the pride that you can feel with your teammates, with your crew, with your cast—you just hang around and say goodbye, but it never really is goodbye. And there's just a sense of, like, “that'll do, pig,” you know? Yeah: that'll do, pig.
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 4 months
Things that were not in NIGHTFALL but should have been
(There might be some ranting soo bear with it, you may or may not agree with them) ->
1. Emory and winter not even sharing one single sentence.
Are you telling me two bestest of buddies Damon and Will are married but their significant others did not even share 1 single sentence. NOTHING. ZERO. NADA. Yaaa right.
I am suppose to believe it?
But yeah sure Rika was always there. ALWAYS?? Why just why? Just once let banks and winter talk.
2. Two of the most awesome characters of the entire devil's night EMORY SOFIA SCOTT and NIVOKA SARAH BANKS are not best friends???
Let us all not live in a delusional and finally accept the fact that EMORY and BANKS are best buddies.
Like imagine the sarcasm, sass and obviously how they both are now going to humble the Horsemen and everyone else.
They LITERALLY have sooooo many topics to talk about.
They both definitely meet 2 or 3 times a week just these two and chat and be as awesome and cool as they are.
But yes we didn't got this either. I was soo excited when the two best girls em and banks were supposed to meet but did we got it no. Apparently alex was important. * insert eye roll* ( everyone have the same thoughts here lets not lie)
3. Will not explaining his tattoos
William aaron payne grayson III has been obsessed OBSESSED with Emory Scott, we all know that, its no secret.
It was mentioned in corrupt that he got tattoos while he was in jail, WHEN he didn't knew about what em and martin did. WHEN he was hopelessly in love with her.
So i don't believe that 90% of his tattoos are not related to her one way or other. NOPE JUST NOPE.
So we all deserved a chapter when he told her the meaning of his tattoos and what they signifies after they were married.
4. Emory not getting her own wedding
Emory has the most painful life, she was not at all happy when she was in high school. And after she went to Berkeley when her gazebo burned she didn't let herself be happy.
So just once ONCE in her life can this girl get something for her just for her only.
Don't get me wrong the wedding was cute( it wasn't).
But EMORY deserved a day just for her and will that she shouldn't share with anyone else.
After everything she went through all the pain and hardship, and all the things will and emmy together as a couple went through they deserved a day for just them.
5. Emory Scott smiling in the present chapters
In the entire present timeline all we got was will and emmy fighting, I just wanted 1 chapter just her smiling and finally being happy after all the things. It doesn't matter how, she can be alone with micah or rory or even will. Just her happy and smiling.
And i really think this and tattoo excerpt should have been there instead of AA.
6. More time between MICAH , RORY and EM
In the short time em was in blackchurch only micah was nice to her and rory was well him. But the scenes when Micah and Em dances together and when these two cuties stood up for her when the entire Horsemen clan was treating Emory so bad so so bad these 3 have my heart. They are the brothers she deserves.
I even like how she described them during the wedding.
So yes they should have had 1 or 2 more scenes together for example when they all went shopping after the engagement.
7. Emory's Backstory
There was a 9 years gap, 9 YEARS. So much can happen in that time. But we don't know anything, literally anything about her during that time. I genuinely wanted to know how she coped with the break up with the love of her life WILL, how did she survive in that 1 year when he was not there, how was her college life, how was her graduation, her ex-boyfriend ( she must have dated someone right),how is her job. Anything would have worked but no did we got anything, no we didn't. But what did we got, repeated reminder of will and alex( i get it they were together but why throw it in her face when she was already soo insecure). This novel should have focused on those years when will and emmy were apart and how her life was in California instead on ALEX( I said what i said she got way too much page space in a book that wasn't even hers ).
8. Will's reaction to when em told him about the coffee can and Damon's mom
I really wanted to know how will would react when he find out that emmy saved all these things and how they meant the world to her. And specifically how ther were just under the gazebo he burnt.😅. Just there away from him. Its a short distance.
I also wanted to knew what exactly happened that devil's night and did he or did he not put damon down. Did he freak out?
9. Way less of Alex and Aydin
It was a book of WILL GRAYSON and EMORY SCOTT then why was i reading about another couple who didn't even matter.
I am still bitter about how badly alex treated emory and how rude she was to her without knowing anything. And how both AA had more page space in present timeline than will and em themselves.
Because we all know how AMAZING, AWESOME and SUPERB past will and emory were they were everything, they were chef's kiss. So imagine how awesome they would have been if AA weren't there because now they both confessed their feelings and their is no martin( we were robbed big time).
10. Will's and emory's accomplishments
It wasn't mentioned but i know, i just know that will grayson was homecoming king and emory scott was the valedictorian and she even passed college with achievements.
This girl spent every minute of her wake hours for either school,gazebo or her grandma so yeah.
11. An apology
Emory deserved an apology from kai, Michael, ALEX and will also because they all every single one of them treated her as if she wasn't even a human. And i hated what kai said to her. Alex was rude and wanted to hit her( an abuse victim seriously), Alex was mean and kind of bitchy for no reason at all. Will did her wrong as well but i dont want to elaborate on this.
12. Emory and Will talking
Inwas waiting for will and Emory to talk to each other specially about Emory's abuse and Will's trauma. These two suffered the most and only had each other and they only showed their true selves to them only and yet They didn't talk! But yes tell us Rika's wedding dress color and how is it relevant.
13. Emory's parents
Why does the only thing we know about Emmy's parents is how they died? We should know a little more about them, where is their grave, how were they with emmy, their sweet moments together, them celebrating Emmy's birthday, playing with her in the park.
14. Will's emotion on his arrest day
We got to see everyone's pov when they git arrest but not will. He is the most ignored PD male at this point.
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