#enjoying some chili dogs
wereh0gz · 1 year
I looked up hedgehog sounds because why not and all I can think about is sonic doing them
Specifically werehog sonic doing them
Idk the idea of this giant furry monster with razor sharp teeth and claws and super strength making these cute little squeaky noises when he's happy is both adorable and hilarious to me
Also hedgehog noses twitch a lot. Imagine his nose twitching when he sniffs something. Also him sniffing things more in general. He's a curious little guy and wants to know what something is before he bites into it and breaks it
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
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She listen
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Human eating something spicy: Good food
Cybertronian: You're actively burning and poisoning yourself. Stop eating that
Human: Mmm capsaicin
Cybertronian: I said stop eating that!
Chilis are too obvious and kind to them. Of course, the space aliens are highly concerned by spice challenges, especially with humans attempting to breed hotter, spicier peppers... as a fun hobby.
("Isn't capsaicin the active ingredient in pepper spray?" "Yes. But people enjoy eating spicy food.")
Cybertronians would be blown away by how much agriculture transformed human civilizations... as well as be boggled between humans' ability to endure extreme conditions, yet be so damn bodily fragile and inefficient.
Genetics have never looked so wild in the botanical community. Like yes, space alien, many vegetables are related. It's dependent on the area of concentration to painfully cultivate it for hundreds to thousands of years because some regions wanted something more leafy, while others focused on the pods or roots.
And yes, space alien, many cultivated foods had derived from poisonous origins. Animals (including humans) figured to circumvent it through evolutionary adaptations or utilizing methods to draw out the toxins.
Cybertronians can be impressed by how humans managed to figure that out in the countless preparation and cooking processes in different cuisines across various cultures... yet slap their helms because their funky, little squishy is having so many health issues because of the lack of Vitamin D or a Candida infection, so Cybertronians will unironically go "touch grass" with their assigned/favorite human.
(Cue confused Cybertronian noises when their human explains sunscreen and cancer.)
And fungi, like mushrooms, are a mindfuck within itself as a kingdom to both Cybertronians and humans.
This isn't delving into how other Earth organic species can't consume certain human foods due to toxicity, like dogs and chocolate.
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orchidsangel · 7 months
notes/cw - fluff, suggestive, wrote this bc jason canonically likes chili dogs, also mitski mother i am so sorry this is not at all what you had in mind when you wrote 'i bet on losing dogs', (pacing might be shit idk sorry guys, working on it i swear)
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“I’m not eating it.” You say, as your boyfriend reaches over the console, and hands you the paper bag containing your lunch before sliding into the driver's seat of the car and closing the door behind him. 
“Could you just not be stubborn for a second? Like seriously, it’s a chili dog.” 
He takes the bag out of your hand, and removes its contents, placing them carefully on the dashboard and discarding the bag.
The inside of the vehicle now smells like fast food, and you grab a couple of fries, stuffing them into your mouth before continuing on with your justification.
“I’m not being stubborn. I’m setting a boundary!” You exclaim, reaching for more and dipping them in your milkshake. “And besides, I plan on getting full off of these fries.” you say, holding up another couple waving them around before eating them.
You reach for another handful when he grabs the container and moves them over to his side of the car, “can’t get full if there's nothing to eat.”
“Jason…if you don’t-” 
You make a move to grab them, but he just places them further on his side of the dash, “A chili dog babe. A chili dog.” 
“I hate them.” You huff out in frustration, giving up on the fries and leaning back on the headrest, letting out a long groan.
“You’ve never had one.”
“No, but I hate chili and hot dogs so if one plus one equals two…” You grumble, “then it would make absolutely zero sense for me to even try it.”
“Would you just- one bite. Please?” He’s begging at this point, and the look on his face shows just how badly he wants it. “I bet you’ll love it.”
And the little lilt in his voice when he says that breaks down any “boundary” you might’ve had. 
Here’s your big bad crime lord boyfriend practically on his knees over this, pleading for you to just take one bite, and you’re supposed to say no?
A grin spreads on his face and he hands you one of the chili dogs he’s holding before grabbing a few napkins and distributing them between the two of you. 
“And if I don’t?” you say, examining the mess of meat, chili, and cheese.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t love it.”
“Then I’ll make it up to you.” He says before taking a bite.
“Make it up how?” 
“If I tell you, you’re gonna lie and say you don’t like it.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh?”
“Would you just eat it already?” 
You pick up the chili dog and bring it to your mouth.
“Careful, it’s pretty big.” Jason says from beside you.
“Don’t worry, I’ve had a lot of experience putting big things in my mouth.” You say before biting down.
It’s an explosive mix of savory meat and spices, with hints of tangy sweetness. Not at all what you expected and not nearly as bad as you thought. The cheese and the onions on top compliment the flavors and when you’re done chewing you take another bite. 
“Good huh?”
You turn your head towards Jason who’s looking at you with smugness you’ve only ever seen him give Roy on your bi-weekly game nights.
You were enjoying the chili dog, and he knew it. 
Still, you couldn’t let him have that kind of satisfaction. “No, not really.”
“Uh huh.” He says reaching over the console and bringing his thumb to the corner of your mouth, wiping away some sauce that you must’ve missed when you were licking your lips.
You take another bite, and he gives you a look. “What? It’s not like I’m gonna waste it.” You scoff.
“Right.” He says before returning to his own.
And for a few minutes the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, chomping away at your respective meals and occasionally stealing fries from the other.
When you’re done, he takes the empty cardboard container and crumpled napkins from your lap, tossing them into the bag previously thrown to the backseat. 
“So, since I lost the bet…”
You hum happily at his admittance of defeat. 
“...I guess I have to make it up to you now.” he says, leaning over the center of the car.
“Glad you know.”
He closes the space between you and nuzzles his face into your neck. Feeling a warm tingle in your body, you close your eyes and crane your head upwards, allowing him more space as the nuzzling turns into soft open-mouthed kisses.
He nibbles the tender skin as he moves up and towards your ear, “Do you want me to run inside and grab another dog for you?” He whispers between bites, and the question catches you off guard.
“What, why?” You say, confusion lacing your words. 
He draws back a little, a familiar heat radiating off of him, “For later tonight, when I’m done making it up to you.”
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atschoolunfortunetly · 5 months
Sonic and Tails Wholesome Wednesday: My Comeback
I LIVE! I going to be honest with ya; this is simply a draft I rewrote in my free time. I don't know if I will be posting every single Wednesday again. I can try but don't have hope. In any case, enjoy the story!
Tails was working away in his workshop with no distractions. He was near completion when a knock on his door startled him and his head nearly whipped around so fast that one would think he broke it.
Sonic walked in without Tails saying a word and had one expression on his face that Tails knew meant he was in for a lecture. Disappointment.
“Tails,” He began tiredly.
“Sonic,” Tails greeted back, hoping not to show nervousness on his face.
“What happened to the mint ice-cream I just bought yesterday?”
Oh, and here Tails thought he did something seriously wrong. Nerves left his body as a slight grin grew on his face.
“...I ate it.”
“All of it?”
Silence before Sonic let out the biggest sigh Tails had ever heard come from his mouth.
“You know the consequences, don’t you?”
Tails tried not to chuckle, “I have fifteen seconds to hide before you hunt me down?”
“Nah, that’s for if you had the last chili-dog. The punishment for this is,” Sonic paused for dramatic effect, “Death! Execution! Thine bloodline ends here brother!”
“Gasp, you’re gonna kill me? How could thine? I thought our bond was stronger than this!” Tails spoke dramatically.
“Our bond shattered when you ate an entire carton of mint ice cream by yourself even though I told you not to. I’ll grant you this question though brother, how do thine wish to go out? Your choice,” Sonic smiled, trying not to laugh.
“Uh, hm,” Tails faked pondering, “How about no? No death at all.”
“No? Thine denies his fate!? Then I shall choose!” Sonic declared before tapping his feet and snapping his fingers, trying to think out a way he can continue the bit.
Tails took this opportunity to get up from his chair and bolt for the nearest window. Sonic, having too much fun, used this chance to run into the house to pick up two plastic swords before meeting Tails outside.
He tossed one of the swords over to Tails and twirled the other in his hand, “Thou can’t escape his fate! We shall duel!”
Tails looked shocked at first before giggling. He then got in a fighting stance with a grin, “Fight we shall! Only one brother can make it out alive!”
The plastic swords clashed as Sonic and Tails began going back and forth with swings and jabs only barely missing their marks. Sonic decided he would put some actual effort in and Tails began losing…badly. He tried his best, honest! But his arms were getting tired and his moves were getting sloppy.
Tails tripped over his own feet, landing backwards on the ground getting his fur dirty. The fake sword in Sonic’s hand poked him lightly in the chest. His brother had a big grin on his face while Tails was simply trying to catch his breath, not caring that they lost their little game. His stomach let out a growl and Sonic sighed.
“When was the last time you ate?” He asked.
“Uh…” Aw crud, what was the last thing he ate? “I…I think I accidentally ate a fly just a bit ago. Does that count?”
“No, eating unlucky flies does not count,” Sonic flatly stated before pulling out his phone, “Pizza or Chinese?”
“Chinese, we had pizza yesterday,” Tails answered with a sigh.
“Alrighty, you go in and take a shower and the food should be back by then.”
Tails pulled himself off the ground with a smile and looked Sonic in the eye, “Next time, I’m going to win!”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yuh huh!”
Sonic chuckled, “Alright then, when you do I’ll buy another carton of mint ice cream.”
Tails laughed and made his way back inside without replying. Sonic simply shook his head with a smile, “God, what would I do without this kid.”
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 4 months
Mysterious Lotus Casebook 蓮花樓
Spicy goji and lotus seed soup
Recipe from the official drama artbook
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Prepare the lotus seeds* let it soak in water a little. Wash some rice** and put it in the pot covered with water up to half the pot, add the lotus seeds when the water is boiling. Let it stew on low heat. (Play with the dog a bit, weed the plants some) Add some dry chili, goji berries and rock sugar. Gulu*** a little and it's ready!
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Personal Notes:
*I you use dry seeds, soak in water for the night, save the fragrant water for the soup, open the seeds to remove the sprout otherwise it will give a very bitter taste to your dish.
**just a handful, or it won't be a soup. I'd suggest using glutinous rice, it taste better for sweet soups, or at least round rice ("sushi rice")
***when it's boiling again
- Traditional Chinese Medicine would recommend serving this hot but it should be tasty as a cold treat as well.
- The title says 麻辣 so it implies the use of sichuan/mala pepper 花椒. You can try if you enjoy the taste. (I personally dislike it and that's my main issue with ShìChuan cuisine, I can't have the 辣🌶 without the abundance of 麻.)
- If you don't trust HuaHua's bìchá-poison-damaged eyesight "creativity", replace the chili with dry red date/jujube 紅棗 to make this dish more traditional.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 6 months
Things I picked up from the latest TailsTube:
Shadow is antisocial and gets overstimulated when several people are talking at once, but still cares for the well-being of his companions
Knuckles likes it when Rouge compliments him
Tails decks out his lab in the Christmas spirit for the holiday season
Omega likes rocks (for the purpose of destroying other robots)
Knuckles considers gift cards to be practical and enjoys chili dogs like Sonic does
Omega may not realize he is a robot and also friends with Amy and the rest (?)
One time Sonic drew a face on the back of Eggman's head with marker, then took a selfie with Tails behind Eggman's back
Amy has several robot friends
Angel Island may or may not have fallen into the ocean?
Rouge is still trying to steal the Master Emerald, surprise 😂
Sage has been wanting to do family things with Eggman
Roger Craig Smith might be voicing Omega now?
Cream taught some Chao Christmas carols
Jewel is hosting a Christmas party at Restoration HQ! And Vector's bringing board games!
Shadow didn't teleport very far away from the group (seeing as he heard the chaos ensue when Knuckles realized Rouge had stolen the M.E.) so he was possibly eavesdropping/spying on the whole gift exchange 😂
Shadow and Tails seem to be on good terms (finally lol)
Shadow now has a red scarf with his name embroidered on it
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cherryrainn · 10 months
can you do triple s (sonic, shadow, silver)(separate) best friends with reader headcanons?
━━ ✧ 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; sonic + reader, shadow + reader, silver + reader (all platonic)
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; i love all these new requests i'm getting! of course i can do this for you. here you go.
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; none
─ ✩ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 ; none
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sonic notices when you're feeling down, even if you try to hide it. he stays up with you into the early hours of the morning, sitting with you in silence or letting you vent about what's bothering you.
on particularly tough days, sonic takes you for a high-speed run through green hill zone or other scenic spots. the rush of the wind and the beauty of the landscapes provide a brief escape from your troubles.
sonic opens up to you about his own challenges, reminding you that even heroes have their moments of doubt. he assures you that it's okay to feel vulnerable and that you're not alone in your struggles.
sonic and you embark on spontaneous adventures, exploring new zones and discovering hidden paths together. the laughter and thrill of the journey bond you even closer.
sonic treats you to his favorite chili dogs at a cozy corner in station square. the two of you chat, joke, and create new memories while enjoying the comfort food.
when you're in need of a mood boost, sonic teaches you some of his signature dance moves. the two of you end up laughing uncontrollably as you try to keep up with his lightning-fast footwork.
just remember, even the fastest hedgehog has days when he stumbles.
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shadow has a knack for picking up on your mood shifts, even when you're trying to hide them. he may not be the best with words, but he sits with you in silence, offering his presence as a source of comfort.
when you need space, shadow understands better than anyone. he doesn't push you to talk; instead, he joins you in your solitude, letting you know he's there without overwhelming you.
on your worst days, shadow leaves a simple note or a small gift by your side. these thoughtful gestures remind you that someone cares about your well-being.
despite his serious demeanor, shadow surprises you with spontaneous adventures. from racing through the fields to exploring hidden caves, these unexpected moments lead to some of your fondest memories.
you find solace in watching the stars together. shadow may not show it, but he enjoys these moments of quiet connection, where the vastness of the universe reminds you both of the bigger picture.
you discover that shadow has a dry, often sarcastic sense of humor. you share inside jokes and witty banter that only the two of you understand, creating moments of laughter amidst your adventures.
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silver has a strong sense of empathy and is quick to notice when you're feeling down. he approaches you gently, offering a kind ear and genuine concern, creating a safe space for you to open up.
when you're troubled, silver's psychic abilities sometimes pick up on your emotions. he visits you to share his visions of hope, assuring you that brighter days are ahead.
when you're feeling overwhelmed, silver uses his psychokinesis to create a soothing environment. the gentle movement of objects and calming energies help alleviate your stress.
silver takes you on journeys through different eras, giving you a firsthand look at the past and future. these trips create unforgettable memories and deepen your connection.
you and silver bond over shared interests, like stargazing or reading. learning about his love for constellations or his favorite books becomes a source of joy and understanding.
silver surprises you with lighthearted pranks using his psychic abilities. your laughter and camaraderie strengthen as you engage in good-natured tricks and friendly retaliation.
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bumblekastclips · 28 days
KYLE CROUSE: Here’s one from— a SuperChat from Joey the Sonic fan. “What’s every IDW Sonic villain’s favorite food?” Go ahead.[TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: I clipped some audio of technical difficulties here, hence the somewhat abrupt cut.]
IAN FLYNN: Favorite food… we’ve seen Eggman with his giant hoagies, so we’re gonna assume he likes a good sandwich. KYLE: I, uh, I also enjoy a good sandwich. [chuckles] IAN: Uh, Starline also appreciates a good sandwich because that’s what the Doctor eats, and therefore it’s clearly what he should enjoy immensely. KYLE: Yup, mhm. IAN: Um, Rough and Tumble like the absolute greasiest, cheapest, nastiest take-out pizza. Like, it’s cardboard with ketchup. It’s vile, no one should like it, they are the only people who eat it, and they swear that it’s a delicacy. KYLE: Uh-huh. [laughs] IAN: Um… let’s see. Surge really enjoyed chili dogs until she found out that was Sonic’s thing, and now she hates them. KYLE: Uh-huh, but she also still really likes them… just secretly. IAN: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, so what— what is like, the antithesis of a chili dog? …Bacon cheeseburger? KYLE: [chuckles] I don’t know. It seems those are complimentary, I don’t know… IAN: [unintelligible] ‘Cause I don’t see— I don’t think she would even go so far as to, like, eat a salad. KYLE: Switch over to health food? IAN: Yeah. Maybe she— KYLE: Or maybe she just eats— IAN: Nah, maybe she embraces the chili dog because it’s going to be her chili dog from now on. That’s her thing. KYLE: I was just gonna say, maybe she just eats the hot dog with no bun, or anything. IAN: [laughs] Just grabs a fistful of chili, grabs the hot dog at the same time, shoves the whole thing into her face? KYLE: [interrupting] No, no, no chili. Just the dog. She doesn’t even cook it, she just rips it right out of the package and starts gnawing on it like a freakin’ dog. IAN: [laughing] KYLE: There you go! IAN: Ah, and Mimic enjoys shaved ice. KYLE: There you go, sure. Why not? [chuckles] Not much of a food, but… and I should know, I eat a lot of ice. I’m one of those perpetual ice chewers. IAN: Mhm, right there with ‘ya.
—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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gallapiech · 9 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday!
what a week, huh? captain, it's wednesday. Thank you for the tags @deedala @burninface @spookygingerr @creepkinginc
name: Actually... I'm Santa.
age: Mr. Klim + 1
astrological sign: 🐏
upon which continent do you reside: Europe
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 😐😵‍💫🎉🥱
whats your favorite flavor of gum? I don't have a fav flavor tbh
whats the last movie you watched? D.e.b.s, pretty gay i'd say.
what was your worst subject in high school? Geography or French...
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? Worked at a packaging business for 2 weeks LMAO
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? I loooove rollecoasters! I love the big scary ones!!! Rode some pretty crazy ones when I visited Spain a couple of years ago!
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? I have never had a hot dog in my life.
cincinnati chili, thoughts? just googled, sure is a lot of cheese.
do you sleep with a plushie? I doooon't, but I got a bunch of plushes on my desks n stuff. So they just watch me instead.
how do you feel about thunderstorms? I do enjoy the white noise of it all, but I always get a little scared that the power will go out or something 🤣
what's the last animal you touched? My dog :)
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "Canada" It was on a label of a plushie, that's where it was designed.
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? of course. 💀
@transmurderbug @transmickey @jrooc @jfragfan @sevvycubed
@lee-ow @ian-galagher @roryonic @spacerockwriting @doshiart
@deathclassic @michellemisfit & everyone else who i'm forgetting right now </3 if you've already done it ermmmmm oopsies!
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darlingian · 9 days
🪐⚡weekly tag wednesday⚡🪐
✨ it's that time again!! lets answer some really random questions for fun ✨
thank you @deedala @energievie @mybrainismelted for thinking of lil old me
name: c h a n i
age: I was born when Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" was top of the charts.
astrological sign: A goat.
upon which continent do you reside: Turtle Island.
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🫠💀💅🌧🪠
whats your favorite flavor of gum? Peach Extra. It was discontinued like 15 years ago but I still think it's the best.
whats the last movie you watched? Jane Eyre 2011. I won't go into how often I watch that movie.
what was your worst subject in high school? Math. Lordy lordy, math just would not click for me no matter how hard I tried.
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? I worked in a call centre for two days. They literally told me when I showed up on day two that they were impressed I'd come back because apparently most new hires don't even last one full day. IT WAS SO AWFUL.
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? I love funnel cake and those huge things of lemonade where they put whole lemons in there. I love most rides except wooden roller coasters. I rode one of the wooden coasters (Mine Buster specifically) at Canada's Wonderland and it rattled my brain so hard I was convinced I was gonna die.
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? I'll take an Oktoberfest sausage with Oktoberfest mustard, diced onions, and sauerkraut. (You can take the girl out of Kitchener but you can't take Kitchener out of the girl.)
cincinnati chili, thoughts? I have no idea what that is. (Hold on while I Google it.) So it's chili on top of pasta with cheese and onions? Sounds good to me? Lol it honestly sounds like something I'd have been served as a kid growing up poor.
do you sleep with a plushie? I don't because until super recently I wouldn't let myself enjoy stuffies? I felt like as an adult I wasn't allowed. But that's stupid. lol
how do you feel about thunderstorms? Looooooooove them. They remind me of the sound of rain on aluminum roofs at camp, counting between thunder and lightning as a kid to know how far away it was, Having the power go out and reading by candlelight, the way everything smells when the rain dies down. I just love them.
what's the last animal you touched? one of my cats when I served them their breakfast! Not sure which one I touched last but I usually give them little good kitty pets as they dig in.
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "Bitch" hehehehe It's my laptop and the sticker closest to me says "Liking what I like don't make me a bitch"
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? I'm gonna be real with you and say that I don't think I turned in a single assignment in highschool on time.
tagging these peeps and please pretend I tagged you if you want to play too! @michellemisfit @too-schoolforcool @mickeysgaymom @gardenerian @gallawitchxx
@heymacy @heymrspatel @sam-loves-seb @crossmydna
@blue-disco-lights @jrooc @samantitheos @creepkinginc
@whatthebodygraspsnot @palepinkgoat @mmmichyyy @sluttygallavich
@thirstyvampyr @iansw0rld
Tried to tag you all earlier but the tags didn't show. I forgot about the glitch 🤦🏻‍♀️
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chaomother · 2 years
cute café date with sonic and shadow please?❤ (not sonadow tho, it kinda just happened and now they're both there in a gorgeous little cafè with you and they're trying their best to focus on you and not tearing eachother apart)
this was so super cute and fun to write!! thanks for your req! i would love to be feeding these two café sweets rn
「sonic x gn!reader x shadow」
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“This new promotion is going to be so much fun♪”
Vivacious and bright, you exuded nothing short of pure happiness as you debuted the new outfit you bought the other day. Anyone could see how much you were enjoying yourself at the moment, arms swinging as your hands interlocked with the pair of hedgehogs on each side of you.
“[Name], you look really good in the outfit I helped you choose and all, but... I just have one question——
“What is FAKER doing here?” “What is that BLUE HEDGEHOG doing here?”
Despite acting as an improvised buffer between the two rivals, Sonic and Shadow’s incredulity synchronized together; and they promptly glared at each other, with Sonic raising his fist in a miffed manner.
You didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal, to be honest.
“Well, since Sonic offered to go shopping with me, I told him I’d take him out as thanks. And then, when I ran into you, Shadow, I couldn’t help but want to go with you, too,” you twittered, doubtful you were making any sense at all as to why you’d try to bring them together in any capacity.
Squeezing your hand, in what you surmised to be a reassuring gesture, Shadow nodded as he listened to you attentively. Was he happy about the situation? No; he genuinely thought he was going to spend some time with you, but he wasn’t about to leave you alone with Sonic, either. “You must’ve really wanted me here, huh?” he baited with a smug simper.
“Well, they invited me first for a reason,” Sonic curtly remarked, pouting as he shamelessly took the taunt. The cute clothes adorning you were all thanks to his appraisal, and the blue bow on your choker was Sonic’s tiny way of staking his claim on you… he was allowed to do that as part of his reward, right? “Hey, [Name], you said they’re serving chili dogs?!”
“Uh, no, I didn’t?! It’s a café, you dummy!” Huffing, you released both of their hands in congruence with skipping ahead—all in favor of pointing out the aforementioned café. “There it is! Isn’t it cute?♡”
The only thing the two boys were enthralled with was the radiant grin on your countenance, their cheeks powdering with rosy hues.
Entering inside, they both discerned how luxurious the place was; it was swathed in lavish, glittering banners, yet retained an antique atmosphere that coalesced together. “And don’t worry, it’s my treat!” you winked at them as you took your seats.
Sonic and Shadow both made a conspicuous beeline for the spot next to you, but as Shadow dug his heel into Sonic’s foot and caught him off-guard, he was able to deftly purloin that empty, coveted seat beside you.
With a moue twisted onto his lips, Sonic plopped down directly across from you. Well, this wasn’t so bad—he could stare right at your face this way! Even though Shadow was shuffling awfully close to you…
“I usually just take my coffee black,” Shadow divulged as he leaned over to read from your menu despite the fact that he had one of his own before him.
Poking his tongue out in disgust, Sonic retorted, “I bet you’re one of those guys that think that’ll impress your crush~” And he was promptly met with a biting scowl, one that Sonic concluded that if looks could kill, he’d be extinguished right where he sits.
“I actually wanted to get the new menu items. They have a heavy emphasis on love and hearts,” you exclaimed, patently bashful about your own suggestion as the two hedgehogs with you immediately fixed their eyes on that specific section.
“Oh, we can share this, [Name],” Shadow softly said, pointing out a lovey-dovey parfait meant to share between lovers, except… “—Ow, dammit!” From underneath the table, Sonic harshly kicked Shadow in the shin.
You were understandably perplexed by the abrupt outburst, but in order to avoid you catching on to anything, Shadow quickly said, “I changed my mind, so I’ll take your recommendation.”
Nodding in spite of your own confusion, the three of you decided to get a plethora of things and share amongst yourselves. Well, you definitely got Shadow his black coffee and Sonic a non-caffeinated tea.
It wasn’t too long after that your desserts began piling up on the table, overlaying all the free space with the abundance of it all. “This might’ve been overkill, [Name]...” Sonic chuckled, beads of sweat dripping from his head.
“Better start eating!” you cheered, enraptured with the tantalizing treats and already shifting your focus off the boys and onto devouring as much as you could.
Shadow wasn’t a fan of sweet things—you didn’t count!—but for you, he’d sample a few things. And by a few things, he meant whatever you had; so whenever you’d pluck something off a plate, he’d follow suit and do the same.
“Ooh, [Name], that looks tasty!” Sonic proclaimed in a flash as he watched you take a spoonful of a pudding-like dish, diminutive drool converging in his mouth. “Feed me some♪”
Eyebrow twitching, Shadow watched as you rolled your eyes playfully before lifting the spoon over into Sonic’s opened mouth.
Sonic licked his lips, thinking that tasted much better than expected having come from you. “Mm, yummy!”
“What are you, a child? Eat it yourself, hedgehog,” Shadow snarled, his fingers already picking up a small, heart-shaped biscuit. Two can play at that game. “Here, [Name]. Open up.”
“Didn’t you just say that was childish?!” Sonic riposted with another glower on his face, only feeling his indignation magnify when Shadow cupped your cheek and poked the biscuit against your lips.
There was no harm in letting Shadow have a doting moment, you thought as you slowly pried your lips open. As Shadow fed you, he couldn’t cease the overflowing warmth inundating his chest. You looked so overjoyed munching away on the biscuit, humming cutely as you savored its buttery taste.
Sonic was palpably frustrated and jealous, the feelings flickering in his green eyes, and it only exacerbated when Shadow locked eyes with him with a complacent smirk.
You were blissfully unaware of the rivalry happening secretly between the two, never even noticing the surge of electricity shooting from their eyes at each other, and as you continued to eat away, you’d likely stay that way.
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goodluckclove · 2 months
The Hot Dog Scene (Migration Patterns Preview)
I feel like I have to include this to provide closure to those invested in my Hot Dog Discourse. It's a first draft so it might look different when the book comes out next year, but like...here it is. The Hot Dog Scene.
Edgar lingered. He looked tired in a positive way. Tired like how a person feels after they stop shouldering as much of their unimaginable burden. His eyes locked with Tenzin and he twitched an attempt at a smile.
“You want to get a hot dog?” Tenzin asked him.
He blinked, startled. “Excuse me?”
“Or chili fries, maybe? I’m probably going to get chili fries.”
“It’s the place next door,” Jude told him. “It’s good. They make a great Seattle dog.”
Edgar furrowed his brow. “What’s that?”
“Polish sausage with grilled onions and cream cheese.”
“They also,” Tenzin’s stomach lurched again and she sighed inwardly. “They also make regular hot dogs that humans can eat.”
Apparently all it took was the concept of a new type of hot dog to immediately start lifting Edgar’s spirits. “It’s – good?” He asked. “I never thought...I couldn’t even imagine that to be a thing that existed.”
Jude got this devilish look on zir face that Tenzin hated. “You’ve had a bagel with cream cheese and lox, right?”
“I suppose I have.”
“It’s the same idea! If Riley’s working the counter ask them to add grilled cabbage with a sprinkle of jalapeno brine. You won’t regret it.”
A slow, warm smile blossomed over Edgar’s face. He was excited, genuinely excited, despite the looming life-changing circumstances hanging just above their heads. Earlier today he was questioning if Scott would still love him under a new set of pronouns. Now all of that was rendered unimportant thanks to the promise of a singular, five-dollar hot dog.
It was childlike in a way that struck Tenzin right across the face. She knew then why Scott fell for him so instantly. Why Katy considered him family.
She bopped him with the corner of her briefcase and nodded towards the door. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”
“Right now?” Edgar looked uncertain. “Don’t you still need to..?” Eventually his anticipation for a new flavor overtook whatever hesitation he had. “Uh – yeah! Yeah, okay. Cool!”
The hot dog place was dingy, yet clean. The checkered tiled floors were scuffed in the way that implied a heavy amount of foot traffic, while the furniture looked brand new. Tenzin and Edgar took a seat at the counter by the large window after they ordered.
Tenzin got a bite to eat here whenever she was in the area because it was a weird enough eatery to stock RC Cola. She sipped at the rim of her mug and enjoyed the icy, sweet fizz. Beside her Edgar watched out the window with the straw of his own glass held between his teeth.
“It’s interesting,” Edgar began.
Here we go. “What is?” Tenzin asked hesitantly, wiping her mouth with a napkin from the nearby dispenser.
“RC Cola is more sour than I expected. It’s not bad – I like how smooth it is. It’s like…” Edgar took a drink from the straw and analyzed it carefully. “Cinnamon, maybe. Some kind of orange or lemon, and – it’s crazy, but I almost get a hint of rose. It reminds me of kombucha.”
She didn’t even realize that Edgar got the same soda as her. It looked like he enjoyed it, though with much more thought than Tenzin tended to give to anything she ate or drank.
“Do you do that all the time?” She said. “Do you just analyze everything you taste?”
Edgar shrugged. “It helps me appreciate it.”
“You never just eat something just to eat it?”
He looked close to embarrassment, but something changed at the very last moment and he doubled down. “It feels more mindful to...know what I’m eating. And why I like it. How it makes me feel. I mean, growing up I didn’t always get – I don’t know. I like to be grateful for things like this.”
Tenzin let out a stifled laugh. She worried Edgar would take it personally, but when he spoke again there was a smile in his voice. “Do I sound like a crazy person?”
“You sound like a birthright.”
She looked at him sitting beside her. Edgar was newly relaxed – more so than usual, especially with it just being him and her on their own. He smiled easily with his eyes shimmering in a soft gold glow, one that held its potency without trouble. This might’ve been the first time she saw him use his abilities with total control. He looked in that moment like any other witch town member. If she noticed him in the Mess Hall she’d take him to be a new employee she just didn’t get a chance to meet yet.
And he was reading her now. Reading her like Regina used to when they first met. Or was he? Growing up Tenzin would see her mom’s eyes glow momentarily in moments of high emotion. Regina told her it was an empty gesture, a reflex that couldn’t actually gain any real information. Not from Tenzin. Not anymore.
Edgar wore another beaded bracelet around his wrist that she didn’t notice until now. It was done up in multiple colors, just a repeating line of black and gray and white and green. She recognized the Agender pride flag as one of the gender identities Scott, and by proxy Tenzin, were informed of in their childhood.
That must’ve been one intense conversation between Edgar and Jude. Tenzin was grateful she didn’t have to be the one to navigate it.
“You never showed her your work,” Edgar said, eyes pointed down towards Tenzin’s bag.
“Mm,” Tenzin quickly put on an indifferent demeanor. “Don’t really need to.”
Edgar raised his brow. “Really? We drove all this way.”
“Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? That’s exactly what Jude’s thinking right now. So when I go ahead and ignore most of what ze told me to do, ze can’t get that upset,” Tenzin raised her drink to punctuate her point. “Because we drove all this way.”
“Clever,” Edgar said.
He said that with both sarcasm and admiration. Very recently she described Edgar as her brother. He technically was in at least a few senses. Absolutely not in many others.
When they met Tenzin was so crazed by her Knight’s Bond that she elbow struck him off his feet and could’ve easily beaten him to death. She cleaned the blood off his face once she healed him and he sat so carefully, not even wincing at the sight of his own blood.
It could be that he was used to the sight. The smell. The taste, even. Enough so that it didn’t surprise him anymore.
I won’t let anything put you in danger, she told him when he lingered in the car before meeting Regina. Tenzin meant it, too. She couldn’t explain why and even now the reasons confused and aggravated her.
The cashier that took their order came by with two baskets with hot dogs and fries. The teen placed one in front of each of them, muttered a weak bon appetite, and retreated back to the register.
Edgar’s attention was fully enraptured by the meal. He looked down at it and grinned. His eyes were massive and bright with shy excitement. Tenzin wonders how something so tarnished could be cleaned to glimmer so brightly.
It is unfair for Tenzin to feel an echo her feelings for Scott reflected in a separate human being. It just wasn’t right.
She took a french fry from the pile in her basket and bit into it. It was hot, but no too hot.
“How is it?” Edgar asked, hushed and eager.
Tenzin ate another fry. “Uh – good?” She attempted. “It’s...crispy. Salty. Made of – potato.”
Edgar picked up a french fry. It was a french fry. It was the first result in a stock image search of the word french fry and did not deserve remotely as much focus as Edgar was giving it.
“You know what I don’t see a lot of?” He looked at Tenzin but didn’t give her time to answer. “Waffle fries. Why do you think that is?”
He’s supposed to be the normal one, Tenzin thought in stunned silence. He’s supposed to be the one that got to be a regular human being.
Edgar didn’t look like he noticed her silence. “I think they’re harder to fry. That’s just my theory though. I never got to work a deep fryer,” he ate the fry in his hand and smiled. “Ooh, it’s fresh.”
He took a sip of his soda and took a deep breath, rubbing his hands in private anticipation. Edgar Gallows was the origin of Scott’s agony for his entire life, and now the guy was revving himself up to eat a hot dog. Treating it like he was about to land a perfect back flip on the first try. How did the events of Tenzin’s life lead up to this of all things?
She watched Edgar tenderly handle his Seattle-style hot dog, a title of which sounded deeply questionable since Tenzin had been to Seattle for business and didn’t see anyone slathering their processed meat with cream cheese. She wasn’t sure if it was an actually style native to the city as a whole. It was far more likely to her that some pervert thought himself clever and decided to make Washington worse as a result of it.
Edgar bit into the end and chewed. His focus was refined and laser sharp, but Tenzin knew she could’ve left the restaurant right now and he wouldn’t notice her absence until she was halfway home.
An entire conversation was being held with himself through the slight twitch of his brow and narrowing of his large eyes. The gold returned in a soft shimmer, showing just how much emotional stimulation Edgar was getting from just one bite.
He’s...reading the intentions? Tenzin truly felt one misstep away from losing her mind. Is Edgar reading the intentions of his hot dog?
She smiled deliriously thinking about it. Then, softly, she began to laugh. Eventually the sound was loud enough to attract Edgar’s attention. He swallowed and smiled sheepishly.
“’S good,” he said.
Tenzin tried to speak and could only laugh. She held her hand over her mouth, lolled her chin down to her chest, and laughed even harder. By the time Tenzin finally got a hold of her senses Edgar was already halfway done with his hot dog. He ate calmly and paid little mind to her hysterics. Edgar remained perfectly satisfied with the situation he was in.
“It’s really good,” he clarified while she caught her breath. “It’s probably top – top five. In my list of hot dogs.”
“It’s not even number one?” Tenzin’s voice was hoarse from laughter and she was forced to drink some cola to dull the burn. “Ah. Ah man. What a shame.”
“No, it’s good!” Edgar grinned. “I always love to try a new food.”
He looked happy. The affection Tenzin felt for him in that moment was stark and disorientating. It was something long-sleeping in her chest suddenly startled out of hibernation.
This was her brother. No. Yes. Maybe. The answer didn’t matter as much as Tenzin’s new conviction. Edgar was here now, after all this time, and there was no point resenting him for things he didn’t know, understand, or have any control over.
Scott was willing to die in his search for Eddie. If he didn’t find Edgar when he did, he likely would be dead. Or worse. But none of that happened, and now the two of them could sit together and eat a strange and slightly sacrilegious hot dog.
Edgar went back to happily eating. Tenzin decided to join him then, and she picked up the soft bun and bit into the sausage. She tried to focus on what she was eating. It was – crispy? Crispy, but not crunchy. It tasted like cooked meat and tangy cream – so creamy meat, but not like that because that sounds terrible.
It was okay.
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
The Pickle Jar Conundrum
Is 'Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday' still a thing? I've seen posts around on Tumblr and wanted to give it a shot! So take my goofy oneshot that showcases their sibling bond - hope you enjoy! :)
Sonic's ears perked up as he walked past the kitchen - hearing the small grunts of effort coming from the room. He stepped back and peered his head around the entrance curiously, and saw Tails standing in front of the counter. He was trying his absolute best to twist off the lid of a pickle jar, but to no avail. He'd evidently been at it for a while if his red cheeks were any indication.
"Hey there, bud!" Sonic waved cheerily as he decided to enter the kitchen. "You need any help with that?" He asked, pointing to the jar.
Tails didn't respond right away, taking one last attempt at pulling the lid off. When that failed, he sighed and nodded. "Hey, Sonic... yeah, I could do with some help-" he admitted, setting the jar down on the counter and then rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
"No problemo!" Sonic smirked, reaching out and grabbing the pickle jar. "Always a pleasure." That was indeed true, as Sonic secretly relished in the opportunies he had to help out the young fox. Often, Tails was often the one carrying the team with his clever schemes and vast knowledge of tech, so it was nice when Sonic had the opportunity to help him for once - to actually be the big brother that Tails referred to him as.
It was supposed to have been simple - just a measly jar of pickles. Sonic twisted his hand to pop off the lid, but it didn't move an inch.
"Uh, gimme a sec here-" Sonic quickly excused himself, setting the jar on the counter top to steady his grip on the jar. After another session of pulling and twisting - still nothing moved. All he got after his hard work was throbbing hand muscles.
"Huh." Sonic said, taking a moment to stop and stare at the jar. "Why do they make them so tight? Don't they want us to actually eat the pickles?"
Tails had been watching on, blinking in bewilderment as even his friend was having difficulties. "If your hand is aching, use a cloth to help you get a better grip on it." Tails suggested.
"Good thinking." Sonic nodded, reaching out for the dish cloth that hung over the oven door handle. He placed the cloth over the jar of pickles, making the lid much softer and easier to grab a hold of. Certain that there was no way this could fail, Sonic made one last heave.
It did not budge.
"Ugh! Come on, seriously?!" Sonic exclaimed in frustration, letting go of the glass jar and pouting at it. He then shifted his gaze to Tails. "Do you need these right now?" He asked him to make certain.
Tails averted his gaze, but slowly nodded - tapping the ends of his index fingers together. "I wanted a pickle sandwich..."
Sonic narrowed his eyes. "A pickle sandwich...? So like - only pickles?"
Tails nodded.
The fox huffed indignanltly. "You can't judge me! You eat chili dogs for breakfast!"
"So what if I do?" Sonic asked, getting defensive. "It has a bun, doesn't it? That's bread - so it's basically toast! That's a breakfast food!"
Tails facepalmed, groaning into his hand. "You did not just compare chili dogs to toast..." Once he got over Sonic's baffling statement, he saw Sonic was pulling so hard on the lid to the point his arms were trembling, and the hedgehog was gritting his teeth.
"It's alright, Sonic." Tails said. "I'll just have something else, we have plenty of other stuff in the fridge-"
"Nope." Sonic shook his head. "If my little bro wants pickles, he's getting pickles." He spoke with a firm conviction. "I'll just use a knife to break the seal-" Sonic said, reaching into one of the drawers and taking out a sharp cutting knife.
Tails' eyes widened in alarm. "Woah, woah!" He waved his hands. "You'll cut yourself with that! Use a butter knife instead." The fox told him, grabbing the butter knife for him and placing it in front of the hedgehog.
"Alright, alright." Sonic placed the cutting knife down, grabbing the blunter knife that Tails wished for him to use. "If it makes ya feel better..."
"It's basic knife safety..."
"Boriiiing." Sonic remarked, causing Tails to fold his arms - giving a disappointed but amused look towards the hedgehog. Sonic tried placing the blade of the knife between the lid and the jar, twisting it around and trying to at last wedge the lid out of place.
His efforts were frutiless.
"Man! This has to be a prank..." Sonic frowned, contemplating what they could try next.
Both of their heads turned to see Amy standing at the entrance, smiling, a bag hanging over her shoulder. "Sorry for interrupting! Just wanted to let you know I'm off to drop off some cakes for Vanilla... - Oh! Are you guys having trouble with that?" Amy asked, tilting her head towards the jar. "Let me try!"
Sonic shrugged, picking it up and handing it over. "It's being a real pain in the neck, don't be too bothered if you can't-"
With one effortless twist, Amy had made the lid come clean off.
"There you go." She beamed, placing the open jar in Sonic's hand.
He stared at it blankly.
"Oh, wow- uh, thanks, Amy." Tails smiled gratefully, although still in a bit of disbelief.
"Don't mention it!" She giggled. "See you guys later, okay? I won't be gone long." She told them, swiftly making her exit from the kitchen as she hummed to herself merrily.
Sonic and Tails exchanged a stunned glance.
Tails broke first, letting out a giggle - and Sonic was quick to follow with his own snickers.
If there was one thing they had learnt today - it was that they should ask Amy for help opening tightly sealed jars in the future...
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rawritzrobin · 2 years
Little White Dress
Jason Todd x FemAmazonian!Reader
Prompt: Jason see’s Y/N in a wedding dress and images her being wed to him. 
A/N: The actual request was very long. But I hope I you enjoy it @oyasumimosura (:
Jason wasn't sure why he kept his resurgence a secret from you. You were one of the only people he had ever felt close to. Growing up as the sidekick to one of the most well known superheroes in the world would do that.
He was Robin, sidekick to the one and only Batman.
You were Y/H/N, sidekick to the one and only Wonder Woman.
You two had met at one of Bruce’s fancy Gala’s. Jason had to be dragged there, while you went because you wanted to. Seeing the world outside of Themyscira was still new to you. Diana had warned you of the dangers in the outside world. You always listened to your mentor, yet somehow, you both ended up leaving the party halfway there to go visit a local chili dog man that Jason deemed ‘the best chili dogs in all of the East coast’. Jason was the first boy your age you had ever encountered. You trusted him, even though you had only met him that night. You two became fast friends after that. Whenever the league had big business, you two always met up.
Having a secret identity wasn’t always very easy. Especially when there were basically no heroes your age. So the friendship came naturally. Sadly, it never got farther than that. Jason was going to confess to you at some point. But the Joker ruined that plan.
But deep down, he knew why the Red Hood never introduced himself.
By the time he had finally recovered mentally from the pit, you had hung up your sword and lasso. Jason had followed you home one day. Funny enough, he spotted you at the chili dog cart. He was surprised to see you were in Gotham. He didn’t exactly have the best relationship with the league given his reputation. He couldn't just walk up to Wonder Woman and ask about you.
Which is why he kept a close eye on you after spotting you in Gotham that day.
You were living in a small apartment in Old Gotham. You didn’t seem to live a lavish lifestyle. You kept to yourself mostly. He was quick to learn that your day job was now working at a luxurious dress shop in the Diamond District. It didn’t take him long to learn your schedule. He was a little disappointed that you had given up a life of superheroing to be a regular Gotham civilian. But you often ended your days with a smile. He was happy you moved on from his death.
He often followed you home at night. He knew you could defend yourself if anything ever happened, but he just wanted to make sure you were safe.
He stopped by one night to see that the store was still open, well after closing time. He noticed there were a few rich looking people in the shop. Rich folk often asked for special treatment, so your team was likely keeping the shop open just for them. Crime was slow that night, so he kept his distance and watched from afar.
“Thank you so much for accommodating our appointment.” The future bride said to you. Her mom merely kept her head held high and nodded.
You were exhausted from working a 10 hour shift. But your boss had asked you to stay an extra 2 hours to help two exclusive customers shop for a wedding dress. Exclusive was code for “Rich folk who had lots of money to spend”. So you obliged and put on a happy face to greet the customers.
After about 30 minutes of shopping, the bride and her family had finally picked out about 5 dresses. You and your co-worker were glad that they only chose 5. People like them usually wanted to see every dress on the rack.
After trying on four of the dresses, they were down to the last one.
“Do you mind trying this one on for me?” The bride asked out of nowhere.
“Me? Why me? Don’t you want to try it on?”
“Well, your hair is the color I want to dye my hair for the wedding. And I want to see it on someone with that hair color.”
“Well we usually don't do that.”
Your coworker nudged you in the side and whispered, “Just do it so we can go home.” In her regular voice she said, “Of course Y/N can do it! And would you look at that, the dress is her exact size!” She said happily, taking the dress from the girl and handing it to you. All while shoving you toward the dressing room.
It took a few minutes as you weren't exactly wearing the correct undergarments for a wedding dress. You smiled after seeing yourself in the mirror. You hadn’t really thought about ever getting married. Growing up as an Amazon, you never really thought about dating, let alone actually being in a committed relationship with anyone. You had to admit, the dress was beautiful. It wasn’t something you would want to wear at your wedding, but the delicate lace and perfect fit made you look like one hell of a bride.
You took a deep breath, and stepped out of the dressing room. “Well let's get this over with.” you said with a sigh.
Jason had been in the same spot for about an hour now. He could never understand why women took so much time shopping. He saw you disappear into one of the dressing rooms, and step out a few minutes later.
His jaw would have dropped open, if it wasn’t for his Red Hood Mask.
You stepped out wearing a beautiful white wedding dress. The dress looked as if it was designed for you in mind. It hugged you perfectly at all your curves. He could tell you were nervous as your cheeks were tinted slightly pink. He forgot how beautiful you really were. You turned around a few times and everyone in the room clapped.
For the first time since his death, Jason smiled.
In that moment, he remembered why he fell in love with you. He could feel his heart skip a beat as he imagined you walking towards him down the aisle in that beautiful wedding dress. It would be a small ceremony. Close friends, and some heroes of course. Your circle was a lot bigger than his. He would be waiting anxiously at the end of the aisle. As you appeared in front of the crowd, they would all turn to look at you in admiration. Jason’s heart filled with hope and happiness.
Maybe one day, this would be a reality.
The moment was cut short as everyone in the room agreed that the dress was perfect for the bride to be. So once again, Y/N disappeared into the back of the room as her co-worker helped the family with the paperwork in the front.
****** You had just stepped through the door and fell onto your couch in the living room. You were still a little bit giddy about seeing yourself in that beautiful dress. Not once in your time working at that shop had you ever thought about trying on one of the dresses. But today, that all changed.
Maybe it was time to get back out there.
Just as you finished your thought, you hear a knock at your door. You were instantly on edge as it was nearly 11PM. Who would be visiting you at this hour? You instinctively grabbed some pepper spray, and looked through the peephole. It was a man, his face turned away. He didn’t seem armed or dangerous, but you kept your pepper spray just in case.
You opened the door to peek out, but instantly your eyes went wide when you regonzed who it was standing in front of you.
“Hey Y/N.” Jason said. “You busy tonight?”
And that is where I will leave that. The rest is up to your imagination c: Jason deserves all the love. <3
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writingmaneskin · 9 months
Coming Home - A Victoria De Angelis Story
Tumblr media
Pairings: Vic De Angelis x Fem!Reader
Words: 1359
Summary: Vic has had a long day but coming home to you lifts the uneasiness from her shoulders and she vocalizes just how lucky she feels that you are in her life.
A/N: this is per chaos bestie's request (@moonlight-simp 💕💕💕) It's so fluffy, help.
kofi || taglist || send a request
Victoria felt like the whole world rested on her shoulders at times - between the band and all of the adulting responsibilities and travel, she had little to no time to just be. To enjoy her twenties, to simply indulge in everyday things. Yes, she tried to make time for it as much as she could, but there were moments that just lacked the simplicity that she was sometimes desperate for.
The day was stressful, she’d woken up way too early after not being able to sleep due to racing thoughts about her upcoming trip and she’d gone out with Chili before having to go to the studio.
The band had to rehearse and they ended up brainstorming for future projects too, something that was welcome but also slightly irritating because it meant that they had to stay in the studio later than intended again.
She heard faint music coming from the inside of her apartment and her mood instantly started picking up, remembering that you’d texted her that you’d wait for her after work and the two of you could have date night.
She unlocked the door and Chili almost instantly greeted her, jumping on her legs as she tried to take off her shoes and licking her hands and face. 
“Chili, ti amoooooo.” Vic chuckled and petted her excited dog.
“Just Chili?” You smiled, standing in the doorway. Vic’s jaw dropped - you were wearing a shirt dress that was slightly on the shorter side and she knew that if you moved even to raise your arms a bit, your underwear would be visible. 
“Ciao, tesoro.” She pulled you in for a kiss which you excitedly responded to. 
“Ciao, amore.” 
Pulling away, her brain fully registered that you’d put her favourite Fleetwood Mac record on and the apartment smelled like the candles that you’d gifted her with. 
“Are we ordering food?” Vic asked as she walked out of the bathroom after washing her hands and freshening up a bit.
“No, I already took care of that. I got us pizza from that place that you love so much in Trastevere, and I bought a bottle of wine, and since I walked Chili like an hour ago, I was thinking that we could have dinner and relax and maybe watch a movie afterwards?” You stepped closer to her, needing the physical touch.
“Oh, yes to all of that. Maybe we could finish the evening with a bath?” Vic added with a hopeful tone.
“Of course, amore. Anything you need.” You kissed her very gently before the two of you walked hand in hand to the kitchen, Vic starting to open the bottle of wine as you got the pizza out of the boxes and onto plates.
“What should we watch?”
“Mamma Mia?” Vic suggested.
“I will end up crying.” You argued.
“So will I probably but you know Mamma Mia is the best.”
“I have no arguments against that.” You chuckled.
“Do you want to eat the pizza in front of the TV?” 
“Yes, that makes more sense.” You started getting up but Vic put a hand on your shoulder.
“Give me five minutes, I’ll set everything up.” 
And she did - she made the living room all cosy, putting the pillows from the sofa on the floor, lighting some other candles on the side to make the space more ambient, moving the kitchen set up from there to the living room so the dinner date could resume as intended.
“Okay, please join me in the living room.” She gave you her cutest smile and it made your heart skip a little.
“I could have helped, you know.” You kissed her hand.
“You could have, yes but I changed your date night plan and I wanted to make up for it.”
“You don’t have to make up for something that you expanded on.” You argued.
“Let me just take care of you the way you always take care of me, please.” She kissed your hand gently before the two of you sat down on the pillows. Chili took a spot on the sofa behind the two of you and as the movie started, you sang along and by the time that it was halfway over, the pizza was gone and you and Vic danced to the musical numbers.
Your heart was full, so was hers.
“I’ll go run you a bath.” You told Vic as the film ended and you stacked the plates one on top of the other.
“Thank you, tesoro. I’ll clean up.” She promised and got up. You started filling the tub, making sure that the water was not too hot or too cold and threw in one of Vic’s favourite bath bombs before lighting some candles.
“Would you like some music in the background?” You asked as she walked into the bathroom.
“No, but will you stay with me?” 
“Of course.” You helped her get into the bath first and sat down on the floor.
She reached out to hold your hand.
“What’s wrong?” You played with her hand carefully.
“I am dreading leaving.” She admitted.
“I understand that. But it will be a shorter trip and you’ll be back with me and Chili in no time.” You smiled at her sweetly. You also didn’t enjoy doing long distance partially but it was something one got used to and it made you cherish the time you spent together even more.
“I already miss you.” 
“I miss you too, my love.” You reassured her and pressed a kiss to her palm. 
“Sometimes, as much as I love my job, I hate that it takes me away from you.” 
“I hate that too.” You admitted quietly. 
“I had lost that feeling for a while, you know,” She started quietly. “The feeling of homesickness, of longing. I was fine with the constant moving around despite the occasional bouts of anxiety. I saw the boys struggling with missing home and I didn’t get it. Then you came into my life and changed everything.” 
“I hope you mean I changed everything for the better?” You looked at her, a part of you wondering where she was going with her speech.
“Yes, for the better. Of course! And today is a prime example of you changing everything for the better. I was frustrated the entire day, I wanted to get out of the studio, nothing was going as well as I wanted it to and I was so in my head that I had forgotten about everything. Then I got in front of the apartment and I heard the music and I opened the door and Chili is there and you are also there teasing me, and we have this wonderful night and how am I supposed to want to leave this behind? I don’t.” 
“You’re not leaving me or Chili behind, Vic.” 
“I am not, yes. I will be back. Because you two are my home and I will always be grateful for everything that you’ve done and do for me. For everything you are to me. I’m so happy I get to come home to you.” 
Your eyes were full of tears and your free hand instinctively ran to the necklace with the letter V that she had given you on your first anniversary.
“I am also grateful to you for everything and most of all, that I get to come home to you.” 
“No tears, tesoro or I will start crying too.” She gently wiped your face and raised herself a little to kiss you.
You sniffled a bit.
“I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I know that whenever I think of you, I am always mind blown that one person can hold so much love in them, but also personify so many aspects of love.” 
Her words made you blush.
“No, don’t argue. I feel like I am the luckiest person in the world.” She kissed your hand again and again. You wouldn’t argue because there was no point - there would be no winning this argument. 
She was your home, you were hers. It was as simple as that. And you loved it.
taglist: @moonlight-simp @maneskings @iosonoarina @unaballerinascalza @oro-e-diamanti @vita-thrasher @ventvnni @theimpossiblehologramtree @chemical-killjoy @butkutee @8iunie @dpaccione @elvirabelle @cuzimitaliano @daddydamiano @shehaddreamstoo @iamtashaquinn @alexxavicry @tnu-ree @bigsimpsimp @mynameisangeloflife
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