#he desserved all the kisses ever
chewryy · 2 years
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aftongiulien · 2 years
referring to this event.
your beauty never ever scared me (mary on a cross, ghost) with jack the ripper from shuumatsu no valkyrie.
i think we all saw it coming...
Yeah yeahhhh, Mary on a cross Is a vibe,that rappresents jack, and Life eternal as well.
I Hope you like It, Sorry to have made you wait so much.
TW: mention of Blood, minor spoiler about jack's Backstory. Setting Canon/fanon
Your beauty never ever scared me~
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Jack the ripper, the most famous searial killer in the humanity history now has been called up by the eldest valkiria Brunhilde,to save humanity, you were hiding behind Brunhilde as she called him,.
Holkk Is suppose to be his voulund b,but obviously She's whiny very whiny, you knew that very well.
As jack walk in he ran straight towords you and kissed your Hand, that made you blush so hard,
Jack spoke softly, holding your Hand " my my my~, what such a pretty lady we have here, May i know your name darling~?" Your blush now was as clear as the sun in vhalalla, and your color showed jack you were very embarassed yet Happy , " i-it's y/n, and yours?" Jack chuckled, takeing off his hat and giveing a bow," oh my,you have a wonderful name my lady, my name Is Jack, jack the ripper" there It goes, you were in love, comepletly in love at First sight With him, as you prepared to speak, Brunhilde interrupted " y/n Is not your voulund jack, holkk Is, since we don't have much Time to.talk i suggest you to hurry up and voulund, mh y/n please go to the other room, i'll wait for you there"
You Walked out sadly looking as you caught a glance of jack sending you a Kiss, that man really knew how to make someone love him.
Now a while After, you were watching the match, as much as you loved your Brother Hercules, you knew of he loved humanity that much he would have done something to help, instead of fighting It.
Looking at home determinated was jack to win you felt a weight in your chest, the fear, fear of loseing him and your sister.
Once the time came, Hercules Lost, and jack won, you could see the pain in his eyes, you could see he was Human too,.
Besides you was Anne his step Mothe, Who told you what Mary did to jack, the only feeling you bad for her was disgust ,pure disgust , how could She use her child like that?.. After all She desserved what Jack did yo her.
You ran Quickly to the Door of the arena, waiting for him.
He calmly Walked throught the arena and the Rain of trash the people trew at him, he was hurt he was Human, he was in pain.
The pain in his Eyes was Heart breaking,he was coverd in Blood and bruises, his beautiful eterechromia finally showed, he was beautiful,
You were Quick ti grab him and take him to the hospital, as you waited, you saw the look of disgust and embaress on his face,the look of his insecureties,his Hand shamefully covering his Eyes, the tears Rolling down her face" i am a Monster... I've killer the only One Who actually saw something good in me!... I'm a joke of nature my lady"
Your hands slowly caressing his face as you hold him tight to your chest.
" no you're not,.. you're not a Monster, you're a Hero... Hercules knew that It was going to happen... You've saved humanity jack please don't talk about yourself"
Jack have you a soft smile and gently Kiss your nose, before speaking" but still... Do you like someon like me? So different.. so stupid... So an embaressment".
You looked jack right in his Eyes before speaking " jack my dear, your beauty never ever scared me"
These Words were enough for Jack to kiss you and never ever let you go,
Cause he knew you were the One , you were his everything. You've saved a broken soul like his,
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a short and simple, but devilish request.
S/O cheats, and skeleton finds out.
Be careful about Horrortale Papyrus/Willow, the answer talks about self hate :)
Undertale Sans - He confronts you right in the middle of the street, as you're kissing the other person. You try to stay something, he says very coldly that he doesn't want to hear any of your apoligies and storms out. He ghosts you after that, not answering any of your call. When you go to see Papyrus, Papyrus silently tells you that you did enough and to leave his brother alone. That's a direct dealbreaker for him.
Undertale Papyrus - He's still smiling and tries to tell you he is fine, but he's crying, and he is very agitated, and refuses to look you in the eyes. He wants to understand, but at the same time he really doesn't, and he tries to keep cool with this, trying to see the best of the situation even if there's not a lot of good he sees right now. He's hurt, but he can forgive. Just not now. He needs time to proceed.
Underswap Sans - He stays silent as he took you in the act, and storms out. He feels so stupid he ever trusted you in the first place. Humans are clearly only good at destroying everything. He feels sick. If you dare to come to his house after this, he will tell you eyes in eyes everything he thinks about your bullshit and to never come back again.
Underswap Papyrus - He's heartbroken. That's the worst betrayal you can do to him. You hear his soul cracks. Honey silently apologizes and teleports away. Blue finds him later on the verge of falling down for good in the couch. Honey is really linked to his S/O, both emotionally and physically as he has a very strong sense of empathy. That almost killed him. Though maybe you forgot a little too much how Blue can be protective of his brother. Blue is coming for your butt and he will not hesitate to put your entire face in the shit.
Underfell Sans - He giggles darkly. You try to say something, his eye lights disappear and he just says "d o n ' t." He doesn't want to hear anything from you. He thought you were different from other humans, but you're like them. He feels so stupid he trusted a human in the first place. He learned his lesson.
Underfell Papyrus - The first time he lowers his guard for good, thinking he's finally safe and that nothing bad can happen anymore, you're doing that to him. His fists are clenched as you're trying to justify yourself. He takes the ring he brought before going home and throws it at your feet. He keeps the brave face until he goes back to his home, and then he breaks everything, screaming in rage. He never had been this hurt before. He's not taking it well at all.
Horrortale Sans - He was just happy to see you, but you didn't see him and then you kissed that guy right in front of him. His smile slowly disappears into a frown as he's trying to proceed what he's seeing right now. Nah... Nah, he must be hallucinating again, that's probably just his paranoia speaking. You would never do something like that to him. Right? He goes to walk through the hallucination, but then he bumps into you and he realises it's not. It's real. You're panicking, asking him what he's doing there and since where he's here but he's not listening to you anymore. He's breathing heavily, hyperventilating. No, no, that's wrong, you can't do that to him. He's just hallucinating. Please be a hallucination. He's begging you. When eventually it clicks in his head you're cheating on him, he teleports out of here, back to his room. He curls up in his bed and has the panic attack he's holding for some minutes now. When you run home, only a very glacial Willow opens the door, asking you if you're proud of yourself and that you're not welcome in this house anymore. He slams the door at your face.
Horrortale Papyrus - That's a harsh return to reality. He's not even mad. Of course you would prefer someone normal to him. Someone not broken, not disabled, not ugly like he is. He desserves it all, right? That's what happened to monsters like him. He killed people. He doesn't desserve to be happy. This is all his fault. Maybe that's for the best. Oak finds him breaking everything in his room and tearing his clothes apart. He will also convince him to go talk to someone. He knows his brother is really hurt, but they're on the Surface! He refuses to let Willow fall down after all that happened. It will be a long road to recovery. For once, Oak is the one who believes he can do a little better than this. He's the greatest guy, he can't give up. Oh, yeah, and when you're coming back, Oak tries to kill you. You better run.
Swapfell Sans - He feels numb, unable to do anything. All thoughts are gone and he is just staring in shock, hands shaking. He should stop looking, but he can't. He just can't believe it. His soul hurts so much. It's like he's burning alive. He goes home, lays in the couch, and stays there for hours, just doing anything. Rus is kinda worried when he finds him like this, completely apathic and disoriented. He's not sure what to do so he's calling you. You know right away he saw you when he gives you a tired stare. He doesn't want to hear what you have to say. He doesn't care. He just doesn't care. You're not existing anymore. Nothing matters. Rus will have to intervene eventually as Nox slowly lets himself starve. That can't keep going like this.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh well. That's fine. He's used to it by now, nothing ever last with him. He thought it would be different this time, but... Well, he's just disappointed. He will move on quickly. It's actually not the first time this happens to him. He knows how to deal with this better now. He's proud of him because he doesn't even touch alcohol this time. He gets better at this, even if it's never a good experience.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He reacts by instinct. That man kiss you, so he must be assaulting you. He attacks without thinking, killing him in one hit. When you start to scream in horror, and then screams and hits HIM like he just murdered your kids, he's starting to realise the guy was more than it looks like. It takes some minutes for Wine to realise you're cheating on him. He smiles creepily, stiff, and turns around. Well he's not feeling bad. Do what you want, he regrets nothing. He won't forgive you though. Not like you want to see him again anyway.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee is inconsolable, hugging his brother and telling him everything he saw. He didn't have the courage to confront you, he just ran away like a coward, overwhelmed. Wine is petting his back gently, trying to calm him down. That's the moment you choose to come home like nothing happened. Coffee looks at you in horror, devastated you dare to come back here after everything. Wine... Wine is looking through your soul, radiating with anger and threat. You apologizes and leaves. The next day, only your corpse is find in an alley, covered in bones.
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chunhua-s · 4 years
I don't? understand? how you only have? 200? I deadass thought you had 700 um chile anyways big boobs- you desserve more dkdksk
could I please request an au with mattsun and ' forced to share a table in a coffee shop because it's busy and there are no more seats '? I found it and thought it would fit you well 👉👈 best of luck though baby 💖 I love you so, so much. you're so hard working 💋
fhdhdhfg peachy pleaase!! thank you sososo much for coming through and always hyping me up with nona and runa 🥺 and thank you for requesting!! i had an idea as soon as i read your prompt and i had lots of fun writing — i hope you’ll like it! ✨
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genre: fluff
au: coffeeshop
warnings: none!
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mattsukawa’s absolutely sure he can feel his heart stop inside his chest when his eyes find you.
the picture you paint for him is otherworldly — the sun shines down on you from the glass window and shrouds you in a beautiful yellow light as you focus on whatever your laptop shows you, perhaps an assignment from one of your classes if he has to guess. your eyes squint in a familiar sight of concentration that he’s grown to used to admiring from a distance, the way your tongue sticks out from between your lips and even the way you absentmindedly play with a strand of your hair — it’s all been stamped into his mind and sings its melody of admiration for you in his heart. and issei mattsukawa, he’s a boy who’s so helplessly in love with you, with everything that he feels for you, with every emotion that runs wild on the backs of thundering stallions that pound inside his chest, he’s never once worked up the courage to approach you.
it’s an unreasonable fear, he knows it well; the constant presence of his anxieties and worries whenever he so much as thinks about talking with you causes the breath on his lungs to run dry and vanish away on a scorching desert breeze that leaves him parched, and the only thing that could ever hope to quench his thirst is you. your cherry-glossed smile is the hypnotizing oasis that dances on a heated mirage, the one that pulls him in by his collar and erases everything and everyone from his mind until all there is, all that’s left, is the thought of you. your kindness is the lullaby that soothes his heart beneath midnight stars, as he recounts his affections to the watchful moon — the only witness to his hopeless pining, the one who listens to him talk about the girl who stole his heart until the sun would rise. and you, you’re the angel that visits him in his dreams and leaves butterfly kisses across his skin, traces the letters of your name with ghost touches of your fingers along his body and leaves him wanting more of you. you’re like an illusion that’s constantly dancing in and out of his vision and has him chasing breathlessly in your shadow. and today, as he’s sitting right across from you, you’re right within his reach, close enough for him to smell the sweet citrus perfume that you love to wear. it fills up his senses and weaves a bed of flowers and orange blossoms and — oh, you’re looking up at him now, you’re smiling — issei forgets how to breathe.
“did you already start on our assignment from eco class?”
your voice washes over him like a warm ocean wave, and he nearly loses himself on your question as he basks in the feeling of ease and familiar comfort that fills him up. clearing his throat, he tries to return your kind smile, and finds that smiling at you somehow comes as easily to him as breathing. “to be honest,” he’s grinning at you, entirely wrapped up in the way the sunlight twinkles on your pools of (e/c) — the very ones that marvel at the way his image is painted like a greek god before you. when his eyes squint slightly, you feel your heart skip a beat and your breath catches in your throat, and you can only pray that the man you admire doesn’t notice it. “i haven’t even looked at it.”
issei feels his heart soar on the waves of your laughter, a sound so melodious that it lights up the entire cafe. you’re so bright, he thinks: a pocket of sunshine that warms his body and showers him in gold. “i’m at the point of giving up,” you confess to him, allowing your eyebrows to freely tell of the exasperation you feel. “the professor didn’t even give us that much time to finish everything,” a helpless laugh falls from your lips as you sigh. “i’ve been losing my mind over it.”
the boy chuckles softly, eyes closed as he drops his head for a second before meeting your gaze once more. “yeah, i felt that.” there’s an opportunity in front of him, he realizes; dangling from a red thread for him to reach out and grab, and issei decides that he couldn’t let it get away from him. and so, he reaches his hand out, dips his toes into the warm water, and he hopes you’ll take it and let him walk along that sunkissed beach with you. “say, would you mind if we worked together?” you watch as he shyly averts his eyes, entirely fascinated by his boyish grin and the way that a red colour dances on his brown skin. he’s beautiful, you marvel: he’s a chilly autumn evening that wraps you up in warm sweaters and the weight of a hot cup of coffee. he’s the ambience of the coffeeshop that envelops the both of you like a blanket, the smell of coffee beans roasted on a low flame and dancing with sweet creamer and caramel. “i feel like i don’t understand half of what the prof is saying most of the time, so i don’t even know how to start.”
when he finds the courage to meet your eyes once more, he sees that the very same oasis that was once so far away is now right in front of him, it’s image no longer dancing on heat induced illusions and very, very real. your cherry painted lips are the date fruits that hang from green plants: the blue of your sweater is the colour of the sky above, the reflection of it in the shallow waters that wets his mouth. and you, you’re the golden sun that kisses his skin, the one that lights up his blood with undying love and a yearning so powerful that it replaces his oxygen with you. you feel like home, he thinks as you smile at him with so much radiance that he could never imagine going a day without admiring your beauty — he wants nothing more than to see you smiling for the rest of his life.
“i’d be happy to work with you, mattsukawa-san.”
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davi hits 200 followers — haikyuu!! au writing event! 💕
general taglist: @aiiishiiiteru @bootylikepeachy @tsumue
send an ask to be added!
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katebacks · 4 years
Kiss it Off Me - Jjk/Pjm - (M)
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→ pairing | Jeon Jungkook x Reader , Park Jimin x Reader → genre | high school au!, smut, angst, bad boy jungkook → word count | 7,921 → summary | Jimin is a player on the school baseball team, you are his girl. Jungkook wants you to be his. → warnings | oral sex, Adult content, Violence, alcoholic beverages, low slang words, 
The first time he saw you was when he was walking down the school corridor and he watched a girl in jeans overalls and a ponytail coming down the stairs with two other girls and three guys. You hugged a history book in you arms and laughed at something that one of the girls had said. Jungkook had been studying there since the first year of high school, but he never saw you in any of the school corridors, you probably should be a new student.
The second time was in history class, where you  sat at the first table in the row by the window and for some reason he was unable to take his eyes off you for the rest of the class. In the canteen you sat with the same people who were with you the first time he had seen you, laughing at the jokes that the boys told and he for no apparent reason was jealous of them making you smile.
At the end of class, he saw you waiting for the bus and didn't leave until you boarded it.
The next day, the same thing happened. You were wearing jeans and boots, your hair was still tied up, and you were carrying the same history book when he saw you again, this time he was leaving the library, with one of those boys following you, with his arm around your shoulders. Jungkook felt envy, jealousy, he wanted to be that guy.
The next week, he was even more confused by the way you acted around your friends and when you were away from them. You were like him, you didn't smile and you didn't interact when you were out of your bubble. You were interesting to him, and he had never hesitated to approach someone he found interesting, but this time it was different, he wanted to observe you a little more, wanted to get to know you more, before finally approaching.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Jimin asked you as soon as they left the cafeteria. It was almost nine o'clock at night and they had just had a dinner with friends. Now they wanted to go to a party at the home of one of their schoolmates, but you would rather go home and watch a movie on Netflix instead of going to get drunk like all teenagers your age did. It had been a few months since you arrived in that city and this would be the first weekend that you would not let them drag you into some mess.
“I do. See you Monday at school." You then waved at them as they got in the car, and took the cell phone out of your jacket pocket to call for a taxi.
Across the street, Jungkook and two of his friends were walking, both with beer bottles in their hands, making fun of each other when he spotted you standing on the sidewalk, with your eyes on your cell phone. You wore a white skirt, sneakers of the same color and a black shirt. You were also wearing a school baseball team jacket and a peach baseball cap, after all, you were hanging out with two of the school team players, so using their stuff was like a law for anyone who was a friend of the team. Something popped inside him and before he could control himself, he was crossing the street towards you while the other two boys looked at each other in confusion, until finally seeing you there. They knew that since you stepped in that school, Jungkook had developed an unexplainable attraction to you.
“Hey” you looked up from your phone screen when you heard a voice. When you looked in the direction that that voice was coming from, you were surprised to see the boy with long black hair, crossing the street and running towards you. You knew who he was, one of the rebellious and socially excluded boys from school, the boy who only hung out with two guys and never spoke in any class. You had already seen him jump over the school walls to skip classes, sometimes you saw him under the bleachers in physical education classes smoking with his friends, you had heard his laugh when he laughed at some student in the hallways, but you never really heard his voice, because you never came closer enough to him to be able to hear him. He wore a black tee, on top of it a long-sleeved checkered shirt in black, White and gray and on top of a black leather jacket. His black pants were baggy and had boots on his feet. Your friends were pretty, Jimin, the boy you kissed sometimes was handsome , but he, no one would ever be as handsome as he was.  "Hi." He said as soon as he approached, stopping in front of you, far enough not to invade your personal space, but close enough to get you drunk on the perfume he wore. And his voice was as stunning as he was. “You are (Y/N), right? We study together."
"Hm, yes." You answered uncertainly, never imagining that he would know who you were. You were silent then, he staring at you and you feeling embarrassed, trying not to look into his eyes that seemed to undress you. Soon you saw the other two boys who were dressed in clothes similar to Jungkook's, who were across the street, whispering something to each other and laughing. When they realized you were looking at them, they waved and you just shook your head in greeting.
"Why are you here alone?" He asked and you turned your attention to him who was looking at you now curious. "Did your baseball team boyfriend and the other two super powerful girls leave you behind?" He asked you through a chuckle. Anyone with the slightest intelligence would understand the irony he was using in those words, and you frowned, biting the corner of your cheek, trying to understand the reason for the irony. Did he have a problem with your friends?
“Actually, I was with them, but they wanted to go to a party and I preferred to stay and call a taxi to go home. And Jimin is not my boyfriend.” And you could have sworn you saw the beginning of a smile appear on his lips before he spoke again.
"Oh yeah? And does he know that?” He taunted, biting his lip before taking a sip from the beer bottle in his hand, without taking his eyes off you. You were never good at reading signs or understanding people, but at that moment he seemed to be flirting with you and just thinking about it, you felt like there were butterflies in your stomach.
"I hope he knows, or he will end up with a broken heart." And you bit your tongue, looking away from him for a moment. Jungkook exhaled and then smile, content with the answer.
"I would let you break my heart if you want to."You couldn't hide the surprise on your face when you heard those words coming out of his mouth, your insides twitched, your body shivered and a silly smile appeared on your lips, forcing you to lower your head, and use your hands to hide your face that was starting to burn. Jungkook smiled like a child when he realized that his line had supposedly worked, and finished drinking his beer, throwing the bottle into a trash can that was not far from where you two were.
“Hey Jungkook.” Taehyung shouted across the street, waving at his friend, making both him and you look at them. "Are you coming or not?" Jungkook just waved at them, asking them to wait a minute before turning his attention back to you who now looked at him with an innocent look that honestly was fucking sexy.
"We're going to my apartment, let's eat junk food, listen to some music and have a few beers. Want to come?" And again you were taken by surprise. First he was shameless flirting with you and now he was asking you out?
"Like a date?"
"Do you want it to be a date?" He questioned again teasingly. You rolled your eyes and laughed. He seemed to be willing to make you blush every second.
"You are not one of those crazy people who try to seduce innocent girls and lead them into a trap where they will be doped and transported to Turkey to be sold as sex slaves, right?" His eyes widened and he jerked back, blinking and looking at you like you were crazy before laughing and shaking his head in denial.
"Unlike my reputation, I am not an animal, at least not with those who don’t desserve it." He replied. "So?"
You took a deep breath. It wasn't every day that one of the most beautiful and mysterious boys you had ever met in life called you out with his friends. In fact, you didn't know anyone who had ever gone out with him and the other two guys and was always curious to know how bad boys acted out of other people's eyes. Ignoring the sermons and curses your friends would address you when they found out you were going home with Jeon Jungkook, you nodded your head in agreement.
"If you buy me a milkshake, I'm in." You shrugged and he smiled, showing his perfectly straight, white teeth, before running towards the diner behind you and returning minutes later with a glass of vanilla milkshake. So the two of you crossed the street, towards the other boys who greeted you and thus proceeded towards the apartment where he lived.You didn't expect them to be so much fun in the way they were showing off.
Nor did you expect him to live alone in an apartment in the suburbs of the city.
“I didn't know you lived alone.” In fact, I know almost nothing about you. You wanted to add, but left the comment only in your mind. As soon as you entered the living room door, already throwing yourself on the sofa that was leaning against the wall under the window facing the street, you observed the place, it didn't seem to be a very big place, the room was combined with the kitchen , were divided by kitchen counter and had only a small corridor that led to three doors and one of them was the bathroom, at the very end of the hallway.
"I share the apartment with Taehyung.” He said walking to the white refrigerator and taking three bottles of beer from there, throwing one for each friend and sitting beside you on the sofa, putting his feet on the coffee table.
"And did your parents accept it?" You asked with a frown and Hoseok, who was sitting in an armchair, not far from you, laughed and took a sip of his drink.
"It was either that or keep coming home after every business trip and finding drunk and drugged teenagers passed out in the corners of the house at six in the morning."
"Yah, you were the one who distributed the drugs at our parties, it's all your fault." Taehyung said laughing, sitting on the floor across the coffee table, and throwing a pillow at Hoseok. “But tell me... (Y/N), what's with the uniform? Does your boyfriend make you use this to mark territory?” He mocked and you looked at him offended.
"He is not my boyfriend." You answered with a frown. “And I am not an object to be marked as someone's property. I just like to wear it because it is warm and the cap is stylish.”
"If you're only wearing this because it's warm, then you should be wearing it." Jungkook said leaving the beer bottle on the coffee table, taking off the leather jacket he was wearing and holding it out to you who looked at him as if asking what he was doing. "Wear that, it's warm and stylish." You laughed and nodded, taking off your jacket and wearing Jungkook's. "Now take this off, it's ridiculous." He took the cap off your head and tossed it in a corner of the room.
“Wah, look at the preppy girl. Now you look like one of us.” Hoseok joked and you glared at him.
"I am not a 'preppy girl'."
“Come on, you are Miss Pristine, we are the drugged punks, and life goes on. Who wants pizza?”
You met a side of them that you didn't really think existed, they were like any boy your age, they were full of life, they were more ironic than normal, and they cursed more than they should, but they seemed to be a lot nicer than the rest of the boys at your school. Jungkook was being incredibly sweet to you, you didn't want to get drunk like they were doing, so he ordered some cans of soda at the same restaurant where they ordered the pizza, so you had something to drink while they talked. Unlike Jimin, he hadn't put his hands on you at any time, and even though he made it crystal clear that he was interested in you, he hadn't made a move against you. He was being very respectful.
You didn't even see the time go by, you had so much fun laughing at the stories and jokes that the boys told you that when you looked at the time on your cell phone, you got scared when you were shocked to realize it was two in the morning. There were messages and missed calls from Jimin and your friends. When you told Jeon you needed to leave, he sighed in defeat and his friends started making fun of him saying that he was in love and that he would probably cry in the bathroom after he took you home.
“You mean really cry or crying with his dick out?” And that was enough to make Hoseok throw himself in the armchair laughing out loud, Taehyung spat his own drink and Jungkook started to laugh, using one hand to hide his face embaressed with your sentence. You were less innocent than they thought.
The way home was filled with laughter and you singing the entire discography of The Neighborhood. When he stopped in front of your house, he turned off the engine and turned the music down. You looked at each other. His eyes alternated between your eyes and your mouth, and he finally had the courage to move his torso towards you, slowly, letting you watch his movements and stop him if you wanted him to stop, but you didn't. You let him approach you and finally touch your lips with his.
You stayed a few seconds like that, your whole body trembling, until finally you pressed your lips against his, and opened your mouth a little, letting his tongue slide against yours.
The first kiss was quiet, you could hear him breathing hard, almost like he wanted to control himself. His hand, which was on your cheek, slid towards the back of your neck, his fingers digging into your hair and pulling it lightly, making you moan between his lips, which triggered something inside him, making him deepen the kiss that was now full of lust and desire.
"You taste so good." He whispered, biting your lip and pulling, before kissing again, taking a hand to your waist, squeezing it, with the intention of pulling you into his lap, but you stopped him, breaking the kiss and moving your face away. He opened his eyes abruptly, bewildered, then his eyes turned away from you in disappointment, his jaw clenched, perhaps feeling guilty. He was obviously going too fast. "Sorry, I..."
"Do you want to come in?" You asked and it truly took you by surprise. His dark eyes lit up with lust and his pants, which were baggy and comfortable, were now causing him discomfort in his private parts. He raised an eyebrow, wondering if he had really heard what you said. "But we can't make any noise, my parents are at home."
"Apparently, I'm will have to gag you." He laughed and attacked your mouth again.
You were still wearing Jungkook's jacket, but you carried Jimin's cap and jacket in your hands. Upon entering your house, you did your best not to make a noise while walking up the stairs, you both took off your shoes, stepping on tiptoe, walking slowly down the hall until you entered your room. You locked the door behind you and left your shoes in the corner of the room. You put your cap on the dresser where you kept your lingerie, on top of some jewelry and some makeup products that you had used to get ready to go out with your friends. You threw Jimin's jacket into the closet, and finally looked at Jungkook who was sitting in your bed, his hands resting on the mattress as he watched you from head to toe.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He whispered with a frown, as you started to undress, taking off piece by piece, slowly, giving him a show, a show he always dreamed of seeing. And with every piece of clothing you dropped on the floor, he wondered in his mind if that was really true and not one of the erotic dreams he used to have about you.
When you took your hands back, opening your bra and letting it slide from your arms to the floor, Jungkook whispered a curse and moved uncomfortably in place, swallowing hard at the sight of your breasts. When your fingers reached for your red lace panties, he held his breath, watching you slowly push it down, sliding down your legs until you were completely naked. This was paradise for him.
Jeon stood up, he took off his plaid blouse and threw it on the floor before reaching the collar of his black blouse and pulling it up, without ceremony, showing his six pack, making you rub your thighs and bite your lips, getting even more anxious. When he finally brought his fingers to the waistband of his pants, you found yourself walking towards him and holding his hands, making him stop. Jungkook looked at your face, looking for any sign of hesitation or regret, but instead, he found excitement, lust. You knelt in front of him, holding the waistband of his pants and pulling it down, taking his underwear with it, your mouth starting to salivate at the sight of his hard, thick cock.
You held it, listening to a low murmur from Jeon who kept his eyes on you. You squeezed it lightly and moved your hand up and down, massaging him, while he bit his lip, stifling his moans. And when your lips touched the tip, Jungkook blew out of his lungs and watched how you sucked it, how you swallowed it, how you made it wet. He threw his head back with his eyes closed and one of his hands landed on your head, grabbing your hair, moving his hips towards your mouth in tune until he was fucking you throat causing you to choke for a few seconds, completely forgetting that if you made too much noise, your parents could wake up and he would be screwed.
“Fuck, babe. You're driving me crazy. ” He whispered hoarsely, looking down at you again, and the look in your eyes only made him even more hard. "Come here." He called to you with his hands and you stood up. Jungkook placed one hand on your waist and the other on your neck, squeezing lightly as he walked backwards, falling sitting on the bed. He broke the kiss and lay down on the bed, holding your waist and pulling you forward. Soon he had his head between your thighs and his tongue and lips in your pussy, you put your hands back, spreading them on his chest and he moved his hands up your belly until they were holding your breasts, massaging them while squeezing and pulling on your nipples.
The pressure he made with his tongue on you clit, using his lips to pinch it lightly, was making your core tighten and turn. The pleasure was unparalleled with anything else, it was inexplicable. Swallowing your moans, and controlling your muscles that were beginning to want to get out of control, you bit your lip and started to move your hips, grinding your pussy against his mouth. Jeon laughed and increased the speed and pressure of your tongue, which made you roll your eyes and arch your back. It was too much, if you didn't get out of there, your mouth would end up giving you away.
You patted his arm, as a sign for him to let go of your breasts, so you can get off him, but he didn’t obey, because instead of just letting go of your breasts, he dropped his hands up to your thighs, holding you over his mouth. At that moment you lost control of your breathing, panting violently and biting your lips hard, while he stimulated you with his tongue. He found it so sexy when you held your own breasts and threw your head back when you started to come.
"Fuck." You whispered, your body starting to shake when the hot pain reached its peak and you held his hands on your thigh, shaking your head in denial, with your eyes closed tightly, as he continued to overstimulate you. "Please. I can't do it anymore. I'm going to scream." Your voice was cut off and desperate.
When he finally released you, you fell on the bed next to him, curling and placing your face against the sheet, trying to control your spasms. Jeon got out of bed, grabbing his pants, reaching into his pocket and taking out a condom packet.
"Are you alright?" He whispered in your direction and you laughed in agreement. "Do you want to continue?"
"Yes please." You said with sensuality in your voice, and Jeon gasped, tearing the package with his teeth and placing it on his dick. You, on the other hand, watched him from the bed, lying with your back against the mattress. He climbed back onto the bed, and crawled until his hips were between your legs and his hands beside your head.
"Raise your arms, place them next to your head." He ordered and you obeyed. Then he held your hands, intertwining your fingers as he positioned himself and pushed into you. You opened your mouth to moan, but he went faster and kissed you, putting his tongue in your mouth and not letting you make a noise. Jeon started to move slowly, your thighs at his waist. His movements were slow, but deep, they were short but strong, they were intense, and with each thrust you tightened a little more around his cock. "Your pussy is so tight, babe. So soft around my cock." And he lowered his lips to your neck. You moaned as you felt him nibbling at your skin, biting your lips, as he moved slowly over you.
Before Jungkook you never thought you would be able to come while sex was so slow, but as soon as you felt your core tighten, you stuck your face in the curve of his neck. He laughed. He wanted to increase the speed, he wanted to pump hard into you, make you scream, but he couldn't, or your bed would make a lot of noise and in two seconds your father would be running after him with a knife down the street. But just being there, fucking you, feeling your body, listening to your whining and whispers, that was enough to take him to heaven.
"Fuck, I'm going to come." He growled. “Fuck babe.”
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"You want to grab a coffee?" It was almost six in the morning when you asked Jeon. He had his arms around his waist and you had your head on his chest. You heard him laugh, his chest swaying with laughter.
“Yeah, why not? We are already awake.”
You spent Sunday together running around the city, and you didn't take out your cell phone for a second to talk to any of your friends, you didn't have time because your hands were always busy touring Jungkook's body just as his hands were on your body.  At one point you found yourself together in the city arcade, doing a Just Dance competition, betting who would be the most embarrassed, and it was obviously you because Jungkook was a wonderful dancer.
At night you said goodbye with a kiss and agreed to meet at school the next day.
You didn't know what to do or how to tell your friends about it.
You were so tired from the weekend that you ended up waking up late, missing your first class at school. After being able to explain to the principal why you were late, using a lie of course, you entered the hallway of your locker seconds before the signal for the break signaling the end of the first period hit and the corridor was filled with students.
"Girl, where were you?" Selina, the brunette, asked, approaching with Ariela, the redhead. You snorted, stuffing your books into the closet, and and slamming the door closed, before turning to your friends.
"I lost the time. I didn't hear my alarm clock.”
"Did something happen?" Ariela asked a concerned face. "You look tense."
“Yeah, and where were you yesterday? We called you all day, Jimin almost had a heart attack wanting to talk to you, but we couldn't talk to you at all.” Selina asked and you swallowed. Should you tell them what happened between you and Jungkook? Would they judge you? Would they fight with you? Would they be mad at you? They were your friends after all, they wouldn't do that, right?
“Hey Miss Pristine.” Someone's voice caught your attention and as you turned towards that voice, you saw Hoseok and Taehyung walking down the hall, both had provocative smiles on their faces and looked at you. Oh boy. "Or should we call you Jeon Jungkook's New Girl?" Jung raised his eyebrow teasingly while Taehyung laughed pointing at the obvious features of surprise on your friends faces.
"See you at lunch." Taehyung said waving in your direction and hitting a high five with Hoseok while both continued to walk with style and calmly, as if they hadn't just dropped a time bomb in your hands. Slowly your friends turned towards you, all waiting for you to explain what had just happened, but even before you opened your mouth to say something the signal for the next class hit and you felt relieved.
"I'll explain later." You said it and practically ran up the stairs to the second floor where your class would take place, praying that you wouldn't clash with Jimin or any of your other friends, afraid that the gossip was already starting to spread. You knew you hadn't done anything wrong, but you still felt guilty. When entering the room, the tension completely left your shoulders when you looked at the back of the room and saw Jungkook sitting on the last desk, his arms resting on the table, he was wearing headphones and his cell phone was on top of his book.
When he felt that someone was looking at him, Jungkook looked up, his face lit up with a smile when he saw you. Something was wrong, why did you feel butterflies in your stomach every time you saw that smile? You composed yourself when you saw that some of the students there were looking strangely in your direction, because you were standing like a dead body right in front of the door, then you walked towards your table, which consequently was next to his.
As you sat down, you looked in his direction and nodded before opening your book. Jeon took off his headphones and placed them on the table before reaching for you and grabbing the bottom of your chair, pulling and dragging you close to him, causing you to widen your eyes and use one of the hands to hold the arm that was pulling you, not wanting to fall off the chair. The other students who were already in the room and those who were entering, looked confused at you as Jeon released the chair and used that same arm to hug you by the shoulders and kiss the corner of you mouth, making you blush.
"You're late. What's it? Did I make you too tired yesterday?” He demanded, whispering close to your ear, and you shivered all over.
"The other students are staring." You whispered and he laughed softly, taking a look around before grabbing your chin and making you look at him, who had a provocative look.
"Are you ashamed of me?"
"No, of course not, but... Look, I still haven't talked to my friends about what happened and not even Jimin..."
"I thought you said he wasn't your boyfriend." He countered, arching an eyebrow, his eyes darkening again and you didn't even notice when you held your breath. "If he is not your boyfriend, why do you have to explain yourself to him?" You opened your mouth to answer it, but the math teacher's voice caught your eye, and you moved your head, looking at the man in his late thirties placing his briefcase on the table in front of the class. "We can talk about this later." Jungkook's voice said and before you could even look at him, he took his hand back to the chair and pushed you back into place.
The class was tense, you had never been so nervous in the presence of someone, but it still wasn't a bad nervous, you didn't feel bad around him, just anxious. But eager for what? You didn't know. Maybe you were anxious to know that you have to talk to your friends about it, or because you didn't know what Jimin's reaction would be. Maybe you wanted to have sex again with Jungkook, or were you just anxious for him to say that what you had was just a joke and that he didn't want you anymore, so maybe you would have less problems, but obviously you would have less fun too. Not that your friends or Jimin were not fun, but with Jungkook was different.
When the bell for the third period rang, Jungkook was one of the first to get up to leave the room, but first he threw a piece of paper on your desk, marching out of the room without looking back. You raised your eyebrow and while you closed your book, you read what was written, unwittingly rubbing your thighs together.
'I can't stop thinking about the night I spent at your house. Every time I remember your cunt tightening around my cock, I get hard and completely crazy with desire. I am looking forward to the next time. '
"I am screwed." You whispered before you banged your head against your book.
In the next period, you were running around the football field in your physical education class. Ariela and Selina were at your side and made no effort to contain the shock on their faces when you finished telling them why you were gone on Sunday and why Jeon's friends were interacting with you.
"Okay, I congratulate you for having sex with one of the hottest guys in the world, but what the fuck did you have in mind to go alone to a place with them?" The brunette scolded you. "They could have drugged you and raped you."
"They are not animals, and if you want to know, I really had fun with them."
"Okay, but what about Jimin?" Ariela asked and you looked at her confused. "When he finds out that you cheated on him, in your bed, in your room, where he hasn't even entered yet, he'll freak out."
“I didn't cheat on Jimin. We're not even dating, it's not like I owe him an explanation.” You shrugged, continuing to run, starting to get upset about that subject. "Why does everyone think I date Jimin?"
“You’re always together, you always wear his baseball team jacket and the cap too. Not to mention that most of the breaks, or studies in the library, he was kissing you in front of everyone. So people figured it out.” Selina explained, stopping running and putting her hands on her knees, tired. So you decided to sit in the stands to get some rest. "But the million-dollar question is, is he good in bed?"
You laughed hiding your face in your hands before you agreed and they started asking for details.
After the bell rang, you went to the women's locker room to shower and change. All the girls finished off quickly and went to the canteen for lunch while you decided to spend some more time enjoying the hot water, since you weren't that hungry.
After finishing the bath, you wrapped the towel around your body and walked towards your locker. You could hear the locker room door being opened and closed soon after. Thinking it was probably just one of the girls, you didn't bother checking, just grabbed your clothes from the closet to get dressed, but you jumped back a few inches when Jungkook came into your view.
He carried a pretentious look and a malicious smile on his devilishly perfect face, and you automatically hugged your own body that was covered with the towel, trying to ignore how tempting he was. He, on the other hand, would never ignore the fact that you were irresistible with just that white towel covering you.
"Someone can catch you here." You said, clearing your throat, trying not to rub your thighs together for the thousandth time that day. He tipped his head slightly before propping himself up in one of the cabinets, without taking his eyes off you.
"Are you worried that they'll caught me in the women's locker room, or are you worried that they'll caught me with you?"
“Both? Either way, we're both going to get in trouble.” You sighed and Jeon smiled. Oh boy, he was up to something.
He pushed himself away from the locker, and started walking towards you, his eyes locked on yours, and with every step closer he was to you, the heavier your breathing became, until he was finally inches from your body, his hands on your face and his mouth brushing against yours.
“So I better make it worthwhile.”
And then he kissed you, a calm and sweet kiss, a deep kiss, making your desire for him intensify. You put your hands on his shoulders, until you were hugging him around the neck, It was so different with him, you felt like you could kiss him until your lips were hurt, you felt like you could, and wanted to kiss him forever.
“Let me make you forget that rich fuckboy.” He whispered, his teeth nibbling on your lip, while his hands went to your hips. You didn't say a word, just nodded. You couldn't resist him and it was still the second day since you started go out with him. You didn't even want to think about how you would be on all fours for him in the next few days. You would fall hard.
"You don't have to make me forget anyone." You had the courage to speak. Jungkook opened his eyes and stared into yours. "I can't stop thinking about you since yesterday."
"I'm glad we feel the same way." He whispered before picking ypu up and carrying you to the back of the locker room, placing you on the floor behind the last row of cabinets. He plucked the towel from your body, throwing it on the floor, before pushing you against the cold iron of one of the doors, making you moan, grabbing your face with one hand while the other tucked itself between your hair. "We don't have much time, so I'll just make you come and later, I'll fuck you, yeah?"
You swallowed hard when he started to drag his lips across your skin, stopping for a moment on your nipples before licking your belly and finally kneeling in front of you. Jungkook kissed your thigh before placing it on his shoulder. He felt water in his mouth as he looked at how your pussy was already wet for him, and the urge he had to put you on your back and fuck you hard was almost unbearable.
When his lips came in contact with your swollen clit, you had to bite your hand to keep from groaning too loudly and ending up attracting the attention of any student who was passing through the locker room at the time. That was the most stupid and dangerous thing you had ever done. If you were caught, you would both be expelled, probably accused of indecent exposure and arrested, so you could say goodbye to your perfect grades and college. But on the other hand it was the most delicious thing you had ever done. The fear, the danger of being caught only made your lust increase and your libido soar, and Jungkook felt it in you, because you were dripping, twice as wet.
“Please Jungkook.” You whimpered, and he took his mouth off you for just a minute, enough for you to complain quietly, missing the touch of his tongue.
"Talk to me, babe. What do you want?"
"Please make me come." You murmured and if he hadn’t the jacket on, you would see the hairs on his muscular arms stand up with your hoarse, horny voice. At your request, Jungkook sucked your clit again, letting you hold his hair and control the speed at which he did it. His tongue circled your point, while his lips pressed it, sending signals and spasms to your body that became stronger and more intense with every second, until you finally pour into his mouth with a low, long moan, feeling your muscles relax, and if he didn't have his hands on your waist, holding you, you probably would have fallen to the floor, because you felt like your legs were jelly.
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Jungkook left the locker room first, but only after making sure that you were okay. You took another quick shower, and got dressed, leaving the room, still feeling your cheeks burning with embarrassment, you had no idea how you were going to face your friends after that.
When you entered the school cafeteria and tried your best to look like everything was normal, but the first thing you saw as you walked towards the table where you used to sit with your friends, was Jungkook's look at you and that made you feel your legs numb.
"Hey Miss Pristine." Taehyung's voice sounded and was followed by him throwing an arm around your shoulders, making you look at him with a smile. "You're going to sit with us today, aren't you?" He didn't even wait for you to agree or decline the proposal and practically dragged you over to the table where the other two were at, pulling out a chair for you right next to Jungkook. He, on the other hand, raised his eyebrow, looking up at you, as if challenging you to something. So you just sat down, making him smile and several students start whispering and asking each other what you, Park Jimin's untouchable girl were doing with those punks. "What do you want to eat? I'm going to get our lunch ... Okay, it doesn't matter, I'm going to bring everyone's Monday special." And so he marched away, making you blink in confusion. Since when was there a 'Monday special' in that canteen?
“You know, (Y/N).” Hoseok's voice caught your attention and your head turned towards him. “You look much better without that damn jacket.”
“Indeed.” Jeon agreed.
"Hm, (Y/N)?" You froze when you heard that voice. You had completely forgotten about Jimin. You saw the eyes of Jeon and Hoseok leave you and look at the one who was practically standing next to you. You cursed yourself mentally before moving your face and raising your head a little and looking at the blond boy who looked totally confused. "What are you doing?"
Jungkook scoffed, letting out a sarcastic laugh and looked at Hoseok. "Apparently, he's blind."
And while his friend was laughing, you turned wide-eyed to Jungkook, and Jimin blinked a few times.
"What did you say?"
"Did I stuttered?" Jungkook questioned, looking back at the blond boy who didn't seem happy with Jeon's petulance. Jimin knowing that starting an argument wasn't going to get him anywhere, so he just rolled his eyes and looked back at you who felt tiny at the time.
"We were waiting for you at our table. Why did you sit here? I didn't know you were friends with these guys."
"She owes you no explanation, man." Jeon's voice said and you could see when a vein in Jimin's neck popped out and he swallowed his saliva before turning around with an angry look at the boy next to you. His eyes were slightly wide, his lips were pressed, and his face was beginning to redden, not a good sign. You had seen Jimin nervous a few times, and every time it was in the games he played in, and it was sincerely terrifying to see him angry. You were always afraid when he was in that state. But what you didn't know is that Jungkook was not afraid and that he could be a thousand times more terrifying. "I mean, you're not even her boyfriend, so." Jungkook teased with a smile and Jimin frowned, slowly placing his clenched fists on the table and bending down to be the same height as the other. It was already beginning to attract the attention of the other students who were watching in silence.
"Who told you that I'm not her boyfriend, asshole?" He asked, slowly. Jungkook leaned forward and propped his arms on the table.
"She did, asshole."
And Jimin's eyes moved towards you like lightning. You didn't know what was hovering over his eyes at the time, but they were empty, and it scared you, scared that maybe you really hurt him.
“We need to talk.” You finally got the courage to speak.
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“Please tell me this is not true.” Jimin said after you finished telling everything that had happened between you and Jungkook within two days. You guys were sitting in the bleachers and he was looking at you as if you had just committed the worst crime in history. "How could you do this to me, (Y/N)?"
"What do you mean by that, Jimin? I didn't cheat on you or anything.” You said, as offended as he was. "How was I supposed to guess that you thought we were dating? You never even asked me to date."
"I thought I didn't have to, come on. We already spent most of the time together and I wasn't seeing anyone else but you." He stood up, moving away from you a little, hands on his hips and breathing through his mouth. He felt betrayed, but deep down he knew he was wrong, and that he shouldn't be demanding anything from you, after all it was his mistake to never make his feelings and intentions clear to you.
"Jimin, I'm sorry ..."
"No, it's not your fault." He interrupted you, turning in your direction, seeing how shrunken you were. He knew you well enough to know that you only looked that way if you felt really bad about something. "I just ..." He closed his eyes tightly. "I'm really in love with you, (Y/N)." And so he opened his eyes and looked at you, seeing the shock that his confession had caused you. You didn't really expect that, so your only reaction was to lower your head and face your own hands. And that didn't surprise him at all. He knew from the beginning that you didn't feel the same way, so he had been preparing for rejection for a long time, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. "But I think you love someone else."
"It’s nothing like that ..." You lifted your head. "I barely know him, okay? It was a moment thing, I don't think I'm liking him or anything."
"But even so, what you felt for him was strong enough for you to take him to your room, (Y/N)." The boy said, hurt, frowning. "We were together for more than 3 months and I never even stepped on the second floor of your home." You lowered your head again, biting your lips, not holding to see the hurt look on his face. Even if you didn't like him the way he wanted to, you still adored him.
Both were silent. There was nothing to be said. It wouldn't do any good for the two of you to start discussing an issue that wouldn't get anywhere, it wouldn't do any good to start fighting with each other, it would only hurt his feelings and yours too.
The boy ran a hand through his hair, tilting his head back, staring at the sky that was previously sunny, starting to get cloudy, just like his heart. Jimin bit his lips a few times thinking if he just left without saying anything else or if he would say anything more.
"Please, give me back my jacket and my cap." He said, making you look again at him who kept his eyes on the sky. "I don’t think we should continue to use couple clothes since we have never been one." His voice came out full of hurt and spite, even though he didn't want to show that that was what he was feeling at that moment.
You opened your mouth to say something, but realized you had nothing to say, so you just mumbled a okay and stood up, turning to leave. walking towards the school entrance, but as soon as you heard something, you stopped walking and turned back, your heart breaking when you saw Jimin sitting down and hugging his head, hiding his face in his arms while crying compulsively. Your reflex was to go to him and hug him, to comfort him, as you had done in the last few months when he was sad about something and wept for it. Jimin was a very sensitive guy, and you loved that side of him. But at that moment you couldn't do that, you had no right to do that, because you were the reason for that cry, you had hurt him.
You then turned your back, your chest aching and wanting to burst into tears for hurting an incredible person like him, feeling like the worst person in the world.
What have you done?
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enjiyuuu · 4 years
For the Ikemen Sengoku and Ikemen Vampire boys if possible all of them but it's cool if not , How would they react an MC they fell in love hard to only to have MC demand that they should find someone else better than them because they are so used to being the third wheel and having give up past unrequited love experiences so easily?
N/A : This is my very first request that i received, so thankyou so much for requesting this 😳 Well, since i didn’t play Ikemen Sengoku, i’ll did Ikevamp boys then and sorry that i can’t do it for all the boys because i don’t have an idea for some of it (forgive me pls, i just very new to this whole fandom *cries*) but if you mind, please drop me some feedback or advice, it will helps alot. Whoever requesting this, i hope you like it xoxo!
“How would they react an MC they fell in love hard to only to have MC demand that they should find someone else better than them because they are so used to being the third wheel and having give up past unrequited love experiences so easily?”
Napoleon - He would felt something off since you keep making a distance from him and directly avoid him for no reason. He’ll go and talk to you, asking why do you keep making distance to him and only get demanded that he should find someone else  that better than you. Napoleon will keep asking until you tell him the truth and how you really feel because, honey, he won’t understand unless you told him. 
After you finnished telling him how you feel and your story, he immediately hug you tightly.
“What are you talking about, nunuche? Don’t you know that you’re the best thing i ever had here?”
Mozart - At first, maybe he didn’t really notice how you try to making distance these few days. But, he did notice the way you look away from his eyes many times. He was insensitive and brutally blunt most of the times, but he really worried if he has did something wrong to you. He came approach you when you delivered blanc into his room.
“Did i do something wrong.... or did i hurt you...?”
You smiled and said it was nothing, but of course he knows that you’re lying because you still avoiding his gaze.
“Then, look into my eyes. Tell me, what’s wrong, meine liebe?”
You lift up your gaze and met the purple iris of his. You know that you can’t lie and hide your feelings and all of sudden, tears shed from your eyes. He’s kinda panicked when he saw you crying, so he hugged you until you felt a little bit better.
“Mind to tell me now, meine liebe?”
You started to telling him what you feel this whole time. How you feel unworthy for him, how he should find someone else better than you, and also those anxiety was caused from your previous relationship. He silently listening to everything you said and after you finnished, he give a peck to your forehead.
“Silly you, i won’t find someone like you again if it’s not you, meine liebe.”
Arthur - “Is there some wrong, y/n?” 
He’s quite sensitive (as expected from the famous mystery writer all the time) with a little change from you when you tried to avoid his gaze and take another route whenever you two cross path. 
You knew that you can’t lie to the Sherlock Holmes’s author because he’ll know it. So, you smiled like nothing was bothering you. 
“You sure?”
But, as usual, he knows how to convincing you to tell him the truth. So, while you hold your tears, you told him everything, about your previous relationship, and how it affects your self-esteem. Your tears welling all at once. You tell that he should look for someone else because you know that he desserve to loved someone better than you.
Arthur raise his hand to wipe your tears. His blue eyes locked into your gaze. There’s no lie in his eyes, you notice it.
“I already be with someone who’s the best for me, so don’t tell me to find another one.” He cupped your face and kiss you softly.
Vincent -  “What’s wrong, y/n?” He asked because recently you’ve been avoiding him many time. He tries to reach your wrist but abuptly, you discard his hand obliviously.
“Nothing, it’s nothing, really...”
Vincent knew that you’re hiding something, so he’ll ask you once again and you know that you just loved him too much that you can’t even lie when you look into his eyes.
“I just... tought that you need to go find someone else. I don’t know, someone’s that better than me because i don’t think i’m enought for you.”
“Why do you think so, y/n?” Vincent asked you gently. You spot sadness in his eyes and it hurts you.
You finally tell him everything, your insecurity, failed previous relationship, and having give up past unrequited love experiences so easily. 
After you finnished, Vincent will hug you tightly and say, “How can i find someone better than you, if you’re the best one for me?”
Isaac - He often gets anxious and insecure, so he noticed it when he look at you these days. He doesn’t like to pry, but of course, he was worried about you.
“Is something bothering you, y/n?”
You know it could affect his anxiety, but you just want the best for him because he desserve someone better than you, so you demanded him to find someone else.
At first, Isaac would think that he have done something wrong that makes you told him to find someone else, but after that you decided to tell him about your past relationship and all.
Isaac’s not typically someone who easily did sweet-talk, but he really mean it when he said, “I’ve spent all my life solving so many equations and i can’t calculated any chances to find someone else rather than you.”
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witchylittlefox · 4 years
My Thoughts and Feelings About Star Wars as of 2019
I held off sharing my complete feelings on this franchise/fandom because I wanted to wait for TROS to be out. since I have seen it now I’m ready to share how I feel about disney owned Star Wars, the fandom war, reylo, and TROS. Heads up these are my opinions and if we disagree that’s okay! But I would appreciate some respect when it comes to nasty comments because some of the things I’m going to say can be..... controversial in the reylo community.
Preface: I have been a Star Wars fan since I was 4 years old. I somehow figured out how to used a VHS machine and I would insert Return of the Jedi and rewind to watch it over and over again. To this day that movie is my favorite out of all of them. Star Wars was something my brother and I shared together and he would lend me all the EU books. I loved all the stories about Jacen and Jaina Solo at Luke’s jedi academy. I grew up with the prequels and yes, I am a prequel defender but they were corny as hell. So not to toot my own horn but I was very much invested in the lore and commited to the series before Disney bought it.
Disney Star Wars: Disney had absolutely no idea what they were doing with the movies (atleast when it comes to the Skywalkers + everyone related to the OT trio). They spat on the OT character’s legacy. They turn Luke into a character who seems to care nothing about helping his sister. No way in the world would Luke just throw a lightsaber off a cliff. Han and Leia are treated a little better (more so Leia), but Disney is passive agressive with them and make them out to be these horrible parents that decide to send away their son because they’re scared of him. No wonder Ben turned out the way he did. Rey, well......they could of written her better and don’t get me wrong I love aspects of her but this should of been Ben’s time to shine. HE should of been the main character of all the movies. Finn? Would of been cool seeing more perspective from an ex stormtrooper but nahhhh let’s just make him fawn over rey in the first one and then in the second give him this whole arc making us think he’s getting somewhere and then another badly written character ruins it. Poe? Well he atleast got more of an arc than Finn but he’s still so flat.
The Fandom Menace And the Fandom War: I decided after TLJ came out that I was not going to label myself in this fight. It seemed like (or atleast on Tumblr) that you couldn’t be a Reylo if you hated Rian Johnson. Rian was made out to be this “savior” of some sorts, just because he focused the movie to be more Reylo centered. YES he is talented. YES I’m thankful he gave us more of a Reylo plot, But jeez that guy is an ass (I didn’t want to cuss in this but oh well lol). Calling out fans on Twitter? Calling them names? Ridiculing Mike Zeroh? Which say what you will about Mike (not a huge fan of him tbh) but god he’s a fan of the series why are you making fun of him? But those people who are apart of the Fandom Menace are not innocent. A lot of them (NOT ALL, but most) only make videos on Youtube hating on Star Wars because it’s cool. They use the hate to get attention. I’m just not all about that. I agree with them on a lot...but seriously at what cost do we have to allow this. Both sides are annoying and immature and I choose not to take a side. I will like what I want about Star Wars and dislike what I want about Star Wars. I am not going to be a sheep. So yes... I am a Reylo, hardcore since TFA came out in 2015 and yes, I think Rian Johnson is a crappy person and I won’t be seeing any of his movies ever again (besides rewatching TLJ) because I don’t want to give money to someone who fuels the fan war. That being said, I dont support (whether that be my viewership or money) anyone who is in the “Fandom Menace” and does the same for the other side.
Reylo: The only thing I really cared about in this sequel trilogy was Reylo. I honestly started to care less about the other characters like Finn and Poe, which in my opinion is sad and just goes to show how bad Disney was at writing these characters. What got me so choked up about their relationship was how raw it was. It wasn’t some unrealistic clean romance. There was no love at first sight (at least on Rey’s end.. can’t say for Ben). It felt so real to me. They reached a level of intimacy that honestly in my opinion reached higher than sexual intercourse. Unconditional love is something that I hold close to my heart, it may be because of my faith, but the fact that Rey saw through Kylo and could see that at his core he was just Ben, emotionally hurt and lost, just wanting someone to believe in him. And she did! she believed in him when his uncle and mother easily gave up hope for him (again horrible character writing bc uhhh sry but isn’t hope supposed to be a theme with them???). And Ben loved her in return!! He protected her and not this stupid patronizing crap that Finn does (Which side note: THAT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH LOL. John Boyega was wasted with this stupid character). Ben knew her strength and worth and only did what a man should do in a relationship, not overstep, not take control but add his part to the relationship, creating symbiosis. If you look up the meaning of “Dyad”, this comes up:
specifically, sociology : two individuals (such as husband and wife) maintaining a sociologically significant relationship
They are equal. No one is better than the other. They are two sides of the same coin and they complete each other.
And at last....
TROS: Well crap. This movie was...... not amazing. I will have to say that I have only seen it once at this point and may make an edit to it if I change my mind. Honestly though... I can’t see myself changing my opinion but it may happen after a second viewing. I had been following the leaks and yup pretty much all true. And yep... Ben dies. Not only does he die but he barely gets any time to shine when he is redeemed. I am grateful we finally got the Reylo kiss we all waiting for but did he really have to die??? I know lots are saying he didn’t die because we didn’t see him show up as a force ghost in the end but obviously there is no confirmation from Disney on this. The fact that he died for her to live just supports everything I have said above. But where was her emotion? I expected her to be crying? it seemed to appear like she couldn’t care less, yet she was the one who went in for the kiss first and then she seems to be fine when everyone is rejoicing and hugging in celebration? Why didn’t they add him in as a voice in her head or something (ooh fanfic idea! :) ) Why did Rey call herself Rey Skywalker?! I’m sorry but she DOES NOT desserve that title plus she is still a Palpatine! That does not change anything. Don’t get me started on Palpatine.... bringing him back was the dumbest decision ever and undid everything that Anakin did. Now I would of been slightly okay with it if they got Anakin in to help to defeat him but we only got his voice and a bunch of other jedi’s voices sharing words of guidance (which ngl it was nice hearing Ahsoka) but holy heck you could of atleast added ben to the mix. They could of both heard the voices and ended Palpatine together? Also what happened to Rey and Kylo fighting through the various scenes of the past movies? I thought that was a leak? They did absolutely NOTHING to tie up the OT and PT. It has no ties to PT, besides Anakin’s voice and some of the other jedi in the mix (Mace Windu, Ayala Secura, Yoda, Ahsoka Tano, etc..). I know I’m nitpicking but I am atleast grateful we got their voices I just wish we actually got to see their faces. That’s a lot of negatives though so here is what I did like:
Babu Frik.
Rey’s kind heart ( you see that when she greets the little girl on Pasaana, helps D.O. and the snake creature)
The banter between Finn, Poe, and Rey
C-3PO ( they really did him justice)
Ben (just all of him everything about him)
Lando was pretty good
Seeing Wicket at the end with his child ( I think that’s his child?)
Wedge Antilles showing up for like one second ( although that could be a negative because I thought he was going to be in it more because of the book Resistance Reborn. WHICH OH YEAH..... this movie retconned that book btw! So not only was it a horrible book but everything in it doesnt matter)
Conclusion: So yeah, I am not happy. But in the end I will always love Star Wars no matter what. This franchise has taught me so much about hope, love, and even redemption. It was such a fun ride on here. There were ups and downs ( anyone remember that Reylo discourse a while back lol) but we made it. Even though as Reylos, it didn’t end the way we wanted it... we still were proved right. We fought hard against the antis when they kept trying to tell us Reylo wasn’t a thing and boy were they wrong..... they were very wrong. I don’t know what the future holds in store for Reylo’s story or even Star Wars but all we have to do is look forward and have hope for Ben because just as the great Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker once said:
"No one is ever really gone."
May the Force be with you all.
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snowshinefivez5 · 5 years
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Early Morning Thoughts
It was cold, quiet, and unpleasing. The loneliness of the bed is always felt by the woman and never by the man. Thus being the reason Zhanna opened her tiresome eyes to not see her beloved laying next to her. It was dark, no clock around to even infer for how long had she slept alone, her only hint was the dim moonlight let in by the window. Yet she clenched the bedsheet tight and sat up on the bed.Her hair all on and about falling upon her shoulders and slowly slid off to her back.
"Where is he?"
She mumbled in her exhausted state. Slowly rising from the bed and in naked feet she slowly paced to the door. Pacing down the hall of their house looking around for him. It was dark, no light, yet she made out his shadow by the dark dim lit window in the living room. Standing there, position straight and gaze up looking tense.The man was being humbly serious for once, a rare state to catch him in ever!
"Honey Bear?"
He turned back to her and the moonlight helped a bit more to show his soft complexion smiling to see his wife.
"Zhanna, did I wake you dear?"
"No no honey bear"
She approached him and he turned back to stare out the window.
"Solly, why are you here love?"
She placed a hand at his shoulder. The man melted away at her touch upon him still is disbelief he got such a woman to be his. How a man like him even desserved her after all the crap he had done at war.
"I...I am thinking."
Zhanna despised that response more than people offending her brother. Actually she hated both the exact same way, but she had her ways to get around both situations. Slowly wrapping her arms around the mans chest she leaned her head at his shoulder and spoke.
"Honey bear, talk to me I am no ignorant mule, I am your wife and here for you"
The man was red hot and melting more. He smiled like an idiot to know for a fact he was indeed her husband and she was all his. He chuckled interwinding his fingers with hers to where she located her hands on him. Closing his eyes to enjoy her precense and every second of this moment, finally spoke.
"You know how you told your brother I was to impregnant you?"
"Yes honey bear, what about it?"
"Well, Zhanna.....You may not like this but.....I want to do that......some time .........soon.......I want to be a father"
Zhanna opened her eyes to see the man's face and kissed his cheek.
"Honey bear, you are so sweet! You want children and soon and this is possible, not bothered at all"
Soldier sighed in relief and returned the kiss but to her lips. A soft passionable and slow one. Backing away from it to talk once again.
"Yes my love, time is ticking and I had a wish before being a soldier and that was... To be a father, and I am not getting any younger as days pass"
Zhanna nodded in approval
"You say all facts honey and I understand, let us make children tonight."
Soldier then looked back to see the sun was up
"But It's already morning"
"Exactly! Tonight"
She smirked and soldier chuckled to pick her up her feet into a kiss. Quickly enough though he started to kiss her face all over to make her laugh. Soon they stopped and then both smiled at eachother.
"Tonight I will get a son!"
"Or a daughter honey bear"
"Whichever it is I do not care for they are ours and I will love them!"
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milevenpearls · 6 years
If you're still taking Mileven prompts, how about a fluffy hurt/comfort fic where Eleven hurts her ankle on an adventure and Mike helps her through her first hospital visit for xrays, then cheers her up while she's stuck at home recovering?
🤳🏻heyyy, that can be awesome! thank you so much for proposing! i added a couple of situations (including hopper’s reaction), so the events could connect! i really hope you enjoy! make sure to evaluate this, and send me more prompts! i love to read & write them!
🤷🏻‍♀️forgive me for the mistakes, i’m not american and i don’t speak english very properly.
[James is the “new Troy”, since after meeting their “friend” he moved to another school.]
[It’s been a year and 3 months after the snow ball, so El was having her first year of school, and her first year of actual freedom.] —
It was a sad, dark and rainy day.
El was dealing with things mike definitely didn’t want her to. Even after joining the high school, mike still was disturbed by some mouthbreathers, and now they were messing with his girlfriend too. That was worst.
Max, Lucas, Dustin and Will were getting their sits at the cafeteria when Mike and El arrived. On that day of the week, all of their periods were separated, so lunch was the only hour they could spent some time together (and as a couple), so every time that day, Mike would pick her up on english class, and take her to the cafeteria.
“Hey guys!” Mike said, hugging El from her back and kissing her cheek. She returned with a smile and Dustin complained.
“You were totally alone until this second, and you really need to show affection here? Seriously?”
“Don’t be a douchebag, Dustin!” Mike returned.
“Yeah, don’t be a douchebag, Dustin!” James came in as always, with his stupid friends, and never getting tired of messing with them.
Mike rolled his eyes. “Bite me” He looked at his girlfriend, and remembered how pissed she could be with that kind of people. Then, to avoid more broken arms, he took her hand and pulled her away from them, walking out the big hall.
“What’s that, Wheeler? Uh? Come on, don’t be such a brat! Introduce me to your little bitch. Maybe I can show her how it’s done-”
Without thinking twice, Mike turned around and punched his face the hardest he could, “Don’t you ever call her like that again! Do you hear me? Ever!”
When he realized he had an audience, he whispered. “Shit! Do you want to skip next period?”Otherwise, he and El would be in trouble, and she shouldn’t have that event on her file that early.
Almost reading his mind, she answered pulling him outside the school, trying not to call for attention. They ran the fastest they could, ignoring the thundering and the threat of a huge storm. When Mike started guiding her to the woods, she asked.
“Where are we going?”
“I want to show you something!”
After a 5 minute walk, they reached a rare and unknown waterfall, where Mike used to go the 353 days they were apart.
“Awesome, right? You know… it’s so hot, i think maybe we could use a… DIVE!”
He pushed her into the water, ripped his shirt and jumped in too.
“OH MY GOD, YOU’RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!” she said between giggles. “Oh my God, it isn’t even hot! We will both get a cold! I’m all wet!”
“That’s the point, beautiful girl.”He came closer, put a curl behind her ear. “I’m sorry about that. In the cafeteria.” the smile on his face disappeared. “You shouldn’t have to deal with that. You don’t desserve it.”
“Hey,” she cups his face. “It’s not your fault at all. I just think that you should control you anger! I’m not like I was two years ago. I won’t use my powers for that bullshit, and you shouldn’t risk yourself because of me!”“That’s a hard one… besides: look who is telling me that!” “I promise that if you try, I’ll try too. We’ve been through worst!” She said, between giggles. “Okay then.” He looked at her deep eyes, trying to read them, when he felt her soft lips on his. He could never get tired of that.
Suddenly, she felt some water drops fall from his curls right on her cheek. He smiled between kisses, and they both jumped when heard a big thunder, not so far away.
“We should go, come on.”He leaves the water, and tries to pull her out, when she slips on the wet rock and falls on her ankle, screaming of pain. She falls again in the water, and Mike jumps in to catch her.
He catches her, picks up their backpacks and runs the faster he can to the nearest hospital. She is almost crying in pain and her ankle is so puffy and red with some scratches. When they arrive at the Hospital, the nurses puts her on a stretcher, not really worried about her condition (since it was no big deal, really).
When the doctor came in the cabin, a couple of seconds later, Mike quickly explained what happened and he said they would need to make a x-ray. They were about to take her, when mike saw her scared face and stopped them.
“Wait! Can I talk to her for a second?… Privately?”
The doctor made a questioning face.
“Childhood trauma.”
The doctor nodded and left the cabin.
“El, this part is going to be a little hard.” he held her hand. “They are going to put you in a big machine, just to take pictures of your ankle, and-”
“No! Please, Mike, no! I can’t-” She started to shake. She had never been to a hospital before, but when the aniline smell came through her nostrils, she got desperate, having goosebumps and remembering every single detail about the lab.
“Hey, listen to me, listen to me! I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I’ll be right here waiting for you, and it will be so quick, and we will take you out of here soon, I promise you that, okay?” He wasn’t sure he could keep that promise, but as expected, she got more comfortable with the whole situation. She nodded, and Mike called the nurses. He kisses her forehead before she goes.
“Okay… so: it is no big deal, as we imagined before the x-ray. You just broke your ankle. We are going to plaster the area, and you will get better really soon.”
The doctor gave the good news, and Mike gave El a comforting smile and in a blink, they were ready to go. El called her older brother, Jonathan, to take them home. She knew that Hopper would freak out if he had the news by the phone. When they arrived at El’s place, Mike slowly took her to her room and rested her foot on a pillow.
“What the hell is this?!!” Hopper screamed when he got into his daughter’s room.
“So… we were on a waterfall, and El slipped over, it’s no big deal-”“YOU WENT TO THE HOSPITAL?! What, are you insane?! Are you trying to get caught?!-”
“Can we talk?” Mike quietly asked the pissed chief of police. “Alone?”
“This was your idea, wasn’t it? Oh my God, were the nurses suspicious? Did the doctor ask too many things? I’m gonna kill you, Wheeler-”
“For what? For what? For letting her have some fun? For giving her some freedom? For making her go somewhere that isn’t home? What’s now Hopper? You promised one year. One. fucking. year. away from us. Again. We’ve been through that! The ankle it’s just a consequence, and it’s no big deal. She just slipped over. Are you going to keep her from having fun once in her life because of a broken ankle? "Are you still going to keep her away from interacting with other people?”
The kid was shocked with all of his courage, he couldn’t even believe it, but then he remembered the glow in her eyes when she saw the waterfall. That glow. He could spend hours just looking at her shining eyes. And, if he had to confront the chief of police to have that, then he would. He was face to face to a shocked man. Not really sure if the man was angry, but he was definitely shocked.Mike sat on a chair next to him, and gasped. “She had a bad day. Some pieces of shit were harassing her. I could’t handle it, so I punched one of them. I didn’t want her to get in trouble, so we skipped the last classes, and I was trying to make her feel better. And I can’t do that here. You gotta let her go. You have to.”
“You are right.”
“Yes… You are. I cant keep hiding her for the rest of her life. We tried it once and it didn't worked out. Just… be careful.”
He smile, nodded, and came in for a hug. They both cared so much about El.
After that, Mike came back to her room, and she was already asleep. He kissed the top of her forehead and went home.
Neither of them could be sure that she would be safe. But Mike could assure that she was having the best time of her life, and Hopper appreciated Mike for that. He wouldn’t admit, but he was glad Mike was the one to provide that. Even because, liked him or not, Mike was also the one that found his daughter in the woods.
Mike was the one. He has always been.
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do-u-ever-just · 7 years
Tumblr was being stupid and wouldnt let me tag you so I’m submitting this i hope you like it
Sidon loved it when Link went swimming with him. Link wasn’t as good of a swimmer, but he wasn’t any less beautiful. The Hylian would strip down his clothes so he could move faster, his beautiful pale skin barely containing the muscles hidden underneath. It was breath taking to watch. For Zora’s it was fairly common to see the powerful abdominal muscles underneath the scales, being that most Zora’s build up the muscles from swimming so much. Even children had prominent abdominal muscles. Hylians- Hylians had to work for those muscles. It could take months, even years for some, to see the results of their strenuous exercise and hard work. And even then, if not maintained, the muscles would fade. And yet all the while, even with all those muscles and power, Link was still so soft. His hair was like silk, strands spreading out in the water like delicate spiderwebs. His skin was smooth despite being mottled with battle scars. He was quiet, speaking only in private, and even then his voice was so gentle. His hands conveyed his words, be it signs or tracing words on his wrists, but they were always kind; patient. Hylians were fascinating on their own, but Link- Link was special. Exquisite, wonderful, amazing. Sidon felt like the most lucky fish in the world. 
Link pulled himself from the water, rivets running down his tiny frame, resting on the riverbed. Sidon understood. Hylians didn’t have nearly as much stamina in the water as the Zora. Not that Sidon would ever let him drown, but it was good to see Link take care of himself. Besides, Sidon could show off while Link watched on. He was raised better, but he couldn’t help it. Link was so cute when he cheered and clapped and laughed at his stunts, and if he could do them safely, why not?
He twirled in the air, his scales shimmering in the warm afternoon sun, grinning wildly at Link’s happy hollering, before splashing back into the water. He did it again, spiraling and spinning, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw it. He couldn’t tell what it was, but it was definitely a monster, rapidly approaching. 
“Watch out!” Was all Sidon could do before falling back into the river. He rushed to the surface, just in time to see Link raise his hands, hear him shout, and watch a spiked bokoblin club crash down on Link’s tiny frame.
Sidon didn’t really know what happened next, more so remembered it later, but Link saw. Sidon had leapt from the water, shrill Zora cry shattering the air, sharp teeth coming down on the unfortunate bokoblin’s head. The monster had been ripped apart by Sidon’s bare hands, limbs being thrown and organs ripped from it’s insides, screeching and screaming filling the air for miles. Link watched in terror as it all happened. He’d slain a few bokoblins in his day, but never with such a tenacity to destroy. As the bokoblin puffed into a cloud of black smoke, purple blood and guts stained Sidon’s teeth and hands. He was breathing heavily, still shaking with rage and bloodlust. Link whimpered, snatching Sidon’s attention, making him realize what he’d done, but it was too late.
“Oh- oh no, Link! I’m so sorry! Please pardon my disgraceful behavior! We Zora have fierce instincts to protect those we hold dear, I’m sorry, I-” 
Link stood up and grabbed Sidon’s face, smashing their lips together, guts and all. It was fierce and passionate but lasted only a second. When Link pulled back, his hands shook with adrenaline.
‘That was incredible,’ his hands signed, 'you could kick my ass.’ 
Sidon, stunned for only a moment, barked out laughter at the crude signs. “I- I guess I could, not that I would ever.” 
'I know,’ Link shrugged, 'but I can dream.’ 
Sidon giggled again before Link was on him again, pressing kisses to his mouth.
“That can’t taste good.” Sidon said between kisses. Link rolled his eyes and kept going anyway. Sidon had to literally pry Link off of him to clean up.
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