#fandom participation
Starting to think the only way I can consume bts-related content is by removing myself from fandom spaces entirely. Sorry to use this as a space to rant but the constant black/white thinking, competitiveness to prove who's the biggest fan, cherry-picking performative activism, worshipping etc is all becoming too much to the point I feel sort of burnt out and ready for a break. I know you've addressed these aspects a lot on here and I really appreciate the honesty and space for discussion.
I got into bts during their boy with luv comeback in 2019 and they quickly became my whole life -- I basically only thought about or spoke about them, to the point it was unhealthy. I stepped away from the fandom a little bit in 2022 after some aggravating experiences but this year I got back into them because I loved Namjoon and Jimin's solo releases, and remembered how much comfort I took from their music and content. I started venturing back into army social media spaces.
But oh my god, it's honestly unbearable out there and it's exhausting. I'm so sick of the way armys worship and idolize these seven men like they aren't even human. They put them above their values and dedicate their entire lives to them, and don't see anything wrong with that. I'm a little apprehensive for 2025 because who knows what the fandom will look like by then? I guess it's just hard to reconcile being a fan of the group but not wanting to be associated with the stans. Do you have a balance between enjoying the content but not being driven crazy by army? lmao
I mean, the only way you can truly enjoy the content is to move yourself away completely from fandom spaces, particularly those focused on discourse. For example, I can't avoid army or the daily issue even if I follow some Jimin accounts because of course they're bringing up whatever is happening, usually criticism. And then it adds up and before you know it, you get angry everyday so where does that leave us?
A solution, at least from what I've noticed and if you want to still be aware of what's going on and enjoy the experience, apart from paying attention to content, would be to follow focused accounts on something very specific. Like strictly career updates or more on the fun side which usually post images and videos.
But apart from that, take breaks, make sure you find other stuff to be interested about and not just this. I try to curate my twitter feed and tumblr dashboard with lots of other areas of interest, mixing it up so I don't get sucked into BTS discourse and everything adjacent to it. But then, without asking, I still get the info in my inbox which is not always ideal, but that's on me and having an active blog.
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Reblog this to blast your sleepy mutual with the forbidden super melatonin
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Different versions because it's a vibe
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crimeronan · 1 year
basically my standards for gay/trans media these days are that it has to be something i'd still enjoy even if none of the characters were gay or trans. bc otherwise the whole thing is a waste of my fucking time. in 2012 i was so starved for gay representation that i'd consume anything that so much as mentioned queerness just to feel less alone but that's not the world we live in anymore and i don't want to go back to that world and i would be miserable continuing to pretend that gayness is the pinnacle of good writing in 2023 it feels so.... gross. i like being spoiled with a rapturous amount of gay content to choose from and plenty of the gay content i DON'T like is beloved by other queer people and i don't have to love every gay narrative or pretend to. so i'm no longer touching any shit that doesn't do the kind of cool storytelling that compels me. i did my years in the trenches.
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autumn-may · 11 days
sooo funny to see older kh fandom posts as someone who started playing kh in like 2020 I feel like a historian. Seeing a stolen art piece on Pinterest and going “from the watermark and artstyle I can understand this is a post-BBS pre-DDD era depiction of blorbus and bingus, however, some remnants of binguses KH2 fanon depiction are still prevelant here (more specifically, the depiction of him popularized by bingus/gronku, a heavily popular pairing at the time), and the complete absence of krinko from the supposed ‘group’ shot implies some distaste for her, which was not uncommon for the time period. From this we can assume that the artists was a bingus X gronku shipper who likely transitioned to blorbus X bingus after BBS or Days, and dislikes krinko due to an era-typical misinterpretation of events. Elementary.”
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yourhighness6 · 4 months
I feel like people who dislike Zuko miss how important his character is, especially to IRL abuse victims. The journey from scared, angry, isolated and abused to confident, calm, loved and accepted while being handled almost perfectly in the context of his abuse is so underrated even while being hailed as one of the best redemption arcs of all time.
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fanhackers · 2 months
Help a Researcher
Leigh Ingram, a student at the University of Ottawa, in Canada, is completing a Master of Information Studies. The proposed research for their thesis is on information seeking behaviours in the fanfiction community, with a specific focus on how AO3 users search through the archive and use the embedded search functions on the website.
This study has received ethics approval for an anonymous online survey, followed by a few interviews. The survey will remain open for approximately 6-8 weeks depending on the volume of response. Following completion of the research, the intention is to share the anonymous data collected and potentially submit an article to Transformative Works and Cultures for consideration, so any findings will be shared with OTW/AO3. 
Survey takers must be 18 or older to take part. If you would like to learn more about the study you can review its consent form, which contains the researcher's contact information.
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Ninjago screenshot redraws (1/?)
Just some screenshot redraws to get used to drawing the ninja and stuff, they’re pretty fun anyways-
(Please do not use or repost my art anywhere without explicit permission from me first thank you <3)
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lizkreates · 3 months
Shoutout to everyone who still has the Trigun brainrot a year later. 🤝
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a-formless-entity · 1 year
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HI? oh my god, i can't believe you're back. I was so sad when you left back in march and i used to check from time to time to see if you decided to return which you did and i didn't notice until now because i took a break from social media and i deleted the tumblr app from my phone which leads me to the point of this whole rambling/ask i'm sending; so i was going through some of the questions you answered and i was surprised with your experience with the fandon while you were away because i had the same exact experience a month ago....everything you mentioned resonates a lot with me because i felt the exact same things, the hating it and hating how attached i became and how much it affected my emotions. It's so insane because i did the same thing as you, except i, not only unfollowed the fandom related accounts but deactivated my whole twitter account, then deleted twitter from my phone and tumblr too, because the discourse was too much for me and then i decided that i wanted to go back to my old hobbies, to other things, i needed something different because it was too much.
Anyways, this is me just rambling and i wanted to share because i'm going through the same thing. As you can see i came back because same as you, i can't find a balance to it all or a solution yet and maybe there's not point of telling you this because i have not find an answer yet and all of this is to say that i share your sentiment? and i wonder if more people go through the same thing and maybe it's more normal than we think.
It feels so stupid when you put it into perspective but at the same time it affects me and my feelings? i don't know, it's so weird but it's a real addiction, i'm really trying to get better at it and trying to handle my emotions and not react to discourse. Trying to enjoy the fun parts and ignore all the negative stuff.
I hope you can get the solutions and get there in a more healthy way faster than me!! lol, i'm SO glad you're back!!! i really love reading your opinions about everything.
Hey anon, sorry it took me a bit longer to answer your ask.
I'm glad you wanted to share your experience. I do think it's important to talk about having this love/hate, hot and cold relationship with the fandom and how complicated it can get. It's a form of emotional attachment that can take many shapes or becomes the focus of something really specific. In my case, I know it gets to me when I read really mean spirited things about Jimin. Or when I see active attempts at dismissing everything that JM and JK do together. As much as I'm aware that they are ridiculous, I'm not indifferent. And those are usually the times in which I tend to run away from it, take a break. I didn't deactivate twitter like you, but my tendency was to log out of tumblr, I felt that was the place I was usually coming back to.
I don't think there's some magic solution to this. As much as there are factual bad things happening and legitimate reasons to get angry or frustrated, these sort of reactions and having a parasocial relationship (which is quite nuanced) is most likely a symptom. Of what? Things from our own life and unresolved issues. Perhaps emotional distress. There's plenty of reasons. Being involved in a fandom or just reading tweets and blog posts and looking up videos on yt is a nice form of escapism. It's not wrong to have that. We all find things to entertain or distract us. For some it can be a fandom. But it doesn't mean it shouldn't be investigated or at least not questioned. For our own sake. Talking about it is fine. It doesn't matter how uncool it is. It's so much harder to admit that there is a problem, instead of acting like we're all very stable and completely regular folks and everything we talk about here and the content we consume has no emotional bearing on us. I find that hard to believe.
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pizzadragons · 2 months
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my artwork for the destiel secret valentine is based on this cute drawing and i had so much fun drawing it! i'm in love with cas's pants and shoe combo.
i hope you like it, @qtepasacalabaza !
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outkast777 · 7 months
Toby your looking a little scary there
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red-rover-au · 3 months
Friends, fans, freaks, help me out. Share EVERYTHING about how you think the Battle Nexus and Big Mama’s businesses work
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Any headcanons about the structure/technology (like about her door that looks Very Krang-Like and what that might mean), your fanfic or your favorite fanfic that has the nexus as a significant plot point and/or goes into detail about how the place is managed, stuff you picked up from canon that gives hints on how Big Mama operates (like that chest covered in bones that her turtle assistant handed her), literally anything and everything you can think of!
If you know anything about economy that would be super helpful too, you should infodump about that as far as its relevant to Big Mama (pleeease)
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monkeymakoko · 6 months
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Wanted to prepare some food for the #SangchengWeek23 and I went for the spicy flavor, misuse of Zidian.
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lightbulb-warning · 10 months
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Saiuoma not-Week not-Day 4: pregame
discussing Hot Takes from your hyperfixation, loudly, on public transport, is a love language all by itself
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bruciemilf · 6 months
"Comic books are the authentic form of canon and you should stay faithful to them," okay but like you realize that's limiting!! You realize that official content is put in front of you to be analyzed and criticized and adapted in your individual form of enjoyment, otherwise its just fucking boring, right? You realize it's extremely rare for official content to be enjoyable when it's written by someone who doesn't understand a character because they like them, but because they have to appeal to popular trends and what sells best, right? You realize you don't possess some superior leverage over others just because you stick to that only, right? Right?
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