#global wellness
calilili · 10 months
“ #21stCentury A Time Of Useful #Consciousness “ #globalwellness #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalJustice #ClimateHeal #LGBTQ #Women 🎬 https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/
https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/ by Cali Lili published in Will Pollock Cranky Yank Magazine By Cali Lili published in Cranky Yank Magazine https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/ Oscars 2020 Contender Review : Times Square Chronicles Eve N’…
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naturecalls111 · 10 months
Sanji’s thoughts when he snorkels normal seas 🤿🌊
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And when he does find the All Blue:
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kerryweaverlesbian · 7 months
Sam: hey Cass! I made you a drivers licence to go with your truck. Kind of a tradition between me and Dean that when you first drive by yourself you get one with your real name. Well, I guess two people isn't much of a tradition, but, here! I know it's a bit late but, y'know, there was a lot going on.
Cas: thank you that's very.............[squints at the details] the name is wrong.
Sam: Oh, well, you needed a surname and I thought Winchester would be-
Cas: No, that's fine. But my name is Cas.
Sam: Yeah, I put Cass.
Cas: No, it's Cas. With one S. My name is Castiel. Can you not- do you not know how to spell my name? Sam, if you need to borrow Jack's reading books, you just need to ask him, he'd be happy to help you.
Sam: Wh- dude I know how to spell! But we've been spelling your name as Cass-two-Ss this entire time. That's how you spell Cass!
Cas: We? As in, both of you? And - not Bobby surely? He knew how to spell my name?
Sam: Look, look, look I can prove it. [Pulls out his Blackberry that he's kept since 2009 and scrolls up a text chain with Dean] Look, "CASS said we're all boned." That's like two days after he met you.
Cas: I- this is...ah I understand. You faked this. You're doing a prank on me. Some sort of Gabriel-esque unreality game. I will not be fooled again, as I was when you showed me the video of "house hippos". Well played, Sam, but not well enough.
Sam: I'm not- urgh, [calling out] DEAN
Dean [yelling back from the kitchen] YEAH?
Sam: see? And Dean gave you that name so really, he's the authority. You're Cass.
Cass, resigned: our partnership has been built on a foundation of misunderstanding and foolishness. But still we must endure. Thank you for the card. Samm.
Samm: You're welcome. Hey. Did you just feel like a, reverberation in the universe? Like something small but significant has changed?
Cass: No.
Samm: Ah, that's a relief.
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splatloafbud · 23 days
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yeonjune · 3 months
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Yeonjun ✙ 2023 Music Bank Global Festival (backstage)
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The Batfam becomes convinced Danny is a clone/son and try to get a DNA sample. They can’t, not because Danny knows what they're up to, it’s just because he’s been so thoroughly ingrained with zero waste practices by Sam and never throws anything away.
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dumbledorathexplora · 5 months
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😃ferris buelers day off energy..but the better version
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secretkindoflove · 3 months
Raging Wildfires in Chile - Please Reblog!
Over a hundred people found death and counting, as neighbors and volunteers gather to remove debris by their own means. This wildfire has spread along three different cities, urban and rural spaces included. Arson is claimed.
Many people and pets are still missing, their whole lives destroyed by these aggresive fires as they reached urban villages, thousands evacuated from their home. Please help us create some awareness with a little reblog and maybe some help, as firefighters and other official charities [TECHO chile, Desafío Levantemos Chile, Hogar de Cristo] are accepting donations.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
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Oh, so she's kind of trendy? Cool cool
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royalarchivist · 6 months
Pac: I can try. See if can- I don't know- I can kill someone.
Tubbo: Okay, but look – we have the player advantage right now, which means if we decide to kill Fit or Phil, we win no matter what.
Pac: Wait, kill Fit? Are you sure?
Tubbo: Dude, we literally do not have a choice. He's trying to murder us today as well. It's literally- it's a mutual understanding. Don't worry. The morning crew bond will be repaired in- in twelve days time! Okay, like– In twelve days, the morning crew bond will be repaired. But right now, it's like– right now, think about it- it's like murder Fit orrrrr murderer Richarlyson. Like, I kid you not. It's that deep.
Pac: Oh in that case... Yeah, I see I see, ok,.
Tubbo: Exactly, exactly.
Pac: Let's go!
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calilili · 7 months
“We need public service announcements incorporating history lessons, showing the very simple trajectory from the loosed arrow of normalized public malevolence into its ultimate target bullseye destination : authoritarianism, which is abuse.” ©️ #unite 4 #globalwellness
The 21st Century is A Time of Useful Consciousness Dear World we live here together on this Spinning Interplanetary Swimming Pool “we raised & released 42 monarch butterflies …” Read More of essay 1 : https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/ Link to the published essay 1 “ In addition to the EXISTENTIAL…
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corpsentry · 1 month
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breaking the law and outing myself on the internet because i'm showcasing my senior dance thesis on april 28 at 6:30 and 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time and i want You to see it
we don't have a livestream link yet but we will. in the meantime look at these cool posters and this cool blurb. ok now save the date SEE YOU SOON
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spearxwind · 4 months
Honestly it really riles me up that people are mean to ocean animals because they are less understood than land animals (yes even dolphins as publically liked as they are) I think everyone should put a little more effort into understanding the ocean and the animals in it and the processes they help. You dont have to like the ocean you just need to understand it and understand that its 3/4ths of our planet's surface and that it's indispensable for life because the second that people stop caring about whats in it and what it does the door opens up for people to not care about what happens to it and how big companies destroy it and continue their needless pollution due to lack of care from the general public
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sentientstump · 6 months
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about things
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in the alt text with some notes
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she-is-ovarit · 1 month
"Approximately 80% of all patients diagnosed with autoimmune diseases are women."
For those of you who might wonder why this is the case, to shock nobody, we can add this to the list of mysterious medical conditions women experience that still remain elusive to the medical field.
However, there's some speculation:
Female sex hormones
The X chromosome
Environmental factors
The microbiome
Interesting, considering female human beings actually have stronger immune systems than males.
To briefly talk about maybe the most overlooked and dismissed cause of high rates of autoimmune diseases in women, chronic stress (which presumably falls under "environmental factors") has been found to be strongly correlated with autoimmune diseases across multiple studies ("...up to 80% of patients reported uncommon emotional stress before disease onset), which can be triggered by even just one traumatic event, and anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, PTSD, etc. are extremely high for women in comparison to men.
Women experience PTSD two to three times the rate as men do (source), panic disorder is 2.5 times more common in women and girls than in men and boys (source), and generalized anxiety disorder (which is often treated as trivial and grossly overlooked) is again 2-3 times higher for women and girls than it is for men and boys (source). Behaviorally chronic stress and trauma also often presents differently between the sexes - "fight or flight" for men and "tend and befriend" (fawn and freeze) for women.
Men are more likely to commit physical, psychological, and sexual violence and women are more likely to respond to this violence by continuously be on the receiving end of their behavior and never leaving, even when their children are caught in the middle.
Chronic stress means persistent high levels of cortisol in women's bodies. There is sexual dimorphism in our immune systems. High cortisol leads to Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation (please, learn more about this).
This leads to heart issues, susceptibility to infectious diseases and auto-immune disorders, an unexplainable debilitating chronic fatigue that can lead to a bedridden life, multiple sclerosis, the progression and reoccurance of cancers, earlier HIV disease progression, and dementia. There's also the bidirectional problem in which HPA axis dysregulation, created from high levels of cortisol from chronic stress in the first place, also in turn biologically causes increased anxiety.
Approximately 80% of all patients diagnosed with auto-immune diseases are women.
And auto-immune diseases are found to be strongly, strongly linked with stress disorders.
And women are several more times likely to experience trauma and stress disorders than males across the board.
And when stress is triggered, men are more likely to throw punches or leave and women are more likely to freeze and people please.
And men are vastly less likely to seek out a therapist to fix their issues or even demonstrate empathy for other men, instead using women as emotional crutches and punching bags.
And freezing and fawning for women often means staying in those same conditions even when there's a risk of death.
And staying in those same conditions when a woman has children and the means those children learn those behaviors and likely develop chronic stress themselves, and the cycle of trauma continues.
And even when women leave those conditions, we're far more likely to end up in re-traumatizing situations as we seek out familiar dynamics.
And even when we're able to break free from this dynamic, because we're far more likely to seek out and stay in therapy, we're still left with trying to resolve chronic, disabling, sometimes life-threatening health issues caused by HPA-axis dysregulation from chronic stress.
While HPA-axis dysregulation in turn generates anxiety, which then creates high cortisol, which results in a feedback loop.
This was supposed to be a short post, but I want to leave off with solutions. Please don't give up on your mental health. Religiously go to therapy. Have extremely high standards for yourself in your relationships. Practice diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, exercise. It's been found that moving your body through exercise, Thai-chi, sports, short walks, dance, whatever (to the best of your ability, if you're able) can really help - just know your limits. If you're not there yet take liquid vitamins as needed (vitamin deficiencies such as low B-vitamins, low magnesium, low good fats, and D3 also cause chronic stress, immunity issues, and chronic fatigue). Make those medical appointments. Eat well, socialize, rest (especially during a PEM or immunity crash), aim for 64 ounces of water a day. Leave miserable situations when you find your chance to. Learn the language of your body and listen to it, and have patience. I've had periods of being bedridden and unable to work. I'm getting better, but it hasn't just been one thing that has been a "fix". If this list overwhelms you, just pick one thing that's most doable. We matter.
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stormoflina · 2 months
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Trent's best ever look.
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