#enzymatic reactions
aaronofithaca05 · 1 month
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Here making Circe's potions! The recipe is straight up from Aiaia
Ladies! here you have proof that you can make what the Daughter of Helios achieved in her time! Now available in every lab!.
It's detection of enzymatic activity of catalase, where it's transparent but drop after drop of a inorganic compund (magnasium......I don't remember) it turns thislovely pink!.
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kingdrawcse · 6 months
Non-enzymatic browning
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Beyond enzymatic browning in food, there's another fascinating process – non-enzymatic browning. It has two main forms: Caramelization, where sugars heat above their melting point, creating delightful nutty flavors and that rich brown hue. Then there's the Maillard reaction, a complex dance between sugars and amino acids or proteins that results in those mouthwatering brown to near-black molecules. Let's talk about one delicious result of these reactions - Braised Pork Belly, where caramelization and the Maillard reaction come together to create a culinary masterpiece!
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tiixij · 2 years
hate spending forever trying to figure something out then the basic information you started with clicks together out of nowhere like fuck you where were you an hour ago
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xseffort45 · 9 months
Electrolytes and why they're important especially when water f4st!ng:
Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, and phosphate. They are involved in various physiological processes.
During a water f4st, the body can lose electrolytes through various means, such as urine, sweat, and even through breathing.
Without sufficient intake of electrolytes, the body may experience imbalances that can lead to various health issues including:
muscle cramps, dizziness, weakness, irregular heartbeats, and in severe cases, even life-threatening conditions such as de4th.
Here's a breakdown of each electrolyte and its role in the body:
Sodium (Na+):
Role: Sodium is the primary extracellular cation (positively charged ion) and plays a vital role in maintaining fluid balance and blood pressure. It is essential for nerve impulse transmission and muscle function.
Source: Commonly found in table salt (sodium chloride) and many processed foods.
Potassium (K+):
Role: Potassium is the primary intracellular cation. It helps regulate fluid balance, nerve impulses, muscle contractions (including the heart), and maintains proper cellular function.
Source: Found in various fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, and spinach.
Calcium (Ca2+):
Role: Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. It also plays a key role in muscle contractions, nerve transmission, blood clotting, and cell signaling.
Source: Dairy products, leafy greens, nuts, and fortified non-dairy milk.
Magnesium (Mg2+):
Role: Magnesium is involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body, including energy production, protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, and maintaining healthy bones.
Source: Found in nuts, seeds, whole grains, leafy greens, and legumes.
Chloride (Cl-):
Role: Chloride is the major extracellular anion (negatively charged ion) and works closely with sodium to help maintain fluid balance and osmotic pressure in cells.
Source: Commonly found in table salt (sodium chloride) and many processed foods.
Bicarbonate (HCO3-):
Role: Bicarbonate is involved in regulating the body's acid-base balance (pH level) and is a crucial component of the bicarbonate buffering system.
Source: The body produces bicarbonate as part of normal metabolic processes.
Phosphate (HPO42-):
Role: Phosphate is essential for bone and teeth mineralization, energy production (adenosine triphosphate, ATP), and serves as a component of DNA and RNA.
Source: Found in various foods, including meat, dairy products, nuts, and whole grains.
To prevent these complications and support the body during a water f4st, it is crucial to supplement with electrolytes.
Many people who practice prolonged water f4st!ng or intermittent f4st!ng find it helpful to take electrolyte supplements or consume electrolyte-rich drinks to ensure they maintain proper mineral balance throughout the f4!sting period. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any regimen or supplement routine, as individual needs may vary.
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dduane · 24 days
I love your young wizards books! There’s an article in the NYTs about “plumes of steam” floating up from the belly of Manhattan and thanks to YW, I know it’s just dragons. ❤️
Thank you!
...And yeah, dragons, absolutely. :) (...Well, these guys, anyway.)
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Via the Errantry Concordance: the Fireworm (Lanthanodrax speleotraxis)1
(Also the occasionally occuring “sport” or hypotrophic subspecies, L. speleotraxis ignigastris.) The colloquial name is identical with that used for the marine bristleworm Hermodice carunculata, but the two species otherwise have nothing to do with one another.
The wizardly fireworm is a serious competitor for the title of “North American fauna species that has had its evolution most seriously interfered with by wizardry.”
The original species — just another small reptile, to start with, a member of the suborder Lacertilla and a distant relative of the geckos — was repeatedly mutated by the wizards caught up in the events surrounding the final fate of Afallonë. The most comprehensive change to their structure happened as a side effect of the great aphthonic intervention, the wizardry intended to save as much as possible of the unique Atlantean flora and fauna from the impending destruction of the First Continent. The rafting wizardry which was meant to simply transport a number of species to the newer continents went wrong during the final crisis in many important ways, and rampant wizardry leakage contaminated and disrupted the genetic structures of many of the creatures involved. The fireworm, already susceptible to such disruption because of previous genetic manipulation, suffered far more of it during the transport to the early versions of North America and Europe than any other creature involved in the ancient rafting project.
In Europe and Asia, the fireworm had fewer natural enemies, and grew and changed in ways which would otherwise have been impossible. Further mutations due to the accumulation of wizardly overlays in the more populated parts of Europe led to the rise of the offshoot species Draco, the “true dragons” which became famous in Europe’s medieval period for being killed by knights. (It should be made clear that most of these casualties were members of the species Draco ectenis, the lindworm or wingless dragon, an omnivore by habit and cave-dweller by preference. Even the most heavily armored knights had a terrible batting average against Draco draco europaeis, the cliff-dwelling, strictly carnivorous winged dragon, which regarded knights merely as a somewhat-seasonal comestible delicacy with a crunchy outside and a yummy inside.)
But in North America, where many “rafted” species with wizardly components survived for the next few millennia after the fall of Atlantis, the fireworm kept for some time its original Atlantean form — that of a small carnivorous reptile with a tendency to burp flammable gas as a defense mechanism when frightened or upset. (No carbon-based dragon, true or false, breathes fire: but even the smallest ones can ignite it on exhalation in one of a number of ways, usually involving chemical or enzymatic reactions.)
However, unfortunately for the fireworm, its main Atlantean natural enemy the “king-weasel” (Macrogulo gulo, long extinct and survived only by its far less assertive “family” relative Gulo gulo, the wolverine) succeeded in establishing itself in North America as it had not been able to do in Europe because of the presence of the great crested cockatrice (Cerastus baseliensis) or northern cockatrice (Cerastus scotodasos). The king-weasel nearly succeeded in exterminating the fireworm. Only the smallest members of the family survived by changing their normal above-ground habitats for an underground lifestyle into which the king-weasels would not follow them.
After some millennia spent living and rebuilding their gene pools in the natural caves of the East, the fireworms moved into the manufactured caves and underground spaces of the great East Coast and Midwest cities. (No fireworm species live west of the Rockies. Possibly due to uncomfortable genetic memories secondary to the fall of Afallonë, they will not stay in earthquake-active zones.) Regardless of what ConEd tells you, fireworms are the proximate cause of the steam New Yorkers see coming up from under the streets in all weathers — the more steam, the larger the fireworm.
They are some of the most exothermic of all Earth-based life forms, when well-fed, and the very biggest ones can prosper down in the tunnels in even the coldest weather. When exposed to further wizardry leakage, as sometimes happens in the neighborhood of worldgate complexes, the oldest and most experienced fireworms can over time acquire some telepathic and empathic abilities.2 This enables them to force the smaller fireworms, and even members of some other species, to do their will — shepherding food into their ambit, or otherwise serving their needs. For this reason, smart wizards stay out of places where the older and larger fireworms can be found, unless the needs of errantry drive them there.
Fireworms are also the ultimate source of all the stories about “alligators in the sewers.” There is a certain ironic humor to this, as wizards know there wouldn’t be nearly so many stories if the things in the sewers were only alligators.
(See also: Eldest, the: Twelve, Song of the.) (SYWTBAW)
1The taxonomy of the western European fireworm is somewhat confused. The Bestiarium Ignotum classified the fireworm as Lanthanotrops micrognotus, but this did not take into account the internal differences between the Lanthanotrops and Lanthanodrax families — possibly understandable, since Linnaeus was unable to find a dead specimen to dissect, and trapping a live one was at that point out of the question. The Acta Parabiologica‘s revised classification group places the fireworm among the various members of family Hemerothalcus, with the “true dragons” of the Draco species.
2 Because of the already-fragile state of their DNA, such exposure over prolonged periods can also result in memory loss and other neurological problems, as seems to have been the case with the Eldest in SYWTBAW.
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mycochaotix · 4 months
r/mushroom user asks: “why TF are these guys purple?”
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Cortinarius sp.?
MCX Answers:
Great question!
IMO: The color of mushroom fruit bodies, especially in terms of their penetration colors (color changes upon bruising or cutting), is influenced by the presence of certain chemical compounds. The primary compounds responsible for these color changes are secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols and enzymes.
When a mushroom is injured or bruised, these compounds come into contact with oxygen, leading to oxidation reactions. This oxidation can result in the formation of new pigments and changes in color. For example:
1. ⁠Tyrosinase Enzyme: Mushrooms often contain the enzyme tyrosinase, which plays a role in the production of melanin. When the mushroom tissue is damaged, tyrosinase reacts with compounds like tyrosine to form melanin, leading to darkening or browning.
2. ⁠Polyphenols: Certain mushrooms contain polyphenolic compounds that can undergo enzymatic reactions, causing color changes upon exposure to air. This process is often seen in the browning of mushroom flesh.
3. ⁠Other Compounds: Specific mushroom species may contain unique compounds that contribute to distinct colors upon bruising or cutting.
The specific colors observed can vary among mushroom species due to differences in their biochemical composition. Factors such as genetics, environmental conditions, and the age of the mushroom can also influence the color changes.
Further… biological adaptation!
The pigmentation of mushroom fruit bodies can have evolutionary significance, although the specific adaptive reasons for coloration can vary among different mushroom species. Some evolutionary considerations for pigmentation in mushrooms:
1. ⁠Camouflage and Mimicry: Some mushrooms may have evolved to blend in with their surroundings, providing them with a degree of camouflage. This adaptation could help protect them from herbivores or increase their chances of successful spore dispersal.
2. ⁠Warning Colors: In contrast, certain brightly colored mushrooms may serve as warning signals to deter potential herbivores. This is often seen in toxic or poisonous mushrooms that have evolved to display vivid colors as a way of indicating their unpalatability.
3. ⁠Attraction of Dispersal Agents: The colors of mushrooms can also play a role in attracting specific dispersal agents, such as insects or animals. Some mushrooms have evolved to produce pigments that attract these agents, aiding in spore dispersal.
4. ⁠Environmental Adaptations: Mushroom pigmentation may be influenced by environmental factors, including light exposure. The color of a mushroom might be adapted to enhance its ability to thrive in a particular habitat or microenvironment.
5. ⁠UV Protection: Pigments can act as a form of protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Some mushrooms produce pigments that may help shield them from the potentially harmful effects of UV light.
It's important to note that the evolutionary reasons for mushroom pigmentation can be complex and multifaceted, and they may vary greatly among different species.
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science-lover33 · 8 months
Pharmacology Unveiled: How Medications Work on a Molecular Level"
Explore the science of pharmacology and delve into the mechanisms of action of commonly prescribed medications, shedding light on how they interact with the body's systems.
In the multifaceted domain of pharmacology, an intricate symphony of molecular interactions orchestrates the therapeutic effects of medications. A profound comprehension of the molecular underpinnings of pharmacological actions is indispensable for healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical scientists, and researchers. In this discourse, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of pharmacodynamics, elucidating the profound intricacies of how medications function at the molecular level.
Pharmacodynamics: A Multilayered Discipline
Pharmacodynamics constitutes the extensive scrutiny of the manner in which drugs interlace with specific molecular targets, often referred to as receptors or enzymes, within the human organism. Medications are meticulously designed to effectuate alterations in biochemical pathways, receptor kinetics, or enzymatic processes, aiming to modulate physiological phenomena to alleviate symptoms or remediate pathological states.
Receptor-Mediated Pharmacological Actions
A pivotal facet of pharmacodynamics lies in the receptor-mediated actions of medications. Receptors are intricate protein entities, frequently situated on the extracellular or intracellular domains of cells, that play a pivotal role in cellular communication and homeostasis. When a medication interfaces with a receptor, it initiates a cascade of molecular events, which, contingent upon the context, may potentiate or impede the cellular response.
Agonists and Antagonists: Puppets of Molecular Dance
In the intricate theater of pharmacodynamics, medications assume roles as either agonists or antagonists. Agonists aptly mimic the endogenous ligands or signaling molecules, seamlessly integrating into the receptor's binding pocket. This engagement sets forth a conformational alteration in the receptor, instigating cellular events replicating or augmenting the physiological response. Conversely, antagonists function as molecular antagonists, obstructing the receptor and forestalling the binding of endogenous signaling molecules. Consequently, the physiological response is negated or attenuated.
Enzymatic Interference: Orchestrating Biochemical Concertos
Certain medications orchestrate their therapeutic influence through the intricate domain of enzyme inhibition. Enzymes are the catalytic workhorses governing biochemical transformations in biological systems. Medications that selectively inhibit or modulate these enzymes effectively regulate the pace or character of these metabolic reactions, rendering them invaluable in conditions characterized by aberrant enzyme function.
Ion Channel Choreography: Modulating Electrophysiological Ballets
A notable mechanism of pharmacological action entails the modulation of ion channels. These proteinaceous conduits, reposing within cellular membranes, govern the flux of ions across these barriers. Medications designed to engage with ion channels effectively influence the electrochemical signaling within cells. The modulation of ion channels is instrumental in conditions such as arrhythmias, epilepsy, and neuropathic pain.
Pharmacogenetics: Personalizing Medication Regimens
The burgeoning realm of pharmacogenetics delves into the impact of an individual's genetic repertoire on their medication response. Genetic polymorphisms can significantly influence drug metabolism, receptor sensitivities, and pharmacological efficacy. Tailoring medication regimens to align with an individual's genetic makeup represents a burgeoning paradigm in personalized medicine.
Pharmacology unfolds as an intricate tapestry of molecular engagements and multifarious mechanisms. Medications, hewn with precision, are intended to engage with specific molecular entities, be it receptors, enzymes, or ion channels, aiming to modulate intricate biochemical processes to achieve therapeutic ends.
Rang, H. P., Dale, M. M., Ritter, J. M., & Flower, R. J. (2015). Rang & Dale's Pharmacology. Elsevier.
Katzung, B. G., & Trevor, A. J. (2021). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology. McGraw-Hill Education
Brunton, L. L., Knollmann, B. C., & Hilal-Dandan, R. (2020). Goodman & Gilman's: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. McGraw-Hill Education.
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science-sculpt · 7 days
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Amplifying Revolution: The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Imagine a scenario where you have a crucial document, but there's only one fragile copy. You need numerous duplicates to analyze and share. This is exactly the challenge faced by scientists dealing with DNA. Thankfully, a revolutionary technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) comes to the rescue. PCR, often referred to as molecular photocopying, is a fundamental tool in molecular biology. It allows scientists to exponentially amplify a specific DNA segment, creating millions of copies from a minuscule sample. This has revolutionized various fields, from diagnosing diseases to unraveling genetic mysteries.
The credit for inventing PCR is widely attributed to Kary Mullis, a biochemist working at Cetus Corporation in the early 1980s. Inspired by his nighttime drives through California, Mullis envisioned a method for exponentially copying DNA segments through repeated cycles of heating, annealing (primer attachment), and extension (polymerase-mediated DNA synthesis). This elegant concept became the foundation of PCR. Mullis's concept was brilliant, but a crucial hurdle remained. The process required a DNA polymerase enzyme that could withstand repeated heating and cooling cycles. The solution came from an unexpected source: hot springs. In 1976, researchers discovered Taq polymerase, a heat-stable enzyme isolated from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. This discovery was a game-changer, as Taq polymerase could function optimally during the high-temperature steps of PCR. In recognition of its transformative impact on science, Kary Mullis was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993, alongside Michael Smith, who pioneered site-directed mutagenesis.
While the core concept of PCR was established, the technique required further refinement. Pioneering researchers like Henry Erlich at Cetus played a vital role in optimizing reaction conditions, automating the process, and developing the now-ubiquitous thermal cyclers that precisely control the temperature changes needed for PCR. The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a surge in PCR applications. In 1985, PCR was used for the first time to analyze sickle cell anemia, demonstrating its potential for clinical diagnostics. Forensic science embraced PCR in 1987, with the successful amplification of DNA from a single human hair. By 1989, highly sensitive DNA fingerprinting techniques based on PCR became a game-changer in criminal investigations.
At the heart of PCR lies a clever exploitation of the natural process of DNA replication. The key players in this drama are:
Template DNA: The DNA sequence that contains the target region to be amplified
Primers: Short sequences of nucleotides that flank the target DNA region and serve as starting points for DNA synthesis.
DNA Polymerase: Enzyme responsible for synthesizing new DNA strands by extending the primers using nucleotides.
Nucleotides: The building blocks of DNA, including adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).
Buffer Solution: Provides optimal conditions for the enzymatic reactions to occur.
Thermal Cycler: Instrumentation used to automate the PCR process by cycling through different temperatures.
At its core, PCR mimics the natural process of DNA replication within an organism. However, PCR condenses this complex process into a series of controlled steps carried out within a test tube. Here's a breakdown of the PCR cycle:
Denaturation: The first step involves heating the reaction mixture to a high temperature (usually around 95°C), causing the double-stranded DNA to separate into two single strands. This process is known as denaturation.
Annealing: The temperature is then lowered to allow the primers to bind (anneal) to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA. This typically occurs around 50-65°C, depending on the primer sequences.
Extension: With the primers bound, the temperature is raised again, and DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands by extending from the primers using the nucleotides present in the reaction mixture. This step occurs at a temperature optimal for the DNA polymerase enzyme, typically around 72°C.
Cycle Repetition: These three steps—denaturation, annealing, and extension—are repeated multiple times (usually 20-40 cycles), resulting in an exponential increase in the number of DNA copies. Each cycle doubles the amount of DNA, leading to millions of copies of the target sequence after just a few cycles.
The beauty of PCR lies in its repetitive nature. With each cycle, the number of copies of the target DNA segment doubles. After 30 cycles, for example, you can have billions of copies of the specific DNA region, enough for further analysis.
This versatile technique has spawned numerous variations, each tailored for a specific purpose. Let's delve into some of the most common types of PCR:
Real-Time PCR (qPCR): Real-Time PCR, or quantitative PCR (qPCR), revolutionized nucleic acid quantification by enabling the real-time monitoring of DNA amplification. This technique utilizes fluorescent reporter molecules to measure the accumulation of PCR products during each cycle. qPCR is invaluable in gene expression analysis, microbial quantification, and diagnostic assays due to its high sensitivity and quantitative capabilities.
Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR): Reverse Transcription PCR combines PCR with reverse transcription to amplify RNA sequences. This technique converts RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase enzyme before proceeding with PCR amplification. RT-PCR is pivotal in gene expression studies, viral load quantification, and the detection of RNA viruses such as HIV and SARS-CoV-2.
Nested PCR: Nested PCR involves two rounds of amplification, with the second round using a set of nested primers that bind within the product of the first round. This nested approach increases specificity and reduces nonspecific amplification, making it ideal for detecting low-abundance targets and minimizing contamination. Nested PCR is commonly used in forensic analysis, pathogen detection, and rare allele identification.
Multiplex PCR: Multiplex PCR allows simultaneous amplification of multiple target sequences within a single reaction. This technique employs multiple primer sets, each specific to a distinct target region, enabling the detection of multiple targets in a single assay. Multiplex PCR is valuable in microbial typing, genetic screening, and detection of pathogens with complex genetic profiles.
Digital PCR (dPCR): Digital PCR partitions the PCR reaction into thousands of individual micro-reactions, each containing a single DNA template molecule or none at all. By counting the number of positive and negative partitions, dPCR accurately quantifies target DNA molecules without the need for standard curves or reference samples. This technique is useful for absolute quantification of rare targets, allelic discrimination, and copy number variation analysis.
Allele-Specific PCR: Allele-Specific PCR selectively amplifies alleles containing specific nucleotide variations, enabling the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or mutations. This technique utilizes primers designed to match the target sequence with single-base mismatches at their 3' end, allowing discrimination between different alleles. Allele-Specific PCR finds applications in genetic testing, pharmacogenomics, and population studies.
PCR's ability to amplify DNA has made it an indispensable tool in various fields. Here are a few examples of its diverse applications:
Disease Diagnosis and Surveillance: PCR plays a pivotal role in the rapid and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. By amplifying specific nucleic acid sequences, PCR enables the detection of pathogens with high sensitivity and specificity. PCR-based tests have become indispensable in diagnosing viral infections such as HIV, hepatitis, influenza, and COVID-19. Additionally, PCR facilitates the surveillance of disease outbreaks and the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance.
Genetic Testing and Personalized Medicine: PCR empowers genetic testing by enabling the detection of genetic mutations, polymorphisms, and variations associated with inherited diseases, cancer, and pharmacogenomics. Through techniques like allele-specific PCR and real-time PCR, researchers can identify disease-causing mutations, assess drug efficacy, and tailor treatments to individual patients. PCR-based genetic tests have transformed healthcare by enabling early disease detection, risk assessment, and personalized therapeutic interventions.
Forensic Analysis and DNA Profiling: PCR has revolutionized forensic science by enabling the analysis of minute DNA samples collected from crime scenes. Techniques like short tandem repeat (STR) analysis and multiplex PCR allow forensic experts to generate DNA profiles with high resolution and accuracy. PCR-based DNA profiling is used in criminal investigations, paternity testing, disaster victim identification, and wildlife forensics, contributing to the administration of justice and conservation efforts worldwide.
Environmental Monitoring and Microbial Ecology: PCR facilitates the study of microbial communities in diverse environments, including soil, water, air, and the human microbiome. Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis using PCR-based methods enables the detection and characterization of microbial species, including bacteria, fungi, and archaea. PCR-based assays are employed in environmental monitoring, food safety testing, and microbial source tracking, aiding in the preservation of ecosystems and public health.
Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Safety: PCR plays a vital role in agricultural biotechnology by enabling the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), plant pathogens, and foodborne pathogens. PCR-based assays are used to verify the authenticity and safety of food products, detect allergens, and monitor the presence of contaminants such as pesticides and toxins. PCR-based technologies contribute to ensuring food security, quality control, and regulatory compliance in the food industry.
Evolutionary Biology and Phylogenetics: PCR-based methods are indispensable tools for studying evolutionary relationships and biodiversity. Techniques like DNA barcoding and metagenomics employ PCR to amplify and analyze DNA sequences from diverse organisms, elucidating their evolutionary history and ecological interactions. PCR facilitates the identification of new species, the study of population genetics, and the conservation of endangered species, enriching our understanding of the natural world.
PCR's versatility and precision make it indispensable in unlocking the secrets of genetics and unraveling complex biological mysteries. Its ability to amplify minute DNA samples with remarkable speed and accuracy has opened doors to countless possibilities in research and diagnostics. s we delve deeper into the intricacies of the genetic world, PCR will undoubtedly remain a powerful tool for unlocking the secrets of life itself.
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This video will show you the one supplement all the longevity experts are taking. Get to know What is Magnesium?
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You'll discover the brands and the forms they are taking. You'll see Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Peter Attia, and the cardiologist, Dr Stephen Sinatra. Secret Longevity Supplement Revealed! Hello Achiever Fam! Today, we're spotlighting magnesium, a crucial mineral involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in your body, essential for maintaining your health and vitality 🌿.
Often overlooked, magnesium deficiency is surprisingly common and can significantly impact your well-being. So, let's dive into "The ONLY Supplement Necessary for Longevity!" Why Magnesium Matters: Magnesium is vital for energy production, muscle function, nerve operation, and even DNA repair. Yet, despite its importance, many people don't get enough due to diet, health conditions, or certain medications. A lack of magnesium can lead to fatigue, muscle cramps, and disturbed sleep, affecting your quality of life 💤. Magnesium's Role in Your Health: DNA Repair: Magnesium acts like a meticulous craftsman, repairing the "tapestry" of your DNA, ensuring the core blueprint of your being remains intact and strong 🔧. Inflammation Fighter: It combats inflammation, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and keeping you feeling your best 🔥➡️💧.
Heart Health: Magnesium is crucial for cardiovascular health, helping to regulate blood pressure and ensure your heart functions smoothly ❤️. Choosing the Right Magnesium Supplement: Different forms of magnesium offer unique benefits, tailored to meet various health needs: Magnesium Malate and Citrate: Ideal for boosting energy, perfect for those feeling sluggish ⚡. Magnesium Glycinate: Acts as an antioxidant defender, protecting your cells from damage 🛡️. Magnesium Taurate: The go-to for improving sleep quality, relaxing muscles, and calming the mind for a restful night 🌙.
Your Thoughts? We're curious to know if you've considered integrating magnesium supplements into your daily routine. Have you noticed any changes in your health or energy levels after taking magnesium? Share your experiences in the comments below 🗨️.
What's Next? Stay tuned for our upcoming videos where we'll explore more underrated supplements that can make a significant difference in your health journey. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated with the latest health and wellness tips from the Achiever Fam! 🔔 Until next time, keep striving for optimal health and longevity. Bye for now! 👋
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dduane · 2 years
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From So You Want To Be A Wizard: the Fireworm (Lanthanodrax speleotraxis).1
(Also the occasionally occuring “sport” or hypotrophic subspecies, L. speleotraxis ignigastris.) The colloquial name is identical with that used for the marine bristleworm Hermodice carunculata, but the two species otherwise have nothing to do with one another.
The wizardly fireworm is a serious competitor for the title of “North American fauna species that has had its evolution most seriously interfered with by wizardry.”
The original species — just another small reptile, to start with, a member of the suborder Lacertilla and a distant relative of the geckos — was repeatedly mutated by the wizards caught up in the events surrounding the final fate of Afallonë. The most comprehensive change to their structure happened as a side effect of the great aphthonic intervention, the wizardry intended to save as much as possible of the unique Atlantean flora and fauna from the impending destruction of the First Continent. The rafting wizardry which was meant to simply transport a number of species to the newer continents went wrong during the final crisis in many important ways, and rampant wizardry leakage contaminated and disrupted the genetic structures of many of the creatures involved. The fireworm, already susceptible to such disruption because of previous genetic manipulation, suffered far more of it during the transport to the early versions of North America and Europe than any other creature involved in the ancient rafting project.
In Europe and Asia, the fireworm had fewer natural enemies, and grew and changed in ways which would otherwise have been impossible. Further mutations due to the accumulation of wizardly overlays in the more populated parts of Europe led to the rise of the offshoot species Draco, the “true dragons” which became famous in Europe’s medieval period for being killed by knights. (It should be made clear that most of these casualties were members of the species Draco ectenis, the “lindworm” or wingless dragon, an omnivore by habit and cave-dweller by preference. Even the most heavily armored knights had a terrible batting average against Draco draco Europaeis, the cliff-dwelling, strictly carnivorous winged dragon, which regarded knights merely as something with a crunchy outside and a yummy inside.)
But in North America, where many “rafted” species with wizardly components survived for the next few millenia after the fall of Atlantis, the fireworm kept for some time its original Atlantean form — that of a small carnivorous reptile with a tendency to burp flammable gas as a defense mechanism when frightened or upset. (No dragon, true or false, breathes fire: but even the smallest ones can ignite it on exhalation in one of a number of ways, usually involving chemical or enzymatic reactions.) However, unfortunately for the fireworm, its main Atlantean natural enemy the “king-weasel” (Macrogulo gulo, long extinct and survived only by its far less assertive “family” relative Gulo gulo, the wolverine) succeeded in establishing itself in North America as it had not been able to do in Europe because of the presence of the great crested cockatrice (Cerastus baseliensis) or northern cockatrice (Cerastus scotodasos). The king-weasel nearly succeeded in exterminating the fireworm: only the smallest members of the family survived by changing their normal above-ground habit for an underground lifestyle into which the king weasels would not follow them.
After some millennia spent living and rebuilding their gene pools in the natural caves of the East, the fireworms moved into the manufactured caves and underground spaces of the great East Coast and Midwest cities. (No fireworm species live west of the Rockies: possibly due to uncomfortable memories secondary to the fall of Afallonë, they will not stay in earthquake-active zones.) Regardless of what ConEd tells you, fireworms are the proximate cause of the steam New Yorkers see coming up from under the streets in all weathers — the more steam, the larger the fireworm. They are some of the most exothermic of all Earth-based life forms, when well-fed, and the very biggest ones can prosper down in the tunnels in even the coldest weather. When exposed to further wizardry leakage, as sometimes happens in the neighborhood of worldgate complexes, the oldest and most experienced fireworms can over time acquire some telepathic and empathic abilities.2 This enables them to force the smaller fireworms, and even members of some other species, to do their will — shepherding food into their ambit, or otherwise serving their needs. For this reason, smart wizards stay out of places where the older and larger fireworms can be found, unless the needs of errantry drive them there.
Fireworms are also the ultimate source of all the stories about “alligators in the sewers.” There is a certain ironic humor to this, as wizards know there wouldn’t be nearly so many stories if the things in the sewers were only alligators.
(See also: Eldest, the: Twelve, Song of the.) (SYWTBAW)
1The taxonomy of the western European fireworm is somewhat confused. The Bestiarium Ignotum classified the fireworm as Lanthanotrops micrognotus, but this did not take into account the internal differences between the Lanthanotrops and Lanthanodrax families — possibly understandable, since Linnaeus was unable to find a dead specimen to dissect, and trapping a live one was at that point out of the question. The Acta Parabiologica‘s revised classification group places the fireworm among the various members of family Hemerothalcus, with the “true dragons” of the Draco species.
2 Because of the already-fragile state of their DNA, such exposure over prolonged periods can also result in memory loss and other neurological problems, as seems to have been the case with the Eldest in SYWTBAW.
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sbgridconsortium · 10 months
Understanding how iron affects stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 activity.
Enzymes are the manufacturing facilities of the cell. They take the materials provided by the environment and convert them into cellularly relevant chemicals. The physical processes that allow enzymes to do this vital work are of interest to scientists because of the possibility of treating enzyme-related diseases, using enzymes as therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, and harnessing their manufacturing process for production of chemicals relevant to society. In a recent study by SBGrid member Ming Zhou from Baylor College of Medicine, the maintenance and function of a subclass of enzymes becomes more apparent. 
Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD1) is an enzyme that localizes in the endoplasmic reticulum of cells and contains two iron atoms at its core. SCD1 uses the core irons to carry out the catalytic function of adding a double bond to fatty acids, thus creating unsaturated fatty acids. This enzyme contributes to diseases like cancer and diabetes and is a possible target to treat neurodegenerative diseases. Zhou and colleagues pursue an answer to how and why SCD1 loses enzymatic activity after a certain amount of uses. 
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Above: Published structure of SCD-1 diiron active site. PDB: 6WF2. CC BY SBGRID
Similar to common machines in a household, enzymes stop functioning after a certain number of uses. Understanding why a machine stops working can provide insight about how to keep them working longer and more effectively. Zhou and company used enzyme activity assays to show that SCD1 lost function after 8.5 reactions due to the loss of an iron from the active site of the enzyme. The team used UV-vis spectroscopy, EPR, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to confirm that the loss of activity was due to the loss of iron in the active site. They also found that this iron loss could be remedied by providing an excess of available iron for SCD1 to take up and continue its work, though once SCD1 becomes inactive this treatment can not restore activity. This provides a possible “repair” for low SCD1 activity by ensuring that it has a large pool of possible iron molecules with which to maintain its function. This study provides interesting insight into how to limit and possibly prevent enzyme self-inactivation. 
Read more about this work in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
-Vida Storm Robertson, Fisk University
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science-lover33 · 8 months
Complement system
1. Activation: The complement system can be activated through three main pathways: the classical pathway, the alternative pathway, and the lectin pathway. Each pathway involves different initiating events but converges on a common cascade of reactions.
2. Cascade of Reactions: Once activated, the complement system triggers a cascade of enzymatic reactions that result in the cleavage of complement proteins. This cascade ultimately leads to the formation of several key components, including C3b, C4b, and C5b.
3. Opsonization: C3b and C4b are opsonins, which means they can bind to pathogens and label them for phagocytosis by immune cells like macrophages and neutrophils. This enhances the removal of pathogens from the body.
4. Inflammation: Complement activation also results in the release of small peptides called anaphylatoxins, such as C3a and C5a. These peptides promote inflammation by increasing blood vessel permeability and attracting immune cells to the site of infection.
5. Membrane Attack Complex (MAC): The final step of complement activation involves the assembly of the membrane attack complex (MAC). C5b, C6, C7, C8, and multiple C9 molecules come together to form the MAC, which can create pores in the membranes of target cells, leading to cell lysis and destruction of pathogens.
1. Walport, M. J. (2001). Complement. First of two parts. New England Journal of Medicine, 344(14), 1058-1066.
2. Ricklin, D., Hajishengallis, G., Yang, K., & Lambris, J. D. (2010). Complement: a key system for immune surveillance and homeostasis. Nature Immunology, 11(9), 785-797.
3. Merle, N. S., Church, S. E., Fremeaux-Bacchi, V., & Roumenina, L. T. (2015). Complement system part I – molecular mechanisms of activation and regulation. Frontiers in Immunology, 6, 262.
Please note that for the most current and detailed medical information on the complement system, I recommend consulting recent textbooks or academic journals in immunology and microbiology.
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
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Crossing the Abyss....
Currently, many of us may be enduring kundalini symptoms which impact deep subatomic and cellular shifts instructed through the Mitochondrial DNA, which further transform and change our metabolism and its hormonal pathways. The amount of light frequency quotient held by the cell and tissues of the body is directly related to the degree of mitochondrial function and results in the stages of embodiment of the corrected Holy Mother principle.
With the recent lunar energies shifting, the cosmic waters in the astral plane undergo reconfiguration with the new Law to extract the Dark Mother alien architecture and reclaim the Divine Mother Creation Seed. The result of this alchemical transmutation is the union of the lunar with the solar which creates the Divine Fire Water or Azoth principle. For some women, there is a cycle of death and then regeneration that may be experienced in the female reproductive organs at any biological age. The Dark or Reversal Mother Principle was replicated and generated from NAA (or Archons) harvesting lunar, magnetic and constellation forces to enforce patriarchal domination mind control on earth. The lunar forces have influenced the magnetic field to reverse the Holy Mother, obliterate her feminine principle and commandeer her womb of reproduction on the earth for many generations. The Reversal Mother architecture is a complex etheric structure which was placed in the subatomic layers and lower astral fields which also manifest itself in material creation as hierarchies of Satanic Forces. Within these astral pockets of etheric gas substance, the NAA cloned or replicated creation seeds (i.e. ovum, eggs) that are inherently a part of the consciousness body of the Holy Mother principle. (The ovum creation codes that make up her body are called the Cathar.) During the Ascension cycle awakened Indigo females are reclaiming the Universal Holy Mother's creation seed for the earth (restoration of the Cathar body), as this is recorded in the original spark of Mitochondrial DNA.
Capricornian Fermentation
As we move into the 11th stage of Capricorn, the main alchemical themes are fermentation of the flesh with the source energy inside our cells, which excite themselves, causing divine illumination. The inner mitochondrial membrane is sorted into numerous cristae, which expand the surface area of the inner mitochondrial membrane, enhancing its ability to produce ATP. It is this area of the mitochondrion, once functioning properly, that increases the ATP energy and generates light into the cells and tissues of the body. Synchronically, the name “cristae” has been given through scientific discovery when its direct implication is related to the activation of the crystal gene.
Fermentation is the spiritual alchemical process which shifts the production and source of energy that is required for the body functions. This stage begins to change how the ATP production is made in the mitochondria of the cell and how that energy is distributed to cellular tissues. New requirements of vital energies are manufactured by increasing the ATP pump which increase available energy needed to continue the life processes. There is an increase of ATP measured in the cells as the person is able to hold more light in their physical cells, increasing their consciousness. This also relates to increasing the size and quality of the auric light body.
The body is much physically stronger now even if vitality feels low. Also, the fermentation process is used to produce different levels of enzymatic substances, which the physical body uses to support a variety of shifting hormonal and chemical reactions. During the ascension stages of symptoms, this is commonly experienced as a highly physical shift in the digestive, immune, cellular and brain processing.
With the presence of Mother shifting, many of us may feel more deeply our motherly and reproductive connections. We may sense the connection between our bodies and into the earth kingdoms, the earthy dirt, earth crust, earth rock, her minerals and crystals. The earth is communicating to us in new ways if we listen. Consciousness purification is the alchemical process of which the earthly density of carbon slag is exposed to tremendous heat and fire, the intense pressure between the polarities of forces distill the purity of the diamond crystalline heart.
Mothers Aqua Portal Tunnel Vortex
The Cosmic Mother principle returns energetic balance into the earth body, reclaiming the body elemental through her principles of anabolism and catabolism, forces of creation and destruction which arise out from the core of the infinite Creatrix. Kabbalists refer to this as the Ein Soph, the Mother principle as the conflagration of plasma, gases, aether rising out from the rings of chaos reaching into the unmanifest layers.
Cosmic Mother thus allows the creation of more and more complex structures that expand consciousness through her anabolic process. At the same time there is another mechanism to reclaim unused or recycle dead resources like miasma and waste. If a structure is not referenced by the consciousness laws of any other structure, its form is digested and recycled. Through the Mothers Aqua Portal Tunnel Vortex, when we send forms, structures and entities to Cosmic Mother, the form is neutralized and it is free to follow the laws of its own nature.
Cosmic Mother spirals her Tunnel vortex arcing back towards the center of the Creatrix field, returning to the center point of all union, and unwinds back into the expanding fields of the unmanifest. The outer rings of the unmanifest fields are the sections of the Abyss. (Daath). These outer spaces are which form the Abyss of un-identity or un-being, sections of the Luciferian Abyss of which ego or wasteful form is eventually digested and absorbed. Hence, it is the primordial death of the ego that most all humans fear as the metaphor for the complete annihilation of the Self. Cosmic Mother's function represents the creation (anabolism), destruction (catabolism) and fields of all potential within the unmanifest, all simultaneously. The dead zones outside her unmanifest fields are the space of Abyss.
When we heal our consciousness body of these dead zones and fill them with eternal living light, we may have awakening experiences where we cross the Abyss and its shadow to heal our fears and separation with God.
Abyss of separation (Satanic Force)Abyss of knowledge (Luciferian Force)Abyss of un-being (or un-becoming) (Ego Death)
(source: Consciousness Corridors, October 2014)
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mylittlesharing · 1 year
The Role of Vitamins and Mineral Complex In Cardiovascular Health
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Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that play important roles in various bodily functions, including cardiovascular health and circulatory system. A lack of certain vitamins and minerals can affect the heart and blood vessels in different ways, leading to various health problems.
Some of the vitamins and minerals that are important for cardiovascular health and circulatory system are:
Vitamin B12: This vitamin helps in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues and organs. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause anemia, which can reduce the oxygen supply to the heart and other parts of the body. This can result in fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, chest pain, and increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Vitamin C: This vitamin is an antioxidant that protects the cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. A deficiency of vitamin C can impair the synthesis of collagen, which is a protein that provides strength and elasticity to the blood vessels. This can lead to weakening and rupture of the blood vessels, causing bleeding and bruising.
Vitamin D: This vitamin helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are minerals that are essential for bone health and muscle contraction. A deficiency of vitamin D can cause low levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which can affect the heart rhythm and contractility. This can result in arrhythmias, palpitations, chest pain, and cardiac arrest.
Magnesium: This mineral is involved in many enzymatic reactions that regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. A deficiency of magnesium can cause hypertension, diabetes, neuropathy, and muscle cramps. These conditions can impair the blood flow to the heart and other organs, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Potassium: This mineral is important for maintaining the fluid balance and electrical activity of the cells, especially the heart and muscles. A deficiency of potassium can cause hypokalemia, which is a condition characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood. This can affect the heart rhythm and function, causing irregular heartbeat, weakness, fainting, and cardiac arrest.
These are some examples of how a lack of certain vitamins and minerals can affect cardiovascular health and circulatory system. To prevent these problems, it is important to eat a balanced diet that provides adequate amounts of these nutrients from various food sources. Supplements may also be helpful for some people who have specific deficiencies or medical conditions that affect their absorption or metabolism of these nutrients. However, supplements should be taken under medical supervision as excessive intake of some vitamins and minerals can also have adverse effects on health.
Looking for science and research based health supplements?
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scottmoond · 1 year
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